The opinion of doctors about early pregnancy. Early pregnancy. Consequences for mom and baby. Children from early pregnancy

In economically developed countries, a sanctimonious or even contemptuous attitude towards pregnancy in adolescence... But first of all, girls who are faced with an unexpected pregnancy in young age.

How will the outcome of pregnancy (childbirth or abortion) affect physical health girls, can she bear healthy child and how all of the above will affect her psychological state - the questions that will be covered in this article.

Let's define in terms

Adolescence in girls is the period from 10 - 12 to 16 - 17 years, inclusive. Accordingly, early (teenage) pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs during the specified periods of a girl's life.

Synonyms for teenage pregnancy are:

  • early pregnancy;
  • pregnancy at a young age;
  • young pregnancy;
  • pregnancy in minors.

From the above it follows that young pregnant women are those who have not reached puberty, and the passport age does not exceed 17 years.

A young primiparous is a girl of 17 and younger who has decided to bear and give birth to a child.

Statistics and interesting facts

Teen pregnancy statistics make you wonder:

  • the prevalence of pregnancy at a young age in the Russian Federation is 102 cases per 1000 women from 15 to 19 years old;
  • the frequency of teenage pregnancy in economically developed countries is 12 cases per 1000 women aged 15-19;
  • in the Russian Federation, 14–15% of childbirth occurs among young (15–19 years old) women;
  • in 30% of cases, teenage pregnancy ends with artificial termination;
  • in 56% adolescent pregnancy ends in childbirth;
  • in 14%, pregnancy in young people terminates spontaneously (miscarriages);
  • about 150015-year-old girls give birth in Russia every year;
  • annually in the Russian Federation, childbirth occurs in 9000 16-year-olds and more than 30,000 to less than 17 years;
  • about 60 - 69% of childbirths to minors take place outside of wedlock;
  • child abandonment is formalized by 52 - 63% of underage mothers (among the total number of those who refused).

The fact of the earliest pregnancy is known, which is entered in the Guinness Book of Records. At the age of five, Peruvian Liina Medina gave birth ( cesarean section) a boy weighing 2700 grams. This event happened in 1939 and shocked the whole world. What allowed to give birth to a girl in such early age? Premature (in in this case very early) puberty... The woman lived to be 45 years old, while her first child died at 40 (cancer).

V the former USSR pregnancy was recorded in a 6-year-old girl Liza Grishchenko (1934, Kharkov). The girl was allowed into independent childbirth, but the child died in the process of birth. The child's father was the girl's own grandfather.


A phenomenon such as teenage pregnancy, as a rule, is caused by not one, but several reasons at once. You cannot blame only a teenage girl for the situation that has happened, all the more so to consider her licentious and ignorant: sex life- be good, protect yourself. " Pregnancy during adolescence is often the result of coercion and even violence.

The main factors contributing to the onset of pregnancy in minors:

Enlightening a teenager in intimate matters is primarily the task of the parents. But if there is no trusting relationship between the child and the parents, the mother and father don’t have time for a serious conversation with their daughter, and even more so that the parents themselves are distinguished by antisocial behavior? The girl feels lonely and abandoned, and she sees the opportunity to become independent and an adult only at an early beginning. sexual life... Leave a lot to be desired and schools, medical institutions and social organizations... Sexual education of children in these institutions is not carried out at all or is close to zero, of the "pistil-stamen" type. Children not only do not know the basic rules of contraception, but also do not suspect how easy it is to become infected with a venereal infection: "It will never affect me."

  • Sexual emancipation

According to statistics, up to 90% of young people 20 years or less have already had sex, and average age pregnant girls is 16 years old. Early start Sexual life is promoted by the wide distribution of drugs, the availability of alcohol and its use among young people as a kind of indicator of adulthood, extensive advertising of an erotic and pornographic nature, the distribution of pornographic films and videos on the Internet and on television. In addition, most adolescents have a surplus of free time, they lack hobbies and aspirations, and unrealized activity results in sexual liberation.

  • Contraception issues

Many adolescents who are sexually active do not know the basic basics of contraception, hoping for "maybe". Of course, sex education plays an important role in acquiring knowledge about contraceptive methods, but not the last place is occupied by the financial insolvency of minors and the shame of acquiring contraceptives “in front of witnesses”. In addition, adolescent girls rarely see a doctor asking for the best option contraception due to shyness and bashfulness.

  • Violence

Violence is not only forced sexual intercourse, but also forced sex, which often manifests itself in the form of regular beating of a teenage girl. The unhealthy situation in the girl's family, where the abuser is the father, brother or stepfather, also matters. A frightened girl hides such a relationship for as long as possible, which inevitably opens with pregnancy in the long term.

  • Social and economic situation

A high percentage of teenage pregnancies is recorded in economically backward countries, where girls are early married, and the birth of a child is an opportunity to acquire social benefits... Also, the birth of children in these countries is perceived as the birth of future workers in the fields, in the homes of wealthy fellow citizens, and so on.

