Feelings of a pregnant woman at the 16th week of pregnancy. weeks: what you need to know. The main medical appointments concern

The period of 15-16 weeks of pregnancy is considered the most the best time pregnancy. The woman feels good, rejoices in the upcoming motherhood. At this time, the belly is not yet very noticeable, especially under clothes. Although its slight increase is obvious. To provide yourself with a positive attitude, and the baby harmonious development, you can make a musical selection of pleasant melodies and listen to it periodically. Fit like classical music and instrumental compositions, jazz or funny children's songs.

15-16 weeks of pregnancy: mother's condition

The uterus continues to grow actively, pressing on the intestines, so some women may notice that their stomach is pulling. In addition, by the end of the 16th week, the expectant mother may feel the fetal movement. Such sensations are caused precisely by the growth of the uterus and its approach to the walls. abdominal cavity... Especially often at this time, fetal movements are felt by women who have already given birth. Sometimes the baby's gentle pushing can be confused with bowel movements.

Weight gain by the end of the 16th week of pregnancy is about two to three kilograms.

In the period from 15 to 18 weeks pregnant, it is advisable to do a second biochemical screening to determine the level of alpha-fetoprotein, chorionic gonadotropin human and free estradiol. Based on the results of such a "triple test", a conclusion will be made about the risk of developing genetic abnormalities in the fetus. But even if the indicators turn out to be not very good, you should not panic, since the test only makes it possible to determine whether a woman is in a high-risk group. Therefore, a consultation with a geneticist and further examination will be prescribed.

Also, at the 16th week, the next ultrasound is scheduled.

Fetal development

At a period of 15-16 weeks, the network of blood vessels in the child's body grows, and the brain mass increases. The child's body and legs grow most intensively. The skin still has a reddish tint, but the fluff on the head thickens noticeably, the appearance of pigment is noted - the hair acquires the color with which the baby will be born. The blood network is clearly visible through the child's skin. This is due to the fact that the layer of adipose tissue has not yet been formed. The size of the fruit is about 90 grams, and its length is 16 centimeters.

The amount of amniotic fluid increases markedly. The kid begins to swallow them more and more intensively, but after an hour he releases water back. It should be noted that amniotic fluid is sterile as it is constantly being renewed.

At this time, the bones of the fetus are strengthened. And the beating little heart can be heard with a conventional stethoscope.

The second trimester of pregnancy is traditionally considered the most calm and joyful period of life for future mother.

It is at this time that it is time to think about updating your wardrobe. From 15 to 16 weeks of pregnancy, your belly will begin to grow gradually, familiar clothes can cause discomfort, therefore, as far as possible, it is advisable to replace it with one in which both you and your baby will feel comfortable.

Emotional and psychological condition many pregnant women this trimester allows them to engage in special physical exercise... If you do not feel unwell, you can risk own health and the health of the baby to be engaged special gymnastics... Do not under any circumstances do heavy physical labor, do not lift heavy objects. Try to observe the regime of work and rest.

Needless to say about the need for regular walks on fresh air? This will help your body deal with the increased oxygen demand more easily. At this time, it is advisable to attend a school for young mothers, where they will help you acquire the most valuable knowledge.

Close attention during this period should be paid to a balanced diet. In the second trimester, your body needs vitamins and minerals as badly as in the first, since not all fetal systems are completely formed. However, do not overeat, because this will inevitably lead to weight gain.

Following the above tips will help you avoid possible complications pregnancy.

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16 week of pregnancy

On the sixteenth week, everyone knows that a woman is pregnant and, of course, cannot be avoided a large number advice on lifestyle, nutrition, and even raising an unborn child. It is very difficult in some situations to maintain moral balance. Nevertheless, try not to be nervous, because this will negatively affect the baby, who is not to blame for anything.

What does a baby look like

The child looks like a man, his head is no longer pressed to his chest, and nails grow on his fingers. The movements of the limbs are more coordinated, he can easily reach his mouth with his hand. The skin is covered with fine hairs and a lubricant that protects it from external environment... The highest nervous activity already developed so much that the baby begins to worry when the mother is nervous. Most likely, he picks up her heartbeat and voice.

It is interesting that by this time the vocal apparatus has already been formed, so that the baby is able to make sounds. He will need this skill a little later, when he announces his birth with the first loud cry.

The kidneys secrete about half a liter of urine per day, due to which the amniotic fluid is completely renewed. The reproductive system of girls is practically formed, but in boys, the testicles are in the abdominal cavity and will descend much later.

Fruit size: the weight of the crumbs reaches 100 g, and the height is 20 cm. Many women, especially those who have already given birth, feel movements, which can sometimes be confused with intestinal peristalsis.

Photo of the fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy

What has changed in a woman's body

At this time, saphenous veins can protrude on the enlarged breast and abdomen. This is due to the redistribution of blood in the body. Don't worry, after giving birth and the end of the lactation period, they will disappear without a trace.

Allocations from the genital tract at 16 weeks, usually not abundant, transparent or whitish. The appearance of red or brown streaks - alarming symptom, which may indicate placental abruption and the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, when they appear, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Another danger can be hypertonicity of the uterus, which is manifested by pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen, it becomes hard to the touch. This leads to intrauterine hypoxia child. Therefore, one should avoid traumatic situations and, if necessary, take no-shpu. Remember that the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Second trimester screening

It's time to do the second trimester screening. You can do it from 16 to 20 weeks, but optimal time is 16-17 weeks. It includes:

  1. Ultrasound, in which the doctor carefully examines everything internal organs the child and his limbs, measures the circumference of the abdomen and head, assesses the condition of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid. During the examination, the specialist determines the expected date of birth, but do not assume that it is final. Only a small number of babies are born right on time.
  2. At biochemical research blood levels of hCG, AFP, estriol and inhibin A are determined.
  • The level of chorionic gonadotropin at week 16 is normally 10,000-58,000 mU / ml, with an increase in gestational age, its concentration begins to decrease. Upward deviations from the norm may indicate not only chromosomal pathologies (Down syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome), but also about multiple pregnancy, diabetes mellitus and gestosis. With a reduced level of hCG, the risk of Edwards syndrome increases.
  • The concentration of alpha-fetoprotein begins to increase from the 14th week of pregnancy. Its rate at 16 weeks is 15-95 units / ml. If the level of AFP is elevated, then this may indicate the risk of anomalies in the development of the central nervous system or multiple pregnancies. If the concentration is below normal, then there is a likelihood of Down syndrome and Edwards.
  • The level of estriol is determined by the work of the adrenal glands of the fetus and may change when taking certain medications (glucocorticoid hormones, antibiotics). At low concentration, the likelihood of Down and Edwards syndrome increases, with high concentration fetoplacental insufficiency, underdevelopment of the adrenal glands and the brain in a child is often observed.
  • The concentration of inhibin A is influenced by the age, weight, smoking of a woman, so this indicator should be assessed only in conjunction with the rest.

