The best eye mask for wrinkles. Homemade masks for wrinkles around the eyes from yeast, starch, vegetables and fruits. How to avoid the appearance of "crow's feet" around the eyes

With such a problem as wrinkles on the face around the eyes, not only older women, but also young girls face. And at any age, the appearance of crow's feet will be a disaster. To delay this process longer, you need proper care behind the skin. How to properly monitor the face, what to do with skin aging and which face masks for wrinkles around the eyes are the most effective, we will consider in this article.

Wrinkles around the eyes and their causes

Unwanted wrinkles can appear for various reasons, and in any case, a solution must be immediately sought for this problem. In addition to natural aging, skin elasticity is affected by:

  • weight loss or gain;
  • disturbed daily routine;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • stretching of the skin due to the movement of facial muscles (mimic wrinkles).

Particular attention must be paid to age wrinkles. The older a woman gets, the more collagen deficiency increases. Collagen is a protein protein that is responsible for skin elasticity. Every year this deficiency is more and more manifested on the face of a woman in the form of wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask for 25-35 years

Recipes for masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Masks for mimic wrinkles around the eyes at home. This type of wrinkles occurs in very early age. Emotion on the face causes the cheekbones to move, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. It's quite normal natural process, and there's no getting away from it. But you need to follow these nuances. If the crow's feet deepen, then you need to turn to the folk recipe.

With mimic wrinkles under the eyes, the following face masks at home are useful:

  1. Birch leaf mask. We take a handful of birch leaves and fill them with cold water. The elixir should be infused for 10 hours. Then, in this infusion, soak cotton swabs and apply to the eyes, closing the eyelids.
  2. Strawberries combined with honey is an excellent combination in the fight against mimic wrinkles. Mix the crushed berries with honey (with its use you need to be careful not to be allergic). Apply to the problem area and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years. During this period, the process of cell regeneration slows down, so it is recommended to use tonics at home. These so-called crow's feet or cobwebs are not very scary. The main thing is to keep the skin in good shape.

Here are some examples of moisturizing eye masks after 30 years:

  1. The most famous way is the use of cucumber. The recipe is simple: choose a slightly overripe cucumber for such a mask (this will have a more moisturizing effect). Cut the vegetable into thin rings and apply over the eyes for a few minutes.
  2. Tomatoes, egg yolk, water. Mix these ingredients. Apply the resulting mask for 10 minutes.
  3. Mask for the face around the eyes from wrinkles from Hercules. Mix oatmeal with warmed milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, wrap the resulting mixture in gauze bandage and apply it to the problem area for half an hour.
  4. With the help of a Spanish mask, wrinkled defects can be smoothed out. Grind the boiled beans and add lemon juice (a few drops). The mask is aged in the aisles for 20 minutes.

It will be useful for masks from wrinkles around the eyes to use as additional component essential oils. They will additionally nourish and moisturize the skin.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask for mature skin

Face masks for wrinkles around the eyes after 35 years. New wrinkles do not appear at this age, but those that are present are aggravated. During this period, the main thing is to support and create the necessary conditions care. At this age, it is better to give preference to herbal lotions rather than masks. But they also should not be abandoned.

Here are the best lotions and eye masks at home after 35 for wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Sage (1 teaspoon) pour boiled water (1 cup). Divide the broth into two containers. In one bowl, it is necessary to cool the solution a little. Soak cotton swabs in it, then apply to the area around the eyes for 10 minutes. In the meantime, cool the second part of the lotion. Put on the problem area for the same time interval. After such a contrasting application, the eyes will gain shine, and the skin will become elastic.
  2. Grate raw potatoes. Wrap the resulting puree in a gauze bandage. This mask is applied under the bags under the eyes for a few minutes. After that, any moisturizer is gently applied. After waiting about 10 minutes, the cream and the rest of the mask are removed with a cotton pad.
  3. A mask of boiled potatoes, grated with the addition of one tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of milk is very useful.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 40 years. At this age, the skin changes a lot, because there is a reduction in the thickness of the epidermis. She is no longer so elastic, but at the same time she is still far from deep aging. If it is not given the right attention, the aging process will accelerate. Therefore, in addition to home remedies for combating aging, it's time to start applying cosmetic creams age-appropriate.

Concerning folk cosmetology, then the following eye masks for wrinkles after 40 should be highlighted:

  1. For mature skin, homemade potato masks are also useful. Shredded potatoes with the addition of one tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of milk.
  2. Spinach with the addition of vitamin A enters the anti-aging process. Squeeze the juice from the spinach and mix with a teaspoon of the vitamin. It is necessary to apply moistened cotton pads for half an hour. Then wipe around the eyes with milk.
  3. A very tasty and appetizing therapeutic emulsion of grated banana with whipped cream is obtained. This gentle mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add grated yolk and honey to freshly squeezed orange juice. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 50 years. At this age, there comes a stage when the skin is at the peak of aging. You can no longer afford what was allowed ten years ago. The skin reacts sensitively to any irritants: sleeping positions, frequent exposure to the sun, smoking, etc. All this is accompanied by low level collagen, lack of hormones, diseases that come with age.

In this case, face masks for mimic wrinkles should be used at home, with high content vitamin components and trace elements. In these years, all the same means are used as at an earlier age. Obviously, the use of lifting after 50 years will not give the same effect as before, but it will still be possible to slow down the aging process of the skin.

I would like to emphasize the general rule for the use of masks for all age categories. It is best to do lifting in the evening before going to bed, on cleansed skin. During the night, the skin will rest, the beneficial vitamins absorbed by it will easily interact with the cells. Already in the morning the result will be noticeable. There will be a natural shine in the eyes, and the skin will be soft and silky.

Extra care for wrinkles under the eyes

Skin care around the eyes is not just lifting. Eat right, avoid bad habits, lead active image life, observe the regime of the day.

The aging process is inevitable, but remember that it can be delayed. If you take care of yourself and your skin, then youth will not leave you so easily.

The best masks for wrinkles around the eyes

Rules for choosing and applying masks

Masks at home from wrinkles and circles under the eyes of women have been used for hundreds of years. Some of the fair sex are quite satisfied with the result obtained as a result of care.

Others do not notice much change, and in rare cases, additional defects appear. So that self-prepared formulations used for skin rejuvenation do not lead to undesirable consequences and allowed to see positive changes, you must always follow a few rules:

  1. Masks for the area near the eyes from wrinkles are prepared according to special recipes. Do not use those home remedies that are designed to rejuvenate the entire face.
  2. After 40 and 50 years old, anti-aging masks are done in a course of 10-15 procedures every two to three days.
  3. If there are wounds, irritation or inflammation around the eyes, then the procedure should be postponed until the skin is restored.
  4. The exposure time of the applied composition is on average 10-15 minutes. It's not worth overdoing it.
  5. It is better to plan the procedure for caring for the delicate skin under the eyes in the evening, but the mask should be applied no later than an hour before bedtime.
  6. When applying the prepared mixture, the skin does not need to be stretched. Distributed mask light patting movements.
  7. It is unacceptable to get the prepared product on the mucous membranes of the eyes. If this happens, then it is necessary to quickly rinse the eyes with plenty of running water, otherwise inflammation may develop.
  8. The composition must first be tested for tolerance. This is done by applying the mixture on the wrist. The mask can be used if burning, itching, swelling and severe redness do not appear within one to two hours.
  9. The effectiveness of care increases if you do not talk during the rejuvenation session. It is advisable to lie down with your eyes closed during the exposure.
  10. The mixture from the eye area is best removed with a soft disc dipped in warm herbal decoction.
  11. To enhance the effect, the skin should be moisturized after the session with a suitable nourishing cream.

