Whiten age spots on the face. Whitening age spots on the face at home. Homemade Yeast Mask Recipe

Reducing age spots at home 15 ways to remove age spots at home.

Reducing age spots at home

15 ways to remove age spots at home

1. Finely chop fresh parsley to make half a cup of aromatic mass. Pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave to infuse for about one hour. Then strain, add a little milk to the liquid and wipe your face before bed.

2. Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater or chop it in a blender. Apply the mass on your face and leave it on for 20-25 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water. This mask can be done a couple of times during the day.

3. Blot the age spots with fresh grapefruit juice.

4. A mask of crumpled fresh red currant berries is able to gradually remove age spots from your skin.

5. Prepare a mask from 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 15 drops ammonia... Stir well and apply to skin. Please note that it is not recommended to keep this mask on the face for more than 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

6. And this mask is recommended for those who are ready to withstand a slight burning sensation on the face for the sake of beauty. It is made from mustard powder. Dilute it in warm water to the consistency of thin sour cream. Please note that it is important to apply the mass only on age spots in order to avoid burns to unproblematic areas. Keep on your face up the appearance of a lung burning sensation and then wash off with warm water.

An obligatory procedure after a mustard mask is skin hydration.

7. Dilute fresh lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1:10. Wipe age spots with this lotion, and over time they will fade, and then completely disappear.

8. Daily washing with kefir can whiten age spots.

9. Self-made celandine lotion will also rid your skin of age spots. Brew 1 tablespoon of celandine in 150 grams of water, let it brew for an hour - and the lotion is ready.

10. In the fight against age spots, cosmetic clay effectively helps. Prepare a mask consisting of 1 tablespoon of white cosmetic clay, 1.5 teaspoon of baking soda, and 0.5 teaspoon of talcum powder. Add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Apply the mask on your face for no more than 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and, to avoid drying out the skin, lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

11. Dilute a little potato starch fresh lemon juice until thick sour cream. Apply it strictly to those places where the skin pigmentation is increased and leave it on for 25 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

12. Juice from viburnum berries effectively brightens age spots. You can freeze it and wipe your face with scented ice cubes every day.

13. An assistant in getting rid of age spots can be yeast mask... To prepare it, you will need 15-20 grams of yeast and 1.5 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice... Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

14. At your service and almonds. Pour about 20-25 nuts with 100 grams of boiling water, then grind them very finely, mix with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and apply on the skin for 20-25 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water and use a nourishing cream.

15. Summer mask to get rid of age spots: mix 1 tablespoon of celandine juice and dandelion juice. It is very important to lubricate with this solution only areas with increased pigmentation, otherwise healthy skin may burn.

In order for the treatment for age spots to bring a visible effect and for yellow or brown spots to leave you forever, do not abuse prolonged exposure to sunlight. The desire to sunbathe should be prohibited, because the sun's rays instead of a pleasant chocolate tan may well "decorate" the skin with unsightly spots. And the second time, if it won't be more difficult to get rid of them, then for sure.

Although the appearance of age spots on the body is more often associated with age, they can also appear in young people, for example, if they have any hormonal changes caused, for example, by pregnancy, or by taking medicines or the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Reasons for the appearance of age spots on the body

The appearance of age spots is primarily due to the fact that cells gradually lose the ability to interrupt the release of pigment, and this is more typical of older people.

The reasons for the appearance of age spots include:

  • female diseases in particular, inflammation or dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • pregnancy;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • violations in the function of the liver or biliary tract;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body;
  • unsuitable creams and ointments;
  • contact with the skin of foreign substances;
  • skin trauma.

Solar radiation also contributes to the appearance of age spots, especially for fair-skinned people. The individual properties of the skin can lead to the appearance of age spots when southern tan even with the use of special milk, or products for an even tan.

Pigmentation is often the result improper care behind the skin, when it is unskillfully or unreasonably often cleaned with peels and scrubs, colognes or perfume are applied to its exposed areas. If a pigment spot is found on the body, first of all, one should abandon prolonged exposure to the sun, and after that, tackle its elimination. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find a drug to whiten age spots.

Whitening age spots

In addition to whitening creams and other cosmetic preparations, there are proven folk remedies. And if they do not help, you should turn to laser treatment.

Folk remedies for bleaching age spots

At home, age spots are whitened using folk remedies such as lemon or grapefruit juice, chopped radish, parsley or cucumber, milkweed and dandelion juice, dairy products.


Apply at home and a number medications, including salicylic acid, kaolin, hydrogen peroxide, as well as lactic, benzoic, acetic acids.

If the stains are very dark, they can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide. For this purpose, a special compress is prepared, consisting of dough mixed with two to three tablespoons of flour and peroxide instead of water. This cake should be applied to the stain for a quarter of an hour, and at the end of the procedure, rinse the place with water.

If three days of such procedures do not lighten the age spots, the treatment should be made more severe. A napkin, directly dipped in peroxide, is already placed on the problem area, and removed after a quarter of an hour. The place is thoroughly washed with water. A similar compress is put on for a week and a half, and resumes after a week's break.

Whitening masks

Whitening masks are also used for age spots, which are quite in an efficient way clarification, however, requiring use in combination with other methods of treatment.

The most popular is lemon juice mask... Lemon juice extracted from half a lemon should be mixed with a tablespoon of starch and the resulting gruel should be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin for a quarter of an hour.

This mask is not suitable for all skin types and if you feel some discomfort, wash it off enough water and treat the area of ​​application of the mask with vegetable oil. If the procedure is carried out without any alarming symptoms, you should do this mask three times a week.

Aggressive and effective garlic-based mask is contraindicated for sensitive skin, so first assess the condition. To prepare this mask, gruel from two cloves of garlic is mixed with a tablespoon of sour cream and the mixture is applied to the place on the skin that is supposed to be whitened. The mask should be washed off after ten minutes, but if the burning sensation on the skin begins to be felt earlier, the mask should be washed off immediately.


The most effective preparation for bleaching age spots is ammonia, and to prepare a mask, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide is mixed with a teaspoon of shavings. baby soap and four drops of ammonia. A cotton swab is dipped into the resulting liquid and applied to the desired place with a thick layer. The product should not get on healthy skin, because if it lightens it too, it will be even worse. The mask is kept for no more than twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with water and the skin is lubricated pigment cream... Such a mask is applied no more than twice a week, if more often, the skin condition may worsen.

Facial skin on which cosmetic defects have appeared requires special care... Home remedies help lighten age spots on the face, restore natural color skin, to rejuvenate the epithelial tissue. Masks are quickly and easily prepared at home from natural products.

Types of age spots

Means for removing pigmentation are chosen depending on the type cosmetic defect... There are 4 types of age spots that form on the skin:

  • chloasma;
  • lentigo;
  • moles;
  • freckles.


Chloasmas are pigmented formations colored in brown shades. Smooth spots are different in shape, size, color, shape. They occur mainly in women during the period of bearing a child. Such formations are usually not eliminated. After the baby is born, pigmentation disappears without a trace.

If chloasma is not associated with pregnancy, internal organs should be examined. Gynecological diseases lead to the formation of brown spots, oral contraceptives, liver disease, excessive exposure to direct sunlight.

The pigmentation disappears after the root cause is eliminated. The doctor, having identified the provoking factor, prescribes the appropriate treatment. Chloasma cannot be eliminated by cosmetic methods.


Consolidated dark brown or brown spots that rise above the skin are called lentigo. Formations of various sizes with oval, oblong or round shape sharply delineated. They scatter on the face, capturing small or large areas of the skin.

The appearance of lentigo is influenced by age-related changes in the human body. There are 2 types of stains:

  1. Baby lentigo. Formations occur in children under 10 years of age. Then they spontaneously disappear. Baby lentigo is not treated.
  2. Senile lentigo. Pigmentation develops in old age. The diameter of the spots reaches 2 cm. They get rid of such age spots on the face in beauty salons.


