Methodological features of preparing and conducting interviews in the first junior group. Riddles used in the work on the project. Methodological techniques for organizing a conversation

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1 THEMATIC WEEK "WHAT DOES THE AUTUMN BRING TO US? VEGETABLES" Cognitive development Conversation about vegetables in the younger group THEMATIC WEEK "WHAT DOES AUTUMN BRING TO US? VEGETABLES" 2 younger group Appendix to calendar plan in the 2nd junior group, September, week 2 Website - The teacher brings in a picture with a picture of a vegetable garden and invites the children to consider. The guys in the picture draw a vegetable garden. What grows in the garden? Children list (tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes) Educator: right, in a word, these are vegetables. Vegetables grow on the beds, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, you need to take care of them, water them regularly and pull out the weeds. Let's get acquainted with vegetables? But before we continue our work, let's spend a little physical education. Guys, go to the middle of the group. Educator: Our physical education is called "Vegetable Garden". Our vegetable garden is in order, We dug up the beds in the spring (imitation of work with a shovel) We weeded the garden (slopes, reach the floor with your hands) We watered the garden (show how we watered) In the small holes We planted cabbage (squat down, grab our knees ) Summer all she was getting fat, Growing in breadth and upward (slowly rise) And now she is cramped poor Says: "Move away!" (stamp your foot at the end of the phrase) Now let's lay out the pictures with vegetables and

2 let's see what kind of vegetable garden we got (children call vegetables in the pictures). Guys, I invite you to guess riddles about vegetables, listen carefully and guess. The grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats, who undresses him sheds tears. - Children (bow) The girl is sitting in the dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. - Children (carrots) What a creak? What a crunch? What else is this bush? How to be without crunch, If I am Children (cabbage) Educator: well done guys, and now let's play? The game is called "Harvesting" On the floor, vegetables are mixed with fruits, your task is to arrange vegetables in one vase and fruits in another. This must be done as quickly as possible. (a funny melody sounds) Educator: well done guys put everything right! Do you want our vegetables to be preserved in winter? To do this, they must be preserved in banks. Sit down quickly at the tables and fill the jars with vegetables. Guys, what vegetables are we going to preserve? - Children (tomatoes and cucumbers) What kind of tomato? (round, juicy, red) What kind of cucumber? (green, long, fresh) At the end, the children look at their work. Guys today we met with various vegetables and I would like to read you a poem: To be healthy, strong. You have to love vegetables. All without exception All without exception There is no doubt about it! There is also a taste in each of them And I do not presume to decide: Which of them is tastier, Which of them is more important! Speech development Didactic games on the topic "Vegetables" 1. "Wonderful bag" Purpose: fix the names of vegetables, their colors. Equipment: bag, natural vegetables or dummies. Move. Before the game, the child is introduced to vegetables and their properties. The kid takes out one by one from " wonderful bag»Vegetables, calls them. Then he answers the questions of an adult about the color, shape, size of vegetables. If a child finds it difficult, an adult helps him. 2. "Riddles of the Hare" Purpose: to teach to identify a subject by its characteristics, to activate the dictionary on the topic. Equipment: a toy "Hare", a bag, natural vegetables or dummies. Course: An adult explains to the child that the bunny wants to play with him, make riddles: "The bunny will find some vegetable in the bag and tell you about it, and you have to guess what it is." Rabbits riddles: “Long, red (carrot). Green, long (cucumber). Round, red (tomato) ", etc. 3." One - many "Purpose: to teach how to form the plural of nouns.

3 nouns. Equipment: ball. Move. The adult names the vegetable in the singular and throws the ball to the child. The child calls it plural and returns the ball to the adult. For example: "Cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes, turnips - turnips". 4. "Name it affectionately" Purpose: to teach to form nouns with diminutive-affectionate suffixes. Equipment: object pictures depicting vegetables of large and small size... Move. An adult shows a child a picture depicting a big vegetable, for example, a tomato and asks what it is called. Then he explains, “This tomato is big. And what do you call an affectionately small similar vegetable? " Demonstrates a picture (tomato.) Similarly, other vegetables are considered (cucumber - cucumber, turnip - turnip, carrot - carrot, onion - onion, potato - potato). The non-speaking child is asked: “Show me the tomato. Now show me the tomato. " 5. "What vegetable have you missed?" Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on the topic, development of attention and visual memory... Equipment: toy "Hare", natural vegetables or dummies. Move. An adult shows the child a hare and explains that it is his birthday today. Guests came and brought many gifts. An adult lays out vegetables-gifts in front of a hare, listing them. One vegetable does not name it. The child must guess which one. He names or shows it depending on the level of speech development. 6. "Little boy" Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on the topic, training correct use nouns in the accusative case. Equipment: pictures of vegetables or natural vegetables. Move. The adult asks the child to “prepare” a treat (cabbage soup or salad) for him. The child chooses the right vegetables for the dish, names them. Then he explains how he will prepare this "treat" (take, wash, clean, cut, cook). Poems about vegetables In our garden There are no more beautiful radishes. How juicy, red, round, Do not look that is small. The turnip was also a success, lit up by the yellow sun. Well, is the onion bad, An old man in a hundred clothes? N. Nischeva Rain Clouds roam in the blue sky, The yellow ray of the sun goes out. Red tomato is angry: - Why doesn't the sun burn? Glad a green cucumber: - Wow, I'll finally get drunk. You with clear water, Rain, wash my cheeks. E. Stekvashova

