Tips for nursing mothers. Breastfeeding newborns. What kind of milk does your baby get at the beginning and end of feeding

The optimal food for a newborn baby is mother's milk. It has been proven that early attachment to the breast (immediately or a few hours after birth) has a beneficial effect on both the newborn (decreases initial loss weight, the child sucks and develops better), and on the mother (the uterus contracts better after childbirth, lactation increases, the psycho-emotional connection between mother and child is stronger).

Currently, in all countries there is a struggle for full-fledged natural feeding, which can be defined as breastfeeding a child by the mother until the age of 10-12 months with the timely introduction of complementary foods.

We have prepared everything necessary advice nursing mother, for breastfeeding a child. By the time the baby is born, the mother has milk, the volume of which increases every day. But, in addition to quantity, its quality also changes. Until the 2-3rd day, thick, yellowish milk from a large amount of fat is secreted, called colostrum. Colostrum is very high in calories and is the best food for a baby during the period of adaptation to the extrauterine period of development. From the 4-5th day, the composition of colostrum begins to change - the amount of protein, salts and fat decreases, forming transitional milk. Milk acquires its permanent composition only on the 2-3rd week - mature milk. Subsequently, the composition of milk changes in accordance with the needs of the child in different age periods.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has undeniable advantages over artificial:

  • breast milk- easily digestible high-calorie food with an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a child. Moreover, all the ingredients, unlike cow's milk, do not, as a rule, cause allergies and require less energy for digestion;
  • on different stages growth and development of the child, breast milk changes its composition, adapting to its needs;
  • breast milk contains enzymes that facilitate digestion, protective antibodies against various infections, and others needed by the child Ingredients;
  • the baby always receives breast milk at the optimum temperature;
  • the process of sucking milk from the breast contributes to the correct formation of the facial skull (jaws and teeth);
  • close contact of the child with the mother during feeding provides a better psycho-emotional development in the future;
  • children on breastfeeding less likely to suffer from infectious and allergic diseases;
  • natural feeding is more than 300 times cheaper than artificial feeding.

Benefits for the baby while breastfeeding

Breast milk provides the baby with:

  • Ideal nutrition. Breast milk contains all the necessary substances in required quantities to fully meet the nutritional needs of the child. It contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that a child needs for growth, digestion and brain development. Breast milk individually; its composition changes as the child grows.
  • Disease protection. Studies show that breast milk protects the baby from disease. It provides antibodies that help immune system child to fight common childhood illnesses. Babies who are breastfed are less likely to catch colds, develop ear problems and urinary tract than those who are not breastfed. Those who breastfeed are less likely to have asthma, food allergies, and skin diseases type of eczema. They are less likely to have a decrease in the number of red blood cells (anemia). As it is supposed, breast-feeding protects against the syndrome sudden death newborns and somewhat reduces the risk of childhood leukemia. Breast milk can provide long-term protection against disease. Adults who were once breastfed are less likely to have a heart attack or stroke - thanks to lower cholesterol levels - and are less likely to develop diabetes.
  • protection from overweight . It has been found that children who are breastfed are less likely to become overweight as adults.
  • Better digestion. Breast milk is easier for babies to digest than cow or artificial mixtures. Because breast milk doesn't stay in the stomach as long as formula, babies spit up less. They are less likely to have gas and constipation. Diarrhea is also less common because breast milk destroys some of the micro-organisms that cause diarrhea and helps the baby's digestive system grow and function.
  • Other benefits. Breastfeeding promotes normal development jaws and facial muscles of the child. In the future, even the child's teeth will deteriorate less.

Benefits for mother while breastfeeding

What does the mother get?

  • Rapid recovery after childbirth. Sucking causes the body to release oxytocin, a hormone that causes the uterus to contract. This means that the uterus returns to its original size faster than it would be with artificial feeding.
  • Ovulation suppression. Breastfeeding delays the recovery of ovulation, and therefore the recovery of the cycle, which helps to increase the interval between pregnancies.
  • Long-term health protection.
  • Breastfeeding lowers the risk of developing breast cancer before menopause. It also somewhat protects against cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

Pros and cons of breastfeeding

In addition to the health of the mother and child, there are a few other things to consider:

  • Convenience. Many mothers find breastfeeding more convenient than bottle feeding. You can breastfeed anywhere and anytime, as soon as the baby is hungry. And you don't need any equipment. Breast milk is always available - and suitable temperature. Since there is no need to prepare bottles and you can feed lying down, nighttime feedings are easier.
  • Profitability. Breastfeeding saves money because you don't have to buy baby food and bottles.
  • Attachment. Breastfeeding promotes bonding and closeness between mother and child. This is very important for both.
  • Rest for mother. Breastfeeding allows the mother to take a break every few hours while she breastfeeds.

However, breastfeeding has its own difficulties and inconveniences:

  • Only mother can feed. In the first weeks, caring for a baby is physically exhausting. A newborn needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, day and night. This is tiring for mom, and dad can feel neglected. It is possible to express milk by suction so that dad or other family members can take over some of the feedings. It may take about a month for milk production to stabilize and for you to express and collect it.
  • Mom restrictions. Nursing mothers are advised not to drink alcohol as it can pass through milk to the baby. You also shouldn't take certain medications. Check with your doctor.
  • Painful nipples. Some women get sore nipples and even breast infections. Proper feeding technique avoids this. Consult your doctor about this.
  • Other side effects when breastfeeding. While you are breastfeeding, hormones can cause vaginal dryness. The use of gels water based will help solve this problem. It may also take time for your menstrual cycle restored regularity.

