A beautiful wish for a friend just like that. Wishes to a friend in prose

I congratulate you on your birthday, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love.Remain always the same radiant, sincere, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished dreams come true on this wonderful day. I am very proud that there is such a wonderful person in my life. Know that I am always ready to lend my shoulder, in any situation .I want to tell you thank you very much for strong, true friendship! Together we are strong!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Best friend, for me you are like native person! We have a lot in common, most importantly, we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the bottom of your heart! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart and I do my best to have fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give a keepsake! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and stay the best bright person all my long life! May you be spared from troubles and illnesses! I wish you not to be sad and often have fun, relax and travel! And take me with you!

Purchased and owned by the site.

It is very difficult to find a person whom you can fully trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there!

Purchased and owned by the site.

My dear, ________________ !
I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday!
Whatever you want to get, get it! Whatever you want to achieve, achieve! Everyone you love, let them love you too! Happiness and goodness to you, my best friend in the world!
- with love, _____ .

Purchased and owned by the site.

The best in the world, dear friend!
I'm away on your birthday! And, every now and then, I remember you, and I can’t change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we fled along different places. I only press the keys of the computer skillfully, and so I hope: you read there!
Happiness to you, be protected by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And let, one day, the roads intertwine, and you will knock softly on my house!

Purchased and owned by the site.

My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best!
Happy birthday congratulations! And I wish you the best:
Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness!
Let illnesses, problems and troubles bypass you!
May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart!
May all your wishes come true, my beloved friend!

Purchased and owned by the site.

You have become my best friend for a long time! I can't imagine mine without you life path! It's great that I have you, and give me so many joys! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart, my dear friend! I want to wish that all the days brought you only pleasure and happy moments! To make your life complete great holiday! You deserve a long and good life! Leave all troubles and illnesses in the past! Don't go back to him! New ones are waiting for you pleasant surprises destiny and travel! Take me with you and everything will be OK! Kiss you hard, dear!

best friend in your own words to tears
Purchased and owned by the site.

My best friend, take from me my sincere congratulations happy Birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and kindest. I love you, and when you rejoice, my heart is warm and joyful! Be always happy! And if sadness comes, then we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears are like spring water that can purify the soul. And if it is 2 times more, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, my friend! But better - always shine like a star, and frolic like a goat! I wish you good health and strength of steel for life! But stay the same gentle, kind and beautiful!

Purchased and owned by the site.

My kind, sweet, beloved,
tender as the sun in spring,
You are the one and only
I am pleased, dear, to be friends with you

You are reliable, hardworking,
you're always doing well,
And what are you, a beautiful friend,
admire looking at you

I wish you happiness, dear
Let sorrows go by, by the side,
Stay beautiful forever
Rejoice us, wonderful soul.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Best friend happy birthday! And I wish you the best: to make your wishes come true, to be loved and joyful, to be pampered and cherished, to buy chic gifts and take you to the best resorts! Dream, it is useful, instead of being sad in vain! You are so beautiful and good-natured, and you deserve a lot. female happiness! What do I wish you without measure! Take everything you need from life! And give your fate sad days! Long life to you, as well as unfading youth, beauty and vigor to you!

Purchased and owned by the site.

cool wish friend in prose

Girlfriend, real men are an endangered species. I wish you to put them in the Red Book. that is, in your passport!

merry wish girlfriend

Girlfriend, agree, money is garbage! I wish you to become the director of the "garbage" dump!

Cool wishes for a friend

Dear friend! I wish you on your birthday to become like yours cellular telephone. So that you always be the same miniature, stylish, beautiful, and that it is always easy and simple to communicate with you!

Wishes for a dear friend

So that the seas are all knee-deep

So that life flows like a full river

I wish you meet the record holder

With a record for the size of the wallet!

Wishes to a friend in verse

Happy Birthday

So that you glow with happiness

To have a lot of money

To make the little things make room

Well, don't be shy either.

And smile more

To be as young

And stay cheerful!

Cool wishes for a friend

I wish you nice men

Who draw on bucks of cash

To be in a thick pack in your pocket

And in an instant, every wish was fulfilled!

To the funniest girlfriend on her birthday!

I want you to stay in shape

Infected us all with her mood

There was no reason to be sad and despondent

To lose their heads from you men!

I wish you life

Like in a TV show

So that from you men

Instantly lost their heads

They carried you in their arms

And covered with flowers

And a fun happy ending

It all ended in the final!

You are the best, sweetest of all

All the more beautiful, more fun

All slimmer, more fashionable and more stylish

This is my merit -

You are the best friend!

Funny congratulations to a friend

Besides beer on this day

There is a significant target

It's called Greetings

A friend will definitely be in use.

Don't be bitchy - like a miguera,

Let cholera not cling

And the flexibility of the body is like a panther,

And a guy named Valera.

Be sure to eat the rastishka

You will be an excellent model,

Always listen to your parents

Happy birthday to a girl!", "Hide")>Video: Happy birthday to a girl!

Happy birthday to a girl!

Beautiful congratulations happy birthday girl!

You can download the video and the source on the site

Then they will give the dough!

Happy birthday to you, my girlfriend,

Let me kiss you on the ear

So that you are beautiful

I kept my figure

So that there are many suitors,

And so many fiery verses

Loved to be respected

And never offended

So that you are happy

How the May rose bloomed!

Congratulations my friend

And I wish you were cooler than me

So that gentlemen carry you in their arms,

And so that different troubles do not infuriate you,

To shower you with golden things,

And with envy, so that the enemies squeal,

So that you are always a super baby,

Preparations would blind you with a flash,

So that for everyone you were just an idol,

And let it fall under your feet the whole world!

Our beauty, beloved baby,

Today we congratulate cool,

May her lips always smile

And on the way the oligarchs meet,

So that the heel does not break in the shoes,

And next to the faithful to be a friend,

Let there always be a size in boutiques

And so that you are for everyone as an example,

I didn’t know that the baby had problems in school,

And quarrels did not happen anywhere and with anyone,

Let me kiss you on both cheeks

Be healthy, did not know that grief,

And the most sincere catch our congratulations,

Yes, unpack the gift soon!