4 Finger game "Lariska has two radishes" Lariska has 2 radishes (bend two fingers) Alyoshka has two potatoes (bend 2 more fingers). Earring - tomboy - Two green cucumbers. (bend our fingers) Vovka has two carrots, and Petka has two tailed radishes. (bend our fingers) The Tale of an ill-mannered mouse There was one ill-mannered Mouse in the forest. In the morning he did not tell anyone " good morning". And in the evening I did not tell anyone." good night". All the animals in the forest are angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. They don't want to play with him. They don't treat him to berries. The Mouse became sad. Early in the morning, the Mouse ran to Masha and says: Masha, Masha! Masha said to the Mouse: In the morning everyone should say “good morning.” And in the evening everyone should say “good night.” And then everyone will be friends with you. The Mouse ran to the hares. He said “good morning” to all the hares. The hares smiled and gave Mouse a carrot. The Mouse ran to the squirrels. He said good morning to all the squirrels. And to dad, and mother, and grandmother, and grandfather, and even the little Squirrel. squirrels, praised the Mouse. For a long time the Mouse ran through the forest. To all the animals, large and small, said “good morning.” The Mouse ran to the Forest Bird. The Forest Bird made a nest at the very top of a tall pine tree. Good morning! The Mouse shouted. And the pine is tall, tall. The Forest Bird does not hear him. Good morning about! the Mouse shouted with all his might. All the same, Forest Bird does not hear him. Nothing to do. The Mouse climbed to the pine tree. It is difficult to climb the Mouse. It clings with its paws to the bark, to the branches. The White Cloud sailed past. Good morning! shouted the Mouse to the White Cloud. Good morning! White Cloud answered softly. The Mouse crawls even higher. The plane flew past. Good morning Airplane! cried the Mouse. Good morning! the Airplane hummed loudly. Finally the Mouse reached the top of the tree. Good morning, Forest Bird! said the Little Mouse. Oh, how long did I get to you! Woodbird laughed: Good night. Mouse! Look, it's already dark. It was already night. It's time for everyone to say good night. The Mouse looked around and the truth is: the sky is completely dark, and there are stars in the sky. Well then, good night, Forest Bird! said the Little Mouse. The Forest Bird stroked the Mouse with its wing: What a good you have become. Mouse, polite!

5 Physical development Outdoor game "Sun and rain" Purpose: to perform actions at the signal of the teacher. Adult instructions: - The sun is shining, we have a lot of fun and we are happy. When it rains, we have to hide! The teacher raises the sun figurine. Sunny, show yourself! (children run, spin) Red, show yourself! (rejoice) Children rejoice, dance merrily. The teacher raises an umbrella. Children squat. Fizminutka "Harvest" Oh, what a harvest, (children stand with their faces in a circle) Gather quickly. (they perform a grasping movement with their right hand and lower their hand to the other side) Dig out potatoes from the garden bed, (imitation of digging a garden) So that everything is in order. Pick the cucumbers quickly, (bend over, with your right hand) To eat them quickly. ("Pluck a cucumber" movement with your teeth closed mouth) Cut the cabbage, salt, (bend your right hand at the elbow, clench your fingers into a fist, move your hand from right to left) Treat Mom and Dad. (take hands alternately to the right to the left) Pull out the carrots, radishes, (imitation of pulling out vegetables) Bow down to them in the waist. (tilt the torso forward, take the right hand away from the chest to the right) Oh, what a harvest, (put your hands to your temples, after tilting your head) Load into the basket. (arms spread apart, directing their movement towards you) P.I. "Bunnies are jumping on the lawn" Movement corresponds to the text Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn, These are the bunnies, bunnies - runners! Bunnies sat in a circle, bunnies dig a spine, Here are some bunnies, bunnies - runners! Here is a fox running red fox Looking, where are the bunnies, bunnies - runners! Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. These are the bunnies, bunnies - runners. The movements correspond to the text Playing with the fruits of the nut. I roll my nut On the palms from the bottom up. And then back, So that it was pleasant to me. I roll my nut to get rounder than everyone else.

6 Here is a pod - a huge house, the brothers settled in it. Each brother is a buffoon, And this pod is ... peas A family lives under the ground: Dad, mom, darkness for children. Just dig a little of it - Instantly appear ... potatoes Sleeping in the garden bed under a leaf, And besides, snoring. Sees the fifth sweet Dreams Lezheboka -... squash Our lilac master Among the vegetables alone. He is the French Count De Jean. A in Russian is ... eggplant. Who's spread out among the garden beds, Who doesn't like to play hide and seek? Here is Emelya, the simpleton, Beloboky ... Baba sowed zucchini peas Viktor Kudlachev Outside the village, on two roads, Oh-oh-oh. Baba was sowing peas, oh-oh-oh. The bow came up, not the peas, Ooh-ooh-ooh. And the thistle, oh-oh-oh. The woman spread her hands, Oh-oh-oh. Apparently the memory failed, Oh-oh-oh. What did the woman pickle? Galina Rukosueva What did the woman pickle? Maybe baby crocodile? Crocodiles dived, Deftly arching their backs. Or were there some very strange frogs in the tub? They swam in the water, were silent, Only the tails sticking out. Have you guessed? Well done! There were cucumbers in the tub. Cucumber Galina Rukosueva Under a green leaf Cucumber found its home. He hid from the sun, He covered himself with pimples, He did not go for walks. Could it be a crocodile Turned green like a cucumber? He is afraid to become salty. Eggplants Natalya Kapustyuk We take out from under the foliage Eggplants, like babies! "How much you look like the natives with your dark skin!"

One ill-bred Mouse lived in the forest. In the morning he didn't say good morning to anyone. And in the evening he did not say "good night" to anyone. All the animals in the forest got angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. Do not want with

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Organizing children of the first junior group (1.5-3 years old) for joint activities is a methodologically difficult task. However, pedagogical practice has found several ways of interacting with children, fixed by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), which make it possible to solve educational goals and objectives. One of these techniques is conversation.

Goals and objectives of the conversation in the first junior group on the federal state educational standard

An organized conversation with a group of children or individually about a specific topic is called a conversation.

In the first junior group, the mission of this kind of work is:

The tasks of conducting conversations in the first junior group are:

  • development of topics teaching material (for example, working on the topic "Acquaintance", children in a conversation in the form of a game "Snowball", calling their name and repeating the names of their comrades, remember the names of the guys in the group);
  • development of guesswork (for example, in a conversation on the topic "Pets", in order to start a conversation about a cow, the teacher shows the cow with his fingers, pronounces the sound "mu", and the children guess who it is about);
  • help in memorizing the norms and rules of behavior (group and individual conversations on the topic of cultural and hygienic skills (CGS), in particular, how to hold a spoon, wipe your hands, use a pot, etc.);
  • stimulating observation (regardless of the topic and methods of work, the entire educational process in the first junior group is accompanied by clarity, which is necessarily discussed in a group conversation at the level of questions "What is shown in the picture?", "What are the children doing?" shows the procedure for performing hygiene procedures after returning from a walk).

Methodological techniques for organizing a conversation

The main method in working with younger preschoolers is play. In addition, when conducting a conversation, the teacher uses:

Various types of conversation files for the first younger group

Federal State Educational Standard defines the types of conversations practiced in kindergarten with children 1.5-3 years old. This classification is determined by the principle underlying it. At the same time, for this age category, conversations are not separately determined by the content of the material, based on the educational and practical experience of children, that is, cognitive - these components, in fact, are present in every (!) Conversation.

