Topics for a seminar on health saving in preschool. Seminar - workshop “Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions in the framework of the implementation of the state educational standard of preschool education. "Health-Saving Technologies in Kindergarten"

Purpose of the event: boost pedagogical culture parents on issues of health protection, dissemination of health promotion experience; creating positive emotional comfort in children and adults in the process of communicating with each other.


1. To introduce new technologies and methods of work using the method of kinesiology and bioenergy plastics, which contribute to the development of intellectual and speech activity children with severe speech disorders, the development of coordination of movements, fine and articulatory motor skills.

2. To form practical skills for parents to use physical exercises to form the correct posture.

3. Introduce ways to relieve emotional and physical tension with relaxation exercises.

4. Involve parents in active cooperation with preschool teachers and interaction with children in the correctional and developmental process.

Expected Result:

  • the level of pedagogical culture of parents will increase;
  • knowledge about new health-saving technologies will expand - kinesiology, bioenergy plastics;
  • the level of responsibility for the health of their own children will increase.

SLIDE 2Health- this is a state of a person who is characterized not only by the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also by complete physical, mental and social well-being.

SLIDE 3 Preschool children are healthy when the rules are followed:

Compliance with the daily routine;

Regular balanced proper nutrition;

- "work" in the preschool, according to their physical and mental abilities,

Life on fresh air;

suitable living conditions,

Favorable, friendly and calm atmosphere in the family;

Opportunity to do what you love (hobby/sport).


SLIDE 4Posture is the normal position of the human body. It is considered correct if a person holds his head straight and free, his shoulders are at the same level, slightly lowered back, his torso is straightened, his stomach is tucked up, his chest slightly protrudes forward, his knees are straightened.

SLIDE 5Correct posture- this is, first of all, a balanced position of the body, in which the load on the spine is distributed evenly. basis correct posture is not only the spine, but also the muscles that adjoin it, it is they who hold it in the correct position.

SLIDE 6 Correct posture is not born, but formed. In children, correct posture does not appear immediately, they are born with a straight back without bends, and as they grow, they develop and take their normal or distorted position.


We invite you to get acquainted with some of the exercises used in the course of direct- educational activities as a dynamic pause.

A set of exercises for the prevention of postural disorders, strengthening the musculoskeletal system of preschool children, the development of coordination of movements, as well as the removal of static stress.


COMPLEX OF EXERCISES "Box with pencils"

1. "Slim Pencil" I.p. - standing, pencil in hand, hands lowered in front of you: 1-2 - we rise on our toes, hands up, 3-4 - I.p., we lower our hands down. (6-8 reps)

2. "Strong Pencil" I.p. - standing, arms extended in front of you, a pencil in your hands: 1-2 - bend your arms at the elbows, touch your chest with a pencil, 3-4 - I.p. (6-8 reps)

3. "Flexible Pencil" I.p. – o.s. pencil in the right hand: 1- tilt forward, put the pencil on the floor, 2 - I.p, 3 - take the pencil with the left hand; 4 - I.p. (6-8 reps)


4. "Dim Pencil" I.p. - standing, arms straight in front of chest, pencil in hand, right hand holds a pencil at the bottom, and the left one at the top: 1 - hands to the sides, a pencil in the left hand, 2 - I.p, we change the grip of the pencil, 3 - hands to the sides, a pencil in the right hand; 4 - I.p. (6-8 reps)

5. "Soft pencil" I.p. - middle stance, pencil in hands: 1-2 squats, hands in front of the chest, 3-4 - I.p. (6-8 reps)

6. "Calm Pencil" I.p. - o.s.: 1-2 - rise on toes, arms through the sides up, inhale; 3-4 - slowly bend down, exhale, lower your arms through the sides down. (3-4 reps)


good speechessential condition comprehensive full development children. The rich and correct speech of a preschool child makes it easier for him to express his thoughts, to learn surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full it is to build relationships with peers and adults, the more actively to carry out his mental development.

The level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements. The formation of the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The interrelation and interdependence of speech and motor activity is noted, therefore, when correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children, it is necessary to pay attention to the stimulating role of training fine finger movements. SLIDE 11. To achieve better results in the work of setting sounds, so that the process is more entertaining and captivates children, we use a method such as bioenergy plastics is a friendly interaction of the hand and tongue.

According to Yastrebova A.V. and Lazarenko O.I. Body movements, joint movements of the hand and articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on the activation of the intellectual activity of children, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills.



To all the classic articulation exercises, we add the movement of the brush.

Dynamic exercises normalize muscle tone, switchability of movements, make them accurate, easy, rhythmic:

Static exercises contribute to the development of muscle strength, dynamic organization of movement, help the child to take the correct articulation and finger posture:


1. "Watch" - accompanies a compressed and lowered palm, which moves under the count to the left - to the right.

2. "Swing" - the movement of the palm with closed fingers up and down.


3. "Football" - the palm is clenched into a fist, the index finger is extended forward, while counting, the hand turns to the right - to the left.

4. "Smile" - the fingers are spread apart, like rays of the sun. Under the count - the fingers are straightened and held simultaneously with a smile for 5 seconds, at the expense of 2 - the palm is folded into a fist.


5. "Tubule" - the palm is gathered into a pinch, the thumb is pressed to the middle one.

6. "Spade" - the thumb is pressed to the side of the palm, the closed, relaxed palm is lowered down.


7. "Cup" - the fingers are pressed against each other, imitating the position of the "cup".

8. "Kitty" - an inverted "cup" - the bent palm is lowered.

The use of bioenergoplasty effectively accelerates the correction of defective sounds in children with reduced and impaired kinesthetic sensations, since the working palm greatly enhances the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from the tongue. Can independently choose the movement of the hand for any articulation exercise. It is not important what movement the hand performs, but how correctly, accurately and efficiently the movement of the hand is combined with articulation exercises.

III.SLIDE 17Movement and mind.

There is another unique technique, which allows you to reveal the hidden abilities of the child and expand the boundaries of the capabilities of his brain. Kinesiology- the science of the development of the brain through movement, the science of the development of mental abilities and physical health through certain motor exercises.

Kinesiology methods affect not only the development of mental abilities and physical health, they allow you to activate various parts of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the development of human abilities and the correction of problems in various areas of the psyche. Application this method allows you to improve the child's memory, attention, speech, spatial representations, small and gross motor skills, reduces fatigue, increases the ability to voluntary control.

