Pedagogical development. Interaction between the kindergarten and the family is a condition for improving the quality of education

Galina Zabudko
Interaction kindergarten with my family

To love means to wish for another

what you consider to be good, and wish not

for yourself, but for the sake of the one you love, and

try to do as much good for him as possible.

Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher)

central to the formation of personality a family. According to researchers, it is from her that 70% depends on how a person will grow up and what character traits will form his nature. AT family the child receives primary skills in the perception of reality, learns to recognize himself as a full-fledged representative of society. A family- a unique and so far the only institution of education. It is designed to convey to the child the religious, cultural, historical and national traditions. From this we can conclude that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children and their development, and all other social institutions are called upon to contribute to this.

It's no secret to anyone that interaction educator and parents kindergarten and family, but this does not always work. Some parents believe that we gave birth, fed, and educate and teach, let them kindergarten and school. Other parents don't consider preschool childhood an important period in the formation of personality, do not attach such importance as school.

A family and preschool are two important institutions of the child's socialization. And although their educational functions are different, for the comprehensive development of the child it is necessary to interaction. If a preschool institution contributes to the integration of a child in society, then a family designed to provide individualization child development .

DOW should build its work with family, assist and maintain continuity in achieving the following goals and tasks:

Preservation and strengthening of the health of the child;

Caring for the self-realization of the inclinations and abilities of children;

Creating a child comfort in society;

Caring for the education and morality of children;

Compliance civil rights and responsibilities;

Development of diligence and assistance in choosing a profession;

sex education, preparation for family life.

Practice shows that low level pedagogical competence of parents, as a rule, does not allow them to take an active position in the educational DOW process. They are not yet very aware of their rights and obligations. A natural consequence of this is not only low activity, but also high conflict and irresponsibility.

On the other hand, the educators themselves are not ready for the active, conscious participation of the parents of their pupils in the educational process. In the current situation, it is most expedient to promote the establishment of close and informal contacts between teachers kindergarten and parents of pupils.

There are many ways to solve this problem. Preschool today uses both traditional forms (parent meetings, conferences, conversations, consultations) and non-traditional (questionnaires, business games, Bureau of Pedagogical Services, open classes, round table, discussions). But all these forms must be based on the pedagogy of cooperation. Work should be done in two directions:

Child is a parent

Teacher - child - parent.

Before organizing the work, you need to understand with whom you have to work (educational level of parents, psychological condition families, its microclimate. Therefore, it is important to work in a differentiated way, uniting mothers and fathers into subgroups. On the this stage Questioning will help us to work with parents, as a result of which we will get to know them better. The need for an individual approach is also determined by the fact that traditional forms of work, designed for a large number of people do not always achieve the goals that we set for ourselves.

When choosing forms of communication with parents, we should abandon edification, we should involve parents in solving important problems, finding common correct answers. It is necessary to attract moms and dads to life kindergarten: offer participation in preparation for matinees, entertainment (tailoring of costumes, decoration of scenery, for competitions, exhibitions, so that parents know how their children live.

This year we had a city competition for topic: "Transformation plastic bottles» . Many parents took part in the competition based on kindergarten. And they took part in the city competition families: Susinykh with crafts "Kittens", Gamzilovs - "Dog", Guzhvin - "Robot". These parents were noted by the competent jury in the city competition and awarded with diplomas.

The past year in our country was dedicated to the Year families. Its purpose is to draw attention to the problems families. In our children's garden we were working on a project "My a family» . In this project, we explored the issues of tolerance in family, and how this special quality helps to build relationships between people throughout society. " A family- this is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good, ”said V. A. Sukhomlinsky. We attracted to this project parents: collected together information material on this topic (proverbs, sayings, sayings famous people, interesting stories, problem situations, wrote stories about their family held a drawing competition and a photo exhibition "My a family» . The participation of parents in such events contributes to the establishment of friendly relations between adults and children, creates an atmosphere of celebration, joy and mutual understanding. On the parent meeting the results of our fruitful work were summed up, and gratitude was announced to the most active participants.

Making a child's portfolio is an important factor involvement of parents in the lives of children. At first, the portfolio contained only photographs of children and their relatives. Then I suggested to enter there interesting statements, the judgments of their children. Then stories-descriptions began to appear, where parents with children rested, how they spent holidays and birthdays. The folder was also filled up children's work. When the children were released from kindergarten, then received this wonderful portfolio as a keepsake.