Nevi are pigmented formations of different shape and size. Spots of red and pink shades are formed from blood and lymph vessels. They are difficult to remove and treat.

Dark formations develop under the influence of melanin, a pigment substance that is synthesized in the body in excess. It is forbidden to get rid of them at home.

Not every mole will agree to be removed in a beauty salon. The procedure can lead to grave consequences threatening health.


A scattering of reddish-brown small specks on a woman's face is considered an ornament. However, not every owner of freckles is ready to put up with their presence. Pigmentation appears under the influence sun rays or UV radiation in light-skinned people.

Freckles appear on the skin of the face and hands in the spring. In autumn, the spots begin to fade. Throughout the cold period, they remain barely noticeable or disappear without a trace until spring.

It is impossible to remove freckles forever. Such pigmentation is lightened with home or pharmacy remedies. Under their influence, the spots become almost invisible. Freckles are prevented by shielding the skin from UV rays.

Pharmacy preparations

Age spots help to whiten pharmacy products... The pigment disintegrates under the influence of:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia and boric alcohol;
  • white clay;
  • peach seed oils.

From pharmacy products prepare the following whitening compositions:

Facial cleaning products

To successfully whiten pigmented skin, plant extracts are used. They are prepared like this:

Plant extracts dry out the epithelium. After applying them, the face should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Masks as a treatment

Masks for whitening brown spots on the face are done twice a week. The brightening compositions are left on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off home cosmetics with herbal infusions or plain water... The treatment ends with the application of a moisturizing cream.

Fresh cucumber mask

Cucumber is an effective natural skin whitener... Use the vegetable in pure form or mixed with other ingredients:

  1. The cucumber is turned into gruel, spread on the problem area.
  2. Cucumber gruel is combined with olive oil, commercially available nourishing cream or lemon juice. The components are taken in equal amounts. The mixture is applied to the pigmented areas.
  3. Juice from 1 cucumber is combined with 15 ml of aloe juice, 15 ml of dandelion infusion, 15 ml of parsley, 1 teaspoon of cream. The herbs are brewed separately. Take 1 tablespoon of raw materials for 250 ml of boiling water. Give plant extracts infuse for 30 minutes. The ingredients are combined, mixed. A napkin with slits for the eyes is impregnated in the solution, applied to the face. The mask cleanses the skin, accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium, and whitens.
  4. Take 1 tablespoon of cucumber gruel, add 5 ml castor oil, 5 ml of lemon juice (or 15 ml of kefir). The mixture is spread on pigmented skin.

Parsley and lemon mask

Take 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, liquid honey and finely chopped parsley, mix thoroughly. The mass is applied to areas with pigmentation.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

Burdock oil mixed with hydrogen peroxide solution eliminates uneven pigmentation. It is prepared according to this recipe: add 3 drops of peroxide to 6 ml of oil, 3 ml apple cider vinegar... The mask is washed off with rosehip extract (1 tablespoon of fruits is brewed in 250 ml of boiling water, kept for 15 minutes, filtered).

Berry masks

Yeast mask with grapefruit juice

Yeast masks brighten and rejuvenate the skin, making it velvety and smooth. To prepare a product with a whitening effect, use the following folk recipe.

To 10 ml of grapefruit juice add 15 g of baker's yeast. Place the container with the mixture in a saucepan with hot water... Leave for 2-3 minutes. Apply a mass to the problem area.

Anti-age spots cream

Cosmetics can lighten age spots and regulate melanin production. Pick up suitable remedy the doctor helps. The whitening cream is applied to problem areas after using the scrub. It exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis, thanks to which the cream penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium, more effectively destroys the pigment. However, this is not a prerequisite.

The following products have good brightening properties:

Pharmacy, cosmetic and home remedies with a whitening effect even out the complexion, discolor age spots, smooth out irregularities on the skin, eliminate spider veins... To obtain a lasting effect, they should be used regularly for 2-3 months.

Every girl wants to have smooth and velvety skin, but this is not always the case. No one is immune from the appearance of age spots, they are formed by absolutely different reasons... It is important to learn how to perform cosmetic procedures on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists.

The reasons for the formation of age spots:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • improper antibiotic treatment or long-term use;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the consequences of the treatment of burns, eczema, pyoderma;
  • long and regular exposure to the sun, visit to the solarium;
  • smoking;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • abuse of coffee;
  • neglect of products containing SPF filters.

Lotions for bleaching age spots

Replace your regular facial lotion with one prepared according to folk recipes... Wipe your skin 4 times a day for 2 months. If the result is insufficient, increase the duration to 2.5 months.

Milk lotion

  • kefir - 30 ml.
  • milk - 30 ml.
  • chamomile - 25 gr.
  • chopped sea salt - 20 gr.

Brew chamomile in 70 ml. boiling water, add salt and leave for half an hour, strain through cheesecloth. Pour in milk and kefir, wet in the mixture cotton pad and wipe your face. Pay attention to spots and freckles, you can leave the mixture on for 5 minutes. At the end of the procedure, treat the skin with cubes cosmetic ice... Store the lotion in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

Cucumber lotion

  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.
  • vodka - 50 gr.
  • cognac - 50 gr.

Grind the cucumber in a blender or food processor, add oil and alcohol. Cover with a lid, place in the cabinet for 3 days. After the time has elapsed, strain, wipe your face no more than 2 times a day.

Lemon Lotion

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • linden - 20 gr.
  • plantain - 20 gr.
  • thyme - 10 gr.
  • birch sap - 15 ml.
  • glycerin - 5 ml.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Steam linden, plantain, thyme 90 ml. boiled water, pour in the birch sap. Insist for about 4 hours, strain through cheesecloth or a colander, drip lemon juice and glycerin. Treat your face with a moistened cosmetic swab for 7 minutes. Pour the composition into a dark container, close the lid. Shake the bottle well before use. You can use lemon wedges for 1-2 minutes.

Greenery lotion

  • dill - 50 gr.
  • parsley - 50 gr.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • vodka - 60 gr.
  • sage - 25 gr.
  • oak bark - 40 gr.
  • calendula solution - 30 ml.

Chop the parsley and dill, pour in 120 ml. hot water... Pour 100 ml of plants into another container. warm water, put on the stove. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, chop the zest in a blender and add to the boiling broth, simmer the composition for 20 minutes. Mix 2 solutions, strain through cheesecloth, pour in vodka and calendula.

Nettle lotion

  • nettle - 30 gr.
  • linden leaves - 20 gr.
  • cornflower - 20 gr.
  • willow bark - 25 gr.

Place the herbs in a glass container, pour over boiling water and wait 35 minutes. Pour into a dark bottle, leave for 5 days. Treat age spots with a moistened cosmetic swab.

Aspirin lotion

  • acetylsalicylic acid - 8 tablets
  • mineral water - 65 ml.
  • lemon juice - 25 ml.

Crush aspirin tablets between two scoops or in another convenient way. Cover them with water and add lemon juice. Wet a cotton pad, wipe the age spots for 3-5 minutes, then spend 1 minute on the entire skin of your face. Pour into a container, put in a dark cabinet. Store no longer than 21 days.

Herbal lotion

  • raspberry leaves - 20 gr.
  • wormwood - 25 gr.
  • yarrow - 10 gr.
  • aloe juice - 30 ml.
  • field horsetail - 10 gr.
  • celandine - 25 gr.

Brew herbs in 120 ml. hot water, wait 40 minutes. Add aloe juice, treat the skin with a cosmetic swab. Store the composition for no longer than 30 days.

Masks are applied to the face after using lotions. The recommended duration of use is 2 months. The frequency of use is 4 times a week.

Berry mask

  • lingonberry - 25 gr.
  • cranberries - 15 gr.
  • raspberries - 20 gr.
  • black currant - 20 gr.
  • red currant - 10 gr.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.

