People's advice on face care. Tips for taking care of your face at home. Facial care: less is more

Dear readers, hello everyone! Makeup artist Olga Ramazanova is with you. In my practice, I quite often encountered the fact that women simply do not know how or do not want to use skin care cosmetics. As a result, there are premature aging face, age spots, deep wrinkles, and even serious illness dermis.

But all these problems can be avoided or delayed! If you care about your beauty and health, then read this article on how to care for your skin at home.

Skin types

Dermatologists distinguish several types of skin: oily, combination, normal and dry. The main indicator for their separation is the degree of secretion of sebum (sebum). Each type needs to be treated differently. Let's discuss this issue in detail.

Oily skin

  • Oily skin often has enlarged pores and shine if left unwashed for a long time. You will have to take care of her very carefully, because inflammation in the form of comedones and acne may appear on it. Be sure to carry out the care procedure at least 2 times a day (you can even 3 times in the summer).
  • In the morning and evening, wash your face with a gel or foam cleanser. If there is no inflammation, then you can use a sponge or brush for the face.
  • After that, the face is wiped with a tonic to narrow the pores and restore the acid balance.
  • At the end, very light cream(or gel cream).
  • It is advisable to scrub your face every other day and use absorbent masks. During the day, matting wipes will help remove excess sebum.

look after problem face need to be more careful. It would be correct in this case to contact a beautician. My advice is: reduce any contact of the dermis with sources of bacteria - towels, washcloths, makeup brushes, sponges, hands and even glasses.

It will not be superfluous to iron the pillowcase on which you sleep every time. It is also necessary to exclude the use of scrubs and peels. Be very careful with different medicinal products from inflammation, it is better to consult a specialist.

Combination skin

  • Combined type characterized by oily "T" - zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry cheeks. To solve all the problems of such a person, one must carefully select cosmetical tools.
  • Light textures with a moisturizing effect are suitable.
  • The care takes place as always in 3 stages: cleansing, toning and nutrition (washing, tonic and day / night cream).
  • Scrub can be used twice a week Special attention giving problem areas where the pores are clogged. After that, it is ideal to apply a deep moisturizing mask.

normal skin

  • Normal skin today is very rare. Doesn't happen to her oily sheen and dryness.
  • The main task of care in this case is to prolong beauty and not harm. Cosmetics should be nourishing and moisturizing with protective properties.
  • Twice a day, you must perform all 3 stages, which I wrote about above.
  • Additionally, you can carry out care procedures depending on the season or the state of health of the woman (after childbirth, surgery or other stress).

Dry skin

  • the main problem dry dermis - premature appearance of wrinkles. It can be dull, flaky and red.
  • Often it becomes sensitive, because there is not enough protective layer of sebum on it. Appear allergic reactions for cosmetics and household chemicals, water, cold and heat.
  • For this type of cosmetics should be as nutritious as possible. In this case, you can clean your face with micellar water and do not wash, so as not to dry the dermis.
  • Tonic must be alcohol-free.
  • Cream is better to choose with hyaluronic acid(the most powerful moisturizing component), urea and a protective SPF filter.

Zone around eyes

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, so it requires special treatment to yourself. regular cream for the face has a denser texture and is not absorbed by the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, it is necessary to choose special cream that will solve your problem: puffiness, dark circles or mimic wrinkles.

It must be applied after cleansing the face twice a day for massage lines(like on a picture). The movements should be light and patting. It is important not to approach the edge of the eyelid so that the cream does not get into the eyes.

Seasonal Features

In winter, protection is also needed, but from the cold. Care products should be nutritious and contain vitamins, which are insufficiently supplied with food during this period.

In conclusion, I want to say that in addition to purchased cosmetics, you can use "grandmother's recipes" based on herbs, oils and other improvised means. This will help you save money and be sure of the naturalness of the components. The main thing is that the recipes are proven and fairly simple.

I wish you success in achieving your ideal of beauty! Subscribe to new blog articles and share links to the article in in social networks. See you!

Professional facial care at home is difficult, but possible.

Women's beauty is always the result of hard work. A career-worn woman who falls asleep on the beautician's table during procedures will look honest no matter how many procedures she goes through - well-groomed woman older than his years. The thing is that appearance requires attention. AND regular care behind it is a manifestation of such attention, which, like a currency, accumulates and pays dividends - a wonderful appearance.