Misconceptions of minors about pregnancy

Teenagers consider themselves adults and smart, but ignorance of the physiology and anatomy of their own body often leads to unexpected pregnancies. The most common pregnancy prevention myths among teenagers are:

  • Pregnancy is not possible if you have sex during or immediately after your period.

The ovum matures by the middle menstrual cycle, and the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly during ovulation. But the girl's menstrual cycle is usually unsteady, and ovulation can occur at any time, so the danger of an unwanted pregnancy remains throughout the cycle.

  • It is impossible to get pregnant through sexual intercourse in water.

On the contrary, water promotes the proliferation of sperm cells, where they remain viable for a long time. Even if intercourse was interrupted and performed in a bath, the ejaculate can swim to the partner's genitals, and the sperm can penetrate into the vagina and further into the uterus.

  • First intercourse absolutely safe in terms of pregnancy

It doesn't matter what kind of sexual intercourse the girl had. Any penetration of the penis into the vagina and subsequent ejaculation is a high chance of an unwanted pregnancy.

  • Performing certain manipulations immediately after intercourse prevents pregnancy.

High jumping, showering, or urinating will in no way reduce your chances of becoming pregnant. The same goes for douching - it is hygiene procedure rather than a protective measure.

  • Certain positions, such as standing upright, during sex prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The movement of sperm from the vagina into the uterus does not depend on the position during intercourse.

Pregnancy problems in minors

When the fact of pregnancy becomes known to the girl's inner circle (parents, doctors, teachers), a natural question arises: "What to do?" How will the pregnancy of a teenage girl affect her physical health, what social and psychological problems is she expected?

Possible physiological consequences

WITH physiological point vision optimal age for the birth of a child, the period from 22 to 25 years is considered. After 25, a woman's body begins to age, accumulate chronic diseases, which primarily affects the health of her eggs. But the onset of pregnancy at a young age is also undesirable, because the processes of growth and development are still ongoing. The female body reaches physiological maturity by the age of 22, and if pregnancy in a 17-year-old girl can end without negative consequences, then in a 12-14-year-old girl, the risk of their occurrence increases several times.

The adolescent, doctors and parents are faced with a dilemma: to keep an unplanned pregnancy or to terminate it? Solution this issue depends on many circumstances (the girl's physical health, financial and psychological environment in the family, but primarily the desire of a teenager). Of course, this or that outcome of pregnancy can end happily, but it carries with it certain risks.


Artificial termination of pregnancy is always stress for the body of a mature woman, and for a teenager who has not yet finished forming internal organs and regulatory systems are highly likely to develop severe complications and their subsequent treatment.

Complications due to sexual immaturity:

  • Perforation of the uterus

The girl's uterus has not yet reached the size necessary for carrying a fetus, therefore, during an abortion, the risk of damage (perforation) by surgical instruments increases significantly. Such a complication requires immediate surgery and often removal of the uterus due to heavy bleeding.

  • Ruptured cervix

With artificial termination of pregnancy, cervical ruptures occur in adolescent girls much more often than in mature women who have not given birth.

  • Bleeding during and after abortion

Significant bleeding in adolescents during or after surgery is due to the immaturity of the contractile activity of the uterus. V best case the abortion ends with the removal of the uterus, in the worst case, the death of the girl. Death from abortion in minors is 5 times more common than in mature nulliparous women.

  • Intrauterine adhesions

The structural features of the uterus and its small size provoke severe damage to the uterine walls during curettage. Subsequently, this causes the formation of scars and adhesions in the uterine cavity. Intrauterine adhesions in the future lead to the development of infertility, miscarriage, the threat of termination of pregnancy and a complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus / appendages

Minors have significantly more abortions than mature women, complicated by endometritis and adnexitis, which often turn into chronic form... Subsequently, inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs lead to infertility, miscarriage, increase the risk ectopic pregnancy and complicate the course of the gestational period and childbirth.

  • Development of endometriosis

Abortion and diagnostic curettage of the uterus predispose to the development of endometriosis, and in girls with unsteady hormonal balance, its risk increases several times.

  • Development of Rh-conflict

Girls with negative rhesus after an abortion in the future, the likelihood of developing Rh-conflict during pregnancy, miscarriage and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn increases.

Pregnancy in minors stimulates the accelerated development of organs and systems involved in childbirth, which is facilitated by increased production of hormones. Abortion at a young age suddenly stops the started process of intensive development of the girl's body, which leads to the emergence of severe endocrine pathology:

  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle (oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, intermenstrual bleeding);
  • painful periods;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • obesity;
  • virilization ( increased growth hair on the face, legs, coarsening of the voice);
  • the appearance of acne;
  • increased oily skin / hair;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and chest;
  • the occurrence of hormone-dependent tumors (breast cancer, tumors of the uterus and ovaries).

