European-style wedding scenario - what should be the celebration. Venue and decor. Ceremony "Secret Knot"

A European wedding is essentially an event of a different image and procedure. All the usual Russian traditions are absent in a European wedding. The scenario of a European-style wedding is not full of any contests, quizzes. A European-style wedding is more of a social event than a wedding banquet in the usual sense.

Wedding scenario

Scenario Implementation European wedding starts in the morning. According to European traditions, this day does not belong to relatives, but only to the newlyweds, and they should spend it for their own pleasure, without undue stress, excitement and fatigue. This is the essence of such a wedding. Waking up in the morning and bringing beauty under the flashes of the camera, the young people meet and go for a walk, and again take pictures. After the photo session, together with friends, they arrive at the registration place, where the celebration will take place. If young people want to carry out the usual redemption, then this must be done before registration, as usual. If the ransom was refused, the father must bring the daughter to the altar and hand it over to the groom.

After pronouncing the oaths and registration, the celebration begins. It is quite possible to dilute it with contests and quizzes for acquaintance and development of guests. The usual entertainment events of the toastmaster, however, contrast sharply with the style of a European wedding. Therefore, as a rule, wedding style chosen by young people who do not like such entertainment and invite an entertainer to manage the banquet.

It is the host who sets the right pace for the event, so it does not drag on for the newlyweds, who leave the holiday the very first, leaving the guests to finish their walk and celebrate the wedding. As in our tradition, young people dance the first dance and cut the cake together. At the end, the bride throws a bouquet to her bridesmaids, and the groom throws a garter to his friends. This is where their participation ends, and they leave for their honeymoon. From the newlyweds, each guest is given a bonbonniere with a sweet surprise: chocolate, jam, jam.

Bottom line wedding celebration maybe fireworks, launch Chinese lanterns, balls, etc.

European style

The European style of the wedding is a common color style for decorating the entire event, the outfits of the newlyweds, their friends and girlfriends. The creation of a common style is given the most attention. A European wedding is an elegant, sophisticated style of celebration. The chosen color scheme should be displayed in all the little things: invitations, decorations, napkins, bonbonnieres. In a European wedding, it is the creation of the general atmosphere that takes most of the effort and attention, and not the entertainment program. You can immediately recognize such a celebration by style, the spirit of sophistication and grace pervades all wedding content.

Place of registration

The second most important difference is that the place of registration is also the venue for the wedding. A European wedding is characterized by exit registration on fresh air. A picturesque area is specially selected for it, where tents are set up or the territory is designed accordingly. country house, estates, clubs. For registration, an arch is installed and decorated, to which the bride and groom will go as if to the altar.

The difference between European style and Russian

In the Russian tradition, the wedding begins with the ransom of the bride by the groom; in the European style, the bride is given to the groom by the father of the newlywed or the closest male relative. You can hold a European wedding in Slavic style, but, as a rule, the European style is chosen because of the lack of a ransom and theft of the bride. In addition, there is no giving a loaf to young people at a meeting and there is no toastmaster. The celebration is managed by a host or, in a European way, an entertainer. For the host of a European-style wedding, these are duties of a different kind. He should not so much entertain guests as create conditions for a pleasant pastime and direct the holiday along right way: announce the right to toast, announce numbers and musical breaks, some special moments of the evening. The celebration in the European style acquires a spectacular character, as circus performers, artists, musicians, magicians are invited to entertain guests. Young people show a movie about their history of dating and love, which is always very interesting for guests. For the invited are created comfortable conditions have a nice and easy holiday.

A European wedding is characterized by the presence of bridesmaids and friends from the groom. Their outfits are prepared in advance. The bridesmaids' dresses are made of fabric of the same shade, but in different models- according to the figure of each. Friends are dressed in the same tuxedos as the groom. Boutonnieres or ties, bow ties of friends and bridesmaids' outfits are the same color and are combined with the overall color style of the wedding. At a European wedding, every girlfriend has a bouquet, and it echoes the boutonniere of one of the friends, if they are a couple in life.

Photographers and videographers

An important place in the preparation of the wedding ceremony is occupied by photographers who accompany the bride and groom from the very moment they wake up in order to keep the gathering and preparations for the celebration as a keepsake, and not just the event itself. By tradition, the young people are scheduled to have a photo session in a picturesque place. While the guests gather, get acquainted, communicate, the young people walk and take pictures with their friends. These moments are captured on beautiful professional photos in the Internet.

Very often at such weddings, small children are dressed up in a theme. general style. Boys in tuxedos and girls in bridesmaid dresses. They scatter rose petals in front of the newlyweds as they walk down the aisle.

Finishing touches

Everyone is familiar with the path strewn with petals between the rows of guest chairs and the decorated arch, near which the young people pronounce oaths. This classic look European wedding, known to us from the cinema. Taking oaths is one of the obligatory European traditions.

A European wedding doesn't last long. Instead of usual feast either a buffet table is arranged, or guests are seated for separate tables by interest or age group.

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In this article:

European style has been considered in the world for several centuries calling card brilliance and democratic elegance embodied in tradition. Obviously, your European-style wedding, its organization, the choice of attributes must meet this definition. What you need to know when deciding to have a European wedding?