Kinesiology is a method of preserving and maintaining health by influencing the muscles of the body, i.e. through physical activity. Kinesiology exercises- a set of movements that allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction, develop commissures (nerve fibers that carry out interaction between the hemispheres) as interhemispheric integrators through which the hemispheres exchange information, synchronization of the hemispheres occurs.

SLIDE 18. In the course of the systematic use of kinesiology exercises, the phenomena of reading disorders disappear in a child, interhemispheric connections develop, memory and concentration of attention improve.

In connection with the improvement of the integrative function of the brain in many children, there is a significant progress in learning abilities, as well as in managing their emotions.

Kinesiology exercises provide an opportunity to engage those parts of the brain that were not previously involved in learning, and solve the problem of failure.

It is interesting to note that a person can think while sitting still. However, to consolidate the thought, movement is necessary. I.P. Pavlov believed that any thought ends with movement. That is why it is easier for many people to think during repetitive physical actions, such as walking, shaking their legs, tapping a pencil on the table, etc. All neuropsychological correctional-developing and shaping programs are based on motor activity! That's why you should remember that an immobile child does not learn!



In the case when children have an intense mental load, it is recommended to use a kinesiology set of exercises before such work.

1. "Ring". Alternately go through the fingers, connecting the thumb and successively the index, middle, ring and little fingers into a ring. Perform exercises starting with index finger and vice versa from the little finger to the index finger. You need to perform with each hand separately, then with both hands together.

2. SLIDE 20. "Fist - rib - palm." On the table, successively, changing, the following positions of the hands are performed: the palm on the plane, the palm clenched into a fist and the palm with an edge on the table. Perform 8-10 repetitions. Exercises are performed with each hand separately, then with both hands together.

3. SLIDE 21."Lezginka" Left hand folded into a fist, the thumb is set aside, the fist is turned with fingers towards itself. The right hand with a straight palm in a horizontal position touches the little finger of the left. After that, the right and left hands are simultaneously changed for 6-8 times.

4. SLIDE 22."Ear-nose". Grab the tip of your nose with your left hand and the opposite ear with your right hand. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands, change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite."

5. SLIDE 23.Cross movements. Perform cross coordinated movements with your right hand and left foot at the same time (forward, side, back). Then do the same with the other arm and leg.


SLIDE 24.Relaxation- deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress.

Emotions and feelings are difficult to control. Adults need to keep this in mind when faced with unwanted or unexpected children's emotions. It is better not to evaluate the child's feelings in such acute situations, because this will only lead to misunderstanding or negativism.

It is impossible to demand from a child not to experience what he experiences, feels; only the form of manifestation of his negative emotions can be limited. In addition, our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, control their behavior, listen to their bodies.

To this end, in our work we use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism.


A delicate flower hid under a snowdrift in the forest. He tightly folded his petals so as not to die from the cold and fell asleep until spring. The sun began to warm more strongly and the rays of the sun began to awaken the flower. It slowly grows, rises, breaks through the snowdrift. There is snow all around.

The gentle sun is so far away. The flower really wants to feel warm gentle sun, but now the snowdrop has grown and grown stronger, the petals began to open, enjoying the spring warmth.

The flower rejoices, proud of its beauty “It's me! The first spring Flower and my name is snowdrop. The weather is capricious, a breeze blew and the snowdrop began to sway in different sides. The flower leans lower and lower. And now he completely lay down on the thaw. Streams ran, the water picked up and carried away the snowdrop on an amazing journey. He swims and is surprised at everything that he sees around. Imagine that you are a snowdrop. Think about what you see around. And then the flower fell into fairyland: very beautiful around, bright flowers on which painted, bright butterflies sit. It's warm and happy all around! And now we slowly open our eyes and return to our room, from where we started our journey.

5. REFLEXION - a game with parents "My child will be healthy!": parents sit in a circle. The doll toy is passed around. Taking the toy in their hands, the parents continue the sentence started by the host “My child will be healthy if I ...”



1. Budyonny. T.V. Logopedic gymnastics. Toolkit. St. Petersburg: "Childhood-Press", 2001

2. Konovalenko.S.V. Development cognitive activity in children aged 10 to 14 years. M., 1999

3. Sirotyuk. A.L. Correction of the development of the intellect of preschoolers. M.: TC Sphere, 2002.

Spent: social teacher of the first qualification category Moiseenko Olga Borisovna, municipal preschool institution "Kindergarten No. 290 of the Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd" (MOU kindergarten No. 290)

Seminar - workshop for teachers "Features of health-saving technologies in kindergarten"

One of the means of solving the identified problems are health-saving pedagogical technologies, without which it is inconceivable pedagogical process modern kindergarten.

The goal of health-saving technology is to provide a preschooler with high level real health, equipping him with the necessary baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating a culture of health in him.

Health-saving technologies can be divided into:

  • technologies for maintaining and stimulating health:
    (dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes;
  • breathing exercises, physical culture and health work, massage, psycho-gymnastics);
  • technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: (physical education);
  • corrective technologies: (technologies of musical impact - are used as aid as part of other technologies; to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc., fairy tale therapy, light exposure technologies - correctly selected interior colors in our group relieve tension and increase emotional mood child);

There are 10 golden rules for health care.

  • Follow the daily routine!
  • Pay more attention to food!
  • Move more!
  • Sleep in a cool room!
  • Do not extinguish the anger in yourself, let it break out!
  • Keep practicing intellectual activity!
  • Drive away despondency and blues!
  • Respond appropriately to all manifestations of your body!
  • Try to get as much as possible positive emotions!
  • Wish yourself and others only the best! (This applies to all of us, not just children)

But a kindergarten is not a medical institution. Our task is not to replace the polyclinic, but to carry out systematic preventive work aimed at reducing the incidence and improving the health of children.

Pedagogical training "Level of pedagogical skill"

Educators name the forms of work aimed at improving physical development children, and the leader on the flannelograph draws up this diagram using pre-prepared tables.

Educators are asked to rate themselves for each section of the chart using colored squares indicating levels of teaching excellence:

  • green - good knowledge, no difficulty;
  • yellow - weakly, I don’t know enough, it doesn’t always work out;
  • red - attention - trouble, I don’t know, it doesn’t work.

