How the gynecologist determines the gestational age of the examination. How a gynecologist defines early pregnancy. How the term is considered in obstetric practice

When planning a pregnancy, a woman expects conception every month. She looks for the first signs of pregnancy in herself, and when a delay occurs, she immediately makes a test. Modern tests accurate, many work even before the delay.

After the test showed positive result, often the expectant mother immediately goes to an appointment with a gynecologist to confirm conception, to exclude possible problems... When do you need to see a doctor? How long can conception be confirmed exactly? What studies are indicated for pregnant women?

When should you go to the doctor if the test is positive?

Pregnant women often want to get to the doctor faster so that the gynecologist confirms the pregnancy and excludes the presence of pathologies. It should be understood that for positive test after just a couple of days of delay, go to the doctor early.

Registered in antenatal clinic should get up during the first trimester. In the same period, the first examination on the chair should take place, during which the gynecologist palpates the uterus and vagina with his fingers.

The examination is not carried out earlier than 5 weeks (not earlier than 19-20 days from the time of the delay), in this case the examination will be the most informative. Then the woman will be registered, appointed required analyzes and other studies.

It is important to remember that you can only wait when well-being if there is no sharp pain or other complaints. At severe pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, if bleeding occurs, you should immediately seek help.

How is the first appointment with a gynecologist during pregnancy?

How is the first appointment with a gynecologist for early date? First, the gynecologist examines the woman on the chair. it mandatory clause, which will help to exclude or detect pathology in time. On examination, the doctor draws Special attention on the condition of the uterus: it is important to exclude it increased tone, as well as the presence of cysts, fibroids, polyps, erosion.

This is followed by a conversation with the doctor. He must collect all the necessary information about the woman and the father of the child. It is important to answer all questions, this will give the doctor a complete picture of the woman's condition and the possible risks.

The history includes:

  • data on the menstrual cycle (when and when the last menstruation began, the duration of the cycle, the nature of the discharge);
  • the presence of chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc.;
  • the state of health of the child's father (the presence of diseases that are inherited, for example diabetes, heart defects);
  • Availability bad habits from mother and father;
  • place of work, lifestyle, etc.

The third part of the survey is analyzes and examinations. The doctor will give directions to whole line laboratory research... Also, every month a woman is weighed, her pressure is measured.

How long can the doctor determine pregnancy on examination?

It has already been said that it is better to come to the appointment no earlier than 5 weeks, since it is possible to determine pregnancy on the gynecological chair during examination only from this period (subject to the high qualifications and competence of the gynecologist). Next important question: how does a gynecologist define pregnancy without using special equipment?

Everything is simple here, after conception in female body occur Big changes... There are a number characteristic features by which the doctor sees that the woman is pregnant:

  1. Swelling (swelling) of the genitals. Due to the accelerated circulation and the flow of venous blood, the labia majora and minora become denser and swollen.
  2. The appearance of the external pharynx and the walls of the vagina.
  3. The condition of the uterus and appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes). The uterus, ovaries and appendages are constantly increasing, which is easy to find when palpating with your hands. The shape of the uterus changes, it becomes softer.
  4. The posterior fornix of the vagina. It becomes even due to the ongoing changes.
  5. Mammary gland. The breast increases, swells, becomes dense (often pregnant women complain of discomfort and increased sensitivity). Soft adipose tissue replaced by glandular. New milk ducts form and the body prepares for lactation.

When is ultrasound prescribed?

Pregnant women do 2 types of ultrasound - transvaginal and abdominal (external through the abdominal wall). The transvaginal technique is convenient and accurate, does not require preliminary preparation... With a transvaginal ultrasound, you can see the ovum as early as the third week.

Ultrasound examination determines the condition reproductive system, the presence of pathologies. A specialist carefully examines the embryo, its size, position in the uterus, outline of the contours, etc. An experienced doctor can already at 10 weeks see who will be born - a boy or a girl.

An early ultrasound scan is performed in order to make sure that the fetus is developing in the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is usually visible on the monitor.

Ultrasound schedule (by week):

  1. 5-6 (optional). It is prescribed individually for suspected ectopic pregnancy.
  2. 12-13 (10-14). The doctor determines the exact number of fetuses, monitors the heartbeat of the fetus, excludes its fading and other pathologies.
  3. 22-23 (second evaluation study). The development of the fetus, the correctness of the formation of all organ systems are assessed. The doctor can diagnose congenital pathologies if any. It is already possible to determine the sex of the child. On the second ultrasound, the baby can be seen entirely, how he moves, moves his arms and legs.
  4. 33-34 (third control ultrasound). The specialist determines the presentation (the nature of the subsequent birth depends), the weight of the fetus, check the placental maturity.
  5. In case of difficult pregnancy or the presence of complaints, additional research... If the attending physician approaches the problem rationally, ultrasound will not harm the child in any way.

