Shopping tips: how and when to buy clothes. Clothes that make you slimmer. How to do smart shopping

It often happens that a bought dress or an acquired business suit at some point turn out to be completely unsuitable.

Why this happens, how to deal with it and on what principles to choose clothes, you will be prompted by the advice of stylists.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a lot of advice from stylists, most of which are quite vague, but this is not because stylists do not want to reveal professional secrets and are in a conspiracy, but because it is very difficult to give universal advice that will be equally useful to everyone.
Some advice can be a lifesaver for one person and a devastating one for another, which is why stylists are so careful about mass recommendations. The post contains the most universal, but at the same time useful tips that can give something new to those who are seriously passionate about the formation of a personal image.

How to buy clothes

1. If in doubt whether to buy a thing or not, then buy it better, but be sure to keep the receipt so that if you change your mind, you can return it. It’s better to buy and then sell it than to suffer because you didn’t buy the thing you liked in right moment, and then it was gone (this will make it seem even more necessary to you), and not buying this thing will seem even more annoying. Keep in mind that if you pay by card, the money will be returned to your card within two weeks, so if you are unsure of the purchase, then it is better to pay in cash and check with the seller possible nuances return.
True, this advice does not apply to buying underwear, you can't take it.

2. When buying, it will not be superfluous to ask for a discount, almost always in any store they can make a discount of at least 5%, you just need to feel free to ask about it.

3. In order not to carry with you great amount discount cards(and they are now issued in every store) part of the cards can be photographed on the phone, in most cases it is enough just to name the card number.

4. At the beginning of shopping, do not rush to buy the first item you like, it is better to ask to postpone it for you for a couple of hours, perhaps in other stores you will find something more interesting, and if not, then with confidence that you have chosen the best, you will purchase the previously postponed thing.

5. If you are not sure of your taste, then do not combine more than 3 colors in the kit and accessories (black, white and gray do not count).

6. “Do you have the same one with mother-of-pearl buttons?” If the thing suits you, but the buttons are embarrassing, then in addition to the fact that you can simply sew on others, sometimes existing buttons are enough just to “cheer up” with colored nail polish. The main thing in the process of painting, do not forget to secure the fabric around the button to be painted with tape.
By the way, sometimes jewelry can be improved in this way.

7. The formula for good style is creativity divided by adequacy. That is, your image should not be insipid - it is boring and uninteresting, at the same time, excessive creativity gives rise to fashion freaks. good style always adequate. Adequate to a person's appearance, fashion trends, relevance and does not contradict goals.

8. Do not get hung up on lists, otherwise you risk getting a boring and banal set of things.
Each has its own base.

9. Invest in accessories. Expensive and high-quality accessories can raise the value of even the simplest and most inexpensive outfit.

10. Don't go to the store with your girlfriends - they are bad advisers.

11. Consultants and stylists at stores are the same sellers, whose main function is to sell the goods of a particular store by providing an additional service. Therefore, be vigilant when listening to their advice.

12. When choosing a thing, think about what you will wear it with, if your wardrobe does not have a set for this thing, then think about whether you need it or see point 1.

13. Don't buy edgy things on sale: they are sold out only because the fashion is already over.

14. The expression "prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter" is not suitable for mods. Buying summer clothes at the beginning of autumn with a 70% discount, counting on the fact that you will wear them next summer, in a year you risk forgetting about them, and if you remember, they may no longer be relevant or you just don’t like them, so this is doubtful saving.

15. Throwing old things out of the closet gives you an incentive to buy new ones, do not show excessive trepidation for old clothes, these are just things.
Image Industry

How to choose the right clothes

You rarely meet a woman who will be completely satisfied with her figure. More often, girls only sigh, looking at the glossy pages of fashion magazines or at TV screens. However, anyone can look chic, you just need to correctly choose clothes that hide flaws and emphasize the advantages that are in each figure.

One of the first rules of good taste in clothes - selection of clothes in a "single whole", that is, the entire set must be designed in the same style and look complete. In order to deal with this issue on your own, you can use clothing catalogs and fashion magazines, they will tell you what to wear with what.
When choosing a wardrobe in the store, try to look at the entire collection and choose the combinations that are most suitable for you.

Another main point when choosing clothes is clothing size. It is unacceptable to wear clothes smaller or bigger size, in both cases it looks comical.
And psychologists say what it can say about your attitude: clothes smaller what people wear who want to look or be better than they really are, and larger clothes are usually worn by those who have low self-esteem.
It turns out that you also need to choose the right size of clothes in order to hide your complexes.

Don't forget and about color scheme , color can "kill" or, conversely, transform a person.

  • Pastel and beige tones more suitable for swarthy people with bright features.
  • Blondes and blondes go for bright colors.

The easiest way to determine which color suits you is with a mirror and some plain fabrics. different color. Try to remember which shade is yours and in stores it will be much easier to choose things of one color or another.

When choosing clothes, pay attention per fabric type:

  • firstly, the fabrics in the kit must match,
  • secondly, the fabrics must match the figure.

Ladies with curvy shapes are best suited for outfits made of dense and well-structured fabrics. A thin type of figure is more suitable for soft-fitting knitwear and fabrics with padding that will create the effect of volume.

Well, and perhaps most importantly - clothes should be chosen according to the characteristics of your particular figure. Here are some general guidelines

1) Short legs visually lengthen the shoes beige colour and a short skirt
2) The fullness of the hips will be hidden by straight-cut trousers or jeans
3) If you have a thin waist, but wide hips, then flared jeans and a belt at the waist will be ideal for you
4) Small drawings visually reduce, large ones, on the contrary, increase
5) Maxi dresses and skirts make you look shorter.
6) Shapeless clothes disfigure any figure
7) Shoes on thin heels or stiletto heels with a round nose make the leg visually smaller
8) Pointy shoes make the foot look bigger.
9) Black tights (not more than 50 den) will make your legs a couple of kg slimmer and a couple of centimeters longer, and paired with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you the owners of legs from the ears.
10) Light tights, on the contrary, make the legs fuller and shorter. But! WITH beige shoes longer.
12) A sheer blouse makes your top open to others and shows your strengths but also your weaknesses.
14) If you do not know how to combine things correctly, then follow the classic canons of fashion and style.
15) Rule of three colors: do not use more than three components in your image, otherwise you risk seeming ridiculous
16) Hairstyle should be combined with all the components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on your clothes, except if you use
the same spirits. The scent may last up to a month.
18) chubby girls V-shaped cutouts will go, round cutouts girls with an oval face.
19) Avoid obsessing over something, or risk being the owner of a wardrobe with only black things or things of the same style, for example.
20) Over the knee boots shorten your legs!
21) Sheath dress goes the same way thin girls and with magnificent forms. But on girls with a thin waist and feminine hips, it will look better.

Clothes that make you slimmer

About, , I have already written repeatedly, because the topic is relevant to me. Today we’ll just “go over” the basic tips of stylists.

1) We increase growth
If you want to look slimmer, then the easiest way to achieve this is to visually increase your height. In this case, the width of the body will be balanced by the height. It's all about optical illusions.
To increase growth, you should use:

  • long beads,
  • vertical stripes,
  • heels,
  • updo hairstyle,
  • elongated clothing silhouettes (for example, not short coat, and an elongated jacket).

