Personal hygiene and lifestyle. Hygienic bases of a healthy lifestyle

Chapter 13 Personal hygiene and problems of forming a healthy lifestyle

Chapter 13 Personal hygiene and problems of forming a healthy lifestyle

13.1. The concept and tasks of personal hygiene

Personal hygieneis a system-forming element of formation and provision healthy image Life (Zozh)each person. This section of hygiene, which studies and developing norms and rules (principles) of preventing diseases, preserving and promoting health at the individual level by complying with hygienic requirements in everyday life and activities. Personal hygiene is not only the basis of the zoom, but also makes effective primary and secondary prevention of different diseases.

With this definition, personal hygiene can be viewed and as industry of certain knowledgeand How the subject of study.Quite common is the other idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal hygiene - as a prevailing stereotype of human behavior,characterized defined actions and measures aimed at preserving and strengthening its health. In any case, personal hygiene is associated with public hygiene.

Personal hygiene originated before public. Fear for personal well-being, and its most important component is own health, Formed earlier concerns about the health of society. To understand the need for concerns about the health of society, a certain level of socio-economic development and public consciousness is required. Therefore, personal hygiene for a long time remained the main direction of hygiene at all. That is why the advice of ancient and medieval doctors (hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelles, etc.) were addressed to each individual person. But since these advice could follow most of the representatives of the property, then personal hygiene served mainly the wealthy strata of society.

The scientific and technical revolution served to the rapid development of the industry and related to these changes in the nature of social labor, the growth of the urban population, the internal and foreign integration of labor, etc. All these transformations led to the need to solve hygienic problems not only separately taken, but also society as a whole. A peculiar "Renaissance" of hygienic achievements was required Ancient Greece and the ancient Rome, ignored in the Merkobesia Epoch and the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, as well as the search for fundamentally new approaches to the preservation of people's health.

Such searches not only were not prohibited, but also in every way encouraged, since the rapidly developing class of the bourgeoisie and capitalists suffered huge losses due to the high incidence of workers. Especially high was infectious incidence. In addition to purely economic damage, it created real threat For the life and health of the capitalists themselves and their families. In this regard, gained relevance scientific work in the sphere of public hygiene.

Russian scholars-hygienists, first of all, A.P. Dobroslavin, F.F. Erisman, V.A. Subbotin et al., Studying the working conditions and life of workers and peasants, was convinced that recommendations regarding personal hygiene these segments of the population were not able to perform. That is why the famous words FF. Erisman: "Lush her public hygiene, and you will bring her a fatal blow, turn it into a corpse, to revive which you will not be able to live in any way."

Therefore, in Russia, hygiene from the very beginning of its scientificthe formation was formed as a public hygiene, as a socialobiological discipline and social practice. As for personal hygiene, it developed mainly in the anti-epidemic direction. They stopped watching her as a science about the right healthy Life. It turned into a set of rules and recommendations on compliance with elementary purity.

Special severity of such a look at personal hygiene acquired in the army. Washing hands, care cavity, dispersion, linen change, fitting of outfitting and equipment, so-called hardening - this is the main content of personal hygiene. Gradually, such an understanding has spread to military hygiene as a scientific discipline. In the instill of the listed skills and control over their implementation, both civil and military doctors saw their hygienic task (N.F. Koshelev, 1982).

Such an interpretation of the concept of personal hygiene in Russia and the difficulties of implementing its scientifically based plants with the population and a separate person could not affect the general and hygienic culture of Russian society. Whether it is to be surprised that even with the advent of the prerequisites for the practical implementation of the rules of personal hygiene to the whole population of the country, it turned out not only not ready to manage to dispose material Supplement For rehabilitation, but often uses it to harm health (overeating, drinking alcoholic beverages, etc.). A peculiar unaware of the perception of true installations and the purpose of personal hygiene was formed in society, and at present the situation has changed for the worse.

In this regard, with a special sharpness about the problem hygienic education of the populationthe formation of awareness of the need for hygienic well-being, which ultimately implies an introduction to a call as the most important component Man's life in general.

13.2. Healthy lifestyle and its main elements. Significance for human health

Lifestylethe philosophical sociological understanding covers a set of typical species of the individuality of the individual, social Group, society as a whole in unity with living conditions.

In the hygienic interpretation, lifestyle is total hygienic norms and the rules implemented in the human lifestyle.At the same time it is understood that this is a concept. integratedincluding social, economic, biological, medical, ethical and psychological aspects (Fig. 13.1).

Note that at present, not all of the above elements are sufficiently studied, so the doctor should not recommend a patient's recommendations, without having examined the person's personality, the conditions of his life and life.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that both in the philosophical, and in the hygienic understanding of the call, it is emphasized by its social, i.e. Public, essence. This is a fundamental point, since associating personal hygiene and its basic provisions with a call, the doctor should be clear that a person is not always able to observe

Fig. 13.1.Healthy human lifestyle elements

Hygienic education is the main way of forming a head. The main means of hygienic education is hygienic learning.It would seem that everything is simple: teach and raise and everything will be fine! However, the doctor should be remembered that the effectiveness of these actions does not depend on his desires and intentions, but is determined by the state the overall culture of society, the level of public consciousness and the readiness of the very personality to fulfill the proposed recommendations.

No, even the most advanced form of propaganda hygienic rules And sanitary legislation cannot be perceived and implemented if the public consciousness will not be prepared for their perception, and the population is to execute. Here it is appropriate to remember the words of K. Marx: "Theory only then becomes material force when she masters the masses."

Therefore, the doctor should not count on the fact that, tomorrow, his patient or contingent of patients will be readily and enthusiasm to fulfill all its recommendations regarding not only zoom, but even treatment! You need to be prepared for a long, hard and painstaking work with each person - and sick, and practically healthy.

Hygienic consciousnessas one of the forms of public consciousness is formed by the preceding experience of generations and education stereotypethinking and behavior aimed at preserving and developing personal and public health, perceiving them as the most important target, personal and public need and value (Koshelev N.F., 1982). This is based on hygienic image life is the basis of an environmental approach and human relationship environment, to nature and society, to a person as a subject. Hygienic consciousness and behavior must form, educate and support all available means. Such a task should be considered as one of the main for the present and futuremedical science and practice.

But for some time this task was not part of the priority, as a result of which the propaganda of the head was practically no propaganda. This led to the emergence of a situation called "Russian Cross", when the number of born is significantly inferior to the number of dying russian citizens. Of course, it is not only in compliance or non-compliance with the head, but we should not forget that it contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health. After all, the lifestyle by 50% determine human health.

Rational labor

Work- expedient human activity aimed at preserving, modification, habitat adaptation to meet their needs.

Since a person is a creature biosocial, then work should be considered as a socio-biological category. When studying labor, depending on the purpose of it, it can be characterized from different positions:

With socio-economic - this is the criterion and the creator of material values;

From historical - the main engine of the Company's productive forces;

With physiological - the process of converting potential energy laid in biochemical substrates of organs and systems of the human body, physiological work or intellectual activity;

With biomechanical - the process of targeted displacement of the body or its parts, guns and objects in space;

With ergonomic - the process of interaction of a person with an instrument of labor;

FROM hygienic- This is a socio-biological element of life, a person who is a biosocial being and determines its somatic, mental and social health.

From the last position implies an inevitable consequence - work can serve either for good, or to harm and even lead to illness and death, if he is irregular.

Rationallabor can be considered when he meets the physical, mental and social organization of a person, his biosocial essence. There must be such conditions when labor provides compliance between social (public) expediency and personal aspirations and desires, i.e. It has a motivational component.

More details about the motivation will be said below. And speaking of irrational work, it is appropriate to remember famous expression "Sisyphers of labor", meaning a heavy fruitless work. Sisif (in Greek mythology - the king of Corinth), overheuting the gods, managed to avoid death twice. For this, he was sentenced to them forever to raise in the underground world to Mount the stone, which, reaching the vertex, rolled back.

Work as advanced activitiesthe person includes physical, mental (intellectual) and emotional components. They are all present in the process of any labor.

From an evolutionary historical point of view of the human body as biomechanical systemwas formed primarily under the influence physical component of labor.The movement is the primary formation and development of the structure and function of the human body and all living, and physical activity is a foundation for the formation of locomotor functions.

how social creatureman was formed under the influence mental component of labor,as biosocial - under the influence of both components with a constant presence emotional component.

