Prevention of vision in preschool children Other preventive drugs

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 38 "Zhuravushka"

Prevention of illness and injury in

children preschool age

Completed by: Instructor physical culture, swimming

Zhikharev Andrey Nikolaevich


Prevention of colds

Colds are numerous acute respiratory infections (ARVI) and various exacerbations chronic diseases upper respiratory tract. Viruses are the main cause of colds, SARS, and can be complicated by a severe infection - influenza. Colds are not caused by hypothermia, but by germs and viruses. Just a supercooled body has reduced immunity, which can contribute to the rapid development of SARS in children.

  • healthy lifestyle
  • hardening
  • personal hygiene
  • folk remedies
  • prophylactic
  • vaccination

  • Balanced rational nutrition, the organization of a complete and varied diet for children - correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enrichment of the diet with vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. Particular attention should be paid to the fight against overfeeding children with carbohydrate foods - this increases the risk of ARVI and proceeds in a more severe form.

  • Physical activity (morning exercises, outdoor games Location on), in any weather (rain, snow, wind, fog), frequent walks will only benefit.


To increase the body's resistance to viral diseases, it is necessary to prevent colds in children. And above all - the child must be tempered: wiping with a damp cool towel, dousing with water, swimming in the pool.

Swimming is one of effective means hardening of the child, contributing to the formation of persistent hygiene skills. Bathing and swimming increase resistance to temperature fluctuations, increase immunity to colds.

This will raise the tone and development of the child's muscles, improve work of cardio-vascular system and will greatly enhance the immune system.

Personal hygiene

Prevention infectious diseases in children it includes personal hygiene - it is necessary to teach the child to wash his hands often, rinse his nose with salt water 2-3 times, rinse his mouth, avoid contact with sick people - this will reduce the number of colds.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies - fruit drinks from blackcurrant, cranberries, viburnum, rosehip infusion, tea with lemon, honey, herbs (raspberries, eucalyptus, sage), garlic, onions, sauerkraut - will help in the fight against viruses and microbes. Inhalation - garlic or onion is finely chopped and placed in Plastic container from under the Kinder Surprise, having previously made holes), and hung around the child’s neck like a pendant. Finely chopped garlic and onions in several saucers are placed around the room - phytoncides secreted by garlic and onions contribute to the production of interferon in the child's nasopharynx and this protects cells from viruses.


Multivitamins are an excellent prophylactic. Ingestion of one gram of Ascorbic acid 1-2 times a day will perfectly increase immunity in children. For the prevention of colds in children and their treatment, recommended modern medicine homeopathic remedies such as kagocel, anaferon, aflubin, arbidol, viferon, etc. They are based on interferon and have an antiviral effect.


The most effective way to prevent viral diseases in children is vaccination. Vaccination can only be done healthy child at least two weeks after recovery.

Injury prevention

Unfortunately, childhood injuries remain one of the most common problems in our society. Injuries cause physical and moral suffering to children, require treatment (often in a hospital), force them to abandon the usual routine of life, reduce motor activity. The consequences of injuries often lead to serious health problems and disability.

However, experience shows that most childhood injuries can be avoided by following simple safety rules. First of all, parents should not forget that children require special attention: they are very mobile, active, inquisitive, often underestimate the degree of danger and overestimate their own capabilities.

General activities:

Control (but not supervision!) Over the activities of the child, encouragement of independence under the unobtrusive supervision of adults.

Talk to your child about the possibility of injury and how to prevent it. At the same time, information should not be presented in the form of prohibitions and requirements (“You can’t!”, “Don’t touch!”), But in the form of an accessible explanation (“if you touch a hot iron, there will be a burn - the skin will turn red, a bubble may appear - this is very painful and is very disturbing; therefore, one must be especially careful with hot objects"). It is also important to watch your own words, not to give children negative attitudes; "you will fall!" "hit!" To prevent this from happening, it is much better to say: “Look under your feet”, “Be careful!”


  • glass interior doors, as well as doors with glass inserts, must be designed or protected so that a child cannot break the glass with a direct blow, with strong opening or closing.
  • Preschoolers need to be gradually introduced to the rules for handling electrical appliances. The child should see that parents always follow safety precautions, turn on and off appliances only with dry hands, be careful when handling electrical outlets
  • Cabinets, shelves and other furniture must be firmly fixed ( common cause injuries - overturning the cabinet when opening the door). Figurines of a vase, glassware should be installed so that the child cannot accidentally drop them during the game.

  • It is necessary that the child learns how to properly behave at the table, use cutlery, knows that leaving the table while eating is not only uncivilized, but also dangerous (food can “get in the wrong throat”). While eating, pranks and games are unacceptable!
  • All medications, household chemicals, table vinegar, shampoos, decorative cosmetics etc. All these funds should not be available to the child.

