Refresh the skin around the eyes. The skin around the eyes: the best care products. The best eye creams

With age, women as well as men face many problems related to their appearance. But if the male part of the population does not so pickily react to all the changes on his face, then the female part is horrified by this. Dark spots, wrinkles, vascular mesh on the face - everything requires attention. Caring for the skin around the eyes is one of the main factors clean skin persons at any age.

Skin is a human organ

To begin with, it is worth clarifying (suddenly someone does not remember or does not know this from the course school curriculum) that the skin is the largest organ of our body, occupying an area of ​​approximately 2 m² (this is for an adult, for a baby - a little less). It consists of 3 layers:

  • the very first is called the epidermis;
  • it is followed by the dermis;
  • deeper than others is the subcutaneous tissue.

The density of the skin is different - somewhere thicker, somewhere thinner.

It has a lot of functions, for example, it regulates the temperature of the human body, protects against various microbes, and so on. The ability to do this depends on how healthy the skin is. If you do not take care of it, it will begin to peel off, it will be constantly irritated and itchy, and wrinkles will appear on it early. Therefore, it is so important to provide our skin with attention and care.

In addition, this is the so-called mirror of all processes taking place inside the body. And if there are any problems - for example, indigestion - all this will not affect the skin very well the best way.

Why is skin care important?

As mentioned above, how the skin looks depends directly on two factors:

About 60% of the moisture available in the human body is contained in it. Without proper care, it becomes dry and inflamed, ceasing to moisturize in a timely manner. It also has a big impact on appearance renders and environment, ecology, the climate in which a person lives. And if these factors leave much to be desired, then none of its functions (to protect the body of its owner, breathe, renew, and so on) the skin will not be able to perform.

Skin types

In order to create the necessary conditions, it is necessary to clarify what type of skin is to be looked after. There are five of them:

  1. Pores are not visible on dry skin, she herself matte shade, very thin, does not tolerate wind and cold, immediately blushes, peels off. This type is typical for fair skin... It becomes dry due to dehydration of the body, for the same reason it begins to age early - the first wrinkles appear quickly enough.
  2. Bold type easy to recognize by the characteristic "greasy" sheen due to a large number sebaceous glands... In such people, the pores are very clearly visible, the nose, forehead, chin are especially affected - acne and pimples appear on them every now and then. This type of skin is more common in dark complexions. It is more elastic than dry and ages more slowly.
  3. Sensitive skin is secreted by capillaries that shine through it. This is because the vessels are not elastic due to malnutrition, alcohol abuse and so on. This type of skin is very easily irritated.
  4. On the normal skin the pores are invisible, it is smooth to the touch, visually clean. And the fat and moisture in it - optimal amount, That's why special care this type of skin does not require. However, it is extremely rare, the lucky ones can literally be counted on one hand. And with old age, such skin tends to become dry.
  5. And finally combined type contains signs of both dry and oily skin... She shines on the forehead, nose and chin, while her cheeks are usually dry. This type is the most common.

It is important to remember that whatever it may be, with age, as well as in the cold season, the skin becomes drier and more easily irritated - which means it requires more attention.

The skin around the eyes: features

As mentioned above, the skin around the eyes is the most delicate. This is due to the fact that there is very little adipose tissue under it, and greasy and sweat glands practically absent altogether. Its thickness here is only half a millimeter (!). Accordingly, it requires much more care, because all the first signs of aging appear precisely near the eyes. In addition, since a person blinks an incredible number of times a day (more than 20 thousand!), Then the skin tension in this area is much greater than in any other area.

The swelling that appears under the eyes in the morning is familiar to many. This is due to an excess of fluid that accumulates under the skin overnight, and then manifests itself in this not the most attractive way. It is also possible and necessary to fight this. In addition, it is the skin around the eyes that is the first to react to unfavorable environmental conditions, bad weather or dry air, as well as all diseases that occur in the human body. Therefore, you should not wait until age makes itself felt and the first mesh of wrinkles appears around the eyes. Taking care of your skin in this area from your youth will help you tone it up.

Eye contour up to 30

For some reason, it is generally accepted that at the age of 20 you do not need to take care of your skin - it is already perfect. Unfortunately, this is a very common misconception. Even if in the young twenty she is perfect, this does not mean that she will always remain so. And in order to delay as much as possible the signs of aging and wilting, you need to start looking after her from an early age.

In addition, the strain on the eyes - and therefore on the skin around them - is enormous for young people. Daily constant TV viewing, "freezing" in computers, phones and other gadgets do not bring anything good to either the eyes or the eye area. And if you don't even care about the skin, then the first mimic wrinkles can be easily detected already at the age of 20-25 years. And it's good if there are few of them, but there are cases of polar opposite.

But the skin around the eyes requires proper care at home. So, do not use creams, masks and other products that have an anti-aging effect. In addition, no matter how trite it may sound, at the age of 20-25, one of the main means of skin care is the establishment of full-fledged proper nutrition. Light snacks with hamburgers, shawarma, hot dogs - all this is familiar to every twenty-year-old. Meanwhile unhealthy food is reflected in the condition of the skin - later it will become very noticeable. So in daily diet must be cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is also very beneficial to get enough sleep.

At this age, it is recommended to do eye gymnastics - to break away from work, computer, books and do simple relaxing exercises. It is good to use various oils, but creams should not be touched for up to 25 years.

Eye contour: 30-40

Care of the skin around the eyes after 30 years should already be regular and very thorough. At this age there are special rules which must be adhered to:

  • First of all, this is the removal of eye make-up - it is strictly forbidden to use anything other than a special tool for these purposes.
  • In addition, daily in the morning and in the evening, a gel or cream should be applied to the skin around the eyes (preferably in the evening this procedure should be carried out about two hours before bedtime).

