In what finger we carry rings a value. What finger is better to wear a ring? Why you can not wear for a long time on the Mizior

Bright attractive things of women and men decorated themselves long, and continue to do it to this day. However, not everyone thinks about how to decorate to influence the lives of their owners. For example, what can be denoted by the ring on the middle finger? Let's try to figure out.

middle finger - right or left hand?

So let's start with the main one. First of all, pay attention to what the hands of a person are connected with. Right - active and energetic. All rings put on it, help her master intensify certain spheres of his life. Left hand - passive. Decorations on it make it possible to protect against negative energies and situations. Accordingly, looking at the ring on the middle finger on one of the hands, you can already immediately make some conclusions.

However, much depends on the materials from which the decorations are made. If, for example, gold is an active metal, reinforcing energy, then silver, on the contrary, extinguishes it, protecting external influence. That is, the nuances can be different.

Impact on fate

The next moment. Ring on the middle finger allows you to activate your owner's carma. It can affect his fate very much, and this, of course, is fraught with considerable surprises that strong man Can strengthen, but weak, on the contrary, break. If a certain determination for the rapid transition to higher Levels spiritual development You do not feel, do not risk wearing a ring on the middle finger of the right hand. But silver on his left hand, on the contrary, softens slightly and even removes the work of karma.

Wearing a ring on a certain finger suggests that his owner tries to strengthen the qualities of which he lacks. Although there are other explanations. In the XVI century, the ring on a concrete finger testified about the relation of a person to a specific class. That is, the thumb was decorated with doctors, index - merchants, Unnamed - students, a little finger - loved. People with a ring on the middle finger belonged to the poor intelligentsia. However, this is a distant past.

"Ring tongue"

Wear these decorations and women, and men most of different nationalities and ages. For some, their meaning has no importance. Well, some people prefer to listen and trust the "Ring Language", which arose in ancient times And the existing ones today.

The inhabitants of the ancient Rome wore iron jewelry with seals that served the differences of certain estates. In the ancient Chinese harem, the Kurtizanka, heading for the emperor, was put on his finger after his visit, the decoration was put on the right hand. also in Ancient China Women were accepted to give gold rings in recent months pregnancy.

Has long been thought that every finger of each hand is a carrier of his own energy. That is, the index is the so-called volitional center, the Unnamed Center of Sensuality, the Mysietic is responsible for the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world. Well, the ring middle finger is clear talking about self-esteem.

Individuality of man

It is worth noting another nuance. The middle finger, as is known, is responsible for the personality of a person. Accordingly, the decoration located on it is a symbol. balanced Life. Ring on the middle finger of the right hand allows a person to achieve complete harmony. Although it is not all know about this.

The middle finger is considered the largest, strong and brave. Rings on it are less frequent. Perhaps because he is next to Unnamed. Two rings nearby can deliver some inconvenience when performing any small actions. In order for the decoration does not prevent, it is best to pay for your attention to small simple products.

Connected middle finger With Saturn, whose metal is lead. because the ideal option For him will be gray metals. Also Saturn is responsible for self-analysis, responsibility, law, justice and equilibrium. Stones, respectively, it is worth picking soothing - Aquamarine, coral,

Some beliefs

People also have a few more opinions. Some argue, for example, that the ring on the middle finger of the left hand can absolutely mean anything. Although, since it occupies a central place and is the longest, the decoration on it may well symbolize responsibility and power. But in general, if there are special statements regarding their personal life You do not want to do, showing the ring, choose this particular finger.

However, on the right hand, the decoration is also put on without certain purposes. Specific meaning people and here the middle finger do not give. In general, leave it open to interpretation, choosing its own own and symbol.

A few rings

However, there may be a particularly interesting option. What does the ring on the middle finger mean - quite understandable. But how to regard immediately some clothes? It all depends on their external view. For example, a set of several thin rings on the middle finger can be perceived as one. The main thing is that in general the products do not look too bright together, otherwise they will be perceived as a caricature. Men, as a rule, a few rings on one finger do not wear. Although advisors here can only be a sense of measure and taste.

