How to keep a tan after the sea. How to keep a tan after the sea for a long time? How to keep a beautiful tan? Add Vitamin A to your diet

Sea tan is beautiful in itself, and as an extra reminder of the time spent at sea, and as an occasion to tell friends about vacations in hot countries. Tanned skin attracts the eye, small defects are not visible on it, it does not require an abundance of masking cosmetics, and in general a tan is associated with health, in a healthy way life and attraction.

It is quite natural that both men and women, returning from the sea, are looking for ways to keep their southern tan to the maximum. long term. Let's look at the easiest ways to save dark color skin, and at the same time take care of it after a period of intense insolation.

Getting ready for vacation

Even before a trip to Egypt or another hot country You need to choose the right cosmetics for your skin:

  • cream with UV protection;
  • a special tanning prolongator or a regular moisturizer.

Special cosmetics will protect the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation, and prevent the development of a burn. Accordingly, the less the skin is damaged, the less it will peel off, and the longer its deep and saturated color.

The meaning of the prolongator is in deep moisturizing, which can rarely be given by a regular caring body cream. A prolongator is applied immediately after a shower and left overnight.

Video: Summer makeup bag for vacation

We sunbathe correctly

So that the skin does not begin to peel off even during the holidays, it is necessary to reasonably approach the issue of time and duration of taking sunbathing. The optimal time for sunbathing, especially in the early days, is the morning hours, until about 10 am, and the evening hours from 17-18. In the early days, it is better to be in the shade: there is also ultraviolet there, but not so much compared to places where direct sunlight hits the skin.

The skin on the face requires special protection with sunscreens with the maximum level of UV protection, because if we can cover the rest of the body with clothes, then the face will still be exposed to the sun's rays.

A lip balm should also be chosen with a maximum SPF. And at night for sure. deep hydration. The gradual preparation of the skin for sunlight will be an excellent prevention of the rapid exfoliation of the surface layer containing melanin.

Nutrition as a way to keep a tan for a long time

A varied diet is important for skin health, regardless of whether you prefer sea or ski resorts. If we talk about ways to improve the condition of the skin and its ability to recover after being on active sun, then give preference primarily to fatty varieties of fish. Fortunately, seaside resorts are the best place to treat yourself to fresh fish and other seafood.

Fatty fish contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve its appearance and elasticity. Vitamins are also important. Especially those of them that have a pronounced antioxidant effect. This is vitamin C, A and E. Under the influence of sunlight, the skin forms a large number of free radicals that damage cell walls.

Damaged cells do not live long. They die and slough off the surface of the skin.

To make up for the lack of these vitamins, you must either take a vitamin-mineral complex, or not limit yourself to ripe fruits, vegetables, juices and other tasty and healthy things.

Skin care after the sea

The question of how long a tan can last after a vacation should be approached taking into account individual features skin. If the skin tans badly, but gets burned quickly, then you should not expect that after the vacation, which was in July, a tan is provided proper care will last until mid-autumn.

Already in August, the owners of the Celtic skin type will be white as before. But those who tan immediately and without problems can go dark for a very long time. How less skin exposed to UV damage, the longer you can show off your marine tan.

If the skin peels off, then it is impossible to stop this process. You can only mask this process with the help of bronzers and self-tanning creams.

  • Bronzers.

The easiest way to maintain color saturation and at the same time not overdry the skin in the solarium. As a product with bronzers, you can choose any tanning cream, which includes cane sugar - dihydroxyacetone.

Photo: tanning bronzers in the solarium

This natural ingredient is absorbed into the surface layers of the epidermis and darkens upon contact with air, giving the skin a chocolate tint. That is what is used to get desired color skin during the procedure of instant tanning.

Top cream with bronzer natural tan It will lay down evenly and will not let the color of the skin fade.

Another benefit of tanning products with bronzers, in addition to their ability to maintain the desired intensity of the tan, is their ability to deeply moisturize the skin. Therefore, the benefits of their use will be double.

  • Creams for self-tanning.

Self-tanning creams are also suitable for maintaining the rich color of a natural tan. But they will not give the same level of moisture as tanning products.

  • Solarium visit.

The most effective way to be "chocolate" all the time. In order to support desired shade skin, you won’t need to spend a lot of time in the solarium. For most, a couple of sessions a week for 5-7-10 minutes will be enough.

What will help "wash out the tan"

Anything that exfoliates the skin will make the tan look lighter and lighter.