Vitamin D supplement

If you are breastfeeding only or predominantly, talk to your doctor about vitamin D supplementation. Breastmilk may not contain enough vitamin D, which is needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, elements that keep bones strong. In rare cases, a lack of vitamin D can cause rickets.

About the regimen of a nursing mother

There is a genetic predisposition to the production of hormones by the mother's body that stimulate milk production, i.e. one of the factors determining the amount of milk is heredity and is completely unaffected by drugs, diets and lifestyle. However, for a long full lactation breastfeeding mothers should follow whole line recommendations.

A nursing mother should avoid taking medications as much as possible. Laxatives taken by the mother can cause stool upset in the child after breastfeeding, and psychotropic drugs (sleeping pills, sedatives) can make him drowsy or agitated. Even such "harmless" drugs as aspirin, having got into the child's body with mother's milk, are not indifferent to him. If a nursing woman needs treatment, therapy should be minimized and carried out only as directed by a doctor.

The amount of milk is greatly affected general state mother (negative emotions, fatigue), her lifestyle and diet.

Milk production for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is truly amazing! Even at the very beginning of pregnancy, the glands that produce milk are preparing for feeding. By about the sixth month of pregnancy, your breasts are ready to produce milk. At this time, some women have droplets of a yellowish liquid (colostrum) on their nipples. It is very beneficial for the baby as it contains antibodies from your body that can fight infections. It does not yet contain milk sugar (lactose).

Milk production gradually increases between the third and fifth days after the baby is born. Your chest will be full and sometimes painful. It may be swollen or hardened because the glands are full of milk. During breastfeeding, when the baby suckles, milk exits the glands and is forced down the ducts behind the dark circle of tissue surrounding the nipple (areola). The sucking movements of the baby compress the areola, causing the milk to flow out through the nipple openings.

The sucking movements of the baby stimulate nerve endings in the areola and nipple, sending signals to the brain to release the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin acts on the milk-producing glands in the breast, causing milk to be released onto the nursing baby. This release is called the recoil reflex (explosion of milk) and may be accompanied by a tingling sensation.

The recoil reflex makes milk available to the baby. Although sucking is the main stimulus for giving, other stimuli may have the same effect. For example, the crying of a baby, or even the thought of a baby, or the murmur of water, can start the process.

Whether or not you choose to breastfeed, your body starts producing milk as soon as your baby is born. If you do not feed, milk production will gradually stop. If you are breastfeeding, milk production is based on supply and demand. The more often the breast is emptied, the more milk it produces.

How to start breastfeeding

If this is your first breastfeeding experience, you may be worried, and that's okay. If everything went well the first time, that's great. If not, please be patient. Breastfeeding takes practice. This natural process, but this does not mean that everything is easy for all mothers. This is a completely new experience for both you and your child.

It may take a few tries until you and your child start to get it right.

Breastfeeding should begin immediately after the baby is born. If possible, breastfeed your baby while still in the delivery room. Early skin-to-skin contact has been shown to improve breastfeeding prospects. If possible, the baby should be placed in the room with you, this will make it easier to care for him. To make it easier for your baby to breastfeed, tell him not to give him any food or bottled water. It is also better, if not necessary, not to give the baby a pacifier until feeding is established.

If you need help, look for it. Before you are discharged, ask your doctor, midwife, nurse to help you. These professionals can provide guidance and helpful tips nursing mother. When you get home, ask visiting nurse who knows all about newborn feeding to come to you and give you additional instructions. It's also a good idea to learn how to breastfeed. Often this is given information in the school of preparation for childbirth. Or sign up for a course. In many maternity hospitals there are courses.

Stock up on what you need for breastfeeding. Buy a pair of nursing bras. They will provide the necessary support for the breast. They differ from regular ones in that they open at the front, easy enough that you can easily handle holding the baby in your arms.

You will also need pads to absorb milk from your breasts. Disposable, thin, they are put into a bra to absorb leaking milk.

Plastic-coated pads should not be used as they interfere with air circulation around the nipples. Gaskets can be used permanently or as needed. Some women don't use them at all, but many find them comfortable.

Try to relax. Find a quiet place to breastfeed. Stock up on a glass of water or juice as you may feel thirsty as the milk comes out. Put your phone closer or turn it off. Place a book or TV remote nearby. But it is best to devote this time to your child.

Find comfortable position for breastfeeding. Both you and your child should be comfortable. Sit up straight on a bed or chair. Place a pillow under your back. It is better to choose a chair with armrests, or you can also put a pillow.

Positions for breastfeeding

Different women prefer different feeding positions.

Try it to see what works best for you:

  • Cross breastfeeding position. Lay the child across your knees facing you. Support it with the hand opposite the breast from which you feed. Support the back of the head with an open palm. This position is especially convenient to follow how the baby took the breast. free hand support the breast from below, directing it into the baby's mouth.
  • Position in the breastfeeding cradle. Hug the baby with one arm so that his head rests comfortably in the crook of the elbow on the side of the breast you are feeding. The back rests on the forearm. Support your chest with your free hand.
  • Position in the breastfeeding grip. This position is very similar to the one in which a rugby player carries the ball under his arm. Hold the baby to the side with one hand, bending the elbow and supporting the head with the palm facing you at chest level. The baby's body will rest on your arm. Place a pillow on the side for support. The most comfortable chair with wide low armrests. With your free hand, support the chest from below in line with the baby's mouth. Since the child does not lean on the stomach, this position is convenient after caesarean section. It is also often chosen by women with big breasted or very lactating small child.
  • Side position for breastfeeding. While most new moms learn to breastfeed while sitting, sometimes you may prefer to do so while lying down. With the hand below, hold the baby's head against the chest. With your other hand, take the breast and touch the nipple to the baby's lips. When the baby is firmly at the breast, you can support him with one hand on top and place the other under your head.