"I am beautiful"

The ring in a man on the middle finger, as well as a woman, can talk about many or, on the contrary, not to say anything. Although quite often among people you can meet the statement that a person who has such a decoration wants to say the surrounding phrase: "I am beautiful!" Demonstrating the ring on this finger, his owner is trying to show how much he likes himself. Keyword In this case, lies in the size of the decoration. The more your product, the brighter it looks, the more you try to declare others about your own irresistible.

Although Family decorations and relics are also often worn on the middle finger, in order to emphasize their relationship with the ancestors. Thus, the person is trying to say that he, as the owner of the rings, believes in his highest destination. In turn, the product gives its owner the opportunity to liberate and soothes the influence of rock on his fate.

In addition, if you meet such a person, do not doubt what he really has a great spiritual force. If between you are tied romantic relationship, Be sure - the owner of the rings will address it as the destination of destiny itself.

A man wearing decorations on both hands is to some extent distinguished by an extension from everyday life. And another ring on the middle finger makes it possible to increase his common sense. Especially if made of metal Saturn - lead.

Attract good luck

If you accepted the solution to wear a ring on the middle finger right hand - you did the right thing. This allows you to get rid of black stripe In life, to establish it, overcoming all the adversity. Of course, it is best, if this ring will be the surname transmitted in your family from generation to generation. If you are interested in spiritual practices, wearing jewel On the middle finger, it will also be very useful for you.

Considerable importance is attached, by the way, various inscriptions and images applied to the surface of the rings. The aforementioned inscription "I am beautiful" just on such products was previously met. Woven such rings of women, confident in their irresistibility and beauty. Over time, such robes have become replaced by rings with large diamonds. In particular, both Marilyn Monroe came.

In general, rings on middle fingers are not too common option. Although those who are not thinking about the location of these jewelry, we carry them where it wants. And in vain! Rings are not just jewelry. These are products that are able to significantly affect their owners, show or strengthen some traits of their character.

Do not forget about it!

And finally, it is worth a few tips to those who wear rings on the middle finger. Following them, you will always look wonderful. First, do not forget that wearing a few rings at once on one finger - it is bad tone. Board beautiful decorationBut the only one.

Low people or owners of thin or short fingers should draw their attention to simple little rings. Massive products will be inappropriate here.

If you want to give your hand of grace - choose the rings with elongated oval stones. They look very beautiful, catchy and not rude at all.

Young girls for the middle finger in no case should choose a large ring. Only a thin ring will look good on hand.

Are evening option. During the day, such products are not accepted.

The wedding ring on the middle finger never rushes. There is a separate place for it. Dressing the ring can only be right on the left hand in the case of a divorce.

Thus, observing such simple rulesyou will show yourself stylish personendowed with a good taste. Ring on the middle finger makes a person more balanced and calm. However, remember that long wearing can develop the owner's desire for loneliness, solitude and even closures in itself. In short, the choice is yours!

Self little hero - Mizintu, was paid little attention. Today we decided to fix this situation and tell about the decoration on the last finger.

You will learn:

  • Who wears a ring on the Mizinz?
  • What does the decoration on the mother's Mizior and the right hand mean?
  • Wedding ring on the Mizinza.

Middle and Unnamed are the two most popular fingers to which girls buy decorations. Of course, engagement golden ring It is on the penultimate finger, and neat jewelry harmoniously looks on average.

But if you wish to stand out from the gray mass, attract attention to yourself, strengthen your abilities and attract luck, carefully look at your little finger and mentally select it a suitable decoration.

Who wears a ring on the Mizinz? - The answer is simple: this jewelry can be worn and men, girls, any age and clothes style. But do not forget that there are special interpretations in our world that can otherwise comprehend your decoration.

Since the 1950s, a thin ring on the little sighs of the left and right hand means unconventional orientation Their owner. Last years 10 Everything has been assumed for such a value, because now you can, without hiding, declare your preferences. If yours sexual orientation It is natural, it is better to pay attention to rings with bright stones, and not subtle imperceptible rims.

What does the ring on the Mizinza right hand mean?

Marlene Dietrich, Johnny Depp, Prince Charles. Elvis Presley and many other well-known and influential personalities prefer to wear rings and major seats on the right Mizinz. Such people show their strength of the Spirit, the sophistication of the mind and the desire to go across, to achieve their goal. If you return for a few centuries ago, Men's seats on the Mizinza right hand wore only a special rich to know, which such an ornament emphasized its condition.