  • During the walk, you can not leave the child without supervision of adults.
  • The child must learn the rules of behavior on the swing (hold on with both hands, sit in the center of the seat, do not try to get off or, even more so, jump off, until it comes to a complete stop), on the hill (do not move down the hill upside down, follow the movements of other children).

Prevention of colds

It is known that absolutely any disease is much easier and better to prevent than to treat it later. Healthy lifestyle plays important role in the prevention of any disease. ski trips, other events on fresh air, swimming in the pool, tempering procedures, etc. contribute to the health of children. The best protection from the common cold - its complex prevention

The basic preventive principles are simple and well known to all:

Movements in all kinds;

outdoor games;

Morning exercises;


Sufficient lighting and properly selected furniture;

Constant monitoring of the child's posture during games, classes

Performance special complexes exercises.

Only with regular and systematic use of this complex will defeat the frequent incidence.

Cold prevention measures include a special vaccine that is given to people just before the winter respiratory viral season.

An indispensable prevention of colds is a complete and varied diet of the baby. Strengthening substances include vitamin C (citrus fruits, cabbage, rose hips), vitamin A (carrots, Bell pepper, any greens), zinc (all green vegetables, eggs, dairy products), magnesium and selenium (any cereals). Garlic and onion are probably the most affordable and irreplaceable means prevention of colds. Garlic and onions should be eaten as often as possible. Especially during periods of massive flu and colds. As a powerful preventive vitamin remedy in the "flu" period, doctors advise mixed vitamin teas from dried raspberries and rose hips (in equal parts).

An excellent preventive measure is a multivitamin with a high content of vitamin C. Vitamin C has a general strengthening effect. It can be taken orally one gram one to two times a day.

One of the simplest, most effective and harmless ways to prevent and treat acute respiratory infections is to massage special areas on the skin that are associated with important activity regulators. internal organs(acupressure). Massage increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs of the child. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own "medicinal" substances, which are often much more effective and safer than pills. Acupressure techniques are very easy to master for adults and then teach children. During periods of increased cold incidence, massage should be done daily.

One way to prevent colds is to teach your child to take care of their health. Viral infections are usually easiest to catch in crowded places. You should not limit the child's communication with peers, but still tell him how to protect himself from viral infections - it is possible and necessary. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is necessary to wash hands before putting something into the mouth, try not to be very close to people who are coughing and sneezing, and not to use other people's handkerchiefs and utensils.

To avoid colds, first of all, you need to eliminate them. possible reasons. It is necessary to dress the child according to the season, not warmer and not lighter than necessary. The main requirement: so that there is no hypothermia, and the feet are dry and warm, and therefore good shoes- the health of your child. And of course, you need to keep your head warm too.

Other methods of preventing colds are: walking, running, swimming, as well as special physiotherapy exercises.

In the first place of preventive measures for colds is hardening. It is hardening that normalizes the functions respiratory system a person under conditions of influence on the body of the regime low temperatures. This reduces the risk of infection viral infections. It is necessary to accustom a person to hardening from childhood.

Therefore, we will dwell on the consideration of such a method of prevention as hardening in more detail.

Hardening - targeted use natural factors nature, providing an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of low and high temperatures air, wind, humidity, sudden changes atmospheric pressure through systematic dosed exposure to these factors.

hardening is the most important factor maintaining the health of children. It's good for everyone known way used to increase the child's body resistance to infectious diseases.

Yu.F. Zmanovsky divides hardening methods into 2 groups: traditional and non-traditional. Traditional Methods are based on a gradual decrease in the temperature of water or air and involve a gradual adaptation to cold. He refers to them the methods of hardening with air, sunbathing, methods water hardening(general and local). To non-traditional - methods based on the contrast of temperatures. The use of these hardening agents in combination with exercise leads to the greatest healing effect.

The use of hardening procedures makes it possible to develop in a child conditioned reflex for cooling. Functional changes blood circulation that occurs during repeated local cooling is characterized by the fact that the vessels narrow and expand, as if “gymnastics” occurs. As a result of systematic and gradual hardening of the body, the temperature of the body decreases, and the temperature of the limbs rises. The temperature of the skin in different and symmetrical parts of the body evens out.

When using all hardening agents, the following essential principles must be observed:

Dosing procedures depending on the age of children, their health and individual reactions to acting factors;

Gradual increase in the intensity of procedures;

Daily, without interruptions, their implementation, starting from an early age;

Constant monitoring of the effect of procedures on the body;

Comfortable thermal condition of children; positive emotional state.

It is important to remember that after each colds or a sufficiently long break in the hardening procedures, it is necessary to start hardening from the beginning

Air hardening can be carried out all year round. Hardening of children air baths begins in summer in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 20 ° C. The duration of the first baths should not be more than 10-15 minutes, of which 5-7 minutes are done in gymnastics. Then the duration of the baths is increased gradually. You can not allow the child to cool, the appearance of trembling, " goose bumps» and cyanosis.

Water procedures - rubbing, dousing, bathing. Choice water procedures determined by the doctor based on the child's health status.

Local water procedures - morning wash washing hands before meals and washing feet before going to bed. All these procedures are carried out in accordance with the regime. From the age of four and older, children wash their face, neck, chest, arms up to their shoulders. After the hygienic procedure for washing the feet, it is necessary to douse the feet and the lower half of the shins with cool water. The water temperature during the initial procedures is 28°C, then gradually decreases to 18°C

Rubbing - is carried out after morning exercises. A terry mitten or towel is moistened with water of a certain temperature, squeezed and wiped successively on the neck, arms, chest, stomach, back, buttocks, thighs, shins, feet. After that, rub the whole body with a shaggy towel until you feel pleasant warmth. The temperature of the water during the first wipes is 33°C. Every 2-3 days it decreases by 1-2°C and is brought to a temperature of 18°C. The air temperature in the room during this water procedure should be at least 16 ° C.

Bathing is the most irritating and cooling procedure, so every child is allowed to bathe only with the permission of a doctor.

Bathing is usually done after sunbathing and begins at a water temperature not lower than 22-24°C. The first bathing is short - 2-3 minutes, and the subsequent ones gradually increase. Bathing time is strictly dependent on the temperature of the water and air, and most importantly - on the state of health of the child and his reaction. Do not allow children to stay in the pond for a long time. Excessive cooling, manifested in the form of trembling, blue lips, "goose bumps", is harmful to health. Maximum duration bathing for preschool children with their active movement (swimming, playing ball, etc.) is 8-10 minutes. Children who are hot and sweaty should sit quietly for 10-15 minutes before bathing.

Flat feet is far from a harmless disease. A violation of the anatomy of the foot can lead to serious problems with the spine nervous system, musculoskeletal system. The child's foot grows and forms up to 7-8 years. Only in adolescence it is safe to say if the child has flat feet.

From birth, a flat foot is observed in every baby. Prevention of flat feet is especially important in preschool age, when there is intensive growth. If total mistakes are not made at this time, the likelihood of developing flat feet will be minimal.

About preventive measures

The height of the arch of the human foot is a genetically inherited feature. What it will be depends not only on how the parents prevented flat feet, but also on what foot the baby inherited from mom and dad. However, this does not mean that prevention is not needed.

Light forms and degrees of flat feet are perfectly corrected with the help of various exercises, properly selected shoes, massage.

Prevention of a flat foot should be dealt with from the very birth of a child. To begin with, it is important to prevent rickets, which contributes to foot disease. To do this, you should follow the recommendations of the pediatrician, give the child vitamin D, ensure that the baby is adequately exposed to fresh air and sunlight.

An orthopedic doctor needs to show the baby at six months and a year. It is clear that he will not be able to say whether the crumbs have a tendency to flat feet, but he will be able to assess the development of the baby and give recommendations on preventing the development of problems with the feet.

Prevention falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents. There are no special vaccinations for this disease, no "magic" pills, the intake of which would help prevent the violation. There is only normal lifestyle, active movement, correct attitude and understanding of mothers and fathers of the essence of flat feet and the mechanisms of its development.

The most responsible period is preschool age from 3 to 6-7 years. If during this period, associated with the intensive growth of bones, muscles, tendons, joints, create for the child right conditions, then the development will be normal and flat feet with a high degree of probability will not occur or it will be easy to correct.

The main directions in which parents have to move are as follows:

  • choice of shoes;
  • active physical activities and special gymnastics;
  • proper nutrition;
  • foot massage.

Shoes or barefoot?

The likelihood of developing flat feet in a child whose parents insist that the baby wear slippers or other shoes at home is higher than in a child who runs barefoot around the house from the first steps. This is due to the natural feature of this part of the body.

None of the children are born in shoes, respectively, slippers, sandals and boots are a requirement social norms and civilization, not nature. A child's feet need shoes only for protection - from water, dirt, frost, uneven surfaces.

Thus, walking barefoot around the house, and preferably also on grass, earth, sand in early age- the first and very important preventive measure.

Since a baby cannot go to kindergarten or go for a walk without shoes, parents should carefully study the issue of choosing children's shoes.

The memo looks like this:

  • After 1 year buy your child high shoes that will fix the foot when learning to walk. The heel can be soft, it does not play a big role. The sole does not have to be rigid, but it must be well cushioned. The main function of the first shoe is to gently support the ankle during the first timid steps.
  • After 2-3 years, when the child begins to walk confidently, the height of the shoe is not prerequisite choosing the right pair. Shoes or sandals can be anything, as long as the child is comfortable in them.

  • In preschool children the foot grows quickly and the desire of parents to buy a pair for growth is partly understandable. You don't need to do this. Shoes that are large slow down the child's gait, make him exert effort when rolling the foot in a step, the gait can become shuffling.
  • Shoes should not be small.
  • Orthopedic shoes are needed for treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and not for prevention. If the child does not have an established diagnosis and the doctor's recommendations to wear orthopedic pairs, heavy and expensive medical shoes are not required.

  • It is desirable that the children's pair was equipped with a small heel, this will allow the muscles of the foot to develop faster. A soft arch support insole fixes the foot from the inside, this is also important for the development of healthy legs.
  • In shoes in which the baby walks during the day in the kindergarten group, you can insert special Bykov insoles. They should be worn for about 6 hours a day. The time that the baby spends in the kindergarten roughly corresponds to this requirement.

Preventive classes and gymnastics

After 1 year, you can introduce a child with a set of exercises on a special massage mat-applicator.

You can buy a one-piece massage mat, or you can choose a puzzle mat that will be for a child and fun game, and effective prevention foot pathology. The rugs are equipped with a special texture - irregularities of the type "Shells", "Pebbles", "Spikes" and so on. Walking and exercising on squares with different surface textures stimulates various active points of the feet.

Prophylactic mats are softer than flat foot mats. They are made of elastic materials, walking on them does not cause pronounced discomfort.

It is important that the child is engaged on the mat every day, at least for 20-30 minutes. This will avoid pathological deviations in the growth of the ankle and arch of the feet.

If there is no rug, and there is no money to purchase it either, the floor applicator can be made by the child with his own hands. For this, buttons, and shells, and large beans, and chestnut fruits are suitable. On the applicator own production or factory production, the child, together with his mother, can practice:

  • walking on heels;
  • walking on toes;
  • movement on the outer edges of the feet;
  • rolls from the outer edge to the inside of the foot;
  • steps with the toes bent inward.

Sitting on a chair, the child can make circular movements with the feet, tucking up the toes, as well as pulling the socks towards and away from itself. Standing useful lifts on toes, squats, in which the heels do not come off the floor.

These simple exercises can be included in the daily gymnastics for preschoolers. In most kindergartens, exercises for the prevention of flat feet are included in the list of exercises for morning exercises and physical education minutes.

Effective Exercises for the prevention of flat feet are shown in the following video.


Proper nutrition It has great value, after all excess weight the child only contributes to the incorrect formation of the feet, because the load on the lower limbs increases significantly. This does not mean that the child should be placed on strict diet and underfeed. Just in the diet of the baby should be a sufficient amount of protein. They are involved in the formation of tissues. Therefore, the child's diet must include dairy products, lean fish and meat.

It is not easy to force a child to eat jelly. All mothers know about this. But it is possible to teach a child to do this, especially since aspic is an excellent food for the prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system, joints and cartilage tissue.

The child should eat cereals, fruits and fresh vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, herbs, eggs. Raw food should be consumed 2-3 times more than foods that have undergone heat treatment.

Do not introduce pure cow and goat milk into the diet of children under one year old. Moreover, there is no need to change breast milk or a mixture of cow's whole milk. The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body when taking this product changes, vitamin D deficiency is created, rickets may begin, which also affects the subsequent development of flat feet.

Parents should take seriously the requirement to provide the child with the necessary vitamins and minerals. After all, an excess or lack of nutrients and minerals cause not only problems with the musculoskeletal system, but also more serious pathologies which can be deadly.

With calcium deficiency - you need to give the child calcium supplements with the permission of the doctor and in the dosage recommended by him.

With general avitaminosis - vitamin complexes specially designed for kids certain age taking into account the daily need of their organisms in a particular substance.


Foot massage can help prevent flat feet, which any mother can master and which can be easily and simply done at home. Babies up to a year during a restorative evening massage should be given a few minutes to the feet, smoothing them with their thumbs in the direction from the heels to the toes.

Preventive foot massage for preschool children is carried out 1-2 times a week, you can do it in a playful way. The child is placed in the supine position. First, stroke the thighs and lower legs, then move on to circular motion these parts of the limbs.

Most great attention are given to the calf muscles, since they are the ones that respond to raising the arch of the foot.

Then the impact is increased and kneading of the shins and feet is added. It is important that the child does not experience pain. The same techniques are repeated by turning the child on his stomach and placing a small roller under his knees (a rolled up towel or a small pillow).

When exposed to the foot itself, Special attention give lateral ribs - internal and outer surface, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fold of the fingers. Massage begins with 3-4 minutes and gradually bring the duration of the procedure up to 15 minutes. After the massage, it is useful to make a contrast bath for the legs that strengthens the vessels - first lower the feet into warm water and then pour cold water into it.

For information on how to massage a child to prevent flat feet, see the next video by Alena Grozovskaya.

It is known that a person receives 90% of information through vision and that it is in demand in the cognitive, productive, and especially in the educational activities of children in different age periods their lives. That's why important aspect of any State educational institution is the prevention of the appearance of visual disorders in children with normal vision and deterioration of vision against the background of pathogenic factors in children with visual impairment, which, in turn, is part of the system of protecting and strengthening the health of the child. "Prevention" comes from the Greek - "to stand guard, guard, prevent."

"Good lighting - quality of life." “The constant insufficient illumination of the places of wakefulness and activities of children in preschool and school institutions is not only one of the reasons early development myopia, but can also lead to asthenopia - rapid eye fatigue during visual work. S. Avetistov

Favorable colors: For walls - light gray, light beige, light green; Vertical work surfaces (carpets, boards, etc.) - brown, light green, dark green. For tables - light green, the color of natural wood; For floors - rich gray;

Artificial lighting Light should always be soft (matte lamp), not striking in the eyes, but evenly illuminating the place of employment. When performing graphic works (drawing, writing, appliqué, etc.), the light source must be located in front and with opposite side from the leading hand. When reading, looking, etc. the light source can be on any side, the main thing is that it evenly illuminates the work surface and there is no blinding of the eyes.

Combined lighting Security and hygienic requirements: mixed lighting should not be felt “like two completely separate, separate and even competing light fluxes” (S.V. Kravkov); it is advisable to provide for separate switching on of lamps in rows in order to primarily illuminate the area farthest from the windows; the use of unprotected and "bare" lamps is not allowed; when using additional local lighting, the eyes should be in the shade, i.e. avoid unpleasant glare from light sources; be sure to eliminate light glare on the screen (TV, computer monitor) and reflections of light sources that greatly irritate the visual apparatus.

visual loads. Children 2-3 years old. pictures with a clearly defined outline, i.e. the boundary of the subject image and the background should be clearly distinguishable - the image should not be multicolor - the size of the subject image for near perception is at least 5 cm. - When working far away, the size of the object increases significantly, while children should be at a distance of 0.5 from it 1.0 m. Children 3-4 years old. the clarity of the details of the subject image - the colors and their shades should be - bright and saturated. -image of several objects of different sizes on the first (near) and second (far) plans. - For visual comparison by a child of two objects, in order to distinguish them, object pictures of a simplified configuration with clearly defined details are selected, outward signs comparison, the size for work near about 8*10 cm.

Children 4-5 years old. viewing a picture no less than a cm in size with clearly defined details for description (color, shape, details) - the location of the pictures in front of the gaze in a vertical plane at a distance of cm from the eyes. Children 5-6 years old. The child acquires the ability to more accurate visual analysis complex shape objects and their images of different sizes, on different distance from the eyes. Therefore, more intense visual work for children of this age is not looking at a picture, but graphic work.

Curious Varvara looks to the left, Looks to the right, looks up and looks down, She looked at the ledge, and straight down from the ledge. 2. To improve blood circulation in the eyes, there are the following exercises which are performed every minute of visual work. The starting position of each exercise is standing or sitting. Make oscillatory eye movements horizontally from right to left, then to the right. Make oscillatory movements with your eyes vertically: up and down and down and up. Make circular rotational movements with your eyes from left to right. The same, but from right to left.

1. The duration of classes during the day should not exceed 40 minutes at the age of 3 to 5 years, and one hour at the age of 6-7 years. 2. the same type of activities associated with eye strain should be interrupted every minute to rest the eyes. 3. it is desirable that children study both in the first and in the afternoon, and that there is time between these classes for active games and being outdoors. 4. the duration of continuous viewing of television programs or activities on the computer for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren should not exceed half an hour 5. The optimal distance to the TV screen is from 2 to 5 meters. The computer monitor screen should be no closer than outstretched hand child (40 cm). At the same time, it is necessary to sit not on the side, but directly in front of the screen. 6. It is necessary to avoid tilting the head close to the subject of work. See the best distance for visual activity.

Incorrect landing (close distance from the eyes to the book and notebook) contributes to the emergence and development of myopia! You need to sit straight, leaning on the back of a chair, slightly tilting your head forward, your hands lie freely on the table, your elbows do not hang down, your legs rest on the floor or a bench with your whole foot. The chair should be pushed 3-5 cm under the chair. You can check the correct distance from the eyes to the book or drawing with your hand: put your arm bent at the elbow on the table, fingertips touch the temple, a fist should pass freely between the table and the chest, the shoulder blades touch the back chair. You can not practice at a round or kitchen table. Under no circumstances should children be allowed to read lying down.

FOOD. "If the father of the disease is unknown, then the mother of the disease is nutrition." Name of vitamin Visual and general symptoms with deficiency in the body of vitamin Staple foods Vitamin A Weakening of vision at night and twilight conditions ("night blindness") Liver, yolk chicken egg, milk, cream, butter, fish oil, cheddar cheese, carrots, sea buckthorn, wild rose, green onion, parsley, sorrel, lettuce, apricots, rowan fruits Vitamin B1 Increased nervousness, decrease in mental, physical and visual performance Meat, liver, kidneys, Rye bread, yeast, potatoes, legumes, all kinds of vegetables

Vitamin B2 Deterioration of vision in twilight conditions, burning sensation in the eyes and eyelids, gap small vessels eye Apples, yeast, all types of cereals, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, meat, liver Vitamin B6 Eye strain and rapid eye fatigue, possible eye twitching Yeast, milk, liver, cabbage, cereals, egg yolk, fish of all kinds, kidneys , meat Vitamin C Hemorrhage in the eyes, decreased tone of the eye muscles, eye fatigue Dried rose hips, mountain ash, red pepper, sorrel, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes (especially in autumn), fresh white cabbage, black currant

Avoid excess refined and demineralized foods: sugar, bread, cereals, canned food and juices, sweet dishes: jams, chocolate, pastries, cakes. Sugary carbonated drinks are also not recommended. Try to include more raw fruits, vegetables and herbs in your child's diet. Try to keep your child's weekly diet at a level that provides the necessary vitamins (see table). Remember that an excess of vitamin A entering the body can also cause negative consequences. Therefore, this vitamin should be used in the form of tablets or dragees only on the recommendation of a doctor. Vitamins, and, above all, B and C, are destroyed when heated, so it is undesirable to boil the fruits and vegetables in which they are contained. It is better to fill them with boiling water and close the lid, and after cooling, use vegetable broth to make soup, and fruit broth for drinking. Many eye diseases occur due to a lack of the trace element potassium in the body. It should be remembered that potassium is found in meat, fish, milk, cereals, parsley, and especially in potatoes, prunes, dried apricots and raisins. It is known that with a lack of vitamins in the diet, vision deteriorates. But this does not mean that only consumption a large number products containing these vitamins will correct the situation. Target rational nutrition- a reasonable and balanced composition of consumed products.

Diagnosis of MPPS Doctors' recommendations Groups for children with speech impairment Groups for children with visual impairment Correction strategy individually frontal Medical correction Hardware treatment: Orthoptic, pleoptic, diploptic Computer correction Spectacle correction Physiotherapy treatment: Electrosleep, e/phoresis, D. Arsonval, ampliim pulse, KUFL, UVS, tube with, ORK-21 Wellness preventive actions KUFO, herbal tea, massage, vitaminization Aromatherapy, bactericidal lamps Daily routine Training load Thermal mode Motor mode Pedagogical correction Subgroup

Parents are very happy with the first steps that their baby takes. At the same time, they often forget that from this moment on, the child’s legs experience a serious load. The feet are starting to take shape. From now on, the prevention of flat feet in children should be started. It includes many activities, among which a special role is given to exercises. No less important for proper development stop shoes. The latter should be ergonomic and of high quality.

What is flatfoot

Many people know firsthand about this disease. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common pathology, which in advanced stage can even lead to disability. Therefore, doctors do not tire of repeating that the prevention and correction of flat feet in preschool children must be carried out.

So, what is this pathology? Flat feet is one of the most common ailments. musculoskeletal system at babies. The foot of the child with this disease is deformed. Her arch is flattened. Foot accepts flat shape. As a result, a person stands, touching the floor with the entire surface.

It is worth considering that the formation of the bones of the feet continues in a child up to the age of five. Therefore, the diagnosis of "flat feet" can be made to the baby only after this age. In more early years the foot is still developing. For example, in two years old a flat surface of the sole is considered the norm.

Rarely, flat feet are diagnosed in infancy. it congenital pathology, which is combined with planovalgus deformity of the foot.

Symptoms of pathology in children

Parents should know that the prevention of flat feet in preschool children is necessary for all babies. Most mothers and fathers mistakenly believe that if the doctor did not tell them about this pathology, then it will not affect their child. But, unfortunately, the doctor is able to determine the disease only in a 5-year-old child, when the foot is formed. And in this case, serious treatment is required.

But if the prevention of flat feet is constantly carried out in preschool children, then even in crumbs prone to pathology, correct feet are formed.

Parents can suspect the development of the disease by the following signs:

  • rapid fatigue when walking;
  • swelling in the feet;
  • aching pain in the legs;
  • increased wide foot;
  • rapid wear of the inner sides of the heels and soles;
  • violation of posture;
  • clubfoot.

With such symptoms, it is imperative to show the child to an orthopedist.

Factors provoking the development of the disease

Unfortunately, flat feet are very common in children. Its causes and prevention in children, to a greater extent, depend on the parents. After all, quite often an ailment develops as a result of improperly selected shoes. Often, hypodynamia becomes the source of the problem.

To protect the baby from the development of flat feet, you should familiarize yourself with the main factors leading to deformation:

  1. Wearing poor quality shoes(without arch support, soft, with a completely flat sole).
  2. Heredity.
  3. Leading a sedentary lifestyle. Children in our time are more and more addicted to a computer or tablet, instead of participating in various games on the street.
  4. Large load on the legs of the child. They can occur, for example, with obesity.
  5. Rickets. The development of flat feet is associated with the fragility of the bones characteristic of this disease.
  6. Various foot injuries, mostly fractures.
  7. Muscle paralysis. Pathology develops after poliomyelitis.

Treatment of the disease

If flat feet are congenital, then the following is done to combat it:

  1. A mild form is cured by applying plaster. This allows you to secure the foot in the desired position. Plaster bandages are applied for a week. Then they change to new ones. The duration of treatment is about 10 weeks. After that, the child undergoes a course of physiotherapy. He is given massages and recommended to wear orthopedic shoes made to order in the atelier. In addition, one should tune in that rehabilitation prevention of flat feet in preschool children with this condition will take a long time.
  2. For the treatment of severe forms, only surgical intervention is used.

Therapy for acquired flat feet lasts quite for a long time. Treatment consists of the following activities:

  1. Daily activities physical therapy which strengthen the muscles of the legs. During the exercises, special irregularities are also used, which help to strengthen the soles of the feet.
  2. Wearing orthopedic shoes. It should have a hard high back and a number of fasteners with which the leg is tightly fixed. These shoes are made from natural materials. Be sure to make a small heel and insert insoles with arch supports. Orthopedic shoes are sold in specialized retail outlets or are made to order by the direction of an orthopedist.
  3. Massage. According to the doctor's prescription, courses of 10-15 sessions are done.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed 2 times a year. Most often it is electrophoresis and electromyostimulation.


For the correct formation of the feet, it is necessary to perform special exercises. Gymnastics allows you to correct even the emerging deformation. It is on it that the prevention of flat feet in preschool children is based. Exercises to develop the foot will be offered by the orthopedist.

The gymnastics itself is easy. Parents can easily do it themselves. And if you diversify it with games, then such a prevention of flat feet in preschool children will cause real delight.

Sitting exercises:

  1. Slowly bend and unbend the toes.
  2. Stroking. Spend thumb legs along the lower leg of the other limb. Lead from bottom to top. Then do the same movement with the other leg. The exercise is performed several times.
  3. Run the sole and inside of the foot of one leg along the shin of the other. It is also performed several times.
  4. Put your feet on the floor at a right angle. Holding your heels, raise your toes.
  5. Connect the soles of the feet. Hold in this position for several minutes.
  6. Spread your heels to the sides. Keep toes together.
  7. Roll the ball with the soles.
  8. Take with your toes small items. Then transfer them.

Therapeutic walking:

  1. Walk by rolling from heel to toe. Try to step on the whole foot.
  2. When walking, press and stretch your toes.
  3. Choose uneven surfaces. It is on them that you need to walk. It can be pebbles, grass. The massage mat is very useful.

Standing exercises:

  1. Roll from heels to toes. Then on the inner and outer parts of the foot.
  2. Squat down without lifting your heels off the floor.
  3. Stand alternately on the outside and inside of the foot.

In addition, do not forget that kids get tired of doing gymnastics very quickly. Therefore, the given set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet in children must be diversified with elements of games.

home methods

For supporting normal development stop baby needed physical exercise and the right diet.

How is the prevention of flat feet in preschool children at home? There are many excellent methods.

  1. The baby must move a lot, so it is not recommended to keep him wrapped in diapers all the time.
  2. For bathing, it is preferable to use a large bath, where the child can move around, making swimming movements.
  3. After taking water procedures, you need to make a light
  4. There is no need to be afraid if a child walks barefoot on grass and sand in the summer. This has a positive effect on the formation of the foot.
  5. A foot bath works well using sea ​​salt. It is very easy to prepare this procedure. Water is poured into a large tub to cover the child's ankles. Dissolve sea salt in it, leaving some crystals at the bottom. The kid should walk along the bottom of the bath, as if in shallow water.

This is an excellent prevention of flat feet in preschool children. An orthopedic consultation will allow you to expand the list medical measures that can be used at home.

massage mats

You can make your own or buy them from specialized stores. Massage mats are produced with a variety of surfaces. They are made from natural materials.

It is enough for the baby to walk on the surface of the massage mat for 5 minutes a day.

Foot massage

Highly effective method prevention of flat feet. It is better if this procedure is performed by a professional massage therapist.

But if parents want to conduct this event themselves, then they should familiarize themselves with the methodology for conducting:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you should warm up the body with gymnastics or take a contrast shower.
  2. Start the massage from above. Stretch your thighs, then your calves and
  3. Massage the inside and outside of the foot.
  4. Go to the processing of the sole.

The duration of the massage is about a quarter of an hour.

Physical education classes in preschool

AT educational institutions pay great attention to the prevention of flat feet. and schools practiced in physical education classes various options walk.

Prevention of flat feet in preschool children in a preschool educational institution is most often in the nature of a game. A specially designed set of exercises, accompanied by reading poems. Kids love it and bring elements of play into the activity.

Prevention of flat feet

Children are attracted to exercises only if they are performed in a playful way.

That is why gymnastics is most often used in kindergartens, according to the type of the following complex:


The child sits on a gymnastic bench, stretching his legs and resting his heels on the floor. At the word "up" he pulls his toes towards himself. Then lowers at the word "Down" to the floor.

Accompanied by a quatrain:

Oh swing, oh swing

Flying straight up to the sky

Up-down, up-down

Just hold on tight!


The child is sitting on a bench. The toes should be spread out to the sides. Then connect, performing a kind of clapping.

We clapped, clapped our hands,

And now our legs are working!


The child, sitting, rests his hands on the bench. The legs are extended. Pulls up the limbs, leaning on the fingers. Then it returns to its original position, pointing the socks towards itself.

Legs dance like in ballet

Our children are dancing

Legs began to show

And stand on your toes.


Press your toes and, sitting on a gymnastic bench, beat the rhythm of the rhyme with your fingers:

Misha has a drum

Rumbled like a hurricane.

But when they gave it

They asked for it to be quiet.

But then why is he there?

If they can't rattle?


The child steps over a hoop or stick, with a side step. At the same time, he wraps his toes around.

The spider crawls along the path,

He quickly shifts his legs.

"Funny hedgehog"

The child stands with his hands on his belt. He rolls the ball from toe to heel, changing legs.

The hedgehog runs along the path

And we massage the legs!


The child stands with his hands on his belt. He draws figures on the floor with his legs - circles, squares.

Children will draw

Today only legs!

The legs will begin to perform

Artist's idea!


The child, standing, raises his toes. He bends them and rests on the floor. Starts to move forward.

Show us our feet

How a snail stomps along the path!


Stand on your heels with your toes up. Then get down on your foot.

Stop lying in bed

We need to stretch our heels!


The child lies on his back and leads with one foot on the other.

It's time to paint the house

We called the painter!

But not with a brush, a bucket,

The master came to our house!

The play element in these exercises makes them easy to complete. The child memorizes rhymes and can then perform them himself, according to his mood, even outside of physical education classes.

Classes with special equipment

It should be noted that educators provide for the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders in preschool children. After all, such ailments are very common in recent years in children. In addition, the deformation of the feet leads to a shift in the center of gravity. As a result, a violation of posture often develops.

To perform such charging, you will need special equipment.

Prevention of flat feet and posture disorders in preschool children involves the use of tracks:

  1. Zebra. Make it from thick fabric with pockets in which they put different fillers. It can be pebbles, peas, small cones.
  2. Flower field. Sew on a piece of dense fabric miscellaneous items- beads, buttons, bones from the account, plastic flowers.
  3. Winding path. They take a strip of dense fabric and sew on it, in the form of a snake, a rope with knots tied.
  4. Obstacle course. Cut the foam rubber into squares and sheathe it with a cloth. On the squares, objects that can stimulate the feet (pencils, plastic bottle caps, strings, buttons) are fixed. Foam squares are connected to each other.

What Parents Should Remember

To reduce the risk of developing pathology, the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet in children should begin with the first steps of the baby.

The following methods help:

  1. When the child is just starting to get up, holding on to a support, it is necessary that he does this in shoes. The latter should be made of natural materials and tightly fix the foot, due to the hard back. The use of recommended shoes prevents incorrect foot placement.
  2. A child should not be allowed to wear shoes for older children. After all, they are trampled, and can change the location of the foot.
  3. Hardening helps the body to always be in good shape. Accordingly, muscle activity is activated. BUT good job of such tissues protects against the development of flat feet.
  4. Taking contrast foot baths. Take two containers. Pour into one - water at a temperature of 40 degrees, into the other - at 33. The legs are alternately lowered into basins of water for 10 minutes. It should be borne in mind that this procedure can only be carried out when the child is healthy.
  5. The use of sea salt in foot baths, and when bathing. If it is possible to take the child to the sea, you should definitely do it. Salt has a tonic effect on muscles and blood vessels. Sea water, due to its density, is able to replace massage.
  6. Walking barefoot allows the feet to receive a stimulating effect. Walking is best on uneven surfaces. In summer it is grass, pebbles, sand. In winter, to continue prevention, you can sprinkle small objects on the floor, such as peas, flat buttons, beans. Invite the baby to walk on them.