An eye mask for wrinkles at home should be prepared in full accordance with the chosen recipe. Substitution of ingredients, increase or decrease in their quantity impairs the effectiveness of the composition and may lead to irritation.

Recipes for effective and easy-to-prepare masks for wrinkles in the eye area

Creamy potato

The average tuber of fresh potatoes should be washed, peeled and grated. A teaspoon of high-fat cream is added to the resulting mass. This mask for wrinkles near the eyes can be used by women after 30 years.


Grind a handful of oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is poured with a couple of tablespoons of hot milk. The mixture should swell for half an hour, after which it is still warm distributed under the eyes.


The pulp of one medium-sized ripe banana should be mashed and mixed with a spoonful of softened butter. The finished mass is applied under the eyes, it is possible to apply it on the eyelids.

Cucumber milk

A medium-sized fresh cucumber without skin is rubbed and mixed with two tablespoons of whole warm milk. Cotton pads are moistened in the gruel, after which they are applied under the eyes. This anti-wrinkle mask at home after 50 years allows you to moisturize thin skin, brightens it, significantly reduces the visibility of existing "crow's feet".


From fresh tomato you need to squeeze a spoonful of juice, free it from seeds and mix with one egg yolk. Children's dry mixture in the amount of two small spoons is diluted with water to the state of gruel and combined with egg-tomato mass. The disks are wetted in the resulting mask and applied to the periorbital region for 15 minutes.

Eye mask for wrinkles recipes


A nourishing and moisturizing watermelon mask is perfect for eliminating wrinkles. You will need a spoonful of well-mashed watermelon pulp, it must be mixed with a spoon not too fat sour cream and thicken with a spoonful of ground oatmeal. Thoroughly mixed mass is distributed under the eyes in a dense layer.

peach honey

Curd honey

Soft cottage cheese of high fat content in the amount of one spoon should be ground with an equal amount of whole milk. A small spoonful of heavy homemade cream, melted linden honey and olive oil are added to the milk mixture. The prepared mixture is applied under the eyes, it is also suitable for nourishing the entire face.


It is necessary to prepare a fresh currant, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry or strawberry. The cooked berry turns into puree, a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of high-fat sour cream is poured into it. The resulting mass is applied in a thin but dense layer under the eyes.

Honey cabbage

Juice is squeezed from two spoons of sauerkraut, then honey is added to it in the amount of one spoon and a few drops of olive oil. The cabbage-honey mass is transferred to gauze and placed on the skin.


A small potato tuber needs to be boiled, mashed and mixed with a small amount finely chopped parsley. After 15 minutes, a spoonful of grated raw potatoes and 2-3 drops of olive oil are added to this mixture. The mass is mixed, placed in a gauze bag and applied in the area under the eyes.


Two fresh spinach leaves need to be chopped, squeezed out of the resulting mass of juice and mixed with a teaspoon of liquid vitamin A. You can keep the mixture applied under the eyes for 20 minutes, it is better to remove it with herbal infusion.

Creamy mask with aloe

From the fleshy leaves of aloe, you need to squeeze out two tablespoons of juice, a tablespoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon are added to them. olive oil. After thorough mixing, the mass is applied under the eyes.

green mask

Fresh parsley, spinach and lettuce should be chopped (one spoon each). Oatmeal flakes are ground into flour, which thickens the cooked green mass. The mixture is applied under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. The use of a "green" mask gradually leads to smoothing of all fine wrinkles.


A spoonful of fresh or frozen rowan fruits should be mashed in a blender. To the resulting mass is added a spoonful of soft cottage cheese or sour cream, whipped a raw egg and a spoonful of honey. Cotton pads are wetted in the prepared mixture, which then need to be applied directly to closed eyes. The rest of the mask is washed off after 20 minutes. warm water.

Video: Eye mask for wrinkles at home

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Exists great amount masks from wrinkles, around the head. The simplest and, in principle, effective masks- These are food items. Nature and our refrigerator are a storehouse of beauty and health. You can apply sour cream or cottage cheese, carrot soup, porridge or butter, cucumber, banana, and even tea and coffee on your face, in general, who loves what and what suits who. Such nutrition of our skin will contribute to the prevention of its aging, the gradual smoothing of superficial mimic wrinkles and temporary improvement of a fresh face and good mood. And, most importantly, it is cheap and does not require time and effort. It is important to remember that everything that touches our face must be fresh, of high quality and clean. Such top dressing should be done regularly, but not daily, no more than 2-3 times a week. It is not necessary to expect a quick result from such procedures.

To achieve greater effectiveness, the issue of masks must be approached in more detail, their components must be carefully selected, according to the characteristics of your skin and its needs.

What wrinkles can be smoothed out with cosmetic masks?

  • First wrinkles;
  • mimic folds;
  • superficial wrinkles;
  • deep and age wrinkles - corrections with the help of masks give in slowly and give only some improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Where is the best place to buy masks and other anti-wrinkle products?

Self-made masks are always more effective than ready-made cosmetic masks. This does not mean that you need to be content with only traditional medicine methods - many ingredients can be purchased at pharmacies and specialized stores. The main thing is that you know about the composition of your mask, the quality of each ingredient, and the mask itself is prepared immediately before use without the addition of preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Not all manufacturers are conscientious and the composition of their products does not always correspond to what is stated on the packaging.

How to use face masks correctly?

1. To get started, you need choose the right ingredients for the mask that are exactly what you need.
2. Make sure that the mask you choose does not contain components that have allergic reaction. For this you can conduct allergy test, apply a little of the finished product to the back of the forearm and leave for 15 minutes. If after washing off the mask there is no redness, rashes or swelling, then this mask will be well tolerated on the face.
3. Pick a time to use the mask. Some masks should not be applied before going out into the sun or frost. It is advisable to use nourishing masks in the evening, before going to bed. Most masks will be more effective if applied early in the morning - this is due to normal secretion daily dose of most hormones in the body.
4. Before the mask clean the skin well, for this you can use special cleansing lotions or even just cosmetic soap.
5. Scrub use before the mask will improve the result rejuvenation, because upper layer The epithelium is quite rough and prevents the penetration of funds into the deeper layers of the skin. The scrub also helps to accelerate the renewal of the epithelium. Suitable for scrub ready-made funds, coffee grounds, oatmeal, salt and even semolina.

6. The mask is applied to the face with fingertips, more liquid mask can be applied with brushes. In this case, the direction of applying the mask should be from the center to the periphery, for example, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the cheekbones and chin. Also, the prepared product can be applied to gauze, and then to the face.
7. Most face masks should not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips, some masks are not recommended for use in the neck area, where the thyroid gland is located.
8. The mask can not be applied for a period of time more than recommended, from this the result will not be more pronounced, but irritation and allergic reactions may occur.
9. During the action of the mask, you need to lie down and relax, think about the good, close your eyes, do not speak and do not strain your facial muscles.
10. You can remove the mask with warm or cool water, moistened with a towel. Some masks are removed in one layer, from the bottom up. The main thing is that this procedure does not injure. After the mask, you need to wash your face with cold water or wipe your face ice cubes. In this case, it is undesirable to wipe your face with a towel, let the skin dry on its own.
11. After the procedure for using a face mask, you can use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

What components should be included in the mask to quickly get rid of wrinkles?