Astrologers say:
Your goal is more sociable, increase speaking abilities, successfully hold business conversations?

1. A small golden ring with a red stone (ruby, garnet, carnelian) on the Mizinza right hand will certainly help you to achieve your goal.
2. Silver ring without stones balance your active life, make your share of calm.
3. But people who are looking for a solitary life of the rejection put on the little finger of the left hand. Often, these are monks who are given their destiny to God.

But there are some other explanations for the choice of finger to decorate.

Anatoly is frustrated: «… cellian unnamed finger And the engagement only on the little finger is notable. ".

In the jewelry workshop, you can increase the size wedding Ring, or order the manufacture of new models for her husband and wife, using gold from your first wise.

What does the ring on the mother's Mizinsea mean?

One of the meanings of such a decoration is to convey to the world its reluctance to join the marriage bonds. Women I. men's rings On the left Mizinz may be tribute to fashion and modern styleTherefore, it is never worth the hasty conclusions.

But take a look at Breda Pitt, whose name was a variene on the covers of all famous magazines and scandalous newspapers. Even before parting with his wife, Jolie, on the left Mizinza of the Blessed and walker Brad, a big ring was concerned.

On the other hand, Charles, Prince Wales wears sealing on the little sighs of both the left and right hand. And he was not seen in the reluctance to marry. On the contrary, for many years I hid my true and bright love with the girl of non-corona blood.

Male ring to the little finger - how to choose it right?

Beautiful ring on a courageous hand looks very stylish. On Misinians Pisnos wear creative people: Actors, artists, critics, composers. Men who wish to attract overall attention to emphasize their originality.

Signet - This is a big ring with a coat of arms or initials. Such a ring has a long history, because it was used to seal letters wax. When printing, the hot wax seizure remained an image family emblemor the initials of the sender. The selection is taken to wear men in the mother's left hand.

Love for searches does not have temporary limitations. And if instead of sealing letters, we simply send the necessary information on e-mail, and we do not need a registered impression, and the soul wishes gold decoration, modern jewelery Go to your aid. The initials and coat of arms are replaced with stylish patterns or precious stones.

Ran. with one large-scale solitarian (diamond, quartz, onyx, agate, etc.) prefer wealthy men middle aged. Remember, so here are such precious and semiprecious stones Perfectly look in male rings.

Wedding Ring on Mizior - Quite a frequent decoration version. You could surely guessed that mostly the reason for this is the random thighted fingers of men "in full bloom."

Galina offers its own option:
"He is counting marriages. For the fifth - the little finger suits ")))

We asked Gennady, which means a ring on the Mizior men.
The answer was not surprised: "It means that it is really no longer climbing on any fingers, or you are creative by nature!"

Order Decoration on the Mysiline! Pizza!

Watching yourself B. jewelry store Cute ring or having received a gem gift from your beloved, often asked the question: and on what finger wearing a ring and does it have any meaning? Decorating the fingers of the rings love not only women, but many men.

The value of the fingers in Chinese philosophy

The tradition of wearing rings with its roots goes into antiquity. Ring - a special decoration that has been attributed since ancient times magic power and tied with different rituals. One of the rituals preserved to the present day is the marriage ceremony during which the marriage of love and sophisticated loyalty exchange wedding rings. For most people, the ring is just beautiful accessorywhich can be selected for clothes and change as gloves. For others, it is a charm, talisman, or a certain symbol, sign. Psychologists and Hirologists converge in the opinion that there are rings that tell about their owner, and the value is not only and not so much the ring itself, how much finger to which it is worn.

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On what finger wearing a ring

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Thumb - Mars's finger

Rings and rings on big fingers, especially male, deserve special attention. "The Lord of the Ring" on the finger of Mars, as a rule, turns out to be an energetic, emotional and expansive person. These are straight, stubborn, militant, sometimes hot-tempered and aggressive personals. Trying to convince them in something or arguing with them completely useless - they will still stand on their own, even if they subsequently have to regret it. At the same time, they perfectly know their advantages and disadvantages, so, putting the ring on the thumb, they seek intuitively trying to curb and doubt their hot temperament. This is a kind of subconscious attempt to find mutual language and establish relationships with others, and even with yourself. On the other hand, according to psychologists, the ring on big finger hands - a clear sign that in this moment the main goal A person is self-affirmed by any ways and means, and the sexual sphere is coming to the fore. Such statements are not disabled, because still in the ancient Greeks and the Romans thumbs were considered a phallic symbol that to protect male power Decorated with iron rings.