Pleasant chores before the wedding: engagement, friendly parties

A European wedding includes an engagement procedure. When three meet at the table married couples: future newlyweds and their parents. At this meeting, the first acquaintance of the senior representatives of the families often takes place. The young man gives the girl a ring that evening. Now they are the bride and groom.

European wedding tradition includes a bachelorette and bachelorette party. These events are usually held on the same day. They welcome all sorts of provocations in relation to future spouses and fun pastime. These parties are conceived as a test of young people's feelings for loyalty.

The time before the wedding flies quickly and it is better to spend the remaining two or three days away from each other: this will help you remember to do some important little things. And, most importantly, it will give you another opportunity to be alone with yourself and evaluate the correctness of your decision.

Invitation cards - "business card" of future newlyweds

As a rule, relatives and friends keep wedding invitation cards “as a keepsake”. Just imagine: many years later, looking at them, they will draw conclusions about your taste and financial well-being at the time of marriage. Therefore, the creation of invitation cards should be taken seriously. These items should be beautiful, elegant and even aristocratic.

Paper choose High Quality, can be glossy. The order itself is highly desirable to be done in a good printing house, and the design development should be entrusted to a professional. Satin ribbons for bows, rhinestones and textile inserts are welcome. The text inviting you to become a guest of such an exciting ceremony can be noblely restrained or romantically joyful. The choice depends on the taste and preferences of the couple.

So, young people spend the morning of the wedding celebration with their girlfriends and friends. They, and not relatives, help the bride and groom prepare for the wedding: provide moral support, help get dressed, create a hairstyle, make-up, pick up bouquets. It's time to take a photo for the upcoming wedding album.

What bridesmaids should look like at a wedding

As a rule, dresses for girlfriends are sewn from the same fabric. The tradition of dressing for a wedding in the same dress came from the Middle Ages. Around the same time as the custom of sewing a dress for the bride white color. The groom's friends came in the same costumes as the hero of the celebration, and the bridesmaids in the same dresses as the bride. Why?

It was simply believed that evil spirits would invisibly hover at such a joyful event in order to spoil it, and therefore harm the whole future. family life. To confuse them, this simple maneuver was undertaken - to dress the same as the newlyweds. Today, a part of the custom has remained; only bridesmaids come in the same outfits.

Scheduled wedding planner

Two people drive up to the registry office family parties separately, because until the very marriage, the young should not see each other. The solemnity of the moment is created by the appropriate music, atmosphere and mood of the ceremony participants themselves.

After the end of the last motorcade of cars with guests and newlyweds who arrived at the registry office rushes to the location banquet hall where the banquet will take place.

Banquet in European traditions

The longest part of the European wedding is the banquet. Long tables with two floors of various dishes are out of place here. Europe is more rational than the East and focuses rather not on excesses, but on the design of dishes, the originality of their selection and the mobility of guests and participants in the celebration.

It would be appropriate to organize a buffet table at a European wedding, when guests do not sit at tables, but go to certain places for snacks. In vogue today spacing dishes beautiful girls"dressed" in improvised tables with legs. In this case, the guests will not only be surrounded by refreshments, but also entertained by conversation - this is the responsibility of the buffet lady.

European cuisine is very diverse, the set of dishes will depend on which direction is chosen. Mediterranean cuisine looks spectacular and tastes great. French appetizers are considered to be the standard of the art of cooking.

The beginning of the evening passes under the toasts of relatives and other guests. When everyone drank three or four glasses for the young, the presenter invites the "heroes" of the occasion to the stage. To the applause of the guests, the newlyweds say pre-prepared speeches about each other and about their love, after which the first dance is announced, which the young spouses begin, and from the middle it can be picked up by their parents.

The further scenario of a European-style wedding can be very different - it all depends on the imagination of its organizers. The party can go on all night. The only thing in common in all scenarios of a European wedding will be the removal beautiful cake and cutting it into the first pieces "for the dearest guests" by the newlyweds with one knife. Soon after this, the young spouses leave the guests and leave for the place where they will spend the first wedding night- in the cabin of the ship, train compartment, or in your future common home.

Exit registration of marriage- interesting, original and modern solution, which allows you to get rid of conventions and formalities, and hold a wedding without a traditional visit to the registry office on the day of the celebration. An offsite registration ceremony is beautiful, romantic and touching, and most importantly, it means endless possibilities for organizing and holding a wedding.

How much does an outdoor ceremony cost?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since the cost consists of so many factors. To understand the approximate prospects for holding an outdoor ceremony, first of all, it is worth deciding whether the registration will be official or not. The cost of such official registration is indicated on the official website of the UZAGS of Moscow, so I will not dwell on this issue. So, the cost of an exit ceremony in my understanding consists of the following questions:

  • Location. The fact is that if the ceremony is held far from the restaurant, the newlyweds will have to resolve the issue of transferring guests from the ceremony site to the banquet site, and this is a significant part of the costs. Similarly, with the ceremony and banquet outside the city.
  • Number of guests. This issue affects the size of the ceremony site, the number of chairs, the size of the transfer, and even the number of photographers and videographers. Of course, the more guests will be present, the more the budget for the ceremony will grow.
  • Site cost. This question should be the first one that the bride and groom ask the landlord. Often, unscrupulous banquet complexes are silent about this, and ultimately, a couple of weeks before the wedding, they stun the couple with the news: “How? Didn't you know? We have a rental site N thousand!”. Further, of course, the calculation is simple: the higher the cost of rent, the less budget your ceremony will take place.
  • Decor options. Everything is possible. And a homemade beautiful corner, and tons of professional decor. Everything will depend on the desire of the couple.
  • Services of the wedding registrar. The registrar market varies greatly in cost, find out what is included in the cost of its services. And be sure to choose the registrar to your liking;)
  • Additional options. What is the cost of DJ services and sound equipment rental? The more participants, the bigger the budget, the trend is simple. I do not advise you to neglect the services of a DJ for lack of such a line in the budget, since an outdoor ceremony is a complex event, the success of which depends on all participants in the process.