I really liked this form of work with parents, like a round table, and casual conversation behind him. These were speeches the Korochin family, Kharitonov, who shared their experience in raising children, their family traditions. I remember the story of Ksyusha's mother, who spoke about her traditions in family. Family traditions, home rituals are much more important for children than for adults. It may seem to us that the sweet mother's habit of telling the baby a nightly fairy tale does not oblige her to anything. For children's psyche rituals acquire, speaking in the language of psychological terms, supporting and stabilizing functions. With the help of them, the baby is guided in time, in them he draws confidence that everything in the house goes on as usual, and the loyalty of parents to the child’s home habits is nothing more than an everyday expression of love for the baby. Tea parties and discussions were held in the group Topics: The role of the father in the upbringing of the child family» , "How to overcome the whims of children". Such warm meetings bring together all: educators and parents, and parents among themselves.

Not all parents take an active part in life kindergarten. And this is not surprising, because we are all so different, with different attitude and understanding, with different views and emotions. But our job is to fix interaction with parents brings its results. Understanding rarely comes right away. It's lengthy creative process requiring patience and kindness. First of all, it is necessary to implement the contact and interactions with parents in conditions of openness of both sides, interest and goodwill, then the result will definitely be.

Organization: MBDOU No. 71 "Dolphin"

Location: KhMAO-Yugra, Surgut

At present, Russian preschool education is experiencing turning point. The reason for the upcoming changes in the system preschool education- the law "On education in Russian Federation”and the accompanying Federal State Standard for Preschool Education. The law provides that in solving complex multifaceted tasks related to its implementation, the exclusive role belongs to the family. Article 44 of the Law defines for the first time the rights, duties and responsibilities of parents for the education of their child. In this regard, it is necessary to take a fresh look at the interaction educational institution with parents, in order to create a unified educational " family-kindergarten» spaces for their equal and interested partnership.

The success of solving the problems of raising and developing a child is largely determined by the level of effective interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Social instability, employment, lack of competence in matters preschool pedagogy and psychology - these are a few of the reasons leading to a decrease in the educational potential of the family, a change in its role in the process of primary socialization of the child. Family with her style inside family relations, love of parents, relatives, close people, the atmosphere of relatives emotional connections, way of life, provides psychological protection and comfort, gives life support, while being an effective component of raising a child. Interaction between kindergarten and family - difficult task, both organizationally and psychologically and pedagogically. In order for parents to become active assistants to educators, like-minded people, allies, friends, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten. Parents and kindergarten teachers are educators of the same children and they have one common goal- to raise healthy, creatively thinking children, socially adapted to life.

One of the main principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO - "cooperation of the Organization with families" - is disclosed in more detail in various provisions of the Standard: "cooperation in the interests of the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection of physical and mental health, development individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders. What do we see? The philosophy of interaction with families is radically changing: not parents and children should adapt to the goals, tasks and internal structure of a preschool organization, but a preschool organization should do everything to support their own actions of parents in the upbringing and development of children. Educators should reconsider the principle of interaction with parents to establish contacts in order to support the family in raising a child. Educators are coming up with new ways to involve parents in the upbringing of their own children: meetings, counseling points, information stands, parent groups, but in this way teachers manage to attract only a small part of the parents. Why are these methods ineffective? Parents do not respond because they are busy with their own problems, do not understand the importance of participation? There are many reasons, but to a greater extent, parents simply do not feel the need for their presence in kindergarten. Until an adult has a need to be near children, it is impossible to organize interaction. What can serve as a basis for bringing people together? Only the child himself. Telling parents about what happened during the day, what positive aspects personality was shown by their baby, what achievements or difficulties the day brought him, the educator forms an understanding that they do not have this unique information for the simple reason that they were not around. The highest goal and main content of interaction with parents should be the child himself, and not the educational program.

And it is teachers who should look for ways to establish relationships with families, since they have received special professional education for this, they understand the mechanisms of development preschool child, see and can assess the current situation and prospects, they actually replace the parents during their absence.

The main purpose of working with families: contribute to the formation in the family of maximum comfortable conditions for personal growth and development of the child, the revival of family education.

Tasks of interaction with the family:

    Creation of a unified educational space.

    rebirth family traditions in the joint activities of the family, preschool educational institutions and institutions of additional education.

    Formation of parental responsibility.

    Formation in the family positive attitude to active public and social activities of children.

    Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical education of parents.

    Provision of socio-psychological assistance to parents in understanding their own family and socio-environmental resources that contribute to overcoming intra-family problems and problems of relationships with the child.

    Organization and holding family leisure, co-creation.

The concept of working with the family is based on the premise that the focus of the family should bechild's personalityand three main areas in which his life activity is realized: the family itself, preschool educational institution and leisure, including the microsocial environment associated with it.