The ring on the thumb is also a lesbian symbol. The surrounding thumb of his right hand indicates a lesbian who has a companion, on the left - free lesbian, open to dating and new relationships. Like this! Therefore, girls adorning rings thumbsIf they are far from lesbian, you should be careful - they may not be misunderstood.

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Index finger - Jupiter's finger

Ring on pointed finger called the "power" ring. It was on the index fingers that many outstanding historical personalities were wearing rings - Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan Grozny, Heinrich VIII. Decorated ring finger can be a sign of pride, striving for power, as well as strong and volitional character, and the ring on right hand Indicates the prudence and positive directivity of these features, and on the left - about the mania of magnifies, arrogance, pride and tendency to hysteria. Astrologers and chiromers advise wearing a ring on the index finger with shy and indecisive people. This will fill them with the power of Jupiter, will make more confident, will help believe in itself and increase self-esteem, give them decisiveness, insight, and will also bring good luck and success. Especially favorable energy impact Gold rings and tin will be.

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Middle finger - Finger Saturn

The middle finger is decorated with rings people prone to self-confident, confident in their irresistibility and superiority. The more massive ring and stone, the more brightly manifested in the person quality data. Saturn's finger is also made to wear family decorations, emphasizing the connection with the ancestors, faith in karma, the influence of fate, the highest destination. Generic ring on the middle finger will help smooth negative influence Roca, cope with difficulties and get the support of the kind, will give strength to survive. Overcoming obstacles and endless "black stripes" will help the ring on the finger of Saturn and chronic losers. Also wearing a ring on the middle finger, it is recommended to people engaged in spiritual practitioners. If both saturn fingers are heated, it may indicate high degree fatalism and some reality of reality.

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Unnamed finger - a finger of the sun

Ring on the nameless finger of the right hand (Catholics - left), first of all, indicates marital status. This tradition appeared in the ancient Egyptians, in accordance with the beliefs of which, "arteries of love", leading straight to the heart, started precisely from the nameless finger. In those long-standing times, engagement rings made not only from metals, but also from glass and ceramics. In the times of ancient Rome of his wife, as a sign of irrevocability of the marriage ultrasound began to give spouses iron and bronze rings. Gold wedding rings, the tradition of which preserved to the present day, appeared only in the III-IV centuries. From the point of view of esoteric, gold, like a metal of the Sun, the best way Suitable for strengthening love in marriage.

The ring on the nameless finger (with the exception of the wedding) emphasizes the love of its owner to art, the liberty and luxury. As a rule, it turns out to be on the hands of aesthetes, actors, artists and in general people creative professions. The ring on the finger of the Sun gives a voluptuous nature, aspiring to pleasures, sensual pleasure and nice pastime. It can also talk about romantic and dreamy nature. A little ring pointing to a harmonious, calm, self-confident personality, and great - on human exposure to passions, impassableness, a tendency to stormy and even hysterical behavior.

Decorating the Unnamed finger rings and rings are recommended to everyone who is committed to glory and wealth, as the sun gives man creative energy, helps self-expression, contributes to promotion and success.

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Mysinets - Finger Mercury

Mercury is a patron of diplomats, businessmen, speakers, doctors and politicians, so the ring or a ring on the Mizinz will benefit everyone who needs agility, the flexibility of mind and eloquence. It is believed that the decoration on the finger of Mercury helps its owners to find a common language with any person and establish business contacts. According to psychologists, the ring on Mizinz often turns out to be in dodgy natur, inclined to intrigue, adventures and treason. The ring on the mother's Mizinza emphasizes narcissism, coquetry and variability of nature. The surrounding little finger testifies to the readiness for flirting and the tendency to gambling, and B. this case It is designed to somewhat calm and even suppress these personality tenders.