Preparing for the check-in ceremony

The basis of a successful on-site registration is an interesting and thought-out scenario literally to the minute. However, the script is the “soul” of the ceremony, and its “body” is the choice of location, original design, preparation of musical accompaniment and a number of other aspects that are responsible for what the newlyweds and guests of the celebration will see and hear.

Field registration can be carried out practically anywhere that is allowed for visits and public events - in the picturesque corners of the Moscow region, in old estates, in unusual places capitals, etc. The choice of seats is almost unlimited.

The basic design of the outdoor ceremony is chairs for guests, an arch with a place for a wedding registrar, and decorative elements- bouquets of flowers, ribbons and others. It is also necessary to prepare two very important things - umbrellas in case of rain and blankets in case cold weather. Umbrellas and blankets are provided for each guest, and are selected so that the style and color scheme they were combined with the decoration of the ceremony.

Musical accompaniment is the basis that creates the atmosphere of the ceremony. There are many options for musical arrangement, but live music can create real romance. Usually string quartets, a saxophone and a harp are chosen for the ceremony, but very often a DJ is responsible for the music at the registration, whose capabilities are wider than the musician.

Exit registration of marriage: how does it happen?

Regardless of the theme and features of the wedding, exit registration is carried out according to approximately the same scenario. I will tell you how the outdoor ceremony goes, and also consider some of its nuances, which may not be noticeable at first glance, but play a very important role.

Before the ceremony, guests are seated on chairs. The first rows are intended for the parents of the newlyweds and their close relatives. For convenience and proper seating, plates with the names of guests are attached to the front chairs. Seating is free on the chairs in the back rows.

Simultaneously with the seating, the bridesmaids give the guests flower petals, which they will shower the newlyweds after registration is over. For beauty and convenience, the petals are placed in special wicker baskets or original bags, decorated in a wedding style.

Upon completion of the preparation, the wedding host announces the start solemn ceremony exit registration. In a short opening speech, the host talks about the course of the ceremony, about when and how the guests should shower the newlyweds with petals, and also talks about other important nuances.

The exit registration opens with the entrance of the bridesmaids, who pass in front of the guests and stand to the left of the arch. The solemnity of the moment is emphasized both by the special musical accompaniment and the girls' outfits, which are performed in the same style. Ideally, the bridesmaids' dresses are made to order in accordance with the style of the wedding.

After the bridesmaids take their places, the groom's friends come out - their exit is also accompanied by a certain musical composition. However, the groom's friends do not have to be dressed in the same costumes - it is enough to have them in their image. identical elements, most often these are boutonnieres for flowers, or ties or bow ties made in the same style and color scheme.

It is important to note that the music for the entrance of the bridesmaids and groomsmen must be chosen in advance. Also, before leaving, the wedding registrar tells young people and girls how best to go to their places, in what order to stand up, and what to do directly during the ceremony.

The groom's friends pass in front of the guests and take their places to the right of the arch. This arrangement is very beautiful and emphasizes the solemnity of the ceremony.

Now it's the groom's turn - he also comes out to the arch to a pre-selected musical accompaniment. Usually the groom passes through the rows of guests who can greet him. The groom takes a seat to the right of the arch, closer than his friends.

Finally, one of the most beautiful moments- exit of the bride. Traditionally, the bride goes to the groom accompanied by her father, brother, grandfather or other close relative, and this output is accompanied by a beautiful and touching melody. However, there are no rules here, so the bride's exit can be anything!

The bride passes to the arch along the path between the rows of guests. At the arch, the father passes the bride to the groom, and this important point It can also be interestingly beaten - usually the father shakes hands with the groom or gives a short parting word that only the groom hears. After that, the father takes his place in the front row, and the bride stands on the left side of the groom.

It is important to note that until this moment the place of the father must be free, usually the mother of the bride makes sure that no one takes the place of the father. In order for everything to be done according to the script, the father is taken to the bride in advance, even before the ceremony begins.

Finally, the most solemn moment comes - exit registration. During registration, a solemn speech is delivered, which is discussed in advance and agreed with the newlyweds. Often, the newlyweds themselves take part in writing the speech, which turns the speech into touching story love, which was the reason for this wedding.

Toward the end of the ceremony, wedding rings are brought out, and this can also become very beautiful and original element weddings. The rings are placed on a specially prepared pillow (which, like other accessories, is made in the style of a wedding), and a child or several children dressed in smart clothes can carry the pillow.

Either specially invited "wedding angels" or children from among the guests can take out a pillow with rings.

First wedding ring the groom takes and puts it on ring finger bride.

Then comes the turn of the bride, who solemnly puts the ring on the ring finger of her lover.