Grind the berries in a blender or use a fork, add gelatin, wait a quarter of an hour. Cover your face, apply a larger amount of the mixture to age spots. Wait 1 hour, rub with cosmetic ice.

Kiwi mask

  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 35 gr.
  • liquid honey - 35 ml.
  • linseed bran - 25 gr.
  • celandine - 25 gr.

Brew celandine in 70 ml. boiling water, wait 40 minutes. Pour in the gelatin and bran, mix thoroughly, wait another half hour. Remove the peel from the kiwi, mash the fruit with a fork, add honey and microwave for 20 seconds. Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous composition, cover the skin with a mass, lie down to rest for 50 minutes.

Yeast mask

  • liquid yeast - 25 ml.
  • grapefruit juice - 20 ml.
  • lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • oats - 25 gr.

Combine grapefruit and lemon juice with gelatin, wait 15 minutes. Pour 45 ml of oats. hot water, wait 1 hour. Soak a cotton pad in a solution of oats, wipe the skin, add the grain to the mask. Cover your face with the mixture, put cling film on top, and hold for 50 minutes.

Oil mask

  • burdock oil - 15 ml.
  • corn oil - 25 ml.
  • patchouli ether - 3 ml.
  • orange ether - 4 ml.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.

Add gelatin to oils and esters, pour in 10 ml. mineral water... Soak for a quarter of an hour, apply the mass, wait 45 minutes.

  • glycerin - 15 ml.
  • green apple - 0.5 pcs.
  • gelatin - 16 gr.
  • potato starch - 8 gr.
  • kefir - 35 ml.

Grind the apple on a grater, add starch and glycerin. Soak gelatin in kefir, let it brew for 25 minutes, mix with the first composition. Apply to skin, place cling film on top and rest for 45 minutes.

Lemon mask

  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • chicken protein - 1 pc.
  • honey - 35 r.
  • sugar - 25 gr.
  • coarse oatmeal - 25 gr.
  • blackberries - 3 berries

Grind the lemon in a food processor or meat grinder, beat the protein with a mixer. Mash the blackberries with a fork, mash them with honey and sugar, add the flakes. If there is not enough liquid, add water to obtain a viscous consistency. Combine all the ingredients and create a mask, paying attention to freckles and age spots. Keep the mixture for 40 minutes.

Bell pepper mask

  • bell pepper- 40 gr.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 65 gr.
  • sour cream - 35 gr.
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 5 ml.

Grind pepper and lemon in a convenient way (meat grinder, food processor, blender), add cottage cheese and sour cream. Apply and keep on for 50 minutes. Wipe the age spots with peroxide using gauze or cotton pad, rinse your face with cold water.

Parsley mask

  • rye flour - 25 gr.
  • fresh parsley - 45 gr.
  • sour cream - 65 gr.
  • sage - 15 gr.
  • castor oil - 25 ml.
  • honey - 35 gr.

Chop the parsley, mix it with sour cream, flour and butter. Brew sage in 45 ml. hot water, add honey and stir immediately, leave for 40 minutes. Combine the components, make a mask, and leave for 50 minutes.

Orange mask

  • honey - 100 gr.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • dill - 25 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • White onion- 0.5 pcs.

Pass the orange through a meat grinder, remove the husk from the onion and do the same. Grate the cucumber along with the seeds and peel, add it to the onion and orange porridge. Mash the banana with a fork, chop the dill and mix the ingredients with the honey. Combine the ingredients into one mass, cover your face. Place cheesecloth on top, leave for 50 minutes.

The products can be prepared daily, but it is important to observe the indicated holding times. Compresses do not completely remove age spots, they lighten them and make them less noticeable. It is recommended to use in combination with masks and combine recipes with each other, making 2 compresses in turn.

Sauerkraut compress

  • sauerkraut - 100 gr.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • oat bran - 50 gr.
  • quail egg- 1 PC.
  • chamomile broth - 15 ml.

Chop cabbage and tomato in a food processor or meat grinder, add bran. Beat the quail egg. Prepare 1 rectangular piece of gauze, moisten it in chamomile broth, wait a quarter of an hour and squeeze. Place the cabbage, tomato and bran first, and the egg second. Fold over the edges, place the compress on your face, press firmly. Wait half an hour, turn over the other side, hold for 10 minutes. Remove with water and rub skin with ice.

Curd compress

  • fat cottage cheese - 120 gr.
  • kefir - 70 gr.
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 20 ml.

Combine the components, place on cheesecloth and wrap. Place the compress on your face, hold for half an hour, rinse your skin with melt water.

Garlic compress

  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Crush the garlic, grate the cucumber along with the peel and seeds, beat the egg. Grind the lemon in a food processor without removing the zest. Soak gelatin in 40 ml. water, wait half an hour, then add to the garlic-cucumber mixture. Take cheesecloth, put lemon in the first row, egg, cucumber, garlic in the second. Wrap it well to keep the mixture from spilling out. Place on face, hold for 30 minutes, flip to the other side after a quarter of an hour.

Tired of dealing with age spots? Avoid excessive amounts of black coffee, always dilute it with milk. Include meat, fish and vegetables in the diet, drink vitamins. Make a compress every day, observing the holding time, do not forget about the masks. Replace your lotion with homemade recipes, you can mix as needed.

Video: Chinese mask for age spots

Beautiful, healthy, natural, solid color faces - one of critical indicators grooming at any age. Even the most skillful makeup will not hide the defects associated with it: pallor, blemishes, excessive redness, spider veins, pigmentation, crimson and hot pink acne, strong tan.

Diseases, unhealthy diet, bad habits, uncontrolled use cosmetics- all these factors spoil the complexion, which betrayed the woman's age. If you want to prolong youth, always look fresh, you need to make sure that these unpleasant defects disappear. Exists a large number of methods of how to whiten your skin at home so that its color becomes even, natural, beautiful and healthy.

Ways to whiten your face at home

When women are faced with a problem: how to whiten their face at home without resorting to salon procedures, for many, the only solution is the regular use of a special store cream... In fact, there are many other ways to make your complexion natural and beautiful, without age spots, red-eerie tan, stagnation and other troubles.

In particular, you can quickly whiten your skin with cosmetics. homemade... To do this, you will have to stock up not only with medicinal herbs, but also with essential oils, so aroma and phytotherapy in this matter are your faithful assistants. Choosing the most the best way for your skin - only for you.

  1. Whitening compresses cosmetic oils, fruit and berry juices, medicinal herbs... You can use it every other day.
  2. Lotions based on cucumber juice, vodka, alcohol, honey. Used daily.
  3. Whitening masks and scrubs made from parsley, cucumber, hydrogen peroxide and other products that can lighten the skin. Used 1-2 times every 7-10 days.
  4. Creams made from lanolin, glycerin, beeswax and cosmetic oils with a whitening effect.
  5. Ethers: tea tree, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, juniper and others.

Effective whitening of facial skin at home is quite possible if you choose correctly the right remedy... You should not use everyone in a row, but you can take some of them into service to tidy up your complexion and finally get rid of all kinds of pigmentation. Be sure to pick up a couple of recipes to solve your problem and start practicing home cosmetology in the fight for clean, even, beautiful skin. Each tool will have its own characteristics in the application.


To whiten your face after sunburn, it is best to use special cream home made. Its advantage is that it can be applied daily 2-3 times a day, which means that the problem will go away in a matter of days. Besides, this remedy copes well with freckles, which are especially active in the sun.

Choose a cream recipe and enjoy the result. Just pay attention to the fact that bleaching oils (almond, grape seed, jojoba).

  • With lemon

Any creams with lemon always have a whitening effect, since this fruit is a kind of champion in the destruction of the most complex pigments. Melt almond oil (3 tablespoons) in a water bath, add glycerin (a teaspoon), chamomile broth (2 teaspoons), lemon juice (5 drops), essential oil tea tree (3 drops).