To the category

Rings on the fingers

From the point of view of most psychologists, the collapsed feet thumbs talk about the desire to stand out, to draw attention to themselves. In some cases, this may indicate in pride, high self-esteem and the desire for superiority over the surrounding.

Since ancient times, the decoration could tell about his owner. The presence of it on one or another body of the body talked a lot of secrets and sophisticated desire owner. In particular, attention was paid to the hands, fingers. Their decoration was thought magic effectSince it is known that more than 400 active points are located on the fingers, which are responsible for the work of different organs.

There are cases when a person is enough for a long time Wear a ring and suffers with permanent headaches. But it is only worth experimenting and remove it, as all the few people leave away. And the reason for this is the effect of the ring on biologically active points. Or another example, when a woman has a long time in a passive state, a childbearing function of the body was in passive condition and only, saying goodbye to the ring or shifted it to another finger, she was able to become pregnant. It is very important to know and understand your body, its needs, energy Balance And the changes occurring in it.

A huge amount of information has been accumulated with centuries to influence various minerals and alloys on the human body. Silver is more suitable for people suffering from migraines and those who wanted to balance their emotional condition. Esoterics and clairvoyant also suits this metal, as it helps development magic abilities and intuitive thinking. Often we are seeing that silver jewelry Over time they get dark. This happens for the most part, from contact with the skin of a sick person. So if your silver ring gets dark tint, It is worth paying close attention to the state of health. To restore life energy and increase strength, it is recommended to wear products from gold. Especially beneficial gold affects vital tone women balzakovsky age. From the point of view of health, the noble metal has a positive effect on cardiac activity and helps reduce high pressure. Also, decorations made of gold are recommended to wear people suffering from an ulcer. Silver, on the contrary, participates heart rhythms and increases pressure.

What hand carry rings on? If you put the ring on the right hand, it will reflect the state of the owner here and now. The decoration on the left hand reflects the desired state of his owner and helps to achieve it. And the left-hander is the opposite.


Astrologers argue that the energy flowing in the thumb pretends Mars. The main parts of the body affecting this planet is head and neck. Therefore, Mars is primarily responsible for such qualities in a person as will, logic, thinking. People who lack such qualities are recommended to wear rings on the thumb. This action activates the necessary energies and fills the person with the necessary qualities.

The ring or ring that you will wear on the thumb, it is better to choose with blue or blue-green stones. They advise you to have several stones in everyday life and change them depending on the goals and well-being. Wearing on the high finger of minerals, the energy of which contradictive the nature of the energy of the finger can lead to serious problems, right up to paralysis, and create unstable emotional background in humans. If you wear a thumb with stones of red on the thumb, then such actions can reduce confidence in their forces from its owner. Blue colour In the jewelry, put on the thumb, activates vital energy, beneficially affects the restoration of the nervous system, exacerbates attention, and during long wearing it struggles with scattered. Blue-green shade of stone on decoration is able to prevent epileptic seizures and create pleasant feeling Comfort. These stones include:

  1. lapis lazuli,
  2. green turquoise,
  3. aquamarine color sea wave,
  4. aMAZONIT.

Rings S. green Mineral. Fill protective functions The body that increases immunity contributes to the regeneration of tissues, stabilize the psychological state of the owner and balance the rhythm of heart abbreviations. Yellow stones Stabilize on the thumb nervous system. It is categorically impossible to wear a blue-colored stones on this finger, since the latter are able to incline a person to bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking and drugs. TO blue colors In decoration, adjoins and grey colourcapable of allowing the fear of a person, as well as to make the mood of a person apathetic. The presence on the thumb stone of blue-purple can cause migraine and nausea attacks.

Very often wearing the decoration on the thumb causes celibacy, because suppresses the beauty of a woman and attracts men with psychological unbalance. Due to the energy difference, a person may have a tendency to suicide. Women should be afraid to wear stones on the thumb. If you are still an amateur to decorate this particular finger of your hand, then it is worth considering that some minerals are hostile to each other. Observe the harmonious presence on your hand.