If, as a result of screening, an increased risk of congenital or chromosomal abnormalities is established, the woman is referred for a consultation with a geneticist, who determines the indications for invasive diagnostics(amniocentesis).

  • Second trimester screening should be done, which includes ultrasound and biochemical analysis blood.
  • Women who already have children can feel the first movements of the baby.
  • There is a risk of placental abruption and uterine hypertonia. For any deviations from the norm, you must consult a doctor.
  • Support good mood and physical fitness, visit group lessons for pregnant.

Photo of belly at 16 weeks of gestation

Click to enlarge the photo of the tummies. If you want to see your photo here, write to [email protected]

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16 week of pregnancy, description of fetal development

How the baby grows, the size and weight of the baby at 16 weeks of gestation

11-11.5 cm long and weighing 80 g at 16 weeks of gestation, your baby resembles an avacado in size. In the next 3 weeks, he will make a major leap forward, doubling his weight and significantly increasing his height. Lower limbs became much more developed, and the neck raised its head higher. The eyes and ears are already close to their final location. At 16 weeks of gestation, the heart pumps about 25 liters of blood daily. Although closed, his eyes can move slowly, and marigolds have begun to grow on his legs. With regard to the work of the kidneys and Bladder, then there is progress - almost every 45 minutes, the baby makes a "contribution" to the composition of the amniotic fluid.

The liver begins to become a digestive organ, and the red bone marrow gradually takes over the function of hematopoiesis. In the blood of the fetus, it is already possible to find all the cells characteristic of the blood of an adult, and it is possible to determine its group and the Rh factor. The stomach, intestines and gall bladder... But so far their work is just training. In the intestines of the fetus, the first content appears, consisting mainly of bile. This is meconium - the original feces - of a dark green or black-green color.

When performing an ultrasound scan at 16 weeks, fetal movements can be seen on the monitor screen. You may already be feeling them. And if not, don't be upset. Usually, the first movements, or movements, of the fetus occur between the 16th and 20th weeks of pregnancy: for all women in different ways. In addition, one child may be more active and the other less. Even in the same mother with different pregnancies, the timing of the first movements is different.

How do you change, sensations in your body

Have you already been told how wonderful you look at 16 weeks? During pregnancy, a woman really "shines" because of the increased volume of blood flowing to the skin. Now you yourself, let's hope, like yourself, thanks to the calmed down hormones and the receded toxicosis. The feeling of confidence is also added by the fact that your pregnancy is already over 14 weeks, and this is another period after which the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced!

Six weeks ago, the uterus weighed 140 g, and now its weight is about 250 g. The volume of amniotic fluid in which the baby swims increases to 250 ml. At 16 weeks pregnant, you can feel the uterus 7.5 cm below your belly button.

This week you will need to donate blood for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE) levels.

For some disabling diseases (for example, Down's syndrome, cranial hernia, anencephaly, splitting of the anterior abdominal wall fetus, etc.), the levels of these substances in the blood of pregnant women may deviate from the norm. According to the results of the study, it is possible to suspect or exclude the presence of these defects in the fetus.

Sauna and steam bath during pregnancy

Is it possible to use a sauna or bathhouse during pregnancy? Your baby needs to maintain a certain body temperature. Studies have shown that if in critical periods During the development of the child, your body temperature remains elevated by several degrees for several minutes, this can harm the fetus. So it is better not to take risks with the bath and sauna. Be patient for a few more months. Science does not know how the mother's stay in the solarium affects the growing fetus. Until certain results are obtained on this issue, you should also refrain from visiting the solarium.

What to do at 16 weeks pregnant

Organize with your partner some romantic evening... When the baby is born, it will be quite problematic to find time to be alone. Don't miss this opportunity to be together, and don't postpone it. After all, it is quite possible that in the third trimester you will become much lazier and more difficult to get out somewhere ...

Question of 16 weeks of pregnancy:

At what stage of pregnancy is a child considered viable?

This is a controversial question. There is no definite timeframe, although experts disagree. The survival rate for babies born after 23 weeks increases with each week of pregnancy. Survival rates for infants born before 23 weeks of gestation are very low and need long-term intensive medical care, including the use of various life support vehicles. Very immature babies are at risk for development of cerebral palsy, intraventricular bleeding, and necrotizing enterocolitis.

From the book by W. and M. Sears "All necessary information for the expectant mother from the birth of the idea to the birth of the child "

Bleeding gums (gingivitis of pregnancy). Have you already guessed the reason? The same pregnancy hormones that act on mucosal cells various bodies of your body, cause changes in your mouth. You must be ready not only for increased salivation but also to the fact that your gums will become sensitive, swell and be easily damaged while brushing your teeth with a toothbrush or floss. Around the fourth month of pregnancy, you should see your dentist. A dentist, oral hygiene specialist, or periodontist can help you avoid gum disease (gingivitis) or various infections changes that can occur in your mouth. As pregnant women are at increased risk of tooth decay and gingivitis, dentist visits and good oral hygiene should be an integral part of medical events during pregnancy. If you require dental cleaning, tooth x-rays, or local anesthesia, don't worry. All this will not harm the child. (If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, be sure to inform your dentist, and during an X-ray of the tooth, you will be given a protective apron that covers your abdomen.) their pregnancy - despite the fact that antibiotics used in such cases are usually safe for pregnant women.

Here are some tips on how to use home remedies to prevent gum changes that occur during pregnancy from becoming even more unpleasant and serious.

Eat more vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin C. Foods that are high in calcium are also good for your teeth.

Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic several times a day. After rinsing, spit out the liquid rather than swallowing it.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that will not bleed your gums.

Brush your teeth more often, and always after every meal. Carry a spare toothbrush and toothpaste with you in your purse.

Floss your teeth regularly (at least once a day).

Think about using ultrasonic brush, which is more effective than usual at removing plaque from teeth. In addition, it spares the gums that have become sensitive.

Avoid sticky caramel and other similar sweets. Butterscotch, figs, and other sticky foods collect in the depressions of your swollen gums, so try to satisfy your sugar cravings with less sticky foods.