How is the gestational age determined?

There are several methods for determining the duration of pregnancy, which give approximate data:

  • Calendar method (by ovulation). Conception is possible at the time of ovulation, which occurs approximately 12-16 days of the cycle. Knowing the date of the last menstruation and the duration of the cycle, the doctor calculates the day of maturation of the egg, and that is, conception. You can determine the gestational age yourself, especially since there are many convenient applications.
  • Experienced doctors can determine the term by the size of the uterus. If the fetus is up to 1 month old, the size of the uterus will be comparable to the size chicken eggs, if about 2 months - a goose egg. From the 3rd month, this technique does not work, since each child develops and grows individually.
  • By the height of the fundus of the uterus. Used for ultrasound diagnostics in the 2nd trimester. At 8 weeks, the height is no more than 9 cm, at 10 - 11 cm, at 16 - about 14-18 cm.Then it increases by 1 cm per week, that is, at 22 weeks of gestation, the height of the fundus of the uterus will be 22 cm.

Remember that there is no way that can 100% determine exact date... The time of ovulation can vary, moreover, according to physiological reasons menstrual cycle sometimes shifts a little. The above calculation methods provide approximate information, which is enough for doctors.

Early analyzes and examinations

Mandatory medical examination in the early stages includes:

  • General blood analysis. The level of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets is determined.
  • Blood biochemistry. Concentration of glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc. Gives an idea of ​​the health status future mother.
  • Analysis for blood group and Rh factor. It is important to accurately determine these indicators, since a woman may need a transfusion during childbirth. If there is a Rh-conflict between the mother and the child, you need to take action on time.
  • Test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis types B and C. In the presence of one of the diseases, a course of treatment is urgently prescribed.
  • Analysis of urine. It helps to assess the level of kidney function, since when carrying a child, they experience a strong stress.
  • Narrow specialists. ENT, ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist.

Why is it important to exclude ectopic pregnancy and other pathologies?

An ectopic pregnancy presents real threat for a woman's life, therefore, it is important to exclude her on time at a gynecologist's appointment. Pathology suggests that the embryo did not descend into the uterus, but remained in the fallopian tube. On a certain stage its development stops, the fetus freezes, which threatens the woman with moral and psychological experiences, as well as health problems.

Why might a girl need such a rather specific procedure as a virginity check? Determination of the integrity of the hymen by a gynecologist can be carried out both for medical reasons and for on their own girls(or her legal representative). If you need to go this survey- feel free to contact our clinic!

If you are over 15 years old, you can visit a specialist doctor yourself. According to the law, a minor girl (girl) can visit a gynecologist alone, unaccompanied by her parents, if she is 15 years old. You can read about this in the 48th paragraph of the order dated December 21, 2012 No. 1346n. Anonymity of treatment, the delicacy of the doctor, the absence of psychological discomfort when visit our clinic guaranteed! Only you and our doctor will know about your problem! Let us consider in more detail the 2 main options for indications for the procedure for examining a virgin by a gynecologist.



  • Medical indications to a gynecological examination, the hymen usually arise with problems associated with intimate life, more often with its onset. Attempts to lose virginity, which are accompanied by significant pain, are usually associated with the peculiarities of its structure.
  • Often sexual intercourse not the first, but the pain during sex is almost like the first time. True, in the process of the act, it seems to pass, but all the time it is unpleasant. Examination of the hymen, checking its safety by a gynecologist will show that during the first sex it did not break, but only stretched or partially torn. The remains of the hymen give similar pains.
  • The absence of menstruation at an age when all the terms have already passed may be the result of certain disorders in the structure of the hymen. Lack of adequate medical care in such a situation is fraught with the most serious complications (read - "hematocolpos in girls"). To identify anomalies in the structure of the external genital organs in a girl entering adolescence, a timely preventive examination by a gynecologist will help.


It is known that many girls, being virgins, practice different ways receiving sexual satisfaction - masturbation, petting, anal sex, etc. Having lost at some point control over what is happening and later suspecting something was wrong, the girl asks the questions "How do I know if I'm a virgin?", "How can I check my virginity myself?" find out if the hymen is intact? " etc.

The location, shape, structure of the hymen is individual for each girl, so it can be quite problematic to independently determine its presence, and even more so its integrity. You can, of course, see a photo of the hymen on the Internet, but it is not entirely reasonable to transfer what you see to yourself - there are no two identical hymen. And to rely on such a serious question for some girls, whether the hymen is intact or not, at random is hardly reasonable!