Professional facial care at home is difficult, but possible. I will not dwell on the daily routine, there are hardly many questions on this topic. I will try to talk about how to independently carry out procedures that are as close as possible in effect to salon ones. It is generally accepted that for serious positive effect you need to visit a beautician at least once a week - try to start carving out for independent procedures at least an hour on the weekend, and try to make it your tradition. The effect will be very noticeable.

salon face care

Classic salon procedures for facial care (if we are not talking about hardware cosmetology) consist of four important blocks:

applying a mask that solves a specific problem
face massage
nutrition and/or hydration

Cleansing and massage are two important steps that are really difficult to do on your own, but you can.


Cleansing is carried out in two stages - we wash off the cosmetics and then carry out deep cleansing from dead cells with a scrub or special masks. You can wash off cosmetics with your usual means, if the skin is sensitive, then it is better to take special lotions, oily and normal skin easily tolerates a variety of foams, etc. This is the alphabet, I will not dwell on it in detail - take the remedy that you usually use, it is quite suitable.

The next step is the removal of dead cells. You won’t get off with foam here, you need a stronger impact. I am not a fan of homemade recipes like cucumber ointments or Indian gull poop masks, but when it comes to scrubs, folk recipes are often quite adequate. You can choose professional cosmetics(you need a product that says “exfoliator”) which can be in the form of a scrub, setting film mask, etc., or make your own potion. Here are a few recipes that I sometimes use:

1. classic scrub:

quarter cup oatmeal
a quarter cup of dry milk
a tablespoon of sea salt

To enhance the effect, you can add small ground coffee but only if the skin is not sensitive. Place all ingredients in a blender or coffee grinder and grind until smooth. During the grinding process, you can add a few drops of essential oil, choose what you need depending on the type of skin and the desired effect.
On wet palm pour out a little of the mixture and dilute it with your finger to the state of gruel, then apply on the face and rub in a circular motion. Repeated? Wash off!

2. Mask classic:

A quarter of a mango or 2-3 strawberries (can be winter)
half a teaspoon of lemon juice
2 drops lemon oil

Everything is ground in a blender and applied special brush on the face, left for 10-15 minutes and rinsed thoroughly. Berries and fruits contain acid, which gives the effect of mild chemical peeling and removes particles dead skin. Attention: after this mask you can not go under the direct Sun rays, there may be problems with pigmentation (reaction to vitamin C).

Attention: when choosing from the mass of "folk" recipes, which are full on the net, be very careful. Most of them are based on a combination of yolk or protein, honey, cereal, fruits, dairy products - in fact, great allergens. If you have allergy problems, then it is better to choose professional tools carefully reading what is included.


Nourishing, moisturizing, narrowing pores, relieving irritation, etc., etc., there are a lot of options. After you have removed upper layer keratinized cells active substances masks will penetrate the skin better, it's time to smear something useful.

Choosing a mask is a responsible matter. First, define the problem. Or rather, even like this: first you need to determine what type of skin you have, but, I think, we have already passed this elementary stage and all those present understand what mother nature has awarded them. Next, you need to figure out what we want to achieve: in winter, we need nourishing masks, in summer - moisturizing ones. Women closer to forty need masks with a lifting effect. Girls may need a mask to fight acne, and so on. If we are talking about solving a more or less serious problem, then I would highly recommend choosing professional solutions, and it is better not to do it yourself, but with the help of a cosmetologist or dermatologist . One visit will not ruin you, but it will help you not to waste time and energy on useless, and even harmful procedures.

If we are talking about nourishing and moisturizing skin that is not prone to allergies, then it is quite possible to try calm recipes. “Zero effect” is the term that cosmetologists use to denote the result of using mass-market products, they do no harm, but they do not do much good either. Although, if it's just about maintaining tone, then why not try it? You can regularly make masks from products that do not harm you personally and complement them with professional cosmetics. Don't forget that the most important cosmetic component- attention to yourself. Here's a couple winter masks that you can safely do at home:

1. Winter nourishing mask:

One ripe banana
3 tablespoons oatmeal
one yolk
a teaspoon of your nourishing cream that you use in winter.

Grind the flakes in a blender to a state of sand, add a banana, yolk and cream, mix everything until a uniform mass. Apply with a brush on the face, neck and décolleté, lie down and relax for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off carefully warm water and rinse with cool, blot your face gentle napkin and apply nutritious cream.
If the skin is very dry, then you can add a teaspoon instead of a nourishing cream. olive oil. But do not get carried away: it clogs pores, forming a film on the skin, so it is better to be careful with this component.

