Features of the development of perception at an early age. Development of perception at an early age. Development of sensory processes in ontogeny

As a result of studying the material in this chapter, the student should:


Characteristics of the cognitive processes of children early age: perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination;

be able to


  • ways to apply the acquired knowledge in practical work;
  • skills of psychodiagnostics, carrying out psychocorrectional and psychological and educational work.

Patterns of development of perception at an early age

Perception at an early age belongs the main role among all mental processes. By the first year of life, the child develops perceptual images and is able to recognize surrounding familiar objects and people, however, perception remains extremely imperfect. The child is not capable of a consistent comprehensive perception of the object, often he singles out any one of the most striking features and, focusing on it, recognizes the object. As the subject actions are mastered, perception becomes more accurate and complete, differential sensitivity is gradually formed, aimed at finely distinguishing the gradations of signs of the same sensory modality.

AT early childhood going on intensive development visual perception. Visual perception is at the stage of specialization, aimed at recognizing surrounding objects and people. The image of an object or a person in a young child is polymodal, it includes a whole set of features related to different sensory systems. This is especially necessary in the process of recognizing people. Gradually, over two years, the child's memory accumulates necessary set images, which allows you to perform important perceptual operations as initial stage thinking - figurative categorization. Figurative categorization is the discovery common properties a number of items. It is associated with the ability to determine the essential properties in the subject, indicating its substantive and practical purpose. At the beginning of early childhood, the child perceives the object inseparably from the situation in which he acts with the object. The object is not isolated from the situation, it is merged with it and with the child himself.

Practical example

Marina E., 1 year 7 months. She easily recognizes the vase of flowers on the table where she just played with her mother. The girl may not recognize the vase transferred to the bedside table, and she does not know why this item is needed. The same vase, placed on a table without flowers, evokes an orienting reaction both to unfamiliar object with whom Marina begins to get acquainted again.

By the end of the third year of life, the child learns through objective activity to single out leading and secondary features in each specific object, which makes it possible to abstract the process of perceiving an object from the situation in which it is located. This is developing essential quality visual perception as the selection of a figure from the background, where all situational and random signs are background. This process of figurative categorization is associated with the development of speech and the formation of a mental operation of generalization.

Figurative categorization is necessary for the formation sensory standards as critical components development of perception in young children. To accessible for the development of the child in given age sensory standards include primarily shape, size and color. Visual orienting actions as the basis for the perception of objects are formed in the process of objective actions. The features of the visual images that exist in the child are mainly determined precisely by this. In particular, when performing actions with objects, the child needs to single out and take into account those sensory features that are of particular practical importance - this is, first of all, the shape and size. Perception of color is somewhat more difficult because it does not have much effect on the performance of actions. Color is not yet a feature that determines the recognition of an object.

Initially, when perceiving, the child uses external orienting actions, the nature of which changes significantly when a measure is used to select the necessary ratio of objects according to a feature. Gradually, from external orienting actions, the child moves to visual orientation in the properties of the object., it highlights a certain detail or property by eye without practical trials. From about two lay down, the child can, on the basis of visual perception from two different items choose an object that matches the sample (first in shape and size, then in color). Already in the second year of life, children correctly choose a figure according to the model of such pairs: a square and a semicircle, a rectangle and a triangle.

Children hardly master the relativity of assessing the size of objects and perceive it in an undifferentiated way, i.e. focus only on the total volume of the object, without highlighting its length, width, height. Mass perception is carried out on the basis of the interconnected work of the visual, tactile and motor analyzers in the process of the child's practical activity with objects. In the second year of life, a child is already able to perceive the mass of an object, but his perception is local and weakly differentiated: "heaviness" is associated with the object itself, inseparable from it. There is already an elementary ability to distinguish objects by mass, but these differences in the word have not yet been fixed (children denote differences in the mass of objects with the words big - small).

Through auditory perception, the child captures current sound events, finds the source of the sound, and responds to changes in the sound environment. Auditory sensitivity is improved under the influence of not only speech perception (impressive speech), but also speech utterance (expressive speech). It is known that the differential sensitivity of an adult's hearing is maximum in the region of speech frequencies, that is, in that part of the spectrum that is most pronounced in the speech signals of a given language. For the Russian language, the maximum differential sensitivity should be maximum in the frequency range from 1.0 to 4.0 Hz. Despite the fact that the infant's hearing is sharpened in a higher frequency region, by the end of the third year, its frequency properties make it possible to recognize speech in Russian. Hence, speech development child younger age contributes to the formation of the properties of the auditory analyzer, adequate to the acoustic features of the mastered speech. According to psycholinguists, underdevelopment differential and absolute auditory sensitivity is the cause of significant phonetic and phonological disorders of expressive speech, speech therapy disorders of varying severity.