  • When choosing a gel or cream to care for the skin around the eyes (reviews recommend dwelling on creams for night care and on gels for daytime), you should watch that they do not contain a lot of fat, and contain caffeine and vitamins A, C, E ...
  • In addition, it is better to take creams with UV filters. To care for the "post-thirty" skin around the eyes, it is advisable to use products containing shea butter, peanuts, avocado or royal jelly... But it is better to refrain from alcohol-containing lotions.
  • An important factor in caring for the skin around the eyes after thirty is daily washing with cool (but not ice-cold) water and then rubbing the described area with ice, to which you can add juices of berries and fruits, as well as herbal infusions... By the way, tap water contains bleach, so it is not recommended to use it: it is better to purchase pure filtered water - or filter it yourself.

The skin around the eyes after 40

At about 40-45 years old, a woman's body occurs hormonal changes, as a result of which skin cells begin to renew themselves not as quickly as before (in youth - in twenty-eight days, now - in seventy days), become denser, moisture "leaks" out of them faster, the skin becomes dry, excessively thin - everything shines through veins. The so-called spider veins, the complexion becomes grayish, and there is nowhere to hide from wrinkles - however, as well as from edema under the eyes. All these age features should certainly be taken into account when caring for the skin around the eyes after 40 years.

No new stages of facial care at this age have been invented. Everything remains the same - cleansing, toning, nutrition, and so on. You still need to wash yourself not with tap water, but with clean, filtered or spring water. At this age, you should already forget about soap for the face thoroughly: it dries the skin. How much more?

  • What must be done when caring for the skin around the eyes at the age of 40 or more (and, by the way, when caring for the whole face) are delicate gommages twice a week. It is better not to buy masks for cleansing, but to prepare it yourself is not so difficult.
  • Tonics and lotions, as before, should be purchased without alcohol, and even better - to use herbal decoctions: chamomile, sage, calendula. Excellent for such purposes and green tea.
  • When caring for the skin around the eyes in the morning, you should use creams for women over forty and always with a lifting effect.
  • For the evening, it is worth taking such a remedy so that it nourishes and regenerates the skin well.
  • In addition, both in the morning and in the evening before applying the cream, you must use an anti-wrinkle serum.

At this age, it is very important to observe drinking regimen, move a lot. well and proper nutrition and healthy sleep is always necessary.

Eye contour care: what and from what

Depending on the the existing problem can be applied various means:

  1. From bruises and dark circles under the eyes, a cooling gel with the obligatory caffeine content is perfect - this will give the skin a normal tone.
  2. Cream with grape extract and caffeine is well saved from edema - thanks to these components, excess fluid is removed (and you can also fight edema by consuming more water and less salt).
  3. In case of redness, a cream will work with a bang, which contains oats or vitamin B3.
  4. Various nourishing masks- for example, with egg yolk, half a teaspoon of honey and milk powder. For the same purposes, you can make banana or cucumber masks, as well as oat or potato.
  5. Using tea bags to relieve puffiness, irritation, to moisturize the eyes is another sure remedy... A natural oils good instead of a night cream for the care of the skin around the eyes (reviews recommend opting for almond, castor or even butter, and oil will do grape seeds).

Care products: how to choose the right one

V trading network offers a wide range of different home care products for the skin around the eyes. When choosing from them, you should remember about following things:

  1. You need to take those in which there are no "spreading" oils - they can get into the eyes and cause irritation.
  2. You do not need to believe the text on the packaging of the cream or gel that they will remove expression lines. The latter are located deep in the dermis, where no agent can penetrate.
  3. Hesitating between gel and cream, you should pay attention that the first is better for the day, the second - for the night; the gel is good for oily and young skin, the cream is good for dry and aging skin.

Good to know:

  • To reduce eye strain, it is permissible to sleep in special mask.
  • The eye cream does not need to be applied to the movable upper eyelid. But it is recommended to apply it to the area of ​​the so-called third eye - this slows down the appearance of wrinkles there.
  • To slow down the aging of the skin, it is necessary to use anti-aging products every day.
  • Help prolong the youthfulness of the skin cold water and also ice masks.
  • To avoid allergies when using new products, they should first be tested: apply a small smear to the skin around the eyes and see the reaction. However, in order to make sure that there is no allergy and the possibility of using a new product, you must wait a day after the test.
  • Decorative cosmetics, like cream, must be applied without stretching the skin.
  • It is advisable not to choose the cheapest cosmetics, so that you do not have an allergy to it. And it should also be painted in moderation.
  • Moisturizers and nutrients when caring for the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to use it in the morning.

Caring for the skin around the eyes - important procedure, which you need to start doing from the very youth. And then, if there is good food and healthy sleep, leather long years will stay young and firm.

Many women spend an incredible amount of energy and Money... We try to remove cellulite deep wrinkles around the mouth and on the neck, forgetting that care for the skin around the eyes should be the most thorough. How to tighten and protect this delicate dermis at home? Which creams to choose?

Homemade skin care with folk remedies

First place during caring mature skin the eye must rise protection... Of course, nutrition and hydration also play an important role, but it is very important to protect your face from tearing factors, especially in winter.

We recommend using olive oil for this. Its clear advantage over all other recipes is that home care for the skin around the eyes with its use is not limited in time. Those. it can be applied at night, and before leaving the house, and for the whole day, without checking the time every minute, so as not to miss the deadline for removing the mask.