Our girlfriend, beauty,

Congratulations to the whole company!

So that you shine in every sense,

So that your Vista is not buggy,

So that there is not enough excess in the clubs,

Make any dream come true

So that Bentley picks under the windows,

And in the pocket buzzed to Verta,

In Miami under the sun to roast

I didn’t care for any bullshit,

Let your path be covered with rhinestones,

Babules on the account will not fit,

May you be lucky every day

And so that there are no losses in life!

Wrote a few lines

Called them congratulations,

I put love and soul into them,

And another piece of land.

An island in the sea to be

And the lover has not cooled down.

Winter house in Courchevel,

And a big purse of money.

All handsome harem,

And a bunch of chrysanthemums.

For all dreams to come true

And the tights didn't break!

Wishes just like that

The essence of congratulations is simple -

Live to at least a hundred

In a pleasant environment

I wish you a clear sky and a radiant sun!

Eternal peace and infinite happiness,

Health, joy, success,

More joyful laughter!

May your thoughts always be pure

And everything in life will be beautiful.

Let your friends be loyal to you

And everything around you will be nice.

I wish you happiness without looking back

Work without fatigue

health without treatment

And live without regret!

Let only warm words await you in life,

Let the heart never cry from pain,

And let your head always spin

From happiness, from love

Congratulations to a friend are funny and funny, funny toasts to a woman

Look at other congratulations and toasts to a woman:::::: Wishes for women from men I think they are wrong. Who claims that women can't keep a secret. You just need to remember that this is a very difficult task and women do it best collectively. So let's raise our glasses to this feminine original trait! I am so different

sometimes capricious, sometimes beautiful,

that ugly monster -

the beauty of Miss Universe!

sometimes complaisant, sometimes with character,

then I am silent, then I swear obscenely.

then to the burning huts on the horse,

I desperately need help.

I'll dot all the points.

then I caress with a fluffy lump.

I love and hate at the same time!!

I go out for a walk in the dark night.

the adopted daughter.

then I sob beluga.

then I put up, then I swear with a friend.

I'm not sick. And not in the psyche of the crack.

So let's drink to warm attitude to a woman! The taste of life is on the lips of a woman. The feeling of life is in her arms. So let's drink to the fact that we are men, we have known all the delights of life!

Selling at the kiosk Greeting Cards with the inscription: My only, beloved for life.

A young man came up:

Give me, please, a dozen of these postcards.

So let's drink to a kind of male logic! A completely naked lady is walking down the street. Stops her elderly woman.

What are you allowing yourself to do? she says to the lady.

Nothing special, she replies. - I have such a dress!

The dress? - asks the old woman.

The dress! - proudly replies the lady.

You could at least pet him!

I propose to drink for our beautiful women! Here they can walk in such a dress! And this dress will always be ironed. I look Svetlana in the eyes and see a reproach: when?!

I look with a hint of Galina in the eyes and see: I am for it!

I look with hope into Elena's eyes and see tears of joy in them: yes!

Dear ladies, I love and remember you all. For you! The most sour women are those that are sugary out of curiosity.

For sweet women who are truly interesting! One person had a very ugly face. One day one of his friends said to him jokingly:

I don't sympathize with anyone in the world more than with your wife.

But if you saw my wife, you would sympathize with me, - he answered.

I propose to drink for the fact that all the men present here do not sympathize, but simply envy! The wife cheated on her husband once - a brick fell out of the wall.

Changed the second time - the second brick fell out.

So let's drink to the women before whom the walls are crumbling! And further funny congratulations in the circle of friends

Wishes for a good friend.

A year added to the top ten - this is nonsense!

Be always the same glorious

Sweet, kind, as always,

Tender, young, beautiful,

And, of course, happy.

Be a little sly

Proud, honest, be brave,

And don't forget your friends.

Invite more often

For half a liter and for tea.

If it's hard in life

Call us, we'll all come.

Let's encourage and hope

Don't be sad, don't be upset

Never cry in secret

After all, from this wrinkle

They will be on your face.

Be healthy, strong, smart,

Energetic and cheerful.

And again, young.

What in the world of women of all eras

Share all your joys

Definitely with a friend!

Let your husband get you

Not a timid ten!

I wish you happiness and love,

Good luck and prosperity!

(Name), happy birthday,

Be like a fragrant rose

Fresh, “white and fluffy”!

More often let him ring for everyone

Your laughter is like a bell!

Let the rest be successful

The sea is warm and clear

Vodka - plenty, fish - delicious,

Let all worries disappear

Dreams do not dream about work

Beach - with young guys,

Slender and single!

Don't get lost, have fun

Extinguish from your heart!

In general, let everything be cool

And the whole year will be wonderful.

You, my friend, have so much passion,

Fire, desire to help.

Let our friendship not go out

And sorrows will fly away!

I wish for everyone

To bring success

IN personal life and at work

Our Gala without interference

So that your bust is elastic

Became a caring husband

So that the apartment was crowded

From friends and girlfriends!

To always be slender

Pocket full of dollars

So that every moment of a century

Was given to you for happiness!

Yesterday is history

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Let it be real

Happy, bright, smooth!

I love you, I'm proud of you

And our female friendship!

Anytime and all your life

I want to be needed!

Wishes in verse to a friend, girlfriend, for friends and about friendship

If you use materials from this page, I would be grateful for a link to the source.

Also read on the Friendship Site:

What is friendship?

The article shows what friendship is and what it is not, what it is based on and what qualities are necessary for it.

Friendship in the Bible

The three most clear examples friendships recorded in the Bible and the lessons to be learned from them. The article will be of interest to both believers and non-believers.

