The difference between a man and a woman. Who speaks more. Traits of a man and a woman are determined by the roles of husband and wife

"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" - American psychologist J. Gray tried to figure out how women differ from men. And not only him. Thousands of scientific psychological and anatomical studies around the world are aimed at studying the similarities and differences between the sexes.

Emotional intelligence

The emotional intelligence of women is more developed than that of men. The former are much better at reading and recognizing the emotions of other people, the tendency to experience and empathize. Perhaps this is due to the role of the mother - a woman is taught to catch and understand the facial expressions of her children during infancy to ensure his comfort and normal development.

Men have better developed brain departments responsible for logic.

Also, women more often and willingly express emotions in comparison with the stronger sex.

Who lives longer

The life expectancy of women is higher by an average of 10 years. This is due to the fact that men drink more, smoke more, participate in fights, and work harder. Their professions are more risky, and therefore men die in the workplace 2 times more often. Also, the stronger sex is more often susceptible to various diseases.

Another reason for women's longevity is childcare. The maternal instinct is the driving force that motivates women and nourishes them with vitality.

Color perception

Color blindness is a purely male prerogative. A woman is color blind rather than an exception to the rule.

Women perceive more colors and shades than men. There are fewer cells in the male eye that are responsible for color recognition. Men have only blue, women - blue, azure, aquamarine, indigo and others.

Perception channels of the world

Men love with their eyes, and women love with their ears. This popular saying does not exist for a simple reason. Men really have a more developed visual channel - information is better perceived with their eyes, while women, as usual, perceive the world by ear.

Thus, men fall in love with the image, shapes, figures, and women with words. Moreover, the female sex is able to pick up sounds of very high tones, which a man cannot hear.

Who has a stronger sleep

The brain activity of men decreases by 70% during sleep, women - by only 10%. That is, women do not lose their vigilance even in a dream, it is more difficult to wake up a man. That is why women hear even children's groaning in their sleep, men may not even hear loud crying.


Men think about sex almost every minute throughout their lives, women think about it once every 2-3 days.


It is believed that men are higher intellectually developed. It is not without reason that the Nobel Prize winners and innovators in various scientific fields are almost without exception men.

Brain differences

The male brain is about 12% heavier. Men have 6 times more gray matter, which is responsible for intelligence. But women have 10 times more white brain matter, which is responsible for communication and distribution of tasks between different parts of the brain.

Women are better developed left-hand side brain, which is why they begin to speak and read faster. Boys have better spatial and logical thinking, for which the right hemisphere is responsible.


Mental development and puberty: girls begin to walk and talk before boys for 4-6 months. A sharp increase in the former is observed in the period of 12-16 years, in boys - at the age of 13-17.


Male blood is about 10% thicker than female blood. The body of a man contains 5-6 liters. blood, in the female - 4 - 4.5 liters.

The male heart beats 70 per minute, the female 80.


In men, bodily asymmetry is more pronounced. In women, the symmetry of the right and left parts of the body is much higher.

Who speaks more

Women are able to pronounce up to 21 thousand words a day! Men speak 3 times less. That is why men consider women to be chatty.

Disease resistance

Women's immune systems are stronger than men's: they have a better developed thymus gland, which makes women less sick and easier to cope with infections.

The disadvantage of this is that rejection occurs more often in women with organ transplants.

Perception of reality

Men only hear what they are told and nothing else. Women, on the other hand, connect emotions, fantasy, therefore they often exaggerate and dramatize.


The average IQ for men is 119, for women - 113. But among men there are indicators both much higher and much lower. While in women this indicator is more stable.

Orientation in space

The man sees the way, and the woman sees the road sign.

In one American experiment, a man and a woman in separate cars were driven through the city by an unfamiliar road along the same route from point A to point B. After the trip, they were asked what they remembered along the way, could they repeat this route on their own.

Zh. Remembered more landmarks, small details, but the path as a whole, with difficulty reproduced. On the contrary, M. easily repeated the route on their own, but recalled road landmarks with difficulty. Thus, J. notice more details and trifles, M. perceive the picture as a whole better.


The experience of orgasm is very different for both sexes. In women, the brain departments responsible for fear, emotions, logic and control are turned off - she becomes completely defenseless. Areas that are responsible for physical activity remain workers.

Men, on the contrary, control the entire sexual act from beginning to end, not succumbing to feelings and emotions and being conscious.

Starting a family

The nesting instinct is innate in women. Even in childhood, girls, playing with dolls, create a family, equip them with a home and life. With age, the creation of a family, the birth of children becomes the main female "idea".

Men, on the contrary, unconsciously driven by their polygamy, are in no hurry to go to the registry office and prefer to marry later. We are talking about the majority, there are exceptions.


Sex hormones that promote hair growth work in men and women differently: in the former they stimulate hairline all over the body, except for the head. In the latter, they cause hair growth on the head and interfere with the growth of hair on the face and body.

In men, scalp hair grows more slowly than in fair half.

Reproduction of offspring

It is a fact that polygamy in men and monogamy in women are at the genetic level. This is confirmed by the features of their natural reproductive functions: a woman has the ability to conceive a child only once a month during the ovulation of a single egg.

One drop of male sperm contains at least 750 thousand spermatozoa, and in the whole ejaculation up to 600 million, each of which is capable of fertilizing. Can you imagine how many children can be born, thanks to just one ejaculation?

A woman can become a mother up to a maximum of 50 years, a man is able to fertilize almost to a ripe old age.

Openness to the world

Only the fairer sex can boast of frankness and openness: it is not for nothing that there are jokes among the people about a friendly female team, where secrets are supposedly kept. Gossip Girl - this is how the most talkative ladies are called. Indeed, they trust their environment more, sharing secrets and secrets. And not only our own.

Men for the most part are more restrained emotionally and verbally, prefer to share less intimate secrets, even with friends.

Twenty differences between a man and a woman

Recently, it is often said that women and men have reversed roles. Women have become more emancipated, men more feminine. However, there are still differences between them that make them so attractive to each other.

1. Making love, a woman thinks about how beautiful she looks.

2. It has long been proven that a woman's brain is% smaller than a man's. However, this does not affect the level of intelligence.

3. But the male brain decreases with age faster than the female.

4. To solve the same task, men and women use different parts of the brain.

5. If a man gets lost, he will remember the direction of movement and the distance traveled, and the woman - landmark objects. It's the same when driving: a man remembers the road by the numerical values ​​of the distances, and the woman often remembers all sorts of signs and shop windows.

6. Turning around at a call, a woman usually turns only her head. The man also unfolds the body, since his neck is much less flexible.

7. Women are afraid of spiders, worms and mice. They also don't like caterpillars, even the most beautiful ones.

8. The overwhelming majority of women believe that washing with soap and water is harmful. (If you want to know what exactly they wash with, open any of the women's magazines.)

9. On the offer to show our hands, we honestly stretch out our open palms. Women hold out their hands, palms down, apparently in order to demonstrate the impeccable manicure and the size of the diamonds.

10. The words that a woman will utter, hitting her fingers with a hammer, can be broadcast without censorship on the radio "Nadezhda". What a man says in such cases cannot be broadcast.

11. Women open beer bottles with beer bottle openers.

12. Women try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Men just spread their legs wider.

13. Women prefer to look at their heels, turning around behind their backs. We just rotate the raised foot.

14. Women don't like it when their hands are free. Therefore, they always carry a purse with them - in order to pull it by the strap, hold it by the edge and dig endlessly in it. In the absence of a handbag, anything will do - a fan, gloves, a book, a flower. Stand or walk with omitted, nothing busy hands women hate - in extreme cases, they cross their arms over their chest, hiding their palms under the armpits and sometimes unconsciously tugging at the straps of the bra.

15. A woman often remembers everything in detail; a man needs a summary thought.

16. Men perceive information faster, and therefore react faster. But…

17. Women are more likely to perceive several information streams, and men are irritated when they have to do something "at the same time".

18. Men are stronger in exact sciences, and women are better at humanitarian.

19. Yes, everyone was waiting for this topic, so here you go: men think about sex every minute, and women remember about it once every couple of days. Manic and other extremes don't count.

20. Women are more talkative. This sociability is associated with the work of the pleasure center in the brain. Conversation is like an orgasm.

21. Men and women react differently to harsh and annoying sounds.

22. To establish trust in a woman, a strong hug is enough for 20 seconds.

23. Women use almost three times more words during the day than men.

24. The female brain heats up more during functioning, because More glucose is "burned".

25. Men and women have different perceptions of humor. Men are more worried about a cheerful ending, while women enjoy the subtlety of humor in general, the language of presentation, and they get even more pleasure from the denouement than men.

26. Women have better organizational skills.

27. Male hearing is weaker than female. Therefore, women hear the subtlest intonations, but men do not always. And in terms of tactile sensations men lose to women. The vision of men is quite eroticized, while women are better at remembering any details of the picture.

28. Men perceive speech with the help of logic, therefore “they hear exactly what is being said”, and women connect intuition and emotions, so they “see some hints everywhere”.

29. Women are naturally more sociable, men are aggressively competitive. Therefore, men fight more often. For the same reason, women are irritated by the fact that men cannot maintain a long conversation with them, and the point is, as a rule, that masculine speech is less developed.

30. If there is a ball on the road, the man will kick it, and the woman, most likely, will pick it up and press it to her chest. This is how the different natural purpose of men and women is manifested.

31. When dressing, a woman will first put on a shirt, then trousers. We usually do the opposite.

32. Women do not scratch their heads. Firstly, they do not like to show their confusion, and secondly, it spoils the hairstyle.

33. A woman often winds locks of hair, even short ones, on her finger or tickles her cheek with a hairbrush. Men rarely do this.

34. A woman will never really understand why football players, lining up in a wall, make such a funny slide with their palms. Therefore, she does not flinch when in the movie the hero gets a kick in the groin with a boot.

35. Women are dominated by chest type breathing. In men, the abdominal muscles are actively involved in the process of breathing.

36. A woman does not bite a cigarette with her teeth. She does not leave it in her mouth, but she always holds it in her hand.

37. Yawning, the woman covers her mouth with her palm, not her fist.

38. Having taken a bath, a woman - it doesn't matter whether she is long-haired, with a haircut, or who has had typhoid fever - must wind up an amateur semblance of a turban out of a towel around her head, at least for one minute. The reasons for this oriental ritual are unknown.