If you don't have olive oil on hand, use aloe. This plant is known not only for its antibacterial properties but also protective. Thanks to the unique substances that aloe juice contains, the thinnest protective film forms on the skin. It can also be applied at bedtime.

A wonderful recipe for protecting and caring for dry skin around the eyes is jojoba oil and green tea brew. Together, these ingredients give us hydration (oil), and protection with antioxidant properties (tea). The neck, by the way, will also be noticeably smoothed with this method.

With help correct protection can be effective prevent crow's feet and dry eyelids... The recipe for Cleopatra is very popular. Itself Egyptian queen She devoted her entire conscious part of her life not only to the development of various economic strategies, but also to the search for ways to prolong youth. According to rumors, to some extent, she managed to suspend natural process aging. Since the age of 21, she has laid the protection of her beauty on milk baths.

With this approach to self-care, and after 35, the queen looked 20. What is the reason? Milk proteins provide intensive care and protection of the dermis from irritants, be it heat in summer or cold and wind in winter.

Further, nutrition... How more leather gets nutrients, the better it looks. This is an axiom. In order to look a few decades younger after 40, rub into the skin for 20 minutes daily. Castor oil... Thanks to its properties, not only will wrinkles around the eyelids be smoothed out, but also eyelashes and eyebrows will begin to grow better, they will become darker and more expressive.

It is very helpful to wipe the skin around the eyes oil vitamin E, with its help you can quickly get rid of mimic wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new grooves. This The best way preserve youth. When nourishing the skin, we recommend using a complex of oils, which will not only remove the need for eyelid blepharoplasty, but also create a neck tightening effect.

To nourish and tighten the skin, we need:

  • oils (linseed, castor, coconut);
  • honey (natural flower);
  • fabric strips.
Photo - Vegetable eye masks

We heat the honey, and mix it with oils (two drops each). Then we apply the resulting mixture to strips of fabric, and make compresses in the area around the eyes. You can do differently with the neck. Take not thin strips, but a napkin, spread it with a product and put on problem area... We hold a compress on the dermis near the eyes for 10 minutes, on the neck - 15. Such a treatment program is also suitable for tightening and nourishing problematic aging skin, the main thing is regularity and correctness of implementation. Repeat the procedures at intervals of three days.

Not in the last place in the nutrition of the skin around the eyes are vegetable masks... Traditional medicine is generally very fond of various means, which are based on herbal ingredients... The most famous is the cucumber mask. It is also the simplest one - just crush the vegetable in mashed potatoes and apply to the eye area.

Very good feedback and about natural remedies based on potatoes. The fact is that starch, which is the basis of this root vegetable, helps aging skin to resist external factors, saturates it with useful amino acids. There is different ways cooking potato anti-aging masks:

  • grate fresh peeled vegetable on a fine grater, mix with olive oil and apply a dense layer around the eyes. We hold for 20 minutes;
  • boil root vegetables, make mashed potatoes, add essential oils of apricot and rose, a spoonful of milk, apply to the problem area.

Good care for the sensitive skin of the face and around the eyes will provide fruit masks , folk recipes which are often used in professional cosmetics.

For example, to whiten and moisturize the skin around the eyes, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  • oatmeal - two tablespoons;
  • milk - one and a half;
  • strawberries - five pieces.

Wash the berries and crush in mashed potatoes, first pour the oatmeal with milk and leave overnight. In the morning, mix all the ingredients and apply the mask to the skin. Keep for 20 minutes.

Variations of this remedy are possible. For example, to improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the dermis around the eyes, use cherry puree (naturally, such a remedy is more readily available in spring).

If you need to eliminate deep wrinkles around the eyes and nourish the skin, then regularly make masks from oatmeal, milk and apples in the fall.

Exercises and gymnastics for the skin of the eyes

Photo - Gymnastics for the skin of the eyes

Compresses cannot provide complete care behind the skin after 25 around the eyes and on the contour. Necessarily needed special gymnastics... To perform it, you need to prepare a regenerating balm (its recipe is given below), a massager (you can do without it, although a mesotherapy roller is very desirable) and a coarse fabric, such as terry or natural cotton.

It is necessary to make the blood circulate in the problem area, so we tighten the skin, get rid of bruises under the eyes and remove dark circles. Correct massage- these are soft but confident movements and knowledge of technology.

Gymnastics Tips:

  • if you use a massager, then it should be flat, without needles;
  • can be successfully replaced this procedure using ice (cryomassage at home is an excellent anti aging care behind the skin of the face and in particular around the eyes);
  • use jade balls.

Balm recipes vary for manual and training use. In the first case, it is honey, aloe and coconut oil. In the second, serum, vitamin E and rose (extract). Why are the recipes different? The fact is that by doing finger massage around the eyes, the skin needs to be worked out, honey makes upper layer dermis to stretch, which has an excellent anti-aging effect.

In the second, the skin is saturated essential substances, due to which it is smoothed. The composition is extremely important here.

How to do gymnastics for the skin around the eyes?

Close your eyes with force, open sharply - repeat the movement 10 times.

A great solution for tired skin around the eyes next exercise- Apply honey balm around the eyes, rub it with your fingertips, pull the skin towards the ears, relax, tighten again. Repeat 20 times.

Squint your eyes, open them completely. Repeat 20 times.

The whole secret is to alternate massages, gymnastics and masks - the complex will create an excellent anti-aging system.
Video: how to care for the delicate skin around the eyes

Review of professional cosmetics for eye skin

Caring for the skin around the eyes folk remedies Is a very laborious process. Agree you need to pick up suitable recipe, buy ingredients, prepare a mask or balm according to the instructions. Moreover, all folk beauty recipes are united by one drawback - they quickly deteriorate. So sometimes professional care more appropriate. We have created a table in which we have tried to list all the most effective modern anti-aging agents. Quality and professional tools Personal Care: An Independent Review.