2. Another winter nourishing mask:

2 tablespoons honey
1 protein
2 tablespoons of glycerin
3 tablespoons flour
Mix honey, protein and glycerin, then add flour, you should get a liquid slurry. Apply it with a brush on the face (avoiding the eye area, of course), neck and décolleté, leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. Attention: if there are problems with capillaries, then we do not use honey.

In order for the mask to work better, you need to lie down in a relaxed position so that the skin on the neck does not gather in folds. classic pose- with a towel under your head, lying or half-sitting. If at this moment you focus on feeling young and beautiful, then the effect of the mask will triple, I promise.


In fact, massage is included in the full range of procedures indicated in the price list of the salon as “facial”, well, or should be included there. Regular massage is one of the serious conditions for maintaining skin tone, no wonderful creams and serums will be able to maintain this tone for a long time. Massage can and should be done regularly on your own, but even better is to learn with a friend, and help care for each other's faces on a barter basis. The rules are simple:

1. oil.

For facial massage you need massage oil or massage emulsion, and here I am in favor of professional cosmetics. No, you can also use olive oil if your skin is dry. But it clogs pores and leads to the formation of blackheads. Oil grape seeds better, avocado, jojoba - there are a lot of options, study the action and choose the best. I prefer light natural massage oils, some manufacturers have series specifically designed for facial massage (look for the “facial” label). You can’t take massage cream, it will quickly absorb and you will begin to stretch the skin.

2. skin.

The skin must be cleansed, if you have not done the previous procedures, then simply remove makeup and dirt from the face (using lotion or any basic cleanser such as rose water).

3. hands.

Before starting the massage, warm up your hands - rub against each other so that they are warm. Pour a little oil into your palm and rub it, it should also be warm. A lot of oil is not needed, the main thing is that the hands slide freely.

4. movement.

The direction of travel should always be from bottom to top. We are struggling with the effects of gravity, so pulling the skin down additionally is not worth it for obvious reasons. If you are doing a massage to a friend, then lay her on the sofa and stand behind, then all your movements should be from yourself to yourself.

5. pressure.

Start with stroking movements and gradually increase the pressure. It is important to strike a balance - the massage should be effective (we need a significant increase in blood circulation), but at the same time you should not additionally stretch the skin with your movements.

6. eyes.

The skin around the eyes is NEVER massaged. We can work along the edges of the orbit of the eye - along the lower part and along the line under the eyebrows. In no case do not rub the cream or oil with intense circular movements, only point, very gentle pressure. Skin is a living organ nutrients circulate in it. The working finger is the ring finger. All movements are performed only with this finger, it is the weakest and it is difficult to harm them.

This simple rules which must be mastered before moving on to practice. If you are ready, then forward to a taut physiognomy!


1. warm up

Apply the oil on the face and neck with light stroking movements, starting from the bottom and moving up. Warm up the skin of the face, very gently and gradually increasing the intensity of movements. It takes 3-4 minutes to warm up.

2. forehead

On the forehead we have two problem areas horizontal wrinkles and two vertical ones (“zone 11”) that we work with. Start with light stroking movements from the bottom up, from the bridge of the nose to the top of the forehead, changing hands. Turn up the intensity. Try not to pull, but the pressure should be quite noticeable.
"Zone 11" fold into a horizontal fold and a little bit over this fold (in other words, pinch yourself on the bridge of your nose). Without fanaticism: remember that there is a very sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes nearby and one awkward movement can lead to a black eye. Minutes 3-4.

3. eyes

As mentioned earlier, we massage the area around the eyes indirectly. First, walk along the line of the eyebrows - "pinch the eyebrows." Very carefully, from the bridge of the nose to the temples, pinch the eyebrow between your fingers, squeeze lightly and move your fingers further. This helps a lot, by the way, when your eyes get tired from the computer - in this way you improve blood flow and relieve tension. Minutes 2-3.
Then we move on to the lower edge of the eye orbit. Ring finger, from inner corners eyes to the outside, slightly pressing. Minutes 2-3.
Once again: no circular movements of the fingers on thin skin, no rubbing oil into it, very carefully.

