Counseling for children 2 3 years old. Parents' mistakes that make it difficult for the child to adapt. Games to help you quickly adapt to kindergarten

Nikiforova Oksana Alekseevna

Speech therapist, MKDOU Vengerovsky kindergarten №4, Novosibirsk region, Vengerovo village

Nikiforova O.A. Consultation for parents. The development of speech in children 2-3 years old // Sovushka. 2017. N2 (8) .. 02.2019).

Order No. 27377

In our modern world priority is given to gadgets and computer technologies. Communication was replaced by telephone conversations and social networks... It is much more convenient and more comfortable to call or write short message, you can send photos or use video calls than go somewhere in rainy or cold weather. But even on a sunny day, people have lost the habit of walking and communicating. It takes all the time Computer techologies... Small children, on the other hand, see phones from the cradle, and preschoolers are already addicted to computers. As a result, children entering a preschool institution do not know how to speak and communicate, as a result, problems in learning.

Literally 20 years ago, children came to kindergarten with minimal speech problems, in total there were 3-4 people in the group with a violation of sound pronunciation and almost all the children spoke to school clearly and correctly, and now children go to kindergarten and 10 out of 15 people have with speech problems, sometimes much more serious. The thing is that children speak little and articulation speech apparatus not developed, muscles are inactive, hyoid ligaments are not stretched.

Our speech develops gradually, in stages, the newborn cries a lot - this is how he attracts attention, makes some sounds - communicates with his parents. And gradually, humming, babbling, the first words, phrases, etc. appear.

From the very first days, the child makes a lot of various movements with his tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with sounds (muttering, babbling). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child's speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of speech in natural conditions of life.

I would like to highlight a few points speech development children 2-3 years old.

Speak clearly and correctly without rushing.

Parents' speech is an example of speech for a child; the child takes the manner of speaking and communication from the parents.

Do not imitate your child. If a child said a word incorrectly and funny, you should not repeat it the same way, he perceives it as correct option pronunciation.

Conversation with the child. Talk to your child, ask him that he knows what he thinks. If the child pronounces incorrectly correctly, then it is necessary to pronounce this word correctly and ask the child to do the same.

Pay his attention to the surrounding objects, name them, ask them to repeat. Describe the surrounding objects, comment on actions when you dress the child, set the table, etc., the child will memorize words and learn to build sentences correctly.

If a 2 year old child does not speak at all or pronounces a set of sounds, be sure to contact a specialist.

Do simple exercises which you can find on the Internet. This will help your articulatory muscles develop, which will help your speech develop properly.

Everyday exercise will give results, I think they will delight you.

Correct speech is the road to successful life! The child speaks correctly good communication with peers, in the future it will be correct to read and write, respectively, successful study at school, and there is correct beautiful speech- this is a lot of friends and success in the future. Success to you!

Kindergarten - new period in the life of a child. For a kid, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept the new environment, strangers immediately and without problems. At first, many children are surprisingly willing to join the group, they easily go through separation from their mother, but then they express their protest by roaring and screaming. Of course, there are babies who do not cry and happily rush to their aunt-educator. But there are very few such children, the rest of the addiction drags on for many months.

Why it happens?

Psychologists define adaptation as the adaptation of the body to new conditions, which requires enormous energy costs and is often stressful.

What is adaptation? It is customary to call adaptation the process of a child entering a new environment and getting used to its conditions. At home, the child is accustomed to a certain lifestyle, regimen, types of activity, the nature of food, relationships with others, rules of behavior, etc. In kindergarten, most conditions will be new and unusual for the child, the child will have to adapt and get used to them. Adapting to new social conditions not always and not all children pass easily and quickly.

The following changes literally burst into the child's usual world:

it receives less personal attention;

the daytime regime is changing;

close people are absent;

have to constantly contact with peers;

it is necessary to obey an unfamiliar adult.

violation of appetite (refusal to eat or malnutrition);

sleep disturbance (children cannot fall asleep, sleep is short-term, intermittent);

the emotional state changes (children cry a lot, get irritated).

Sometimes deeper disorders can be noted:

increased body temperature;

changes in the nature of the stool;

violation of some acquired skills (the child ceases to ask for a potty, the baby can return to the nipple, his speech becomes inhibited, etc.)

The duration of getting used to new social conditions, as well as the nature of the behavior of children in the first days of stay in a child care center, depend on the individual and personal characteristics of the baby: the type of his nervous system, the degree of sociability and goodwill, balance, the presence / absence of the habit of fulfilling the requirements of adults, the formation of self-service skills etc

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe:

up to 1 month - easy adaptation;

up to 2 months - adaptation of moderate severity;

from 2 to 6 months - difficult adaptation.

The consequences of stress - why do children misbehave?

Changes child behavior they often frighten parents very much that they begin to think that this "nightmare" will never end and the baby will not be able to get used to kindergarten... No need to dramatize: Negative behaviors are common in many children who become addicted to new situation, and disappear as they adapt.

Tears and fear.

First, the bank shows the entire spectrum negative emotions: cries after everyone, does not want to enter the group, does not allow to take off his clothes.

Decreased sociability.

Sometimes even good talking kids withdraw into themselves, refuse to contact society. This is quite natural - 2-3-year-old babies do not have role-playing game, they play parallel to each other.

Low cognitive interest.

due to stress, children are not interested in interesting toys, involve them in educational process hard. The child sits on the sidelines, preferring to observe the actions of adults and classmates.

Reverse development.

The child “loses” the previously acquired social ones, which he successfully used at home: he stops dressing, uses cutlery, and a pot.

Degradation of speech.

Children who spoke well begin to speak "infant" words again - for example, bibika.

Change in motor activity.

Some children become hyperactive, others become inhibited and sluggish. Such changes depend on individual characteristics, first of all, on the type of temperament.

Sleep disturbance

They go into the bedroom with tears and screams. And if he falls asleep, he constantly wakes up and sobs.

Decreased appetite

There are children who sit quietly at the table to eat, and there are children who can "go on a hunger strike." But after some time, they still get together at the table.

Frequent illnesses

The body's resistance is noticeably reduced, any draft can incapacitate a child for a week. It is not surprising that each time the adaptation has to start literally from scratch.

Adults need to help children overcome the stress of admission and successfully adapt to the institution preschool education.