What to do if a mother gets sick while breastfeeding

If it is a mild ailment, continue to breastfeed, but in gauze bandage, changing it every three hours, and wash your hands every time you approach the child. If the disease is accompanied high temperature And feeling unwell mother, it is better to isolate her from the child, and pasteurize the milk in the first days of illness (due to the risk of transmission of the virus with milk). For pasteurization, it is necessary to express milk into a bottle (preferably glass), put it in a saucepan with water (not lower than the level of milk in the bottle), boil the water for 3-4 minutes and cool to desired temperature. When the mother's condition improves (on the 4-5th day of illness), heat treatment of milk can be stopped.

For some mysterious reason, until now, various myths and superstitions continue to flourish around breastfeeding (as well as during pregnancy). All of these false beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, despite being devoid of any scientific basis or evidence. But nevertheless, myths of this kind often cause panic in the ranks of young mothers and create confusion among mothers who are no longer quite young, and the doubts created among already nursing mothers should be mentioned. decided to compile a list of the main myths about breastfeeding and milk, and explain why they are not worthy of your attention.

Major myths about breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, the woman does not experience pain or you are not properly attaching the baby. While breastfeeding, a woman may experience pain, although the technique of applying to the baby's breast is correct, you just need to get used to it. The technique of applying to the breast, of course, can affect pain, but it is not the only one and it is impossible to write off everything for this reason. When the breast is full, there is enough milk; when it is soft, there is no milk.. During the postpartum period, the breasts fill up more fully, due to the greater amount of postpartum hormones that promote lactation. Later, lactation adapts to the needs of the child, the breast either does not fill at all or fills less, mainly milk is formed in the process of sucking by the child. An empty breast after feeding is a sign of a good release and a signal to the brain about the next portion. The owners small size breasts - there will be little milk, with big size- the lucky ones with a lot of milk. Breast size has nothing to do with future ability milk production. Women who have a zero or first breast size are able to fully satisfy even twins. While women with large breasts will not be able to guarantee that they will have enough milk. Test pumping shows how much milk your baby is drinking. Baby drinks during every breastfeed different quantity milk, just like we, adults, on different days prefer different portion sizes of food. The child may also have a different appetite on different days and depend on the influence environment, for example, in bad weather may drink less milk. If it is necessary to determine how much milk the baby drinks, then you need to weigh him before and after each breastfeeding in the interval of 24-48 hours. And only the sum of the values ​​during this time will show the objective amount of milk consumed. The breastfeeding diet should not contain garlic, onions, cabbage, spices and other foods. When a baby is less enthusiastic than usual during a feed, some doctors or lactation consultants are willing to blame the food. Allegedly "bad" food destroys the taste of breast milk. The list of such products is quite impressive. In fact, there is no reason to refuse any food, since already during pregnancy the child gets used to all the foods that the mother consumes. The only thing you really need to avoid is alcohol. How much milk is expressed immediately after childbirth, so much milk will be the entire period of breastfeeding. After pumping, up to 70% of milk may remain. It depends on how soon the woman is after childbirth (the shorter this period, the better milk due to the influence of postpartum hormones and the duration of lactation, taking into account the needs of the child and will take much more long time, maybe a week before she gets the same amount of milk as at the first breastfeed), put the baby to the breast or pumped. The amount of milk after pumping is not any proof of the actual amount of milk. The baby cries after feeding, so he is still hungry. Very few children cry relentlessly because of hunger, most children suffer from tummy pain, flatulence, bloating, fear, discomfort, fatigue, or other causes. Crying is the child's only verbal means by which he talks about all his problems. Of course, the child also cries from hunger, but not always. After 6 months, the baby does not have enough mother's milk, he does not eat enough. Breast milk is always the perfect product for a small child and does not lose its properties. It is important to know that changes in mother's milk during the growth of the child occur during each feeding. Of course, its composition retains some basic constants and nutritional value. Studies have shown that during the feeding of a newborn, breast milk consists of high quantity water and other components such as lactose, proteins, antibodies, etc. And after a while, additional fats appear, which give a feeling of satiety. According to , milk is enriched with other substances (for example, antibacterial agents) useful for growth, even if weight gain is no longer as obvious as in the first months of life. Green chair - hungry child. Doesn't mean at all that green chair child means hunger, and altered (brown, very smelly), may indicate a spurt of rapid growth of the child, or he drinks a lot of lactose-rich foremilk, or reports intolerance to lactose or cow's milk protein (from the mother's diet), possibly reports intestinal infection. Frequent breastfeeding reduces milk production because the baby drinks all the milk and it does not have time to collect. The converse is true - what more baby milk drinks, the more it goes away and the more it is created again. Milk lactation is based on a simple system of supply and demand. During rapid growth, or when necessary to increase breast milk supply, increase the frequency of feeding. You will need patience, because in the first couple of days you may really feel that there is less milk, but the brain should get time to react - at least 3-4 days, milk will begin to appear in enough for a child. The break between breastfeeding should be 3 hours, otherwise digestion does not cope. Breast milk is absorbed much better than artificial formulas, therefore, the baby may require the breast more often, for example, after 1.5-2 hours. A breastfed child should be in accordance with his personal needs, so newborns may need 12-18 attachments to the breast, in children after 6-8 weeks the regimen begins to be determined, and the child will be less likely to ask for a breast. Baby can breastfeed for more than two hours. Such prolonged breastfeeding is not necessary, since the child does not eat for so long, he just sleeps at the breast. Such a process may, on the contrary, worsen the effectiveness and quantity of milk consumed by the child. Maximum duration breastfeeding a newborn can take about 45 minutes, later the time is reduced by 2-5 minutes. For a slightly grown up child, 10-15 minutes will be enough - the child will learn to suck faster and more efficiently. A child who