The basic principles focused on the family are proposed to be used by teachers in the practice of their work:

First principle. Consider the family as the primary beneficiary. Considering that the family is a constant in the life of a child, recognizing its leading role in his development, it is necessary to pay due attention to the family as a central element in the education and quality of life of the child.

Second principle. Encourage, support and respect decisions made by the family. This principle invites professionals to consider family members as the main decision makers regarding a child's education strategies and as the most important participants in educational practice. If parents are given the opportunity to make decisions regarding the education and development of the child in the first six years of his life, as well as the opportunity to acquire the skills that may be required to defend his interests in the future, then the likelihood of their continued participation in the education of a son or daughter will be high.

Third principle.Show flexibility and sensitivity in raising children. Provide services designed to improve the lives of the child and family. This principle presupposes respect cultural differences families, facilitating the mobilization of parents' informal resources to meet the changing needs of the child, assisting in accessing formal public services (medical, social), as well as coordinating these services.

The educator needs to take leading role in the design, launch and implementation of activities for working with parents. The algorithm of interaction with the family can be represented by the following components:

    The teacher's approach to personal contact with parents: to create an atmosphere of common interests, emotional mutual support and mutual penetration into each other's problems;

    Enrichment of parenting skills: parents' awareness of their educational role in the family, the experience of relationships with the child, rethinking their educational attitudes, stereotypes;

    Joint cooperation: setting common goals and objectives, developing coordinated measures for the upbringing and development of the child;

    Organization of productive communication: exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings;

    Participation of parents in the lives of their own children through non-traditional interactions: weekend exhibitions, creation of family newspapers, compilation of a pedigree, protection of family projects, game libraries, control for parents and others.

One of the key points in the formation of responsible parenthood is the participation of parents in the process of raising and educating children through cooperation with the kindergarten. At the same time, the forms of cooperation can be different.

Parents can perform:

    in the role of assistants and assistants in carrying out any type of activity with children;

    as an expert, consultant or organizer;

When children find themselves in such a single educational space, they feel comfortable, calm and confident, they feel protected in the world that surrounds them.

The guarantor of the effectiveness of work with parents are:

    setting to work with parents as to work with like-minded people;

    sincerely friendly attitude of the teacher to the child and parents;

    teacher's interest in solving the child's problem;

    systemic nature of the work.

Participating in activities to implement the tasks of the PEP DO, parents:

    feel involved in the organization of educational activities with children;

    see how the child communicates with others;

    begin to understand more about child development;

    get an idea about the work of educators and begin to have more respect for them;

    learn activities that you can enjoy doing at home with your children;

    get to know the friends of their children, whom they talked about;

    get the opportunity to help the child at home in mastering the program.

With the participation of parents in the life of the group, educators can:

    understand how parents motivate their children;

    see how parents help their children solve problems;

    find out what activities and hobbies adult family members share with their children;

    Benefit from parents watching their children interact with other children.

An example of such participation in our preschool educational institution can be a group short stay for kids early age"Together with mom." Developed and implemented in educational activities short-stay groups program " Mom's school» for parents of young children. This program is designed to help parents learn to better understand their children, equip them necessary knowledge about age features, the development of the emotional-volitional, communicative, cognitive sphere of the child, develop the skills of constructive interaction with him, thereby creating conditions for full development child. The main idea of ​​the program is the integration of public and family education, the creation of conditions for dialogue and joint activities in the child-parent-teacher system within the framework of an educational institution. The need to develop this program is due to the fact that, according to the results of a survey conducted in preschool educational institutions, a significant part of parents, especially young ones with one child in the family, are interested in early development children, but at the same time do not have special knowledge in the field of education, experience difficulties in understanding personal and individual characteristics your child and establishing contact with him.

This form of service is in great demand among the population of our city. There is an increase in the contingent of pupils in the short stay group "Together with mom". This is due to a number of reasons, the main of which are: finding a baby next to his mother within the walls of an educational institution and their joint activities, increasing demand for use in preschool educational technologies preserving the inherent value of childhood and having a humanistic orientation, the need to raise the level of parental culture, parents whose children do not attend kindergarten, mild degree adaptation when a child enters a mass kindergarten.

At present, the issue of making a preschool institution open is acute. various influences that could enrich the educational process. First of all, it is necessary to "open" a preschool institution for parents and other family members, pushing the boundaries of traditional contacts (at subbotniks, meetings, holidays, etc.). Parents and family members can significantly diversify the life of the kindergarten, contribute to educational work. It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become an open system. The results of foreign and domestic research allow us to characterize what constitutes openness preschool, which includes "openness inward" and openness outward".