If a teenager does not want to maintain a pregnancy or there are any medical contraindications for carrying it, there is only one way out of the situation - to terminate the pregnancy as early as possible (it is optimal to perform a mini-abortion - vacuum aspiration), which reduces the risk of complications.

Carrying out pregnancy and childbirth

Most teenage girls decide to stay pregnant and have a baby. This option is more preferable for minors than abortion. But gestation and subsequent childbirth in young primiparous also have pitfalls. Pregnancy makes the woman's body function in an enhanced mode, and if future mom had any health problems before its onset, they will certainly appear during gestation and complicate the course of both pregnancy and childbirth. In a minor woman, the body has not yet reached general and sexual maturity, and the increased load on all organs and systems provokes a complicated course of the gestational period and childbirth.

Complications of pregnancy in minors:

  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy

A miscarriage in a teenager can occur in both small and later dates pregnancy. The frequency of spontaneous abortions in minors is significantly higher than in mature primiparous women. Firstly, it is due to an unstable hormonal balance. Secondly, the immaturity of the eggs and the formation of a non-viable embryo. And, thirdly, psychological stress and unwillingness to become a mother. In addition, a miscarriage can be provoked by non-observance of the appropriate pregnant day regimen and nutrition, bad habits, an attempt to hide pregnancy (for example, a tightening of the abdomen) and genital infections, the percentage of which is much higher in adolescents than in adults.

  • Premature birth

In addition to the above reasons, childbirth before term in minors causes the development of placental insufficiency and intrauterine hypoxia... In addition, the decision to deliver the girl before the term may be made by doctors due to severe complications of pregnancy and intrauterine growth retardation.

  • Severe toxicosis

Pregnancy in minors often proceeds with pronounced symptoms of toxicosis, which is due to the immaturity of hormonal and humoral mechanisms.

  • Low weight gain and severe anemia

Pregnancy "takes away" from the growing body of a teenager nutrients, trace elements and vitamins for the formation and development of organs and systems of the fetus. This leads to insufficient increase weight gain in pregnant adolescents and the development of severe anemia.

  • Placental insufficiency

Immaturity hormonal background in minors, it provokes a permanent threat of interruption and defective formation of the placenta. In turn, this leads to the development of placental insufficiency, oxygen starvation fetus and intrauterine retention its development (hypotrophy).

  • Cardiovascular complications

The high stress caused by pregnancy forces the cardiovascular system to function in emergency mode. This leads to arterial hypertension and various heart rhythm disorders.

  • Calcium deficiency

The developing fetus needs calcium for the formation of the bone skeleton and the formation of teeth. Minor bone growth is not yet complete, and the calcium needs of the unborn child increase the risk of bone fractures, tooth decay, brittleness and hair loss in a young mother.

  • Placenta previa

The risk of incorrect attachment of the placenta is high, due to the small size of the uterus.

  • Gestosis

The load on the girl's cardiovascular system, the immaturity of the regulatory mechanisms cause a high percentage of the development of gestosis and their severe course (preeclampsia, eclampsia) compared with adult women.

Complications of childbirth

  • Narrow pelvis

In adolescents, the pelvic bones are not yet fully formed, which leads to a discrepancy between the size of the mother's pelvis and the size of the fetus in childbirth - a clinically narrow pelvis.

Immaturity of uterine contractile activity, placenta previa, prolonged labor increases the frequency of labor and postpartum hemorrhage in minors.

  • Anomalies of the generic forces

Childbirth in young women in childbirth is often accompanied by anomalies generic activity(weakness of contractions and attempts, prolonged course, cervical dystocia, discoordination of labor forces).

  • Premature outpouring of water

A high percentage of vaginal infection and cervical canal, latent genital infections provoke untimely departure amniotic fluid.

  • Delay of parts of the placenta

Violation of the attachment of the placenta, the contractile activity of the uterus and the mechanism of separation of the placenta leads to a delay in its sections in the uterus. This, in turn, requires manual control of the uterine cavity and manual massage uterus.

Newborns in young mothers are much more likely than in adult women are born:

  • with low weight and hypotrophy;
  • in asphyxiation;
  • with intrauterine chronic pathology;
  • premature;
  • stillborn;
  • with birth injuries.

Physiological conditions in newborns born to adolescent mothers (transient jaundice, loss of initial weight) last longer than in other children, and their course is more severe. Many newborns have signs of nicotine and drug intoxication, and some children develop posthypoxic encephalopathy. Subsequently, these children lag behind in physical and neuropsychic development, they have a high incidence rate in the first year of life and sudden infant mortality... In the postpartum period, young mothers face lactation problems ( flat nipples, lack of milk).

Psychological problems

Pregnancy in a teenage girl not the best way affects her psycho-emotional state... Upon learning about pregnancy, which, as a rule, occurs with a significant delay, young pregnant women first experience shock and guilt, get scared, lost and begin to panic. It is almost impossible for a teenager with his still unformed and childish psyche to assess the situation and solve the problem on his own.