In the Hiromantia, the thumb is "3", i.e. What people who wear rings on this finger seek to show their superiority in life, choose the main paths of self-realization. But on the other hand, such a person becomes overly talkative and boastful. The mistress of the rings is often emotional, expansive and very strong nature. The train from communication with such a person long remains in the thoughts of the interlocutor, most often, as a bad dream. Remember of this person It is useless, he firmly stands in his opinion and does not recognize compromises.

A special case - Wearing a man ring on the thumb. Even in ancient Rome and Greece, a thumb was considered a symbol of phallus and wearing iron rings on it to pacify male energy. IN modern world This opinion was not changed, the only one - the gland changed more noble metals and elegance in decorations. Do not be afraid if a person came to a meeting in a huge Persdot on the thumb. This only indicates that a person is trying to curb his aggression and praise in himself a harmony aimed at fruitful communication.


According to astrologers, the index finger is the expression of the power of Jupiter. It accompanies our development, fills our feelings and emotions, indicates the purpose in life. Wearing decorations on the index finger affects the development of the talent and the realization of oneself in your favorite business, the success of the enterprise implemented. The incorrectly selected stone may worsen the situation in your business and even bring to ruin. Attracts irresponsible and frivolous behavior to the owner, will allow you to perform unnecessary whims, which will lead to unwanted waste. But if you pick up the stone correctly and harmoniously, it will help with its power in the exercise of the conceived, giving a person with courage, leaning, will open the channels of influence on other people.

special offers for you

  1. sapphire,
  2. aquamarine,
  3. lapis lazuli,
  4. turquoise,
  5. amazonite
  6. opal,
  7. beryl.

To increase your self-esteem and for the implementation of good and bright plans, it is recommended to wear decorations on a stipoping finger from tin. It is believed that this is a metal of Jupiter or Perun. In a rare case, you can give preference to the gold - metal that is friendly Jupiter. Silver rings can lead the owner to full fiasco in business and breaking out the planned plans, do not wear them. Women are encouraged to wear decorations on the instrumental finger of the left hand, and men on their right hand.

Jewelry on the index finger was worn by such famous commander and rulers like Ivan Grozny, Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu. Heinrich VIII preferred to wear rings exclusively on the index fingers and decorate both hands them. In history, he was remembered as a famous reformer, great monarch, a husband at the same time six wives and as a man with an extremely unstable psyche. Indeed, it is believed that if wearing a ring on the punching finger of the right hand, this action is developing prudence. And if on the left - then the feeling shows own importance, mania greatness, tendency to depression and hysteria.

The ring that the owner is wears on the indicated finger indicates the presence of a volitional character in a person, striving for power, to leadership. If a person is from the nature of the timid and shy in communication, he is indecid in his actions, then decorating his index finger, he can absorb everything required qualities character.
Suddenly, a man came to date for a date with a ring on an index finger, they are sure, he is ready to conquer, conquer you with the most serious intentions. If both fingers on the left and right hand are decorated with rings - such a person will not stop in achieving its goals.

Middle finger.

Chirromants characterize the middle finger as a symbol of the reflection of the life path, the fate thread. Astrologers broadcast about him as a manifestation of Saturn. This planet is manifested in the life of a person in his life priorities, in the development of his personality, in the ability to oratory and learning others. Natural stones In the ring, dressed on the middle finger, help development in public affairs, in business, the ability to be the leader.

In achieving the goals of the goals, violet and black colors are suitable. But we are constantly not recommended to wear them. Such stones require "rest". It is prudent to wear stones for certain events, business meetings. Their ending should end with success for you.

  • Recovery soul equilibrium Refer to the decoration with amethyst.
  • Want to be protected from evil actions around? Obsidian in combination with silver, worn on the middle finger of the left hand, will help you in the implementation of the latter.
  • If you want to look convincing - boldly wear moon rockMailed in silver.

On the middle finger, it is recommended to wear only silver jewelry. If you do not like silver, it is better to abandon the wearing rings on the middle finger. This finger outlines and points the borders, but if you still want to bring them in your life, we carry gold rings on the finger of the planet Saturn. If a woman puts such a ring on a middle finger, then over time she will notice that it became less attractive, uninteresting. Rings made of lead or iron, provide forces that will help to overcome difficult life situations, adhere to common sense In decision making. They develop in a person such qualities as wisdom, constancy and dedication.

