Project in the preparatory group on traffic control panel short-term. Short-term pedagogical project "Our Safe Route on PDD" in the Preparatory to the School group. Project by road rules for the children of the preparatory group of a compensatory direction

Irina Salaachetdinova
Short pedagogical project "Our safe route on traffic rules" in the preparatory to school group

Project activity

Topic: "Our Safe Route on PDD"

Type: creative information.

Age: Preparatory Group

Project type: short-term

Project participants: Children, parents.


The relevance of this project is due to statistics testifying to the growth of child road traffic injuries.

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare it for a meeting with possible difficulties, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most dangerous situations, about the need to comply with precautions, as well as vaccinate skills safe behavior On the street and in transport.

It should be noted that children dying in an accident preschool age By the psycho-physiological characteristics and negative example of adults.


Form a system of knowledge, skills and skills of children according to the rules road.

Repeat and consolidate knowledge of traffic lights and signals, bring the importance of traffic lights to children.

To acquaint with the rules for the transition of the roadway on the adjustable and unregulated pedestrian crossing.

Know and be able to classify road signs: warning prohibiting, prescribing, service signs.

Develop observation, independence of thinking, attentiveness on the roads.



Introduce children with the rules of the road, the structure of the street and road signsdesigned for drivers and pedestrians;

Teach children to foresee a dangerous event, be able to avoid it if possible, and if necessary to act;


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and care on the road;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communicative skills;

Promote the development of children's speech, replenish the active and passive dictionary of children.

Develop a connected speech;


Raise skills personal safety and self-preservation feeling;

Relieve a sense of responsibility.

Methods and forms of work:

The work of the educator in preparing for the project:

1. Consultation with parents

2. Development methodological materials For Parental Corner

3. Selection of materials according to the rules of the road

4. Production of attributes for plotting games on traffic rules

5. Making traffic signs

6. Viewing drawings, photos about road situations

7. View Stock Footage

Research methods:

1. Direct educational activities

2. Reading fiction with the subject of traffic rules

3. Including in collaborative and independent activity Didactic children, plot role and movable games With the subject of traffic rules

4. Productive activity Children

5. Work with parents

6. Disbanding various road situations, the use of knowledge gained in practice

7. Using video materials on traffic rules

Expected results:

For kids:

Formed knowledge about road signs;

Compliance with elementary traffic rules;

For parents:

Close cooperation with teachers;

Expansion of pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of safe behavior of children on the roads

Preparatory stage (1 week)

1. Stopping a problem before children: "Why do you need to know the rules of the road?"

2. Determine the Project Product:

a) creating a street layout;

b) knowledge of traffic rules;

3. Discussion of the problem, the adoption of tasks: bring to children the importance of this problem - "ignorance of the rules of DD can lead to trouble!";

4. Selection of children's and methodical literature, visual material (illustrations, photos, sketches); didactic games, classes;

5. Preparation of material for productive activities;

6. Selection of information via the Internet (rules for the behavior of children on the roads);

7. Replenishment of the objective environment;

8. Familiarization of parents with the project.

Project implementation

The main stage

Topic: "Safety on the road" (2 weeks)

Work with parents:

Consultations aimed at actualization of the problem of road literacy of parents and children, as well as the need to comply with traffic rules.

Development and placement in parental Corner Materials on traffic rules.

Questioning: "Do you comply with the rules of the road?", "I and my child on the streets of the city."

Mobile folders: "Road to green light", "The safety of a child in the car."

Work with children:

Direct educational activities

- "Transport of our city"

- "Talking signs"

- "I - Pedestrian"

Productive activity:

Drawing "Street of the City", "Pedestrian Transition", "My Transport"

Designing from paper "My friend - traffic light"

Lrack (Plasticography) - "Road Sign"

Reading fiction:

N. Nosov "Car"

S. Mikhalkov "Lightforward", "My Street", "Stepping Caution"

Y. Repin "Road ABC"

S. Volkov "Pro Rules of Road"

Dymykina "Song of Road Signs"

A. Sidorova "Road Roads for Children"

Didactic games:

- "Lotto" Road Signs "»

- "Gather a sign"

- "Attention, road sign"

- "Attention road"

- "Find out the description"

- "Gaddle of the riddles"

Outdoor games:

- "Pedestrians and automobiles"

- "Traffic light"

- "Road Travel"

Plot role-playing games:

- "We are passengers"

- "Journey to the flower city"

Fingering road situations

View the cartoon "ABC of Safety Sinky".

