Interaction of children in the multi-age group of the kindergarten. Consultation for parents on the topic: Features of the organization of work in a group of different ages. the presence of younger children creates rich opportunities for older preschoolers to assert their

Organization of life and activities of children in a group of different ages kindergarten

1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of multi-age children's associations

1.1 Multi-age group in the context of scientific and pedagogical ideas

The problem of joint education of children of different ages in kindergartens is not new. For the first time in preschool pedagogy the problem of joint education of children of different ages as a subject of social research was presented in the works of T.A. Markova, V.G. Nechaeva, L.A. Penievskaya, R.I. Zhukovskaya and others.

In the studies of A.G. Arushanova, V.V. Gerbovoy, A.N. Davidchuk, V.G. Schur, S.G. Jacobson has convincingly shown that a group of different ages has significant developmental potential, but certain conditions are necessary for its implementation.

In the theory of preschool pedagogy, mainly certain aspects of content and forms were used. educational process differently age groups ah preschool. Thus, the works of A.G. Arushanova, A.N. Davidchuk, T.A. Makeeva, devoted to the study of the pedagogical conditions of organizing the education of children of different ages in joint activities, the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in a group of different ages, the work of the Belarusian scientist E.B. Davidovich, who studies the features of sensory education in a group of different ages, shows the real possibilities of mutual learning of children. Influence of joint games of elders and younger preschoolers V.G. Nechaeva, M.V. Minkina. N.P. Flegontova, it was revealed that the game interaction of children of different ages in a plot-role-playing game can be psychologically significant for both older and younger preschoolers, since the former satisfy the need to evaluate others, and the latter - the need to gain recognition. Research by V.V. Gerbovoy, L.K. Fomenko convincingly showed that the uneven-age composition of the group creates favorable conditions for the development of speech in both older and younger children. The peculiarities of the interaction of children of different ages in the learning process are determined in the studies of T.A. Doronova, V.G. Schur, S.G. Jacobson. The problem of the development of the speech of children in a group of different ages was reflected in the works of N.S. Starzhinskaya.

The results of the research conducted by V.N. Avanesova, convincingly showed the originality of teaching in a group of different ages, which consists in the fact that in one lesson the teacher actually conducts two or three micro-lessons with different subgroups of children. Developed by V.N. Avanesova's classes played a positive role in organizing the education of children in age groups Oh.

The modern theory of preschool education is characterized by the development of a number of scientific and theoretical ideas that make it possible to determine benchmarks in building the educational process in a multi-age group of a preschool institution. One of these leading ideas is the idea of ​​the integral development of the child in preschool age (M.V. Krulekht). The specifics of building a holistic educational process in different age groups of a preschool institution is reflected in the studies of E.P. Gerasimova.

The author draws attention to the fact that for pedagogical practice, it is important to determine the general conditions that are essential for all educational tasks and aspects of the pedagogical process and the development of the child, under which the potential opportunities are fully realized. joint stay children for both older and younger preschoolers, and notes that an essential indicator of the success of the educational process in the age group of preschoolers is the manifestation of a complex of personal characteristics of the child, manifested in his ability to fulfill the role of a learner and learner, educator and educator, empathizing and needing empathy ...

Of undoubted interest are studies carried out in the context of communicative activity (N.N. Avdeeva, V.V. Vetrova, L.N. Galiguzova, D.B. Godovikova, M.I. Lisina, S.G. Yakobson). educator with preschoolers of different ages, the formation of relationships between children of different ages in joint activities was reflected in the studies of Belarusian scientists T.N. Kovaleva, V.V. Avramenko, L.N. Bashlakova, A.M. Schastnaya and others.

All studies show a significant developmental potential of different age groups, in which the child is more active, more effective and more natural to socialize. The creation and support of groups of different ages is an understanding of the essence of the development of preschool children.

1.2 Features of different age children's associations and their role in the development of children

Pre-school environment of different ages educational institution enriches social experience child and creates conditions for his personal and social development. Emerging habits of communication with a large team people contribute to the development of the child's contact and communication skills, provide the formation of social responsibility, the ability to feel and understand others.

An age group is a socio-psychological environment for the development of a preschool child, characterized by the coexistence of various systems social interaction, in which the child is simultaneously included: "child-adult", "child-peer", "child - youngest child"," Child - older child ", this determines the specificity of the educational process in it. The effect of development of children in a group of different ages is ensured by the development of a real role position in the process of inter-age interactions, and the level of development of a real role position serves as the most important integrated indicator of the social development of a preschooler.

The multi-age group of the kindergarten is the first social association of children in which they occupy different positions. Skills are learned here social behavior and moral norms of children's interaction with each other and with adults in various types of joint activities: play, work, visual, etc. The interaction of children in a multi-age group of kindergarten changes their attitude towards their peers, whom they evaluate not only by their personal qualities, but also by moral qualities. Young children become the central figure through which the social experience of children is refracted and taken into a practical direction, with the constant, intelligent guidance and participation of an adult. In the conditions of a group of different ages, the relationship of children with the teacher and with each other changes, children have a unique opportunity purposeful formation their relationships with adults and peers, both older and younger.

The organization of the pedagogical process in different age groups has its own characteristics and difficulties, requires the teacher to know the programs of all age groups, the ability to compare the program requirements with the age and individual characteristics of children, the ability to correctly distribute attention, understand and see each child and the whole group as a whole, and ensure development children according to their capabilities.

In order to rationally build the pedagogical process, it is necessary to determine in each specific case the composition of the group, to single out two or three subgroups and, in accordance with them, to differentiate educational and educational work (it is recommended, on September 1, in each mixed group, to have lists of children by subgroups indicating the date of birth and age of children).

Depending on the age composition and the number of children, the recruitment of children can be as follows:

in a one-group educational institution, where children of an adjacent, contrasting and sharply contrasting age are actually brought up together, three subgroups are distinguished:

groups - children of a related age.

group - older children of the same age.

In the case of recruiting groups of children of close, adjacent ages, the principle of maximum consideration of the age capabilities of children is better implemented, on the basis of which age groups are distinguished in the "Program" by the years of a child's life (third, fourth, fifth ...). In each such group, it is necessary to work on two age groups. Differentiated work with two subgroups is within the power of each educator and, at the same time, can significantly improve the quality of upbringing and education, especially for older children.

Upbringing and educational work in different age groups of educational institutions is carried out by the teacher in the process of everyday life and independent activity children (play, work, etc.), as well as in the process of classes specially organized and systematically conducted with all children. In the first case, the educator first of all creates conditions for varied and interesting activities and well-being of each child, fosters the behavior and correct relationships of children with each other and with adults, clarifies children's experience and ideas, consolidates existing knowledge, broadens the child's horizons. In the course of classes, the teacher organizes the educational activities of all children, forms the ability to act in accordance with the instructions received from an adult, systematically and consistently teaches children new knowledge and skills, develops cognitive activity.

The correct organization of life and various activities of children in groups of different ages, the creation of favorable conditions contributes to the diversified development of children of different ages.

2. Implementation of a multi-age approach in organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution

2.1 Creation of a developing environment in the group

The child's developmental environment is the child's life activity space. These are the conditions in which his life in the educational institution proceeds, including the subject-spatial environment and the social environment.

The environment is the space surrounding a person, the zone of the individual's immediate activity, his immediate development and action. It is known that it is this factor that can either inhibit the development of a child (hostile in the emotional and physical planes), or stimulate his development (a favorable, developing environment). A neutral version of the influence of the environment is also possible, when it does not inhibit, but does not stimulate the development of the child. All this must be taken into account when creating an environment in a kindergarten.

Educational researchers believe that a specially organized environment can have a positive effect on the development of a child's ability to self-learn. Such an environment contributes to the establishment, confirmation of a sense of self-confidence, and this is what determines the characteristics personal development at the stage of preschool childhood. The developing environment gives the preschooler the opportunity to test and use his abilities, allows him to show independence, to assert himself as an active figure. The child's activity in an enriched developmental environment is stimulated by the freedom of choice of activity. The child plays, based on his interests and capabilities, the desire for self-affirmation, is engaged not at the will of an adult, but according to on their own, under the influence of the game materials that caught his attention. In this approach to the organization of children's activities, there is already a mechanism for developing responsibility for what has been done, for the result. The forces awaken in the child, contributing to the best possible implementation of the plan.

The developing environment acts as a stimulant, a driving force in the integral process of the formation of a child's personality, it enriches personal development, contributes to the early manifestation of versatile abilities.

The enriched development of the child's personality is characterized by the manifestation of direct childish inquisitiveness, curiosity, individual capabilities (without coercion and coaching); the child's ability to cognize what he saw, heard (material and social world) and emotionally respond to various phenomena, events in life; the desire of the individual to creatively reflect the accumulated experience of perception, cognition in games, communication, drawings, crafts, etc.

In general, enriched development is the development of all the potential individual capacities of each child. Of course, the highest level of cognitive and personal development is possessed by an individual who is under the influence of a developing environment. Thus, the subject-spatial development environment is the organization of space and the use of equipment and other equipment in accordance with the goals of the safety of the child's mental well-being and his development.

What are the characteristics of the subject-spatial environment and how to create them?

) Comfort and safety of the environment is most often achieved through the similarity of the interior of the group room with the home environment. This relieves the stress-forming effect on the child of a public educational institution, creates a sense of confidence and security. As a result of being in a natural, comfortable environment, the child develops the prerequisites for the emergence and consolidation of a positive emotional tone, which is the basis for successful intellectual and personal development.

the effect home furnishings achieved by replacing government furniture (desks, tables arranged according to standard school rules, with the number of chairs equal to the number of children; teacher's table) with more familiar tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas, pillows, rugs; elimination of boundaries between the area of ​​learning activities and areas for other activities.

) Providing a wealth of sensory experiences. The furnishings of group rooms must be selected in such a way that they reflect the variety of colors, shapes, materials, and the harmony of the surrounding world. For this, as a rule, a lot of space is allotted to natural and various waste material... Along with this, various household items are often brought into the groups of preschoolers, and natural things are used in the attributes of role-playing games (for example, in the game "Travel": a camera, suitcases, dark glasses, a helmet, binoculars, etc.). The various activities of children in such an environment are an effective condition for development. sensory abilities, which, in turn, are basic in the system intellectual abilities preschool child.

) Providing independent individual activity and structuring this activity through saturating the space with specially selected materials. This approach puts the child in the position of an active figure, which has a beneficial effect on the acquisition of experience in social life and its interiorization, the formation of the subject position of the preschooler, and develops his independence and initiative. In addition, the situation of being busy and engaging in interesting activities for each child reduces the potential for organizational and disciplinary problems.

) Providing opportunities for exploration and learning. Based on this provision, the developmental environment can be called "learning". The child learns a lot even before he comes to preschool. By this time, he already has significant experience and understands the world based on this experience. The education process in a preschool institution should build on this previous experience of the child and take into account the child's own point of view on the world around him.

Each child has his own pace and style of development, no less individual than his appearance. Some children learn better through observation. In teaching others, manipulation and manipulation by trial and error is relatively common. All this only confirms the point of view about the importance of creating a special learning environment in which each child could individually test their abilities and go their own way in the process of learning about the world around them.

Modern researchers have determined that direct learning does not always lead to awareness of the studied content and the possibility of its use. The child stops demonstrating understanding of this content as soon as the learning situation disappears. For example, a 5-year-old child quite easily copes with the task of arranging the stripes in height from lowest to highest, names those stripes that are lower than blue, but higher than red, demonstrating an understanding of the relativity of magnitude. But the same child cannot draw a bear on a small piece of paper so that this bear is the largest among all drawn bears (although the decision is based on the same understanding of the relativity of magnitude).

Children's experimentation is one of the most important aspects of personality development. This activity is not assigned to the child by the adult in advance in the form of one or another scheme, but is constructed by the preschooler himself as he receives more and more information about the object. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about self-development in the activities of experimentation. To deploy this activity, materials are needed: measuring cups, molds, non-standard measurements, teaching aids and instruments (scales, clocks, calendars, etc.), water, clay, river sand.