Name Peculiarities
olay total effects This series has a great eye gel with coenzyme Q 10
Owl About Beauty All for the sake of beauty of the eyes, contains extracts of seaweed.
Advancedeyes A great way to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.
Ahava Contains useful material, including nona juice.
Biodroga These are German-made cosmetics, affordable, but at the same time very high quality.
Koko chanel Chanel is made from materials that protect, nourish and moisturize the skin at the same time.
Christina This is Israeli professional cosmetics with unique substances from the Dead Sea.
Clarins Elite cosmetics made in France.
Guerlain One of the most popular French beauty brands.
Lierac French brand of luxury cosmetics. Main feature Lierac is that each remedy solves a specific problem of the dermis.
Mary kay Mary Kay - French cosmetics luxury class
Be loved These are very good and affordable American cosmetics. We recommend trying the lifting complex for the skin around the eyes.
Estee Lauder Idealist Micro-D This is a unique system that contains skin-whitening ingredients.
Akkura Japanese cosmetics that are different natural herbs in the composition.
all inclusive Quite good funds.
Clinique In the cosmetics of the Clinic there is one very entertaining serum that is suitable for extended eyelashes and nourishment of the delicate skin around the eyes.
Diacosmetics Chic anti aging cosmetics, will help get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance. It is allowed to use from the age of 21.
avon anew Paraben free. Make-up is necessary at any age, Avon decorative cosmetics will organize appropriate care for the skin of the face and around the eyes and will become a worthy companion in applying make-up.
Shiseido Another Japanese company that uses herbal extracts in its products.
Skin Doctors Eyecircle An excellent remedy from Australia for dark circles under the eyes. This gel emulsion truly works wonders, the entire program is designed for a month of use.
vichy oligo 25 Oligo cream from Vichy will help to improve the complexion and skin around the eyes in particular.
Muse Illuminating gommage Another professional cosmetics made in Israel.
Cosmetex Roland A Japanese company that constantly releases new items in the beauty industry.
Hydradermie Also used for the neckline.
PAYOT AOX Contour des Yeux These cosmetics are often used by Shahnoz Shaha herself, so you can really trust the company.
system nanogreen profi Excellent medical cosmetics for daily use.
Modo Good anti-aging cosmetics that contain Vitamin B 5.
Fluid Contains yoghurt fluids that effectively smooth wrinkles.
natura siberica Natural remedies based on herbal extracts.
Academie Hypo-Sensible Normalizing & Matifying Care This cosmetics has a “hypoallergenic” sticker, suitable for any type of dermis.
secrets of east Chinese cosmetics that have no analogues in the world
Yoshi Ya Mamoto An alginate complex that lifts the contour of the face, smoothes wrinkles on the neck and around the eyes.
Alpecin Hypo-Sensitiv Hypoallergenic.
sea ​​of ​​spa Another Israeli cosmetics.
Rich & Beauty A very famous company, quite widespread in our country.
Loshi Excellent Japanese cosmetics.
care & beauty These are Dead Sea cosmetics.
Jade Manufacturer - Israel.
Amrita Medical cosmetics made from natural ingredients
Bremani cosmetics Elena Krygina praises her very much
Green Mama This quality creams and gels for lips, eyes and face. This firm is a skin health in tubes.
Garnier High quality cosmetics, hypoallergenic and available.
Black Pearl Thousands of girls are already convinced of excellent quality of this cosmetics, which is produced by the Nevsky plant.
Loreal Basically, this French company makes care products for 30+.
Oriflame This stylish way look young and fresh.
Avon Remarkably, there are series for both men and the fair sex.
Sisli We recommend trying the antioxidant complex.
Clean line Domestic firm, very good and affordable.
Spectacle Eye Cream Original ATOK Good care for young skin.
Helena Rubinstein We strongly advise you to try the regenerating eye capsules.
Tiande This cosmetics is quite widespread in Russia and Ukraine.
Medical cosmetics Dawn Often used in salons, aesthetic cosmetology highly praises this company.
Dr. nona's cosmetics As the name implies, the main methods by which Dok Nona products are made are Nona juice extracts.
Cosmetics for eyes Styx A great way to heal wrinkles and age spots.
Crimean rose An excellent and affordable domestic company located in Simferopol. Its products can be bought in St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Cheboksary, Zaporozhye and Saratov.
Ayurveda Luxurious oriental eye cosmetics, which have a nice price and hypoallergenic ingredients.


For which diseases you cannot use cosmetics and the Gezatone device:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • deprive (of any kind);
  • individual intolerance.

Visit our form to share how eye care has influenced your appearance and what kind of cosmetics you prefer.

Many women spend an incredible amount of effort and money on fighting the signs of aging. We try to remove cellulite, deep wrinkles around the mouth and neck, forgetting that care for the skin around the eyes should be the most thorough. How to tighten and protect this delicate dermis at home? Which creams to choose?

Homemade skin care with folk remedies

In the first place when caring for mature skin, the eyes should be protection... Of course, nutrition and hydration also play an important role, but it is very important to protect your face from tearing factors, especially in winter.

We recommend using olive oil for this. Its clear advantage over all other recipes is that home care for the skin around the eyes with its use is not limited in time. Those. it can be applied at night, and before leaving the house, and for the whole day, without checking the time every minute, so as not to miss the deadline for removing the mask.