In this case mental sphere was the formation of goals and ways to achieve them; The task of the physical sphere is to solve specific tasks and on the principle feedback Amendments to the Program (depending on specific circumstances). In this process, emotional component was inevitably present.

nent as a peculiar arbiter of success (efficiency) or unsuccessful (inefficiency) efforts made to achieve the goal.

It should be noted that the described interaction of the components occurring millions of years ago, there is also currently with any activity. However, during the historical development of society, the proportion of each component, their high-quality and quantitative characteristics in the process of labor has changed significantly.

Physical work- Type of activity related to certain energy costs ensuring the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and systems that support this activity. At the same time, the highest mental functions (attention, memory, etc.) and in general the intellectual and emotional components do not have significant loads.

Brainwork- type of labor, in the course of which a person carries out control actions and creative activity. It is based on perception, information processing and decision-making of various degrees of complexity and responsibility. With any physical exertion (dynamic, static or mixed), the highest mental functions are involved in the process, as in mental activity there is always a physical component. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about mostly physical or mainly intellectual work.

In addition, it is distinguished by labor on its professional purpose, social profile, mechanization degrees, etc.

In this regard, it is interesting for the division of labor types by specialists in the field of labor physiology, which has already been considered earlier. But there is a need to dwell on some details that are relevant precisely in relation to personal hygiene.

Operator workassociated with the control of machines, equipment, technological processes. Distinguish several types of operating activities:

Operators observers (for example, at nuclear power plants, control points rocket forces strategic appointment and etc.);

Executive operators (dispatchers in aviation, in transport, etc.);

Technologists, etc.

This variety of labor is characterized by a large responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. In addition to gigi-

yenistov, this type of labor is studied by specialists regarding new science - engineering psychology.

Management work- It is the work of managers of organizations, institutions, enterprises, etc.; Teachers and teachers. It is characterized by the following features:

Excessive increase in the amount of information;

Increasing time deficit for making management decisions;

Increasing social significance and personal responsibility for making decisions.

For these specialists, however, as for others, certain qualities are required: politics, economist, organizer, manager, diplomat, etc. Labor is characterized by the need to take non-standard solutions, take into account the irregularity of the load ("arrhythmia of activity"), resolve frequent conflict situations and etc.

Creative work- The most complex and little learned variety studied with hygienic positions. This is the work of scientists, writers, artists, artists, architects, designers, etc. It is characteristic of:

Creation of new activity algorithms;

The need to have a significant amount of memory;

Ability to constantly maintain attention to high level;

Unregulated schedule of activity.

In addition to those negative features that the above varieties of labor are distinguished, the creative labor is also characterized by high neuro-emotional tension.

Work medical workers characterize:

Constant contacts with people, including patients (sometimes having dangerous disease - both for others and for medical personnel);

Increased responsibility and for decision making, and for action (inaction);

Time deficit for making a solution in a limited amount of information about the object of intervention, often its complete absence or its inconsistency;

Often a replaceable work schedule, which does not match biological rhythms man;

Many other features depending on the medical specialization.

The work of medical professionals is generally also characterized by high neuro-emotional tensions.

Labor student and students- This is the work of a special category of population (it includes representatives of different age groups - from children and adolescents to adults). Training requires the voltage of all mental functions (memory, attention, perception), accompanied by frequent stressful situations (test work, tests, exams, etc.). This activity is so uniqueness and difficult that in MMA them. THEM. Sechenov was created laboratory for university hygiene problems.

Types of labor is customary to distinguish gravity and tensions of labor.

Severityphysical Labor is estimated in terms of energy consumption for relatively long periods of time (hour, work shift, day). According to the city of Lehman (1967), the maximum allowable physical activity for a long time at 8 hours of working day and 280 working days per year is 2000-2500 for men, and for women - 1600 workers of the kilocaloria (kcal) per day (excluding Basic exchange).

In 1973, FAO / WHO installed the following categories of gravity physical Labor:

Very hard work: for men - 2400 and for women - 1880 workers kcal;

Hard work: 1900 and 1400 kcal, respectively;

The operation of moderate gravity: 1400 and 1100 kcal, respectively;

Easy work: 1100 and 800 kcal.

As a heavy physical work that does not comply with human physical capabilities, and the lack of permanent and systematic physical exertion adversely affect its health. It has already been indicated that a person as a biomechanical system has been formed under the influence of mainly physical work and continuous physical activity is needed to maintain it in an optimal state. In the case of transition of its minimum critical level, the system is inevitably degraded. This criterion is considered the amount of 1200-1300 workers kcal per day for men and 800-1000 kcal - for women. Otherwise, the long-lasting detachment of the body comes, i.e. Reducing muscle strength, endurance, speed and dexterity of movements, reducing mobility in the joints, disorder coordination of complex motor acts, muscle flabbiness and falling vital tone.

Currently, a very rare profession, wherever the upper limit is exceeded for a long time physical Loads (4500 workers kcal), although in some cases the energy consumption can reach 10-12 thousand kcal per day. In the transition of the upper limit, Energotrat arises the threat of human degradation as a biomechanical system, if such a process acquires a systematic nature.

Humanity threatens one more danger, unobtative, but constantly growing, due to the automation and mechanization of production, urbanization of the life of a modern person, the physical component of labor has decreased to a critical level. What consequences it leads already said.

It also happened quality change physical component of labor. For a significant number of people, it became partial, associated with the load on individual organs and parts of the body, which are limited in space and often stereotypical, uncomplicated movements against the background of a forced position or static voltage. Such an asymmetry of the load does not correspond to the anatomophysiological and biomechanical structure of the body, cannot contribute to its improvement or at least maintaining it at the level achieved in the process of philo and ontogenesis.

No better things and in the field intellectualthose. People engaged in predominantly mental labor. Here you should also specify high-quality and quantitative changes related to the discharge of unfavorable. They are considered on the examples of operator, creative (heuristic), managerial and other varieties of labor.

In general, it can be stated that people engaged in advantageously mental labor, by analogy with the considered physical component, the intellectual component qualitatively and quantitatively changed during the historical development of humanity, especially during the last 2 centuries. First of all marked overloadintellectual sphere, which leads to its overwork. At the same time, its asymmetry (load, for example, on one of the brain functions - attention, memory, the speed of distinction of signals, etc.) ceases to be an incentive of improving the entire intellectual sphere in the process of labor and, therefore, such a nature of labor cannot be considered. as rational.

The basis of the formation of the load asymmetry is to change the nature of human communications with labor tools in modern conditions.

From the simple, directly turned into a machine or systemic (complex). In the latter case, a person becomes an element (component) of a formed system of various complexity. All its actions are predetermined by the system tasks. In such systems, a strict algorithm of actions is defined.

The inclusion of a person as its "element" forms both conscious and unconscious sense of responsibility for the functioning of the system as a whole, as a result of which the load on the emotional sphere is sharply increasing. But this load, or rather, the overload is not removed by satisfaction, which caused the result of activities, because a person as an accomplice of the functioning of the entire system is not directly related to the product of his work and cannot perceive it as something created by his mind, his hands and skill. This inconsistency (awareness of the responsibility for the functioning of the system and the inability to perceive the result of its work as the success of the activity) does not allow harmoniously to realize its human essence in labor and involuntarily forms chronic subconscious disadvantages and latent stress.

Even more acute is the problem of overload emotional sphere People have heuristic professions, which has already been said. A sense of professional responsibility in this case is a positive, stimulating active activity of the brain and, it becomes useful for health. However, this process is quite often accompanied by "informational noise" due to the complicated social relations, redundant sociability, the obligation to obtain and assimilate information, the performance of work, directly related to professional activities, etc.

All this forms the problem of an acute time shortage, most often resolved by reducing rest time. But in this watch, a person constantly mentally returns to his work. Time deficit, constant "Professional debt" form chronic, stagnant foci negative emotionsperiodically enhanced by acute stressful situations.

In balancing negative emotions and social Behavior The leading role belongs to the most vulnerable and low-cost

to overloads brake systemcortex brain. The exhaustion of its functional reserves inevitably leads to the disorder of the regulatory functions of the entire central system.

It is necessary to add non-separable violations of the temporary stereotype of the labor load, dramatically changed compared to the natural environment of working conditions, which makes doubt on the presence of the present labor of the hygienic function, the functions of strengthening human health. The consequences of such transformationlabor for individual person to a certain extent controlled. It is more difficult to deal with regard to the population as a whole, especially its further improvement, especially predicting promising events. Probably the irrationality of modern labor as a factor influencing the most part, negatively on people's health, will be realized and the corresponding measures will be accepted or on the line of increasing the physical component of labor (which is practically impossible), or by increasing regulated physical exercises, such as physical education pauses and T.P.

