Parents' meetings in dhow patriotic education. Parents' meeting "patriotic education of children." Civil - patriotic education of preschoolers

Yana Levchuk
Synopsis of the parent meeting on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers

Synopsis of the parent meeting on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers

Time spending: fourth week

Form of conducting: get-togethers

Target: to draw attention parents on the issue of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers

Tasks: comprehend the main moral values; expand ideas and enrich pedagogical skills parents on moral education of preschoolers; involve parents in exchange of views on successes and difficulties moral education of the child; foster a meaningful and constructive thinking; captivate parents in a variety of ways to work during group meetings.

The plan of the

1. introduction leading (message of topic, goals and objectives parent meeting)

2. "Gatherings"

3. Making a decision.

Event progress

I. Preparatory phase

1. Registration of materials for the exhibition on the topic assemblies.

2. Development of the script.

3. Conducting a survey of children and parents on the topic« Moral values»

4. The design of text and visual materials To meeting.

5. Making a poster "Three misfortunes have human: death, old age and bad children. Old age is inevitable. Death is unforgiving. Before these misfortunes, no one can close the doors of their home. And from bad kids the house can be saved, as well as from harm " (Folk wisdom)

6. Development of a draft solution.

II.Organizational moment

Parent-teacher meeting took place in music hall DOE. Tables are arranged for group work. On every table lie clear sheet, handle, stand, trays with materials for manual labor, program assemblies.

III. Presenter's introduction

Message topic and purpose assemblies.

IV. Role distribution stage

Leading. Children preschool age are very fond of fantasizing. Together with teachers, they often go on imaginary journeys. So we will go on a journey with you today. It will be special. We will go to the distant past, to our ancestors.

Imagine the world they lived in. There were no cities, tall buildings, cars, electricity. (Slide. Image of the family and life of the past) The cottages were large and spacious. In the evenings, the whole family gathered at a large table. (A folk song of the Nekrasov Cossacks sounds in the background).

So it is for all of us, gathered today, can be called one big family. For our children, kindergarten becomes a second home. Educators during the day they try to replace children parents... So for five years all of us "Get close" and we live by common worries and joys.

To more specifically define the roles in our large and friendly family, we will be divided into four groups (symbols are placed on the tables):



« Parents»

"Grandmothers and grandfathers"

So, the whole family is here! As they say, let's sit side by side and talk okay.

V. "Gatherings"

Folk wisdom reads: "Three misfortunes have human: death, old age and bad children. Old age is inevitable. Death is unforgiving. Before these misfortunes, no one can close the doors of their home. And the house can be saved from bad children, as well as from trouble. "

Raising a child, all family members hope to grow a worthy person out of him. Everyone wants to be proud of their child, so that he grows up as a creator, not a burner.

But before we start our conversation, let's find out if we know what it is moral, morality, kindness and others moral concepts.

Task 1. Warm up

1. Wise thoughts (Annex 1)

On each table there are cards with proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, sayings of great people on the topic parent meeting... The cards are passed in a circle to the music. Thus parents get acquainted with the content of each statement.

2. History of the surname

Participants assemblies talk about their last name (homework)

Time flies quickly, our life changes. Many words are disappearing from use. Remember how Pushkin described his beloved heroine: "And how the speech speaks, as if the river is babbling ..." The more warm, kind, gentle, polite words sound in our house, the stronger and more prosperous our family will be.

Task 2. Let's try to remember the most cherished, the most sincere words and expressions.

"Kids"- about mom

"Children"- about dad

« Parents» - about the older generation

"Grandmothers and grandfathers"- about grandchildren

(Time for preparation is 1 minute. They write down all the words, and then a representative from the team reads them out)

How much goodness and light are in the words you named! Warm up your family hearth their warmth. Do not skimp on good.

You know a lot of beautiful words, but do you always say them in front of your children? Children's vocabulary needs to be constantly replenished. Do not hide from children's eyes and ears your sincere admiration, gratitude, care, love for any member of your family. Let these words be the main words of your children.

Task 3. Now let's analyze the answers of our children and parents on the topic« Moral values»

1. The generalized results of the survey of the children of the group are presented.

Questions for children:

1. What kind of person do you want to be? (Children answered: main, big, good, strong, honest, beautiful)

2. Who do you want to be? (doctor, policeman, mom, educator, caretaker, hairdresser, driver, computer technician, dad, artist)

3. What is needed to make everyone feel good at home? (so that everyone loves each other, buy toys and all sorts of goodies, kiss everyone, say thank you)

4. What is it impossible for a person to live without? (no mom and dad, no water and food)

5. If you found a treasure, what would you do? (bought toys and a computer, gave it to mom or educator, I do not know)

6. If you had Magic wand what would you do? (would ask for gifts for myself, for a brother or sister, would bring her to kindergarten

2. The generalized results of the survey are presented. parents

Questions for adults:

1. Qualities your child needs as a person (honesty, ability to love and empathize, decency, kindness)

2. Would you like your child to become (businessman, dentist, surgeon, athlete)

3. In a good family, always (fret, peace, love, no lies)

4. You can't live without (family, love)

5. If I found a treasure, then (spent on improving housing conditions, education of children, shared with relatives, equipped the material base of the preschool educational institution)

6. If I could do everything, then (extended the life of my parents, made all people on earth happy, made it so that all children from orphanages found their families)

Task 4. Musical pause - performance of children's songs with moral content("When my friends are with me", "Let Mom Hear", "We're going, we're going, we're going.", "A smile will make everyone brighter") verse 1 (in turn) .