Table: card index of conversations by type in the first junior group

Principle View Goals relevant for the first junior group Example (topic, tasks) Content, techniques
For didactic purposes Introductory
  • familiarization with the content of the studied material;
  • identification of experience in a particular area.
Get acquainted with the sign of spring - a drop.
The teacher reads a poem to the children:
I dissolve the buds into green leaves. I water the trees. Full of movement. My name is spring!
The teacher asks the question about what time of year it is and what signs of spring are known to the kids. Children answer. Then the teacher introduces the kids to the poem:
  • April, April, it rings in the yard, drops. Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads. The ants will come out soon, after the winter cold.

The teacher talks about the drop, accompanying the material with a video or pictures.

The final
  • generalization of the studied material;
  • identifying gaps in memorizing information.
  • consolidate knowledge of modes of transport;
  • learn to move in a column one at a time, slowing down or accelerating the pace of movement.
The teacher shows a toy train, a car, an airplane and asks to name these items in one word. Then the teacher asks what these modes of transport are for. Focusing on the fact that transport helps people to travel, the teacher invites the kids to take a ride by taxi, train and plane using the vehicles of the same name.
By the number of participants Group Presentation of the block of information to the whole group of children. "A family"
  • learn to answer questions;
  • get an idea of \u200b\u200bclose relatives;
  • foster respect for your family members.
- Guys, what do you think the word "family" means.
- This is mom, dad, me, sister / brother, grandmother, etc.
- That's right, this loving friend other people. The family can be large, or it can be small, only a mother and a child. But the main thing is that there is love in the family.
  • Fizkultminutka: Who lives in our apartment? One two three four. (Clap our hands) Who lives in our apartment? (Walking in place) One, two, three, four, five. (Jumping in place) I can count everyone: (we walk in place) Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands) Cat Murka, two kittens, (Tilts of the body to the right and to the left) My cricket, the goldfinch and I - (Turns the body to the right -left) That's my whole family. (Clap our hands).
  • clarification of a question to a child who missed a segment of the educational process;
  • holding educational work with individual children in need of special attention (usually "brawlers", "crybabies", etc.).
"How to wash your hands properly"
Explain how to properly hold the soap, wash your hands, and dry them.
The teacher asks why you need to wash your hands. Then he tells the procedure for performing the procedure, commenting on the process of soaping hands as follows: "First, we will stroke the soap from all sides, then put it in a soap dish and stroke our palms - one another, now we will make a" hedgehog "with our fingers crossed." Then the adult shows how to dry your hands.
By time Morning
  • facilitating separation from parents;
  • creating a positive atmosphere in the group;
  • familiarity with the plan for the day.
"How I spent my weekend"
  • activate the dictionary on the topic (weekend, fun, friendly, interesting);
  • learn to answer the questions posed.
The teacher asks the kids in turn about how they spent the weekend, talks about their weekends and offers to play an outdoor game "Bubble" (children hold hands, push the boundaries of the circle in which they are standing, then the bubble "bursts", the kids open their hands and sit down).
"What I saw on the way to kindergarten"
Activate vocabulary on this topic.
The teacher asks the kids to tell about what they saw on the way to kindergarten (many cars, a yard, children, buses, etc.).
Situational (this type also includes an evening conversation, which, as a rule, arises as a result of a precedent after lunch, sleep or a walk. Objectives are similar to one-to-one conversation, but are conducted with the whole group or in mini-groups. "How to get acquainted correctly"
Teach children (usually shy, having difficulty getting started with other children) to introduce themselves correctly when they meet.
The teacher invites the kids to listen to the poem:
  • I met a wild boar in the forest. An unfamiliar fox. Says the beauty: "Let me introduce myself!" I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink! I love acorns very much! " The stranger will answer "Nice to meet you!"

Then the teacher and the children discuss whether the boar introduced himself correctly and determine the order of acquaintance: give your name, ask the name of the interlocutor and end the acquaintance with the words: "Nice to meet you!"

By the nature of educational activity Speech development
  • activation of the speech of babies;
  • purposeful replenishment of vocabulary;
  • clarification of the meaning of a literary work.
"Favorite toy"
  • to understand the essence of the work of A. Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor”;
  • develop a sense of empathy;
  • to cultivate a respect for toys.
The teacher asks why the bear lying on the floor is sad. Children answer: due to the fact that his paw came off. The teacher asks what needs to be done to make him happy again. The kids answer: sew on the foot. The teacher reads out a poem by A. Barto and, putting on white robesewing on a paw. Then the guys find a place for the bear on the shelf in the group and agree not to offend the toys.
Acquaintance with the outside world Expansion of the children's ideas about the world around them. "Winter"
Systematize knowledge about winter, identifying typical weather conditions, precipitation, wintering features of birds and animals.
The teacher reads a poem about winter to the kids. For example, I. Surikova:
White, fluffy snow Whirls in the air And quietly Falls to the ground, lays down. And in the morning with snow The field turned white, Like a shroud Everything clothed him.
The teacher asks what time of year it is about. Asking questions:
  • “What months are called winter months?”;
  • “What changes in nature in winter?”;
  • “How do trees, birds, animals winter?”;
  • "How do people take care of nature in winter?"
Physical education
  • acquaintance with safety rules in the classroom;
  • introduction to a healthy lifestyle.
"My health"
  • talk about health as a core value;
  • highlight the list of conditions for maintaining health.
The teacher makes riddles related to healthy lifestyle:
  • I have no time to be sick friends, I play football, hockey. And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health ... (sport);
  • Svetka is unlucky today - the Doctor gave bitter ... (pills).

Then the teacher tells what health is, asks the kids about what helps to keep it.

