How to become the best lover for a man. Feels sexy. What should a dream woman be like? The look of men

Each of us remembers how the relationship with the beloved man began, how vivid the emotions were, how the feelings overflowed. But over time, the relationship becomes more familiar, and a fleeting glance no longer makes the heart beat faster. It is at such moments that women ask questions about being a mistress for their man. But what does the future of the relationship really depend on?

Accept the inevitable ...

It's no secret that bright emotions and the outbursts of passion that delight us so much at the beginning of a relationship are partly associated with the release of specific hormones. But over time, the brain stops producing this. a large number of biologically active substances, and the body becomes less sensitive to them. At this moment, the inspiring feeling of falling in love begins to dull. But to replace physiological reactions real feelings come to the body. They are deeper and more serious. Therefore, you should not despair if the passion begins to subside - this is completely normal. natural phenomenon that almost everyone has to deal with. Perhaps it is worth thinking about more than just how to become best lover husband, but also how to become his friend and support. After all true love and deep affection is much more important.

mistress for her man? The technical side of the issue

Yes, passion has ceased to be all-consuming, but this does not mean at all that there is no need to try to rekindle it. And if everyday problems have captured you headlong and there is not enough time to enjoy each other's company, it's time to think about being a mistress to your husband.

Of course, work, household chores, and kids can negate all romantic urges. But you can always set aside some time for yourself. Think about your first dates with your beloved, how carefully you chose your clothes and underwear, trying to be real perfection. But after you started living together, appearance doesn't seem so important to you anymore? This is a completely wrong point of view. Of course, to cook dinner at evening dress not worth it, but be sure to show your man how important it is to him that he considers you beautiful.

Many women complain of inexperience, which allegedly interferes with their intimacy with their husbands. In fact, experience is not the main thing. mistress? Refer to the original source. Ask your man. After all, who knows better than him about him own desires? Only together can you improve your intimate relationship.

And don't forget that for the rich sexual life some Light gymnastics, regular exercise will add stamina, flexibility and gracefulness to you.

Let's get rid of stereotypes

Yes, we are all influenced by the environment in which we live. And generally accepted stereotypes often cause misunderstanding and a lot related problems... Yes, some men like it when a woman meets them in revealing leopard-print underwear and with bright makeup... Are you sure your husband is like that? Maybe he will like white lace ... Or maybe he considers flannel lace seductive and "pole dance" will cause at least a slight bewilderment in the faithful?

Another stereotype. Is it true that if a loved one spends much less time in your bed, then this means that he has another woman in mind? Before wondering who your imaginary opponent might be, try looking in a different direction for the answer. But what if the reason for this behavior of your husband lies in yourself? And here again we return to our question. How and with what to attract the attention of a spouse? What to do to make the sky appear to him in diamonds?

In fact, there are a lot of such questions. And there is only one person with ready-made answers. Only your man can tell you how to become the best lover.

The problem is, more often than not, we are afraid to ask.

Mutual understanding, sincerity and complete trust are the only way to harmony. Therefore, you must solve all questions and problems together. If you don't know how to do it right, then just ask each other. And remember that intimate life depends a lot on other aspects of the relationship. If out of bed you behave like an overly demanding wife, meet a man at the door "with a frying pan in hand", belittle him in every possible way and make him feel insecure, then you should not count on passion. Serious relationship are built largely through compromise. And it's up to you to decide whether your man is worth so much effort.

V modern world men believe that a woman should try to be an ideal mother, be sure to be able to cook deliciously, as well as surprise and agree to all experiments in the bedroom. But practice shows that wives, especially after the birth of children, mostly fulfill only the first two points and do not strive to be ideal in bed. But don't forget that sex for men plays huge role in relationship. Every girl is able to become a good lover, for this you just need to study some practical advice, including from famous psychologists.