An effective mask for smoothing wrinkles should contain:

1. Moisturizing ingredients:

  • aloe, chamomile, calendula, parsley;
  • many fruits and berries;
  • vegetable and essential oils;
  • vitamin E;
  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • silk proteins, etc.

2. Nutritional Ingredients:
  • egg yolk;
  • vitamins A, groups B, C, D, E;
  • almost all vegetable oils;
  • dairy products containing cholesterol: sour cream, milk, butter, cottage cheese, cream;
  • lanolin;
  • phosphorus, fish caviar;
  • salts and minerals, green tea, coffee.
3. Components with lifting effect*:
  • clay;
  • gelatin;
  • starch, potatoes;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • banana;
  • cereals, oatmeal, semolina and others.

4. Protection from the negative impact of factors environment and restoration of damaged epidermis:
  • vegetable oils;
  • animal fats;
  • vitamins A, E, C, D;
  • some vegetables and herbs.

5. Components that remove acne spots on the face (if necessary) - peeling -Effect:
  • fruit acids (lemons and other citruses);
  • various scrubs;
  • calcium chloride;
  • baby soap and more.

6. Ingredients that narrow the pores of the skin (if necessary):
  • cucumber, parsley;
  • sour fruits, etc.

* Lifting is a tightening of the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity. To prepare anti-wrinkle masks with a lifting effect, components are used that stimulate the production of own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin, improve local metabolism and blood circulation, help accelerate epidermal recovery, and retain moisture in the skin. Lifting is also achieved using special creams, hardware and injection procedures, plastic surgery.

Important! It is advisable to use masks with a pronounced lifting effect after the age of 30 years. For young girls lifting is also needed, but less active, and it should be applied in short courses, and not constantly. Also, lifting is not recommended for severe obesity and after plastic surgery(within 6 months).

As you can see, there can be a huge number of options for anti-wrinkle masks, the main thing is to know their principles and their features, and then imagination and the presence of certain components will help you find your own. ideal remedy from wrinkles. The mask usually includes several components, but it is the dominant products that will be responsible for obtaining one or another effect. We propose to consider the effect of some of these ingredients on the skin of the face in detail.

The effect of some natural masks on the skin of the face in the fight against wrinkles