Thus, the subject-developing environment should be understood as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials.

At the same time, the defining moment in the creation of a subject-developing environment is the pedagogical idea; the goal that the educational institution is guided by. This goal is achieved through the implementation of the educational program.

The goals of preschool education and, therefore, educational programs can differ significantly from each other. So in the Russian Federation, several comprehensive programs have been approved ("Rainbow", "Development", "Childhood", "Origins", etc.), as well as a number of partial programs ("We", "Fundamentals of Life Safety", etc.) .e. the educational environment of the group should contribute to the implementation of the goals, objectives and content of the selected program.

When creating a developing environment for a group, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of children attending this group: the age of preschoolers, their level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender composition, personal characteristics, etc.

The characteristics of the group environment are also largely determined by the personality traits and pedagogical attitudes of the educator. If the educator is an expert on his city, likes to study it with children, of course, this should be vividly reflected in the setting. Another prefers to pay more attention to visual activity- and it will also be noticeable in the created environment. Some of the teachers are close to the ideas of Maria Montessori, for someone the approach of Walfdorf pedagogy is decisive - all this will somehow be reflected in the environment of the group.

The above allows us to conclude that there cannot be too strict, detailed requirements for the construction of a developing environment in different educational institutions, since educational programs, the composition of children, and teaching staff can differ significantly from each other. At the same time, it is possible to single out the most general provisions for creating a developing environment in the group of a preschool educational institution, which are based on modern approaches to the education of preschoolers.

Indispensable conditions for building a developing environment in preschool institutions of any type are the implementation of the ideas of developmental education and reliance on a personality-oriented model of interaction between the teacher and the child.

Developmental education is aimed primarily at the development of the student's personality and is carried out through the solution of educational tasks based on the transformation of information, which allows the student to show maximum independence and activity. The source of the child's holistic development is his cognitive and creative activity, which is aimed at mastering the historically emerging forms of human culture, the creative experience of people. The cultural means that the child actively appropriates give him the opportunity to independently analyze any new situation, be free to choose his own actions, and independently organize his activities.

Developmental learning presupposes the prospect of the child's self-development and the expansion of his consciousness on the basis of cognitive and creative activity. Such training is impossible without reflection, without knowing oneself, one's capabilities. The implementation of the ideas of developing education is possible only on the basis of a personality-oriented model of interaction between the teacher and the child. Its main features are as follows. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the rule: "not next to, not" over ", but together!" Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person. Methods of communication - understanding, recognition and acceptance of the personality of the child, based on the ability of adults to take the position of the child, take into account his point of view and not ignore his feelings and emotions. Communication tactics are cooperation. Looking at the child as a full partner.

The implementation of modern approaches to the education of preschoolers (the implementation of the ideas of developing education and a personality-oriented model of interaction between the teacher and the child) is possible only if the following principles of building a developing environment in the kindergarten group are observed.

The principle of respect for the needs, needs of the child. A preschool child has three basic needs: the need for movement, the need for communication, the need for cognition. The environment of the group (and kindergarten in general) must satisfy these needs. It is organized so that the child has an independent choice: with whom, how, where, what to play with. The selection of equipment and materials for the group is determined by the characteristics of the development of children of a particular age and the sensitive periods characteristic of this age. So, for example, in the third year of life, this is the development of movements and speech. Therefore, it is necessary to include slides, large balls (for which the child will walk, roll them), bicycles, simple plot pictures, durable books.

At the senior preschool age, children prefer joint games, so the equipment must be placed so that it is convenient for children to organize joint activities. At the same age, the "director's" game begins to develop - it requires a small table theater and the corresponding attributes.

The child develops only in vigorous activity. He is most often stimulated to such activities by an external stimulus: an object, a toy that is in the area of ​​attention, so the height of the furniture in the group room should be such that the child can get the toy from the highest shelf (about 75 cm).

Free space is of great importance in creating a truly developing environment. Children need a lot of free space - for motor activity, role-playing games, for "untidy" games (manipulation with water, sand, clay), for quiet games and solitary activities. The basic rule is that free space should occupy at least a third and no more than half of the total space of the group room. (Don't confuse "free space" and "open space"!).

In addition, children should be able to clearly see how to move around the group room so as not to interfere with the activities of other children. It is important for the teacher that the group room is clearly visible so that he can see all the children without having to move around the room. Such a space will help to create low screens or shelves with open shelves, which at the same time delimit the space and leave it free for observation.

When planning the interior, it is advisable to adhere to non-rigid centering (zoning). So, the following approach to organizing the environment is possible:

center of role-playing game;

a literacy center, which includes a book corner and all the games and equipment for developing speech and preparing the child for mastering reading and writing, theatrical games can also be here;

a science center, which includes a corner of nature and a place for children's experimentation and experiments with the appropriate equipment and materials;

center for building and constructive games;

center of mathematics (games library);

an art center that houses art introductory materials, art objects, materials and equipment for children's art.

In addition, it is desirable to have a sports complex in a group: it does not take up much space and at the same time is multifunctional.

Perhaps another construction of the environment - "cabinet". In any case, when solving his goals and objectives, the educator can choose his own version of building the environment - he, together with the children, determines what, where and how to have it.

The principle of respect for the opinion of the child. An educator builds a developing environment for children. At the same time, he tries to ensure that the environment surrounding the child is comfortable, aesthetic, meaningful, so that the equipment is arranged conveniently. However, we must not forget that an adult's ideas about convenience, coziness, comfort do not always coincide with the child's ideas about this.

For example, a teacher with the best intentions tries to equip the group with a soft corner (sofa or armchairs), and the child prefers a pair of foam mats. You can lie on them, jump, they are easy to move to another place, there is no fear of breaking or tearing something. Or the teacher selects wallpaper for the group: beautiful, washable, finished to match, and it would be much more interesting for the child to have a “drawing wall” in the group - attached roll white wallpaper on which you can draw with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils and even ... with your hands. When organizing the environment, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of each child, all children in the group, listen to their suggestions and, if possible, satisfy them, or tactfully explain the reason for the refusal.

It is advisable, before the first arrival of a child in kindergarten or after a summer break, to ask parents (in conversation or through a questionnaire) about what their son or daughter is fond of, what he shows inclinations, abilities; what toys he likes. It is also important to ask the child himself about this and to introduce into the setting those games (toys, materials) that will bring the child joy and pleasure.

If the child's opinion is always taken into account in the created environment, the kindergarten group will become dearer, cozier, more comfortable for him - after all, this is a house that was created for him too!

The principle of functionality means that in the setting of the room there are only those materials that are in demand by children and perform a developmental function. So, if in the near future the game, allowance, equipment will not be used, they should be taken out of the group to another place (locker room, pantry, etc.). The group should not be a warehouse for storing materials and manuals!

The equipment and materials available need to be analyzed in terms of attractiveness to children and developmental potential. For example, in many kindergarten groups there is a game called "Shop". Often, the attributes for this game are empty packages of products (milk, yoghurts, cookies, etc.) in excess, bags with "cereals", weight scales, etc. But a modern child most often observes a different picture in a store: electronic scales, the saleswoman's goods are almost never weighed - they are already packaged ... active participation educator. Maybe it is better to organize a “clothing store” where children can “try on and buy” clothes? What is needed for this? Of course, the goods are clothes, hangers and a clothes rack, a mirror, price tags, a cash register ...

Games and manuals that are included in the group must be multifunctional, combinatorial, variable. For example, the didactic manual "Colored sticks of Kuisener" can be used to develop children's ideas about natural numbers, to develop computational skills, to develop spatial orientations, to develop the ability to identify properties, dependencies, patterns. Construction set Lego "Farm" is interesting for children as a toy, but at the same time they get to know pets, consider them; preschoolers develop constructive thinking, creative imagination.

The principle of the advanced nature of the content of education. It is legitimate that the educator selects into the group those materials that are intended for children of a certain age, but in addition to them, approximately 15% of materials aimed at older children (about a year) should be included in the setting. This is due to the following reasons. First, children differ in their level of development: there are preschoolers who are ahead of their peers in development. In order not to hinder their further progress, it is necessary to use more complex content, and this is possible only through activities with games and manuals intended for older children. Secondly, the peculiarities of the child's behavior and activity with new complex material give the educator a wonderful opportunity to carry out diagnostics, namely: to note the degree of transfer of information already mastered by children to new, unfamiliar conditions of activity. Thirdly, children's experimentation with new, more complex play material opens up the prospect of self-development, fosters the desire to understand, learn, understand new things.

The principle of dynamism is the static nature of the environment. The child, while remaining himself, at the same time constantly changes and develops. Naturally, his environment cannot be frozen, and also requires changes. The environment is a shell, “clothes” from which the child quickly grows, therefore, it should, while remaining essentially familiar and comfortable, “grow”, change with the child; moreover, the child himself must change the situation, adjusting it to himself. The developing environment cannot be built completely, tomorrow it will no longer stimulate development, and the day after tomorrow it will slow down it.

The initial period for building the environment is two months, and then - its saturation and reorganization. Approximately once every two months, some of the materials must be replaced, the equipment must be rearranged. If possible, it is better to purchase furniture on wheels so that children can move it themselves, designing the space. For this, a large modular material (industrial production or glued cardboard boxes of different sizes) is suitable, with the help of which the space can be easily transformed.

When building a developing environment, an educator must always remember “... what a huge, incomparable role the environment in which they live in the upbringing of children plays. There is no aspect of upbringing, understood as a whole, on which the situation would not be influenced, there is no ability that would not be directly dependent on the concrete world immediately surrounding the child ... The one who manages to create such an environment will facilitate his work in the highest degree... Among her, the child will live and develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will be accomplished from himself, from nature ... ”(EI Tikheeva).


In a multi-age group in a one- or two-complete kindergarten, where children arrive in a group for more than one year, it is recommended to change the design more often. Changes in the environment increase emotional perception previously seen, create new impressions and images.

In this case, one should be guided by a very reasonable pedagogical rule, expressed at one time by a prominent specialist in preschool education E.I. Tikheeva: "Don't bore children with the same impressions and images ..."

The placement of furniture in the room is essential. Tables, beds should be arranged according to age subgroups. This makes it possible to differentiate the duration of regime processes, to impose the same requirements on children of the same age, and vice versa, to diversify the activities of children of different ages.

For example, babies' beds are more convenient to place in the quietest part of the bedroom. At the same time, older children, getting up first (lying down last), do not disturb the sleep of the little ones

Tables should be placed closer to the windows so that the light falls from the left side.

When placing tables, care must be taken that all children can clearly see and hear the teacher, so that they can freely get up and leave the table without disturbing others.

In creating conditions for the full physical development of children, the correct selection of furniture is of great importance. It should be simple in shape, light and comfortable, painted in light colors, with a hygienic coating.

Tables and chairs - the main furniture for children - in a different age group should be at least 3-4 sizes.

Based on the furniture sizes and data shown in the table medical examination at the beginning school year(September) it is necessary to choose the right furniture, make markings and fix tables and chairs for the children.

Children in preschool age grow quickly, so furniture is selected for them twice a year. To simplify this work, you can apply a color scale 5-6 cm wide on the door jamb.Starting from the floor, from the mark from 90 to 100 cm, paint the strip in blue, above it to the mark of 115 cm - orange, and then up to 130 cm - yellow , above - in red. The child, without taking off his shoes, stands upright, with his back to the door frame. The level corresponding to his height will inform about a suitable furniture group.

Many educators timed the selection and labeling of furniture to the beginning of the redistribution of children by age subgroups. They talk with the children about the fact that their older comrades went to school, and the kids came to the group. All the other children have grown up, and those who are now the elders will be preparing for school.

Securing their new seats for the children, the teacher explains and shows who will sit at two-seater tables, someone at four-seater tables, which chairs should be used, how to find the right ones (by the mark) and how to put them on the tables in order to sit correctly and comfortably. To seat the children in new places, the teacher offers to look and remember who was next to whom, asks to help each other, especially the kids, to find their place and always use chairs of the right size.

When distributing towel racks, wardrobes, he also explains that lower hangers are more convenient for babies to use, and higher ones are for older children.