Note: Tiny nodules can form on your gums that are sensitive to touch and bleed when brushing your teeth. These nodules, called "pyogenic granulomas" (or "pregnancy tumors"), shouldn't be a concern for you; they disappear soon after childbirth. If they are causing you discomfort, your dentist may drain or remove them.

If at the 16th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls or hurts, see your doctor so that he excludes possible tone uterus. Pulling pains 16 weeks pregnant may also mean you should avoid exertion. Keep in mind that discharge may become more pronounced at 16 weeks of gestation. This is quite typical for the onset of pregnancy, and before the birth itself it can be water - be especially careful. On page 16 of the week of pregnancy, a photo of the fetus will help you understand what stage of development the baby is at.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, blood will need to be tested to make sure that the baby is completely healthy. In addition, we recommend that you monitor the change in the level of hCG and compare it with the normal value at 16 weeks of gestation. We also advise you to visit our pregnancy forum, which will help you get more information about the development of the fetus and your body at 16 weeks from the moment of conception.

Pregnancy calendar.

  • Frozen pregnancy

16 weeks pregnant - how many months?

According to the obstetric calendar, the 16th week of pregnancy falls on the fourth month of a woman's “interesting position”. The second trimester is in full swing, and if everything goes on as usual, the woman blooms more and more and continues to prepare for the inevitable motherhood.


Feelings at the 16th week of pregnancy, if it proceeds favorably and according to all norms, are not overshadowed by any painful or unpleasant manifestations. Toxicosis is a thing of the past, as well as frequent urination. Breasts, preparing for lactation, continue to increase, but the soreness, as a rule, has already disappeared. Against this background, the expectant mother seems to "come to life": the hormonal background has established in comparison with the early stages of pregnancy, therefore, the woman becomes balanced and calmer, filled with new strength and joy.

Starting from the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman often begins to feel how her appetite has increased. This is especially typical for those mothers who at first suffered from toxicosis: now it’s time to catch up on the "lost" and eat tasty and full, but at the same time keeping an eye on the weight.

Surprisingly, but at the same time it is pleasant that the sensations at the 16th week of pregnancy can be enriched by the first movements of a still very tiny baby. There are more chances to feel the first movements of the baby in women who are pregnant again: the movements of the fetus in this case more often occur 2-4 weeks earlier than during the first pregnancy. Often, at first, the expectant mother does not even realize that they were the very first - the first tangible movements of her beloved child: many women compare them with a slight flutter or sensations from air bubbles.

But, even if mommy sensitively listens to her feelings, and does not feel any movements, you should not be upset about this. After all, some mother's baby is more active, some - calmer, even in the same woman in different pregnancies, the babies begin to noticeably move in different ways.


But, even if the fetal movements are not yet felt by a woman, then she can observe them during an ultrasound scan at 16 weeks of gestation. When conducting ultrasound examination the monitor clearly shows how the baby moves, and even supplements his movements with active grimacing. An ultrasound scan at the 16th week of pregnancy will show: the baby's facial expressions are unusually active - the baby is already frowning, grimacing, winking. And, in addition, it becomes clear who is there in the mother's tummy "builds muzzles": an ultrasound scan at 16 weeks of gestation is quite capable of determining the sex of the baby.

Fetus at 16 weeks gestation

It is a boy or a girl, but the fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy already reaches "decent" size: it is 11 cm long from the coccyx to the crown of the head, weighing about 100-120 g.

The baby's bones continue to strengthen - the legs become more developed, the marigolds are almost completely formed. The kid already holds the neck straight, can turn the head from side to side. At the same time, the ears and eyes are getting closer and closer to their "designated" location.

The baby's heart works at its maximum, pumping up to 25 liters of blood daily. Digestive functions are now performed by the liver, which was previously responsible for hematopoiesis. But gradually the stomach, and with it the intestines and the gallbladder, begin their functions, while still only carrying out "training" work. In the intestines of the fetus, for example, the first contents appear, which so far consists practically of bile. This is the original feces, meconium, which has a dark green or black-green... The kidneys and the bladder of the crumbs are already fulfilling their purpose: every 45 minutes, the fetus urinates.

From now on, the baby's bone marrow is responsible for hematopoiesis, the blood composition is also fully formed. Now all those cells that are in the blood of an adult are characteristic of it, the blood group and the Rh factor of the fetus are determined. At the same time, there is still a place in the blood for a special substance called fetal hemoglobin, or hemoglobin of newborns. However, even now ordinary hemoglobin begins to appear in the blood, only it will completely replace fetal hemoglobin only six months after the baby is born.


Week 16 is a crucial period for a woman, who now has a slightly expanded list of tests. In addition to traditional urinalysis, blood pressure measurements, weight control, listening to the fetal heart, tests at week 16 are also desirable, which will detect or refute the presence of severe fetal defects. More precisely, one test: a blood test that allows you to assess the levels in a woman's body of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and unconjugated estriol (NE).

The study of the levels of these substances in the body of a pregnant woman makes it possible, with a high degree of probability, to assume the presence of chromosomal abnormalities and gross developmental defects in the fetus. Thus, deviations of the AFP, hCG and NE indices from the norm may indicate the possibility of the baby having Down syndrome, cranial hernia, anencephaly, and malformation of the spine. However, unfavorable tests at 16 weeks of gestation can in no way be a reason for making a final diagnosis, but they become good reason for additional research and analyzes. For example, for amniocentesis.

Amniocentesis is an examination that involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid to study its composition. Analysis of amniotic fluid, the puncture of which is taken when a needle is inserted into the uterus under ultrasound control, makes it possible to diagnose about 40 congenital malformations development. At the same time, amniocentesis can provoke quite serious complications of pregnancy - up to and including its termination and premature birth. Therefore, only a highly qualified specialist should conduct this test, explaining to the woman all the dangers of the procedure the day before. A woman, in turn, can always refuse such a procedure at will.

16 weeks pregnant photo


Despite the fact that toxicosis by the 16th week of pregnancy has already passed, and in general the woman feels like a different example better first weeks of pregnancy, nevertheless, some painful sensations can sometimes bother her. For example, complaints of low back pain at 16 weeks are common. As a rule, they arise due to the increased load on the spine of the expectant mother. With this in mind, heels should be discarded and the spine should be allowed to rest as often as possible. Also, it will not be superfluous to pick up suitable posture for sleep. It is now impossible to sleep on the stomach a priori - the pressure on the stomach must be excluded. But now you can't sleep too much on your back either: this position can provoke pain at 16 weeks in the lower back. From now on, the most preferable for sleeping is the position on the left side, with one knee slightly pulled up to the chest.