As a result, it is clearly seen which of the problems causes difficulties for most teachers.
(Forms of work: physical education, morning exercises, walks, outdoor games, hiking, hardening, gymnastics after sleep, physical minutes, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, massage, sports entertainment, sports holidays, hiking, health days, independent activity children)

Reflective-role-playing game "What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy"

We deliberately raised the question of negative impacts on a child in kindergarten, since it is necessary to start with those reasons, the consequences of which we can influence without affecting the global ones: unfavorable ecology, hereditary predisposition, etc.

The participants of the game unite in following groups:

  • "Educators"
  • "Specialists"
  • "Parents"
  • "Administration"

Participants of each group need to identify in writing the reasons that, from their point of view, prevent a child attending our kindergarten from being healthy, and then discuss this.

Each group should have a piggy bank of exercises aimed at comprehensive development each child and the group of children as a whole.

Our main task is to preserve and strengthen the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. Practical work in these areas is organized taking into account age features children, which allows to increase its effectiveness and provide positive impact on the state of health and the dynamics of their physical fitness.

Crossword "Health is movement!"

We write down the answers in order horizontally:
1. The main and favorite activity of children (game)
2. Gymnastic apparatus for improving the waist. (hoop)
3. Circle physical education. (section)
4. One of the types of movement. (throwing)
5. Gymnastic dances to music. (aerobics)
6. One of the ways to awaken the body. (gymnastics)
7. One of the types of disease prevention. (hardening)
You should get a word vertically:
8. That which prevents disease. (prevention)

"Health is the most main indicator life of each person, and only with good health can you live a full life. From the early childhood Each of us is aware of the importance of a reasonable attitude to our health ...

Today we talked a lot about health, about the health of our children. And now I propose to remember about own health. We all understand how important it is to take care of your health. But are we doing something to keep it on long years? Let's answer a few questions of the test and find out how we feel about our health.

Training "My health"

1. What is your favorite drink?
2. How do you feel about fatty foods?
3. If you are overcome by insomnia, you:
4. If you have no complaints, do you go to the doctors?
5. If something gets sick, do you immediately go to the doctor?
6. Are you friends with sports?
7. Do you take medication?
8. If you are in a bad mood, do you:

Now we will perform a psychotechnical exercise with you, with the help of which you can relieve fatigue, gain inner stability and feel self-confidence.

The exercise is called "Inner Beam".
Note comfortable posture, sit comfortably. (Soothing music turns on)

Imagine that inside your head, in its upper part, a light beam arises, which slowly and sequentially moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminates your face, neck, shoulders, hands with a warm, even and relaxing light. As the beam moves, wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head disappears, the crease on the forehead is weakened, the clamps in the corners of the lips are loosened, the shoulders are lowered, the neck and chest are released. The inner ray, as it were, forms a new appearance - a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself, his life and his profession.

And now together, without opening our eyes, we say “I have become a new person! I became young and strong, calm and stable! I will do everything well!”

"A little about serious as a joke." Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood!"

“Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face?”
“That's because I didn't like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.
“Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?”
“Because I didn’t clean them and smoked them, just like your grandfather.”
“Grandma, grandma, why do you have such dull eyes?”
“Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.
- Grandmother, grandmother, why are you all trembling and walking slowly?
“That’s because, my child, I never did exercises in the morning.

If you don't want to look like this grandmother, lead a healthy lifestyle!

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Care for human health, for the health of a child is not just a set of sanitary and hygienic standards, not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and study. First of all, it is concern for the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces.

Kindergarten should become a garden where children are taught to take care of their health from an early age. And it depends on us, adults, we set an example with our behavior, because a child is like a bank, what you invest in it is what you get. And before you teach someone to do something, you need to learn how to do it yourself. After all, each of us knows that you cannot buy your health or people close to you for any money. It is preserved or acquired by daily labor. Let's put the human value - "health" out of all our priorities in first place. And let's not leave this important matter for Monday, but let's start right now, whether it's morning, afternoon or evening.

Slide presentation "I can be healthy - I will help myself."

  • Start a new day with a smile and morning exercises.
  • Observe the daily routine yourself and demand this from your children.
  • Remember: a smart book is better than aimless TV watching.
  • Love your child - he is yours. Respect your family members, they are your fellow travelers.
  • A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.
  • Can not be bad kids there are bad deeds.
  • Personal example a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.
  • Use natural factors hardening to be healthy.
  • Remember: simple food is healthier than artful dishes.
  • best view recreation - a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child - joint game with parents.
  • Good luck to all of us in maintaining and improving our health. Be young and cheerful, like your pupils.

1. Syromyatnikova L.M. Pedagogical advice in preschool educational institution: Functions. Content. Planning. Methods. Traditional and non-traditional forms. - M .: "Planet", 2011.
2. Elzhova N.V. Healthy lifestyle in a preschool educational institution. - Rostov n / D .: "Phoenix", 2011.
3. Belaya K.Yu. Pedagogical Council in a preschool educational institution. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.
4. Pedagogical advice / ed. I.M. Bushnev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Workshop for educators

"New health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Compiled by the educator

Icategory Kalinin V.V.

Agreed with senior educator

E. G. Shitova /_________/

Okhansk, 2015

Purpose: the use of health-saving technologies in order to improve the physical and mental health children.

Expectation tree method»

Purpose: participants independently form their own expectations from the seminar, learn about the expectations of other participants, see their progress throughout the seminar.

Material: finished wood, green apple templates.

Progress: on pre-prepared templates - apples, participants write their expectations from the seminar and place them on a tree.

Exercise "Balloon"

(about the value of health for a person)

Draw a hot air balloon that flies above the ground. Draw a man in a balloon basket. It is you. The sun shines brightly around you, the blue sky. Write down 9 values ​​that are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of the ballast in order to climb up. Dump, that is, cross off 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

Everyone read out their life values ​​in a circle. The facilitator writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the senior teacher puts pluses. Then the rating of life values ​​is determined by the number of pluses and by importance for those present. For example, 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc. (depending on the choice, it is necessary to sum up in your own words the importance of health in people's lives)

The problem of health and its preservation in modern society is very sharp. Such phrases as “health-saving technologies” and “formation of a healthy lifestyle” have taken a strong place in conversations with parents and children, in plans educational work all preschool teachers. The problem of improving the health of children is not a problem of one day and one person, but a purposeful and systematically planned work of the entire staff of our institution for a long time.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Health saving is the activity of people aimed at improving and maintaining health, as well as the consistency and unity of all levels of human life.