It is better not to use shoes with an ankle strap or ankle boots in shoes, because. they visually shorten the legs and reduce growth.
Great high boots.

2) Heels
Among personal stylists, there is such a rule: 1 cm of heels visually removes 1 kg of weight.
Heels are very well stretched and slim figure.
Of course, you don't have to choose too much. high heels(based on 20 kg weight = 20 cm heel), it is better to prefer a wider stable heel.

3) Dresses and sweaters with v-neck
Thing must have for those who want to look slimmer, these are v-neck clothes. On the one hand, such a neckline visually stretches the figure, on the other hand, it focuses attention on a beautiful chest.

4) Long sleeves
When we are recruiting overweight, they are distributed throughout the body: not only the stomach or hips grow fat, but also, for example, the arms.
Full arms are best masked long sleeves or wear a shawl. It is believed that women with full arms are best not to wear dresses and tops with straps or sleeveless.

5) Flared clothes
Best of all, figure flaws are masked by clothes (dresses, sweaters, coats) in the Empire style - clothes that flare from the chest or are trapezoidal in shape. Such clothes perfectly mask the stomach and full hips.

6) Black color
Any woman knows that black is slimming. Similar rules do not neglect if you want to look slimmer, even if you are black and it seems boring.
This is due to the fact that black absorbs Sun rays and visually reduces the volume of the object. In addition to black, everyone else loses weight dark colors(dark blue, gray).
Black is also the color of elegance.

7) Single color clothing sets
One of almost magical ways to look slimmer is to make your bow monochrome, i.e. combine items of only one color in a set.
The more patterns in clothes, the larger their size, the more kilograms you visually weigh.

8) Tan
The tanned skin looks on the one hand more toned, and on the other hand hides the defects of the figure.

Experiment, love yourself, but do not forget about others, many people are envious and unfriendly, do not let them notice your oversights in the wardrobe...

I wish you good luck in your search unique style in clothes!

Sometimes you see in the window bright T-shirt with a large spot, a colorful skirt to the floor or a dress of an unusual style, you grab a thing and run to the checkout. But in addition to such “interesting” clothes, you need to have basic things. They are the frame on which the subsequent wardrobe and outfit are built. You don’t need to save on basic things, because you will wear them quite often.

What should be in every girl's wardrobe? The list of basic things is not very large, but each of them must be purchased.

The thing must be of high quality, consist of at least 80% of natural material(cotton, cotton) and do not stretch much after washing. Choose a T-shirt in your size so that it fits perfectly: not baggy, but not “sticky”.

The neckline on the T-shirt should complement the shape of the face (and not be too deep). Half round neckline suits all face shapes. If you have a pointy chin, avoid similar cutouts on a t-shirt, it is better to choose a smoother version.

The optimal sleeve length is just below the biceps (if you don’t have one, then look at the photos and figure out where it should be). This length is suitable for plump girls, and skinny.

Gray T-shirt

Gray is also universal color. It suits both casual and dressy at the same time, depending on what accessories you combine it with. You can experiment with a gray T-shirt: choose a looser cut (combines with cardigans, skinny jeans and fitted jackets), a different shape of the sleeves or a V-shaped, slightly rounded neckline. The color itself may not be even, but in a small gray speck, this is also suitable.

The first color to stock up on is white. Here, as with a T-shirt, not everything is so simple.

The shirt should sit correctly: lie down exactly on the shoulders. Well, if she is free, male cut, made of natural material, with a minimum of parts and accessories.

A common mistake when choosing a basic wardrobe: girls buy clothes with extra decorative elements, be it rhinestones, sequins, embroidery. Basic clothing should be simple, without unnecessary details.

The collar of the shirt should be neat, not too big and not too small, fastened with almost invisible buttons.

And give preference to not too transparent fabric.

The first part of the basic wardrobe of the bottom is trousers. The right trousers can enhance any look.

It is important that the trousers sit just above the hips, at the waist - because of this, you can both tuck things in them and wear them for graduation.

The optimal length is to the ankles. It suits women of any height. The main color is black.

Black and white jeans are also basic items. They can be worn with both casual and classic items.

Well, if they are on high waist. This will make the figure slimmer, and girls short stature visually stretch the legs. And yet, the high waist is now at the height of fashion.

Everything new is well forgotten old.

Fashion is back, and it's no secret to anyone. Now, as in the 80s, jeans are at the peak of their fame. free cut but not flare. They are called "boyfriends" or "mom-jeans".

The beauty is that they can be worn both with heels and with sports shoes, with t-shirts or feminine tops. Although jeans are loose-fitting, they will emphasize the figure and not make it baggy due to the high waist and proper fit.

Even the ripped details don't make these jeans any less versatile.

And make sure that the material is of high quality and dense.


The first style that you definitely need to settle in your wardrobe is a pencil skirt.

The correct pencil skirt should sit at the waist, end in the middle of the knee or two centimeters above and taper (this is a must, as this style emphasizes the length of the legs and visually stretches the silhouette).

Second style, pleated skirt.

A pleated skirt should sit exactly at the waist, end at the middle of the knee and emphasize the figure. This skirt can be combined with tops, T-shirts, shirts tucked in, with heels or with a low swing.

Basic colors for any skirt: black, gray, dark blue, brown, white.

Designed by Coco Chanel, the little black dress is irreplaceable basic thing and has not gone out of fashion for over 60 years. It is suitable for any figure, style and occasion.

Dressing as Scheherazade is easy, picking up a little black dress is difficult.

Coco Chanel

The basic black dress can be both loose and slightly narrowed at the bottom. Without decorative elements, lace, drapery and neckline.

Initially, the dress created by Coco Chanel was one and a half hands longer than the knee, had long sleeves and a semi-circular neckline. He had a recognizable low waist.

The universal black dress has an A-line, two centimeters above the knee, boat neckline, sleeveless. Made from thick, high quality material. Soft knitwear is not suitable as a material - such a dress will not be able to present the figure from the favorable side.

For adult ladies, a little black dress with sleeves (three-quarters or just above the elbow) and covering the knees is most suitable. Young girls can opt for sleeveless and above-the-knee lengths.

Lantern sleeves and other original tricks will deprive the dress of versatility.


For cold autumn or winters in your wardrobe must be jumpers.

Two colors are ideal: milky and black. These jumpers go well with any jeans, trousers and skirts.

The jumper should be in size, lie exactly on the shoulders and have a rounded neckline that slightly opens the collarbones. It’s good if it ends at the middle of the thigh (if the jeans are low-waisted, the jumper will not expose the body when you bend over, sit down or raise your arms).


The classic jacket is black, elongated, sitting on the shoulders and emphasizing the figure. No extra details. Buttons are single color. Neat pockets. The length of the sleeves should not be too short so that they can be rolled up later.

A black leather (or leather. Deputy) jacket must be in the closet. Choose your favorite style, but without unnecessary decorative details.

Pay attention to accessories. If most of your wardrobe has gold details, choose gold accessories, if silver - silver.