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Men who are tied by the knot or are in search, in bed, want to disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle, free from thoughts of work and just relax. They want to see a beautiful, well-groomed and passionate girl.Psychologists agree that in order to become perfect lover and to please your husband or boyfriend, you should observe several simple recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result:

  • A good lover should always remain incompletely unraveled for a partner, create memorable conditions of stay.
  • Over time, any woman manages to more and more understand and feel her companion, learn about his desires and strive to satisfy them. She needs to feel where the right places for kisses, touches, do not forget to say nice words.
  • Men love the brave and sensual women... They need to be seduced, completely made to understand that only he is the main and best lover here.
  • In the bedroom, you should forget about your complexes and shyness. Any man will be happy to appreciate new erotic lingerie or even an unexpected striptease.
  • A special atmosphere should be present in the bedroom, this is important. To help - aroma candles, oils, beautiful linens, darkened lighting and adult films on TV.
  • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. These are not just words, psychologists assure that at least sometimes, but it is necessary to surprise your husband with an unusual dinner. His mood will rise, and his love and desire to thank him will only increase.
  • A true lover should try to make the pleasure last. This will help Erotic massage and role-playing games.

As soon as the process is completed, and both will receive the highest pleasure, you need to tenderly tell your partner that it was wonderful. So you can quietly increase manhood and a sense of self-confidence in a beloved man.

It should be remembered that the representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by looseness in bed, but in moderation. A girl who is too accessible in everything will make you think. Gradually, you can experiment, try new poses and games. With the help of this, a man will experience something new every time and it will be possible to avoid monotony.

A girl should try to be perfect not only in the bedroom. Self-interest needs support and beyond:

  • Maintain a well-groomed appearance, feminine manners, attitude towards others, beautiful speech.
  • You should share the interests of your partner, learn about his life and affairs.
  • To develop in several directions to be able to maintain any dialogue.

Features of the zodiac signs

Astrologers agree that each of the men needs different women... The table shows the signs of the zodiac of the male representatives and the type of girls suitable for them.

Men zodiac sign

What kind of women does he like?

Aries prefer eccentric women. It is their reflection that sympathizes with them, that is, temperamental and hot ones. They will be able to drive Aries crazy and give him maximum pleasure.

Taurus is bigger a girl will do cute, well-groomed and with a pleasant light character. She should be able to find an approach to such a man, be interested in his life and support in everything


Gemini love funny girls with good feeling humor. Such a zodiac sign does not allow girls who are obsessed with careers and self-development. The main qualities that a lady should have are wit and developed intelligence.

Cancer is most often romantic to the core. The ideal woman for him is the one who is able to share all the joys and sorrows, sincerely thank for the care given to them, she should be able to listen and express her personal opinion

Lions, on the other hand, pay attention to girls who are narcissistic, capricious and very arrogant. It's not easy to get along in a relationship. But Leo is able to make compromises and always tries to find a solution to any problem.

Virgo man prefers women with perfect order not only in the house, but also in the head. The representative of this sign is very picky about the choice of his companion and does not accept violation of the principles and foundations of his family.

The atmosphere in the house is very important for Libra. They like it when everything is in a state of peace, harmony and balance. Such a man likes women who have inner peace... Libra often uses the energy of his companion, she must be able to give it away


Scorpio is perfect a woman will do complex and sensual. Concerning eternal love, then here they are completely fickle. If a girl copes with the temperament of Scorpio, can combine intelligence, beauty, wisdom and weakness in herself, then she will surely win his heart

For Sagittarius, trust in relationships plays a huge role in life. Perfect couple for him will be calm, thinking and shy girl that has no secrets of its own

Capricorn will be crazy about a punchy and self-confident woman. She should create comfort in the house, bring up the desired children, develop and be in some way a fatal business woman

Aquarius is held in high esteem by a girl with unpredictable character. Intellectual ability the chosen one of such a man should be on high level to match himself

Pisces men are often long time are lonely, since they have very high requirements. A lady must be beautiful, smart, kind, affectionate, patient and economical. Agree with a partner, make concessions, endure reproaches and imperfections complex nature- all these features must be present in ideal woman for Pisces

Expectations from a relationship with a mistress

Quite often, family relationships come to a standstill, and men by their nature are looking for young and beautiful mistresses to distract from everyday problems... Long-term residence of the same type with spouse and children without any changes leaves its mark on psychological state men.

In order to become a lover, you need to be able to distract a man from everyday problems, make of each new meeting incredibly pleasant romantic event... Men are in a state of constant search for new emotions. Months, years spent in marriage, can cause a lack of new feelings and put pressure on the psyche of the stronger sex. In this case, the mistress married man is a kind of zest in his life, adds mystery and new sensations.

As a rule, girls are looking for wealthy rich men who can fulfill all their whims and desires. And in order to keep such a person close to you and use his material advantages for your own purposes, you should under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should always remain natural and relaxed, give a man affection, care and love. If her man really likes her, he will not spare money for luxurious surprises.