Importantso that the designations (labels for children) on furniture, cabinets, towel racks change as children move to a higher age subgroup. Such a detail has special meaning in groups where children of different ages are brought up in the same team for 2-3 years. It enables the child to feel that he has already "grown up", has become a year older, and such a joyful prospect always gives children great pleasure.

It should be borne in mind that pictures are used for kids, geometric shapes for medium ones, letters and numbers for older ones - (from 0 to 9).

The equipment of group rooms, in addition to tables, chairs, includes toy cabinets, shelves for books, benches and other items. All of them must be stable, safe to use, convenient for independent use.

Sanitary and hygienic rules provide for certain requirements for the quality of toys - they are selected in accordance with the age of children, made of easily washable materials, covered with bright, durable and harmless varnishes and paints.

Didactic material, manuals and toys, selected in accordance with the age of each age group and subgroup, should be located on separate shelves and dispersed so that it is convenient for children to use them and, while learning to order, put them in place.

It is necessary to teach children with younger age to careful and careful handling of toys, self-cleaning.

When equipping other premises of a small kindergarten (dressing room, washroom, toilet, etc.), it is also necessary to combine compliance with hygiene requirements and the creation of maximum amenities for the simultaneous upbringing of children of mixed age. It is important that these rooms are in close proximity to the group room - then it will be convenient for the teacher to observe the children, to ensure the sequence of regime processes.

Plot- an obligatory element of the control system. A properly planned and well-equipped area, where children spend from 3.5-4 hours in winter, to 5-6 hours in the warm season, creates favorable conditions for their harmonious development.

The stay of children on the site allows you to widely use powerful health-improving natural factors - water, sun, air - for hardening.

On the site, children get a real opportunity to satisfy the need for movement, while improving their motor skills in games, in a variety of gymnastic exercises, and work processes.

A well-landscaped and equipped area has a positive effect on emotional tone, which, in combination with active physical activity, maintains the state of good performance in children.

The site is used for pedagogical and educational purposes for acquaintance with the surrounding nature, development of speech, thinking, for training work skills, for the implementation of certain forms of physical education.

On the site of the uneven-age group, there should be everything for the development of a varied, organized by the educator and independent motor activity of children:

a canopy under which children can study, and in bad weather they can hide from the rain and wind.

tables with benches different heights corresponding to the height of the children. At these tables, children can play and study with board games and materials.

a sand box, next to which it is advisable to dig tables for babies, at which children will play, sculpt pies.

a special place and equipment for role-playing games (simple buildings - houses, a bus, a ship, etc.).

equipment for physical exercise (ladder-ladder, boards for throwing at the target, logs for exercise in balance, etc.).

flat area, free from play buildings.

Thus, due to the rational placement of equipment on the site, microspaces are allocated for a variety of games - calm (with sand, water, with didactic and plot toys), mobile.

To teach children the rules of the road, a thematic area should be provided, and if there are 2-3 preschool groups in the DU, then a general sports area with an area of ​​150 m is specially equipped 2which the groups use alternately.

And as always on the site there should be a place for a corner of nature and a children's garden. The originality of their equipment lies, again, in taking into account the capabilities of children of different ages and performing those generally accepted for age groups.

Thus, the most important task of the educator in creating a subject-developing environment in the group on the site is the ability to organize life in such a way as to closely link all elements of everyday life with the development, learning, play and involvement of children in work, and for this it is necessary to create a calm and welcoming atmosphere. in a group, DOW, i.e. social environment.

Creating a social environment

Social environment of development- the conditions for the child's interaction with other people, the community that develops in the d / s. Its participants are pupils of d / s, teachers, service personnel, parents, other family members of pupils.

The upbringing of preschoolers in different age groups for children has a number of difficulties. Some of them concern how an adult should organize communication with a child and what kind of contacts should be between children. Is it possible to communicate in the same way with all children, regardless of their age? If not, what is the difference between communicating with a 3-year-old child and communicating with 6-year-old children? And in general, why does the question of communication arise?

The fact is that communication with people around them plays a huge role in the general mental development of a child. In Russian psychology, it is generally recognized that the mental development of children occurs in the process of mastering universal human experience. The bearer of this experience is an adult. He stands between the world into which the child comes and the child himself, representing this world to him.

The study of the development of a child's communication with adults and peers has shown that during the first seven years of a child's life, his communication with people around him goes through a number of qualitative stages in its development.

In the communication of children with adults, there are 4 types of content of the need for communication:

The need for benevolent attention -2 months - 6 months

The need for cooperation - 6 months. - 3 years

Need in respectful attitude adult -3 years - 5 years

The need for mutual understanding and empathy - 5 years - 7 years

Communication with a peer from the moment of its appearance in the third year of a child's life and until the end of preschool childhood goes through 3 stages:

Y - practically - emotional - 2-4 years;

Y - situational business - 4 - 6 years;

Y - non-situational business - 6 years.

The content of the need for participation in joint fun is also changing to the need for business cooperation and recognition by peers of the merits of another child.

Communication with peers, equal partners to the child, contributes to the development of children's initiative, the manifestation of their creative potential, the mastery of the norms of relationships. But, organizing the joint activities of children of different ages, the educator must remember the various reasons that make them look for each other's society, and accordingly correct and guide them.

At the same time, it is important to be able to use all the benefits of parenting. age of different ages- to organize their work in such a way as to teach the elders to take care of the younger ones. “The friendship between the elder and the younger creates amazing relationships in the team, gives them such a charm that can only be found in a family, the charm of relations between older and younger brothers” (NK Krupskaya).

Nowhere are there richer opportunities for the implementation of such a system of upbringing as a collective of different ages. There are many positive aspects in the joint upbringing of children of different ages. Constant communication between younger children and older children creates favorable conditions for the formation of friendly relations, caring, and independence. Here, the elders help the baby get dressed, tell him fairy tales and protect him from the offender, i.e. take care of him. The example of elders for kids is of particular importance. By virtue of their tendency to imitate, the younger gradually adopt all the positive qualities of the elders. Long-term observations prove that in groups of different ages, younger children learn skills much faster, and older children grow up more empathetic, benevolent and responsive. When they first come to the school, the kids get into an already organized team, it is easier to obey its rules, imitating the older children in everything, who in this case serve as the support of the educator.

2.2 Features of the organization of the daily routine in a different age group

The daily routine is a clear routine of life during the day, providing for the alternation of wakefulness and sleep, as well as the rational organization of various activities.

The correct physical development of a child is unthinkable without strict adherence to the daily regimen, which should correspond to the real composition of children in the group. However, this does not mean that you need to set separate regimes for all age groups, absolutely strictly follow the time schedule specified in the program for each year of a child's life. In conditions mixed group this is not possible, since different processes coincide in time. Therefore, it is advisable to draw up a regime common to all.

if there are children of two adjacent ages in the group, the regime of older children is taken as a basis, and with younger children, regime processes begin 5-10 minutes earlier (in a different order, only the rise of children after a day's sleep occurs - older children are the first to rise 15 minutes earlier) ;

when determining the general regimen for children of three to four ages (from 3 to 7 years), the mode of middle age (fifth year of life) is taken as a basis and, taking into account the regimen for the rest of the children, some changes are made in the duration of the regime processes.

Importantalways follow the rule - start the regime processes with younger children, gradually connecting older ones (in a different order, only the rise of children occurs after a day's sleep).

All this creates the conditions for children of different ages, living in one group, in a natural sequence and gradually moving from one type of activity to another, not wasting time waiting in line to wash, etc.

The regime only then organizes the life of children, is an important factor in upbringing, when it is carried out clearly and consistently by all employees of the educational institution.

In order to prevent a reduction in time for independent games and classes, as well as the duration of a walk, to ensure timely meals, in the best children, the established regime of children's life is discussed in the team and becomes law for teachers, junior educators and all service personnel. When the age structure of children changes, it is updated.

Thus, in mixed groups, the daily regimen becomes the same for all children, but taking into account the age-related needs and capabilities of the child, some changes are made to the regime processes (activity of wakefulness and sleep, the volume of loads).

In order for all types of activities to be carried out at a good pedagogical level, coordination in the work of the educator and the junior educator is of great importance. The junior educator of the uneven-age group should be particularly well aware of his role in pedagogical work with children, master the basic methods of organizing regime processes, understand how she can help the kids, and what they should do on their own. The help of a junior educator is constantly needed, but most of all in the most stressful moments in a mixed group - at the end of some processes and the transition to others: preparing for a walk, going out to the site and returning to the group, laying the children down, carrying out tempering procedures.

Important to remember!When the caregiver leads the majority of the group, the caregiver is with the minority.

Morning exercises

An obligatory component of physical culture and health-improving work in the daily routine.

It relieves residual inhibition after a night's sleep; provides training for all muscles, which contributes to the education of good posture; prepares the child's body for subsequent stress.

Morning exercises are introduced into the daily routine from the first junior group and are organized daily with children of all age groups. Its duration, intensity of the load, the number of exercises and repetition depends on the age of the children.

The duration and content of morning exercises are different for children of different ages, so it is advisable to carry out it in a mixed group first with children 3-4 years old, then with 5-6 years old. Where there are no conditions for this, morning exercises can be carried out simultaneously with the whole group. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the different requirements for the quality, pace, and duration of the exercises. Usually the younger ones do the exercises fewer times than the older ones. Older children are also required to perform more accurate and high-quality movements. In order for older children to do the exercises more times, they are invited to start doing the exercises alone and show the kids how to do it correctly, then they do the same exercise with the little ones.

There are cases when in the gymnastics complex more complex exercises are introduced only for the elders. While the elders perform such exercises, the kids observe and rest. Such a technique also justifies itself when more complex exercises are planned at the end of gymnastics and the elders perform them after the kids leave to wash.

Thus, educators of different age groups, when choosing exercises in the methodology of managing morning exercises, should proceed from the existing general guidelines, but at the same time take into account the age composition of their group.

Organization of washing

One of the important elements in the remote control mode. Promotes the instilling of sustainable hygiene skills, the development of independence, the education of mutual assistance. It is carried out in a differentiated manner, however, children must learn the rules common to all:

enter the washroom gradually, in small groups;

first of all, kids wash their hands, the elders help and teach them;

do not linger at the sink: the rest of the children are waiting;

wash your hands, roll up your sleeves, do not pour on the floor.


An obligatory component of the daily routine. The whole process related to the nutrition of children has a great educational value... Children are taught important hygiene skills to wash their hands before eating, and after eating, rinse their mouths, use cutlery and napkins; teach to chew food thoroughly, eat carefully and sit properly at the table.

Everything that includes the concept of "nutrition aesthetics" is of great importance during the feeding process.

During his stay in a preschool institution, the child learns to behave correctly at the table, to use appliances (spoon, knife, fork), and acquires certain skills in food culture.

Consideration should be given to nutritional aesthetics, starting with groups of young children. The sooner the child has the correct eating habits, the more firmly they will become a habit.

It is important that the baby develops a positive attitude towards food intake so that by the time of feeding he is not irritated or tired. To do this, caregivers should take care of creating a calm environment in the group. Before eating, one should avoid noisy games, strong impressions, which can inhibit the production of digestive juices in children and suppress the food reflex.

20-30 minutes before the next meal, children are returned from a walk or they stop classes or games. This time is used to create a certain mood in children, conducive to eating.

Before eating, children tidy up their clothes, wash their hands thoroughly, the attendants take an active part in setting the table. Each child has a permanent seat at the table.

It is important to keep the babies in a good mood during feeding. To do this, in a preschool institution it is necessary to have beautiful, comfortable, stable dishes that correspond to the size of the age of children, cutlery. Tables are covered with tablecloths or napkins, vases with flowers are placed. The food is served nicely, not very hot but not cold either. To decorate dishes, it is advisable to use fresh herbs, brightly colored vegetables, fruits.

In the process of feeding, the educator should not rush the children, distract them with extraneous conversations, remarks. During feeding, children are told about the pleasant appearance, taste, smell of food, its usefulness, they try to focus the attention of each child on food. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of children at the table, the observance of cleanliness and neatness, teach them to chew food well, not to swallow it in large pieces, to eat everything that is offered.