After putting on the rings, the field registrar will say a short solemn speech declaring the newlyweds husband and wife. Then he invites the newlyweds to walk along the path between the rows of guests, where a symbolic and incredibly beautiful ceremony of shedding flower petals will take place.

At the same time, all the guests get up from their seats and prepare to congratulate the newlyweds passing along the path with shedding petals.

A very important point: for shedding, it is recommended to use petals either only in red and its shades, or assorted petals of red and white - such petals look very beautiful in photographs. If the baskets are filled only with white petals, then the photos will turn out faded and inexpressive. White petals have one more drawback - they will merge with the white dress of the bride (if the bride, of course, is dressed in a classic White dress), in this sense, red or assorted red, white or blue petals have a clear advantage.

By the way, you need to take care of the petals in advance, and after choosing the place of registration, decide which petals will be used - natural or artificial (paper or fabric). If the exit registration will be held in a room with expensive floors, including marble, then preference should be given to artificial petals - natural petals will definitely fall under the guests' feet, and when crushed, they leave dark spots on the floor.

The registration ceremony is over, and now the host gives the floor to the guests, who can congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts. It makes sense to carry out this action in a specially designed registration area.

There will be many gifts beautiful envelopes- they are traditionally given to the groom, taking place in the pockets of his suit. This is not very convenient and not very beautiful, so for envelopes it is worth preparing a special box, box or bag, decorated in the style of a wedding.

After congratulations and gifts, it's time for a wedding photo shoot. Newlyweds are required to take pictures with their parents, with individual guests, take general photos, etc. It is at this time that the most beautiful and important photographs for the family archive are taken, because in the future, during the banquet, it will be almost impossible to get such photographs.

And the photo session ends with a series of general photos, in which the newlyweds and all the guests of the celebration are present!

The ceremony is over and the wedding host announces the start wedding banquet. The newlyweds and guests leave the place of registration to the music, with smiles and happiness in their eyes.

Everything you need to organize
outdoor marriage registration ceremony

For registration of exit registration, it is necessary to provide a set of important little things from choosing the right field registrar to showering the newlyweds with rose petals.

For offsite registration
you need to take care of:

  • choice suitable place registration
  • choosing a field registrar
  • a folder for a marriage certificate and a pen for signatures
  • wedding rings and a special ring pad
  • musical accompaniment, ideally suited to the tastes of the couple (it can be a harp, a DJ with the appropriate equipment, a string quartet)
  • if planned big wedding, you must take care of the availability of a microphone and sound equipment in advance so that all guests can hear the speech of the field registrar well and the vows pronounced by the newlyweds
  • copy of registration certificate
  • rose petals and seating cards

How to behave during the ceremony?

Be yourself. You have already done everything, prepared all the contractors, selected the host of the ceremony. Look at your loved one and don't think about anything. We advise you to put the registrar's table and the registrar on the side of the arch, so that nothing and no one will prevent you from enjoying each other. Do not look at the guests, do not look at the registrar, look into the eyes of your soul mate.

Unifying wedding ceremonies

On their wedding day, newlyweds combine their two lives, their identities, by saying "YES" and making vows. eternal love and respect. beautiful symbol this decision to go together and build life together, once became unifying wedding ceremonies, different in execution and origin, but invariably filled with the meaning of the merging of two loving souls.

1 Homemaking Ceremony

This tradition came to us from the United States. Traditionally, immediately after the exchange of vows, the ceremony of lighting a common candle takes place, symbolizing the creation of a home. Most often, candles are lit by the mothers of the bride and groom, representing two families. From the candles of their mothers, the bride and groom light their own candle, symbolizing the union of two families and the creation of their home. Fathers can also join this ceremony, their participation will reflect the agreement and understanding in families. The common candle of the newlyweds can be larger in size or a different color, or placed in the center between the candles of their families, symbolizing respect for their loved ones. After the ceremony, the bride should keep all three candles to keep the warmth of the hearth. In our country, this ceremony is also very popular among newlyweds. Unlike American weddings, in our country there are no strict rules for this ceremony. It can take place after the marriage registration ceremony, and at a festive banquet, or be the final stage of the holiday. But the meaning of this spiritual tradition is the same in all countries.

2 Sand Ceremony

Since ancient times, the sand ceremony has been performed at the wedding of the native islanders in Hawaii, where sand of any color can be found. This beautiful ceremony is also popular with modern newlyweds and has become a symbolic attribute at weddings. The ceremony is carried out immediately after the exciting “YES!” or before the vow exchange ceremony. To hold it, the bride and groom each take their own vase of sand, while the color of the sand of the bride and groom is different, symbolizing the individuality of each of the newlyweds. Then each of them pours sand from his vase into a common vessel. This vessel with the resulting bizarre sand pattern symbolizes the union of two lives, two destinies into one, which will never be separated. The newlyweds can be joined by their parents, personifying harmony, mutual understanding and harmony in families, as well as friends and relatives, as a symbol of the unity of everything that surrounds the bride and groom.

3 Hourglass Despite the transience of time, all newlyweds want to preserve their feelings and harmony. wedding day for life. As such a symbol, the unifying ceremony "Hourglass" is held. The hourglass vessel is simultaneously filled by both newlyweds, and each pours sand from his vase. This process means that they want to unite the time of their whole life separately into one life together. The hourglass is kept by the newlyweds as a reminder of the immutability of their decision to spend their whole lives together, because the number of grains of sand in the vessel will forever remain unchanged.

