How to quickly bring the face into a normal tone. EXERCISE ACCOUNT ABOUT SHUSKA. Making lips attractive

Perhaps using modern cosmetics, but the effect is exactly so much that we use this tool. Gels, serum, creams are necessary to maintain good tonus, restoring it requires radical measures. To do this, it is not necessary to attend the salons, to resort to the services of cosmetologists. All this can be done in, creating cleaning, nutritious, toning masks from affordable products. Forward, what needs to be taken - it is to pass medical examination and make sure that bad condition Skin is not a consequence of the disease.

Pay attention to your diet, enter as much vitamin food as possible, refuse to be acute, fatty, sweet, flour.

Analyze life situationin which you are. Stresses, constant irritation, sense of dissatisfaction and psychological discomfort are destructive for the skin. If nothing is impossible to change, try to change your attitude towards it and to yourself. Care own person and body and then noticeable result, I am very promoted and improved self-esteem, and a good mood.

Water, moisture skin is needed. Strong coffee, black tea should be replaced fresh juice, green tea, usual drinking water. In the morning you can cool a glass of cool boiled water With lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Ice cube from frozen juice parsley, lemon or cranberries very tremble and you and your skin. Ice wrap in a napkin not to injure skin sharp edges.

The tone is very raised, the toury of the skin of the whole body is swimming, but if there is no such possibility made in the morning exercises from the Arsenal Pilates or aerobics, and then cold and hot shower, may well replace it. To secure the effect should be applied to skin Nutrient cream, and on skin Body - special essential oils. This morning program will rather soon give results - the skin tone will increase, the complexion will become fresh.

Hand muscles with age lose their elasticity, become flabby and blame. Overweight also negatively affects appearance of this part of the body. Return the former beauty with hands with diet and special exercise.


Even tighted muscles Hands under fat deposits look unattractive. In order to get rid of excess weightIt is necessary to reduce the rate of calorie consumed. Calculation must be made, taking into account physical exertion, as well as such physical parameterslike your height, weight, gender and age. On the Internet there are many online services, where you can with maximum accuracy calculate daily rate Calories for weight loss. Pay more attention to the quality of products, avoid flour, sweet and fat.

Exercise stressprerequisite In bringing the muscles of the hands into the tone. In addition to the obvious benefit for muscle tissues, physical exercises Improve the metabolism, reduce fat deposits, have a beneficial effect on the skin of the skin and struggle with cellulite. For hands is useful and Bras, a game of volleyball, rowing on a kayak and a special simulator. Very effective simple exercises like push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

In order to make hands with beautiful and tightened, it is necessary to pump three muscles of the shoulder: biceps, triceps and deltoid muscle. For classes, you will need to purchase dumbbells or weightlifiers on the wrists, whose weight should be selected, focusing on our physical training and common parameters Body. Sleeper vertically challenged You can take half-kilogram weights, and large

Healthy I. beautiful leather - The dream of many women: to save or restore her youth, elasticity and smoothness, we are solved on the most difficult, expensive and even painful procedures. Sayings like "Beauty requires victims", often repeated by amateurs radical methods Rejuvenation, bring health and beauty more harm than good. No "victims" does not require beauty, including the beauty of the skin. We must simply take care of yourself regularly and constantly: the love of your own and care about it should become a way of life, and then you will not have to talk about "victims for the sake of beauty."

- Our biggest and patient organ, is given to us not only for beauty. She, as a reliable shield, protects us from many negative impacts, which are now becoming increasingly bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc., and tirelessly cleanses the entire body from the products of life and "waste" formed from incorrect nutrition and ne. healthy image Life. And only with a normal tone can perform protective functions "perfectly well".

Normal skin tone

This is when the cells are well boiled moisture, they can hold it and get enough oxygen. Then the skin retains the normal tour, so-called intracellular pressure, promoting tissue hydration, and cell shells retain elasticity. It is very important for tone: in its presence, collagen and elastin are produced normally, moisture is held, and the intercellular communications remain durable.