During the adaptation period, educators, to the best of their ability and capabilities, try to provide an individual approach to each child, to give maximum affection and care. At the first stages of a child's entry into the conditions of a kindergarten, educators strive to obtain as much information as possible about new children - about their characteristics and habits - and take them into account when interacting with babies. Therefore, do not avoid talking with educators about your child, tell more.

But the success of your child's adaptation will depend not only on the educators and on the child himself, but in many respects on you. It is in your power to help your child enter the new environment - the conditions of a kindergarten - as painlessly as possible. To do this, you need to psychologically prepare your child for kindergarten in advance and observe the following recommendations.

What is needed for this?

1. Parents should get used to the thought: “My child goes to kindergarten, he will feel good there, he will be taken care of, he will play with his peers. I want him to go to kindergarten. "

2. Observe the daily routine! Find out the working hours of the preschool education institution in advance and try to get your child accustomed to it in one or two months.

3. Bring your child's diet closer to that of kindergarten. You should not feed him only pureed food!

4. So that the child does not feel discomfort, it is advisable to teach him to potty in advance, wean him from a pacifier.

5. It is necessary to turn Special attention to develop children's self-service skills. A child who knows how to eat, undress and dress independently (except for buttoning up buttons and tying laces, will not feel helpless, dependent on an adult, which will have a positive effect on his well-being.

6. Create a positive image of kindergarten in the child's perception! Introduce the kid to the building of the kindergarten, to its territory. Ride it on a swing, slide, play on the sports field. Tell a story about kindergarten.

7. Prepare the child in advance for temporary separation. Example: “You have become big, grown up. You have already been accepted into kindergarten. We will go to work, and you will go to kindergarten. That's what everyone does. You are very good with us, and we love you. We are sure that you will not let us down!

So we come to the most important thing: all the documents are ready, the child and parents are determined to go to the kindergarten, to the children. On the first day, you bring your child for a few hours; And we watch him and, depending on his behavior (addiction, emotional mood), tell you when it would be better to leave him before lunch, when for a nap, and then for the whole day.

Set yourself up for successful adaptation child in kindergarten, try to establish trusting relationship with kindergarten teachers! Demonstrate to your baby positive attitude to the garden.

Tips for parents:

  • Gradually expand the number of objects that the child sees and interacts with.
  • As the child develops, acquaint him with the various properties of the objects around him, shape, color, sound, etc.
  • Help your child develop to the best of his naturally occurring capabilities, anticipating them a little.
  • Stimulate the baby's speech activity, praise him for his successes.
  • Encourage his interest in mastering various subjects in accordance with their purpose.
  • Expand the child's circle of active communication.
  • Create a gently exercising wake and sleep regimen.
  • Help with games by supporting all-round development child.
  • Monitor nutrition, sleep and rest of the baby, do not allow his nervous overload.
  • Promote the development of many-sided children's activities, share with the child the joy of the success achieved.
  • Do not artificially extinguish the child's activity aimed at expanding the play space and increasing the number of objects with which he plays.
  • Do not restrain the child's developmental abilities, his interest in actions with new objects and in interaction with people around him.
  • Don't laugh at speech mistakes; you need to gently correct, teach the baby.
  • Do not rush to help the baby, but do not be late either; the child's independence should be encouraged in every possible way.
  • Remove toys that children no longer play.
  • Try not to encourage the child's whims; rather, do not attach much importance to them, treat them as a small passing episode.

Mental characteristics of a child 2-3 years old

All mental processes of the child - attention, memory, thinking - are involuntary. This means that the baby cannot control them at will, he is not able to concentrate or specifically remember something - he pays attention to what has itself attracted his attention, remembers what is remembered itself. This is the most important feature that determines the nature of the methods and techniques used in working with children.

A child 2-3 years old is very emotional, but his emotions are fickle. It is easy to distract the kid and switch from one emotional state to another. The restoration of emotional balance is facilitated by the so-called rhythmic stimulation - games with an adult, which include rhythmic swaying, tossing, stroking, etc. Such games abound folk tradition nurturing children.

A small child learns only what interests him, and accepts something only from the person he trusts. Therefore, the success of his training depends on whether there is a contact with the teacher. In this regard, it is very important how the child adapts to kindergarten and whether he experiences emotional comfort in the group.

Communication in children given age is situational and personal in nature. This means that each child needs to constantly feel the individual attention of an adult, to have individual contact with him. Only an adult whom he trusts and sympathizes with can teach a child something.

Learning at this age also takes place on its own practical experience, and based on imitation of a pleasant adult. At the same time, the child imitates everything that an adult does - both good and bad, and right and wrong.

A peer is not yet of particular interest for such a baby and is often viewed as another subject. Children play "side by side, but not together." For each other, they often become sources of negative emotions: another child captured the attention of the teacher whom I love, another child stepped on my foot, spilled compote on the tablecloth, etc.

The thinking of a child of this age is visual and effective. This means that cognition of the surrounding world occurs in the process of real object manipulations, respectively, and the leading type of game is object-manipulative. It is very important for little discoverers to support the very motivation to explore and learn about the world around them. An adult is only required to create an interesting developmental environment and provide children with time and freedom of activity in it.

Such adult species grow out of the object-manipulative game creative activity, as non-objective construction, that is, architecture, design, abstract visual art.

Basic psychological characteristics children 2-3 years old:

Visual-active thinking is inherent in them;

Their intellectual development depends on how rich the surrounding developmental environment is, that is, whether it allows them to explore in a variety of ways. the world by manipulating various objects;

Speech is in the process of being formed;

Training is effective only against the background of a psycho-emotional and comfortable state;

Attention, thinking, memory are involuntary.

Different temperaments - different emotions

Temperament characterizes pace, intensity, rhythm, speed mental processes and states. These individual characteristics of a person are innate, appear early enough and strongly affect emotional behavior person.

Some children are restless, impetuous, others play for hours at the table, sorting through pictures or cubes. Some do not react in any way to comments, others immediately begin to cry. All these manifestations depend on the temperament of the child.

Change emotional reactions and the behavior of an impulsive child, transforming him into a quiet one, is impossible. Yes, this is useless - each type of temperament has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important for a parent to know the strengths of his child's temperament in order to help him adapt, communicate successfully, and master new knowledge.


Such a baby is fast, very mobile, can hardly endure expectations, he easily has emotional outbursts, his mood is unstable (he quickly goes from joy to anger). Such a child cannot stand monotonous work that requires perseverance and patience. At the same time, the choleric person is most often decisive, confident, persistent and fearless, loves risk and adventure, carried away by any occupation, infects others with it. By nature, a choleric is an experimenter.