4 Love Tree Ceremony Plant a tree as a sign of creation new family- This ancient tradition, which exists in the cultures of many peoples of the world, in which the tree is associated with love and family. The bride and groom entering marriage are like young shoots of trees that have to find their true mate to weave their lives with her, support each other and strengthen their love and family over the years, as the roots of a tree strengthen in the depths of the soil. The Tree of Love ceremony is held after the exchange of vows between the newlyweds and their consent to marry. If the wedding ceremony itself takes place in the open air, then the solemn planting of a tree will be its logical continuation to beautiful romantic music. If the wedding ceremony was indoors, then after its completion, the bride and groom go to the garden or park, where the “Tree of Love” ceremony will be held. The tree can be planted in the front garden or in a beautiful pot that will take its rightful place in the newlyweds' new home. It is also symbolic that the newlyweds collect the soil for planting in the gardens of their parents (or take it from domestic plants), thus personifying consent, understanding and mutual respect in their families, which they want to create in their own. A mixture of soil from parental homes with love and care when planting and further care will give excellent results in the future, as well as a family in which everyone treats his beloved with love and care, will be strong and prosperous.

5 Stone ceremony

6 Locking ceremony

There is another wedding tradition that came to us from Japan - this is the "Locking the Castle" ceremony. idea of ​​this wedding ceremony quite simple: the union of the hearts and souls of the newlyweds forever. After the ceremony, uniting their lives forever and locking the lock, the newlyweds release the key to the sky in balloons, throw it into the water or bury it in the ground, thus symbolizing their desire and aspiration to be always together.

7 Wine ceremony #1- aging wine

How good wine marriage gets better with age. Following this thought, many newlyweds choose a wine ceremony as their wedding ceremony of unity. For this ceremony, the bride and groom must write each other vows, but not wedding vows, but those that they can read only on a certain anniversary chosen by them. After the ceremony, a bottle of the selected wine is placed in a wooden wine box, on which the initials of the newlyweds and their wedding date can be engraved, and wedding vows. The box is tightly sealed or locked. The term of its storage is determined by the newlyweds themselves. Opening this box on their anniversary and reading the love vow left several years ago, the couple will once again plunge into that wonderful romantic atmosphere the day of their wedding.

8 Wine ceremony #2- a combination of two varieties of wine

unifying wine ceremony at a wedding symbolizes the idea that two people, as different as two varieties of wine, decided to combine their lives into one. During it, the bride and groom pour different types of wine into a common vessel, each from their own vessel. After that, the groom pours some wine from the common vessel into his glass, and the bride does the same. After that, they drink wine from a common vessel for the union of their two lives into one family. Guests are also invited to drink a new wine, created as a symbol of a new family, harmony and mutual respect for her.

9 God's Knot Ceremony

“Where one may be powerless, two will support each other. A knot of three ropes will not fray soon ”- these ancient lines illustrate the importance of the family in the Christian religion. unifying wedding ceremony The "God's knot" has its origins in this religion, which believes that two people united by God are stronger than separate individuals. In the Christian religion, marriage is more than a union between a man and a woman, it is also a union with God. Therefore, the wedding ceremony of the "God's Knot" is the weaving of a knot of three ropes by the newlyweds, symbolizing each of them and God. A rope representing God is placed in the middle so that his love will continue to support the family. Each rope is attached to a metal ring held by the groom. And the bride, in turn, weaves them together. The ropes have specific colors: gold represents God, red represents the groom, and white represents the bride. During the ceremony, the master of ceremonies can tell the story and meaning of everything that happens to the parents, friends and loved ones present at the ceremony. You can also complement it with slow soulful music to complement the special atmosphere that is created at this ceremony.

10 Knot Tie Ceremony

After the consent of the newlyweds and the exchange of vows, one of the unifying ceremonies "Tying the Knot" is held. The newlyweds each take their own rope, which differs in color, and tie them with a sea knot while telling about the symbol and essence of this ceremony. By tying their two ropes, the newlyweds personify their lives with them, which they want to tie together and forever, unite them common goal and the essence of existence, thereby presenting unique gift each other. Like a knot, love and family are lifelong support and strength, and like a rope, a marriage grows stronger after trials and pressures.

11 Secret Knot Ceremony

Among the followers of the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a wedding tradition "Secret Knot", which is held to bless the family for good luck, harmony and longevity. According to this tradition, you need to wrap the rope around the hands of the newlyweds 6 times without crossing it. These six circles symbolize the infinity of the circles of birth and resurrection. In the Catholic and Anglican churches, it is customary to tie the hands of the newlyweds only once as a sign of their marriage forever.

12 Chemical ceremony

Molecules are similar to humans, some do not react, and some combine to form new element. This is exactly the meaning of the chemical unification ceremony at the wedding - to unite your lives and create new family. To conduct this ceremony, each of the newlyweds must pour the substance from their small (100-200 ml) flask into one common (1000 ml). After that, the molecules react, forming a new chemical element. Of course, in order to get desired result it is necessary to provide the correct chemical elements. One of options Next: In a large flask 2/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water In small flasks 2/3 baking soda and 1/3 of water. Upon reaction, the compound will sizzle, and after the release of carbon dioxide, it will become a beautiful purple color.