However, S. exercisenot so simple. The fact is that a person throughout the history of its existence and development spent physical and intellectual efforts with a certain, concrete and quite predictable goal. He saw, and received the result of his work. it the most important attribute Labor, distinguishing him from work at all. Physical exercises Nothing external material does not create. That is, the performing exercise appears only hope that his health is strengthened. In order to believe that these expectations are justified, required tallthe level of personal and social consciousness. Categories such as faith and hope are perceived and realized by abstraction, i.e. Through the second signal system. And the formation of abstract categories is always associated with significant difficulties and requires a long time.

When performing physical exercises, the participation of the intellectual component is minimal, whereas in the physical work of any kind it is necessarily present. In addition, the more failed the subject and the results of labor, the more positive influence The physical component of labor on the intellectual sphere, the more efficient the healing, hygienic function of labor. All this is deprived of ordinary exercise. However, they are definitely useful and necessary for people leading a low-wear lifestyle.

Therefore, a call to "eliminate differences between mental and physical labor" with the hygienic positions that sounded during the industrialization period in the USSR. It is necessary not to eliminate physical work and turn it into a mental, and it is reasonable to combine them. Heavy work that a person performs on the limit of its capabilities is harmful both in physical and in the intellectual version. The work committed with the morphofunctional possibilities is not only useful, but also necessary in both of its own options.

A few words about the so-called simple physical work. Installation at one time on industrialization, and subsequently, the mechanization and automation of the production of the country did not contribute to the acquisition of labor skills and the instill of love for physical work. As a result of this, part of the population, especially the young, was formed a dismissive attitude towards simple work as a non-unique and allegedly unhealthy. The formation of such a relationship contributes to the very name itself - "unqualified" work, i.e. poor-quality, not requiring experience and skills. Moreover, there is an opinion that it is not necessary to learn a simple work, as there is nothing difficult in it - "the corop of deeper, you throw further, and that's it."

This is a deep delusion. Unwillingness to perform simple work is more often due to the lack of skills. It is mentioned above. And after the acquisition of skills, a person begins to feel the joy of labor, he enjoys him.

All the above-mentioned doctors must be considered in each separate case. This largely oriented it in terms of thinking, and in terms of developing recommendations for a particular patient.

Matching the labor of the social essence of man

In very in general terms The conformity of the work of the social essence of a person is determined by its utility for both society and for the individual. It seems that this characteristic determines motivationalcomponent of labor. In its particular expression, motivation may have a material, moral and psychological and other basis with numerous variations of their relations.

The material basis of motivation is the earliest in the historical plan, quite understandable and tangible. Less

it is known to interpret the moral and psychological position. It is not easy for perception and arose much later in the process of the development of society, contains both positive and negative moments. The number of civil debt, public importance and the usefulness of their labor, the achievement of its specific goals, self-affirmation of themselves as a personality capable of solving the tasks. Such feelings and expectations arise as a result of inventions and discoveries, creating works of art, accumulation of knowledge, etc. The negative elements of motivation are the desire for power, careerism, a thrust to the satisfaction of vicious inclinations, etc.

It is known among people for whom moral and psychological motivation, many different strong health and long-livers (Sofokl, Pindar, Elimend, Democritus, Zeno, Hippocrat, etc.). To the deep old age, Kepler, Bacon, Euler, Newton, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, L. Tolstoy, I. Pavlov, I. Aivazovsky, A. Scriabin, B. Show, P. Picasso and many others. The formation of moral and psychological motivation largely depends on the choice of profession: "He is happy who happily go to work and with no less joy returns home."

Doctor is not worn to ask his patient if he can attribute to him the last statement, and if not, then why? This will help in more detail to deal with the reasons that have led a person to the doctor.

Rational holiday

With apparent simplicity and evidence, the concept of "rational holiday" is as difficult as other important components of the head. We must distinguish rest in the process of labor(working cycle, shifts, etc.) and rest, when a person is turned off for some time from the main activity and it appears so-called free time(vacation, holidays, etc.).

First on vacation in the process of activity. No matter how difficulty is a person (mental, physical, operator, etc.), several phases can be distinguished in this activity, which are sometimes quite difficult to diagnose and accurately temporary certainty. Schematically, the classic working cycle can be represented as follows (Fig. 13.2).

Fig. 13.2.Phases of the working cycle

The phase of workability.This period during which a person "enters" in upcoming work After sleeping and leisure, overcoming emotions and fatigue, which arose upon arrival at work, etc. W. different people Its duration may be unequal - depending on personal featuresand the nature of the work performed. The doctor must remember the presence of a phase of workability, so if the patient has problems associated with slow increasing performance, the features of its working schedule should be carefully examined. Most often questions arise about too much duration of this phase. Here you need to think about either the characteristic features of the person, or about the presence of chronic fatigue. In addition, "workability" is needed not only in everyday activity, for example, in replaceable work, but also to restore professional skills from representatives of some professions. For example, the pilot will not allow flying, perform tasks after the vacation, if it does not restore his skills to the required level.

Phase sustainable performance.This is the period of stable functioning of a working person, when the effectiveness of its activities is held on the required level. Naturally, the performance fluctuations are observed in certain periods, however, in general, during the working shift (cycle), during this period, the required level of efficiency and quality of labor is held during this period.

Phase fatigue.As a result of any activity, a person develops a state of fatigue. The nature of physical and mental fatigue has a number general damn, and the ongoing revolution in the field of production is increasingly erased by the available differences.

The criteria of fatigue can be both objective and subjective data, which is considered sufficiently detailed in chapter 11.

To subjective data, allowing to judge the degree of fatigue relates feeling fatigue.A.A. Ukhtomsky emphasized that at the heart of each subjective experience or sensation lie completely defined objectivematerial processes in nerve cells. Some scientists argue that even in assessing the severity of the work, subjective criteria have sufficient accuracy and clearly correlate with objective indicators.

The objective criteria for fatment include 2 groups of phenomena: on the one hand, changes in the performance or quality of performance, and on the other, changes in various organism systems associated with the development of fatigue.

For the diagnosis of fatigue developed quite a lot different ways, differing in both the set of methods and their complexity. This issues are engaged in specialists in the field of labor physiology, ergonomics, engineering psychology, etc. However, the doctor should also know some techniques to give advice to the patient, as it is better to cope with fatigue in production and in everyday life.

The fight against fatigue is ensured by the whole improvement in the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the production sector, human residence conditions. The more complete the unfavorable factors will be eliminated and the positive is used - from rational lighting to the widespread introduction of the principles of industrial aesthetics - the higher people will be the performance.

An essential means that accelerates getting rid of fatigue after work is the use of open I.M. Sechenny phenomenon - effect of outdoor activities.It was found that tired muscles are better resting at no time, but when working with other muscle groups, as well as in some afferent stimuli. Considering this, it should be recommended to the patient suitable for it techniques of physical education pauses, autotraining, etc.

Thus, fatigue is an objective and inevitable companion of any employment. The other is important - its depth and the ability to restore health and health

after his offensive. It is necessary to combine rationally both the interest of the employer and its willingness to take into account the opinion of experts in the field of labor physiology, engineering psychology, ergonomics. It is necessary to build a working schedule during a change (cycle) in such a way that working segments and pauses are alternating rationally, and the person stayed as long as possible in the phase of sustainable performance, did not "rolled" in the fatigue phase.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so it is often possible to observe 2 the following phases of the working cycle.

Phase "final impulse".The transition to this phase is due to the fact that the worker, realizing that he loses the right pace, performs work less efficient and efficiently, mobilizes the physiological and psychological reserves, and due to this, still functions if not at the maximum, then High level. Athletes talk about such a state as about the "second breath". However, with quite a frequent and long-term inclusion of reserves, they are gradually depleted, and the process can go to the separation phase.

Phase stupid- This is a state when a person can no longer with the required efficiency and quality to carry out their professional activities even when mobilizing all physiological reserves of the body. Immediate break or rest in work is necessary, otherwise the appearance of irreversible pathological changes in organism.

The rationality of labor and recreation during the working cycle (shift) is just that the working gaps alternate with the pauses in such a way that a person does not develop a fatigue phase as long as possible and the phase of the breakdown has not occurred. At the same time, breaks in the working cycle should also not be too long, so that after them a person again overcomed the phase of workability.