39. A woman is almost not annoyed when the lingerie gets stuck between the buttocks. The fair sex is happy to wear all these torture devices called "bikinis". In addition, usually a woman does not try to unnoticeably straighten her underwear from behind, getting up from a chair.

40. We only need to shave one part of the body, but every day. Otherwise, you quickly become like Grigory Rasputin or the author of the book "Capital". If a man decides to follow in the footsteps of the founder of Marxism, his girlfriend will certainly be allergic to stubble. And who, one wonders, admired George Clooney's unshaven so much ?!

41. Any man can be hit between the legs.

42. When a woman hits a man, he cannot give her back. This is a law that cannot be violated, even if she hits below the belt, that is, between the legs. And where is the law that allows us in this case to at least pinch her breasts? There is no such law!

43. Vaunted male erection is often not associated with sexual arousal and sometimes catches up with us in the most inappropriate places. For example, in the pool, gym or in the cemetery.

44. We are more likely to get rich and, therefore, more likely to become a victim of racketeering or robbery. But we are not threatened with rape!

45. Women earn more than men in the easiest and most enjoyable areas of the economy. For example, in the fashion industry. Or the porn business. But it is much easier for women to work there!

46. ​​Only the male sex has the ability to think reasonably. Therefore, all the most important and responsible decisions have to be made by us.

47. If a man does not look good this morning, he, unlike a woman, cannot quickly change the situation for the better with the help of a set paints and varnishes, packaged in different (but equally expensive) bottles, vials and tubes. The only exception is the morgue.

48. If a man is no different developed intelligence, nor quickness of mind and generally devoid of any kind of natural ingenuity, he cannot wrap it all up in his favor, simply by wearing a tight-fitting T-shirt. Exception Mr. Olympia (bodybuilding champion title).

49. Swinging to throw something, a woman pulls her hand back, not to the side. That is why the ladies were never sent to blow up tanks.

50. Women love these tattered brooms that have so much rubbish on them. They call them "dried flower arrangements".

51. When shaking hands, a woman hardly shakes it. The poet Voloshin said about a woman's handshake that it "looks like tossing a dead baby."

52. Women have a rather indifferent, detached attitude to their genitals, they are almost unfamiliar with each other. Women do not talk to them, do not give them playful nicknames and do not take offense at them.

53. A woman walks on tiptoe on hot pebbles or sand. The man only steps on the heels.

54. Sitting down, women squeeze their knees or just keep them parallel. Therefore, it is preferable to have a lady in the neighbors on public transport.

55. Stretching, men spread or raise their arms, and women bend them at the elbows, pressing them to their sides.

56. The desire for compromise inherent in women is reflected in the way they tell obscene jokes. They may dare to publicly tell even a very greasy anecdote. But the key word will be muttered so indistinctly that no one will understand anything. Even more often they try to convey an indecent flavor with facial expressions, gestures and desperate facial expressions.

57. The belt on the dressing gown is tied by women above the navel, and men - below.

58. If a woman has her fly unbuttoned on the street, the woman is rather indifferent to this circumstance and calmly buttons up her trousers.

59. A woman's ears are plugged with their fingers, and a man's ears are covered with their palms.

60. When you ask a woman to give you a lighter, she gives you the lighter, and does not test your jumping ability and reaction.

61. A woman never takes off her T-shirt, grabbing her by the fabric on her back.

62. If a man, from the point of view of women, has left the monkey very little in the process of development, then we, for our part, can also note some atavisms that our ladies inherited from their four-armed ancestors. For example, the habit of looking for insects in the fur of your male for hours. In the absence of small arthropods, women are satisfied with acne and pimples.

63. When women are sitting, they have the habit of twisting their legs under them and resting their heels against the crotch. We do not allow ourselves this.

64. To wring out wet linen by hand, a woman takes it with palms up, a man - palms down.

65. And one more thing: after making love, a woman wants not to sleep, but to talk and kiss.

66. On male body fewer places to hide something.

67. According to statistics, women live longer than men, although modern science has not found any physiological justification for this.

68. Women do not suffer from prostatitis and they are not threatened with impotence.

69. Women are not threatened with early baldness. Late, however, too.

70. According to statistics, women suffer from alcoholism no less often than men, but for some reason they restrict us from drinking.

71. Male nipples are useless both in terms of sex and in terms of biological expediency. And sometimes you really want to breastfeed someone!

72. We cannot solve a problem simply by crying.

73. We have dirty nails more often.

74. And we cannot paint over them with red varnish.

75. We are never given flowers, even if flowers are delivered to our homes. Unless it's our own funeral.

76. We cannot scratch during orgasm. Biting is also not recommended. And women can!

77. After orgasm, we definitely have to wash, clean or throw away something.

78. Unlike women, men do not have reusable contraceptives.

79. We never know for sure whether our partner swallowed the contraceptive pill before sex or not. Only women know this.

80. After orgasm (and after having to wash, clean or throw away something) we cannot have another orgasm right away. Even if you really want to.

81. We have no good reason for four days out of every twenty-eight to be in a bad mood, to be capricious and behave irrationally.

82. In fact, you can choose a skirt. But she must be in a cage, as the Scots would otherwise be mistaken for a representative of a sexual minority (which is the majority in the world of fashion, film criticism and show business). Yes, and in a plaid skirt it is difficult to pass for a Scotsman. So you have to buy bagpipes.

83. We cannot wear gold and diamonds on us. Exclusion Semyon Semyonich Gorbunkov.

84. We are not given rings and earrings, pendants and bracelets, gold and diamonds. Semyon Semyonich Gorbunkov is no exception.

85. Sable and one hundred dollar bills are not thrown at our feet.

86. We are not offered a waltz tour. Exception is the gay club.

87. They don't chase us down the street shouting: "Can you give us your phone number?"

88. We are not asked: "What are you doing tonight?"

89. We are not treated to a drink just because we have long legs and firm buttocks. Exception is the gay bar.

90. A woman tolerates heat worse. If you don't want to buy expensive furs for her, use the developments of researchers from the University of Michigan. These findings indicate that when overheating, women sweat half as much as men. Due to this work sweat glands their beautiful bodies are less cooled, which is fraught with heatstrokes, stress, and with prolonged overheating, insomnia, violation menstrual cycle, depression and other troubles.

91. Each of us rode a bicycle. And everyone on the way had a foreign object that could not be avoided. Obeying the inexorable physical laws, the body continued to move, and after the collision fell from the soft seat onto an iron pipe called a frame. For the result, see point A ladies' bicycles are made without a frame!

92. Women are not at risk of injury from oral sex with an inexperienced partner, careless handling of zippers on trousers and an incorrectly fastened safety cable when jumping from a bungee. After that, they still dare to assert that the most painful thing in the world is to give birth to a child!

93. In the toilet, we constantly run the risk of splashing our shoes.

94. Sooner or later in the life of every man there comes a moment when he has to go shopping with a woman.

95. And also watch figure skating with her.

96. And also visit theaters.

97. And come on holidays to the mother-in-law for lunch.

98. Women don't have a mother-in-law!

99. A woman puts on gloves before going outside.

100. When lifting a heavy object, a woman will try to move it to her side. A man carries a load in front of him.

101. Women prefer to wear small change and large bills in the same place. Their pockets rarely ring.

102. When hitting with a fist, a woman puts her thumb forward.

103. It's hard for us to find good shoes.

104. We need to buy socks.

105. And erase them!

106. We have no sexual underwear... All that we have is those panties that are currently recognized as the freshest.

107. Moreover: if a man dresses stylishly and sexy, he will certainly be mistaken for a representative of a sexual minority. For women, the opposite is true.

108. Women don't have to learn to tie a tie.

109. A woman cannot be morally destroyed by obscene remarks about the insufficient size of her sexual organ.

110. We cannot enlarge our breasts with silicone implants.

111. Women don't have to pull the hairs out of their nostrils!

112. Women can appear a minute before the start own wedding... By that time, we have to hang around in front of the registry office in a stupid suit for an hour!

113. In addition, women's wedding preparations include fun parties with bridesmaids, where everyone congratulates the bride sincerely. The male pre-wedding ritual is reduced to the systematic humiliation of the groom by his faithful friends, who are trying with all their might to prevent the inevitably impending fateful event.

114. Women usually concentrate all their love on one subject. And we have to be torn between a friend / wife and our favorite football team. Sometimes a brand new Volkswagen Passat comes in here.

115. In addition to higher education, a real man should know everything about cars, possess the skills of an electrician, carpenter and plumber, as well as be professionally versed in music and cinema. A woman has enough knowledge about what style of blouses they wear this season and what cream of the new line "L" Oreal "should be rubbed into herself at a given time of day. For this, even a parish school does not need enough glossy women's magazines.

116. Plus, recently we still have to cook, wash and mop the floors! We will refuse to be accused of male chauvinism.

117. Female nipples can be of different colors. Appearance the female breast is highly dependent on the speed at which blood circulation occurs inside it. The dark color of the nipples indicates the active supply of this part of the body with blood and, accordingly, about high level excitement. At the same time, one breast, not yet stimulated by you, may end with a pink or beige nipple, and the other nipple, just kissed properly, will be cherry or dark brown.

118. Men have to put up with the fact that women reach their peak of sexuality at an age when it’s time to think about life insurance. Children.

119. Men make up all the words. And women simply translate them into the female gender!

120. Although models have long been parading on the catwalk with open breasts, for some reason it is still considered indecent to stare at the neckline of the interlocutor. Well, who puts a cake on the table, while demanding not to eat sweets?

121. Since artistic taste men are naturally more developed than women, it is more difficult for us to find a decent film in the video distribution. But she, without hesitation, removes Runaway Bride from the shelf for the tenth time.

122. The fact that in size we, on average, larger than women, makes us a more convenient target for a pigeon flying over us, which has long suffered especially for the sake of such an occasion.

123. We have no good reason to put on a lot of weight after the birth of our first child.

124. When we put on weight, none of the body parts that make us sexier increase in volume.

125. Even if a man gets fat so much that he looks like a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy, no one will give him a seat on the subway.

126. We are never paid child support.

127. We have no choice what to wear a skirt or trousers.

129. When there is a need to turn to an auto mechanic or a computer specialist, you have to endure contemptuous female looks: after all, it is believed that a real man must understand all this "hardware" himself.