Therefore, looking at your genitals in the mirror in search of a hymen is unpromising and meaningless. Visually determine and find out whether a girl is a virgin or no longer can only be done by a qualified gynecologist, better - by a specialist in intimate surgery!

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Our specialists are sympathetic to the patients who have addressed this issue, so you should feel free to state the reason for your visit to the clinic - "I want to be tested for virginity" - this is absolutely normal and natural! In principle, examining a virgin by a gynecologist for the presence or absence of hymen is similar to a regular gynecological examination. Having taken off your clothes, you need to sit in a gynecological chair, reclining or lying, with your buttocks closer to the edge, with your legs wide apart, raised up and bent at the knees, resting your feet on special supports, while completely relaxing. Before entering the office, you must first visit the toilet - to empty the intestines and bladder.

The gynecologist checks the hymen as follows. At the base of the labia majora, index and thumbs stretch the skin with subcutaneous tissue anteriorly and downward along the axis of the vagina: at the same time, the hymen with all its details and changes is clearly visible. Attention is drawn to the features of its structure, shape, type, thickness, width, after which its inspection begins free edge... A small plastic probe is inserted into the opening of the hymen, which straightens the edge of the hymen, and it becomes more accessible for visual examination. The gynecologist pays attention to irregularities, indentations, thickenings, protrusions, features of the edges and their color. If there was no damage, the hole in the hymen most often has a diameter of about 2-2.5 cm.To study the nature of the hole, a magnifying glass or a special magnifying device - a colposcope can be used, since it is not always possible to distinguish by eye the natural hole in the body of the hymen from the existing ones tears or tears.

In the natural groove of the hymen, the mucous membrane has edges of a uniform color, matching the color of the surrounding tissue. At the site of the tear, the edges are usually whitish in color due to the formation of scar tissue. Although in some cases the scars are delicate and thin, almost indistinguishable from the surrounding mucous membrane.

Virginity is also characterized by the elasticity of the labia majora, covering the labia minora and covering the genital slit, pink color the mucous membrane of the labia minora and the vestibule of the enemy, its narrowness and well-pronounced folding, the elasticity of the mammary glands, etc. But the listed signs are unstable. They depend on congenital characteristics, age, general condition organism and some other circumstances and may persist in women who are sexually active, and absent in virgins.

For some women, two stripes are a cause for concern, but for others - great happiness and joy! However, a pregnancy test is still an unreliable diagnosis. Only a gynecologist can accurately determine an "interesting position".

Pregnancy symptoms

Of course, when pregnancy is desired, any, even insignificant, sign can already become a reason for joy. But, in addition to imaginary manifestations, there are serious symptoms, which indicate that a new life has arisen inside:

If a woman's condition can be characterized by the above points, you should contact your local gynecologist. These signs often appear at a time when pregnancy can be determined.

Visit to the antenatal clinic

If you suspect pregnancy, you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Then, if the child is unwanted, produce surgery easier and less risky for a woman's health. If future parents are looking forward to the appearance of a baby, a visit to a specialist will exclude some early pathologies that may arise.

The first sign of pregnancy is delayed menstruation. it serious reason visit a doctor. How a gynecologist determines pregnancy depends on its duration - sometimes visually, sometimes with the help of tests. So, if, when examined on a gynecological chair, the doctor did not notice anything special, he additionally prescribes ultrasound diagnostics... An ultrasound scan is able to see a fertilized egg already within 3 weeks.

Another way to determine pregnancy is to test for hCG hormone... It is produced in the body of the expectant mother as the egg grows, and every day its concentration increases.

However, if the term is still very short, the specialist will schedule the patient for a second examination after seven to ten days.

False pregnancy

It often happens that married couple is expecting a baby, and the pregnancy, unfortunately, turns out to be false. Yes, it happens.

False pregnancy is mental disorder women, when she experiences all the signs and symptoms inherent in expectant mothers: nausea, irritability, delay, and even two strips on the test! Just as a gynecologist defines a normal pregnancy, he sees a false one. The doctor confirms his guesses with the results of tests and ultrasound.

False pregnancy is most often experienced by women who cannot give birth to a child. The main reasons for this condition are mental shock or emotional outburst.

Some people may have similar symptoms. female diseases in particular cancer of the uterus or appendages. Therefore, the visit to the doctor, in any case, cannot be postponed!

Trimesters of pregnancy

Simultaneously with how the gynecologist defines pregnancy, he also indicates its approximate period, which can be recognized by the increase in the uterus, changes in its shape and consistency. A more accurate diagnosis is, of course, ultrasound. This type of study is prescribed for pregnant women three times - one in each trimester.

The very first ultrasound not only confirms the presence of an ovum in the uterus, but can also determine the week of pregnancy, which is necessary for its correct management.