Close attention should be paid to stones with red color gamut. It is especially worth fear of such stones in combination with a gold rim. This mix is \u200b\u200bable to seriously worsen the situation in personal life. Rubin's performance in such a ring will deprive a woman when wearing his satisfaction in terms of intimate sensations. Medicine has long noted that a huge number of women experiencing attraction to such rings are not satisfied and frigid.

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The middle finger is the most central, long and decoration on it always have the most pronounced emphasis, demonstrating the attractiveness of the owner and pointing to a pronounced nature that wants to stand out in this capacity. Marilyn Monroe put on him a ring when she sang about diamonds. The size of the stone also has its semantic load: the more mineral, the more his owner wants to attract attention to himself and convince others in his irresistible. Elegant, small and artistically performed decorations on the middle finger, rather emphasize small feeling Own importance in man, but if the ring is a huge, tasteless and mega brilliant, then it is rather a person's presentation as a vain and proud. Note that in the legendary film on the trilogy of Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" the main character Washed the ring on the middle finger.

On the middle finger, the family jewels are usually worn: the owner settles the connection with the ancestors, sticking to the magic flow of fate, taking karma and understanding his highest destination. Such people are usually very deep, wise and possessing a huge spiritual force.

Unnamed finger.

Unnamed finger - the personification of the sun. It was the luminary gives us love, heats and stains life with a variety of feelings. Whether it is right or left hand, no difference, the owner of the rings on the nameless finger as if he would hide his love and gives her, lighting everything around. That is why many women are very convenient to wear decorations on this finger. Note that when you try in the jewelry store ring, then automatically wear it for the first time on the ring finger.

  1. ruby,
  2. garnet,
  3. tourmaline,
  4. red jasper
  5. cornelian,
  6. others.

Stones yellow color Also welcome for wearing on a nameless finger:

  1. topaz,
  2. amber,
  3. citrine,
  4. cornelian.

If in life it is required to strengthen the love alliance, it is recommended to wear pearls on his right hand.

In no case let's not let the ring with a ring finger with another person. Thus, you open your life with a lap, inlet there to betray with the probability of losing a family or destroy relationships with your loved one. If you dream to get married and create family focus, ignore silver rings On a nameless finger. They have an energetically soothing effect to the extent that your appeal to the life of a loved one will simply be reduced to zero. Note that women who wear silver rings "Save and Save" on this finger, mostly unmarried.

Rings on a unnamed finger wear spouses, showing her love and loyalty. This little sign has a huge role In the life of the family. It was in ancient Egypt that the ritual of the exchange of rings on the day of the emergence and strengthening of the Union appeared. The Egyptians believed that the "Arteries of Love" was originated from this finger, leading to the heart. Initially wedding rings were made of glass, various metals and even from ceramics. Later B. ancient Rome This tradition is reborn and decorations are already made of bronze or iron. And the more common metal from which the wedding rings are paid to this day, the gold appeared only in the III-IV centuries.

The ring, adorning the ring finger, focuses on the desire of the owner to beauty, sophistication and luxury. There are several facts that tell about their owner:

  1. the person who is constantly wearing a ring on a nameless finger, completely romantic. For him, the sensual perception of this world is important, the desire for pleasures and a light, pleasant time. If a person came to date for a date, who has a ring on a nameless finger, then know that he has great mood And good intentions. If the right and left hand are decorated with an emphasis on the ring finger, then the person is just on top of positive emotions;
  2. miniature decoration displays a harmonious and balanced person, confident;
  3. a large or bright ring is a symbol of stormy and sometimes depressive-hysterical behavior of the person;
  4. wearing the wedding ring shows that for its owner, the family is the main thing in life. And if a woman puts on top of him on top of it, the second ring, then it doubly emphasizes the significance of marriage in her life. The ring that is worn on the left hand means ready to create a family.

Little finger.