To have a relationship with married lover developed rapidly and brought both only pleasure, it is desirable for a girl to have an idea of ​​the reasons why men show interest in relationships outside of marriage.


  • Monotony of relationships. Quite often, a middle-aged man wants to feel young again. To this end, he starts an affair with a sweet girl who will be able to bring new colors to his gray life.
  • Fatigue. Men tend to get tired, including from permanent relationship they lack fresh emotion. The Same Fully Studied Woman long years can stop causing desire, and then you want something new.
  • Problems in intimate life... Often, intimate relationships in the family stop developing and become boring. Therefore, a man seeks to obtain pleasant sensations on the side.
  • Revenge. If the husband has suspicions about cheating on his wife, he feels insecure. To improve self-esteem, the husband has a mistress. Most often, not even making sure that the wife really was cheating.

A girl who wants to be an ideal lover must bring into the life of her chosen one what he does not receive in his family. It should be remembered that after betrayal, a man rarely divorces his wife completely. One of the main rules of behavior for a young mistress is not to wait or demand the continuation of the relationship; often the meeting can be only for one night without any consequences. A girl should not have hopes that a man will only be with her.

Mistakes girls make

Psychologists have figured out how to behave with a lover so that a man is happy, does not feel discomfort and gets only pleasure from the relationship. It is difficult to avoid mistakes at all, but in order for the couple to have harmony and mutual understanding, some things need to be considered:

Error Description
GuiltA girl should not in any way point out her partner's shortcomings, show dissatisfaction with his family, remind her of her and conduct conversations on such topics. A man will be in eternal tension and conflicts will soon begin, which will lead to a complete break in communication.
ChildYou should not control a man with the help of children, this method will not work. He will undoubtedly choose love over manipulation. Consequently, the girl will remain with the child and without the man. Since in such cases, the child will see the father separately from the mother, without the dad's desire to have any contact relationship with her.
ControlMen don't like being controlled at all. That is why they often leave their wife, who has always tried to decide everything herself. A lover should be light and unobtrusive. Give a man the right to decide everything himself and not meddle in his affairs
TantrumsComing to a girl, a lover wants to take a break from everyday life, to be in peace and harmony, and not to deal with a showdown, scandals and quarrels, which he already has enough at home. Good sex, calmness, mental balance - and this connection will be very long
SexParadoxically, sex is not the main thing in a relationship with married man... Of course, he plays a big role, but the man wants to be listened to, given advice, or just be quiet together. He wants to complain about his wife or talk about failures at work, because in own home no one hears him anymore
PresentThey should not be begged or hinted at in any way. Do not make you constantly confess your love and tell something personal.

In any case, no matter how correct and thought out all the actions, it is possible that the companion will return to his family. He can also simply break off the relationship in order to get new unforgettable emotions again. You should not be serious about relationships with married men, they are windy and fickle. You do not need to unquestioningly trust their every word, they can be just a way to control a girl in love.

In psychology, it is often believed that men tend to cheat and cheat. Their feelings will be real with only one lady, who will be able to conquer the heart and soul once and for all without a trace.

31.03.2015 11:25:12

Every young woman dreams of a pleasant and easy relationship with a wealthy man. Such a connection does not require her to fully surrender to her partner. The girl will be able to play sports or devote time to her favorite hobby. Any beauty is interested in how to become the best lover, able to interest and keep a man.

A relationship with a married person has many benefits. A self-confident wealthy man is pleasant to talk to. With him, the girl will be able to visit various exhibitions and events, make short trips. The appearance of a new partner in life is an excellent incentive for self-development and improvement.

What does a man expect from a relationship with his mistress

Men are looking for young and beautiful mistresses to escape from everyday life. Long-term Cohabitation cools relations in married couples... To become the best lover, you need to distract your partner from everyday problems, turning each meeting into a memorable romantic holiday. Men are in search of fresh emotions. The years spent in marriage cause a lack of new feelings. The lover of a married man should be a mystery to her companion and bring zest and piquancy into his life.

To keep a rich person close to you and constantly use his material support, you must in no case show your interest in his money. A girl should be natural and give a man positive emotions... If her lover likes her, he will never regret the money for luxurious surprises.