Improving an objective development environment:

1. Production of the street layout on which kindergarten.

2. Preparation for the plot-role game "Street": making attributes for honey. inspection of drivers; For a petrol station (column, dial, hose).

3. Production of a traffic light layout.

4. Production of Lapbuka "Our Safe Route"

Final Stage (3rd Week)

1. Consultation for parents "Teaching children road rules";

2. Exhibition of drawings for parents "I am a Pedestrian";

3. Registration of the album "How to cross the road":

4. Quiz "Travel to PDD Country"


Designed short-term plan Works with children preparatory to school of the group and their parents as part of familiarization with the rules of the road moved, the task is achieved at the beginning of the project.

Children know and know how to classify road signs: warning prohibiting, prescribing, service signs.

The rules for transition of the roadway on the adjustable and unregulated pedestrian crossing are learned.

After the project is implemented, most children have a correct understanding of the significance of PDD compliance.

Publications on the topic:

1 Slide Hello, dear colleagues! It's no secret to anyone that know and comply with the rules of the road is very important and necessary. AND.

Abstract Node on traffic rules "Safe Route" Senior Group Municipal causary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Smile". Sosnovka. Abstract Node "Safe Route" of the educator.

Short-term project in the preparatory to school group "Grandma" Explanatory note (relevance) The word "grandmother" is in all languages, but only in Russian it is filled with a special meaning. Recently.

Pedagogical project for children prepared for school group "Fees Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten №46" Pedagogical project "Fees" Preparatory "Fees"

Title: Project according to the rules of the road for children of the preparatory group of the compensating orientation "Road Rules to know everyone should be
Nomination: kindergarten, Methodical development, Project activities, preparatory group

Position: Educator of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: Madou "Sineglazka"
Location: YNAO Tyumen region, Noyabrsk

Project according to the rules of the road for children of the preparatory group of the compensation of the "Road Rules to know each should be"

Explanatory note.

In our country, the automotive park is increasing every year. On the streets of cities and other settlements, the intensity and speed of movement of passenger and trucks, buses, motorcycles increase.

In order to avoid accidents on the roads, drivers, passengers and pedestrians should know and carry out the rules of the road, be careful and attentive. These qualities and knowledge are also needed to the youngest pedestrians - children.

The main causes of children's traffic injuries are: ignorance and violation of road rules, inept use by public transport and children's neglect.

Every year the number is growing road transport Incidents due to the fault of the most children. Solving the participants of the accident are children-pedestrians. The main causes of the accident committed by negligence of minor pedestrians are the transition of the road in an unidentified place, unsubsifying the signals of the regulator and the game near the carriageway. In each third accident, children of preschool and younger school age are victims.

The safety of children on the street depends on how they know how to own themselves how attentive and are able to navigate the setting. The children of the preparatory group will soon become real schoolchildren and they will have to go through the road, for some time spend independently unattended by parents and they must need to learn the rules of the road.

Knowledge acquired by a child in preschool age is firmly absorbed and remain in memory long years. Entertainment, classes according to the rules of the road, fascinating games, reading on this topic of short stories, their discussion in the group will help to prepare future schoolchildren to an independent movement along the streets and roads.

  • Type of project: Informational and practical oriented
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Terms of project implementation: September 2015 - May 2016
  • Project participants: children of the preparatory group of compensating orientation, group teachers, music leader, instructor in physical culture, parents of pupils.
  • Educational regions:

Cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, speech, physical development.


This project is a system of work on the formation of skills of safe behavior on the roads. Provides a system of working with parents by this issue. The need for this material is due to the fact that the goal preschool education - The formation of a socially adapted personality of a child asked by the state standard, in accordance with potential age capabilities.

Special alarm causes poor preparedness of children to safely participate in the road transport process.

Problem: lack of a system of work on the formation of practical skills of the safe behavior of children on the road.

Every year, hundreds of road traffic accidents are performed on the roads of our country. That is why the prevention of road traffic injuries remains a priority problem of the Company, requiring a decision, with general participation and most effective methods. All researchers note that work on the study of the rules of safe behavior should be carried out in close contact with their parents, but not always parents know how and what knowledge should be given to children and especially do not pay this time.

The creation of a project to form practical skills of the safe behavior of children on the road will achieve concrete results for certain period. The project will provide active participation Children, parents and teachers.

The project ensures the achievement of specific results for a certain period of time.

The project implementation ensures the active participation of children, parents and teachers.

The project will be implemented within the framework of joint activities.

Novelty of the project lies in integration educational regions In accordance with GEF.

Objective of the project:

Improving the efficiency of working with children of preschool age for training (during the training) rules of safe behavior on the road. The formation of children's skills of conscious safe behavior on the street and the prevention of child road traffic injuries.