  • With lanolin

Dissolve 15 grams of lanolin, add 50 grams of grape seed oil, 1 tbsp. l. chopped cucumber. Cover the mixture with foil, keep in a water bath for an hour. Stir, strain, beat thoroughly.

Homemade cream is always effective, fast, high-quality whitening of the face skin from age spots. of various origins, sunburn and other troubles. Try it once - and you will no longer be able to refuse its amazing action.

If the cream can be applied daily, a couple of times a week it is worth arranging deeper whitening procedures for the skin - with the help of masks.


The most popular way to whiten age spots on your face at home is to seek help regularly. cosmetic masks homemade (a couple of times a week).

  • With kaolin

Kaolin is the best whitening clay for the face (white). Dilute 1 tables. a spoonful of it cosmetic powder cucumber juice so that a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. Add chopped lemon pulp (1 teaspoon). Action time - no more than 15 minutes. Instead of cucumber juice, you can use strawberry juice or squeezed parsley.

  • With hydrogen peroxide

Pigmented spots can be quickly lightened and removed with hydrogen peroxide if included in whitening masks. Homemade sour cream and cottage cheese (per table. L.), Peroxide (tea. L.) Are mixed with each other.

Home-made skin brightening masks with my own hands, will differ significantly from the store ones in their naturalness and quick effect... Be sure to use these folk remedies to eliminate pigmentation.

If you have no time to deal with masks and creams, prepare a lotion - and whitening your face after sunburn, post-acne and rosacea will become a feasible task in a matter of days.


Homemade lotions are great because they are daily face whitening products. However, unlike creams, they have a light, airy consistency and do not leave the skin feeling greasy and greasy.

  • Lactic

Add lemon juice (1 table spoon) to sour milk (3 tablespoons). The result is a wonderful homemade whitening serum for the face.

  • Vodka

Mixable 100 ml grape juice, 1 tsp. lies. melted honey and table salt, 75 ml of vodka.

Any self-made whitening lotion should be refrigerated for no more than 2 weeks if it is alcohol-based. Otherwise, the life of this cosmetic product is significantly shortened - only up to 3-4 days. At the same time, it is good to know that alcohol-based face whitening lotions are undesirable for dry and sensitive skin. For them, scrubs are contraindicated, although they also do an excellent job with pigmentation.


The whitening scrub is good because it affects the deepest layers of the skin, which none of the above cosmetics can reach. This means that it destroys the pigment where other folk masterpieces are powerless. In parallel, the scrub will also perform its main function - to cleanse the pores from impurities.

  • With parsley

Whitening scrub with parsley leaves the skin fresh and beautiful, natural color. Grind fresh herbs (2 tablespoons), sprinkle it small amount salt (incomplete teaspoon), leave the composition until the juice is released. Rub the whole mass together with juice into the skin for a minute or a half.

  • With lemon

4 tbsp are mixed. lies. yogurt, 1 table. l. melted honey, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice. Add flour or cornstarch until thick.

Be sure to use one of the above recipes for folk remedies to whiten your face from age spots, freckles, sunburn, post-acne and other troubles that worsen your complexion. All kinds of homemade creams, masks, lotions and scrubs are several times more effective and more useful than any even the most branded cosmetics.


Homemade recipes for age spots

Pigmented spots are dark areas of skin that appear on the body or face. For example, freckles birthmarks, spider veins, chloasma, etc. The reasons for their occurrence are a violation of pigmentation processes or excessive accumulation of melanin. This is due to a long stay in the open sun, improper diet, frequent stress, disruptions in the endocrine system, gynecological pathologies, vitamin deficiency, etc.

Homemade products for bleaching age spots will help lighten non-aesthetic areas of the skin. These products include: masks, compresses and lotions. Before using them, it is advisable to consult with a specialist - beautician or dermatologist.

Homemade masks against age spots

You can get rid of age spots on the face with masks prepared at home from improvised products and tools. The main thing in their use is regularity. Besides, essential has your skin type.

Masks for normal skin

Owners normal type skin, to whiten age spots, it is recommended to use the following recipes:

  1. Mix together 2 tsp. fresh kefir, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 5 drops unrefined olive oil... Application time: 15 minutes.
  2. 1 tsp dry yeast, dilute with 2 tsp. warm milk. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice. Application time: 15 minutes.
  3. Grate the bell pepper on a fine grater, add a few drops of olive oil to it and stir. Application time: 20-30 minutes.
  4. 2 tbsp. l. mix honey with 1 tsp. grapefruit juice and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Application time: 10-15 minutes.

You can enhance the effect of masks with the juice of sour apples, currants and strawberries.

Masks for oily skin

Such skin, along with age spots, often suffers from purulent inflammation, enlarged pores and excess sebum. The following homemade masks will help to even out the tone of the face:

  1. Mix together 1 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese, 10 drops of ammonia and 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Application time: 15 minutes.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, 1 tsp. lemon juice, beaten egg white and stir. You should get a thick mixture. Application time: 10-15 minutes.
  3. 1 tsp liquid honey, 1 tsp. table vinegar(it is better to take apple) and 1 tsp. mix lemon juice together. Application time: 20-25 minutes.
  4. Peel the fresh cucumber and grate on a fine grater. Mix it with cosmetic clay or oat flour to make a thick mixture. Application time: 15-20 minutes.
  5. Mix 1 tsp. baking soda and white clay. Add 0.5 tsp to them. Dilute talc and hydrogen peroxide until thick. Very effective but aggressive mask... Application time: 10 minutes.

Masks for dry skin

This type of skin is most commonly dehydrated and irritated. Unlike oily skin, dry reacts more strongly to aggressive ingredients, so masks must be selected very carefully. Basically, the compositions should be dominated by dairy products and honey. To whiten dry skin, do not use hydrogen peroxide and fruit acids in its purest form.

  1. Peel the cucumber and pass through a fine grater. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. natural yoghurt or heavy cream. The mask has a very mild effect, so it can be used even on the skin around the eyes. Application time: 15-20 minutes.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. liquid honey with 20 drops of lemon juice. Honey softens the effect of lemon, so the mask is not terrible for dry skin. Application time: 15 minutes.
  3. Fold a clean piece of gauze in several layers. Soak it in whey or yogurt. Put the gauze on your face. Application time: 20 minutes.
  4. Take 1 tsp. unripe black currants and crush well with a spoon. Mix the resulting gruel with 1 tsp. liquid honey. The mask should be applied pointwise, that is, only on age spots. Application time: 20 minutes.

After such masks, you can rinse your face. sour milk or a decoction of parsley.

Masks for irritated and sensitive skin

If peeling and redness often appear on the face, then gentle whitening masks should be done. These include:

  1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Application time: 20 minutes.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. mix soft cottage cheese with cucumber juice. Apply the mask to your face and cover it with gauze soaked in cucumber juice. Application time: 15-20 minutes.
  3. Gently peel the ripe tomato and mash until it becomes mushy. Add a few drops of lemon juice there. Application time: 15 minutes.
  4. Take cheesecloth and fold in several layers. Dip it in fresh milk. Application time: 20 minutes.

Despite the recipe chosen, make masks regularly - 2-3 times a week. The first result can be seen in 1-2 weeks. As practice shows, masks are much safer. salon procedures, moreover, the result often lasts much longer.

Home compresses

The problem of how to whiten your face can be dealt with with home compresses. The following recipes have proven themselves well:

1. Compress based on cottage cheese

5 tbsp. l. cottage cheese must be grated into a homogeneous mass and add 5 drops of ammonia to it. The mixture should be applied exclusively to age spots. Cover the mixture with gauze and cling film. The compress should be kept for 15 minutes. Can be done twice a week.

Do not be alarmed if during the procedure you feel a slight burning sensation, this is the effect of ammonia. Redness may also occur afterwards.