This jacket can be combined with jeans and trousers, as well as with dresses.


No matter how versatile the jacket is, even it cannot be suitable for all occasions. Sometimes you need to wear longer outerwear to complete the look and feel comfortable.

The base coat is classic version straight cut, two centimeters long above the knee.

Who among women's shopping lovers has not fallen into a rage, once in a women's clothing store? Especially if the outfits on the stands are of high quality, and the sizes are suitable, and financial opportunities allow you not to pay too much attention to the price tags? True, half of the things after such a shopping tour are often not worn, and the desire to buy more and still does not go out. How to make purchases correctly so that the purchased clothes do not gather dust in the wardrobe, and the wallet does not suffer from thoughtlessly spent money?

There is an expression “shopping therapy”, which means a short-term euphoria from a new purchase, but the truth is that this feeling often fades after the first attempt to look like a new thing. But if you go shopping with a clearly conscious purpose, then then this joyful impulse will take possession of you every time you see your closet, since all things will carry meaning. But how to buy clothes, and when is the best time to do it?

How to do smart shopping

There may be several reasons: the cost of money, time, crowds of people; There are many other factors, but still, shopping can and should be an enjoyable pastime.

It has a very powerful end result: it strengthens and renews your style, helps you express yourself better and attract what you want into your life. Whether shopping is hard work or an art form for you, look at it as a necessary skill.

Here are a few shopping tips to keep in mind wherever you go shopping.

The first shopping tip is to buy a little. Better less is better. Be extremely picky and carefully consider what you are going to buy - this way you will avoid endless painful dialogues with yourself in front of a closet or in front of a mirror. If in doubt, don't take it.

If the thing is really needed, it will not leave you alone, and you will return for it.

The main thing in smart shopping is to be honest with yourself, and then your wardrobe will consist of things that you are absolutely sure of, things that correspond to your goals and key epithets. You will wear them with great pleasure.

Never buy at a bargain price what you would not buy for full price. If the thing is not cool - then this is a bad purchase.

Buy several pieces. If you find your the perfect thing and notice that you wear it often, buy a few of these.

Whether it's jeans, a hoodie or a T-shirt, you can buy exactly the same model or take it in a different color.

When planning your budget, be sure to consider the ratio of price and frequency of wear.

If you were going to wear the same outfit every day for a year, how much would you pay for it? And you generally wear your hair 365 days a year - how much are you willing to pay for a great haircut and coloring?

So what is the right way to buy clothes to justify the money spent on it?

What would you rather spend on? classic coat, which you will wear all winter, or an expensive dress or necklace that you will wear only for one or two large events? How much time are you willing to spend on your body or looking for perfect cosmetics and special care products for your skin type?

Some items - , - you wear all the time, but this one with sparkles, you may only wear it once.

We are all different; maybe your Achilles heel is the current trend, like neon accessories or bloomers, and that's okay. Just remember that these things, for all their attractiveness and catchiness, are unlikely to be constantly featured in your wardrobe. So if you're trying to fit into a budget, don't forget that you can find trendy items at the most affordable outlets.

Great advice on what clothes to buy for a girl - get a plain one!

When shopping for expensive clothes, opt for solid colors over trendy designs. Unless it's a classic pattern (such as stripes or polka dots) and this piece of clothing is a special, iconic thing for you that you adore and cannot help but buy, then it is better to invest in solid colors that can be worn after they are finished. main season.

Proper shopping is shopping according to the budget.

The advice is to create a style budget that will accommodate your seasonal wants and needs. You can even set aside a reserve for unexpected finds. Make a plan and stick to it. You can only carry cash with you if that helps. Then every time, having spent the entire amount, you will understand: it's time to go home.

Remember that you deserve it. Your image is of paramount importance, and all your spending on style should be part of the strategy.

Don't drown your emotions with shopping. Although it sometimes feels like going to the mall is just what the doctor ordered, avoid shopping when you're depressed or sad. Never shop to fill a void. Buy things just because you like them.

Suppressing emotions with shopping is as thankless as eating problems, so do not allow yourself to buy impulsively and go shopping like a binge.

How to buy clothes in the store

Probably each of us has such a friend who always finds the best clothes, buys everything at the best price and knows exactly where and when to go shopping. She knows shopping malls like the back of her hand, and all the trendy online stores are in her field of vision. But this friend is most likely not a member of any secret club or underground fraternity of buyers; she is just "in the know", so she knows some useful information and uses them. You yourself can become it, having mastered the most effective methods live and virtual shopping.

That's one reason why window shopping is such a pleasure - the very physical act of walking into a store allows you to see, touch, and try on just about anything your heart desires.

You don't have to buy anything, and in doing so, live shopping gives you the opportunity to escape reality and wander among this beautiful spectacle. Shopping is definitely powerful social experience, but the number one rule during live shopping is "come with friends, but shop alone." Of course, from friends we often hear valuable opinions from outside and useful advice about things and outfits, but even with the best intentions, friends do not always know what suits you. Take your time, think before you buy.

When you go shopping alone, you can stick to your plan, take the time to think and, even if you have to, hang out in the fitting room for half a day without worrying about other people's plans.

How to buy clothes in the store and what to look for before you go on another shopping tour? What clothes to buy to match the ones you already have in your wardrobe?

1. Control yourself. You yourself came to choose things; don't let the store force you to choose. It's up to you to decide what to buy and what not - so don't be afraid to leave empty-handed if you haven't found what you want. Never let friends or salespeople talk you into buying something you're not sure about.

2. Take your own clothes with you to the store to complement yours during the fitting. appearance or shade a thing that doesn’t go well with anything. And don't forget to keep your wishlist handy.

And when is it better to buy clothes so that they don’t gather dust in the closet, but are worn with pleasure?

1. Don't go shopping if you're tired or hungry.

2. Better go in the morning. In the mornings in stores, things are laid out more neatly and rationally, and consultants are more lively and attentive.

3. Ask when stock is expected to be replenished. This way you can find new items in a wide range of sizes and be one of the first to know about new discounts.

4. Be aware of all promotions. Many weekend promotions start as early as Thursday. If you don't know when to buy clothes, check out the store's website or Facebook page first. Find out about the VIP card or card regular customer, check if they have a smartphone app, if they offer discount coupons.

Rules for trying on clothes in a store (with photo)

Although the fitting room is just a corner of personal space, it can turn into a personal hell. If you happen to be standing in a fitting room cursing everything in the world because of the harsh lighting, bad day or a brilliant idea to try on clothes right after dinner - here's some food for thought:

The main rule of trying on clothes in a store is: undressing should be easy.

Wear something that you can quickly put on and take off, and shoes that are easy to get in and out of. Chin up! And put on a little makeup to set yourself up for success.

Look at the photo: fitting clothes should be carried out on linen flesh color so that it does not distract from the outfit.

If you're looking for pieces that support your curves, wear shapewear.

It should be as small as possible so that you do not forget one of them in the booth and do not leave a snag on the thin fabric.

Have an extra pair of heels or a belt in your bag to give you a better idea of ​​what your outfit looks like.

Studies show that when entering the hall, buyers for the most part go to the right. Therefore, shops place their most expensive items to the right of the entrance.

