What you need to have a healthy baby. Should a pregnant woman be under increased medical supervision? The problem of the inability to conceive a child

Every person in the world who is just awaiting or has already become a parent of this wonderful and joyful event, wants more than anything else - that his adorable baby was born healthy. Unfortunately, this intention does not always come true. Why so - and the smallest babies are susceptible to serious illness, what can we say about any ailments or congenital disorders. Necessary! After all, most of them can be warned in advance, taken away from a tiny weak creature long before its appearance on White light! Also, future father and mother should worry about this in advance - as soon as they think about the existence of replenishment of the family.

The identification of microorganisms in the tissues of the future fetus does not always lead to the development of various disorders - this only slightly increases the risk of adverse changes. Thus, expectant mothers who had an infectious disease during pregnancy can give birth healthy child.

There are two main routes of transmission of various infections from a woman to a fetus: the infected genital tract of the girl, as well as with blood through the placenta. If a woman was sick during pregnancy chronic diseases or did she have an acute infectious disease- it produces a lot of microorganisms. What says about the charging of the baby. And in such cases, the child may not get sick.


Rubella is the most dangerous virus. Because it is transmitted to the fetus and can be a serious cause for the disorder. Congenital rubella leads to the development of deafness, cacaract, heart disease. Also, the violation can be from the side of the blood, physical underdevelopment and pneumonia.

This virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, sick children are the source of infection, so the expectant mother needs to refrain from contact with such children. Infection is the most dangerous for periods before, at this time Great chance development of an unpleasant - congenital deformity. Rubella can also occur with spontaneous abortions, death of a newborn, stillbirth.

If a woman was sick with rubella in childhood, and at the same time was vaccinated, there is no need to worry about the body and health of the child - our immunity will not allow the virus to develop an infection. There are different cases, so it is necessary to take a blood test for antibodies to the widely used rubella sooner. In order for the pregnancy to be favorable and planned, it is necessary, as a preventive measure, to be vaccinated several months before pregnancy, and to do a control test for antibodies in order to once again make sure of the presence of immunity for yourself.


The next in danger is cytomegalovirus infection, which is transmitted by sexual contact and airborne droplets. One of worst options is the infection of the expectant mother from a sick man with acute form infections. At the same time, the absence of antibodies in the body of a pregnant woman allows viruses to penetrate the placenta without problems and damage the future fetus.

If, before the start of pregnancy, the wife was infected with the causative agent of cytomegaly, and during the development of the baby, the disease became very aggravated, the antibodies that already exist weaken the virus, which reduces the possibility of the virus penetrating the placenta and negatively affect the developing fetus.

Sign spontaneous miscarriage or some kind of fetal abnormality - this is very early dates pregnancy infection of the baby. And if the infection happened on later dates, polyhydramnios develops, premature and so-called "congenital cytomegaly" of the baby. Such a newborn is characterized by an enlargement of the spleen and liver, anemia, as well as serious damage to the hearing and eyes, and the central nervous system.

For prevention cytomegalovirus infection sexual intercourse with patients of the acute stage should be avoided.


Herpes is the least dangerous viral disease... Due to the small likelihood of infection in a newborn, the development of infection is small. Serious problem occurs at the stage of the 32nd week of pregnancy for expectant mothers with genital exacerbation of herpes. If an exacerbation has been detected by doctors, it will be said about, for. So that he does not get infected through the birth canal. For prevention and your peace of mind at the beginning of pregnancy, you need to pass a test to identify the herpes virus.


With the flu, very little can be said about the danger of an expectant mother, but serious consequences can manifest itself. The flu itself is not dangerous, but its result: complications in the kidneys, immune, cardiovascular system. At the same time, there is a threat of childbirth, premature birth or miscarriage of the baby. It is very easy to get sick with a staphylococcal or pneumococcal infection after the flu.

The most grave consequences virus on early stages development small fruit- up to 12 weeks. Moment of development of the most important organs. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo prevention and improve the immunity of expectant mothers: consume a lot of vitamins, do not forget about good nutrition and tempered.


Toxoplasmosis is the most dangerous bacterial infection for the health of the mother and her child. Infection occurs through contact with a cat or infected meat. Immunity will remain for life if a pregnant woman had this disease before conception.

With the duration of pregnancy, the danger of the virus increases. In the early stages: in, the infection will not bring any consequences. Na - toxoplasmosis increases by about 20% - pathogens accumulate in the brain, affect the central nervous system, fetal eyes. The most popular consequence is mental retardation, blindness, epilepsy, increased intracranial pressure... The most dangerous - - the probability of the disease is up to 50-60%.