The entire period of bearing a baby is conventionally divided into three trimesters:

I - from the first to the twelfth week.

II - from thirteenth to twenty-fourth.

III - from twenty-fifth to fortieth.

Each trimester is characterized by its own characteristics of fetal development and changes in the mother's body. Each period is characterized by its own research and analysis. So, if in the first trimester there is a question about the "presence" of pregnancy, then in the second and third trimester a different task arises - to exclude fetal malformations and the threat of termination.

How to carry and give birth to a healthy baby?

For many expectant mothers, pregnancy lasts forever. However, don't rush! How much more needs to be done before childbirth! And you need to start first of all with healthy way life, positive emotions and enjoy your leisure time.

First, a pregnant woman should adhere to proper nutrition balanced with minerals and vitamins. Natural products - fruits, vegetables, juices - this is what should always be in the refrigerator.

Secondly, walking and physical exercises - mandatory procedures, yoga classes are also possible. After all, your body still needs to be prepared for childbirth. The better the muscles are pumped and stretched, the less painful contractions and attempts will be.

It is important not to forget about good mood- everything that a mother feels is given over to her child. Stress should be avoided unpleasant situations and creepy stories of labor and childbirth.

For many women, pregnancy inspires new activities. Therefore, it is not surprising if the expectant mother began to crochet or embroider. The main thing in this matter is the positive emotions that a woman experiences.

Awaiting replenishment

During pregnancy, expectant parents will have to do a lot of things:

  • It is necessary to slowly prepare a room for the baby, as well as collect a wardrobe, including in the hospital. Do not be superstitious, because after checking out there will definitely not be time to go shopping.
  • After the thirtieth week, you need to issue a maternity allowance, and also ask the authorities social protection of the population, what documents are required to be collected to apply for assistance in caring for a baby.
  • If a second child is expected in the family, it would be good to have a conversation with the first child about the fact that he will have a brother or sister. Often children are estranged from their parents because of jealousy of the newborn. Therefore, it is important to conduct conversations with an older child, play joint games so that he does not doubt in the least parental love.
  • Staying in interesting situation, you need to decide on the hospital. It is best to go there and find out everything - who will be your doctor, what are the conditions in the wards, what is needed and what you can take with you to the maternity ward. It would be good to clarify all these nuances in advance.
  • Already at the thirtieth week of pregnancy, the bag to the hospital should be prepared. Then, at the slightest suspicion of contractions or in the event of other situations, you will not have to waste time on training. And it is sometimes more expensive than money!


Many couples have been planning a pregnancy for years, but it doesn’t come ... For despair comes humility. But a small hope for the appearance of a crumbs still lives on. And then a miracle happens - two strips on the dough. There is no limit to the joy of parents! It remains only to visit a specialist and confirm your suspicions. How a gynecologist determines pregnancy depends on the term itself. But in any case, it is better to go to the doctor with a delay of 10-14 days. Then he will “see” everything for sure!

As a rule, in every woman's life there comes a moment when her menstrual cycle is delayed. Such an event first of all prompts the idea of ​​pregnancy. To check the happy assumption, women are sent to the hospital to a gynecologist for qualified help.

During a medical examination, it is possible to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not only after 4 weeks. There is a slightly different system abroad. When a woman contacts a polyclinic on such an issue, she is immediately sent for an ultrasound scan. During the examination of the perineum, the condition of the labia is assessed. If there is a state of venous congestion, which is characterized by swelling and blue discoloration of the labia, then this is obvious.

A similar situation during pregnancy, it occurs with the walls of the vagina, which change their color to dark red, and the posterior fornix of the vagina becomes even and pronouncedly inflated. External pharynx cervical canal also takes on a dark red blue tint, and from the channel itself, a viscous transparent mucus is released.

Also, the method of vaginal two-hole examination is quite common, which consists in the fact that two fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina, and the uterus is carefully probed with the other hand. A gynecologist by hand determines the degree of softening of the uterus and evaluates the increase in the volume of the uterus itself and its appendages, which change during the course of pregnancy. In certain cases, pregnancy can be accompanied by asymmetry of the uterus and ovaries.

A fairly common method for determining pregnancy is. This analysis gives more exact result than a pregnancy test done at home. This superiority is due to the fact that the chorionic gonadotropin, which is secreted by the chorion, is much more abundant in the blood than in the urine. Of course, a positive result of such an analysis is not always an accurate guarantor of pregnancy. A similar situation is observed if a woman passed hormone therapy, or there is cystic drift, which is not a viable result of conception.

A good gynecologist can independently determine pregnancy already at a period of 5 weeks. In this case, an ultrasound scan still needs to be done, but only to confirm the conclusion of a specialist.