4. chin

The jawline gives away age more than the area around the eyes. The skin on the chin sags the fastest and needs a toning massage the most. Pinch the skin between the large and index finger and lift your fingers away from your face in a vigorous motion. It should be such a big pinch, so to speak. From the center of the chin to the ears, repeat the "pass" 3-4 times.

5. neck

The skin on the neck is thin, delicate, and also needs careful care. Most often, horizontal wrinkles bother us, so that they are less noticeable, do not forget to massage the skin on the neck too.
The muscles here are located vertically, and we go along the muscle fibers, from the bottom up. Carefully, but tangibly pinch the skin between the index and thumb, slightly pull and release. It is difficult to do a neck massage on your own, it is better to turn to the help of a friend. Again, remember that our task is not to stretch the skin on the neck by 2 sizes, but to improve blood flow so that the regeneration process is more efficient. Listen to feelings.


When separate zones worked out, you can move on to intensive study of the entire face. The task of the stage is to disperse the blood, the skin may turn a little red. Pinch the skin between your thumb and forefinger, and, squeezing lightly, release it. Walk again along the chin area and cheekbones. Always from the bottom up, always from the center of the face to the temples.
Small tingling is the final stage. A lot of small movements along massage lines: chin line, cheeks and cheekbones, "zone 11", eyebrows.

Finish the massage with light strokes, you can remove the remaining oil with lotion or simply blot with a towel. The face should burn slightly, this sensation will pass in a few minutes. An honest massage once a week brings very good results both as a preventive measure and to combat existing wrinkles. Make it your tradition good rule which will be very useful to you in the future.

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We take care of the skin

We are starting our new section Harmless home cosmetology publication on the topic home care behind the skin. We hope that our advice and recommendations will be useful to you, and you will definitely find application in your Everyday life. Well, we have no doubt that the effect of such home care, provided that you follow its rules, is in no way inferior to the result of visiting an expensive beauty salon. However, try it yourself and see for yourself. We will prove to everyone that in order to look well-groomed - it is not necessary to spend thousands - it is enough just to know the little secrets of harmless home cosmetology ...

Beauty secrets

In order for your skin to look perfect and flawless at any time of the day or night, it must be properly cared for. Only under the condition of regular (not one-time - once every few months) use of tonic, cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing products that you choose for yourself, depending on your skin type, you can count on a lasting result - healthy and beautiful colour faces.

How to determine your skin type

As we wrote above - for proper skin care - you need to choose the right care products for your type. But how do you know what skin type you have? World without Harm hurries to the aid of our readers and brings brief characteristics three main existing types skin. So:

  • Dry skin is characterized by a constant feeling of tightness, narrowed pores, and frequent flaking.
  • Oily skin, on the other hand, is characterized by enlarged pores, a glossy, shiny sheen, and regular inflammatory processes (pimples and blackheads).
  • Normal skin - owners of this type can be called lucky, because they are not familiar with the problems of either oily or dry skin, and the condition of their skin is close to ideal.

However, according to cosmetologists,

V pure form each of these types of skin can be found very rarely. Most often we are dealing with mixed types. So, the skin can be too sensitive, combined with oily and dry areas, fading (flabby with a lot of wrinkles), problematic (inflammatory processes are constantly observed), rosaceous (a network of capillaries is very clearly visible on it) ...

Having determined your type as accurately as possible, you will be able to choose correct scheme to care for him, you will be able to eliminate existing problems and significantly improve the condition of your skin.

4 "whales" of home cosmetology

Facial skin care rules

Regardless of your skin type, if you want it to look healthy, you must take care of its nutrition, hydration, cleansing, and refreshing effect.

So, in order to nourish your skin - 2 times a day, use special nutritional formulations, and once a week make a nourishing mask for the skin of the face. To keep your face moisturized, wash your face at least 2 times a day and drink plenty of fluids. To cleanse the skin, it is recommended to use a facial scrub once a week. Well, as for the refreshing effect, they will help to achieve it. special formulations lotions and tonics that will charge your every cell with vivacity and energy.

Facial skin care at home

You will be surprised, but almost all the products that you see on the shelves of cosmetics stores today can be prepared at home. In any case, their analogues, which in their properties are not inferior to the originals, for sure. Below we will give you universal recipes such products that ... are suitable for women of all ages and owners of all skin types. Only now the World Without Harm will reveal to you the secrets of your beauty...

rice mask

To prepare such rice mask, take clean (pre-washed and dried) rice and grind it into flour in a coffee grinder. Take 2 tablespoons of this rice flour and mix them with 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Apply this composition on the skin of the face and leave for 15-25 minutes. After that, rinse under running water. The skin after such a mask is tender, elastic and toned.