Big difficulties arise when determining the most important criteria recreation- his sufficiencyand efficiency.Individual need for rest may be very different. Unfortunately, there are no clear objective indicators here, so the word (subjective) report (self-esteem) is taken as the basis for the basis of the health, readiness to perform work or proceed to it. In addition, naturally, I would very much like to have objective confirmation of self-esteem.

The development of reliable, affordable and simple methods of assessment and criteria for recreation efficiency is the task and urgent, and permanent, since the professional activity of man and form, methods, duration and nature of rest are constantly changing.

In addition to rest in the process professional activity, It should be distinguished full holidayin the form of physical and moral and psychological peace rest with switchingon other activities that are not related to occupational duties, act of short-term and durable.

Any kind of long rest, special full, harmful to a healthy person. Optimal rest - This is a combination of it with difficulty. Ideally, such a combination takes place when it comes to the beginning of the working cycle, the day full recovery physical, intellectual and emotional capabilities and occur desire and opportunitywork - just like a person after abstaining from water and food there is a desire to drink and eat.

But in practical life, the possibility and reality of achieving such a state is also limited by social reasons. Most labor modern man It is sufficiently strictly regulated by time and graphics (algorithm) independently, with a rare exception, from individual characteristics of a person. As a rule, the same time is installed for all, the duration of the vacation, etc.

Such regulation in a significant part of people leads to the accumulation of fatigue, which during the vacation can be partially eliminated, but always after its completion is returned; those. Vacation, even with full rest, does not always solve the problem of combating overwork. As already mentioned, work should be organized so that the vacation as a means of combating overworking was not needed. It simply should not occur during the labor process. Then it is possible to say complete confidence that we are dealing with really rational and hard and rest.

Balanced diet

This is the simplest and difficult problem at the same time. Easy - because for any citizen of the civilized state of our planet problems do not exist, if he, of course, has the opportunity and is able to earn it for food. The most amazing thing is that the threat to existence

humanity due to lack of food arose when a modern man looked at the occasion of the oceans and reached the heights of the cosmos. But at the same time, at least one third of the world's planet Earth starving- fully or partially. At the same time, there is another problem in the field of nutrition - overeating.This is typically for the population of developed countries and is considered "fee" for urbanization, "domination" of a person over the rest of the world.

When studying the problem of rationality, we will not consider extreme possible options. It will be about the "averaged" person who is able to regulate the quality and amount of its nutrition, which is the task of personal hygiene in the field of nutrition.

Currently, thanks to the media, each person receives so many "recipes" and "rules" of cooking and its consumption, which would seem to be a thoroughly studied. But in most cases, these recommendations and advice are far from common senseMoreover, scientifically based data.

About nutritional hygiene is said in the appropriate chapter of the textbook. But on some issues - what is and how much- I would like to focus on attention.

At the dawn of development of mankind, the question: what is? Not stood - for their existence, people used natural (natural) products in food, i.e. All that gave them nature. And it was under the influence of this that a person was formed as a biological being, all the morphofunctional systems of its organism were evolved. And so it continued so long that it entered the genetic code of mankind, his genome, as it is customary to speak today. This is a principal moment.

Two main events have radically changed the history of the development and formation of a person, its essence. The first is that during the evolution, a person became biosocialthe creature is unlike the rest of the living world. Second - man became winner of fire.And as the contribution of the social component increases in this process, a person changed quite strongly, first of all externally. But the inner essence of man has changed not so clearly and deeply.

Now a few words about how much you need. The patterns of functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of a person, the nature and activity of the participation of all other systems and bodies in the process of digestion and the digestion in the process of evolution

nia nutrients From food stood under the influence of incoming outside naturalcomponents (species) of food: cereals, croup, meat, fish, etc.

Consequently, compliance with the rules healthy nutritionpossible if presence sufficient number and assortment of natural foods. At first glance it seems that in this regard, no special recommendations are required. But most of the people are not aware of what is necessary individual (Personal)regulation of food consumption depending on the amount of energy consumed and age.

Should know that physical opportunities A person decreases with age. If you do not realize the need to train muscles and keep them in a tone, then the result will be replaced muscular mass fat, which contradicts biological feasibility.

I must say that the need to accumulate energy reserves It originated and genetically fixed in the process of evolution due to not always regular nutrition (there is food - good, but it may not be a few days, then the energy supply is needed). This "genetic trace" remained in the life of a modern man who, without applying special efforts, Maybe from its own refrigerator to get edible reserves as much as they are enough for several people. Such is the peculiar "price" of the transformation of a person from the biological in a social and biological creature.

Recall that people with overweight Bodies live less than people having a normal weight. In addition, the first earlier than others "go from the distance", as the athletes say: labor productivity is reduced, the "professional" age is reduced, more early aging etc.

Unfortunately, the imbalance described above will not disappear tomorrow. Doctor should recognize true cause His occurrence of u. concrete person. Only in this case the help will be targeted and adequate.

With all the seeming simplicity, the problem is not so easy to solve. If the patient's body grows, it means that energy is accumulated in the form of fat. A physician immediately arises temptation to give the most "usual" advice: "Eat less, work physically more, move, etc.". With all the justice of this Council, he is rarely followed in real life. Why right advice does not work"?

It has already been said that food intake for a person is a genetically fixed instinct as a condition for survival of the species. In addition, food intake is a pleasure that can only be inferior to sex.

On the other hand, recommendations for the increase physical activity As a method of getting rid of excessive mass, not every person is suitable. In history, there are cases where people who did not differ in particular physical activity were known. Conversely, the same long-livers existed thanks to a very active way of life.

The doctor must understand the complexity of this problem for a particular person and look for an acceptable solution. It should not offer sustainable solutions without sobering in the peculiarities of his lifestyle. After all, the secrets of the "food center" and its functions are currently not fully studied. And whether it is only a problem, is also not entirely clear. This is one of the mysteries of the human nature, which is still to be learned.

With great care, recommendations should be made to limit food consumption. If for a relatively young organism it can pass painlessly, then for an elderly person, it may end to tragically or cause significant harm to health (for example, osteoporosis, pathological fractures, etc.).

An important factor in preventing obesity is diet.This is a socially imposed man in a temporary process of food intake, but its value is recognized, especially if they keep in mind the social essence of man. And today we can state that, to a certain extent, the initial biological rhythmsthe digestive system of the person is mainly summarized with social. More or less strict distribution of food meals during the day under the influence social conditionalitycarefully does not contradict the physiological patterns of digestion and cellular exchange. Moreover, a certain stereotype of food is formed as a peculiar form of human interaction with the most important environmental factor - food.

It should be recommended to take food at equal intervals, up to 4 times a day. Even more often (up to 5-6 times a day), it is necessary to eat if a person uses a subsidiary diet. However, all this should be under the control of the doctor.

Rare and unevenly distributed during the day receiving food, especially with the "ripped rhythm" of its reception, redeemate and gradually deplete the food center, violate its regulatory function. All this leads to violations of the normal metabolism: the difficulty of the digestibility of the energy prisoner and its deposition in the form of fat, the appearance of lipoproteins and lipids (cholesterol) and in the end - the emergence of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels.

In the course of the above, the doctor has the right to give reasonable answers to questions in the field of food hygiene. At the same time, patients are often asked about the benefits of complete starvation, vegetarianism, unloading Days, special diets, about attitude to separate products food (eggs, fats, fruits, vegetables, pickles, coffee, soy products, etc.), about the form of food intake (boiled, raw, roasted, tasty or tastefully cooked), etc.

In principle, a person, even with overweight, should not resort to full starvation.It is absolutely contrary to his nature. If we are talking about sick people for whom a decrease in body weight is sometimes a question of life or death, then in such cases the decision must be taken qualified specialist in the area of \u200b\u200bdiet and therapy.

In the same aspect it should be regarded and the so-called unloading Days.If there is a need for this and a person is psychologically ready for such a procedure, it should be held. But, as already mentioned, for many people, the rejection of food in general and the well-established stereotype of life is a serious test, the approach in each case should be individual. In solving this problem, experts in the field of gastroenterology, which will appoint so-called disguised diet, but it is not intended for healthy mancapable of controlling aloneand psyche, and social behavior.

A person when organizing his food must give preference to what grows in its region and meets the current season. The so-called traditional diet must necessarily include products of plant and animal origin, especially if it concerns children and adolescents, as well as people performing severe physical work. Special concern should appear in relation to pregnant and nursing women. IN this case Individual recommendations of the doctor are very important.

regarding the food diet of the child's female and rational nutrition of nursing.

Today, it is quite precisely proved that not only possible, but also follow in raw formmost vegetables, fruits, berries.