It is believed that defined age, about 25 years old, its own hyaluronic acid in the body becomes less, and this leads to a decrease in skin tone. Here playing a role and hormonal backgroundBut "write off" everything only for age, as many do, it is not worthwhile: the condition of the skin is significantly worsening precisely because of the lifestyle. Skin Signs at 30-35 years is abnormal. And more often it happens if a person is due to lack motor activity, a muscular corset in general is weakened, and the dermis is stretched due to accumulating in subcutaneous layer excess fat stocks. Need to support always, and after 25 years to pay attention to this regularly, once and permanently accepting a healthy lifestyle for myself as necessary norm - It's not so difficult.

Watch out for skin moisture: do not allow its dehydration, replacing clean water tea, coffee and all sorts of sweet drinks. To drink 1.5 liters per day and support the water balance of the skin is quite possible (and with the corresponding height-weight - up to 2 l), if you start a day from two glasses of clean (not cold) water, and between the main techniques of food, when the appetite awakens ", Drink another 1-1.5 cup.

If toxins accumulate in the intestines, all natural processes are violated, including the circulation of oxygen in the tissues. Toxic substances can be absorbed, to fall into the blood and - directly - in the cells of the dermis, so it is impossible to allow stagnation in the intestines. And for this you need to eat correctly, excluding harmful products, And eat food in normal combinations without mixing several types of proteins and carbohydrates for one reception. For example, you don't have to eat pasta or fried potatoes with fatty meat (cutlets, casseroles, etc.) and dine it all with a sweet dessert or fruit. From fats the best choice - vegetable oils and products with PPGK ( sea \u200b\u200bfish, seafood, low-fat meat); butter It is better to eat in the funeral form, but at least it should be fresh and natural. Choose products where many vitamins A and C, E, D and Groups in such products are very much and they are available to everyone.

Alcohol and nicotine are the lighted enemies of health and beauty, and the skin from their exposure is destroyed very quickly: dehydrated, drained and loses the tone. This is understandable to everyone, however, it is necessary to remind: unfortunately, many women and girls consider smoking the norm, and alcohol use not only "on holidays", but also "for the company", "for discharge", etc.

Hard - always stress for the body, so it is not necessary to "urgently lose weight": it is better to maintain weight in the norm constantly. Not durable diseases and habit to carry the disease on the legs strongly "hit" on the skin: even the "ordinary" cold can turn into a variety of complications.

How to determine the skin tone: a simple test

If the tone is normal, cell shells will hold the form all the time, and after the directed influences leading to the deformations immediately return to the original state. To check it, capture your fingers on the back of the brush hand, stretch a bit and release. If the skin surface is smoothed immediately or quickly, the turgor is good - the cell membranes elastic and elastic. If the skin cannot "come into form" 5 seconds and longer - the tone is lowered, and it is necessary to take measures to restore it.

How to bring skin into tone at home (masks and creams)

Hardware cosmetology today offers many effective proceduresBut first it is better to try homework: in most cases they help beautifully. Use them in parallel with modern rejuvenating procedures is also helpful: the result of the latter will fix it and will last longer. Recipes a lot; Choose those that are suitable for your skin type.

A protein mask with oatmeal (rice) flour. The crude protein of one eggs is whipped to homogeneity with 1 tbsp. l. Flour, adding 3 drops of Fennel essential oil (roses). The peeled face is applied with a thick layer and kept until complete drying. Wash off warm water.

Mask with gelatin. Warm water (0.5 st. L.) Breaks 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and put on water bath For 30 seconds, then removed from the fire, add 1 tbsp. l. Flour and kefir are stirred and left to cool. The cooled mask is imposed on the face with a thick layer, pre-lubricating the skin with moisturizing cream. Hold 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

After 50 years, good masks with oils. Simple mask: Mixed coconut oil (15 g) Mixed with cocoa powder (10 g), add chinny pinch. The mask is held for 15-20 minutes; before applying it is washed cucumber water (Courned flesh fresh cucumber 200-300 ml of water poured for 15-20 minutes), and wash off the mask recommended decoction of the plantain. In conclusion, it is good to apply a little clean olive oil.