13 Ceremony "Foot washing"

This tradition is rooted in the gospel and is great idea For Christian wedding. As a wedding ceremony of unity, it represents that both family members respect each other, are committed and are always ready to support each other. For this ceremony, the bride and groom take off their shoes, put their feet into the basin and pour water from a beautiful jug, lightly washing each other's feet. After that, they dry their feet with a towel, which may have their initials or the date of the wedding, and put on shoes.

14 Rose Ceremony

In the language of flowers, roses mean love, and one rose means the phrase "I love you." During this ceremony, the bride and groom exchange roses as the first gifts to each other, in a new capacity - spouses. If desired, the bride and groom, having exchanged roses, can give them to the mothers of their beloved. After the ceremony, the couple may plant their roses in the garden in front of their house to keep their first gifts to each other as husband and wife. Every anniversary you can give each other a rose, which will mean that your marriage is based on love. Unfortunately, there are difficult moments in family life .. when you can offend the most important person for you with a randomly thrown phrase. After all, it is easiest to upset those whom we love the most. And here it is when it's hard to pick up Right words to explain, remember your rose wedding ceremony and put beautiful rose into a vessel of your choice on your wedding day. The flower will say for you: "I'm sorry", or "I forgive you" or "I need you."

15 Salt Ceremony Since ancient times, salt has been considered a sign of prosperity and harmony in the home. In connection with this giving, there are several variants of unifying ceremonies associated with salt. The bride and groom pour salt from each of their vessels into one common vessel, symbolizing prosperity and harmony in the families of their parents and their individuality. Another variation of this ceremony is that the groom picks up a handful of salt in his hand and sprinkles it on the bride, who in turn does the same. This symbolizes eternal harmony and respect in their home. You can also invite parents for this ceremony, symbolizing the union, love and harmony between the two families.

16 Ceremony with a pattern

One of the more recent wedding unification ceremonies is the pattern ceremony. It symbolizes the union of two creative people which, in turn, will become the basis for new creative achievements. The white canvas at this ceremony is the beginning of a new joint path, and the colors that the bride and groom will paint with are their life, the one they want to create together. The bride and groom draw with different colors, which symbolize their individuality, and the resulting creation - them together.

17 Puzzle Folding Ceremony

This is one of the new wedding unifying ceremonies. One of the possible options for its implementation is that the bride and groom connect different elements into one picture (it can be made of wood or cardboard), symbolizing the union of two of their lives into one. Also, to connect the puzzle, you can invite parents and guests, inviting them to write their name and wishes on each element. These elements will symbolize the entire environment of the bride and groom, united by their couple. As a logical preparation for this ceremony, you can also do wedding invitations in the form of puzzles, having collected which the guests will find out the place and time of the ceremony.

Farewell to the maiden name at the exit registration

This is a ritual that today symbolizes the bride's farewell to the girlish life and her entry into a new, now married, life. The essence of any parting ceremony with a maiden name is that the bride in some way "destroys" his old surname and thereby enters into new status. The usual such ceremony is arranged either immediately after registration, or at the end of the wedding banquet.

  1. Let go to heaven

This is perhaps one of the most common options for parting with a maiden name. It consists in the fact that from some light material letters of the bride's surname are made, balloons filled with helium are tied to them, and then the bride, together with the guests, releases the letters into the sky.

This version of the farewell ceremony with the maiden name may have several options. For example, you can attach not individual letters to the balloons, but the whole surname, or you can use not at all air balloons and sky lanterns.

2. Set sail

If the wedding takes place on the river bank, then great option for the ceremony of farewell to the surname, it may be the launch of a small paper or wooden boat. The bride's maiden name is written on the sail of such a boat, and then, in a solemn atmosphere, the bride sets it sailing.

An alternative to launching a boat can be sealing the maiden name in a bottle: the bride must write maiden name on a piece of paper, roll it up and lower it into a specially prepared empty bottle, after which the bottle solemnly throws itself into the water.

3. Give into the power of the flame

A very unusual way to say goodbye to the maiden name, but at the same time deeply symbolic: burning the old surname in the fire, the bride seems to be cleared of all the past and reborn in a new status. For the ceremony of farewell to the surname in this case all that is required is a sheet of paper, a marker, a candle and matches: on the sheet, the bride writes her last name with a marker, then brings a lit candle to the sheet and sets it on fire.

In order for the ceremony to be beautiful, it is worth taking care of suitable musical accompaniment or discussing with the host the possibility of somehow “beating” it. Let, for example, the bride during the ceremony, following the host, repeat the words of a special oath in which she promises to proudly bear a new surname.

4. Explode

No, no, no one will really blow up the maiden name, of course. Just for the ceremony, a large balloon is taken, filled with confetti and sparkles, and then inflated. After that, the bride writes her maiden name on the balloon, and then, to loud applause, the bride and groom burst the balloon together - bam! Not a trace of the old surname remained!

Inside the ball, by the way, you can put a bundle with the common surname of the spouses written on it, and then the action will be even more symbolic: the bride will not only say goodbye to the old surname, but also acquire a new one.

5. Eat

Confectioners spell the bride's last name on the cakes. Cakes are eaten by guests.

6. Humorous option: close tightly tin can, having previously folded a piece of paper with a surname into it, make an inscription on the bank like “Open in case of urgent need”.