In general, completing a conversation about human nutrition as one of the significant factors of its existence, one should once again emphasize the benefit of a timely consumable consumable and delicious food.

Rational water consumption

All living is inextricably linked with water. "All in the world in the world, life is an animated water," Lonardo da Vinci wrote. It is known that in the body of an adult, 2/3 of its mass is water, a newborn has about 80% in a newborn, and at a six-week embryo - about 97% of the total body weight!

According to the requirements of the FZ? 29 from 02.01.2000 "On quality and security food products"The water is related to human food. In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law? 52-ФЗ Dated 1999 (Art. 19, paragraph 2) "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" to it are presented with strict requirements: " Drinking water It should be safe in epidemiological and radiation relation, harmlessly in chemical composition and have favorable organoleptic properties. " Moreover, according to Art. 17 p. 2 of the named law, for some categories of people water should be physiologically full.

In accordance with the provisions of SanPiN "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality, packaged in tank. Quality control »Only bottled water is responsible for the requirements of" physiological usefulness ". higher category Quality.From said it follows that a person has the right, based on

financial and situational opportunities, choose both the type of water and its source. Rational approaches to individual and public water use are detailed in chapter 6.

Rational accommodation

This problem is quite complex, especially in modern society. Sharpen it is so great that often from purely domesticit develops in social.But if we talk about a hygienic approach, it has long been considered and studied at least in 2 aspects: a physiological and hygienic and socio-psychological (psychogenic).

Physiological and hygienic approachensures learning climatic conditions, landscape-geographical features of the terrain, the state of natural media (water, air, soil, etc.), urbanization parameters, etc. These questions are quite well set out in chapter 8. But in the aspect of personal hygiene I would like to focus on the same problem.

Currently, in the literature, you can find a lot of messages dedicated to the so-called sick building syndrome (SCK Building Syndrome, SBS). This is a formal registered WHO complex of non-specific symptoms provoked by unsatisfactory air quality (INDOOR AIR QUALITY, IAQ). The main manifestations are set out in Chapter 3.

It is important to figure out where the source of trouble is at work or at home. Hygienist doctors who are able to estimate the quality of the air and at work, and in the patient's apartment, to give relevant recommendations for the quality correction of the air and human lifestyle. This is important, since, for example, on the treatment of respiratory diseases office workerswho have arisen as a result of a "poor-quality" air environment, in the United States is spent annually to 18% of the value of products manufactured, and the share of such employees is 20%. In Russia, unfortunately, such statistics are not yet conducted, but this does not mean that there are no problems. The doctor should remember about it.

Concerning socio-psychological aspect,it is not sufficiently studied. The general trend is as follows: In an interregional scale, the process of decentralization is underway due to the development of new regions (currently there is practically no), and in regional - centralization, conglomeration, creating megalopolises, etc.

It would seem from man personallyin this case, nothing depends, he, in fact, is a hostage of the situation. But, first, every personality has the right to change the place of residence if it does not suit it for one or another reason. Secondly, it is possible to try to implement modern possibilities ("life programs") within the framework of incredible concentrations of the population in residential areas and in "family cells" in particular. It is here that the press "excess society" is constantly operating.

In such conditions acquires great value The ability to respect the feelings of other people. Without this, no elements of a healthy lifestyle (hardening, healthy eating, rational labor and recreation, etc.) will not help preserve, and even more so - to increase your own health and health of others, make life comfortable.

A modern man should be reckoned with the fact that it would not be possible to get rid of the "super communicability", since it can only realize their life aspirations with the inevitable "interlacing" with the interests of other members of society. At the same time, opposition to their implementation can be felt, even if it is not noticed by surrounding people.

Thus, the size of communication must have certain parameters so that it does not occur devaluation.The constancy of "overcrowdings" passes gradually into irritability. In such conditions, the desire to retire to comprehend everything worried, try to solve personal problems, find an acceptable way out. In cities, especially large, there are practically no such opportunities. In most people, in such a situation, there is inevitably lowering the level of the first mental component of health, and subsequently somatic.

The role of a doctor in these cases is to form an understanding of the current situation: in the first case - mutual respect for the strides for temporary insulation, and in the second - ensuring access to existing microcomatics, groups, clubs, etc.

13.3. The problem of bad habits,

Their consequences for people's health

Bad habits- Very wide concept. This is small, and large drawbacks that are manifested in human behavior in

the image of its actions and thinking. They may affect the interests of individuals, families, the team - these are so-called utility bad habits: throwing the cigarettes anywhere, blow the root and spit, do not respond to comments, etc.

But for society and states have much more important Harmful habits of another kind. We are talking about systematic use of substances that reduce and disturbing the regulatory and integrative function of the cerebral cortex. These substances include drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.

Due to their impact, the adequacy of the perception of the surrounding reality and its own state, which is self-recognized as a prosperous one. Moreover, such sensations are very quickly becoming so attractive that a person is irrebating again and again to experience the experienced state of Euphoria, which in the current slang is called "Kaif." It is very quickly fixed in the form of a habit, from which a person is not able to get rid of not only independently, but also with the help of doctors.

Of course, each of the poisons has its own characteristics - both the mechanism of action and addiction.

First prevalence and dangerous consequences For society occupies alcoholism.The scale of this drug addiction is impressive and impressed, as evidenced by the attempts of the Soviet leadership to accept the so-called "dry law" at one time - in order to stop the degradation of the USSR population. This unprecedented action, as is known, was not crowned with success and represents an example of not quite thoughtful actions.

returning to addictionnote that drugs are valid similar to the substances generated in the body when stressful situations - endorphins.IN normal conditions Thanks to their action, the body returns to its usual state. But as a result of the fact that the effect of drug use largely coincides with the action of endorphins, the human body takes the drug "as its". This explains the fear of drug use and low (so far!) The effectiveness of anti-drug addiction.

Drugs do not reproduce all the necessary biochemical reactions peculiar to normal physiological stateThe relationship between the processes of producing positive and negative emotions is disturbed. They create an imaginary "Wednesday of Bliss", which is for a person, the "crown of nature",

completely contraindicated. It loses the ability to adapt to changing external conditions, including negative, which in many respects stimulate the adaptation process. Hence the conclusion - the consumption of drugs, relieving "normal" (ie, natural) negative emotions, adversely affects not only biological (physiological), but also on social human health. It ends with social disadaptation and identity degradation.

The destructive human body action of drugs is more intensified and direct toxic influenceproducts of their collapse. There is a reasonable question: why then harmful habits not only exist, but also have a distinct trend towards distribution?

There are certain patterns of the emergence of these vicious addictions, the doctor must know about them and in each particular case to help, if possible, to his patient. In the case when resistance (confrontation) the emergence of addiction geneticallyweakened, can help get rid of unwanted social environment. Success will also depend on the amount of efforts to attach the subject itself, family, school, society.

Another explanation of the prevalence of drug addiction gives relaxation theory.Its essence is that a modern superbanized person does not cope with a high rate of life, an abundance of information, stress, etc., as a result of which it is looking for ways to relax, discharge. But this theory is very controversial. The experience of mankind suggests that a person leading intense, especially mental, activity does not need to form positive emotions With the help of tobacco, alcohol or drugs. In orbit, non-working, with excessive time and material resources are most often included.

The delusion of supporters of relaxation theory is the statement that narcotic substances remove only the brain's braking. The tragedy is precisely that these substances act not only on the bark of the brain. Due to the fact that they, as well as their derivatives are protoplasmic poisonscells and subcortical education are affected. As a result emotional manifestations The addict and a healthy person differ in the same way as, for example, the images of Jesus Christ and Humanoid. Therefore, those asocial actions that often

drug addicts under the "buzzer" are committing, difficult to understand with a normal person.

It is also necessary to mention social disadvantage theory,which can hardly be attributed to scientific. This theory suggests that attraction to drugs, other defects are characterized only by "socially disadvantaged layers of the population." With confidence you can say that it is not. Alcoholics, drug addicts, which, as a rule, are almost smoking (believing that it is only "fun" compared to the drug intake), many among people who have normal living conditions, successful business or good earnings, good family etc.

It is impossible not to mention another "theory" - "economic", according to which the sale of vodka and tobacco is economically beneficial to the state. It turns out that drinking and smoking people - almost contain a good proportion of the country's population. The state necessary for the production and distribution of social product and protection against danger from the outside, is interested in how few of the smaller people can not be manufactured for his citizens harmful products, products, etc. It's hard to accurately appreciate the true economic damageassociated with the production and consumption of all types of drugs, but it is comparable to the damage caused by a war or a large catastrophe.