  • thermal procedures.

hot tub, hot shower contribute to the fact that upper layer skin swells and peels off much easier. Therefore, it is advisable to limit yourself to a cool shower, and refuse to take a bath for a while.

Not conducive long-term preservation sunbathing visits to saunas and baths.
  • mechanical impact.

You should not use hard washcloths or body scrubs, as the stronger the exfoliation, the paler the tan.

  • Chemical impact.

Reduce the intensity of tanning any means that have a brightening and whitening effect. Therefore, all your products for daily use will have to be checked for the presence of vitamin C, lemon extract, cucumber, and other components in their composition, the purpose of which is to make the skin lighter and remove pigmentation.

The season of holidays and trips to the sea is approaching, during which there is a wonderful opportunity to get a radiant chocolate tan in vivo. In order for the skin of the face and body to acquire a beautiful dark golden hue it is necessary to take a certain set of measures aimed not only at achieving the desired shade, but also at preserving the tan.

A tan is a gradual darkening of the skin color caused by ultraviolet rays. These rays, falling on the skin, stimulate the production of pigment in the upper layer of the epidermis, which is called melanin.

The production of melanin by the body occurs gradually. After a short exposure to the sun, the pigment begins to actively reproduce and after about a week it accumulates enough to obtain a dark skin tone. First of all, melanin performs protective function, absorbing thermal radiation and thereby protecting cells located in the deep layers of the epidermis from death. When this protection fails, you can get sunstroke or burn.

There are also cases of uneven distribution of melanin over the surface of the skin, while freckles or age spots may appear as a result of tanning. In addition, the different content of this pigment in the human body causes hypersensitivity some people to the sun's rays (as a rule, the skin is pale, difficult to tan, with prolonged exposure to the sun, a burn quickly appears and the skin peels off) and their excellent tolerance by people whose melanin content is higher (the skin initially has more dark shade, tans well, there are practically no burns).

Keep in mind that excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to premature aging epidermis, the appearance of pigmentation of the skin, and even skin cancer and melanoma. However, with a moderate, competent approach to tanning, in addition to a beautiful skin tone, you can get a saturation of the body with vitamin D, increase the level of immunity and activate metabolism.

  1. Prepare well for sun exposure
  2. Observe important rules sunburn
  3. Use cosmetical tools
  4. Skin care after sunbathing

Preparing for a tan

The tanning process requires careful planning in order to minimize the possibility of negative effects and get a beautiful, even, and most importantly lasting shade.

Preparation for tanning consists of several stages:

Cleansing of the skin of the face and body

Before you start sunbathing, you should spend light peeling or body scrub. Such preparation will allow you to get rid of dead cells, and the tan will lie more evenly. You can carry out such a cleansing procedure both with the help of ready-made cosmetics, and by preparing a scrub yourself. The most popular recipes are based on sugar, sea ​​salt and coffee:

In addition to the skin of the body, the same procedure should be carried out for the face, however, in this case, it is preferable to use peeling or gommage, since their texture is finer and they will delicately cope with the cleansing of delicate skin. As home remedy For face peeling, the following recipes are well suited:

  • mix two tablespoons of ground oatmeal with half a tablespoon natural yogurt and one tablespoon of strong green tea. Let the mixture brew for half an hour, then apply on the face and neck massage movements and wash off with warm water after fifteen minutes.
  • squeeze the juice of half an orange and half a lemon, add one teaspoon of sea salt and one tablespoon of milk to the juice mixture. Rub the resulting lotion into the skin and rinse with warm water after ten minutes. If the face is prone to pigmentation, then use peeling based on fruit acids do not do it.
  • combine one teaspoon of sugar with one tablespoon of cream, apply on the skin of the face and rinse with warm water after ten minutes.

After exfoliating the skin of the body, it must be moisturized. To do this, use a body lotion or mist with a moisturizing effect. Should not be used as a moisturizer oily creams or essential oils, as this will negatively affect the tanning process. To moisturize the skin of the face, you should also use moisturizers with a light texture.

Solarium visit

If you plan to get a tan in a resort area with a very intense sun, it is better to start visiting a solarium two weeks before the trip. This is necessary to raise the level of melanin in the body and activate the protection of the skin from burns. You should visit the solarium more than once every three days, starting with a two-minute session and gradually increasing the time of stay, but not exceeding the maximum allowable mark of ten minutes.