130. It is much easier for a woman to master the intricacies of the most ancient profession.

131. And we pay all the same!

132. Our childhood dreams of flying into space or winning the presidential election are virtually unattainable. Whereas it is a hundred times easier for a woman to achieve her goal of becoming a nurse, flight attendant or just a mother.

133. Under no circumstances will we be able to instantly organize a voluntary society of those wishing to join us in sexual intercourse just walking into a nightclub afterward and smiling dazzlingly.

134. In the ski marathon, we run twenty kilometers more.

135. And what about the all-around? Why do they have only seven sports and we have ten? After all, the cash prize for the Olympic gold medal for women is the same as for men!

136. It is considered preferable for men to beat each other on the head with beer bottles during a fight, and this is more fraught with serious bodily harm than screeching and grabbing the enemy by the hair, which is customary among women.

137. The male sex hormone testosterone, if it is isolated in pure form, is a direct analogue of an explosive mixture of heroin and cocaine in the ratio of different sides this is how it works. And we still manage to think rationally in such conditions!

138. Women have a much richer palette of alcoholic beverages: liqueurs, cocktails and other martinis with carrot juice... All this tastes, of course, loses to the good old ruff, but it's a matter of principle!

139. Men are blamed for all wars. The Makarov pistol, M- rifle, Kalashnikov assault rifle and the Satan ICBM are considered phallic symbols, invented by men only to compensate for their sexual complexes. And no one wants to admit that women really just do not know a damn thing about military affairs and military equipment!

140. But if something happens, we are sent with marching companies to the front, while women wave their handkerchiefs after us, wiping burning tears from their cheeks.

141. And if anything goes wrong anywhere in the world, we men still have to answer.

142. We are gradually becoming less and less needed. The professions that have traditionally been ours are turning into female ones. And vice versa. Women are already playing hockey!

143. No matter how much we smile at the gloomy traffic police officer and no matter how many buttons the shirt collar is unbuttoned, we still have to pay a speeding ticket. But most often it is women who are the culprits of road accidents!

144. We are doomed to go with women to melodramas with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and after the session listen for hours about what kind of "darlings" they are. At the same time, when a man sees Jennifer Lopez on the screen and makes a couple of apt remarks about her manner of straightening her panties from behind, in some of the cases he will be accused of "bad taste", in three of them he will be called a "sex maniac" stop talking.

145. After the words "Honey, let's spend the evening at home tonight" there is no doubt that we are waiting for some heartbreaking television talk show for the weak-minded, like "My family" or "Me myself." At best, figure skating. At worst, Slutskaya loses.

146. We don't like champagne. But we have to open it. And getting a plug in your eye too!

147. We listen to Whitney Houston, Celine Dion and even Natasha Koroleva in the car, because in the age of feminism it is believed that a woman also has the right to choose an FM radio station.

148. Jokes are told about us about how we hide in the closet and go down the drainpipe in some shorts. The funny thing is that sometimes this is not an anecdote at all!

149. Women are not threatened with an intimate meeting with a transvestite.

150. And with a minor.

151. Men’s lower susceptibility to alcohol means that we need to spend a lot more money to relax properly.

152. A woman wakes up faster. For example, after general anesthesia... Women leave it on average in seven minutes, men - in eleven. It is interesting, but ladies, acquire the ability to express themselves coherently and solve simple problems on the intellect, as soon as they rub their eyes. And men for some time remain in a state of dull idiocy and are not even able to remember the series of their passports, and what, in fact, they are doing here naked on a gurney.

153. At school we are forced to deal with serious, demanding physical activity kinds of sports. For example, football. And the girls get something lightweight, like badminton. Although badminton is not a sport! Plus if we forget sports uniform, in physical education you still have to run across the field in shorts. For some reason, no one asks girls to undress to their underwear in such cases, and they calmly smoke in the toilet throughout the lesson.

154. We are more often punished at school.

155. We are generally punished more often.

156. We cannot marry a millionaire.

157. We are not allowed into the women's bath!

158. None of us will ever be awarded the title of "mother heroine".

159. For women, the process of communication is important, for men - the result.

160. Men like to talk more about their successes, and women - about their failures.

161. A man prefers to think in silence, expresses only the final result.

162. A woman thinks out loud, which is perceived by a man as chatter. A typical male question (not always, however, asked aloud): "When does she think, if she talks all the time?"

163. Men express their feelings more difficult than women.

164. A woman interrupts her interlocutor less often than a man, she sees the interlocutor better and understands his feelings. A man interrupts a woman 3 times more often than the one interrupts him.

165. A man can pierce his navel, nipple or tongue. But this will not speak of a free disposition and love of adventure, like women, but that this man is an idiot. The exception is representatives of the sexual minority and show business stars.

166. A woman sees better at night. Women have more sticks in their eyes, which are much more light sensitive. In addition, women have better developed peripheral vision, and they can more easily perceive what is being observed in its entirety - in all the fullness of details. On the other hand, men, with their cones, see more clearly, sharpen better and detail better, skillfully cutting off secondary objects.

167. A woman shakes her hips while walking. Bones female pelvis set wider than a man's. It is this anatomical feature that explains the wagging effect of the fifth point when walking. And not because the citizen is madly in love with the fact that you have been following her for half an hour, unable to take your eyes off the object with which she so easily balances in space.

168. A woman is more sensitive than a man. Womens skin contains several times more nerve endings than male is a biological fact. So, while caressing a girl, try to distract yourself from your own ideas about how to stroke, squeeze and knead her tender bodies so that she cries out with desire.

169. A woman gets drunk faster. Her body has more fat than yours. And it tends not only to be deposited in the most difficult-to-reach places, but also to accumulate alcohol in its cells, preventing its removal from the body and accelerating intoxication. By the way, women for some reason assimilate beer no more intensively than men.

170. A woman hears better. The fact that women hear high tones better than men is understandable: nature made sure that they could find a cradle with a screaming baby in the room at night. But another fact is interesting: according to data obtained at the North Carolina Anthropological Center, women are better at detecting low tones. Probably in order not to stumble, returning at night to the bed in which you snore.

171. A woman cries after sex. Women cry about four times more often than men. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the production of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, is better in their bodies. Serotonin is produced and released into the bloodstream as a result of emotional arousal - this can happen during laughter, after sex, in a moment of elation. Actually, this hormone is responsible for such important things as creativity and good mood... But when too much of it is produced, it becomes a stressor. And the beautiful creatures begin to shed tears, losing together with the tear fluid the serotonin dissolved in it.

172. The average volume of communication among women is more than one and a half times greater than the volume of communication among men.

173. The different needs of men and women in communication are the source of numerous conflicts in families. In most cases, the husband fully satisfies his need for companionship during the working day.

The wife is far from always, because her need is much greater. Therefore, she hopes to fill the lack of communication at home.

174. A woman listens attentively much longer than a man.

175. A man, on average, listens to a woman attentively for only seconds, after which he is inclined to give an answer without specifying the information.

176. The reason for a woman's high sensitivity to the hidden subtext is in the innate ability to notice and decipher (so-called) non-verbal signals: postures, gestures, body movements performed at the time of speech. They are produced subconsciously and give out the state of the speaker.

177. Women are more successful in negotiations than men.

178. It is customary to give compliments to women because they are in dire need of it (“women love with their ears”). But men react to compliments addressed to them no less favorably than women, only outward manifestations they are stingier.

179. Women are more critical of their appearance than men of their abilities. Men are more critical of their interlocutors than women.

180. A woman is better at finding lost things.

Men pass math tests and spatial reasoning tasks faster and better. But women remember better where and under what conditions they last saw the requested object.

Today we will try to find out how a man differs from a woman. Moreover, we will talk about behavior, peculiarities of life, as well as about psychology. External data will not be taken into account - and without that it is clear that we are all different from each other. But health, the structure of the psyche, as well as other aspects of life, sometimes deserve attention. In general, the question of how people differ from each other is a very interesting thing. And when you have to look separately at a man and then at a woman, it is difficult to get distracted from the subject. It would seem that we are all human - we have the same needs, instincts and desires. But the perception of the world is different. Moreover, it depends, for the most part, on gender. So how does a man differ from a woman? Humor often speaks of "feminine logic," for example. Or the difference in behavior. We'll have to understand what caused such phenomena. Maybe this will teach you to understand each other better.


It still starts at the biological level. The organism receives all the differences from each other at the moment of conception. It is when it turns out who is destined to be born - a boy or a girl - to a couple. How does a woman differ from a man biologically?

This is not so difficult to understand. First, by gender. Women have a slightly different structure of the genitals. This is noticeable with the naked eye. And thanks to this phenomenon, even before birth, in most cases, you can say for sure who will be born - a boy or a girl.

Secondly, the chromosome sets of men and women are different. As you know, there are many double chromosomes in the body. And they are exactly the differences between boys and girls. Women have what are called X chromosomes. And the men in the 23rd pair are Y chromosomes. What does it mean?

In biological terms, the 23rd pair of chromosomes in a girl consists of XX, and in men, of XY. It is also worth noting that the egg always contains "X", and the sperm - "X" and "igruki". The sex of the child depends on the mixing of these chromosomes. But delve deeper into this area not worth it. It is clear how a man differs from a woman at the biological level. But what next?


No wonder they say that opposites are attracted to each other. If you think about it, it really is. Why? The thing is that if you decide to find out how a man differs from a woman, you may notice that some are the complete opposite of others. And in every sense.

The very perception of the world in men and women is fundamentally different from each other. For example, you should pay attention to the clarity of the information received. The ladies keep it just fine. It's not for nothing that girls are considered wonderful gossips - they can convey information "through 10 hands" and at the same time preserve the truth of the meaning. True, they love to cheat and get out.

But straightforwardness is a purely masculine trait. Guys, as a rule, are not used to storing details and unnecessary information in their brains. They express their thoughts directly, without hints. That is, "yes" is yes, "no" is no. And there are no deviations from these principles. So now we can say that a man and a woman are the complete opposite of each other. But this is what brings them closer together.


The world changes over time. And the perception of it - too. But the patterns that have developed in the head of a woman and a man still remain at approximately the same level. That is, the aspirations and goals in life of both those and others constantly remain the same. Yes, there are some deviations, but they are still not so significant and common in the modern world.