Most importantly, toxoplasmosis is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. If the analyzes are good, the ultrasound does not reveal organic changes, then everything is normal. Prevention: avoid frequent contact with cats and eat well cooked meat.

Other infections

Gardenellosis, candidiasis (thrush), trichomonadosis, mycoplasmosis, listeriosis and chlamydia are dangerous for a woman and a baby, with a very strong course the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth increases. If at timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, they quickly go away and do not leave traces. The most important thing is to consult a doctor and take all the necessary tests.

Prevention of deviations in a child

If the young couple already had problems or unsuccessful pregnancy, miscarriages, the birth of sick children, premature birth - such couples need special attention and a serious examination with accurate analyzes, Ultrasound at the earliest stages menstrual cycle, consultation of a geneticist to determine the state of the endometrium.

For the most completely healthy expectant mothers, you need to repeat different studies and consultations in order to know in advance about possible deviations and violations. If women have a delay of 7-10 days on ultrasound, you can find out the size of the fetus and its location in the uterus.

After another 14 days, the pregnant woman must go through comprehensive examination at a therapist, otolaryngologist, dentist. A second ultrasound scan is prescribed at 10-12 weeks - it is done in order to exclude various violations in the development of the baby.

If there is a suspicion of chromosomal abnormalities, parents will be asked to pass genetic analysis fetal membrane single cells. This procedure allows you to exclude a number of diseases and disorders in the development of the baby.

With the help of ultrasound, at 20-24 weeks, you can observe the condition of the child: all his organs are visible, the amount of amniotic fluid.

It includes not only the health of mom, dad, and the future baby. It is necessary to undergo prophylaxis for different possible deviations and violations. It is necessary to start 2 months before conceiving a child at the same time for a young couple (time for men to renew their sperm supply).

It is necessary to avoid physical overwork, nervous stress, colds, alcohol, smoking.

Also, with the consent of the doctor to use biological active additives, medicines.

Women during pregnancy must observe correct mode nutrition and also lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat more vegetables and fruits, eat fish, meat, cottage cheese every day. It was written about earlier.

Limit yourself to sweet and flour dishes, do not eat salty, do not drink carbonated drinks and strong coffee. It is better to replace it with juice and fruit drinks from berries and fruits.

Also do planned physical exercise, for conservation and baby. Go swimming. If all this is done, then the child will be healthy and complete.

Having a baby is one of the most happy events in the life of any family. Little man brings to this world a sea of ​​love, positive and many new sensations. All parents want their baby to be born healthy, physically strong and intelligent.

But in the modern age of high technologies, bad ecology, stressful situations and the accelerated pace of life, many ailments have developed that negatively affect the standard of living of future offspring. Plus to this are added hereditary diseases and disposition to deviations. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, many young spouses face eternal question: how to give birth to a healthy baby?

An important condition for the favorable growth and development of the fetus is preparation for pregnancy even before conception. Do not neglect this point, it is a fundamental factor in the birth of healthy children.

An important step in preparing for pregnancy and childbirth is early medical examination future parents. This tactic will help avoid many of the health and safety concerns of your baby.

Planning how to conceive a healthy child begins with a visit to a geneticist to find out the pedigree and rule out the risks. Next view research - a blood test for the balance of the chromosome set. The results are checked for both the mother and the father of the unborn child. Timely detected unwanted chromosome rearrangement will prevent the appearance of defective offspring.

An important indicator of pregnancy planning is a screening for the presence of viral infections. Diseases such as herpes, rubella, hepatitis C and B, toxoplasmosis, streptococci, chlamydia and many others can cause premature birth or unwanted consequences during fetal development.

A visit to a gynecologist - required condition in preparation for conception. Particular attention is paid to the health and well-being of the expectant mother. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, check for oncological diseases (smear, examination of the mammary glands), do an ultrasound.

Prevention of deviations in the unborn child

After the onset of pregnancy, each woman registers at the antenatal clinic. This is necessary for regular examination of the expectant mother and monitoring the condition of the fetus. The complex of measures for the prevention of deviations and monitoring the health of the mother includes an ultrasound scan for different dates pregnancy.

Compliance with all the doctor's instructions during this period is a prerequisite for the fulfillment of the task assigned to the parents - how to give birth to a healthy child?

Parents are advised to keep a diary, where a record will be kept of all changes in the mother's body: indicators of weight gain, the presence of edema, the condition of the baby (tremors, movements). All data must be shown to the gynecologist. He will be able to identify some probable problems from them.

Taking vitamins and strong immunity

The double load on the body of the expectant mother leads to a weakening of her immunity. During this period, it is recommended to minimize being in crowded places, riding public transport... It is necessary to limit contact with patients, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment in case of signs of infectious diseases at work.