Diet adjustment

Already at the stage of preparation for tanning, you should enrich your diet with products that contain beta-keratin, which helps the skin absorb the sun's rays. Such products are distinguished by an orange color. It is also necessary to drink a course of capsule vitamins A, E, C and B-12, which help preserve procollagen, a protein that protects against burns. And to prevent the appearance of dry skin, you need to monitor the amount of water you drink per day, preferably at least one and a half liters.

Choosing a quality sunscreen

You should not rely on the purchase of sunscreen upon arrival, it is better to choose the right one in advance, since it will play a decisive role in minimizing harmful factors scorching sun.

Rules for tanning

First of all, it is necessary to observe the correct mode of stay under sunbeams. In no case should you sunbathe in the afternoon and afternoon, when solar activity is at its peak. At this time, there is a high probability sunstroke or burn. by the most optimum time for sunbathing, the period from morning to eleven o'clock in the afternoon, or after sixteen o'clock in the evening, is considered.

It is also necessary to take into account the importance of the gradual adaptation of the skin to the effects of ultraviolet rays. For the first time, it is better to limit your exposure to the sun for five to seven minutes, and then take cover in the shade. You should not worry that the skin will not tan. The sun's rays can affect the skin even in the shade, penetrating through umbrellas, awnings and clouds, so in cloudy weather you should follow the same rules. Gradually, day by day, the time spent in open space should be increased, but it should not exceed fifteen minutes.

While sunbathing, do not forget about changing your position, turning either on your back or on your stomach. It is better to put a rolled up towel under your head to improve blood circulation and try to relax as much as possible. In the event of a feeling of drowsiness, it is better to go for a walk or swim, otherwise there is a risk of falling asleep and getting burned.

Apply before going to the beach sunscreen on clean skin and take it with you. Do not apply oils or products containing alcohol, as this can cause burns. Also worth taking to the beach Sunglasses, hat and drinking water.

After returning from the beach, be sure to take a shower and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

All of the above measures are aimed at avoiding burning. This is very unpleasant phenomenon, accompanied by redness and itching of the skin, blistering and peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, burning may be accompanied by nausea, fever, headaches, rashes, etc.

It is also very important not to get sunburned in the sun because ultraviolet radiation has irreparable consequences for the body, up to the provocation of oncological diseases, since it will destroy the ability to change the DNA of epidermal cells. However, compliance correct mode tanning and the use of sunscreens will help to avoid such unpleasant consequences.

Cosmetic and home remedies for tanning

Today there is wide choose sunscreens, which are the main allies for obtaining an even, beautiful shade, without pigmentation and burns. At sunscreens approximately the same composition, so when choosing suitable remedy You should be guided by the level of SPF indicated on the tube. It is this indicator that reflects the protective capabilities of a particular tool, and it should be in the range from thirty to fifty.

How lighter skin And older man The hotter the climate of the chosen holiday destination, the higher the SPF level should be. Also, when choosing a sunscreen, you should pay attention to well-established brands: Garnier, Vichy, Clinic, Librederm, Babchen, Nivea, etc.

After choosing a suitable protective cream, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use:

  • cream should be applied at least twenty minutes before going to the beach, so that the protection has time to activate and begin to act in full force already in the sun;
  • After bathing, sunscreen should be reapplied. If bathing is not planned, then it is better to apply the cream every couple of hours;
  • the tool itself should be kept in beach bag otherwise, under the influence of direct sunlight, it will lose its protective properties.

For those who do not trust cosmetics industrial production, lovely alternative can become means prepared independently.

Such funds bribe with their naturalness, cheapness, harmlessness and the ability to change the recipe at your discretion. The main disadvantage of using homemade tanning products is that they are not able to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, they are used to give the skin a golden dark tone not while in the sun. That is, homemade recipes can be used when a trip to the sea is not planned, but you want to make your skin tanned or use them as additional measure to enhance the tan and acquire a uniform shade.

For home remedies to work effectively, they should be applied to clean skin of the body and face with cotton swabs, making sure that there are no streaks or smudges.

Apply the selected product should be no more than twenty minutes on all exposed areas of the skin, not forgetting the area behind the ears, neck and feet. In this case, it is necessary to stand to avoid lubrication and the appearance of bald spots. After washing off the composition, the skin must be moisturized. Repeat the procedure three times a week until the desired tone is obtained.