The development of space perception continues, which is based on the functioning of the tertiary zones of the cerebral cortex, or "overlapping zones", which combine the work of the visual, tactile-kinesthetic and vestibular analyzers. Mastering walking significantly expands the practical development of space. Moving on his own, the child masters the distance of one object to another, makes attempts to measure the distance. Walking is associated with the emergence of a sense of balance, acceleration or deceleration of movement, which are combined with visual sensations. The child's practical mastering of space in the process of movement functionally transforms the entire structure of his spatial perception. Accumulation practical experience mastering the space allows you to gradually master the meaning of the words that summarize this experience. However, the main role in the cognition of spatial relations at an early age is still played by direct life experience, accumulated in various types of activity.

Practical example

Olya G., 2 years 11 months The girl can fold a picture cut into four parts, fold an image from cubes, understands the meaning of several prepositions of spatial location ("in", "on", "under", "behind"), knows the preposition of the direction of movement ("to", "from" etc.), can fold a picture of a person cut into several parts, focusing on a whole picture-sample.

A particular difficulty for children is the perception of time, since time does not have a visual form, it is characterized by fluidity, irreversibility, its perception is subjective, depends on the mental state at the time of its perception, and is personal in general. Young children are oriented in time mainly through timeless qualitative signs, taking into account consistently, systematically changing events, actions, regime moments(breakfast, lunch, walk, going to bed, etc.). This often leads them to errors in time orientation. Of the parts of the day, children most correctly and easily determine night and morning, it is somewhat more difficult to distinguish evening and day. Knowing different time intervals, children experience difficulties in their differentiation. More developed and earlier formed at an early age is the idea of ​​the present time, the idea of ​​the past and future is indefinite. Formation

The elementary concept of the future tense begins most often in the third year of life, when the words "I will", "later", "after", "tomorrow" begin to appear in the child's active speech. However, orientation in the future tense causes significant difficulties for children for a long time. Their perception of time develops gradually on the basis of experiencing and feeling the duration of time intervals, the formation of knowledge of time standards, the improvement of the ability to evaluate time intervals without a clock, only on the basis of a sense of time.

Thus, the development various kinds perception is carried out on the basis of the maturation of analyzers, the improvement of the child's orientation in the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world, the acquisition of sensory experience. The child masters perceptual actions, which at the first stage are excessively developed, and then gradually curtail due to the internalization of individual operations. It becomes possible figurative categorization, the definition in the subject of essential properties that determine its subject and practical purpose. A new type of external orienting actions appears - trying on, and later visual correlation of objects according to their characteristics. The accuracy and speed of the perceptual action is increased. Ideas about the properties of objects are mastered, which depends on their significance in the practical activities of the child. Important role in sensory development children belongs to an adult, who introduces them to various characteristics and signs of things in specific practical actions, helps them master the system of sensory standards developed by mankind.

Action and perception are the vehicles through which the child learns everything that surrounds him. These processes allow the child to become a full-fledged participant from an observer of the world around him. Starting from 2-3 years old, children's perception enters the stage of the most intensive development.

Perception of the world in preschool age

Preschoolers are attracted bright objects, melodic or original sounds, emotional situations. They perceive surrounding reality involuntarily, directing their attention to what attracts them more.

A child, seeing an object, is able to evaluate the functions known to him, intuitively analyze his experience and understand what he sees, hears or feels. Small luggage life experience helps to understand what kind of sensation it is, to recognize an object, sound or smell.

The development of perception in children before school age allows them to move to the next step, when they learn to purposefully study objects, determine their characteristics, and perceive individual properties in a differentiated way.

What is a child's perception

For a few preschool years the child goes from direct perception of an object with the help of touch to the ability to isolate essential features and form a generalized idea of ​​​​objects.

The function of cognition works as follows: perception arises as a reflection of a phenomenon or object with the help of sight, hearing or touch.

Perception or perception is the process of receiving and transforming information with the help of the senses, thanks to which a person develops a picture of the real world.

The perception mechanism can be briefly described as follows:

  • The surrounding world consists of many signals: these are sounds, colors, pictures, tangible objects;
  • Inhaling the smell or touching a sheet of paper, the baby evaluates the object using one of the senses;
  • This information goes to the brain, where the sensation is born;
  • Sensations add up to a complex “picture”, forming perception.

Perception is also affected by prior experience. The sense organs help the child to reduce information processing where he sees a familiar environment. Having once got an idea of ​​​​a toy bunny, he will not need to feel or taste it again.