What is it about? Why are men different from women? For example, because of goals in life and aspirations. Men are leaders, earners. For them, as a rule, a huge role is played by a career, their own successes, and self-realization. But women are the keepers of the hearth. Every girl, even on a subconscious and unconscious level, will strive to start a family, a relationship, and have children. In other words, to be realized as a mother. Men, as already mentioned, give preference to career growth.

Yes, recently there has been a picture that completely reverses perception modern world turn upside down. That is, men and women are changing places more and more often. Often in families now the earner is the mother. And dad leaves his career and takes care of the house. A kind of reversal of roles. It can still be considered a deviation. But in general, women and men still differ in their aspirations for the most part.


The brains of guys and girls deserve special attention. As strange as it may sound, the difference in this area is simply phenomenal. And not only at the psychological or biological level. We can say that in terms of "functionality" the brains of a girl and a boy are not the same.

What does it mean? How do women differ from men? Evidence indicates that a guy can only focus on one task at a time. But the girl is on several at once. So to speak, in women, the brain is more functional and universal in this regard. Therefore, one should not be surprised that a girl can cook, and embroider, and wash, and talk on the phone, and do a manicure for herself at the same time, and a man in the same period is engaged in only one thing. There are more neuronal fibers in the girl's brain. That is why he is able to concentrate on several tasks at once.


Another very interesting fact is the perception of alcohol. It's no secret that women hardly know how to drink. And it’s not their fault. This is how it works human body... Wondering how a man differs from a woman? Then take a closer look at both one and the other - you will notice everything with the naked eye. You can see that a little alcohol is enough for women - and they lose control of themselves.

All this is explained at the biological level. During the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the body begins to produce special antibodies, enzymes. And it depends on them how quickly a person gets drunk. In men, they are better developed. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to get drunk.


Our conversation continues. How does a man differ from a woman? Psychology indicates that the difference between the former and the latter is enormous. She is literally everywhere. And not only at the biological level.

For example, the behavior of women and men is really dramatically different. Girls are energetic personalities, coquettes, those who are used to taking care of their appearance and health. We can say that a certain ease is associated with them. Cunning, dodgy, can perform several tasks at once.

But men seem to be more restrained, courageous, strong. They focus on only one goal and go towards it until they achieve the desired result. They don't devote so much time to their appearance. There are exceptions, but they are not so common.

So the behavior is really different for men and women. And from here conflicts often arise between them. It is almost useless to solve them - psychology has been for many years.


Proven - men and women communicate in different languages... More precisely, the development of their speech differs from each other. This does not mean that women are more developed in this area and communicate better, not at all. This is a little about something else.

What exactly? What is the difference between a man and a woman in terms of speech? The fact that girls are more chatty. Their speech is better developed, they are talkative and open. But men are usually silent. To "chatter" and "scratch with your tongue" without any sense is not for them. Normal phenomenon, which is very easy and simple to notice in modern life. Girls, on the other hand, are capable of "chatting incessantly" for any reason and even without them.


Pay attention to such a feature as observation. It is different for boys and girls. Just like any other area of ​​human life. Women have been shown to be more observant in themselves. They tend to pay attention to details, to focus on all the details of an object. Men, on the other hand, perceive information as a whole; details, as a rule, are not as important to them as the true meaning of a thing.

Women under stress or some kind of emotional shake-up quickly lose their heads. And all their observation vanishes instantly. Men, on the other hand, when stressed, begin to behave more attentively. Here's a little thing worth paying attention to. After all, this is why the upbringing of boys and girls must be different - extra stress makes a woman absent-minded, and a man - collected and organized. Of course, everything should be in moderation.


Now it's time to pay attention to the two most big problems of humanity - relationships and love. It is these directions for a guy and a girl that will differ dramatically. Sometimes even too much. What is the difference between the love of a man and the love of a woman?

Feelings are important for a girl. She needs to understand that she is the one and only for her lover. When choosing a partner, a woman is guided by feelings and heart. She gives all of herself and devotes her life to a man. It can be said to some extent completely attached to a person.

But men have a slightly different perception. They are said to "love with their eyes". For them, the appearance of a woman and her certain qualities... Feelings, as a rule, are relegated to the background. If a girl in a relationship considers herself obligated, busy, then men often do not feel any such responsibility. And this becomes a huge problem that destroys even the most true love.


Relationships, as already mentioned, are also a problematic point in the study of men and women. Why? Basically, for the same reasons as in the case of love - the "device" for guys and girls is different. Due to this, even simple relationships are perceived differently.

A woman in a relationship is a busy person. She, as already mentioned, devotes herself to her beloved man. And accordingly, he tries to bind him with all his might. It can be said to suppress freedom. Both his own and men's. All this is done on a psychological level. After all, women are less protected, they try to find their support in the form of a man, and then not let go of her.

But the guys, on the contrary, are freedom-loving. And they, for the most part, do not attach any special importance to relations. And even more so, there can be no question of any over-responsibility. Often, a busy man considers himself to be completely free. But at the same time, his chosen one, in his opinion, is not. In other words, a woman is always busy in a relationship, and a man is free. This is what many believe. Hence, problems arise - a girl claims the freedom of a loved one, but he does not want to "cut his wings" for himself. All this leads to the collapse of the relationship.

Most have no idea how fundamental the differences between men and women are. Gender characteristics there is at the level of behavioral reactions, at the physiological and even neural level.


Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found that there are four million more cells in the male brain, but according to tests, women perform 3% better than men.

It turns out that the so-called corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is to blame. In women, this body is thicker than in men, and there are 30% more joints in it.

The brain of men is specialized and divided into specific departments. Due to the smaller number of connections between the hemispheres, a man can only do one thing qualitatively, fully focusing on him. Let's remind: he is a warrior and a hunter. He chases game or fights. A woman can do many things at home, such as cooking, babysitting, looking after relatives, and knitting.

Because of the additional connections in the brain, girls can actually drive and talk at the same time, while most men, focusing on driving, turn down the radio and ask passengers to shut up. And it is better not to contradict them at this moment.
If a man reads, he hears almost nothing. And if you talk to him while he shaves, the likelihood that he will cut himself increases dramatically.
Even men and women sleep in different ways: in men, the electrical activity of the brain in a dream will drop by 70% (he is a hunter, and when he comes home, he should have a good rest), and in women, only by 10%, because she always “guards »Home and children.


Men in the left hemisphere have a center responsible for speech, and if a man is injured in this hemisphere, he loses his speech and stops "seeing" drawings "in three-dimensional space.
In women, two centers are responsible for speech: more - in the left hemisphere, smaller - in the right. To go numb, she needs to be seriously injured in both hemispheres of the brain. An injured left hemisphere will not prevent the average woman from reading blueprints. True, they see them differently: flat.

The speech of men is distinguished by an abundance of terms and a rich vocabulary, while women in speech rely on intonation and emotions. Building relationships by talking is a purely female prerogative, which is why they make excellent lawyers, teachers and educators. A woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. A man utters up to 4000 words a day, makes up to 2000 sounds and makes up to 3000 gestures. The woman speaks with the interlocutor. A man is more often with himself. And at this time he is silent.

Orientation in space

The weak point of most women is spatial orientation. Tests by Asian scientists using labyrinths have shown that men have 92% of successful solutions, while women have only 8%!
82% of men can park a car parallel and close to the sidewalk, including 71% on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, and even then two-thirds of them will not do it on the first try.

Serious problems in women and with geographical maps. In 1998, for the sake of experiment, the British issued a map of England with two sheets. One had a standard card, the other had an upside-down image. The map was bought by 15,000 women who liked not having to turn the map over in their minds when traveling south.
By the way, there are women who lack one of the X chromosomes. They are generally unable to drive a car, so they have problems with spatial orientation.


The retina of the human eye contains nearly seven million “cone” receptors that are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors that they perceive is wider.

In conversation, they operate with shades: "aqua", "sandy", "light coffee". Men talk about fundamental colors: red, white, blue. True, this does not explain why there are so few women who are brilliant artists.
Women have developed peripheral vision. For some of them, it reaches 180º, and that is why women, when driving a car, rarely miss side impacts and can, without turning their heads, "count" a rival or follow a child.

The man's brain provides tunnel vision, he "leads" the target, sees only what is in front of him, and is not distracted by trifles. It is because of the narrow field of view that men often become victims of road accidents, and at home they cannot find oil in the refrigerator. But they see better at night and more accurately determine the distance to objects.


Women are better at distinguishing high-frequency sounds. A one-week-old girl can already distinguish the sound of the mother's voice and hears when another baby is crying. Boys don't need that. Women are better at recognizing changes in tone than men, and therefore know perfectly well when men are lying. Men, on the other hand, specialize in sounds. wildlife(this skill is not so necessary in the city) and perfectly “hear” the direction. If a woman hears a kitten's meow first, then it is the man who will indicate where to look for him.


A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's. Studies by British scientists have shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense does not match the most insensitive woman. But men's skin is thicker than women's and therefore men have fewer wrinkles. On the back of an adult male, the skin is four times thicker than on the belly. And if a man is busy, then the sensitivity of the skin falls even more, and he almost does not feel pain.

Taste and smell

Men feel bitter and salty better. It is with this that they associate the fact that they love beer. Women, as fruit gatherers, are more sensitive to sweets. This explains the fact that most chocolate lovers are women.

In terms of smell, women have no equal. A woman's nose can catch not only the smell of burning that threatens the house, but also the smell of pheromones, which cannot be done deliberately. Moreover, a woman's brain is able to "read" the man's smell and decipher it, determining how much strong immunity... Scientists believe that in most cases, no more than three seconds is enough for a woman.

If a woman's immune system is weaker, she will find a man sexually attractive.

It's no secret that representatives of different sexes have differences not only of anatomical and biological nature, but also of a psychological nature.

A striking example of this difference is intuition, which is well developed in women, and often fails in men.

Also, psychologists have confirmed that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more in need of affection, love, tenderness, intimate relationships.

It has long been established that the psyche of men and women reacts differently to stressful situations.

Differences between a man and a woman often cause mutual misunderstandings and difficulties in relationships, because people of different genders have different attitudes towards unions, assess relationships differently, value their different components, etc.

Some people believe that differences in the perception of interpersonal relationships between men and women are due to cultural or social norms... But this opinion is wrong.