The home cream according to the prescription below, many are considered universal: with regular use, it returns the skin elasticity and tone. It will take sour cream high fatty (200 g), lemon juice (from whole lemon), pink water (100 ml), 3 tbsp. l. Cucumber juice, raw yolks (2 pcs.), Pharmacy vitamin E (10 drops), essential oil Lemon and Orange (Grapefruit, Bergamot, etc.) - 5 drops. The ingredients are gently and slowly mixed to homogeneity, and at the very end add alcohol so that the cream can be stored in the refrigerator to six months. Use the cream once a day: they are applied to the purified face and after a while they remove the surplus with a cosmetic napkin or disk.

Save for a long time your appeal - the desire of each woman. The main problem is to preserve the skin tone. The task is simple, subject to the rules of care.

How to save and improve skin tone

Already starting from the twenty-five-year-old age, we begin to grow old: the exchange processes in the body are slowed down, the skin tone is weakened. The process of aging the body at first passes unnoticed, and when we sometimes do not sleep, then we notice with bitterness that our skin has lost its former freshness. This fact makes many think, because it is skin covers first of all testify to the age-related changes.

Most of all this is noticeable on the face - it is here that there is a huge number of muscles, with the help of which we can take this or that expression: to express joy, sadness, admiration or anger. With frequent cuts of muscles are formed mimic wrinkles - They are characteristic of mature, as well as for very young people.

Over the years, when our body undergoes age-related changes, metabolic processes are slowed down in all organs, including in the cells of the epidermis. Wrinkles on the face are becoming deeper, the amount of them increases, skin surface Over time, dumps and saves.

This happens for many reasons, it affects:

Lack of vitamins, minerals;
Reducing the aquatic balance;
Weakening immunity.

All these factors, as well as sharp weight changes, bad habits, non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle turns negatively affect the state of our skin. In addition, the worsening environmental situation contributes to the fact that the aging of the body begins much earlier than the nature provided for by nature.
So how to resist everyone negative factors, Save your youth, supporting the skin in the desired tone?

Concept of tone and age-related changes

To begin with, let's deal with what exactly depends on healthy condition Our skin.
Skin covers are a reliable barrier against penetration into the body of pathogenic bacteria, microbes, and this is a shell that protects our body from negative impact external environment. In addition to protective, it is entrusted with sanitary duties - through skin pores There is an excessive moisture, rich in toxic substances formed in the process of life. However, only a healthy dermal (medium skin layer) can be qualitatively performing its functions with good tone.

The tone is considered normal when:

Derma cells are well moistened, retain the ability to hydration (attaching and holding water molecules);
Intracellular pressure is maintained - the turgor - the controlling hydrobalance of the cell;
The dermis is sufficiently supplied with oxygen, retains its elasticity.

Skin health, its tone is maintained largely due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in cells.

It is she:

Provides the synthesis of the necessary cells of collagen and elastin;
Hold moisture in cells;
Reliable intercellular connections.

However, after reaching the body of complete genericness, the processes of formation of natural hyalurons slow down:

The synthesis of the necessary proteins is reduced;
The intercellular grid is weakened;
Falling the moisture content in cells.

Dehydrated cells decrease in volumes, and this leads to a decrease in their elasticity. It is notemly remember about a hormonal background, because the age imbalance of hormones in the body has bad influence And on the turgor of the skin.

Age factors are aggravated incorrectly Life is a lack of motor activity modern man leads to weakening it muscular Corset. Now he is not able to hold the outdoor skin layers - their sagging occurs. The formation of an unnecessary amount of fat in the subcutaneous layer leads to excessive stretching of the dermis, which also negatively affects its condition.

How to determine the condition of the dermis and increase its tone

Since we cannot completely eliminate the age-related changes occurring in human organism, should be resorted to additional measures In order to return the original skin tone.

1. Determination of the state of the turgora

If you are expressed by a medical language, then the tour is the ability of the cell membranes of the dermis to hold the form in constant voltage. Simply put, this is the elasticity of the skin, their fullness, the ability to hold their original condition with minor deformations.
In order to determine whether your skin is normal, pull it out on the surface of the brush hand, then release. Immediately disclazy the surface testifies to a good turgore, and if it took more than five seconds for full leveling - it's time to take measures to bring it a tone.