Maria:“My husband and I tried to conceive a child during ovulation, which was exactly that day, according to my calculations. A little time passed and I felt sick, my stomach began to ache and my appetite woke up, they came on time, but rather meager. I went to the doctor who told me about the pregnancy. And I'm still sick and my lower back hurts. Which minimum term can the doctor determine pregnancy? And could she not see the pregnancy?

Lily:“I am now 8 months old. The doctor was unable to see the pregnancy when she was 6-8 weeks old. I went to the hospital and did an ultrasound scan only after I passed out. It was on the ultrasound that my pregnancy was determined. Surprisingly, the tests are still showing negative results. Who would have thought. As for menstruation, they went on for several days during pregnancy. As I learned later, all unnecessary things were removed from the body. Do not rush, but wait a little, you will be fine! At the time when I visited the doctor, my pregnancy was 3 weeks and 3 days after conception. Many say that the doctor can determine at least 4-5 weeks. I think that the doctor can determine pregnancy no earlier than 5 weeks. And besides, remember the physiology, the embryo does not immediately enter the uterus, so time must pass before it can be noticed.

Olga:"Tell me please! I had a delay of 8 days, did the tests repeatedly, but each time they showed a negative result. Just yesterday, a week later, my period came. Do you think such a delay in menstruation can indicate pregnancy or not? And please tell us how your periods go during pregnancy, usually or in smaller quantities?

Anastasia: Now they are very good and accurate tests... True, I do not know how this is the case in Russia. But we can use them to determine pregnancy even before the expected period. I determined my pregnancy using a test a week before my period was supposed to go.

Tatiana:“Yes, undoubtedly this is a very sensitive topic for every woman. It is impossible to answer such questions unequivocally, because it is common for everyone to make mistakes, both tests and doctors. Before menstruation, the uterus swells, and doctors sometimes can take this fact for pregnancy ... And vice versa, a period of 4 or 5 weeks will be taken for the pre-monthly state of the uterus. Try to make the test not with a special test "stick", but in the laboratory of your clinic. Good luck!".

Helena:“The doctor determined my pregnancy already in the third week. Independently and without ultrasound! Probably, after all great value plays which doctor gets caught. Try to trust your health only to highly qualified professionals "

When determining pregnancy, experts in this field pay attention to the totality different signs that indicate the likelihood of conception.

Most of these signs are determined on a gynecological examination:

  1. Venous congestion of the genitals. Even in the first week of pregnancy, blood flow in the pelvic area is significantly increased. This phenomenon contributes to a pronounced change appearance female genital organs. From the first days after the onset of conception in the pelvic region, blood flow increases significantly, which leads to a change in the appearance of the genitals, which can be easily traced both by visual examination and by examination in mirrors. The labia are swollen and turn blue, the same situation occurs with the walls of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix;
  2. Changes in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus. The uterus in a state other than pregnancy is quite dense and characterized by its inherent size and pear-shaped... The situation is different when a woman is pregnant. The uterus softens significantly, changes its shape from pear-shaped to rounded and, as the pregnancy progresses and the term increases, it increases in size. Similar changes are noticeable from about the fifth week, until this moment it is almost impossible to determine pregnancy on the basis of an examination;
  3. The uterus becomes excitable. This feature plays a significant role in a two-handed examination. As a result of this, the uterus contracts quite sharply and becomes significantly denser. After finishing this inspection, the uterus returns to normal;
  4. Asymmetry of the uterus. On examination, a gynecologist can detect the asymmetry of the uterus. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the embryo can be located on both the left and right horns. This sign is observed up to about 8 weeks, after which the uterus returns to its rounded shape;
  5. Great softening in the isthmus of the uterus. This symptom is observed at about 4-6 weeks of gestation. A gynecologist can detect this symptom based on the degree of fineness of the isthmus of the uterus, which during this period is so thin that it is almost imperceptible;
  6. Cervical mobility. This symptom is a direct consequence of the previous one, that is, the cervix becomes more mobile due to the strong softening of the isthmus of the uterus;
  7. Also, a consequence of the softening of the isthmus of the uterus is that the uterus itself deviates sufficiently forward. External changes the front surface of the uterus is also exposed, which thickens significantly, but this symptom is not manifested in all women;
  8. Lack of menstruation. This symptom rather leads to the idea of ​​the need to visit a gynecologist, rather than about the pregnancy itself. Despite the prevailing opinion, this sign is far from the most reliable, since it can be a consequence of many other reasons;
  9. Special tests. This feature makes it possible to independently determine pregnancy at home. The test strip measures hCG level in urine, which increases during conception. But this method is also not reliable enough, therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally judge pregnancy only by making such a test;
  10. Laboratory blood test. This method partly similar to the previous one, since the level of hCG is also measured here, but not in the urine, but in the blood. But on this basis, it is also impossible to unequivocally judge pregnancy, since an increase in this hormone can occur for other reasons.