In order to choose the right line of behavior with a married lover, a beauty needs to know the main reasons why men are interested in a relationship outside of marriage:

  • Often mature man wants to feel young again. To do this, he starts an affair with a sweet young girl who is ready to brighten up his life.
  • A man gets tired of constant relationships, he lacks fresh emotions. He gets tired of constantly seeing the same woman whom he has studied for a long time.
  • Intimate problems. Often, intimate relationships in the family often come to naught or become boring. Therefore, a man seeks to find a girl on the side.
  • Revenge. The man who suspected own wife in treason, does not always decide to divorce. Most often, he just has a mistress to increase his self-esteem.

The girl who wants become a good lover, should give her chosen one what he lacks in the family. You also need to know that a man rarely cheats in order to subsequently leave his wife. The main rule of behavior of a rich man's mistress is not to wait for the continuation and development of relations, very often. The girl should not hope that the man will constantly be with her over time.

The rules of a successful mistress

Below are the useful tips which will help girls avoid mistakes:

  • No need to try to tie a man up with cute gifts or surprises. His wife should buy lighters, new ties and other little things. The best gift for a lover is attractive and well-groomed girl who knows how to surprise.
  • In no case should you be unduly interested in your lover's personal life. It is better for a girl not to ask questions about her partner's family, because they are rarely answered with the truth. Very often men tell their mistresses that they live with their wife out of habit, have long cooled to each other and have an almost neighborly relationship. Before to become the mistress of a rich man, you need to realize that legal spouse will remain in the first place for him. Let their feelings fade away, but for many years life together and the presence of common children continues to be strong bond... Only a small percentage of men will sacrifice their usual living conditions for the sake of a love adventure.
  • There is no need to try to become a second wife. Even if a woman fell in love with her partner, there is no need to try to get him by ironing his shirts or surprising him with culinary masterpieces, because in this case, interest in his mistress will quickly fade away, because there will be no intrigue and mystery left.
  • You don't need to introduce a man to people of your circle. The offer of such a meeting will certainly alienate the lover and give him a reason to think that the girl already has certain views on him.
  • Another answer to the question: “ How to Become a Good Lover? " - do not initiate a man into his personal life and not complain to him about problems.
  • The girl who expects from the chosen one expensive gifts, should behave like real lady... It is important to teach a man to come to visit with a present and always remain desirable and weak for him.
  • Frank conversations are extremely important. A woman should not be afraid to directly point out what does not suit her in a relationship.
  • A representative of the fair sex, able to interest a rich man, must be constantly busy with some business. In addition to work, she must have interesting hobby... Lovers of wealthy men go to language courses, theaters or exhibitions. A busy schedule not only helps to diversify life, but also makes the relationship more interesting, because in this case, the partner will have to constantly find time for dates.
  • The girl must apply the most different ways to lure a man. The main thing is that he is completely sure that everything is happening on his initiative. The lover should think that he is seeking the woman's attention, and not vice versa.
  • Female, who wants to know how to be a good lover for a married, must understand that it is important not to make scandals for your partner. Better to pretend that the meeting he missed meant nothing. Otherwise, the relationship will fizzle out very quickly.
  • You need to convince the man that he can fully trust his partner. She must be attentive listener and interesting companion... All secrets and problems of a partner must be kept secret. Also, you should not deny your lover support and help.
  • Spiritual enrichment is also important. Wealthy people pay attention to girls who are able to support any conversation.

The ideal lover should be simple and docile woman, with which the man will not have conflicts or quarrels.

Popular wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly hostess in the kitchen and a passionate mistress in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's Passions" offer to cast aside all stereotypes and try to become the ideal lover for your man.

“You are not a woman! You are an exception! "

Everyone who has been seduced wants to seduce himself.
Marlene Dietrich

First you need to answer the question: "What is she, the ideal lover?" What attracts it? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, perfect lover knows exactly what her partner wants ... She knows how to caress him better and what to say at the same time. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves it through long conversations "about it."

The mistress emits desire, so she becomes an object sexual attention for people of the opposite sex. She does not have sex "for the company", but with pleasure and joy. She is a relaxed woman and boldly tries new poses and new places.

2. She is well-groomed, charming, brave. Enough clever , it is not for nothing that history has brought to us the parable of Napoleon. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Have mercy, sir, why should a woman be so smart in bed?" - he wondered. "And with whom will I talk in between?" - answered Bonaparte.

Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brique and the Marquise de Pompadour were magnificent mistresses. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. The mistress makes the man feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break off such a successful union.

4... The mistress differs from the wife in that she considers a man a holiday - while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With his mistress, a man regains himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “We need to convince a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And to allow him what is not allowed him at home. For example, smoking or driving wherever you want. The rest will be done nice shoes and silk linen ”. It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

Do you want to be the “exception” for your man? Tired of the routine in sex? Then go ahead to the next chapter!

From dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

You can save yourself from a tiger, from an earthquake or a typhoon,
but not from the woman who decided to take possession of you.
Jewish proverb

Much has been written about the art of seduction, which a mistress should master perfectly. Some are advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in the third - to watch a porn film. You can try all of this, but for now we will focus on another.

No matter how great the idea is, striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and watching pornography - into humiliating copying of poses (often overwhelmingly acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your chief assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. Necessary love yourself unconditionally and selflessly, once and for all. Try to walk up to the mirror and say to the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. Next step - love your body ... Understand that model parameters"90-60-90" is not an end in itself in life, but ideal figure will not bring happiness by itself. You need to love your breasts, your hips and your hair. Think: Would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. You need to learn the attitude to the body from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex about or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow as if you are filled (and this is the way it is!) internal energy and strength. Such eyes are captivating. Imagine that there is a light burning inside you, and do not forget about this when you shop, walk, take a shower. Remember that the ideal lover emits desire - so you try to "radiate" something.

These three easy steps will give you confidence and relaxedness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to the seduction.

"Thank you" for every night of love

Secrets of the Perfect Lover

When your husband is finished eating, don't let him go to bed before you.
You need to get in there first in order to invite him.
He must understand that you are finally ready for him.
Leave just a little bandage on your hips, the prettiest
and always wear pearls around the waist - they are needed for seduction.
And then, when everything happens, you can ask him for the moon:
he will go looking for her for you!


8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: dinner, incense or aromatic oils, setting, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create a mood for the whole evening. ... Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passions.

Hang in the bedroom and spread out on the floor and beds large erotic photos (you can from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view before or during pictures. Either way, they will play their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in negligee, but with any erotic detail : it can be a long string of beads around your neck or a rose in your hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise the man unusual dinner. If you used to eat in a hurry and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable amounts. Experiment with tequila - the salt can be licked off anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will "start" very quickly. Your task - stretch pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores and even less about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and only thank him for this night of love.

12. After such a "flash", even old relationships flare up with renewed vigor. but the ideal mistress does not stop there - she experiments with a man ... Of course, you won't be able to do this every night (and you don't need to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!


Signs of an ideal lover The relationship between a man and a woman is a whole universe, and sex in it is not fundamental. You can learn a dozen intricate poses, bring the flirting technique to filigree and master the skill of tantric adultery, but ... you never become ideal for your beloved. But how to become? Experts identify seven main traits that turn a woman into a geisha with an African temperament and angelic character.
1 The ideal lover loves himself more than a man who is going to captivate forever. With a fair amount of healthy selfishness, she genuinely enjoys own emotions, feelings and experiences, and does not waste time on espionage, manipulation and indulgence of his suspiciousness, pushing for a grueling analysis of his views, smiles and hints.
Experts say that a confident woman with normal self-esteem is perceived by men as a challenge, a riddle and a provocation. It is almost impossible to pass by such a feminine.
How to become like this:
1) learn to spend on yourself more than the "living wage";
2) allow yourself to get enough sleep and from time to time "productively lazy";
3) do not deny others the pleasure of pampering you.

Exploratory type of behavior. She, like a keen scientist, strives to study, discover, experiment.

It concerns how ordinary life(by the way, due to her research spirit, the ideal lover often achieves heights in professional activity) and sexual. IL never stops there - her sexuality progresses thanks to simple curiosity and thirst for pleasure.
What to do:
1) improve their sexual "qualifications" and immediately apply theory in practice;
2) get at least a minimal idea of ​​the sexual culture of various peoples;
3) master the basics of wum building.