Encyclopedia of friendship between a man and a woman

The article gives a clear and reasonable answer to the question “is friendship between a man and a woman possible?”, And also indicates what dangers such friendship is associated with, how to distinguish it from love and how to keep it pure. Also situations from life and their resolution are considered.

Send a friendship card to a friend

Check out the content of this site

Poems for a friend and beautiful words

I want to tell you

our story about last spring.

After it, I see, it’s not at all up to sleep,

Am I the only one who thinks you're alone?

Is there no way for you in this world?

I know you don't care what's in this life, you need to find

And she has to, choke on tears, to be silent

And I need to tell the truth about last spring ..

Hear her heart still beating

so you're wrong, maybe she loves.

And I... what am I? just revisiting

old photo albums..

You destroyed her, betraying all desires

Captured so quickly her subconscious.

She, for some reason, has no one else to love

And the views are completely alien, not the same, others, why should she catch?

Her happiness is drowned, deftly so, in a puddle

You were like an angel to her, you are always so needed

She heard accusations and insults from you

And she prayed for her, in vain, only forgiveness ..

And after that, love will not come to her

Without you, like a rose without water, it will die!

Every time we have to say goodbye

It's not for a moment, we need to part.

So diverge quickly, our paths

Understand, just don't wait for me anymore.

I forgave all the insults

Yes, I know that I loved so much

I don't believe in myself and I don't understand

why, so quickly, I'm losing you

I will not forget the past, these days

After all, then, we were so close

Here I sit and endure this pain

I will keep your love in my heart.

Everything went like a quick dream

We can't be together, we can't be together

In this world of emptiness and dreams

You only bring me to tears

you said the words are empty and you don't love me

But know, I'm rare, you won't destroy me so easily.

All these moments will never be forgotten

I'm glad that you are always at hand

Now any interference is not in fashion

'Cause we're friends forever

You are always my princess

Though life is not a fairy tale, and you do not play in a play ..

You are simple, sweet and so gentle,

And your smile is always white.

And if in difficult moment are you lonely

Remember you have someone

You say that everything is fine

and sometimes the rain in the shower still has not passed

You often smile without falsehood

Write a song, come up with a status

You know, everything could be different

No need tears and words

I understand your love

Faces change all around

and you can't stop

Do you want to be given a reason

those who are very dear to you..

And it sounds so trite

Your smiles save you

After all, only they, not your mistakes

Irresponsible and totally unbearable

But for many the most favorite.

I learned from you in strength and weakness,

but it didn't work out, lacked the courage

Maybe you don't need these words

But I described in them how I see you.

Was it a cry from the soul -

Well, you can write to me.

Ultimately, no matter how it ends,

It would be better if it didn't happen at all.

You can't be hated

But sometimes it can offend you

Maybe you, I really don't know

But I really trust you

There is no falsehood in your words

There are people who make you smile when you think about them.

and this, damn it, is so cool that you can get confused

Well, where, tell me to get these

that would be, like this, I was tolerated!

Thanks for having you

Believe me, I will always remember you

We all stop talking at some point.

Forget all messages, unnecessary phrases

But if only we collide somewhere

Let's go back in time

And I suddenly remember

that you are my friend)

Lost a lot of tears

but you didn't give up hope

Kindness in your heart

I see you are strong.

Much is up to you

And they shout to you: I'm flying to you!

You are like the sun, you always shine

You are irresistible like the sky, you know!

It's rainy in the heart in autumn

It's so cute in spring

Move mountains, just spit

you always help me with advice

remember those happy Days

not when they won't pass in my head

Be happy dear

I won't change you for anyone.

If victory means Victoria

This is not a joke, this is the whole story.

You are always with me

I will share everything with you

And when everything is quiet

I remember you

The days go by so fast

don't forget to call!

I always miss you without you

And if you are silent, I still understand

You are more beautiful than an angel

And if something hurts you

Remember you have a friend

Will he help out?

Beautiful words to a friend just like that

April 1 / SMS congratulations on April 1 Dear, I went to my friend, fish for dinner, a fishing rod in the corridor. Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 785 Announcements New Year / Girlfriend I want to wish my girlfriend

In the New Year of love and happiness,

And real good luck

AND good impressions,

Winter joys, blush

And great fun! Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 975 Professional holidays / Aviation Day of Ukraine (last Saturday of August) Aviation Day of Ukraine -

Feast of Courageous People

Whose profession is to live in the blue sky

As easy as fish in water!

Whose profession is to sail across the expanses

Miracle - "fifth ocean",

Embroidering patterns in the sky

Defeating rains and fogs

Whose ability to fly like a bird

Gives people hope and joy

Whose work can we be proud of?

Who deserves an award!

Young always and beautiful!

Congratulations with warmth and love

Happy Aviation Day of our country!

And we wish you well and health! Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 288 Professional holidays / Day of the motorist ( last sunday October) "Dear friend"

It's the day of the motorist

For those who are deeply in love with the steering wheel.

Let the path be free, clean

And he will be safe.

I congratulate you, friend,

I wish you an easy way.

And the rules so as not to break,

You could find your purpose! Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 1004 You are bright as the sun, such an affectionate day,

The little wife is loved by the son, we have peace in our hearts,

Daughter-in-law, you are dear, take care of yourself,

So that beautiful children are born with you! Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 1194 Valentine's Day / Various Words are not needed for happiness,

There are too many, you can get lost.

Search for words - you can't get to the point.

For happiness does not need words.

For happiness you need a gentle, warm look,

When you silently pronounce the name

When you carry such a storm in yourself,

To melt the blizzard and snowfall,

Throwing just one happy look. Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 5429 Professional holidays / Archaeologist's Day (August 15)

Not chasing the glitter of gold,

Just a pledge of eternity.

Archaeologist and scientist

You give the world the connection of centuries,

Preserving for posterity

Ancient words of the gods.