Some plunge into depression, while others hope for self-elimination of the problem - what if the pregnancy will resolve or I was simply mistaken. Important role in providing psychological assistance and support can be played by an adult with whom the minor has a trusting relationship. This can be a mother or grandmother, a school teacher or a psychologist, an older friend (a neighbor, a friend of the parents).

It depends on how an adult behaves in a given situation upon hearing about shocking news. further behavior adolescent, his decision about the outcome of pregnancy, and in the case of gestation and correct attitude to their position and attitude towards motherhood.

Trying to hide their position, adolescents to the last, possibly even before childbirth, lead an asocial lifestyle, smoke, use drugs and alcohol, hide their belly with tight clothes in every possible way, do not want to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations, which cannot but affect the state of health born child and a young mother.

The girl's psychological unpreparedness for motherhood either makes her abandon the child while still in the hospital, or completely abandon her upbringing. Such a child is perceived by a young mother as a living reproach and grows up in the absence of love and affection.

Social problems

A young mother faces the condemnation and contempt of others, despite social development society. Teachers, relatives and even friends perceive these girls as sexually promiscuous and intellectually narrow-minded, forgetting that the reason for pregnancy in a minor could be rape or forced sex. This attitude further aggravates the trauma of the adolescent girl and can lead to a suicidal attempt.

Also, girls who decide to give birth at a young age are forced to stop or postpone their further education for a while. And a lack of education means the inability to get a well-paid job, and at the same time, difficult and poor job plus the child is not allowed to continue education. It is difficult to expect financial support from the state, and a young mother can only rely on financial assistance from her relatives.

All of the above turns a girl's life into hopeless situation, which provokes her to abandon the child, pushes her to use drugs / alcohol and makes her commit a crime.

The legislative framework

For adolescents faced with an unplanned pregnancy, there are a number of laws in the family and criminal codes of the Russian Federation:

  • Age sexual consent... In Russia, voluntary entry into sexual relations allowed upon reaching the age of 16.
  • Corruption (according to Articles 134, 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) - the involvement of a minor or a minor (under 16 years of age) in the commission of acts of a sexual nature, but without the use of physical or mental violence. If sexual intercourse with a minor committed under duress (physical or psychological), then such actions are regarded as rape, or as violent acts of a sexual nature.
  • In Russia (part 1 of article 13 Family Code) the age of marriage is set at 18 years. But a decrease is possible marriageable age up to 16 years at the request of persons wishing to register a marriage and if there are valid reasons (in this case, pregnancy). The decision to reduce the age of marriage is made by local government bodies at the place of residence of adolescents.
  • In Russia, a girl who has reached the full 15 years of age has the right to independently solve the problem of an unplanned pregnancy (abortion or gestation) without informing her parents about it.
  • If the sexual partner of a teenage girl is 18 and more years, and the girl herself has reached the age of 14, but younger than 16, then her partner, who has not been previously involved in sexual intercourse with minors, is exempt from punishment, provided that she is married to this girl. This amendment was introduced to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in July 2009 and can be used by a girl when her parents put pressure on her and forcing her to have an abortion (the parents' threat - the sexual partner will be prosecuted). Conversely, an adult male is prosecuted (18 and older than years) when seducing a teenage girl, not his unwillingness to answer for the consequences (marriage).

Question answer

What is the prevention of a young pregnancy?

First of all, in the sexual education of adolescents, in which not only parents should participate, but teachers and school psychologists as well as doctors. Teens should know the anatomical and physiological features your body, the transmission route of genital infections and elementary methods contraception (condoms).

I have a young man with whom we regularly have sex. Which method of contraception is best for us?

For adolescents, the ideal method of contraception is barrier. The use of condoms will not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also protect against various genital infections, especially from latent ones (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus).

I trust my sexual partner and exclude the possibility of contracting a genital infection from him. Why can't we protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancy by natural methods (interrupted intercourse and the calendar method).

Natural methods of contraception are ineffective. It is possible to become pregnant even after interrupted intercourse, as the lubricant of the penis contains a small amount of sperm. And the calendar method with the calculation of dangerous and safe days not suitable for teenage girls by definition. The menstrual cycle in adolescence has not yet been established, and a failure in its work can cause any traumatic factor (stress, climate change, colds). As a result of a failure, ovulation may shift towards the end of the second phase, towards the beginning of menstruation or after their end.

Is it possible for a teenager to protect herself from pregnancy with hormonal pills and is it not harmful?

Regular intake oral contraceptives much safer than the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, in modern hormonal tablets, the doses of hormones are minimal, and their intake will help to normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce blood loss during menstruation and manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, eliminate pain during menstruation. The gynecologist should select the appropriate hormonal pills, taking into account the anamnesis and physical condition girls.

Early pregnancy these days, a fairly common phenomenon that carries serious threat both for a young mother and for a future baby. Indeed, although a young organism is already physiologically capable of performing reproductive function, the organs and systems of the adolescent have not yet fully formed. This can cause numerous complications both during gestation and directly during the birth process. It is generally accepted to consider early such a pregnancy, which occurs before the girl reaches the age of eighteen.