Technology (from the Greek words "techne" - art, skill and "logos" - teaching, science) - a set of knowledge and methods of activity.

Thus, "Health-saving technology" is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his education and development.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him necessary knowledge, skills, skills in a healthy lifestyle, teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

ZSPT are applied in various types activities.There are three groups health-saving technologies: technologies for maintaining and stimulating health, technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, correctional technologies

"Rain of Health"

Dear teachers, before you is a set of different words. We need to turn this whole mess into three groups of health-saving technologies. From each cloud comes a healing rain of health. Each cloud has its own name - a type of technology. You need to distribute technologies into groups.

Let's check . 1. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health: stretching, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics, minutes of entry into the day and minutes of pranks, kinesiology exercises.

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical education, problem-game situations (game therapy), communication games, conversations from the Health series, self-massage.

3. Correctional technologies: art therapy, musical influence technologies, fairy tale therapy, color influence technologies, behavior correction technologies, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythmics.

"Meeting in ties". I suggest you wear ties (green, black, yellow). Green ties belong to innovators who showcase technology. Black tie - pessimists who highlight the negative aspects of technology. Wearing yellow ties are optimists who highlight everything positive.

Natalya Anatolyevna will introduce you to the technology of art therapy direction isotherapy

Pedagogical art therapy is Wonderland. There, the child will learn to be himself, understand the feelings of others, and use emotions as a means of communication. Magic, humor and a fair attitude towards good and evil, living in fairy tales, bewitching and amazing sounds of music, as well as the richness of images and colors of the works of great artists and the kids themselves will help us cope with difficulties. It is important to find a special key to the soul of each child. Filling the inner world of the kid with vivid impressions, helping him master the variety of techniques and drawing techniques, I rejoice at each new success with him. All children love to draw. In their little masterpieces, they convey their attitude to the world around them and give their "I" an opportunity to splash out.

Isotherapy has an individual correctional and developmental orientation, and is successfully used for children with problems social adaptation, emotional-volitional instability, low self-esteem, low performance, behavioral disorders. The use of art as a therapeutic factor in education is available to educators, and special medical knowledge is not required for this.

ball drawing

Objectives: to increase the self-esteem of children with the symptom “I can’t draw”, development

creativity. The technique can be used both individually and in groups.


Materials needed: a ball of thread or rope. Progress of work: the teacher must unwind the ball of thread and show the children how

create patterns or paintings on the floor or table. Then the ball is taken in turn by each

child and, unwinding it, creates a composition. Tearing off the thread, passes the ball

next. After all compositions are created, it is possible to discuss what


Correction technologies Art therapy. treatment with art, creativity captivates children, distracts from unpleasant emotions, connects the emotional reserves of the body. Work with natural materials- clay, sand, water, paints. Art therapy techniques to help remove nervous tension and connect the internal reserves of the child's body such as: colorful painting with fingers, colorful painting with feet, painting with fingers on sand, cereals (semolina, oatmeal, peas, etc.), handprints on cool, warm sand.. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc. regular musical breaks in the classroom. has a positive effect on development creativity, for healing the music of Mozart, his contemporaries, baroque music with a rhythmic time signature of 60 - 64 beats per minute.fairy tale therapy . Fairy tale is a favorite genre for children. It carries an important psychological content "love, kindness and happiness", passing from one generation to another and not losing its meaning over time. It gives the child the first ideas about the sublime and the base, the beautiful and the ugly, the moral and the immoral. The fairy tale transforms the hero, turning the weak into the strong, the small into an adult, the naive into the wise, thereby opening up the child's prospects for his own growth. The fairy tale gives hope and dreams - a premonition of the future. It becomes a kind of spiritual amulet of childhood.. Special attention needs to be paid color scheme DOW interiors. Properly selected colors relieve stress and increase the child's emotional mood Behavior correction technologies. Conducted by special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not made up according to one criterion - children with different problems are engaged in the same group. Classes are held in the form of a gamePsychogymnastics. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to control our emotions, to restrain, to hide them from strangers. To teach your baby to restrain, control his emotions, let him feel this "control" and how it "works" in a playful way. You may find it useful in Hard time these exercises are for relaxation, relieving tension, creating game situation. Removal of emotional stress. Exercise of children in the ability to depict expressively and emotionally individual emotions, movements, mood correction and individual character traits, learning autorelaxation. First of all, such classes are indicated for children with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, quick-tempered, withdrawn, with neuroses, character disorders, slight delays. mental development and other neuropsychiatric disorders that are on the border between health and disease.Psycho-gymnastics, first of all, is aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher senses and to acquire skills in self-relaxation. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and provides an opportunity for self-expression. phonetic rhythm. Classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes. The purpose of the classes is phonetic literate speech without movement. Thus, it is very important that each of the considered technologies has a health-improving orientation, and the Health-saving activity used in the complex would eventually form a strong motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development in the child.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna introduce the technology called self-massage.The simplest, accessible to the understanding and execution of the child is massage and self-massage. With systematic massage, the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, muscle tone is normalized, and tactile sensations are stimulated.

Are used massage movements on the palms, hands and forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure, pinching, patting, bending, extending the fingers, both all and in turn.

Exercises used: skating one walnut or a ball, rolling a ribbed pencil, imitation of rolling a bun, sticks, as in modeling, squeezing rubber toys different densities, etc.

Massage and self-massage are recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a day in the classroom, Fizminutka, walks. Each exercise is performed 8 times: 4 times for the right and left hand. After each exercise, you should do relaxing stroking and shaking your hands.

Since concrete-figurative thinking prevails among preschoolers, poetic texts have been invented for many massages.

Self-massage with clothespins. With a clothespin on the stressed syllables of the verse, we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges: from the index to the little finger and back. After the first couplet, change of hands. It is necessary to check that the clothespins are not too tight.

The kitten bites strongly - silly,

He thinks: this is not a finger, but a mouse.

But I'm playing with you baby!

And if you bite - I'll tell you "shoo"!

Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that a concrete image arises in the child. You should start with warming movements that make the muscles more supple and the movements painless.