Let the sun shine bright

And love and care

Every step will be kept. Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 155 I dreamed to express more than once

I was looking for unique phrases,

Looking for words that are so rich

But speech is not subject to feelings,

And I accepted as an inevitability

That I can't put into words

Endless tenderness. Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 1797 Valentine's Day / To my beloved girl I dreamed of expressing it more than once

All the things that you mean to me

I was looking for unique phrases,

Looking for words that are so rich

But feelings are not subject to speech,

And I accepted as an inevitability,

What I can't put into words

Inexhaustible tenderness. Watch continuation. 28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 1214

Congratulations on this day!

Ah, let's count

Together annual balance!

Your numbers are just lovely

How are you, dear friend!

And the words are: Debit! Credit! -

Really pleasing to the ear!

Too bad people suspect

In dryness you sometimes.

But today there will be a reason

Repay you according to merit.

Among the accounts and different numbers,

Don't forget about your holiday.

With whom we congratulate! Watch continuation. 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 231

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Pozhelaika.ru website! Your visit is an honor for us, and we do our best to ensure that you do not leave disappointed.

The pages of our web portal contain hundreds of congratulations in verses of a wide variety of genres: there are cool, official, touching, funny, solemn ... There are wishes for relatives, friends, children, colleagues and bosses - in a word, for everyone you want to congratulate on holiday.

By the way, the site "Pozhelaika.ru" presents congratulations to almost everyone holiday events. Here, of course, there are poems for a birthday or anniversary, wedding day or wedding anniversary, birth of a child or housewarming. Here, no doubt, there are wishes for the New Year and Christmas, May Day and Victory Day, last call, Graduation and 1 September. In addition, the pages of our web portal contain poems dedicated to all professional holidays noted in Russian calendar: this is the day of the miner, the day of the physician, the day of the secretary, the day of the police, the day of the metallurgist, the day of the railway worker and many, many others.

The structure of the Pozhelaika.ru website is quite simple, however, let's dwell on it in a little more detail.

The first, as the most visited, deserves attention section "Congratulations in verse". In this section, visitors to the site are waiting for a lot of original poems. Here you can choose a wish for a birthday, wedding, anniversary and other holidays. In addition, congratulations for relatives, friends, work colleagues, and children are highlighted in separate subsections. Convenient menu structure makes it easy to find suitable for the occasion poems.

The second to mention the section "Congratulations in prose". Often, a guest present at a celebration wants to express his feelings with warm and sincere words coming from the very heart. And I want to do this not in verse, like most of those present, but in prose. However, often people experience difficulties in selecting the right, suitable and at the same time beautiful and touching words. In this situation, we will come to the rescue. It is enough for our visitors to look into this section and choose the best prosaic wish for a birthday man, hero of the day, newlyweds or young parents.

The next I want to introduce the section "". This is a unique service that allows you to send a congratulatory voice card or an incendiary song to mobile phone congratulations. This section contains great amount postcards various subjects: there are postcards with birthdays, with all-Russian holidays, with special dates and just ... happy Friday! Here, visitors are waiting for hundreds of original draws sent to their mobile phones. It is also very pleasant that the prices for voice cards quite acceptable, and do not bite at all.

The next section is also very interesting - "". It allows you to send cool videos to any mobile phone: congratulatory, to cheer up, with apologies, invitations and others. The video sent to the phone can be an original addition to the gift, great way ask for forgiveness, an unusual means of declaring love. funny characters, funny texts and incendiary melodies, no doubt, will delight and surprise the addressee of congratulations.

Very useful for our guests is "". It contains and conveniently grouped by month all holiday dates year: world holidays, all-Russian, professional. With the help of this calendar, our visitors can get information about upcoming holidays or holidays of any month. It is extremely convenient that for each date in the calendar there are selected beautiful congratulations verses, which saves our guests from long wanderings around the site in search of the desired work.

The last to tell about the most interesting service of the project - the section "Poems to order". With it, anyone can order unique congratulations in verse for a loved one, work colleagues, close friend… For each order, young poets collaborating with us create original poem, which reflects personality traits congratulations: character traits, facts from the biography, information about hobbies and hobbies. Congratulatory verses written to order are unique! They will undoubtedly become a real "highlight" of the celebration, and the hero of the holiday will be remembered forever!

Finally, I would like to say that we are glad to every visitor and are doubly glad if we could be useful to you. Trying to bring joy to people, every day we strive to make our site better and regularly add new congratulations in verse and prose! And every day we are happy to wish you and your loved ones all the bright and best!

On your birthday, you are yours, my beloved and best friend, all shining with happiness. But I would like to wish that this radiance never fades, but only intensifies every day. May there always be love and warmth in life your heart again and again. May only good and dedicated people and always be yourself.

They say, female friendship strong as steel. So it is with you, friend, friendship has already been tested for years. We trust our friend in everything, share secrets, and when necessary, help with advice and deed. Today is your birthday. Please accept my most sincere congratulations. May this day be the brightest and most wonderful, may your most cherished dream. I wish you good health, boundless happiness, a clear conscience and bright love. May the angels always keep your peace. Let be good news delight you, and unexpected meetings pleasantly surprise you.

You are like me Native sister, my kind, good and gentle girlfriend. I am so grateful to fate that we met. All joys and sorrows I share only with you. You are a great example for me in life. Today is your birthday. Accept the most sincere wishes from me. May the good wizard fulfill everything that you have dreamed of for so long. I wish you success in everything. May your soul always be young, and may health and vigor be preserved for long years. Be always cheerful, healthy and loved.

Friendship is the purest, brightest and holy feeling. We are very lucky in life, because our friendship lasts for many years. We understand each other perfectly, we help, and most importantly, we trust. Today you have a wonderful event - your birthday. I want to wish you a lot of love and happiness. May your dream come true. May your life be the most bright colors, let all problems be easily solved, and good news often visit your home. Stay always cheerful, cheerful and never lose heart.