Overwork and stress have a negative effect on the body and on the development of the baby. Taking medications during pregnancy is undesirable and should be carried out only after consultation with your doctor. This condition is especially important in the first months, when the main organs of the fetus are being formed.

Vitamins are useful for both the mother and the unborn child. During the first consultation, the gynecologist prescribes folic acid. This vitamin prevents the appearance of disorders in the spine and participates in the synthesis of DNA components responsible for hereditary traits. Folic acid is also found in natural products: salad, green peas, cottage cheese, citrus fruits.

Do not abuse in any way vitamin preparations, pregnant women need to be very careful with them, be sure to consult a doctor!

Fresh air and quitting bad habits

Active walks are especially beneficial for the health of the mother and baby. You can take a walk with your spouse or friends in a nearby park, go to the forest, admire the sunset, listen to birdsong. All this perfectly calms the nerves and has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Smoking and alcohol are incompatible with pregnancy. Nicotine that has entered the mother's body is transmitted to the unborn baby, which can lead to impaired fetal growth and cause miscarriage. Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol firsthand. Therefore, it is better to replace a glass of wine in the diet with a glass of natural juice.

Proper nutrition as a guarantee of healthy development of the child

A healthy lifestyle and adherence to a diet - necessary condition full-fledged formation fetus. Vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and dairy products, fish and meat are irreplaceable sources of calcium and protein necessary for the development of the baby. The right food is able to replenish the loss of the female body, enriching it with vitamins and minerals.

How to carry a healthy baby - the basic principles of a healthy diet:

  • exclusion from the diet harmful products stuffed with preservatives and other "chemicals": chips, carbonated juices, chewing gum, fast food;
  • food must be freshly prepared. Over time, nutrients and vitamins "evaporate" from food;
  • the menu should be a large number of fruits, vegetables and herbs. Freshly squeezed juices are very useful;
  • fatty, fried and salty foods in the diet should be minimized. It delays the removal of fluid from the body;
  • you should eat often, in small portions;
  • do not eat for "two". The fetus receives the necessary vitamins and elements from the mother's body, and overeating will lead to an increase in the woman's weight. It is also recommended to limit the use of flour and sweet foods, strong tea, coffee;
  • drink bottled water, which contains a lot nutrients(magnesium, calcium, chlorides). You can drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day. This is beneficial for the formation of amniotic fluid.

Physical exercise

At sensible approach physical activity does not harm the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman. Vice versa, special complex exercise will help keep the body in good shape and provide normal development child. With adequate physical activity, the flow of oxygen to the placenta is activated, which is a vital parameter for the baby.

Swimming in the pool is good for getting ready for upcoming birth... It strengthens the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen and back and prepares them for future stress.

Move more, do the simple breathing exercises, do your household chores - all this will only benefit you!

Adequate sleep and rest

During pregnancy, a woman's body can withstand a double load. Working in an increased mode for the normal life support of the mother and child leads to greater fatigue than in ordinary life... And therefore, it takes a longer time to recuperate.

For wellness timely and full sleep... Rest and relaxation are beneficial for your baby's development. The strength and ability to relax accumulated during the period of gestation will provide invaluable assistance to the expectant mother during childbirth.

Positive emotions and great looks

A mother's emotions directly affect the baby in her womb. The irritability and worries of a woman negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. That is why you need to smile more often, feel a sense of happiness, forget about problems and adversities.

During pregnancy, a woman blooms, glows from the inside. fashion clothes and light makeup will emphasize this beauty. Special cosmetics for pregnant women will provide gentle care skin and hair of the expectant mother.

Light music, drawing and calm atmosphere favorably influence the formation of the baby, he will be born healthy and cheerful.

Greetings to my dear readers! Probably, almost every woman once asks the question: how to give birth healthy baby? In this article I will tell you how to achieve this, what to do before conceiving a child, and even how to plan the sex of the baby.

Now you have learned that you are pregnant. What thoughts came to you at the beginning? What feeling came over you? Was it joy or bewilderment, euphoria or fear? Was this pregnancy planned or a surprise?

In any case, the fact has come true - has settled inside you new life! And for sure a lot of questions arose: how will my life now change, what needs to be done so that the child is born healthy and on time, who will be born to me and who will be like- (a).

The attitude with which you meet the news of your pregnancy largely determines its outcome. The child, being still very tiny, already feels the mood of his mother, he feels whether he is desired or not, whether his mother loves him or considers him a burden.