If the result is not satisfactory, then you can get rid of such a tan by mixing one part of alcohol with two parts of water, and wiping the treated areas of the body and face with the resulting composition. The most popular homemade tanning recipes are:

  • A mixture of fifty grams of cocoa powder and one hundred and fifty milliliters of water.
  • A mixture of three hundred grams of turmeric and one hundred milliliters of water.
  • A mixture of the juice of two or three carrots and fifty grams of glycerin.
  • A mixture of one hundred milliliters of olive oil and six drops of iodine (do not rinse).
  • A mixture of thirty to forty grams of dried chamomile and string. Pour the mixture with one liter of boiling water, insist for two hours, then strain and wipe the skin with the resulting decoction in the morning and evening (do not rinse). Store the decoction in a glass container in a dark, cool place.
  • A decoction of three to four tablespoons of onion peel. Rinse the husk and pour five hundred milliliters of cold water and cook over low heat until the color of the water is Brown color. Strain the broth, pour it into a glass container and wipe the skin once a day without rinsing.

Skin care after sun

by the most important point in the long-term preservation of a tan is the daily moisturizing of the skin.

After obtaining the desired chocolate shade, hot baths should be avoided. It is better to give preference to a little warm soul and sulfate-free detergents for body.

After a shower, a moisturizer is necessarily applied to the skin of the body and face, the basis of which can be oils, or you can purchase special agent after sun care. There are many variations this tool- cream, gel, milk, spray. After-sun skin care products are selected individually, the main selection criteria are the light texture of the product, quick absorption, and a powerful moisturizing effect. The most effective are the following means: after-sun spray with cactus extract Ambre Solaire (Garnier), refreshing gel for face and body "Protection and Moisturizing" of the Sublime Sun series (L "Oral Paris), Sun Kissed Skin moisturizing lotion (Nivea).

For facial skin care after sun exposure, it is imperative to continue using sunscreen with high level SPF before going out, which should also be applied to the décolleté area.

You should also use moisturizers twice a day. hyaluronic acid, thermal water, glycerin, avocado oils and grape seeds, rice extract and the addition of vitamin E and peptides. Products with such components in the composition contribute to the regeneration of the epidermis, make it supple and elastic, which will allow you to maintain a tan for a long time.

In addition, for the skin of the face and neck, it is recommended to use moisturizing masks with collagen and vitamin E once or twice a week.

Recipes for maintaining a tan

In addition to cosmetics for after-sun skin, you can recommend several recipes at home that will help soothe and moisturize the skin of the face and body, as well as give firmness to the tan:

  • Recipe 1. Thirty grams of dried linden flowers pour two cups of boiling water and insist for an hour, then strain and add fifty grams of honey to the infusion. Wipe the skin with the resulting composition and rinse after fifteen minutes.
  • Recipe 2. Grind two egg yolks with one tablespoon of olive oil and add one tablespoon of warmed honey. Apply the composition to the skin and wash off after fifteen minutes.
  • Recipe 3. Mix the pulp of two avocados with the juice of three or four carrots, then add one teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Apply the composition to the skin and wash off after fifteen minutes.

Two to three weeks after returning from vacation, a tan may become gray shade. In this case, a light peeling of the skin should be carried out, which will help remove the dead layer and restore freshness to the tan. In addition to purchased, you can use homemade peels (sugar, salt or coffee).

Also, after a couple of weeks after the skin has tanned, you can start using self-tanning products to help maintain the resulting dark skin tone.

Self-tanning products should be used at least three to four times a week. IN modern means there are shimmering particles, gold dust, bronzer and other components that can refresh the tan and add radiance to the skin.


All nutritional recommendations for maintaining a tan are aimed at maintaining the water balance in the body, which will help protect the epidermis from drying out, as well as the accumulation of the necessary nutrients involved in the formation of dark pigment. These recommendations are quite simple:

  • drink at least one and a half liters of water per day;
  • include in the diet sea ​​fish, vegetable oils and nuts for the body to get the “right” fat to maintain the elasticity of the skin and some amino acids that support dark pigment. In addition, oils and nuts contain vitamin E, necessary for the body both before and after sunbathing;
  • continue to consume products with beta-keratin to activate the production of melanin. Such products are easily identified by their characteristic orange color: carrot, pumpkin, mango, peach, apricot, melon. Also a lot of beta-keratin is found in watermelon and spinach;
  • include in the menu the use of foods containing vitamin A, which helps the golden hue to remain on the skin long time. A lot of this vitamin is present in milk, eggs, butter, cheese, beef liver and tomatoes;
  • include in the menu the use of products containing vitamin C, which is a direct participant in the protection of the epidermis. It is found in all citrus fruits, strawberries, blackcurrant, tomatoes.