Signs that allow you to accurately determine pregnancy

As well as probable signs, there are those that are guaranteed to determine pregnancy. They usually identify pregnancy after a few weeks.

  1. Fetal heartbeat. This feature allows you to absolutely reliably judge pregnancy. With a device such as a stethoscope, a baby's heartbeat can be measured. This method can only be used 20 weeks after conception.
  2. Parts of the fruit. This feature is used for external obstetric research, which allows not only to unambiguously indicate pregnancy, but also to determine the position of the fetus and the location of parts of its body. This method is used from the second trimester of pregnancy;
  3. Vaginal sensor. This method is the earliest of the reliable, but from this no less true. You can use a vaginal sensor to determine pregnancy after 3 weeks from the moment of conception;
  4. Ultrasound. The most common method of all reliable.

Women perceive the news of pregnancy in quite different ways. For the majority, such news is great happiness and women are looking forward to the coveted phrase: "You are pregnant!" But there are also women for whom it is in force different reasons, the news of pregnancy is becoming an unwanted problem. Regardless of this, it is necessary to find out about pregnancy as early as possible. So, expectant mothers, such news will help to avoid negative impact for a long-awaited child, and will give an opportunity to take care of the baby's health from an early date. If a woman is in the opposite situation and she is aimed at, then in this case it is desirable early definition pregnancy. The process of terminating a pregnancy is quite complicated, and an early abortion will be an indispensable plus to a woman's health. As the term increases, the risk and danger of abortion increases. Therefore, at the first suspicion of pregnancy, any woman needs to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Can a gynecologist, upon examination, determine pregnancy at a short time? There are a number of indirect and reliable signs, judging by which a specialist can establish a diagnosis of pregnancy. The first reason that prompts any girl to think about pregnancy is a delay in menstruation, which, combined with nausea and drowsiness, for many is a guarantee of pregnancy. But given sign is speculative and not reliable.

The pregnancy test is a fairly common determinant of pregnancy. Subject to all conditions of the this test, there is a certain probability that the result will be reliable. According to the rules of the test, it is necessary to collect exactly the morning urine, since such urine has the highest concentration chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in a woman's body only when pregnant. But on short term the level of these hormones can be quite low. This will lead to consequences such as false negative result... Also the test can show false positive result, which is a consequence of certain diseases. As a result, you cannot rely on test readings alone. More exact level HCG in a woman's body can be shown by a blood test, since the level of these hormones there is quite higher.

Examination on a gynecological chair is also a very common method for determining pregnancy. In this case, the gynecologist assesses the condition of the vagina and cervix, which, under the condition of pregnancy, should have a loose bluish mucous membrane. Also, as the pregnancy progresses, the uterus enlarges. In the early stages, this symptom, as a rule, is practically not pronounced and, therefore, the doctor often invites women for a second examination in a week.

Ultrasound. This method allows you to determine pregnancy as early as 3 weeks of conception. In the early stages, it is also possible to prescribe a second ultrasound if there is a slight delay in menstruation.

  1. How can you calculate the gestational age by the date of the last menstruation?

The method of calculating the gestational age by the last month is the most common and fairly simple. It is used by both ordinary women and doctors.

To determine the gestational age, you need to remember the start date last menstruation... From this date, it is necessary to count the number of weeks until the date of the calculation. The resulting number will be the gestational age.

Using the method of calculating the term of pregnancy by the last menstruation is also very convenient to calculate the date of birth. For this kind of calculation, a special Negel formula was created. Based on this formula, the date of birth is found by counting back 3 months from the date of the last menstrual period and adding 7 days to the resulting date. The resulting date will be approximate date childbirth.

Calculating pregnancy from your last menstrual period is a very simple but unfortunately inaccurate method. The result of this method exceeds true term for about 2 weeks.

  1. How can you calculate the gestational age, knowing the date of conception?

It is important that conception, as a rule, occurs in the middle of the cycle, within 24 hours after the mature egg has left the ovary. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

The method of calculating the gestational age by the date of conception is suitable only for those women who know for sure about their ovulation. In this case, when calculating the gestational age, the report is kept from the date of ovulation. If a woman does not know the exact date of ovulation, then she can use the average values. The average ovulation value with a 28-day cycle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, that is, somewhere on the 14th day of the cycle.
If a woman's menstrual cycle is irregular, then averages calculated in this way will not work.

Day of ovulation, i.e. the moment when the ovum, ready for fertilization, came out, can now be recognized with the help of tests existing for this purpose and with the help of an ultrasound scan. They are able to determine ovulation by well-being. Usually at this time, women are accompanied by It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen, and a fairly abundant female genital organ. In the event that the date of ovulation is still unknown, then the method of determining the gestational age by the date of conception is not suitable for you, because reliable results cannot be obtained.