In a children's song, it is sung that strong friendship will not break, and will not fall apart from rains and blizzards. These are holy words. We have been friends with you since childhood, but our friendship is growing stronger every day. We trust each other in everything, we help, if necessary. And most importantly, all this is from the best of intentions. My dear friend, I wish you a happy birthday. May this day bring you much joy, happiness and smiles. Let everything in your life be like in a fairy tale. May God grant you health, prosperity and prosperity.

I'm so happy that I have a girlfriend. You are the best friend in the world, you are like a sister to me. We share with you the most intimate, trust all our secrets. It's good that there is a person nearby whom you can always trust. I am grateful to fate that I have such a reliable friend. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you much happiness, good health, and great, beautiful, bright love. Let your life flow like a full river, let you meet only reliable friends.

As they say, a friend in need is a friend, and it's true. How nice it is to have a person next to you who you can rely on, who you can trust and trust. You are such a person, you are my best friend. Today is the most beautiful holiday on earth, your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you happiness, health and success in everything. May everything that you dream of come true. Be always loved and desired. Smile more often and enjoy life, let sadness and sadness disappear forever.

My dear friend! Happy birthday in prose, congratulations on this joyful and bright day. May the sun shine in your soul and hearts tremble with joy. Let love warm you on cold days, and respect and admiration reign at work. May health always be strong, like a nut, and a smile warm, like Sunbeam. Live without knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

Happy birthday to my friend on this joyful and bright day. May the sun shine in your soul and hearts tremble with joy. Let love warm you on cold days, and respect and admiration reign at work. May health always be strong, like a nut, and a smile warm, like a ray of sunshine. Live without knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

Let your heady look every year, as if good wine, becomes more and more beautiful, may your bright smile always light the way for others. Live so that every day there is a reason to smile, so that every moment your heart trembles with happiness and so that there is never bitterness in your soul. Happy Birthday.

Dear, my beloved friend! You are a real ray of sunshine for everyone around you. And I get your warmth as a best friend a little more than the rest. Thank you for this! On your birthday, I sincerely wish you cheerfulness, light in your heart and simple female happiness!

Happy birthday, most wonderful friend! You are the kindest and most caring person. Thank you for always being able to rely on you and trust you. My dear, I am grateful to fate for giving us each other and linking our lives with strong threads of friendship. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication.

My good friend. Here comes your next birthday. But the fact that years pass is not something to be sad about. After all, life is just beginning! I want to raise my glass to the most precious and valuable thing we have with you - for sincere friendship. After all, no matter what they say, real friendship- This is a fairly rare occurrence. As you know, a true friend can be known not only in grief, but also in happiness. You and I have been through a lot together. And now, having gone through numerous obstacles and trials, I declare with confidence that you are more to me than simple girlfriend. I propose to drink so that our friendship, like fine wine, becomes sweeter and stronger over time. Happy birthday, my faithful and dear friend!

They say a woman's age is short, but that's not true at all! After all, my girlfriend has many years of happiness, prosperity and love ahead! I know it will be so, because on her birthday we all wish her this! She is our friend, for someone she is a dear person, which means that our faith in miracles is quite enough to fulfill everything that was planned on this day!

Dear friend! You know that not only on your birthday, but on any other day, I wish you only from pure heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful!!! Love, bright unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements! Happy Birthday!

Dear friend! On your birthday, think about what you dream about the most ... Many desires only seem unrealizable, everything is real, you just really want to. I wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dream! Happy Birthday!

Beloved girlfriend, today you have the brightest and most good holiday- Birthday! Look around - the world is beautiful and amazing, the doors of life and the secrets of being are just beginning to open before you! Go ahead, become the master of your destiny! Be always so beautiful and stunning! Only such beautiful eyes you can see this wonderful world!

My dear friend! Happy Birthday to you. I want you to hear good and kind words and received flowers not only on this day, so that your guiding star would burn brightly, brightly, illuminating your life path. And I also want to wish that this year you meet your soul mate, so that she finally finds you - she walked along the same sidewalk with you, or drove with you in the same minibus, and you had unearthly love. Be happy!

My dear and beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday. And, firstly, I want to say thank you to your parents for giving birth to and raising you. Secondly, I want to thank fate for helping us meet. And thirdly, I want to thank you for being my friend. You and I have gone through a lot, quarreled, reconciled, swore friendship, and it happened that we almost fought. But all this only brings us closer and helps us to be even more friendly. Therefore, once again accept my most sincere congratulations and let our friendship be eternal.

Girlfriend ... how much warmth, tenderness, kindness, and real friend can not be compared with the best treasures in the world! I want to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, wish you luck, love, success, good luck and unfading female beauty. Be the best, the most unique!

On this day, I am infinitely grateful to God for keeping life in you. My best friend, you are always ready to help, you know me even better than mom. Stay the same kind, reliable, beautiful and smart.

IN early childhood I met a nice, groovy girl with an amazing smile. We became friends and began to share everything. And now that girl has turned into a smart one beautiful girl ready to share my happiness. Therefore, on the birthday of a friend, I want to wish a lot of happiness.

Happy birthday, my dear and best friend in the world! So many years of friendship - this is your kind heart and wonderful character merit! I wish you a loved one and affectionate husband, lucky, interesting fate, Trembling happiness, lovely children and universal love!

Happy Birthday, dear friend! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May you be lucky in life and work! Always stay the way you are. How much do you have positive energy and human dignity! Your intuition and charm make you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Stay always the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished. I wish you love, love with capital letter. Mutual love, Pure love, Beautiful love and, of course, happy!

Happy birthday my best girlfriend! I wish that a fertile stream of happiness and health beats in your family, so that an ever-bright bonfire of mutual love and respect burns; let the table break from delicious food and drinks. May comfort and prosperity reign in your home. Be noble, kind, glorious! I wish your birthday to bring only good luck, kindness, trust. Discover the sea of ​​talents in yourself and be happy, dear!

Girlfriend, on your birthday, think about what you dream about the most ... Many desires only seem unrealizable, everything is real, you just really want to. I wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dream! Happy Birthday!