How should parents behave?

The most important thing is to engage such a child in a business that corresponds to his interests. Such a baby must have an intense exercise stress(running, jumping). Sport disciplines choleric people well. Such a child, alas, needs to be controlled more than others. Left to himself, he can find himself in a dangerous situation. You should not be annoyed about the "uncomfortable" behavior of the child, this makes him even more uncontrollable. It is better to calmly accustom him to those activities where patience is required: modeling, design, etc.

Phlegmatic person

Unperturbed and calm, emotionally restrained, assiduous and disciplined. He is extremely slow in performing any tasks. In their interests, a fairly constant, easily accepts a clear and tough daily regimen. Such a child does not like noisy games, as well as intensive communication with peers. It can take a long time to make decisions, but once made, it is unlikely to change them.

How should parents behave?

You can easily entrust him with any business: a phlegmatic child is very responsible and conscientious. Never rush him - the phlegmatic from this begins to act even more slowly. For a phlegmatic person, the atmosphere of haste and a clear time limit is completely inadequate; in this case, he may “freeze” like a computer. Such a child needs help to express their emotional experiences: Talk to him often about what other people are going through in different situations... To prevent the behavior and thinking of such a kid from becoming stereotyped, give him more creative tasks that have several solutions. Try to take the phlegmatic person to museums, exhibitions, and the library. Let it add to your emotional experience.


Such a child is emotionally very sensitive and easily hurt. Any emotional experiences last for a long time and prevent him from concentrating on any business. The melancholic feels well the emotional state of other people, defining it by facial expressions, gestures and intonations (“Why is my uncle so angry?”, “Why is this boy angry?”). A melancholic child really needs the support and praise of loved ones. Because of self-doubt, it is difficult to make contact with peers, is touchy and wary of everything new. The smallest nuisance can make such a child cry. The melancholic reacts painfully to a change in the usual emotional environment (the arrival of a nanny in the family, divorce of parents, etc.). Also, a melancholic child gets tired quickly.

How should parents behave?

For such a kid, the main thing is a calm, benevolent psychological atmosphere at home. A melancholic child should be constantly praised, showing faith in his abilities. Even if the task is not done very well for him, you need to be able to instill in him confidence, approving the very attempt to solve this or that problem. Such a child should have a constant opportunity to experience success from doing the smallest things. Speak more often positive points, try to distract him from disturbing thoughts. Teach the melancholic to do independent choice in familiar life situations (what toy to play with, who to walk with, what to wear and eat, etc.).


It is cheerful, agile and easily addicted. new game child. Most of all, he loves the change of impressions, rarely brings the work begun to the end. Such a kid easily gets used to unfamiliar surroundings, quickly makes friends, and can be the initiator of various children's fun. He is curious and knows how to restrain his emotions. It is easy to learn, grasping everything on the fly, although the sanguine person is more interested in the process itself, and not in the result.

How should parents behave?

These children need to have access to different types activities, do not load them with uninteresting motor work. However, a sanguine person should be helped to focus on the chosen occupation and bring the matter to the end, relying on such important quality sanguine, as a sense of purpose. At the same time, you should be demanding with such children. It is desirable that all family members adhere to a single parenting strategy.

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For babies aged 2 to 3 years physical education especially significant. On a daily basis, daytime sleep remains the main condition for maintaining the health and performance of the child. At 2-2.5 years old, he should sleep up to 2.5-3 hours during the day, and when he is a little older (at 3 years old) - at least 2 hours.

It is known that babies get tired quickly, often switch from one activity to another, and cannot perform the same exercise for a long time. Frequent change activity is typical for a child (he quickly loses interest in what he was doing), even if adults participate in games and exercises.

The regime of children 2-3 years old requires the creation of differentiated conditions for their activity and life. Children 2-2.5 and a half years old need more time allotted for regime moments... They need more support for their activity from an adult than older children.

Toddlers from 2 to 3 years old are combined into one age group... An adult organizing interaction with them needs to pay the most careful attention to the child's well-being, to dose the load of all types of activity, because what younger child, the faster he gets tired, but also the faster he recovers. Therefore, it is important to organize rational regime and effective activity, varied in form and content.

Children at an early age spend a lot of strength, energy on various movements in which they feel a great need. At 2-3 years old, the baby can walk, run, play with a ball, play with toys, jump, etc. all day without stopping. He does not get tired, because he constantly changes his character, the pace of movement.

The organization of conditions for the manifestations of motor activity of young fidgets remains one of the main directions in their development. Children realize the natural need to move, at the same time, movement serves as a condition for learning, acquiring new experience and new impressions, gaining strength in independence and confidence in the ability to control their body. According to L.G. Golubeva, V.A. Shishkina, physical activity two-year-old children with a 9-hour stay in kindergarten should include at least 5.3-6.8 thousand steps, and at 3 years old - 9.0-9.5 thousand steps. The average number of movements per minute at 2 years old is 32-41, at 2.5 years old - 43-50, and at 3 years old - 44-56.

Lack or deficiency of physical activity threatens with disturbances in the development of all systems of a small maturing organism. Children who are deprived of the ability to move freely are lethargic and emotionally depressed.

Lack of movement leads to rapid fatigue. The consequence is often the manifestation of compensatory motor function: children have such motor acts as rocking the body in different sides, aimless waving and obsessive hand movements, sucking fingers, etc. (MM Koltsova). If you refuse to move the child, then the result can be not only a lag in physical development, but also a violation of a whole complex of psychophysical processes: defects in the development of speech, delay mental development, metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal system: sluggish posture, flat feet, etc. Refusal of the proposed movements or insufficient physical activity of the baby should serve as a signal for an adult: there are problems in the health and development of the child.

At an early age, a person develops “sensorimotor intelligence” (J. Piaget), it contributes to the development of object actions and speech activity of different complexity. The impetus for the formation of speech and thinking is the child's motor activity, which is explained by the anatomical location of the motor analyzer in relation to the speech and motor areas.

For a baby, movements are also valuable because they constitute the sensory basis of his knowledge. The directions of movement are focused on what is unusual, new, and arouses the interest of a small researcher.

Children of the third year of life are fidgets, they, as a rule, have already mastered walking, trying to move quickly. This age is characterized by an irrepressible desire to run, jump, twirl, climb somewhere and get off from somewhere, pull something, push, and generally be in motion. This is how children can learn to control their body, feel it and control it.