Perception is the basis for the further formation of cognitive functions necessary for full development, successful study.

Formation of sensation and perception processes

From birth, the child has the so-called " sensory perception". Smells, tactile sensations, noise reach his brain, only the baby does not yet know how to use these signals. In the first years of life, children master objective activity and accumulate information about the properties of objects, as a result of which sensory standards are formed.

From three summer age perception gradually becomes accurate and meaningful. Higher analyzers develop - visual and auditory.

The child cannot yet comprehensively analyze an object or phenomenon, but he grasps the most noticeable signs, involuntarily comparing them with standards and drawing conclusions.

From general idea about the items in junior preschooler moves on to more complex forms of interpretation. With the active support of adults, the characteristics of sensations change, the child manages to realize that the shape, color, material, size are more abstract characteristics and are not tied to a specific object.

By the senior preschool age, the child gets acquainted with the basic figures of geometry, highlights all the colors, learns to determine the size of objects. He also understands that there is time in the world - morning always turns into day, and then is replaced by night. Awareness of space is an achievement - you need to walk to the park from the house, and the houses and trees stretch upwards.

The importance of the development of perception in preschool age lies in the fact that with its limited functioning, the development of speech, thinking, and imagination will be significantly hampered. The cognitive process becomes a necessary assistant for the manifestation of various types of thinking, the ability to speak figuratively and come up with vivid stories.

Types of perception in preschoolers based on perceptual systems

The main types of perception in preschoolers are based on various analyzers:

  • Visual, allowing you to visually evaluate all the properties of an object;
  • Auditory, helping to learn speech, recognize the native language, feel the sounds of nature, hear music;
  • Tactile, providing knowledge of the object with the help of touch.


With the help of hearing, the child learns to recognize the sounds of his native language, words and syllables. If in infancy the perception of speech is based on the rhythmic and melodic structure of words and sentences, then at the age of 1 year the formation of phonemic hearing begins. It takes another year for the baby to take shape in the acceptance of all the sounds of the native language and the formation of speech begins.

The development of this form of perception is most effective when walking, when the baby listens to the noise of the street, birdsong, the sound of rain, steps. An excellent exercise is an offer to close your eyes and try to understand from which side the bird is singing, whether a car is driving far or close.


Leading in preschool. The ability to read, to see the beauty of the world, to assess the danger depends on it. Its leading role is justified by the fact that vision allows you to capture the attention of the entire object as a whole, as well as see the details.

Visual cues come before the preschooler touches or tastes the object. In addition, inspection of the object is much safer than other methods of research.

Only at an early age, when the baby begins to comprehend the surrounding reality, his "eyes" are hands. But at this stage, parents make sure that the child is in a protected space and only safe objects are in his hands.

According to statistics, the number of visuals (who prefer visual perception) prevails in the world, so the development of this species requires special attention. The task of an adult at preschool age is to sharpen the visual perception of the child, and also to help him expand the range of perceived details.

With preschoolers, you need to draw more, study pictures and illustrations. It is these children who enthusiastically engage in applique, collect puzzles and mosaics, continuing to develop visual sensations.


Tactile or kinesthetic perception is directly related to touch. Younger preschoolers still trust their hands more when familiarizing themselves with a new subject. Therefore, they so insistently ask to give them something that interests them. .

Games with materials of various structures, modeling, natural substancesgreat way develop a sense of touch. With eyes closed Children love to roll foil balls and smooth them out. Great joy is the exercise to determine the bulk material in the cup. Eyes, of course, must also be blindfolded.

Features of perception in younger preschoolers

In early preschool age, perception is characterized by the following features:

  • The inseparability of a property from an object. A big fluffy tiger in a zoo would be called a kitty.
  • When studying objects, the brightest, most memorable detail stands out. That's why wide hat witches in the picture turns all the elegant old ladies on the street into evil witches.
  • A sharp change in the familiar surroundings around a familiar object prevents the baby from recognizing it. Mom and dad in ball gowns become strangers.

Such specificity is typical for children of 3-4 years of age, in the future perception will become more differentiated, separate functions will be distinguished, the whole will be divided into particulars.

Perception of space by children 3-4 years old

The complexity of understanding space lies in the inability to touch, smell and see it. The first step is the identification of the "close" space, that is, the surrounding world at a distance outstretched hand with a toy.

In the future, the younger preschooler begins to realize the concepts of "far-close", but they are not accurate. Small statues on the bridge may look like dolls, and the child may well ask the mother to get one of them.

According to research, in order for a preschooler to begin to perceive space correctly, he must first assess own body in this world. Learn to distinguish and name hands and feet, understand which parts of the body are paired. Additional way to master the concept of space - permanent job adult, aimed at indicating the direction. The more often the words sound: “right”, “left”, “side”, “ahead”, “above”, the easier for the baby will master orientation in space.