Let's start the discussion.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

morning exercises carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. With musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, rhythmic skills and abilities are formed in children.

Physical education held 3 times a week for 20-25 minutes. in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works (traditional, plot-game, integrated wellness). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.

Series gaming activities"The ABC of Health". Classes are held once a week in the form circle work. I have developed a system of valeological education of preschoolers and the formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Implementation of the developed classes using non-traditional methods and techniques allowed to increase the child's interest in obtaining valeological knowledge, to captivate with a game plot and unusual content. Children easily form the concept that each person should take care of himself and his health. The idea of ​​how to take care of maintaining health is expanding.

Self massage . Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize work internal organs, improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is the prevention of scoliosis, colds, autonomic dystonia. It favors psycho-emotional resistance to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a game form daily in the form of a five-minute lesson or as a dynamic pause in the classroom. funny poems, vivid images, beating massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the ability to use in various settings and at any time contribute to changing the position of the child from the object to the subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

Leisure (physical culture leisure, sports holiday, musical leisure, “Health Day”). When spending leisure time, holidays, all children are involved in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more relaxed than in physical education, and this allows them to move without much stress. At the same time, those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered are used, therefore, children show a kind of artistry, aesthetics in movements. Sports holidays and leisure activities are necessarily accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of a sense of beauty in children, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a piece of music, develops an ear for music, memory.

On the kindergarten site there is sports equipment, which allows for maximum motor activity children for a walk.

Galina Gennadievna "A minute of prank" "Minutes of Mischief" awaken motor imagination - the basis of creative meaningful motor skills, which provides animation for children's movements. By imitating various movements, the child naturally "transforms"

Minutes of pranks refer to the technology of preservation and health of preschool children used in educational activities.

Let's start the discussion.

What else applies to the technology of stimulating and maintaining health.


Stretching (from Latin stretch) is a set of exercises for stretching certain muscles, ligaments and tendons, useful and necessary for everyone, regardless of age and degree of flexibility development, used in the massage system, in physiotherapy exercises. Stretching increases motor activity, endurance, reduces emotional and mental stress, improves mood, creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility, develops the body's natural resistance various diseases. In educational activities, elements of game stretching are used.

Dynamic pauses, physical education minutes, health minutes

They are held during educational activities for 2-5 minutes, as children get tired and perform the following functions: entertaining, relaxation, communicative, educational, educational, developing, corrective, treatment and prophylactic.


Relaxation - (from lat. relaxatio) is a state of rest, relaxation, resulting from stress relief after strong experiences or physical effort. This is especially true in the modern educational process, when children have active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences. Harmonies. Relaxing, excited, restless children become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Finger gymnastics

Helps develop fine motor skills. Helps develop speech. Increases the performance of the cerebral cortex. Develops in a child mental processes: thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Removes anxiety. Not a single child of any preschool age remains indifferent to finger gymnastics.

Breathing exercises

important place in physical culture preschoolers are engaged in special breathing exercises that provide complete drainage of the bronchi, cleanse the mucosa respiratory tract, strengthen the respiratory muscles. The health of the child, his physical and mental activity largely depend on breathing.

Breathing exercises play a huge role in hardening children.

In educational activities, separate accessible exercises are used, which are organically woven into educational process. Basically, these exercises are based on nasal breathing. Unfortunately, some babies breathe through their mouths. If kids don't breathe through their nose, they won't get enough mental development, because nasal breathing stimulates the nerve endings of all organs located in the nasopharynx.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Eyes are the most important organ that must be protected from early childhood. AT modern conditions It is very difficult. TV, computer, and in the senior preschool age and mobile phone- all this is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. We, teachers, understand that it is absolutely impossible to protect a preschooler from this, so we try to adapt to the circumstances. It is in such conditions that it is necessary to learn how to protect eyesight.

Regular gymnastics for the eyes, the so-called physical minute, allows you to give the necessary rest to the eyes, increases the efficiency of vision, improves blood circulation, prevents the development of certain eye diseases, and is a prevention of myopia and hyperopia. In addition, any educational material is absorbed more efficiently.

Exercises should be performed 2-3 times a day for several minutes. The gymnastics complex is compiled taking into account the age of the child, and is carried out in a playful way. From the age of 2, children should be taught various exercises for the eyes, turning them into games, and then into a habit of playing them.

Gymnastics for the eyes can be carried out with objects (for example, work with cards located on the walls). Children perform a number of tasks: look for pictures on the walls that are the answer to the riddle; find images of objects whose names contain the desired sound, etc. Special fields can be used, for example, the image of any colored shapes (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or intricately crossed lines of different colors 1 cm thick. This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place. Children begin to “run” with their eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is desirable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. You can attach a butterfly or a character on the topic to the tip of the pointer and go on a journey.

There are specialized electronic programs aimed at relieving stress and correcting vision.

Kinesiology exercises

A complex of movements that allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction, when the hemispheres exchange information, their work is synchronized. In the course of the systematic use of kinesiology exercises, the child develops interhemispheric connections, improves memory and concentration of attention, and there is significant progress in managing their emotions. In the case when children have an intense load, the teacher can start work with kinesiology exercises.

Stretching with fairy tale therapy.

"The Greedy Emperor"

Today I will tell you the tale of the greedy emperor (I start telling the tale while acting it out):

A long time ago, an emperor lived across the sea-ocean. He was very greedy and loved gold more than anything in the world. Throughout the country, exhausted and hungry people mined gold and carried it to the emperor on elephants (normal walking, hands on the belt. Then on the outside of the feet), on camels (on the heels), carried in bags (half crouching) and stacked in high barns ( on toes, hands up).

So much gold accumulated that the emperor ordered to build himself a magnificent palace of pure gold. All rooms in the palace were decorated with gold. Gold were: the floor, the ceiling (hands on the belt. Feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt down, raise your head up), walls (stretch your right hand to the right, then your left hand to the left. Look at your fingers), mirrors (rise on your toes. Hands through sides up Shake hands, lower arms with a slight bow). Golden bells rang from the gusts of wind (Rise on toes. Hands through the sides up. Shake your hands, lower your hands with a slight bow).