Tobaccoit is no less threat to people's health than alcoholism or drug addiction. There is a lot about the dangers of smoking. The complex of clinical manifestations arising from long smoking will certainly be considered as disease,as "chronic smoking syndrome.

The burning cigarette is similar to a chemical factory producing more than 4 thousand different compounds, including more than 40 carcinogenic substances and 12 substances that contribute to the development of cancer (cochoncinogen).

The burning cigarette is the pleasure for the smokers and at the same time - serious threat Health of others, forced to passive smoking. Smoking at the age of 40 die before their peers. During smoking, the risk of developing oncological diseases increases. Infertility develops, smoking leads to a violation of the development of the fetus in the mother's womb, is the cause of many miscarriages and deformities. Most smokers are aware that systematic smoking can be

ti to the emergence various diseasesBut their appearance they see only in the long-term perspective, so there is no real feeling of danger.

According to a survey of the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion (WTCIOM), among the reasons why people begin to smoke, men in the first place are the desire to remove the tension. Also, smoking makes it possible to relax and distract from unpleasant thoughts. Women take a cigarette mainly to support the company and relax.

Today, the position of the state regarding tobacco control is quite clear - Russia has joined the WHO Framework Convention on Countering Tobacco Distribution, some legislative measures are adopted to limit Tobacco trade in the country. The fight against smoking must be carried out purposefully and comprehensively using all possible funds: from individual impact to national, public and medical events focused on 3 groups of the population: non-smoking (smoking prevention), smokers (combating smoking) and quenching smoking (effect fixation) .

However, as in relation to any drugs, in the case of tobacco, you should also not expect easy ways to achieve success. One example of the materials of studying the prevalence of smoking among schoolchildren is 15-16 years old in St. Petersburg: 58.1% of boys and 37.6% of girls smoked 5 or more cigarettes per day. By the end of the school, the pace of admission to smoking girls is ahead of the young people. Among the surveyed girls, 87.5% have various deviations in a state of health. And the saddest conclusion from these studies - traditional prevention programs harmful habits at school ineffective.

It seems that the main social cause of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction is insufficient level of culture.It is necessary to understand that culture is not so much knowledge, talent, skill in some kind of industry, profession, how much the raised ability to conscious of himself is reasonable.Who has such quality, he will not make obviously unreasonable actions. A reasonable person can be wrong, but it is intentionally and systematically to repeat the mistakes.

Consequently, the main means of combating bad habits is to increase the total population and internal culture

culture of every person. The ability to conscious of themselves always lags behind the possibility of mastering technical skills and manufacturing material values. Such a discrepancy underlies not only the prevalence of bad habits, but also many other social misfortunes of people.

Sex inversion

The most obvious costs of education and personality formation are considered on the example of alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco. This should also count inversion in the relationship between floors. Personal hygiene of the relationship between a man and a woman is mostly psychological problem. As for the physiological side of this problem, it is considered in the literature devoted to the so-called hygiene of sexual life. It also relates to the sphere of interests of sexopathology.

The so-called are more serious perversions (sex perversion)- painful attraction to sexual acts perverted method (auto-ethoshism, fetishism, transvesticism, sadism, masochism, etc.) or with inadequate sexual partners (homosexuality, pedophilia, gerontophilia, etc.). Overcoming these vices is a complex task. It affects the sphere of moral, and the sphere of psychology, and therefore requires the efforts of the state, institutional measures, the coordinated work of public and educational organizations, the person, her family. Only in this case you can solve these problems.

Personal student hygiene

When characterizing individual species mental labor already mainly described the features of the work of students. It is unlikely that it is, as well as the educational process itself, belongs exclusively to the sphere of hygiene, including personal. In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the need to take into account the specifics of the relationship between students and ensuring their medical care doctors, as well as teachers in the dynamics of the educational process.

First, itselves studentsit is useful to know what happens to them since the end of the school and the beginning of study at the university, as well as in the process of learning in it.

Secondly, it should be reminded of a student as a developing personality educatorswhich are very closely interacting with students

different courses, and this circumstance should also be taken into account during the educational process.

Third, features physical development and functional state the body of students should know doctorsengaged medical service This contingent.

That training is a special type of activity and requires careful study and accompaniment, says the fact that the state of health student different categories In our country, they began to study in the 20s of the last century. The reasons for such attention were completely explained. Ubiquitous destruction, nutritional problems, the lack of a proper system of medical support, including sanitary-anti-epidemic, led to a high incidence of students. In its structure, anemia prevailed (10-65%), neurasthenia (10-28%), rheumatic heart lesions (30%), pulmonary tuberculosis (18%). It is not surprising that a third of the students had serious deviations in physical development, which generally created significant difficulties with the recruitment of the army.

Subsequently, all problems associated with educational process, including the state of health of students, became the object of close to study of academic research institutes various profile, including medical. As already mentioned, in MMA them. THEM. Sechenov was created the only scientific research laboratory of university hygiene.

It is important to know that in the process adaptationyesterday's schoolboy to student life exist periods during which students experience huge neuro-psychological, emotional and physical exertion. Such loads must be prepared in advance. The importance of competence of teachers and attending doctors should be mentioned, understanding the features of such a restructuring of the life of a young man.

It is known that in adaptation to new living conditions and activities of students is determined by 3 periods (stages). Firstit falls on the 1st courses and is considered the most difficult. After all, the majority of students to the "starting" of student life overcome 2 examinations: graduation exams at school and introductory at the university, because of which the summer cannot be fully relaxed. And then the new, unusual and unusual compared to

school stage of learning. Of course, such a load is able to withstand a person with high physical and intellectual possibilities. However, these qualities are required from the future specialist with higher education, which must have appropriate professional qualifications (and, consequently, the ability to assimilate the necessary volume of knowledge, skills and skills in the specialty), to be healthy, hardy and possess high efficiency.

To this should be added 2 more circumstances complicating and without this heavy stage of the student's life. The first is that all listed loads in most cases fall on the shoulders not yet fully formed in physical and mental plan young man. The fourth of the young men and 10% of girls at the age of 18 continues the growth of the body, and the increase in the muscular strength and body weight is completed by 19-20 years.

The second circumstance concerns the main visitors of students living in hostels. They have to adapt to a peculiar "communal" life, different from home conditions. In addition, many modern children do not have household skills in the required amount, which also causes a stressful state.

The process of learning in the university itself is also different in many parameters from such a school. There is no systematic custody here, the presence of its own motivational installation on independent work, active learning of knowledge, skills and skills, initiative in the development of devices and equipment on practical activities etc. The student must form professional self-consciousness, attitude to lectures, practical exercises, seminars, etc., which could be expressed like this - "as the last time", i.e. Understanding that at the subsequent stages of the educational process of return to what has already happened, there will be no fully. And ahead should see the final goal of learning - getting a diploma, appointment and responsibility for the execution of their duties.

Therefore, today on the agenda it is worth the decision of the most serious issue - to continue the well-established practice of refinery to master knowledge of students in the form of exam sessions (winter and summer) or look for other ways to achieve this goal. By the way, sessions and for students, and for teachers (and

for parents too!) Not harmless about health. Alternatively, we can consider established in MMA. THEM. Sechenova checking students' knowledge on the score-rating system. It is not focused on mobilizing efforts and knowledge to pass the exams, but for accounting of systematic, the rootality and conscientiousness of the student's work throughout the study of the subject.

On the transition of Co. second stage (period)it can be said when adaptation to new conditions occurred, neuro-emotional tension does not prevent the learning process and does not cause any violations in the state of the student's health. This usually meets the end of the 3rd course of training. Students who have successfully mastered basic courses, noticeable confidence in herself, in his abilities, which causes quite high performance, good knowledge on studied disciplines.

Third stage (period)corresponds to learning in senior courses. It could be conditionally referred to as the "period of returning problems." At this stage, the difficulties of assimilation of special disciplines affect a lesser extent, but there are social problems. Most students of the 4th and subsequent courses (age 20 years or more) arises the need to create a family, searching for work (for example, in order to maintain a family, and sometimes this work is not in a specialty), the desire to engage in research work and etc. In some problems arise due to lack of funds, others - due to lack of time, but also in the first, and in the second cases discomfort is obvious.