2. Several skin tone maintenance tips

Already starting from the twenty-five years, it is necessary to think about maintaining the skin of the face and body in the necessary tone.

This can be achieved by observing not quite complex rules:

Start the day with a glass of warm clean water. It will wake up your digestive systemwill improve her work. During the day, an adult should drink at least one and a half liters of water, it will help maintain the water balance and maintain the moisturity of the dermis;
Observe the power mode, do not allow congestive phenomena in the intestine. The state of the dermis directly depends on the processes occurring there. Excessively accumulated toxins disrupt metabolic processes, prevent the circulation of oxygen in the tissues;
Eat more seafood rich in fatty omega-acid fish, as well as meat of non-fat varieties;
Give preference to dishes where vitamins A, C, E, D are greens, carrots, coarse, cabbage, nuts, avocado, poultry meat, tomatoes;
Alcohol, nicotine deplete the oxygen content in cells, dehydrated and dry them. Therefore, taking care of the skin tone, you should refuse to drink alcohol and tobacco and reduce them to a minimum;
Sports helps support physical shape, body muscle tone, and, therefore, the skin;
Do not experience the body "for strength" by a sharp set or loss of body weight - Site gradually, do not chase for the maximum fast results;
Regularly take care of yourself, not forgetting about water procedures, cosmeticsas well as home recipes;
Watch your health, do not run diseases - each of them adversely affects the skin condition.

Cosmetic techniques for increasing body tone and body

As already mentioned, water and water treatments Have a significant impact on the state of a person. This is a daily amount of liquid's daily fluid; Contrast shower with toning effect; And also rubbing the face with ice cubes from clean water or herbal infusions.

However, we should not forget that everything needs to be done in moderation:

With patients with kidneys excessive use water is contraindicated
The temperature of the contrasting shower must be as gentle as possible, so as not to cause excessive stress sharp drops;
In the presence of the surface of the blood vessel close to the surface, the face of ice cubes can cause a manifestation of cooper.

Therefore, by taking a decision on the training of vessels, first consult a doctor, perhaps he will appoint you to undergo a course of treatment.
Cosmetology today has a large arsenal of funds to increase the skin tone, as well as to solve several related problems - this is the presence of hyperpigmentation, vascular stars, nets on the face, mimic wrinkles and much more.

Among the most famous, the most popular cosmetic procedures are mesotherapy, microtonal impact, peeling, ozone therapy.

Mesotherapy. This is perhaps the most an effective way Enhance the tone of the person. It is based on the introduction in problem zones intradermal injections with microscopic content active substancesenriched hyaluronic acid. Their action has a stimulating effect to improve the exchange and regenerating processes of the dermis cells.

Hardware therapy. Leather fabrics and subcutaneous layers are studied throughout the depth, as a result of which fat deposits decrease, metabolic processes are stimulated, it turns out to be a fascinating effect on soft tissues.

Microcurrents. Under their influence in the tissues of the dermis, the drainage of lymph is enhanced, the formation of collagen and elastin, forming intercellular grids, which give the skin elasticity and elasticity are stimulated.

Among the popularity of procedures to help restore the skin tone is the body wrapping with drugs containing algae - fusa and laminarium. Wraps help to increase skin tone, get rid of stretch marks and unnecessary volumes.

Professional face and body massage. No device can replace human hands. A competent specialist will select the optimal type of massage. In addition, this is one of the most pleasant procedures. With the help of massage, you can relax, relax, restore psycho - emotional balance.

To achieve mature age when salon treatments become ineffective, the most radical way is applied - plastic surgery. but surgical intervention It has a number of contraindications, it does not always contribute to the return of beauty and youth. Therefore, this method should be resorted only in extreme cases using the services experienced specialisthaving only positive reviews About the results of their work.

Deciding on the application of this or that cosmetology procedureEvaluate everything possible risksBy choosing for yourself the most acceptable option.