Anti-wrinkle masks Received effects Features of the use of the mask
cucumber masksgreat result, proven for centuries
  • Quick effect visible after the first application;
  • moisturizes;
  • stimulates skin immunity;
  • improves the tone of the skin of the face, including around the eyes, promotes the production of elastin and collagen;
  • skin pore cleansing;
  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect and prevention of acne and rashes;
  • relieves swelling, especially under the eyes;
  • has a whitening effect, reducing the intensity of age spots;
  • improves blood circulation in the skin, as a result - healthy color faces;
  • protects against negative effect sun, frost, wind.
Cucumber must be fresh and without peel. To prepare masks, you can use pieces of vegetable, puree, juice, including in the form of ice.
Perhaps regular daily use, as well as an ambulance for problems on the skin of the face.
Ideal for masks around the eyes.
Recommended at any age to combat all types of wrinkles.
Suitable for all skin types, especially oily and combination.
Olive oil masks- a magical remedy for the skin
  • Increases skin tone, smoothes wrinkles;
  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes the skin with vitamins;
  • protects against the negative effects of environmental factors;
  • prevents the development of wrinkles;
  • saturates the skin with oxygen, improves its metabolism;
  • forms a water-fat layer of the epidermis;
  • has good anti-inflammatory properties.
Olive oil can be used for any age, for pregnant and lactating women to prevent stretch marks, and for any skin type with any problems. It can be used both in its pure form and with the addition of various ingredients.
Olive oil is perfect tone and moisturizing the skin of the face, eyelids, around the eyes, lips and décolleté.
It is recommended for regular daily use both for the prevention and elimination of facial skin problems.
Aloe masks- healing skin from ailments
  • Moisturizing;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increased immunity;
  • improvement of tone by accelerating the metabolism in the skin, smoothing wrinkles;
  • acceleration of renewal of the epidermis of the skin;
  • healing of damaged skin;
  • nutrition skin with vitamins, microelements and other useful substances.
Usually use aloe juice. In order to get it at home, you need to wrap the cut leaves in a cloth and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
Recommended for regular use at any age 1-3 times a week. Improves appearance skin with various wrinkles.
Suitable for all skin types, especially dry, sensitive and problematic.
The mask is especially indicated for the areas around the lips and décolleté.
Masks on sour cream, cream, butter, milk, cottage cheese– ideal nourishment for the skin
  • Great feeds skin with everything you need;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves skin metabolism, renews the epidermis;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid;
  • heals;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • whitens and fights rosacea.
These masks are recommended after the age of 30 for sagging skin dotted with wrinkles. Apply in courses of 10 procedures 2-3 times a week.
Masks from dairy products are indicated for dry skin.
Laminaria mask transforms aging skin
  • Moisturizes;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • improves skin tone;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • whitens;
  • tightens the skin when it sags;
  • relieves swelling, especially around the eyes;
  • improves blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen;
  • mattifies the complexion.
Recommended for use by mature women whose facial skin is covered with wrinkles, as well as for problem skin with rashes, red spots.
May be used in the area around the eyes.
Usually dry seaweed is used, which is soaked in water before use.
  • the presence of pustules;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • rosacea;
  • thyroid disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
The mask can be done no more than 1 time per week. The course is usually 5-10 procedures.
Yeast mask
  • Powerfully stimulates the metabolism of the skin, saturates it with oxygen;
  • removes from the skin harmful substances and carbon dioxide;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • accelerates the process of renewal of the epidermis;
  • restores damaged skin and relieves inflammation;
  • increases local immunity;
  • fights acne and other rashes;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
Use any type of yeast, including beer. It is important to use the mask immediately after its preparation.
The mask is suitable for any age and any type of skin, especially with its increased fat content. Yeast is ideal for skin with wrinkles, acne, age spots.
Mask with glycerin
anti-wrinkle- Moisturizes all layers of the skin
  • Promotes the penetration of moisture from the environment deep into the skin;
  • protects from the influence of environmental factors;
  • narrows pores;
  • powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effect;
  • improves skin tone and smoothes wrinkles, improving skin metabolism and blood circulation.
Glycerin cannot be used in its pure form, it is added with a few drops to other ingredients, such as clay, ammonia with warm water (glycerin not more than 5% of the total volume of the mask).
Glycerin is especially indicated for dry facial skin, ideally moisturizes during the frosty winter period. It has a good rejuvenating effect.
Products with glycerin can be used regularly.
Oatmeal and rice mask in the fight against wrinkles- soft velvet skin
  • Pore ​​cleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • mattifies the complexion;
  • good food
  • increasing the tone of the skin of the face.
Usually use cereals or rice flour pre-soaked in milk or kefir.
These masks are more suitable for oily and combination skin faces.
Oatmeal and rice even out wrinkles and make the skin velvety and fresh.
Indicated for use after 30 years.
It is recommended to use the mask 2-3 times a week, in courses of 10-15 procedures.
Potato mask– clean and fresh skin
  • Improves metabolic processes in the skin, saturates it with oxygen and removes harmful substances;
  • narrows pores;
  • stimulates the production of its own collagen;
  • whitens, evens out complexion;
  • has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protects from the negative effects of sunlight and cold.
To prepare the mask, use raw or boiled potatoes.
Suitable for oily skin types. It copes well with wrinkles, acne, age spots. Suitable for any age.
Banana masks– firmness, freshness and rejuvenation
  • Nourishes;
  • accelerates the metabolism in the skin, promotes the formation of collagen and renewal of the epidermis;
  • improves skin tone;
  • whitens;
  • relieves inflammation, heals;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • increases local immunity.
Ripe bananas without dark spots are needed. Can be used alone or in combinations. The mask is prepared immediately before
application. Showing courses of 10-20 procedures 2-3 times a week.
Suitable for all skin types, especially oily and combination.
The mask is recommended for girls over 30 and even over 50 with skin dotted with various wrinkles and with deep age folds.
Avocado anti-wrinkle– an exotic delicacy for your skin
  • Increases skin tone, makes it elastic;
  • nourishes and moisturizes;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • protects from sun and frost;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • narrows pores;
  • saturates the skin with oxygen;
  • instantly and permanently refreshes the skin of the face.
Avocado mask will help those who want to quickly improve their complexion and moisturize the skin, it only needs one procedure. With more
long-term use, namely 10 procedures (once a week), a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles is achieved, the skin becomes elastic and young. This fruit will emphasize the natural beauty of the skin.
Avocado is recommended for dry and not recommended for oily skin With acne. It is also not recommended to apply such a mask to the area around the eyes.
The disadvantage of this fruit is frequent allergic reactions.
Egg white and yolk masks- "Eternal youth
  • Effectively nourishes the skin;
  • egg yolk effectively moisturizes;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores;
  • fights acne;
  • protects against the appearance of wrinkles;
  • improves skin metabolism, enhances blood circulation;
  • stimulates the production of collagen and the restoration of the epidermis;
  • evens out complexion.
Only fresh eggs are needed. You can use the whole egg, or separate the white and yolk. Egg white is indicated for oily skin, and yolk for dry skin.
These masks are suitable for superficial, mimic, deep and age wrinkles.
Recommended regular use 1-2 times a week.
Clay masks- a treasure trove of minerals All types of clay cleanse the pores and accelerate the restoration of the epidermis.
  • blue and blue clay: rejuvenates, improves metabolism and blood circulation, whitens.
  • Green Clay: moisturizes, nourishes with essential microelements, improves skin tone.
  • Red clay: rejuvenating effect is complemented by anti-inflammatory action.
  • White clay: whitens, removes excess sebum, tightens pores.
  • yellow clay has anti-inflammatory effect, fights acne.
  • black clay - a wonderful scrub, effectively cleanses, nourishes the skin and improves blood circulation.
  • Gray and pink clay provide hydration and nourishment to the skin.
Clay is used as a base for various masks. Usually vegetable oils are added to the clay, fruit juices or extracts, vitamins.
White, blue and blue clay are suitable for oily skin types. Gray, green and red clay will moisturize dry skin.
Blue, blue, green and red clay will effectively cope with wrinkles. But white, blue and yellow clay will cope with acne.
Clay should not be applied to the skin around the eyes and lips.
Such masks are suitable for regular use 1-2 times a week.
Masks with gelatin– natural collagen
Gelatin is a broken down collagen. A similar protein is found in the dermis, it is he who is responsible for firmness and elasticity, moisturizing the deep layers of the skin. Collagen penetrates the skin and replenishes its needs for this protein, restoring its youth.Gelatin is used as the basis for masks, pre-soaked in water for half an hour.
Masks with gelatin will cope with various wrinkles, improve skin condition with deep folds. Gelatin also improves the penetration of other nutrients added to the mask, enhances their effect. Not recommended for people under 30 and for use around the eyes.
The required course is 20 procedures 1-2 times a week. The result is visible after the first procedure.
Starch mask- instead of botox
  • Enhances metabolism and blood circulation in the skin;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves complexion;
  • improves the penetration of nutrients into the skin;
  • cleanses pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • relieves inflammation of the skin.
Usually potato starch is used.
Starch masks are often compared to Botox injections. This is due to fast results and effective wrinkle smoothing. After the first procedure, the skin becomes radiant and silky.
Starch is more suitable for oily and combination skin, dotted with shallow wrinkles. For dry skin, moisturizers can be added to the starch.
Starch is not recommended in the presence of skin lesions (wounds, pustules, etc.).
Such masks are suitable for regular use 1-3 times a week.
Mask with propolis- an ideal invention of nature, a mystery to scientists
  • Prevention and effective smoothing of wrinkles;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • moisturizing;
  • healing, antibacterial effect and much more.
Propolis is dissolved in water, honey or fruit acids. Propolis masks are suitable for all ages and all skin types. But the disadvantage of this tool - high probability allergies to bee products.
Masks with propolis are recommended in courses of 10-20 procedures 1-2 times a week.
fish oil for wrinkles– concentrated OMEGA-3 complex
  • Moisturizes;
  • brightens and mattifies the complexion;
  • rejuvenates the skin by improving metabolism and blood circulation in the skin;
  • good anti-inflammatory effect.
Fish oil capsules are used, which are opened immediately before use. Recommended for use at any age, more suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Fish oil can be used on the lips, eyelids and around the eyes.
Mummy from wrinkles- effective nutrition
  • Moisturizes;
  • nourishes, including essential amino acids;
  • accelerates the metabolism in the skin and improves blood circulation;
  • improves skin tone;
  • accelerates the restoration of the epidermis;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • whitens and improves complexion.
Mummy for masks is used in powder form.
Indicated for all skin types and in the presence of various problems after the age of 30 years. Treats superficial wrinkles and improves condition deep wrinkles.
Masks with mummy are recommended for regular use 1-3 times a week.
Shea butter (shea butter) for wrinkles– a unique oil for the whole body
  • Pronounced hydration;
  • nutrition with useful substances;
  • smoothes wrinkles by stimulating collagen production;
  • relieves inflammation and heals;
  • protects against negative factors;
  • increases skin elasticity.
Can be applied all over the body and face, including around the eyes and lips, neck and décolleté.
Indicated for dry and sensitive skin. Effective in the presence of stretch marks and sagging skin.
Can be used at any age.
Suitable for daily use.

Turn on your imagination and find your effective anti-wrinkle mask.

TOP 10: recipes for the most effective wrinkle masks at home, reviews

Wrinkles began to appear - a mask for smoothing small, shallow and first wrinkles (for the age of up to 35 years)

Mask Ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber ;
  • raw potatoes;
Cooking method
Grate potatoes and cucumber on a fine grater, stir and add 2-3 drops of olive oil.
Squeeze out cucumber juice, filter and pour into a mold for making ice, put it in the freezer.

How to use?
Apply the mask on the face, including around the eyes and lips. Relax for 15 minutes, then rinse.
To achieve the best result after the cucumber mask, we use a light bath. After the mixture begins to thicken, add another 100 ml of water. Cook until completely thickened, that is, until a paste forms.
2. We mix 5 tbsp. l. the resulting paste and freshly squeezed carrot juice.
3. Add sour cream and vitamin E, stir - and the mask is ready.

How to use?
The mixture is applied to the entire face, including the area around the eyes. Relax until the mask is completely dry and wash it off with cool water. After that, apply a nourishing cream.

How often to use?
The first procedures can be carried out once every three to four days, then - once a week.