Compliance with hygienic requirements by children is one of the responsibilities of the educator during the feeding process. This is especially important in groups of young children, when skills and habits are actively formed and consolidated in babies. Young children are taught to sit quietly at the table, skillfully use a napkin, chew with closed mouth do not talk while eating. Children learn to use cutlery: from 1.5-2 years old they eat with a spoon on their own, from 3 years old they use a fork. In preschool groups, children are given a full table set (knives should not be sharp). Children in the older and pre-school groups should be able to use a knife and fork correctly, holding it in both the right hand and in the left hand.

After finishing the meal, the children gently blot their mouths with a napkin and wipe their hands, thank for the meal and leave the table. Children should not be allowed to leave the table with a piece of bread or other food, including fruit or berries, cookies or candy.

When feeding children, especially young children, it is necessary to follow the sequence of processes, not to force preschoolers to sit at the table for a long time, waiting for the start of a meal or a change of dishes. The next dish is served immediately after the previous one is eaten. Children who finish their meal earlier than others may be allowed to leave the table and engage in quiet play.

Educators pay great attention to children with reduced appetite. When feeding such children, it is especially important to observe the recommended age-specific portion sizes, to take into account individual tastes and habits. Too much food can only deter the child from eating and lead to an even greater loss of appetite.

You should not force feed the baby, entertain him while eating with toys, pictures, tell stories, etc. With distracted attention in a child, the production of digestive juices is inhibited and the food reflex is suppressed.

Children with poor appetite can be offered a small amount of water with meals or fruit juice so that they can drink dense food. In some cases, the child may be offered a second course first so that he can eat the more nutritious part of the meal before he loses interest in the food.

When feeding a child with a poor appetite, his tastes and habits are taken into account: one should try to give the most favorite dish, ordering it in the kitchen if necessary. Such a child is patiently taught to others. useful products... Sometimes it is allowed to mix what the child needs the most nutritious dish (meat, eggs, cottage cheese) with fruit puree, juice or another product that the child loves. Older children are explained in an accessible form the need to first of all eat this or that dish or part of it, they praise the child if he has eaten everything without a trace.

To this end, the following rules must be observed:

everything you need to organize meals (arrange tables in the prescribed manner, serve them correctly for children of every age, etc.) should be prepared by the time the children start washing their hands.

washing and sitting down at the table should be carried out gradually, starting with younger children and those who eat slowly.

do not detain children after the end of the meal.

prepare food for younger children in advance (cut meat, pancakes, etc.).

the procedure for serving children, the requirements of the educator and the junior educator must be uniform and constant.

Thus, the systematic, purposeful management of children's nutrition allows them to exercise them in many good deeds, instill sustainable hygiene skills, expand their everyday orientation, solve the problems of moral education.

Organization of dressing

Experience has shown that in groups of different ages, the attention of educators and junior educators is drawn primarily to the kids: they are taught to undress while sitting on chairs, in a certain sequence, without unnecessary fuss, haste and pranks. The educator invites older children to help the kids (for educational purposes).

When gathering for a walk, it is advisable to dress children gradually and send them in subgroups with junior educator... The teacher himself exercises the younger ones in the skills of correct and consistent dressing, carrying out purposeful work in this regard.

Thus, organizing meals, washing, dressing and undressing children in a multi-age group requires great skill of the educator, clarity and coordination of the work of all service personnel, the creation of a calm and friendly atmosphere, and an attentive attitude of adults towards all children, especially the younger ones. All this is important because in the short time that is allotted according to the regime for carrying out these vital processes, it is necessary not only to correctly and quickly serve the children, feed, clothe, etc., but also, in accordance with the program requirements, to ensure the formation of the necessary children of every age cultural and hygienic skills. In the process of daily activities, children should be fostered with the habits of correct behavior in a team, friendly relations. In this case, it is important:

the educator must clearly understand the scope of the program requirements for each group;

when forming a skill, the attention of children should be focused on improving individual skills, primarily those that children still have poor command or do not possess at all;

education of cultural and hygienic skills is a complex and lengthy process. Some skills are formed throughout preschool childhood (to use devices correctly, etc.), while others are important to form at a certain age, and on their basis new tasks will be solved in the future;

When developing skills, the principle of gradualness should be observed - from simple to complex, i.e. the skills that are formed throughout the preschool age, from year to year, expand in volume and are complicated by the teacher's requirements for their implementation (for example, in children of 3-5 years old, the ability to dress and undress correctly is formed, and the elders are tasked with doing it quickly).

when developing skills, use an individual approach to each child;

depending on the specific tasks in relation to the pupils of their group, it is necessary to select the method of pedagogical influence (in some cases - showing, in others - a reminder, etc.);

create a favorable environment for the formation of personal hygiene skills (beautiful scented soap, calm tone of an adult, etc.);

kids are taught to be independent, use the desire of a healthy child to do everything himself;

seniors require control over the quality of the skills: do everything in detail, quickly, but accurately, without reminding adults;

requirements for children should be constant and uniform for all adults raising children (including parents).

Preparing and organizing the walk

Before the children go to dress, you must:

give instructions for the upcoming activities;

invite the children to put toys back in place, check the order in the group with the children;

remind and clarify with children the rules of behavior in the dressing room.

For independent dressing of children, it is necessary to create a comfortable environment: each child should sit near his locker, care should be taken that children do not throw their clothes around, but take them gradually, as they dress in sequence, and do not forget to put replaceable shoes in the closet. In the process of dressing, maintain a conversation with children in order to clarify and consolidate the names of the clothes, its purpose, the name of individual parts of the clothes, to consolidate and activate the children's dictionary (left, right sleeve, buttons, left-right shoe, etc.).

It is very important that educators and parents of toddlers support children's desire for independence, do not extinguish it by criticizing the child's still inept actions, do not undermine faith in their own strengths by expressing dissatisfaction with slowness.

The task of adults is to help the child notice the growth of his achievements, to feel the joy of experiencing success in self-service activities.

Research work at the preschool educational institution has made it possible to identify the main pedagogical conditions for the formation of elementary self-control and self-esteem in younger preschoolers:

consistent mastering of self-service activities by a child from micro to holistic labor process;

the teacher has a variety of techniques that stimulate the child's desire for independence, mastering the methods of self-control, assessing the result and correcting it to achieve a satisfactory quality;

flexible change in the tactics of pedagogical leadership in relation to a specific child, depending on his skill, emotional mood, individual characteristics;

creation of a developing material environment in the group that stimulates control, testing and evaluation skills in various types of children's activities (self-service work, play);

interaction of the educator with the parents of the kids.

Short poems and nursery rhymes can cause a positive emotional mood in children. For development fine motor skills appropriate didactic aids, providing in a playful way exercises in fastening, lacing, tying.

The pictures of clothes and shoes pasted on lockers in the dressing room in the dressing room, which provide a rational sequence of actions, help children to control the sequence of actions in the process of dressing for a walk.

Learning elementary self-control unfolds as a sequential process - a gradual transition of control and evaluative functions from an adult to a child:

control and assessment of children's activities by adults (“Let's check, did you get good“ soap gloves ”?);

control and assessment of children's activities on behalf of the game character ("Oh, your shoes have quarreled, socks are looking in different directions. How can you reconcile them?");

joint assessment by an adult and a child of the activity of a peer (as a rule, children easily notice the mistakes of the other);

development of elementary self-control.

Important to remember, teaching kids self-care requires a lot of patience, calmness, understanding of the child from the educator.

To foster a culture of communication in children. Remind me of the words "please", "thank you", "sorry".

Before going out for a walk, for most of the dressed children, pay attention to their appearance.

Walking takes an important place in the daily routine and is an effective means comprehensive development children. For the most effective use walks, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for a varied and meaningful activity of children in the air for children of all age groups (games, work, observation, etc.).

During a walk, as well as indoors, the teacher makes sure that all children are busy, play interestingly with their peers and with older children, work, observe the phenomena of the surrounding life, etc., creates conditions for various physical activity of all children age subgroups. In this case, it is important:

monitor physical activity, alternate games and activities varying degrees mobility, do not allow kids, imitating their elders, to perform harmful and difficult movements for them (hanging on their hands, climbing high stairs);

It is advisable to carry out outdoor games with younger children in the middle of a walk, and with older children immediately after leaving the site or at the end of the walk, before returning to the group.

Depending on the purpose and physical activity, outdoor games can be carried out with all children (3-7 years old), with two adjacent groups (with children 3-5 years old) and separately with one group.

Preference should be given to games with two or one subgroup, since in this case it is easier to take into account the different possibilities of children. It is important that outdoor games with the oldest children are planned and carried out separately several times during the week, since when the games are jointly organized, the physical activity of the older children turns out to be insufficient.

During the walk, it is necessary to observe the content of children's games, the relationship of children in the game. Monitor the change in activities so that the children are not too excited, do not overheat.

It must be remembered that 30 minutes before the end of the walk, it is necessary to transfer the children to a quieter activity. Here you can conduct observations, word games, conversations with children.

Systematic off-site walks are very helpful.

Before leaving the walk, it is necessary to make sure that all the toys are put back in place by the children. Give children directions for future activities. Remind the children that when entering the kindergarten, they must wipe their feet well, walk quietly into the group, do not shout. In the dressing room, make sure that all children undress quickly, on their own, and carefully put their things in the closet. To bring up in children careful handling of personal belongings. When all the children undress, it is necessary to check how the children followed the instructions, to give an assessment to the children, if necessary, then invite the child to put things in order in the closet.

An evening walk is also carefully thought out so that the children do not get bored and, at the same time, do not get overexcited, can play various games, work, observe the environment, etc.


Thus, organizing the life of children in a multi-age group of kindergarten in such a way as to make it calm and bright, meaningful and interesting, closely linking everyday life with learning, play, work is the most important task of the educator. And the skillful use of all positive sides joint upbringing of children of different ages will contribute to the formation of correct relationships in the team, the interest of children in joint games, common occupation, collective work.

But all this does not happen by itself, but is the result of the daily and painstaking work of the teacher, the correct organization of life and the independent activity of children.

The elders provide assistance to the younger at their request; this means that they do not refuse help, but they do not impose it either.

The younger ones do not interfere with the older ones to work and play. Respect for older children is very important to their psychological comfort, since they often have to meet with the demand from adults, to give in to babies.

In the group it is strictly forbidden to take away toys from another child, beat and insult anyone in any situation, break other people's buildings, spoil the products of labor of other children and take his personal belongings, toys brought from home without the owner's permission. Compliance with this rule is strictly followed by all adults working in the group.

Younger children can always be present and, to the best of their ability, participate in any activity - provided that they do not interfere with older children.

Organizing the life of children, their various active activities, the educator must, first of all, take care of the protection and strengthening of the health of each child, his full physical development, and the creation of a cheerful, cheerful mood.


pedagogical preschool of different ages

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Anna Sidorenko
Multi-age communication in kindergarten

Multi-age communication in kindergarten.

Currently, most children's kindergartens children are divided into groups strictly by age. There are sufficient reasons for this. This is, first of all, convenient for us, adults, as the learning process in the classroom is facilitated, the regime is simplified. The requirement to comply with a strictly defined regimen developed by specialists for each age in order to take care of the physical health of children, and the requirement to complete the training program in kindergarten, also thoroughly developed by teachers and psychologists, can be most fully and easily carried out in a group of children of the same age. We are already accustomed to such a system of life in kindergarten, there are even expressions: “We have already moved to middle group» , "And we have switched to preparatory"- and so on. All this is very similar to the school system.

Special meaning communication of different ages acquires children in a family context. It's no secret that many families have one or two children; large families, "Family nests" now a rarity. The first and closest age group influencing the development of a child's personality are his brothers and sisters, who form a special social group. Regardless differences in a number of qualities(age, gender, abilities, external qualities, the relationship between them gives the child an experience that is completely different from experience communication with an adult... With parents, children are seen in fits and starts, the so-called "joint" leisure does not work. Parents after a working day, in the evenings, and even in Sundays are usually engaged in many matters not directly related to children.