If you don't have olive oil on hand, use aloe. This plant is known not only for its antibacterial properties, but also for its protective properties. Thanks to the unique substances that aloe juice contains, the thinnest protective film forms on the skin. It can also be applied at bedtime.

A wonderful recipe for protecting and caring for dry skin around the eyes is jojoba oil and green tea brew. Together, these ingredients give us hydration (oil), and protection with antioxidant properties (tea). The neck, by the way, will also be noticeably smoothed with this method.

With the right protection, you can effectively prevent crow's feet and dry eyelids... The recipe for Cleopatra is very popular. The Egyptian queen herself devoted her entire conscious part of her life not only to the development of various economic strategies, but also to the search for ways to prolong youth. She is rumored to have managed to halt the natural aging process to some extent. Since the age of 21, she has laid the protection of her beauty on milk baths.

With this approach to self-care, and after 35, the queen looked 20. What is the reason? Milk proteins provide intensive care and protection of the dermis from irritants, be it heat in summer or cold and wind in winter.

Further, nutrition... The more nutrients the skin receives, the better it looks. This is an axiom. In order to look several decades younger after 40, rub castor oil into the skin for 20 minutes every day. Thanks to its properties, not only will wrinkles around the eyelids be smoothed out, but also eyelashes and eyebrows will begin to grow better, they will become darker and more expressive.

It is very useful to wipe the skin around the eyes with oil vitamin E, with its help you can quickly get rid of expression lines and prevent the appearance of new grooves. This is the best way to stay young. When nourishing the skin, we recommend using a complex of oils, which will not only remove the need for eyelid blepharoplasty, but also create a neck tightening effect.

To nourish and tighten the skin, we need:

  • oils (linseed, castor, coconut);
  • honey (natural flower);
  • fabric strips.
Photo - Vegetable eye masks

We heat the honey, and mix it with oils (two drops each). Then we apply the resulting mixture to strips of fabric, and make compresses in the area around the eyes. You can do differently with the neck. Take not thin strips, but a napkin, spread it with a product and put it on the problem area. We hold a compress on the dermis near the eyes for 10 minutes, on the neck - 15. Such a treatment program is also suitable for tightening and nourishing problematic aging skin, the main thing is regularity and correctness of implementation. Repeat the procedures at intervals of three days.

Not in the last place in the nutrition of the skin around the eyes are vegetable masks... Traditional medicine is generally very fond of various remedies based on herbal ingredients. The most famous is the cucumber mask. It is also the simplest one - just crush the vegetable in mashed potatoes and apply to the eye area.

Very good reviews about natural remedies based on potatoes. The fact is that starch, which is the basis of this root vegetable, helps aging skin to resist external factors, saturates it with useful amino acids. There are different ways to make potato anti-aging masks:

  • grate a fresh peeled vegetable on a fine grater, mix with olive oil and apply in a thick layer around the eyes. We hold for 20 minutes;
  • boil root vegetables, make mashed potatoes, add essential oils of apricot and rose, a spoonful of milk, apply to the problem area.

Good care for the sensitive skin of the face and around the eyes will provide fruit masks, folk recipes of which are often used in professional cosmetics.

For example, to whiten and moisturize the skin around the eyes, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  • oatmeal - two tablespoons;
  • milk - one and a half;
  • strawberries - five pieces.

Wash the berries and crush in mashed potatoes, first pour the oatmeal with milk and leave overnight. In the morning, mix all the ingredients and apply the mask to the skin. Keep for 20 minutes.

Variations of this remedy are possible. For example, to improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the dermis around the eyes, use cherry puree (naturally, such a remedy is more readily available in spring).

If you need to eliminate deep wrinkles around the eyes and nourish the skin, then regularly make masks from oatmeal, milk and apples in the fall.

Exercises and gymnastics for the skin of the eyes

Photo - Gymnastics for the skin of the eyes

Compresses cannot provide complete care for the skin after 25 around the eyes and on the contour. You definitely need special gymnastics. To perform it, you need to prepare a regenerating balm (its recipe is given below), a massager (you can do without it, although a mesotherapy roller is very desirable) and a coarse fabric, such as terry or natural cotton.

It is necessary to make the blood circulate in the problem area, so we tighten the skin, get rid of bruises under the eyes and remove dark circles. The correct massage is soft but confident movements and knowledge of technology.

Gymnastics Tips:

  • if you use a massager, then it should be flat, without needles;
  • you can successfully replace this procedure with the use of ice (cryomassage at home is an excellent anti-aging skin care for the face and, in particular, around the eyes);
  • use jade balls.

Balm recipes vary for manual and training use. In the first case, it is honey, aloe and coconut oil. In the second, serum, vitamin E and rose (extract). Why are the recipes different? The fact is that when performing finger massage around the eyes, the skin needs to be worked out, honey makes the upper layer of the dermis stretch, which has an excellent anti-aging effect.

In the second, the skin is saturated with the necessary substances, due to which it is smoothed. The composition is extremely important here.

How to do gymnastics for the skin around the eyes?

Close your eyes with force, open sharply - repeat the movement 10 times.

For tired skin around the eyes, the following exercise will be an excellent solution - apply honey balm around the eyes, rub it with your fingertips, pull the skin towards the ears, relax, tighten again. Repeat 20 times.

Squint your eyes, open them completely. Repeat 20 times.