Tanning support with a visit to the solarium

It is not recommended to visit the solarium immediately after returning from vacation, as the tan is still fresh, and once again overdrying the skin is not worth it. It is better to start visiting the solarium after three to four weeks to maintain the resulting tone. Visits to the solarium for such purposes implies one session per week, lasting no more than five to seven minutes. This is enough to maintain the tan in the desired state without causing damage. skin. After visiting the solarium, be sure to moisturize the skin.

Factors contributing to the disappearance of sunburn

After the skin has acquired a beautiful dark uniform shade, should be given Special attention factors that can damage the tan, or accelerate its disappearance from the surface of the skin:

  1. Taking hot baths, visiting baths and saunas. The point is that when exposed to high temperatures, the upper layer of the epidermis softens and disappears along with the tan.
  2. The use of scrubs, hard washcloths, aggressive shower gels.
  3. Rubbing the skin with a towel after a shower. To preserve the tan, gently pat the skin of the body and face with a towel.
  4. The use of cosmetic or home remedies with a brightening effect or aimed at combating age spots. You should carefully read the composition of the products used for the body and face during and after tanning, and also be careful when using folk recipes. If the composition contains lemon, cucumber, aloe vera, their use may lead to light spots on the skin and spoil appearance tan.

Maintaining proper sun exposure necessary recommendations in preparation for and after tanning, careful selection of suitable cosmetic or home remedies and their systematic application will help not only to get an even, beautiful chocolate color skin, but also keep it for a long period of time.

Beautiful tan - It's not difficult, but it does require some preparation.. If you want to know how to keep your tan longer after the sea, our recommendations will help you keep your tan for a long time, even more than 3 months. We start preparing before we go to the sea.

The basis good tanproper nutrition for the active production of melanin by our body, which forms dark color skin.

It is also important to prepare the skin so that the tan goes on evenly and lasts as long as possible. Soft peels, scrubs and moisturizing will help us in this.

One of the main conditions for a lasting tan is protection against burns with reliable filters and gradualness.

To maintain a tan at home, you can resort to various proven recipes, which will be discussed below.

Nutrition for active melanin production

Before you know how to keep your tan longer after the sea, you need to understand what a tan is. In fact, this is a protective reaction of the skin to a sunburn. Skin cells produce melanin, the skin darkens. Everyone has this substance, to a greater or lesser extent.
It and determines the color of our skin, hair, iris. And the tan turns out to be more saturated in people whose body actively forms melanin. They tan very quickly and almost “do not burn out”. And their tan after the sea remains almost until next summer. Lucky, in a word. But not all is lost. The production of melanin can be activated. The amino acids tyrosine and the enzyme tyrosinase are involved in the formation of melanin.

In order for the tan to be saturated and to last as long as possible after the sea, it is necessary eat foods containing the above elements.

  • Butter, milk, kefir.
  • Seafood, fatty fish with omega acids.
  • Nuts, legumes, soy products.
  • Dates, bananas.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Olive oil.
  • Beef liver.
  • Eggs.

Skin preparation. Scrubbing. Moisturizing

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is essentially aggression, so the body begins the process of skin restoration. If the skin is poorly prepared, the tan will peel off quickly together with keratinized skin particles. For this to happen as late as possible, the skin must be smooth, without peeling. To do this, even before the start of the season, you need to prepare it well, do peeling, gentle scrubbing, then moisturize it well. We need to avoid.

If not do chemical peeling in bright and saturated sun, this can cause the formation of age spots.

Protecting the skin from harmful UV rays

  • Protective creams, sprays, emulsions.

Beauticians advise starting to sunbathe with 60 SPF protection, gradually reducing the degree of protection to 15 SPF. By the way, as part of sunscreens there is a so-called tanning prolongator.

And even despite the protection on the first day, sun exposure should not exceed 1 hour, but it is better to start with 20 minutes.

The duration of getting the first tan depends on the brightness and activity of the sun. The safest and effective time for sunbathing - early morning or evening. Then your tan after the sea will remain for a very long time.