Strawberry scrub

Use fruits for home cosmetology

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Take a clean but not peeled potato and grate it on the finest grater that you have in your house. Add to the resulting 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of flour. Mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse under running water.

Oatmeal Wash

Take ordinary, dry grass of calendula flowers - 1 tablespoon, string and lavender, pour it all with 8 tablespoons of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil, then cool, wipe through a sieve, add 2 teaspoons of natural olive oil to the resulting mixture, and 2 teaspoons of ordinary liquid soap, as well as 4 drops of bay essential oil. Mix thoroughly. Use this natural gel for daily washing.

regular care and healthy lifestyle of life are the main factors that slow down aging skin. The cosmetic market offers dozens of brands that promise to improve the appearance of the skin, give it youth and radiance. These products are not always effective, but almost always worth a considerable investment, therefore great addition and may even be an alternative folk remedies used for face care.

There are several reasons why you should not neglect the homemade beauty recipes provided by nature itself. First, it does not require any costs. Second, you know exactly what you are using. pure product without dyes and preservatives. Thirdly, did you know that many of the ingredients that are included in expensive and high-quality creams and serums can be found in the kitchen or purchased inexpensively in the store? Fourth, folk remedies have a wide range of applications and, most importantly, they work!

Before using natural recipes, you need to know exactly your type of skin and its needs, otherwise care will not only not give desired result, but it can also worsen the condition of the epidermal layer.

In this article, I will give you a few basic facial treatments using folk remedies.

1. Extremely important step in skin care is daily cleansing. Dust, sweat, grease, make-up residue, dirt and bacteria clog pores and can lead to premature wrinkles and various skin conditions. For daily cleansing you can use not only the right lotion or foam. There are quite a few products that work just as well as store-bought products.

Milk, kefir and honey are excellent natural cleansers that are suitable for all skin types. moisten cotton pad in milk or kefir (if desired, add honey), wipe your face with massaging movements. Wait 5-10 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Coconut oil removes not only impurities and makeup, but even waterproof mascara. It is ideal for cleansing the delicate area around the eyes. At home, you can prepare rose water or cucumber lotion, which have proven themselves well. It is better to use them every day in the morning and in the evening.

2. Once a week (with sensitive type- once every 10 days) be sure to use a scrub to exfoliate dead epithelium. The procedure promotes cell renewal, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, enhances metabolic processes in tissues.

Oatmeal serves as an excellent exfoliant, it absorbs and removes surface contamination, providing good nutrition and hydration. Mix 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal with 1/4 tsp. salt, add water or milk to make a smooth paste. Gently rub in circular motions, leave for 5 minutes and rinse. You can add olive oil or jojoba to the recipe.

As an exfoliant, a sugar scrub, salt or coffee grounds. After the procedure, apply the mask that your skin needs.

3. Before exfoliating or applying a mask, it is advisable to do a facial steam bath, which helps to eliminate toxins and allows you to open the pores, so that nutrients penetrate deep into the epdermal layer. steam baths also allow for deeper cleansing.

To make the procedure more effective, it is useful to add herbs to the water (chamomile, nettle, sage, mint) or essential oils(lavender, tea tree, orange). Green tea, for example, helps in the fight against acne and acne. Four st. l. tea leaves and 6 tbsp. l. chopped ginger, add water and bring to a boil. Cover your head with a towel and take a bath for 10 minutes. Chamomile soothes, relieves inflammation and irritation, nettle and mint smooth wrinkles.

4. For toning and a slight lifting effect, it is useful to use ice cubes instead of washing every morning. Rubbing with ice tightens the skin, stimulates blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles.

The procedure is not recommended for dilated capillaries, inflammatory processes and overly sensitive skin type. In this case, use lemon water (lemon juice per liter of water), milk, chamomile, or green tea. These simple folk remedies in facial care will help to keep it fresh and smooth for a long time. More information about methods of washing can be obtained.

5. Complete care is not possible without adequate skin hydration. Perfectly moisturize and maintain pH balance moisturizing masks with aloe, honey, banana, yogurt or sour cream, peach, cucumber, oatmeal. Of the oils that work most effectively: jojoba, argan, coconut, shea, peach, pomegranate, grape.