The whole secret is to alternate massages, gymnastics and masks - the complex will create an excellent anti-aging system.
Video: how to care for the delicate skin around the eyes

Review of professional cosmetics for eye skin

Caring for the skin around the eyes with folk remedies is a very laborious process. Agree, you need to choose a suitable recipe, buy ingredients, prepare a mask or balm according to the instructions. Moreover, all folk beauty recipes are united by one drawback - they quickly deteriorate. So sometimes professional grooming is more appropriate. We have created a table in which we have tried to list all the most effective modern anti-aging agents. Quality and Professional Personal Care: An Independent Review.

Name Peculiarities
olay total effects This series has a great eye gel with coenzyme Q 10
Owl About Beauty All for the sake of beauty of the eyes, contains extracts of seaweed.
Advancedeyes A great way to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.
Ahava Contains useful substances, including nona juice.
Biodroga These are German-made cosmetics, affordable, but at the same time very high quality.
Koko chanel Chanel is made from materials that protect, nourish and moisturize the skin at the same time.
Christina These are Israeli professional cosmetics with unique substances from the Dead Sea.
Clarins Elite cosmetics made in France.
Guerlain One of the most popular French beauty brands.
Lierac French brand of luxury cosmetics. The main feature of Lierac is that each remedy solves a specific problem of the dermis.
Mary kay Mary Kay - luxury French cosmetics
Be loved These are very good and affordable American cosmetics. We recommend trying the lifting complex for the skin around the eyes.
Estee Lauder Idealist Micro-D This is a unique system that contains skin-whitening ingredients.
Akkura Japanese cosmetics, which are distinguished by natural herbs in the composition.
all inclusive Quite good funds.
Clinique In the cosmetics of the Clinic there is one very entertaining serum that is suitable for extended eyelashes and nourishment of the delicate skin around the eyes.
Diacosmetics Luxurious anti-aging cosmetics will help get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance. It is allowed to use from the age of 21.
avon anew Paraben free. Make-up is necessary at any age, Avon decorative cosmetics will organize appropriate care for the skin of the face and around the eyes and will become a worthy companion in applying make-up.
Shiseido Another Japanese company that uses herbal extracts in its products.
Skin Doctors Eyecircle An excellent remedy from Australia for dark circles under the eyes. This gel emulsion truly works wonders, the entire program is designed for a month of use.
vichy oligo 25 Oligo cream from Vichy will help to improve the complexion and skin around the eyes in particular.
Muse Illuminating gommage Another professional cosmetics made in Israel.
Cosmetex Roland A Japanese company that constantly releases new items in the beauty industry.
Hydradermie Also used for the neckline.
PAYOT AOX Contour des Yeux These cosmetics are often used by Shahnoz Shaha herself, so you can really trust the company.
system nanogreen profi Excellent medicinal cosmetics for daily use.
Modo Good anti-aging cosmetics that contain Vitamin B 5.
Fluid Contains yoghurt fluids that effectively smooth wrinkles.
natura siberica Natural remedies based on herbal extracts.
Academie Hypo-Sensible Normalizing & Matifying Care This cosmetics has a “hypoallergenic” sticker, suitable for any type of dermis.
secrets of east Chinese cosmetics that have no analogues in the world
Yoshi Ya Mamoto An alginate complex that lifts the contour of the face, smoothes wrinkles on the neck and around the eyes.
Alpecin Hypo-Sensitiv Hypoallergenic.
sea ​​of ​​spa Another Israeli cosmetics.
Rich & Beauty A very famous company, quite widespread in our country.
Loshi Excellent Japanese cosmetics.
care & beauty These are Dead Sea cosmetics.
Jade Manufacturer - Israel.
Amrita Medical cosmetics made from natural ingredients
Bremani cosmetics Elena Krygina praises her very much
Green Mama These are high quality creams and gels for lips, eyes and face. This firm is a skin health in tubes.
Garnier High quality cosmetics, hypoallergenic and available.
Black Pearl Thousands of girls have already become convinced of the excellent quality of this cosmetics, which is produced by the Nevsky Plant.
Loreal Basically, this French company makes care products for 30+.
Oriflame This is a stylish way to look young and fresh.
Avon Remarkably, there are series for both men and the fair sex.
Sisli We recommend trying the antioxidant complex.
Clean line Domestic firm, very good and affordable.
Spectacle Eye Cream Original ATOK Good care for young skin.
Helena Rubinstein We strongly advise you to try the regenerating eye capsules.
Tiande This cosmetics is quite widespread in Russia and Ukraine.
Medical cosmetics Dawn Often used in salons, aesthetic cosmetology highly praises this company.
Dr. nona's cosmetics As the name implies, the main methods by which Dok Nona products are made are Nona juice extracts.
Cosmetics for eyes Styx A great way to heal wrinkles and age spots.
Crimean rose An excellent and affordable domestic company located in Simferopol. Its products can be bought in St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Cheboksary, Zaporozhye and Saratov.
Ayurveda Luxurious oriental eye cosmetics, which have a nice price and hypoallergenic ingredients.


For which diseases you cannot use cosmetics and the Gezatone device:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • deprive (of any kind);
  • individual intolerance.

Visit our form to share how eye care has influenced your appearance and what kind of cosmetics you prefer.

Facial skin is constantly affected external factors... At the same time, it is sensitive and thin, especially the area around the eyes, and in its own way physiological structure most prone to drying out. Therefore, the first ones appear here. age changes... And if you do not moisturize the skin around the eyes, early wrinkles cannot be avoided.

In fact, there are many reasons for dry skin in the eye area and they are caused by external and internal factors.

Internal reasons

External causes

TO outward signs include: dust, wind, cold, bright light, dry air, radiation, temperature extremes.