Get a free book as a gift “ Handbook of a pregnant woman»Obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Zhgareva. In it you will learn:

  • What they don't tell you about antenatal clinic when prescribing medicines;
  • How to understand the test results;
  • When is it better to do an ultrasound scan and why;
  • What tests you need to have on hand upon admission to the hospital;
  • How to be calm when dealing with doctors and much more.

I would really like all the children to be planned and desired by their parents. After all, if you plan a baby in advance, you can give birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

First- get tested for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and cure them, if any. Already at this stage, many health problems of the unborn baby can be avoided.

- if you do not lead a healthy lifestyle - it's time to start. What do I mean by healthy way? Of course, not smoking, not drinking alcohol (beer also applies) is the most important thing.

Try to eat right: more fruits, vegetables, protein foods, vegetable fiber. Do not eat fast food, chips, crackers.

It is better to drink natural juices, milk drinks and water. In general, it is better to imagine that you are a prehistoric woman who has access to food, processed on fire to the maximum.

You cannot go to the supermarket and buy sausages; from the river that flows next to your cave, you cannot collect Cola or Fanta. Do you get the idea? Personally, I read the composition of each product on the label for the presence of any additives and GMOs and now, out of habit, I continue to do this).

Third- be sure to take folic acid in the dosage indicated by the doctor before conception for two to three months and the first two to three months of pregnancy. This will save your child from some neurological problems.

Fourth- try to spend more time in the FRESH air (do not walk along the road, but try to get out into the forest, park, on the river bank).

Fifth- keep calm and positive attitude to the world in general and to people in particular). This is a guarantee of your child's openness and goodwill in the future.

Sixth- try to be healthy. Give all your chronic ailments, if any, to their proper form. In a pregnant woman, they tend to become aggravated.

You can even plan the gender of your baby.

It is not difficult at all and is calculable. I myself was convinced of this twice. And some of my friends, following my advice, also achieved desired result). In the near future I will write a small book about this. I think many will find it useful.

And you can also "program" the appearance of the child!

Once upon a time I read one article, which said that in the first month and a half of pregnancy, you can "order" a child appearance... It struck me so much that the information stuck in my head. Several years passed, I became pregnant with my second baby, and my brain gave me that article).

I tried it. For a month and a half every evening before going to bed, she "persuaded" the baby to be so and so. Happened! Up to eye color! And in the third pregnancy I did the same experiment. It worked again! Try it for fun.

Dear ones, I bring to your attention a wonderful the book « How to give birth to a healthy baby", Author Nikolay Druzyk. From it you will learn:

  • How to eat for an expectant mother to make pregnancy more comfortable
  • What you need to do for a baby to be born healthy
  • How to avoid the appearance age spots, varicose veins
  • How to deal with toxicosis
  • Learn a lot interesting facts about the newborn and his health
  • How can the sex of the baby be programmed

Unfortunately, for some reason, nature arranged it so that a woman who did not plan her baby, finds out about her pregnancy only two to four weeks after fertilization.

How much happens during this time in the body of a tiny man! And this is just a man, and not a fetus or "not yet a man", as some still think ...

The nervous system, circulatory system is laid, rudiments appear internal organs, eyes, ears.

Already in the fifth week of pregnancy, you can hear the beating of a tiny heart on an ultrasound scan! And what can a woman do during this time if she does not even know about her pregnancy?

Anything you want: drink strong drugs, work for hazardous production and inhale the fumes, pet a stray cat and get infected with toxoplasmosis, get some kind of vaccination, and just drink "sometimes in the company" (alcohol). All this leads to sad consequences.

When I see young girls on the street sucking (there is no other word) beer from the neck, I want to ask them a question: do they think about their future children? Probably no.

Take a look video about the effect of alcohol on future offspring (the film is not allowed to be shown on TV):

They think of themselves as adults knowing life, wise experience ... but nature gives the girl at birth a certain set of eggs. And they are not updated, unfortunately. All alcohol consumed by these girls in one way or another affects their gene pool. And the health of their future children largely depends on this.

And now about the good

There are nine months of pregnancy ahead of you.

During this time, a mother's feeling awakens in many, a woman becomes more confident in herself and in her abilities - after all, now she is responsible for the life of her unborn baby.

This time is full of discoveries and joyful moments - from the first beat of a child's heart to his first stirring, your first meeting with him on the monitor screen.

Your baby is growing, and every week you can learn something new about him, about his development.

Girls, my dear, do not be lazy, listen to a small free lecture by an obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Viktorovna Zhgareva
« A step-by-step plan for preparing a man and a woman for pregnancy» , from which you will learn how:

  • Prepare for pregnancy
  • Reasonably explain to the husband how he needs to prepare for this event
  • Save money, which, unknowingly, can be spent on unnecessary examinations and treatment.