To give a preschool institution "openness inside" means to make the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, to humanize the relationship between children, teachers, parents. Create conditions so that all participants educational process(children, teachers, parents) there was a personal readiness to discover oneself in some activity, event, to talk about their joys, successes, failures, etc. An example of openness is demonstrated by the teacher. Here, for example, after the weekend, holidays, the teacher plans to talk with the children about where they were, what they saw. And often it turns out boring "interrogation" of children. The teacher can demonstrate his openness to children by telling them about something of his own - interesting, seen and experienced in holidays thus initiating in children the desire to participate in the conversation. After the vacation, the teacher brings photographs, treats children with apples from his garden, engages them in a conversation about how they spent their summer holidays, where they were with their parents, what they did. After graduating from the university, he shows the children his diploma, thereby inviting them to share the joy with him. He introduces children into the world of his experiences: he is worried before visiting the dentist, preoccupied with the illness of his mother, etc. When communicating with parents, the teacher does not hide when he doubts something, he asks for advice, help, emphasizing in every possible way respect for experience, knowledge, personality interlocutor. At the same time, pedagogical tact, the most important professional quality, will not allow the teacher to stoop to familiarity, familiarity.

"Opening the kindergarten inside" is the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten. Parents and family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work. This can be an episodic event that every family can afford. Some parents are happy to organize an excursion, others will help with equipment. pedagogical process, others will teach children something, some parents and other family members are included in the ongoing systematic educational, health-improving work with children. For example, they lead circles, studios, teach kids some crafts, needlework, engage in theatrical activities, etc.

Thus, all subjects of the pedagogical process benefit from the participation of parents in the work of a preschool institution. First of all, children. And not only because they learn something new, something else is more important - they learn to look with respect, love and gratitude at their dads, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, who, it turns out, know so much, tell so interestingly, who have such skillful fingers! They develop a sense of pride in their family. It is even more important to help parents try themselves in the role of a “collective” teacher. It is especially important for grandparents: they need to feel more often that they are needed, that they are interesting to people around them. Teachers, in turn, have the opportunity to get to know the family better, understand the strengths and weak sides home education, determine the nature and extent of your help, and sometimes just learn! Thus, we can talk about a real addition to the family and public education.

“Openness of the kindergarten to the outside” means that the kindergarten is open to the influences of the micro-society, ready to cooperate with social institutions located on its territory, these are: comprehensive school, a music school, a library, etc. So, on the basis of the library, the “Knizhkin holiday” is held, in which older pupils of the kindergarten take part; music school students give concerts in kindergarten, children, employees, parents are involved in city events. For example, on holidays dedicated to the Day city, Christmas, etc. the choir of children, employees, parents of a preschool institution performs. Preschool Institution Presents at Exhibitions children's creativity carried out on a city scale, the work of their pupils. A broadcast from the kindergarten was organized on local cable television. On Defender of the Motherland Day, with the help of parents, veterans and military personnel living in neighboring houses are invited to their concert. The value of the work of a kindergarten in a microsociety is in strengthening ties with the family, expanding social experience children, initiating the activity and creativity of kindergarten employees, which in turn works on the authority of the preschool institution, public education in general.

One of the main tasks of the kindergarten, teachers and psychologists is to establish a positive relationship between educators, parents, develop new forms of work with parents to promote pedagogical knowledge, attract the attention of parents to highlight the consequences negative relationships in family.

In order to pedagogical education parents, the impact on family education is used by both individual and collective forms work. The most common available form of work with parents is a conversation. It most often occurs involuntarily, but it can be foreseen in advance. Although the conversation is brief and arises in connection with the requests of the parents or caused by the desire of the caregiver to talk about the child, it should not be conducted in passing. This form requires great tact and competence from the teacher. In order to inspire confidence in parents and a desire to listen to the teacher's suggestions, the conversation should begin with a statement of the child's success. At the same time, the statements of the teacher must be reasoned, evidence-based. A. Arkin very correctly defined educational work as creative. The true essence of a child, he said, is not in his shortcomings, as parents often think: it lies in the possibility and in his desire to become better, stronger, more perfect. Even in the case when the teacher believes that parents do not pay enough attention to the upbringing of their child, do not strive to follow the recommendations of the kindergarten, he gives them advice, makes comments in a friendly manner.

Such forms of pedagogical propaganda and involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten, such as open days and observation of the directly educational activities of children, should be widely disseminated. These forms provide an opportunity to show parents the work of the kindergarten, methods of teaching children that parents can use in the family. Such penetration into the life of the kindergarten allows parents to see their child in the team. The teacher draws the attention of parents to the nature of the relationship of children in games, at home, on their hygiene, work skills, together with the parents analyze what they saw, look for the reasons for the deviation in the behavior of children. AT last years highlights the need to simultaneously involve various forms pedagogical education not of individual representatives from the families of pupils, but simultaneously of both parents. For example, psychologists offer to include small groups of parents in various trainings that help to master many useful practical skills, develop their position on certain problems of upbringing and family life in general.