Artistic and aesthetic development (in music lessons, drawing)
  • explanation of the rules for handling materials;
  • acquaintance with the sequence of performing creative tasks (for example, first we open the jars of gouache, then wet the brush, then apply a stroke, wash the brush before dipping it in a different color).
"How to listen to music"
To acquaint the children with the rules of conduct when listening to music (we sit quietly, do not spin, do not disturb our comrades).
The teacher tells a tale about the "Old Crow". “A long time ago, in one forest there lived a Raven who was very fond of music. But now he grew old, became deaf and could hardly hear his favorite music of birds, the sea, the forest. And then sparrows settled on his tree, which chirped so much that they drowned out the other sounds. The Raven became sad. And then his girlfriend Tit decided to help him: she asked the sparrows not to make noise. The birds listened to her and were surprised at how beautiful the music of nature reached them. And the Raven began to recover, and although he could not hear better, all the sounds died down near his tree, because there you could hear the music of nature. "
After listening to a fairy tale, children answer the question: how to behave when listening to music.
According to CGN (in some sources, these conversations are called valeology conversations)
  • acquaintance with the group, the arrangement of the kindergarten, the rules of staying in the group;
  • consolidation of personal hygiene standards (using a spoon, napkin, washing hands, feet, washing, dressing procedure, etc.).
"Learning to hold a spoon correctly"
Continue teaching toddlers to properly grip the spoon.
A doll named Katya “comes” to the group, which constantly stains the dress due to the fact that she cannot bring the spoon of soup to her mouth without splashing. Children "calm down" the guest by repeating the nursery rhyme "Okay-okay" for her. Then the teacher invites the kids to arm themselves with magic spoons and show Katya how to eat soup. In the end, Katya thanks the guys for the lesson.

It is interesting. The type of conversations is also distinguished depending on the person organizing this type of work. In the first younger group, this can be a group or individual conversation with a psychologist (for example, if children in a group constantly fight, bite), that is, a conversation on a narrow specialization, which also has a precedent nature.

Conversation in mini-groups and individually is also aimed at closing gaps in children's knowledge

Author's files of conversations in the first junior group

Read the card index ethical conversations in the first younger group you can

An example of a card index of situational conversations with children 1, 5–3 years old can be seen in the publication of O. Usacheva, teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 111, Sochi, can be seen

The card file of conversations on valeology is cross-cutting, that is, they are partially repeated from year to year, so it is more convenient for the teacher to compose a general block of conversations on universal themes... In other words, topics such as “We love porridge” about the importance of balanced nutrition, "Our workers" about people different professions etc., in the interpretation available for age will be relevant both in the first youngest, and in the middle or senior groups... The teacher selects the topics he needs and makes adjustments based on the level of development of the kids. An example of a general card index of conversations on valeology with children in a preschool educational institution, compiled by Mashneva S.I., an educator at MDOBU kindergarten 126, Sochi, can be seen

Structure and timing of the conversation

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a conversation with kids 1.5-3 years old is based on:

  • 1-2 introductory questions from the audience;
  • explanations of the material by the teacher;
  • conducting a game or dialogue to consolidate the material.

All these types of work fit into 5-7 minutes and comprise three stages of work, respectively:

  • introductory (about 1 minute);
  • main (about 3 minutes);
  • final (up to 3 minutes).

The conversation has a three-part structure

Scheduling conversations in the first junior group

Conversations with children 1.5-3 years old are held 1-2 times a day, with the exception of situational or individual speciesthat are of a precedent nature and periodically repeated (for example, a conversation about polite words, rules of behavior at the table). When drawing up a plan of conversations, the teacher is guided by common theme educational activities, trying to include different types of conversations in the list.

Table: an example of planning conversations in the first junior group for September (fragment)

date Name purpose
Topic: “Autumn. Natural phenomena "
Second week "About autumn" Form a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bautumn, including knowledge about autumn phenomena in inanimate nature (precipitation, air temperature, soil and water conditions), on the state of plants in autumn and its causes, on the peculiarities of animal life.
"A miracle next to you"
  • awaken cognitive interest;
  • teach to see the unusual in the familiar;
  • evoke feelings of surprise and admiration.
"How to dress in the fall" To give children the knowledge that it gets cold outside in autumn, so you need to dress warmly so as not to get sick.
  • form a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bautumn;
  • viewing pictures of autumn.
"Leaf fall" To form a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bautumn, the state of plants in autumn and its causes.
Topic: “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"
Third week "On the work of people in the fall"
  • to form knowledge about people's labor in the fall: harvesting, preparing food for the winter, warming the dwellings of domestic animals;
  • to teach to establish the reasons for the change of labor, to compare them with the labor of people in the summer, to draw conclusions about the direction and significance of labor.
"About vegetables"
  • form generalized ideas about vegetables (vegetables are parts and fruits of plants that are grown in the garden for consumption);
  • clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables.
"Gifts of Autumn" Talk about vegetables and their health benefits.
"How to behave at the table"
  • form CGN in children;
  • to acquaint with the norms of behavior at the table;
  • learn to eat neatly, use a napkin;
  • to consolidate the ability to eat with a spoon.
"Magic Words" Formation of politeness in children (thanks for help, say goodbye and say hello).

Natalia Golikova
Calendar-thematic planning of the "Autumn Golden" week in the first junior group

Topic weeks: « Autumn golden» purpose: "To introduce children to autumn phenomena in nature, about what clothes are in autumn period in man; develop the emotional responsiveness of children; foster a respect for nature "

Monday 10.09.2018 year.

The first

Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics "Complex number 1"

purpose: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, strengthen physical health children.

Examining landscape illustrations autumn - the ability to listen to the teacher's explanations, to encourage the perception of beauty autumn nature .

Plot-game situation "The bear got his feet wet" - develop the ability to walk carefully, so as not to get your feet wet and not get sick, to cause a desire to help.

Di "Find a yellow leaf" - to form color perception, find and name yellow, participate in joint activitiesdevelop an interest in nature.

Individual work: ___

Finger gymnastics: "Trees"

Making d / i

"Name the color" 1. OO "Cognitive development" O. A. Solomennikova "Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten" first junior group

Lesson number 1 page 20 "Bunny carrot"

Observation - weather conditions (learn to determine the season by characteristic features)

Remote marial games.

Sub / game "Obedient Leaves" - (learn to listen attentively to speech commands, try to complete the task correctly).

Word games "Charging" (Telling a poem, we portray animals)

P / games "Birds in a nest"

Round dance game "Big carousel".

Individual work: ___

Work before bed.

Reading fiction literature: poems about autumn, M. Prishvin's tales

Pal / games: "A family", "Forty, forty", "It's me" - develop fine motor skills, speech.

Conversation with children on the topic « Autumn weather» - to form the ability to turn the sun and air on changes.

Individual work: ___

"How we play on the street" - talking about rules of conduct that are important to health and safety.

Game-situation “We're going to autumn park by car» - to activate and develop the speech of children.


Observing autumn tree... Questions to children: What are the tall trees?

D / y "How the leaves fly" - to bring joy from your favorite game.

Tuesday 11.09.2018.