The next stage is tasks for comparing length, width and height. Over time, the baby begins to solve such tasks “by eye”, demonstrating an understanding of what space is and how people and objects are located in it.

Color perception

The difference in colors is available to the baby from an early age. Now we are not talking about the finest shades, but he highlights the main tones of the spectrum.

At 3-4 years old, a preschooler clearly distinguishes 4 primary colors:

  • Red;
  • Yellow;
  • Blue;
  • Green.

This aspect is related to age feature to see the main thing, discarding the insignificant, that is, incomprehensible and unknown shades. Data, reference shades are acquired casually, without special training. But in order for the baby not to suffer from the “poverty” of color perception, he needs to name and show the names of the remaining tones and shades.

Children tend to replace color with the concepts of “beautiful” and “ugly”, resulting in pictures where the shades of objects do not correspond much to reality. In that age period colors are discarded as an insignificant factor, the form becomes the basis.

Therefore, the development of color perception should consist of exercises where the simplest tasks to add up an elementary color figure change to more complex ones.

Features of perception in older preschoolers

Senior preschool age marked by the presence of formed spatial representations. The child is well oriented in space, perceives distances and relationships between objects, is able to visually model part of a particular room. He is also able to build a model of the plot of a story or fairy tale.

The future student is already able to evaluate such an abstract concept as time, as well as to see the world in terms of aesthetics. It is these two areas that require the most attention.

The main features of perception in children of senior preschool age are the awareness of the combination of space and time. However, the inability to hear or touch these quantities leads to their long-term recognition.

A child of 5-6 years old is able to remember time intervals: yesterday, today, tomorrow, a minute, an hour, but there are no skills in using these concepts. The peculiarity of the perception of time is due to the fact that the child does not have the opportunity to manipulate it in a directed way, and the terms are just words that do not have a visual expression.

At this age, the temporal indicators of the sequence of events are still poorly differentiated - yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. The future tense is already realized, but the past causes difficulty. Preschoolers are happy to say what they will be when they grow up, what they will have, what they will do. Their past is perceived discretely and emerges in images of remembered events.

Adults will help the child to perceive small periods of time if they correlate his activity with the time interval: draw a house with a garden in 10 minutes, sit down at the table after 3 minutes, brush your teeth for 1 minute.

Aesthetic perception

On the other hand, aesthetic perception flourishes in a “luxurious color”. At the senior preschool age, every child is a creator. Children sculpt, draw, design, these activities help them to better understand the world.

Considerable merit in this activity belongs to visual perception. The older preschooler learns to holistically inspect objects, tracing the contour and isolating the details.

This information becomes a model that the child is guided by in his drawing and modeling.

If the judgments of a five-year-old child about aesthetics are determined by appearance, and objects are evaluated according to the principle “like - dislike”, then at 6-7 years old a preschooler pays attention to artistic composition, for color matching. For example, in a painting, he is already able to capture the characteristics that do not lie on the surface, which the artist has invested in the content.

The task of parents and educators is not just to inform the child about the beauty of this or that object. It is important to explain in clear words what exactly provides the aesthetics of the phenomenon, the relationship between individual features and a holistic result.

Regular classes of this nature help to cultivate a sense of beauty in little man. He will learn to see beauty in the sound of drops on glass or falling leaves.

Ways to develop the perception of preschoolers

At preschool age - the game. It is in this form the best way is training children and developing the necessary functions.

In didactics, there are many games for the development of perception that will help parents or caregivers to deal with the child:

  • Droplets - teaches how to combine objects based on a color criterion. When completing the task, it is necessary to fold the mugs of the corresponding shades in the container.
  • Umbrellas - form an understanding of the shape and color of objects. To play, you need 4 umbrellas of primary colors and cardboard geometric figures. The teacher reports that it started to rain, it is urgent to hide the circles and triangles under umbrellas of different colors.
  • Pouch of Secrets - allows you to identify an item based on tactile sensations. The opaque bag is filled with toys. The child, without looking, must describe what has fallen into his hand.

Similar games are held to develop the ability to recognize an object or object by smell or sound.

Regular classes on the development of perception in preschoolers will ensure the further formation of a holistic, moral personality. Such a person is most likely to have an out-of-the-box thinking, high level creativity.