Thus, children spend most of their time in kindergartens, with their peers. But even there they are practically deprived of the opportunity communication with older and younger ones. It is desirable to at least partially fill this gap. It is important to organize contacts between groups of children of different ages.

These contacts can be made on a daily basis in various forms. During the morning reception of children, elders should be encouraged to help junior: 2-3 older children can help toddlers to undress, wash their hands, organize games and free activities. During class, older children can help the teacher prepare the room for class and help clean it up after class. While eating and going to bed, getting ready for a walk, elders can help educators feed, undress and dress the children.

During walks, educators should encourage children to contact children from other groups, arrange joint games, excursions. In the evening hours, you can organize joint entertainment, free games and quiet activities at the request of the children.

At least once a month you can arrange "Visiting" to other groups. The topics of such visits can be various performances of children in front of each other, playing dramatization games, showing puppet shows, filmstrips, exhibitions of drawings, applications, modeling. It is necessary to specially organize the preparation of children for these visits. "Guests"- discuss upcoming common affairs and entertainment, clean rooms, prepare surprises and souvenirs. It is recommended to arrange joint holidays and joint preparation for them.

Before the children move to the next group, it is advisable to prepare and conduct special joint conversations between older and younger children, in which the older ones will tell what awaits the kids in the next group, what new interesting activities and events await them.

For the implementation of these activities, it is good to establish shifts for older children in younger groups. First, all the older children should be sent on these shifts in turn, then the shifts should be assigned to those children who perform them with greater willingness and diligence. Children who volunteer to help babies should be encouraged and praised in every possible way.

In the very first days of admission to babies child kindergarten, the presence of older children in these groups is desirable, but not all, but only those who can help the kids to adapt to the conditions of a new life in kindergarten. Expedient encourage siblings in different groups, see each other more often, play together, help each other in different cases.

Other options need to be considered and implemented communication of children of different ages: you can arrange a meeting with children who have graduated Kindergarten(especially if in garden their younger brothers and sisters remained, organize visits to the school, etc.

Communicating with each other, children strive to realize their position "Senior", "Adult"... Small difference in age allows the child to seem older in his own eyes, it is easier for him to imagine himself big.

Children in uneven groups are more likely to consider the preferences of the younger ones when choosing joint activities and demonstrate a wide diversity ways of interaction. The younger ones see a clearer example for action. For elders, explaining to another child helps to better master knowledge, control over the little ones develops self-control, responsibility and a sense of belonging to the activities in a team.

The advantage multi-age communication is that that in such companies it is much easier for children to learn "Loners"... Moreover, they are much more likely to decide to communicate in the absence of adults.

Usually, the nature of such a relationship is determined by the readiness of the older child to communication... At the same time, an important role is played by how adults organize classes and how much they themselves are introduced into this process, since in any case they remain the primary example with whom children copy their behavior.

Thus, a game that promotes receiving an award provokes the older child to use more "Cruel" ways to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is necessary to help children to build relationships, taking into account the peculiarities of development at each age, and to stimulate cooperation of children in varied activities... When organizing, it is important to offer forms of interaction that are understandable to any children, to use objects suitable for all age groups without restrictions.

Multi-age communication promotes the individualization of the child's personality, stimulates verbal development, the development of morality in children. Regardless variety of qualities, relationship between children miscellaneous age gives them experience that is important for further socialization in society.

V domestic pedagogy the study age groups, as a rule, are reduced to the consideration of individual phenomena or to the methodological recommendations of the organization educational activities by age subgroups.

E. A. Vovchik-Blakitnaya (1988) studied children's interactions miscellaneous age in conditions of artificially organized periodic communication of children... According to her observations, the nature of inter-age interaction depends on the older child, his readiness for communication... She highlights a meaningful motive communication- the desire to realize the position "Adult", "Senior", "Big"... In this case, not only the elders, but also the younger ones benefit. children: reducing the age distance allows them to grow in their own eyes, because when comparing with an older child, it is easier for him to imagine himself as older than comparing himself to an adult. She identified the types of interaction between the senior and junior: actively-positive (democratic, actively-negative (authoritarian); indifferent, disinterested interaction. It follows from the study that the benefits of inter-age interaction of children can only be judged in the context of the educational work carried out, by its focus on the formation of a motivational component as the basis of children's readiness for inter-age communication.

Evgeniya Nikolaevna Gerasimova (2000) studied difference in interactions of children with experience communication of different ages and not having it... According to the results of the study, children from uneven groups more often take into account the interests of younger ones when choosing joint activities and demonstrate more diversity interaction strategies than children raised in a peer group. The nature of interaction between older children and younger children is influenced, firstly, by the pattern of interaction between an adult and children, as well as the content of their joint activities. Activities focused on obtaining an objective result provoke in the older child more "Cruel" interaction models - restrictive and prohibitive.

In the work of Tatyana Nikolaevna Doronova, Vera Grigorievna Shchur, Yakobson Sophia Gustavovna (1985) explored the conditions for the formation of cooperative relationships between children different ages... According to the authors, the benefits of uneven interactions for the younger ones in that they have a closer and more understandable pattern for action; for a senior - showing, explaining to another contribute to a better awareness of the subject content, control over the actions of a younger one contributes to the development of self-control, and a sense of responsibility and involvement in the work of another appears. But in practice, special efforts are needed to organize such interaction.

The work of Nina Yakovlevna Mikhailenko (1987) is devoted to the study of conditions conducive to the formation of elementary organizational skills in the process of a joint game by the rules. Usage board games with the rules due to the fact that they contain ready-made prescriptions, rules and are visual thanks to game material. An important condition is the inclusion of younger children in the game with older children, since with such uneven unification, the elders are forced to fall into the position of the organizers. Most of the older children in the game with the younger ones explain the rules before the start of the game, repeatedly remind them during the game, the number of violations drops sharply, in contrast to the play of children of the same age. As a result of joint play, the older children developed organizational skills: verbal forms of interaction regulation, control increased, participation in the game of another appeared in the form of support, help, etc.

According to the review by Larisa Anatolyevna Paramonova (2001) works devoted to the study of foreign practice multi-age children's associations, in many countries, in particular Germany, teachers form a special professional attitude towards encouraging contacts between children different ages, gender and social status... Practice uneven groups is considered as the most important task of the social and personal development of children, and the special importance of such groups for children from families with one child is recognized.

The review noted a number of phenomena observed in age groups... One of them is that educators, as a rule, underestimate the capabilities of younger children, as a result of which they unnecessarily interfere in their activity, taking care of them, depriving them of their own initiative and interest. Another phenomenon found reflects the impact on children speech calls adults. In the course of observations, it was noticed that children copy speech turns, addresses of educators, using them when communicating with each other... As methodological recommendations, educators are encouraged to encourage the efforts of younger children, support the desire of elders to cooperate with younger ones with the help of a conscious building of their own speech, asking children to get out of conflict situations... When organizing a group, it is recommended to offer forms of interaction that are available for all children to participate, as well as use equipment, materials that allow children to participate without age restrictions. A very important recommendation is to individualize the process of raising children, which consists in continuous monitoring of children, building all the processes of life of children, taking into account individual and age characteristics each child, as well as encouraging the cooperation of children in different types of activities... Studies have shown that as a result of purposeful efforts to create such a microclimate in a group, when special attention is paid to age characteristics of behavior and mutual assistance, the younger and older ones really begin to learn from each other.

In general, it is noted that the organization uneven groups should not be viewed as an alternative to associations of the same age for children. Value for children's development has the organization of both those and other types of groups kindergarten... The main task is to understand the specifics of each option for uniting children into groups. Age the group needs special pedagogical guidance, but in this case, despite all positive points Many problems remain, the neglect of which negatively affects, according to the authors of the review, the development of young children.


  • Diploma work - Social rehabilitation of children from families of alcoholics (Diploma work)
  • Thesis - The influence of hippotherapy on the work of internal organs and systems of children 6-16 years old (Thesis)
  • Thesis - Developing hearing in children using the methods of Maria Montessori (Thesis)
  • Lyubina G.A. The use of elements of Montessori pedagogy in the development of speech in children of different age groups in kindergarten (Document)
  • Practical lessons - class notes for preschoolers (Laboratory work)
  • Diploma work - Development of creative abilities of a child (Diploma work)
  • Integrated lesson in 1 ml. group d / s (Document)
  • Coursework - Building a Sense of Collaboration in Preschool Children (Coursework)
  • Thesis - Correction of posture in children with mental retardation 7-8 years old (Thesis)
  • Course work - Psychological and pedagogical support of shy children of older preschool age in the group of preschool educational institutions (Coursework)
  • Thesis - Water supply and sanitation (Thesis)
  • n1.doc

    Introduction 3


    1.1 The concept of an age group and its features 6

    1.2 Problems of the organization of the educational process in the age group 9

    1.3 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the age group 13


    2.1 Analysis of best practices on the problem of interaction between children of different ages 20

    2.2 Pedagogical experiment 25

    2.2.1 Organizational Stage 25

    2.2.1 Practical Phase of Experiment 27

    Conclusion 48

    List of sources used 51

    Child Psychological Study Card 57

    Analysis of play activity 59

    Methodology "Studying the motives of interaction with adults and older children" 61


    Numerous Soviet and modern teachers are devoted to the organization and planning of classes with young children (G.M. Lyamina, E.G. Pilyugina, T.G. Kazakova, G.G. Grigorieva, S.I. Yakimenko, L.P. Golyan).

    In preschool pedagogy, a significant number of teaching aids(Avanesova, Mishchenko, Shiyanova, Podlasy) on the problems of organizing small kindergartens. However, the problem is that this pedagogical literature of the period of the 70s-80s, focused on the implementation of the "standard program" of education in kindergarten. The modern teacher found himself in a difficult situation, with a lack of manuals and educational and methodological recommendations for organizing work with different age groups of children in preschool institutions, the specifics of work in such conditions, its “seasonality”. The solution of educational and educational tasks, the formation of the foundations for the development of a full-fledged personality, the achievement of the state standard in the conditions of the multi-age group of the kindergarten causes significant difficulties for the educator. This is due to relevance of this study.

    An analysis of the interpersonal communication of children of different ages in the context of joint activities can provide opportunities for the formation of new approaches to the upbringing of such important personal qualities as tolerance, morality, the ability to reckon with others and cooperate with dissimilar people, etc.

    The purpose of the present study is to determine the specific features of the emotional and personal interaction of children in the age group.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    1. to define the concept and essential characteristics of a group of different ages in a preschool institution;

    2. to analyze the possible difficulties arising in the organization of the educational process in a group of different ages;

    3. describe the psychological and pedagogical features of the uneven-age group;

    4. during the experiment to analyze the features of the interaction of preschoolers of different ages.
    Object research is the process of organizing the educational activities of preschoolers in different age groups.

    As subject research advocate features interpersonal interaction preschoolers, specific features of their behavior in the framework of educational and cognitive activities.

    Theoretical significance the research consists in the systematization of the features of emotional and personal interaction of preschoolers of different ages and the specific organization of the educational process.

    Practical significance work consists in the possibility of using the research results in practice, in the organization of teaching and educational activities of preschoolers, in the preparation of teaching aids, as well as in the further writing of scientific works.

    The set goal and objectives determined structure work, which consists of an introduction, theoretical and two theoretical and practical chapters, conclusion, bibliography and application.

    In the introduction, the relevance of the study is determined, the purpose and objectives of the study of the work are given.

    Chapter 1 discusses theoretical basis interaction of children in a multi-age group of kindergarten, the concept of such groups, the reasons for their formation, and the difficulties of organizing the educational process in such conditions are defined.

    Chapter 2 is devoted to the description of the set experiment. Here is an analysis of best practices for a selected issue, step-by-step execution tasks of the experiment.

    In the conclusion, the results of the study are presented.

    The bibliographic list consists of 40 sources.

    The appendix contains tables and diagrams illustrating the results of the research carried out.