2. Compress on sauerkraut

Squeeze the juice out of the cabbage and moisten the cheesecloth in it. The fabric should be applied to the pigmentation and wait 30 minutes. Moisten the cheesecloth periodically to keep it from drying out.

Such a compress is not aggressive and has a gentle effect on the skin. It can be done every day.

3. Kefir compress

In 2 tbsp. l. fatty kefir add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide (3%). The compress should only be applied to age spots. Then cover with gauze and plastic. Wait 10-15 minutes. To achieve the result, apply the compress 2-3 times a week.

Lotions for face

How to lighten pigmented areas of skin with homemade lotions? To do this, you can use various products - apples, radishes, parsley, cucumber, citrus fruits, berries, etc. Recipes:

1. Parsley lotion

Wash the parsley and chop finely. Pour boiling water over it and leave for about 30 minutes. Wipe your face with the resulting broth every day.

There is also another recipe. Chop 200 g of parsley in a blender and cover with vodka (150g). You need to insist in a cold place for 5 days. Then strain and pour in the juice of half a lemon. With this tool, you need to wipe your face every other day.

2. Cucumber lotion

Wash and chop fresh cucumber thoroughly. Pour in vodka (50 g) and leave in a dark place for a week. After the specified time, strain and dilute with water (1: 1). Wipe your face every other day.

3. Berry lotions

The pigment can be bleached with cranberry, red and black currant, strawberry, strawberry and viburnum juice. Mash the berries well and apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do it 2 times a week.

4. Citrus lotions

Only freshly squeezed juices should be used. Dilute the juice with water (1: 1). Apply the lotion to your face and rinse off after 15 minutes. It is enough to do it twice a week.

Whitening age spots with home remedies takes time. Instant result impossible to receive. To speed up the effect of whitening products, use our tips:

  1. Before applying a mask, compress or lotion, cleanse your face and use a scrub. You can also steam your face.
  2. The procedures should be carried out in the evening.
  3. All bleaching mixtures must be washed off with cool water, and then applied in a thick layer. nutritious cream.
  4. Try to stay less under the rays of the scorching sun.
  5. Adjust your diet. Replenish your diet with plant foods and minimize the use of unhealthy foods.
  6. Take vitamins PP and C.
  7. Each composition must be tested for skin sensitivity before application.

It often happens that whitening procedures do not work. Perhaps this is due to a health condition. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination for the presence of diseases. endocrine system, liver and female genital organs.

Precautionary measures

As such, there are no contraindications to whitening procedures at home. But nevertheless, you should not use whitening products in the following cases:

There are many remedies to whiten your face from age spots at home. The most important thing in achieving a goal is regularity.


How to whiten age spots on the face at home

If you, while going to whiten age spots, do not eliminate the causes of them, then cosmetic procedures will not give great effect... What is recommended to do:

  • Clean up the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eliminate products that provoke the appearance of stains.
  • Add vitamins.
  • Limit exposure to sunlight.
  • Cleanse the skin with steam baths.

It is important to choose the right time to whiten your face at home. Procedures in the fall, with less sun activity, give the best effect. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Chemical peeling. Renews the top layer of the skin. Make a gruel from one part borax, five parts water. Apply to skin until dry, then rinse. Perform 5 treatments, one per week.
  2. Brightening face masks. The composition includes citrus and rosemary oils, hydrogen peroxide, clay. They use natural products: lemon, parsley, cucumber.

Daily grooming is essential to sustaining success. Use homemade whitening lotions, parsley and cucumber toners. Wipe your face ice cubes from decoctions of parsley, rice. All these tools will help you to lighten freckles on your own, get rid of pigmentation. You can tidy up your face, make your skin light, fresh and well-groomed.


It is advisable to apply brightening masks once every 3 days for 15 minutes. Whitening facial skin with hydrogen peroxide is the most effective method... To four tablespoons of cottage cheese add 6 drops of the composition, yolk, a teaspoon of honey. Another recipe: Mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to do a test to rule out burns. Use hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of no more than 3%. Rinse off the mask, moisturize the skin.


The bleaching face cream from age spots, due to the fact that it is applied at night, has a long-lasting effect on the skin. It is absorbed for a long time, penetrates into its deep layers. Make a skin whitening cream at home. At the base - 3 tablespoons almond oil... Add 2 tsp. decoction of chamomile, one glycerin, 5 drops of lemon juice, tea tree oil. Warm up in a water bath.

Sun whitening

Even if you hide under a hat while on vacation, it is possible that your skin will darken or your tan will become uneven. How to whiten your face after sunburn? Affordable remedy- curdled milk. Apply it every night for twenty minutes. Natural bleach - lemon juice will quickly brighten your skin. Apply, leave to dry, then rinse off. Face whitening with lemon gives very fast results.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes for whitening your face at home. Prepare lotions. Vodka is their main ingredient. Add to 100 milliliters one and a half tablespoons of juice from fresh cucumbers, one lemon juice. Use daily. There is another option. Grind 3 tablespoons of parsley, put them in a half liter bottle of vodka. Incubate 15 days in the dark. Strain, use in the morning and evening.

Set up a beauty salon at home using simple recipes whitening face masks. All their components are natural, readily available and cheap. Half a glass of sour milk with a handful of oatmeal will allow you to make not only a mask, but at the same time a soft scrub. Apply the composition with light circular motions, gently massaging, and hold for 15 minutes.

Good results are obtained using clay masks. In this case, its color does not matter. It doesn't matter if it is white, green or pink, the main active ingredient in it is kaolin. For a whitening effect, the clay is brought to a pasty state by adding the following components:

  • parsley juice, cucumber;
  • rosemary oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • citrus oils.

Special bleaching agents

How to make your face white using special products? Firms developing cosmetic preparations for skin whitening, offer serums, ointments and creams. Using them gives nice results however, not all ingredients in the formulations are safe. If you are going to use these products, see a beautician. He will make tests for allergies, select the drugs that are suitable for your skin.

How to whiten acne spots on your face

Acne blemishes are a problem for women of all ages. Beauty salons offer expensive procedures, but the problem is easy to deal with at home. When bleaching acne spots, it is important that the composition is applied pointwise to the problem area, kept for 15 minutes, and washed off. To make the traces less noticeable, use:

  • whitening masks;
  • aloe juice, parsley;
  • kefir;
  • lemon;
  • clay.

Find out how to choose the right cream for age spots.

Video: how to quickly whiten facial skin at home

Watch the video and you will see that making a whitening face mask at home is very simple. You will find out how available the ingredients for its manufacture are, learn about the effect of each on the skin. Receive step by step instructions how to make a mask by mixing the ingredients correctly. You will have guaranteed success from its application, the skin will be whitened in several procedures.


Valeria, 27 years old

I returned from a ski resort, where I had to wear a turtleneck sweater all the time. The face darkened, but the neck remained light. I rubbed my skin with lemon juice in the evenings. I applied homemade whitening cream at night. The skin lightened very quickly, I now wear any clothes, even with an open neck. I recommend this easy bleaching method.

Anna, 32 years old

I was delighted with the vacation in Goa, but my face sunburned unevenly. I panicked - how to go to work like this? Thank you, a friend advised me to make masks with hydrogen peroxide. I had soda at home, I bought 3% peroxide at the pharmacy. The recipe is simple, but the skin color evened out very quickly. Girls, I highly recommend this remedy to everyone.

Galina, 45 years old

I have cured acne after a serious illness. Only dark traces remained, which gave me discomfort. The beautician recommended making point masks. I bought essential rosemary oil, green clay at the pharmacy. I did masks every other day. Now my face is clean and even, I feel confident. I advise you to use this method.


Lotions for bleaching age spots

Replace your regular facial lotion with a folk remedy. Wipe your skin 4 times a day for 2 months. If the result is insufficient, increase the duration to 2.5 months.