It should be noted that it is the partnership between parents and kindergarten that is considered by foreign and domestic teachers as the most conducive to positive results in the upbringing and education of children attending preschool institutions.

Parents' expectations of preschool education do not arise by themselves, they are socially shaped. Until now, practicing teachers complain that some parents consider it their main task to bring the child to kindergarten in the morning and pick it up in the evening. And no matter how much effort teachers make to convince parents that the kindergarten is designed to promote the development of the child's personality, provide psychological and pedagogical support for development at his own pace, provide conditions for games and communication with peers, teachers are only required to prepare for school . But the socio-economic, cultural educational conditions modern society is subject to dynamic changes. And a generation of parents is being formed who are interested in comprehensive development a child who has the opportunity and desire to participate in his education as a condition for success in the future.

The standard of preschool education has been approved, but has it become part of the consciousness of the pedagogical and parental community? The key task is to ensure that practitioners working in the system of preschool education realize and implement the ideology laid down in the Standard.


    Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology.- M.; Logos, 2002.-384p.

    Kagan M.S. Philosophical theory of value. - St. Petersburg; Petropolis, 1997.-205p.

    Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. Work with parents. - M.; Enlightenment, 2015.-126s.

school family teacher parent

In "Concept preschool education”(2), which laid the foundation for the reform of preschool education, it was noted that the kindergarten and the family, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. For a full, meaningful course of the period preschool childhood It is necessary to unite the efforts of parents and educators.

At the heart of the new philosophy of interaction between the family and preschool educational institutions lies the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, guide, supplement them educational activity. The novelty of the relationship between the preschool institution and the family is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities through communication. This is communication “on an equal footing”, where no one has the privilege to indicate, control.

Cooperation teachers and parents assumes the equality of the positions of partners, respectful attitude each other interacting parties, taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of each.

Cooperation implies not only mutual actions, but also mutual understanding. These characteristics are closely interrelated and interdependent. The better the partners know and understand each other, the more opportunities they have to form positive personal and business relationships, to come to an agreement, to agree on joint actions. The joint work of teachers and parents allows them to get to know each other better, enhances their mutual influence.

The initiator of establishing cooperation should be kindergarten teachers, as they are professionally prepared for educational work, which means they understand that its success depends on consistency and continuity in the upbringing of children. The teacher is aware of what cooperation is in the interests of the child, and that it is necessary to convince parents of this.

The most important way to implement cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize joint activities in which parents are active participants in the process, i.e. going on the inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution. The inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution involves their participation in:

Organization of the educational process;

Organizations of the developing environment;

Involving parents in the assessment and control of the activities of the preschool educational institution;

Provision of additional services;

Development of planning: general preschool plans, independent activity children, joint activities of children and adults.

To accomplish this task, you need:

Gradual inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution;

Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents;

Raising parents as real customers educational services, i.e. their understanding of the purpose of the goals, functions of the preschool institution;

Systematic participation of parents in the activities of a preschool institution;

Creating conditions for the transition of parents from the role of passive observers to active participation in collaboration with DOE.

The effectiveness of cooperation teachers and parents due to:

Positive attitude of interacting parties to work together;

Awareness of the goals of the work, personal interest;

Joint planning, organization and control over the life of children;

The position of the administration, contributing to the self-realization and self-expression of teachers and parents.

The transition to new forms of relations between parents, teachers and children is impossible within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it should become open system. Research by T.A. Kulikova allow us to conclude that “the openness children's institution" implies "opening in" and "opening out" (3).

Implement "openness inward”- this means making the educational process more flexible, differentiated, humanizing relations between children, teachers, parents. To do this, it is necessary to involve parents in the educational process of the kindergarten, to create such conditions that all participants in the process have a personal readiness to discover themselves in any activity. "The openness of the kindergarten to the outside" means readiness to cooperate with the surrounding society: a library, a school.

To create an optimal relationship between teachers and parents, it is necessary that both parties trust each other. The relationship between teachers and parents should be based on psychology of trust. The success of cooperation largely depends on the mutual attitudes of the family and kindergarten (V.K. Kotyrlo, S.A. Ladyvir (4). It is important that parents feel the professionalism of the teacher in matters of education, be confident in his good attitude to the child, but most importantly, they valued his personal qualities (attention, kindness, caring, sensitivity). The educator wins such trust by an indifferent attitude towards the child, the ability to cultivate in him positive personal qualities, generosity, mercy. No less important is the culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding.