The first half day GOD Walk Afternoon

Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics "Complex number 1"

Chatting with children « Autumn vegetables » purpose: know vegetables, show them in pictures

R / game "The sun and the rain" purpose: teach children to act according to the text

D / game "Guess what's drawn" purpose: develop in children a holistic perception of the subject

Lotto game "Wild and Domestic Animals"purpose: develop attention, distinguish between animals, show pictures

Finger gymnastics: "House"

Individual work: ___

Reading a fairy tale "Turnip".

D / y "Name it correctly"

1. OO "Speech development"

V. V. Gerbova preparatory group Lesson number 3 page 33 Game "Who is good with us, who is handsome with us"»

2. OO "Physical development"

S. Yu. Fedorova page 23 no. 4 Bird watching - (cultivate respect for birds).

Games with a portable material.

Art word : riddles about birds. D / game « Autumn leaves» - distinguish colors by example autumn leaves ... N / a "Sparrows and a cat" - develop the ability to softly jump, bending the knees, cultivate caution.

Situational conversation "What is good and what is bad" - to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten.

Individual work: ___

Work before bed.

Culturally - hygiene procedures.

Reading fiction literature: Reading nursery rhymes "Rain, rain, more fun" Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Finger game "Cabbage" - develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Reading by A. Barto « Carrot juice» - develop the ability to listen carefully, answer the questions of the teacher.

Learning a nursery rhyme

"Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying "

Tabletop entry games: "Puzzles".

Individual work: ___

Independent work in employment centers.


Observing the sky.

P / N "Shaggy dog"

Wednesday 12.09.2018.

The first half day GOD Walk Afternoon

Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics "Complex number 1"

Conversation with children on the topic “What do we Autumn gave» - to expand the idea that in the fall harvest vegetables and fruits.

"Vitamins in the fall» - develop speech activity child.

Individual work: ___

Making dummies in the basket "Fruits" and "Vegetables".

Breathing exercises: "Watch"

Di "Paired pictures", "Collect the cones"

Finger gymnastics: "Snail"


Independent work in employment centers. 1. Modeling "Let's treat the mouse with peas" see notes number 2

2. OO "Physical development"

S. Yu. Fedorova « Physical education in kindergarten " bldg. 24 no. 5

Leaf fall observation - notice the phenomenon autumn nature, develop observation, enjoy the beautiful.

N / a "Run to me" - to form the ability to navigate by sound, to move towards sound.

Individual work: ___

D / game « Autumn leaves» - distinguish colors by example autumn leaves.

Work before bed.

Cultural and hygienic procedures.

Reading fiction literature: story "The Man and the Bear"

Wellness exercises after sleep, walking on massage paths.

C / r game "Let's feed Katya doll with vegetable soup" - development play activitieslearning roles.

A game "Wonderful little bag" - riddles about vegetables and fruits, the ability to distinguish, name, tell.

Di "Let's show the Bug what order we have" - the ability to clean up after play and toys, to encourage willingly to carry out work assignments.

Individual work: ___

R / game "Collect the basket" - to clarify the knowledge of children about fruits and vegetables, to recognize and name fruits.


Watching the clouds. Children's games with portable material.

Working with parents: individual conversations about children's behavior.

Thursday 13.09.2018.

The first half day GOD Walk Afternoon

Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics "Complex number 1"

A game "Sun or Rain" - to form the ability to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine, the development of auditory attention. Finger game "Rain"- to stimulate the development of speech, attention, speed of reaction.

Individual work: ___

Di "Find a yellow leaf" - to form color perception, consolidate knowledge yellow color, find the desired leaf.

Conversation on topics: "Why do you need to wash vegetables?"

Di "Know and name the fruit"... 1. OO "Speech development"

V. V. Gerbova "Speech development in kindergarten" preparatory group Lesson number 4 page 34"About the girl Masha and the Bunny - Long Ear"

2. Music Watching the rain - keep introducing the natural phenomenon. Artistic word: "Rain, rain ..." N / a "Sparrows and the car" - to form the ability to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to teach to act on a signal.

Individual work: ___

D / game "Name what we see" - listen to an adult's story about changes in the weather.

Construction: "House for Birds".

Making garlands from autumn leaves.

Work before bed.

Cultural and hygienic procedures.

Wellness exercises after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Conversation with children on the topic: "We are already big" - to promote a friendly relationship with adults.

Articulation gymnastics "Horse", "Painter" - strengthening the muscles of the tongue.

Fixing a nursery rhyme

"Leaf fall, leaf fall,

The yellow leaves are flying. "

Individual work: ___

Board game introduction - large puzzles.

Di “Let's dress the doll on autumn walk»

Di "What's growing in the garden?".


Outdoor play "Catch up".Observation of the weather.

Working with parents: Consultation: "Daily routine in a child's life"

Friday 09/14/2018.

The first half day GOD Walk Afternoon

Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics "Complex number 1"

Examining pictures about the forest (trees) - to form the ability to recognize and name them. D / game "Guess the tree" - development of thinking and memory of children.

Finger gymnastics: "Helicopter"

Individual work: ___

Breathing exercises: "Ears"

Practical exercise "Most Neat" - to form cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach how to hold a spoon correctly, chew food thoroughly, and eat carefully.

Building game "Pinnacle".

C / and "To the fruit shop", "Cooking lunch"... 1. Drawing Lesson number 2 "I'll feed the cockerel, I'll give him the seeds" see notes number 2

2. OO "Physical development"

L. I. Penzulaeva "Physical culture in kindergarten" page 24 No. 6 Observation - examination autumn tree - to form knowledge about the main parts of the tree. D / game "Let's put together a bouquet of leaves"- to form the ability to compose group from similar objects and isolate from them individual items; distinguish concepts "one", "lot"... R / game "The sun and the rain" - to form the ability to act on command, to develop physical activity.

Situational conversation about how to dress so as not to get sick. Pay attention to clothes and shoes before walking (socks, gloves, shoes - always paired - two each)

Individual work: ___

Self-guided walking activities.

Work before bed.

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Wellness exercises after sleep, walking on massage paths.

X / game "Round dance" - to form the ability to walk in a circle holding hands, to squat at the signal of the teacher.

Game task “Let's show Luntik our order in group» - the ability to put toys back into place after playing.

Didactic game cut pictures « Autumn leaves» - develop constructive skills in children, visual attention; consolidate knowledge of magnitude (big small).

Introduction of a wooden construction set into the play corner.

Examining illustrations in books.