Active but not aggressive

She perfectly feels the balance between initiative (which attracts a man) and pressure (which repels men). The wait-and-see attitude is not her style, but at the same time she manages to avoid obsession. She will never say: “Take off your clothes - let's have sex!”, She will subtly suggest: “I bought a new massage oil- do you mind a massage session? "
What to do:
1) to act gently, inadvertently - "accidentally" fallen shoulder strap, "accidentally" bare thigh ...
2) replace the alarm clock with a gentle kiss;
3) prepare the ground for a stormy night in the morning - send him a link to your Internet page, on which you described your erotic fantasies in detail and tastefully the day before.

Feels sexy

even when the situation does not imply immediate intercourse. Firstly, she does not allow herself to wear ugly underwear - this would deprive her vitality! She is not fussy and does not lose her feelings dignity, even if it gets into an awkward situation (a heel broke, got in the way of a sprinkler, scattered the contents of a purse). And she never raises her voice - it's not sexy.
What to do:
1) make it a rule to speak softly, slowly and muffled;
2) keep your posture (even if you are wearing sneakers, not stilettos!);
3) carry a bottle of perfume with you as an emergency aromatherapy session in case of unforeseen discouragement.

Tuned in to the wave of donation

She has too much sexual energy - she can't help but share it! IL understands her man and does not skimp on compliments addressed to him. And IL never thinks of her beloved as conquered by her finally, irrevocably and forever. Experts confirm: a woman's conviction that a man belongs to her undividedly eliminates him sexual interest on the vine!
What to do:
1) to praise a man not in general, but for “business”, and focus on details;
2) on each of your love dates, act as if it was the first and the last.

"Sexual skills become art only when learning is associated with creativity" (Madonna)

Doesn't let the relationship take its course

, tirelessly caring for their development. It varies: it spends the night with a friend, supposedly helping her to solve problems, then she makes her husband a date in a hotel room rented for the night. IL knows how to warm up sexual interest in each other - he can invite his spouse to his performance at the reporting concert of the cultural and entertainment center in which she is a star oriental dance, or come to training, where her husband easily beats his own boss in tennis.
What to do:
1) stage unusual situations - for example, agree with your husband that you will come to the party separately and act like a newly-met couple;
2) on some 1851 wedding day, give him a certificate for the purchase of products in a sex shop;
3) sign up together for a massage session (not necessarily erotic).

Has no problem with own orgasm

The point is not that she has already "built" her partner so that he catches all her desires on the fly. She just perfectly studied her physiology. If she has a clitoral type of orgasm, she chooses a position that involves additional stimulation of the clitoris, but does not neglect the conscious attraction of a partner.
to zone X. (Moreover, IL almost never voices his desires in words - he uses sign language and non-verbal vocabulary to encourage him). With the vaginal type of orgasm, IL prefers a "yielding-inviting" style of behavior - responding to a man's caresses, she latently controls the pace and rhythm.

What to do:
1) don't forget about win-win way self-knowledge - masturbation;
2) include natural aphrodisiacs(pine nuts, seafood, onions, honey) in your diet;
3) experiment with temperatures and textures and feel free to involve your life partner in these experiences.

How to be the perfect lover

You want to be perfect, desired, so that he never thinks and does not look at another, then take note of the following, observing these rules, you will definitely become an ideal lover and your man will not even want to look towards another woman.

1. You cannot make love on a full stomach, burdened with a hearty dinner, otherwise the man will be lethargic and sleepy, and the blood will rush to the stomach, and not where it is needed.

2. For "eating" and drinking before sex, products - aphrodisiacs - are best suited: - seafood;
oysters (by the way, Casanova adored them);
- a milkshake with fresh fruit;
- fried eggs;
- sandwiches with caviar;
- a glass of aniseed vodka;
- chops with garlic and other "garlic" dishes (there must be two of us!);
- chocolate;
- pine nuts and any other nuts;
- sour cream and fresh herbs;
- spicy, but not very high-calorie dishes; -vegetable and fruit salads, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables;
- spicy dishes "(I think you have heard about the temperament of Caucasians more than once);
- mulled wine (causes drowsiness in large doses);
- pryushon (in large doses it causes impaired coordination of movements);
- a glass of cognac;
- glass of wine;
- a cup of cocoa, strong tea or coffee.

3. A good lover always knows what her man wants. She guesses or feels it, calculates by the method of selection, and with sufficient experience she even applies the theory of probability. Sex ends in bed, but begins with thoughts and conversations, trust and shared experiences. Men make love with their brains, and not "in one place", but fuck only with women who do not understand this.