I also highly recommend the Pregnancy Conversation Cycle.
« Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and childbirth, but could not ask ...» , in which a midwife with 24 years of experience, a member of the Association of Professional Midwives, Maria Borisovna Mayorskaya, will tell you in detail about the most common problems and methods of solving them in pregnant women.

Happy pregnancy and easy childbirth! Subscribe to and share the information received with your friends in social networks - let them also learn how to give birth to a healthy baby.

Finally, watch the video from Dr. Komarovsky "Pregnancy planning" :

And also video « Preparing for childbirth through the eyes of a pediatrician ":

Do not forget to participate in ! A cash prize awaits the winner!

With the development of science, medicine, the latest research in the field of reproductive medicine, it becomes possible emergence to the light of a healthy baby even in those families where it would have been impossible a decade ago. How to conceive a healthy child when the parents are no longer young and when there are health problems read in this article.

Unfortunately, diseases do not choose people, do not divide them into "good" and "bad", do not spare even the very little ones. And there are many objective reasons for this. And the mother and father are equally responsible for the child's health.

Bad habits of adults

And even an unborn child can become seriously ill. This happens especially often if the pregnancy is "accidental", unplanned.

In this case, it can happen and drunken conception, and this is already a serious trauma for the embryo, such a child will definitely not be completely healthy. Heavy damage has already been done to his health, he will be susceptible to disease in the future. It is from here that allergies, diathesis, moodiness, excitability originate. If the parents continue to drink alcohol during pregnancy, the baby's brain will suffer, and even fetal syndrome may occur.

Similarly, adult smoking is dangerous for a baby, no matter if it is active or passive. The placenta cannot retain nicotine, it easily enters the child's bloodstream and delays its development, weakens health. Therefore, it is so important to protect the expectant mother from exposure to tobacco smoke.

Probably not even worth talking about the dangers of drugs for a developing child.


Also, the danger for the baby is life in " big city"- constant haste, stress, bad ecology, noise, to which an adult is so accustomed that he no longer even notices it. When a person lives in a busy area, breathes polluted air, the child suffers. The placenta can't hold everything harmful substances, they enter the baby's bloodstream and thereby poison him.

In addition, due to the fact that city dwellers pay little attention to healthy eating their health is not the best. This means that it will not be strong in the child.


An incorrect, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, a constant habitual already oxygen starvation- all these factors will negatively affect the child. If the baby's mother protects herself from feasible physical exertion, she will not have enough oxygen in the blood, which means that the baby will not have enough oxygen.

At the same time, too much physical activity of the mother will also not benefit the child.

Parents age

With age, people do not become healthier, various chronic deviations accumulate. It is believed that the most optimal age for the birth of a child is 22-35 years. Before this date female body not quite ready to handle the load yet. Then the gradual extinction of the capabilities of the female body begins.

The same applies to men, the optimal age for conceiving a healthy child is 22-40 years. If earlier, there may be not fully mature spermatozoa, in more late age they are no longer so mobile, and are subject to various unfavorable factors that directly affect spermatogenesis.

Health problems

It may seem what kind of health developing baby only mom is responsible. In fact, the father is no less responsible, and sometimes the child's illnesses are associated with the state of health of the father.

Infectious diseases

A pregnant woman should be carefully protected from any, the most harmless infections, because her illness will surely affect the child. And the expectant mother will have to be very careful not to harm the baby.

There are infections that are almost asymptomatic in an adult, but have a detrimental effect on developing fetus... Especially in the first three months of pregnancy. These include completely "harmless".

Even common runny nose or a minor cold of the mother or father during conception will affect the health of the unborn child.

Sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, AIDS carry the same destructive influence. In this case, the baby will be born with these diseases.

The "childhood" infection, rubella, also bears a great danger. If it is mild in already born babies, then rubella carries serious complications for an unborn baby if the mother gets sick with it. And the shorter the gestational age, the more severe these complications are. V last trimester the disease severely damages the organs of hearing, up to irreversible deafness.


Rarely, but it happens that oncology in parents is diagnosed after conception has occurred. And if aggressive treatment is carried out, it will affect the child, he certainly will not be able to be born healthy. And even if the disease is not treated, it will still harm the child. For this case, there are special gentle methods of treatment. But most often doctors oncologists recommend terminating the pregnancy.

In order for the baby to be healthy, planning a pregnancy after oncology should not be earlier than five years after the end of treatment and stable remission in women. Before planning, parents must go through full examination at the oncologist.

In men, this period is much shorter - already three months after chemotherapy, the sperm is completely renewed.