Without a doubt, culture and upbringing play a crucial role in shaping a person's perception of the world in all its manifestations, including leaving an imprint on behavior in relationships.

But this is not the root of male and female differences. In fact, the difference in views is initially predetermined at the physiological level, encoded in DNA. Only later on these innate features are superimposed on the influence of cultural and educational factors.

Speaking about the differences between the perception of the world by representatives of different genders, it would be unfair to adjust all men or all women to a single model of behavior, for

asserting that absolutely all people of the same sex behave the same. Each person is unique, regardless of what gender he belongs to. Therefore, the attempt to fit the behavior of all men or all women to a common pattern is doomed to failure.

A real man can have a variety of qualities in his arsenal. Both purely "male" and "female". The same is the case with real women, which whimsically combine features inherent in both sexes.

But in all this diversity, there are still several common factors that most often characterize men or women. If we talk about the representatives of the stronger sex, then we can say that for the most part they tend to show the very qualities that are commonly referred to as "masculine".

And most women often have in their set of qualities those that are attributed to the fair sex. These are the differences that this article is about.

The danger of generalizations based on the psychological characteristics of the sexes lies in the fact that a person who does not correspond to certain stereotypes may consider himself inferior, wrong, not like everyone else.

But it would be difficult and rather ridiculous to expand the stereotypical sets of qualities of men and women, because as a result, it may turn out that the same person, in terms of a set of individual qualities, will relate, as it were, to both sexes at once.

So that such contradictions do not arise, let us pay attention to those features that are characteristic only for men or exclusively for women.

The classification proposed in this article may seem strange and incomprehensible, because in modern society, men and women often change roles, the functions of the sexes are mixed, which creates a certain confusion with who and how should behave.

The modern woman prefers to push into the background the role that nature initially assigned to her, and diligently educates or develops in herself those qualities that were previously considered exclusively masculine.

We can say that today many women abandon their feminine essence, choosing a masculine role and a model of behavior. And men, in turn, although they wear men's windbreakers, are in no hurry to show masculine qualities, preferring more feminine models behavior.

Of course, in such a situation, there are also advantages. The desire to expand one's own potential, to choose a role different from that predetermined by nature, suggests that humanity is developing and growing.

But the picture of the world would develop much more harmoniously if people developed their potential without rejecting the original natural attitudes and without abandoning the features that it endowed them with.

After all, it is these characteristics that so far allow us to classify ourselves as men or women, and not only physiological features... It is these characteristics that will be described in this article below.

One of the distinctive feminine desires and aspirations in modern times is to be in no way inferior to men. Beautiful ladies demand and make every effort to get more respect, recognition, love.

Often the way least resistance in such a struggle forces women to deny the fact that they have characteristic feminine characteristics.

The society took the ideas of the movement for the struggle for women's rights to some extent mistakenly and decided that free woman, having equal rights with a man, should be like a man in everything. This is what pushes some ladies to abandon their own nature.

Simultaneously with this process taking place in women's minds, the tendency of men to soften and level out features considered masculine also developed. The behavior of the stronger sex has become more gentle, pliable, sensitive.

Men with this behavior quickly acquired the contemptuous nickname "rag" among modern women. Such men also ignore their own masculine traits and tend to behave as women should.

As a result of these changes, many modern men generally have lost a model of behavior that could serve as an example for them to follow. The old traditions have already lost their relevance, and nothing worthy has yet appeared to replace them.

As mentioned above, describe general image suitable for every woman or every man is not possible. But it is worth noting that such an image can become a reality, that is, it is quite possible to create and implement a model of behavior for an “ideal woman” and “ ideal man", If you show due respect to each person, educate him in him best qualities and develop capacity.

But it is impossible to achieve such a result by rejecting the qualities predetermined by nature in favor of artificially grown character traits.

Modern society is, one might say, in limbo. And this uncertainty is largely due to a reluctance to recognize the differences between a man and a woman.

But if you abandon such a view, but, on the contrary, recognize the existing differences, then there will be a real opportunity not only to rationally use the qualities that nature has endowed each of us with, but also to develop those that seem secondary. It will not be a compromise, but harmony.

Let's illustrate the previous paragraph. A man is usually rational in his judgments. In order to rationally think, for example, about the structure of the Universe, if it is necessary to understand and agree with the fact that his thinking is rational.

As soon as he recognizes this fact, there will be a natural need for him in a person who has a good developed intuition, because it is intuition that will make a wonderful union with rational thinking and harmoniously complement it.

In men, in most cases, there is a tendency to a rationalistic approach, and not to an intuitive one.

In alliance with a man who often listens to well-developed intuition than to rational arguments, a man will involuntarily develop his own intuition, without detracting from his own capabilities and abilities. And developed intuition is more often used by people in whom feminine qualities prevail.

However, some men also have great intuition. For them, the need is to understand and recognize the fact that this quality, considered feminine, prevails in their character.

But most often, such situations happen when a man artificially suppressed the male ability to think rationally and use rationalization abilities in the first place. But in either case, such a man will strive for a relationship with a person in which rational thinking is manifested to a greater extent.

If such a person meets on the way of a man with developed intuition, it is quite possible that a connection, sincere feelings, and mutual respect will arise between them. As a result of such a relationship, a man will restore or acquire the ability to more skillfully use rational thinking, without losing the ability to intuitively predict.

Speaking about the basic qualities that are inherent in men or women, we must not forget that they are to some extent stereotyped. That is, they are usually found, but they are not an indispensable attribute of every gender.

To some extent, a portrait of a typical man or woman based on a generalization of these specific characteristics will resemble a caricature.

Usually, these qualities make themselves felt fully in situations of stress, because in a calm environment, everyone reasonable person is able to control his own behavior, not allowing certain properties to break through.

If in male character female traits prevail, then even under severe stress such a man is more likely to show masculine qualities. And this allows us to say that with certain efforts, the masculine qualities in such a man can be developed and made to work.

In the same way, a woman who has a more masculine qualities can begin to deliberately seek and develop in herself truly feminine traits, since they are, in one way or another, present in her.

This will allow the lady to find a previously rejected femininity. No matter how strong this denial and the desire to educate and use exclusively masculine qualities, a woman is always able to direct her efforts to the development of female traits and to love them in herself.

To better understand the differences between a man and a woman, you can use the reflection in a mirror as an example. We can say that the psychological characteristics of the sexes look like the original and its mirror image.

When you look in the mirror, you see yourself. But if you take a closer look at the image that looks at you from the mirror, it becomes obvious that the reflection, although it looks completely similar, is in fact a completely different face.

After all, all facial features appear reflected in the mirror. This is your face, depicted in reverse.

So, we can say that the psychology of a woman is a mirror image of the psychology of a man. This analogy can be traced to many masculine and feminine qualities.

Representatives of different sexes are completely different, but together they make up an absolutely harmonious union.

For a deeper understanding of the difference between the source and its reflection in the mirror, you can take as a basis two physical forces - centrifugal and centripetal.

One of them is directed from the center, and the other - in the opposite direction. This opposing focus is an example of how masculine and feminine qualities interact.

Remember the child's play - spinning a bucket of water in a circle. As you know, in the process of movement, water remains in the bucket, even when it turns upside down. Under the action of centrifugal force, objects rotating in a circle are forced out of its limits.

This is how the force of expansion works. If you cancel the action of this force, then the water will certainly pour out of the bucket. If you release the handle of the bucket, then it will fly far to the side.

But at the same time, the action of the centripetal force is aimed at pulling the rotating bodies inward. This is how the pulling force, or holding force, acts. It is she who pulls on the handle of the bucket.

You can compare the action of these forces and the characteristics of the psychology of the sexes. Feminine characteristics are like centrifugal force and act from the center. Female nature causes movement from oneself, the desire to connect and create alliances.

That is why a woman in love so easily forgets about her own interests, completely surrendering to the relationship and partner. When a woman gets close to a man, gradually his interests replace her own.

There are other laws in masculine nature. When entering into a relationship, men tend to withdraw into themselves, strive for the center. It is with this phenomenon that women who start a relationship with a man often face.

The representative of the stronger sex will begin to delve into his own needs, and not the interests of the partner. A man, under any circumstances, wants to remain whole, independent.

This is the source of selfishness and indifference in any relationship. At the same time, a man may well not be aware of the peculiarities of his own behavior.

The ability and tendency of women to forget about themselves in relationships is often the cause of many problems. It's so natural for ladies to go headlong into a partner that they don't even notice how they completely dissolve in him.

The most difficult task for a woman who has started a family is to take care of herself, take time for her own needs and fulfill her interests.

After all, she is all the time busy trying to please others. At the same time, a man who is next to a woman, by virtue of his nature, closes down, focuses on himself.

This only aggravates the position of his partner. Overcoming preoccupation with your own thoughts is very difficult for any man.

In a relationship, the fair sex is constantly making efforts to make the expression of feelings wider, more complete. Men, in contrast to women, tend to shrink to a point, they are directed to their own center.

This is the reason for the frequent disappointments of men in relationships with women. Ladies want to constantly find new topics for communication, and men want to thoroughly study at least one single one.

A man starts a conversation only when he has thought about everything about himself, has highlighted the main thing. Only then can he express his thought in words. For women, the conversation itself is a way of thinking.

It is in a conversation that they can reveal the main thing, grasp the essence. When a woman speaks, she leads her own reasoning, and this helps her to understand what she is feeling and generally wants to say.

The disappointment of men in this regard is due to a lack of understanding of this simple distinction. They oppose the woman's behavior, her tendency to talk, considering it completely superfluous.

But if a man is able to understand and accept this difference, he will be able to provide his lady with the support she needs by the fact that he will listen to her calmly and without judgment.

A fairly common situation: a man has just come home, and his wife immediately begins to tell him something. For example, he talks about what happened to the children during the day, and then moves on to phone calls, news, problems that need to be addressed.

At the same time, the lady asks questions, indulges in memories and lengthy reflections. As a result, a whole bunch of information literally falls out of the door on the spouse. After this flow, the wife will feel relief, because she has finally said all her thoughts out loud, and is now ready to highlight the main thing.

This helped her understand the essence and come to a certain conclusion. But for a husband, everything looks completely different. For all the words of his wife, he will most likely remain silent. After all, he needs to think about everything he heard about himself, highlight the essence and only then tell her to his wife.