7. The most favorable option for parents, by which the bride can also express her gratitude to them for, so to speak, “using” the surname, is the return of the surname along with thanks and gifts.

Directly during the ceremony, it would be good to explain to the assembled guests what is happening now. To do this, the bride can, for example, pronounce farewell speech in which, in a serious or joking manner, she will thank the maiden name for having served her well, and solemnly promise not to return this surname under any circumstances.

What to do with guests before the outdoor ceremony?

In order for the wedding ceremony to be bright and unforgettable, the bride and groom should take care of many important details, including how to keep guests from getting bored.

During the gathering, you should not overload guests with activities, but be sure to immerse them in the holiday atmosphere. The wedding host must meet your guests, get to know them and talk about possible activities before the ceremony.

1. Photozone

Now there are many opportunities for organizing a photo zone. Most classic version- make a banner on the theme of your wedding, against which guests can be photographed both individually and cheerful companies. As a rule, a table with various accessories and voluminous inscriptions for perky photos. fashion trend- use a slate board instead of a regular banner. It can be beautifully painted and made drawings in the style of a wedding.

Do not forget about fun photo booths and even photo machines that will become not only entertainment for guests, but also part of your decor. It's a great idea to rent a polaroid so that guests can take pictures themselves and attach photos with clothespins in a place prepared in advance. The main thing is that your photographers and videographers must work in the welcome zone. It will also be very interesting for you to see how the guests gathered and communicated before the ceremony, because you will not be with them at that moment.

2. Wish zone

Think over the wishes zone in detail: guests will be pleased to do this while waiting for the ceremony. You can buy a classic wish book - now the choice is simply huge, and you can also make an album specially in the style of your wedding and, for example, paste Polaroid pictures taken on your wedding day into it. You can make special cards in the style of your printing and prepare for them Mailbox! Invite guests to leave a return address with a promise to send them a postcard from honeymoon trip! Also, cards in the form of flowers or fruits can be hung from a tree by strings or put into suitcase pockets, which will also fill the welcome zone with decor.

3. Workshops and games

Depending on the style of your wedding, you can consider small workshops for guests - culinary, floral, or even arrange a blind wine tasting. It would be right of you to think fun entertainment for guests from the first minutes of the event to immediately ask festive mood! Talk to the host ahead of time about what games might work for your wedding. For example, you can divide all the guests into 2-3 teams and prepare a flash mob with them, which they will implement immediately after the ceremony or at a banquet. Also for an outdoor wedding, games that are usually played on the lawn or in parks are well suited: mini-golf, petanque, huge Jenga or even badminton. The main thing is that the activities are as simple as possible and everyone can take part in them, then each guest will have a feeling of personal care.

In the end, I would like to turn to the brides and their grooms. Do not be afraid! Experiment! Ask for advice from professionals, they will definitely help you. An exit ceremony is real magic, which is done by the hands of mortals. You, too, everything-everything is sure to succeed. Good luck and easy preparation!

By transferring all your worries to my reliable hands, you can completely immerse yourself in the experience of this magical moment, being sure that the exit registration will be just perfect.

European style wedding script

At the beginning, the cars drive up to the groom's house, where a light buffet takes place. Then the wedding procession from the groom's house to the bride's house.

Arriving at the bride's house on the porch of the groom with friends, the bride's girlfriends meet. The girls take the groom by the arms and escort him to the hall of the house (apartment), where the young betrothed is waiting for his beloved. After about five minutes, the door of one of the rooms opens, and the bride's father brings his daughter to the groom. A young newlywed gets down on one knee, confesses his love to his betrothed and gives her bridal bouquet. Then the newlyweds and guests go to the central hall (room), where a light buffet awaits them.

The wedding cortege is sent from the bride's house to the Wedding Palace. Where does the wedding ceremony take place?

Friends, guests, and relatives congratulate the newlyweds, then general photo, a video interview, and a toast to a young family. Having sipped champagne, the newlyweds beat glasses for happiness and merge into gentle kiss. The groom carries the bride in his arms out of the Wedding Palace, and the guests applaud and shower the "young" rice (or any white grain).

After painting, the newlyweds go to the church or the Temple for the wedding ceremony.

Congratulations to the newlyweds (the same as in the Wedding Palace).

Wedding walk. In the warm season, during a walk is selected a nice place where the wedding buffet is organized. You can invite one, two or three musicians to the wedding reception, who will perform romantic melodies and beautiful lyrical songs.

Buffet in the restaurant hall for guests waiting for the newlyweds.

Wedding banquet.

The wedding procession drives up to the place of celebration (restaurant, manor, outdoor banquet under an awning or in a tent). At the entrance to the restaurant, the newlyweds are greeted by guests who stand up in the form of a living corridor. The entertainer asks each of the guests to take a handful of white rose petals to shower the "young ones" and get ready for solemn meeting. The newlyweds get out of the car and go to the guests. Children, a boy and a girl, walk ahead and shower the path in front of the newlyweds with red rose petals.

Entertainer: Peace and harmony, (together with the guests), - love and happiness!

The newlyweds walk through a living corridor, and the guests shower them with rose petals. Then the "young" go to the lobby of the restaurant, where they are waiting for round table with pyramidal glasses of champagne. Enveloping fragrant smoke, soft pouring light on a pyramid of glasses, set a mysterious and romantic mood holiday. The newlyweds approach the table and pick up the two upper glasses tied with a ribbon.