Good my girlfriend! Sometimes I trust you more than myself. My life without you would be bitter and full of disappointments. On your birthday I want to wish you happiness, love and beauty. May your life always be clear and bright.

My dear friend! Accept on this day the warmest and most sincere congratulations: I wish you to always remain as cheerful, and if tears drip from your eyes, then let them be only tears of happiness. I wish you faithful and good friends, more like me!

Girlfriend, happy birthday to you! I wish you to always feel happy and loved. Enjoy every joyful moment and try to make sure that there are as many of them in your life as possible! Fill your everyday life with bright events, not forgetting that we build our own destiny...

Dear friend. I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you from the bottom of my heart. Immeasurable happiness on this day, burning and warming warmth from everyone who will be next to you. I wish you a lot of luck, eternal youth, may everything that you dreamed about come true.

My dear friend, you are like a sister to me. We have been friends with you for so long that we understand each other perfectly. Today is your birthday, accept the best, the most tender wishes from me. With all my heart I wish you cheerfulness in health, speed in work, infinity in life, eternity in happiness. May the sun give you warmth, people - kindness, may only true friends meet, may the husband give only tenderness and love. May the Lord protect you from all evil. Good luck with everything, my friend.

Here's to another year. But nothing can be done, because life is life. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear friend, happy Birthday. And let the years fly by, but every age has its charms. May your every birthday be a great wealth for you, may every year bring you only joy and happiness. May everything that you want come true, may all the bad things be forgotten, and the good only multiply. Let all failures in impotence go out of the way. Be always the most beloved and most desired.

Our friendship with you is holier than a saint, it has been tested over the years. You are my very best friend. All secrets and mysteries we trust each other. Today you have personal holiday- birthday. I congratulate you and wish you good health, beautiful love, good luck and life without bad weather. Stay always so kind, sincere and pure. Let your beauty arouse admiration in all men, let them give you only compliments. Be always happy and unique. All the best to you, prosperity and family well-being.

My dear friend, we are so lucky in life that we have been friends for a long time, we understand and trust each other. On your birthday, I want to wish you happiness and Great love. May your cherished dream come true, may only meet on your way Good friends. May luck never leave you. Be always loved and desired, keep your health, vigor for many, many years. May God grant you all the very best: good mood, good news, hope and faith. May the angels always protect you.

The strongest female friendship, and I was convinced of this by the example of our friendship with you. You and I have known each other for several days, and our friends do not spill water. And so we want it to last a lifetime. Dear friend, today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you good health, great happiness, mutual love and a clear conscience. May your life be bright and colorful, may your home be full of prosperity and comfort. I wish that your opportunities always coincide with your desires.

My dear friend, I am so lucky in life with you. Our friendship is strong, pure and reliable. Today you have the most wonderful holiday- birthday. I congratulate you and wish you all the very best. Let your life flow like a full river. May you be lucky in everything and always. May the bird of happiness often fly and bring you good luck. Be always loved. May spring bloom in your heart for many years to come. I wish you family comfort, joy and warmth. Smile more often and never be sad.

Today the sun shines so gently, the birds sing so joyfully, and such good mood. And all this for one simple reason - my friend today has the most joyful holiday- birthday. My dear and good friend, you are the best for me, the kindest and most faithful. I am grateful to fate that I have you. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you more joy in life than worries, more sun than bad weather, have a nice rest and great happiness. All earthly blessings to you, good luck and family comfort.

Best friend, happy birthday! I am not the sun, but today I will give warmth. Let life awaken in its rays. May love reign in the soul even in bad weather. I wish that every minute of life was in your hands.

Dear friend! I wish you on your birthday to become like your cell phone ... So that you always be the same miniature, stylish, beautiful, and that it is always easy and simple to communicate with you!

What do you wish your best friend? Of course, joy, health and cheerfulness! And also - so that, despite the years, she does not grow old, does not get sick, but only grows younger. May every number of your fans grow steadily, happiness will never leave that house, and money - a wallet!

I wish that New Year your life was warm, peaceful. Health to you and peace, ringing silence! Let only joy surround you, luck accompanies everything! I wish warmth from the hearts of the people around. And so that there is always light in your soul! Be happy!

Today another flower has blossomed in the bouquet of your life. We came to admire it and wish for many, many more flowers. Look at the events in life like roses and violets. Do they wither? They need to be watered with kindness. Or maybe you need to transplant them, updating your look. And then your life will be fragrant!

Girlfriend! On your birthday I wish you extended pleasures, fast cars, vivid impressions and independent opinions!

I wish you, friend spring days on the whole year! And let love find you so breathtaking. May your fate be happy and send you joyful surprises!

You know me like no one else in the whole world. If something happens, you will immediately notice. You can always make me laugh and comfort. And you have no regrets for me. We always find something to talk about. One can only dream of such a friendship!

Let me wish with a smile and with a joke: Always remain attentive, sensitive. Let work be a pleasant burden for you. I wish you good health and a good life!

My dear girlfriend. What could be the most best wish? First of all, this is a wish for the health of the soul and body, a wish that love always blooms in your heart and a holiday sounds. And I also want to wish your beauty to become even more magnificent than these roses.

My beautiful and clever girl, my beloved girlfriend, celebrates her birthday today! I wish you beauty in everything, freedom and love. May your feet have all the possibilities in the world, and your abilities know no barriers.

May your eyes always shine with happiness, and if tears appear in them, then only from laughter. May the sun always illuminate your life path, and if it rains, then only from good luck and success.

With the first rays of the sun, you are so reluctant to open your eyes, but it's already time to wake up! Today is your day, baby! And may he be as affectionate, gentle and cheerful as you are. Kisses…

I want to congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday! You are loyal, kind, just wonderful! your good the mood is always transmitted to me, because you can support like no other! I wish you love, be loved and believe in the best! Health and beauty!