The little finger is responsible for such skills of a person as a correct speech, the ability to establish and acquire contacts, links. Astrologers believe that the little finger is the energy of Mercury. According to informative sources, decorations on this finger - satellites of artists and actors, people involved in healing, writing. It is for these areas of creativity and answers Mercury. Metal reflecting the energy of the planet - mercury, but since conventional conditions It is in a liquid state, then the rings are not used for smelting. But the planet is friendly with almost all metals, so it is indifferent from which rim wearing rings on the mother's misma. But from the point of view of stones that decorate the ring, it is recommended to wear minerals of yellow and green shades on Mizinz:

  1. cornelian,
  2. citrine,
  3. amber,
  4. topaz,
  5. emerald,
  6. chrysoprase,
  7. chrysolite.

Especially recommended to wear chrysoprase in combination with silver, if you are going to business meeting. This mineral will be an assistant in the implementation and development of new projects. And jade, both in gold and silver frame will help take correct solution.

The owners of the rings on the Mizinz - very thin and creative nature. Marlene Dietrich has gone special meaning Such rings. If you meet a person with a decoration on the Mizinz, and the activity is not related to the world of art, then it is worth knowing that such a person is able to go beyond the framework of generally accepted stamps, make an interesting act and distinguish between creative behavior. Such people are very impermanent, often go against the flow of life, choosing interesting branches that can develop other qualities. If a person came to date for a date, with a ring on the Mizinz, then in most cases nothing good to wait for him. Such people throw on empty promises, flirty and it is very difficult to build a strong and happy familybecause they are more turned deep into themselves. These people live their feelings, and their activities are directed mainly to the search for original, new, unusual manifestations and impressions.

The found ring or inherited transmitted should be treated with caution. People have long been known that rings absorb all the information that occurs with man. And if you do not want to try on someone else's fate, - get rid of the rings found (especially - from the wedding). Hereditary rings that have taken from your ancestors as an overlap, take a gift with joy. But it is worth the fear of one moment. If you do not want to repeat the fate of your ancestors and want to change the generic line of life, it is worth making the rite of cleansing the ring, which are described in more detail.

Wear rings with joy and with knowledge, and they will help you go around the life way!

Everyone knows that wedding rings are the most important symbol at the conclusion of marriage. The question immediately arises: why not any other precious subject, for example, bracelet or earrings?

The explanation is quite simple and lies in the fact that the rings are represented as a closed metal strip, symbolizing stability, immutability, eternity and infinity. Thus, the ring is considered a symbol of loyalty and eternal lovewhat guarantees cohesion in relationships, the ability to support each other in difficult moment, as well as such quality as constancy. Today, this symbol no longer has such a force as before. Although all the newlyweds swear and believe that they will gain immense happiness.

But still certainly the question arises: why the wedding rings are worn on the nameless finger?

According to the legend, the first rings appeared in the Egyptians, which made them of gold for exchange during marriage. To do this, they took a strip of gold, gave her round shapethat symbolizes loyalty and love. Residents Ancient Egypt They put on the rings on the middle finger of the left hand, believing that it was he who is a binding thread of veins and hearts, thereby symbolizing love. Thus, the eastern peoples traditionally wear a wedding ring on the middle finger.

Residents of the European countries are accustomed to putting on the wedding ring on his right hand, namely on the ring finger. There is a belief, according to which it has a miraculous force, thanks to the ring. Speaking about the Egyptians, the ancient Greeks and the Romans, then it was the finger that they used to rub the healing ointments. According to the legend, the finger, which was carrying the wedding ring could heal from the killy.

There is also another legend, according to which we are obliged to the ancient Ellinas what we wore a ring on a nameless finger, speaking about the employment of the heart of a person. It was they who were tied together a ring and love. If a person wore a ring on an index finger, he was in active search. The presence of the ring on Mizinza talked about the unwillingness to marry. The presence of the ring on the middle finger testifies to the unprecedented victories of its owner on the love front.

The act of Christians was wise enough, concluding the legality of the wearing rings on the nameless finger of his left hand, tying him with church ritual. From the IX century, Pope blessed the engraving of church text on the ring. But it was inherent only by Catholics, as the Orthodox are accustomed to wearing them on their right hand, while the Unnamed finger of the left hand for divorced people.

So, in the history there are many options for wearing a wedding ring, which is a symbol of gonfrack. And it does not matter where this symbol is worn and loyalty. The main thing is that family couple Everything in life was well. In short, in order for the Council and Love in their life.