  1. The development of the psychophysiological qualities of the child providing its safety in the process of the road;
  2. The formation of knowledge of the preschool age knowledge according to the rules of road traffic and practical skills of behavior on the road;
  3. Generalization and expansion of children's knowledge of road rules;
  4. Developing in children the ability to logically think, draw up their answers in the form of evidence, develop competent monologues.
  5. Develop a system of educational - educational work according to the subject.
  6. Organization of joint activities educators, narrow specialists, Children, parents.


  1. Teaching children to apply their knowledge in specific situations.


  1. Rail in children cognitive interest to the problems of road alphabet, interested attitude to the world around the world.
  2. Educate personal safety and self-preservation skills;

Expected Result:

  • The interest of all project participants, the availability of ideas and proposals regulating the implementation of the project.
  • Organization of the system in educational - educational work According to this topic.
  • Application of knowledge gained in practice.
  • Control of own behavior on the streets of the city.
  • Interest, cognitive interest in children.
  • The inclusion of children and parents in the preparatory stage.
  • Activation of children's activities to teach secure behavior on the roads and the prevention of accidents.
  • Application of knowledge gained in practice, in various road transport situations.
  • Functioning of this site. The use of manufactured remote material, attributes on traffic rules.
  • Ability to navigate B. new situation, inclusion of children in created imageRoles.
  • Acquaintance of children with various types of transport.
  • Fastening the skills of behavior on the roads, to summarize and expand the knowledge of children by traffic rules.

Stages of project implementation:

Project on traffic rules " Road rules to know everyone puto "will be implemented in the 2015-2016 academic year and implies several stages of its implementation:

I.-Etap work (diagnostics) - refinement of the submission of children about safety rules, i.e. their personal experience

  • Studying methodical literature, formulation of goals and objectives, definition of funds, forms and methods of work.
  • Development of an action plan for project implementation.
  • Development of criteria and level characteristics of evaluation of efficiency pedagogical interaction (diagnostics).
  • Selection of illustrations, photos, literature on familiarization of children from traffic rules.
  • Selection of demonstrative and didactic material and benefits for the organization of plot and didactic games and moving games.
  • Production of attributes and manuals for conducting directly educational activities, plotting games, didactic games, moving games.
  • Creating presentation slides on the topic of the project.
  • Establishing communication with traffic police officers road transport For meetings, conversations.
  • Involving parents to work on the preparation of children to know and apply road rules.
  • Creature educational resources (printed and electronic) to form a bank of methodical materials, audio and video projects on the topic of the project.
  • Conducting primary and final monitoring of the level of development of children on the topic of the project.
  • Conducting major project implementation activities.

III - stage. Final(May 2016)

  • Analysis, assessment and synthesis of project implementation results.
  • Broadcast experience by pedagogical Council With the results of the project.
  • Dissemination of work experience in project implementation.

Work on the project is divided into such topics:

  1. Street
  2. Transport
  3. A pedestrian
  4. Transition
  5. Perekrestok
  6. Traffic light
  7. Control signals ... ..

Project Type: Creative, long-term (October - May 2015-2016).

Project participants: Kids group, educators, parents.

Relevance: Children by virtue of their age features Not always able to assess the situation and recognize the danger. It is necessary to train their ability to focus in a timely manner in a road situation, to educate the need to be disciplined, careful and cautious on the street.

Objective of the project: To give children knowledge about the rules of safe road traffic as pedestrian and passenger vehicle.

Tasks: Systematize the knowledge of children about the street device, about road traffic. Develop free orientation within the closest to the kindergarten of the area. Summing up children to awareness of the need to follow the rules of the road. Develop the ability to determine possible methods solutions to the problem with the help of an adult and then independently.

In the implementation of the project, the integration of educational areas is carried out: socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic aesthetic development, physical development.

Stages Implementation of the project:

Once in the morning, one of the children during morning conversation She boasted the fact that today they with mom very quickly moved the road, in an unforeseen place for this place, and nothing happened to them. Many children began to immediately say that it is impossible to do so and it is very dangerous, because even if it seems to us that we will have time, the road is not safe place And you need to be careful. Some admitted that they also do that, although they know that it is wrong. So the project "Secure Road" appeared in the group.

I.. Preparatory stage.

1. Organization of an object and development environment

ü Selection of demonstration and literary material on traffic rules.

ü Selection of physical attacks.

ü A selection of didactic games on traffic rules.

ü Selection of the musical repertoire.

ü Selection of presentations and videos about safety on the road.