Various motor experience stimulates the formation of functions such as balance and coordination, which are still very weak in young and young children


Air baths

  1. In the absence of children, we organize end-to-end ventilation group room and bedrooms in accordance with the established schedule;
  2. In the presence of children, we organize corner ventilation of the group room and bedroom. At the same time, we strictly monitor that children are not in the immediate vicinity of an open window;
  3. We carefully ensure that children are in lightweight clothes throughout the day.(at an air temperature not lower than 18-20? С);
  4. We carry out morning exercises in a well-ventilated group and in appropriate clothing(cotton socks, lightweight clothing);
  5. We will organize a nap without T-shirts if the temperature in the bedroom is 18? C and above. The temperature under the blanket reaches 38-39? C. waking up, the child receives a contrast bath with a difference of 18-20? C. This is an excellent training for the thermoregulatory apparatus;
  6. Throughout the day, we repeatedly invite children to walk barefoot on both covered and uncovered floors.

Water procedures

  1. We organize walking barefoot on a wet salt track, a ribbed board after a nap;
  2. We teach children extensive washing with cool water: washing hands to the elbow, rubbing with a wet palm of the chest and neck. At the end water procedure each child independently wipes himself with a terry cloth or towel;
  3. We organize rinsing of the mouth and throat with water after each meal, gradually reducing the temperature of the water by 1? C, bringing to 18? WITH.

Organization of children's sleep

  1. We ventilate the bedroom before bedtime for at least half an hour;
  2. We organize dressing and undressing of children only in the group room(remember about the contrast bath);
  3. 15 minutes after the last child falls asleep, open the window. Close it 30 minutes before waking up;
  4. We monitor the observance of silence by the staff during the sleep of children;
  5. We organize the ascent as the children wake up.

Organization of children for a walk

  1. The teacher is the first to bring out a subgroup of children who dressed faster, i.e. prevent overheating child's body... Another subgroup for a walk is accompanied by an assistant educator;
  2. We make sure that the children are dressed for the weather. In case of warming, we urge children to wear less clothes;
  3. Do we organize walks at an air temperature of at least 20? With in calm and dry weather, adjusting the time children stay in the air;
  4. In order to avoid hypothermia, we will definitely arrange motor activity: mobile, sports, folk games, general developmental exercises, as well as twice a week we conduct classes on physical culture on air.



F in the family in certain, relatively stable conditions, the child gradually adapts to the conditions environment... The correct relationship is established between the organism and this environment, and the organism adapts to the surrounding influences. The child's body gradually adapts to a certain room temperature, to the surrounding microclimate, to the nature of food, etc. Under the influence of systematic influences from the adults around the child, various habits are formed: he gets used to the regime, the way of feeding, laying, he develops certain relationships with parents, attachment to them.

In the event that the established order in the family for some reason changes, usually the child's behavior is temporarily disturbed. These violations of balanced behavior are explained by the fact that it is difficult for the baby to adapt to the changes that have arisen, old connections cannot quickly slow down, and new ones also form instead. Adaptive mechanisms are insufficiently developed in a child, in particular, weak inhibitory processes and a relatively low mobility of nervous processes. However, the child's brain is very plastic, and if these changes in living conditions do not occur so often and do not very sharply violate familiar image life, then the child, with the correct educational approach, quickly restores balanced behavior and does not have any negative consequences, that is, the child adapts to the new conditions of his life. An analysis of the behavior of children in the first days of their stay in an institution shows that this process of adaptation, i.e. adaptation to new social conditions is not always and not for all children is easy and fast. For many children, the adaptation process is accompanied by a number of, albeit temporary, but serious violations of behavior and general condition.

  1. impaired appetite (refusal to eat or malnutrition)
  2. sleep disturbance (children cannot fall asleep, sleep is short-term, intermittent)
  3. the emotional state changes (children cry a lot, get irritated).

Sometimes deeper disorders can be noted:

  1. increased body temperature
  2. changes in stool character
  3. violation of some acquired skills (the child ceases to ask for a potty, his speech becomes inhibited, etc.)

The duration of getting used to new social conditions, as well as the nature of the behavior of children in the first days of their stay in a child care institution, depend on individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently: some cry on the first day, refuse to eat or sleep, respond to every proposal of an adult with a violent protest, but the next day they watch with interest the children’s play, eat well and go to bed calmly, others, on the contrary, on the first day outwardly calm, somewhat inhibited, fulfill the requirements of the educators without objection, and on the next day they part with their mother crying, eat poorly on the following days, do not take part in the game, and begin to feel good only after 6 8 days or even later. For all these signs, certain groups are distinguished, to which the child belongs according to the nature of behavior upon admission to children's institution... Depending on which adaptation group the child belongs to, work with him will be built. Very often there are situations when a child cannot be unambiguously assigned to one or another adaptation group. Those. the model of his behavior is not at the "junction" of the two groups, that is, it is borderline. A peculiar transition from one adaptation group to another shows the dynamics of the development of the child's habituation process to the conditions of a childcare institution. The following is a table showing3 adaptation groupsmentioned above.

Below is some information that parents and caregivers can follow. adaptation period lighter and more painless.So, what parents should know and be able to do:

1. The more often the child will communicate with adults, children in the apartment, in the yard, on playground, near the house i.e. in different environments, the faster and more confidently he will be able to transfer the acquired skills and abilities to the environment of the kindergarten.

2. Informal kindergarten attendance. Those. walks around the territory and an accompanying story about the garden, and the story should be very colorful and, undoubtedly, positive. In your story, try to show your child how fun and good it is for other children in kindergarten.

3.Because every child who enters requires attentive individual approach, then children should be taken gradually, 2-3 people at a time, with short breaks (2-3 days).

4. In the first days, the child should stay in the group for no more than 2-3 hours.

6. Establishment emotional contact child and caregiver should be carried out in a familiar environment in the presence of a loved one. On the first day, a short acquaintance with the teacher, aimed at generating interest in the kindergarten, at establishing contact between the child and the teacher in a new situation.

7. Guided tours of the group, in which the teacher, parents and child participate, are very useful.

8. A negative influence on the course of adaptation, as well as on the behavior of children upon admission to a child care institution, is exerted by the lack of unity of the upbringing system in the family and in the child care institution.


  1. before admission, find out the regime used in the family, the individual characteristics of the incoming child (questionnaire).
  2. in the first days, do not break the child's habits, you need to gradually change the regime and accustom the child to a new way of life.
  3. bring home conditions closer to the peculiarities of d / s: introduce elements of the regime, exercise the child in independence so that he can serve himself, etc.

Returning to the above table, I want to note that depending on the child's level of communication skills, the contact established with the family should be differentiated, i.e. in accordance with the child's adaptation group, the scope and content of work with the family must be determined. So, in relation to children of the first group who need close contact with loved ones, work with the family should be deeper and more voluminous, provide for close contact of family members with the educators and the psychologist of the preschool institution.

WITH I just want to note that not everyone will instantly see the fruits of their labors, the adaptation of some children can take from 20 days to 2-3 months. Especially if the child is sick, in the process of adaptation. Sometimes, after recovery, the child has to get used to it again. But I want to assure you that this is not an indicator. There is no need to worry when looking at a friend's child who, from the first days, entered a new environment without any particular complications. I repeat that all children are different, each individual, each needs its own approach. I think that with your help we will find the key to every child. The rich experience and knowledge of educators, your love and care, in other words, coordinated work with the family, based on knowledge of age and individual characteristics, the needs of the child and necessary conditions upbringing a child before entering kindergarten, will solve the problem of adaptation at the proper level.

With easy adaptation, the behavior of young children is normalized within a month, in preschoolers - within 10-15 days. There is a slight decrease in appetite: within 10 days, the amount of food eaten by the child reaches age norm, sleep improves within 20-30 days (sometimes even earlier). Relationships with adults are almost not disturbed, physical activity does not decrease,

3 adaptation groups:


emotional condition


relationship with an adult

relationship with children


need for communication

tears, crying


negative (the child does not accept the teacher's requests)


missing or associated with recalled. about loved ones.

The need for communication with close adults, for affection, care.

unbalanced., will cry if there is no adult nearby.

observation, imitation of adults.

positive, at the initiative of the educator.

absent or positive (response).

reciprocal (answers the questions of children, adults).

The need to communicate with an adult, to cooperate with him and to receive information from him about the environment.

calm, balanced

objective activity or role-playing game.

positive, child-initiated


proactive (he himself addresses adults and children).

The need for communication with an adult and for independent actions


A benevolent facial expression has been found to excite centers positive emotions, leads to good mood, helps to work and live. Therefore, you cannot walk with a gloomy, boring face even when your mood is not good.

A person with a natural, welcoming smile himself gains vigor and cheerfulness, improves the mood of those around him. Smile and laughter are positive emotions. By figurative expression Stendhal,laughter kills old age... A hint of a smile, a restrained smile, a gentle smile, a joyful smile - each is good in its own way. Nothing is as cheap or appreciated as politeness adorned with a pleasant smile.

Very useful every daystart like this. In the morning in front of the mirror you needremember something pleasant, which will help give your face a welcoming expression... Only with this expression you have the right to address others. Of course, a fake smile that does not reflect positive emotions can make the most unpleasant impression on those around you. Smile “on demand”, like hysterical laughter or laughter without a tinge of sincerity and joy, have nothing to do with the tasks of self-education.

It is common knowledge thatyou can influence the flow of thoughts and emotions, modifying the tension of the muscles of the whole body. You can, for example, try to overcome boredom or bad mood with the help of rhythmic movements to good pop music, and you will see that suchdancing alone will give you muscle joy.

If it is unpleasant for someone to perform rhythmic movements to pop music, you can easily and effectively do them to any suitable melody (“Jupiter” by Mozart). The oppressed state is easily removed, and Bad mood rises from the quiet whistling of a melody "with mood". Try, for example, to whistle the melody of the composer Blanter, delving into the meaning of the word:

“When the soul sings

And the heart asks to fly -

On a distant road, the sky is high,

Calls us to the stars ”.

Whistling to oneself, especially in the lap of nature, in the silence of the forest, sometimes to the accompaniment of bird voices, is both aesthetic therapy (beauty treatment) and movement-vocal therapy.

The same effect is exerted by sound motor breathing exercises... The famous dancer Isadora Duncan claimed thatnatural dance, expressing emotions in the form of movements in accordance with the nature of a piece of music is not only an effective method of self-expression, but also a powerful method of enhancing the culture of emotions.

A radiant smile helps treating the people with whom you are friendly, andavoid critical situations that can ruin the mood.

Friendly a smile tends to bring a smile and the corresponding mood among others.

Smile, just like good joke, joyful attitude, creates favorable atmosphere for communication.

Smile for yourself, smile for others.



Application from paper for children can become a very interesting and developing activity. Do you do applications with your child? Most likely, if you do, then much less often than just drawing with pencils or paints. After all, it's much easier, you just need to take pencils or a brush and paper ... And for practicing applications, you need to prepare in advance - come up with a plot and make blanks out of paper ...

You can make amazing applications with children at an early age. Invite your child to tear off pieces of paper and glue them on a sheet - an elegant tablecloth for Masha's doll is ready! What else can you offer 2-3 summer kid make, you think?

We are offering to you small plan applique classes for babies, starting from the simplest tasks and gradually complicating them. Let the applique for the child be not just "sticking circles", but interesting game... Come up with a fabulous plot for each task. We glue not just flowers, but a magic clearing, along which the little fingers of the crumbs will then run, stepping from flower to flower. Prepare all the details for work in advance.

"Balls" Cut out some circles, large and small. Tell your child that these are koloboks that are rolling along the road. Invite the kid to glue all the big ones, next to all the small koloboks. You can stick them on different sheets: kolobok mothers live on one sheet-house, and all the kids live on the other. The circles can be not only koloboks. Imagine - these are apples (moreover different color), which will come to collect the toy hedgehog, these are the balls with which the Bear will play. Closer to the age of three, the game can be complicated: the koloboks wanted to play leapfrog - they jump over each other. We glue the big-small-big-small circles. We draw two plates - for a small doll and a large one. We glue small apples into one plate for a small doll, and large ones into another. Playing in this way, name the crumbs of colors, sizes, shapes.


As in the previous game, we play with cubes. Cut out large and small squares. Take 2 cars different sizes... Load the "weights" into the cars (small - in a small, large - in a large one). We take them to the construction site and glue them on sheets of paper. Now we make paths from tiles, bumps for a frog.

"Colored balls"

Introduce the baby to another geometric figure- an oval. Cut out ovals and circles for your balls. Let one of your toys go for his birthday and present the birthday boy with balloons. Glue colorful balls... Older children can be asked to draw strings to balls of the same color.


When talking with your baby about autumn, do not forget to mention mushrooms: where they grow, what are they, who loves to eat them, who stores mushrooms for the winter. Read poetry about mushrooms. Invite your child to help the squirrel and make her some mushrooms.

Applications - this is one of the favorite activities of children. A child creates his masterpieces with his own hands, these are his first steps in children's creativity. Save all DIY crafts. Sign all applications, indicating the age of the child and what he wanted to portray, make an album for yourself "Children's creativity of my baby."


We think that many people are interested in the question: “When to start musical education? " Let us answer this question with the words of the famous Hungarian teacher and composer Zoltan Kodai: “Nine months before the birth of a child. Better yet, nine months before the birth of his mother. "

Many are accustomed to believe that education, including musical education, should be started much later. And up to three - four years old he grows healthy - thank God. The latest psychological and pedagogical research has shown that the time lost for education in preschool age is difficult to replenish. The loss of the first years has especially irreversible consequences. Zero to four.

Notable early adopter active development children from Japan, Masare Ibuka, who advocates just such a point of view, in his book "After Three, It's Too Late" talks about an experiment carried out in Japan, at the center of early development, which he leads. One group of children aged 1-2 years was given constantly, but in small portions, to listen classical music(by chance the choice fell on the music of Beethoven), but others were not given. Children in the "Beethoven" group turned out to be more understanding and emotionally receptive.

What happens? What older children, like adults, learn for years is slow and difficult, tiny toddlers master easily and playfully. The mother's singing has a beneficial effect on the early musical development of the child. The first important musical impressions are associated with the singing of the mother. For centuries, mothers have sung the most tender, most sincere songs at the cradle of the child. And the first memories of the mother's singing (remember what kind words Pushkin writes about the nanny, Arina Rodionovna) for many of us are associated with feelings of happiness, love, tenderness.

Today, the song, including at the cradle of a child, is leaving more and more family life... Some are ashamed of their voice. Others believe that it is useless when there is such a huge amount of sounding and singing techniques, and that singing in general for a baby is “out of date”. Many in our hectic life have their heads occupied by others, and they have no time for songs. It's a pity. If you want your son or daughter to love music, sing to them more often. Mom's singing, the singing of other close people is the most The best way to ensure that the child from birth reacts to music as something pleasant and joyful.

V vast world sounds especially attract the baby to musical sounds. It is important to choose the right music for your child. The music that you offer the youngest listener should be highly artistic. The best works of musical culture. You shouldn't artificially protect kids from Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and let them listen to only simple, elementary music written especially for them. But there are also some limitations. Music for the little ones should have a clear melody, a light character, a clear form - as in literature. First, Pushkin's tales, and only much later Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.

Here are some rules for correct organization listening to music:

  1. Music, even the most wonderful, should not be played all the time. In this case, it not only ceases to be perceived as pleasure and joy, but ceases to be perceived altogether.
  2. Music shouldn't sound too loud.
  3. You shouldn't let the child listen to music if for some reason (you want something else, feeling unwell etc.) he is not disposed to it. You will feel it by the reaction of the baby.

The following rules will help you when choosing musical toys, which are now produced in a huge number:

  1. Musical toys should not be hidden in the closet, but lie so that the baby can use them without your help. This makes it possible to freely choose the toy that is in this moment the kid is interested.
  2. Avoid toys that make excessively harsh or loud sounds.
  3. There should not be too many musical toys. If literally everything the child touches sounds and sings, this is clearly too much. Sound satiety sets in, when music is perceived not as joy and pleasure, but as a kind of sound background.

Children's musical instruments are of great importance in the musical development of the baby, because they develop the ear, sense of rhythm, and emotional sensitivity of the child. To some extent, they shape his musical taste.

It's great when singing takes important place in the life of a child. The vocal apparatus and articulation are being improved. Feelings, taste, memory (both musical and ordinary) develop. After all, a song is not only music, but also poetry. In addition, early singing is the path to the development of musicality. It is the “trickle” of a good song that will sooner or later lead your kid to good music - both serious and light. Here are some guidelines for getting kids to sing.

  1. Singing loudly doesn't mean singing well.

A child's vocal apparatus is a fragile and delicate instrument. Its formation occurs from early childhood to 12 years. Up to 12 years old, children sing at the expense of thin and weak vocal cords, which are easy to overextend, or, as the musicians put it, "to break". Therefore, young children should not sing loudly, especially outside in cold and damp weather. There are examples when, having "plucked" our voice in early childhood, we can no longer sing all our lives. Sometimes the parents scold the kid: “Why are you purring under your breath? You sing - so! ". And the child gets used to the idea that to sing loudly means to sing well. But this is wrong.

  1. When singing together, do not drown out the child's voice.

It is very good when a joint singing becomes a tradition in the family. S.V. Obraztsov in his memoirs: “In the evenings we got together and sang. We knew a lot of songs. These were the most pleasant moments of childhood. The song brought me to the world of music. "

In the child's best interest, sing the nursery rhymes he knows. Try not to drown out your baby's voice. On the contrary, let the baby solo in these songs, and you quietly sing along with him.

  1. Do not ridicule or scold your child if he sings out of tune.

This is very important, since a small child is not confident in his abilities, and the disapproval of adults can deprive him of his desire to sing for a long time. Make sure that when singing, your baby's voice matches your voice or the sound of the musical instrument on which you play the melody of the song. Recommendations for parents

"How to prepare a child for admission to kindergarten"

Make sure that kindergarten is necessary for your family in the near future, as the hesitation of parents is passed on to children.

It is necessary to bring the daily routine at home closer to that of a preschool institution, to form the child's habit of going to bed on time and getting up on time, eating and staying awake by the clock. Systematically, gradually bring the child to a clear implementation of it. The body of a young child is quite plastic, therefore, the restructuring of the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness occurs within a week. To make it easier for your child to wake up in the morning, turn on cheerful music or come to wake him up with your favorite toy.

If the child only falls asleep with the help of an adult, try to change this habit and give him the opportunity to fall asleep on his own. Breaking down the prevailing stereotypes when going to bed leads the adapting child to negative reactions... Therefore, it is better to do this at home, slowly, gradually, protecting the baby's nervous system from overwork.

A child's stay in a preschool institution involves three meals a day, which ensures the normal life and performance of the child's body. However, not all children eat well in kindergarten. This is primarily due to a change in diet. baby food... Therefore, you should revise the menu, teach children to eat a variety of dishes, eating soups and cereals every day.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of independence skills in children. A child who knows how to eat, undress and dress independently (except for buttoning up buttons and tying shoelaces) will not feel helpless, dependent on an adult, which will have a positive effect on his well-being. The ability to independently occupy oneself with a toy will help the child to escape from worries, to smooth out the acuteness of negative emotions for a while.

It is necessary to send a child to kindergarten only on condition that he is healthy. Frequent ARVI, acute infectious, chronic, somatic, congenital diseases refer to anamnestic risk factors that complicate the child's adaptation to preschool educational institutions. If your child is susceptible to something, then it is necessary to consult in advance with the local doctor and as soon as possible take the health-improving or corrective measures that the doctor has prescribed.

Prepare your child to interact with other children and adults. Visit children's parks, playgrounds, take them with you. Observe how he behaves: easily finds mutual language with others, wants to communicate or, conversely, is withdrawn, shy, timid, conflicted in communication. Teach the child to communicate with the people around him: how to approach, get to know the children, offer his toys, ask something, thank, ask, etc., what should be said at the same time. Call other children by their first names in front of the child. Ask him at home about the children he knows: Dima, Angela, Sasha, Olya, etc. Encourage the child to turn to other people for help and support, as well as any other kind of communication with others in your presence.

Prepare your child for temporary separation from loved ones, inspire him that he is already big and must go to kindergarten - all children go, that kindergarten is very good, interesting. Tell your child what kindergarten is, why children go there, what they do, what they learn.

Introduce the child to the caregivers and children of the group in advance. Do not send your child to kindergarten during the "three-year crisis."

If parents manage to bring the home regime closer to the regime of a preschool institution, to form the child's self-service skills, the ability to communicate with peers, to occupy oneself, then the adaptation process will be less painful for him.

Useful tips for parents during the period of adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution

In the presence of the child, avoid criticizing the child

garden and its staff.

Try not to be nervous, not to prove your anxiety on the eve of his admission to the preschool educational institution.

On weekends, do not abruptly change your child's daily routine.

Pay constant attention to your baby's behavior and health.

Do not wean your child from bad habits during the adaptation period.

Create a calm, conflict-free family environment.

For a while, stop visiting crowded places with your child, reduce TV viewing, try to spare his weakened nervous system.

Dress your child for kindergarten according to the temperature in the group. Pay attention to the neatness and neatness of its appearance.

Emotionally support your baby: hug, stroke, and call them affectionate names.

Be more tolerant of his whims. In case of pronounced neurotic reactions, leave at home.

Follow your doctor's orders, teacher's advice and guidance.

Do not punish, "do not scare" the kindergarten, take home on time.

When the child gets used to the new conditions, do not take his tears at parting seriously - this may simply be caused by a bad mood.

The role of adults in

child's life 2-3 years

In the world of a third year child the main figure is an adult. The appearance in the baby of a feeling of security or anxiety, warmth or abandonment, joy or despondency depends on it. Children are largely dependent, and therefore it is important for them to be sure that adults are people who will come to the rescue, support, comfort and find a way to overcome any problem at any time.

Without the help of an adult, a child cannot cope with many everyday problems. For example, he is already able to undress on his own, but not everyone succeeds in dressing and not always. Many can already eat with a spoon on their own, but they still do not know how to divide the cutlet into parts. Some aspects of the toilet are just as difficult. Help your child solve everyday problems... Thus, you will create in him a sense of security - the basis of psychological comfort.

In his little affairs, the child often finds himself in difficult and unpleasant situations: either the knee is hurt, or the ball rolls up - you can't reach it, then a peer took away the shoulder blade and doesn't give it up, or an angry dog ​​runs towards you. In all cases, the child seeks from an adult not only help and protection, but also sympathy.

A child, like any person, needs support and approval of his small beginnings and achievements. Psychologists have shown that the need for the attention and kindness of an adult that already arises in an infant does not disappear with age.

If adults truly treat children with respect and express it clearly and consistently, toddlers quickly learn the boundaries of desirable and undesirable behavior. State clearly what you want from your child. Don't go into clarification; give clear instructions on the desired behavior.

The role of adults in

the development of the child's speech

The child masters speech only thanks to the efforts of adults and in the course of communication with them. In this case, the baby perceives the speech of an adult in the event that it is addressed personally to him and the adult looks at him at the moment of speech. Talk to your child more eye to eye.

Small children cannot know the world if adults do not explain to them the meaning of what they see, hear, etc. It is necessary to accompany everything that happens with clear speech comments explaining the meaning of events to the child. Name objects, describe events, sensations to help your baby learn new words.

Encourage your child to use speech, wait for an answer, even if his speech is still limited. The adult's voice should not be dominant, but at the same time, remember that the child's speech is still being formed and does not yet understand much of what you are saying. Use simpler constructs and shorter sentences.

In the world of culture - songs, fairy tales, stories, pictures - the child is also introduced by adults. Read and tell your child as much as possible, do not spare the time.

Children love repetition: they enjoy listening to the same fairy tale many times, they love to sing familiar songs, repeat familiar actions. This gives them the opportunity to master the material well and feel confident. Repeat poems and nursery rhymes, fairy tales and stories over and over.

Suisyukanie and the use of "children's" words (bibika, yum-yum) in communication with children 2-3 years old is already superfluous.

The role of adults in a 2-3 year old child's cognition of the world around him

The thinking of a child of this age is of a visual and effective nature, cognition of the surrounding world occurs in the process of object manipulations. Adults should provide the child with a variety of subject environment, which allows you to actively explore not only external properties various subjects, but also their internal structure.

The kid carefully examines with the help of all his senses, including taste and smell, the outer shell of each object. Now comes the time of interest in what this object has inside. The most attractive items are those that have holes and cavities in which you can put something and then take out. For a long time, a thing that he can take apart will grab the attention of the baby. And of great interest are the details from which you can design something yourself. So, the child uses three types of actions: disassemble into parts, construct something, fill and empty a cavity in an object.

A child of two or three years old may not understand the difference between living and inanimate and "disassemble" a living butterfly, just as he does with a plastic typewriter. At this age, this behavior is not violent. The child learns the difference between the living and the inanimate from observing the attitude of an adult to different objects. React to this behavior of the child adequately, not blaming him, but explaining that the butterfly is alive and cannot be "taken apart" - it will not be able to live, it will die, and it hurts. Systematically show patterns of different behavior in relation to living and inanimate objects.

Provide your child with a variety of containers that can be filled and emptied: jars, boxes, handbags and wallets, empty bottles. Together with your child, make sounding toys - "noisemakers" and "rattles" from empty bottles, filling them with various seeds, metal objects, sand, etc.

Toys for 2-3 year olds

Children are interested in all toys and objects that move. Therefore, they need moving toys-wheelchairs on a stick, with a string, clockwork, with a control panel, battery-powered, as well as mechanical toys such as "Bogorodsk" blacksmiths' bears and pecking chickens.

Sounded toys give an idea of ​​different ways of obtaining sound effects: the child tries to press the keys, pull the strings, blow a whistle, hit the drum with his palm or a special stick.

It is desirable that through toys the child can get to know a wide variety of materials: fabrics different texture(silk, plush, corduroy, wool, linen), wood, clay, metal, plastic, rubber.

Provide children with a variety of visual materials (paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, plasticine, paper of various textures, brushes, stamps, etc.).

By the age of three, the child masters at the level of practical action the operation of serialization - ordering by size. Provide children with enough conical pyramids, nesting dolls, and insert molds.

Formation of ideas about the color, shape, size of objects requires the use of special didactic toys (inserts, mosaics), which can give children the so-called reference representations.

For the development of tool activity, it is necessary to have various toys imitating adult tools.

In play, the child reproduces a play action, sometimes using various substitute objects for this (a stick instead of a spoon, a ring instead of a steering wheel, or a cube instead of a hammer).

Features of the emotional state of a child 2-3 years old

A child of two to three years old expresses his emotions immediately, vividly and directly. He is not able to arbitrarily control these manifestations and cannot, of his own free will, “immediately stop crying,” as adults sometimes demand of him. If the emotion is too strong and captured the child, he needs an adult to help him calm down, restore emotional balance. The causes of negative emotions in toddlers are often related to physical condition... He fell and hurt himself - crying. Didn't get enough sleep, got hungry, crushes tight shoes or "bites" annoying delicate skin wool sweater- whimpers, whines, etc. Increasingly, teachers note that children react with a bad or unstable mood to changing weather, pressure drops, solar activity, magnetic storms, full moon, new moon and other natural factors. After the onset of the crisis of three years, outbursts of negative emotions accompany the attempts of adults to impose their will on the child.

Positive emotions are also in to a large extent associated with the requirements of the body: delicious favorite food, pleasant smells(for example, flowers or perfume), pleasant physical contact with an adult, active movement, singing, light and fun music, touching fabrics or materials that are pleasant to the touch Stuffed Toys or with which they are filled (for example, rolling balls), for some children - bathing.

To maintain an even positive emotional background, it is very important to adhere to a clear and appropriate age physiological characteristics and the rhythms of the regime. The restoration of emotional balance is facilitated by games with an adult, which include rhythmic swaying, tossing, kneeling, finger games etc.

At this age, many children show increasing fears - of the dark, monsters, large and shaggy creatures, dogs, etc. loud sound, movement.

Development of instrumental activity in babies

Third year of life - the best time to form good habits of any kind. These include self-service skills, cultural and hygienic skills. It is important to understand that at the stage of formation, working out them requires a significant amount of time, which should be laid down in the daily routine in order to achieve precisely the quality in the performance of a particular procedure.

The mastery of the world of objects is associated in children with the formation of the initial tool activity. The child learns to use a spoon and fork correctly, and by the age of three, he can be given a knife, offering to start with dividing boiled potatoes, cheesecakes, and cutlets. He drinks from a cup on his own.

In the course of developing self-care skills, the baby learns to use a comb and a toothbrush, learns how to properly lather and dry his hands with a towel.

In playing with sand, the child learns to dig with a shovel, use a rake, and scoop sand into a bucket or mold.

Children are happy to repeat actions for adults with various tools and instruments: they try to knock with a hammer, tighten screws with a screwdriver, use a wrench - of course, if they saw how an adult does it.

Dialogically, a little helper at this age reaches for a broom or broom, wants to help wash the dishes, participate in making cookies using molds or sculpting curd cakes. In all cases, the object for which the child's attention "clings" becomes some kind of instrument of labor.

It is important to remember that the actual goals of adult activity are not yet fully understood by the child. He seeks first of all to imitate the very action with objects.

In some cases, for safety reasons, it is advisable to offer him a toy analogue of an adult tool (hammer, screwdriver), while a real broom can be given to a child - this will give the child untold pleasure.

Initial instrumental activity provides the development of manual skill, fine motor skills, and helps to improve visual-motor coordination, which are so necessary at this age. Each tool requires the performance of certain movements and, in this sense, creates a field of requirements for the child. Learning to act in it, the baby prepares for voluntary control of his movements and actions, which is not yet available to him. By mastering the skills of self-service, buttoning up, untie the laces, the child learns to perform precise, controlled movements that should lead to a very definite result. In addition, children feel more and more confident in their abilities, as they get the experience of influencing the world around them through various tools.

Their own manipulations with objects and imitation of the actions of adults lead to the fact that children have mental representations of both the object and actions with it. Thanks to such mental representations, the ability to transfer actions from one object to another appears, which stimulates the child's participation in the game and leads to the emergence of the function of replacing one object with another. For the development of the child, it is better to offer not realistic copies of real tools, but unformed material (including natural), which the baby's imagination can turn into the object he needs at the moment.

Finger gymnastics for younger preschoolers

The movements of the fingers and hands are of particular developmental importance, since they have a tremendous impact on the development of the child's speech and all nervous activity.

Noticing a child's lag in the development of speech, difficulty in buttoning up buttons, putting on socks, coloring a picture with a pencil, do finger gymnastics with him.

At the age of 2 to 5 years, the child shows interest in playing with small objects, likes to draw, fold paper, sculpt from plasticine, string beads, etc. These classes form in the child not only perseverance, Creative skills but also develop fine motor skills hands.

Here are some exercises for developing motor skills in the hands and fingers.


We collect carrots and potatoes in a basket.

Cucumbers, beans, peas - our harvest is not bad.

(alternately bend the fingers to the palm, starting with the thumb. Finally, grasp the entire fist with the other hand).

"Salted cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop

(sharp movements with straight hands up and down)

We are three carrots, three

(movement of the fists towards and away from you)

We salt the cabbage, salt

(simulate a pinch of salt)

We press cabbage, we press.

(intense clenching of the fingers into fists).