If the family of a man or woman has close relatives with an oncological diagnosis, it is better to undergo a genetic test before pregnancy - is there a risk of the child inheriting this ailment.

When diagnosing any oncology in a nursing mother, she must stop feeding.

Genetic diseases

Many genetic diseases are random failures, independent of the parent's lifestyle. This is, for example, Down syndrome. But there are some genetic disorders that can be prevented in advance. For example, hemophilia is associated with the sex of the child, in the overwhelming majority of cases it is transmitted to boys, but the mother is the carrier of the faulty gene. A girl can develop hemophilia only if the father has the disease at the same time, and the mother is a carrier of the hemophilia gene. But this happens extremely rarely - for the entire time of research, only about fifty cases of this disease in girls are known. Among the most famous cases of hemophilia is Tsarevich Alexei Romanov.

Closely related marriages

With closely related unions, the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus significantly increases, since both parents carry the same genetic code, since they have common ancestors who could pass on their defective genes to them. Children who appeared in such families are ten times more likely to suffer from genetic diseases... They have a much higher risk of dying in utero, or in the first year of life.

There are known cases of long-term closely related marriages in the royal dynasties of Spain. It is believed that this is what led to their attenuation.

Help me figure out if you are distant relatives, maybe a visit to a geneticist.

How to prepare for conception

From the very beginning, you should prepare for pregnancy. And you need to start about six months before the expected conception.

It is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Moreover, both future parents, both father and mother, are obliged to do it.

At a therapist

A general complete examination will help to identify hidden diseases and abnormalities that do not make themselves felt so far. This includes a visit to a cardiologist - a mandatory ECG, a dentist. Women are consulted by a gynecologist, men by an andrologist. The therapist, if necessary, will give referrals to other narrower specialists.

The geneticist

This should be done if there have been cases of the appearance of children with genetic abnormalities in the families of both parents. Also, genetic counseling is needed if the parents are over 35 years old. Based on the analysis of the chromosome set, the doctor will allow you to exclude possible genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus, tell you what measures should be taken in case of problems. You may need to use donor cells to keep your baby healthy.

In order for the entire pregnancy to proceed without problems and end with the birth of a healthy baby, you must follow a few simple rules.

  • The best time to conceive is from July to October, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and the sun. Then there are more nutrients in the woman's blood, and the laying of all the baby's organs will be better.
  • Take folic acid and a complex of vitamins, which must include and - for about 3 months. before conception and at least 3 months. after him. A lack of these substances can lead to malformations of the child's brain, damage to the central nervous system, and many others. The very same folic acid is urgently needed for the proper formation and nutrition of the placenta.
  • Give up bad habits, which in one way or another harm health - in about 5-6 months. before the intended conception. Also try to stay away from smoky areas during pregnancy.
  • Agree with your doctor about taking medications, if possible, stop taking them for a while.
  • The developing fetus is strongly influenced by electromagnetic radiation. In the modern world it is impossible not to be under its influence at all, but there is an opportunity to reduce it. A week before conception and throughout pregnancy, carry mobile phones away from your body, and turn on the microwave less.
  • Engage special gymnastics for pregnant women, listen to pleasant relaxing music, walk on fresh air... All this has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - yours and yours.

A man should also think about how to conceive a healthy child in time.

  • Give up bad habits, smoking, alcohol, etc. - all this affects spermatogenesis, damages spermatozoa, at least 3-4 months before.
  • Sperm cells, their mobility, integrity are very badly affected by high temperature. At temperatures above 37 degrees, they generally lose mobility. Therefore, you should not wear tight-fitting underwear, overheat in the groin area, or put a laptop on your knees. Also, for a while, forget about visiting saunas, baths - in general, any place where there is a long stay at elevated temperatures.
  • Do not ride in vehicles with electrically heated seats - in addition to high temperature sperm cells are adversely affected by electromagnetic radiation.
  • Avoid trauma to the testicles. Stop riding a bicycle or motorcycle for a while, do not expose them to vibration.
  • The testicles are also adversely affected by electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, at least a week before conception, get mobile phone from the pockets of your trousers and stay away from a working microwave oven.

All this general advice that should be followed at any age. But in some cases there are subtleties.
It has already been said that often the health of the baby depends on the age of the mother. But it also depends on the age of the father.