From this moment, a very hard work begins in the man's head. He tries to correlate his own thoughts and plans with what his wife told him. He calculates different options solutions to the problems voiced, trying to understand which of them will be optimal for him.

At the same time, a variety of conditions are considered with a perspective into the distant future. A man tries on a situation this way and that, trying to predict the future based on what decision he will make.

As a result, the wife is likely to receive a promise to think in return. And this will be the pure truth, because the man will really think about what he heard and make a decision.

Perhaps the decision will not be at all what the spouse expected. But this does not mean at all that the husband wants to do everything in spite of his beloved woman. He just thought it over and came to the conclusion that doing so, and not otherwise, would be the most correct in this situation.

Usually, in this case, partners do not think that they approach problems in different ways. Differences in communication styles also often cause quarrels and scandals.

In men and women, not only external manifestations differ, but also internal reactions. Consider how a man reacts to the open expression of a woman's thoughts and feelings, and how she reacts to his restraint.

A man understands that a woman is in anxiety, from her first word. This is conveyed by her intonation, movements, gestures, facial expressions. If a woman is worried, then she most likely wants something from a man.

But at the same time, the first fact said by the woman is taken as the cause of concern. In this case, in fact, he may be completely unrelated to the true cause of the conversation.

But a man thinks differently, he is guided by the facts said. And this sometimes baffles him, because he does not understand how he is connected and how he can solve the problem that is voiced by the woman.

At the same time, problems continue to be voiced, sometimes in the absence of a connection between them. And the man gets confused at the end. He does not understand what they want from him, why they are reporting all this information, what actions are expected of him.

He makes assumptions, trying to understand the true cause of women's discontent, but all these assumptions turn out to be wrong. But some of them a man, in the end, recognizes as true, believing that he has figured out the true reason strange behavior wives.

Usually this assumption is related to his role in the family. For example, if a woman complains about the behavior of her children, the man may think that the reason for her displeasure is that she considers him a bad father.

If she talks about the lack of funds for something, then the man will decide that she considers his earnings insufficient to support the family. If we are talking about fatigue, then in male head the conclusion is born that the wife considers him a worthless husband.

There is only one reaction to all these assumptions - an explosion. Most likely, the man will scream: “So you think it's all my fault? Do you think I am a bad husband? " or something like that.

And he will also add that his wife likes to complicate things and she should be easier to relate to life. Such a reaction is nothing more than a defense reinforced by misunderstanding. Indeed, in such a situation, a rare man is able to understand the motives and essence of a woman's behavior.

In fact, the lady just shared with her husband what worries her, and this may have nothing to do with his personal qualities or characteristics as a father or husband.

In fact, the woman's words are what she wanted to say, no hidden meaning they are not. There may be no connection between individual phrases, it is just a stream of thoughts.

But the man starts from the first fact, and from him he tries to build a logical chain that will connect together everything that has been said and indicate the reason for such a conversation.

In this case, intonation, facial expression and other factors are taken into account. He believes that everything said is a continuation of the first phrase, although in fact this may not be so at all. This misunderstanding happens due to the fact that men do not perceive and do not understand feminine style communication.

But ladies are not always sensitive to men. They think differently, so the male need to talk about the main thing remains beyond their understanding.

When a man, after promising to think about the conversation, comes and reports a decision that does not coincide with what his wife expected from him, the partner perceives this as an insult.

Her self-esteem is jeopardized by this, it seems to her, disregard for her opinion. She believes that since a man made a decision without consulting her, then he does not respect her.

And he will certainly express his indignation at a woman in the most expanded form. As a result, a dispute will begin between the spouses, which will lead to a quarrel. In such an environment, it is difficult to understand the characteristics of each other, so the partners will simply begin to pour out mutual insults, even without making an attempt to find a compromise.

In fact, the man just expressed what he himself came to. This does not mean at all that he does not want to listen to his wife's opinion and take it into account. But since the decision is voiced by the man in a rather categorical form, the woman perceives it as final, from which she concludes that her opinion is not taken into account.

In the end, the woman simply does not know how deeply and comprehensively the man really thought about this issue, and how difficult it was for him to decide. And she doesn't even know that he is ready for discussion. This is how the differences between a man and a woman work, which do not want or cannot understand the different nature and characteristics of each other.

Many examples of male behavior associated with their peculiarity in relationships to withdraw into themselves, "shrink", cause confusion and even complete rejection among the beautiful half of humanity.

It is impossible for a woman's mind and feelings to comprehend this phenomenon, when a man first shows maximum sensitivity and caring, and then suddenly changes his behavior and turns into a complete egoist.

In itself, such a change is sickening to the female essence, because they are striving for the opposite. Therefore, women often perceive the selfish behavior of men as a personal insult.

V a similar situation a woman is not able to understand that for a man such behavior is as natural as her desire for unity and self-denial. After all, she herself is ready to completely devote herself to him, to forget about everything that is interesting to her herself.

And at the same time, a man cannot be distracted by anything else, except for what his attention is focused on. If he is focused on pleasing a woman and making her happy, then all his thoughts, aspirations, actions will be devoted only to this goal. This is usually the case in the first stage of a relationship, during the courtship period.

Therefore, the woman has the impression that she has found her ideal - a caring, attentive man... But as soon as a man realizes that his goal has been achieved, he switches his attention to any other goals and fully devotes himself to their realization.

As a result, the woman realizes that all the care and tenderness towards her simply evaporated.

The situation is aggravated by stressful situations, because in them men withdraw even more into themselves. Their attitude towards others seems to be absolutely indifferent.

Accordingly, people have the opinion that a man is an inveterate egoist and is not able to think about anyone but himself. But this is just an appearance created by the current situation. You should not judge a man by how he communicates with others at a difficult time for him.

Men tend to give themselves completely to the achievement of a certain goal. In the process of its implementation, they forget about everything and may not appear in the best light. But do not forget about what purpose all the thoughts of a man are devoted to. Perhaps these goals are directly related to your overall well-being and happiness.

If a lady finds herself in a difficult situation, then her disorder is much more all-consuming than that of a man. After all, problems distract her from her main vocation - to devote herself to people.

Problem solving makes her distract from caring for her family, a man. She feels that she does not care about her most important task. At the same time, she even more begins to need support and understanding, she seeks help from loved ones, shares her problems with them.

But it does not require a decision, because she just needs to speak out in order to be able to accept the right decision... V stressful situations a woman seeks to further expand her ties, and a man, on the contrary, seeks to reduce them.

It is obvious that a man's ability to focus on what worries him in this moment, resembles the action of centripetal force. It is aimed at narrowing the consciousness so that it can concentrate and be able to solve the existing problem as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Women tend to judge men from their belfry, believing that they should act in the same way as ladies. That is, to strive for the expansion of consciousness, if they really love.

This position is quite understandable, because for a woman such a reaction is the only correct one. But in order to achieve harmony in a relationship, it is necessary to learn that a man's reaction will depend on the proportion in which he combines masculine and feminine principles.

But in any case, this reaction is not a measure of his feelings. If you understand and accept this fact, then there will be much less mutual grievances and reproaches.

A woman who has reached such an understanding will not express dissatisfaction with the fact that a man has stopped noticing her. She will make every effort to regain his attention at the moment when it becomes really necessary.

Real people combine both feminine and masculine qualities in one proportion or another. If all people were the same or were divided strictly into two camps, our life would not be so unpredictable, exciting and interesting.

Many problems can be solved by identifying where the feminine and masculine qualities of one person conflict. This understanding will help solve many of the problems that are so common in human relationships.

A man who is dominated by masculine qualities from time to time may seem to be fixated on himself, selfish. But this behavior only suggests that he is busy solving a problem, and all his efforts and attention are directed to it.

This problem is not necessarily related exclusively to him. It can be related to his family, work, or other people.

A man filled with male energy, in the process of solving the problem, he really creates the impression of closed and indifferent, but this is caused only by the work of his masculine qualities and the inability to use those feminine traits that nature has laid in him.

And, meanwhile, it is these feminine qualities that would help such a man understand what the people around him want and need.

A woman filled with feminine energy is overly committed to other people, forgetting about herself. This is especially noticeable in difficult life situations when she is unable to satisfy her own needs in order to properly satisfy the needs of others.

In such an environment, the fair sex becomes even more vulnerable, she strains to the limit in order to understand what others want and give it to them. This is the most real self-sacrifice.

If a woman’s needs begin to increase, she will not even notice it, will not be able to acknowledge it and tell others about it. She simply does not understand what is happening to her.

But at the same time, she will not be able to adequately accept help from other people, like a man who "shrinks" when solving a problem. She is busy with the processes that take place inside her.

In order to avoid such extremes, men need to recognize that they also have a feminine principle, and begin to develop it. Way to inner harmony and positive relationships with others lies through the ability to competently combine all the qualities that nature has endowed us with. This applies not only to men, but also to women. If we understand what kind of female and male traits are contained in us, then we can catch the harmony in their combination. This will benefit not only relationships with others, but also each of us personally.

To achieve a balance between feminine and masculine qualities inherent in nature, it is necessary to strive for those qualities that will harmoniously combine with the characteristics that prevail in us. Masculine traits attract people who are dominated by feminine principles, and vice versa. It is on this that all our feelings, attachments, and attractions are based. This is how the communication of the sexes is built.

The secret of achieving unity and harmony of an internal character, a person needs to learn to understand the processes of mutual attraction of the sexes, the foundations on which it rests. For a happy coexistence, men and women must be able to understand, accept and respect the differences that exist between them. This is the only way to become a harmonious person, through the search for a harmonious complement to oneself in another person. After all, a man endowed with more masculine characteristics will be attracted to women in whom the feminine principle prevails. And communication with such women will allow him to realize that he also has these qualities, to learn to listen and use them. At the same time, he will not lose his masculinity in the least. A woman who is attracted to strong men, from communication with them, will begin to show more ability to think rationally, and not trust only intuition. But this will not prevent her from remaining feminine. Equilibrium can only be achieved through recognition and respect for our differences.

If we take a close look at ourselves, we can understand exactly how we were created. A man is attracted to a woman, sperm tend to a motionless egg. As a result of their connection, a new life is born.