And now we will talk about the rules of communication in the family.

Determined that moral teenager depends on how his raised in childhood that was laid in his soul from birth to 10 years.

For a successful education not only love for the child is important, but also the general microclimate of the family. Parents for a child - fork: how they sound, so he will respond. If we treat badly, for example, our to parents, the same should be expected from your children.

An ancient parable tells: “The son grabbed his old father and dragged him to be eaten by the crocodiles. The son's son ran after him. "Why?"- asked the father. "To find out the road along which you will have to drag ..."

In our Everyday life we, perhaps, suffer most from the lack of culture in people. And it's not even a matter of politeness, for she is only outward manifestation culture. We are talking about a lack of internal culture, and its level is most clearly visible on children.

Looking at a six-year-old child, one can clearly imagine what kind of parents how and what they talk to each other, what is the microclimate in the family. No wonder the word "cultural" has a synonym « educated» .

We offer you short rules family communication, which will become a kind of reminder for you.

Let's read the memo "Rules of communication in the family" (Appendix 2)

I would like to dwell on the last point in more detail. "Rules". Cooperative activity- a source of communication. joint work brings together, unites the family. Even small insignificant assignments in the family will help the child understand, realize his importance.

In the old days, children with three years of age introduced to the craft. The father put the boy on a horse, the training for the future man began in military affairs, hunting, and craft. The girl from the same age began to learn needlework, housekeeping.

The work for the children was feasible, but real. The father carries the sack, the son carries the sack; Mom has a spindle, daughter has a spindle.

Well, and we have nothing to sit around!

Task 5. "Needlewoman"... Creativity has always occupied important place In human life. All their lives, people have tried to equip their life with comfortable, durable things, but they did them in such a way that they would please the eye and amuse the soul.

At today's gatherings, all members of our large family- mine "lesson".

"Kids"- make an ornament (toy) from paper.

"Children"- make out plastic bottles natural and waste material (vases, pencil holders, napkin holders)

« Parents» - make a toy - a doll from fabric, threads.

"Grandmothers and grandfathers"- demonstrate different ways shaping salty dough buns.

(From ready-made crafts an exhibition is being arranged)

In a close-knit family, any business goes well! You have worked wonderfully well! Decorated their crafts with all the heart!

Great value in moral education children have fiction... And one of the leading methods is staging literary works... We invite you to take part in the dramatization of the story of A. Glebov "Grandma's fairy tale"

Task 6. Staging (Appendix 3)

Every family has problems, and this is inevitable, but it is important not to close our eyes to them, but to solve them together. Do not postpone its decision until a later period, reassuring yourself that the child is still small, he does not understand. By delaying a decision, you are simply making the situation worse.

Vi. Summarizing assemblies

Well, our gatherings have come to an end! We hope that they were not in vain for you. Be kinder friend to friend. Take care of your friends. May all good predictions come true! May there be harmony and harmony in your families! Let each of your families become a reliable link in the chain I-family-kin-people!

Triple assessment. The board is divided into three parts. The first part notes everything that the participants liked it on parent meeting ... The second part indicates what did not satisfy their requests. The third part lists suggestions for further efficiency. parenting meetings.

Vii. Decision-making parent meeting

Purpose: to involve parents in the exchange of views on moral and patriotic education in the family.
- to help parents acquire knowledge about moral and patriotic education;
- combining the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in the formation of moral and patriotic qualities in children.
Preliminary work:
- selection of works for musical arrangement("Parent's House")
- to conduct a survey of parents on the topic "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers", which will help determine the level of knowledge of parents about moral and patriotic education
- to give the parents the task to prepare a presentation of the family on the topic "The very, very family ...";

    prepare a photo exhibition “My family. The traditions of our family ";
    - memorizing poems on the topic "Family education"
    - prepare attributes for the game "Grandma's Chest";

    prepare brochures;
    - prepare blanks and ribbons for amulets;
    - prepare fragments of proverbs about family, moral and patriotic education, for parents to compile;
    - prepare sweet prizes for rewarding for participation in the competition.
    Participants: educator, parents,
    Venue: music hall
    Carrying out plan:
    1.Introduction stage:

warm-up "Fold the proverb".

2.Main part:
pedagogical universal education (concept: education, family education, moral and patriotic education);
introduction to the problem (presentation of the group educator on the topic: "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers"

the game "Grandma's Chest";

The chest contains:
* a beautiful book of Russian folk tales;

* album and paints;


* a jar of jam, chocolate, sweets;

* old family photos;

* toys of grandparents;
* postcards of the monuments of the city of Kotovo
* pictures with orders and medals;

* gingerbread, cheesecakes;

* glove puppets for puppet theater;
*fish fat.
presentation “The very, very family….