ü Preparation of equipment.

2. Work with parents (registration of the parent corner on the topic of the project; advice for parents to increase the level of knowledge of parents filed with the topic).

II.. The main stage.

1. Organization of the subject-developing environment in the group.

The group was expanded and enriched with new materials. corner traffic rules. In direct access for children were all materials for independent and collaboration. In the parental corner, memo and all possible recommendations changed periodically.

2. Organization of joint activities with children, conducting cognitive events.

Speech development:

Conversation "Why do you need road rules".

Conversation "How to behave in public transport and in the car."

The learning of the poems of traffic rules: V.Gozhevnikov "Lightforward", V.Bestes "I'm going to run ...", I.Pishumov "Look at the Watch ..."

Reading fairy tales and poems about road safety. ("Car", "Road Tale", "A gift from Zebra", "Tram and his family", "Uncle Stepa".

Socio - communicative development:

Guessing mysteries on traffic rules.

Consider scene paintings According to traffic rules, and the compilation of descriptive stories.

Didactic games: "Car", "Our Street", "Running Lightformer", "skilled pedestrian", etc.

Scene - role-playing games: "Young pedestrian", "Adjustable", "We are going on the bus", etc ..

Target Walk to the nearest intersection with traffic light.

Target Walk to the intersection adjustable by the controller.

Participation in the district competition "School of Trafficious Sciences"

Artistic - aesthetic development.

Exhibitions of drawings: "Road signs - our friends", "Zebra to help pedestrians", "My favorite transport", etc.

Exhibition of layouts "Safe road to kindergarten."

Listening to musical works about traffic rules.

Cognitive development:

- "Our friend traffic light."

- "What will the road signs tell us"

- "What can travel on what"

- Zebra to help children. "

Looking at traffic videos - "Road ABC".

"When the weather changes - be careful on the road."

3. Work with parents:

Consultations for parents: "How to acquaint a child with road rules", "Safe steps towards safety on the road."

Manufacturing with children of the secure path to kindergarten.

Joint sports holiday "Road for all!"

III. Outcome.

Final event:

1. Sports holiday "Road for everyone!"

2. Exhibition of layouts " Safe Path to a kindergarten"

Result: the child knows the rules of safe road in the role of pedestrian and passenger vehicle. Complies with elementary generally accepted norms, has primary value ideas about "what is good, and what is bad", strive to do well. Mastering the main cultural means, ways of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in different types activities - game, communication, educational and research activities, etc.; Creates to choose a deal of classes, participants for joint activities. The child is able to cooperate and perform both leadership and performing functions in joint activities.

Draft "Safe Wheel" on traffic rules in the preparatory to school group

Description: dear Colleagues, I bring to your attention the project passport for the preparatory school of the PDD Group. This material can be used educators DOUas well as teachers primary classes Schools.

Project passport. Project Topic: "Safe Wheel".

Project Manager: Educator Zhmurenko E.N.
Project Type: Cognitive, information and creative
Project form: group
Project type: Medium-term
Duration of the project: 4 weeks
Terms of holding: March 13-17, 2017
Structure design Group: Children of the preparatory group, parents, group teachers.
Children's age: preparatory group, 6-7 years old.
Number of project participants: 25 (children)
Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, socially communicative, artistic - aesthetic development, speech development, physical educationHealth.

Relevance: Children's road traffic injuries today is one of the most relevant aspects. modern society. Especially in big cities with their mad rhythm of life in the context of a complex road and transportation, where compliance with the rules and rules of behavior on the roads are pretty big problem, which depends on both state structures (road legislation, control of traffic police traffic police), but also a huge responsibility is imposed on the participants of the road, and not only adults, but also children. Often the culprits of road accidents themselves are the children who play near the roads, pass the street for prohibiting signs and / or in involved places, bikes ride in areas of roads, where it is prohibited, incorrectly included in the vehicles and come out of them. They lead to this as elementary ignorance of road traffic rules themselves, as well as an indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. No protective psychological reaction on the road situation, which is characteristic of adults, in children can lead to tragic consequences; Children, due to the absence of this reaction, do not know how to properly manage their behavior. The desire for the unknown, something new, their children's fakeness often put them in a situation real danger In a rapidly changing road atmosphere. So starting from the very early age It is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the road, street, in transport, as well as road rules. Knowledge and observance of the "Rules of Road" will help to form a confident, responsible and safe behavior of children on the roads. Cases on the roads. The effectiveness of children's learning rules of road depends largely on the active participation of parents in joint activities. Thus, the relevance of the project is to raise the skills of safe behavior in the streets of the city in preschool age.