Reviews of cosmetologists:

  • quick result after the first procedure;
  • almost all smooth out fine wrinkles, especially around the eyes and on the forehead, deeper wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • an orange-yellow color from carrots may remain, so it is better to apply the mask in the evening, before going to bed;
  • after the mask, the skin is moisturized, fresh, looks noticeably younger;
  • not suitable for very oily skin, especially with acne.

Nourishing anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin


  • potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • sage leaves - 1/2 tsp;
  • yeast (dry or wet) - 1/3 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1/2 tsp;
  • rice flour - 1 tsp
Cooking method:
1. Mix starch and sage leaves, add 30 ml of water, bring to a boil in a water bath and cool.
2. Yeast pour 5 ml of water and leave for 10 minutes,
3. We mix.
4. Add olive oil and rice flour to the mixture, and stir well - the mask is ready.

Using a mask
The mask is applied to the face with a brush in the direction from the center of the face. Do not use in the area around the eyes. We take a calm reclining position for 15 minutes, and then wash off the mask with cool water, apply a nourishing cream.

How often to do?
The mask is applied 1-2 times a week, an average of 10 procedures. The effect is achieved after the first application of this tool.

Reviews of cosmetologists:

  • smoothes small wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face;
  • nourishes and removes peeling;
  • the face becomes fresh and velvety;
  • a remarkable effect when applied to the neck and décolleté area, including in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands;
  • the effect is noticeable after the first procedure;
  • you can not use it in the presence of acne and inflammatory changes on the skin.

Alginate mask for deep wrinkles, effective even over the age of 40 and 50 years


  • sodium alginate (seaweed extract, buy at the pharmacy) - 3 tsp;
  • white clay - 2 tsp;
  • dry kelp powder (can be bought at a pharmacy) - 2 tsp.
Cooking method (additional preparation required):
1. Alginate is poured with water in the exact volume of 60 ml, left to infuse for 5-6 hours, overnight, as a result, a jelly-like mass will be obtained.
2. Laminaria powder pour 5 ml of water, soak for 5 minutes.
3. Add 30 ml of water to the clay (measure accurately).
4. We mix all three ingredients, it is important to mix everything as much as possible, tamp.
5. It turns out a rather thick heterogeneous mixture, there may be lumps, the mask should not spread.
6. If the mass is not too thick, you can add 2-3 drops of calcium chloride, this medicine can be purchased at a pharmacy.

How to use?
The mask is applied to the face from the center to the periphery (along the massage lines), while it is important that all the muscles of the face are relaxed. The agent must be applied in a thick layer, on average 3-5 mm, on the face, around the eyes and lips, neck, décolleté and mammary glands. The mask dries quickly enough, while the skin and mimic muscles are toned.

After 15 minutes, the mask is removed in one layer from the bottom up, like Velcro, and its remnants are removed with a damp towel.

If the skin is dry, flaky, inflamed, then before applying the mask, the skin can be lubricated with any oils or vitamins, such as olive oil, shea butter, fish oil, aloe juice or vitamin A and E.

The rejuvenating course with such a mask is from 3 to 7 days, you can repeat it in 1-3 months.

Unfortunately, the natural aging process cannot be reversed. First of all, they appear in the form of folds, age spots and other defects on the face. You can remove wrinkles around the eyes that have appeared recently with the help of traditional medicine recipes. But to eliminate deeper grooves that bother in adulthood, without help professional cosmetologists not enough.

The skin around the eyes is prone to age-related changes to a greater extent, since it has the smallest thickness compared to other parts of the face. The minimum amount of sebaceous glands, muscle tissue and subcutaneous tissue also contributes to irreversible changes.

Other causes of wrinkles in the eye area are:

  1. Features of the structure of the skin. Responsible for firmness and elasticity of the skin collagen fibers, which in this part of the face have a mesh structure. This structure leads to excessive stretching of the epidermis as a result of frequent muscle contraction.
  2. Features of facial expressions. The habits of squinting, frowning, blinking often can be considered harmful due to their negative impact on the skin near the eyes.
  3. Age. After the age of 25 (rarely at an earlier age), the skin undergoes natural changes.
  4. Dry skin around the eyes. Women with a dry type of skin are at risk for the appearance of early wrinkles and folds on the face.
  5. Unbalanced nutrition. Fatty, fried, rich harmful additives and flavoring fillers, food harms not only the whole body, but also the skin in particular. Passion for unhealthy eating leads to early aging and thinning of the skin in problem areas of the face.
  6. Insufficient hydration. On admission not enough water in the body, drying of the skin is observed, leading to the appearance of folds.
  7. Bad habits. In addition to smoking, drinking strong alcohol, this group includes frequent exposure to the open sun without protective equipment, lack of sleep, exposure to stressful situations, passion for aggressive cleaning products, low-quality decorative cosmetics, prolonged sitting at the computer and even an uncomfortable pillow.
  8. genetic predisposition. Hereditary features of the structure of the face (omission of the superciliary arches, bags under the eyes, sagging upper eyelids) contribute to the appearance of "crow's feet" no less than the above factors.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes: folk recipes

If wrinkles around the eyes have appeared recently, you can try to smooth them out using folk recipes. All kinds of masks, creams, scrubs and other products based on natural ingredients I help moisturize and nourish the skin.

Don't count on visible result immediately after the first procedures. Folk recipes are good because they act gently, and therefore, for a long time.

In order for the effect of the use of natural remedies to fully manifest itself, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of regularity. With daily application of the mask during the recommended course, getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes is not difficult even at home.

grass ice

To activate metabolic processes and blood microcirculation, it is good to use lotions from herbal ice. To prepare it, you must first make a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula, parsley), taken in equal parts. After cooling, the solution is poured into ice molds and sent to the freezer for solidification.

Ice must be applied daily, before each morning wash. Daily implementation of the procedure helps to tone the skin, which becomes more elastic and less wrinkled.

Milk compresses

If the cause of early wrinkles is dry skin around the eyes, a milk compress will help eliminate the problem. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to moisten cotton pads in warm boiled milk, squeeze a little from the liquid and apply them to the eyelids. After 5 minutes of use, the compresses are removed and the skin is additionally moisturized. special cream for eyelids.

Strawberry-honey lotion

With the help of the remedy, the elimination of wrinkles is most comfortable, fragrant and tasty. The only limitation to its use is individual sensitivity to the components.

To prepare, three small strawberries are ground with 1 tsp. liquid honey until smooth. Then the mass is placed in a small piece of gauze, which is applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes. At the end of the period, the lotion is removed, and the skin is wiped with a damp cotton pad.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes

Get rid of wrinkles at home is possible with the help of various masks. Made from a variety of ingredients, they improve the appearance, add radiance to the skin, even out the tone of the face and eliminate minor imperfections.