6. A balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and unsaturated fatty acids is the key to healthy and glowing skin. Foods high in powerful antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as selenium, help keep skin looking young and well-groomed.

7. special approach requires soft skin around eyes. It is devoid of a lipid layer, so the first signs of aging appear in this area. Twice a week, nourishing masks are shown, and instead of a night cream, it works effectively Peach oil, coconut or shea.

8. Speaking of facial care with folk remedies, one cannot fail to mention oils and beeswax, with which you can prepare excellent creams for rejuvenation, nutrition and moisturizing of the epidermal layer.

9. Essential oil extracts and base oils used in facial care are easily absorbed by the epidermal layer, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Cellular regeneration is the key to youthfulness and firmness of the skin, and biologically active nutrients healing oils contribute to the production of collagen and stimulate regenerative processes in tissues. Sesame, peach and shea butter are great alternative sunscreen, because they minimize negative impact harmful UV radiation.

Over time, using folk remedies for facial care, you can find your perfect combinations products, herbs and oils that will allow you to keep your skin young and healthy for a long time.

The skin on the face reflects not only the woman's age, but also her love and respect for herself.

Therefore, proper care for her simply must become the rule of every day, and the truth about your age will be hidden from others forever.

But what to do if you want to look beautiful, but material possibilities are very limited?

It's simple - give preference to home-made products.

It is no less effective than salon procedures, but much cheaper and safer!

Facial skin care at home: proper cleansing

Beautiful skin is clear skin. It's not about mechanical pollution, but about blockage of pores. This problem is increasingly accompanying not only oily skin, but also owners normal type skin. Ideally, the epidermis should cleanse itself (as nature intended), but our vital speed has gained maximum momentum, and the skin simply does not have time to adapt its direct functions to the pace of life. She needs a little help.

The simplest and inexpensive method deep cleaning the skin of the house is salt. There is an opinion that only sea water should be used. It is not true. Plain salt has big set antiseptic properties, besides, it is always at hand. Salt scrub is not stored, it must be used immediately after preparation. Recipes for each skin type are different.

Any scrub is more effective if carried out on slightly steamed skin. Best after a hot shower or relaxing bath.

Proper skin cleansing at home involves two golden rules:

1. Never start mechanical cleaning face, if it has inflammation, rashes, wounds. The procedure will not bring benefits, and may worsen the healing of the inflamed process;

2. In no case do not start cleaning the pores without first cleaning the skin with soap or other cleanser. During mechanical impact the skin is injured and the presence of any type of pollution on it (even cosmetic residues) is fraught with inflammation.

Facial skin care at home: moisturizing

Moisturizing - milestone in skin care. Elastic, glowing skin is a reality for any woman. Properly saturate the skin with moisture without even noticing it. simple products with a daily presence in the menu, they can saturate the body with substances that improve the health of the face and skin in general.

1.5 liters daily is enough to give the skin proper elasticity

Vitamin C

Promotes natural collagen production. Just a few apples a day or a salad with sauerkraut have the same effect on skin health as an expensive cream

Fats and omega-3 fatty acids

These are healthy, easily digestible fats. plant origin, or with fermented milk products. Fats sea ​​fish healthiest source of omega-3s

Trace elements: copper, magnesium, silicon, sulfur

A daily portion of any cereal or a slice of whole grain bread will fully satisfy the body's need for these trace elements.

The vitality of the skin integument largely depends on the way of life, and not on the price tag on the box of moisturizer. Less caffeine and stress more sleep And positive emotions reflected on the face instantly. But still pamper your face with moisturizing masks required several times a month.

Recipe #1:

1 chicken yolk (can be quail);

1 st. l. fatty yogurt(cream);

1 tsp carrot juice.

Mix and apply for 15 minutes on a clean face. It is better if the mask is slightly warm. More suitable for dry skin.

Recipe #2:

Sea buckthorn juice - effective remedy for any skin type. Wipe your face with it daily, or apply on gauze mask and leave it on your face for 20 minutes.

Recipe #3:

2 tbsp. l. honey;

1 st. l. aloe juice.

Extract aloe juice from one leaf of the plant, previously cut and left in the refrigerator for several days. Mix with honey in proportion and apply on clean skin. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator. Suitable for any skin type.