Project value:
Children are formed the skills of initiative independent active search Replies to the issues arising during the project and the application of their skills in research, practical and creative activity. The stock of knowledge about the properties of water and its composition is expanding.
Teachers continue to master the design technology, as a method for organizing saturated children's activities, which makes it possible to expand educational space, give him new forms, effectively develop creative cognitive thinking of the preschooler.
Parents expand opportunities for cooperation with their children, listen to their opinion.

Project goals: Continue to form and secure in children, senior preschool age, the basics of safe behavior on the street and knowledge of the rules of the road.

Project tasks:
1. Create conditions for conscious study by children of traffic rules.
2. Teach children necessary minimum Rules of road traffic and road signs.
3. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200borganizing pedestrians and transport on the roads and streets.
4. Take care to be responsible for the safety of your life and the life of others.
5. Continue to produce habit from children proper behavior on the road.
6. Rise the ability to naturally behave in various situations, make the right decisions.
7. Enrich and expand vocabulary Childish horizon.
8. Organize interaction with family and kindergarten staff.
Project implementation conditions:
1. The interest of children and parents;
2. Regularity and systematic work;
3. Implementation through all types of children's activities

Security: d / games, posters on the topic, PowerPoint presentations on the topic, thematic illustrations and pictures, multimedia installation, tape recorder and flash carrier, cognitive and fiction on the topic, materials for creativity (cardboard, colored, paints, brushes, pencils, and t .d.)

Estimated result:
Children will know more about traffic rules on the streets of the city;
The basics of safe behavior on the streets and roads and the understanding of the need to observe traffic rules are formed;
A sense of responsibility for the preservation of life and avoid injury on the streets of the city;
Get acquainted with the traffic police service;
Will get acquainted with road signs: prohibiting, permitting, informative;
The level of motivation of collective achievements in children will increase;
The atmosphere of community of interests, affiliate relations will be created
attracting parents to the manufacture of road signs, layout "Street of the city", games on traffic rules within the project;
Increase interest in Dow
Detention and active management of the project will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge on traffic rules;
accumulation practical didactic material by various types Children's activities in the framework of the project

Project Plan:
Preparatory stage.
Practical activities.

Products: 1) Layouts "City Street" and "Vehicles"; 2) album with drawings of children about traffic rules; 3) leisure "About who risked heads on the pavement" (scenario); 4) Exhibition of Project Products (Pictures, Mockups)

Protection form: Presentation of the project for parents and teachers on the Dow site.

Description of the project.

Stages of the project:
Stage I. Preparatory
At the first stage, a search work was carried out on the selection of material on this topic.
The target and objectives of the project define. Compiled work plan on the project. Together with the children was determined a task: To form skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads and understand the need to follow the rules of the road. Parents were attracted to participate in the project: the manufacture of road signs, the "Streets of the city" and "Vehicles", games road safety. The result of the 1st stage was the project plan scheme, the problem was raised before deciding, as well as to convey to children knowledge about what road rules It is necessary to stick.
Stage II - the main one.
Duration - 1 Week
At the 2 stage of the project, the work took place to implement the tasks
The process of implementing all educational areas: socio-communicative
development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development and
Artistic and aesthetic development.
In his work applied the most diverse
forms of work with preschooler mi:
Thematic conversations ("Road Rules", "City Street");
Integrated Chatting "Rules of Conduct in Public Transport"
Oyod ("Driving School", "Road Rules Always")
Scene-role-playing game "Movement on the street of the city";
Quiz "Pedestrian on the street", Verbal game "What? Where? Where? "
Didactic games;
Productive activities, etc.
Created subject and developing yes:
Layout "Streets of the city", "Vehicles"
Road safety corner
Exhibition of literature on the topic
Didactic games
Attributes to plot players
Made the "PDD" stand and mobile folders for the parent to her:
"Receptions of training young pedestrian»,
"The most attentive pedestrian",
"On the rules of the road"
Consultations for a parent to her:
"Your child on the street. Parent, remember! "
"Parents - about road safety",
"Three law safety pedestrian on the road"
Didactic games, plot role-playing games, the Quiz on traffic rules raised the efficiency and effectiveness of work on the study of road rules.
Each of the children wanted to show his knowledge. The pupils took an active part in the drawings of the PDD.
The result of the 2 stage was that the children got and secured knowledge about traffic rules, road
signs, formed the ability to express and justify your opinion in games and
other activities.
III Stage - Final (Presentation).
Duration: 1 Week

Purpose: summarizing project activities.
1. Systematize knowledge of children about traffic rules.
2. Place the album of children's drawings.
3. Take an exhibition and prepare a presentation finished products Project (Mock "City Streets", vehicle layouts, children's drawings).
4. Preparation and Conducting Competition creative work As part of the project on the manufacture of the "Street of the city" and "Vehicles".
5. Preparation and conduct of leisure "" About one who risked on the pavement "
6. Presentation of the project on the Dow site.