Among all mental processes, the main role at an early age belongs to perception. The behavior and consciousness of children of this age are entirely determined by perception. Thus, memory at an early age exists in the form of recognition, that is, the perception of familiar objects. The thinking of a child under 3 years of age is predominantly direct in nature - the child establishes connections between perceived objects. He can only be attentive to what is in his field of perception. All experiences of the child are also focused on perceived objects and phenomena. According to L. S. Vygotsky, “... all the functions of this age go around perception, through perception and with the help of perception ... not a single function experiences such a magnificent flowering at an early age as the function of perception.” This puts perception in extremely favorable conditions for development. Consider the main features of the development of perception at an early age.

Even though towards the end infancy the child develops perceptual images and easily recognizes surrounding familiar objects and people, perception remains extremely imperfect. one year old baby unable to consistently and systematically consider the subject. As a rule, he snatches out any one sign and reacts only to it, by which he identifies various objects.

Visual orienting actions, with the help of which the child perceives objects, have developed in the process of grasping and manipulating, which largely determines the child's existing visual images. Since actions are aimed at such properties of objects as shape and size, it is these signs that are the main ones for the child. Color at the beginning of early childhood is of no importance for the recognition of objects. The kid recognizes colored and uncolored images in the same way, as well as images painted in the most unusual colors. It focuses only on the form, on the general contour of the images. This does not mean that the child does not distinguish colors. Recall that the distinction and preference for certain colors is already in the first months of life. However, color has not yet become a feature that characterizes an object, and does not determine its recognition.

The development of perception at an early age occurs within the framework of substantive activity and in connection with mastering new actions. Special meaning have actions that are called correlative. These are actions with two or more objects, in which it is necessary to take into account and correlate the properties of different objects - their shape, size, hardness, location, etc. Already at the end of infancy, children begin to perform actions with two objects - they string, put one on top of the other, add and etc. But in these actions the baby does not yet take into account the properties of objects - he does not choose and does not pick up necessary items according to their shape and size, does not attempt to arrange them in a particular order. Correlative actions, which begin to be assimilated at an early age, already require such consideration. It is characteristic that most toys intended for young children (pyramids, simple cubes, inserts, matryoshkas), suggest precisely correlating actions. When the child tries to carry out such an action, he picks up and connects objects or their parts in accordance with their shape, size, color, in order to give them a relative position in space. So, to fold the pyramid, you need to take into account the ratio of the rings in size. When assembling a nesting doll, you need to select halves of the same size and perform actions in a certain order - first collect the smallest one, and then put it into the largest one.

These actions should be regulated and guided by the result that you want to get - a finished pyramid or nesting doll. But the child still can't imagine finished result and submit your actions to him. This requires the help of an adult, a kind of training. Correlating actions can be performed different ways, depending on how the adult teaches them. If a child simply imitates an adult, i.e., performs the same actions with the same objects, he can get a result only in the presence and direct demonstration of an adult. Therefore, it is important that the child learns to single out the necessary properties of objects himself, so that he himself selects and connects parts into necessary order. Initially, the baby can perform these actions only through practical tests, because he still does not know how to visually compare the size and shape of objects. For example, when putting the bottom half of a matryoshka to the top, he discovers that it does not fit, and begins to try another. Sometimes he tries to achieve a result by force - to squeeze in unsuitable parts, but soon becomes convinced of the failure of these attempts and proceeds to trying on and trying out different parts until you find the part you need. Here, the toys themselves seem to suggest which part is suitable, which is why they are called autodidactic (or self-learning). With the help of external orienting actions, the child sooner or later receives desired result. From external orienting actions, the baby moves to the visual correlation of the properties of objects. A new type of visual perception is being formed, when the property of one object turns into a model, a measure for measuring the properties of others. For example, the size of one ring of the pyramid becomes a measure for the rest. This ability is manifested in the fact that the child, performing objective actions, switches to visual orientation - he selects the necessary details by eye and performs the correct action immediately, without preliminary practical tests.

At the age of 2-2.5 years, visual selection according to a model becomes available for a child, when from two objects of different shapes or sizes, he can, at the request of an adult, pick up one like a sample. It should be emphasized that visual choice according to the model is much more difficult task than simple recognition or trying on. And first, children choose objects that are the same in shape, then in size, and only then - in color. This means that new actions of perception are formed initially for those properties that are directly involved in practical objective actions, and only then are transferred to other, less essential properties. It is significant that young children are not able to choose correctly according to the model if they are offered not two, but several objects, or if the objects have complex shape and are made up of many parts.

Perception at an early age is closely related to objective actions. The child can accurately determine the shape, size or color of an object, if it is necessary to perform the necessary and accessible action. In other cases, perception can be very vague and inaccurate. Moreover, the child may not notice certain properties at all if their consideration is required to perform an action that is too complicated for him. So, starting to draw, the child does not seem to notice the color of the image and uses any pencils, or, when building according to the model, he takes cubes of any color, although he already knows how to distinguish the primary colors.