Facial skin care at home: nutrition

It is necessary to nourish the skin in order to improve its color and overall appearance. flabby, almost transparent skin gray shade- this is what can happen if you do not pay due attention to your face. Skin cells are very lazy by nature. If they do not receive proper nutrition, they begin to slow down their functionality up to a complete stop. To prevent this, you need to feed your body useful substances not only internally, but also externally.

At home, skin nutrition occurs with the help of masks, which are prepared from improvised ingredients. Best choice for every skin type suitable composition, otherwise the effect will not be maximum.

Homemade nourishing masks for different skin types

skin type

The composition of the mask

Application features


1 egg white;

1 tsp honey;

Potato starch.

Heat honey in a steam bath and mix with whipped protein. Thicken the mixture with starch. Apply to a clean face for 25-30 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a month.

20 gr. yeast (not dry);

1 st. l. sour cream.

Apply the mixture on the skin for 25 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water without soap.

1 tsp honey;

1 tsp glycerin.

The components are mixed in a steam bath, then applied to a clean face for 1-2 hours. Leftover masks will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days. Repeat the process until the composition is complete.


1 st. l. cottage cheese;

1 st. l. berry puree (according to the season).

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Repeat no more than once a week.

Facial skin care at home: whitening

With age or under the influence environment and the pace of life on the skin of the face, unpleasant surprises may appear in the form age spots. Many women immediately run to boutiques for corrective means, not realizing that this problem solved at home with the help of a very available ways.

Cucumber express mask

1 fresh cucumber;

Cucumber grate and pour alcohol. Insist 24 hours in the refrigerator. A gauze pad soaked in the resulting lotion is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion can be used until it runs out. A series of procedures last from 14 to 30 days, depending on the result. This mask is more suitable for owners oily skin.

parsley tonic

Chop the parsley with a knife and pour boiling water over it. Rub the infusion into the skin 2-3 times a day. For convenience, you can freeze the infusion in ordinary ice molds and wipe your face in the morning before work. This procedure will give the skin elasticity and freshness.

Honey Lemon Mask

Juice of 1 lemon;

Honey 2 tbsp. l.

Melt honey in a water bath and mix with lemon juice. Soak gauze well with the solution and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes.

You should not pin hopes that after one procedure the skin will become perfect. This requires a series of procedures, but the result will manifest itself as a long-term effect.

Facial skin care at home: the fight against wrinkles

Advertised anti-wrinkle masks are largely just a commercial ploy. All aging processes subcutaneous cells controls the body. As we feed him, so he answers us. To delay the appearance of the first wrinkles, it is advisable to do preventive procedures that do not take much time, do not require material investments, are safe for health and give good result. This:

1. healthy eating,

2. Fresh air,

3. facial massage,

4. vitamin home masks.

The area around the eyes is the first to react to age, so you need to pay more attention to it. This smoothing mask recipe is suitable not only for wrinkles, but also as a reduction dark circles.

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

1 st. l. mashed potatoes;

1 tsp olive oil;

1 tsp chopped parsley.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the area around the eyes for 15 minutes. Apply the mask every 2 days for a month. For convenience, you can make an infusion with parsley. Pour boiling water over 15 teaspoons of chopped parsley and let it brew until the water cools.

The most effective means for instant result- This is a gelatin mask. Gelatin contains natural collagen. All expensive means and salon procedures, in one form or another, contain it.

Gelatin mask from wrinkles

Milk 2 tbsp. l.;

Fat cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l.;

Gelatin 1 tsp

Pour gelatin with milk until swelling. Then melt it in a water bath (do not bring to a boil). Rub the cottage cheese through satiety and mix with gelatin. Apply the mixture on your face for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better to relax, not to show emotions and facial expressions. The mask will dry, making a film on the face. Under no circumstances should you tear it off. The mask is removed with a very warm decoction of herbs or with the help of steam bath. This miracle remedy has no contraindications and can be used frequently.

Facial skin care at home: reasons for failure

Homemade facial skin care products have all the properties that are valued and synthetic purchased creams and masks. The only difference is that the tube from the store is more convenient to use, it is always at hand. But him chemical composition should be alarming for everyone. IN home remedy only what is given to us by nature, and this is a priori better. But still, if home remedies do not give the expected effect, the reasons may lie in:

1. Composition. Incorrectly selected ingredients according to skin type give the opposite effect.

2. The use of components out of season (you can not turn on in winter fresh cucumbers in skin care products)

3. Non-systematic procedures.

4. Inconsistency of the type of mask to the problem that you want to solve.