A frequently made mistake of people who have reached the sea is to come in the very heat to get quick results. Even if you use protection, it is not enough. There is a danger of getting burned, and then goodbye beautiful even tan. It will start, and then you will begin to think what to do with this trouble. Therefore, gradualness and smoothness are important here.

  • Tan activator oil.

You can also use a tanning oil. He has enough low level protection, so it is best to use it when you are already slightly tanned. With the activator, the skin acquires a beautiful uniform tan.

Personal experience: The most beautiful and long-lasting tan is obtained when you are on the beach in the evenings, after 17:00. soft, gentle sun, air baths- and your tan will last for a long time.

How to keep a tan after the sea in the solarium

Tanning in the solarium different from the sun. And sunscreen is completely different. They do not protect against ultraviolet radiation, but help produce melanin, moisturize and nourish the skin.

In addition to supporting your skin, significantly increase the duration of the tan and contain an order to reduce the smell of the skin when tanning.

It becomes an alternative to a solarium.

Many have been using protective creams for Tan. But no less important after the beach even if you didn't receive sunburn, use:

  • special creams and after-sun balms.

They have the necessary prolongators to preserve the tan. also in similar means contains panthenol, it soothes the skin, glycerin in its composition perfectly moisturizes and nourishes.

  • fixative milk tan.

In such products, as a bonus, there are components that preserve the youthfulness of the skin. This tool also moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin, but most importantly, it activates and preserves your skin for a long time. beautiful tan.

During all summer season do not use active peels and scrubs. Only a soft washcloth with shower gels on oils. Sauna is contraindicated.

How to keep a tan for a long time at home

The skin after sunburn becomes more dry and rough. Her needs to be nourished from within take vitamins A, E, B and C daily.

First, the tan comes off the face and décolleté, where more soft skin She recovers faster. That's why avoid harsh cleansing lotions. IN summer time better stock up soft means for removal of cosmetics on the basis of oils.

11 chose

After returning from the resort, you want to keep the bronze skin tone longer. There are several simple ways do it.

You have probably noticed that a tan obtained at a seaside resort is much more intense: it looks brighter, but, alas, it lasts less. If you took sunbaths in your native latitudes, then the skin tone will not be so bronze, but it will last an order of magnitude longer. This is explained very simply: in the south, the sun burns much stronger and the skin receives a decent dose of radiation, even if you sunbathed according to all the rules. That is why sea ​​tan so dark. Over time, the body will try to renew the epidermis faster, which is why the southern tan fades so quickly. But there are ways to keep it. We'll talk about this.

Tanned skin tends to be dry. For the most part, it is for this reason that it starts to go off earlier than you would like. So if you want to prolong the life of your tan, stock up on a good body moisturizer. Usually such products have the prefix "super", "intensive" or "extra". Apply it several times a day when you feel tightness and always after water procedures, paying special attention to obviously dry areas of the body.

The simplest and the right way maintain a tan - just prolong it. For example, in the solarium. Of course, this option will have its opponents and supporters. Be that as it may, if you decide to visit the solarium, prepare for this procedure as expected. Namely: take a sunscreen with a small protection factor, such as 10 or 15 SPF. Before sunbathing in a solarium, it is better not to take a shower, so as not to wash off the protective lipid barrier of the epidermis. But the day before it is desirable to do good scrub for body. Although we will prolong the tan, in fact, we will receive a new portion of ultraviolet radiation and in order for it to lie more evenly, dead cells must be removed. After tanning, be sure to moisturize your skin with a soothing moisturizing lotion. The tanning time in a solarium depends on your skin type: 5 minutes will be enough for fair girls, 7 minutes for dark ones.

Another surefire way to keep your skin golden is to use a self-tanner. Just use the bronzing lotion once or twice a week. Of course, do not forget about the scrub the day before. By the way, for those young ladies who were previously afraid to use self-tanning or had an unsuccessful experience with it, it is best to make another attempt right now, when the skin is still tanned - any flaws will simply not be so noticeable.

In addition, modern self-tanners imitate the natural color of a tan so well that you can not be afraid to get too yellow or pink.

If you want to keep your tan, refrain from using whitening products - masks and peels. They remove the top layer of the skin, thereby literally erasing the tan. If the need for the use of such products is great, then be sure to purchase a powder with a tanning effect or a washable bronzate. By the way, they can be used not only on the face, but also on the body. For example, in the décolleté, neck and shoulders.