The emperor wore a brocade robe embroidered with gold (right hand on the left shoulder, turn to the left. Left hand on the right shoulder, turn to the right). Golden hat (circular rotation of the head to the right, then to the left). Even the soles of his shoes were cast in gold (Hands on the belt. Feet shoulder-width apart. Put the right foot on the heel, on the toe. The same with the left foot). The dishes from which the emperor ate were gold. Servants on golden trays carried sweets (Jumping on two legs moving forward. Hands in front of you, palms up. Jumping around you).

The greed of the emperor reached such a point that he ordered four healthy teeth to be pulled out and gold ones to be inserted instead (sit down in Turkish and rest after jumping). But this was not enough for the emperor. He saw that a lot of gold went into the construction of the palace and several barns were empty (Stand up. Feet together, arms along the body. Raise your hands up, stretch without lifting your heels off the floor). He called out a cry throughout the country: "He who knows how to turn different things into gold, let him come to the palace." And then an old man with a long white beard appeared. He took the emperor by the hands, hit each of his fingers with a small black stick, and disappeared.

The emperor jumped up from his throne (Feet together, hands on his belt. Sit down, hands forward, stand up) and ran into the garden to test the power of magic. Runs and touches with his hands here and there (Sit down, hands to the sides, stand up). And so… delicate fragrant flowers and fresh green leaves turned into dead gold.

The emperor considered himself happy man on the ground. He ran to the pool with fish (Lie on his stomach, arms along the body, legs together. Bend back, arms forward - to the sides. Legs in turn up and down). And as soon as he extended his hand, the murmuring clear water turned into gold and the fish also turned into gold. The emperor caught a butterfly, and it became a golden brooch (Sit down in Turkish, feet stop to foot. Grab your feet with your fingers. Move your knees up and down). But the dragonflies managed to fly away from the emperor and remained alive (Kneel down, arms along the body, legs together. Raise your arms to shoulder level and wave up and down).

Finally, he wanted to eat and returned to the palace (Sitting on the floor, spread straight legs, hands on the belt. Tilt to right leg, take out the sock with your hands, straighten up. Same for the left leg. But as soon as he brought milk to his lips, it turned into gold. The emperor held out his hand for the pie. But the cake immediately became golden, hard as a stone (Lying on your stomach, support your head with your hands. Bend and unbend your legs alternately at the knee). Desperate to satisfy his hunger, the emperor went to bed. But as soon as he lay down on the bed, the feather bed and pillow turned to gold and became hard. He covered himself with a blanket, but it became cold. Like ice. So the emperor was punished for greed.

Did you like the fairy tale? Who was the emperor? Is greed good or bad? And among you there are greedy people?

Reflection. Let's continue with our tree. If you liked today's seminar and took something from it for yourself, hang a red apple on a tree, if you already knew all this, you won't need it, hang a yellow apple. This concludes our meeting in ties. Thank you for your attention.

Health saving technologies

1. Technologies for maintaining and promoting health


Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in sports or music halls or in group room, in a well ventilated area

be wary of disproportionate muscle strain


Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to the artistic value, size physical activity and its proportionate to the age of the child

Dynamic pauses

In class time,

2-5 minutes, as children get tired

Mobile and sports games

As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - a small medium degree mobility. Daily for all age groups

Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games


In any suitable premises. Depending on the state of children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Aesthetic technologies

Implemented in the classes of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc. For all age groups

Carried out in the classroom preschool program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is work with the family, instilling aesthetic taste in children.

Finger gymnastics

FROM younger age individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

Daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

Respiratory gymnastics

Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

Gymnastics invigorating

Daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 min.

The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed boards; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Corrective gymnastics

AT various forms physical culture and health work

The form of conducting depends on the task and the contingent of children

Classes from the series "Health"

Self massage

Point self-massage

It is held on the eve of epidemics, in autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. used visual material

2. Corrective technologies

Art therapy

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from the middle group

Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and involves training protocols

Technologies of musical impact

In various forms of physical culture and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

fairy tale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from older age

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

Color exposure technologies

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks

It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of the preschool educational institution. Properly selected colors relieve stress and increase the emotional mood of the child.

Behavior Correction Technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from older age

Conducted by special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not made up on one basis - children with different problems are engaged in the same group. Classes are held in a playful way, they have diagnostic tools and training protocols


1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes.

Classes are held according to special methods

Phonetic rhythm

2 times a week from a younger age not earlier than after 30 minutes. after eating. In the gym or music halls. ml. Age-15 min., Senior age-30 min.

3. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Physical education

2-3 times a week in sports or music halls. Early age- in a group room, 10 min. Younger age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, senior age - 25-30 minutes.

Classes are held in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works. Before class, you need to ventilate the room well.

Problem-play situations(game training and game therapy)

In your free time, you can in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized invisibly for the child, by including the teacher in the process. gaming activity

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 min. from older age

Classes are built according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games. varying degrees mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Classes from the series "Health"

1 time per week for 30 min. from Art. age

Can be included in the curriculum as cognitive development

Self massage

Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical culture and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children elementary knowledge How not to harm your body

MADOU of the city of Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 88 "Dandelion" city of Nizhnevartovsk.

Seminar-workshop "Health-saving technologies in kindergarten"

Seminar - workshop for teachers

"Health-Saving Technologies in Kindergarten"

One of the means of solving the identified problems is health-saving pedagogical technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable.

The goal of health-saving technology is to provide a preschooler with a high level of real health, equipping him with the necessary baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating a culture of health in him.

Health-saving technologies can be divided into:

Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health:
(dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics;
breathing exercises, physical culture and health work, massage, psycho-gymnastics);
technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: (physical education);
correctional technologies: (technologies of musical influence - used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc., fairy tale therapy, light exposure technologies - correctly selected interior colors in our group relieve stress and increase the emotional mood of the child) .

There are 10 golden rules for health care.

Follow the daily routine!
Pay more attention to food!
Move more!
Sleep in a cool room!
Do not extinguish the anger in yourself, let it break out!
Constantly engage in intellectual activity!
Drive away despondency and blues!
Respond appropriately to all manifestations of your body!
Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!
Wish yourself and others only the best! (This applies to all of us, not just children).

But a kindergarten is not a medical institution. Our task is not to replace the polyclinic, but to carry out systematic preventive work aimed at reducing the incidence and improving the health of children.

Pedagogical training "Level of pedagogical skill"

Educators name the forms of work aimed at improving the physical development of children, and the presenter draws up this scheme on a flannelograph using pre-prepared tables.