    Practical part

    Summing up the meeting. Reading poetry by teachers
    memo "Moral - patriotic education";

Progress of the meeting

Opening stage
- good evening, dear parents. We are glad to welcome you to the next parent meeting. Today we bring to your attention a round table with elements of play and productive activity.
- We want to ask you be active, proactive, adhere to the following rules:
1. Time is holy - speak clearly and succinctly.
2. The law is one: everyone listens when one speaks.
3. Disagree - object, object - offer, offer - act.
- So we start. To make it clear what is the topic of our round table, must be assembled from fragments of a proverb. Fragments of proverbs are laid out on three tables. Parents are divided into groups and collect proverbs. The music "Parents' House" sounds quietly in the record.
Proverbs read by parents:
1. The parental word does not pass by (family education).

2. A kind person teaches good and (moral education).

3.Motherland- heaven to the heart (patriotic education).
The result of the warm-up.
- Dear parents. Now we can conclude what we are going to talk about today. The topic of our round table is "Family education" (education of moral and patriotic qualities).

Main part:
The group teacher reveals the concepts:
Education is a process purposeful education personality.

Family upbringing is a systematic targeted influence on the child of adult family members and family structure.
Moral education is a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of pupils in order to form their moral qualities meeting the requirements of public morality.
Moral qualities - kindness, decency, discipline, collectivism, camaraderie, etc.
Patriotic education Is a process of personality formation, impact on a personality who will love their homeland.

Patriotic qualities - pride, care, humanism, mercy, universal values, etc.
Introduction to the problem
Round table "Moral - patriotic education of preschoolers". Teacher's speech

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks our time. Huge changes have taken place in our country for last years... This concerns moral values, attitude to the events of our history. Children have distorted ideas about patriotism, kindness, generosity. The attitude of people towards the Motherland has also changed. If earlier we constantly heard and sang the anthems of our country, now they talk about it mostly negatively. Today material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones. However, difficulties transition period should not cause the suspension of patriotic education. The revival of spiritual and moral education is a step towards the revival of Russia.
V.V. Sukhomlinsky argued that childhood is an everyday discovery of the world and therefore it is necessary to make it so that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness.

And the leading role in the education of moral and patriotic qualities in a child belongs to the family.

It all starts with the family, with its traditions. Dad and mom are the closest and most convincing "models" from which the child takes an example, which he imitates, by which he builds his behavior. It is in the child's love for his mother and his dad that his future feeling is laid family education.
Helping a child to understand what is evil, good, not to leave him indifferent to all living things, to his city, people - this is the goal that should be before us, adults. After analyzing your questionnaires that you filled out the day before, we can conclude that in every family, as in
preschool given toisgreat attention to educationthe younger generationmoral qualities of the individual, the collective ivism, citizenship, love for their homeland, respectful attitude to the history of their homeland.
The goal of patriotic education of children before school age is to sow and nurture in a child's soul the seeds of love for native nature, home and family, for the history and culture of the country, created by the works of relatives and friends, those who are called compatriots.
Any region, region, even a small village is unique. Each place has its own nature, its own traditions and its own way of life. The selection of the appropriate material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​what their native land is famous for.
Hometown ... You need to show your child that your hometown is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, and the best people.
What information and concepts about their hometown can children learn?
The attention of older children should be drawn to objects that are locatedon the nearest streets: school, cinema, post office, pharmacy, etc., tell about their purpose, emphasize that all this was created for the convenience of people.
The range of objects with which older preschoolers are introduced is expanding - this is the district and the city as a whole, its attractions, historical sites and monuments. Children are told who they were erected in honor of. An older preschooler should know the name of his city, his street, the streets adjacent to it, and also after whom they are named. They explain to him that every person has native home and the city where he was born and lives. This requires excursions around the city, into nature, observing the work of adults, where each child begins to realize that work unites people, requires them to be coordinated, mutual assistance, and knowledge of their business. And here great importance acquires the acquaintance of children with folk crafts of the region, folk craftsmen.
In moral and patriotic education great value has an example of adults, especially close people. On specific facts from the life of older family members (grandfathers and grandmothers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line and labor exploits), it is necessary to instill in children such important concepts as "duty to the Motherland", "love for the Fatherland", "hatred of the enemy", "labor feat " etc. It is important to bring the child to the understanding that we won because we love our Motherland, the Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, monuments have been erected in their honor.
The continuation of this work is the acquaintance of children with other cities of Russia, with the capital of our Motherland, with the anthem, flag and coat of arms of the state.
The work organized in this way will contribute to correct development microclimate in the family, as well as fostering love for their country.
For example, raising children to love their city, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their city is a part of the Motherland, since in all places, large and small, there is a lot in common:
everywhere people work for everyone (teachers teach children; doctors treat the sick; workers make machines, etc.);
traditions are observed everywhere: the Motherland remembers the heroes who defended it from enemies;
people live everywhere of different nationalities, work together and help each other;
people protect and protect nature;
there are general professional and public holidays, etc.
The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul ... And although many impressions have not yet been deeply understood by him, they passed through children's perception, they are playing huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot. We invite you to listen to the song: "Raspberry Chime" (performed by me)

And now we will talk about the methods and tools that can be used to successful upbringing moral and patriotic qualities in a child. O family traditions which

we need

"Grandma's chest" in which there are different things. I will get it, and you have to name the options for using the subject in raising children.