As a result of this state of health modern student Not perfect. Of course, his health should be treated in dynamics - from school bench to release from the university. At the same time, it should be remembered that some of the children who begin to study at school are not well healthy, but during their studies the number of schoolchildren with certain problems of a medical nature increases significantly. It is worthwhile to be surprised that from 17 to 30% of applicants have certain deviations in a state of health. Incredible loads that overcome today's students lead to the deterioration of their health: functional disorders of the nervous system are occurring, chronic inflammatory diseases Lororganov, Myopia, hypertonic disease, diseases of the digestive system, caries.

In this regard, students' health care issues go beyond the scope of hygiene in general and personal in particular. Scientific I. practical recommendations In terms of hygiene, effective in the presence of specific mechanisms for the implementation of state policy in the field of health care, ensuring the preservation of human health from the moment of its conception before entering into a full-fledged independent life. In order to achieve this, the necessary social, economic, cultural and domestic and other conditions that contribute to the harmonious development of the person should be created in the country.

Other personal hygiene elements

The concept of "personal hygiene" quite often includes sections related not to hygiene as such, but to sanitation, i.e. Practical component of hygiene. It is hardly right, since in many cases it discusses hygiene as a science of health and methods for its preservation and multiplication.As a result, most people, including managers who are designed to identify policies and practical steps In the protection of the health of citizens, the idea of \u200b\u200bhygiene is formed as "Science of purity",what is completely incorrect. And if you develop this thought further, then, in all likelihood, in how to care for the skin and the cavity of the mouth and what uses, techniques and methods are used, the corresponding specialists are better disassembled.

It should not be from our point of view, to intervene in the sphere of ethics, aesthetics and the general culture of a person who should form appropriate sciences and disciplines.

Let us briefly focus on issues traditionally belonging to the "Personal Hygiene" section: physical education, hardening and hygiene clothing and shoes.

Physical education.The above is the attitude towards this item as an important factor Preservation of human health. We emphasize that exercise classes bring tremendous health. But the decision to engage in physical education or not to do - purely personalthe matter is therefore not to impose this occupation to each person, especially daily. Exercise, like any element of the life of a modern person, are needed when a person wishesof this. If they are forced, then nothing but the resistance of such an entity will not work.

At the same time, a modern person, and even moreover, a doctor must know some techniques that allow you to fight hypodynamines, overweight, increasingly, etc. However, these tips must be suspended, careful and best if they are approved by experts in the field of medical physical education, sports medicine, etc.

Hardening.The method of increasing resistance to action is quite common in medicine, most often cooling, meteorological factors - both each individually and their combinations. With physiological positions addictive person to action physical factors Air Wednesday Call adaptation.It is known that this phenomenon is also applied to other impacts (physicochemical, biological, psychological, etc.), but in this case we are talking exclusively about environmental factors: temperature, humidity, air and pressure speed. It is these parameters that are largely due to the daily health of a person, his perception external world In general, I. general state as such.

Mostly a person does not need to resort to special methods Adaptations to the medium in which he lives for many years, adaptation is formed by itself. But in some cases, for one reason or another, the acquired adaptation is not enough, it does not allow the body to exist normally in, seemingly familiar medium, as a result of which the chronic ailments are beginning to make themselves, cases of infectious diseases, etc.

IN similar situations A person either independently or on the recommendation of specialists seeks to raise the level of their immunobiological resistance. Hardening is one of the easiest, reliable, available and controlledmethods naturalstimulating the protective forces of the body. The person himself chooses the way of hardening, as in any case he must be combined, and if possible, harmoniously, with the domestic and social ski of life, its habits, addictions, etc.

So, under hardening, it is necessary to understand the formation of increased resistance of a person to the action of meteorological and other factors affecting the thermoregulation of a person and its thermal balance. The thermoregulation of a person is the object of interest of several sciences: normal and pathological physiology, general pathology, resortology and physiotherapy, climatology, physiology and occupational hygiene, etc.

All except hygiene, the above sciences are studying the patterns of thermoregulation processes, criteria for assessing certain organism reactions, the limits of their possible oscillations. The role of hygienists is that they, using the results of studies of the human body reactions to the effect of the cooling or heating medium, establish the criteria of the optimal, permissible, maximum permissible and maximum portable levels of the specified effect. It does not exclude that the hygienists along with other specialists can either participate in similar experiments, or conduct them on their own. Their main role is to implement the results of scientific searches in the form hygienic standardswhich are then applied when developing hygienic standards, sanitary rules and norms and even federal laws. In this regard, hygienists have both moral and legal right to participate in the development of hardening modes, to establish the requirements for this process, to make recommendations.

As already mentioned, as a result of the hardening, the adaptation capabilities of the body increase to the action of low temperatures. In parallel, elevated resistance to adverse actions of physicochemical, biological, psychological factors is formed. People who are systematically engaged in hardening almost do not hurt the ARZ and other infectious diseases. Moreover, hardened causes a higher level of human performance, forms positive psychophysiological reactions.

Hardening is considered as effective way Countering increased sensitivity to adverse natural impacts. Due to the low-tech lifestyle of the modern person's life, the role of hardening is difficult to overestimate. In addition, it should be noted that at the current level of urbanization a significant part of the life most people are in premises, most often with an unfavorable microclimate. And for children, hardening is vital today, because they are more often than adults, they are sick of colds.

Regardless of the form of hardening (air, water, solar radiation) It is necessary to adhere to certain principles (rules):

graduality(an increase in the intensity and duration of the hardware factor should be increasing);

systematism(Harding procedures must be implemented regularlyon the selected system);

individual mode(Must be taken into account, gender, human health condition and, accordingly, in nature: aqueous, air, combined, and tempering intensity).

These principles are universal in nature, and the hardening can be started at any time of the year.

Air challengeor air baths (Aerotherapy), one of the most common ways. Distinguish: warm air baths (air temperature 30-25 ° C); Cool (20-14 ° C); Cold (less than 14 ° C). Air baths are recommended to be taken as naked as possible, as the temperature sensitivity of the skin of non-etinakov in various parts of it. They are accepted in the shadows, at special sites (aerations) or unpolluted atmospheric emissions of well-landscaped areas. You can take baths and on balconies, in the ventilation rooms with moderately cooled air. Effective form Hardening of the upper respiratory tract is considered to be sleep in winter indoors with an open window. Hardening air is useful to combine with exercise, games, and in winter - with walking on skis, skating, etc.

Water hardening- Powerful, effective method Hardening. It is based on a high heat transfer of human body, since water has heat capacity, significantly higher (300 times) air heat capacity at a given temperature.

By formuse for hardening the water factor is distinguished by: baths; bathing; souls; pouring; wipes; Foot baths and other water treatments.

By temperaturethe regime is distinguished next species Baths: Cold (< 20 °С); прохладные (20-30 °С); индифферентные (34-36 °С); тепловые (37-39 °С); горячие (>40 ° C).

As a result of the hardening procedures in the body, positive morphological and functional changes occur, contributing to the improvement of thermoregulation processes, increase the barrier function of the skin due to the thickening of the epidermis, increase the fat content in the secret sweat iron and a decrease in water content in tissues and others. The overall health of the person is significantly improved, its social activity increases.

Hygiene clothing and shoes.Both clothing and shoes provide adverse environmental conditions tolerability. And the achievements in this area are comparable, perhaps with the mastery of fire, as their improvement in the process of evolution allowed a person to adapt to such conditions when any other kind of mammals, and the person would have ceased to exist. Clothing, essentially, had the same meaning for a person, as the ability to first look for, and then build a comfortable dwelling.

As for the role of hygiene, including personal, in the art, its significance is obvious. It is necessary to emphasize that the problem of clothing and shoes for a person is integrated and, therefore, is studied by many scientific disciplines. In this regard, interests different professionals may differ depending on the purpose of clothing and shoes: household; children's; special (professional); hospital; Protective, etc.

Regardless of the purpose and nature of the clothes exist general, universalrequirements to which clothing must be answered. It's exclusively about hygienicrequirements (properties) to clothing.

1. Mechanical properties:

1.1. General:




Density (superficial and volumetric);


1.2. Constructive-mechanical (ergonomic) properties: fitting:

Anthropometric data of a person;

Motor capabilities of a person.

2. Physical properties:

2.1. Heat insulation:

Air permeability;


Vapor permeability;


Moisture permeability;

Thermal conductivity;


2.2. Other physical properties:


Electrifyability. 3. Chemical properties:

Chemical resistance of clothing materials;

Adsorption ability chemical substances;

Desorption of chemicals from clothing materials. A fairly wide range of requirements is presented to

shoes (meaning hygienic):weight; flexibility; Depreciation properties; frictional properties; the form; inner dimensions; The rate of informing to the foot; Heat insulation properties. In addition, strength requirements are presented to shoes, ability to maintain source forms, size and flexibility after moisturizing, drying, storage duration, etc.