  1. How to calculate the gestational age by the date of the first movement of the baby?

Happiness for a woman is brought about by the day when the baby first begins to move in the mother's tummy. Such a manifestation of activity in babies begins in different terms... It depends on whether this is the mother's first pregnancy. If so, and future baby for a mother's first-born, then he begins to stir at about the twentieth week. If this pregnancy is not the first for the mother, then a woman from the eighteenth week can enjoy the movements of the long-awaited baby.

This method does not always allow you to determine the exact duration of pregnancy. There are exceptions to every rule. There are many women who enjoy the first movements of the baby much earlier specified timeframes, and there are women whose babies begin to move a little later.

Many doctors agree that women often confuse the long-awaited first movements of the baby with the ordinary work of the intestines, which in women during pregnancy works much more actively.

  1. How is pregnancy calculated using an online calculator?

In order to calculate the gestational age, you can use a special online calculator. The principle of operation of this calculator is based on the method of calculating the gestational age by the date of the last menstruation. This method is presented above.

  1. the date of the start of the last menstrual period;
  2. the average duration of the menstrual cycle;
  3. the average duration of the luteal phase.

The calculation results will be known immediately after you enter all the necessary data into the calculator.

Gynecological examination specialized doctor will certainly allow you to make sure of both the presence and absence of pregnancy. Besides experienced doctor it will not even be difficult to determine approximate term the course of pregnancy.

The gynecological examination itself is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the size of the uterus, because the first sign of pregnancy is its significant increase. Already in the fourth week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus reaches a chicken egg, and after another four weeks, the uterus increases to the size of a goose egg.

When using such a method during examination, as a two-handed study, the specialist observes a softening of the isthmus, which is the connecting link between the uterus and the cervix.

If we talk about the state of the uterus itself during pregnancy, then with a professional gynecological examination, they are immediately visible clear signs pregnancy - the uterus becomes larger, much softer and, in the early stages, asymmetric. The asymmetry of the uterus is achieved due to a noticeable bulging in the place of the implanted fetal egg.

V mandatory the gynecologist palpates, that is, carefully palpates the uterine appendages with his hands, such as, the fallopian tubes and ovaries. There are cases that even with a properly proceeding pregnancy, formations appear in the place of the projection of the uterine appendages. This phenomenon can be explained by the corpus luteum of pregnancy or the cyst itself corpus luteum in one of the ovaries. Such changes occurring in a woman's body are usually unstable, and after a while the structure of the ovaries should return to normal. Unfortunately, there are cases when new formations are irreversible and become pathological.

It is important to note that if palpation is performed experienced specialist, then he is definitely able to find out the gestational age with an accuracy of one day. If the duration of pregnancy already exceeds ten weeks, then it is no longer possible to judge the duration of pregnancy only by the size of the uterus. This is due to the fact that from the second trimester of pregnancy in different women completely different size of the uterus.

Pregnancy can be judged not only by an enlarged uterus, but also by a number of other factors that a gynecologist can identify during examination. Such striking signs are venous plethora of the external genital organs, a change in the color of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix to a dark blue color.

After about one or two months of pregnancy, women experience obvious changes condition and color skin... Many women have unpleasant faces on their faces. brown spots are getting dark areola, also leaves a kind of imprint on midline belly in the form of a brown stripe.

After a few weeks, characteristic discharge of a white-yellow color appears in the vagina, which most often continues until delivery.

Drawing a conclusion on all of the above, I would like to first of all note the fact that any woman who has noticed even the slightest signs of pregnancy should immediately contact a professional gynecologist. Today, when medicine has reached such high level There are many ways to determine both the pregnancy itself and its duration, so you can easily find out everything you need to know about your pregnancy. The sooner you do this, the healthier your baby will be.


Using gauze pads, the gynecologist grabs the labia majora into a fold with a large and forefinger and spreads them apart. The virgin in this position is in a stretched state and is clearly visible. The doctor pays attention to the features of the structure, determining its shape, type, thickness, width, and then begins to examine its free edge.

In a natural groove, the mucous membrane has edges of a uniform color that matches the color of the surrounding tissue. At the site of the tear, the edges are usually whitish in color due to the formation of scar tissue. Although in some cases the scars are delicate and thin, almost indistinguishable from the surrounding mucous membrane.

Even if the doctor will not determine the presence of a holistic during gynecological examination he will try one or two into the vagina. If, at the same time, contractions are felt, and it is impossible to insert the fingers completely without damaging the hymen, the doctor concludes that the patient is. In such cases, further examination is performed through the anus using a special instrument.