The leading role in establishing relationships based on trust to each other belongs to the teacher. Mutual understanding and mutual trust possible, in the event that the teacher excludes edification in working with parents, does not teach, but advises, reflects with them, agrees on joint actions for the upbringing and development of children. The atmosphere of interaction between the teacher and parents should indicate that the teacher needs parents, to join efforts with them, that parents are his allies, and he cannot do without their advice and help.

The interaction of teachers and parents in modern conditions involves line of influence on the family through the child, where the child becomes the leading subject of attention, and the relationships between adults become emotionally smooth, constructive. This model of cooperation involves the interaction of a children's institution and the family as a process of interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation of a conscious attitude in parents to their own views and attitudes in raising a child.

The new model of interaction between parents, children and teachers helps:

Ensure the participation of parents in the educational process;

Activate educational opportunities parents;

Contribute to the personal enrichment of all participants in the interaction through the activity of its transformation and change.

Impact on the family through the child involves a multi-level system of cooperation with the families of pupils, which will depend on the social status, education, interests and requests of the parents.

Level I involves: - assistance to parents in planning the developmental impact on the child, in the implementation of an individual approach to children;

II level - parents supplement the child's development program in kindergarten through different forms joint communication between parents and children;

Level III - parents, together with teachers, conduct classes, organize creative activity with children, aimed at developing the individual capabilities of children.

All three levels of interaction allow, depending on the needs of parents, to take part in the life of the kindergarten, make changes in the educational process and be its active participants. A differentiated approach to organizing work with parents is a necessary link in the system of measures aimed at improving their pedagogical knowledge and skills.

In this way, advantages of a new philosophy of interaction between teachers and parents undeniable and numerous:

Positive emotional mood teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents are sure that the preschool educational institution will help them in solving pedagogical problems, taking into account the opinion of the family. Teachers enlist the understanding of parents in solving the problems of upbringing and development of children;

Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child. Maintaining contact with the child's family, the teacher knows his characteristics, habits and takes them into account when working, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of the pedagogical process;

The ability to take into account the type of family and the style of family relations, which is unrealistic when using traditional form work;

Strengthening intra-family ties;

Parents can already preschool age choose and form the direction in the development and upbringing of the child, which they consider necessary, i.e. take responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

Implementation of the new philosophy interactions and family helps to avoid the shortcomings that are inherent in the old forms of work with the family.

Olga Popova
Interaction between kindergarten and family

Interaction Preschool educational institution with parents of pupils.

Someone rightly remarked that "the first school of the growing man is a family". And our team absolutely agrees with this statement. After all, for any child a family - the whole world where he learns to love, rejoice, sympathize. In conditions families develops inherent only to her emotional and moral an experience: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitude towards people around and activities. AT children's kindergarten, the baby receives his first knowledge, acquires communication skills with other children and adults, learns to organize his own activities. But still, the priority in raising a child belongs to family.

Problem interaction between kindergarten and family in recent times has become very relevant. Changed modern a family- financial and social stratification, an abundance of the latest social technologies, more wide opportunities education - all this forces us to look for new forms interactions. But our task is not to encourage parents to take the position of a consumer of educational services, but to help them become a true friend and authoritative mentor to their child.

Teachers and parents have common goals and tasks: to do everything so that children grow up happy, healthy, active, cheerful, sociable, so that they can successfully study at school in the future and be able to realize themselves as individuals.

Under the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" one of the main challenges facing childish preschool is family interaction to ensure the full development of the personality of the child. A new federal state educational standard for preschool education (FGOSDO) has been developed, which meets new social demands and in which great attention devoted to working with parents. The Federal State Educational Standard states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, take into account social status, microclimate families, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, increasing the culture of pedagogical literacy families. Also formulated are the requirements for interaction organization of work with parents. It is emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the cooperation of the organization of work with family, and GEF DO is the basis for helping parents (legal representatives) in the upbringing of children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of violations of their development. One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support families and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

In accordance with GEF kindergarten must:

Inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of preschool education common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only family, but also to all interested persons involved in educational activities;

Ensure the openness of preschool education;

Create conditions for parent participation (legal representatives) in educational activities;

support parents (legal representatives) in the upbringing of children, the protection and strengthening of their health;

Ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation educational projects together with family based on identifying needs and supporting educational initiatives families;

Create conditions for adults to search for, use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including information environment and also for discussion with parents (legal representatives) children issues related to the implementation.