In the third year of life, permanent samples for comparison appear - these are objects that are well known to the child and have a pronounced shape. Such samples can be not only actually perceived objects, but also ideas about them. For example, items triangular shape the child defines “like a house”, and round objects “like a ball”. This suggests that the child already has ideas about the properties of things and these ideas are assigned to specific objects. The formation of ideas about the properties of objects depends on the extent to which the child in his objective actions masters visual orientation. To enrich the child's ideas about the properties of objects, it is necessary that he gets acquainted with the various characteristics and signs of things in specific practical actions. A rich and varied sensory environment, with which the baby actively operates, is the most important prerequisite for the formation of an internal plan of action and mental development.

Among all mental processes, the main role at an early age belongs to perception. The behavior and consciousness of children of this age are entirely determined by perception. Thus, memory at an early age exists in the form of recognition, that is, the perception of familiar objects. The thinking of a child under 3 years of age is predominantly direct in nature - the child establishes connections between perceived objects. He can only be attentive to what is in the ᴇᴦο field of perception. All experiences of the child are also focused on perceived objects and phenomena. According to L. S. Vygotsky, ʼʼ... all the functions of this age go around perception, through perception and with the help of perception... not a single function experiences such a magnificent flowering at an early age as the function of perceptionʼʼ. This puts perception in extremely favorable conditions for development. Consider the main features of the development of perception at an early age.

Despite the fact that by the end of infancy, the child develops perceptual images and he easily recognizes familiar objects and people around him, perception remains extremely imperfect. A one-year-old child is not able to consistently and systematically consider the subject. As a rule, he snatches out any one sign and reacts only to it, by which he identifies various objects.

Visual orienting actions, with the help of which the child perceives objects, have developed in the process of grasping and manipulating, which largely determines the child's visual images. Since actions are aimed at such properties of objects as shape and size , It is these signs that are the main ones for the child. Color at the beginning of early childhood is of no importance for the recognition of objects. The kid recognizes painted and uncolored images in the same way, as well as images painted in the most unusual colors. It focuses only on the form, on the general contour of the images. This does not mean that the child does not distinguish colors. Recall that the distinction and preference for certain colors is already in the first months of life. However, color has not yet become a feature that characterizes an object, and does not determine ᴇᴦο recognition.

The development of perception at an early age occurs within the framework of objective activity and in connection with the mastery of new actions. Of particular importance are actions that are called correlating . These are actions with two or more objects, in which it is necessary to take into account and correlate the properties of different objects - their shape, size, hardness, location, etc.
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Already at the end of infancy, children begin to perform actions with two objects - they string, put one on top of the other, fold, etc.
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But in these actions, the baby does not yet take into account the properties of objects - he does not select and select the necessary objects in accordance with their shape and size, does not try to arrange them in a certain order. Correlative actions, which begin to be assimilated at an early age, already require such consideration. It is characteristic that most of the toys intended for young children (pyramids, simple cubes, inserts, nesting dolls) involve precisely correlating actions. When the child tries to carry out such an action, he picks up and connects objects or their parts in accordance with their shape, size, color, in order to give them a relative position in space. So, to fold the pyramid, you need to take into account the ratio of the rings in size. When assembling a nesting doll, you need to select halves of the same size and perform actions in a certain order - first collect the smallest one, and then put it into the largest one.


The article discusses the development of the process of perception at an early age, as a leading mental function, on the basis of which such mental functions as memory, attention, thinking and imagination develop. Attention is paid to the use of different types of visual material in solving this problem. The relevance of the study is due to the most favorable period development of perception at an early age. The results of diagnostics were analyzed to determine the level of development of perception in young children. For diagnostics, the methods of E.B. Volosova. An analysis of color perception shows that 20% of preschoolers completed the task, 50% of preschoolers middle level development of perception, and the remaining 30% low level development of perception. Analysis of form perception shows that only 20% of preschoolers have a high level of perception development, 40% of preschoolers have an average level of form perception development, and the remaining 40% have a low level of form perception development. Analysis of the perception of magnitude shows that the development indicators are the same as those of the analysis of the development of perception of the form. 20% have a high level, 40% have an average level, and the remaining 40% have a low level of development of perception of the size of objects. It was revealed that the perception of form in children is at a low level. Perceptions of magnitude were found at both low and medium levels. The author offers a set of games and exercises aimed at developing different types of perception in young children: perception of form, perception of size, color perception. TBA visual material for each game and exercise.


child development

early age


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Perception in early childhood is the leading mental function, on the basis of which such mental functions as memory, attention, thinking and imagination develop.
Among all mental processes, the main role at an early age belongs to perception. The child establishes connections between perceived objects. He can only be attentive to what is in his field of perception. All experiences of the child are also focused on perceived objects and phenomena. This puts perception in extremely favorable conditions for development. The perception of the child is formed in the process of development of a specific activity of the child.