4. One should not think, but give the man what he wants, overwhelm him with caresses, fulfill whims, but not be obtrusive in personal relationships (for example, "torture" him with calls, demanding attention to himself). The strongest nets are invisible. It is with them that the skillful seductress weaves the body, soul and brain of a man.

5. Geisha also knew sure remedy for "love spell" - copying gestures, words, facial expressions of a man. Psychologists say that the easiest way to achieve the location of a new acquaintance is to copy him. Probably, the establishment of contact occurs subconsciously, on the basis of ancient instincts, which can still be seen in animals. The interlocutor takes you for a member of his pack, as if you are performing some kind of ritual dance together. Contact has and feedback... You begin to better understand the interlocutor, which means that you better meet their expectations.

6. An extra-class mistress does not allow herself to become a "thing" who buys clothes at her own whim or according to her own, not very good, taste. Compliance without even seeing the chosen one is a preliminary setting for the man of your dreams. You have to approach the issue of clothing from a completely different angle, from the side of a man who looks at you for the first time. And he looks not at the clothes at all, but at you as a whole. And he doesn't give a damn about the cost of your outfit. The most that the average man can calculate is a woman from the Chinese market or from an expensive store. Clothes are more often paid attention to when they “don't fit”.

7. The main thing in a relationship with a man is to first give everything that you have, without thinking about yourself, without selfishness and miscalculations of what will happen next, without fear of spoiling, and then getting tripled for it.

8. Do not look a man in the eye after the first night spent together with the question: "When will you come next time?" It is very important for a man to feel like a master. Calling him at home and at work, you put him in uncomfortable position in front of colleagues, and maybe another woman with whom he will not part until he is convinced that you are better. Why spoil everything from the beginning? So, good mistress never allow himself to be intrusive.

9. Men least of all like when they are faced with tough choices. A man gets lost, becomes embittered and ... makes completely illogical acts, which he then regrets for a long time. Why test his feelings for strength, if the same forces can be used to make them stronger?

10. Complaining to a man is the last thing. As a rule, our problems seem to them insignificant and ridiculous, and complaints - women's whims. Here they, men, have REAL problems, you can talk about them for hours. So, when it comes to life's difficulties, rely on yourself, forget that you have a loved one or turn to him only in an extreme and really serious case.

11. Men by and large do not care deeply, at least at first, whether you feel pleasure in bed. Only a very few men can recognize a pretender representing passion. Not a woman's passion, but her desire flatters male pride... Many nondescript and stupid women won the hearts of smart, handsome and wealthy men only because they have clearly mastered this rule. Only having achieved to be loved, you can demand caresses that will take you to the heights of pleasure.

12. There is a misconception that men do not like smart ones. Not smart, but those who excessively demonstrate their intelligence, pointing out to a man the gaps in his knowledge. A smart woman never shows that she is smarter, does not emphasize her superiority in anything.

13. The ability to make a house beautiful and comfortable has never hurt anyone. Any man is pleased to come to a house in which order and smells good (in everyday life, order and smell are almost synonyms).

14. An extra-class lover knows that for men, falling in love is much less important than for women. You shouldn't torture a man, forcing him to tell "how much you love me." Such behavior pushes men to the idea that women have only all sorts of romantic nonsense on their minds, and therefore, they are stupid like geese.

15. Even if a man went on a spree, one should not "torment him with suspicions," he still does not admit it. Being on the other side of the barricade, that is, being a lover, it is also not necessary to "place marks": to stain his things with lipstick and sprinkle with perfume, scratch his back in a fit of passion. He is not your property.

16. Next rule: never teach a man to live. We all do not like moral teachings since school, and many people do not like their parents precisely because of the moral teachings. You don't want to be like them, do you?

17. Ability to forgive is also the ability not to remind of past mistakes. Forgiving means forgetting ... or pretending to have forgotten.

18. An extra-class lover knows: all men are obsessed with the idea that they want to be used, robbed and sent around the world. Nothing scares off in the first days and months of acquaintance as commercialism.

19. Coquetry is our weapon if applied to the place and wisely. Task sexy woman- to make it clear that although she is a female, she is by no means a cheap whore.

20. An extra-class mistress knows that it is stupid to jump up after the first (and subsequent) nights and run to paint and wash. Most men like to "have mercy" in the morning, they like women without " war paint". And if you are shy, buy waterproof mascara or get a light tattoo.