The most useful and most available masks from wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. A small amount of fresh wheat bread crumb is kneaded and mixed in 100 ml of warm milk. Further, the mass, squeezed out of excess fluid, is distributed over the problem area and aged for about 15 minutes. The procedure for the skin around the eyes is completed by removing the mask with a cotton swab and washing with clean water.
  2. Honey-protein mask is an effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes. For manufacturing, a tablespoon of liquid honey is taken, the same amount of wheat flour, protein chicken egg. The components are thoroughly mixed, the mass is applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes. After the mask from wrinkles around the eyes has hardened, it must be washed off with warm water, gently soaking and in no case making sudden movements.
  3. You can fight wrinkles around the eyes with a potato mask. A small tuber (peeled) is rubbed on a coarse grater, a teaspoon of cream or fat sour cream is mixed into it. The mixture must be applied to the skin for at least 15 minutes, then washed off with a cotton swab dipped in tea leaves. For better toning and increasing the effectiveness of the anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes, tea lotions can be left on the eyelids for another 10 minutes.
  4. Get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home will help cucumber mask. This vegetable is known for its moisturizing properties, thanks to which anti-aging procedures can be carried out without the risk of adverse reactions. To obtain a mask, a small cucumber is grated and applied to the skin of the eyelids for up to 20 minutes.

Oil for wrinkles around the eyes

All kinds of oils, whether essential or vegetable, have amazing properties helping to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes without any hassle. So, olive oil, preheated in a water bath, can be applied to cleansed skin of the eyelids before going to bed. After 5 minutes, the procedure is recommended to be supplemented with a soft relaxing massage, which is performed in a circular motion without strong pressure.

Olive oil can be added to various homemade creams that help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home:

  • A nourishing cream, the action of which is aimed at getting rid of wrinkles, is prepared as follows. In a small container, 50 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of an oil solution of vitamin E are mixed. The mass is applied to the problem area with gentle movements and after 5 minutes of waiting, its residues are removed with a paper towel.
  • Another effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is a cream with olive oil (50 ml) and half a teaspoon lemon juice. The components are thoroughly mixed, after which its mass is applied to the skin. After 10 - 15 minutes, the remaining oil is removed with a napkin.

Concerning essential oils, their importance in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes is quite large. You can carry out anti-aging procedures with peach, almond, apricot oils. To do this, a few drops are applied to the fingertips, and then rubbed into the skin of the eyelids with stroking and patting movements.

If you mix a teaspoon of an oil solution of vitamin E, essential oils of cocoa beans and sea buckthorn, you can get the perfect cream for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles. To obtain the optimal effect, the mass must be applied to the eyelids twice a day for at least 10 minutes. The procedure ends with the removal of excess oil with a paper towel.

Other means

Help get rid of wrinkles at home and other folk remedies. To keep the skin around the eyes sufficiently moisturized, you can apply an egg mask on it. For preparation, one yolk is mixed with olive oil (1 tablespoon), then applied to the problem area and left to dry.

Oatmeal-based product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry skin of the eyelids. To obtain it, it is necessary to pour half a cup of oatmeal with hot milk and, after cooling the porridge, apply it to the skin for up to 20 minutes.

Salon procedures

If the folds are deep enough and visible on the skin with the naked eye, get rid of them only with the help of folk remedies almost impossible. To remove wrinkles around the eyes, cosmetology offers big choice professional procedures to help resolve the issue.

  1. Peeling. The procedure consists in applying chemically active substances to the skin, which dissolve the superficial layers of the dermis, making it smooth and renewed. Most often, peels are made on the basis of glycolic, tartaric, citric, and malic acids. To remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes, it is recommended to apply surface agents that have the most gentle effect.
  2. Cosmetic care. To prevent the development of wrinkles and eliminate existing defects, it is very important to monitor the intensity of facial expressions. Doing it yourself is quite difficult. Therefore, many salon brands have developed a number of products based on peptides, the action of which is aimed at blocking the movement of nerve impulses in muscle fibers.

Wrinkle Injections

Injection injections of drugs that allow you to remove wrinkles around the eyes are always a success. Among them, the most famous are injections that can smooth the skin after the first session. The high efficiency of the procedure is due to the blocking of the contraction of mimic muscles, due to which they relax. As a result, the skin is smoothed, and even deep grooves are eliminated.

Also effective are the methods of introducing fillers - substances that fill the subcutaneous space and smooth out wrinkles from the inside. Best result they show in the presence of sagging tissues that have lost intracellular turgor. The effect of the injection lasts for a year, after which the procedure is recommended to be repeated.

Hardware cosmetology

Achievements of hardware cosmetology do not stand still. It is now possible to eliminate wrinkles not only with the help of laser resurfacing and dermbrasion, but also with a number of other effective procedures:

  1. Microcurrent therapy. Wrinkled areas are exposed to a pulsed current with an ultra-low amplitude and low frequency. But this is enough for them, having penetrated into tissues, to rebuild the functioning of cells to optimize their work.
  2. RF lifting. The procedure consists in a thermal effect on the skin. This leads to a reduction in collagen fibers, tightening and tightening of the dermis.
  3. Fractional laser. To replace the usual laser resurfacing, which has many contraindications and can cause a number of side effects, the fractional photothermolysis method has come. To carry out the procedure, the laser beam is divided into many microbeams using the apparatus. They gently treat the surface of the skin, penetrating to a depth of 1 mm. Due to the fact that one procedure covers no more than 30% of the problem area, the skin is able to recover faster.

As a prevention of the appearance of premature wrinkles, it is recommended to give up bad habits by getting rid of smoking and overuse alcohol. It is also useful to review the diet, which should not include fried, fatty foods and fast food dishes. An important thing in the fight for maintaining the smoothness of the skin is sufficient hydration and nutrition. This requires regular application nourishing masks Not only homemade, wash your face with cool water and drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day.

If there is no way to get rid of the influence of frequent stresses, you can minimize it. So, it is very useful to take walks on fresh air, take to night sleep a full eight hours and relax with any of available ways. The general improvement of the whole organism will certainly affect the condition of the skin of the face. It will shine with beauty, become less wrinkled and more elastic.

What procedures have you tried? (multiple options can be selected)

The most delicate skin around the eyes needs special cosmetic care. The thin epidermis is prone to dryness due to the small number of sebaceous glands. Homemade recipes will provide sufficient hydration and prevent the start of age-related changes.

Rules for the use of masks for the skin around the eyes

Masks around the eyes

If the skin around the eyes has become flabby, dark circles and puffiness have appeared, using the secrets of using masks, you can easily solve any aesthetic problems:

  1. Masks are applied only to the previously cleaned area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids, counterclockwise, with light driving movements;
  2. For compositions with a liquid consistency, cotton or gauze discs, napkins are used;
  3. Before any procedure, in order not to cause harm, test a small amount near the outer corner of the eye, if an allergy does not appear within twenty minutes, then the composition is safe to use;
  4. You can not use components with a solid structure, they can scratch the thin epidermis;
  5. The duration of the caring procedure is 15 - 20 minutes, it will take about 40 minutes to correct overhanging eyelids and edema. In the supine position, in the most relaxed state, take the positive effect of natural ingredients;
  6. Wash off with warm herbal decoctions, then use a moisturizer.

Indications - prevention and reduction of the appearance of wrinkles, the presence of edema, dark circles, dry sensitive skin. Contraindications - the presence of an allergy to the components of the mask.

The best recipes for homemade masks for the skin around the eyes

An effective mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Result: berry mask under the eyes copes with small wrinkles, dark circles and skin laxity.


  • 12 gr. sea ​​buckthorn;
  • 3 ml hazelnut oil.

Preparation and method of application: grate the berries on a sieve, add moisturizing oil to the resulting soft mass. Remove make-up with micellar liquid, fill the area of ​​the lower eyelid with a soft brush with short bristles cosmetic composition. After ten minutes, rinse with a decoction of mint.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask for wrinkles around the eyes with the effect of Botox

Result: careful care of the skin around the eyes at home guarantees youth and radiance. At any age, folk recipes help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and stop the appearance of new ones. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other homemade masks with the Botox effect.