Pregnancy after 30

In the past, pregnant women after 30 years were considered “elderly women in labor”, and after 35, they were generally considered “old”. That's why the doctors had their own objective reasons- the body at the age of 20 and 30 was significantly different; age changes, and such pregnant women were treated with special attention... It was believed, and still is considered, that at this age it is more difficult to cope with the load, that children are more often born with physiological abnormalities. This is not entirely true, and after the age of 30, women give birth to the same strong children as those who have not yet reached this age. And let it not put pressure on the woman " public opinion"And a medical title that will accompany you all the time -" an old-born woman in labor. " After all, the oldest woman who gave birth was a little over 70!

Likewise, men who reach the age of 30 need not fear that their child will appear weakened. In men, sperm is released from an early age. adolescence and this process lasts almost until old age, and the sperm retain their function all this time.
If lead is correct and active image life, this age will not be a hindrance. Modern world greatly expanded the time when people can become parents. So for a man 30 years old is the heyday, the most optimal age for parenting, and the question of how to conceive a healthy child at 30 is no longer so acute, modern medicine will help with this.

Doctors constantly talk about the benefits of late motherhood for the female body - with it, there is a surge in the release of hormones, the woman simply becomes younger before her eyes, the onset of menopause is receding. But that's good for mom. What do you need to have a healthy baby?

How to behave for mom

We must do everything that was said above. But besides that

  • Discuss the possibility and risks of an upcoming pregnancy with your doctor
  • Conduct tests prenatal diagnosis which are held twice - at 15 and 20 weeks
  • Undergo a full medical examination, visit all narrow specialists, regularly take tests
  • If necessary, undergo ultrasound, dopplerometry, cardiotocography.

Additional tests may be required

  • blood chemistry,
  • on thyroid hormones,
  • blood coagulation system,
  • antibodies to phospholipids,
  • homocysteine ​​level,

clinical analyzes of blood and urine are in any case taken twice a month.

Pregnancy after 40

At this age, it is not easy to conceive a healthy baby. Statistics say that only 5-7% of women can get pregnant and give birth to a baby after 40 years, especially if this is the first child. For couples most often you have to resort to, but then the doctors guarantee the health of the embryo, and the parents are responsible for the child.

When the question arose of how to conceive a healthy child at 40 years of age and older, it must be borne in mind that a man must also undergo a full examination. This is especially true of his "male" health. An andrologist's consultation is imperative.

What to keep in mind

At this age, the woman is already mature, irreversible changes in the body begin. Pregnancy will definitely prolong youth! But she needs help.

  • Limit your coffee intake - it flushes calcium from the body, and from the child's body too.
  • Normalize food - excess or underweight affects the baby.
  • Avoid stress.

You will need closer attention from doctors and your family to your condition and the course of your pregnancy. But the reward for everything will be healthy child.

For 9 months you have been waiting for a meeting with your baby. And finally, this long-awaited day has come. But the child is in no hurry to leave his first home - his mother's belly. How to give birth faster without harming yourself and your little one? This question interests many expectant mothers.

Speeding up labor

Give birth faster than women want to various reasons... Some of them carried the child for more than the prescribed time and are worried about their own and his health, others are simply tired of their position. But, even if you suffer from swelling, back pain and big belly, interfering with normal movement, this does not mean that you can provoke the onset of labor whenever you please.

For the baby to be fully formed, at least 38 weeks of pregnancy must pass. In addition, the body future mother must be ready for childbirth.

What methods do women use to stimulate the onset of contractions?

Having sex

To this most common and pleasant way many resort. It even happens that the gynecologists themselves recommend using it. Sexual contact, of course, does not immediately cause childbirth, but thanks to it, the cervix is ​​smoothed and softened. As a result, the period of contractions is reduced.

If a woman has an orgasm, the muscles in the uterus contract sharply. At long periods of pregnancy, this can be the impetus for the onset of labor.

A few tips:

  • Choose a position so that there is no pressure on the belly as well as on the chest of the pregnant woman.
  • Use a special lubricant for sex. Since the female body during pregnancy is not tuned to "intimacy", the use of such funds will make the intimacy more comfortable.

Having sex shouldn't hurt your baby if you follow these rules.

Nipple stimulation

The hormone oxytocin is responsible for the onset of labor. Its production can be enhanced by massaging the nipples. Artificially produced oxytocin is used in gynecology to stimulate labor.

The woman herself can carry out this procedure or resort to the help of her husband. You need to knead the nipples very carefully and gently for 20-25 minutes. Smear your fingers massage oil or regular baby cream. It is allowed to repeat the massage up to four times a day.

This method will not only help speed up the onset of uterine contractions, but will also prepare the nipples for future feeding of the baby.

Physical activity

This method of speeding up labor requires special care. Pregnant women are forbidden to lift heavy objects, run, it is dangerous for both the woman and her unborn baby. Such actions contribute to the exfoliation of the placenta. While waiting for the child, you can, for example, do the cleaning in the apartment, this is also a kind of physical education.