We bring to your attention presentations on the topic: "The very, very family" What methods, forms, traditions do you dear parents use in modern conditions. Once again, we can conclude that everything is laid down in the family.
In your presentation, you must tell:
* who the family consists of (pedigree);
* history of the origin of the family name, names of family members;
* about family heirlooms;
* about family traditions;
* O family hobby, hobby;
* about a family dream.
  • Once again, we can conclude that everything is laid down in the family.
    Following the presentation, rewarding families sweet prizes.
  • Practical part

Take the blanks that are in front of you. We will tie ribbons into the holes, while saying: 1 “We tie the red ribbon so that the children are healthy” 2 “We tie the blue ribbon so that they are smart” 3 “The green ribbon so that they are cheerful” 4 The orange ribbon is good-natured 5 Point “Yellow ribbon affectionate "6" Pink-obedient "

Love your children ALWAYS, respect your children ALWAYS, and never forget that even completely little kid- this is already a MAN! Accept and appreciate him for who he is.Let your child, your sun always warm you, give you only warmth, light, affection and joy!
Reading poems about family education

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
An inexhaustible source of love.
And in clear weather, and in bad weather
The family keeps and appreciates the moment of life.
The family is the stronghold and strength of the state,
Keeping traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A ray of light is like a beacon for sailors.

Family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Shine with love!
May the families be cheerful
Children's laughter sounds
Kind and joyful
A holiday for everyone!

Dear Parents! Take a chamomile, place it on your palms and stand along the path. So our meeting has come to an end. We walked along this path with you and your kids for 6 years. This path was not easy, we were together in joy and sorrow.

And now in a month, we will say goodbye to you, and the guys will see off to a new, interesting, school way... And so that this path is clear, bright, sunny, let's lay it out from daisies.

We are grateful to you for a sincere meeting. Goodbye!

rye are passed down from generation to generation. For this




General school parents meeting

"Patriotic education in the family"

form of presentation: interactive lecture for parents


  • to expand the knowledge of parents about the role of the family in upbringing patriotic feelings children;
  • to acquaint parents with the techniques and methods of patriotic education.

Keep the warmth of your home

And don’t bother at the fires of strangers.

Our ancestors lived by this law

And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:

Keep the fire of your home!

O. Fokina

Meeting progress

  1. Introduction

What is patriotism and what kind of person can be called a patriot? The answers to this question are quite complex. For simplicity of judgment, let us agree to consider Vladimir Dahl to be the first who clearly defined the concept of “patriotism”. A patriot, according to Dal, is "a lover of the Fatherland, a zealot for its good, a friend of his own, a patriot or a fatherland."

Patriotism includes:

1. Honoring the place of one's birth and place of permanent residence as one's Motherland, love and care for this territorial formation, respect for local traditions, devotion to this territorial region until the end of one's life.

2. Respect for their ancestors who lived in a given territory, love and tolerance for fellow countrymen, a desire to help them.

3.Concrete everyday affairs to improve the state of the Motherland, its embellishment and arrangement (starting from maintaining order and strengthening friendly relations with neighbors in their apartment, entrance, house, yard to the worthy development of the entire city, district, region, Motherland as a whole), mutual assistance and mutual assistance among fellow countrymen and compatriots.

Patriotism - a very intimate feeling located deep in the soul (subconsciousness). Patriotism is judged not by words, but by the deeds of each person. A patriot is not the one who calls himself that, but the one who will be honored in this capacity by others, primarily his compatriots. The wider is the territory that a patriot considers his homeland (up to the borders of his state) than more love he shows to his compatriots, the more everyday things he does for the good of a given territory and its inhabitants (incrementally: house, yard, street, district, city, region, etc.), the more patriot this person, the higher and more true his patriotism.

Thus, a real (ideal) patriotcan be considered a person

constantly strengthening his physical and mental health,

well brought up, educated and enlightened,

having a normal family,

honoring his ancestors,

growing and educating in the best traditions of their descendants,

constantly improving his life, lifestyle and culture of behavior,

working for the good of his Fatherland,

participating in public events or in the activities of patriotic organizations.

Based on this, it is possible to determinemain directions of workon fostering patriotic feelings among students:

1. Education of love for their homeland.

2. Introduction to the military and labor traditions of the people, Russian army.

3. Explanation of the origins of heroism and dedication of people.

4. Fostering pride in the exploits of representatives of different generations of defenders of the Fatherland and the desire to imitate them.

5. Studying your family: family heirlooms, professions of family members, hobbies of parents, grandmothers, grandfathers. We consider this direction in the work on fostering patriotic feelings among students as a priority among others.

After all folk wisdom reads: "Without a root and wormwood does not grow."

For every child, the first step towards knowing the Motherland is to study his family. Studying family history not only contributes to spiritual convergence adult family members and children, but it is also the first step in knowing the Motherland, its traditions, history.

As a result of such search work, children should learn that the world of the family is ...

Home, comfort, warmth;

Mutual understanding, love, respect;

Holidays, traditions.

And adults should try to explain to children: in order for peace and friendship to reign in a family, five important rules must be remembered:

Respect and love your elders;

Take care of the youngest in the family;

Remember that you owe your life to many generations of your family;

Cherish all your relatives;

Remember that you are the helper in the family and the continuer of family traditions.