Project results:

The project "Safe Wheel" was another proof and bright
an example of the fact that the solution to the problem of preventing children's road traffic
transport injuries is possible only by joint efforts of teachers,
parents, children.
Children learned more about traffic rules on the streets of the city;
A sense of responsibility for the preservation of life and avoiding
injury on the streets of the city;
The foundations of safe behavior on the streets and roads and the understanding of the need to observe traffic rules are formed;
Got acquainted with the signs of prohibiting, permitting, information
Got acquainted with the traffic police service;
The level of motivation of collective achievements in children has increased;
Created an atmosphere of community of interests, partnerships (children-parents-educators)

Used Books:
1. N.A. Motorekova / Road Rules. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982.
2. N.A.Onkoreova / Road rules for preschool children. - M.: Creative Center "Sphere", 2006.
3. LB Vodubnaya / Road Rules. Entertaining materials. - Volgograd, Publisher - Trading House

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten Combined Vision№3

Informative project

on traffic rules in the preparatory group

"Children and Road"

Prepared: Semenyuk O.I.

T. Kushchevskaya 2015

Information and educational project on traffic rules in the preparatory group

Project type: Informative

Duration of the project: Long-term (September - May)

Project participants: Children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents.

Preschool age - the most important periodwhen the person is formed and laid durable bases Life experience, healthy image Life. Child in his physiological features It cannot independently determine the best hazard. Therefore, an adult is entrusted to the mission of protecting his child. Children need to be reasonably helping to avoid damage, because it is impossible to drive them over the arm all the time, to hold near themselves. It is necessary to bring up a habit of riding a bike properly, explain how to behave in the yard, on the street. It is necessary to form in children the skills of behavior in situations fraught with injuries to form their ideas about the most typical, often encountered situations.

One of the most serious problems of any settlement is road traffic injuries. To date, reduce its level fails. Early in road traffic accidents are injured and children die. The most common mistakes that children perform are: an unexpected way out of the roadway in an unidentified place, a way out due to the standing vehicle, unsobiscancy of traffic lights, violation of bicycle riding rules, etc., the carelessness of children on the roads depends on adults, from low level their culture behavior. And the price of this is childhood.

To protect the children from danger, it is necessary to start cooking them as early as possible to meet them with the street, movement, teach them to contact the elder for help, as well as the right and timely response to the current situation. The earlier it will be possible to acquaint a child with the rules of the road, to form his skills of the culture of behavior in transport, on the street, the less likely the undesirable incidents with him on the road. In this, parents should take part, and preschool institutionsAnd hereinafter, of course, school and other educational institutions.

It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road injury in preschool institutions. Parents and pre-school institutions should be taken in this, and in the future, of course, the school.

Objective of the project : Formation of skills of safe behavior on the street and on the way to kindergarten.

Tasks: * Deepen the ideas of children about the rules of the road, obtained earlier; * Expand the knowledge of children about traffic rules for pedestrians and passengers and about the work of traffic police officers controlling and regulating traffic on the street; * Continue to meet the appointment of road signs and their inquiries; * Expand children's knowledge about transport types;

* Develop in children the ability to anticipate possible dangers in a particularly changing situation and the construction of adequate safe behavior;

* Raise competent pedestrians in children;

* Develop Motoric Hands.

Predictable result of the project "Children and Road"

Conscious attitude to the issues of personal safety and security of others; - manifestation of discipline, excerpt, independence in compliance with the rules of conduct; - the ability to foresee possible danger, find ways to avoid it; - knowledge of rules of safe behavior on the streets; - the ability to take care of your physical Health and comply with life safety rules; - ability to choose an adequate behavior model in various life situations; - the ability to organize activities in accordance with the rules of safe for themselves and surrounding behavior in "typical" situations; - the ability to act in extreme situations in accordance with the learned rules on the road; - ideas about possible negative consequences For other people with their careless actions.

Stages of work on the project

1. Preparatory stage

purpose : Determine the main directions of work.