Have you ever wondered why the perfume section of a department store is always front center on the ground floor? Smell affects our salivary glands, which makes it much more difficult for us to maintain self-control when choosing a purchase.

If you need to quickly understand whether a skirt or trousers will sit on you, in extreme cases, you can wrap the belt of this thing (when buttoned up) around your neck.

If the ability to breathe and move remains, then it should sit on the waist normally.

If the shopping trip promises to be long, use the valet parking service, if possible and not too expensive, or order home delivery of the purchase. Use the left-luggage office, if available, or ask the store staff (or the information desk in mall) leave things with them until you are done shopping.

Resale and exchange of clothes

As an alternative to shopping, you can consider the resale of clothes and its exchange.

Resale. Everything old eventually becomes new again. You can find amazing things (and for amazing prices) in antique shops, second-hand shops and even flea markets. It takes a little more effort to search in such places, but in this way you can unearth a lot of slightly second-hand treasures that you will really like. These things will not only become a pleasant variety in a series of clothes mass production, which many others have, but will also help you save money and take care of the environment (second-hand as reuse of resources). If you do not want to go around all the points, looking for where it is cheaper, many stores post a list of their products on the Internet, so most of the work has already been done for you.

Exchange of clothes. We all have things that we once loved, but for some reason stopped wearing; things that we hoped to love, but never did, continuing to convince ourselves that someday we will wear. If you and your girlfriends have such things, organize a party with an exchange of clothes: what for one is a barely worn dress / blouse / skirt / accessory, for another, it may be a dream outfit. These parties provide an opportunity to chat with friends, enjoy free shopping and be glad that your favorite thing is sent to good hands. You can also go on the Internet and look for clothing exchange communities or any sites through which you can exchange things with other women.

Party "Change clothes"

Throw your own "Change Clothes" party - it's fun and easy. All you need is a few friends and pieces of clothing you don't wear anymore. Following the algorithm below, you will be able to host a party with a bang.

1. Choose a day, hour and place and send out invitations (by email, or create a meeting on Facebook, or use paper mail, whichever you prefer). Ask everyone to respond to emails so that you have an idea of ​​how many items will be exchanged in total.

2. On the appointed day, prepare some snacks or ask each of your friends to bring their favorite food with them. Whether it's a Sunday afternoon of coffee and biscuits or an evening of champagne and cake, it never hurts to grab a bite to eat.

3. Turn on music to create the right atmosphere: Ru Paul's "Supermodel", Roy Orbison's "Pretty Woman", Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy", Babyface's "Incredible", etc.

4. When the guests begin to appear, for each item of clothing brought in, issue a colored ticket, or a card, or a self-adhesive sheet that will indicate the category corresponding to this item - one of the four below - and put the item in that pile or on that table, where is the clothing of this category.

5. Have all the participants write their names on the tickets you gave them and throw all the tickets into the hat.

6. The host draws three names, and the named women proceed to "shop" within the collections whose category matches the color of their tickets - or exchange if they want to exchange their item for an item from a higher or lower category.

7. The procedure is repeated until things run out and deals are settled.

Explore "his" closet. clothes in men's style has been a part of women's fashion for many years, so why not borrow a few pieces from close man? Borrow from your brother (boyfriend, husband, friend) a dress shirt with a button-down collar, roll up the sleeves, gird or wear over leggings - this will immediately give you the look of Annie Hall. Or just add a few masculine details to your look to habitual clothes looked new: for example, his belt (if it is too long, tie it in a knot), large Wrist Watch, a silk scarf or his cozy button-down jumper.

Shopping should not be seen as a primitive pursuit of things, but as a search for something important, essential.

If you respect this activity, seeing it as an opportunity to thoughtfully choose your tools for communicating with the world, you will be rewarded with finding your true style.

Ksenia Skvortsova | 04/21/2015 | 56301

Ksenia Skvortsova 04/21/2015 56301

We have compiled a list of items that every stylish woman should have in her wardrobe by the age of 35.

“Over 30” is the very age when you want to look as fashionable, modern and dynamic as in your 20s, but a little more professional and collected. And this means that it's time to get rid of all things for one season, forget about one-day trends and get magic wands that will help you put together even the most motley wardrobe together.

1. Cropped black pants

Why shortened and not classic pants straight cut? Because it perfect option for those occasions when, honestly, you would like to wear jeans, but the situation calls for a more businesslike look.

Choose trousers that end just above the ankle and expose the underwire. This length looks good both with heels and without, and visually slims.

2. Vest

Of course, we are not talking about a T-shirt from the men's department, but about a blouse with long sleeves. classic model with a touch of Parisian style - a loose-fitting vest with a boat neckline.

This top looks both elegant and casual, restrained and fresh.

3. Silk blouse

In the morning you want to put on a white T-shirt, but the corporate dress code does not allow you to come to work in this form? Buy a loose no-frills silk blouse!

This is one of those things that you can really splurge on: it is versatile and unlikely to go out of style in the next few seasons. And it's just as comfortable as a T-shirt, but it looks much more advantageous!

4. Ballerinas

Thanks to Audrey Hepburn and Brigitte Bardot who popularized this comfortable and feminine model shoes. It doesn't matter what color your ballet flats are - neutral black or flashy red, they will look great with both those cropped trousers and jeans, both with a vest and with a feminine blouse.

5. Wrap coat

Such a coat does not constrain movements and instantly collects the image together (even if you have pajamas under the bottom!). In addition, this style visually masks figure flaws. Is this not good reasons invest in a good woolen wrap coat?

6. High boots

If you don't want to look like Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman" before meeting with a handsome prince, buy knee-high boots only at low speed. What is good about this style? Knee-high boots with a flat sole create the same proportions as heels, but much more comfortable!

7. Loose jeans

Boyfriends or " mom jeans" - you decide. Loose cut models go to more women than skinny ones. If you choose jeans for every day, then let them hide the flaws, and not emphasize (and even less create) them!

8. Blazer

It is a blazer, not a boring three-button jacket that makes you look like school teacher. This is the one magic thing, which can make even jeans with a white T-shirt work appropriate.

The main trick is to pick up a perfectly fitting blazer.

9. Tight turtleneck

A thick knitted turtleneck (ribbed, not thin, see through in the sun) looks great with both high-waisted trousers and a skirt or jeans.

Pick a neutral color that goes well with most of your wardrobe: black, beige, olive, terracotta, etc.

10. Leather jacket

The leather biker jacket is the most versatile outerwear imaginable. It looks dynamic and modern, unlike most leather jackets (although they are back in fashion). A leather jacket can be worn with jeans, as well as with a business suit or even an elegant dress.

11. Good roomy bag

A versatile option is a leather tote bag. There you can add purchases, important documents, a laptop and many other small useful things. Bag stylish woman must be of high quality, good quality and, preferably, leather.

12. Diamond studs

Even if the earrings are made not from real diamonds, but from budget cubic zirconia and zircon, they will look dignified and elegant.

13. Boats

Financial investments will more than work out leather (suede) boats in black or flesh-colored. They fit most outfits, do not go out of fashion and are appropriate in any situation: at the niece's wedding, at work, in a restaurant, in the theater.