If anatomical features and the climate is almost impossible to resist, and it is quite difficult to eliminate diseases on your own, then a number external causes man creates himself. Moreover, these factors are most often provocateurs of the appearance of dry skin around the eyes:

How to prevent dry skin around the eyes, how to properly care

If dry skin on the face and around the eyes is caused by hormonal changes or illness, you need to go to the clinic for tests and treatment. Until the body copes with the disease, all other efforts will be in vain.

In other cases, when the reasons are not so serious, it is enough to adhere to simple rules:

Homemade Eye Contour Moisturizing Recipes

Compresses, masks and creams prepared by yourself at home are capable of making the skin around the eyes hydrated, and, therefore, healthier and younger. Their recipes are simple. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary natural products and desire, since the caring procedures must be carried out regularly.



Mash banana (without peel) thoroughly, add oil, mix and apply. The mask lasts 20 minutes.


Take equal slices of banana and fresh cucumber, chop them in a blender. If the mixture is too thin, squeeze the juice. Lubricate the problem area and keep for about half an hour. It can be applied directly to closed eyelids by placing it in small gauze bags.

Stir and apply on the eyelids very gently so that the product does not get into the eyes. Remove after 15 minutes.

Mix and apply to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.

This product will not only moisturize the skin, but also brighten it.

"Orange + lemon"

Mix all ingredients and apply for 15 minutes

With lemon juice, you must act very carefully, it can cause irritation. If the skin is pale and thin, this ingredient is best avoided.


Grind the potatoes with a fine grater, add butter and sour cream to this gruel and mix. Apply the mask to the eye area and keep for a third of an hour.


First mix the milk powder with liquid honey to avoid the formation of lumps, then add the yolk and mix everything. It must be kept for 20-25 minutes.

Powdered milk can be replaced if desired oat flour observing the same proportions.

"Egg with butter"

Judging by the reviews, this mask is especially effective. And it is very easy to prepare it. It only takes one quail egg and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Separate the yolk and mix with olive, linseed, sunflower oil - which is at hand. Keep for a quarter of an hour.

"Blend of oils"

Increase the moisture level in skin a mixture of various oils, which are presented in abundance in pharmacies. For this purpose, it is better to purchase essential oils of fennel, dill, parsley, juniper. Take 3 drops of each product.

Or take a few drops essential oils sandalwood or neroli and 10 ml of wheat germ oil.

Apply the oil composition for 1.5-2 hours, then blot the skin with a napkin without pressure or rubbing.

Cut off a leaf from the aloe, cut it into 2 cm pieces in length and each piece lengthwise into two parts. Put the resulting plates in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. After a week, you can use the product: wipe the skin around the eyes with a piece of aloe.

You can speed up the preparation of the mask. Squeeze the juice out fresh leaf(teaspoon) and mix it with the same amount of vegetable oil.

Masks "Mono product"

To combat dry skin of the eyelids, you can use individual products without adding other components. They'll handle it just fine raw potatoes, fresh cucumber, strawberry, apple, banana. Cut a separate fruit or vegetable into thin slices, lie down with your head in horizontal position, and apply the "tasty" slices to the eyes for 10 to 30 minutes.

You can also use freshly squeezed juice from these plant products... This option can be called "express - means", as it is very simple to prepare, but it works surprisingly effectively.


One spoonful of chopped medicinal herb(dried or fresh) pour 100 g of hot water and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Strain the broth and divide into two parts, heat one slightly, and cool the other, on the contrary. Alternately moisten cotton pads or napkins in cold and warm liquid and apply on eyes for a few minutes.

For the compress, herbs are suitable: sage, chamomile, coltsfoot.

Compresses can be done using regular tea bags. To do this, put a few moistened (can be used for brewing) sachets in the freezer in advance. Apply warm and cold sachets alternately.

These products are effective before bedtime, they will moisturize the skin and relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes.


  • Pork lard (melted, unsalted) - 1 spoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons (preferably olive oil)
  • Essential oil (apricot, peach) - a few drops

Thoroughly mix the ingredients and place the resulting mass in a jar with a tight lid, you can in the freed container from any cream. Apply the mixture to the problem area twice a week in the evenings and do not rinse off until morning.

Keep the product in the refrigerator, but not more than a month.

The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive, therefore, when choosing a product for caring for it, you need to be careful and careful. Certain foods can be irritating, such as strawberries, lemon, aloe juice, honey.

Therefore, before preparing the mask, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test in advance. Literally a drop of the juice of the component that causes concern, apply with the pad of your finger to the skin near the eyes. If after a while you feel a burning sensation or slight redness appears, wipe the area thoroughly wet wipe... And exclude the ingredient from the recipe. Even by removing allergenic products from the masks presented above, the products will do an excellent job of moisturizing the skin.

Every woman has in her "arsenal" recipes for face masks. It is important to remember that not all of these products are suitable for eyelids. Even if the miraculous composition has proven itself well in matters of care and beauty, it can be difficult for the eyelids.

The most sensitive part of the face is undoubtedly the eyelids. They age first, therefore proper care behind the eyes, for which regular skin hydration is considered key, is a must. And gentle homemade recipes are perfect for sensitive eyelids. Learn how to moisturize your eye contour in this article.

Causes of dry skin around the eyes

The area around the eyes is the most sensitive and thinnest, and therefore requires special care and needs regular moisturizing. The eyelids have very few sebaceous glands, they are most susceptible to negative impact external factors, including sunlight and artificial lighting, electromagnetic radiation, dust, temperature extremes, wind and many other influences.

If a computer monitor appears in front of your eyes every day, lines, letters, documents flash, then the eyelids will inevitably lose their priceless moisture. Stress also contributes to the aging of the eye area.