Entertainer: Dear ladies, gentlemen, Dear friends, I ask you to come and congratulate the "young" family and raise glasses for the happiness of the newlyweds.

Guests take glasses of champagne, approach the newlyweds, congratulate the bride and groom, give flowers and gifts, and drink champagne for the happiness of the "new" family.
After the congratulations ceremony, the entertainer invites everyone to the buffet table and announces a musical pause. Newlyweds during the Wedding Buffet can put themselves in order, visit the men's and women's rooms, etc.

The entertainer invites the newlyweds and guests to wedding table(a presidium table and tables for guests for 6-8 seats are set separately). Cards with the names of the guests are laid out on the tables, according to which the guests find their places.

After the newlyweds and guests have taken their places, the entertainer continues: Any holiday begins with nice toast and especially the wedding! In ancient times, the sages compared the newlyweds to a small star in the family sky. Over time, having passed tests and cataclysms, the star becomes a warm and bright sun. I want to wish the newlyweds that their sun would warm, but not burn, shine, but not blind, and indicate only Right way their family happiness!

The guests raise their glasses, drink champagne and applaud the newlyweds.

Entertainer: And now a musical pause and everyone Bon appetit. Light music performed by a string quartet or a jazz ensemble sounds.

After a musical pause, the master of ceremonies gives the floor to the groom's parents, then the bride's parents.
The toast of the groom's parents, after a short pause - the toast of the bride's parents.

Entertainer: And now, dear friends, surprise! We meet a beauty from the heart of France, from Paris ... Charming "Miss Erotica"!

This number is a funny parody, performed by an extravagant life-size puppet, of the erotic show of the famous French ballets "Moulin Rouge" and "Lido".
Any other pop number is also possible.

Entertainer: And again, ladies and gentlemen, beautiful music continues our holiday and you have the opportunity to approach the heroes of the occasion, chat with them and drink a glass of champagne (20 minutes of light music).

Entertainer: And one more surprise for our guests! The next issue will touch on the wedding mystical theme. Meet Vampire Wedding!

A very dynamic number with an interesting storyline: In the hall under the march of Mendelssohn, a girl appears in the image of a bride and chooses her betrothed from the hall. The wedding ceremony begins, but suddenly ... the lights go out in the hall, and the bride turns into a vampire ... (pop numbers are chosen at the request of the newlyweds).

Entertainer: So, dear guests, we continue the good tradition of toasts and congratulations. And now I want to give the floor to the people who were present at the meeting of our newlyweds, these are close friends of the bride and groom (or just one person) - ... and ...

Friends toast.

Entertainer: Ladies and gentlemen, thanks to the friends of the bride and groom, we learned a lot of interesting things about the first meeting and acquaintance of the newlyweds, but do the newlyweds themselves remember their first meeting. So, just for today, wedding talk show "Romance Encounter."

The entertainer asks the bride 3 questions, the groom at this time listens to music on headphones, then he asks the same questions to the groom. Sample questions:
What were the bride and groom wearing on the day they met?
What song was playing that day?
With what words did your acquaintance begin?

After the talk show, applause is heard, and the song that sounded on the day they met is heard.

Entertainer: And now I want to announce the "dance of love", "dance of the newlyweds", applause! During the dance of the newlyweds, you can organize an ejection balloons. Hanging from the ceiling big ball filled with confetti and small balloons. At the climax of the dance, the big balloon explodes and small balloons and confetti fly out of it. The spectacle is truly very bright and colorful.
After the dance of the "young", the entertainer invites guests to a dance, musical break, and for those who are not yet ready for dancing - a buffet table.

Dance break.

The entertainer invites everyone to the festive table.

Serving hot snacks, light music sounds.

Toast guests (optional).

The entertainer conducts a talk show (competition) "Traditions of modern European wedding". Everyone who wishes to name and describe wedding traditions participates in the debate.

Entertainer: And again a surprise! Hot dance duo with the number "Brazilian Tango"!

Entertainer: And now, dear friends, from classical dances, we will move on to modern, dance tunes. So, we meet the guests of our wedding, the stars of the Russian stage, the fashionable group "..." (any youth, dance group).

The entertainer invites "young" and guests to the table. Serving hot meals. Light music is playing.

The entertainer asks the guests to draw a memorable portrait of the newlyweds. Each of the guests approaches the canvas and brings his own detail to the overall picture. Then the master of ceremonies shows the finished masterpiece and puts it up for auction among those present.


The entertainer announces the culmination of the wedding celebration, the lights go out in the hall, sounds solemn music and take out a wedding cake. In the center of the hall, around the cake, firecrackers of cold fire light up and form magic circle. The newlyweds enter the circle and cut the bottom tier of the cake. Applause is heard, the newlyweds kiss, and from under the dome of the restaurant, rose petals and balloons fall on the "young" and guests.
Then, the first piece of the cake is put up for auction by the entertainer.

Bride tossing the bridal bouquet unmarried girls, and the groom garter unmarried gentlemen

Entertainer: Dear newlyweds, and now I invite you to the "dance of desires", which will be a bright end to our wedding program. And I will ask you, dear ladies and gentlemen, to form a circle around the newlyweds and to each say a wish to the "young".

The newlyweds dance, the guests say wishes.

Solemn speech of the newlyweds, the end of the program.