How to return the youth of the skin of the face and body at home

Taking a shower, do not forget about massage procedures - thoroughly obscure all parts of the body, especially problem zones, using anti-cellulite washcloths. The effect will strengthen the subsequent absorption into the skin of the oil compositions based on the basic and one of aromatic oils - Eucalyptus, lavender, grapefruit. Regular application of this procedure for a month will allow you to get an amazing effect - smooth, elastic skin without stretch marks.

Cryoissage at home can be done using chamomile bears, parsley, melissa, sage. However, do not resort to this procedure when thin skin Or closely located vessels.

Baths with the addition of milk, honey and rose oil can be done at home. To do this, heat one liter of milk, add 200 grams of liquid honey and rose oil. You can replace the expensive oil by cooking it yourself - a glass of dry pink petals Fill to the top with peeled vegetable oil, stirrate, then heated the mixture on a water bath of one and a half - two hours. Fluenzed oil (two tablespoons) Add to a milky honey mixture, and store residues in the refrigerator until next time. Warm bath with such a composition must be taken no more than 25 minutes. Also, maminating a gauze napkin in this mixture, you can make a face mask, without forgetting after washing off, apply nutrient cream on the skin.

In order to increase the elasticity of the skin, you can use for baths or masks of avocado oil, sesame, shi, jasmine, cornflower. Mask from fresh pulp Avocado at home perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the skin, and besides, helps to struggle with inflammatory processes, dry, peeling. Oils of listed plants can be added to favorite creams, tonic or gels.

For regular use Oils or drugs based on them the effect of improving the skin tone and body will come in a few weeks.

In order to achieve sustainable results, cosmetic procedures By nutrition, skin moisturizing at home should be carried out at least once a week.

When it comes to tone of the skin, then the presence of several factors is meant. These include turgors, moisture and elasticity. Not every person has a tone supported on the same high level Even in youth, and adulthood The decline in this indicator is considered natural process aging. And nevertheless to increase, improve the skin tone is quite real. Often good results It is possible to achieve at home.

Read in this article

What affects skin tone

To determine the testimony in question, doctors take into account three important factors:

  • the degree of moisturizing of the skin - in medicine the concept sounds like "hydration" and means the level of the fortress of the addition of water molecules;
  • the tour is the pressure inside each cell, which is regulated by water balance;
  • elasticity - its level depends on how fully the skin is saturated with oxygen.

Often, when determining the tone of the skin, hormonal background is taken into account: if it is broken due to the aging of the body or various diseases endocrine systemThis is immediately reflected in the appearance. skin cover.

Why leather body loses moisture, elasticity

The problem of lowering the skin tone begins to manifest themselves especially brightly at the age of 30 years and older is the period when it is necessary to take various caring procedures especially actively and competently. The causes of the loss of moisture and elasticity can be pathology, for example, dermatological diseases, lack of vitamins, hormonal imbalance other.

If we consider the most frequent reasons Reducing the tone of the skin, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  • reducing the ability of self-healing cells of the skin;
  • the use of too aggressive, poor-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • insufficient moistening, to which a drinking regime disruptive can cause;
  • violation of metabolic processes directly in the skin.

The decrease in the tone is often associated with the lack of regular caring procedures. For example, optimal humidification can be achieved by the usual night cream, and the elasticity is returned by massages and nutritional masks.

How to return the attractiveness at home

Increase skin tone with the most different procedureswhich are conducted in the beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. To achieve the goal, specialists use and professional cosmetics, I. special equipment. But it is quite realistic to achieve good results and at home. Masks, wraps and other procedures will be no less effective than those conducted in specialized institutions.

Restoration with vitamins

The optimal option will be the use of nutritional creams twice a day - 20 minutes before the exit to the street in the morning and in an hour and a half until night rest. Cosmetologists are recommended before applying such a fund to wash and not wipe the face, since water is an excellent "conductor" of all useful substances In the deep layers of sebum. Nutritional cream They are applied on the skin a sufficient thick layer, and after half an hour, the excess is removed with a cotton swab or a napkin.