Any process of creation presupposes the presence of forces that complement each other. Since life presupposes the continuous creation of something, creation, it means that we cannot do without these interacting forces. We ourselves attract them, and then they carry us towards new creations.

The potential for an act of creation appears at the moment when one person finds in another the forces that he lacks. As a result, an attraction is created between two people, like between the differently charged poles of magnets. It is in this love magnetic field that desire and attraction are created.

If both partners are ready to understand and accept the differences that exist between them, and are also able to respect and love each other, then the degree of passion in their relationship will always be high. But if a woman strives to extinguish the feminine principle in herself and develop the masculine, and the man - on the contrary, then the mutual attraction between them will disappear, they will cease to be interesting and attractive to each other.

Just imagine what it would be like to spend your entire life with someone who wants to be like you. It is the differences that make life and relationships between men and women bright, interesting and exciting. In order to be in harmony with each other, we must maintain our differences.

The passion that arises at the first stage of a relationship is a sign that we have noticed and appreciated the qualities inherent in ourselves in a partner. It is they who initially attract us to another person. If we are attracted by the warmth that comes from a partner, then soon our own potential will begin to generate the same warmth, and it will become a part of our existence.

Often people who are cold and seemingly indifferent fall in love with those who tend to violently show feelings and emotions. At the same time, they cannot explain what exactly attracts them to a partner, because such an attraction arises on subconscious level due to the weak development of the feminine principle. Love for open and warm-hearted people helps such "ice" to find or generate in themselves the warmth that their partners are so rich in. As a result, this warmth allows them to balance their own coldness, and the very personality of such people becomes more integral, fulfilled, full-fledged. Such a union often allows cold people to realize their own wholeness. This is achieved through love for a person who is so unlike themselves. In such conditions, people feel elated, capable of anything!

Many men prefer to marry gentle and sensitive ladies who are inclined to show cordiality and emotionality. Such women usually fall in love easily and gladly give their love. These are very feminine natures. But usually quite restrained and cold men who are used to dominating, making bold decisions and achieving success fall in love with them. After all, these opposite qualities complement each other perfectly. In such a union, both man and woman will be able to acquire the features they lack.

When a man loves, appreciates, respects and values ​​his woman, he begins to understand deeper the feminine essence that is hidden in him. When a man is faced with female softness, he realizes that he himself is capable of being soft, but at the same time not losing his own hardness.

Male coldness is complemented by female warmth, his determination is balanced by the vulnerability of his wife, courage - by receptivity, manifestations of strength - by manifestations of love. As a result, both partners acquire what they lack and become holistic personalities.

Love for a woman is a way for a man to recognize the existence of feminine qualities in himself and learn to use them. Love for a man on the part of a woman is a way of discovering masculine characteristics in oneself.

But such a process can only happen between those people who experience sincere feelings, feel mutual attraction and are filled with love and passion. Attraction arises from the interplay of our differences. But the very existence of differences and their compatibility make it possible to truly strong bond and closeness.

The main problem and obstacle for healthy harmonious relationship constitutes the desire to change oneself or change a partner. Even if we manage to induce certain changes in a partner, the satisfaction that we will experience from this will be very brief. And by itself, this change will definitely not make the relationship more passionate, or the partner more attractive.

Quite often from men addressing their women you can hear the following phrase: “Do not be upset over trifles! You worry too much! " Some women decide that they have to change in order to please their man even more. In accordance with the expressed thought, they begin to restrain their own emotionality, that is, they practically go against their nature. Perhaps some ladies even manage to achieve some success in this. It would seem that this is exactly what is needed for a more even, calm and harmonious relationship. But in fact, a renewed, less emotional woman will become less attracted to her man than before, and the relationship will only lose a piece of its former passion.

As the process of suppression of one's own personality or the personality of a partner deepens, the relationship becomes less and less passionate and interesting. In the end, two people who previously loved each other recognize themselves as strangers who have nothing in common. Perhaps they will be able to maintain friendly relations, but they will no longer have to talk about love and passion. But even in such a situation, one should not despair, because this process of suppression of the personality is reversible. At any moment we can stop being who we are not, listen to our own nature, understand and use its power.

Even the smallest changes in a partner can cause passion to leave the relationship. If your love demands changes from him, then he will suppress his character, then his and your interest in each other will disappear. Indeed, along with the suppression of his own typical traits, a person also changes his temperament, habits, demeanor, communication, etc. As a result, it will be completely different from the person with whom you started communicating. By changing ourselves or others, we not only lose love, but we ourselves begin to love much less.

Remember that true love does not require changes or suppression of its natural characteristics. If you sacrifice your essence for love, then you do not gain, but only lose love. The desire to change his inner nature is explained by the fact that a person, under pressure from a partner, public opinion or his own delusions, believes that he is not good enough in the state in which he is. And this desire to change only further convinces a person of his imperfection. And if you force your partner to change, then he doubly feels his own failure, as well as the fact that he is not worthy of love.

But such feelings and conclusions only break love. In an effort to multiply and preserve love, people decide on changes that ultimately completely kill this feeling.

If you think that you or your partner, in order to achieve harmony and sincere love changes are required, which means, in fact, you are ready to give up your love at any moment.

Why do we want to change others?

Attraction between representatives of different sexes inevitably leads to the emergence of tension. But at the same time, two people in love strive to become one. The process of constant communication, joint affairs, physical and spiritual closeness, common joys, sorrows, events - all this contributes to the fact that the tension formed at the first stage of communication subsides, and its place is taken by a feeling of happiness, bliss, fullness of existence.

The wonderful feelings that love gives us are associated with the fact that in the process of communicating with the opposite sex, we discover in ourselves those qualities that were previously hidden, we gain integrity and fullness. But these wonderful feelings don't last forever.

In fact, the feeling of bliss, caused by a sense of self-fulfillment and inner harmony, does not last long, because it is caused by the subconscious. Only our subconscious mind at this moment realizes that we have finally found balance. In order for these sensations to persist for a long time, to always be present in life, you need to be aware of them. But on the path to realizing these feelings, one cannot resist any manifestation of those hidden characteristics that have awakened in us thanks to love. Any resistance will diminish or completely negate all the wonderful feelings that inner harmony gives rise to. Perhaps, instead of positive emotions, negative ones will come.

Many men at the beginning of a relationship with a woman turn into very gentle and caring romantics. They loyally look after their lady, open up to her, strive to share with her everything that their life bestows on them. This is how the new feminine traits that a man has awakened in himself through his connection with a woman affect. But here male nature declares that enough of all the beautiful things have already been done, and it is time to stop it. It is at this moment that there is a confrontation and rejection of the newly acquired feminine qualities. The man, as it were, realizes that he was behaving atypically, twitches and returns to the usual, typically male behavior... His inner world boils, warns of changes, fears them. This condition can also affect the relationship with the woman. Wanting to preserve his own masculinity, a man can feel negative feelings to the woman he loves, and at this moment he himself may experience fatigue, depression, emptiness, unhappiness. Everything that until recently gave light and joy becomes unnecessary, gray, boring, inappropriate. This torment is an integral part of the spiritual growth that occurs when the masculine and feminine principles of a person meet. But it is quite difficult to endure them, so often men decide to get rid of these torments by eliminating their root cause.

The easiest way to do this is by changing yourself or by changing your partner. Therefore, a man will try to change his woman or decide that he himself needs changes. Both options can bring only a brief consolation, a minute of rest, but ultimately both of them lead to the destruction of relationships, the extinction of passion and the departure of love.

Some men in a similar situation prefer to use other methods. To combat the differences that are found between men and women, the representatives of the stronger sex often change partners, without having time to get used to any of them and get imbued with her essence. Someone has a mistress or starts drinking and using drugs. In other words, all means are used that can at least slightly overshadow or eliminate pain. In an effort to overcome internal differences, a man will avoid honest and candid relationships that involve deep and sincere feelings.

All these means are usually used by those people who are unable to come to terms with the fact that men and women are different, and that they are transforming each other. They help to temporarily get rid of the pain caused by the desire to change oneself or change another. A man in such a situation hopes that the woman will experience the same feelings that he does, her and his desires will coincide, and the reactions will be identical. A man wants to control a woman, but because of this he hurts her, but he does not understand this. This is just his attempt to hide from the fact that it is the differences that make a woman so attractive to him.

It is likely that the woman is also actively involved in this process. This is most often the case, and the blame for what is happening lies not only on the shoulders of the man. In any relationship problems, both partners are to blame. In this particular case, a woman tries to resist the attitude that a man shows towards her, and because of this, she completely forgets about herself.

In women who prefer domineering men who use pressure and pressure, often observed such character traits as adaptability, desire to obey, self-neglect, dependence on partners, uncomplaining consent, lack of their own opinion, desire to win love and create the illusion of a harmonious life.

For example, a man states that a woman has become overly proud and selfish, or names any other flaws. The woman agrees with him, and in order to change the situation, she changes her own self-esteem. If a man says that a woman has bad taste in the choice of cinema, she immediately adapts and begins to express an interest in those films that he likes. In other words, a woman is ready to agree with any point of view of a man, even one that is offensive to her, she is ready to change her own views, preferences, values ​​and even needs. She is ready to give up everything that she has in this life, just to win his love.

The opposite situations are not uncommon. Men with highly developed inner feminine qualities are often too soft with their ladies and are ready to fulfill any of their wishes. Usually such men are considered "sensitive". From them you can hear the opinion that women like them, but do not cause them feelings of passion, desire. Women are really happy to communicate with males with such a temperament, but they do not seek to translate these relationships into an intimate sphere.

The explanation is quite simple. A sensitive man with a predominantly female character will be attracted to women who are more masculine. Such ladies are usually determined and independent. Sensitive men quickly fall under the control of such ladies. The woman commands, the man performs. And the more and easier he will give in to her, the faster she will lose interest in him as a man.

What happens to a woman who is dominated by masculine qualities during the development of a relationship with a "sensitive" man? Of course, the same ones awaken in her female characteristics that are developed in this man. But the lady seeks to deny their existence, refuses to recognize, understand and use them. The stronger this denial, the more strength, with which she repels the man who caused such changes in her.

Often women in such a situation come to the conclusion that they need a real man, decisive, strong, devoid of feminine features. But in fact, such a lady needs a “sensitive” man who can awaken her dormant femininity. And she must realize and accept it.