Causes of early pregnancy

Pregnancy in adolescence primarily refers to the problems of social and psychological nature... Some experts to the main reasons this phenomenon include early sex education, while others, on the contrary, lack it. Psychologists were able to identify a number of reasons that can lead to early pregnancy:

  1. Lack of contact and trusting relationship between parent and child. Especially great importance has an atmosphere of psychological trust between mother and teenage daughter.
  2. Lack of knowledge in the field of contraception and means of protection. When a girl enters into the so-called childbearing age, that is, with the onset of the menstrual cycle, it is worth talking to her about where children come from and how to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
  3. Family problems. According to statistics, cases of teenage pregnancy are most often found in incomplete, asocial families, where the child is left to himself.
  4. Early onset of sexual activity.
  5. Following fashion. The increased popularity of sexual content in contemporary art and the media almost doubles the interest of adolescents in this topic, which leads not only to an early, but also a violent sexual life with frequent change partners and can cause unwanted pregnancies at a tender age.
  6. According to psychologists, girls with a fighting, conflict character, withdrawn and possessing a number of bad habits are especially susceptible to early pregnancy.
  7. Early pregnancy can occur as a result of the rape of a girl or her desire to tie her lover to her. Both the one and the other reasons are serious problems that can cause deep trauma to the fragile adolescent psyche, and the help of a specialist is simply necessary here.

The effect of early pregnancy on the female body

Pregnancy at a young age is quite dangerous for an unformed female body, in which hormonal changes are still underway. At thirteen or seventeen years old, the girl is not yet physically prepared to become a mother. The body is not adapted for carrying and giving birth to a child. We should also not forget about psychological factor... Even if the girl looks like a fully formed young woman, her psyche is still childish.

Fear of parents, fear of social condemnation, lack of funds to support the unborn child often push a girl to have an abortion. This decision is also supported by the majority of parents, believing that in this way they choose the lesser of two evils. The disadvantages of early pregnancy are undeniable, but adolescent abortion also has many negative consequences. In particular, the early factor of pregnancy can greatly decrease or completely disappear, which in the future can turn into problems with conception and even cause infertility.

Therefore, only a qualified gynecologist can make a decision on the basis of a comparison of a number of factors, individual indicators and the results of medical examinations.

If, nevertheless, a young girl decides to give birth, then certain changes begin to occur in her body:

  1. Increased glandular activity internal secretion leading to water retention in the body. In early pregnancy, it can seriously damage the kidney and cardiovascular system and negatively affect liver function.
  2. The growth of muscle fibers leads to an increase in the size of the uterus, accompanied by active proliferation in the mucous membrane of nerve connections, blood and lymphatic vessels. This is an extremely complex physiological process, which is especially difficult for young mothers, due to the fact that their genitals, due to their age, are not yet fully formed.
  3. Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body to prepare her for childbirth and breastfeeding, layered on unfinished hormonal changes child's body into an adult, which can lead to serious disruption and a number of health problems.
  4. Expansion of the pelvic bones.

Complications and consequences of early pregnancy

Why is early pregnancy dangerous? Gynecologists identify a number of the following possible complications:

  1. Placental insufficiency.
  2. Development severe forms anemia.
  3. Gestosis.
  4. High risk of miscarriage.
  5. Frequent cases premature birth.
  6. Hormonal disruptions.
  7. Numerous complications during the birth process.
  8. Weak labor activity.
  9. Polyhydramnios.
  10. Egg immaturity.
  11. Development of obesity after childbirth.
  12. Termination of pregnancy early or, conversely, late.
  13. Increased risk of maternal death during labor.
  14. Insufficient body weight of the newborn.
  15. Frequent cases of pathologies and congenital diseases in an infant (the likelihood of having babies with congenital anomalies in adolescents it is eleven percent).
  16. Accelerated somatic maturation process, nervous breakdowns and psychological disorders.
  17. Childbirth with early pregnancy, according to statistics, doubles the likelihood of developing cervical cancer.
  18. High risk of developing the syndrome in a newborn baby sudden death.
  19. Statistics claim that children born to mothers under the age of seventeen die in infancy twice as often as other newborns.

In addition, psychological and social problems early pregnancy. These include the following:

  1. Psychological unpreparedness of the girl for motherhood.
  2. Difficulties in the personal relationship between the mother and the father of the newborn child.
  3. Possible construction difficulties personal life young mother.
  4. Lack of livelihood and child support.
  5. Problems with education and professional development.
  6. Possible difficulties in further social adaptation.