The uterus at 16 weeks of gestation continues to increase due to the constant growth of the fetus: now its weight can reach 250 g. During the examination, the doctor always measures the height of the uterus, which at 16 weeks already reaches half the distance to the navel. Such measurements are necessary for confidence in normal course pregnancy and normal development fetus. A woman can already feel the "house" of her baby: the uterus at 16 weeks of pregnancy is felt at a distance of about 7-7.5 cm below the navel. Gradually increasing in size, the uterus inevitably begins to put pressure on the intestines, which can provoke bloating, heartburn and constipation.

Belly at 16 weeks pregnant

Along with the increase in the uterus, the abdomen also increases at 16 weeks of gestation: at this time, the abdomen is already clearly protruding forward. Moreover, if the pregnancy is the first, then the belly does not protrude as much as in repeated pregnancies- muscles and ligaments of the abdomen and uterus are still in good shape and not stretched.

As the abdomen grows, a dark stripe can appear on it more and more clearly, which stretches from the navel downward, dividing the abdomen into two halves. This is a consequence of the accumulation of melanin pigment in the skin, a temporary phenomenon, which after childbirth will take place on one's own. By the way, dark spots can also occur on the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, and even on the bridge of the nose throughout pregnancy. They will also disappear after the baby is born - along with a brown stripe on the belly.


The nature of the discharge at this time may change somewhat: discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy can be somewhat abundant and have whitish color... Do not be afraid: this situation is normal if the discharge at 16 weeks of gestation has a uniform consistency, is not accompanied by itching and burning and does not deliver painful sensations in the abdomen. It is enough just to keep the perineum and genitals clean and resort to regular hygiene procedures to prevent the development of infection.

Which will be indicated by a changed color (greenish, gray, with an admixture of mucus), consistency (heterogeneous and cheesy, bubbling discharge) and bad smell discharge. If the discharge at 16 weeks of gestation has any of these signs, you should definitely consult your doctor: changes in discharge may be due to the appearance of thrush, colpitis or vulvitis. In this case, the pregnant woman will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

You also need to sound the alarm if at the 16th week of pregnancy suddenly bloody or brown discharge accompanied by a pulling sensation in the abdomen. Such signs indicate an increased risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Sex at 16 weeks pregnant

The second trimester is perhaps the most the right time for revival intimate life spouses, if such was interrupted for a reason feeling unwell women in the first weeks of pregnancy. Sex at the 16th week of pregnancy, in the absence of any contraindications, is absolutely safe and can bring many new and vivid sensations to future parents. But when having sex, it is imperative to exclude pressure on mommy's stomach, choosing the most suitable positions for sex at 16 weeks of gestation.

Weight and nutrition

Weight at 16 weeks of gestation usually already exceeds the “original” weight: in general, a woman during this time often gains about 2.5 kg. And in the future, it is necessary to follow the weight in order to avoid its excess by the end of pregnancy and difficult childbirth for this reason.

Among other things, it will help with this and proper nutrition- the choice of food while carrying a baby should be approached with special attention... Nutrition at the 16th week of pregnancy, as in the previous weeks, must be complete, with an optimal ratio of all nutrients and nutrients. If this has not been done before, it is advisable to develop a diet at 16 weeks of gestation, which in the future will have to be strictly adhered to. Most optimal mode food: 3-5 times a day in small portions, but the most nutritious and healthy food. Breakfast is compulsory, as is the first course at lunchtime, but a light dinner should be preferred. Snacks between meals are best avoided as they contribute to unwanted weight gain.

It also makes sense to think about the additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes: the need for useful substances now has increased significantly. Especially needed for this stage calcium and vitamin D - you need to take this or that vitamin-mineral complex, having previously discussed this step with your doctor.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy, which is more often characteristic of early pregnancy, can still overtake a woman in the second trimester. Moreover, just a period of 16 weeks, or rather a period of 16-18 weeks, is the most dangerous in this regard.

A frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks becomes a tragic event in the life of a woman who already cherishes dreams of meeting her unborn child. Fading of pregnancy - intrauterine fetal death and further undevelopment of pregnancy - can occur for many reasons: this is intrauterine infection the fetus, and the chromosomal abnormalities formed in him, and the Rh-conflict between the mother and the baby, and the effect on the fetus negative factors... Pre-fertilization abortions provoke intrauterine fetal death and pregnancy fading - such interventions lead to a significant change in hormonal levels, injure and often infect the cervix.

A frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks is determined by observing the growth of the uterus, confirmed during an ultrasound examination. So, ultrasound makes it possible to accurately establish the absence of fetal heartbeat: at 16 weeks, the baby does not always make itself felt tangible movement, therefore, accurate confirmation of the absence of a heartbeat is necessary.

Unfortunately, a diagnosed frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks must necessarily be terminated in a hospital and in urgent order... Otherwise, it is possible dangerous complications- infection of a woman (a dead fetus provokes inflammatory processes in the uterus), bleeding due to detachment fetal egg that are hard to stop. After scheduled cleaning, you will need a comprehensive and thorough examination to identify the cause of pregnancy fading, as well as - some time for the rehabilitation and recovery of a woman. It is not recommended to plan the next pregnancy for another half a year after the forced medical intervention due to the fading of pregnancy.

In this obstetric week pregnancy, the fetus progresses significantly in its development: it grows to the size of an avocado, and outwardly becomes more and more like a baby. Let's take a look at what the 16th week of pregnancy is like: a woman's feelings during this period and possible problems awaiting her

How developed is the fetus at this time?

What happens to the body of a pregnant woman?

  • The chest swells and becomes sensitive, a venous pattern appears on it due to increased blood flow, and Montgomery tubercles appear.
  • Centrally located between pubic bone and the belly button, the uterus can stretch and thicken the ligaments as it grows, which can cause pain in the abdomen, back, hips and groin.
  • On speed dial weight should certainly pay attention, despite the common stereotype that "all pregnant women gain weight by leaps and bounds." In fact, rapid weight gain can be a symptom of preeclampsia.
  • Also at this stage of pregnancy, carpal tunnel syndrome, itching in the feet, palms and abdomen, as well as swelling of the ankles, face, and fingers can be observed.
  • Bowel function is difficult due to the sluggishness of the muscle wall, but remember that constipation creates a threat of miscarriage, so you should carefully approach the issue of proper nutrition and regular bowel movements.
  • Some women at this stage of pregnancy develop pyelonephritis, caused by the hormonal effect of progesterone. Watch your health carefully - pyelonephritis is a threat of premature birth. Also, be careful with various infections, for example, vaginitis during pregnancy is diagnosed in almost 70% of women.