21. It is foolish to think that a man who has serious intentions, will pause and not call for several weeks. A man who likes you will most likely call within three days, the rest is most likely an attempt to use you "without beard." It makes no sense either to wait or "be led" on proposals that came in a few weeks, or even months.

22. An extra-class mistress never completes about her appearance, knowing that most men run away from squeezed and notorious, and not from plump and non-standard ones. And even more so, they do not run away from their partners only because of the size of their breasts.

23. If you want EVERYTHING to end quickly:
- squeeze the muscles of the vagina;
- change the position so that it becomes "tighter" inside, and the head of the penis with each friction is stimulated by the cervix;
- pay attention to the positions that accelerate the approach of ejaculation: knee-elbow in any variation; a woman on her back, with strongly compressed legs (there will not be much difference - they are stretched out or raised and bent at chest level); in hussar - legs lying on her back, women are thrown over the shoulders of a partner; a fish - a woman on her stomach with legs straightened and strongly drawn together, a man - on top;
- take an active position and control the introduction of the penis so that it turns out: once - until the very end, and two - only a shallow introduction that stimulates the head;
- active oral stimulation - perfect completion of intercourse;
- if there is not enough lubrication, use a lubricant gel - this will speed up the matter;
- whisper a few dirty words to him, maybe this will turn you on too;
- if the posture allows, grasp the base of the penis with two fingers and stimulate it additionally;
- caress yourself - your excitement, a powerful stimulus for a man;
- ask to rest, and after thirty minutes, resume the caress;
- make movements towards him, deeply "sitting" on the penis; ...
- kiss his ears, neck, scratch his back, squeeze his buttocks with your hands or gently massage the testicles;
- portray the victim as a joke, try to push him away slightly and push yourself out, just do not overdo it;
- don't let him get out of rhythm;
- cheer up your loved one with loud moans.

24. For a free and self-confident woman, there are no rules when and where to surrender to a man for the first time, and for subsequent times. If a woman agrees to be intimate on the very first evening, it does not yet follow that the man will consider her special. prostitute... According to statistics, only thirty percent of men are supporters phased development relationships and courtship.

25. An extra-class mistress is never shy about discussing contraception issues with a man. What's so embarrassing about that? Yes, to a greater extent, protection is your problem, but forcing a man to wear two condoms is also not an option. According to men, if a woman does not agree to have sex without a condom in any way (naturally, not at the first meeting, but when the relationship has already lasted for some time), the man may think that she is sick with some kind of venereal disease or suspects that he himself may be ill. It is not very pleasant to be aware of both. If you don't have money for birth control pills, feel free to ask your man to participate in their purchase. There is nothing shameful in such a request, and the purchase of hormonal contraceptives solves two problems at once: preventing pregnancy and getting full satisfaction from intimacy without a nasty condom.

26. Do not get carried away with reading manuals on sexual techniques... Most of them are not a very successful "rehash" of the "Kamasutra" with comments from an anxious author. The advice of foreigners does not suit us at all. What will your husband, tired after work, tell you if you meet him at the door in latex panties? The effect of the sexual revolution may be the opposite - a man will run away to a "traditionalist" who is not spoiled for sex.

27. If you want to prolong the pleasure:
- don't let him move too fast;
- relax the muscles of the vagina;
- ask him to stop frictions for a while;
- change your pose;
- pay attention to the positions that prolong the sexual intercourse: the woman is over), the woman is lying on her back, with her legs raised and wide apart, on her side with "spoons" (a woman - with her back to her partner's face), sitting facing each other;
- in the midst of removing the penis from the vagina. and kiss him, only very gently, otherwise everything will end even faster;
- ask him to breathe deeper;
- Tell us about the delights of Tantric or Taoist sex. Special (by the way, not too difficult) exercises will help control ejaculation for as long as you like.

28. The rule of choice underwear: buy only what your beloved man likes. Beautiful underwear and bedding are the key to durable and long relationship and self-confidence.

29. The most best smell- this is the smell of your body, plus a drop of good perfume. Men are more likely to be frightened off by excessive perfume and the smell of sweat (a nightmare instilled by advertising!) Than by the lack of perfume.

30. Men love sex, they love women who love sex, so is it worth it to be shy and repeat after bad mistresses, and just not very smart women"This is all they need ...". After all, we know for sure that this is not so.