14. Evening clutch

One small handbag can turn a work outfit into an evening one. Choose the style to your taste: envelope, minaudière, chain clutch.

15. Cashmere sweater

Comfortable as a sweatshirt, but extraordinarily elegant, this is a cashmere sweater. It would be nice to have a few pieces of neutral shades: gray, camel, black, navy blue.

16. Gold chain

Let not necessarily gold, but gilded. Or silver. This is a versatile piece of jewelry that will add zest to your look when you don't have the opportunity or time to add more solid accessories.

17. Pencil skirt

And preferably from leather - so it will look more interesting and modern. Add a cashmere sweater or silk blouse and black pumps and you're ready for any business meeting.

18. Nude sandals

These elegant shoes go with everything and visually elongate the legs.

19. Little black dress

It's trumpeted on every corner, but the little black dress really comes to the rescue of women in every situation.

20. Stylish sunglasses

Didn't get enough sleep? Didn't have time to paint? Did your styling fail the test of the weather? Ran out to the store in a crumpled dress? put on beautiful sunglasses- and the problem is solved. Unbelievable but true.

21. Red lipstick

Red lipstick goes everyone without exception. You just need to choose your shade. She's like Sunglasses and a blazer - collects and ennobles even the most relaxed look.

22. Trench

The trench coat is a classic trench coat that never goes out of style, adorns everyone and goes with almost any outfit.

The weather does not yet allow you to completely remove demi-season things and leave only summer things, and for many, the hallway and wardrobe can no longer cope with such volumes. . Maybe this is a sign that it's time to turn to minimalism in clothes? Irina Sokovykh, with whom we are already, tells how to make a basic wardrobe for a woman and a man, depending on the lifestyle, and gives her list of clothes.

Clearing out your wardrobe is one of the most interesting activities. It is also the most difficult, because it is difficult for women (and what is there to hide - many men) to part with their clothes.

Five years ago, it was completely incomprehensible to me how you can throw away a sweater if it is almost new? It doesn't matter if I don't wear it! Suddenly one day there will be an opportunity to wear it? As you understand, such cases are extremely rare, and if they do occur, then it is very easy to replace one clothing with another.

I saved mountains of things "just in case", and these mountains warmed my soul, because they gave me a feeling of calm and security, because I was prepared for any changing conditions. I had one pair of trousers to go to barbecues, others to go to the forest, and if I suddenly decide to spend the night in a tent, then for this case I also have a couple of outfits.

What do you think, is it important at the same time that the last time I lived in a tent was when I was still studying at high school? And one more important question: Will I be able to spend the night in the same tent in my regular sweatpants?

I had several "going out" suits and 5-6 dresses for the same occasion, and for each season! Skirts, blouses that I never wore, but which would fit if suddenly someday I decided to work in an office with a strict .

The bag is white because it's summer, the bag is bright because it's also summer, but white bag it's a pity... Denim bag, because I just love jeans. Bags small, medium, large, with handles and shoulder straps, backpacks and clutches ... A bag for rainy weather and frost, a bag made of patent leather and suede ...

I never refused anything: someone gives almost new thing- I'll take it, it's useful; grandmother offers a service from the Soviet era - I'll take it as a reminder of my childhood; used clothes for a child - all in the house!

My chest of drawers was bursting with "good", which we did not use at all and which periodically folded into vacuum bags and went to the mezzanine. Once a year, these mezzanines were dismantled, and among the mountains of unnecessary rubbish there were interesting specimens that again began to lie in the apartment, but already in prominent places.

I lived by the principle "always say" Yes! ", and this principle is very good, if not applied to inanimate objects.

Now I also say "yes" to almost all the proposals that come to me, but now these are not things, but people, meetings, trips, new projects and interesting contacts.

I loved showing my friends the contents of my closet, because there are so many things! Are you laughing? Now it’s funny to me too, but if you had told me then that I could unload my closet so that I could see the color of the floor and walls, I would have thought that you were just crazy.

I didn’t even think about parting with my supplies, because with them I felt more confident and calmer.

Now I understand that confidence comes when you do what you love, when you are appreciated for your work, when you are admired because you are doing something very important and necessary, but then I was fueled by confidence from having a bunch of things that even did not use.

The psychology of hoarding is simple - it is life in times of scarcity or education by people who lived in these times. It is also an opportunity to show people around you how “rich” you are and to compensate for some complexes.

Let me start by thinking about your lifestyle. No, not about how you would wanted live, but how you live now. If you have been dreaming of going in for sports for five years and you can’t find motivation for this, then you should already part with sports shorts for the gym.

And even if you're really right on next week decide to go for a run, then the absence sweatpants it won’t hurt you: I generally noticed that in order to achieve goals, you don’t really need specialized means. Your desire to run will not be hindered by the absence of sportswear, neither rain nor Bad mood if this desire is really real.

So put in all the clothes left for better times, clothes for certain events that happen once every five years (such as a week-long trip to the mountains, moreover, if the last time you and your equipment were just trampling at the foot).

If you are a new mother and spend most of the day walking with your child, then leave those things that are suitable for your Everyday life and one dress for going out. If you work from morning until late at night, you do not need to store mountains of stretched T-shirts in which it is convenient to wallow near the TV and crack chips.

If you have a child, then the fact remains - you are now a mother, and the wardrobe will change in any case, whether you like it or not. If you read in fashion magazines that a woman should flutter in heels after giving birth, then these magazines should also be littered. Lifestyle changes and depends on many factors; clothes should make you beautiful, stylish and not interfere with life. Anything that doesn't fit in everyday look must be removed from sight.

Women's clothing, my minimum

  1. Jeans. I start with them, because in fact this is the item of clothing I wear most often. V Lately I switched to black skinny jeans because they go with absolutely everything. Versatility is the main secret of minimalist clothing.
  2. White shirt. For me it a win-win for business meetings or television.
  3. Denim shirt. More everyday option. It always looks stylish and neat.
  4. Knitted suit with a skirt. Its charm is that the skirt looks appropriate with any top and in any weather, excluding extreme heat. The top also goes with all the outfits that I have.
  5. Black and white turtlenecks. There are no comments here.
  6. Leather black dress- this is my analogue of the "little black dress". It is comfortable in it, it sits advantageously on the figure and is always appropriate, whether it is a meeting with a friend or an important business project.
  7. For summer I have short shorts, several T-shirts, one feminine dress and two button-down dresses resembling robes. I chose for myself those options in which I feel comfortable and confident.
  8. Ripped cropped jeans These are my off-season clothes. It is worth picking up a couple of T-shirts, and you can go for a walk, visit or go shopping with your child.
  9. Outerwear for me it's a coat and Leather Jacket for autumn, a down jacket and a sheepskin coat for frost. In the off season I prefer to wear denim jacket, which, by the way, is also suitable for a cool summer.

On this, perhaps, and all. If I buy something in addition to basic wardrobe, that is:

  • something that is comfortable to drive in;
  • something monotonous;
  • calm concise or deep shades;
  • The best quality option I have.