Educators are asked to rate themselves for each section of the chart using colored squares indicating levels of teaching excellence:

Green - good knowledge, no difficulty;
yellow - weakly, I don’t know enough, it doesn’t always work out;
red - attention - trouble, I don’t know, it doesn’t work.

As a result, it is clearly seen which of the problems causes difficulties for most teachers.

Reflective role play

“What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy”

- We deliberately raised the issue of negative impacts on the child in kindergarten, since it is necessary to start with those reasons, the consequences of which we can influence without affecting the global ones: unfavorable ecology, hereditary predisposition, etc.

The participants of the game are united in the following groups:


Participants of each group need to identify in writing the reasons that, from their point of view, prevent a child attending our kindergarten from being healthy, and then discuss this.
Each group should have a piggy bank of exercises aimed at the comprehensive development of each child and the group of children as a whole.

Our main task is to preserve and strengthen the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. Practical work in these areas is organized taking into account the age characteristics of children, which makes it possible to increase its effectiveness and have a positive impact on the state of health and the dynamics of their physical fitness.
Crossword "Health is movement!"

We write down the answers in order horizontally.

1. The main and favorite activity of children (game).
2. Gymnastic apparatus for improving the waist (hoop).
3. Circle of physical education (section).
4. One of the types of movement (throwing).
5. Gymnastic dances to music (aerobics).
6. One of the ways to awaken the body (gymnastics).
7. One of the types of disease prevention (hardening).
You should get a word vertically.
8. That which prevents disease (prevention).

— Health is the most important indicator of the vital activity of every person, and only with good health can one live a full life. From early childhood, each of us realizes the importance of a reasonable attitude to our health.
“Today we talked a lot about health, about the health of our children. And now I propose to think about your own health. We all understand how important it is to take care of your health. But are we doing something to keep it alive for years to come? Let's answer a few questions of the test and find out how we feel about our health.

Training "My health"

1. What is your favorite drink?
2. How do you feel about fatty foods?
3. If you are overcome by insomnia, you:
4. If you have no complaints, do you go to the doctors?
5. If something gets sick, do you immediately go to the doctor?
6. Are you friends with sports?
7. Do you take medication?
8. If you are in a bad mood, do you:

- Now we will perform a psychotechnical exercise with you, with the help of which you can relieve fatigue, gain inner stability and feel self-confidence.

The exercise is called "Inner Beam".

- Take a comfortable position, sit comfortably. (Soothing music turns on).
- Imagine that inside your head, in its upper part, a light beam arises, which slowly and consistently moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminates your face, neck, shoulders, hands with a warm, even and relaxing light. As the beam moves, wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head disappears, the crease on the forehead is weakened, the clamps in the corners of the lips are loosened, the shoulders are lowered, the neck and chest are released. The inner ray, as it were, forms a new appearance - a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself, his life and his profession.
- And now together, without opening our eyes, we say “I have become a new person! I became young and strong, calm and stable! I will do everything well!”

"A little about serious as a joke." Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood!"

“Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face?”
“That's because I didn't like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.
“Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?”
“Because I didn’t clean them and smoked them, just like your grandfather.”
“Grandma, grandma, why do you have such dull eyes?”
“Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.
- Grandmother, grandmother, why are you all trembling and walking slowly?
“That’s because, my child, I never did exercises in the morning.

If you don't want to look like this grandmother, lead a healthy lifestyle!

- V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Care for human health, for the health of a child is not just a set of sanitary and hygienic standards, not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and study. This is, first of all, concern for the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces.

Kindergarten should become a garden where children are taught to take care of their health from an early age. And it depends on us, adults, we set an example with our behavior, because a child is like a bank, what you invest in it is what you get. And before you teach someone to do something, you need to learn how to do it yourself. After all, each of us knows that you cannot buy your health or people close to you for any money. It is preserved or acquired by daily labor. Let's put the human value - "health" out of all our priorities in first place. And let's not leave this important matter for Monday, but let's start right now, whether it's morning, afternoon or evening.

Slide presentation "I can be healthy - I will help myself"

Start a new day with a smile and morning exercises.
Observe the daily routine yourself and demand this from your children.
Remember: a smart book is better than aimless TV watching.
Love your child - he is yours. Respect your family members, they are your fellow travelers.
A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.
There are no bad children, there are bad deeds.
A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.
Use natural hardening factors to stay healthy.
Remember: simple food is healthier than artful dishes.
The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is a joint game with parents.
Good luck to all of us in maintaining and improving our health. Be young and cheerful, like your pupils.


1. Syromyatnikova L.M. Pedagogical councils in a preschool educational institution: Functions. Content. Planning. Methods. Traditional and non-traditional forms. - M .: "Planet", 2011.
2. Elzhova N.V. Healthy lifestyle in a preschool educational institution. - Rostov n / D .: "Phoenix", 2011.
3. Belaya K.Yu. Pedagogical Council in a preschool educational institution. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.
4. Pedagogical advice / ed. I.M. Bushnev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012

Shabalina Natalya Vladimirovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 56"
Locality: Ivanovo
Material name: methodical development
Topic:"Health saving and health enrichment of preschool teachers"
Publication date: 29.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Workshop for teachers "Health saving

and health enrichment of teachers of preschool educational institutions "

the formation of teachers' ability and desire to take care of their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and emotional well-being as a guarantee of success in pedagogical activity.
Event progress.
Today at preschool institutions given great attention health-saving technologies that are aimed at solving the most main task pre-school education - to preserve, maintain and enrich the health of children. A modern child needs to ensure a comfortable and positive stay in kindergarten, which in turn places high demands on competence and professionalism. preschool educators in matters of health protection, and therefore the teacher himself needs to be healthy, maintaining high efficiency and creative longevity.
Technologies of health saving and health enrichment of preschool teachers