The search for new forms of work with parents is always relevant. Our children's the kindergarten conducts systematic, purposeful work with parents, in which the following priority tasks:

Establishing partnerships with family each student;

Combining efforts for the development and education of children;

Creating an atmosphere mutual understanding, common interests, emotional mutual support;

Activation and enrichment of educational skills of parents;

For successful cooperation with parents, we try to adhere to the principles interactions:

1. Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents. A positive attitude towards communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of the teachers of the group with parents is built. In the communication of the educator with the parents, a categorical, demanding tone is not appropriate. The teacher communicates with parents daily, and it depends on him what the attitude will be families to kindergarten in general. daily benevolent interaction teachers with parents means much more than a separate well-conducted event.

2. An individual approach is necessary not only in working with children, but also in working with parents. The teacher, communicating with parents, should feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad.

3. Collaborate, not mentor. Modern moms and dads, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere mutual assistance and family support in difficult pedagogical situations, demonstration of team interest kindergarten sort out problems families and sincere desire help.

Term « interaction» involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and, of course, communication.

Interaction teachers with parents involves mutual aid, mutual respect and trust, knowledge and consideration by the teacher of the conditions of family education, and by parents - the conditions of education in kindergarten It also implies the mutual desire of parents and teachers to maintain contact with each other.

Target interactions- establishing partnerships between participants in the pedagogical process, involving parents in life kindergarten.

New approaches to interaction teachers and parents: the transition from cooperation in the exchange of information and promotion of pedagogical knowledge to cooperation as an interpersonal communication of a teacher with parents of a dialogical orientation. key concept here is a dialogue, which means personal equal communication, the joint acquisition of experience.

Working with parents in our children's The kindergarten is planned in advance in order to know the parents of their pupils well. Therefore, we begin our work with an analysis of the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in kindergarten. We conduct a survey, personal conversations on this topic help to organize the work correctly, make it effective, and choose interesting forms family interactions.

Forms of work with parents

Preschool presentation

Open classes with children in preschool for parents

Open days

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents

Pedagogical situations

Educational conversations with parents

Thematic consultations

Meeting, round table with parents

Conferences with parents

General meetings of parents who can turn on:

Elements of training;

Master classes;


Video training;

Video presentation;

Showing lessons on video

School for parents

Reader Conferences on Parenting Books

Thematic exhibitions


Thematic leaflets

Desktop thematic information


Self-presentation of the teacher

Create a student portfolio. My achievements. Star of the week. Collage of interests, etc.

Joint holidays, entertainment

Sport competitions


No matter how long we live, we still, constantly turn to experience childhood, to life in family: even the gray-haired veteran continues to refer to "what I was taught at home", what my mother taught me, what my father showed me. The kid learns everything in communication with adults, early experience the child creates the background that leads to the development of speech, the ability to listen and think, prepares the child to understand the meaning of words.

"Years of Miracles"- so scientists call the first five years of a child's life. pledged at the time emotional attitude to life, people and the presence or absence of incentives to intellectual development leave an indelible imprint on everything further behavior and way of thinking of a person. Therefore, parents must provide their child with the most favorable conditions for its implementation, and we - teachers, educators - must help them in this.

We believe that Team work parents, teachers and children have a positive effect on pupils. Children active parents become more confident, ask more questions about family, about kindergarten, show initiative in those issues where they see the interest and activity of their parents. The child feels closer, closer to the teacher, as he sees the close communication between the teacher and his parents, emotional uplift, the desire to be in the garden at the center of all games and activities. And as a result of our joint efforts, this new positive attitude parents to the preschool educational institution, a positive assessment of its activities.

Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction.