"Cognition, comprehension by a person of his Motherland, the formation of a patriotic core in our soul, patriotic education during childhood, adolescence and early adolescence - these are the most subtle, most difficult things in that infinitely complex interweaving of ideas, actions, aspirations, which is called patriotic education" , - wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky. This must be constantly remembered when raising children.

  1. Main part

(slide number 1)

Patriotic education in the family.

(general school parents meeting)

(slide number 2)

An important task of ideological educational work what remains is patriotic education, the formation to defend the Motherland, to give it all our strength.

In educating the younger generation as patriots of their homeland, the role of the family is invaluable, in which the foundations of a person's character, his attitude to work, moral, ideological and cultural values ​​are formed.

(slide number 3)

What does it mean today to bring up children in a family as convinced patriots of their homeland?

(slide number 4)

Raising children in a family as convinced patriots means supporting, developing and directing their desire to acquire and use in practice knowledge, including the knowledge of the Motherland and its patriotic people, who have accomplished a feat unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Raising children in a family as convinced patriots means developing in them the need for their daily educational and labor activity contribute to the acceleration of the socio-economic development of the country, in overcoming difficult and difficult tasks... Raising children as convinced patriots means developing in them a need and love for a multinational Motherland, a sense of friendship and comradeship between nations, helping to find oneself with early age a sense of internationalism in interethnic communication, study, work.

Raising children in a family as convinced patriots means preparing them to fulfill their civic duty.

Raising children in a family as convinced patriots means preparing them as staunch fighters for the preservation of the wealth and nature of their native land, humanistic values ​​and traditions of our material and spiritual culture and ideology.

(slide number 5)

The family, in contrast to the school, is a specific area (microcollective), in which initial patriotic feelings are born in children, respect for parents and the family's pedigree, for its military and labor traditions, love for their home, village, city, and Motherland are brought up.

Parents learn about the ways, means and forms of bringing up patriotic feelings, aspirations, deeds in children. These ways, means and forms are enriched and expanded if the school and the community come to the aid of the family.

(slide number 6)

The family is a fertile environment for education patriotic consciousness, feelings and beliefs in children. This is due to:

Firstly, by the fact that it is a kind of micro-collective, which is based on the closest ones, trusting relationship between spouses, parents and children.

Secondly, in family environment the living embodiment of patriotic feelings for a child are his parents - mother and father. Children associate with them the concepts of their home, their native places, their land, their city, their homeland. It is no coincidence, as V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted, “the words Motherland, Fatherland are half brothers of the words to give birth, father”.
Thirdly, in the family environment, the process of intrafamily communication between the elder and younger generations... This communication contributes not only to a simple exchange of information, but also to the transfer to children and grandchildren of the richest spiritual experience and heroism of past years, the formation of patriotic consciousness, feelings and beliefs, attitudes and behavior.
Practice shows that children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, if purposeful work is carried out with them in the family, inherit the military and labor glory of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers. To instill in them a patriotic consciousness and feelings, one should more actively use the inexhaustible material about military events and labor achievements of people during the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war years.

(slide number 7)

According to the teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "never does a person feel so deeply a sense of duty to the Motherland, as in those hours of reflection on the fate of the Fatherland, when he himself mentally repeats the path traveled by his people, sees and feels like a part of the people."

(slide number 8)

Children grow up, and there comes a time when they ask how grandparents, father and mother lived their lives. It is impossible not to give an answer to this natural and serious question, since it is a direct path to instilling a sense of patriotism in a son and daughter, a grandson and great-grandson, who continue the work of their parents, by their ancestry.

(slide number 9)

Do all parents talk to their children about the Motherland? Do all fathers and mothers talk about her wealth and beauty, about devotion and service to her, about protecting her honor and glory? Some parents believe that it is unnecessary to talk about it in the family; they talk a lot about it at school. But that's the value family conversations and conversations that they often take place in a direct confidential atmosphere.

(slide number 10)

It is in such a relaxed atmosphere that the hearts of the children are open to patriotic feelings. And then the clever and skillful word of a father or mother about the Motherland, duty, work deeply enters both the consciousness and the heart of a son or daughter.
Stories and conversations-memories of Family honor, patriotic deeds of parents, reflections on the past of their homeland - these are good lessons courage for children. At the same time, it is also the connection of times, it is also the transfer of the baton from generation to generation. In these minutes and hours, children feel like a single whole, inseparable from the heroic past of their grandfathers and fathers.

(slide number 11)

A family with children travels along the roads of our vast Motherland, makes trips and hikes to neighboring and distant countries. It is important that these journeys, trips and hikes are not only educational in nature. With the correct position of the parents, they can play an invaluable role in fostering patriotic and international feelings, both in children of primary school age and among adolescents in high school students. During the trip, parents and children get to know the Motherland directly, its peoples, their culture, their past and present. It happens that the mother or father has already been to the places where they will go with their children. More often, both they and the children go to one of the corners of the country for the first time. In both the first and second cases, the father and mother need to prepare the children for the upcoming trip.

Thousands of titles of books, brochures, materials are dedicated and dedicated to the memories of the Great Patriotic War, about the exploits of people in battles and labor. These memories of military events at the fronts, of the people's avengers, of selfless labor in peacetime enable the younger generation to learn the heroics of the past, appreciate the immortal feat of people, and reveal their spiritual and moral world.