Building game "Path of bricks"... C / and "Let's feed the birds"


Children's games with portable material.

Child and the world: "Autumn has come to visit us"

(lesson in 1 younger group)

Purpose: Learn to see the beauty of the surrounding world; educate aesthetic

feelings in children, a positive attitude towards natural phenomena and

To form in children knowledge about nature through positive emotions.

Anchor characteristic signs autumn.

Strengthen the knowledge of children about vegetables (recognize and name vegetables).

Stimulate motor and cognitive activity through play

activity of children.

Vocabulary work: Sad, sad, dull, golden, sluggish, bright.

Material: Slides depicting golden and dull autumn;

natural vegetables and dummies;

car (toy).

Equipment: Gymnastic bench;



Course of the lesson:

(The teacher dressed in the "Autumn" costume meets the children).

Educator: “Come on in guys. Look how beautiful we are. How many multi-colored leaves. This is because I came to you in autumn and brought a lot of colors. I painted the leaves on the trees, in what colors? "

Children: "Yellow, red."

Educator: “Right in yellow, red. Anyuta tell a poem. "

Anyuta: "Autumn has come,

Our garden has turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold. "

Educator: “Look guys how beautiful it is in the park (slide show).

The bright sun is shining. The leaves on the trees glisten with gold.

What kind of autumn is it? "

Children: "Golden, bright, cheerful, joyful."

Educator: “Look at what a beautiful carpet the leaves

The child recites a poem.

Child: “Leaves fall, fall

Leaf fall in our garden

Yellow, red leaves

They twist and fly in the wind. "

Educator: “Well done ...! And our leaves fell, fell and formed

multi-colored carpet. Take one piece at a time, let's

we will show how they circled and fell ”.

(children perform movements to music).

Blowing, wind blowing, blowing, blowing out (side bends)

Pluses the yellow leaves from the tree.

And the leaves are flying, circling along the path, (circling)

Leaves fall right under our legs (sit down).

Educator: "Guys, look what autumn is depicted here: the sun

it is not visible, it is raining, the wind is cold, we are sad. "

(we look at slides dull autumn).

Children: "Dull, sad, sad, sad."

Educator: "Tell a poem about such an autumn."

1 child: “Summer is over

Autumn has come.

In the fields and groves

Sad and depressing "

2 child: "The birds flew away

The days are shorter

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights. "

Educator: “Well done! Children in the fall ripen vegetables in the beds.

What vegetables grow in the beds? "

Children: "Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, etc."

Educator: “I also have a garden, and I invite you to my garden.

On the way, the guys have a river, and a bridge is thrown across it, along

which we must pass. "

(walking on a gymnastic bench).

Educator: "Oh, it started raining children"

(game "Rain and Sun")

So it started to rain. How many puddles formed after the rain!

Guys, we need to jump over them so as not to wet the legs.

(jumping on two legs through "puddles")

So we came to my garden.

But here we have another obstacle, the collar. It is necessary for them

crawl up. (children crawl through the gate)

Look at how many vegetables I have in my garden.

What are these guys?

Children: Carrots.

Educator: - What's this?

Child: - Beets, etc.

Educator: - Help the guys collect my harvest, Little Johnny, what kind of

Vova: - Onion.

Educator: - Do you have Ira, what kind of vegetable?

Ira: - I have a cucumber, etc.

Educator: - So we have harvested. We put everything in the car.

And for joy we will have such a round dance.

“We have a vegetable garden,

There the carrot grows

Such a height

Here is such a low

Here are the dinners

That's the width.

You carrot hurry

Dance with us ”.

Educator: - Guys, because you know the signs of autumn well, read

poems about autumn and helped me to harvest in the garden, I

prepared you a treat (apples).

Now get in the car. (children stand up one after another)

We're going home.

Signal "BB" (child "chauffeur")

“We're going, we're going home

By truck.

Open the gates for us

The harvest is coming from the field.

And potatoes and onions,

Cucumber and zucchini. "

(children repeat the words with the teacher).

Educator MBDOU number 9

Cognitive and creative project on the topic: Autumn for children 3-4 years old

Cognitive and creative project "Autumn has come to visit us".

Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of MKDOU kindergarten №1 in Gavrilov-Posad.
Description: To acquaint children with the season "Autumn", autumn phenomena of nature. This project is designed for children 3-4 years old, parents, educators.
Project type: cognitive - creative
Duration: short-term (1 week)
Project participants: educator, children, parents.
Relevance of the topic: Nature is the material world, which is the main object of the study of science. Most often, the word "nature" is used to describe the natural environment of a person. This is the Universe, everything that surrounds a person, with the exception of man-made things. Nature is a collection natural conditions the existence of a person and the society in which he lives. Nature can be conditionally divided into categories and definitions: living and non-living, wild and cultivated, natural and artificial, etc. She is an object of natural science. The activities of man and society have a significant impact on nature, both negative and positive. These factors require the establishment of a harmonious interaction between nature and man. Composing a single link, man and nature cannot do without each other, nature has created us, it surrounds us. On this basis, children's love for nature is formed, native land... The ability, acquired in childhood, to see and listen to nature as it really is, arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and interests. Acquaintance of preschoolers with nature is a means of education in their minds of realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience. In kindergarten, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, such qualities as curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and aesthetically relate to all living things are formed. The state of nature is highly dependent on human relations To her. If modern civilization, willingly or unwillingly, destroys the natural harmony in nature, then you should not, then be surprised by global catastrophes and natural disasters. Everything in the world is interconnected. A person should be more careful with nature so as not to harm himself. This is quite within his powers.
Objective of the project: Form a cognitive interest in environment: to acquaint children with the "Autumn" season, autumn phenomena of nature. Foster a respect for nature.
Tasks: - to give an elementary idea of \u200b\u200bautumn as a season, its signs and phenomena; - to expand the understanding of the variety and benefits of vegetables and fruits; - to form the ability of children to consider illustrations, understand their plot, answer the questions of the teacher;
- encourage children to express their feelings and emotions through active speech; - develop creativity.
Parents' participation in the project: learning poems about autumn together with children, observation, conversation.
Project implementation plan:
1. Conversation "Signs of Autumn". 2. Conversation "What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits?" 3. NOD on cognitive development "Autumn".
4. Didactic games autumn theme: "Take it quickly", "What time of year", "What's in the bag", "It happens or not",
"Cut pictures". 5. Subject-role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "Shop". 6. Outdoor games: "We are autumn leaves", "From bump to bump", "Leaf fall", "Breeze", "The sun and rain", 7. Finger games: "Autumn leaves", "We chop cabbage", "Vegetables ". 8. Listening to P. Tchaikovsky's audio recording "The Seasons" "Autumn". 9. Reading fiction: I. Bunin "Leaf fall", M. Ivensin "Leaves are falling", Z. Aleksandrova "Rain", A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come", the tale "Turnip", V. Suteev "A bag of apples". 10. Guessing autumn riddles. 11. Consultations for parents: “How to dress a child in autumn”, “Autumn changes in nature”, “Autumn fun”, “Vegetables and fruits, healthy products”.
The intended result:Children's knowledge about autumn, its signs and gifts will be enriched and expanded. The vocabulary of children will be replenished. Activity and interest in educational process children from parents.
Strategy for the implementation of project activities:
This project is carried out within the framework of the second junior group of MKDOU kindergarten number 1, in the joint activities of a teacher and children.
Project activity product:
Joint creativity, games, recommendations for parents.
Project presentation:
Holiday "Beauty Autumn"

