Color therapy in our life. Russian folk proverb. Cyan and blue

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" Firefly "

Location: Republic of Tatarstan, Mendeleevsk

Purpose: to acquaint teachers with experience in conducting and organizing activities with preschoolers using elements of art therapy.

1. To teach teachers to promote self-knowledge of the child, awareness of their characteristics and preferences;

2. To teach the child to develop social and communication skills of behavior, mental and speech activity, fine motor skills;

3. Form adequate self-esteem.

Work plan.

1. The urgency of the problem.

2. Types of art therapy for preschoolers.

3. Brief description of the elements of art therapy. (Fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, isotherapy, color therapy, water therapy, music therapy, game therapy.)

4.Practical part: a master class on the use of elements of art therapy in working with preschoolers.

At present, teachers of preschool educational institutions are on the threshold of a new era in the history of the Russian preschool education. At this stage, the content of preschool education is being revised

It is a well known fact that speech disorders in preschool children, is not exclusively a speech therapy problem. Speech disorders limit the cognitive abilities of children. Simultaneously with the speech sphere, the emotional and sensory-perceptual sphere of the child suffers. Children in this group have extremely low performance. Working with these children conventional methods and methods, does not always give effective results. Therefore, it is necessary to use new technologies that simultaneously ensure the cognitive development of children and stimulate their speech activity. In my opinion, art therapy is such a technology that carries special correctional and developmental opportunities. Having become acquainted with the methodological literature, Internet materials on this topic, I often use elements of art therapy varieties in my work with preschoolers.

Art therapy is an interdisciplinary approach that combines various fields of knowledge - psychology, pedagogy, medicine, etc. There are advantages that make it highly competitive:

  • Firstly, it is that the art therapy environment is psychologically safe, non-judgmental, free.
  • Secondly, the product of the child's creativity makes it possible to give a retrospective assessment, to trace the dynamics of development.
  • Thirdly, art therapy creates opportunities to realize one's own value. It is also important that art therapy is a means non-verbal communication. This makes it especially valuable for those who do not speak well enough, who find it difficult to express their thoughts in words;

Almost every child can participate in art therapy work, which does not require any visual abilities or artistic skills. In addition, the products of fine art are an objective evidence of the moods and thoughts of a preschooler, which allows them to be used as diagnostics. Art therapy allows you to know yourself and the world. In most cases, art therapy work evokes positive emotions in children, helps to overcome passivity and lack of initiative, to form a more active life position. A by-product of art therapy is the satisfaction that comes from discovering hidden skills and their development.

Art therapy techniques are used for a fairly wide range of problems. Main tasks in working with children are:

  • The development of cognitive-speech activity through the use of art therapy.
  • Using the resources of fairy tale therapy for development, for solving a number of problems: training, education, personality development, speech correction, behavior.
  • Expanding the horizons of children, instilling love for cultural heritage through music, painting, poetry.
  • Stimulation of creativity, originality of thinking.
  • Development of self-confidence.
  • Harmonization of the emotional state.
  • Contribute to the development of the children's team.

2.Views art therapy for preschoolers:

  • isotherapy
  • color therapy
  • sand therapy
  • Phototherapy
  • Game therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Vocal therapy
  • fairy tale therapy
  • Dance Movement Therapy

It is important that art therapy does not require special training. Interaction with children through art therapy is very fruitful and interesting. GCD are built on a game plot, where children perform certain tasks of the teacher. This wonderful form allows you to include a number of speech games, exercises, tasks for speech correction. In addition, it allows you to attract and interest inactive children, increase the index of positive well-being and psychological comfort. Using art therapy in the course of directly educational activities I strive for the child to be an active participant pedagogical process rather than a passive listener.

In your work, you can use the following elements of art therapy:

fairy tale therapy. Tales in pedagogical work have been used for a long time. The use of a fairy tale in preschool age contributes to the targeted development of the speech sphere. In a fascinating form and understandable words, the fairy tale shows the child the surrounding life, people, their actions and destinies, shows what this or that action of the hero leads to. This unique opportunity to survive, "lose" life situations without harming one's own life and destiny puts the fairy tale on a par with the most effective ways educational and educational work with children.

Sand therapy. Sand - lovely material to work with children of all ages. Its use for corrective purposes is far from new. With great interest, children participate in the tasks of the teacher in the "Jungian sandbox" with various fillers (sand, semolina, buckwheat, rice, small toys). Its use develops fine motor skills, allows you to consolidate the speech skills of children. Children with great pleasure draw, build, depict traces of animals in the sandbox, plots of stories, objects for given sounds and at the same time accompany their actions with speech.

Color therapy. Teachers need to have basic information about color therapy and use this knowledge in the educational process. The method of immersion in a certain color is currently actively used in practice. work of preschool educational institution. With inactive, passive children, educators use red, orange, or yellow to activate tasks. These are color photographs, tasks with color chips, etc. Hyperactive children are offered exercises with cool shades of color: blue, blue or green. Tasks with color help develop attention and concentration in children.

water therapy. Water is the first and favorite object for research by all children. The first substance that a child is happy to get acquainted with is water. She gives the child pleasant sensations, develops various receptors, provides almost unlimited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity. The value of technology lies in the fact that Playing with water is one of the most enjoyable ways to learn. This makes it possible to use this technology for cognitive, speech development, enrichment of the emotional experience of the child, with difficulties with adaptation.

Music therapy- one of the methods that strengthens the health of children, gives children pleasure. Music contributes to the development of creativity, imagination. The melody is especially effective for our hyperactive children, increases interest in the world around us, and contributes to the development of the child's culture. Music therapy is a method of psycho-corrective influence on a person, based on the ability to influence music on emotional, volitional, intellectual and personal development.

Game therapy– impact on children with the use of games. The game has strong influence on the development of the child's personality, contributes to the development of communication, communication, the creation of close relationships, increases self-esteem. The game is formed arbitrary behavior child, his socialization.

Practical part:

Educator: Today I want to bring to your attention a few games that will help you not only feel like a child, but learn to be yourself, understand the feelings of others and use emotions as a means of communication.

So, imagine that you are children - preschoolers ...

  1. Exercise "Greeting hands."

Educator: I suggest you say hello in an unusual way - with your palm (teachers stand in a circle and touch each other with their palms). Let's connect our palms with the palms of a neighbor and affectionately say: "Hello!" (you can also greet with little fingers).

222222. Exercise.2. Exercise"Deers".

Educator: Please stand in two circles - inner and outer, stand facing each other. Rub your right ear against your partner's right ear, then rub your left against your left, stomp your feet. After that, the outer circle should shift by one person. And so on until everyone greets each other.

3. Exercise "Candle".

Educator: Now you need to stand in one circle and imagine that I have a candle in my hands. See how her flame sways, how beautiful it is. Now we will pass the candle to each other, feel the warmth that comes from it. Take a little warmth for yourself, turn to your neighbor to your right and, looking at him, smile and say: "I'm glad to see you"

4. Exercise "Lottery" (play therapy)

Educator: I want to bring to your attention the following exercise. Before you is a magic chest, it contains a surprise. Each participant in turn takes out a note with a task, reads it out and completes it.

  • guess the riddle, (does not bark, does not bite, but does not let into the house)
  • tell a poem
  • compliment the neighbor on the right,
  • say the tongue twister "Mom washed Mila with soap",
  • sing a verse from any song,
  • walk the hall like a model.

5. Exercise "Kind animal"

Educator: Let's join hands and imagine that we are one animal. Let's listen to his breath. Let's all breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out again. Very well, and now let's hear how his heart beats. Knock - let's take a step forward, knock - step back. And once again tuk - a step forward, tuk - a step back. The animal breathes very evenly, calmly. You and I must take a deep breath, and then exhale loudly and energetically pronounce the sounds:

"A" - has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

"E" - affects the thyroid gland.

"And" - affects the brain, eyes, nose and ears.

"O" - affects the heart and lungs.

"U" - affects the organs located in the abdomen.

"I", "M" - affects the work of the whole organism.

"X" - helps to cleanse the body.

"HA" - helps to improve mood.

6. Exercise "Fairy tale in a circle"

Educator: You and I have to do a very interesting exercise. It is called "A fairy tale in a circle." I will start the story, then my neighbor on the right will continue it and will compose until I say: "Next." Then the next player will continue the story.

7. Exercise "Applause to each other"

Educator: Today we have worked fruitfully, now I want to relieve your stress and fatigue, thank you for your work. Let's sit down with you right on the floor and we will applaud with our hands. But not just to applaud, but to invite with a glance to the beginning of the applause. Whoever I look at starts clapping, then he, in turn, invites the next participant to applause, and so on.

At the end of the exercise, all participants in our seminar should clap.

8. Exercise "Ritual of farewell"

Educator: And I propose to say goodbye to the participants of the seminar as follows. I extend my right palm forward, and each participant should extend their palm in turn and place it on top of the palms of their friends. When the last palm is laid, we will all say together with you: “Goodbye!”


  1. Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in work with children St. Petersburg. Speech. 2006
  2. Kopytin A.I., Kort B.V., Techniques of body-oriented art therapy. M. "Psychotherapy". 2011.
  3. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. Yarslavl. Academy of Development. 1996
  4. Materials of Internet resources.
  5. Khukhlaeva O.V., Khukhlaev O.E., Pervushina I.M. Paths to your I. M. Genesis. 2004.

The proposed scientific and methodological manual is the quintessence of E. Tararinon's ten-year experience in the field of practical art therapy. It contains a system of exercises, tests, and practices that are effective for developing the psychological culture of people and improving their psychological health through the use of the potential of various types of art.

A series: Art Therapist Library

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by the LitRes company.


Isotherapy is one of the most developed areas of art therapy, which involves the use of visual means and opportunities for personal development. Isotherapy includes different areas of activity: drawing, color therapy, drawing projective diagnostics and others.