    1.1 The concept of a multi-age group and its features

    One of the most significant directions of modernization of modern education is the formation of educational institutions of various age levels, designed in accordance with the ideas about the age-related development of the child and the leading types of activity (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Rubtsov, Yu. V. Gromyko, V. I. Slobodchikov).

    The realization that the middle and senior preschool (V.T. Kudryavtsev, L.A. Paramonova), age stages must correspond to their unique didactic and methodological systems, curricula, principles of psychological diagnostics, leads to the need to find ways to build adequate and effective forms education.

    In the modern world, preschool education is the first stage of general education, on which the foundations are laid for the further formation of a full-fledged personality.

    Given the specificity of the educational process with children of different ages, when organizing groups in preschool institutions, there are certain age and quantitative criteria. In the Republic of Belarus, the population of groups of children of the same age in preschool institutions should be:

    For children under one year old - up to 10 people;

    For children from one to three years old - up to 15 people;

    For children aged three to six (seven) years - up to 10 people;

    Groups of different ages up to 15 people;

    With short-term and round-the-clock stay of children - up to 10 people;

    In the wellness period up to 15 people.

    However, in accordance with the Model Regulation on Preschool Education, kindergarten groups can include both children of the same age and children of different ages. In the practice of upbringing preschoolers, there have been groups of different ages for many years.

    In the very general sense words uneven-age group - a combined group of children with different levels of physical and mental abilities, formed due to the prevailing circumstances or purposefully, in order to implement a specific correctional work... The main reasons for this phenomenon are the following:

    1) difficulties in completing groups (due to the lack of or exceeding the norm of the number of children of the same age);

    2) the presence of family ties between pupils of different ages (as a result, the desire of parents to define them in one group);

    3) lack of material and technical base for the creation of complete groups of the same age;

    4) features of the work of a preschool institution in the summer;

    5) the need to solve certain correctional and pedagogical tasks.

    In different-age groups of general developmental orientation, the maximum occupancy is, if there are children in the group:

    Two ages (from 2 months to 3 years) - 8 children;

    Any three ages (from 3 to 7 years old) - 10 children;

    Any two ages (from 3 to 7 years old) - 15 children.

    Numerous studies devoted to the study of the characteristics of the development of a child's communication with adults and peers have shown that during the first seven years of a child's life, his communication with people around him goes through a number of qualitative stages in its development. During a child's stay in kindergarten, two basic needs are realized:

    Need for respectful attitude from an adult –3 years - 5 years;

    Need for mutual understanding and empathy - 5 years - 7 years.

    Communication with a peer from the moment of its appearance in the third year of a child's life and until the end of preschool childhood goes through 3 stages:

    1) practically - emotional communication - 2-4 years;

    2) situational business communication - 4 - 6 years;

    3) extra-situational business communication - 6 years.

    Of course, the content of the needs for joint fun, for business cooperation and for peer recognition of the merits of another child also changes. In groups of children of the same age, all these moments are under the constant control of the educator, however, relations between children in groups of different ages have their own specific specifics and differ significantly from interpersonal relations in a homogeneous group.

    Accordingly, the organization of the educational process in a group of different ages becomes much more complicated, it requires the teacher, first of all:

    Knowledge of programs of all age groups;

    Ability to compare software requirements with the age and individual characteristics of children;

    Understand and see each child and the whole group as a whole;

    Ensure the development of children in accordance with their capabilities and age characteristics.

    Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

    "Primary comprehensive school number 5"

    Formation of interpersonal communication in a multi-age group of preschool educational institutions

    Methodical development


    Sineikina Nadezhda Vladimirovna,

    Educator MBOU "NOSH №5"

    Yurga 2016

    Introduction …………………………………………………………… .. ………… 3

    Theoretical foundations of the organization of interpersonal communication in a group of different ages ……………………………………………………….… 6

    Stages of work implementation .. ……………………………………………… ..… 12

    Rituals in life and occupation. …… ... ……………………………………………… .15

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .22

    References ……………………………………………………………… 23

    Appendix 1 "Questionnaire for parents" ……………………………………… .25

    Appendix 2 "Game" Secret "..................................................... 28

    Appendix 3 "Summary of the lesson on the development of speech" ... .. ………………… ... 29


    In the practice of preschool education, there have always been groups of different ages (RVG). Such groups appear due to different

    reasons: because of the difficulties of completing kindergarten groups, for solving certain correctional-pedagogical or methodological problems, as a group with special organizational conditions, etc. Groups of different ages are available both in small preschool institutions and in multi-complete kindergartens (round-the-clock groups, sanatorium groups, luxury groups, etc.). The formation of such groups is due to objective reasons (the contingent of children, the territorial limitations of preschool educational institutions, the request of parents and etc.).

    In accordance with FSES DO, which the is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education,a modern kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of wide emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant spheres of life and activities for his development. At the same time, the main task of the educator is to fill the daily life of the group interesting things, ideas, to include each child in meaningful activities, to promote the realization of children's interests and life activity. Butamong the variety of modern preschool education, there is a problem in organizing the activities of preschool institutions- This is problem interpersonal communication in different age groups of kindergarten.

    The preschool organization accepts children aged 2 months to 7 years. The selection of the contingent of a different-age (mixed) group should take into account the possibility of organizing conditions for the maintenance and education of preschool children in it, corresponding to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each age group.

    purpose of work providing methodological and practical assistance to teachers of preschool education in organizing work on the formation of interpersonal communication in the multi-age group of the kindergarten.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    - study the literature on the organization of work in a multi-age group.

    To systematize the obtained theoretical material on the formation of interpersonal communication in the multi-age group of the kindergarten.

    There are many positive aspects in the joint upbringing of children of different ages. Constant communication between younger children and older children creates favorable conditions for the formation of friendly relations, caring, and independence. The example of the elders for the younger is of particular importance. But all this does not happen by itself, but is the result of the daily and painstaking work of the teacher, the correct organization of life and independent activities of children, combining the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family.

    Working in such groups requires the educator to have good knowledge of the program for all age groups, the ability to correlate program requirements with the age and individual characteristics of children, the ability to correctly distribute attention, understand and see each child and the entire group.

    Thus, it is important that the group becomes friendly, that both the kids and the elders feel confident and comfortable, that everyone is active and constructively active, that the elders not only learn themselves, but also pass on their play and learning experience to the kids, involve them in their affairs, took care of them.

    Theoretical foundations of the organization of interpersonal communication in a group of different ages

    Having studied the literature now published by various publishers, I came to the conclusion that proper attention is not paid to the organization of work in groups of different ages. The preschool educational institutions use the literature of the 70s (VN Avanesov, VV Gerbova, AN Davidchuk, MV Minkina), and a number of articles (the magazine "Preschool education"). Many publications are outdated, and there are practically no new ones. There is absolutely no literature on organizing work with families of pupils of children attending a group of different ages. Meanwhile, an analysis of the work practice of groups of different ages shows that teachers are constantly faced with the same problems:

    Lack of knowledge of the mental and physical characteristics of children of different ages: constant communication with younger ones can sometimes somewhat limit the interests and horizons of older children, there may be lags in their development;

    Difficulties in organizing the daily routine: in organizing educational activities, teachers have to spend two or even three times more time than in a group of the same age;

    Difficulties in building a subject-developing environment: it is required to develop a concept of a subject-developing environment for such group communities of children.

    In the concept of M.I. Lisina, communication acts as communicative activity, which is aimed at building relationships. Relationships are formed, realized and manifested in the interaction of people. Communication ability includes:

    The desire to make contact with others ("I want!");

    The ability to organize communication ("I can"), including the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to empathize emotionally, the ability to resolve conflict situations;

    Knowledge of the rules and regulations that must be followed when communicating with others ("I know!").

    Based on the foregoinglet's highlight several main aspects of communication:

    The communicative side of communication (exchange of information between people);

    Interactive side (organization of interaction between people);

    The perceptual side of communication (the process of perceiving each other by communication partners and establishing mutual understanding).

    The following researches are devoted to the consideration of general and particular problems of communication and interpersonal interaction: B.G. Ananyeva, G.M. Andreeva, A.A. Bodalev, P.Ya. Galperin, A.B. Dobrovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, I. A. A. Zimney, V. A. Kan-Kalik, Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. S. Kuzmina, A. A. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, B. D. Parygin, A. V. Petrovsky, S. L. Rubinshtein and others. Scientists - psychologists and teachers recognize communication as one of the main types of human activity, along with work and learning.

    According to scientists, generally accepted moral requirements for communication lie at the heart of interpersonal interaction. These are politeness, correctness, tact, modesty, which are inextricably linked with the recognition of the uniqueness and value of each person.

    I agree with the opinions of the above-named scientists - psychologists that a person with a high level of interpersonal interaction has:

    The ability to see the world through the eyes of others and also understand it;

    Respect, sympathy, willingness to support others;

    The ability to be oneself in contact with other people;

    Ability to speak about their specific experiences, opinions, actions;

    The ability to "go forward", to establish contacts;

    Immediacy - the ability to speak and act directly;

    Willingness to open to others your inner world;

    Ability to express your feelings;


    No less important components of interpersonal interaction are knowledge, skills and abilities related to speech activity, in which three sides can be distinguished: meaningful, expressive and motivating.

    The content side is the wealth, significance and evidence of thoughts. Expressiveness of speech - emotional coloring: speech can be bright, energetic, or, conversely, dry and lethargic. The incentive side of speech activity is its influence on the thoughts, feelings and will of the listener. The level of speech perception by listeners depends on the level of speech culture, covering all three sides.

    The research of many psychologists and teachers (V.K.Kotyrlo, Ya.L. Kolominsky, T.A. Repina, V. Damon, K. Rubin and others) is devoted to the topic of the fundamental importance of the problem of the formation and development of interpersonal communication in children.

    In our country, the problem of interpersonal communication in preschool children was considered within the framework of socio-psychological research, in which the main subject was age changes children's collective(Ya.L. Kolominskiy, T.A. Repina, V.R.Kislovskaya and others).

    Interpersonal communication was considered as the selective preferences of children, where the peer was the subject of assessment.

    It should be noted that in domestic and foreign psychology, the relationship of preschoolers with their peers has been studied in different aspects: the study of the leading types of activity, the personal characteristics of the participants in the relationship, the influence of adults on the formation of relationships in children, the formation of self-awareness and others.

    The studies highlight the psychological characteristics of the relationship of older preschool children with their peers. In many of them, it is noted that by the age of preschool age, stable ways of relations between children are formed.

    V psychological research various typologies of the content of interpersonal relationships between preschoolers and peers are given: passive-positive, selfish, competitive, personal and unstable types.

    So, E.V. Subbotsky believes that the relationship of preschoolers with their peers is characterized, on the one hand, by impulsiveness and spontaneity, and, on the other hand, by inertia and stereotype. He also divides the relations of preschoolers into: relations of emotional communication, relations of leadership - imitation, relations of cooperation.

    T.A. Repina divides relationships among preschoolers into three main types: proper-personal, evaluative and "business".

    It can be assumed that the variety of these typologies, comparison of which leads to the conclusion that each of them is insufficient, suggests that there is still no conceptual model of such an object of research as interpersonal relationships in preschool children.

    Thus, "Interpersonal communication" is a process of interaction of at least two persons, as a result of which psychological contact and certain relationship, between the participants of communication. It implies knowledge of the individual characteristics of each other, the presence of empathy, understanding, joint experience of activity. Being an integral attribute of human life, interpersonal communication plays a big role in all spheres of life and activity.

    Each child occupies a certain position in the kindergarten group, which is expressed in how his peers treat him. Usually, there are two or three children who are most popular: many want to be friends with them, sit next to them in class, imitate them, willingly fulfill their requests, give up toys. Along with this, there are children who are completely unpopular among their peers. They don't communicate much with them, they are not accepted into games, they do not want to give them toys. The rest of the children are located between these "poles". The degree of popularity that a child enjoys depends on many reasons: his knowledge, mental development, behavioral features, the ability to establish contacts with other children, appearance, physical strength, endurance, etc. The position of the child in the peer group shows how much the child is accepted by them, how much his claims for recognition among peers are realized or infringed upon.