Appendices to the project "Autumn has come to visit us".
Conversation "Signs of Autumn".
Purpose: to form knowledge about the signs of autumn, to develop speech, memory, thinking.
Conversation progress:
Autumn lasts three months - September, October, November. The days in the fall are getting shorter. Cold wind is blowing. It often rains. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. Grass and flowers wither. Birds fly away to warm lands. People put on warm clothes, waterproof shoes. The whole nature has changed. The foliage on the bushes and trees has turned yellow, the grass has withered; only the spruce and pine trees are still green.

It smells like rotten foliage. The cold wind picks off the golden leaves and carries them away. Only the mighty oak still firmly holds its foliage. At this time, all animals are preparing for winter. Rooks, swallows, starlings, larks, ducks, cranes, geese gather in flocks and fly away to winter in warm regions.

The animals "put on" winter fur coats... Squirrels harvest nuts, acorns, mushrooms for the winter.

Insects hide in the bark of trees and fallen leaves, fall asleep with a long sleep until spring.

Conversation "What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits?"

Purpose:to form knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.
Conversation progress:

Vegetables are very healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins. For example, carrots contain vitamin A, which helps children grow and strengthens their eyesight. Sweet peppers contain vitamin C, which protects children from colds. A person who has eaten meat gains strength, because there is a lot of protein in meat. Peas and beans are called vegetable meats - they are also rich in protein. Garlic and onions kill harmful bacteria and help us fight disease. Tomatoes and cucumbers can be found in any home, they also contain a lot of vitamins. Well, potatoes, of course, are known to everyone. They make delicious mashed potatoes... There is a lot of starch in potatoes. And there is also a vegetable in the world, the fruits of which are the largest of all vegetables. In order to see and even taste the fruits of this plant, you do not need to go to distant countries and climb into the unknown jungle. Everyone knows this vegetable and can be seen in any garden - it is a pumpkin. It is also curious that the pumpkin is a relative of watermelons and melons. They all grow together on melons. Translated from another language, "melon" means a garden, but this garden is unusual. Don't grow here fruit trees and shrubs, but the whole vast field is occupied by watermelons, melons and pumpkins, and they, lounging, lie right on the ground, ripen and wait for their hour - to harvest.

Abstract of GCD "Autumn".

Purpose:Expand children's knowledge about the seasons, the main signs of autumn. Tasks:
Learn to find objects by similarity.
To teach children to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes and lines, hold the pencil correctly.
Material: poems, pictures depicting autumn, a basket, vegetables, fruits, blue pencils.
GCD move:
Educator: Guys, today I suggest you go on a visit by the fall.
Summer has passed, Autumn has come
In the fields and groves
Empty and sad.
The birds flew away
The days are shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.
A. Pleshcheev Educator: Guys, autumn has come, but it is no coincidence that it came to us. One season is followed by another. Each season gives people something of their own. So the summer is over, another season has come. Look at the pictures of autumn. Let's listen to some music. (Listening to P. Tchaikovsky's audio recording "The Seasons" "Autumn").

- Tell me, what kind of music is sad or funny?
- Let's try to compose a story about autumn with you. (Ask questions).
In autumn, the sun shines, but warms less. The leaves fall from the trees. Cold wind is blowing. The days are getting cloudy, there are many clouds in the sky. It often rains lightly. People wear warm clothes.
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds flew to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, If the rain is pouring,
This time of year ... It is called autumn.
M. Khodyakova -As we have already said, in autumn the leaves fall from the trees. It is called? (leaf fall).
-And now, guys, we will turn into autumn leaves... (Give the children leaflets with different trees.)

The game "Falling Leaves" is held.
- Wind started to blow. Such leaves flew. Show how they flew! (Those children are running and circling, in whose hands the leaflet that the teacher has).

Autumn brought us not only inclement weather, and made me wear warm clothes, but also something else. See what I have in my baskets. (Show the contents of one basket).
- How can you call these items in one word? (fruits). What other fruits do you know?
Show the contents of the second basket.
- How can you name these items in one word? (vegetables). What other vegetables do you know?

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage".
We chop cabbage, chop. (The palms move parallel to each other) We are three, three carrots. (Cams rub each other) We salt and salt the cabbage. ("Salt" with a pinch) We press cabbage, we press. (Squeeze and unclench your fingers) We put it in a jar and taste it.
- As we have already said, it often rains in autumn. Is it always the same rain or not? (If children find it difficult to answer, help leading questionsactivating their experience).
- Let's try to portray it (drawing rain with your hand in the air). But before we draw, let's remember how to hold the pencil correctly. (Show)
-Guys, look how it rains. (Show several techniques for drawing rain: short, long lines, dots).
- Let's take it in handles blue pencil and try to draw rain. (During operation, monitor the use of correct techniques drawing).
Review all drawings with the children. Suggest to choose those works, which depict heavy rain and drawings, which depict quiet, light rain.

Description of desktop and didactic gamesused in the work on the project.
D / game: "Take it quickly." Purpose of the game: - Develop logical thinking, observation. - Learn to select the same leaves. Material for the game:leaves from different trees. Description of the game: The game can be played by 6 children. The teacher shows the leaflet and the children must quickly find the same one. Note: This game can be used in individual work.