In the same way, a man himself with a dominant feminine principle can repel a woman with a dominant masculine principle, because he, in fact, will not repel her, but those masculine qualities that she awakens in him. But for such a man to achieve harmony, it is necessary to reveal the masculine principle in himself. At this particular moment, he considers himself too vulnerable for a strong woman and prefers that his partner be gentle and pliable, like himself. In fact, he can achieve inner harmony without the help of women. It is enough to deliberately and purposefully develop the masculine principle in oneself and learn to use it, without losing or driving into a corner those feminine traits that are already developed in it. But this process will be carried out much easier and easier if you do all the same next to a woman endowed with masculine qualities to a greater extent than feminine ones.

In order to change something, it is necessary to understand how and why this something happens. In order to improve relations between men and women, it is necessary to understand why they annoy each other. Actually, irritation is not born between representatives of different sexes, but between people and the differences that they have to face. Understanding the reasons for this process will help us understand why those relationships that at the beginning seemed to be perfectly harmonious, complete, calm and happy are falling apart.

The beginning of a relationship is the period when both partners want to make the best possible impression on each other. They flaunt their best qualities, and also try to give themselves those traits that they do not possess. Disadvantages, or what can be taken for them, are reliably hidden and not released outside under any pretext. But over the course of life, people relax and become themselves. Their true features are manifested in them - in some women are predominant, in others - men. Because of these differences, irritation begins to build up, to eliminate which the partners resort to changing themselves or make attempts to remake the partner. If you know what are the true reasons for the opposition of the sexes, then you can with relative ease avoid many of the problems that are most often encountered in modern relationships.

There are four main types of people. Depending on these types, you can define the most important reason troubles in a relationship:

  • Macho. In this case, the strong masculinity in the man will resist the feminine;
  • Martyr. Such women have highly developed feminine characteristics and are opposed to awakening masculine traits;
  • A sensitive man. In such a person, the feminine principle predominates, and the masculine is suppressed;
  • An independent woman. The feminine principle is suppressed in it, and the masculine is brought to the fore.

For each of these types, one can single out the main characteristics that determine the reasons for the confrontation between men and women of one type or another. Some people have pronounced symptoms of a certain type and some have mixed characteristics. Usually a man has something of a macho and something of sensitive type... In women, as a rule, there are elements of both of these types.

Women are attracted to a macho man because they are the epitome of that female side his essence, which he suppresses. Relationships with a woman allow him to feel his own usefulness, integrity. This sensation gives macho energy, excites, awakens curiosity. These are positive manifestations of the relationship of a man of this type with the opposite sex. But when the relationship with a woman becomes deeper, such a man begins to experience discomfort.

With close rapprochement, a macho man begins to resist more and more the influence of femininity, the differences that attracted him to a woman. The closer the relationship between a man and a woman, the stronger their mutual influence, and the more faster woman will lead the macho to discover his femininity. If he can accept it, then the relationship will develop well. If he continues to hide and reject, then as a result he will alienate his chosen one.

Suppose a man loves a woman. At the same time, he himself feels the need for her reciprocal love, shows her tenderness, affection. This behavior is due to the manifestation of his feminine principle. Some men accept this and do not see anything strange and shameful in their behavior. For others, tenderness, affection, the need for another person are signs of weakness that cannot be given to a man. Therefore, they need to be suppressed. This is precisely the rejection of one's own personal growth and the achievement of inner harmony.

Often the reasons for such an attitude to such things lie in childhood, when the boy watched the behavior of his father, who criticized his mother. If the father disdained the woman’s emotionality, her feelings and their manifestations, then the boy on a subconscious level perceives all these phenomena as shameful things, weakness, worthlessness. A similar situation occurs if the father himself was stingy with emotions and expressions of feelings, and also always repeated that "men do not cry."

With similar subconscious attitudes many boys have to deal with it many times throughout their childhood. In adulthood, when a man falls in love and feels the awakening of tender feelings, these attitudes begin to work with a vengeance, not allowing him to merge and achieve harmony with the feminine principle.

All these processes occur exclusively at the subconscious level, a man cannot understand what exactly happened to him. He resists the awakening of the feminine in him unconsciously. This is manifested by increased anxiety, irritation, the need to show power, teach, show contempt, arrogance, or simply withdraw into oneself. At the same time, the man cannot explain why he does this.

Resistance to the feminine principle pushes the macho to break with his chosen one or to try to remake her. Since a man cannot find the true reasons for his poor inner self-awareness, he concludes that the reason for this lies in his girlfriend. He sees his own feminine qualities in her and treats them just as dismissively.

In order to overcome resistance, macho must learn to respect his own female manifestations, as well as the femininity of his chosen one. He must learn to listen carefully to a woman, to cultivate respect for her. It will help him to admit own feelings and get rid of the harmful attitudes learned in childhood. If he manages to understand what a woman is experiencing, all those qualities that are necessary for building harmonious relationships with the fair sex will wake up in him. A good example for a macho is his mother. He should see how she lives and what tests she goes through for his sake.

Women experience roughly the same feelings. If a martyr falls in love with a man, even though she is stronger, more confident in herself and more equanimous than he, she turns into a weak-willed and willing slave. After meeting with a man, the martyr begins to suppress the masculine principle inherent in her. But this does not happen immediately. At first, she takes over from a man those qualities that she lacks. But then the conviction comes into play that men cannot stand strong women, and the martyr begins to subconsciously resist the unification of her feminine principle with the masculine principle of her chosen one. Probably, even in childhood, she was given guidelines according to which a woman should not be decisive, independent, independent. Her lot is home, husband and obedience. As a rule, the mother serves as a role model, who also played the role of a martyr all her life and suppressed her own masculine characteristics. The father in such a family usually shows a different attitude towards children of different sexes. A woman from childhood gets used to the fact that her place is at home, the only true opinion belongs to a man, and it is simply dangerous for her to act like a man.

After the martyr finds a man, her masculinity is awakened. But childhood attitudes do not allow him to open up. As a result, she becomes more demanding, hot-tempered, touchy in relationships. She transfers her attitude to male characteristics inside herself to a man. As a result, internal resistance is directed outward, and the partner is rejected.

In such a situation, the martyr needs to find the strength to make her own decisions, take responsibility, and also ask for support from her partner.

In relationships, such women constantly make sacrifices and bear the expense of these victims. It is difficult for them to realize the fact that they are able to change the state of affairs, to stop sacrificing themselves. And if you still have to make concessions, they should be voluntary and not cause anger and regret.

Like a martyr, masculine qualities begin to manifest in this type of man the moment he meets a woman suitable for him. Prior to that, it suppresses these characteristics. As the relationship develops, it begins to seem to him that love and decisiveness, closeness and independence, care and rationality are incompatible things. And he again begins to suppress these feelings and qualities in himself.

Again, attitudes toward this behavior appear in childhood. Perhaps he saw that his father's masculinity was more destructive than reliable, more offensive than constructive. As a result, the boy comes to the subconscious conclusion that masculinity is bad, and begins to communicate closer with his mother, thanks to whom he develops his feminine principle.

Such a man, as a rule, becomes attractive to women with a developed masculine beginning. He aspires to them subconsciously, because their qualities will allow him to gain full value. The combination of opposites is exciting. But as soon as the masculinity of a sensitive man wakes up, he begins to resist her. But this resistance is directed not so much inside oneself as on the partner. He defends himself from her, trying to defend himself from own qualities... In relationships, this manifests itself as constant nagging, resentment, deception.

To remedy the situation, a sensitive man must understand that the responsibility for his happiness lies entirely on his shoulders. He should develop determination in himself, a willingness to take a blow.

When making decisions, this type of people should rely more on the arguments of reason, and not on feelings. You should start with simple actions and situations, gradually getting used to independent decisions. It is necessary to learn to support your partner, to give her the feeling of a strong shoulder. The most important thing for a sensitive man is, perhaps, the skill to keep the given word.

To achieve these goals, it will be useful for a sensitive man to spend more time in a male company, to do men's affairs, to take an example from successful representatives of the stronger sex. It is also necessary to correct and display on new level relationships with those men who played in his life important roles: father, teacher, mentor.

An independent woman begins to show her own femininity after meeting with suitable man, in which this beginning is more developed.

In childhood, she learned that sensitivity, emotionality are signs of a weak, weak-willed person, defenseless in front of the outside world. As a result, she can choose the path of a loner in order to hide her femininity and softness, not to put herself in jeopardy. After meeting with a man and awakening her femininity, an independent lady is afraid of the changes that have occurred to her and begins to resist them. This is primarily due to her fear of becoming vulnerable.

Probably, she would like a man with more pronounced masculine qualities to take the place of the chosen one. She thinks that against the background of such a man, she will be able to show her femininity without fear of being at a disadvantage. But in fact, she just needs to listen to herself and allow her feminine to create inner balance. And in this she will be helped by the man in whom female characteristics are more developed. Resistance to internal changes will make her irritable, touchy, selfish, contemptuous of her chosen one.

Childhood attitudes of an independent woman may be the result of the example of a mother who did not realize herself and turned into a victim. In the maternal case, femininity, gentleness, tenderness have transformed beyond recognition, turned into helplessness, uselessness, worthlessness. As a result, an independent woman perceives everything "feminine" as a shameful weakness, stupidity, inadequacy, therefore, with all her might, she stifles in herself all those qualities that could make her attractive and desirable.

In this case, it is necessary to give vent to weakness, not hesitating and not despising it. An independent woman you need to learn to express your feelings correctly and openly. The mother can help to correct this situation. A woman needs to see in her own behavior an example of a mother, to understand that she, too, is worthy of respect and love.

A sense of trust plays a huge role in correctional work. It is very difficult for such a woman to learn to trust, because trust means vulnerability. But learning to trust is necessary.

Practical advice boils down to the regular and honest expression of emotions and feelings, to the ability to be grateful for the support provided. This will help to understand that sensitivity is worthy of respect, like all other feminine characteristics.

At the same time, it is important to cultivate respect not only for weaknesses, but also for your own strengths. After all, the contradiction is caused by an inner fear of the lack of love, an inner lack of confidence in one's own usefulness. All this will allow you to achieve a balance between masculine and feminine principles.

As you can see, many attitudes that lead to an imbalance in a person's internal characteristics are laid down in childhood. But you need to get out of childhood, and for this you need to understand what exactly motivates people.