May life be very affectionate to you, and fate will constantly throw pleasant and useful gifts! Let men always appreciate you, and friends value you! This is what will make your life happy and real! And I will try to support you in everything and go next to you!

Most Holy holiday on earth, it's a birthday. Dear friend, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I wish, first of all, good health, great happiness, and the fulfillment of all your desires. May your life be like spring water, may you always meet on your way good people. Be always so cheerful, beautiful and loved. May hope never leave you, and self-confidence prolong life. All the blessings of the earth, prosperity and well-being to you, my friend.

Dear friend, on this sunny, wonderful day, let me congratulate you on your birthday. May all the flowers of the planet bloom for you today, may the sun give its warmth. I wish you great happiness, great bright love. Let your life flow like a full river, let good mood helps you with everything. Be always so beautiful, young and cheerful, so that looking at you, everyone admires. May peace and tranquility always reign in your family. Well-being to you, dear, understanding and prosperity.

My girlfriend today wonderful mood, and there is a reason for this - she celebrates her birthday. May your personal holiday certainly bring you a wonderful mood. May your cherished dream come true. I wish you great happiness, prosperity, a clear conscience, and bright beautiful love. Let on your life path be only white stripe good luck. Good health you, luck and success in everything. May the guiding star illuminate your path, longevity to you, friend, and joy from life.

Beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! May all your most fulfilled on this day cherished desires, let them be even incredible! Just be sure to believe in their fulfillment! Light to you and the sun, peace and kindness, hope and support, may you always be surrounded by flowers!

On your birthday, I want to give you a modest bouquet of daisies, and among them - scarlet rose! It's you, my beloved friend, showing off among us, your friends, relatives and acquaintances! Our beauty, live a hundred years and always be as bright, beautiful and young as you are now, give us joy and warmth! Thank you for being a part of our little company!

Happy birthday, dear friend, I congratulate you! Let the stars fade before your beauty, let the gentlemen fall at your feet! But you never lose your famous composure! I admire your independence, lightness, ease and charm! Always be yourself!

Today, dear friend, you celebrate your birthday. Congratulations! May a happy smile always light up your face! And your loved ones delight you with their care, love and understanding! Let everything go well at work, it will be comfortable at home, and yours will come finest hour- be ready for new challenges.

Dear friend, I wish you a happy birthday magical love and fabulous happiness, may joy never disappear and may everything around you bloom, be like I know you, I’m lucky that I have such a girlfriend, sadness will never knock on your door, you most importantly strongly believe in it!

Congratulations, dear friend, happy birthday! Be happy like a moth, beloved like a flower, beautiful like a diamond, slender like a doe, precise like a watch, tender like a caress, passionate like a tigress, soft like a cat! Let everyone be proud that such a magnificent woman is nearby!

Beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! On this beautiful day, any weather will seem great, because the mood is iridescent and sublime! Be an optimist! Then life will become beautiful and nothing can overshadow a single minute! Rejoice in flowers, sun, people, birds!

Beloved friend! Today is very significant event- your birthday! So let the sun shine brighter on this day, the flowers become more beautiful, and your smile just charming! After all, everyone who congratulates you wishes happiness! Let it enter your home and stay there for life!

Beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! Be yourself happy woman in the world! May your house be a full bowl, your husband be caring, your children obedient, and you have enough strength, love and affection not to offend anyone, pay attention to everyone! After all, this is very important!

Cool wish for a friend in prose

Girlfriend, real men are an endangered species. I wish you to enter them in the Red Book... that is, in your passport!

funny wishes for a friend
Girlfriend, agree, money is garbage! I wish you to become the director of the "garbage" dump!

Cool wishes for a friend
Dear friend! I wish you on your birthday to become like your cell phone ... So that you always be the same miniature, stylish, beautiful, and that it is always easy and simple to communicate with you!

Wishes for a dear friend
So that the seas are all knee-deep
So that life flows like a full river
I wish you meet the record holder
With a record for the size of the wallet!

Wishes to a friend in verse
Happy Birthday
So that you glow with happiness
To have a lot of money
To make the little things make room
Well, don't be shy either.
And smile more
To be as young
And stay cheerful!

Cool wishes for a friend
I wish you nice men
Who draw on bucks of cash
To be in a thick pack in your pocket
And in an instant, every wish was fulfilled!

To the funniest girlfriend on her birthday!
I want you to stay in shape
Infected us all with her mood
There was no reason to be sad and despondent
To lose their heads from you men!

Cool poems wishes to a girlfriend
I wish you life
Like in a TV show
So that from you men
Instantly lost their heads
They carried you in their arms
And covered with flowers
And a fun happy ending
It all ended in the final!

Happy Birthday!
You are the best, sweetest of all
All the more beautiful, more fun
All slimmer, more fashionable and more stylish
More elegant, sexy
This is my merit -
You are the best friend!

Happy Birthday! Wishes for a friend
Let the years change
You are still young
Cheerful, beautiful
Charming, playful
And I want to tell you:
- Youth! Keep it up!

birthday wishes for girlfriend
Be happy, carefree
Cute and goofy
Bright, interesting, stylish
trendy and mobile
Be inviting, be inviting
And my girlfriend the best!

Another wish for a friend
I wish you health, I wish you good luck
Wish bloom and beauty
I wish the sun smiled at you
And so that any dreams come true!

Happy birthday my friend!
Want wish for you on your birthday
As in a fairy tale good luck in everything and luck
Like in the sea in flowers, compliments to swim
And it's fashionable to dress like a fashion model
Give smiles to everyone like a movie star
And be your best friend, as always!

Wishes to a friend in verse
Girlfriend, I wish everything was cool
So that the guys turn on you hourly
I wish outfits the most fashionable styles
Beauties first try on the crown
Cheer up, hang out, rock out to the hits
And so that all dreams come true as soon as possible!