How to diagnose early pregnancy

The general process for diagnosing early pregnancy is almost the same as for adult women. However, in most cases, a girl who becomes pregnant before the age of sixteen delays the visit to the doctor, which can lead to additional problems. Sometimes pregnancy is determined completely by accident. For example, with palpation during examination by a pediatrician or with planned examination at the school gynecologist. Sometimes the expectant mother can long time and not guessing about her own interesting position... Doctors have identified a number characteristic features that allow parents to assume that their daughter is pregnant:

  1. Unreasonable permanent increase in body temperature.
  2. Drowsiness, increased fatigue.
  3. Typical morning sickness.
  4. Possible changes in taste preferences.
  5. Prolonged absence of menstruation. However, it should be noted that a delay in menstruation in adolescents can cause not only pregnancy, but also hormonal disruptions, excessive physical exercise, depletion of the body, etc.
  6. Chills, fever.
  7. Frequent urination.

Parents should definitely pay attention to the psychological state of their child. If the girl has become overly nervous, hidden, withdrawn and irritable, then try to bring her to straight Talk, especially if the daughter has the above signs.

How to prevent early pregnancy

Prevention of early pregnancy primarily consists of trusting relationship parents with a teenage child. What should parents do in order to protect themselves and their children from unexpected pregnancy? Psychologists suggest following these recommendations:

  1. Talk to your teen about contraceptive methods and the problems associated with early pregnancy.
  2. Periodically provide the girl with specialized literature on this topic.
  3. If you have no contact with your teenager, try seeking help from a psychologist.

To prevent the phenomenon of teenage pregnancy, it is important that school educators and psychologists give proper attention to the issue of sex education. It is necessary to conduct thematic conversations, lectures, viewing relevant films.

It is important that adolescents know not only how to protect themselves from early pregnancy, but also what negative consequences its onset is fraught with.

Early pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs before the age of 18. This situation is very dangerous for the health of the girl and her future baby, because her body is not yet fully formed and continues to grow. The concept of "early pregnancy" arose not so long ago, because they used to become mothers when it was possible. But at that time, infant mortality was also high, which is why women sought to give birth as early as possible. Today, teenage pregnancy is a very serious problem.

Causes of early pregnancy

Very often people discuss, turn away from very young mothers, because they consider them unnecessarily promiscuous. However, in this case, there may be other reasons:

  1. Rape. Unfortunately, today this happens quite often and in most cases it is not committed by maniacs, but by the men surrounding the girl (sometimes even the acquaintances of the mother). Usually, the following can lead to rape: a wrong social circle, late walks in solitude, an unfavorable situation at home, or an unfortunate set of circumstances;
  2. Communication with " bad companies". According to statistics, young people become pregnant after having contacted the "wrong" people. To prevent this from happening, parents need to communicate with the child more often, pay more attention to him, monitor who he is communicating with;
  3. Lack of knowledge. Although today all such information is available to many, girls have little understanding of sex issues. For example, they mistakenly think that it is impossible to conceive a child after the first sexual contact, and also do not always know how to use contraception;
  4. Protest. It happens that a teenage girl is purposefully trying to get pregnant. Usually this is due to the fact that she wants to assert herself, tries to tie her beloved, protests against excessive parental care.

Consequences of early pregnancy

Every young girl should know why early pregnancy is dangerous. But because of it, serious complications can happen:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • miscarriage;
  • the risk of death of a pregnant woman during childbirth;
  • pathology, abnormality or disease in a newborn;
  • preeclampsia;
  • low weight of the child;
  • premature birth;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • risk birth dead baby;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • the struggle for calcium between the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Moreover, what less age girls, especially severe consequences may appear.

Early pregnancy: what to do

To begin with, the expectant mother should decide whether she will give birth (by the way, termination of pregnancy is also very dangerous for a young body). So, if she decided to leave the child, then she needs careful medical control and compliance with all medical advice... In addition, she will need a consultation with a psychologist.

Parents should convince the girl that she is not alone - this will relieve her of fears and possible negative consequences. For example, they might suggest a partner childbirth (with a friend, sister, mom) to support her. A pregnant woman does not need negative emotions, so you should not deal with a showdown if the future father does not want to participate in the fate of the newborn.

In addition, the teenager will need help not only during pregnancy, but also after the baby is born. As soon as the baby is born, the girl can continue her studies. She also needs to plan the day so that there is time for rest, personal affairs.

To prevent early pregnancy, parents should educate their child about pregnancy, childbirth, contraception, and how it all ends.

Interesting video of young guys about early pregnancy

The content of the article:

The birth of a child is happiness for every woman. Wherein, real shock triggers a message that a very young girl, a schoolgirl, is expecting a baby. According to the laws of biology, conception and childbirth are possible only after puberty. But in any laws there are exceptions, and the genetic characteristics of the body of some women make it possible to give birth to a child at a very young or, conversely, in old age. However, pregnancy at a young age is a big challenge for an immature immature organism. Let's take a closer look at the features of childbirth at an early age.


Many are sure that the main reason pregnancy at a young age is the lack of education of girls. However, this is not entirely true, there can be many reasons.

Firstly, in many countries not only marriages are allowed, but also legalized from the age of twelve, so girls do not even have a choice.