I try to avoid:

  • trendy things (they go out of fashion very quickly. If I buy, then something is not very expensive);
  • colorful and flashy colors (they don’t really suit me);
  • too feminine things (I know that I won’t wear it anyway, because lace and ruffles are clearly not mine).

Men's clothing

To my great amazement, I increasingly meet women whose husbands are reluctant to part with things, unlike mine, who would take out everything in the trash, except for his beloved baseball cap.

I am wary of men who cling too much to their junk. Okay, women, they are by nature more sentimental and emotional, attached to many things, because they evoke emotions in them. But men! The rational mind cannot fail to understand the whole stupidity of the accumulation of rubbish.

If you have at least partially convinced your husband of the possibility of obtaining happiness with a minimum of clothes, then immediately get rid of worn and simply unpleasant accessories: frayed belts, peeling purses, unattractive ties, and so on.

Buy one to start leather belt instead of all dermatin analogues. Keep jeans, a pair of shirts (newer ones), or T-shirts, depending on where he works.

Drive away tights with pulled knees, holey socks and already grayed T-shirts in a hole from frequent washes. Down with stretched sweaters and shirts that do not converge at the belly.

Leave 2-3 casual sets of clothes and the same amount for work. Add a jacket, a couple of sweaters and outerwear.

You can always buy everything else if you really really want to (which I personally doubt).

And catch a life hack from me for men's wardrobe: buy 5-6 pairs of identical socks at once! This will save your nerves constant search pairs to a sock that rinsed alone in the washing machine.

How many clothes do you need? We consider washing

For myself, I have long decided on necessary quantity clothes. There should be enough of it in my wardrobe so that I can start washing no more than once a week, i.e. I should have enough clean clothes for a week. Same for husband and daughter. This is the minimum threshold.

The maximum I consider is the amount of clothes that does not exceed on the day of washing:

  • one load of the machine with white things;
  • one load of the machine with colored things;
  • one load of the machine with dark things.

If the dark things collected during the week do not fit in one wash cycle, I understand that it's time to litter.


I won't tell here for a long time. Shoes should be appropriate for the season and be neutral in color.

Colored and bright shoes appropriate when you already have beige pumps. I am the enemy a large number shoes, but due to the fact that I am a "happy" owner of non-standard legs, I still cannot eradicate the habit of immediately grabbing shoes that I miraculously came up. True, recently I have found a number of manufacturers for myself, whose shoes always or almost always suit me.

In any case, I only have two pairs of shoes per season. At the same time, I single out shoe seasons not 4, but a little more, because there is a time in the year when it is already cold in shoes, and in light boots it is comfortable and at the same time it is still hot in more serious boots. We women are such women!

WITH men's shoes everything is simple with us - one autumn boots, one winter and a couple of summer options. And, well, sneakers, where without them?

Buy this book


I frankly admit - I'm a shopaholic and the more clothes I have the better))

I realized for myself: I need good jeans, good trousers to which it is easy to pick up "top". And a sea of ​​dresses))) There is no surplus of them!

I laughed for a long time at the proposed wardrobe option. The author thinks it's universal, right? I am the person who the highest degree looks shabby in most trousers, jeans and shorts, as well as in a denim and white shirt. I need dresses first.

05/29/2017 19:00:34, angry

Well, let's dance on MiK's coffin now, shall we? Not only was he buried, but we’ll also dance, yeah. Well, who, who are all these people who carry this nonsense and even publish them somewhere? ((Gloom.

How boring without trendy things.
Well, the stock should be there until you save up for three weeks to wash the same color.
I correctly understood that one wash per week of white color and the rest?

A man has one pair of boots for the season... If he wets his feet, he is free. The woman was a little more lucky: 2 pairs per season. Apparently, for the summer it is sandals and shoes. Oops, I was left without sneakers and fashionable slip-ons, no luck ...

something tells me that if I show up for a meeting in a black leather dress, Kondraty's leadership will be enough.

I, unlike the author, work in an office. Also, I don't work in an office. And I also sleep in a tent, not often, but it happens. I also climb into caves, where I often have to crawl over clay and stones. I also go on vacation. And I have all sorts of sizes in my arsenal. The body breathes, 20 kilos there, 20 here :) In short, to dress all the women of a small country, like Luxembourg, I guess. I have enough clothes :)

And about the dishwasher, the book contains a mind-blowing table comparing washing dishes by hand and in a dishwasher. So the author washes everything with his hands in 10 minutes, and puts the equivalent number of dishes in the dishwasher in 15 (?) minutes. The amount of water is modestly indicated as "+water tariff" in both cases. Nothing that the dishwasher uses about 9-10 liters of water for a full cycle?

The topic does not match the content, why call the article "what YOU need" if the whole article is about "what I need."
I buy men's socks 10-14 identical pairs at a time, less than 10 at random was classified as impractical.

Comment on the article Women's wardrobe: How many clothes do you need?

May 20, 2017 as part of the "Days of Historical and cultural heritage» The Mayakovsky Theater announced tours of the historical building. Recording opened three days before the event and quickly ended - only two groups. The Moscow Academic Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky is one of the oldest theaters in Russia. The theater building was built in 1886 according to the design of the architect K.V. Tersky on a site that belonged to the neighboring property of Princess Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva. The facade of the theater is the creation of a young...

06/10/2016 I am 39 years old. Height 1.60. Weight 60. No excess weight. Then why am I here? I want to lose weight. Sounds weird. I want to return my weight to my usual 53-55 kg. I will write about the process in my blog: [link-1] For the last 17 years, my weight has always been in a state of "swing". It used to get better up to 62 kg, but as soon as she "pulled herself together", in 2-3 months she returned to the cherished 55 kg, and sometimes to 52 kg. I know how to lose weight correctly, on a healthy, balanced diet and light sports training ...


well, how is it not, there are also kg so 7-10 overweight IHMO, she herself is the same (165 and weight 60 .. fat (Written gorgeous, thanks !!!) And welcome, although I read more here lately than writing

I also decided, finally;) the cool summer somehow and the desire to correct the figure beat off. But it should already be warm and I decided to thoroughly, or rather comprehensively take on myself. Sport, proper nutrition, I also want to connect something from salon procedures, take a full course of massage, maybe some hardware stuff. Girls, which of the salon procedures is really effective in losing weight?

Today is March 1st! First day of spring! I propose to start a small project, which I spend twice a year - in autumn and spring. I have already written about two women's issues, which can be solved "my" way [link-1] With the beginning of spring, I suggest you start too. The bottom line is that I choose one date for myself and from that day I start to wear things from my closet 1 time per day. Not repeating! You can’t repeat yourself until you put on every item from your wardrobe 1 time. How would you like to do it! And also in...

Before future parents, sooner or later, the question arises of buying a dowry for the baby: cribs, strollers, diapers and, of course, clothes. This, of course, is responsible, but at the same time very pleasant chores. The expectant mother lovingly looks at the tiny vests and sliders with cute applications and understands that she is ready to buy all this very, very much - "everything is so cute!" But how to figure out what principles should be followed when choosing clothes for a baby? Let's try to give...