Feelings of a woman

Be sure to follow the correct diet, this is important not only so that your baby can develop normally, but also in order to improve bowel function and avoid constipation threatening miscarriage. For women who are 16 weeks pregnant, doctors recommend sleeping on their side, since when lying on the back, the pressure of the uterus on the large vessels makes it difficult for blood to flow to the baby, and lying on the stomach causes too strong pressure on the uterus itself. At this time, you should already give up heels. , and also from very tight clothing and underwear. It is also recommended to start purchasing special underwear for pregnant women. It is imperative to pass an AFP test and a triple extended test (according to indications) to identify a child with a malformation of the spine, as well as Down syndrome.

  1. Pregnant women are categorically contraindicated to comply with any strict diets, fasting, and fasting.
  2. Lovers of sushi and other dishes Japanese food you should forget about dishes with raw or semi-raw fish: they may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases. Also, it is imperative to exclude raw eggs, unboiled milk, poorly fried meat ("with blood") from the diet.
  3. The diet must include protein sources - dairy products, meat, fish (it should be included in the menu at least twice a week).
  4. Simple carbohydrates should be replaced with complex ones, as they take longer to digest and do not contribute to weight gain. Whole cereals, bran, and wholemeal bread are rich in complex carbohydrates.
  5. Try to reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet by replacing them with vegetable ones.
  6. Use salt in minimum quantity, it is also recommended to replace regular salt on iodized.
  7. You should drink about 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.
  8. Remember that the general advice given here cannot help you in any way to create a menu taking into account the individual characteristics of your body and the situation; the preparation of a menu for a pregnant woman must necessarily be dealt with by a doctor.
The 16th week of pregnancy for most expectant mothers is marked by a noticeably rounded tummy. Finally, you can not only feel pregnancy, but also look according to your status!

What happens to the baby

The fruit no longer looks like a bent old man. His back muscles begin to develop and contract, so that the neck straightens, and the head not only keeps straight, but also freely turns. Not only the head moves freely in the fetus, but also the legs, arms, and jaw. The skull changes slightly: the brow ridges are formed, the head is slightly extended. Now its size is proportional to the body.

The main organ systems are already formed and some are even working:

  • the heart beats at a speed of 140-160 beats per minute;
  • the bladder empties every 45 minutes;
  • the large intestine is filled with meconium, but it is not yet released into the amniotic fluid;
  • the pancreas produces insulin, while in micro doses, but more is not needed;
  • 5000 neurons are formed in the brain every second;
  • the umbilical cord has reached a length of 0.5 m.

The sex of the baby at 16 weeks can already be determined - in boys, the external genitals are fully formed and noticeable. But, unfortunately, the position of the fetus and the clarity of the scanner do not always allow you to "see" the sex.

Fruit length and weight

In length, the fruit reaches 11-13 cm. The weight ranges between 80 and 120 grams. For clarity, imagine a medium-sized pomegranate - this is how it is now, your baby.

What's going on with mom

The ailments of the first trimester have already been forgotten. Appetite increases, energy, cheerfulness appears from somewhere. Along with the appetite, the mood improves. This is the merit of the hormonal background, which finally settled down and stabilized.

Starting from the 16th week, expectant mothers are looking forward to the first movements. Women with second and subsequent pregnancies are likely to already feel the baby's movements, and primiparas may have to wait a bit. In some cases, a pregnant woman cannot distinguish movements from what happens in the intestines until 20 weeks.

In addition to the abdomen, which is already clearly marked, the breasts continue to grow slightly. It's time to take care of the aesthetics. At intensive growth and stretching of the connective tissue on the chest, abdomen and thighs, stretch marks appear.

No matter what cosmetologists and manufacturers of body care products say, but 100% save women's skin from stretch marks nobody and nothing can.

In some cases, their appearance can be prevented by abundantly moisturizing and nourishing the skin. cosmetic oils, milk, cream. There is no guarantee that thorough care will prevent stretch marks, but it's worth a try. If only for the sake of the sagging and overstretched skin after giving birth to return to normal faster.

As a rule, at this time, the expectant mother is not worried about anything. Is that pain and pulling sensations in the lower back, but this, most often, is the result of wearing uncomfortable, wrong shoes: The abdomen and overall weight gain are not yet so great that the spine is under increased stress.

Analyzes and examinations

Until the 17th week, the doctor will only wait for urine tests from you. Perhaps during the same period, the gynecologist will prescribe a triple prenatal screening for hCG, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and free estriol. For these studies, blood is taken for analysis. The result reveals genetic abnormalities and signs of developmental disabilities:

  • adrenal insufficiency of the fetus;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Edwards syndrome;
  • a defect in the neural tube overgrowth and other pathologies of the nervous system.

Doubtful triple test results are not grounds for an unpleasant diagnosis. Future mother sent for additional ultrasound screening and consultation with a geneticist. But, even if the prognosis is unfavorable, there is still a chance - amniocentesis. It is carried out just at this time by the fence amniotic fluid directly through the belly.

Amniocentesis is a much more accurate and reliable test that detects more than 40 developmental defects. But also more dangerous. The probability of termination of pregnancy due to fetal injury or damage to the placenta during the procedure is 0.5-2%.

Dangers and complications

In terms of complications, 16 weeks of pregnancy is perhaps one of the calmest and safest periods. The hormonal background has improved. If there were any difficulties with the Rh-conflict, most likely they have already been resolved. The fetus is securely anchored in the uterus, and the blood diligently filters the placenta.

True, the flu and ARVI during this period are more difficult than in normal position: at this time, the woman's level of interleukin-1, the hormone responsible for immunity, decreases. So even common cold will have to be transferred exclusively with bed rest.

How responsibly you approach your health now will affect the health of the baby in the perinatal period.

“Winter pregnant women” may have difficulties with the synthesis of vitamin D. There is little sun, but the vitamin is necessary. It is important not only for the baby, who, with a vitamin D deficiency, is at risk of developing rickets, but also for the mother. Vitamin D helps to assimilate calcium in the body, and if it is lacking, teeth, nails, hair and bones do not receive this valuable macronutrient. The result, as they say, is on the face: hair falls out in bunches, nails exfoliate, and teeth require immediate dentist intervention.