It should be said that there is no plank of hygienic, aesthetic, operational and other requirements for these products for today's exercises.

Completing the chapter, we hope that the thoughts stated in it will be useful as future doctors and their patients. At the same time, we associate special hopes with the active involvement of tomorrow's patients in the circle of people who have decided to adhere to healthy lifestyle.

Without such a purposefulness of the doctors of Russia, it will be very difficult for the future to build a future, it is impossible to get rid of the vices of society that prevents the formation of the country's healthy nation. In fact, can it be calmly perceive the data that medium duration Russia Russia takes the 111st place in the world - between Iraq and Belize; Or the fact that men in Russia live an average of 59 years (i.e. do not prove to retirement!), And women - 72 years, which is 20 or more less than in other countries, including its former partners in the Warsaw Agreement (Table 13.1).

The average fertility rate in Russia is 10 people per 1,000 population, and the average mortality rate is 16 people per 1,000 population. Unfortunately, this is today's reality.

According to the results of the dispensary of children conducted in the country, it turned out that only about a third of them (27.1%) were recognized as healthy (1st group of health), 51.7% have functional deviations or

Table 13.1.Life expectancy indicators and age retirement of some countries of the world

the risk of the disease (the 2nd health group), and the remaining 11.2% (3-5th groups of health) already exist chronicdiseases.

This sad statistics for Russia should not leave a single person indifferent, especially the doctor. Currently, much changes in the country for the better. The national project "Health" is being implemented, the President and the Russian government take steps to make the life of people, including all students, has become better. Revows free population dispensing (while working). Since 2009, the new priority direction of the project "Health" becomes the formation of a healthy lifestyle. For these purposes in the next 3 years, 2.5 billion rubles has been provided in the federal budget.

But all of us should be prepared for a very long and painstaking work each in place. Not only the expansion of population coverage is required, but also improving its quality, the formation of the population of the plant for care of their physical and spiritual health. Measures provided by the relevant resources and support of the state can make domestic health care efficient, reversal the dangerous trends in the level of health of the population.

Healthy lifestyle

According to the determination of WHO, health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and defects.

Numerous factors affect health. The main ones are heredity (20%), ecology (20%), lifestyle (50%), the level of health development (10%).

A person since birth is pursued by various diseases -gipovitaminosis and avitaminosis, anemia, obesity, allergose, colds, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and other diseases. They darken life and do not give a person to enjoy the beauty and greatness of the world. In the fight against these diseases, he is squinting his energy, and there is no effort for creativity and creation. A person often leaves life early, and without realizing himself completely, did not have time to do what he was born, not known the wisdom of nature. And the fault is often the unfavorable factors pursuing him throughout the life, many of which he created for himself.

Scientists from different fields of science noted that the main causes of the deterioration of the health of the modern generation of people are the low culture of a healthy lifestyle, irresponsible attitude towards their health, low material provision of health care institutions, sports and educational institutions.

Today, science is reliably known that increasing the level of health is due, first of all, not only with the development of medicine, but also with the conscious, reasonable work of the person in the restoration and development of life resources, to turn a healthy lifestyle into the fundamental component of the image "I".

A person should be reoriented with the treatment of diseases, that is, "breaking weeds", for care for his health; It is understood that the reason for the unhealthy is primarily in the indifference of a person to itself, in liberation thanks to the civilization of a person from their efforts on themselves, the consequence of the destruction of the body's protective forces.

An important component of health policy in the field of health promotion is the implementation of the "Concept of maintaining and promoting the health of the Russian Federation by methods and means of hygienic learning and education". The basis of the concept is the change in the emphasis in prevention: a person who was an object of exposure should be active in maintaining his health. In this context, the words of the President of the Russian Federation, said in March 2007, are also important when summing up the execution of national projects: "I repeat, only the efforts of the state, no matter how strong and rich it is not enough. A lot depends on the relationship of people to their own health .... It is necessary to bring up good, the right attitude to your own health people ... "

A healthy person often has his behavior, even if he is destroying his health, considers a purely personal matter. In preventive medicine, the patient becomes the main acting person, while the task of the doctor is to change his personal attitude towards his health, increase responsibility for its preservation and strengthening, induce to the active use of primary prevention measures.

As already mentioned, among the factors affecting the health status, the lifestyle occupies leading place. Therefore, the main task in improving the health of the population is to form a call. Being healthy should be the internal need of a person.

Zoz should enter the "fashion" of a modern man. Of particular importance is the training of "health behavior" of people of adolescent and youthful age.

Healthy lifestyle -behavior, style that promotes conservation, strengthening and restoring the health of this population. A healthy lifestyle is not only a medical, but also a socio-economic category, which depends on the development of production and production relations. A healthy lifestyle is associated with the choice of personality positive in relation to the health of the style of life, which involves a high level of hygienic culture of individual social groups and societies in general.

It has been established that a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the rational day of the day, the correct organization of nutrition, sufficient physical activity, the refusal of bad habits, hardening, high medical activity, etc.) contributes to an increase in life expectancy for 7-10 years.

It often happens that the person is wrong with life, harmful habits, hypodynamines, overheating by 20-30 years old, brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then recalls medicine. Whatever perfect medicine, it cannot get rid of everyone from all diseases. The man is the Creator of his Health for which it is necessary to fight. FROM early age It is necessary to conduct an active lifestyle, hardened, engage in physical education and sports, follow the rules of personal hygiene, - in a word, to achieve the intelligent paths of genuine harmony of health.

Unfortunately, in our country, responsibility for all health does not occupy a significant place in the priority system of a separate person. Sociological studies provide the right to argue that, despite the long-known conclusions of the World Health Organization on the factors affecting health, a significant part of the population of Russia is psychologically not ready to be responsible for their health.

The main risk factors are:

1. Embossed, unbalanced food, overweight.

2. Lack of formed physical activity, conscious needs in regular physical training, hypodynamine, insufficient increase in wellness motor activity.

3. Environmentally unfavorable conditions (labor, housing, rest).

4. Disorder mode of work and recreation.

5. Insufficient sleep and recovery, overload.

6. Alcohol addiction, drug use, tobacocco.

Hygiene Not an unimportant component of a healthy lifestyle. The motto "Purity - a guarantee of health" arose at the dawn of mankind. Most. simple definition The words "hygiene" can be considered the domestic word "purity". But in the broad sense of hygiene, this is not just purity, but the area of \u200b\u200bmedicine that studies the impact of living and labor conditions on human health, prevention measures to ensure the normal existence of people in the environment, in habitat and livelihoods.

An important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle playing personal hygiene - The range of rules that strengthen and maintain human health. Personal hygiene - This is a reasonable combination of mental and physical activity, a skillful alternation of recreation and mental and physical labor, compliance with the regime of the day, alternating sleep and wakefulness. Personal hygiene can be attributed to skin hygiene, teeth hygiene, hair hygiene, as well as cleanliness lower and outerwear, shoes.

It is also necessary to pay due attention Housing hygiene, Where a person spends most of his life. Therefore, the dwelling (house, apartment, etc.) must meet the basic requirements of sanitary and hygienic rules. In the house (apartment) it should be spacious enough, light and dry - It is necessary to clean regularly, it is advisable to make a wet cleaning of floors daily, wash the dishes on time, keep waste in a specially closed place and regularly carry them out. At least twice a day to air the rooms, sanitary knots regularly wash special means. Watch that insects and rodents do not start, destroy them in a timely manner. Special attention should be paid to sound insulation - protection from external sources Noise, electromagnetic radiation.

It will not be right not to mention about hygienic rules behavior on the street, nature, in in public places . The behavior of a person outside his home (dwelling) should be reasonable. Be sure to take with you napkins, handkerchief, other hygiene products. Beware of unknown places, plants, organisms, etc. Be careful. Dressed appropriately to be comfortable, warm and dry. After resting in nature, it is imperative to remove for themselves - not rebuilt over time will bring additional "infection".

Power hygiene (not to be confused with nutrition) is also one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. Although power hygiene is a section of hygiene that studies full and balanced diet man want to say about something else: about food Rules, Risk exceptions for their health. It is also properly to store food products, and not use spoiled food, and thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits, and take food from clean dishes, and wash your arms before eating with soap, and do not eat hands, etc. the like .. do not rush while eat, carefully chew food, start with dishes containing the greatest number water.