(slide number 12)

Practice shows that when stories, reading, conversations with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren about military events and labor accomplishments, the most vivid, impressive, disturbing thoughts and feelings of the page of history are used.

Parents strive, first of all, to comprehend the essence of the military and labor exploits of those people about whom they learn, read and then tell their children. Revealing the appearance of this or that hero, they pay attention not only to those conditions and the time in which he had to act, but also to his moral qualities. Parents tell the story in such a way that children begin to empathize with the hero, imitate some of his features; the children have a desire to learn more about his heroic fate themselves.

The family should strive to ensure that, through literature and art, the child touches human destinies, the destinies of heroic people as early as possible with his heart.

(slide number 13)

Practice shows that only purposeful work in the family, living parental communication with children, taking into account their age, help to educate sons and daughters a sense of patriotism, using richest opportunities works of literature and art. Grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers see the power of the impact of these works in showing children and grandchildren love for the Motherland and conviction, courage and self-sacrifice of the dead and living heroes, to reveal their moral, spiritual and human qualities.

(slide number 14)

The feeling of love for the Motherland is only the basis for the formation of patriotism. Its highest manifestation is the awareness by young people of their civic duty, the readiness to actively engage in work, to be conscientious workers already in school years.

For our schoolchildren, their the most important work is teaching, the acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply them in different areas activities.

The acceleration of scientific and technological progress makes high demands on our children - to constantly learn, acquire the creative knowledge necessary for labor and defense of the Motherland. Science and production today cannot develop successfully if there is no influx of highly qualified specialists.

(slide number 15)

An experience best families shows what parents can do effective assistance school in the work on the formation in children of a conscious attitude to the acquisition of knowledge. In addition to demand and control functions learning activities children, in these families the main attention is paid to the following important ways and means of work:

Creation necessary conditions for development cognitive interests children (purchase of scientific and reference literature, technical teaching aids, materials for construction;

Instilling skills in rational work with a book;

Using radio TV programs to enrich children with knowledge;

Bringing bright and convincing arguments about the necessity and importance of knowledge for the progress of our Motherland and the well-being of the family.

(slide number 16)

The practice of family upbringing convincingly suggests that the role of the father is especially great in the upbringing of children by conscientious workers. How the child wants his father to be a strong, pronounced personality, able to be responsible. Fathers personal example and by everyday work, they develop an active position in work in their children.

(slide number 17)

The school, as the center of educational work, is recognized as competently managing the patriotic upbringing of children in the family. She has the ability to involve parents and the public in this work. The school uses a variety of ways, forms and means in the implementation of pedagogical guidance of the upbringing of children in a family as patriots of their homeland.

Let's dwell on some of them:

Essays on the themes "Sons of the Fatherland", "I am a citizen of Russia!", "Russia. What can I say about her ”;

Drawing competition “My home. My Fatherland ”,“ Children of the whole Earth are friends ”,“ Let's join hands, friends ”.

(slide number 18)

Conducting military sports competitions among young men "Come on, boys!", "Zarnitsa";

(slide number 19)

Physical culture events;

(slide number 20)

Tuning views and songs;

(slide number 21)

Honor guard at the monument to those who died during the Second World War;

(slide number 22)

Meetings with veterans and logisticians of the Second World War, participants in local wars;

Conducting lessons of courage;

(slide number 23)

Thematic correspondence excursions;

(slide number 24)

Carrying out nationwide nationwide holidays;

(slide number 25)

Views and discussions of the film about WWII.

  1. Conclusion

And I wanted to end this parenting meeting with a poem:

I am a Russian person, and Russian nature

Love to me, and I sing it.

I look with pride at my homeland.

You raise sons - pilots, sailors,

At the Crimean rocks, in the midnight land.

I am a Russian man, a son of my people,

I look with pride at my homeland.
Thank you for the attention.

Parents' meeting in the middle group

on the topic: "Moral patriotic education of preschoolers"

Preliminary work:

Questioning of parents on the problem of moral patriotic education.

Target : To involve parents in the discussion of the issue of the patriotic education of the child.


  1. To reveal the essence and significance of the work of teachers and parents on the patriotic education of a preschooler;
  2. Combining the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in the formation of moral and patriotic qualities in children.


  1. Introduction to the problem ("Moral - patriotic education of preschoolers");
  2. Games-entertainment. Pedagogical universal education (family education, moral and patriotic education);
  3. Reflection "Magic ball"

Meeting progress.

(quiet music sounds, parents are in a group)

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! Today we have gathered to discuss the issues of nurturing love for hometown and the district in kindergarten and family. After all, only through the joint efforts of the family and the kindergarten can you achieve certain results.

At present, one of the most important and global problems of society is the state of the spiritual and moral health of Russians. Concept preschool education set before the teachers of preschool institutions the task of forming a healthy person physically, spiritually, morally rich, creative, thinking. The basis of the new Concept of Education is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES). It defines the basic principles of preschool education, among them “familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state; taking into account the ethnocultural situation of the development of children ”.

The patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. Huge changes have taken place in our country in recent years. This applies to moral values, attitudes towards the events of our history. Children have distorted ideas about patriotism, kindness, generosity. Today material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones.