If preference is given natural means, It is worth paying attention to such recipes for waters rich in vitamins:

  • From cottage cheese. 2 teaspoons of the milk product need to be connected with the same amount of welding of green tea and stir everything thoroughly (there should not be lumps and grains in the mass). It is then added half a teaspoon of the zesto of any citrus and as much fish fat. Ready tool applied on the face with a thick layer, it remains there for 20 minutes and then washed off warm water.
  • From orange. It will take juice from half citrus, which add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and half a tablespoon of honey. Everyone is thoroughly mixed, the finished mass is applied in several layers on the skin of the face and neck. The time of the procedure is to complete the mask drying, then it is washed off with warm water.
  • From potatoes. You need to cook one root "in the uniform", then clean it and smash it in the puree. Yolk is added to it chicken egg And some milk. At the exit, it should be homogeneous, a ridiculous mass. A mask on the face in a warm form is applied, it remains there for 15 minutes and is washed off with warm water. Potato mask Hashes dry and sensitive skinthat automatically increases its elasticity.
  • Infusion of elder. IN ceramic dishes 2 tablespoons of influenza fetus are mixed (sold in pharmacies), 2 tablespoons crushed into powder oatmeal and 100 ml of warm milk. The prepared mass must be drilled in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cool and in warm form to apply on the skin. The time of the procedure is 20 minutes, after which the face is washed off at first warm, then cold water.
  • From melon. This fruit is so rich in vitamins that something is completely optional to it. In the season, the harvest melon needs to take her pulp, chop in mashed potatoes and simply decompose on the face with a thick layer for 20 - 30 minutes. This fruit will increase the tone even mature, with age-related changes Skin.
  • From apple. It is perfect for fat type Skin. You can prepare from 1 to 2 medium-sized apples, grated on fine grater, and 1 chicken egg protein whipped into a stable foam.
  • From carrots. This recipe - optimal solution For dry skin. You need to grasp 2 medium carrots in the cheese, mix with a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. You need to consider one nuance: this mask can paint the skin, make it darker.

Of course, the result can be seen without after the first procedure, but regular use vitamin masks In any case, gives a positive effect.

About how at home to prepare a face mask tightening skin, see this video:

Wrapping for taut skin

For such procedures, it is necessary to use products with pepper, based on plant extracts and fermented milk products. Wraps are held no more than 2 times a week and require preparatory stage. It consists in careful sprinkling of the skin, which can be done under the jets of the hot soul or in the bathroom, bath, sauna.

Basic rules for conducting wraps for taut skin:

  • acid product (kefir or sour cream) must be applied to the surface of the selected body section with a thick layer;
  • if the cream with pepper is chosen as a means, then it is, on the contrary, is used in minimum quantities;
  • the food film must fit tightly to the body, but not to drag it - a circulation of blood circulation can occur in small and medium vessels;
  • it is impossible to do wraps to increase the skin tone to people with varicose extension veins.


it controversial momentsince not all doctors confirm the efficiency of oils in solving the problem low tone Skin. Yes, plant maximum moisturize the skin, they also have a nutritional effect. But it is unlikely that they can get skin with vitamins and strengthen its muscle fibers or enhance the production of own collagen and elastin.

Nevertheless, use oils in daily care Behind the skin of the face and body can be safe. They apply them to a pre-cleaned surface, withstand 10 - 15 minutes, the excess is removed with a napkin or a cotton swab. Cosmetologists are recommended to conduct this procedure in the evening, per hour and a half before night rest.

Water mode and nutrition

Highly important moment In restoring skin tone! Drinking mode It is to use one and a half liters of pure water every day. And notice, this is the minimum amount! The more fluid will be drunk, the faster and fully will be put out of the body toxins and slags, and the stronger the skin moisturizes.

Mechanical impact

It is understood by the contrast shower and massage. Such procedures should be done at least twice a week - and literally after a couple of months it will be possible to notice improvements. It is done only after the body is completely purified from dust and dirt. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, during which every 10 seconds it is necessary to change the water temperature - from cold to hot.

Massage is performed on the face of the fingertips, some special efforts It is not necessary to apply it, because there is always the risk of formation of the lungs, but very unsightly bruises. Greater efficiency can be achieved when conducting massage with vegetable oils or nutritional creams.

Skin tone is a purely individual indicator, but it can always be improved. It suffices to comply with the recommendations of cosmetologists and dermatologists, use a complex approach To solve the problem.