* Selection of Materials on traffic rules (acquire new methods of methodical and children's literature, find modern informative and developing information about traffic rules for preschoolers, parents, selection of paints on traffic cops for preschoolers; * selection required material, benefits, equipment; * Conducting preliminary work, developing an abstract activity, presentation; * Creating a developing environment for learning traffic rules - PDD. * viewing drawings, photos about road situations; * Acquaintance S. literary works: S. Mikhalkov "Lightfor", "Spruce Story", M. Danzkovsky "Lightforward", A. North "Three Wonderful Colors", Ya. Pishums "ABC of the City", "Just this is a sign of such ...", "Post", " Product Machine ", Oh. Bedlev "If ...", N. Nosov "Car", V. Golovko "Rules of Movement"; * Making didactic Games on traffic rules

* Use of games:didactic: "Think - Guess", "Red - Green", "What is the sign?", "Who knows more?", "Guess-ka", "pick up the computation of the corresponding sign", etc.Movable: "Practice and car", "colored cars", "dexterous pedestrian", "pedestrians and transport", etc.

Was designed perspective plan Works on Children's Training Rules for 2015-2016

2. Organizational stage.

For school year The preparatory group was working on training for preschoolers by the rules of the road, with the integration of five educational areas: "cognitive development", "socio-communicative", "artistic and aesthetic development", "speech development", "physical development",

Conversations were held: "Road rules to know everyone should be", "On the way to kindergarten", "why do you need a traffic light?", "How to behave outside", "Rules for cyclists", "Rules for passengers and pedestrians", etc. .

I got acquainted with the literary works of S. Mikhalkov "Lightforward", "My Street", "Svetva Story", M. Danzkovsky "Lightfor", A. North "Three Wonderful Colors", Ya Pishumova "ABC of the city", "Just this sign is such ... "," Post "," Product Machine ", oh. Bedaleva "If ...", N. Nosov "Car", V. Golovko "Rules of Movement";

"Traffic light"

Any intersection

The traffic light meets us.

And gets very simple

With a pedestrian conversation:

Cvet green- pass!

Yellow - better wait!

If the light is lit red -

So move dangerous!


Let the tram take place, take the patience.

Learn and respect the Rules of Movement.

"My street"

Here at any time

Defext is dressed.

He runs at once,

Who in front of him on the pavement.

Nobody in the light can be so possible

Stop the flow of passersby

And skip trucks.

"Face History"

Movement Polon City -

Run cars in a row

Colored traffic lights and day and night are burning.

And where the day of trams

Ring from all sides

It is impossible to walk yawning,

But who under the red light

Walks straight?

And this is a boy Petya -

Bounce and mischievous.

Chasters are worried,

In all the beeps buzz

Wheels and motors

Stop want.

Rolled the driver cool

Sweat like never:

Another second -

The trouble would happen.

And adults and children

Barely restraced the cry:

Almost killed was Peter -

Bounce and mischievous ...

Conversation on the topic "Road rules to know everyone should be"

purpose : Find out that the children know about where and how to move the street; clarify their ideas about the rules of traffic, convincing them to comply with them;Conversations:

You already know that pedestrians are obliged to comply with the rules of traffic. I said pedestrians. What does this word mean? What other words are it formed? What are obliged to make pedestrians? Yes, they are obliged to comply with the rules of traffic. Are there such rules? Name them. (Children's responses).

Do not move the street on the red light, even when there are no cars on the road, it clarifies the educator. Formulates the rule that children repeat everything together and one by one: if you do not have time to move the street, stop in the middle of it and wait for the green light signal.

Conversation on the topic: "Why do we need a traffic light?".

purpose : To form a presentation of preschoolers about road safety.


Traffic lights were invented to adjust traffic safety on the streets. They received widespread after the invention of the car. Before it was not a special need for official rules Street traffic and traffic control devices: People rely more on common sense and correct behavior. But when the streets were filled with rapid and noisy cars, it became obvious that the outdoor movement was necessary. Traffic lights, which were forced to stop alone, giving the opportunity to move to others, represented one way to protect cars and pedestrians from collisions and avoid the formation of transport traffic jams.

The first traffic light appeared in England in the central part of London in 1868. This gas lamp, closed on one side of red, and with another green glass, was suspended on a high iron post, and it could be rotated in one or another direction using the handle installed on its base. Of course, at that time there were no cars yet. But the number of vehicles with a steam engine, wagons that have dragged animals, and pedestrians have increased so much that traffic lights needed to prevent accidents.