At present, Russian preschool education is experiencing important period. The law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 272-FZ, which came into force, and the accompanying Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for preschool education clearly spelled out the role of the family in the lives of their children from all sides and indicated preemptive right parents for their education and upbringing. The Law on Education in Article 44 for the first time defined the responsibility, rights and obligations of parents for the upbringing of the child.
In connection with this, it became necessary to take a fresh look at the interaction of a preschool institution (hereinafter PEI) with the family, in order to create a single educational space "family + kindergarten". PEI faces new tasks that involve its openness, close cooperation and interaction with parents and other social institutions that turn kindergarten into present stage into the open educational system.
The problem of involving parents in a single space of child development in a preschool educational institution can be solved in three directions:
- work with preschool teachers to organize interaction with the family, familiarize them with the system of new forms of work with parents;
- increase pedagogical culture parents;
- involving parents in PEI activities.
The main tasks of the kindergarten in working with the family:
- establish partnership, business relations with the family of each pupil;
- combine efforts for the development and education of children;
- create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests between preschool teachers and parents;
- to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;
- to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.
Principles of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents:
1) friendly communication style;
2) individual approach to each parent
3) cooperation, not "above" the parent, but "together" with him;
4) involvement of parents in the preparation and participation in kindergarten activities.
Advantages new system Interactions of the preschool educational institution with the family:
- a positive emotional attitude of all participants in the educational process to work together on the development and upbringing of children;
- taking into account the individuality of each pupil;
- assistance to parents in choosing the direction in the development and upbringing of the child;
- strengthening intra-family ties, emotional communication between parents;
- the possibility of implementing a unified program for the development and upbringing of a child in preschool educational institutions and the family;
- the possibility of taking into account the type of family and the style of family relations;
- openness and accessibility of the kindergarten for parents;
- cooperation between teachers and parents in the development and upbringing of children;
- participation of parents in the creation of a developing environment;
- identifying problems in the development, education and upbringing of the child.
Functions of the preschool educational institution in work with the family:
1) familiarization of parents with the content and methodology of the educational process in the preschool educational institution;
2) psychological and pedagogical education of parents;
3) involvement of parents in joint activities with children;
4) assistance to especially needy families in raising children;
5) interaction of parents with social partners kindergarten;
6) close contact of parents with specialists of the institution.
In the process of working with the family in the preschool educational institution, tasks related to the revival of the traditions of family education, the involvement of parents, children and teachers in associations of interests and hobbies, and the organization of joint family leisure are solved.
Forms and Methods work of preschool educational institution with my family:

Interest club
- "Round tables on a variety of topics;
- interviews, diagnostics, tests, surveys on any topic, questionnaires;
- interviewing parents on certain topics;
- thematic exhibitions;
- expert advice;
- publication of a thematic magazine for parents;
- sports meetings and leisure activities, seasonal olympiads;
- helpline for parents

Organization of mail for parents;
- Contest "Friendly family";
- family projects"Our family tree"; "Coat of arms and flag of our family" and others;
- open classes for parents to view;
- Creation of family portfolio.
Important points when organizing work:
a) all materials for familiarization and study by parents must be aesthetically designed;
b) the content of the materials must be updated regularly, otherwise parental interest in this information will quickly fade;
c) the design of materials should not be done in a standard way, but in such a way as to attract the attention of parents: on colored paper, with pictures, with drawings and crafts of children, with photographs of pupils;
d) the topic and content of the material should come from the request of the parents.
Working with parents is a process of communication with different people, which does not always go smoothly, and sometimes even hard. And of course, problem situations and conflicts cannot be avoided. AT modern society parents who send their children to kindergarten are a difficult category. Conflicts between parents over children, their claims to educators on any issues, teachers' complaints about the inactivity of parents, parents' unwillingness to listen to the recommendations of educators, often the lack of authority of teachers among parents create problems in establishing contact with the family.
Today's parents are sometimes inattentive to the consultation of specialists of the institution: a psychologist, speech therapist, doctor and others. What then to say about the upbringing of children? Most parents consider themselves competent in the upbringing and development of their children, have their own vision of the problem and ways to solve it, do not take into account the experience and education of teachers. Therefore, from the very first days of a child's stay in a preschool institution, the head of the kindergarten must maintain the authority of his teachers, constantly emphasize their knowledge, skills, experience, creative abilities, etc.
How can raise the authority of the teacher:
- solemnly present at the parent meeting certificate of honor for merits on the Day of the preschool worker or for other pedagogical merits;
- design beautiful congratulations for the birthday of the teacher;
- organize a letter of thanks from the parents of graduates;
- decorate the hall with photographs of the best kindergarten teachers with brief description their personal achievements, their diplomas for certain merits.
Conclusion .

An important point in the prevention and resolution of problematic and conflict situations is the establishment of personal contact, both the head of the preschool institution, and the teacher with the parents, daily informing the parent by the educator about how the child spent the day, what he learned, what successes he achieved. The lack of information makes parents want to get it from other sources, for example, from other parents, from the children of the group. Such information may be distorted and lead to a conflict situation.
The interaction of the kindergarten with the family can be carried out in different ways, using different interesting shapes and techniques. It is very important to avoid formalism in this. In order to competently plan work with parents, you need to know the relationships in the family of your pupils well. Therefore, first, analyze the social composition of the parents, their mood for kindergarten, expectations from the child's stay in preschool. Conducting a survey individual conversations on this topic will help to properly build work with parents, to make it more effective. The issue of working with the family has always been and remains important in the work of a preschool institution. After all, it is close cooperation with parents, high-quality interesting interaction with them, work in tandem that will give the most positive results in terms of the upbringing and development of our children.