In the preschool institution, great attention has always been paid to the upbringing of the rising generations of the moral qualities of the individual, collectivism, citizenship, love for their homeland, respectful attitude to the history of their homeland. The love of a small preschooler for the Motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather with love for his home, the street on which he lives, the kindergarten. Very early in the world of the child enters the nature of the native land. All this remains in the child's memory for the rest of his life.


What do you think is the role of the family in the patriotic upbringing of a child?

That's right, it all starts with the family, with its traditions. Mom and Dad are the closest and most convincing "models" from which the child takes an example, which he imitates, by which he builds his behavior. Homeland begins with a family. Understanding of the feeling of patriotism, love for the Motherland comes to the child in the family through the feelings of the mother and father. It is in the child's love for his mother and his father that his future sense of family upbringing is laid.

It is important for the child to form an idea of ​​himself, his place in the family (girl, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece ...). To acquaint with the history of the family, its pedigree, the place of each member in the life of the family.

To implement this work it is possible through the solution of the following tasks:

1. Forming a sense of attachment to your home, kindergarten, friends in kindergarten, their loved ones.

  1. Formation of a feeling of love for your native land, your small homeland on the basis of familiarization with native nature, culture and traditions.

Expand representations to the small homeland. Tell children about the sights, culture, traditions of their native land, about wonderful people who glorified their land

  1. Development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts.
  2. Education of patriotism, respect for the cultural past of Russia.

Expand children's ideas about the Russian army, about the soldiers who guard our homeland (border guards, sailors, pilots). To talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and safety.

Expand children's understanding of public holidays(Day national unity, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, New Year ...)

One messenger is invited from each company, he receives an assignment:

1 task: "Proverbs"

The teacher distributes fragments of proverbs (parents must collect the correct proverb)

The teams discuss the answers to the question, write down, show readiness (for example, everyone raised their hands up, or clapped, then whose team was ready is the first to be voiced, then they pass the word on to the second company.

  • The parental word does not pass by (family education).
  • A kind person teaches good and (moral education).

Educator: Native land - heaven to the heart (patriotic education).

Moral education- This is a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of pupils in order to form their moral qualities that meet the requirements of public morality.

Moral qualities- kindness, decency, discipline, collectivism, camaraderie, etc.

Patriotic education is a process of personality formation, impact on a personality who will love their homeland.
Patriotic qualities- pride, care, humanism, mercy, universal values, etc.

2 task "Guess the melody"

Your children sing beautifully, and now you will show us what you are capable of

The teacher turns on the phonograms of patriotic songs (whoever the first parent raises the flag, he sings this song)

  • "Officers" (Oleg Gazmanov)
  • "Combat" (Nikolay Rastorguev)
  • "Cranes" (war song)
  • "Dandelions" (group "Blue Berets")
  • "Victory Day" (war song)
  • Russian anthem (Candy is given to the winners)

3 task:

We will now check your attention and vocabulary. We offer you such a necessary and forgotten word. PATRIOTISM... From the letters of this word, you need to make up new words. Whose team will make up more of them, that will win ... (Teams discuss, show readiness). (Candy is given to the winners)

4 task: "Our heroic strength."

Speaking of patriotism, we cannot but remember those whom “... in black huts throughout Russia, the common people love, praise and honor. Rye bread shares with them, plants in a red corner and sings songs about glorious exploits - about how they cherish, protect their native Russia! Glory, glory and in our days to the heroes - the defenders of the Motherland! And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Russia! "

  • Name the heroes whom you remember from fairy tales and epics. (Answers)
  • If you really remember them so well, then tell us what is typical for appearance hero. (Answers)
  • Well, if you, and you know this, it will not be difficult for you to draw a hero on his faithful horse.

For every team on the easel White list and a marker. Each team member comes up and draws one piece at a time. (For example: head, helmet, chain mail, spear, horse, etc.)
The winner is the team that copes with the task faster and better.
For winning the competition - candy.

5 task:

Reflection "Magic ball"

Educator. Dear Parents! Now I propose to play magic ball- passing and holding your thread to tell which necessary information today you got what you liked, your wishes, your opinion.

(Parents transmit a ball and share their opinions, impressions)

Dear Parents! On your tables there are memos for fostering a sense of patriotism in children. We present these reminders to you. The recommendations that are given here, we hope, will help us together to "give birth" in children, that seed that will sprout respect, love, a sense of pride for our people, our country.

Parent meeting we want to end nice words academician D.S. Likhachev “The feeling of love for the Motherland must be carefully cultivated, instilling spiritual sedentaryism, since without roots in the native area, from the side, a person looks like a dried tumbleweed plant - a field”.

Questionnaire for parents.

On the topic "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers"

  1. Who do you think has the leading role in raising a child - family or kindergarten? _____________________________________________________

2.What should you start with? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Does your child know his grandparents and other relatives? What are their names? What are they doing (are they)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.Do you and your children view photos from the family album? ---------------------______________________________________________________________________

5. What traditions does your family have? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Do you think the child needs to know his home address, telephone number? _____________________________________________________________
  2. Does the child know his home address, telephone number? __________________________
  3. Does the child know his yard, the way to the house? _______________________________
  4. Does the child know the kindergarten number, address? __________________________

10. Do you talk with your child about kindergarten? __________________________

  1. Does the child know which city he lives in? ____________________________
  2. While walking with your child, you pay attention to the beauty of our city, to the sights, do you tell the child about them? ____________
  3. Do you have any mini-museums or collections at home? (what kind)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Do we need to develop moral and patriotic referral to kindergarten? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. Justify your answer ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. How are you ready to help in this direction? Your suggestions._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

FULL NAME._________________________________________________

Natalia Prilutskaya

Parent-teacher meeting« Patriotic education in preschool educational institutions"

Today our conversation, dear fathers and mothers, we will devote to difficult questions: where does love begin Homeland; if necessary to bring up patriotic feelings in children; and how to do it.