In the northern regions, with this hypovitaminosis, it is important to choose the right complex of vitamins or vitamin and mineral supplements. In the middle lane and in the south, it is enough to correct the diet by adding fatty fish, cheese, butter to the daily menu.

Is it already possible to buy clothes for pregnant women or is it too early?

Picking up a pregnant wardrobe is a special pleasure. If you haven’t gotten your maternity clothes yet, do so now. You can choose dresses, skirts and trousers for the belly "for growth", but things look best "for now". Don't worry that you will quickly grow out of them. The 10-15 kg accumulated during pregnancy does not always go away one to two months after childbirth. Perhaps the clothes that you carry at 4-5 months will come in handy during the first half of the year after the baby is born.

Can I go swimming or yoga?

Swimming is extremely beneficial, literally right up to childbirth. It helps relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and back, creates the effect of micro-massage of capillaries and blood vessels, relieves pain in the legs, trains respiratory system... It is only important to choose a pool with the most stringent sanitary and hygienic requirements. As for yoga, if you did it before pregnancy, and the doctor has nothing against this type of activity, continue. But for beginners who are just mastering this type of training, it is better to postpone training for a year and a half.

When to choose a maternity hospital?

It's too early now. If you do not find contact with the doctor who supervises the pregnancy, of course, this must be decided here and now. But to be determined with the maternity hospital, midwife and doctor, whom you will entrust the birth of a child, you need to be closer to childbirth. Optimally at the beginning or middle of the third trimester. There is no hurry!


  • Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary when a pregnant woman has any complaints.
  • "blood chemistry
  • Triple test "( prenatal screening II trimester, biochemical screening of the II trimester) - the study is aimed at identifying fetal malformations. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein, where the level of human chorionic hormone (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and estriol (E3) is determined. This study only suggests malformations. To confirm the diagnosis, special examinations are needed.

    Since the tummy has grown noticeably, it is necessary to reconsider the sleeping positions. The position on the stomach should be abandoned altogether, since the fetus may experience discomfort at the same time. Sleeping on your back is also undesirable, because the growing uterus begins to press on the vessels that are located behind it, and fainting may occur. It is best to sleep on the left or right side. A comfortable position will help you to take special pillows for pregnant women, which are sold in stores for expectant mothers.

    If shortness of breath appears, restore breathing: sit on a chair or squat, try to do all movements smoothly. Sit and rest until shortness of breath disappears completely.

    If you have gained more than 3 kg since the beginning of pregnancy, you need to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist: being overweight can complicate the course of pregnancy.


Usually an ultrasound scan at 16 weeks of gestation is done according to medical indications, for example, if there were bad tests in a pregnant woman. On an ultrasound, you can check the cervix or make sure that the baby has a heartbeat. This study will help to timely identify possible pathologies of fetal development. In exceptional cases, mothers, especially for whom this is their first pregnancy, in this period may not feel the movement of the baby. But on the ultrasound, you can already see the movements of the child, and sometimes even facial expressions and grimaces. With luck, the expectant mother can find out the gender of the child. However, this is not always possible - it mainly depends on the position of the baby.


At the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo an examination. The doctor will measure her weight, blood pressure and asks to hand over general analysis urine. In addition, all pregnant women undergo " triple test". "Triple test" - a blood test that provides information about the genetic health of a child. Usually he surrenders in the morning on an empty stomach, from a vein. This test measures levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), chorionic gonadotropin (CG), and free estriol (NE). The obtained indicators will help to identify some chromosomal abnormalities (for example, Down's syndrome) or the risk of developing heart defects. However, one should not panic if the indicators show deviations from the norm. There is always a 9% -10% margin of error. In addition, it is possible to speak of a "bad" result of the triple test only if all three indicators are far from the norm. If, when registering with an antenatal clinic, the pregnant woman did not take required analyzes, then she will need to finish: 1. General blood test and biochemical analysis, general urine test. 2. Blood test for AIDS (HIV), syphilis, hepatitis B. 3. Analysis for blood group and Rh factor. 4. Vaginal smear.


Many pregnant women at 16 weeks of gestation experience lower back pain. Such pain can be triggered by wearing high-heeled shoes. Therefore, expectant mothers are not recommended to wear such shoes. Also, lower back pain can be caused by an uncomfortable position while sleeping. Doctors advise pregnant women to sleep on their left side. Sometimes a special pillow for pregnant women helps to correct the situation. It happens that situations arise when a pregnant woman complains of abdominal pain. This happens if a woman had problems with gastrointestinal tract... In this case, you should monitor the diet and follow the recommendations of the gastroenterologist. If the pain is intense, accompanied by fever, weakness, chills, then you should immediately contact a medical facility.


At the 16th week of pregnancy, the uterus has already grown significantly, and therefore the tummy is noticeable. On scheduled examination the doctor will measure the height of the uterus. It should be about 7 cm below your belly button. Often during this period, the uterus already begins to put pressure on the internal organs and becomes the cause of heartburn or other digestive disorders: constipation, increased gassing... You can try to fix these problems by changing your eating habits and going for walks in the fresh air. The 16th week of pregnancy usually brings a woman more positive sensations than in the first trimester - the hormonal background is normalized, the mood improves, and the appetite returns to normal. Only the tone of the uterus can darken this wonderful time. To cope with it, you need to be less nervous, have more rest, give up tight clothing... If Taken measures do not bring the expected relief, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe medications to help cope with the tone of the uterus.


The belly of a pregnant woman at the 16th week of pregnancy has already pleasantly rounded. Often, expectant mothers, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, are upset that he has not yet reached an impressive size and at first glance it is not possible to determine " interesting position" women. However, without clothes, the tummy is already very clearly visible. Often a vertical brownish strip appears on the belly of a pregnant woman. Don't worry - it will disappear after pregnancy. If a woman is worried about the appearance of stretch marks on her stomach, then a special care product for the skin of the abdomen should be selected at the pharmacy. Sometimes the pregnant woman feels itching in this area. This is due to the fact that the tummy is enlarged and the skin is stretched. The problem can also be solved by a skin care product for the abdomen of expectant mothers.


Even with the normal course of pregnancy, the amount of discharge may increase. This is due to the work of hormones in the body of the expectant mother. Normally, the discharge is transparent or whitish. If the color of the discharge or the smell has changed dramatically, then you need to see a doctor. At this time, candidiasis (thrush) may appear against the background of a decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. In this case, the doctor will prescribe modern drugs against thrush, safe for mom and baby. If the discharge has become very liquid and there are many of them, you also need to see a doctor. It will exclude the possibility of leakage of amniotic fluid. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare occurrence.