Useful video

About the massage to increase the skin tone, see this video:

All women without exception concerns the issue of beauty and aesthetic appeal. But years, ecology, tense lifestyle, lack physical activity Take your own. The first wrinkles appear on the face, and the muscles of the face lose the tone. And then it is necessary at all by irreparable: oval faces "crawling" down, and mimic wrinkles and feces attack the skin of the face, turning into deep ugly folds.

Homemade methods

Facebilding system

Once a young plastic surgeon created for his lover to not only her body remained young and taut, but also face. Later, the system became popular thanks to Carol Madjio and her book with a complex of exercises that blown up the world.

Principle of operation of the system

Muscles of the face, like the bodies need training. It is not enough to simply smile and breed the face of the child to save and give the skin blooming view. Need more serious loads. This is especially true of the zone of the nasolabial triangle, cheekbones, neck and chin.

Tip! Before each training, heals the face muscles. Walk in stroking movements massage lines, Sorry to the mirror, in order to heat the muscles.

Effective exercises:

  1. Inflate your cheeks, and then slowly roll the air to the right left. Perform an exercise 30 times. In the process you can do for a few minutes, since the exercise is very complex.
  2. Inflate cheeks again, but now move the air in a circle. Each time you rinse the air for a few seconds. The number of repetitions is the former.
  3. To get rid of the second chin and declarations in the neck area regularly perform such an exercise. Slightly open your mouth and tighten your head back. Now close your mouth, feeling how the chin is strained, and go back to the original position. Repeat the exercise 40-50 times.
  4. Index fingers Secure the corners of the lips. Try to push the bottom of the jaw ahead and, counting up to 10 relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

About results and changes

Women are most interested in terms for which they can solemnly admire themselves in the mirror. This is not only about, but also to face exercises.

Tangible FaceBilding Efficiency All regularly involved women celebrate one or two months later. But the first results are manifested in 10-14 days: the skin is supplied with blood, and therefore acquires light natural The blush, increases and gradually disappear "chances" caused by harmful mimic habits. Which of the women does not like to smile at the corners of the mouth, bite lips from annoyance or pleasure, wrinkle forehead in desperate attempts to remember something?


At home you can pamper your skin classic massage. To conduct a massage session, you need to clean the skin and prepare fat cream or oil (in addition to olive, our "native" sunflower is suitable).

It is always necessary to move along massage lines (this is the most rule and to apply the cream, night serum). Move from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the corners of the mouth to the urine of the ear, from interior corners Eye to external (in a circle). All movements must be gentle stroking. The only zone where you can apply tapping movements (the outer part of the hand) is the chin area.

If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions -. As a rule, to notice the result you need to pass 10 massage sessions. IN massage Salon You can offer a few more massages:

  • plastic;
  • massage Jack (implied deep impact). Massage implies tweaks and pressure.
  • Daily wipe the skin of the face with ice cubes from frozen herbs, if you are not prone to Cooperose. The cooling procedure improves and gives healthy color Persons. Ice cubes are excellent prevention from the formation of mimic wrinkles.
  • Applying cream on the face, drive it into the skin with the pads of the fingers, and not discharge, thereby stretching the skin.
  • After washing, you should not rub your face with a towel. Just blot it, allowing the skin to dry yourself.

Cosmetology procedures:

Procedure microtonal therapy It implies the impact on the skin of weak pulses with a low frequency. This procedure Improves metabolic processes, muscle tone and promotes rapid upgrade and skin regeneration. Microcurrent therapy has a bright effect.

Ultrasound therapy affects the body with ultrasonic waves. The procedure improves the production of natural collagen, which can not positively affect general and tone skin.

Procedures are recommended for fading skin, prone to age-related pigmentation, with faithful or more. After 5-10 sessions (depending on the initial skin condition), the face is becoming more younger, the skin of the face is more elastic, and the focus is clearer.


It is worth noting that each method has a number of its followers. Someone is ready to spend money on a visit to the beautician. And someone is enough to overcome your laziness and perform exercises for tonus muscles at home. You decide!