Psychologists divide the development of perception in children into three periods (early age, preschool and younger preschool age). All these stages are important for the formation of personality. In the future, with the development of perception, people not only learn to use their feelings, but also create logical chains based on them.

The problems of the development of perception are reflected in numerous studies of domestic and foreign scientists, such as J. Piaget, L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Davydov, D. Locke, J. Zh. Russo, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin, N. N. Poddyakov and others.

As L. A. Wenger’s research shows, at an early age, the assimilation of sensory standards of color, shape, size occurs, due to which the process of perception of reality begins to acquire an indirect character.

Throughout childhood, the child begins to more accurately assess the color and shape of surrounding objects, their weight, size, temperature, surface properties, etc. Perception, like sensation, is primarily associated with the analyzer apparatus through which the world affects a person and his nervous system. Perception is a collection of sensations. Due to the fact that perception plays huge role in a person's life, it is important to study it from an early age, when this cognitive mental process is just starting to form.

Shapovalenko I.V. believes that for best development ability of perception at an early age, it is necessary to perform objective actions that require taking into account the properties of objects. These include correlative and instrumental actions aimed at selecting objects by shape, size, color and location in space, as well as visual actions proper, which are aimed primarily at the shape and size of objects.

Because perception plays such a huge role in a child's life, we conducted a study of perception in young children. This study was conducted in MDOU D / s No. 130 of the combined type of the city of Magnitogorsk.

The study involved 10 pupils, consisting of 5 boys and 5 girls aged 2.5-3 years. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of development of perception in young children.

The study was conducted using the methods of E.B. Volosova.

  1. Find the same test.

Purpose: determining the degree of orientation of the child in the seven colors of the spectrum, finding a sample, at the request of an adult.

  1. Fun box test.

Purpose: to determine the orientation of the child in the configuration of three-dimensional geometric shapes.

  1. Pyramid test.

Purpose: To determine the child's ability to assemble a pyramid of 4-5 rings according to the drawing (in descending order of size).

The results were evaluated in a point system.

High level - 3 points - the child immediately began to cooperate with an adult, understands the task and finds a way to complete it.

The average level - 2 points - the child began to cooperate with an adult, accepts and understands the purpose of the task, but does not complete the task on his own, acts adequately during diagnostic training, and then proceeds to independent task completion.

Low - 1 point - the child does not cooperate with an adult and behaves inappropriately in relation to the task, does not understand its purpose.

Color is important property objects of the surrounding world. Color cannot be selected practical way, in the course of actions with objects, such as shape or size. In addition, color does not always affect the essence of objects, their function. However, this property, which primarily attracts attention, allows you to select an object among others and remember it. Babies' introduction to color begins with the four primary colors: red, yellow, green, and blue. Only after the children learn to easily recognize and distinguish these colors, as well as to name them, are white, black, orange and purple presented to them.

As a result of diagnosis No. 1, we see that children do not all cope with the task in the same way. Some of them very quickly understood this task and coped with it, apparently, they have performed it many times before with their parents or with a teacher in kindergarten. Other children found it difficult to complete the task, but after some help they managed to complete the task correctly. The rest of the children, even after help, found it difficult to complete the task or refused it altogether. Some children were confused about the colors, naming red as blue and blue as green, and some did not name colors at all. Based on the results of this study, we see that 20% of the subjects have a high level, 50% have an average level, and the remaining 30% have a low level of color perception development.

The shape is the outer contour, appearance subject. All material objects of the surrounding world have one or another external visible form, which can be simple or complex, i.e., consists of several simple forms. And the form can be just as recognizable, close to the standard and original.

First, children are introduced to simple figures: circle and square; help them compare figures (a circle is smooth, even, and a square has sides and corners): it is shown how to trace the contours of figures with a finger. Once the children have mastered these shapes, they are introduced to the triangle, rectangle, and oval.

In Diagnosis No. 2, we see that, as in the previous diagnosis, not all children cope with the task in the same way. At the beginning of the exercise, the children behave animatedly, they like the task. However, not everyone succeeds on the first attempt to get into the right hole. Some of them spend less time on the task, others - more, as a result, not everyone copes with the task. Based on the results of the above methodology, we see that only 20% of the subjects have a high level, 40% have an average level of development, and the remaining 40% have a low level of form perception development.