Helpful advice

It is almost impossible to hide the presence or absence of defloration from an experienced gynecologist. You should truthfully answer all the doctor's questions about whether you have had sex or not.


  • How does a gynecologist determine whether I am a virgin or not?

The attitude towards virginity at all times has been different. Paganism did not attach any importance to this, and for Christianity, chastity became a symbol of spiritual purity and high morality. So what about a girl who has not yet met that one, and time is inexorably rolling towards 30 years? After all, the late is fraught negative consequences.

Mature virginity: disadvantage or dignity?

The common, well-established expression "old maid" leaves a certain imprint on a woman. Immediately, a quiet, calm intellectual-teacher of cultural studies, living in an apartment with three cats and an old mother, almost out of her mind, appears.

Modern society distorted beyond recognition. Unfortunately, having regular sex has become the main goal in life, practically a motto. Society exaggerates too much intimate life, and the preserved virginity at 30-35 years old causes misunderstanding and various kinds of suspicions in people.

Causes of late virginity

Late virginity is not necessarily associated with asexuality or any - psychological problems... Perhaps the woman decided that the first man would be the one who would marry her. And there is nothing strange and reprehensible in this, when you want to belong undividedly to only one person.

Perhaps this is how life circumstances developed: in early age the person believed that he was young, studied, then took up scientific activities, plunged headlong into his labors, stepped up the career ladder, and once woke up and realized that he had never experienced full sexual satisfaction in his years.

As a rule, such people experience the pressure of society, which develops in them complexes that have a detrimental effect on the psyche.

The negative consequences of late virginity

V mature age virginity can lead to a range of both social and psychological problems.

Low self-esteem. When everyone around you and points a finger at you, as in some prehistoric find, you involuntarily begin to think about your normalcy and usefulness.

Remember that you are not worse than the others, but in some ways even better. You have your own perception of the world, you have a clear idea of ​​how you want to live. Don't fall for provocations. Live your mind and senses.

The suspicion of others. Most likely, close people wish you exclusively well, but most of them do not understand you, therefore they are a little prejudiced towards you. The first thought they have is that he / she has a sexual problem.

A person is free to decide when to lose his virginity. This should be a conscious decision, because the spiritual side of the relationship plays an important role in this process.

Failures in love relationship... It is difficult for late virgins to admit to their chosen ones that in their 30-35 years old they are innocent, so quite often awkward, uncomfortable, sometimes even tactless situations arise.

More often, surgeons use three-layer suturing of the vestibule to restore innocence. It's over reliable way, while it is possible even after a few years. The procedure itself is carried out five days before next menstruation, takes an average of forty to sixty minutes, is carried out under general anesthesia.

A few hours after the hymenoplasty, you can return home, but all the doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed. Use antiseptic solutions when caring for your genitals. During the rehabilitation period, avoid physical activity, sharp movements, exclude foods from the diet, abdomen.

The question of how to check your girlfriend for virginity worries many guys before the first sexual contact... In turn the girls similar problem often begins to bother after all sorts of adventures committed in a strong drink or a variety of forbidden games. Even the fact that such a need arises indicates distrust, so the question should rather be addressed to psychologists than to gynecologists.

Feeling with fingers

Is it really necessary to know for sure if a friend has a hymen? An untouched girl may well not have a hymen for reasons of medical intrusion or due to structural features, while a virgin may well have significant sexual experience in the past, since she may have a lot of sexual intercourse performed using a blow job or anal sex... So it turns out that having learned the fact that a friend is a virgin, you may not really find out anything.

Some believe that virginity is easy to feel with your fingers. You can, but only with some experience. The hymen is not some kind of film, as it seems to uninformed individuals. This is a kind of narrowing of the flesh when entering the vagina. Moreover, it may well be quite extensible, although it also occurs in the form of a dense fleshy fold - it looks different. It happens that the hymen does not break at all, remaining in a virgin state until childbirth.

Behavior assessment

There is also a belief among guys that you can find out if his partner is chaste by evaluating her behavior at the very first sexual. However, this is just a boyish delusion. A long-lost virgin partner with a serious sexual experience knows perfectly how to convince a guy of his own chastity. Therefore, she will portray fear and felt pain in such a way that she can even quite reliably imitate a blood stain. At the same time, a girl in love, but really waiting for sexual intercourse for the first time, is able to behave quite relaxedly, since she wants to give pleasure to her beloved man, while simultaneously receiving similar happiness herself.

If the problem of virginity worries a girl, it is easier for her to visit a doctor, there she will definitely find out the truth after the examination. Guys sometimes ask their friends to visit the gynecologist's office, but often this attitude is very traumatic for them, since it immediately engenders distrust in the relationship.