The future woman in labor should do not too intense gymnastics, which contributes to the general support of the physical condition.


There is an opinion that the use certain products helps to stimulate the birth process. And although there is no medical confirmation of this, some pregnant women still resort to this method to speed up labor.

What are these products?

  • Any spicy food, including traditional Japanese cuisine.
  • Olive oil. You need to drink it several times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The oil increases the elasticity of the perineum and cervix, which accelerates its dilatation and reduces the risk of rupture.
  • Tea made from raspberry leaves. Tones up the muscles of the uterus, small pelvis. You need to start drinking it after 34 weeks. Such tea drinking is widely used in American medical practice, the main thing here is not to overdo it, 1-2 cups of tea a day will be enough.
  • Tea made from ginger, cinnamon and clove causes the uterus to contract. You need to drink it from 39 weeks several times a day.
  • Primrose oil, which can be purchased over the counter. Release form - capsules. It is recommended to drink one a day. The oil from this plant contains fatty acids.
  • Some drink Castor oil... It causes an upset stomach, the intestinal walls are intensely contracted, thereby provoking the cervix to contractions.

Acceptance of decoctions, fees and oils from medicinal plants must be agreed with the doctor with whom you are registered. He will warn you about possible contraindications, adverse reactions and write correct dosage funds.

Other methods

You can speed up the onset of labor with a cleansing enema. In the enema process, back wall the uterus becomes irritated and begins to contract, the mucous plug quickly departs. This method is suitable for women who bring the child before the due date.

Helps some acupressure... It is necessary to warm up the point on the foot, which is between the large and forefinger, and upper part feet near the ankle.

Bathing and aromatherapy are also very enjoyable methods. But don't do too much hot water, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Inhalation of rose, lavender, jasmine or clove oil vapors has a beneficial effect on the development of labor.

Do not get carried away with the use of aroma lamps if you are allergic to oil vapors.

Medical methods

When there are indications to stimulate labor, doctors resort to the following methods:

  • Amniotomy - opened fetal bladder, after which an intensive production of prostaglandins begins in the body. This procedure promotes reflex uterine contraction. It is painless and does not take long. You can only pierce the bladder if the cervix is ​​ready to open. Indications for this method: polyhydramnios and weak generic activity.
  • The introduction of oxytocin or Enzaprost preparations into the vein, the required dose of which is selected individually. During this procedure, doctors constantly monitor the condition of the fetus by listening to its heartbeat.

The doctor's choice of the stimulation method is based on the examination of the pregnant woman, taking into account the indications and possible risks. Do not self-medicate and self-prescribe procedures.

In the delivery room

When contractions appear more and more often, the woman is sent to the delivery room. The task of every woman in labor at this time is to do everything possible so that the birth ends as soon as possible.

Here are some tips on how to behave during childbirth:

  • The most important thing is not to be afraid. The chilling feeling of fear will keep you from relaxing and focusing on the birth process. V mandatory you need to try to calm down and do everything in your power to end the birth faster.
  • Provide yourself with freedom of action. What does it mean? A woman very often herself, with her body, feels what she needs to take in this moment to relieve your condition during childbirth. It is worth noting that doctors do not approve of such amateur performances. Discuss this behavior with your doctor or go to give birth in private clinic, where they are more loyal to "progressive methods".

It is necessary to prepare for the birth process in advance. Sign up for a mum-to-be preparation course that teaches breathing techniques. This will help reduce pain and then correct breathing promotes the acceleration of labor.

The danger of post-term pregnancy

The gestation period for a child is 38 weeks, with a deviation of one to two weeks in both directions. After forty weeks, the baby is considered to be post-term and in mother's womb mortal danger threatens.

In addition, one can distinguish whole list complications caused by post-term pregnancy:

  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, since the placenta no longer provides the baby's need for oxygen.
  • The slowdown of biochemical processes in the umbilical cord and placenta also negatively affects the baby.
  • Problems arise when the baby passes through the birth canal due to hardening of the skull bones and an increase in the size of the fetus.

Plus, in such cases, women have a very weak labor activity, the amount of bleeding increases, and fetal asphyxiation (suffocation) is possible during childbirth.

Drawing conclusions

If none of the suggested methods helped you, don't worry. Nature has come up with everything in such a way that the child himself knows perfectly well when his time has come to be born and believe me, this will not depend on you. Try to switch your thoughts to something else positive and try to relax.

There are times when doctors get it wrong when setting a preliminary due date, so just wait. Well, if experts insist that you carried the child, then you need to trust them so as not to harm the baby.