Milk lotion

  • kefir - 30 ml.
  • milk - 30 ml.
  • chamomile - 25 gr.
  • chopped sea salt - 20 gr.

Brew chamomile in 70 ml. boiling water, add salt and leave for half an hour, strain through cheesecloth. Pour in milk and kefir, soak a cotton pad in the mixture and wipe your face. Pay attention to spots and freckles, you can leave the mixture on for 5 minutes. At the end of the procedure, treat the skin with cosmetic ice cubes. Store the lotion in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

Cucumber lotion

  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.
  • vodka - 50 gr.
  • cognac - 50 gr.

Grind the cucumber in a blender or food processor, add oil and alcohol. Cover with a lid, place in the cabinet for 3 days. After the time has elapsed, strain, wipe your face no more than 2 times a day.

Lemon Lotion

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • linden - 20 gr.
  • plantain - 20 gr.
  • thyme - 10 gr.
  • birch sap - 15 ml.
  • glycerin - 5 ml.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Steam linden, plantain, thyme 90 ml. boiled water, pour in the birch sap. Insist for about 4 hours, strain through cheesecloth or a colander, drip lemon juice and glycerin. Treat your face with a moistened cosmetic swab for 7 minutes. Pour the composition into a dark container, close the lid. Shake the bottle well before use. You can use lemon wedges for 1-2 minutes.

Greenery lotion

  • dill - 50 gr.
  • parsley - 50 gr.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • vodka - 60 gr.
  • sage - 25 gr.
  • oak bark - 40 gr.
  • calendula solution - 30 ml.

Chop the parsley and dill, pour in 120 ml. hot water. Pour 100 ml of plants into another container. warm water, put on the stove. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, chop the zest in a blender and add to the boiling broth, simmer the composition for 20 minutes. Mix 2 solutions, strain through cheesecloth, pour in vodka and calendula.

Nettle lotion

  • nettle - 30 gr.
  • linden leaves - 20 gr.
  • cornflower - 20 gr.
  • willow bark - 25 gr.

Place the herbs in a glass container, pour over boiling water and wait 35 minutes. Pour into a dark bottle, leave for 5 days. Treat age spots with a moistened cosmetic swab.

Aspirin lotion

  • acetylsalicylic acid - 8 tablets
  • mineral water - 65 ml.
  • lemon juice - 25 ml.

Crush aspirin tablets between two scoops or in another convenient way. Cover them with water and add lemon juice. Wet a cotton pad, wipe the age spots for 3-5 minutes, then spend 1 minute on the entire skin of your face. Pour into a container, put in a dark cabinet. Store no longer than 21 days.

Herbal lotion

  • raspberry leaves - 20 gr.
  • wormwood - 25 gr.
  • yarrow - 10 gr.
  • aloe juice - 30 ml.
  • field horsetail - 10 gr.
  • celandine - 25 gr.

Brew herbs in 120 ml. hot water, wait 40 minutes. Add aloe juice, treat the skin with a cosmetic swab. Store the composition for no longer than 30 days.

Masks are applied to the face after using lotions. The recommended duration of use is 2 months. The frequency of use is 4 times a week.

Berry mask

  • lingonberry - 25 gr.
  • cranberries - 15 gr.
  • raspberries - 20 gr.
  • black currant - 20 gr.
  • red currant - 10 gr.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.

Grind the berries in a blender or use a fork, add gelatin, wait a quarter of an hour. Cover your face, apply a larger amount of the mixture to age spots. Wait 1 hour, rub with cosmetic ice.

Kiwi mask

  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 35 gr.
  • liquid honey - 35 ml.
  • linseed bran - 25 gr.
  • celandine - 25 gr.

Brew celandine in 70 ml. boiling water, wait 40 minutes. Pour in the gelatin and bran, mix thoroughly, wait another half hour. Remove the peel from the kiwi, mash the fruit with a fork, add honey and microwave for 20 seconds. Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous composition, cover the skin with a mass, lie down to rest for 50 minutes.

Yeast mask

  • liquid yeast - 25 ml.
  • grapefruit juice - 20 ml.
  • lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • oats - 25 gr.

Combine grapefruit and lemon juice with gelatin, wait 15 minutes. Pour 45 ml of oats. hot water, wait 1 hour. Soak a cotton pad in a solution of oats, wipe the skin, add the grain to the mask. Cover your face with the mixture, put cling film on top, and hold for 50 minutes.

Oil mask

  • burdock oil - 15 ml.
  • corn oil - 25 ml.
  • patchouli ether - 3 ml.
  • orange ether - 4 ml.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.

Add gelatin to oils and esters, pour in 10 ml. mineral water. Soak for a quarter of an hour, apply the mass, wait 45 minutes.

  • glycerin - 15 ml.
  • green apple - 0.5 pcs.
  • gelatin - 16 gr.
  • potato starch - 8 gr.
  • kefir - 35 ml.

Grind the apple on a grater, add starch and glycerin. Soak gelatin in kefir, let it brew for 25 minutes, mix with the first composition. Apply to skin, place cling film on top and rest for 45 minutes.

Lemon mask

  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • chicken protein - 1 pc.
  • honey - 35 r.
  • sugar - 25 gr.
  • coarse oatmeal - 25 gr.
  • blackberries - 3 berries

Grind the lemon in a food processor or meat grinder, beat the protein with a mixer. Mash the blackberries with a fork, mash them with honey and sugar, add the flakes. If there is not enough liquid, add water to obtain a viscous consistency. Combine all the ingredients and create a mask, paying attention to freckles and age spots. Keep the mixture for 40 minutes.

Bell pepper mask

  • bell pepper - 40 gr.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 65 gr.
  • sour cream - 35 gr.
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 5 ml.

Grind pepper and lemon in a convenient way (meat grinder, food processor, blender), add cottage cheese and sour cream. Apply and keep on for 50 minutes. Wipe the age spots with peroxide using gauze or cotton pad, rinse your face with cold water.

Parsley mask

  • rye flour - 25 gr.
  • fresh parsley - 45 gr.
  • sour cream - 65 gr.
  • sage - 15 gr.
  • castor oil - 25 ml.
  • honey - 35 gr.

Chop the parsley, mix it with sour cream, flour and butter. Brew sage in 45 ml. hot water, add honey and stir immediately, leave for 40 minutes. Combine the components, make a mask, and leave for 50 minutes.

Orange mask

  • honey - 100 gr.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • dill - 25 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • white onions - 0.5 pcs.

Pass the orange through a meat grinder, remove the husk from the onion and do the same. Grate the cucumber along with the seeds and peel, add it to the onion and orange porridge. Mash the banana with a fork, chop the dill and mix the ingredients with the honey. Combine the ingredients into one mass, cover your face. Place cheesecloth on top, leave for 50 minutes.

The products can be prepared daily, but it is important to observe the indicated holding times. Compresses do not completely remove age spots, they lighten them and make them less noticeable. It is recommended to use in combination with masks and combine recipes with each other, making 2 compresses in turn.

Sauerkraut compress

  • sauerkraut - 100 gr.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • oat bran - 50 gr.
  • quail egg - 1 pc.
  • chamomile broth - 15 ml.

Chop cabbage and tomato in a food processor or meat grinder, add bran. Beat the quail egg. Prepare 1 rectangular piece of gauze, moisten it in chamomile broth, wait a quarter of an hour and squeeze. Place the cabbage, tomato and bran first, and the egg second. Fold over the edges, place the compress on your face, press firmly. Wait half an hour, turn over the other side, hold for 10 minutes. Remove with water and rub skin with ice.

Curd compress

  • fat cottage cheese - 120 gr.
  • kefir - 70 gr.
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 20 ml.

Combine the components, place on cheesecloth and wrap. Place the compress on your face, hold for half an hour, rinse your skin with melt water.