sleeps for a long time shows a sign of comfort and contentment.. If the child feels well at the same time and all indicators are normal, then the answer is yes. But if the baby is gaining weight slowly or is a premature baby or a baby with jaundice, then it is necessary to wake him up so that the amount of breastfeeding is at least 7-8 times a day. Excessive sleepiness may indicate the fact that the child is too weak to understand his needs. During each breastfeed, you need to feed the baby only one breast, or vice versa, both. If the baby feels well, then you can feed each breast in turn. You can also offer your child a second breast right away, and he will decide whether he wants to or not. For babies that are sleeping or underweight, then switching breasts while breastfeeding can mobilize the baby to suckle better and drink more milk. There will be no milk after caesarean section. During natural childbirth, the placenta signals to the body that it is time to produce breast milk. Therefore, the first few hours are crucial for the optimal start of breastfeeding. So the hospital staff should help the mother and be sure to attach the baby to the breast immediately and after a cesarean section. The child is not gaining weight, so I do not have fat content in milk. We hasten to dispel one of the most frequent mythsskimmed milk in women, in principle, does not exist (this is a very rare occurrence, when the fat content of milk is really so small that it does not cover the nutritional needs of the child), in the vast majority of cases it is to blame wrong technique breastfeeding or suckling by a baby that does not allow effective feeding. One more possible cause there may be an insufficient breastfeeding regimen (insufficient frequency of feeding, limiting the duration of breastfeeding). If breastfeeding for more than 1 year, then this leads to the dependence of the child on the mother throughout life. In the past, it was quite normal to breastfeed a child up to 3-4 years and longer, only over the past 100 years it has been considered that it should be limited. It has been shown that children who are breastfed long term feel safe in life and therefore independent. A mother who does not let her child cry will bring up a limited and infantile, soft-bodied and aimless person. Scientists from different countries have proved an irrefutable fact that children who cried 10 times less than others in infancy feel more secure in adulthood, knowing that their needs will be heard. The bottle can hurt breastfeeding, because there is no need to work there, so the baby will refuse to breastfeed. Although there are bottles from which it is quite difficult to suck, the child needs to make some efforts, but this is not at all the reason. The difference is in the sucking technique, the baby uses completely different muscles. When breastfeeding, the tongue and chin work intensively. Therefore, when bottle-feeding, the sucking technique will deteriorate, so it will damage breastfeeding. Do not give a pacifier while breastfeeding. If the baby is growing well, breastfeeds well and the breastfeeding technique does not negative influence, then the use of the pacifier is possible after 3-6 weeks. If, immediately after birth, a pacifier is given to a child who has not yet learned to suckle correctly, then there is a risk that the child will not learn the correct technique at all, and there will also be problems with determining appetite and fullness. I don't have much milk because I don't eat or drink much and everyone says I have to eat for two.. The mother's nutritional diet does not affect lactation at all, it is known that many women who do not eat enough, nevertheless, milk good quality. Liquids need about 2-3 liters per day. Breastfeeding women should not "eat for two" at all, they just need to increase their calorie intake to and above 1400 kJ. For example, 2 slices of bread a day as an addition to the diet will be enough for these purposes. The child every week should recover by 250g. On breastfeeding, children gain unevenly, sometimes it can be 50g, and sometimes all 300g. On average, it is considered a good indicator for a week in the region of 150-250g. After this figure is reduced to 100-200g per week. If I drink a lot of milk, then I will have a lot of milk. Eating milk does not affect lactation at all. The period and amount of lactation is a hormonal issue, and the milk intake of the child has a special influence. Excess milk in the mother's diet can, on the contrary, cause problems with the baby's tummy. Breastfeeding during pregnancy or breastfeeding two children different ages impossible. No woman is insured during breastfeeding from pregnancy, so breastfeeding during pregnancy does not threaten either the mother, or the fetus, or the child. Tandem breastfeeding of children of different ages is also possible and without risks, the only thing is that a nursing mother should always give priority to feeding a young child. During illness, a breastfeeding mother should not breastfeed her baby or take any medication.. On the contrary, in case of general illnesses of the mother, it is even useful to feed, because it provides the child with breast milk with very important antibodies that will protect him from diseases or facilitate the course of the disease. And drugs prescribed by a doctor are usually compatible with breastfeeding. If your baby has diarrhea, stop breastfeeding. On the contrary, breast milk is the best medicine in diarrhea due to immune factors, probiotics and prebiotics. Breastfeeding twins or triplets is not possible. And again, this is a myth. Difficult, yes, but not impossible. Lactation is able to adapt to the needs of two and three children. First of all, it is important good organization and family support. Breastfeeding in in public places is indecent. It's as indecent as eating on a park bench. Breastfeeding women only need to remember that breastfeeding is an intimate moment between her and the child, and therefore, it is not necessary to demonstrate it too much. Breastfeeding is a reliable contraception. Breastfeeding is an unreliable contraceptive, even if the baby is often and completely breastfed. Contraceptive effects are indeed present during high lactation, but cannot be relied upon. Breast milk is enough for the baby, the need for other fluids has disappeared. With enough breast milk, the baby really doesn't need any other liquid. Breast milk is over 80% water. But on the recommendation of a pediatrician with jaundice or in hot weather, you may need to give your child some water to drink. Breastfeeding women should not exercise. This is not at all a reason to cancel sports for lactating women, on the contrary, it is a form for them active rest. The only caveat to remember is that if the exercises are performed too intensely, then lactic acid can be released into the milk, which changes the taste of milk, so the child may reject it immediately after training. Breast milk contains many contaminants. Breast milk does contain some of the contaminants that are all around us. However, studies show that their numbers are not so high, and the benefits of breast milk are much greater. No one in our family breastfed - this is a hereditary problem. Nothing of the kind, breastfeeding, or rather the rejection of previous generations, is not at all a hereditary cause. Most likely, there was a lack of knowledge and support. At all small amount women cannot breastfeed for physiological or medical reasons.

Breast-feeding - the best option feeding newborns. With breast milk, the child receives all the necessary further development and growth trace elements and vitamins. It is this method of feeding that is the safest, most convenient and economical.

Breastfeeding is an inherently natural process, which in most cases should proceed without problems and bring joy to mother and baby. It has long been noted that breastfeeding calms the infant, gives him a sense of security and a sense of closeness with the most important person- mom. But not all mothers manage to easily and quickly establish proper breastfeeding. We hope that the tips and recommendations below will help women in this important matter.

#1: Early Breastfeeding: Making Contact with Your Baby

Experts have found that the earlier infant will be attached to the breast, the faster breastfeeding will be established. It is recommended to apply the newborn to the mother's breast for the first time no later than 1 hour after birth., therefore, in many maternity hospitals, they practice applying the baby in the first minutes after birth. It is very important for the baby to get colostrum, which appears in the mother immediately after childbirth and is useful in its properties.

Early application contributes not only successful lactation but also establishing the first contact between mother and child "skin to skin". This is their first meeting, direct contact, touch. For a newborn, it is especially important to feel the closeness of the mother, to hear her heartbeat. Plus, the first application contributes to a faster discharge of the placenta in parturient women, and contributes to the formation of intestinal microflora and immunity in a newborn baby.

Pediatrician, candidate medical sciences, Associate Professor Surovtseva Alla Pavlovna talks about the first application:

#2: Proper Latching Is the Basis for Successful Feeding

During the first feeding, it is important that the baby takes the breast correctly. At the same time, doctors should help the newly-made mother and check sucking reflex baby.

In the event that the newborn was attached to the breast incorrectly, the mother will subsequently have to face a number of troubles:

  • cracks in the nipples;
  • mastitis and lactostasis;
  • poor outflow of milk;
  • refusal of the child from the breast.

To avoid similar problems a woman in labor should consult with doctors and during each feeding, monitor the correct attachment of the baby to the breast.

  1. Firstly, a woman should choose a position that is comfortable for herself and the newborn. Feeding in a sitting position or lying on its side is considered optimal. These postures help create comfortable conditions for feeding and ensure a good outflow of milk (See article about all).
  2. Secondly, you need to follow how the baby captures the chest. It is considered correct to capture not only the nipple, but also the area around it.
  3. Third, the mother should hold the breast and slightly direct it to the mouth of the baby.

Initially proper attachment will save a woman from cracks and abrasions of the nipples, lactostasis. Baby at right attachment will actively suck and gorge. If the attachment goes wrong, the mother will experience inconvenience and even pain during feeding, it will also be uncomfortable and difficult for the baby to suckle, and he may completely refuse breastfeeding.

In the case when the newborn does not grasp the breast correctly, you need to interrupt the feeding and offer him the breast again, substituting it for the correct capture. Don't be afraid or insecure. The baby will calmly accept this situation and will soon understand how to breastfeed.

But mom's insecurity, in addition to different kind troubles, it can also turn into retraining the child in the correct grip, which will take about 7-10 days. In some cases it is improper attachment breastfeeding is the primary cause of a newborn's refusal to breastfeed.

How to properly attach a baby to the breast, tells and shows a specialist in breastfeeding and child care Natalya Kudryashova:

#3: Feeding on demand is an important condition for breastfeeding

A few years ago, feeding by the hour was considered correct. In accordance with this, the child should be fed at regular intervals (usually every 3 hours).

Nowadays, the rules of breastfeeding have changed somewhat. Modern experts believe that feeding on demand is necessary for successful lactation and the absence of problems.

Each newborn needs an individual feeding schedule. In this regard, it is important to listen to the needs of the child and meet them on demand. Offer your baby the breast whenever he is naughty, whimpering, or opens his mouth in search of a source of milk. Even if the previous feeding was an hour ago. Besides, frequent applications contribute to an increase in the amount of milk and better lactation.

Do not be afraid that when feeding on demand, the child will overeat. First, the baby will not eat more than he needs. Secondly, his stomach is adapted to the rapid absorption of breast milk. After some time, the child will form his own schedule, which will be optimally suited to his needs.

Feeding on demand favors the creation of psycho-emotional comfort of the newborn. The baby feels that his needs are met in a timely manner, which means that he is important and needed, he is loved. Such children grow up more balanced, calm and confident compared to those who were fed on time.

#4: Duration of Feeding: How Long Should Baby Breastfeed

The duration of feeding depends on several factors:

  • the sucking reflex of the baby and the efforts that he makes;
  • correct attachment to the chest;
  • satiety of the child.

On average, the feeding process lasts 20-30 minutes. However, there is no need to limit feeding to strict time frames. The baby will move away from the breast when it is full. The duration of feeding is due to the fact that at the beginning of feeding, the child receives early milk rich in water, minerals and carbohydrates (i.e., the baby drinks), and after 3-6 minutes of sucking it reaches hind milk, which is rich in fats and proteins. those. starts eating well.

In some cases, the baby may suckle the breast not only because of the feeling of hunger, but also in order to calm down, feel safe, being next to the mother. Don't deprive your child of this opportunity. In this way, he seeks contact with his mother, keeps in touch with her. This explains the peaceful sleep of newborns after breastfeeding: having calmed down and having eaten, the children fall asleep sweetly, feeling completely safe.

As the baby grows older, he will learn to satisfy his need for saturation more quickly and will find other ways to establish contact with his mother. This means that the feeding time will be significantly reduced. But in the first months, be sure to give the newborn the opportunity to be at the breast for as long as he wants.

See how much to breastfeed by time:

No. 5: Alternate application

The correctness of breastfeeding largely consists of alternately applying the baby to the breast. During one feeding, the mother should offer the baby only one breast, during next feeding- another. This is due not only to the gradual accumulation of milk in the mammary glands, but also to its composition.

So, for several minutes of suckling, the baby absorbs early milk, which satisfies his need for fluid. This is liquid milk, which contains water, carbohydrates, minerals. Only after 3-6 minutes does late milk begin to stand out. It is thicker, richer healthy fats and nutrients. If a woman changes her breast during one feeding, the child may not receive late milk, which is valuable in its composition. As a result, the newborn may remain hungry and receive less necessary trace elements.

In addition, alternate application is also useful for the mother: excess milk will not linger in her breast, and the mammary glands quickly adapt to the established regimen.

When the baby grows up (5-6 months), he may not have enough milk from one breast. Only in this case, you can supplement it with a second breast.

#6: Feed at night

At night, it is also necessary to feed the newborn on demand. This will provide peace of mind for both the child and the parents. Night feedings help maintain lactation and produce enough milk. At first, the baby may need 2-3 applications at night.

For the convenience of feeding a child at night, mothers often resort to co-sleeping. This allows you to feel the baby, quickly respond to his needs, offer him a breast without getting out of bed.

But if the mother decides to sleep with the baby, she should be especially careful and careful not to crush him during sleep. You also need to wake up for night feeding, and not feed the baby "through sleep."

Young parents consider the best option when the baby's crib is moved close to their bed, and one side of it is open. This allows the baby to occupy a separate place, but be in close proximity to the parents. And the mother can at any time move the newborn to her and feed him.

See Lactation Consultant, talks about night feedings:

Thus, to properly organize breastfeeding is a process that does not require certain efforts and special skills. If a woman encounters any difficulties, she should consult with specialists. Do not forget that breastfeeding takes time. But loving mothers they will easily endure all the troubles associated with the period of breastfeeding, because the benefits of breast milk for a newborn are priceless. No expensive formula contains as much nutrients how much is in breast milk. Only breast milk acts as a natural defense of the newborn against bacteria and contributes to the formation of immunity.

In addition, breastfeeding is not only natural and required process, but also an important point in establishing emotional contact between mother and child.

More on the topic (posts from this category)

Breastfeeding is the perfect way baby feeding. First and foremost, it's useful. Your body does everything for you. Nature itself decided everything, and endowed your breast milk with a mass of substances necessary for the crumbs, which are so important for its full growth and development. No other food manufacturer for artificial feeding could not invent a product similar to breast milk, and superior to it in benefits. Second, breastfeeding is free. You can afford it at any time. At the same time, prices for formulas for artificial feeding are rising, making them affordable for far from every family. And yet, it is very convenient, because all that is required of you is to sit comfortably and give the baby a breast. And you don’t need to boil water, look for dishes for the mixture, cook it, especially when the child wakes up in the middle of the night from hunger, and you just managed to fall asleep.

One thing to keep in mind while breastfeeding is that you need to limit the consumption of certain foods that can adversely affect the baby's body, causing colic, an allergic reaction, etc. Nobody talks about strict diet. On the contrary, you should not restrict yourself in food in order to get all the necessary useful material and vitamins. In addition, you cannot lose weight, and you need to recover from childbirth.

Prohibited foods while breastfeeding

Prohibited foods during breastfeeding include alcoholic, carbonated drinks, chocolate, seafood, strong tea and coffee, citrus fruits, legumes, onions and garlic, milk, eggs, honey, fatty, fried, smoked foods, canned and preserves, fruits and vegetables of red and yellow color, grapes, black bread, seasonings, spices and sauces.

You can start introducing these foods as early as 3 months after your baby is born, but not before. Only by this time his gastrointestinal tract will mature. Once the infant reaches this age, you can introduce one product per day and observe the reaction. If the baby has colic again, or a rash appears, then try next month. It is worth introducing new products in small portions, for example, one chocolate candy, or one slice of orange.

Nutrition while breastfeeding

The diet of a nursing mother should include boiled meat and fish of low-fat varieties, dairy products, cereal dishes, soups with low-fat broths, marshmallows, dry biscuits, marmalade, crackers, vegetables and fruits not mentioned in the prohibited list, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, weak tea, natural juices from hypoallergenic products, special dishes for pregnant women and lactating women women, favorably influencing lactation.

breastfeeding favorably affects your relationship with the baby, because it is such lovely way show your child how much you love him and take care of him.

What kind of milk does your baby get at the beginning and end of feeding

Women's breasts It is arranged in such a special way that it is frequent, regular feedings that cause an influx of milk. The quantity and quality of milk different women different, it is even different from day to day and from hour to hour. In the intervals between feedings, very thin, clear milk is produced, watery and not fat rich.

This milk passes through thoracic ducts and gathers in the halo area. The baby receives it in the first minutes of feeding, and this light nutrition stimulates him. digestive system and sets it to work.

While the baby suckles the breast, massages the halo and stimulates the nipple with his tongue, the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin increases in the mother's body. Prolactin sends a signal to the breast cells to immediately increase the amount of milk. This milk is much richer in fats and has more cream. Milk supplies the body of the child with the necessary calories and is responsible for ensuring that the baby gains its weight. It creates a feeling of satiety in the child and causes a more restful and longer sleep. That is why it is so important to keep the baby at each breast for at least 10-15 minutes, otherwise up to more fat milk it might just be out of order.

The hormone oxytocin, in turn, acts on the muscle tissues and cells of the breast, helping the newly arrived milk to move faster and under greater pressure through the thoracic ducts to its target - a hungry little creature. This can cause leakage of milk, it can flow from the breast with force, as if making it easier for the baby to suck on the breast.

Several of these increased milk flows can occur in a 30-minute feed, although women usually notice only the first of them. It manifests itself in a feeling of fullness, even fullness of the chest, as if pressure on it from the inside. You can also determine increased inflows of milk by the behavior of your baby - he will begin to swallow more often than usual, after one or two sucking movements.

In the period shortly after childbirth, women often experience a little pain, similar to menstruation, since the hormone oxytocin - a great helper in returning to a flat tummy and former figure - affects the uterus, reducing it. That is why you can often hear the opinion that breastfeeding helps to restore and improve the figure.

Keys to success with breastfeeding

If you limit feedings to five minutes at each breast, your inexperienced recruit will probably get only weak milk and barely have time to form and bring your first milk supply. In this case, the infant will receive low-calorie food, which will result in poor weight gain and dehydration, which is often seen in newborns these days. The woman, in turn, will experience unpleasant heaviness, breast fullness or experience problems due to lack of milk. It is extremely important that the newborn is in the same room with the mother and breastfed every two to three hours. Try to feed him for at least 15 minutes from each breast if possible.

To help your baby form good milk Moms who have recently given birth should try to rest as much as possible. Homework, too much active classes sports, entertainment or work outside the home create difficulties and make it harder for your body to form right style in milk production. daytime sleep and any opportunity to lie down to rest are very positive habits. Try to cultivate them in yourself in the current period of your life. The energy you need will also come from food and fat stores that were made during pregnancy.

In order to produce a liter of milk per day, an additional 800 kilocalories are required. Half of them will come from your nine-month supply. This means that on average you should lose your weight at a rate of 250-500 grams per week. The other half should come from a well-balanced, vitamin-rich diet.

A breastfeeding mom should get approximately 2000-2500 calories per day, depending on her body structure and activity level during the day. Eat whatever foods you like. However, if you notice that your baby is acting restless six hours after you have eaten something, you may need to eliminate this product from your diet. And of course, drink as much liquid as you want, or, as they say, as much as you like.

If you find yourself excluding a large number of products or whole food groups, as they affect the well-being of your baby, seek the advice of a good nutritionist or pediatrician - extra help won't bother you.

While breastfeeding, try to avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeinated beverages - all of which will somehow find their way into your milk. Any medications you intend to take must be approved by your pediatrician.

Over time and as your baby grows, you will notice changes in his feeding and sleeping schedule. Feedings will become less frequent and sleep times more predictable and regular.

Lara Mom 16.08 09:23

This happens all the time and for everyone! It also seems to me that in the evening there is less milk, and it is not enough. In fact, it is impossible to judge the sufficiency or insufficiency of milk from what should or should not be, the child is gaining weight, pissing 10-12 times, so everything is OK! it’s just that the baby stays at the breast longer after dinner, sucks longer and therefore it may seem that there is not enough ... the breasts gain milk during the night (since there is a long break between feedings) and therefore they are more solid, and then the milk does not pour into the breast like that, they are soft, however milk is produced and your baby eats!!! it is produced during sucking!!!
and the fact that the child is nervous, pulls on the nipple - this is also normal behavior at your age !!! watch what happens at that time, maybe she pee-poop! this is exactly what happened to me, and grandmothers already advised me to express myself in order to see enough milk, but I defended my opinion and now everything is ok with us !!! what I wish you! you are doing everything right, often apply the baby, do not limit the time you spend at the breast and do not give anything instead of the breast!!!

Mother's milk is a nutritious and easily digestible product for a baby. For a newborn it is The best way obtaining the necessary elements useful for healthy development peanut and its protection against common childhood diseases.

  • apply the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth;
  • do not bottle feed him until the baby is used to taking the nipple;
  • give the child a breast, as soon as he asks, let him eat as much as he wants;
  • do not substitute bottle feeding at night.

After childbirth, the mother appears In the first hour from the moment the baby is born, start feeding. Milk appears in 3-4 days. Having started breastfeeding, the doctor will give advice on its implementation, but general recommendations such:

  • do not overfill your chest, do not drink large volumes of liquid;
  • feed with a more stressed mammary gland. If the bust continues to hurt, then express milk.

Establishing breastfeeding

Future parents will benefit from a list of recommendations on the topic of breastfeeding, the advice for a nursing mother is as follows:

  1. Childbirth by caesarean or putting the baby to the breast later than the first hour after birth provokes a delay in the production of milk.
  2. Having started breastfeeding, advice to a nursing woman comes down to the correct capture of the nipple by the baby during the first application (this will save the breast from cracks and pain later feeding).
  3. The baby cannot take the breast correctly by himself, so you should help the little one. Open the baby's mouth, press it close to you, the child's mouth should not only be on the nipple, but also capture the areola.

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn should not be drastically increased. Do not starve, you need to eat fresh and healthy food. Divide the foods included in the diet of a nursing mother into small portions and consume several times a day. Consider your appetite and eat as you wish, be sure to always have something on hand for a snack.

The diet of a nursing mother

The first food a baby receives is breast milk. Therefore, the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month should be selected especially carefully, for example:

  • drink 2.5 liters of liquid, almost everything will go to lactation;
  • eat 300-350 g of fruits and berries per day (any kind, except for exotic ones);
  • add fish to the diet (hake, cod), Rye bread, cereals (millet, buckwheat, oats), dairy products, stew / boiled meat, oil (sunflower, corn - 15 g / day, butter - 30 g / day), pasta (from durum varieties);
  • vegetables (carrots, beets, pumpkin) - 450 g / day, raw or boiled;
  • marshmallow, marshmallow (from natural ingredients) 1-2 times a week in small portions.

For 2-6 months of a baby's life, you can connect new products and slightly reduce the number of previously allowed ones:

  • it is allowed to reduce the amount of raw fruits and vegetables (seasonal), add boiled food, fresh onions;
  • meat (rabbit, chicken, veal)
  • eat lean borscht, where dressing is made from pasteurized tomatoes or tomato juice;
  • nuts (exclude pistachios, peanuts);
  • fruit drinks, natural juices;
  • honey, apple or cherry jam;
  • spices (mint, lemon balm, basil, thyme).

From the 6th month of the baby's life and up to a year, the following products are allowed in moderation:

  • fried, but not fatty foods;
  • cow's milk, eggs, soy, products containing gluten;
  • chocolate, Exotic fruits(each introduced carefully, one per week), seafood, garlic. Experimenting with new foods is best in the morning.

In the next six months or a year, do not ignore the recommendations given earlier. The above diet contains foods that will help you not only stay in shape after childbirth and have good health so you give the child necessary elements for development and growth. From the moment of pregnancy, it is worth excluding soda, pickles, smoking, sausage, canned food.

Diet while breastfeeding

A nursing mother needs to remember that you should not starve “for weight loss” or eat for two. Optimal solution- Start eating right. The diet for breastfeeding a newborn should contain a pyramid essential substances: proteins fats carbohydrates. Eat at least 4 meals a day, eat hot meals 2 times a day, alternating with light snacks.

It implies the exclusion from the diet (for 2-3 months) of products that provoke allergies in the parent. Connecting new food, examine the child: a rash, a change in the "stool" indicates a possible allergic reaction. Using trial (with new products) breastfeeding, all the advice to a nursing mother should not be ignored. To make sure backlash, enter New Product in the diet after a month.

Breastfeeding problems

If you follow all the rules (keep the breasts warm, pump), you need to find the core of the problem, and figure out why the nurse does not have milk. There can be three reasons for this situation: lactostasis, mastitis or hypogalactia. Problems with breastfeeding in the mother should not be the reason for tearing the baby off the breast.

Milk stasis is possible 2-6 days after birth. Lactostasis begins due to delayed emptying of the breast. In this case, it is recommended:

  • keep the bust warm;
  • massage it during feeding towards the nipples;
  • to express milk residues after feeding;
  • put warm compresses on the bust

Mastitis is a blockage of the lactiferous duct. The disease provokes the appearance of temperature, chest tightness. If the peanut's stool has become green and too bad smell, feeding is recommended to be suspended, because. pus got into the milk. Prevention methods:

  • pumping milk residues (exclusively with a breast pump!);
  • wear a bra without wires;
  • do not overcool the chest.

Hypogalactia - underproduction milk. Due to the lack of product, the little one becomes capricious. The disease is the reason why the baby ignores breastfeeding, a doctor can give advice to a nursing mother. He will prescribe medicinal products(mainly herbal preparations), prescribe a diet and suggest a way to express milk.

No milk after childbirth - what to do?

Sometimes the most required product nutrition in the first year of a baby's life temporarily disappears due to surgery during childbirth. Moms ask themselves the question: “if there is no milk after cesarean, what should I do?”. Instead, colostrum appears. It's enough to give the little one the right rate nutrients. The problem with feeding is provoked by several factors:

  • the impossibility of the first attachment to the breast;
  • the habit of the baby to the nipple;
  • late arrival of milk;
  • anesthesia or antibiotics prescribed to the wet nurse.

After the operation, you will be given a baby. Provide feeding in the first 6 hours of its appearance, at this time the sucking activity of the little one is especially high. Don't allow your baby to feed from the nipple before he is attached to the nipple, then it will be difficult for him to adjust to the breast. Help the child: grab the breast closer to the halo and try to place the nipple deeper into the baby's mouth.

Not enough milk while breastfeeding

A condition in which a newborn is undernourished is called hypogalactia. How to understand that the child does not have enough milk? The condition of the baby will help determine this:

  • the little one does not fall asleep at the end of feeding, but tosses and turns and shows discontent;
  • wakes up earlier than the scheduled time for feeding;
  • there is a "hungry" stool - rare, denser in consistency, darker.

You can often hear the question of parents, where the topic of difficult breastfeeding is raised, all advice to a nursing mother comes down to simple, affordable and effective:

  • fall asleep during the day for a couple of hours next to the child;
  • give the breast to the baby at his every request, because the less often he eats, the more difficult it is to maintain lactation;
  • massage the bust: express drops of milk every 7-10 minutes, then continue stimulating.

Baby refuses to breastfeed

The reason for the refusal of the baby from the breast can be several factors:

  • use of nipples or pacifiers;
  • incorrect grip on the nipple;
  • forcible separation of the baby from the chest or ignoring his desire to eat.

Moms who are worried about the question “what to do if the baby does not take the breast?” Should calm down and understand that there are a number of ways that will help you feel more connected with the baby, thereby moving him to voluntary attachment to the nipple:

  • often wear a toddler in your arms or in a sling;
  • do not pass the baby into the hands of strangers, less often give it to relatives;
  • ensure that the child has contact of his skin with yours;
  • accept shared bath with an open chest, if the child loves water procedures;
  • sleep with your baby, especially at night.