- technologies aimed at developing a health culture of kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. Parable “Once upon a time, gods lived on Mount Olympus. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. For a long time they thought about what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another said: "A man must be healthy", the third said: "A man must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others behind high mountains. Where do you think the gods hid health? One of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself." This is how people have been living since ancient times, trying to find their health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods! This means that health is hidden in each of us and in each child. Exists a large number of definitions of the concept of "health". According to the interpretation World Organization Health (WHO): Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Studies of the health of teachers show that teachers, as a professional group, have extremely low health indicators, which decreases as the length of service in an educational institution increases. For teachers with pedagogical
experience of 15-20 years is characterized by "pedagogical crises", "exhaustion". In 30%, the index of the degree of social adaptation is equal to or lower than in patients with neuroses.
Exercise "Associations"
- Tell me, please, what associations does the word “work” evoke in you? The main disease-forming factor for a teacher is professional emotional stress. Most of the working day takes place in a tense environment: emotionally intense activity, constant concentration of attention, increased responsibility for the life and health of children, the need to master a large amount of professional knowledge, a tough work schedule, conflicts and stressful situations. Factors of this kind bad influence on physical well-being. The second factor is worldview and mental causes, and the second follows from the first. Worldview reasons destroying health:  Presence of high life aspirations that do not correspond to human capabilities;  Inability to accept life “as it is”, without criticism and protest;  Inability to live in this moment, considering it the most important thing in life;  Inability to find one's place in life, which would allow one to get satisfaction from the fact of existence, profession, family, hobby….; Mental causes:  Inability to resist stress;  Lack of skill to manage their emotions;  Frequent excess of one's mental capabilities;  Inability to cultivate in oneself and master the emotion of joy, to create an attitude towards joy from existence in general, and not from the salary received;  Inability to laugh at life's failures.
Exercise "I want - I don't want, but I do ..."
Participants are invited to divide the sheet into 2 parts and write:
1. A few things (this could be responsibilities, activities, entertainment, chores, etc.) that you would like to do more often. 2. A few things that you would like to stop doing to the extent that you do them, or not to do at all. Discussion: Now explain why you don't do enough of the first and do too much of the second. In connection with the above facts, there is a question about the protection of the health of the teacher, his professional longevity. But how to achieve this? How to ensure professional longevity, improve the health of teachers? An important aspect of conservation work mental health teacher is to master the techniques of self-regulation. Currently, a variety of methods are used for self-regulation of states: breathing exercises, concentration and visualization, relaxation, autogenic training, etc. Having mastered them, a person can more effectively, rationally distribute his forces during each day, adequately manage himself in accordance with the current situation. Methods of self-regulation:  Breathing exercises of a calming orientation (long inhalation and extended exhalation).  Sound gymnastics, which operates on the principle of vibration massage with training of the respiratory muscles and diaphragm. Different sounds give rise to different vibrations, which in turn affect our well-being in different ways. o Sound "O" - affects the heart, lungs; o Sound "I"; Sound "M" - affect the work of the whole organism; o Sound "HA" - helps to improve mood.  Concentration of attention and imagination on a certain object (visual, sound, bodily and other sensations). For example, at the first sign of tension, imagine inside yourself, at chest level, a powerful press that moves from top to bottom, suppressing the emerging negative energy and the internal tension associated with it.  Activation of a sense of humor - try to see the comic even in a difficult, serious situation, forgive the partner for his mistake, slow-wittedness, emotionality.  Distraction - try as brightly as possible to imagine a situation in which you usually feel most calm and comfortable, put yourself in this situation.
 Switching to interesting activities, favourite hobby- create a new dominance. When overexcited, a dominant focus of excitation is formed in the cerebral cortex, which has the ability to inhibit all other foci, subjugates all the activity of the body, all the actions and thoughts of a person. This means that in order to calm down, it is necessary to eliminate, defuse this dominant, or create a new, competing one. The more exciting the business, the easier it is to create a competitive dominant. Much in our life depends on what we think and what words we say. Thoughts and words directly affect our health. Need to get rid of irrational thoughts and beliefs. Irrational beliefs are characterized by strong unpleasant experiences - anger, helplessness, confusion, irritation. Often they use the words “should”, “must”. They are always pessimistic and assume an unfortunate outcome: “I can’t stand this,” “I can’t do it,” “I won’t succeed.” Their meaning is permeated with hopelessness, helplessness. To prevent and overcome negative emotional states irrational beliefs can be recycled into rational ones. To do this, they must be identified in time and systematically replaced by rational beliefs.
Exercise "Wonderful Transformation"
Now I offer you some negative beliefs from our everyday life with you, which you will have to turn into Affirmations in the process of group work. “Negative Beliefs” Answers 1. No one appreciates me at work At work I am loved 2. My colleagues annoy me I am surrounded by only positive and cheerful people 3. I am afraid that I will not succeed ... I do everything just fine. 4. I can't look at myself in the mirror I like the way I look 5. I'm disappointed in life… I love life!

Exercise "Pleasure"
Participants are given pieces of paper and asked to write down 10 daily activities that they enjoy. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to teachers that this is a resource that can be used as “ ambulance» for recuperation.
Art-therapeutic technologies as a means of preserving and enriching health.

- treatment with essential oils plants. Its origins lie in ancient times. It is known that the sense of smell is associated with the limbic system of the brain, which makes it possible to experience various emotions.
- the use of special tea collections to relieve stress, which are sold in pharmacies or specialty tea shops. They contribute to both toning and relaxation, depending on what they are used for.
Water therapy -
The use of water for health purposes is an ancient method. Water has the ability to wash away not only dirt, but also negative emotions. In terms of its effect on the body, water can be equated to exercise, as a result of which the heart muscle, blood vessels and capillaries are toned, blood flow increases. For relaxation, it is useful to simply look at the water. The most accessible exercise is washing hands from elbows to wrists in cool water. Thus, cerebral circulation is activated, fatigue is relieved. In a state of stress, when “the head is spinning”, you want silence and loneliness, you need to stand under a strong stream of the soul, direct it directly to your head so as not to hear anything. After 3 minutes, the stressful state will disappear.
- use of reading books with therapeutic purpose. You can just read literature or reread your favorite books.
Phototherapy -
the use of photography or slides to solve psychological problems, as well as to develop and harmonize the personality. The main content of phototherapy is the creation or perception of photographic images. I want to bring to your attention - motivators. Motivators are images or pictures in blue frames with different captions at the bottom. Their main difference from other pictures is that the captions under them are always positive and contain a deep meaning that provokes many people to think about their lives and gain self-confidence in order to improve it. It is absolutely necessary and quite realistic for each teacher to build his own individual program of professional self-preservation. The result and indicator of its effectiveness will be physical and professional creative longevity.