16 weeks pregnant - safe time for having sex in the case when there are no medical contraindications. If during the first trimester of pregnancy a woman did not want sexual intimacy with her partner due to poor health or emotional instability, now sex can bring her more pleasure. However, you should not get carried away with acrobatic poses. Remember that your partner should not press or push on your stomach. Try to reach a compromise and choose the most desirable and safe position.

Frozen pregnancy

Despite the fact that the first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous, it is also worth taking extra care at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, there is a risk of a frozen pregnancy. There can be many reasons - from genetic diseases to intrauterine infections... It is difficult to feel the manifestation of a frozen pregnancy, except for the obvious - acute pain or brown discharge. In addition, a woman can be alerted by the abrupt disappearance of the "signs" of pregnancy - the "return" of the breast to a pre-pregnant state, the absence of toxicosis. However, the disappearance of these signs may not be associated with such a tragic event. Therefore, it is better to try to calm down and see a doctor.

The kid has already grown up and got stronger enough, his organs and systems are actively developing, a skeleton is being formed, due to which he can already keep his head straight. In girls, eggs are laid, the ovaries take their place in the pelvis, and the amount of urine secreted by the fetus gradually increases. This increases the amount of amniotic fluid, and speeds up the mother's metabolism in order to more actively remove the waste products of the fetus. The tummy has begun to grow and is already protruding a little, it's time to undergo a screening to identify fetal malformations - a triple test. Very soon you will be able to feel the first movements.

What happens to the body at 16 weeks

The sixteenth week of pregnancy corresponds to the second trimester, this is the fourth obstetric month... Now your position is becoming more noticeable, and soon you will already reach the equator of pregnancy, there are only four weeks left. Now the tummy is already slightly protruding, although it is still imperceptible in loose clothing. Toxicosis completely dull, it was replaced by a good appetite and a period of weight gain. The waist is already rounded and smoothed, your vernal view gorgeous. Many women literally bloom, hair becomes thicker, nails are strengthened. The baby is actively growing and developing, all the threats of the first trimester have passed, and you have become calmer. The placenta has formed and took over the functions of producing hormones, and by this time, supportive drugs (dyufaston il utrozhestan) are usually canceled, the intake of vitamins and mineral supplements remains, calcium, iron and iodine can be prescribed.

Fetal development at sixteen weeks: weight, size and gender

The baby is already big enough - it is still measured from the crown to the coccyx (FF of the fetus), which is about 11-12 cm, while he has already gained about 110-120 grams. Due to the active supply of calcium through the placenta, the skeleton is strengthened, the legs become longer than the arms, strengthen, and marigolds form on the toes. Due to the formation of the vertebrae, the baby can already support the neck straight, and the head does not lean towards the chest. Gradually, the ears and eyes approach their rightful places, making the face more expressive and beautiful.

Internal organs are actively working - the heart pumps blood through the vessels, this can be up to 24 liters per day, and the liver has taken over digestive functions instead of hematopoietic ones, and is now actively producing the first bile. The stomach and intestines are included in the work, the gallbladder joins them. While they digest only small portions of amniotic fluid, gradually forming meconium in the intestines, the original feces (it will leave only after childbirth). Meconium is made up of digested cells and amniotic fluid mixed with bile, and is dark green or nearly black in color. The kidneys are actively functioning, they supply urine to the bladder, which the baby excretes into the amniotic fluid every 40-60 minutes. Due to this, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and they are actively renewed up to ten times per day. The bone marrow is completely ready for work, and it took away the functions of hematopoiesis from the liver, now all blood cells are produced in the fetus, the blood type and Rh factor are determined. in the blood now to maintain enough oxygen circulates a lot of special fetal hemoglobin, which will disappear immediately after birth. Normal hemoglobin is still small, since it is fetal hemoglobin that can carry many oxygen molecules.

The external genitals are already well developed, and it is possible to determine the gender, girls are actively laying eggs in the ovaries, boys develop testicles, but they are located deep in the abdominal cavity and will descend into the scrotum closer to birth.

Feelings of a future mother

Now pregnancy feels like the most pleasant time - there is no more debilitating nausea and vomiting, there is less need to go to the toilet, the soreness and tenderness in the breasts disappears, although the breasts continue to grow, preparing for the breastfeeding process. During the normal course of pregnancy, there are practically no unpleasant sensations. A sharp emotionality and anxiety, a feeling of eternal lethargy and drowsiness pass, strength and mood appear, a feeling of calmness and slowness comes. No sharp changes mood due to the hormonal background, the wife gradually plunges into her happy motherhood, forming a special “dominant of pregnancy.” This is a special state of the body that directs all forces towards a favorable outcome, protecting from unnecessary extraneous thoughts and feelings. Appetite appears after a long period of almost complete absence due to toxicosis, the pregnant woman begins to eat well and gain weight, often not caring about her figure at all. But you need to be wise in food, so as not to gradually gain too much.

In this period, thin mothers or multiparous can feel the first, barely noticeable movements fetus. They are so light that they are often taken for bowel movements, but gradually mom learns to distinguish them from everything else. But if you still do not feel the movements, this does not mean that the process is proceeding incorrectly - the children are different, and the time of sensation of the first movements ranges from 16 to 20 weeks, you will soon feel them.

Condition of the uterus

The growth of the uterus is intensive and it has reached a weight of 250 grams, while it is already well felt through the abdominal wall, as it has risen from the scarlet pelvis, now its bottom is determined about 7 cm below the navel. At each appointment, the doctor will determine the standing of the bottom, and compare it with the date. Also, the doctor will feel the tone and consistency of the uterus, determine the position of the fetus and parts of its body. Measurements of the abdominal circumference are also made, which also have a certain growth dynamics. The growth of the uterus puts pressure on the intestines and displaces it towards the spine. This can disrupt his normal motility and lead to bloating, heartburn, or constipation.

The growth of the uterus leads to the appearance of a small, rounded tummy, clearly protruding forward. During the first pregnancy, the tummy may be smaller, and with repeated pregnancies, it is usually more visible due to the elasticity of the muscles. abdominal and ligaments. The pigment strip from the pubis to the navel appears more clearly, it will be with you until the birth, and then it will gradually disappear.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks

One of the most exciting events for parents-to-be every time is an ultrasound scan. It helps to see the baby, to make out his body parts and face, movements, movements and reactions to external stimuli. The kid can already express dissatisfaction or joy with facial expressions. Determine the gender, it is also possible to see the crumb during the 3D ultrasound. The doctor measures certain indicators on an ultrasound scan - height and weight, the amount of amniotic fluid, the girth of the head and chest, the length of the bones. This gives an idea of correct development and the term. The doctor also carefully examines the structure of the placenta and the place of its attachment, the walls of the uterus and the area of ​​its neck, blood flow in the umbilical cord.