Isotherapy is a therapy with fine arts, first of all, with drawing. It is used for the psychological correction of clients with neurotic, psychosomatic disorders, children and adolescents with learning difficulties and social adaptation in intra-family conflicts. The use of isotherapy in medicine is due to therapeutic and rehabilitation tasks, and in psychology, to a greater extent, to corrective and preventive ones. Isotherapy gives positive results in working with children various problems: mental retardation, speech difficulties, hearing impairment, mental retardation, with autism, where verbal contact is difficult. Drawing is especially useful when working with people who are angry or reluctant. Anyone who has problems with verbalization receives a means of communication that does not require words. At the same time, people who are overwhelmed with anger, fearing that they will not be able to control their anger, thanks to the drawing, can be discharged without fear of consequences.

The positive impact of fine art on a person was analyzed by domestic and foreign scientists (A. V. Zaporozhets, E. I. Ignatiev, V. S. Kuzin, B. M. Yemensky, N. I. Sakulina, B. Jefferson, E. Kramer, V. Lounfeld, W. Lambert and others). Psychoanalytic theories had a great influence on the ideas of such art therapists as M. Namburg, E. Kramer, I. Champerton and served theoretical justification the positive impact of artistic creativity on the emotional sphere. Carl Jung believed that imagination and creativity in themselves have healing power. A significant contribution to modern foreign and domestic isotherapy was made by V. E. Folke, T. V. Keller, R. B. Khaikin, M. E. Bruno and others. O. A. Kabanova was engaged in drawing therapy with children.

Isotherapy is a very environmentally friendly method of therapy and is suitable for most people. There are, however, a few exceptions that must be taken into account. For example, the characteristics of patients who are very afraid of information coming from their drawings, or people with very weak ego boundaries. In this latter case, the therapist must ensure safety and interpret only the facts that the patient's weak self can bear.

Visual creativity allows the client to feel and understand himself, freely express his thoughts and feelings, be himself, freely express dreams and hopes, and also free himself from negative experiences of the past. After all, this is not only a reflection in the minds of clients of the surrounding and social reality, but also its modeling, an expression of attitude towards it. Drawing develops sensory-motor coordination, in addition, it participates in the coordination of interhemispheric relationships. Being directly associated with the most important functions (vision, motor coordination, speech, thinking), drawing not only contributes to the development of each of these functions, but also links them together. Isotherapy uses the process of creating images as a tool for achieving goals.

Isotherapeutic work involves the use of various visual materials:

1) paints, pencils, wax crayons, pastels;

2) drawing paper different forms atov and shades, cardboard;

3) brushes of different sizes, sponges for painting large spaces.

Aquatype technique (modified by E. Tararina)

Target: development emotional intelligence and activation of the creative resource.


✓ development of abilities for self-expression;

✓ removal of internal control;

✓ development creative imagination, reflections.

Inventory: sheet AZ, paints, gouache, glass 5x5 cm, brushes of different sizes, wet and dry wipes, a jar of water.

Working hours: 40–60 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 10 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Determination of the request and task: formulate the question to which you would like to receive an answer as a result of this work.

Main part

1. Creating color spots on a sheet of paper using glass and paints.

Put some paint on the glass different colors, flip the glass onto the paper so that it leaves spots of various shapes and sizes.

Perform the action until the sheet is completely filled with colored spots.

2. Search for images.

Among the painted spots in color forms and white spaces, find as many as possible different images and outline their outlines with a darker color. It is important to find the maximum possible number of such images.

3. Make up a story from the images found (5–7 sentences).

4. Presentation of work.

Give answers to the questions:

What would you name your work?

What color dominates the work, how can you explain this?

What images did you find? Read the story you have written.

What current situation in your life is this story about?

What feelings did you experience while working?

How often and in what areas of your life do you experience such states?

Do you manage to combine control over the situation and the ability to trust the world in your life?

What significant skill, resource, skill would you like to transfer from your work to your life? How to do it in reality?

Conclusions. Aquatype provides an excellent opportunity to relax the psyche and body, immerses a person in a creative state, allows you to correct accumulated complex emotions and replenish resources.

Technique "Gesture drawing on the floor with a journey through the labyrinth" (author E. Tararina)

Target: identification of the main resources of personal development at the moment; search for self-improvement resources.


✓ develop emotional intelligence, sensuality, "I" unconscious;

✓ to develop the skill of reflection of one's own emotional states.

Inventory: 2 meters of wallpaper, brushes, paints, a jar of water, 7 sheets of paper (A5), two simple pencils.

Working hours: 60–80 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 16 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Every person is pleased when he can move in the direction he wants, and at the speed he wants.

Instruction. Clients sit in the middle of a sheet of paper taped to the floor and place two pencils side by side. They close their eyes and for several minutes explore their inner sensory space for current and significant needs at the moment. Then the client is invited to take simple pencils in both hands and start drawing to calm music without taking his hands off the paper. You should draw in different positions, trying to fill the entire space of the paper with drawings. It is important to relax, listen to your hands and make those movements, the impulses of which originate in the body.

After completing the gesture drawing, the client is asked to write an essay: “What significant needs guided me when interacting with paper? What qualities did I manage to show in this?

The story is read aloud to the partner or group at the request of the client. Upon completion, the client is asked to draw seven drawings on A5 paper: "Birth"; "Support"; "Block"; "The change"; "Strength of the family"; "Parents"; "Return to yourself".

With the help of these drawings, participants create a maze:

Lay out seven mini drawings on the wallpaper where the gesture drawing took place;

The sequence of unfolding the drawings is determined by the personal desire of the client;

As you walk through the maze, you must step on each of the symbols and say, "I'm going through... and I want to...". You can't go back! Turning around is possible. It is impossible to shift pictures when the movement has already begun.

When the labyrinth is completed, the client is invited to write an essay about the feelings and experiences that accompanied him during his journey through the labyrinth, about what thoughts, realizations, ideas came to him at that time.

Conclusions. Gesture drawing technique helps to remove internal control mechanisms, develop spontaneity of actions and feelings, creative vision of events.

Technique "Living House" by N. Kedrova (modification by E. Tararina)

Target: diagnostics of the client's subjective perception of the psychological space of family relations.


✓ identification of prospects for consulting work;

✓ determination of the role of close people in the client's environment;

✓ clarification in the mind of the client of his real relationship with loved ones;

✓ Identification of a conflict situation in the family.


Working hours: 15–25 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 5 years onwards.

Work algorithm

Introduction. In writing (orally) list the people with whom you live together under the same roof.

Main part

Write (name) the names of 7-8 people from among your relatives, friends who influence your development at the moment.

On an A4 sheet, draw with a simple pencil a village house, which must have a foundation, walls, windows, roof, attic, chimney, doors, threshold.

Assign each part of the house the name of a specific person, starting with yourself. Directly on the picture, write which of the people you indicated can be the roof, who can be the windows, walls, etc.

Discuss possible interpretations of the work with the client.

Possible interpretations:

foundation- in the meaning of "+": the main material and spiritual "provider" of the family, the one on whom everything rests; in the meaning of "-": a person who is under pressure from everyone;

walls- a person who is directly responsible for the emotional state of the family and the author of the drawing;

window- the future, people from whom the family expects something, on whom it has hopes (it is normal when windows are associated with children);

roof- a person in the family who pities and protects the client, creates a sense of security, or the client would like to receive this from him;

attic- symbolizes secret relationship, as well as the desire of the client to have a more trusting relationship with this person. The attic can also denote a person with whom the client has developed relationships in the past, but is less active at the moment;

pipe- a person from whom the client receives or would like to receive special care, support. It can also be interpreted as a symbolic designation of a person who helps to “let off steam”, regulate emotions;

doors- informational portal; one who teaches to build relationships with the world; the one from whom the client learns to interact with other people;

threshold- a person with whom the client associates the possibility of communication in the future.

Conclusions. The technique allows for a fairly short time to determine the role of each family member in the life of the client, as well as to understand what role he assigns to himself in his family system.

Technique "Breakfast - lunch - dinner" A. Kokorenko (modified by E. Tararina)

Target: diagnosis and correction of a person's perception of himself surrounded by other people.


✓ stabilization of self-esteem;

✓ development of emotional and social intelligence;

✓ acceptance of one's own resource and problematic aspects of the personality.

Inventory: brushes, paints, a jar of water, a white sheet of paper (A1).

Working hours: 40–45 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 10 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Participants need to unite in groups of five to seven people. The trainer asks the groups to choose what they will draw: breakfast, lunch or dinner. When the choice is made, more specific instructions are given.

Main part

Once the groups have chosen topics for drawing, the participants do not have the right to discuss, confer through verbal and other means about who, what and where will draw.

Exercise: each participant needs to present themselves in the form of a dish for breakfast (lunch or dinner). Time to work - 15-20 minutes.

After the work is completed, the discussion usually begins with the emotional response of the group as a whole, and then the individual work of each is analyzed.

Suggested questions:

What is this dish? What is it? How long has it been prepared? How long did it take to prepare?

How often should this product appear on the table?

Is this dish familiar to our culture or does it belong to exotic cuisines?

How is it presented when submitted?

Is it the first, second or third course?

What temperature and aesthetic characteristics does the dish have?

Where is it on the table?

How does a dish “feel” when surrounded by other dishes?

For whom was it prepared?

Conclusions. The technique allows you to see the sociometric section of the group; trace the nature of a person's relationship to himself and the perception of himself in a group; draws attention to what role the person chooses for himself in the group.

Target Map technique by T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva (modified by E. Tararina)

Target: diagnostics of the client's subjective perception of their own goal-setting strategies.


✓ identification of the client's goal-setting strategy;

✓ determination of the emotional background that accompanies the client's progress towards the goal;

✓ clarification in the mind of the client of possible options for optimizing the strategy for choosing a goal and moving towards it while saving the resource.

Inventory: sheet of paper (A4), colored pencils, pencil, pen.

Working hours: 25–35 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 8 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. You have an exciting journey on a magical map.

Main part

1. With the outline drawn, draw the map.

2. Fill the still empty map with landscape, that is, mark the mountains, plains, rivers, waterfalls, glaciers, gorges, deserts, forests, glades, seas, oceans, etc.