The histological features of this part of the face are a very thin epidermal layer, almost complete absence subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles and sebaceous glands, high sensitivity of the area around the eyes cause the first signs of skin aging to appear exactly here. The situation is aggravated by everyday use decorative cosmetics and allergies. Emotions contribute to the appearance of expression lines.

Necessary and correct care

Daily moisturizing around the eyes is essential to maintain beauty and youthfulness. Cosmetologists have created many products designed for this purpose. In the arsenal of any woman must be present special cream or a gel for the eye area. A natural recipes only enhance its effectiveness and provide gentle care behind the eyes. Moreover, it is easy to moisturize the eyelids at home, using a rich assortment natural components.

The most important components are precisely cleansing and moisturizing. Coming home after a day's work with tired eyes, the first step is to remove all impurities from the face, freeing the area around the eyes from a layer of cosmetics and dust. To remove eye makeup, use separate facility which should also have moisturizing properties.

Morning care of the eyelids

Morning hydration of the sensitive skin around the eyes plays huge role, since such procedures prepare her for a busy day and at the same time protect her until the evening. For firmness, hydration and elimination of edema, use ice cubes, which gently wipe eyelids, or cold compresses from chamomile decoctions.
A mask containing:

  • the yolk of one egg;
  • orange juice 1 tsp;
  • olive oil 1 tsp l .;
  • lime or lemon juice 2-3 drops.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture with light tapping movements. After 15 minutes, wash it off with warm water.

Natural mask recipes

Preparing a cream or mask at home in order to moisturize the skin of the eyelids will not be hard work... The main thing is that you have the necessary organic products and, of course, desire.

Banana pulp perfectly moisturizes and copes with the first wrinkles with a bang. Mash a small piece of banana with 1 tsp. butter(can be melted) and apply on the eye area for 20-25 minutes.

Sage is good for eye care, provides necessary hydration... Make a decoction by pouring 1 tsp with one glass of boiling water. herbs and letting it brew for half an hour. Strain and divide into two equal parts, cool one of which in the refrigerator, heat the other. Soak cotton pads in the broth and apply them alternately for 2 minutes each. Such a compress is effective in the evening, as it not only moisturizes, but also relieves fatigue and tension from the eyes.

The parsley mask moisturizes and whitens, in order to make it, simply mix a spoonful of sour cream and finely chopped parsley leaves. Apply the mixture to your eyes and leave to act for 25 minutes.

Important! Never use a regular face mask to moisturize the eye area, as it may be too heavy and Negative influence on the skin of the eyelids, causing irritation or allergies.

In the evening, it is useful to apply the well-known classic remedy- tea bags. Dip them in hot water for a few minutes, squeeze and refrigerate. Apply the compress for 5-7 minutes and then rinse your eyes with cool water.
Experiment with the following natural ingredients to moisturize your eyelids:

  • avocado pulp;
  • coconut oil, macadamia oil, cocoa;
  • beeswax;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt.

The benefits of aloe, essential and plant oils

Moisturizers, anti-aging and nourishing creams help to preserve youth. Home eye care can also be supplemented useful properties plants. We have selected those of them that have the optimal set of substances suitable for the sensitive and delicate zone. These include aloe vera and vegetable oils.

Effective hydration thin skin around the eyes using healing properties aloe. This is a truly unique plant, which is not only useful for humans in the treatment of diseases, but also has established itself as an excellent moisturizer and rejuvenator for the skin. The best remedy- it Fresh Juice aloe and pulp of leaves, which cosmetologists recommend using as a night. Squeeze some juice into the palm of your hand and apply to the skin of the eyelids. As you can see, everything is as easy as shelling pears. Aloe vera juice moisturizes, relieves irritation, and promotes cell regeneration.

Moisturize well sensitive skin around the eyes allows the use vegetable oils... Leader in useful cosmetic properties among them is olive. How should you apply it when caring for your eyes? Wet it cotton pad or a napkin and apply for 20 minutes. Then massage the area in a circular motion... You can increase the benefits of the recipe by adding a few drops of lemon or vitamin E.

Essential oils have long been used in cosmetology. For moisturizing, they should not be used in pure form, and in a mixture with basic cosmetic oils or any cream. A mixture of essential oils of parsley, dill, juniper and fennel, taken in 2 drops and 1 tsp, helps to restore the moisture content in the cells. moisturizer.

You can also moisturize your eyelids using another recipe:

  • wheat germ oil 10 ml;
  • essential oils of neroli and sandalwood 1 drop.

The composition is applied for two hours, after which the skin is wiped with a damp cloth.
Attention! you need to be extremely careful, avoiding getting them on the mucous membranes and in the eyes.

Hydration and eye care is very important. Many homemade products will help keep skin youthful, firm, and fresh. Take note of some guidelines for maintaining the beauty of this part of the face.

  • When applying a mask or face cream, avoid getting it on the eye area.
  • Opt for light, non-greasy eye creams that contain vitamins A and E. Be careful not to contain lanolin, which can cause irritation and dryness.
  • Cleansing should be done with special means designed specifically for this zone. Soap should be discarded as it negates all your moisturizing efforts.
  • Apply creams and masks very gently, without pressure, with light, patting or massage movements.
  • Remove makeup as soon as possible.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, including clean water, tea, natural juices and compotes, and eat right.
  • Try to protect yourself from direct sun rays with quality sunglasses and appropriate cosmetics.

Professional skills: Chief physician medical center, a practicing cosmetologist.

Short biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject "Social Medicine and Health Organization", including for foreign (English-speaking) students, consulting and pre-examination preparation.