Rape is also a common cause. Moreover, it has been found that in low-income countries, girls are ready to marry before they come of age. Although, of course, one of the main reasons why adolescent childbirth occurs is low level sexual education, when young partners do not know about methods of protection, or do not attach due importance to this issue. After all, the same scientists have proved that girls who study and are active in social activities do not belong to the risk zone of early pregnancy.

Pregnancy and early childbirth

Known for many cases early birth, but not everyone knows that it is very difficult to endure pregnancy at a young age. For example, the earliest age of childbirth recorded by doctors was noted in the Peruvian Lina Medina, who at that time was 5 years old, 7 months and 21 days old. True, there are still few such cases. Pregnancy in girls under 8 years old can happen only with accelerated puberty, but up to the age of sixteen it can occur even with the usual development of a teenager.

What is the early age for pregnancy and childbirth? Doctors believe that it is undesirable to give birth before the age of 19; before this age, a girl is still considered a teenager. Girls from thirteen to eighteen years old are still growing, their body continues to develop, the endocrine and nervous system, the growth of the body is not over, the skeleton also continues to form. Not ready for additional loads and the cardiovascular system... And early pregnancy is a huge stress for the body, which itself has not yet fully formed.

Moreover, in the first place comes not even a physiological, but a moral question, since at such a young age, an unformed personality does not have a proper understanding of what motherhood and responsibility for little man... For adult woman the stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth does not go unnoticed. Childbirth is a huge challenge. All the weaknesses of an immature organism are manifested: there may not be enough vitamins, pregnancy can proceed with severe toxicosis, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth, anemia.

Danger of childbirth at an early age

Very often childbirth in women who are too young is complicated. They do not know how to breathe correctly, how to relieve pain, do not listen to the advice of doctors. The pain threshold is higher in adolescents than in older girls.

The process of childbirth is also complicated by the fact that the genitals are underdeveloped, uterine contractility is impaired, labor is discoordinated, labor can be complicated by bleeding.

The course and outcome of childbirth directly depend on the girl's age. For example, childbirth at the age of 14 is fraught with severe complications, which are observed in 15% of young women in labor. The main complications of childbirth before the age of 15 include:

Clinical discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the mother's pelvis, in these cases it becomes necessary to perform a cesarean section;
failure of labor;
trauma to the birth canal;
the possibility of bleeding.

Childbirth at the age of 15 already has other complications:

The rapidity of childbirth;
ruptures of the cervix and perineum;
weak labor activity.

In general, we can say that childbirth at the age of 16 and in older girls is distinguished by fewer complications, their percentage is already 1-2%. Caesarean section in underage women in childbirth has to be resorted to only in extreme cases, with complications or mismatch in the size of the fetal head and the mother's pelvis.

Given that childbirth in adolescence occurs a little earlier, by 1-2 weeks, a woman in labor must arrive at the hospital no later than 37 weeks of pregnancy in order to pass necessary examination and prepare for childbirth.

Life stories

V recent times the number of women who decide to give birth in a rather mature age... At the same time, the percentage of teenage pregnancies is growing. We often hear stories about pregnancy and childbirth in adolescents, stories about mothers who have recently graduated from school or are just preparing for their final exams. These stories sometimes have a happy ending, like in a fairy tale, but more often they talk about the great difficulties that young mothers have to overcome.

For example, here is what Larisa, a student, tells about her experience. She is 18 years old, and on this moment she thinks her marriage is a success. The girl gave birth to a baby a month ago, now she completely devotes herself to her son, the young dad supports her in everything. At the same time, Larisa admits that the first months of pregnancy could not imagine her life without discos and get-togethers with her girlfriends. Now he believes that giving birth at 18 can be either for great love or for great stupidity. After all little man not a toy to play with and put aside. The baby needs constant love and care, and many young parents do not understand this. Larisa is sure that her baby is the result of great love. It's good that Larisa's story ended well, and the young mother feels needed and happy. But how many cases when a girl's life just became a disaster. And yet, experts are confident that a caring and loving mom you can be at any age. At least giving birth at 17 years old, at least at 25 - the baby will love his mother in any case. Responsibility, care and love can work wonders and overshadow any difficulties.

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Your beloved schoolgirl daughter became withdrawn and taciturn, and during the conversation she burst into tears and ran out of the room with a cry “Mom, I’m pregnant”. Shock, confusion, because yesterday she sewed clothes for dolls and fooled around with her friends ... How to behave in such a situation. How to explain to a child and protect young girl from early pregnancy?

Pregnancy is considered early if it occurs in a young woman before the age of eighteen. This age, from the point of view of doctors, is considered early, since the young organism has not yet matured and the woman is not ready to become a mother. Sadly, early teenage pregnancies are now very common and are no longer rare.

How to tell a teenager about a pregnancy

First of all, the primary reason for early pregnancy is considered to be the lack of awareness of adolescents in matters of contraception and the relationship between a man and a woman. How to determine whether conception has occurred or not, UroMedic will tell you:
  • The girl's periods are delayed.
  • If you measure basal temperature, then it will be elevated, about 37 degrees and higher.
  • From the vagina may increase colorless discharge, without a characteristic odor.
  • In the morning, a young schoolgirl may feel an aversion to food, an increased sense of smell, nausea and even vomiting.
  • Increased urination.