  • 17 ml of aloe juice;
  • 3 ml of tocopherol.

Preparation and method of application: Fresh Juice combine succulent with a beauty vitamin and place in an ice mold, cut out of gauze fabric folded in half, 2 circles with a diameter of about four cm. In the evening, after removing makeup, get a couple of cubes ready, split into halves. Closing your eyes, put gauze circles on your eyelids, place pieces of ice under the lower eyelid and just below the eyebrow, in no case on the eyeball. Complete the procedure after twenty minutes, after which it is desirable to apply a nourishing cream.

Mask for puffiness around the eyes

Result: cope with puffiness of the eyelids, sagging skin effective masks created at home.


  • potato;
  • 11 ml cream;
  • 2 ml shea butter.

Preparation and method of application: Peel the untreated potatoes, make a smooth puree in a kitchen machine. Add classic cream and African oil. Using micellar liquid, clean the surface, apply the composition in a dense layer under the lower eyelid. Leave for 15 minutes, then gently remove with a sponge, moisturize with gel for delicate skin.

Mask for dark circles and bruises under the eyes

Result: it will not be difficult to prepare the best mask for wrinkles, bags and loss of elasticity around the eyes. How to quickly get rid of bruises under the eyes at home, see.


  • 8 gr. white clay;
  • 14 gr. sour cream;
  • 3 ml of pomegranate seed oil.

Preparation and method of application: combine clay powder with a fresh dairy product and base oil. After cleansing thin skin, cover it with one layer paper napkin, distribute the mass on the area of ​​​​the eyelids. After a quarter of an hour, remove the napkin; for a long-term effect, 5-7 sessions of this procedure will be required.

Lifting eye mask

Result: lifting mask will help remove wrinkles around the eyes, tighten the contour of the eyelids, make the skin softer and more elastic.


  • 6 ml wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: bake the vegetable in foil, turn into puree with a blender, add cosmetic oil. After removing makeup, spread the mass under the lower eyelid and 1 cm below the eyebrows. After ten minutes, remove the composition with a wet sponge, use a gel with hyaluronic acid as a moisturizer.

Aloe eye mask

Result: cope with the first signs of aging, a recipe for wrinkles around the eyes is capable.


  • 14 ml of aloe juice;
  • 2 ml of jojoba oil.

Preparation and method of application: mix the fresh juice of the plant until smooth with nourishing oil. In the evening, remove make-up. Apply the composition under the lower eyelid with a soft wide brush against the clock hands, leave to act overnight. In the morning, wipe the surface of the skin with thermal fluid, moisturize and you can use decorative cosmetics.

Vitamin E eye mask

Result: protect against negative environmental factors, tone and nourish anti-aging recipes.


  • 1.5 ml of tocopherol;
  • 8 gr. carrot-apple puree.

Preparation and method of application: combine ready-made puree from a series of baby food (without sugar and flavorings) with liquid vitamin of youth. After wiping the surface of the thin epidermis with cosmetic milk, cover this area with disks of napkins, apply the resulting mass on them with a dense layer. Soak for about half an hour, after removal, moisten with grape oil.

Eye mask with gelatin

Result: due to the loss of elastin, wrinkles form around the eyes. The best mask recipes will fill in the gaps by smoothing out wrinkles that have already formed.


  • 11 gr. gelatin;
  • 4 ml borage oil.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve the granules in warm green tea, add oil rich in organic acids. After removing make-up, apply around the eyes. wheat oil, then distribute the gelatinous mass exclusively on the lower eyelid. After 12 minutes, carefully remove, if the skin pulls - steam out with herbal decoction.

Result: tones and strengthens blood vessels home mask around eyes.


  • 7 gr. liquid honey;
  • apricot.

Preparation and method of application: peel the ripe fruit from the skin and bones, make a homogeneous mass, add liquid honey (candied honey will damage delicate skin). Apply to gauze discs with a brush, leave for eight minutes. After removal, treat with a nourishing cream.

Potato eye mask

Result: removes excess fluid, smoothes crow's feet mask around the eyes at home.


  • medium potato;
  • 6 sprigs of parsley;
  • 5 ml of fermented baked milk.

Preparation and method of application: bake the root vegetable in the oven, peel, mash in a mortar along with herbs and fermented baked milk. Wash off decorative cosmetics, make four semicircles and put on closed eyelids, pressing tightly against the skin. After half an hour, remove the pressed mass, moisten with green coffee oil.


banana eye mask

Result: a nourishing procedure for dry skin removes signs of fatigue, restores membrane cell structures.


  • half a ripe banana;
  • 6 ml retinol.

Preparation and method of application: mash a soft fruit in a mortar, add liquid vitamin. After cleaning the area with micellar liquid, spread the mass on the lower eyelid and 2 cm below the eyebrow. Finish the caring manipulations after 25 minutes, removing the remnants with a wet sponge.

Egg eye mask

Result: restores the moisture barrier, nourishes the epidermis egg mask.


  • 8 gr. fatty cottage cheese;
  • 2 ml cocoa butter.

Preparation and method of application: grind eggs with curd mass and nourishing oil. Cleanse the skin around with cosmetic milk and distribute the composition in a thick layer. Complete the procedure after half an hour, removing the remnants of the rosehip broth.

Olive oil eye mask

Result: vegetable oils for the skin under the eyes have a moisturizing and tightening effect.


  • 18 drops of olive oil;
  • 6 drops of argan oil;
  • 4 gr. starch.

Preparation and method of application: combine nutritious oils, add potato / corn starch, mix thoroughly. After cleaning the eyelid area with a thermal agent, distribute the composition under the lower eyelid. Finish the manipulations in ten minutes by washing with a warm decoction of linden.

Eye mask after 30 years


  • 19 drops of macadamia oil.

Preparation and method of application: boil the beans until tender, turn them into a homogeneous mass in a mortar, add cosmetic oil. Apply the gruel to the area around the eyelids with a thin continuous layer. After thirty minutes, remove the mass, additional moisture is not required.

Eye mask after 40 years

Result: a cooling mask with a tightening effect. It also strengthens blood vessels, improves elasticity.


  • 14 gr. fresh cucumber;
  • 6 ml of aloe juice;
  • 12 drops of rice germ oil.

Preparation and method of application: turn cucumber pulp into a homogeneous mass, combine with succulent juice and moisturizing oil, cool in the refrigerator (about eight minutes). After removing make-up, spread the mask counterclockwise with a sponge. Wash off after ten minutes with warm mineral water.

Eye mask after 50 years

Result: photo and mimic wrinkles around the eyes are easily dealt with by homemade masks.


  • 15 drops of almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry algae powder with warm chamomile decoction (50 ml), leave for an hour. Then strain through cheesecloth and add almond oil. Apply all night with fingertips around the eye area in a counterclockwise circle. Wipe with milk in the morning and apply a day cream.

Rejuvenating eye mask

Result: regular care restores the protective barrier around the eyes, preventing the formation of wrinkles and the accumulation of excess fluid.


  • 12 gr. watermelon pulp;
  • 6 gr. potato starch;
  • 16 drops of sesame oil

Preparation and method of application: crush tender watermelon pulp in a mortar, add the remaining components. Wash off the make-up, put a thin layer of a decoupage napkin on the eyelids, spread the mask in a dense layer. Complete the procedure in forty minutes.