Baby's first wardrobe. What criteria should be followed when choosing clothes for the crumbs, how many little things will be needed for the first time, and which ones will not be useful at all. We have tried to give answers to these questions in the Help for Mom section. Here you can buy beautiful and high-quality clothes for children from 0 to 4 years old. Bodysuits, sliders, dresses, sets, outerwear. We will be glad if you pick up something for your baby. Happy shopping!

The market for women's clothing is now oversaturated. In the face of fierce competition among women, business owners must enjoy integrated approach to attract buyers. An important factor is the correct interior design of a women's clothing store. This will attract customers. First you need to define the concept of the store. The interior must match the positioning of the brand. For example, a boutique with evening dresses should reflect a solemn atmosphere, and a store with things for ...

Men's clothing is something that the representatives of the stronger sex choose very carefully and thoroughly. At the same time, attention is paid not so much to the relevance of styles and style of decor, but to the practicality, convenience and quality of clothing. It is these requirements, according to most men, that the ideal men's clothing. The most preferred solution is clothing for men made from natural fabrics. It can be hygienic, wear-resistant cotton...

And only now in our modern world any clothing should be beautiful and of high quality. It is such clothes for women that can take their place in any wardrobe and will also last a very long time and become an adornment of your image. The practicality of items of any wardrobe is determined by such a factor as their compliance with the period of the year. Winter is the time when it is necessary warm clothing able to provide protection from the cold and create a feeling of warmth just like wool coats. Winter...

It is also not the season for light-colored trousers under your dark jumper, although you need to look at the color of the outerwear ... You don’t need this jumper or coat. The coat is the 35th item in the outerwear wardrobe.


For trousers, respectively, a shirt, a jacket, a jumper, but I would choose a lighter and more interesting one, for example, like Gloria Jeans. And I love trousers, but it is not necessary to wear trousers all winter, I also wear skirts. By the way, last winter I took a sweater dress with pleasure.

Something coat photo is not available. But now the season is not for coats, but for warmer clothes. I read the topic, like you also write about down jackets below. And if you take a coat and a down jacket, then you can’t invest in the indicated amount. But I do not like down jackets - my jackets are everything. It is also not the season for light-colored trousers to match your dark jumper, although you need to look at the color of the outerwear ... The most comfortable for the winter are different trousers, always one black one, a pair of jeans.

1. Be sure to have shoes of flesh (natural) color in the wardrobe. They are perfect for any outfit, besides visually lengthen the leg. 2. Another must have - a few white shirts. Fitted shirts male type perfectly emphasize beautiful breasts, hips and waist. 3. Be sure to have a set of clothes "for yourself" in your wardrobe. You can wear it for your own pleasure - for communication and meetings with friends. Calm tones, layering without emphasizing the waist - all this ...

Section: Clothes (better less yes better wardrobe). Yes, there are jeans and trousers for ordinary female figures. :) 10/06/2013 10:39:50, Greedy Toad. I need to pick up my son's certificate from the institute for a while. They will give it back at my request (son 17) and with the provision of a certified ...


I am for the first option. Firstly, I do not like a bunch of clothes in the closet. Second, I love everything. good quality. And the saying - I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things.

09.10.2013 18:25:06, rrrr

And for more expensive, but better in quality and the model is prettier. Even in the same H&M, most of the clothes look creepy on me. Rarely fits. But even from budget brands you can find decent ones that fit well. You need to search and spend time on this.

Girls, since you have already started discussing shopping in Europe, can you advise where to go to shop in Rome? Cosmetics, clothes. THX.

And outerwear, and bags, and dresses, and skirts, and so on. I’m thinking where to go in order to take and buy everything you need in one fell swoop. if you want to update your autumn-winter wardrobe, and it turns out logically, since you write "before the start of the business season", then you need six months ...


if you want to update your autumn-winter wardrobe, and it turns out logically, since you write "before the start of the business season", then you need to wait six months. Autumn-winter sales in January usually. Now there are summer sales.

I update my wardrobe twice a year - during the sales. January and August. Since I wear classic things and I am no longer 15, there is no need to catch the latest fashion and it turns out to be profitable. No, it is clear that something is bought at other times. If you like it, it fits and you need it, then I won’t wait for a sale. But twice a year the wardrobe is updated more substantially.

I don't like shopping in Europe. In order to go somewhere specially and to buy specially, it takes time. And I really feel sorry for him than money.

There is a sale in the stockman right now - you can fish out very little things at some unrealistic prices (for example, I found an amazing shirt for a Friday jeans day for 600 r, and my son needs a windbreaker for 990 rubles, instead of 3.5 thousand) ..) ) Do not be lazy, issue a card right away (it's free) - there was another -10% on it from all discounts (at least last weekend). Marella, there, mentioned here, and all sorts of Betty Barclays, etc. Only there are not so many decent things left - you need to dig)))

Wardrobe teenager - girls. My daughter has a growth spurt. And all the clothes became short. Need to buy a new one. I don't know how many clothes other teenagers have. I want to make a list of what I need and only then go to the store) I hope for your tips.


I'm 12 and this is my advice. First, you need a basic wardrobe.
Usually I have it: Skinny blue jeans, torn blue, white, red, black and pale pink T-shirt, comfortable warm dress, sweater, sweatshirt, sweatshirt, jacket (sweatshirt type) of a delicate shade, longsleeve. And for warmer weather: a skirt, denim skirt, denim shorts, regular shorts, top, two T-shirts, gray oversized cardigan, straight.
Leather Jacket
Jean jacket
Down jacket.
Sandals, sandals with heels, two pairs of sneakers and one pair of sneakers (new ones will be needed soon), warm boots, black low on late autumn and spring with lacing, black with a metal insert for early autumn, flip flops, silver platform boots.
To school
2 skirts
2 white shirts
1 blue
1 blue
school jacket
One shirt from the fifth grade is also white.
Sports suit.
On the holidays.
One fit. dress, one free (but no less beautiful) blue blouse under the skirt
In general, in my opinion, this is a worthy example of a wardrobe :) you can add something, but everything suits me

01/23/2019 18:05:33, Marra

I'm 13 and I need to go to school
2 short sleeve
2 long sleeve
1 blouse
2 skirts one sun pleated the other
1 trousers with arrows
1 long vest
1 long warm blue jacket
1 jacket with buttons
1 shoes

08/18/2017 10:18:49 AM, Olya Shkatova

As a rule, evening dresses are not cheap, for this reason you need to make a deliberate choice, and buy an outfit taking into account its repeated use. First you have to decide which fit better Total - long dress or a short dress (cocktail). Short dress can be worn with regular outerwear. Choose short or long Evening Dress? To buy an evening dress and choose the right one, review your wardrobe. Ideally, you should have both options - long and ...

in the midst of sales and the associated shopping rush, as well as the heat, I would like to ask - how many "clothes" do you need to have for complete happiness = complete satisfaction with your wardrobe? :) does it depend on the mood? (or the state of being in love...