Electric traffic lights invented Garrett Morgan, African American, inventor and businessman. After buying the first car, Morgan realized that at the intersections there were some means of traffic regulation. He came up with a traffic light operating on the same principle as the light signals installed on railway connectors. In the first traffic lights, red and green lightAnd when changing the light, a beep sounded. But as the automotive movement increases and the noise associated noise, it became clear that the light warning signal, which is included between the signals to "move" and "stand", will be more efficient than sound. A yellow or orange signal was added to light lights, warning drivers that the "Stop" signal will now be turned on.

Conversation on the topic: "How to behave outside"

Purpose: To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200ba safe behavior on the street.


The teacher tells about what's on the street, - as in the store, you need to learn how to behave correctly.

Pedagogue offers children to answer the following questions:

* Where should I play on the street?

* What should I do if you lost each other with my mother?

* What should I do if my mother entered the bus, and you did not have time?

* To whom you can seek help, and who does not?

* How to behave if unfamiliar man asks you about the house, about parents? * What to do if an unfamiliar person offers candy on the street, cookies, go to visit him?

I suggest children to tell about the difficult situations in which they fell on the street. They can also be discussed with children, paying attention to the following aspects: the child behaved correctly in this situation correctly; How to do the right thing; How to advise parents to do them in one situation or another.

The teacher tells children about the rules of behavior on the street (it is impossible to quarrel on the street; it is impossible to draw and write on the walls of houses, fences; indecent on the street there is a loud talk, laugh, scream; you can not move the street on the red light, you can only play a green; you can not play the road Parts of the Street; Be careful to the elderly, inferior to them in transport).

In order to consolidate knowledge together with children, you can play a few puzzles scenes: "What is wrong here?" (Suggested situations on the material passed, and children must answer, with which they agree, and with what is not.)

During excursions, the guys watched vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights. We visited the District Historical Museum, the District Center of Crafts. speech therapy group visited the Development Center children's creativityWe visited the Children's District Library.

Consultations were held with their parents, conversations: "Training of preschoolers of traffic rules", "parents about road rules", remindes were developed and distributed.

Conducted quizzes where traffic rules were fixed.

1. How many colors have a traffic light and what are these colors? (Three: Red Yellow, Green)

2. For which part of the street should pedestrians go? (on the sidewalk)

3. What kind of transport do you know? (cargo, passenger, passenger)

4. Can cars ride the sidewalk? (not)

5. What part of the street is intended for transport? (driving part)

6. Name any special type of transport. (ambulance car, policeman, fire truck)

7. Name View public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram)

8. How many lights have a pedestrian traffic light and what color are they? (two; green and red)

9. Where is the pedestrian safely go through the roadway? (by pedestrian crossing)

10. What is Zebra? (so called the image stripes on the road, which denote a pedestrian crossing)

11. When you leave the house to the street, who do you turn into? (in a pedestrian)

12. If you went to the bus, who did you become? (passenger)

13. Imagine that you have grown and driving a car. Who have you become? (driver)

14. Where do you need to wait for the bus, trolleybus? (At the stop)

15. Obstating situations: "What should not be", "How to go through the road?", "What signs help pedestrian on the way?", "What you need to know."

Disassembled and analyzed various situationsDelivered conclusions:

Mom is coming With her son in kindergarten in the sidewalk. The boy runs ahead of her and prevents pedestrians.

- Mom and son goes down the street. On the opposite side The boy sees dad and rushes towards him across the road.

Question: How to do mom?

- Mom and son goes down the street. Near the kiosk a lot of people. Mom lets the child's hand and approaches the kiosk.

Question: How to do mom?

Dad goes With a child in the sidewalk. A child in the hands of the ball. The ball falls on the road. The child runs behind him.

Question: How to do Pope?

Independent activities in a developing environment

* Mobile Games: "Drivers", "Cherry-Dual Chechebide", "Practice and Car", "Colored Cars", "Lucky Pedestrian", "Pedestrians and Transport", etc. * Plot role-playing games: "Bus"; "School of Beginner Driver", "Drivers and Inspector of the traffic police", "Travel Journey", "Drivers", "Travel on Transport".

* Board games: "Travel Pedestrian", "ABC of Pedestrian", "Lotto. Road signs".

* Consider illustrations "How to avoid troubles", "History on the road." * Drawing, applique, modeling on security; road signs.* Designing out building material and sand "My Street", " Railway»With further buildup of buildings.

The final stage: summarizing.

According to the results of monitoring, I concluded that as a result, the implementation of this project in children have formed the necessary ideas and skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads. The goal and the tasks have been successfully completed.

The use of this project contributes to the deeper assimilation of the children's rules, consolidation of knowledge and skills, formation conscious relationship To their observance, development sense of control, self-control, responsibility and prerequisites of readiness to respond for their actions.