Sunburn can be fixed not only with the help of external means. Include as many foods high in vitamin A and antioxidants as possible in your diet. Drink more fresh carrot juice and wipe your face. You can also drink a course of multivitamins.

To save your tan, you should wait a while with a visit to the sauna and bath. After such procedures, the metabolism increases and the skin turns noticeably pale. And while taking baths, add a strong infusion of tea or coffee to the water - this helps to keep a dark shade.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

southern tan gives the body an incomparable attractiveness, so many annually ask the question: how to keep a tan after the sea for a long time without harm to health? There are many proven methods.

Proper nutrition

Saturation of the body will help to fix the tan nutrients, especially vitamins A and E. They not only eliminate Negative consequences effects of ultraviolet radiation (such as the production of free radicals), but also stimulate the activity of melanocytes to produce melanin, the dark pigment of the skin.

You can take special vitamins, but it's better to diversify the menu natural products rich in essential nutrients. These products include: liver, butter and vegetable oil, dairy foods, cheeses, broccoli, seafood, carrots, apricots, any vegetables and fruits of yellow, orange, red. It is advisable to add a little vegetable oil to vegetables: this way fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed.

Intensive moisturizing

After a beach holiday, our skin often suffers from a lack of moisture, so its cells die off and exfoliate faster. To keep the upper layers of the epidermis strong and elastic, you need to additionally moisturize the skin. The best option- After each sunbathing, use a milk or cream with a moisturizing effect.

When you return from vacation, you should also apply a moisturizer regularly. Often the composition of such products includes aloe vera and plant extracts - horsetail, arnica, witch hazel, citrus essential oils. These aromatic oils have the ability to retain moisture in the skin, thereby protecting it from overdrying. The face should be wiped with moisturizing tonics, for example, based on rose water. You can wash your face green tea, milk, wipe the skin with cream.

Skin nutrition

The body needs vitamin nourishment not only from the inside, but also from the outside. positive impact on the skin have domestic nourishing masks from oatmeal, eggs, honey: they saturate the cells upper layers epidermis with nutrients, protecting from damage and harmful toxins.

There are also special masks, which will help to keep the skin pigment unchanged for a long time, at the same time coloring the body in a dark shade.

Face masks to keep you tan

1. Tomato mask. Ingredients: cottage cheese (10 g), chopped tomatoes (10 g) and vegetable oil (5 g). The mask is kept on the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with water. For use on the body, you need to proportionally increase the number of components. You can do the procedure in the form of a wrap, which is much more convenient.

2. Carrot mask. used essential oil carrots or their juice, as well as olive oil and yolk in equal parts. This mask is recommended to be done twice a week. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. This will help keep your tan bright.

3. Coffee grounds mask. It is used similarly to the previous ones, but very finely ground coffee should be applied so as not to create a peeling effect.

4. Oregano mask. Grind the leaves and flowers of the plant, combine with honey and egg yolk(total - 100 g), apply to the body for 20 minutes.

5. Tea wash. You can not only wash your face with tea, but also freeze the drink in the form of ice cubes and wipe your skin daily. Cool tea baths are made for the body. Baths with the addition of henna and cinnamon have a similar effect.

In order to nourish and moisturize the skin, you can use any masks or wraps, the main thing is that their components do not have a whitening effect and do not contain large particles which can damage the top layer of the skin.


Perhaps the most reliable way keep a tan after the sea for a long time - visit solarium. If a month after returning from the sea to conduct sessions fake tan for 5-6 minutes once a week, the skin will retain the color that was brought from the southern countries.

In order not to be upset because of the instability of a tan, you should properly prepare for beach holiday. It is recommended even before a trip to the sea to thoroughly cleanse and exfoliate the skin with peeling, preferably in a beauty salon. The skin is pre-steamed and each area is well worked out with abrasive particles.

A tan obtained in this way will last longer: for a very short time you need to stay in the sun, and then relax on a sunbed in the shade. Under a light awning, the skin also absorbs ultraviolet, but the procedure is less harmful, and its effect is more durable.

There are also special cosmetics that prolong beautiful shade skin - the so-called lotions for intense tanning, but they are used precisely during sunbathing. Such products are sold in any cosmetics store.

Upon returning home, do not abuse hot baths, sauna, bath. Certainly, water procedures good for the skin, but for tanning they are enemy number one. After the holidays it is better to take cold and hot shower and do not rub the body too hard with a washcloth.