Teen pregnancy

  • For a young, not yet strengthened body, early pregnancy is a great stress and a load on all organs. Very often in young girls who become pregnant, pregnancy is difficult, with complications, and childbirth is difficult. Often at an early age, insufficient oxygen saturation of the fetus develops (placental insufficiency), the risk of anemia is very high, and the likelihood of miscarriages is high, as in early dates, and on the eve of childbirth. Young mothers-to-be are very often at risk sudden death fetal and maternal mortality during childbirth. In this regard, if a teenage girl decides to give birth, doctors often prescribe a cesarean section.
  • After birth, the newborn is in most cases low in weight, and can also be born with congenital diseases and developmental anomalies. According to statistics, children born to teenage mothers are more likely to die in infancy.
  • More than 70 cases out of 100 unplanned pregnancy is interrupted. Great harm is done to the young body, both in the early stages of interruption, and later. By the way, late interruption pregnancy occurs more often than in the early stages, due to the fact that the teenager does not have the support and advice of an adult and does not know how to behave in similar situations... Late abortion can harm the body of a young woman and lead to development gynecological diseases and even lead to infertility.

Danger of pregnancy before the age of 18

There is still a lot of controversy about the favorable age for conceiving a child. Some doctors consider the optimal age for a healthy baby to be born after 20 years - from 22 to 25 years. Others argue that an 18-year-old girl can already bear and give birth to a baby without problems. But psychologists unanimously say that the psychological age of a woman ready for pregnancy and childbirth is 30 years!

But there are situations when pregnancy occurs much earlier. An early pregnancy is defined as pregnancy that occurs between the ages of 13 and adulthood. There are times when a girl aged 12 and earlier could become pregnant.

Difficulties of early pregnancy:

Early and late termination of pregnancy.
The egg may be immature.
Possibly polyhydramnios during pregnancy.
The risk of abortion is high.
Early childbirth.
Complications during childbirth.
The risk of sudden death of a woman in labor.
Weak or complete absence of labor.
Low birth weight baby.
Overweight and even obesity after childbirth.
The risk of uterine cancer and other diseases is increased.
Not ready for motherhood.
There is no profession and material wealth.

Despite all the main risks listed above, gynecologists recommend giving birth to young girls instead of abortion. But the mere thought that a young woman wants to get rid of the child and have an abortion is fraught with the unborn child. Born and matured, such a person falls into the risk group of people prone to frequent depression and suicide.

It is interesting, but the countries of the United Kingdom and the United States occupy a leading position in terms of early pregnancy. Japan, on the other hand, is on the lowest rung.

What to do if the pregnancy has already occurred

Russian experts unanimously say that in order for a pregnancy to be happy, only three factors are needed:

Install positive contact with relatives.
Do not be nervous.
Follow all doctor's recommendations.

Parents should be support and support for the future young mother and explain to her that it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is advisable to sign up for courses for pregnant women in order to know how to prepare for childbirth, how to take care of the breast, how to swaddle and change a baby's diaper, and much more. You also need to get the advice of a psychologist.

The task of parents is to tell their grown-up child that no one will leave a pregnant young woman alone, and parents will help to overcome all fears and doubts together. Childbirth with the child's father would be ideal for a young pregnant woman, and if this is not possible, partner childbirth can be carried out with a mother or an older friend who has already given birth and will be able to help. But you do not need to impose this on a young girl, if she does not want to give birth with a partner, you cannot insist.

After giving birth, the young mother will need help. It is advisable for parents to organize the day of the young mother so that she has time to take care of the child, relax, take care of herself and be able to continue learning.

What to do to avoid early pregnancy

Many adults think sex education for young people is overkill. They are wrong. Teenagers should be aware of these issues and know how to avoid unwanted pregnancies - know the methods of contraception. Also, most adults tend to believe that their children are still children and underestimate their activity and continue to delay the start of conversations on forbidden topics.

If a girl grows up in a family that is asocial, then the risk of early pregnancy is much higher. In such a family, parents should try to create comfortable conditions and relationships between family members.

The risk group includes active fighting girls prone to conflict and aggression. Timely identification and prevention of the problem - these ways of relationships between an adult and a teenager will help reduce the risk of early pregnancy.

It is undesirable for parents to do this: put a "tick" in the upbringing of a teenager and "throw" condoms and special literature on him. A teenager should know not only everything about sexuality, but also about possible negative consequences... Girls need to know how to properly protect themselves so as not to harm the young body. Sex education should not be imposed. Perfect and affordable option sex education for adolescents will be lectures given in schools and confidential conversations. During conversations, adults teach adolescents to be independent and to be responsible for their actions.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event and let it happen on time and only under happy circumstances.