3. Check the box to indicate the goal you are striving for.

4. Draw a dotted line for a route that has a beginning and an end.

5. Write down the symbols.

6. Match them with emotions.

7. Mark the starting point on your route with the letter H.

8. Mark where you are on the path now.


1. The nature of the route speaks of how a person sets himself obstacles in life and how he overcomes them.

2. What terrain did the target flag hit: desert, waterfall, etc.?

3. If you pass all the landscapes in your route, you creative person, no - then the performer.

4. Entrance and exit coincide - a person comes to where he started, but already one level higher.

5. I wonder what emotions you experienced before you reached the goal?

6. Entrance at the bottom, exit at the top - a person goes from practice to theory, and, accordingly, if the entrance is at the top, the exit is at the bottom, then vice versa.

7. Entrance on the left, exit on the right - a person brings the matter to the end, although he is very worried at first.

8. Entrance on the right, exit on the left - developed intuition, a sense of the new.

9. Divide into three parts diagonally and vertically not a page, but a map: the left part is the past, the central part is the present, the right part is the future. Top part- thoughts, the central part - ideas, plans, Bottom part- deeds.

Conclusion. Write an essay: “This trip told me that…”

Conclusions. The technique is perfect for updating planning skills and working for results.

Technique "Map of my body" (modification by E. Tararina)

Target: revealing the relationship of a person to his physical appearance; search for resources to accept your body.


✓ to teach the client to listen and hear his inner "I";

✓ increase self-esteem;

✓ to help the client in realizing the actual needs of his own body.

Inventory: wallpapers, brushes, paints, a jar of water, a simple pencil, a camera.

Working hours: 60–90 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 12 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Clients are invited to trace the outline of their body on the wallpaper, which is spread out on the floor. To do this, everyone asks one of the members of the group to do this. It’s good if a person doesn’t circle his body himself!

Main part. For sixty minutes, participants create a map of their body using natural landscapes. Seas, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, deserts, forests, plantings, gardens, glades, plains, glaciers, etc. should be placed in the resulting contour.

Then, in pairs, there is a discussion of the drawing process and its results on the following questions:

What feelings did you have when you created the image?

How do you feel about him now?

How does the image feel?

What inner resource is he talking about?

What parts of the image do you like the most?

What message does he carry?

Do you accept your image?

How sincere, in your perception, did it turn out?

Have you thought about external attractiveness image at the time of creation?

How does the resulting image relate to your life?

What can the image tell about your relationship with yourself?

Possible interpretation:

- the more a person used landscapes, the more he knows his own body and it is better mastered by him;

legs- willpower, human thoughts, inner core;

arms- the power of specific actions, the priority of actions over words;

the mountains– future perspectives; they are parts of their own body that are still inaccessible to a person, work on which he will have in the future;

water: sea, lake, quiet river- an intuitive human resource that is directly related to recreation;

waterfall- an intuitive-sensory resource of a person, which is reinforced and functions when this element of the body is publicly demonstrated to others;

meadows, meadows, greenery, flowers– energetically the richest places that are the “motor” human body; these are resources donated to man by nature;

desert- places that, according to a person, are unclaimed, energy-poor; this is an unexplored land where there is not enough love for one's body, acceptance of its features;

glaciers– resources, but potentially very distant; they can be used by a person in the future, or they can reflect his uncertainty or indecision. Lack of emotion speaks of "freezing";

forests- the thicker the forest, the more a person tries to hide in its depths dissatisfaction with his own body, its individual elements, seeks to displace these negative feelings into the realm of the unconscious.

This work can raise deep feelings, both positive and negative; it is important to be ready to work with them, support the client and give him the opportunity to realize his resource.

Conclusions. The implementation of the technique will help to actualize relationships that are significant for a person with those aspects of their own physicality that require special attention at a given moment in time.

Technique "Lines" (modification by E. Tararina)

Target: development of emotional intelligence and sensitivity by color therapy.


✓ update the perception of color;

✓ develop skills of personal lability;

✓ increase the level of creative activity of the individual.

Inventory: brushes, paints, white sheet of paper (A4, AZ).

Working hours: 40 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 10 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Pick up a brush and draw an arbitrary composition: a landscape, a collage - with the color or set of colors that appeal to you the most at the moment.

Main part

1. Look at your drawing hanging on the wall. Select lines or some part of the lines on it and draw them on a piece of paper in any color in a column.

2. Look at the lines you just drew and draw similar ones next to them, but with some changes.

3. Select a color and on a new sheet of paper, draw a thin line with light pressure, and then gradually increase the pressure of the brush, drawing other lines.

4. Draw lines directed somewhere, show their direction.

5. Draw the lines so that they interact with each other: meet, intersect, collide, hug, etc.

6. Draw a "pleasant" and "unpleasant" line.

7. Draw a colored "dance" of lines.

8. Combine several color lines in such a way that you get a kind of landscape or something that exists in nature.

9. Analysis by clients of their work.

Conclusions. The technique can be used to develop emotional intelligence; ability to spontaneity; in work to overcome enslavement and correct internal control.

Technique "Line of Life / Life Path" by A. Kopytin (modified by E. Tararina)

Target: actualization and expression of feelings associated with different periods of life; their awareness and integration.


✓ strengthening the image of "I";

✓ identification and awareness of needs, attitudes and values;

✓ acquisition or reassessment of the meaning of life;

✓ study of the system of relations, actualization and resolution of intrapersonal conflicts.

Inventory: photographs, glue, paints, brushes, paper (AZ).

Working hours: 60 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 14 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Group members are invited to bring photos of themselves from different periods of their lives, as well as magazines, newspapers, clippings, postcards, etc.

Clients can be asked to bring in photographs that reflect the “critical” or most significant moments in their biographies, or they can be given a free choice.

Main part

During the lesson, participants show each other the created works and comment on them. The trainer can give information on topics: role dynamics, professional activity, leisure, family relations. One of the variants of this technique involves the visual systematization of images through the production of posters, collages and their subsequent discussion.

Conclusion. The use of this technique in a group context contributes to the self-disclosure of the group members, their convergence and the discovery of differences and commonality of experience.

Full-length self-portrait technique by A. I. Kopytin (modified by E. Tararina)

Target: detection and correction individual characteristics a person, his attitude towards himself, his appearance; finding or reassessing the meaning of life; identification of own needs and internal conflicts; identification and awareness of internal and external resources.


✓ psychodiagnostics of unconscious emotional components of the personality;

✓ Expression of feelings associated with the image of "I" and attitude towards oneself;

✓ developing interest in oneself and increasing self-esteem;

✓ organization of internal dialogue with one's "I";

✓ acceptance of one's "I";

✓ formation of the skill of internal reflection (honesty with oneself).

Application: overcoming life crises, change of residence, work, etc.

Inventory: two rolls of thick paper about two meters long each without connecting seams. Can be used reverse side wallpaper, thick wrapping paper. Paints or wax crayons, oil pastels, gouache, brushes, jars of water, eraser, tape.

Working hours: 1.5–2.5 hours.

Age limits of application: from 10 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. The client is invited to draw a self-portrait of real size, in real time and preferably in real appearance. It is important that a self-portrait conveys the main character traits of the one who draws it.

Instructions for action.

Tape two rolls of paper together.

Circle your silhouette to your full height (members in the group circle each other).

Using tape, hang the paper on the wall so that the portrait is on the same level as you, and start drawing.

In the process of drawing, pay attention to the feelings that you experience; which part of the body is easy to draw, and which is more difficult. Drawing time - from an hour to an hour and a half.

Dialogue with a self-portrait

The client is invited, looking into the eyes of his image, to address with a message, a wish for himself. It is important to refer to the portrait as “you” and speak out loud. In this dialogue, you should be as honest as possible. The dialogue takes place in the trinity "the author of the drawing - the portrait - the witness (another member of the group)". The task of the witness is to provide emotional support and silent co-present in the process.

Working hours: 5-15 minutes.

Self-portrait photography (required!)


Did you enjoy the process?

What feelings arose while drawing a self-portrait?

How are attitudes and feelings towards a self-portrait related to attitudes and feelings towards oneself?

What was easy to draw? What is more difficult?

How does this relate to your beliefs and views about yourself in real life?

Conclusions. Self-portrait, like any projective technique, makes it possible to subjectively assess the attitude towards oneself. The technique allows you to get answers to important questions:

How does the client feel about himself, is he aware of his needs and does he hear himself?

How does he see himself and does he accept himself the way he is?

Does the client have conflicts with himself?

Is there a dialogue with your own "I"?

Does the client have problems with any zone and, if so, with which one?

Technique "My family in the form of flowers" by L. Lebedev (modification by E. Tararina)

Target: revealing the client's perception of himself in his family system.


✓ determination of the subjective role of each family member from the position of the client;

✓ determination of the client's relationship to his family members.

Inventory: paints (gouache), brushes, a jar for water, a white sheet of paper (AZ).

Working hours: 40–60 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 5 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Each client is invited to draw their family in the form of flowers (plants, not the colors of the rainbow). It is important to clarify that the family is only people living at the present time, and the clan is all representatives of the family system. V this case we are drawing a family. The client does not receive any more instructions.

Main part

The drawing of a family in the form of flowers reflects emotional well-being, an idea of ​​​​one's place and role in the family, and the interaction between family members.

After creating the drawing, the client is asked to answer the following questions:

What have you created?

What feelings did you have when you depicted your family in the picture?

Are you on it?

How does your flower feel?

What feelings does the drawing evoke in you?

In what parts of the body did you feel the sensations caused by the drawing?

Which family members are shown here?

What feelings do they experience?

Do flowers interact?

Are there family members living with you who are not in the picture?

Which situation from your family life does this picture illustrate?

What are you able to change?

The images of flowers in the picture, their location, habitat reflect the real family situation and help the author of the picture to realize it.

Color patterns may reflect:

A field of flowers is a state of life in a society that replaces a family;

The family in which the person grew up or now lives.

Distantly located flowers, the absence of one of the family members indicate weak emotional connections, complexity and tension in the client's relationship with these people.

The "withering" of flowers is an image of physical distress or old age person.

If flowers are placed in flower pot, vase or grow in a flower bed, it is important to clarify who cares for these flowers, from whom they receive care.

If some flowers are placed at a close distance or grow from the same stem, it is important to clarify what, for the author of the drawing, their location too close means.

The presence of flowers of different heights can also be a subject for analysis.

The presence in the picture of similar colors, as well as the same color, may indicate emotional intimacy these people, their similarity to the position of the client.

Normally, the drawing is usually located in the center of the sheet and occupies almost all the free space.

Flowers can occupy different space on the sheet (more or less), this may be due to how the client perceives the living space that people allow themselves to occupy in reality.

If there are additional elements in the drawing, it is important to clarify their meaning with the client.

Normally, the client usually depicts the flowers of the area in which he spent his childhood, or the one in which he has been living for a long time.

Conclusions. The technique can be used in family therapy as a diagnostic and therapeutic form of the client's awareness of his relationship with family members.

Technique "Farewell to ..." by L. Lebedev (modification by E. Tararina)

Target: correction of response to negative experiences, emotions, feelings.


✓ learn to listen and hear the inner "I";

✓ work through thoughts and feelings that the client is used to suppressing;

✓ give way out negative emotions and feelings;

✓ transform negative state into the positive.

Inventory: white sheet of paper (A4), pencil, paints, water jar.

Working hours: 40–45 minutes.

Age limits of application: from 13 years and older.

Work algorithm

Introduction. Everyone is invited to determine the feeling, emotion, state with which he would like to say goodbye. Recall that feeling or state.

The main part Instructions for action.

1. Put an A4 sheet in front of you, close your eyes and draw a contour (if you are right-handed, draw with your left hand, if you are left-handed, then vice versa).

2. Then, with all your strength, crumple this sheet, dip it in water, wet it completely, “bathe” well.

3. Expand a sheet of paper and use paints to create new images.

4. Next, each participant is invited to take small sheets of paper, pencils and carefully examine all the pictures created. Write down how they "respond" on a separate sheet and leave next to the corresponding figure.

5. Then everyone can see what they wrote. You should arrange the sheets with inscriptions from the most pleasant to the least pleasant and analyze the last three. Often these are repressed feelings that do not allow the client to "live" and let go of the problem situation.

6. Clients are invited to answer the questions:

What was the original name of the feeling you worked with?

What is it called now?

What response did you get from this drawing?

How does it relate to your life? Or: “What does this picture tell about your life”?

Conclusions. Each person has feelings, emotions, experiences that do not allow him to live in peace, from which he would like to get rid of. This technique makes it possible to “live”, react to a traumatic state, transform it into a positive one, into one that will push you to new thoughts, and possibly actions. This technique will help release the energy of pain for creation and development.

End of introductory segment.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Workshop on art therapy. Master's Box (Elena Tararina, 2016) provided by our book partner -

February 18, 2014

Prepared by speech therapist Pachkova L.A.

We are surrounded by an amazingly colorful world, but sometimes we do not pay attention to the color of the sky, the sunset, snow-white snowflakes.

I suggest you take a closer look around and play with your children.

Working with color contributes to the solution of many problems:

  • increases the level of communication of children, their emotional responsiveness;
  • enriches the sensory and emotional experience of children;
  • introduces the techniques of managing their feelings, forms the skills of self-control.

Goethe was the first to discover the positive and negative influence of color on the human psyche, thus laying the foundations of modern color therapy. He noted: “Colors act on the soul: they can evoke feelings, evoke emotions and thoughts that calm and excite us, give rise to sadness and joy.”

V. Bekhterev argued: “A skillfully selected range of colors can have a beneficial effect on nervous system better than some potions."

American psychologist Jacob Lieberman studied the effect of light and color rays on the human body for thirty years, came to the conclusion that color and sunlight can replace almost all medicines!

Now there is a whole scientific theory of the influence of color on the psychophysiological state of a person.

Each color has its own healing power or negatively affects the behavior of children. By your favorite color, you can determine the character of a person, even a very small one. There is also Feedback: dressing the baby in clothes of a certain color, you can lay the foundation for the future character of the child. It is necessary to try to dress the child in a variety of ways: in a colorful kaleidoscope of clothes, toys and other items, children develop better.

The practice of "color day" is interesting and fascinating. Children themselves choose a certain color, and the whole day is devoted to it: they get acquainted with the color, examine, play, reproduce in drawings, create fantastic games, buildings. In the color space, each color is singled out in detail: toys of a certain color are assembled, soft equipment (napkins, tablecloths, curtains) changes. Children wear clothes of a certain color. In order not to overload children with color, all objects that are saturated, thick shade, exhibited in doses - for 2-3 hours, and objects of a delicate, pleasant shade - for the whole day.

For games, you need to cut out circles of different colors with a diameter of 4-5 cm from colored cardboard. (Colored cardboard 24 colors)

I bring to your attention games that you will make with your children and spend an interesting evening with your family.

1. "Choose your favorite colors of the snowman and the sun"

Purpose: to teach children to select shades of cold and warm tones.

Task: from the many proposed colors and shades, choose cards with

shades of blue - for a snowman (blue, purple,

blue, turquoise, marsh ...)

and all shades of yellow - for the sun. (yellow, orange, lemon ...)

1. "Rainbow - arc"

Purpose: To introduce children to spectral colors.

Task: color the rainbow, arranging the colors in spectral order

2. "Collect the caterpillar"

Purpose: to introduce shades

green color (citrus, olive, marsh, lettuce, light green, dark green)

Task: Among the many colors, find the green color and all of its

shades, make a caterpillar from circles of green shades.

3. "Name the colors with which the cockerel is drawn"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish colors and their shades to find colors on cards.

5. "What's your favorite color"

Purpose: to teach children to clearly distinguish colors and shades to name them correctly.

Task: children examine the heroes of fairy tales and determine the predominant color - they name the favorite color of the hero.

6. "Help the fish" Purpose: Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to help consolidate knowledge and the color system. Task: The child lays out the baby fish according to the color of their mother fish. Naming the fish and affectionately its children (pike-pike, crucian carp, perch-perch, catfish-someonok, shark-shark ...)

7. "What happens in this color?"

Yellow - apple, lemon, banana, dress, bow .... Red - cherry, tomato, rose, ball, pencil .... Blue - sea, sky, shorts, T-shirt, balloon ...... Orange - orange, squirrel, fox, carrot ... Green - leaf, grass, high chair, plane, flag ... White - cloud, steamer, chamomile, shoes, dove ... Black coat, dots, buttons, belt, wheel ...

8. "Finish the sentence"

- If the grass was blue, then ....

- If the snow was black, then ....

If the sea were red...

9. Say a word. Learn poetry.

I got up early in the morning with my mother

And I learn colors ……… (began.)

I have no doubt

The best is red

Bright as a campfire

Or the sun………(in the morning)

Blue color- water color

Don't go deep!

The sky, the sky is blue

This is all mine ... .. (native)

The yellow ray extended

To each palm

And Irinka and Ilya

And smart……..(Antoshka).

I'll take the orange

color for orange

And paint the fox's tail

It will be like this…….(beautiful)

I need black too

And without white we can't

All colors are important for us in drawing ...... (needed)

10. Learn proverbs

  • A scarlet flower catches the eye.
  • The scarlet color is sweet all over the world.
  • You can paint a white wall in any color.
  • All herbs are the same color.
  • Even if you put gold in the furnace, it will not change color.
  • Winter and summer in one color.
  • Red as beets, as blood, as cranberries, as poppies.
  • Red-red, yellow-jaundice, etc.
  • The red sun on the white light warms the black earth.
  • The soap is gray, but it washes white.
  • There is no master for taste, for color.
  • Blushed like cancer.
  • The shirt is white, but the soul is black.
  • Red like fire.
  • The neighbor's flowers are redder.
  • Flowers that children love care.
  • Cheren poppy, yes the boyars eat.
  • Black, like soot, like coal, like pitch, like a raven, like night, like earth; blacker than dirt, soot, coal, etc.
  • The black cow gives white milk.


  • History of color therapy
  • The language of color
  • About color therapy
  • Application of color therapy:
  • Diagnosis of violations;
  • Correction of violations;
  • Prevention of violations.

5. Conclusion

The color itself expresses something - you can’t refuse it ... …This must be used .


van Gogh

The science of healing is called color C V E T O T E R A P AND E Y .

- optimal adaptation of the internal and external environment of a person to each other; development of will or attention; memory or imagination; rhythm of life or endurance...

In general, what the human intellect aspires to.

The symbolism of color has a long history.

Since time immemorial, people have attached particular importance to reading the "language of colors",

which is reflected in ancient myths,

folk tales, fairy tales,

various religious and mystical teachings.

O the discovery by English scientists Down and Blunt of the healing properties of ultraviolet rays (1877);

Discovery of the healing effects of each color of the spectrum by American scientists Edwin Babbitt and Pleasanton (1878).

C V E T - it is the light without which our existence is inconceivable.

Color, penetrating into our body, causes certain biochemical reactions in tissues, stimulates important glands, including the pituitary gland. This gland generates hormones that control body functions: sleep, sexual arousal, metabolism, appetite. We perceive color primarily through our eyes, but unconsciously we absorb it through our skin, muscles, and even bones.

Red is the color of blood

Episode he battle right.

A job well done,

sun fiery sunset,

- And the heart beats hotter,

And will be remembered more and more.

Red is time to fly

His fiery outfit.

Red color primarily associated with blood and fire. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war. The color red has long been associated with aggressiveness and sexual desires. Red also means power, greatness. Red - the color of passion. If this is a favorite color, then such a person is bold, this is a strong-willed, imperious type, quick-tempered and sociable. Red color is most preferred by teenagers.

Excites and irritates, stimulates the brain, increases appetite. Associated with blood. Contributes to the growth of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood, stimulates the formation of other blood cells.

Creates a feeling of body warmth

and really increases the total amount of "internal heat". Helps support healthy color skin, gives energy to nervous tissue and red bone marrow - the organ of hematopoiesis.

Too much red colors can cause conjunctivitis.

Yellow is a mental color

Autumn leaf farewell.

These are thoughts of color and sadness - Create Infinity with it.

And in bad weather, a yellow ray,

The one that comes out from behind the clouds,

Weightless will lower Threads of happiness and love.

Yellow - the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as a frozen color of the sun. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withering leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world. Yellow - symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence. When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him.

Stimulates nervous processes, nourishes the brain, enhances the work of the mind.

Effective as a restorative

with mental fatigue. Eliminates apathy and anxiety. Increases strength understanding.

It elevates the mind and refines perceptions.

Excessive consumption of this color can cause excess bile accumulation. in the small intestine.

Color green - rebirth,

Balance, renewal. This is youth and dreams, Leaf, opened in the spring.

It's a meadow flooded with light

On a bright day in a cheerful summer,

It's a way out of despair

And forest wilderness peace.

Green - the color of grass and leaves. For many nations, it symbolizes youth, hope, fun, although sometimes it is also immaturity, insufficient perfection. Green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green tend to self-confidence and confidence in general.

It balances, calms, inspires courage, disciplines the mind and body, helps to control one's actions. Gives a feeling of mental freshness and relieves the condition in painful states of experiencing feelings guilt and anxiety. Softens emotions, harmonizes the work of the heart. Excessive use of this color stimulates the concentration of bile and may cause stones in the bile ducts.

Blue-blue starry dome

Enchant on a frosty day,

Against his sad background

The stars are more visible cleanliness.

Blue mercy and mercy

Will bring a deep look,

In the blue color the distance will drown,

In blue - the wisdom of the deity.

Blue color in many nations it symbolizes heaven and eternity. It can also symbolize kindness, loyalty, constancy. Blue is the traditional color of truth and peace in Eastern philosophy. Blue - the color of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy.

Has an analgesic effect. Effective for insomnia

dispels intrusive thoughts.

It is the color of Pure Consciousness,

spiritual vigor and mental sobriety. Cools both body and mind.

Helps correct liver diseases. Effective in removing psycho-emotional arousal, softens aggression, eliminates states of fear and anxiety.

color orange fire

Will announce his day.

The luxury of the sun, the flame of candles

He will remind in the cold

orange warm color

And a bouquet of nasturtiums.

His warm speech

Thoughts, creativity will serve.

Orange - the favorite color of people with intuition and passionate dreamers. Orange is a liberating, liberating color that promotes a tolerant and trusting attitude of people towards each other.

Orange color speaks of a person's desire for self-disclosure and establishing contacts with others.

Stimulates the senses, creates a sense of fun and well-being, contributes to the treatment of anemia.

Warms and carries positive healing energy. Gives energy and strength to the genitals. Supports healthy state skin and mucous membranes.

Purple color of mystery

Love from childhood is not accidental,

Magdalene Christians

Dressed up in this color.

in purple clothes

May we inspire hope;

Neptune will glow with them

Among the planets close to us.


symbolizes the inherent human infantilism and suggestibility, the need for support, support.

Violet - helps to know the laws of the world, to receive insight from above. Considered an inspiring spiritual color. People who prefer purple are drawn to everything mysterious, trying to find a clue to inexplicable phenomena.

Increases the functional stability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels.

Increases the endurance of tissues and organs, helps with neuralgia.

Creates lightness in the body and opens the door to the subtle perception of people and objects, and also facilitates access healing forces of the environment into the body.

Bleached black, darkened white -

This is how gray suddenly comes to us.

Gray is a measure that brings joy,

Restrained wisdom - and the soul is happy with it.

Red fades, blue retreats

And the cast-iron coil is decorated with frost.

From a distance it seems to us that the sulfur fence,

And there is no more beautiful frame of the garden.

White color symbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight. White - the synthesis of all colors, so it is the "ideal" color. It has significant meaning. This color can be preferred by a person with any character, it does not repel anyone.

Black color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, death.

Black - the color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes an aggressive rejection of the world or oneself.

  • It is exciting, interesting, resourceful and environmentally friendly.
  • Working with color accelerates progress in therapy.
  • Unconscious conflicts and inner experiences are more easily expressed through visual images than when talking about the experiences themselves.

The use of coloristic exercises serves as a means for:

  • development of attention to feelings;
  • enhancing the sense of self-worth;
  • increase spontaneity and creativity.

  • directly after eating;
  • with alcohol intoxication;
  • when taking medications.

Pregnant women and women on the eve of (or during) menstruation should conduct control testing for color correction of each subsequent session.

In reality, the limitations of color therapy are determined primarily by the colors of the unconscious. Before using color therapy, it is necessary to consult with specialists!!!

Colors evoke certain physiological responses in organism. For example, you cannot use:

Red color in inflammatory processes, high blood pressure and acne; blue - under reduced pressure. Particular care must be taken in the application indigo because it affects the endocrine system. It is also dangerous to expose yourself to any color for too long, especially red end of the spectrum. Yellow and Orange colors cannot be used in case of mental arousal (a common outcome is dizziness).


color therapy



in development







M. Luscher

Color test


color test






There are two versions of the test: short and full. A short version of the CTL is a set of 8 colors: - gray, dark blue, blue-green, red-yellow, yellow-red, red-blue or purple, brown and black. Full version CTL - "Clinical color test" consists of 7 color tables. The test is a ranking of colors by the subjects according to the degree of their subjective pleasantness (cuteness). The subject is asked to disregard the associations associated with fashion, traditions, generally accepted tastes and try to choose colors only on the basis of his personal attitude.

Created in 1952 by R. Hayes and G. Hiltman. Essence - stating the connection between the subjective preference for color and the personal characteristics of a person, including intelligence. The test procedure consists in pasting with colored squares 3 or more schemes-protocols of pyramids containing 15 empty squares. Evaluation of the results includes counting the frequency of choosing the main tones, without taking into account the shades. By the number of used and not used colors in the pyramids, the breadth of the sphere of emotional response of the subject is determined. According to the shape of the pyramid (the nature of pasting it with flowers), a judgment is made about the intellectual characteristics of the individual.

Compiled by: E.F. Bazhin and A.M. Etkind.

The methodological basis of CTO is a color-associative experiment based on the hypothesis of reflecting the essential characteristics of non-verbal components of relationships to significant others and to oneself in color associations to them.

Equipment: 8-color table Luscher color test. The standard CTO procedure consists of several stages:

1. Determination of persons, objects and concepts that play a significant role in the life of the subject

2. Stage of testing.

3. Stage of interpretation of the results.










This is therapy using colored light.

Treatment with multi-colored lighting is usually carried out in two ways:

1. Chromotherapy of the whole body (especially the back), in the case when it is required to revive the body.

2. Chromotherapy of any part of the body or organ that needs treatment.

For the session, it is better to be dressed in light-colored clothes, then you will better absorb the color.

it is a method of light impact on the human body with the help of colored rays on the meridians of the human body.

Acupuncture points are exposed not to needles, but to colored rays. The duration of exposure to colored rays, the distance between the light source and the meridian (accurate to a centimeter) is set individually by a color therapist.

To create a colored bath, colored bath salts or food coloring are suitable. It is desirable to take baths of a warm spectrum in the first half of the day, and cold tones as relaxing ones - at the end of the day.

Blue - get away from everyday life and promote meditation.

purple - inspire to achieve ideals in life and work.

Pink bath will give self-confidence. blue a bath will help you recover after a hard day's work.

green stones,





living energy

black stones

(jet, obsidian,


red stones

life force

(ruby, garnet,




yellow stones


(citrine, topaz,


blue stones

wisdom (sapphire,

aquamarine, azurite)

White secrets


(diamond, pearl,


Liquid is poured into a colored glass container. Next, expose the vessel to sunlight. It turns out a double effect from the consumption of solarized liquid.

red water - gives a charge of energy and warms;

Green - harmonizes and stabilizes;

orange - refreshes;

yellow - stimulates;

Liquids charged blue , blue or purple rays, soothe.

“Houses and walls help!”

Russian folk proverb

The correct use of color in your home can greatly enhance the help of native walls.

Physiology of color: Well treats the digestive system, ensures its work. It mainly affects the flow of bile, which plays a role in the absorption and digestion of fats. Improves memory.

Disease prevention: diabetes, skin diseases, exhaustion of the nervous system.

Physiology of color:

Treats deafness, cataracts, bleeding, insomnia. It is an anesthetic. Helps with sore throats, rheumatism. It is an anesthetic.

Disease prevention: angina, rheumatism, anxiety, etc.

Physiology of color: stimulates the nervous system, releases adrenaline, improves blood circulation, increases the number of red cells in the blood, increases sexuality and sexual desire.

Disease prevention: low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, cold, runny nose. It is better to use red in combination with green or blue colors.

Physiology of color: most often, heart attacks occur due to accumulated emotional problems. The cause of most heart disease in middle-aged men is the inability to change anything in their lives, due to dissatisfaction with their profession.

Disease prevention: heart disease, bronchitis and lung disease, influenza, claustrophobia.

Theia Kraszek, Clifford Pickover.

Harmonizes all energy processes,

fills with vital energy, protects from electromagnetic radiation

and any negative energies.

Can be placed above the TV screen,

at the computer monitor


Margaret Shevchenko. Healing drawing

Provides emotional balance

improves metabolic processes in the body, promotes weight loss. Can be placed in the kitchen, above the dining table

Margaret Shevchenko.

Connects to the general information field. Contributes to the solution of complex problems, the disclosure of creative potential,

development of parapsychological abilities. Can be placed on the desktop, used for meditation.

Meditative drawing.

Margaret Shevchenko.

Clears negative thoughts and emotions, dispels fears, strengthens

energy. Protects from external negative energies and influences.

Can be placed in the hallway, especially effectively attached to the front door

Angel with stars

  • Agoston A. Color theory and its application ... M., 1982
  • Bazhin E.F., Etkind A.M. Color Relationship Test (CRT). Guidelines. L., 1985
  • Gonikman E.I. Your talisman (oh healing properties precious stones) M., 2002
  • Egorova E. Prosperity according to M. Luscher: color energy for health and success. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007
  • Mironova L.N. Color science. Minsk, 1984
  • Serov N.V. Color treatment. Fashion and harmony. St. Petersburg: 1993
  • Serov N.V. Aesthetics of color. Methodological aspects of chromatism. - St. Petersburg, 1997
  • Sheremeteva G.B. seven colors of health. Color treatment. M., 2001
  • Boliachkam.Net

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 73 - CRR"

city ​​of Biysk


"World in Color"

(Child recovery through color therapy)

(senior preschool age)


Marina Vasilievna Murashova

Project type: Practice-oriented (applied). The project is focused on the personal development of pupils.


pupil preparatory group No. 8, group teacher, parents.


Short-term (1.5-2 months).

Relevance. Every year, society makes ever higher demands on the upbringing and education of children. Under the current conditions, one of the main psychological and pedagogical tasks is the search for new technologies that contribute to the intensification of the process of education and training, combined with the preservation of the psychological health of children.

First of all, the concept of "mental health" should be considered.
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "mental" and "psychological" health.

The phenomenon of color perception and the peculiarities of the interaction of the human body with color have always been of interest to soul researchers who have tried to unravel the mystery of the deep influence of color on the inner life of a person. The human body, according to Indian yogis, consists of intertwining vibrations of sounds and colors, melodies and light streams, the dynamics of which completely determines the vital activity and mental life of a person. Combined with directed musical influence, color can lead to healing even in the most difficult situations. difficult cases. Color therapy is based mainly on the healing effect of sunlight, which was used by many ancient cultures to relieve various ailments. Later it turned out that individual colors have specific effects.

Pedagogical indicators mental health

Pedagogical indicators of mental health and well-being of preschool children are as follows - the behavior, thoughts and feelings of the child, adequate to the surrounding conditions and events;

Socially acceptable ways of self-affirmation and self-expression;

Positive emotional background, optimistic attitude, ability to empathize;

Uniform and timely development of basic mental processes, sustainable cognitive activity;

A friendly attitude towards others, full communication, the nature of which corresponds to age norms.

Color therapy is based on the principle of light photons penetrating our brain and affecting certain light-dependent hormones.

Color therapy was born in ancient times. Even then, ancient scientists noticed that exposure to color is not only able to restore peace of mind, but is also a serious therapeutic factor for numerous mental and physical ailments.

A bit of history: they healed with color in Egypt, China, India, Persia. In Egyptian temples, archaeologists have discovered rooms whose design forced the sun's rays to refract into one or another color of the spectrum. Egyptian doctors seemed to bathe the patient in healing streams of healing rays. V Ancient China the patient (in accordance with his illness - mental or somatic) was prescribed to wear clothes of a certain color or be in a room where the walls were painted or hung with matter of the desired shade.

The impact of color on the human psyche and body did not cease to be a relevant topic later. So, Johann Goethe, who was very interested in this issue, made the following observation: "Colors act on the soul: they can evoke feelings, evoke emotions and thoughts that calm and excite us, they sadden us or make us happy."

The famous Russian psychiatrist V. A. Bekhterev stated: "A skillfully chosen range of colors can have a more beneficial effect on the nervous system than other mixtures." American psychologist Jacob Lieberman, who has been studying the effects of light and color rays on the human body for thirty years, came to the conclusion that color and sunlight can replace almost all medicines!

At present, a whole scientific theory has developed that tells how exactly color affects the psychophysiological state of a person.
Today, many Waldorf schools use color at every stage of children's development. For example, bright and warm colors are used as a technique in lessons for young children, and cold tones are used to teach older children.

Color is a tool with which we can get the energies we need. But the constant impact on our body of the same color leads to an imbalance of vital energies.
Color therapy is a non-drug method of treatment based on the fact that each of the biologically active zones of the body reacts to one of the colors: the effect of color occurs on the organ of vision, and through it and through the visual analyzer - on the nervous system. Exposure to a certain color removes the energy blockade that is the cause of the functional disorder.
From birth, we are surrounded by color. He accompanies us everywhere and always. It is as multifaceted as life itself. The color scheme always affects our consciousness and physical well-being, emotions, whether we like it or not.

Each color, like the sea, has its own depths, undercurrents and unexplored areas. Each color contains a whole gamut of shades - from the thinnest and most delicate to deep, imbued with wisdom and knowledge.
You plunge into the color, like into the depths of the sea, surrender to its vibrations, like the waves of the sea, bathe in color, absorb the color, fill up with color, and only then you begin to feel what color is. The color is the murmuring blue of the stream, blinding gold sun rays, crimson dawns and purple twilight. Our whole life is filled with color. We are constantly engaged in color therapy, without even knowing it. Suffice it to recall our color preferences. We have likes and dislikes, pleasing to the eye or annoying shades of different colors. Wearing clothes of our favorite color or enjoying the colors of nature, we feel comfort, peace and inner satisfaction. Unloved colors, we prefer to reject, thereby weakening the unfavorable, as it seems to us, impact.

Dr. Max Lüscher, psychologist and color researcher, studied the selection of shades from colors different people. He came to the conclusion that the reaction of people to color has deep roots in the person himself. Luscher concluded that the choice of color reflects the psychological qualities of a person, as well as hormonal disorders in him.

Scientists have identified the physiological and psychological components of the impact of color on a person. And these two components have a close proximity to emotions. Different emotional states cause corresponding changes in the body: acceleration or deceleration of the pulse, a change in the rhythm of breathing, reaction speed, etc. Experiments have shown that exposure to warm shades of red, orange and yellow increases blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration, and exposure to green , blue and black colors lowers the same indicators.

Target.Creating conditions for maintaining the psychological health of preschoolers, increasing the adaptive capabilities of children in development, behavior, in relationships with others, revealing the potential creative reserves of children using the method of color therapy.


1. Enrich emotional world child, using the method of immersion in color, color perception.

2. To form the child's primary ideas about himself, the ability to realize himself as a person, accept himself and understand his own value as a person.

3. Promote awareness of their relationship with the world and their place in the surrounding reality.

4. Develop integrative qualities: curiosity, emotional responsiveness, the ability to control one's behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems.

5. Expand the behavioral repertoire of a preschooler, the ability to control emotional and volitional processes.

6. Develop communication skills.

7. Contribute creative self-realization preschoolers.


Color therapy as a method for overcoming psychological difficulties and maintaining the psychological health of children.


Developmental activities, organized according to the method of color therapy, will contribute to the correction psychological development preschoolers, the development of the emotional and personal sphere and the preservation of their psychological health, if:

The concept of preserving the psychological health of preschoolers has been created, the most important provision of which is the need to expand psychological education, which is one of the principles successful development, upbringing and education of preschoolers;

The factors influencing (positive and negative) on the preservation of the psychological health of children have been identified;

The content, methods and forms of psychological assistance that help to overcome psychological difficulties and maintain the health of children are determined.

Hypothesis testing:

Theoretical analysis of special, reference literature on the research problem;

Direct and indirect observation;

Diagnostic methods (testing, peer review);

Praximetric (analysis of activity products);

Organization gaming activities with subsequent processing of the obtained results.

Problem situation and research is to find an answer to the question of what should be the content, methods and forms of psychological assistance to help overcome psychological difficulties and maintain the health of children.

At present, the economic and social situation in our society creates many risk factors for the younger generation, leading to a number of problems that need to be addressed. An important role in the concept of modernization of education is given to health-saving technologies, psychological support for children in educational institutions, and the preservation and strengthening of psychological health. Today, children still remain outside the field of vision and positive intervention, whose condition can be described as borderline relative to the norm and qualified as “mentally not ill, but psychologically not healthy anymore.”

Work principles.

1. Availability.

2. Humanism.

The child is an active subject of joint activity with the teacher, based on cooperation, democratic and creative principles.

3. Predictability.

The predictive principle implies the formation of everyone's daily concern for the preservation of the environment not only for our lives, but also for future generations, as well as some everyday actions in relation to other people, the ability to restrain one's desires and emotions if they harm others.

4. Activities.

The knowledge that a child acquires in the learning process becomes the basis for the formation of motivation for his participation in various feasible activities.

5. Integration.

The implementation of tasks occurs through cognitive, visual, theatrical, productive activity introducing children to fiction.

6. Motivation

The principle of motivation ensures the development of personality, correction of the emotional-volitional sphere. Assumes motivation, aspiration of the child to achieve the goal set for him by the teacher. The setting of GCD tasks should serve the purpose of developing the motive for children's activities as a meaningful motivation for certain actions.

7. The principle of productive information processing.

Creation of such pedagogical situations, during which pupils independently master the ways of processing the information received, using the algorithm, the solution scheme just shown by the teacher; the inclusion in the GCD of tasks that encourage, motivate pupils to use the information already received, but in their individual task, i.e. transfer the method of information processing: iso - activity, choice of adequate behavioral solutions from the proposed options.

8. The principle of dynamic perception.

It involves the inclusion in the OOD of games and exercises that directly develop this process and correct deviations in its characteristics.

9. Consistency.

The principle of consistency implies the continuity of programs, the consistent assimilation of knowledge, the acquisition of skills, when each subsequent emerging idea or concept follows from the previous one and is based on it.

Materials and tools:

1. Providing organizational conditions (development of content, methods, approaches and techniques for working with new content, etc.).
2. Providing information conditions (collection, processing, analysis of information necessary for the implementation of the project, presentation of experience to teachers of the preschool educational institution of the city).
3. Providing motivational conditions (actions designed to generate interest in solving problems, the interest of support specialists).
4. Providing scientific and methodological conditions (creating scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the project, various methodological notes and recommendations).
5. Providing a reflective space for teachers participating in the project (creating a website, Internet pages dedicated to the problems of maintaining the psychological health of children with disabilities).
6. Providing material and technical conditions (designing a group, an office of a teacher-psychologist).

Expected result.

The number of anxious children and children with signs of hyperactivity syndrome will decrease.

rise communicative culture children.

Positive dynamics of the mental development of children and the development of an arbitrary sphere of children.

Children's ideas about themselves and the world around them will expand.

The process of self-knowledge and knowledge of the surrounding world is activated.

The number of conflicts will decrease.

    The acquisition by teachers of new experience in maintaining the psychological health of children, improving professional skills

    The developing environment in the group will be replenished.

    Skill in organizing active forms of cooperation with the family will increase

    Level Enrichment

Psychological Knowledge

    Creation of a unified educational DOW spaces and families to preserve the psychological health of preschool children.

    Opportunity to participate in joint psychological projects.

Relationship with other activities.

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Stages of work on the project:

    Cycle I. "The World in Color" is introductory classes familiarity with color.
    Methods used: color immersion; games for the realization of verbal and motor needs, for relieving tension and aggression; on the development of physiological and speech breathing; finger games; exercises for the formation of taste, olfactory and tactile sensations; reading fairy tales, self-expression in color, etc.

    Cycle II. "Whether in the garden, in the garden" is aimed at the formation of color representations through work on the topic "Fruits, vegetables". Methods used: gymnastics for the brain; information messages; puzzles; outdoor games; drafting exercises descriptive stories, on the development of breathing; self-expression in color, etc.

    Cycle III. "The Color World of Animals, Birds and Insects"

On the formation of color representations using work

On the topic "Animals, birds, insects."
Methods used: speech gymnastics, writing fairy tales, exercises to develop the ability to form words in a diminutive form, compiling descriptive stories, relieving muscle tension; fairy tales-sketch; relaxation exercises; self-expression in color, etc.

    Cycle IV. "The language of flowers is clear to everyone's heart" is aimed at the formation of color representations through work on the topic "Flower plants".
    Methods used: work with legends; quizzes; board games; relaxation exercises; theatrical performances; dance and music games; self-expression in color, etc.

    Special conditions for carrying out preventive and correctional development work on the topic:

Use of health-saving and nature-friendly technologies (relaxation, psycho-gymnastics, finger and outdoor games, active use of color, aroma and sound in one lesson, constant change of activity, free location during the lesson, presentation of material in a state of relaxation, etc.);
The use of a variety of tasks and exercises for creative self-expression and self-realization in general.

Stages of project implementation.

Increasing your own professional competence

The study of program and methodological material in the direction of work.


Introduction to new technologies:
Person-centered, collaboration technology,
The program of N.M. Pogosova "Color game training".

Ensuring the educational process methodological material

Selection of program and methodological material in the direction of work.

Selection of diagnostic


Enrichment gaming environment, material for the design of the group, office

Improving the development environment, creating new benefits:

Album "Cold colors, warm colors";

Toolkit"Psychological Tales";

A set of small items of different colors (beads, buttons, etc.);

Album with the image of objects various colors;

Bell set;

Mystery Album.

according to plan

Creation of computer presentations.

according to plan

Pedagogical education parents

Questioning parents on the issues of maintaining the psychological health of children at home.

according to plan

Conducting consultations.

according to plan

Making visual material in the direction of work.



To identify the features of the personal development of children, the state of the emotional sphere

Carrying out diagnostics according to the methods: Luscher's eight-color test, V.G. Shchur, the technique "Engine", a method for studying the emotional well-being of a child Kucherova E.V., the test "Cactus" M.A. Panfilova, sociometric survey "Gift", method "Volitional readiness" Sh.N. Chkhartashvili.


Implementation of the tasks

Drawing up a long-term plan for conducting OOD, planning integrative classes, coordinating joint games with social partners.


Carrying out OOD in accordance with perspective plan work.

according to plan

Development of abstracts of classes.


Application of computer technologies in work with children.

according to plan

Carrying out holidays of color.

according to plan

Individual work with kids.

according to plan

Working with teachers

Consultation for teachers
"The role of color perception on the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers."

according to plan

Integrative classes and activities.

according to plan

Speech at the pedagogical council.

according to plan

Making a card file of didactic games with the content "Color".


Working with parents

Creation of the album "Color and Us".

During the life of the project

Making the group in the appropriate color.

Visual agitation for parents (movable folders with recommendations for saving psychological preschoolers at home, the newspaper "Color Almanac").

Parent attendance.

Participation of parents in the final events (child-parent couples)


Evaluation of the effectiveness of work with children

Diagnostics and monitoring.


Conducting final diagnostics to determine the state of the emotional sphere of preschoolers, their personal characteristics, volitional sphere according to the following methods:

Eight color. Luscher's test, method "Ladder" V.G. Shchur, the technique "Engine", a method for studying the emotional well-being of a child Kucherova E.V., the test "Cactus" M.A. Panfilova, sociometric survey "Gift", method "Volitional readiness" Sh.N. Chkhartashvili.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the teacher's work

Summing up the work.


Presentation of the project (at the pedagogical council).


Definition of job prospects


Evaluation of the effectiveness of work with parents



Generalization of the experience of family education


Photo exhibition


Project implementation monitoring.


Conclusions: the implementation of project activities contributes to the preservation of psychological health, unity of the children's team, the development of the child's ideas about a responsible attitude to their health, about caring for themselves and those around them.
When organizing the educational process for the project, it helps to ensure the unity of goals and continuity of the project participant and joint activities allow, in turn:
- teachers to improve their professional skills in this area;
- parents to understand the importance of psychological health, the acquisition of skills by their children to take care of their own health.
One of the conditions for the successful implementation of the project is not only work with children, but also with their families.

Used Books:

1. Maria Bril. Healing color. Color therapy. Where to begin. "Vector", 2009

2. Krestovskaya K.A. healing powers colors, or color therapy in our life. "Phoenix", 2006

3. Simon and Sue Lilly. The power of color and color therapy. "Dilya", 2006

4. Violet Oklander. "Windows to the child's world"

5. Gonikman E.I. Healing rainbow stone. Stone color therapy. SME Publishing House, 2000

6. N. Roerich. Pictures that inspire. Meditation and color therapy. EXMO, 2012

7. V. Nadina. 7 wonders of the rainbow. Practical color therapy. EXMO, 2011

8. N.M. Pogosov. Color game training. St. Petersburg "Rech", 2005

9. Dubrovskaya O.V. Eight use guide color test Luscher, M. "Folium", 1995

10. Zakharov. Methods of studying the emotional and personal sphere

11. Panfilova M.A. Methodology "Fears in the houses"

Literature for children:

1. Belobrykina O. The Tale of Chalk.

2. Bisset D. A fairy tale about a little bus that was afraid of the dark.

3. Bogumilova G. The history of the baby elephant.

4. Ziedonis I. Yellow fairy tale.

5. Krotov V. Zelenushka.

6. J. Rodari. The famous rain in Piombino.

7. J. Rodari. Blue traffic light.

8. J. Rodari. Chocolate Road.

9. J. Rodari. Violet at the North Pole.

10. V. Yudin. Red city.

11. D. Sokolov. History of the Blue City.

Annex 1.

Classes with the use of color therapy help to solve a number of problems: remove psycho-emotional and muscle tension; develop cognitive processes; to form speech skills; emotional sphere; fix sensory standards.

Fairy tales invented by a child, in the classes with which color therapy was used.

yellow fairy tale

There were yellow men. They were very cheerful and lived in bright yellow sunny dandelions. All summer long they helped everyone to be active, healthy and cheerful. Yellow men directed their magical golden rays at people and they became happy and joyful.

Red fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a boy, he loved everything red and drew pictures in which everything was red. One day he saw his girlfriend Lera, who was crying. He gave her his red pictures and she stopped crying.

green fairy tale

Once upon a time there were children and one day they went on a journey to a green country. In the green country there was a wonderful green forest, vegetables and fruits were only green and everything was green. When the children returned from the green country, they stopped getting sick.

blue fairy tale

once upon a time blue world. Everything in this world was blue. People who fell into the blue world immediately knew how to fly in the blue sky and all their dreams came true.

blue fairy tale

Once upon a time there were blue beads. They appeared when it was raining blue. The beads bounced along the path, banged on the umbrellas and all the wishes made by people came true.

orange fairy tale

Once the children were given wonderful, tasty, juicy orange oranges. The children ate them and never got greedy again and always shared their toys and sweets.

purple fairy tale

There lived a purple bell in the world. He often quietly sang his violet song. Whoever managed to hear his song became kind and wise.

Appendix 2

Color exercises in kindergarten.

Wide application received color therapy for children. After all, a child is much more susceptible to the color shades of the world around him than adults. Color therapy in kindergarten can be carried out as part of art therapy classes with children. Color therapy can take many forms.

Method "Colored rain"

One of original methods that uses color therapy in a preschool educational institution can be called a tent of colored satin ribbons(method "Colored rain"). Ribbons are selected by shades - from warm to cold, they descend vertically, resembling rain streams. Children can hide in the tent, choose the color they like, iron the ribbons with their hands. Also during the day, children are invited to pass through the tent several times in the appropriate direction: hyperactive children - from warm to cold shades, and lethargic, inert ones - in the opposite direction.

At the same time, various variations of the exercise are possible - the tent can be replaced with colored rugs and invite the children to choose the one they like. Or, on the contrary, ask the child to change to another color (if necessary to achieve the goal of the exercise).

Exercise "Light the Rainbow"

You can also spread a white canvas in front of the child and offer to lay out a rainbow of certain colors on it (exercise “Light the rainbow”). As elements of the rainbow, arc-shaped strips of braid of various shades are used. Children with increased emotional arousal are invited to lay out a rainbow of calmer, colder shades, and children with a lack of activity, depressed, depressed - from warmer and brighter ones.

Exercise "Rainbow Country"

It is very important to teach a child to feel colors, to develop his color perception. For this, a number of exercises are also used in kindergartens. One of them is Rainbow Country. You can choose several of the brightest colors, each of which will be a symbol of one of the countries (Yellow, White, Red country, etc.). Children are invited to resettle residents in different countries. Dolls, toys or cards depicting fairy-tale characters can act as residents. Children must justify each choice. Why does this hero have to live in this particular country? What is the difference between the inhabitants of the Yellow Country and the inhabitants of the Blue Country, etc.?

The game does not end there - on the contrary, it offers a wide range of opportunities for the manifestation of children's imagination. You can invent different stories about the inhabitants different countries. You can also complicate the plot by adding new characters to the game who interfere in the usual life of the "colored" inhabitants, violating order and harmony. In this case, it is necessary to comply with several basic conditions of the game:

    all children take an active part in the development of the plot;

    all actions of children, accompanied by a color choice, should be argued by them;

    all color choices are equally accepted by the psychologist - there should be no “bad” and “good” choices (with the exception of vivid manifestations of aggression on the part of the child);

    during the game, the rule of universal respect is observed (all offensive comments, teasing by the children towards each other are immediately suppressed by the psychologist).

Color therapy for preschoolers is also a good opportunity to express their mood, convey emotions and feelings that are difficult to explain in words. First of all, the child is invited to decide on a favorite color. If children choose rich, bright shades of red, yellow or green, this is an indicator of harmonious mental development, dynamism and curiosity. In the case when the child prefers white or black colors, a tendency to isolation and loneliness is possible. Color therapy can also be used to correct this tendency. Shift exercises various colors will be of particular relevance here.

For example, you can invite a child who has chosen white or black to try replacing these colors with other, brighter ones. It is better to do it gradually. You can use coloring pages, inviting the child to color the white shapes in different colors, gradually increasing the brightness and saturation. You can also make applications. On the black (or white) elements of the figurine, suggest sticking something brighter (stars, stripes, flowers, etc.) and evaluate the result. If the child is satisfied with the new picture, ask him to describe his mood. Has anything changed in him? Did he feel better, happier, lighter, etc., or vice versa?

Color specifics of the interior in kindergarten

It is extremely important that children receive positive emotions from color not only periodically, in art therapy classes, but also in their daily activities. The color of rooms, furniture, toys - all this should be harmoniously balanced and cause appropriate positive emotions in children. For example, the walls in the bedroom should be painted in light, soothing colors, while the study and play room, on the contrary, may contain brighter colors that stimulate the activity of children.

Do not overload the interior of the game room with an abundance of various shades according to the principle: the more colorful, the better. Firstly, the more shades used in the interior, the more difficult it is to combine them with each other. Secondly, the abundance of colors increases the fatigue of the psyche, and in fact the child spends the whole day in kindergarten! When choosing dominant colors, one should remember about their psychophysiological characteristics:

    Red - has an effect on stimulating blood circulation, metabolism and immunity, increasing psychological activity;

    yellow - stimulates the nervous system vitality, actively affects various centers of the brain;

    green - helps with insomnia, has a beneficial effect on vision, promotes mental balance, peace;

    blue - reduces temperature and blood pressure, has a positive effect on the body in the fight against infections;

    blue - positively affects the strengthening of the endocrine system, forms a sense of psychological security.

Thus, color therapy in kindergarten is universal method, allowing not only to identify the main psychological characteristics of each child, but also to take certain measures for the possible correction of psychological deviations. Also, the undoubted advantage of the method is the favorable, harmonious atmosphere that color therapy creates. Exercise tends to arouse deep interest and emotional response in children, presenting it as an exciting game.

Appendix 3

Booklet on the topic

"Color therapy-interior of the children's room."

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 73-TsRR"

« A skillfully selected range of colors can have a more beneficial effect on the nervous system than other medicines. ».

V.M. Bekhterev

The period of preschool childhood is also a period of intense sensory development child. The study of literature data and the results of our own observations allow us to conclude that stimulation of the intellectual and emotional development of preschool children with color therapy is justified and effective.
Here are some examples of the effect of color on a child:

increases the level of communication of children, their emotional responsiveness;
enriches the sensory and emotional experience of children;
introduces the techniques of managing their feelings, forms the skills of self-control.

Adults (both teachers and parents) need to have basic information about color therapy and use this knowledge in the educational process and in life. Surrounded by red or bright orange, the child feels a surge of energy for the first 30 minutes. After 1 - 1.5 hours, he is already hyper-energetic, overexcited, and after 5 hours he will become irritable and aggressive. But it is worth changing this scale to light blue, and, literally in 20 - 30 minutes, the little evil one will turn, if not into an angel, then into a person with whom one can negotiate and hope for mutual understanding.
They say that houses and walls help. Do we think that depending on the color of the walls of the dwelling, children can feel completely different?
Color psychology recommends a range of colors in rooms for children from yellowish-green through yellow to orange. Blue and green colors are also suitable for children's rooms, especially south-facing ones, as these colors create a feeling of coolness. When choosing the color of the corridors, it is recommended to use tones that are not found in the decoration of rooms, but it is advisable to adhere to the general color scheme.
The study of the influence of the color of furniture and equipment showed that the performance of children is higher with green colors than with others (white, black, brown). In children, even the smallest, nature has a certain reaction to a particular color. The mood, behavior and even the state of health is affected not only by the color of the surrounding space, but also by the color of the clothes in which the child is. The presence of any color in a child's life (for example, red) can invigorate, improve mood, at the same time, its excess can cause a state of overexcitation, increased motor activity.

When choosing furniture, wallpaper and interior details for a child's room, one should take into account the effect of color on the child's emotional background. It should be borne in mind that the same color, but used in different locations (floor, ceiling or walls) can be perceived both positively and negatively.

Red color- used by active, restless children. They are alive, naughty, restless.

Orange color- fun kids. They play pranks, scream, have fun for no particular reason.

Yellowused by children with a well-developed imagination. These children are dreamers. They easily come up with exciting entertainment for themselves, even playing alone.

Green colorused by children who lack maternal care. These kids are calm.

Bluequiet children prefer. They are quiet, complaisant, balanced.

Blue colorchoose calm, balanced children. They do everything slowly and thoroughly.

Purplechoose "mysterious children". They are sensitive, gentle, vulnerable and very emotional.

Black is the color chosen by stressed children.







excites, mobilizes


perceived as unnatural, can "burn"


feeling of lightness, happiness

feeling of tenderness

often associated with olfactory sensations


promotes concentration

feeling of warmth, promotes relaxation

the effect of "belonging" and warmth, sometimes perceived as unnatural


causes pleasant sensations of relaxation, distraction, the ability to relax

excites, can cause discomfort

the effect of "elevation", sometimes "floating"


perceived as unnatural


soothes, "cools", may have a hypnotic effect


feeling of lightness, calmness, promotes relaxation

"cools", causes alienation

"cooling", more pronounced than green


causes anxiety, worry

alienation in a group, relationship with a psychologist

anxiety, "cold", feeling of abyss

Appendix 4

Games aimed at developing color perception and color perception.

"Colourful Sheets"

Purpose: improving the elements of self-regulation, training the sequence of actions, redemption of hyperactivity.

Instruction No. 1: the child is invited to color the sheets of paper (red, yellow, blue, green) in turn, and then hang the sheets on the wall in the same sequence, covering one with the other.

"Drawing in Clay"

Purpose: stress relief, tactile stimulation, development of imagination.

Instruction number 2: invite the child to dip his fingers in clay (finger paint) and draw on paper (plexiglass).

The theme of the drawing may change.

"Free drawing in a circle"

Purpose: harmonization of the emotional state, communication, unification.

Instruction number 3: children are invited to take turns drawing roads in a circle with paints to each other (a large sheet of paper in the form of a circle)

"Water Salute"

Purpose: correction of fears, stress relief, development of imagination

Instruction: ask the child to draw with paints on the water, examine and analyze the resulting figures.

"Crayons - racing"

Purpose: correction of aggression, stress relief, harmonization of the emotional state.

Instruction: the child at a different pace (slow - fast) makes strokes on the sheet with crayons.

"Colorful pebbles"

Purpose: stress relief, tactile stimulation, development of creative imagination.

Instructions: ask the child to color the sea pebbles the way he wants.


Purpose: to identify the emotional state of the child, feelings and ideas associated with child-parent relationships.

Instruction: the child is asked to color the patterns of figures (female, male, child), if desired, comment on their work.

"My Fear"

Purpose: correction of fears, stress relief, development of creative imagination.

Instruction number 1: the child is invited to draw his fear (what it looks like), comment on his work and hide it in a chest in the psychologist's office.

Instruction number 2: tear the drawing and throw it in the trash.

Instruction number 3: turn the drawing into a funny one by adding funny details.

Appendix 5

Games with children "Color Therapy"

Red color

Target: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

The exercise

Stroke: Pour red finger paint into plastic bowls. To the music with the little fingers of the left hand and right hand put dots on a sheet of paper. Ask your child: “What does the picture you drew look like?”

The game "Red object in my palm"

Stroke: Close your eyes and prepare your hand. When there is an object in your palm, clench your fist. (An adult puts a small red object in the child's palm.) Open your eyes, but do not open your palm. Try to guess what's in your palm. (The child expresses his guesses). Well done! Now consider your subject. Describe what he is. (Large or small, round, oval, smooth, rough, patterned, with a hole in the middle, etc.)

The exercise

Stroke: Prepare pieces of velvet paper and red floss threads, woolen threads of the same color. On a sheet of paper, draw the outline of a flower. To the music, stick the prepared pieces of different materials on the outline of the drawn flower.

Orange color

Target: used in the correction of shyness, isolation, stiffness.

The exercise

Stroke: Apply glue to thick cardboard, pour millet groats, spreading over the entire sheet, wait until it dries. To the music, use finger paint to color the millet in orange.


Target: used in the correction of hyperreactivity, the formation of self-control, increasing self-esteem.

The exercise

Stroke: Draw a mimosa branch on a sheet of watercolor paper. Make confetti out of yellow velvet paper. To the music, stick confetti on the image of a branch, paint the branch and leaves with green watercolor paint.

The exercise

Stroke: The child sticks his piece of paper on paper. The leaf can be the head, torso, dress, or anything else. Colored pencils complete everything necessary to make a self-portrait. If the child refuses to portray himself, then he can portray what he wants.

Green color

Target: used in the correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

The exercise

Stroke: On a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, draw bunches of grapes. Cut off a small piece from a piece of green plasticine, roll into a ball. To the music, separate the pieces from the ball and smear them over the image of berries, paint the leaves with light green watercolor paint.

The game "Green inhabitants of the forest"

Stroke: Name the forest inhabitants - animals, birds, insects - green (green lizard, green snake, frog, caterpillar, butterfly, bug, grasshopper, etc.). Now each of you will turn into any green creature, and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl, a frog will jump. Show how you will move. Good! When the music stops, your hero should freeze in place. (The game is repeated several times).

The exercise

Stroke: Cut green velvet paper into strips 15 cm long. To the music, stick the strips on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, paint the gaps with finger paints, mixing green paint with yellow. Show the children how to mix paints to achieve the desired shades, how to use a palette.


Target: used in the treatment of anxiety, aggression, hyperexcitability.

The exercise

Stroke: Glue a few pieces of cotton wool (clouds) on watercolor paper. To the music "Sounds of Nature. Singing birds ”paint the sky with blue finger paint. Show the children how to mix blue and white to get the right shade of blue.

The exercise

move: Prepare 10 pieces of blue floss. On a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, draw several wavy lines one above the other. To the music, stick the threads on the lines, trying to keep the shape.