    In almost every kindergarten group, a complex and sometimes dramatic picture of children's interpersonal relations unfolds. Preschoolers are friends, quarrel, reconcile, take offense, jealous. All these relationships are acutely experienced by the participants and carry a lot of different emotions. Emotional tension and conflict in the sphere of children's relationships is much higher than in the sphere of communication with an adult. Adults sometimes are unaware of the wide range of feelings and relationships that children experience, do not attach much importance to children's quarrels and grievances. Meanwhile, the experience of the first relationships with peers is the foundation on which further development the personality of the child. This first experience largely determines the nature of a person's relationship to himself, to others, to the world as a whole.

    By comparing different types problem children, you can see that they differ significantly in the nature of their behavior: some are constantly in conflict, others sit quietly on the sidelines, others are trying with all their might to attract attention to themselves, the fourth hide from prying eyes and avoid any contact.

    However, despite these apparent differences in behavior, almost all interpersonal problems are based on similar intrapersonal foundations. The essence of these psychological problems is determined by the child's fixation on his qualities (on the assessment of himself), he constantly thinks about how others evaluate him, acutely emotionally experiences their attitude. This assessment becomes the main content of his life, covering the entire world around him and other people. Self-affirmation, demonstration of his merits or hiding his flaws becomes the leading motive of his behavior. Children with a harmonious, conflict-free attitude towards their peers never remain indifferent to the actions of their peers. It is they who are most popular in the children's group, as they can help, yield, listen, support someone else's initiative. Conflict-free children do not make the protection, affirmation and evaluation of their self a special and only life task, which provides them with emotional well-being and recognition of others. The absence of these qualities, on the contrary, makes the child rejected and deprives peers of sympathy.

    Stages of work implementation

    Working with children in a group of different ages has the goal of teaching children the skills of interpersonal communication with partners in play and other activities. Working with adults comes down to preparing them for their own communication with children and teaching children the skills of interpersonal communication. To manage this process, it is necessary to define three stages of work: diagnostic, formative, control.

    Diagnostic stage

    Diagnostics, including the peculiarities of family education, includes questionnaires for parents who give general information about the family, reveal the interests of the child, allow to identify the level of communication skills of parents, reveal the peculiarities of communication between parents and children.

    Diagnostics, revealing the peculiarities of relationships and the level of formation of communication skills in children, includes: the experimental game "secret" (TA Repina), revealing the system of electoral relations existing between children.

    Formative stage

    The leading form of work with children is ethical classes. Each lesson aims to teach the ability to communicate using non-speech means (facial expressions, pantomime, gestures); the ability to establish contact using speech and non-speech means. The content of the lessons includes games and play exercises, which are widely used in psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with children, developed by M.I. Chistyakova and O.V. Khukhlaeva.

    The structure of the lessons consists of 4 stages:

    Ritual of starting the lesson;

    Formulation of the problem;

    Timely search for solutions to the problem;

    Farewell ritual.

    The ritual of starting a lesson is a game or play exercise aimed at:

    Strengthening skills non-verbal communication: "Guess", "Role Gymnastics", "Sculptor", etc .;

    Developing a sense of closeness with other children: “ Affectionate name"," Snowball "," Engine "," Compliment ";

    Development of speech skills - "Intonation";

    Development of skills aimed at recognizing feelings - "The sea is worried."

    In the main part:

    1. Play exercises aimed at:

    Development of the ability to communicate without words - "Through the glass";

    Harmonization of the awareness of the name - "How can you be called differently";

    Timely use of words of gratitude - "Gift to a friend";

    Development of the ability to listen to the interlocutor - "Broken phone".

    2. Conversations on previously read tales and stories.

    3. The use of artistic words: poems, teasers, proverbs.

    4. Playing situations that enable children not only to talk about a particular problem, but to emotionally live it.

    5. Reception of TRIZ:

    - “What would happen if people stopped thanking each other?”;

    - "Chain of words", "Politeness is ...", "Joy is ...", "Sadness is ..."

    - "Good bad";

    - "Fairy tales - shape-shifters";

    6. Productive type of activity - drawing: "Self-portrait", "Me and my mood", "My name".

    7. Listening to music.

    Final part

    Exercises aimed at:

    Muscle relaxation: "Pump and ball", "Vacuum cleaner and a speck of dust", "Humpty Dumpty", "Dream fairy", "Everyone is asleep";

    Motor emancipation - "Confusion", "Mirror";

    Education of humane relations between children - "Gifts", "Waves".

    Control stage

    Lies in testing. Control is carried out using all diagnostic materials. The data is recorded, compared with the original data.

    After the completion of all three stages, a final meeting of parents and educators is held, where the result of work with children is summed up. Recommendations are given to parents or persons replacing them, to improve intra-family communication with children.

    Rituals in life and in the classroom

    How to ensure successful communication of children? Let's dwell on this in more detail.

    V early age(from 1.5 to 3 years), and the difference within six months is recognized by children and makes possible relationships of the "senior - junior" type. With age, this interval increases, reaching about two years for older preschoolers.

    So, if communication between children of the seventh and sixth years of life is not much different from the interaction of peers, then the unification of children "through age" - 3 years and 5 years, 4 years and 6 years, 5 years and 7 years - suggests a clear inter-age effect. In this case, gender is revealed in the difference in attitudes towards interaction with younger children. Six - seven-year-old girls more actively show a desire to communicate with babies during preparation for sleep, on a walk, in role-playing games. Boys are more restrained, and if they come into contact with younger ones, it is mainly during outdoor games. Unfortunately, this is reflected in the stereotype of the idea of ​​"correct" male behavior, which is asked in some families: a real, courageous boy does not have to be sensitive and patient. But these qualities are required in a situation of communication with younger comrades.

    Most of the younger children, if the elders show interest in them, willingly make contacts, value and take pride in their attention to themselves. The moral side of contact decisively depends on the older partner, his readiness for communication: after all, in comparison with older comrades, the baby, who in turn strives to be “like an adult,” seems to himself to be more mature than in comparison with an adult. Reducing the age distance between himself and the "model" allows him to grow in his own eyes, gives an additional impetus to the development of self-awareness.

    There are several types of interaction between children in a different age group.

    First type.

    Children, willingly interacting with the younger ones, take the position of a “senior” - a kind, skillful helper, organizer of common actions, a sensitive comrade. Connecting to the play of the kids, they develop and enrich the plot, taking into account the desires and capabilities of their partners, the decision on this or that change is always coordinated. Help during regime moments turns out to be them in a soft, benevolent form and not a method of simply performing actions for a younger one, but by showing, teaching. In communication, their speech is full of gentle, diminutive-affectionate words, comparisons ("You are my good, let's build a house here for a doll, huh? You see how clever you are, how beautiful you are at everything").

    You can rely on these children. The teacher increases their authority among peers (but does not praise them), connects them to the implementation of more complex assignments.

    Second type.

    Actively negative interaction. Just like the previous type of children, older children willingly enter into communication with younger ones. But contacts are maintained only because they provide them with a command role. Cleverly use the so-called weak points of partners. Misunderstanding the position of the elder (as a position “above the younger”, and not “in front” of him), they prefer actions from a position of strength. Sometimes, having noticed that the kid is ready to get out of obedience, or give up the game, or make minor concessions, they take advantage of his inexperience. Help is provided somewhat demonstratively, glancing at the adult, as if urging him to highly appreciate his deed. They can clearly express dissatisfaction, irritation about the inept actions of the partner. The very same help is realized by the full execution of the action, the suppression of independence. Speech is also peculiar, replete with instructions, reproaches, remarks, even threats. There are frequent attempts to shift the blame onto the younger one ("He won't have anything: he is small"), as well as the desire to stand out in front of peers and adults against the background of a less skillful baby.

    So, this type of children has a sufficient level of knowledge about the capabilities of the younger ones, shows a desire to interact with them, but the motivational basis is essentially selfish (“The younger ones will not catch up with me”, “I will obey: what I say, they will do”, “Not can take my toys away ”).

    The task of the educator is to timely identify this kind of manifestation in older children, to emotionally influence the child: personal example, during classes, conversations, reading works of fiction.

    Third type.

    Indifferent, disinterested interaction. Features - without experiencing an internal need for contacts, children, at the request of the educator, communicate for a short time with the younger ones, but soon rush to go about their business. Their questions are given either monosyllabic answers, or they do not react at all. And it is quite understandable that the little ones gradually become silent.

    Figuratively speaking, the opportunity to acquire the position of “senior” in communication with younger ones and to build their behavior in accordance with it is irrelevant for them. The indifferent attitude towards the kids is motivated as follows: “I’m not interested in them”, “I don’t know what to do with them”, “They don’t know how to do anything themselves, they spoil everything, they only dig in the sand”.

    Often this behavior is typical for children, who, in general, know how to keep the kids busy. At home, they are used to helping their parents, caring for their younger brothers and sisters. But everything is regarded solely as a duty, as a duty, as an assignment that they have to fulfill.

    The task of the educator when working with this type of children is not to rely on them at all, not to involve them in joint activities with the younger ones, leaving behind them the role of spectators, observing the successful interaction of their peers with the kids. The participation of peers, for example, in the preparation and conduct of a puppet show for kids, the exultation and joy of young spectators will not leave them indifferent. In addition, the authority of peers will gradually lead to the idea that in communicating with kids you can learn a lot of interesting and unusual things. But, of course, if the child takes the initiative himself, the teacher trusts him.

    So, what pedagogical techniques can be offered to a teacher in a group of different ages?

    First, he must realize the significance of the preparatory stage, the essence of which is the creation of an appropriate positive-emotional attitude for the upcoming interaction. The teacher draws the attention of children to the positive qualities of their older and younger comrades, encourages any attempt to help, protect, teach the younger one to express confidence that his pupils are kind, mutually benevolent, responsive.

    Secondly, in order to avoid manifestations of egoism, role-playing games, thought out in content and form, with a change in the roles and positions of the participants, are advisable. A good educational effect is provided by the inclusion of older and younger children in joke games, fun games. Curious situations, funny actions of both older and younger ones bring the participants closer together, contribute to the manifestation of a deeper interest in each other, positive emotions.

    Thirdly, making extensive use of joint activities, the educator introduces variety both in the ways of its organization and in the nature of the distribution of functions. One option is collective work (panels), when the older children are the organizers and the main performers, and the younger ones are their assistants (prepare the material, serve the tools). Another option has something in common with role play: the teacher prepares the elders in advance for future joint activities, explaining that the kids are in charge of the work, and the elders are the executors of the plan. For example, the younger children determine the pattern for the applique, while the older ones follow the patterns, taking into account their comments and advice. Joint participation promotes mutual understanding, develops skills, brings everyone together.

    Fourthly, bearing in mind the moral content of the interaction, the educator positively reinforces the actions and deeds of the elders, drawing the attention of the kids to them. Naturally, the older child will begin to focus more and more on the younger partner, will strive to bring him joy, comfort, and amuse him.

    And finally, fifthly, the principle of collectivity in educational work is successfully implemented by creating a kind of "public opinion" in a group of different ages, when the value of communication rises to a higher level. At the same time, the pupil, talking about his friend, not only evaluates him as kind, smart, courageous, but also draws attention to his ability to build positive relationships with the younger or older ("Plays well with the little ones", "Befriends the elders, helps them" , "Protects Babies").

    In cases where attentiveness, good relations Children begin to be aware of each other as a value, a norm of behavior, one can say: "In this group, the teacher, the parents (we did not accidentally mention the parents, since the teacher's work will be much easier if the parents support the teacher) have laid a really moral foundation."

    It is then that fraternal relations between children of different ages arise, that activity that goes beyond the limits of specific pedagogical situations, creating an incomparable atmosphere of benevolence in the interpersonal contacts of preschoolers with the people around them.

    The formation of interpersonal relations in children implies the formation of a "moral school of relations" with the help of which he can "measure" his own and others' actions from a universal human position of good and evil and not only evaluate, but also subordinate his behavior to generally accepted moral norms. The main drivers of normative behavior are not motives based on fear of punishment or receiving positive reinforcement, but motives of disinterested benevolent attitude towards another, empathy, the value of joint activities.