Discharge from the genital tract

The abundance of secretions increases somewhat, but they are still whitish or transparent, of a uniform consistency and practically odorless. This is a way to protect the neck from the penetration of infection from the vagina into it; there should be no discomfort with such discharge. If there is a burning sensation in the genitals or vagina, itching and redness, soreness in the lower abdomen - this may be a sign of infections. Signs of infections can also be a change in the consistency of the discharge - they can be cheesy or heterogeneous, the appearance of green, yellowish or gray, mucus, lumps or foam of secretions, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The likelihood of colpitis or vulvovaginitis is also not excluded. All of them require immediate treatment in order to exclude the penetration of infection into fetal membranes.

Personal hygiene and washing of the genitals are especially important for the prevention of vaginal microflora disorders. Only breathable natural underwear should be worn.

Brown discharge, indicating the appearance of blood, can be dangerous. This could be due to erosion, placental abruption, or other threats. Particularly dangerous are bloody discharge or the appearance of scarlet blood, this can be a placental abruption or a sign of abortion. Must call immediately ambulance.

What tests to take

At the 16th week, tests are to be done, and these are not only standard blood and urine, but blood biochemistry, coaguloramma. A screening blood test (triple test) is also prescribed, in which the levels are determined:

  • AFP (alpha-fetoprotein),
  • hCG level,
  • NE (unconjugated estriol) level.

Progesterone is no longer detected, since its level is not indicative and does not give important information... But the previous indicators, if there is a significant deviation from the norm, sometimes indicate a deviation in the development of the fetus, they suggest the presence of malformations or developmental defects, chromosomal abnormalities, about anencephaly, Down's syndrome, cranial hernias or defects in the spine. But only the data of the analyzes is not a sentence, they can be wrong. However, deviations in these analyzes indicate the need for additional invasive methods diagnostics. These include amniocentesis - taking samples of amniotic fluid for a detailed study of the composition.Under ultrasound control, a puncture of the uterus is carried out with the introduction of a needle and a sampling of material, which makes it possible to identify up to 40 different malformations. However, such a study is associated with the risk of termination of pregnancy, therefore, this test are resolved only with serious suspicions and the question of the further fate of pregnancy. If a woman does not want to carry it out, she has the right to refuse.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

Usually in this period there are no painful sensations in the abdomen or lower back, since the abdomen is still small and the center of gravity is not very displaced. However, uncomfortable sensations may occur, radiating to the right side or left, due to the tension of the wide ligaments of the uterus. These sensations are weak, fickle and disappear after a change in body position.

Low back pain can occur when wearing high heels, prolonged standing work, or health problems. In such cases, you need to rest as much as possible, raising your legs or lie down. It is worth choosing for yourself comfortable posture for sleep, it is no longer possible to sleep on your stomach, you can sleep on your back or on your side. Sometimes, sleeping on your back can give back pain and dizziness.

Dangerous pains in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature can be - these can be signs of uterine tone or inflammation of the bladder. It is worthwhile to see a doctor and be examined.

Colds and runny nose

In this period, the placenta is already actively functioning and does not allow viruses and microbes to reach the fetus, therefore, in this period, the cold is no longer so terrible. But in itself, a runny nose, cough and fever can be dangerous in terms of negative impact on the baby, including due to medication. With a cold, if the temperature rises, a strict bed rest and calling a doctor, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. It is imperative to fight a runny nose, since shortness of breath leads to fetal hypoxia. Cough is no less dangerous, due to the tension of the anterior abdominal wall, it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.


By this time, you can add about two to three kilograms, although so far the weight can be restored after the loss due to toxicosis of the first trimester. From this time on, weight will arrive quickly enough due to a good appetite, but too much weight gain is also not worth it, especially with a tendency to be overweight. In this regard, proper nutrition becomes relevant.

You also need a full four or five meals a day in small portions with light snacks between meals. for a pregnant woman, a full hot breakfast, lunch with the first course, should become a must, but dinner can be made lightweight. It is good to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, juices and dairy products between meals. If you really want to eat, you can drink kefir or yogurt at night.

Strong restrictions there is no food in the diet, only alcohol is strictly prohibited. Strongly salty and spicy dishes should be gradually excluded from the diet, they provoke thirst and puffiness. You should also avoid smoked fried foods that are difficult for digestion, pickles and pickles, a lot of sweets and flour dishes. It is worth giving up carbonated drinks and fast food, they will not be beneficial, and they have an excess of calories, they give bloating and heartburn. Pregnant women are especially dangerous food poisoning, therefore, you need to eat only fresh food, carefully check all expiration dates of products, its good quality according to outward appearance and smell. Meat and meat are required in the diet. fish dishes, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, eggs, cheeses.

Additional nutritional supplements of vitamin and mineral complexes are shown, with special attention to such substances as iodine, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Sex in the sixteenth week

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sexual relations between partners are not prohibited, they will bring new sensations and diversify the life of a pregnant woman. it favorable time for lovemaking, the tummy is still small and does not interfere with sex, the choice of positions largely depends on your preferences. Do not be afraid to harm the baby, it is reliably protected by the cervix and amniotic fluid, and the release of pleasure hormones will benefit both the mother and her baby. Feelings of sex can change in better side- fear disappears, the woman becomes more relaxed and sensual, due to the blood filling of the genitals. The sensations may be more acute.

Contraindications for sex at 16 weeks may be the threat of termination of pregnancy, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, or low placentation with the threat of detachment.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is an arrest of intrauterine development of the fetus for a certain period, usually this occurs in early dates pregnancy, but it is possible at 16-18 weeks. with a frozen pregnancy, the child dies in utero as a result of infection, chromosomal pathology or developmental anomalies incompatible with life, the influence of external negative factors. This is an ordeal for any woman.

With a frozen pregnancy, the belly stops growing and the bottom of the uterus rises, sensations in the chest disappear, the fetal heartbeat is not heard and its movements are not noted. In the presence of precise indications a frozen pregnancy must be terminated, since a dead fetus can become a source of infection for the uterus and the mother's body. An artificial abortion is performed for medical reasons. In the future, long-term rehabilitation and planning of pregnancy are required at least in a year.