The value is an important property of objects (size, volume, length), measured by the eye by comparison with other objects or using special tools in the metric system of measures, units of volume, etc. The sign of the value is relative when compared by eye, that is, the result of the comparison depends on which object the other object is compared. One and the same object, in comparison with another object, may seem large and small. Acquaintance of young children with the value occurs during classes aimed at comparing objects.

When conducting diagnostic No. 3, we see that the task was to the liking of the children. They enthusiastically dismantled and assembled the pyramid. The rings were collected in different orders, not taking into account the descending order. Everyone coped with the task in different ways, even after repeated showings. As a result of this study, we see that 20% of the subjects have a high level, 40% have an average level, and the remaining 40% have a low level of perception of magnitude.

As a result of the data obtained, it can be concluded that the development of color perception in the tested children is greater at the average level.

The development of form perception in children is at a low level, since half of the subjects have a low level.

The development of the perception of magnitude is observed in children at a low and medium level.

When comparing the results of all three methods, we see that almost all tested children have a low and medium level of development of perception, and only 20% of the subjects have a high level of development. It can be seen from the experiment that in children at an early age, the average and low levels of perception development are most prevalent.

Taking into account the diagnostic results, we selected didactic games for the development of different types of perception. For games and exercises, it is important to use actions with objects that develop not only movements, but also perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech of the child. For educational games with kids, you need to use various composite toys (inserts, pyramids, cubes, etc.), which require the correlation of the properties of several parts. In some cases, you will need two identical items, one for display and sample, the other for reproduction. right action with him. When the game ends, you need to fold and remove toys or aids, in order to avoid getting used to things and objects that are constantly in front of your eyes.

It is necessary to conduct didactic games and exercises systematically, taking into account different types of perception.

  1. For the development of color perception, learning to compare colors according to the principle “this is not this”; using the ability to compare colors in practice; To get acquainted with the names of colors, you can play the following games:

- "Build a tower!". The game requires cubes of the same size. contrasting colors- 3-4 cubes of each color;

- "Find the ring!". To play, you need a wooden pyramid with rings of primary colors (2 rings of each color);

- "Multicolor Pyramid". A toy is used in which rods arranged in a row are put on colorful balls or rings.

  1. Games aimed at developing the perception of the form:

-"Mail". A plastic or wooden box with slots of various shapes is used, as well as three-dimensional geometric shapes corresponding to the slots of the box;

-"Sorting". The teacher prepares a base with rods of various shapes, on which figures with slots of the appropriate shape are put on;

- Cover for the box. A set of boxes with lids is selected different forms: square, round, rectangular, oval, polygonal (these can be carton boxes from under sweets);

- Sorting figures. Children are invited to sort cardboard geometric figures in form. First, figures are offered for sorting, which differ only in shape, and then they are the same in size and color.

  1. Games for the development of the perception of magnitude:

- "Hide the ball in the palm of your hand!". Two balls are offered for the game - one is small, which fits in the palm of your hand, and the other is larger;

- Build a tower. Multi-colored containers of different sizes are needed, which, on the one hand, can be put into each other, and on the other hand, turn them over and build a turret out of them;

- "Matryoshka". This is a wooden collapsible doll, which may consist of different quantity parts - "sisters", which are disassembled and assembled, are invested one into the other. Use 3-5-piece nesting dolls in classes with kids;

- "Get in line!" In this game, you can use a special toy - a board with a number of recesses and figures of decreasing size, as well as other toys (for example, a nesting doll) and suitable objects (for example, food cans) or figures (for example, cardboard circles of various sizes;

- "Make a series of figures!". For the game, figures of different sizes are needed, which the child needs to arrange in a row - from the largest to the smallest, or vice versa ”;

- Sort by size. For the game, cards with images of large and small objects and two boxes are used - large and small.

The proposed set of games will help the teacher develop in children different types perception in relation to age.

Each period has its own methods of developing perception. After all, each period coincides with the beginning of a new stage personal growth child. The ability to perceive information, unlike the ability to do so, is not innate. Having been born, the child learns to do this. He sees objects, hears certain sounds, feels touches and smells. This indicates the formation of the mechanism of perception. The problem is that the child can't use it - he doesn't know how to do it. The value of the process of perception cannot be overestimated. It is the basis of human knowledge, the basis for its further development. The knowledge of the world begins with perception, which implies the inclusion in the work of other mental operations: attention, thinking and memory. That is why it is so important to know its features of development and to be interested in this development.

Bibliographic link

Pylaeva R.N. FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF PERCEPTION IN CHILDREN OF EARLY AGE // International student scientific bulletin. – 2017. – № 6.;
URL: http://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=17983 (date of access: 02/28/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"