    The introduction of regime rituals into the life of a group unites children, contributes to the formation of an attentive attitude of older children to younger children and to their peers. Self-massage in pairs (where a child is 5-7 years old and 3-4 years old) helps not only to strengthen the physical health of children, but also to reduce irritability and aggression.

    The use of "sleepy toys" solved the problem with daytime sleep: children before the daytime sleep were excited, loud, could not fall asleep for a long time, sleep was not long. With "sleepy toys" children calmly prepare for bed, fall asleep faster. These toys are small in size (15 - 20 cm) by the number of children. For children with bad habits, as well as for hyperactive children - with fillers (rice, peas).

    It is very important to teach children to recognize their mood; for this, a cycle of cognitive activities aimed at determining a person's mood is carried out. Games "Mirror", "Angry and kind", "What mood?" Are held. When children have learned to recognize their mood using symbols, either a "Mood Board" or "Emoticons" with the designation of the mood are added to the group. And children are encouraged to show their mood at the moment with the help of a photo or other designations throughout the day.


    Contact with peers is incomparable joy. Only among themselves do children learn to be on an equal footing, which means, to build special (personal, business, evaluative) relationships that they cannot have with adults. Adults can only form the child's inner world in the form of knowledge and information about the environment, which the child seeks to share with his communication partners.

    As a result of the work carried out on the formation of interpersonal communication, the level of self-esteem increased in many children. Younger children began to communicate quite freely with older children. The elders began to enjoy great respect among their peers and younger children. Thus, mutual sympathy arose, which led to positive manifestations of emotions: empathy, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.


    1.V. N. Avanesova Education and training of children in a different age group- 2nd ed. - rev. [Text] / V.N. Avanesov. - M .: Education, 1979 .-- 176p.

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    3. Borovkova E.V., Vodina N.I., Efimova M.K. Formation of moral health of preschoolers [Text] / E.V.Borovkova, N.I. Vodina, M.K. Efimova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2002 .-- 64p.

    4.S.Bychkova S.S. Formation of the ability to communicate with peers in older preschoolers [Text] / E.V. Bychkova. - M .: ARKTI, 2003 .-- 96p.

    5. Gerbova V.V. The development of the speech of children in the younger age group (2 - 4 years old) // Child in kindergarten [Text]: method. allowance / V.V. Gerbova .-Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.- No. 5 - P.17 - 26.

    6. Gorshenina V.V., Samoshkina I.V., Cherkasova N.P. The system of kindergarten work to prevent and overcome the difficulties of family education [Text]: method. manual / V.V. Gorshenina, I.V. Samoshkina, N.P. Cherkasov. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Panorama", 2006. - 128 p.

    7.Davydova O.I., Bogoslavets L.G., Mayer A.A. Working with parents in a preschool educational institution [Text]: method. Manual / O. I. Davydova, L. G. Bogoslavets, A. A. Mayer. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.

    8. Doronova T.N. Interaction of the preschool institution with parents. A guide for employees of preschool educational institutions [Text] / T.N. Doronov. - M., 2002. - 120s.

    9. Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V. Communication of a teacher with parents at a preschool educational institution: Methodological aspect[Text]: Methodological aspect / OL. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

    10.Kovalchuk Ya.I. Individual approach in raising a child [Text]: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / Ya.I. Kovalchuk - M .: Education, 1985 .-- 127s.

    11. Odintsova L. Organization of the pedagogical process in a group of different ages [Text]: Preschool education / L. Odintsova - M., 1987. - No. 8, - P.17 - 19.

    12. Petrovsky V.A., Vinogradova A.M., Klarina L.M. and others. Learning to communicate with the child [Text] / В.А. Petrovsky, A.M. Vinogradova, L.M. Klarina - M .: Education, 1993 .-- 191s.

    Annex 1

    Parents questionnaire

    Surname, name, date of birth of the child.

    1. Family composition.
    2. Parents' professions.
    3. Father's, mother's education.
    4. Financial situation.
    5. Living conditions.
    6. What is the child in the family.
    7. Since when has the child been attending kindergarten?
    8. Who likes to play most of all: with peers, ml. children, Art. children, adults?
    9. What literary heroes does it seek to emulate?
    10. Which cartoon character seeks to emulate? What qualities does he see in them?
    11. Which of the listed activities does the child perform more successfully than others - coming up with joint games; telling fairy tales, stories; Painting; modeling; singing?

    Parents questionnaire

    Parents questionnaire

    1. Are you and your spouse unanimous in raising a child?
    2. What is your position in communicating with your child (dominant, on an equal footing)?
    3. How do you most often influence the child - In the form of instructions, explanations, suggestions, beliefs, requests?
    4. How often do you go about your business, pretend to listen to him? (often, never, sometimes).
    5. Do you verbally abuse your child when you conflict with him? (Yes, sometimes, no).
    6. Are you considering your child's emotional mood? (Always, sometimes)
    7. How often do you comment on your child if he makes mistakes in communication? (always, sometimes, never).
    8. Do you remind your child if he forgets to say speech etiquette formulas?
    9. Do you always understand the mood of the child?
    10. Do you understand the child in the process of communication by his gestures and facial expressions?
    11. What techniques and how often are used in the family to develop the child to communicate?
    12. What difficulties do you face in the process of forming a culture of communication?
    13. What prevents your full communication with your child?

    Appendix 2

    Game "Secret"

    Each child should choose 3 children from the group "in secret" so that no one sees, and put a postcard in an envelope (booth) for them. The surnames and names of the children are entered in a special table, opposite each name is a serial number. For each child, 3 postcards and an envelope are prepared, on which the number recorded in the table is marked. Children entering the room one by one are told: “We are playing the game“ secret ”. In secret, so that no one knows, all children will give each other beautiful pictures... You can present them to those children whom you want, only to each of them. You cannot put a picture in your envelope. " As soon as the child has laid out the postcards in envelopes, he is asked the question: "Who put (s) a picture for you?" After that, the number of pictures received by each child and the number of mutual choices are counted.

    Appendix 3

    Summary of the lesson on the development of speech

    Topic "What do I want to say?"

    (middle group)

    Target: to acquaint children with the fact that you can communicate without words and understand what we are talking about, and the mood of the speakers with the help of movements of the face, hands, body (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime); teach children to communicate using facial expressions.

    Methods and techniques: a game aimed at the liberation of children; conversation; playing the situation; game exercise; a game aimed at fostering humane relations.

    Course of the lesson: Educator - offers the game "Affectionate Name". You will throw the ball to each other, and whoever it hits should say one or more of his affectionate names. When everyone has pronounced their names, you need to throw the ball to the one who threw the first and say his affectionate name.

    A Fairy appears, mimicking that she was bewitched by an evil wizard and now she cannot speak. (Children, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, communicate with the Fairy. They try to recite verses without the words "Our Tanya is crying loudly", "Bull", etc.).

    Q. - conducts the game “Guess what I want to say? (shaking his finger, waving his hands).

    D. - Do you think it is easy to talk with deaf people? With a person who is far away? (the game "Behind the Glass" is held),

    At the end of the lesson, the children give the Fairy gifts, which they describe using gestures and facial expressions.

    FSES DO, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155

    SANPIN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the preschool educational organizations"

    Lyubov Toporkova
    Consultation for parents on the topic: Features of the organization of work in a multi-age group

    In accordance with the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, group kindergarten can include both children of the same age and children of different ages... In the practice of upbringing preschoolers, for many years there have been age groups.

    The main reasons for this phenomenon can be called the following:

    1) picking difficulties groups(due to the lack of or exceeding the norm of the number of children of the same age);

    2) the presence of family ties between pupils of different ages (as a result, the desire parents define them into one group);

    3) insufficient material and technical base for the creation of a complete set of the same age groups;

    4) features of work a preschool institution in the summer;

    V age groups general developmental orientation, the maximum occupancy is, in the presence of a group of children:

    Two ages (from 2 months to 3 years)- 10 children;

    Any three ages (from 3 to 7 years old)- 15 children;

    Any two ages (from 3 to 7 years old)–20 children

    One of the benefits uneven picking principle groups is the possibility of expanding the circle of communication of children. Children different ages who are in the same team, more often take into account the interests of others when choosing options for joint activities. The conditions of joint stay allow one to more actively form new social positions, skills of social behavior.

    Most expedient is the acquisition groups by children of a loved one, adjacent age.

    In this case, it is better to implement the principle of maximum consideration of the age capabilities of children. V group a general regime is established that meets the capabilities and needs of children of both groups, favorable conditions are created both for independent activity and for conducting classes.

    Organization educational process in age group has a positive influence: although the combination in one a group of different by the age of children complicates teacher's work, but at the same time opens up wide opportunities for him to organization of communication of children of different ages.

    Our observations show that younger children in age group They willingly listen to the advice, comments, and assessments of older children, made in a benevolent manner, they well perceive their fair leadership of joint activities, and react negatively to a harsh and authoritarian attitude. Constant communication between younger children and older children forms friendly relations, independence. Special the example of the elders for the younger acquires significance.

    Psychologists, educators, educators and, of course, parents differently belong to the phenomenon age groups in preschool institutions.

    Some believe that it is in groups children of different ages are provided Better conditions for general mental and moral development, since here, in their opinion "Older children learn to help younger ones", "The younger, imitating the elders, develop faster"

    Others, on the contrary, believe that in age groups there are a number of problems associated with difficulties organization educational process, the impossibility of taking into account individual abilities of children of different ages, etc..

    Educational and educational work in different age groups has a number of specific difficulties, most strongly manifested in groups staffed with children of sharply contrasting age. First of all, these are difficulties organizational nature:

    1) the problem of creating the necessary air-thermal regime;

    2) different degrees of susceptibility of children of different ages to infectious diseases and differing levels of development of self-care and hygiene skills, sleep and activity needs;

    3) difficulties in equipping the room with furniture, toys, equipping the pedagogical process

    Constant communication between younger children and older children creates favorable conditions for the formation of friendly relations, caring, and independence. Here, the elders help the baby get dressed, tell him stories, protect him from the offender, that is, take care of him.

    Special the example of elders for kids is gaining importance. By virtue of their tendency to imitate, the younger gradually adopt all the positive qualities of the elders.

    Long-term observations prove that in age groups younger children learn skills much faster, and older children grow up more empathetic, benevolent and responsive. When they first come to kindergarten, kids get to organized team, it is easier to obey its rules, imitating the older children in everything, who in this case serve as the support of the educator.

    V organization of education for children of different age groups there are two main shape: game and activities, the main purpose of which is the comprehensive education and development of each child, the formation of educational skills.

    Playing in age group allows you to achieve significant results, since it creates favorable conditions for the interaction of the teacher with children and children with each other. Didactic, Mind games as a form organization learning acquire special meaning because they use self-learning and peer learning. In a didactic game, the educational and play sides interact. In accordance with this, the educator simultaneously teaches the children and participates in their game, and the children, while playing, learn.

    In a didactic game of age group knowledge and skills are consolidated, new educational material is mastered.

    For a successful organization of work in groups of different ages the general play of children is of great importance. Rallying age group are promoted by toys that children bring from home, because new facets of communication appear. Communication during joint activities provides tremendous opportunities for mutual influence of children. different ages, for self-help organizations teaching juniors to seniors.

    However, it should be said that although play significantly increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in conditions age group, however the main form organization learning in preschool institutions remains an occupation.

    V age groups use frontal, group and individual forms organization educational process , which allow different the way to form the relationship of the teacher with children and children among themselves.

    The most effective, in our opinion, is the combination different forms of work(collective Work, work with a subgroup and individual sessions). More general educational tasks are best solved on frontal exercises and specific (communication of new material, consolidation, expansion and refinement of knowledge)- in the classroom with one subgroup.

    Organization method collective activities v age group:

    1.beginning of the lesson at the same time in all three (four) subgroups and the ending is sequential (after 15 minutes - for the younger ones, after 20 - for the middle ones, etc.);

    2.sequential start of the lesson (lesson starts with one subgroup, then after 5-7 minutes the second is connected, then the third).

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