Cool wishes for a friend
Because girlfriend you are super cool
I only wish you the best in life
Resorts of steep and steep tanning
Cool evenings in restaurants and bars
And I also wish you gentlemen
Cool and soul, and money, and body
Cool health, cool success
And do not forget about the "simple" friends!

Happy birthday wishes for girlfriend
Want wish to make life bright
Flowers, restaurants, luxury gifts
I want beautiful and fashionable outfits
Clubbing, hanging out, dancing till you drop
To be the most cheerful and the most flourishing
And also my best friend!

Best wishes for a dear friend
Let there be luck, let there be luck
May the mood always be excellent
Let there be parties, let there be parties
Let them be out fashion magazines new clothes
Let there be resorts, let there be hotels
Let there be five days off a week
Let the weather be beautiful everywhere
And also friends will always be there!

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I wish you to be married
The guy is not very, but VERY rich!
In love with you so that, not really, but VERY!
So that you are happy with him day and night!

Congratulations to a friend in prose
Happy birthday my friend!
I want you to go on a diet
Rave views for breakfast!
Compliments for lunch!
Caresses and kisses for dinner!

Another congratulations to my friend
You are beautiful! At you
You can't help but look!
Always have something to wear
And in front of whom to undress!

Poems congratulations to a friend
I want to wish you
Fall in love so hard
So that from happiness you can
Glow in the dark!
So that from joy I could
You fly like a bird!
And rather it's all
Let it come true!

SMS congratulations to a friend in verse
I want this picture:
There is something to wear, there is an apartment, a car!
You are queen! Competitors are stupid!
And in the wallet only big bills!

Congratulations for a friend in verse
I want to wish you
Be smart and smart
subjugate men
Weasel, training!
Well, I wish them
Courage and strength
To money and love
Enough for you!

Congratulations to your beloved friend
To improve your mood
I wish you a visit
Seas of attention and hugs,
IN warm words bathing compliments,
For boutiques, restaurants
And dialing phones of girlfriends!

Happy birthday to your beloved friend!
Well tell me, am I wrong
You, girlfriend - tear off your head!
But, the effect of your actions is -
Blows the heads off the men!

Dear friend, I agree
that the prince needs to wait at least a whole century
But, it's more pleasant to do it in bars,
And on the dance floors of trendy discos!

Cool wishes for a friend
I thought of your birthday
To bloom and fragrant!
And carefree, like a bird, flew!
Often cool outfits changed!
To make the gentlemen fall in love with you!
And don't forget about your friends!

Happy birthday, girlfriend!
Beautiful, slender and very ingenious
With whom it is necessary to be courteous, with whom it is necessary - impudent
Order with taste, tip-top with a sense of proportion
At your feet is a whole regiment of cavaliers
And the old women look after you with envy.
Girlfriend, keep up the good work!

Cool congratulations for a girlfriend in prose
Girlfriend, let these beautiful fashion models look their best ... You look like a million!

Happy birthday to girlfriend
Girlfriend, I want to wish you
Give smiles and shine with happiness
Good luck wagon and luck bag
I wish your wallet is full
Good boss and friendly colleagues
Health to you and all your loved ones forever!

Funny congratulations to a friend in verse
Happy birthday my friend!
I wish the boss smiled at the meeting
I wish you the best plans for the evening
I wish you resorts, luxury hotels
Cafes, restaurants, awesome cocktails
Cool outfits for the price and style
I want to try on the "Miss World" crown

Happy birthday my friend!
I only wish that, well, the horror is right
Bouquets of flowers, serenade under the window
Cakes and cakes without any consequences
Less worries and troubles, like in childhood
The most fashionable outfits, a villa outside the city!
Well, everything seems to be! Didn't forget anything?

Cool poems congratulations to a friend
Be cheerful, be happy
Fresh, groovy, beautiful
Be desired, be blooming
Be dancing, singing
Soaring in the sky without worries
And a true friend!

Congratulations in verse for a friend
I want everything to be like in the picture.
Resorts, hotels, cafes, parties
I wish you the latest outfits
Flowers, compliments, enthusiastic looks
I wish to bloom, give smiles
And call your beloved friends more often!

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I want to wish you a carefree life
Parties, discos, flying holidays
So that your rivals groan and sigh
And men lost their heads from love!

Happy birthday my friend!
So that life only brings you joy
I want new clothes from fashion magazines
Cakes and cakes without any calories
I wish you pleasant love stories
Gifts, flowers, compliments more often
As well as more girlfriends real ones!

Cool congratulations to a friend
Club, hang out, light up, have fun
IN handsome prince rather fall in love
Well, by the way, an apartment, a car
Shopping trips with friends
Huge bouquets, luxury gifts
A trip to where it's beautiful and hot
Cheer yourself up and others
This is what I wish you on your birthday!

Happy birthday, girlfriend!
Don't grow flowers!
... "Split" those who give them!

Congratulations to a friend
I wish you many flowers in your life!
... And also those who give them!

Cool birthday wishes
Girlfriend, do not throw yourself on men's necks!
...The wallet usually lies in a different place!

Congratulations to a friend in prose
Girlfriend, I congratulate you on your birthday, and I wish you to meet a subtle psychologist
...with a fat wallet!

Cool congratulations for a friend
Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I wish you had Black, Red, mediterranean sea money, happiness and pleasure!

Happy Birthday!
Of course, you can wish you a lot of toads, cucumbers and electric trains? because they are also green.
But bucks are BETTER! I want a lot of American money!

Remembering all the time we spent together, all our adventures, I feel sorry
...- Why didn't we meet earlier!!!

Cool excuse for a gift
Today it is fashionable to be WITHOUT a tower, WITHOUT complexes, WITHOUT prejudices
...and WITHOUT a gift
P.S. The latter is not on purpose.

Cool congratulations to a friend
If there is a loud whistle behind you,
It means you made a lasting impression on someone!
...or just violated the rules of the road!

Cool wishes for a friend
If everything is done according to the schedule, then one day you can wake up
I wish you all the best surprises!