Garlic compress

  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Crush the garlic, grate the cucumber along with the peel and seeds, beat the egg. Grind the lemon in a food processor without removing the zest. Soak gelatin in 40 ml. water, wait half an hour, then add to the garlic-cucumber mixture. Take cheesecloth, put lemon in the first row, egg, cucumber, garlic in the second. Wrap it well to keep the mixture from spilling out. Place on face, hold for 30 minutes, flip to the other side after a quarter of an hour.

Tired of dealing with age spots? Avoid excessive amounts of black coffee, always dilute it with milk. Include meat, fish and vegetables in the diet, drink vitamins. Make a compress every day, observing the holding time, do not forget about the masks. Replace your lotion with homemade recipes, you can mix as needed.


Features of the fight against pigmentation

It is necessary to apply whitening masks against age spots regularly 2-3 times a week. Not worth the wait instant effect after the first use: home remedies need to be used for about a month to accumulate enough in the skin nutrients.
As a prevention of the formation of age spots, you should:
1. Reduce coffee consumption and sun exposure.
2. Take vitamins C and PP, replenish the diet with plant foods.
3. Cleanse the skin with exfoliation and moisturize it.
It is recommended to apply the mixture in the evening to avoid sun exposure on the skin. For the same reason, the course is recommended to be carried out in the fall or winter.

Ingredients for masks

The following are often used as active ingredients against age spots on the face:
1.hydrogen peroxide, bodyagi powder, citric acid, ammonia;
2. oat flour, clay, potato starch;
3. juices of citrus fruits (lemon or grapefruit), strawberries, wild strawberries, viburnum, red currants;
4.radish, cucumber, sauerkraut, sweet bell peppers, tomatoes;
5. egg white, parsley broth, green tea;
6. fermented milk products (kefir, milk).

The auxiliary ingredients are:
1. honey;
2. olive oil;
3.wheat flour;
4. natural yoghurt without additives, sour cream, cottage cheese and cream.

Different recipes will work depending on your skin type. The most basic whitening masks can be used daily in the evening. Wash your face with kefir, milk or freshly brewed tea, wait a little and rinse your skin with cool water. For dry or sensitive skin, moisture-rich vegetables such as cucumber are good options.

Masks for oily skin

Along with age spots, the skin often suffers from excess sebum, enlarged pores, and purulent inflammations. Masks will help even out the tone and dry the skin, tighten pores and remove inflammation.

1. Pour into a tablespoon of potato starch or whipped egg white freshly squeezed lemon juice to get a thick mixture, apply to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Starch and protein give the skin a matte finish, while lemon dries and whitens.
2. Add 10 drops of ammonia hydrogen peroxide to a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt. The exposure time is 15 minutes.
3. Take a teaspoon of liquid honey, lemon juice and table vinegar (homemade apple cider vinegar, if possible). Steam your face over a steam bath and apply the mask for 20-25 minutes. Regular use will help eliminate breakouts and lighten even dark areas.

4. Grate the peeled cucumber and add oatmeal or clay to make a thick mixture. After 15-20 minutes, wash off with cool water. Cucumber helps moisturize the skin, brighten and soothe it, while clay and flour will leave the face matte.
5. Grate a medium sour apple and horseradish root on a fine grater, mix 2 tablespoons each, transfer to a pre-moistened gauze and place on your face. After 15 minutes, remove the gauze and wash.
6. Mix one teaspoon of white cosmetic clay and baking soda, add half a teaspoon of talcum powder and dilute with hydrogen peroxide until thick. This is an effective but rather aggressive mask that cannot be kept for longer than 10 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, wash it off immediately with cool water.
In addition to masks, every morning it is recommended to wipe your face with cubes of frozen broth of parsley.

Masks for dry skin

Dry skin is often prone to irritation and dehydration. Unlike oily skin, dry skin is more sensitive to aggressive ingredients, and therefore you need to choose a mask for it carefully. It should include fatty dairy products, vegetable oil, honey.

It is prohibited to use pure fruit acids or hydrogen peroxide for bleaching.

1. Finely grate the peeled cucumber and mix with 2 tablespoons of cream or natural yogurt. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. The mixture can be used even on the area around the eyes.
2. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and liquid honey, apply for 15 minutes. Thanks to honey, the effect of lemon will be softer and the skin will not suffer.
3. Take 2 teaspoons of soft cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of cream and 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide no more than 3%. Let the mixture sit on your skin for 15 minutes. It will help to deal with age spots. different kind and colors.
4. To get rid of pigmentation spots, you need unripe black currants and a few drops of liquid honey. The mixture should be applied only to age spots and should not be kept for longer than 20 minutes. After you need to wash with sour milk.
5. Prepare a piece of cheesecloth folded in several layers. Soak it in curdled milk or whey, put the gauze on your face for 20 minutes, then wash.
6. Squeeze the juice out of the viburnum berries per teaspoon and mix with the same amount of cream for dry skin. The mixture is applied to the cleansed face for 3 minutes. It is necessary to conduct a course of 10-15 procedures, carrying them out every evening, then take a break for a week and repeat if necessary.
Also, owners of dry skin can wash their face with a decoction of parsley and chamomile and wipe their face with a piece of cucumber.

Masks for normal skin

The owners of normal skin, simultaneously with the elimination of age spots, can solve other problems: get rid of dull color face, skin irregularities, vitamin deficiency.

1. Dilute a teaspoon of fresh dry yeast with 2 teaspoons of warm milk, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply for 15 minutes. The mask helps to get rid of even old age spots.
2. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of fresh kefir and a few drops of olive oil, preferably unrefined. The recipe is suitable for removing pigmentation left after pregnancy.
3. Take sauerkraut, chop it on a grater and mix with a little brine. The mask is suitable for mature skin, helping to get rid of not only pigmentation, but also fine wrinkles.
4. Combine a teaspoon of lemon juice with the same amount of cinnamon, add 2 tablespoons of honey and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Lemon and cinnamon will brighten the skin, while honey will help relieve irritation and soften the action of the active ingredients.
5. Grate the bell pepper on a fine grater and apply the gruel to the skin for 20-30 minutes.
You can enhance the effect of masks against age spots with the help of currant juice, sour apple, lemon and grapefruit, and strawberries. The main thing is to monitor the absence of an allergic reaction to the ingredients.


Why do age spots appear on the face?

How to whiten your face from age spots? The answer to this question worries every woman who has faced a similar problem... To restore the perfect skin even tone, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the exact cause of pathological pigmentation. Cosmetologists identify several main factors that provoke the appearance of spots on the face, namely:

  • Chronic liver, kidney, or gallbladder disease;
  • Enhanced work of the adrenal glands during pregnancy;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Excessive passion for solarium or constant prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • Improper performance of cosmetic procedures - peeling, scrubbing, etc.;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Allergic reaction to certain medications;
  • The consequences of skin injuries - burns, cuts, ulcers.
  • Age-related changes in the epidermis.

Any of the above reasons can and should be fought. Whitening face masks from age spots and salon cosmetic procedures will not only get rid of ugly defects, but also restore youth and elasticity to your skin.

Types of pigmentation on the face

Before whitening the skin of the face from age spots, you need to determine the type of pigmentation. The thing is that different types stains require different care... Consider the main categories of facial pigmentation.

  • Chloasma. Dark, smooth spots of brown or brown color. Have clear boundaries. Most often occurs in women during pregnancy, or if there are any gynecological pathologies... If the skin defect does not disappear after the baby is born, it is imperative to undergo an examination.
  • Lentigo. Dense, slightly raised above the skin formations of a dark color. Can have different sizes and shape, the boundaries are clearly delineated. Lentigo usually occurs in children under 10 years of age or in the elderly. In the first case, the spots disappear without any additional treatment. In the second case, you will need to carry out salon cosmetic procedures.
  • Moles and birthmarks. May be congenital or occur during life. It is strictly forbidden to treat or remove such formations on your own, as this can lead to very dangerous consequences.
  • Freckles are small smooth age spots. Usually localized in the area of ​​the wings of the nose or on the forehead. Dark spots appear on the skin in the spring, and disappear on their own in the fall. If this pigmentation is uncomfortable, you can get rid of it pretty quickly.