D / game: "Wonderful bag".
Purpose of the game:Strengthen the ability to correctly name vegetables (fruits) lying in the bag, describe their color and shape. Teach children to pronounce words clearly. Material: An opaque pouch made of bright fabrics; dummies of vegetables (fruits). Description of the game: The teacher and children examine the dish with vegetables (fruits), then give their descriptions. Then you need to lower your hand into the bag, grope for the object and name it, not seeing what it is specifically. So that children do not get confused, first you can put 1 object, and then, when they learn to play this way, already several. The players, in addition to the main task, can be given additional:
describe the object (color, size, taste);
describe it so that other children can guess it.

D / game "What time of year?"
Purpose: teach to relate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain time of the year; develop auditory attention, quick thinking.
Description of the game: The children are sitting. The teacher asks the question "When does this happen?" and reads a text or a riddle about different times of the year.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine. The wind howls in the field, The rain is drizzling. - When does it happen?
In the yard there is frost and wind, Children are walking in the yard, Handles, handles are rubbing, Handles, hands are warming.
- When does it happen?
Sun, sun high! We are warm from the sun. The snow melts from the rays, The stream ran ringingly.
- When does it happen?
The sun is shining brightly.
The air is warm.
And wherever you look -
Everything is light around!
The meadow is dazzling
Bright flowers.
Doused with gold
Dark sheets.
- When does it happen?

D / game "It happens or not."
Purpose: teach to notice inconsistency in judgments, develop logical thinking. Description of the game: The teacher explains the rules of the game: I will tell a story in which you should notice something that does not happen.
“In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the guys and I went for a walk. They made a snowman out of snow and started sledding. " "Spring has come. All the birds flew away to warm lands. The bear climbed into his den and decided to sleep through the whole spring ... ". "In the fall, all nature begins to come to life: leaves bloom on trees and shrubs, grass appears ...".

D / game "Cut pictures".
Purpose: To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic image of an object, to teach to correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object, to add a picture cut into 4 parts. Equipment: Cut pictures from 4 parts, vegetables and fruits Description of the game. In front of the children, there are cut pictures on the table with the image of a familiar object (apple, pear, beet, turnip, etc.). Children participating in the game are invited to put together a picture from parts so that they get a whole object. At the end of the assignment, the children are offered two objects for selection and correlation (for example: an apple and a beet), which they compare with the picture. The child who is the first to collect the cut picture wins.

Description of the role-playing games used in the work on the project.

Role-playing game: "Kindergarten"
"Dressing the doll for a walk"
Tasks: Teach children to play with a doll. To cultivate a respect for toys. Clarify the knowledge of children about clothes, about the purpose of things. Enrich gaming experience... To activate the speech of children. Develop creative imagination. To form the beginning of a conscious attitude of children to their health. Learn to follow the sequence when dressing.

Role-playing game "Shop"
"Vegetables and fruits"
Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the generalizing concept of "shop", as well as knowledge about vegetables and fruits. To develop the ability to carry out game actions, to distribute roles and act according to the assumed role. Foster a friendly attitude towards each other.

Description of outdoor games used in the work on the project.
R / game: "We are autumn leaves."
Purpose: develop attentiveness, the ability to manage their emotions and actions, the skills of collective and well-coordinated activities.
Description of the game:
We are autumn leaves
We sit on the branches. (sit down)
The wind blew - flew
We flew, we flew (easy running in a circle)
And they sat down quietly on the ground. (sit down)
The wind came running again
And he picked up the leaves. (easy running in a circle)
Spun, flew
And they sat down quietly on the ground. (sit down)

R / game: "Breeze".
Purpose: development of play activities, the formation of ideas about the world around them, the ability to coordinate speech and movements.
Description of the game:
Breeze, don't scare us (shake the fingers of the right hand, the left on the belt)
You better play with us (clap their hands)
Drive the clouds from the sky (raise their hands up, wave their hands from side to side)
Remove the puddles from the ground (lean forward, wave their arms back and forth)
Leaf fall began (spinning in place)
Leaves fly in the wind (small jogging in place)
One leaf, two leaf
Rolled along the side of the road
I blew once, blew two
Scattered, who where (they scatter around the site, sit down, clasp their knees with their hands).

P / game "From bump to bump".
Purpose: To develop consistency of movements of arms and legs, to teach to walk and run freely, in small groups, as a whole group, in a column one by one. Teach children to change movements at the signal of the teacher. Develop a sense of balance, agility, courage, orientation in space.
Description of the game:
Children stand on one side of the room. The teacher lays out cardboard circles on the floor at a short distance (20 cm) from one another. At the signal of the teacher, the kids move to the other side of the hall, stepping from circle to circle.
Instructions for carrying out. If the exercise is carried out on the site, then you can draw small circles on the ground. When the children learn to step well, you can invite them to move to the other side, running from circle to circle.

P / game "Leaf fall".
Purpose:consolidate knowledge about the color, size of autumn leaves; learn to move around the site, following the instructions given in game form; to concretize the concept of "leaf fall".
Description of the game:
The teacher says: “Guys! All of you will be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some yellow, some red, some big, some small. "
Each child shows and names which piece of paper he chose in color and size.
The leaves are light, they fly slowly through the air. (Children run and wave their arms).
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Description of the game:

{!LANG-e538d2bc444e776877e49b339b10132e!} {!LANG-05e40399cb80bc282876208f48be62d2!}used in the work on the project.
{!LANG-1314fd3618b0c41a2ca65c3d39529ab5!} {!LANG-53888c26347fa2e4b4f2e361b71b44f4!} {!LANG-32293132d8dcf7c774e705c376f751ef!}{!LANG-fe5ae64ecaae5f1d4514b50a9279735d!} {!LANG-25e20093799d221b212556033d091fff!}{!LANG-1a3b0b29f575aa867790261ef810c616!} {!LANG-2df2248cb0c6c44a1802726055c13b69!}

{!LANG-f055def7299d3e88d18b21190057a8df!} {!LANG-bae350bf0b6ab6c50e38045761d2d437!}{!LANG-df3ba91462d07278412a18da899039f8!} {!LANG-90245d6450712b0fbb760f5bcf43a55f!}{!LANG-292a057978a6aa27fae60e3f00b1571d!} {!LANG-b0d08fd99e81a64439e6ceb2d96754c0!}{!LANG-1b77a80342ed786f28ad3c4e09b6f7e6!} {!LANG-682ceac449586b818252f50c2a03c574!}{!LANG-3f4fbe45ef82880dbad008c7020f0ff4!} {!LANG-d397e48109573a95aeb451d4922bcb62!}

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