Moisturizing eye mask

Result: if the skin around the eyes is peeling, a universal eyelid procedure can remove irritation.


  • 7 gr. sour cream;
  • 4 sprigs of fennel.

Preparation and method of application: chop the greens and combine with fresh homemade sour cream. Cleanse delicate skin, distribute the composition with fingertips. Wash off after an hour with warm infusion of green tea.

Nourishing eye mask

Result: winter eye care protects against cold temperatures, dry air and gusty winds.


  • yolk;
  • 12 gr. yogurt;
  • 7 drops of tocopherol.

Preparation and method of application: combine the yolk with liquid vitamin and unsweetened yogurt. After removing makeup, fill the entire area above the lower eyelid with a cosmetic brush. After twenty minutes, rinse with wet cotton pads.

Video recipe: How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

Any girl, seeing the first wrinkles, in a panic begins to look for expensive effective creams to get rid of age manifestations. But are these rays of laughter that any beauty can have even before her 25 years of age are so terrible? And what kind of old age can we talk about these very young creatures?! Crow's feet usually appear from active contractions of facial muscles under different conditions: squinting while applying eye makeup and low-quality cosmetics, blinking, violent expression of emotions, in sunny weather or non-compliance with the rules of working with a computer ... And there are enough such reasons for the appearance of early wrinkles around the eyes a lot of.

Due to the fact that the skin in this area suffers from the absence of sweat and sebaceous glands and has a very thin structure, these “uninvited guests” appear on it early. But do not be upset, it would be better to start actively caring for the skin at the very first occurrence, so as not to provoke their deepening and not to make them more noticeable. Erase them like an eraser, regular homemade masks for wrinkles around the eyes will help.

What can folk cosmetology offer us?

Home care is good because it does not require a lot of time and money, and all the components can be found in your kitchen or at the nearest pharmacy. It can be:

  • Aloe, or agave, which remarkably eliminates dry skin in the area around the eyes. To do this, you need to drip a little juice from a leaf of a plant and apply it to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids before going to bed. For the same purpose, in the absence of such a flower at home, you can purchase aloe vera gel, which contains 98% of the active substance.
  • Olive oil (jojoba, castor or burdock, cocoa or sea buckthorn) with the addition of natural essential oils: peach, almond or apricot perfectly nourishes the skin around the eyes with vitamins and minerals. No less effectively relieve eyelids from wrinkles and “feed” oil eyelashes grape seeds and wheat germ. Also in the pharmacy you can buy an oil solution of vitamin E, which effectively fights skin aging in any composition of masks.
  • natural honey, healing properties which have been tested for centuries.
  • Vegetables and fruits. These gifts of nature can save you from any, even very deep wrinkles: fresh or boiled potatoes, cucumber, banana, watermelon or apple, peach, apricot or grapes, raspberries or strawberries. They can be turned into gruel with a fork or put in circles on the eyelids. Good for this purpose too sauerkraut, greens or parsley root (chopped through a meat grinder), asparagus or spinach.
  • Dairy products: sour cream, natural yogurt, kefir, milk, butter and others. For example, a mixture of sour cream with parsley, turned into a mushy mass by a blender, can bring, in addition to a rejuvenating result, skin whitening and elimination of puffiness of the eyelids.
  • Oatmeal, rye or white bread can also be brewed with milk or boiling water and cooled to a pleasant temperature.
  • tea bags natural drink without additives in a freshly brewed form, which can be applied to the eyelids after cooling without cotton pads and gauze.
  • Infusions of medicinal herbs (parsley, sage, chamomile, succession, mint, lime blossom, calendula, oregano or burdock). One tbsp. put fresh plant materials in a glass, fill it with boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, and the same amount of boiling water and dry plants from a pharmacy can be brewed in a thermos overnight (8-9 hours). Moisten gauze with this drug, apply to the eyelids.

These safe and highly effective cosmetics can be used alone or mixed as ingredients in complex formulations.

Why do Italian film stars keep their youth for many years? After all, this is not always the merit of plastic surgeons, knowing the passionate attachment of southern beauties to everything natural. Monica Bellucci and Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti and Claudia Cardinalle - these brilliant actresses have always maintained youth and beauty with olive oil! They not only apply it to the skin and wet hair, but also gladly add it to homemade masks for wrinkles around the eyes.

  1. On 50 ml of "liquid gold" drop 10 ml of vitamin E. Gently massage the area around the eyes and leave for 5-10 minutes, blotting the remnants with a soft cloth.
  2. For 50 ml of olive oil, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice. We apply very carefully so that the mixture does not injure the mucous membrane. Gently massage and after 10 minutes brush off the remnants with a napkin.
  3. Take 1/2 tbsp. miraculous herbs: calendula, mint and burdock, grind them and pour ¼ cup of olive or corn oil, close this container tightly and infuse for a week. Apply this remedy to the eye area daily at night. In just 10-15 days, there will be no trace of wrinkles!

"Delicious" complex masks that effectively get rid of wrinkles in the eye area

  1. Honey and oat mixture. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder into flour or take ready-made 10-15 g, mix it with one yolk and 1/2 tsp. natural honey. If the mixture looks too thick, bring it to a mushy state with a little warm milk, so that it does not spread on the face. Place the finished mixture in cheesecloth and apply to closed eyelids for a third to a quarter of an hour.
  2. Honey-curd mixture. In 25-30 g of fat curd mass, add the same amount of warm milk and 5-7 g vegetable oil, honey and heavy cream. Mix thoroughly and apply in gauze to the eyes with closed eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
  3. banana mix. Mash one banana with a fork, add 10-15 g of olive oil and one tsp. vitamin E. Apply the mixture to wet skin century and leave for half an hour.
  4. Blend with rose petals. Grind rose petals or rose hips and take 1 tbsp. finished raw materials, adding to it 1 yolk and 15-25 g of butter. Then you need to mix and apply to the thin epidermis around the eyes. After half an hour, you can clean the skin with warm water without gel and soap.
  5. Parisian mix. Squeeze one hundred grams of sauerkraut lightly, place in a double layer of gauze and put it on your eyes. You can soften the effect of the acid by adding 10-15 g of olive oil or honey.
  6. Potato mix. Fresh grated potatoes, applied to the eye area, tighten the skin well, relieve puffiness, nourish it with essential vitamins and microelements. He is also good in an effective mixture against " uninvited guests": 1-2 tsp chop parsley and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Insist no more than a quarter of an hour. Mix two tablespoons of the finished infusion with 1 tbsp. raw grated potatoes and 1 tsp. olive oils. We apply this mixture in a gauze napkin to closed eyelids for 15-20 minutes. It does not need to be washed off, the remnants can be removed with cotton swabs.
  7. Bread rejuvenating mask. Dip the crumb of white bread into melted warm butter. Apply the mask evenly to the area around the eyes for 25-30 minutes. A couple of procedures a week will relieve you of wrinkles or make them shallow and inconspicuous.
  8. Berries with honey or sour cream. Grind the gifts of nature (raspberries or strawberries) with a fork and add 15-20 g of honey or sour cream. Such a mask can rejuvenate even the fading skin around the eyes.

An irresistible look with smooth, fresh and youthful skin can give you masks for wrinkles around the eyes. All you need is a little self-care for a few minutes a day. Not a big sacrifice, is it? To look great!


Video on how to prepare a lifting mask from potatoes: