How urine color affects health. Factors affecting the change in the color of urine. Abnormal shades of urine

Consider how to determine the symptoms of diseases in the urine.

Symptoms of diseases by the color of urine

Skeletal muscle necrosis disease

You may think that urine should be yellow, when in fact healthy person it is clear or slightly yellowish, not foamy or cloudy. If you are taking certain types of cholesterol-lowering medications, don't be surprised to find that your urine has turned yellow. Brown color, there were symptoms such as itching, weakness and numbness of the muscles. These signs may indicate a serious side effect- Skeletal muscle necrosis.

Acute necrosis of skeletal muscle occurs as a result of injury, disease or pathology that caused damage to muscle tissue. Eat good news- the disease is treatable if its symptoms were detected on time, but if not, then the person will face fatal dysfunctions nervous system and muscles kidney failure, thrombus formation and cardiac arrhythmias.

Colored urine is a symptom of what disease?

When we turn a little pink with pleasure - it's nice, but if the urine becomes pink - the story is completely different. Although in many cases a change in the color of fluid excreted from the body to pink, orange, green or dark tea can only mean that we have consumed foods or medicines containing dyes, sometimes such a "rainbow" represents valuable information about the state of the system.

Urine the color of green peas is a symptom of what disease?

Like many other color changes, "green" urine can be associated with eating green-colored foods or drinks. One of the common dyes is asparagus, which also gives the released liquid a strange smell. It is quite common for urine to turn green due to taking multivitamins and medications for depression, allergies, nausea, inflammation, or painkillers.

It is not uncommon for patients who have undergone surgery during which the anesthetic propofol was used to notice that their urine has turned green (and in some it has turned pink). But green urine can also be a sign of elevated bilirubin, a greenish chemical produced by the liver and found in bile. Bilirubin is responsible for jaundice. An excess of this substance signals diseases of the liver and pancreas.

Pink or reddish urine is a symptom of what disease?

Pink or red urine does not always mean an admixture of blood. Foods rich in red pigments - beets, red peppers, blueberries - can change the color of fluid excreted from the body. Red, beet-colored urine is common in people with iron deficiency or malabsorption syndrome who have eaten beets (or other red foods) at dinner. Rhubarb and hay (Alexandria leaf) can also turn urine pink because they contain anthraquinone, often used as a coloring agent and a powerful laxative. Pink or pinkish urine is a reaction to some psychotropic drugs, as well as anti-cancer drugs containing anthraquinone.

Unfortunately, pink and red color sometimes appear due to impurities of blood in the urine - hematuria. This may be due to damage to the kidneys, as well as any other part urinary system. This phenomenon may be one of the first signs of serious kidney, liver, or Bladder, including infections, stones, cysts, tumors and even cancer.

Purple urine is a symptom of what disease?

Urine that is dark red or purplish in color is a symptom of a rare group hereditary pathologies blood - porphyria. This disease is common in royal families Europe, but is found not only in individuals of blue blood. It should be noted that even in people with such disorders, urine does not always have a purple color, but acquires it after standing in the light for a while. Porfiria is accompanied various signs- from sensitivity to light to severe pain in the abdomen, clouding of reason, epileptic seizures and even paralysis.

Urine of golden color is a symptom of what disease?

The urine of a healthy person is transparent and has a slight yellowish-straw tint. Dark yellow or orange means the body is dehydrated. Another sign of this condition is the smell. Scanty urination or oliguria also signals dehydration. Dark yellow urine may mean you are getting a large number of beta-carotene from food or supplements.

Some medical preparations color urine orange. One of these is the tuberculosis drug rifampin, the blood-thinning warfarin, and certain types cancer medicines. The orange color of urine is due to many of the chemical substances and compounds that affect the color of feces. In the western world average person produces up to 200 - 250 grams of feces per day.

Urine the color of black tea is a symptom of what disease?

Urine the color of black tea - clear sign dehydration. Or, this is how your body has reacted to certain foods and medications. For example, rhubarb can change the color of urine to very dark, as well as pink or red. Urine turns dark brown under the influence of quinine found in drinks and medicines, in some antibiotics, especially metronidazole, used in the treatment of certain types intestinal infections, such as giardiasis and dysentery, as well as vaginal infection - trichomoniasis.

Black tea-colored urine can be a sign of some very serious conditions, including bleeding from the kidneys or bladder that stopped some time ago, so the urine turned brown, or liver disease - hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Sometimes black tea-colored urine is indicative of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), which is fatal. dangerous complication diabetes. And finally, this is the first sign of acute skeletal muscle necrosis, a potentially fatal pathology in which the fibers of the skeletal muscles tear, become toxic and poison the blood.

Often this is the result of severe muscle damage from a car accident or injury caused by a heavy object dropped from above. The same condition can be observed in alcoholics suffering from delirium tremens. Overload from activities such as marathon running or bodybuilding can also cause this disorder.

urinary system

Our mothers spent weeks, months and even years potty training us. After we have learned how to use it, there are basically no more mistakes, we perfectly, without hesitation, cope with this task (well, except for rare unpleasant incidents in childhood or an increased interest in toilet humor in adolescence). Modern doctors no longer need, like the doctors of the Middle Ages, to examine in detail the contents of the chamber pots of their patients, as if gold could be found there.

But there is a chance to say a lot about the state own health, if you pay attention to the fluid flowing from the body. Like defecation, urination has received many names, both decent and disgusting. No matter how you designate this process - in formal terms (urination or fluid release) or more “colorful” ones - go to pee, murmur, take a pee - it’s worth periodically looking at what follows from you.

Our internal water and sewer system purifies about 180 liters of body fluids daily. And all this, with the exception of 2 liters, which are returned to pure form into the circulation system, gradually leaves the body during urination.

Interesting Facts about urine

Our ancestors found numerous uses for urine.

The ancient Romans washed their clothes in it and used it to whiten their teeth. Especially popular for these purposes was the urine of the Portuguese. The ancient Chinese used urine as a mouthwash. On the battlefields, it was used to sterilize wounds when there was no antiseptic at hand (this practice still exists today). And throughout history, people have been drinking urine in an attempt to treat a variety of ailments.

Several members of the British royal family suffered from porphyria - Mary, Queen of Scots, and her son King James I of England, and George III had such a severe case that he gradually lost his mind and became blind. His story was adapted into the 1994 British film The Madness of King George.

Although you probably think that dehydration is out of the question, when you are thirsty, you are not far from this state. Dehydration leads to seizures brain disorders and even death. The lack of water in the body is especially dangerous for children and adults over 60 years of age.

So you want to have general idea, find out what urine should be in a healthy person? laboratory study of fluid collected after urination. Urinalysis is performed in a specialized laboratory that has special equipment and experienced medical staff. The results of observations and tests are interpreted by the doctor. Urinalysis helps the attending physician to identify the symptoms of diseases, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment and monitor the dynamics of the patient's condition. Determining, among other things, the effectiveness of prescribed drugs, drugs, antibiotics and the effect of the general method of treatment. That's why, for a doctor, ideas about what urine should be- this is a whole section of professional knowledge. About how to decipher the analysis.

Another thing: people who do not have medical education . It is clear that ordinary person It is better not to do urine analysis yourself. After all, he doesn't have clear ideas about what urine should be in a healthy person. And, moreover, there is no need to try to prescribe treatment for yourself on the basis of an amateur urine test. However, it is quite possible and highly desirable to monitor the state of the fluid during urination. Pay attention to the color, smell, turbidity and foaminess of urine. In fact, most people do just that. Only "domestic urine tests" are carried out unconsciously, automatically. Sooner or later it happens that people notice with anxiety(correctly called: determine) change in shade, darkening of color, coloration and more sharp, sharp, strong, sometimes even, objectively bad smell urine. Maybe they notice a sediment in the liquid after urination, turbidity, opacity, foam in the urine, crystals, stones, threads, mucus, blood, semen. The disease is suspected on this basis and they want to find out what treatment they need pass the.

NOTE: Dark urine after exercise is normal. It should be.

What should be the urine of a healthy person, signs, characteristics and properties of the fluid after urination:

  • The color of urine is normal, in a healthy person, without pathologies has a light, not bright, straw yellow color, without a pink tint. And in appearance, the liquid seems quite transparent. It is not cloudy and, by visual assessment, has no sediment or suspension.
  • The smell of fresh urine is normal, in a healthy person who does not have pathologies or diseases , characteristic specific, in extreme cases: very weak ammonia. However, the smell of ammonia in urine is not perceived as sharply unpleasant, repulsive, most often they do not pay attention to it.
  • There should be no discomfort when urinating. , expressed in burning, itching or pain. Itching, burning and pain are not necessarily associated with an inflammatory process in the urinary tract. And can be caused by certain characteristics of the urine, for example: the liquid is highly concentrated.
  • Urine is normal, in a healthy person, should not foam , that is, there should be no stable foam on the surface of the liquid. concentrated urine often produces foam.
  • Urine is normal, in a healthy person, should not contain : crystals, threads, mucus, blood, flakes, cylinders, cells. As well as proteins, leukocytes.
  • Urine is normal, in a person who does not have diseases, it should taste salty with a slight aftertaste of bitterness. The taste of urine is usually not examined, but an interesting fact: if the urine seems to taste sweet -

You should definitely pay attention to this and turn to a urologist in time to prevent the development of a particular disease in her early stage. The experience of our doctors and the level of medical equipment guarantee a highly accurate diagnosis and high-quality individual treatment if a disease is detected.

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Urine removes water-soluble waste from the body, which is filtered out by the kidneys. Toxins are also excreted in the urine, as are many substances that pose a threat to health.

If the urine changes color, it does not always mean that you have eaten the product that colored it. A change in color can indicate an infection and even cancer.

The usual yellow-straw shade of urine is due to the pigment urochrome in it. The concentration of urine, its density determines the saturation of the color: from thick amber to slightly yellow.

  • If the color of urine has changed towards dark, this may be due to low fluid intake. And a change in the direction of a pale, almost colorless shade indicates an excess of fluid or the use of diuretic drugs that remove fluid in large quantities.
  • Darkening of urine to a shade of dark brown indicates jaundice.
  • Port wine-colored urine often occurs with porphyria (this is a hereditary disease).
  • Urine reddish hue(blood blotches) speaks of various kinds of infections, cancer, bleeding in the genitourinary area. An immediate referral to a specialist is required.
  • If the urine is reddish, but opaque, cloudy, then this is most likely not cancer, but an infection. It could also be kidney stones.
  • The grayish color is often due to the presence of pus in the urine.
  • Greenish or bluish tones signal decay in the intestines.

But the change in the color of urine is not always due to diseases..

  • Different drugs can significantly affect the color of urine (over the entire spectrum, up to green, purple hues).
  • Vitamins enhance yellowness.
  • Red or pink color gives beets.
  • Orange or yellow may be associated with eating carrots.
  • The greenish tone comes from eating asparagus.

Smell change

As part of the norm, urine has a slightly ammoniacal smell. Various diseases are manifested by a change or intensification of its smell:

  • Gallstone disease is associated with an ammonia smell.
  • A sweetish aroma is present in diabetes.
  • The smell of acetone also indicates diabetes, various serious infections.
  • infection coli accompanied by the smell of faeces.
  • About the fistula between urinary tract and the stench of urine can speak to the bowels.
  • Hereditary fermentopathy is accompanied by a bad odor, similar to the smell of sweaty feet.
  • An ammonia smell will tell about cystitis.
  • Phenylketonuria smells musty.
  • Cabbage signals violations in the absorption of amino acids.
  • "Pharmacy" aroma - problems in the urinary tract.
  • Thrush is fraught with a bad odor after sexual contact.
  • Bad-smelling urine can be various infections kidney, kidney stones, prostatitis (in men), acute liver failure.

Significant changes in the smell of urine should disturb you and make you come to the clinic for an examination. Our specialists will determine the state of your metabolic processes and select an adequate individual treatment.

With an acetone smell, you need to be examined as soon as possible. Perhaps it diabetes, then emergency therapy is needed, otherwise you may even faint due to a carbohydrate deficiency.

However, some foods also change the smell of urine. For example, asparagus (a sharp bad flavor).

Change in urine foam

Foaminess is also a very important informational factor. Normal urine, when shaken, has a light, unstable, clear foam. If there is protein in the urine, the foam will be persistent and plentiful. Foam for jaundice yellow color.


In the absence of the body pathological processes urine is clear. Muddy consistency is caused by various bacteria, red blood cells, salts, fat, mucus.

If the turbidity is due to pus (that is, with an infection), it will not disappear when heated, when acids are added to the urine. True reason turbidity can only be established when laboratory research urinary sediment in the clinic.

So any change normal view urine can be a symptom of a very serious illness. Be sure to visit the doctor for diagnostic measures, accurate diagnosis and effective therapy.

Our specialists

Urine is like a mirror reflecting the state of all systems of our body. Many are interested in the question of what color urine should be. IN healthy body it is a clear liquid with a straw color and a certain smell. If suddenly its appearance changes noticeably, you need to be wary - there is a possibility of development serious pathologies in the human body. It is possible to find out exactly what diseases and what else the changed color of urine (urine) says about only after contacting a doctor.

Prerequisites for color change

The tone in which urine is colored depends on many circumstances. First of all, the metabolism and the volume of its products excreted with urine make their own adjustments. In this case, the amount of fluid produced by the body is important. In addition, the shade differs in patients of different ages: in a child, urine is usually lighter than in an adult. In newborns, the appearance of a reddish tint of urine in the first two weeks or even a month after birth is also possible, which is associated with high level uric acid and not fully formed algorithm of the kidneys. In older babies (for example, three months old), such deviations are possible due to a sharp change in diet.

The fluid consumed is then excreted in the urine, reducing the concentration of the yellow pigment (urochrome) in it, which causes the urine to become lighter. In the opposite case, when the body is dehydrated, the concentration of the coloring element increases, making the shade of this liquid more saturated. But the formation of urine of other colors is almost always directly related to the pathological processes occurring in the body. In all other cases, people become interested in what determines the change in the color of urine.

Mostly light urine orange shade says only that the body is dehydrated at an acceptable level. Doctors in such a situation recommend increasing the amount of water consumed. Another factor why the color of this physiological fluid changes so much is the intake of excessive amounts of foods enriched with beta-carotene, which is excreted from the body along with urine. Some dietary supplements and medicines containing B vitamins, as well as blood thinners in certain situations cause urine to turn orange-yellow.

In situations where the orange color is too saturated, there is a possibility of developing disease processes that affect the kidneys and bile ducts. An increase in bilirubin levels due to inflammation of the liver, pathologies in the formation of liver cells, or blockage of the bile ducts can sometimes affect the color of urine to change to orange. Moreover, this urine is indirect sign progression of jaundice similar conditions associated syndromes are almost colorless feces, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin. If you find these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

In men, urine that is colored bright orange is considered a sign urolithiasis or pathologies of the prostate. At the same time, a change in the color of this physiological fluid to orange is not always a herald of something terrible - such a phenomenon can occur due to excessive physical activity which leads to dehydration and an increase in urine density. In no case should you ignore such a symptom, and if it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In women during pregnancy, a straw-yellow liquid. But sometimes girls are diagnosed with gestosis (usually this happens in last trimester gestation), which is considered late toxicosis. The most important sign similar condition is that the test urine contains an excessive amount of protein, as well as too high blood pressure. Due to such a complication, edema begins to form in a person, and the volume of blood circulating in the body decreases. Also, the color of urine may change during menstruation.

Urine has a pink tint

A similar shade of urine excreted by the body can be associated with both physiological characteristics and various diseases and infections. In addition, such a change in the shade of urine is sometimes caused natural processes occurring in the human body after taking certain medicines and food.

Most often, urine acquires pink tone in cases where there are no pathologies behind this, and the manifestation of such a symptom is due to ingestion following products supply:

  • Red beetroot;
  • currant;
  • carrot;
  • blackberry;
  • cherry.

Sometimes the use of drugs plays the same role in changing the color of urine - similar phenomenon observed after the use of Aspirin, Ibuprofen and some laxatives, causing a decrease in the amount of urine associated with the release of large volumes of fluid through the intestines.

Disorders often lead to the coloring of urine in pink color. genitourinary system. Among them: cystitis, pyelonephritis, vasculitis (all these diseases affect the kidney tissue), cancer of the bladder, kidneys, damage to the urethra. IN similar situations urine turns pink due to ingestion a small amount blood.

In women, such urine may be due to taking oral contraceptives, failing menstrual cycle, ovarian dysfunction. Long-term reception hormonal drugs leads to stagnation of blood in the organs of the pelvic area, due to which the tone of the vessels decreases, causing their rupture.

Pink urine in men often becomes a harbinger of the formation of prostate cancer or prostatitis. A growing tumor causes damage to the walls of blood vessels, and the blood released in such a situation penetrates directly into urethra, where and stains urine in pink shade. Accompanying signs will be an increase in body temperature, a decrease in body weight, a general depletion of the patient's body.

When the urine turns red

In the majority of cases, urine of this color appears due to the pathogenic effect on the body of the infection, which is also associated with the detection of other symptoms. Among them: frequent urination to the toilet, deterioration of the smell of urine, chills, fever, pain in the lower part of the body. abdominal cavity and hyperhidrosis. If an increased number of red blood cells is detected during microscopy of a urine test, this almost always becomes a sign inflammatory process, accompanied by burning, discomfort during emptying and the appearance of pain. List of diseases that cause such a serious Negative influence on the body looks like this:

  • porphyria;
  • oncology of the urinary system;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • kidney disease.

Back injuries, as well as various disorders of the reproductive system, also lead to a similar phenomenon. At the same time, in girls with the appearance of red urine, there are often observed the following symptoms:

  • erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • bleeding;
  • cystitis;
  • swelling of the neck of the T-shirt;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Most of these diseases are removed from the body quite painlessly with the proper approach to diagnosis and treatment. It is with this principle that the ban on self-treatment is associated - the patient may miss the opportunity to cure the disease in time, only aggravating his situation. That is why it is recommended to immediately make an appointment with a doctor, especially if you have other symptoms.

Dark brown urine

Cirrhosis of the liver

There are both natural causes of this phenomenon and pathological ones. Among the first is a change in the concentration of urochrome (coloring pigment), due to which in the morning a person has urine more rich color, and during the day it becomes lighter (especially in cases where his drinking regimen provides large volume liquids). Also, the color of urine is affected by foods eaten (legumes, carrots, carbonated drinks with dyes, beets), heat environment, taking medications, etc. This is affected even by exhausting physical exertion, leading to the withdrawal of fluid through sweat, which causes the urine to darken. Therefore, there is no need to panic if your urine has become brown shade, because this is not necessarily a sign of some kind of disease, but it is definitely worth going to the doctor in such a situation.

Diseases that stain urine brown include:

  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • oncology of the pancreas and organs of the genitourinary system;
  • body dehydration.

It can form in any person, only the causes will differ. In case when brown urine is a harbinger serious illness, its appearance will be accompanied by other symptoms. With liver diseases (for example, jaundice), a person develops a fever, appetite drops sharply, and it hurts in the right side.

Blue-green urine

As in previous cases, this color of urine is affected absolutely different reasons. First of all, food that contains dyes can be the culprit. Often this effect is due to the use of certain products. Among them:

  • asparagus;
  • black licorice;
  • rhubarb;
  • tarragon;
  • artificial juices;
  • green beer.

Also this change appearance urine can be caused by taking medications (these include Ripsalin, Fenergan, Indocin, Metindol, Amitriptyline and others). In this case, the acquisition of green color in the urine is due to the presence of blue pigments in the drugs, which are mixed with urochrome (yellow dye in the urine), resulting in a green tint.

In rare cases, this behavior of the presented physiological fluid may be due to the presence of familial hypercalcemia. This disease is inherited. is extremely rare, and its main manifestation becomes in a child.

Sediment in the urine

The appearance of noticeable turbidity in urine is not the norm. In the predominant number of cases, such a symptom signals the development of pathological processes in the body. Determine exactly what caused the precipitation or cloudy urine, will only help laboratory analysis urine according to Nechiporenko. share the following types draft:

  • organized sediment (in this case, many cylinders, erythrocytes, epithelium, leukocytes are found);
  • unorganized sediment (mineral salts).

There are several reasons for the release of such impurities. First of all, it is worth noting the high concentration of salts (phosphates, urates, oxalates), which affect the change in the alkaline balance of urine, which is reflected in the form of a crystalline precipitate. In some cases, protein compounds are found - the so-called organic manifestations. If the smell of urine suddenly becomes sharp and unpleasant even during urination, the patient himself experiences pain and itching, and the sediment (caused by acetone) looks like white flakes or purulent clots (sometimes with blood secretions), then there is no doubt about the development dangerous disease. What change in the color of urine to expect when a precipitate appears is impossible to say for sure.

Abnormal shades of urine

most common cause discoloration of urine is a disorder of any of the body systems or a disease. If any deviation is found, it is necessary to find out what exactly led to the development of such a situation. After that, the treatment algorithm will be determined. If at the end of the therapy period the color has not returned to normal, it is necessary to do reanalysis urine. This will help to establish the causes that additionally affect the state of urine.

Products that change the color of urine

Obviously, some food items can affect the shade of urine formed in the body. If you have noticed a similar phenomenon in yourself, then you need to refresh your memory about what exactly was present in your daily diet. If the menu was oversaturated with carrots, this could cause the urine to turn orange. In the event that the biological fluid has become light red. the culprit should be sought among beets, cherries and other products that have powerful dyes in their composition. If you like to drink strong tea, then then do not be surprised by dark urine.

In the morning, urine has a slightly more amber hue due to the fact that during the night the kidneys work hard to filter metabolic products, which increases the density of this fluid. In the heat or after exhausting physical exertion, urine also becomes darker, as dehydration of the body occurs and an increase in the concentration of coloring substances in the excreted fluid. After replenishment of water reserves in the body, the color of the urine of a healthy person becomes normal, and when overuse liquid concentration falls, which is expressed by clarification of urine.

Medical preparations

Medicines taken by the patient during therapeutic measures related to the treatment of other diseases often affect the discoloration of urine. Sample list drugs for which this behavior has been observed is as follows:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Rifampicin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Triamterene;
  • Methylene blue (Triamterene);
  • Senna;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Amidopyrine (Antipyrine, Phenolphthalein);
  • Santonin (Sulfazol);
  • Multitabs (and other vitamins, for example, with angina);
  • Phenyl salicylate (Naphthol, Salol).

Diseases that change the color of urine

Almost any ailment associated with damage to the organs responsible for filtering waste products changes the color of the urine formed. Depending on the shade, the diseases that caused such a metamorphosis of the biological fluid also differ. The classification (table) looks like this:

  • dark yellow: swelling, burns, vomiting, diarrhea, intoxication, fever, diastasis, congestive kidney;
  • pale yellow: diabetes (sugar insipidus and sugar), real glucosuria, renal failure;
  • dark brown: hemolytic anemia;
  • black: acute hemolytic kidney, alkaptonuria, melanosarcoma;
  • red: nephrolithiasis, kidney infarction, lead anemia;
  • brown: acute or chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • greenish-brown: parenchymal jaundice;
  • greenish yellow: obstructive jaundice;
  • whitish: decay of kidney tissue;
  • milk: lymphostasis of the renal system.

Defeating severe kidney disease is possible!

If the following symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • persistent back pain;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • violation of blood pressure.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. The disease can be cured! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating...

Urine includes the end products of metabolism, which color it in different colors. What color is healthy urine in humans?

The answer to this question is simple - it

What factors affect the color of urine?

  • The presence of dyes in food.
  • The use of certain products.
  • Taking medication.
  • metabolic processes.

What does the color of urine indicate? Amber - about the pigments urobilin, urochrome and others, and the level of its saturation depends on the number of such pigments. In addition, the more liquid a person consumes, the less urine stains. With a lack of water, especially in hot, dry weather and with increased sweating, the urine darkens.

Why does the color of urine change in a healthy person?

Some people do not know what color urine should be, and therefore worry about it turning greenish or reddish color. For example, why If you eat beets, blackberries or rhubarb, this color of urine appears. In some cases, in pregnant women, urine becomes orange color. A similar color appears when eating carrots and fruits rich in carotene. Redness of the urine can also occur after poisoning with toxic substances. When red urine appears in women, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The appearance of blood in the urine is considered a prerequisite serious problems with a woman's health. Timely assistance will help to avoid serious problems and consequences.

Why is urine red and painful? This happens with diseases of the urinary tract and urination. occurs in people who take antibiotics. As a rule, the doctor talks about side effects drugs, so you don't have to worry. Green color urine is formed after eating asparagus. Blue color may be due to the intake of a complex of vitamins or medicines. After eating legumes, urine becomes dark in color. Urine light color appears with excessive fluid intake.

dark urine

Urine contains the enzyme urochrome, which has a yellow pigment, the concentration of which determines the shade of urine in a healthy person. The higher the concentration of the enzyme, the correspondingly darker the color of the urine. In addition, its color is influenced by other factors. For example, pregnant women have dark colored urine.

During the bearing of a child, the woman's body is transformed, everything internal systems organisms are overstressed. Dark urine in a woman during this period is the result of a restructuring of the body. The reason for this on early dates pregnancy is dehydration of the body due to toxicosis, manifested by vomiting.

A dark shade of urine can give:

  • Food;
  • medications;
  • starvation diets;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • intense physical activity;
  • violation of the diet, insufficient amount of water drunk per day.

At the same time, what does the color of urine say dark? Urine of this color can also be a symptom of various diseases:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • genitourinary system;
  • gynecological;
  • infectious;
  • venereal;
  • oncological.

At the same time, dark urine in a woman may also be accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor.

Upon detection dark urine you should contact your doctor and get a referral for testing, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe additional examination will diagnose and treat.

Causes of dark urine in a child

If in the morning parents notice the dark color of urine in a child, this is not a reason to immediately sound the alarm, as it is caused natural causes the vital activity of the organism. During the day, its color returns to normal.

If the urine remains dark during the day, then it may be:

  • Infectious disease of the genitourinary system of a child. Urine takes dark brown shade. In advanced cases, mucus, pus and blood are found in it.
  • This condition is manifested by pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting. The water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, dehydration of the body occurs, urine becomes dark.
  • Liver disease, in which urine can even be black.

Why do children have cloudy urine?

The appearance of cloudy urine in a child is familiar to many parents. It is known that urine is the main indicators of the state of the body. However, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. If with sediment, then parents do not need to immediately panic, the reasons for this are varied, most of them are absolutely harmless.

The appearance of cloudy urine in the first days of a baby's life should not bother parents, as this is physiological. normal phenomenon. And after a short period of time everything will be back to normal. In infants, this situation is possible at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, as the composition of feeding changes.

Reasons for changing the color of urine in children:

  • use certain products such as plum, gooseberry, sorrel, parsley, grapes, legumes;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • burns that occupy a large surface of the skin;
  • excess vitamins;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, parenchymal jaundice);
  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory process (pyelonephritis);
  • blood disease - hemolytic anemia;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the kidneys;
  • intoxication of the body in case of poisoning or infection.

IN evening hours urine may become slightly cloudy even in healthy babies- this is associated with overworking the child in a day. If the child has cloudy urine with sediment, with pungent odor and mucus, and the baby sleeps and eats poorly, then you definitely need to contact a specialist who will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Preventive actions:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • constant emptying of the bladder;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduced salt intake;
  • limiting the use of foods that contain a lot of calcium;
  • consumption enough liquids.

If a sediment or cloudy urine appears, it is necessary to observe the condition of the baby. If unusual symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor and not engage in self-treatment.

Presence of acetone in urine

Most people attribute the bad odor that comes out of their urine to food. The appearance of acetone in the urine indicates problems with the kidneys. In many cases, the problem can be easily solved - just go back to healthy lifestyle life, but sometimes it is necessary medical examination. Timely diagnosis and testing will help to avoid negative consequences. If treatment is not started on time, it can lead to serious illness. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to know the reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine.

Acetone in urine in adults: causes

  • Excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods contributes to the accumulation harmful substances in organism.
  • Irregular physical activity.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • The effects of anesthesia.
  • Poisoning and high fever.
  • Eating only low-calorie foods.

These causes are quite serious and need to be addressed immediately.

Symptoms indicating the presence of acetone in the urine:

  • the presence of a strong unpleasant odor when urinating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • unstable mental state;
  • high blood glucose levels;
  • continuous desire to rest and sleep;
  • pallor and crimson;
  • lack of thirst and appetite;
  • unexplained vomiting and diarrhea.

Actions for the detection of acetone in the urine

If you find some symptoms and think that you have acetone in your urine, then it is recommended to get tested. This can be done in the outpatient laboratory. Conventional Analysis urine is able to detect acetonuria.

It is very risky to detect acetone in the urine of pregnant women. Acetone may occur in urine due to toxicosis and frequent vomiting. In this case, it is recommended to restore the water-salt balance in the body of a pregnant woman. If a woman is not worried about anything, then if acetone is found in the urine, it is recommended to be tested again. And if it happens again positive result, then you will need to undergo other examinations that will help determine the causes of its appearance and take the necessary measures.


If proper nutrition and the normalization of the order of the day did not give a result, then special preparations should be taken. If acetone is found in the urine of adults, the causes may be associated with intoxication with poisons or heavy metals, with a change in hormone levels thyroid gland. In the presence of similar problems, inpatient treatment is recommended, which, if necessary, may include droppers, intramuscular injections, surgical intervention.

With the timely detection of acetone in the urine, it is quite easy to eliminate the causes of its appearance. Before starting any treatment, you need to seek help from specialists.

Diseases and color of urine

Consider what the color of urine indicates in diseases:

  • Pale yellow - lack of pigments and with polyuria.
  • Dark lemon color appears with toxicosis, dehydration, which is caused by vomiting, as well as fever.
  • White - when pus, phosphates, lipids penetrate into the urine. This is possible with pyelonephritis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys and urolithiasis.
  • Brown color - an increased amount of urobilin, for example, with anemia, poisoning, problems with blood clotting.
  • Black color accompanies the disease melanosarcoma and hemolytic kidney.
  • The color of beer when bile pigments enter the excretory system.
  • Red - when blood comes in.

So, what does the color of urine say? A change in the color of urine is not always the cause of the disease, but you should carefully monitor the signals of the body.