V modern cosmetology and folk medicine, there are many recipes for masks for age spots on the face. However, if the formation on the skin has big sizes and a rough surface, before carrying out a cosmetic procedure, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Salon treatments for effective anti-pigmentation

Do you want to quickly and efficiently whiten your face from age spots? Then contact professional salon beauty, and take advantage of one of the modern effective procedures to eliminate unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Turning to professionals, you can not be afraid of dangerous consequences for your health, and you will be confident in positive result... Beforehand, the cosmetologist recommends to undergo a planned medical examination to make sure that you have no contraindications for this or that procedure.

  • Removal of age spots and moles with a laser. A thin laser beam is capable of breaking the bonds between pigment molecules. Moreover, the plots healthy skin will not be hurt. After just a few procedures, you will notice that the dark spot begins to lighten and disappear rapidly. The method is safe, painless and very effective.
  • Photorejuvenation. Unique modern technique, allowing you to improve the condition of the epidermis and get rid of age spots. The procedure is performed using special equipment that acts on the skin with both warmth and light. To achieve a tangible effect, you need to complete the course completely.
  • Peeling with a whitening effect. During this procedure, the upper microscopic layer of the epidermis is removed, which leads to its activation. natural renewal... There are several types of salon peeling - ultrasonic (whitening components are injected under the skin), laser, chemical. With this technique, you can even get rid of freckles.
  • Cryotherapy. Large lentigines and moles are treated with liquid nitrogen.

Hardware cosmetology is constantly being improved, new methods of face whitening and age spots removal appear. However, such procedures are not cheap, and not every girl or woman can afford them. A face mask for age spots, made independently from improvised products can be an excellent budget alternative to expensive salon techniques.

How to whiten age spots on the face at home?

How to lighten age spots on the face at home? Everything is very simple. It is enough to use one of the brightening mask recipes below. To prepare these cosmetics, you need simple ingredients that you will probably have in your refrigerator or medicine cabinet.

  • 1 Bulgarian Bell pepper clean from grains, grind in a blender. Gently spread the resulting gruel on the face, having previously closed the eyes with cotton pads. You can wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes.
  • 2 tbsp Heat honey in a water bath so that it becomes liquid and warm. Add 2 tablespoons to the container. chopped parsley, and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. We mix everything thoroughly and use it as a face mask against age spots.
  • The cucumber mask is also good for lightening dark spots on the skin. You can grate this vegetable, mix it with a little olive oil or lemon juice. The effect of such a mask will be noticeable after several procedures.
  • Peel 2 medium potatoes, wash thoroughly and chop. Add 1 tsp to the vegetable. olive oil, warm milk and ground almond bran. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • 2 tbsp mix kefir with 1 tsp. lemon juice and a little olive oil.

Whitening the skin of the face from age spots can be done at home. Cosmetologists recommend using masks 2-3 times a week. Wash off the product better broth herbs or warm filtered water. After the procedure, do not forget to moisturize your face with a quality cream with a whitening effect.

To prevent the appearance of age spots or get rid of them effectively, be sure to stick to following tips professional cosmetologists.

  • Use whitening masks carefully, do not keep them on the skin for more than 15-20 minutes. To exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of the components, first check the action of the agent on the inside of the wrist.
  • The skin changes pigmentation when exposed to direct sunlight. That is why it is recommended to do brightening masks in the evening.
  • When going for a walk in the summer, be sure to apply it on your face. sunscreen... So you can significantly increase the photosensitivity of the epidermis.
  • After washing off the whitening mask, apply a thick layer of nourishing cream to the skin. The thing is that brightening substances can greatly dry out the epidermis, and getting rid of one problem, you will face another.
  • In autumn and winter, age spots become less visible. It is during this period of the year that it is recommended to start an active fight against pigmentation.

Natural homemade masks are very effective and safe. Mix the ingredients just before application. Now you know how to whiten age spots on your face, and you can easily cope with this problem.


Causes of pigmentation on the face

No one is protected from the appearance of dark spots on the face. What is the reason for active pigmentation?

Provoking factors:

  • Injuries. The skin in some areas may darken when damaged: chemical, thermal burn, severe acne.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Hormonal disruption that provoked pregnancy, menstruation, thyroid disease.
  • Depression, stress and other nervous disorders.
  • Sunburn. Solarium, the sun provoke hyperpigmentation in open areas: face, forehead, neck, nose, lip, and even an arm, a leg and the whole body at sea.
  • Heredity.
  • Diseases internal organs... A brown spot appears with liver problems and gallbladder... The red pigmented area signals intestinal malfunction. A dark yellow tint appears with kidney disease.
  • An allergic reaction to cosmetics that have expired.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Age factor. As a result of aging of the body, senile senile lentigo develops in the form of spots on the skin. Darkening can appear on the tooth enamel and in hair strands in the form of gray hair.

Traditional medicine against pigmentation

It is possible to lighten age spots on the face at home with affordable and inexpensive products that are used daily in everyday life.

Whitening products:

  • Onion. The vegetable contains sulfur compounds, which act as a natural antiseptic, and acids that exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis.
  • Red currant. The berry is rich in antioxidants that protect the skin from UV radiation and reduce the appearance of pigmentation.
  • Aloe vera. The plant helps with numerous dermatological diseases. It has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.
  • Lemon. Citrus acid gently and gently removes dead cells, whitening dark areas, and activating the growth of new layers of the epidermis.
  • Dandelion. Helps to cure skin diseases and cleanse the epidermis from cosmetic defects.
  • Dairy products. Lactic acid in their composition helps to rejuvenate and restore the skin, discolor the manifestations of pigmentation.
  • Castor extract (oil). Effectively against age-related changes and senile lentigo.
  • Parsley. The plant contains whole line valuable vitamins that allow effective whitening and maintain youth.

This list features powerful and famous products with a whitening effect. Home care can be carried out using other components.

Effective homemade recipes

People's experience knows many recipes for whitening the face from age spots at home. All of them are effective if you follow important condition when using them - regularly carry out procedures and observe proportions in the manufacture of mixtures.


The mask acts as an effective clarifier. This method is widespread and used in the complex fight against pigmentation.

  • Grind the stems, roots and leaves of parsley until smooth inside a wooden container. Introduce 1 tsp into the mass. honey. Mix gently and apply the composition to the dark pigment. Whiten your face for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Combine ½ cup of water, lemon juice and 1 tsp honey in a bowl. Stir the ingredients until smooth. Apply the product to the face and leave for 30 minutes.


  • Pharmaceutical drug hydrogen peroxide 3% in the amount of 1 tsp. combine with the same volume of lemon juice. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply hydroperitic bleach to the spot. Remove after 5-10 minutes. Rinse off hydrogen with cool water and neutralize its effect. fat cream... Apply the compress 2 times a day. it effective recipe is able to whiten and remove age spots on the face at home in just 5 sessions.
  • Mix fresh cottage cheese with 50 ml. parsley juice and 50 ml. milk whey. Cut a face-sized napkin out of gauze. Apply a thick layer of milk paste to the napkin and spread it over the skin. Apply to skin. Remove after half an hour.

Peels and scrubs

These funds are designed to cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis together with the pigment and activate the growth of new healthy cells.

  • Grind almonds and combine with oatmeal flour in a 1: 1 ratio. Introduce ½ tbsp. l. dry milk. Stir until thick slurry, adding water. To cleanse the face of age spots, apply the peeling with a sponge and massage for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.
  • White clay 2 tsp mixed with bodyagi powder 1 dessert spoon. