What to do for the new year. Fire, passion and surprises in the year of the Red (Fire) Monkey

Outside the window is September, but we decided to write an article about the New Year)). Do you think early? Just right! It's time to think about it and mentally start preparing for the 2016 meeting. After all, how New Year you will meet, so you will spend it.

So, rather, open the article to find out how to properly celebrate the New Year 2016! Enjoy reading).

The upcoming new year 2016 according to the eastern calendar is called the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

It's time to prepare for the holiday, fireworks, fireworks, surprises and gifts, because there will be more of this in the new year than usual.

Astrological predictions not a single year of the Monkey is considered quiet and serene (the temperament and unpredictability of the animal-symbol affects), and plus everything this year, power passes to the element of fire.

For this reason, things will turn out in a very unusual way and not at all as planned. Entering the new year prepares everyone to be on the lookout and expect things to go very wrong, but what a surprise it will be to realize that this is for the best.

However, it is worth considering that astrological year will come only on February 8, but still it will not be superfluous to celebrate this new year, taking into account the small whims and wishes of the animal-symbol, by the way, the Monkey is simply crazy about all kinds of celebrations and celebrations.

How and where to celebrate 2016

It really shouldn't be given great importance the venue of the holiday, but what exactly needs to be taken into account is that there is never much fun!

You can come up with anything and you should not be limited to anything, for example, you can celebrate the new year by arranging a chic costumed masquerade ball or a cool youth party, invite as many friends and acquaintances as possible, and most importantly, do not forget to have fun until you drop!

a bold decision will go to Brazil, where he lives great amount monkeys, and there to celebrate the coming of the new year. But it is important to remember only one thing, that the celebration should bring joy, good mood and a lot of smiles.

How to decorate a house

For the extraordinary and original Monkey, a huge amount of tinsel, garlands and decorations is not alien, nothing will be too much, this should be taken into account when preparing your home for the celebration of the new 2016. Avarice and modesty this year will be useless, so you can and even need to generously decorate your home.

The main colors of the new year can be called - red and all its derivatives, cheerful orange, languid purple (as well as lilac and all other similar shades). However, it will be impossible to do without gold in the decor of the new year. But what colors, like black and blue, should be abandoned.

It will not be superfluous to put on the table large vase tropical fruits, it can be - big bunches of bananas, pineapples, oranges, all this will please the full hostess of the coming year.

And, of course, you need to remember that the element of the next year is fire. Therefore, everything should glow: the lights on a wonderfully decorated Christmas tree, and candles in elegant candlesticks.

We wish you happy meeting New Year 2016! Always be brave, cheerful and happy!

New Year is just around the corner - the most magical and beloved of all holidays. The expectation of fun, gifts, fairy tales and miracles is just in the air along with the aromas of freshly fallen snow and the smell of tangerines. Already, many are thinking about where, how and in what to celebrate the New Year.

In recent decades, Russia has become acquainted with Eastern calendar. We, laughing at ourselves, nevertheless take into account the symbols of the year when preparing for the holiday: we buy gifts in the form of various images, think over the menu that the animal would like, choose clothes that match colors. So how do you celebrate the new year 2016 so that you yourself have fun and please the monkey?

The symbol of the upcoming 2016 is the monkey. Therefore, it's time to go to warmer climes to meet her near the sea, preferably under a palm tree. And the patronage of a capricious and eccentric representative Eastern calendar you are provided. After all, she will not have to go far and suffer from our bad weather and frost.

At the same time, the monkey loves a change of scenery, unusual surprises. Therefore, the meeting ski resort or an ocean liner will also appeal to her. After all, many new bright impressions are connected with this!

ABOUT long journeys while you are dreaming? It does not matter, it is interesting to celebrate the New Year in Russia.

A budget way to get the favor of the symbol of the year is to celebrate the holiday in nature. It can be a winter forest with a freshly decorated Christmas tree and a blazing fire. You can arrange a holiday in the park, while being prepared for the fact that many more people will soon join you. A rural house with a snow-covered garden, a snowman in the yard and a hot stove is also a great opportunity to be closer to nature.

A quiet family holiday in your own apartment, wild fun with friends, in a nightclub, on a train or even in bed with a loved one - everyone chooses for himself. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and enjoy yourself. Namely, this is the most important thing, because how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!

How to meet

Preparations for the New Year's Eve start early. There is a lot to do: choose outfits, decorate the house, put up a Christmas tree, prepare dishes for festive feast. And of course,

If it is planned corporate party, then the problems will be only with the outfit. Professionals will most likely take care of decorating the hall, refreshments and the scenario of the holiday. But you can also prepare some kind of surprise.

In the event that you invited relatives or friends to celebrate the new year 2016, you need to think through everything in advance, prepare small miracles for those invited, preferably inexpensively.

Great if Christmas mood will be felt already on the way to the dwelling. If you have a private house, start by decorating the gate, where you can hang a beautiful wreath of spruce branches intertwined with red or gold ribbon, with large balls, figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden or the hostess monkey of the year.

It is very easy to arrange illumination by stretching electric garlands in the form of waves along the path to the house or hanging trees in the garden. And if the site has a real living spruce Well, it's just happiness. A few garlands are enough for lighting, and winter fairy tale ready!

If it snowed a few days before the New Year, this is an amazing opportunity to inexpensively create a fabulous atmosphere by making a snowman, various animals or those without whom we cannot imagine the New Year in Russia - the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus. Dressing them up in bright hats, scarves and mittens, you will receive a very hospitable company. If there is a lot of snow, you can create a real castle of the Snow Queen. These ideas will be happy to support your children or siblings.

If you live in an ordinary city apartment, do not lose heart. The magic of the New Year will help to imagine a wreath on the front door, bells above it, marking each arriving guest with a melodious chime. The garlands and tinsel hanging from the ceiling like jungle vines are sure to earn the monkey's favor.

Snowflakes cut out of paper on the walls and ceiling, silver threads of rain, garlands, multi-colored balls, candles on the table and on the windowsill, windows with painted or glued drawings of Santa Claus, monkeys, snowmen, squirrel bunnies ... And as the crown of everything - a beautiful Christmas tree.

By the way, if there is a decorative palm tree at home, it can perfectly play the role of a Christmas tree. Decorate it with tinsel, hang balloons instead of nuts, plant a monkey figurine or even several on it. different sizes. original Christmas tree ready! Surely the patroness of 2016 will like it, who did not expect to see a plant from warm countries in Russia.

Even if you decide to celebrate the holiday away from home, you still probably want the spirit of the new year to be felt in your apartment. So don't give up on decorating your home. elegant herringbone and colorful garlands. And if you have children, then creating a fabulous atmosphere is a must!

For the safety of kids, it is better to refuse candles in the design of the apartment. Electric garlands should be inaccessible to curious children, and it is better to choose unbreakable toys for decoration, made of plastic or papier-mâché. It is even better if real cones, sweets in bright wrappers, fruits and nuts.

What to wear for New Year's Eve 2016

Since the symbol of the upcoming new year is the Fire Monkey, a dress of any shade present in the flame will do. Various shades of red, orange, yellow flowers perfectly satisfy her penchant for bright colors. Gold and silver colors are ideal, you can dress in a robe with a metallic sheen, sequins, beads without fear. Just do not overdo it, because with your love for the bright and shiny, the monkey is not a magpie. And you are still not a Christmas tree to sparkle and shimmer from head to toe.

For the new year 2016, it is better to wear a dress, and an evening dress, so that femininity catches the eye and beauty dazzles. Suddenly, it is on this magical night that you are destined to meet your betrothed! And for those who already have a loved one, it does not hurt to remind that his chosen one is beautiful.

Light flowing fabrics and relaxed cuts are preferred so that nothing gets in the way of unbridled fun. After all, on this magical night, you can and should dance, and dance, and participate in various. Knowing how to sew, you can dress for a New Year's ball inexpensively and stylishly.

If it seems that bright colors not for you, you can choose one of the shades natural colors: blue, green, brown, beige.

Even a very modest, muted shade of the dress will not turn you into a gray mouse if you use bright accessories. patent leather shoes high heels, clutch bag, belt or small hat interesting shape or with a veil will help create a unique look.

It's time to put on gold jewelry, with or without gems. If there are old family jewels, take them out of the chests. This is a rarity for Russia, so keep in mind that the new year 2016 is a great occasion to get a new ring, earrings or pendant. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires will equally please the monkey, because they resemble the brilliance of sparks of a great fire.

If you want to embellish yourself inexpensively, then there is no problem. The symbol of the year also applies to jewelry, the main thing is that it be original and really decorate. Rhinestones, pearls and amber will successfully replace gems. Long strands of beads or chains will create a slender silhouette. That's just bracelets or necklaces, collars are undesirable, because the monkey does not tolerate shackles.

You can complement your outfit with a mask to add even more mystery. Glitter and radiance can be used in makeup as well. And hardly anyone will argue that best suit to meet the new year - this is the outfit of the Snow Maiden.

Men, even the most businesslike, should give up on this night business style and think ahead of time, in what to celebrate the New Year. Sometimes it is enough to put on a red Santa hat, a cheerful striped scarf or a sweater with a Norwegian pattern.

You need to forget about business and have fun from the heart. And the serious face of a person, aside from a merry company settling some questions on the phone, is unlikely to please our monkey. And let us remind you how you meet the year, so you will spend it. No matter how the whole next year solve problems that suddenly arise, and in Russia this happens often. Superstition? Sure, but one night a year you can afford to be a little superstitious.

What to cook for the New Year's table-2016

On the night of the new year 2016, you will have to deviate somewhat from the usual holiday menu in Russia. After all, the monkey has its own taste preferences, and they must be taken into account when choosing dishes.

The central place on the table can be occupied by a large multi-storey vase with tropical fruits. The presence of pineapple, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi, grapes of different varieties is desirable.

Fat must be reduced to a minimum. meat dishes. You can’t do without them at all, because the night is long, and alcohol is still consumed. Therefore, a good quality drink should be served with appropriate snacks. So, you will need both meat and cheese cuts. The situation can be improved by preparing several types and seasoning them not with mayonnaise, but with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt.

It is good to decorate dishes or add various nuts, seeds, raisins and other dried fruits to them. Also in the dishes should be present yellow, red, orange colors. This is not a problem since many dishes contain red. bell pepper, tomatoes, carrots, etc. And it will cost inexpensively.

It is important to serve any dish beautifully, using your own imagination or calling on the Internet for help. New Year's and winter themes are preferred.

Oilcloth is not suitable for covering the New Year's table, no matter how beautiful it is. Only a tablecloth, dazzling white or bright red. Napkins, runners, towels can be of contrasting colors. On the tablecloth can lie paper snowflakes, confetti, spruce branches. Dishes - the most beautiful, what only is in the house. On this night, do not be stingy, let it be a real fairy tale.

It is also desirable to have a small Christmas tree on the table. In this case, surprises are possible. How will guests react to a Christmas tree made of sweets or tangerines? And to an inverted Christmas tree suspended from the ceiling above the table, shimmering with lights?

What to do on New Year's Eve in Russia

Even with the most luxurious table, you will not sit at it all night. Drinking songs and traditional round dance around the Christmas tree - this is only a small part of the possible entertainment. Ideas for many games and contests are available on the Internet. Here are just a few of them:

  • Favorite by many in Russia karaoke can be made more interesting by preparing certain songs and accessories in advance. Especially funny when children new year songs must be performed by brutal men or glamorous girls.
  • On New Year's Eve, people usually wonder what the future holds. divination can be diversified. For example, arrange a salute from pre-prepared balloons given to guests. When they explode, along with confetti, notes with a prediction (necessarily good) fall out of them.
  • Can prepare "fortune tree", attaching nuts with predictions to it, or make a Christmas tree out of many leaves with predictions and guess like a camomile.
  • You can prepare a small impromptu play based on a short story. If desired, it is easy to arrange various song contests. The winners will receive prizes - calendars, pens, notepads with winter and New Year symbols. And cheap and nice.
  • On fresh air there can be a lot of entertainment, from a banal game of snowball fights to taking a snow fortress, of course, if there is one. You can arrange races on children's sleds, in which men are harnessed, and their halves must stay in their vehicle. Competitions on the marksman snowballs, on the biggest snowball possible in appropriate weather.

On the night of the New Year's Eve, you can do anything. The main thing is that it gives real pleasure. Will you meet 2016 at home at the TV or in noisy company, in Russia or on a tropical island, or maybe just oversleep it, you choose. And may the Year of the Fire Monkey bring only joy and great happiness!

Complementing the image: creating New Year's makeup


Slowly but surely, 2015, which marched under the sign of the Goat, is leaving our planet, and the Fire Monkey is merrily making faces towards it, under whose sign the coming 2016 will pass.

Are you ready for fireworks, celebrations, masquerades and surprises, incredible twists of fate and gifts, love adventures and upside down? If not, then you should prepare, because the year will be so eventful and turbulent. Fire Monkey, because her element is an all-consuming fire. Forget all your plans, circumstances will not develop at all as planned - let's say thank you to the fidgety monkey for this. But “in a different way” does not mean at all that it is bad, because no one knows where you will find and where you will lose ...

Astrological forecast for 2016

You need to be prepared for the fact that everything this year will be in abundance: both grief and joy, love and sadness, meetings and partings.

In the coming year, astrologers recommend relying only on yourself and not shifting responsibility to others, and most importantly, not relying on anyone's help. The monkey is a capricious and independent animal, it will not accept anyone's help or, even worse, pity. Since ancient times, the Monkey has been considered especially eccentric and outrageous, loving to play in public. But at the same time, it was read as a symbol of wisdom, thrift and prudence.

In 2016, you should be careful with money, and with the right approach, you can significantly improve your financial situation.

The key to the success of many undertakings can be the possession of information - after all, the Monkey should always be at the center of events, know all the news and hot gossip. Those who are not afraid to take risks will win - the mistress of the next year is always on the side of adventurers and lovers of change. She goes through life easily and naturally, so you should not be stubborn where you can give in, otherwise you can lose everything. First of all, this applies to people who frequent conflicts with management and people who do not accept compromises.

As it is not surprising, but Monkey is a big supporter of traditional family values , she strives for prosperity and warmth of the hearth. Therefore, 2016 promises good luck to those who have not yet met their other half. Relations will be easily established, and the alliances created this year will be extremely harmonious and strong. In addition, Monkey is a wonderful mother and caring wife. Despite her eccentric nature, she greatly appreciates loyalty and devotion.

Those born in the year of the Fire Monkey should not strive for leadership positions, alas, a dizzying career does not threaten them. Unfortunately, this cheerful animal hardly solves even the simplest tasks, and the complex ones are definitely beyond her power. Leadership qualities, perseverance in achieving the goal, courage and prudence - this is not all about her, not about our eccentric and loving Monkey. But do not be upset, because each sign has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each person has been given his own path - special and unique, which must be passed with dignity.

But those born in the year of the Fire Monkey will always have many friends, they can easily adapt to a partner, but at the same time they will only choose those who will take care of them and protect them - and what else is needed for a happy and carefree life?

In general, the coming year promises to be dynamic and eventful, bringing with it many new discoveries and surprises. Life promises to be eventful both in the world as a whole and for each person individually. Nobody will be bored for sure - the artistic and capricious Monkey will never allow this.

What to do before the New Year

The New Year is a new energy, in a sense, it is the beginning of a new life. In order to let this fresh energy into your life, you need to perform some actions and even follow a few rituals.

  • Before the New Year, we clean our home of old and unnecessary rubbish, get rid of things that will never be put on again and will not be useful. From all the cabinets, mezzanines and drawers, all unnecessary little things that have been waiting for their finest hour for years, but never did, are thrown away. If you believe the teachings of Feng Shui, unnecessary trash and broken, broken objects absorb all new opportunities, and as a result, instead of moving forward, you are slipping in place.
  • Window sills are freed from unnecessary things so that solar energy freely penetrates the house. If there are flowers on the windowsills, it is better to rearrange them to another place.
  • Rearranging is exactly what needs to be done before the New Year. Rearranging furniture starts the circulation of positive energy, which improves mood and gives strength. It will be easier to breathe in the apartment. Try to make at least a small permutation, and you will be surprised at the result.
  • When choosing which corner to put the Christmas tree in, think first about what exactly you want for yourself the most. If wealth and prosperity - the tree is best placed in the far left corner, if good luck in love - then the tree is placed in the far right corner. To attract health, the tree is placed in the center of the room or in the center on the left side of the wall.
  • But the most important thing to do is to let go of all old resentments and disappointments. Who can be forgiven - we forgive, who can be forgotten - we forget forever. We learn to think positively - instead of wishing "may my loved ones never get sick," we express our thoughts like this: "my loved ones are completely healthy." This will help clear bad energy not only physically, but also spiritually.

If you use these simple tips, in the coming year there will definitely be changes for the better in the life of each family member. Let the changes become noticeable not immediately, but they will definitely be.

How to welcome the new year 2016

The Fire Monkey will enter into its legal rights only on February 8, but it will begin to establish its rules, as expected, from the first of January. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for a meeting with an eccentric hostess - after all, she loves holidays and extraordinary events.

The place of the meeting does not matter, but the fun should definitely be over the edge! A feast until the morning, a masquerade ball or just a night party under the Christmas tree with fireworks and champagne - this is exactly what the energetic and cheerful hostess of the coming year will like. The main thing is unbridled fun and great mood!

Laughter, funny company, a sea of ​​champagne and confetti, crackers and tinsel, music and fun contests - all this will help appease the Monkey and increase the likelihood of success in 2016. But you need to make sure that no one quarrels, and that there is no conflict situation- this can scare away the hostess of the New Year, and with it the positive energy. But the Monkey will never remain indifferent to people who will be in a good mood.

Inviting relatives and friends to visit, we stock up sparklers, firecrackers and good mood! The more noise, cod, laughter and joy, the faster all evil spirits leave the house and negative energy, and along with the Fire Monkey come wisdom and prosperity.

New Year's interior decoration

Astrologers advise decorating an apartment to celebrate the new year in shades of the coming year - in 2016 it is a fire element, which means red, orange, yellow or scarlet color . But in addition to red shades, the monkey also loves green, white, yellow and gold - you can choose one or two of these colors, which will dilute the main shades. If you manage to harmoniously combine several colors and not show bad taste, next year you will definitely receive an award from the grateful hostess of 2016.

The monkey is very fond of everything bright and shiny, so you can not restrain yourself in decorating the house with tinsel and garlands. A lot of candles and lamps with a soft red light are exactly what you need. They will create both coziness and a festive atmosphere, and most importantly, they will provide patronage to a capricious fidget.

Be sure to use the symbol of the New Year - monkey figurines should be hung and placed everywhere.

Hanging above the aisle and above the doors, bright garlands will help protect the house from negative energy, and a bell hung above the front door will joyfully greet the guests who have come.

When decorating an apartment, do not forget about the windows - New Year's compositions on the windowsill with candles and snow-white snowflakes always look original and very beautiful. Take paints in your hands and draw something New Year's on the glasses with the whole family, and let it not be a work of art, but from the heart and will surely please both children and adults.

And so, improvise and do not be stingy, and the fiery mistress of the New Year will not bypass your house with her generosity and attention.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

The forest beauty should not only decorate the New Year's interior, but also comply with a whole list of "monkey" rules. The most important rule is that the colors of jewelry are chosen only bright and catchy, and the tree itself should sparkle and shine!

Who said that a Christmas tree can only be decorated with traditional New Year's toys and tinsel? This year, you can give free rein to your creative imagination and decorate the symbol of the New Year with literally anything. For example, you can hang on a Christmas tree family photos- it will be not only original, but also interesting, especially for the guests who have come.

Many have a wonderful childhood memory - fruits and sweets that could be found not only under the tree, but also hanging on shaggy branches. Sweets in bright wrappers, tangerines, bananas and other fruits will appeal not only to children, but will also appease the capricious hostess of the coming year. As you know, the Monkey is also very partial to sweets.

Coins or even banknotes hung on a Christmas tree, will help to attract prosperity and abundance to the house.

Would you like to personally have a hand in decorating New Year's beauty? Great! Homemade garlands from multi-colored buttons or do-it-yourself toys with children always look original and attract attention. And do not forget to put at least a small figurine of the Monkey under the tree!

If the house has a decorative palm tree or a money tree, you should take care of their decor too.

What to wear for a holiday

Appearance for the Monkey is very important, so you should approach the New Year's toilet with all responsibility. The most important condition is bright colors and some masquerade attire, and all strict trouser or office suits this year will simply be out of place. Boldly open shoulders and back, a long evening dress with a large neckline, defiant mini and daring hats on the head - that's exactly what the eccentric Monkey will like.

The fire element suggests the dominance of the red color and all its shades, but if this color is not to your liking, then to the chosen outfit you can add any red accessory. For example, a handbag, shoes or just a ribbon in your hair.

Makeup and hair should match, so forget about modesty and get ready to literally shine! You can even wear masquerade mask, which will add mystery and extravagance.

Men this year are also allowed to go beyond what is permitted - down with formal suits and especially tuxedos. Extraordinary or even eccentric suits in the spirit of dudes from the sixties, shirts and ties of an unusual color and design, trousers-pipes or flared trousers of a long-forgotten style - you can safely dress up in all this in the year of the Fire Monkey. The main thing is to forget about officiality and create festive mood conducive to noisy fun.

Festive New Year's table

On the New Year's holiday table, first of all, those dishes that you and your family love are served. The main rule this year is that the table should be bursting with treats, and its design should be bright and festive! Everything should be the very best - from dishes to exotic dishes.

Multi-colored lighted candles will be a nice addition to the New Year's table, but it is better to refuse bulky candlesticks, as they take up a lot of space and will block the participants in the feast from each other.

The hostess of the New Year will never refuse something spicy or even bitter, so various sauces, spices, seasonings and pickles are only welcome. In addition, the New Year is a great occasion to try something new, and this year you can give revelry the most wild fantasies and combine the incongruous.

Fruit abundance will definitely please the Monkey, but she does not accept fatty and heavy food, because monkeys are famous vegetarians. Light salads, lots of greens and nuts, crispy bread and fresh vegetables - all this will be appreciated. From meat dishes preference is given to poultry dishes.

It should be remembered that the main task this evening - to have a good fun and dance, and not at all to eat to satiety. Therefore, a sea of ​​champagne, juices and fruit drinks, as well as fruits and vegetables, light salads and sweets are exactly what you need to celebrate the New Year 2016.

New Year gifts

IN new year's eve It is customary to give gifts not only to children, but also to relatives and friends - you must admit that there is nothing more pleasant than giving and receiving gifts and seeing the happy eyes of people close to you. The present can be purely symbolic, but it must be bright and eye-catching - like everything else this year of the Fire Monkey. It is very important to move away from everything familiar and routine, to try to evoke emotions and joy.

Can be a great gift unusual souvenirs V ethnic style , either good wines or bright colorful decorations for the interior. Women colleagues can be given large Christmas balls with the image of the symbol of the New Year or an aroma lamp with essential oils, and for men, interesting key rings or stands for mobile phone in the form of a monkey. A good variety of coffee or tea, a bottle of cognac or good wine, a box of not the cheapest candies - all this is perfect as new year gift for friends, acquaintances and colleagues. If a person is not a close relative, then you should not give expensive gifts, this can put him in an awkward position and oblige him to return an expensive gift.

In general, you can give anything, depending on the fantasy of the size of the wallet. But what is absolutely impossible to give: first of all, you can’t give money - the Monkey won’t like it, but it means you can find yourself in complete lack of money in coming year. TO serious quarrels and discord will bring gifts in the form of sets of knives and any other sharp objects.

Do not give a watch - they will lead to separation. Towels, napkins, handkerchiefs and boring slippers - all this is trite and uninteresting. Moreover, if you believe the signs, these things will lead to parting with your loved one. Contrary to public opinion, the book is also far from best gift Because everyone has their own tastes and preferences.

Choose a gift with a soul, and then you will definitely like it!

The selected present can be wrapped in red gift paper- The Fire Monkey will surely like it. And do not forget to give your sincere smile and good mood!

And in the end, I want to congratulate everyone: Happy New Year!

New Year 2016 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Fiery Red Monkey. This is the ninth sign of the eastern horoscope, which is part of the Yang (masculine) group of animals. And despite the fact that the Monkey will fully enter into its legal rights only February 8, Chinese New Year 2016, to establish certain rules and demand their strict implementation, it will begin from the very beginning of the European New Year, that is, from January 1.

According to the European Zodiac, the ruler of 2016 Monkey is closest to the solar sign Leo. This means: if the fun is wide and until the morning, if dinner is rich and refined (both in food and drinks, communication).

What will 2016 bring to our country, our planet and each person individually? The monkey is smart, restless, curious, rather eccentric, loves to shock and be the center of attention, as well as play in public. But since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of insight, wisdom, thrift and extraordinary prudence.

If you enter the new year with a clear mind, sanity and bright thoughts, then this animal of the eastern calendar promises not to create serious obstacles, but on the contrary will help you gain wisdom and create favorable conditions for everything new in your future life. Authority, vital steps and continued success will be guaranteed to you. The one who will carefully and prudently make the right fateful decisions, who will work in areas related to mental and creative activity who will own analytics, he will be at the top of his career peak.

Element of 2016 - fire, which means that the main characteristics of the year are dynamism, renewal, rebirth, growth, upward striving, brightness, warmth and energy. People born under the sign of the Monkey are original and inventive, very quickly able to cope with any problem, decisive and adamant, although they are not without flexibility and diplomacy. And they have ups and downs, but they again rise to their feet with enviable persistence, boldly continuing to move forward towards their cherished goal. Representatives of such a sign always assess a specific situation soberly, possessing a tenacious mind, excellent and excellent observation and intuition. If you look very carefully at the habits of monkeys, and in a similar way try to behave in the coming 2016, you will win their patronage. And then you, definitely, will be accompanied by luck in everything and, of course, good luck, which always accompany hardworking, enterprising, courageous and purposeful people.

The monkey is far-sighted and cunning in financial matters She knows how to invest money profitably. Eastern horoscope recommends trying to do your business in a balanced way, not to overspend, but, on the contrary, try to increase them. And then all financial affairs will give in 2016 only positive effect. Feng Shui experts advise that you have money throughout 2016, just wrap a silver coin in a silk handkerchief and put it in your jacket or trousers pocket, preferably in the left one.

What to wear for the New Year 2016 - outfits and jewelry

2016 year of the Red Fire Monkey must be met in natural fabrics (velvet, organza, silk, satin, leather), red, dark pink or burgundy, but others are also possible (orange, gold, yellow, mother-of-pearl, coral and red). In clothes, it is best to give preference to fiery (“tongues of flame”) or silvery tones, as they are all juicy, bright and will invariably bring happiness and good luck.

New Year's style should embody beauty and grace - mini-skirts that open women's slender legs or dresses: floor-length evening, with slits, cocktail, high-waisted, with open shoulders. Dresses should attract attention, so you can richly trim the neck, belt, sleeves with matching rhinestones and beads, or decorate with some kind of embroidery. On New Year's Eve 2016, gloss and extravagance should be felt in clothes.

In addition to the dress, use accessories with catchy, unusual design. For example, brooches in the form of a symbolic animal, light scarf or capes made of transparent light chiffon. Give preference to jewelry made of natural stones (rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings). Ideally, if it is diamonds, gold, coral or pearl necklaces. Jewelry will perfectly emphasize the luxury of your style.

In hairstyles, it is better to collect the hair in an elegant “tail” or dissolve and make curls that flow freely over the shoulders. In any case, the hairstyle should reflect your natural beauty and grace, rather than being frivolous and careless. Do make-up natural and discreet or in art style, in this case absolutely any are welcome. color solutions. Perfume is better choose from floral scent. We select the color of the manicure accordingly for the New Year festive outfit, and we make the shape of the nails natural, since unnatural ones (overhead and other types of forms) are no longer relevant in the coming year.

For men, a classic dark or golden suit and an ironed shirt are suitable. Butterfly or original tie will please the Monkey, and she will certainly be very favorable to you in the new year. Men need to shave and get a neat haircut.

What's in store for us in 2016

The upcoming new year 2016 is favorable for transactions, coup d'état and political decisions, in everyday life. ordinary life- This beautiful time for courtship, love and scandals. This is the heyday of fashion, music and art. The changes of this year, as usual, are sudden and fateful, but the prudence and assertiveness of the Monkey will always be felt, helping to accept, maybe unexpected, but right decisions. The predictions of soothsayers come down to the fact that the coming 2016 for most people will be associated with the possibility career development, promotion and success in all matters, because the element "fire" in its essence is a colossal vital energy, striving upwards.

You can give whatever you want, both original and practical gizmos, but the main thing is that your gift should bring pleasure and joy to relatives and friends. It can be a T-shirt with the symbol of the year, a keychain, a mug, a magnet, a candle, soft toy. But you should definitely give this year's talisman - this is a figurine or a figurine of a monkey. Such a talisman of your household will protect throughout this period.

New Year's holiday table setting 2016

Any holiday, and especially New Year's, we can not do without orange tangerines, Olivier salad, and, of course, delicious sparkling champagne. But keep in mind that according to the Eastern calendar, every year is under the auspices of some animal. Therefore, in order for the whole next year to turn out well for you, you need to “appease” the owner of the year by presenting him with all kinds of favorite delicacies on New Year's Eve.

Because monkeys love beautiful life and delicious natural food, then cover and serve New Year's table it is necessary to be creative and unusual, and the prepared dishes should be distinguished by an amazing shape and a peculiar taste. A beautifully set table and various dishes prepared with love are a symbol of happiness and good luck for the whole coming year.

It is not at all necessary to furnish the table expensively and magnificently. After all, the main thing is to create a joyful atmosphere for those present, cozy and comfortable. Try, for example, to decorate beautifully napkins and cutlery with multi-colored ribbons, and gracefully tie wonderful bows from the remaining ribbons and attach them to the tablecloth with pins. Place silver foil napkins under the plates. It remains only to beautifully arrange now, matched to match, candles and make sure that such a simple technique will add splendor to your New Year's table.

What to cook for the New Year's table 2016

The monkey loves naturalness, so the highlight of your New Year's table is a large number of low-fat and delicate snacks and salads from fresh food decorated with greenery. There should be more on the table. Holiday menu can be the most diverse - it's meat, stuffed eggs or fish. Since our monkey is a lover of a spectacularly decorated delicious dessert (a well-known sweet tooth), fruits (especially bananas), vegetables and pastries will not be superfluous on the table, because it's great if the room smells like freshly baked bread and muffins. Make sure you have quality wine on the tables. But with strong alcoholic drinks you should not be zealous - the monkey does not like drunks.

Astrologers say that the new year 2016 will be very interesting and quite successful for all signs of the zodiac, who are curious, resourceful, enterprising, willing to work and earn. Also, the year of the Red Monkey is favorable for marriages and the birth of children, because red is the color of love. The monkey is ready to give everyone the opportunity to change their lives in better side. So, keep it up!

Why do we all love Christmas so much? Perhaps for the opportunity to take a break from everyday work? Or for the fact that during this period the whole family finally gathers together at a huge table? Or maybe for the magical atmosphere that is created thanks to the numerous sparkling lights and holiday tree? In any case, every aspect is extremely important, isn't it. And, for example, if you refuse jewelry during this period, then you will agree that the holiday will no longer be so fabulous and interesting. And one of the main decorations for the New Year is a rich table.

This year is already coming to an end and it will be replaced by the New Year of the Monkey 2016. According to astrologers, he promises to be cheerful and carefree, because this year's hostess is the same. The Monkey is also sociable and loves when joy reigns in the house. Therefore, a gift is a gift, but a congratulation sets the mood for the holiday to a greater extent. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to be a speaker, just look on the Internet, where you can find a variety of wishes and congratulations on the New Year 2016.

Everyone has known for a long time, 2016 a year will pass under the sign of the Fire Monkey. However, until February 8, 2016, the date of the onset of the Chinese New Year, the Goat will continue to remain on its throne, and it is impossible to forget about it on New Year's Eve. So astrologers advise, when preparing for the new year 2016, to take into account the tastes and characters of both signs of the eastern calendar - Wooden Goat and the Fire Monkey, then the coming year will definitely be successful, even though it will be a leap year.

Each New Year is a significant occasion to gather at one table for all relatives and friends. During the whole year, this cannot be done, but in this case, everything goes as well as possible, because after all they are waiting for a whole 10 days of rest! Without holiday table cannot be dispensed with, and therefore all housewives think about the question - what to cook for new year 2016?

Among the New Year's rituals, the eastern tradition of greeting the patron animal of the coming year has firmly established itself. A little time will pass, and we will all meet the year 2016, the patroness of which will be the Monkey. According to astrologers, not a single year of the Monkey passes calmly and measuredly.

The New Year's holiday is approaching. In 2016, all mankind meets the Year of the Monkey. On this New Year's Eve, you need to play, joke, play humorous scenes and just have fun. This direction will ensure good luck and prosperity in the New Year. As you know, the center of attention this evening in every house is a rich table, and a Christmas tree is a symbol of the holiday. Not only the mood in the house and a prosperous life in the coming year depend on how to decorate the Christmas tree in the New Year 2016.

New Year - special holiday, with the onset of which hopes for positive changes in life are associated. And we are interested in advance under what symbol of the eastern calendar will pass the coming year and what it has in store for us.

New Year 2016 promises to be dynamic, joyful, cheerful and full of pleasant changes in life, as the mistress of this year is the red fiery Monkey. However, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to spend this holiday correctly in order to attract positive energy coming 2016. In this article, we have tried to collect the most interesting ideas where to meet the New Year of the red fiery Monkey.

Often on New Year's Eve we hear the phrase: "As you meet the New Year, so you will spend it." But how to do it right? And is this the only sign that refers to the New Year? 2016 is coming very soon, so let's find out more about the signs for the New Year of the red fiery Monkey.

Toward the end of this year, we will definitely become interested in how to properly celebrate the New Year 2016. After all, we are all a little romantic and a little superstitious. Each new year symbolizes renewal for us, the beginning, when you can start everything from scratch, and be sure to catch your luck. And in the coming year, luck and luck are most likely, as the year of the Monkey will come. Cheerful and playful, playful and energetic, she personifies dexterity, restlessness and liveliness. Energy will be in full swing. Life will bring many bright surprises.

With whom and where to celebrate the New Year

It is best to celebrate 2016 with family and close friends who will dance, have fun and fool around with you. Invite them to your place or go to visit.

Note! Do not celebrate this New Year alone. If you meet him cheerfully, then in the coming year you definitely won’t have to be sad!

You can go to a restaurant or club by selecting New Year's program to your liking. You do not have to organize a feast and think over an entertainment program, the restaurant will take care of it. And you'll have plenty of time to choose from. suitable attire, and a great charge of vivacity and strength in order to rock at a party with friends or together with a loved one.

Some of us traditional celebration New Year seems boring, then you can plan a trip to another country. For example, to warm lands where there is the sea and palm trees. It will be wonderful if you find a real monkey there and treat it to a delicious fruit.

We decorate the house

To properly decorate your home for a meeting new year holiday, we must know that the element of 2016 is fire! So let's light the candles! It is great if they are aromatic: fruity, floral and citrus. Flavors will add Have a good mood. We hang garlands, make a fire in the fireplace.

Note! The more light and heat, the better!

If you can hang shiny tinsel in the form of vines, the hostess of the year will definitely appreciate it! The Christmas tree can be decorated with sweets, gingerbread, small fruits and toy monkeys.

If there are children or pets in the house, be sure to take care of safety in advance, do not leave burning candles in accessible places, fence off the fireplace with special dampers and make sure that the cat or dog does not eat Christmas tree decorations.

What to wear

Note! Red, gold, purple, orange, dark pink are great colors for the 2016 meeting, they are sure to conquer the hostess of the year and bring you good luck!

Let them be natural fabrics, the main thing is not to allow negligence in clothes.

If you are celebrating New Year's Eve at home, do not stay in home clothes, be sure to change it to evening dress. If you are going to a costume party, then choose a bright, extravagant and attention-grabbing look. If you are planning to go to a restaurant, then it is better to opt for a dress and complement it with a beautiful necklace with natural stones, or leather and wood. For men, it is better to choose a light-colored suit and complement it with an extravagant butterfly.

Festive table

For many, the New Year's table this year will not do without the traditional Olivier and champagne. Be sure to cook the favorite dishes of your family and friends. And since the monkey is very fond of being the center of attention, he will appreciate your efforts if you set the table in accordance with his preferences and taste.

Note! Put a large bowl of fruit in the center of the table, among them there should certainly be a few bananas.

In preparing New Year's dishes, use nuts and eggs, make some light snacks with greens and vegetables, do not forget about sweet drinks and treats, it can be pastries, sweets or ice cream with fruits. Will good decision diversify vegetable salads fruity.

For the preparation of second courses, give preference to fish and poultry. Decorate the table with candles and a small souvenir monkey. Beautifully laid table and delicious natural food create the right atmosphere for the New Year.

About gifts

Each of us knows how best to please our loved ones and friends.

Note! The best gift is the one made from the heart.

A monkey in the form of a figurine, toy, keychain, pendant or magnet can be presented to almost everyone. When you decide on a gift, wrap it in red and gold tones. The most important thing in New Year's greetings when no one was left behind.

In the coming year, it is important to be insightful, wise and prudent. Do not make hasty decisions, but it is worth the risk! If you meet the New Year with clear thoughts, positive attitude and in a friendly environment, it will surely bring you good luck and uplift. And since the color of the coming year is red, it will be especially favorable for love, weddings and the birth of children!

If you meet the New Year 2016 correctly, then your life will certainly turn for the better!