Target parent meeting–

attract parents to discuss issues patriotic education of preschoolers, to reveal the essence and meanings of the work parents and teachers on patriotic education of children.

Question to parents: What patriotic education?

(oral answers parents)

Explanatory dictionary Ozhegov S.I.

« Patriotism- this is devotion and love to your Fatherland, your people. "

In other sources you can see such a definition “ Patriotism is love for the motherland, devotion to her, the desire to serve her interests by his actions, the feeling inextricable link with its people, with its language, culture, way of life and customs ”.

Why did we start talking about this today? I think it will not be a big secret for you that our society has changed a lot in recent decades. And it has not changed in better side... We must understand that the questions patriotic education should be key to learning and raising our children... Start off upbringing should be already in preschool age... And not only teachers and our society should become participants in this process, but also parents... This question is complex and multifaceted. Therefore, today we will try to work out uniform principles in addressing issues related to education real citizens of our country, i.e. in raising our children.

First lessons patriotism the child receives in the family. Parents pass on their perception of life to him: your love for nature, for folk songs, for folk traditions, to people who make life better and more interesting. On long years children remember their walks with parents in the nearest forest, in the field, on the lake, full vivid impressions and experiences. These walks ignite the first spark in the child's soul. Great love to the native nature.

Family holiday evenings, a procession with adults in an elegant square on holiday fireworks- all this evokes in children those special, bright feelings that are imprinted on for life. Great attention have concrete manifestations on children patriotic feelings of parents in everyday life.

-For example: the father, having come home from work, enthusiastically talks about his affairs in production, about his successes.

-Or: the mother, leafing through the family album, tells the children about family members, about grandparents who fought for their native land, have awards for their work, recalls stories from the life of the family.

If the family appreciates art, show children masterpieces folk art, respect the art of all the peoples of our country - all this fosters a sense of patriotism in children.

Love to homeland manifests itself in the constant desire of a person to make life better - to study well at school, to work well, to help those who need our help. To support a good cause, to speak out against evil and violence is also patriotism. (EXAMPLE: seeing injustice)

Of the shortcomings of the family education various vices grow. Young people grow up who have nothing saint: neither family nor homeland.

It is in the family that the foundation is laid patriotism, a feeling of love for the mother, for your family, your hometown, for humanity as a whole is born.

From parents children learn about good and bad people, about duty and justice, courage and courage. The power of example parents in shaping true patriot of the Motherland is very great.

Everything is famous for real family- moral forms of behavior, love for the fatherland, holy attitude to his cultural and spiritual values, civic feelings - all this should be inherited by children.

Tasks morally - patriotic education preschoolers in preschoolers are:

- upbringing a child has love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

Formation respectful attitude to nature and all living things;

- fostering respect for work;

Development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

Formation elementary knowledge about human rights and obligations;

Expansion of ideas about the cities of Russia;

Acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the country's achievements;

Formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.


Conversation and story educator;

Viewing albums ( "My family", "My city", "Defenders Homeland» , "My little Homeland» );



Stained glass making.

Drawing "MY HOUSE", drawing "My family"

Lesson "Defenders of the Fatherland", "Acquaintance with the Holidays of Russia", "The Great Patriotic War".

Reading Russian folk tales;

Quiz "Guess the fairy tale";

Acquaintance with the globe;

-Viewing albums:

My family;

Happy childhood;

My defenders;

My little Homeland;

My Moscow;

Defenders Motherland, etc..

Memo for parents

If you want to raise a child worthy person and a citizen, do not speak ill of the country in which you live.

Tell your child about the trials that befell your ancestors, from which they came out with honor.

Introduce your child to the memorable and historical places of your Homeland.

Even if you really do not want to go with your child to a museum or an exhibition on a weekend, remember that the earlier and more regularly you do this while your child is young, the more likely he will be attending cultural

establishments in adolescence and in his youth.

Remember that the more you express dissatisfaction with every day you live, the more pessimism and dissatisfaction with life your child will express.

When you interact with your child, try not only to evaluate his learning and psychological problems, but also the positive moments of his life (who helps and supports him, with whom he would like to make friends and why, what interesting moments were in the classroom and after).

Watch with him programs, films about people who glorified the country in which you live, positively assess their contribution to the life of society.

Do not cultivate indifference in your child, it will turn against you.

As early as possible, discover in your child the ability to show positive emotions, they will become your hope in old age.

At the end of our conversation, I really want to hope that the topic of today's assemblies did not leave you indifferent. TO patriotism can be treated in different ways. We don't always think about patriotic our thoughts and actions or not. But many things: love for your family, for your Homeland, helping those in need, protecting the offended are key in education good man and a citizen.

I want to end with the words of the famous English philosopher F. Bacon "Love to homeland begins with family» .