Very much depends on the mood and self-awareness at the moment. And it's not about the money. I can not buy anything for six months and walk in the same skirt, but I can change it at least every day. Wardrobe in the entire wall, there is a lot to fit. I'm still not very sick in terms of clothes, but in terms of shoes ... Recently I counted the shoes - it turned out that there are 15 pairs of them. I'm talking about other shoes in general. The only thing that poisons life is disappointment from the purchase. This happens sometimes and does not depend on the price, unfortunately. This season I flew with Baldinini, I couldn't get past the sandals on sale. I'm glad I didn't buy it at full price. Already at home I found the inscription "Made in China" on the insole, it would be a shame to pay an exorbitant amount for Chinese tailoring. I will wear it to the office. I won’t risk it on the street, they will fall apart if there is slush. Worst of all, it didn't turn me off from buying a new pair. Now there are already 17 pairs of shoes, along with Baldinini. The last bought German ones turned out to be very nothing, in theory, mania shoes should subside a bit.

I have one criterion - this quantity should fit in my head, where there are somewhat fewer "places" for clothes than in closets, since this is not my main hobby. while I remember how much I have, how and with what it is combined, my soul is calm :))) I can think over a vacation or everyday wardrobe a few days ahead, lying in bed or doing other things. but I can dress without much hesitation, because I don’t have much that is clearly incongruous, except perhaps in style
another question is that all this should be compatible and replaceable, allow you to create (relatively) different images and fit most life situations and every possible mood. but this is not a question of quantity, but of quality :)))

08/01/2011 02:56:03 PM, arte

3) White shirt male cut or two (the second is more feminine) with a length. sleeve
4) sleeveless shirts (if the dress code allows walking with bare arms), among which there should be not only shirts themselves but also with elements of femininity (such as trim, etc., but do not get carried away with any lace and beads)
5) at least two knee-length skirts (black and light), narrowed downwards and so that you can wear them with beautiful flip flops, if that
6) knitwear, if only viscose is monochrome, not thin, so that the linen does not shine through (blouses like T-shirts, with sleeves covering the shoulders)
7) I don’t like linen jackets, so cotton jackets would come in handy (a couple of pieces), but then if there is air conditioning in the office, of course
8) T-shirts are not needed, I beg you, no matter what "office" forms they acquire

Women's wardrobe. Girls, share who is choosing your wardrobe for the work week. Clothes - a full closet, but that's what Tired of walking like that! Maybe someone will advise how to learn how to prepare your own clothes for work (there is no dress code, we dress as we can).


usually when I have time, I look at the weather forecast for the week, and based on this I determine. I can even mentally imagine how I will look in this or that. All clothes, of course, hang on hangers (but not necessarily in sets! :)
I really don't understand what's so hard about it? Well, a suit, he is a suit in Africa. Tops-blouses are selected under it to match. Or the dress. I have an office dress, gray, you don’t need to pick anything up under it, except maybe pantyhose :). I put it on and went.
and you just need to set aside a day, dig through the closet, measure everything and throw out / put away the excess on the mezzanine. At the same time, determine which of the things goes with what.

Every Sunday I choose my clothes for 5-7 days in advance, taking into account the weather, I hang them a little separately, then every evening I put on the bedside table what I will wear tomorrow, I pick everything up to my underwear so as not to rush about in the morning. You just need to get into this habit.

In fact, you need to renew your wardrobe. There is practically nothing of the old decent. 1. Coming out of the decree to your previous job, you know what you need from office clothes and what style. Job change - stress, do you need it immediately after the decree?


Well, 'bout Soviet women, you are completely wrong! My mom always had a lot of bags. Yes, and everything else too. Usually I wore her things, although I also bought a lot, but even then we had almost the same size. Yes, and she followed her father's wardrobe. In general, recalling those times, I can say that we lived quite well on a Soviet scale - we had some clothes and shoes, and we ate normally, although nothing special, but my mother always tried to cook different things, albeit from the most simple products, such as vegetables and cereals and flour. And we went on vacation to the sea almost every year. And these women, who want nothing for themselves, everything for others, are completely incomprehensible to me, to put it mildly. In my opinion, you want 10 bags, so buy 10. Or one, but expensive. If there is money, of course. And if not - well, buy one cheap one and go earn more.
Here, for example, I have a LOT of all sorts of things, but 1) I bought them for several years. years, I just tried to choose what does not go out of fashion. 2) bought on sales, looking for cheap options.
But in general, on the topic of the topic, it’s not clear to me - what kind of sandals are now?! It’s winter. And if the dress code is strict, then they are not worn in the office either. If the work is decent, you need several suits, you need a lot of blouses to change, but at the same time, one shoe and one bag (but expensive!) Are enough for the time being. Boots are also alone, but decent. And one coat. And enough, for starters, and then we'll see.

I read the whole topic, the conclusion - you asked not at all what you wanted :))

The first question, which is your leitmotif: what is luxury and what is normal for a woman? Answer: luxury is what is normal for a woman, and nothing else :))

Question two: how, after realizing this thought (if it doesn’t fit in your head right away, give it time to look around and choose a comfortable place for yourself, important thoughts deserve it;)) and, taking into account your current circumstances, choose a wardrobe for yourself? I have one iron rule - in the "transitional" periods, never buy anything for the future. It is not known how your taste, desires and circumstances will change over the next six months, so buy yourself what you will definitely need in the next six months (and what you will presumably wear later - right now I am sitting in a suit bought 6 years ago back in university for interviews, from the series "let alone, but excellent quality"- is still relevant, although I'm still picky :))). With everything else (what sandals, madamaragaya ???) it's very easy to get into a mess - either overpay for unnecessary pathos, or buy something cheap, what after I don’t want to wear the planned increase in income, or just buy something obviously unnecessary.
What to do with desires? Groom them and cherish, but first put everything on the shelves in your head or on paper. Make a list of all desires, no restrictions :). Next, divide the proposed purchases into 4 groups, by analogy with "urgent-important" 1) I want and I need 2) I need, but I don't want 3) I want, but I don't need 4) I don't want and I don't need - well, who knows, maybe and what will get there over time. Do you want a red bag? What are you going to wear it with (we are adding to the list of planned purchases;)) How often? 2 times a week, a month or a year? If a year, are you ready to wear it for 5 years in a row, so that it somehow "amortizes"? If not, then we transfer the red bag from the group "passionately desired and very necessary" to the group "passionately desired, but not needed."
This, tkskzt, theoretical approach, it is not always on topic (for us, women, lovers of luxury :))), but it helps at least to set priorities so that you can love luxury not only in theory :))
Good luck!
And it’s completely off: it makes complete sense, after starting a job and confirming qualifications, talking with management about a salary increase is easier and calmer (both for you and for management) than looking for something new.

And yes, there are plenty of clothes too. Although everything seems small. Tell us how many jackets, sweaters, dresses, trousers you have in your wardrobe...

Girl's wardrobe. Clothes, shoes. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationship with the girl's wardrobe. Moms of girls! Let's discuss how much and what things a girl needs to buy for the spring-summer season.


What about age? While Lizka was little, she had practically no dresses - shorts, all sorts of jeans, bike shorts. And as she stopped sitting in the sandbox, she began to wear sarafans.

If it's convenient, it's worth it. It's just that some girls don't like theme dresses. that they somehow say you can't run, you can't jump, and you can't climb trees. By spring and summer, I like breeches, they can be worn over elastic tights in nude or self-colored.

01/12/2002 17:39:20, KUKU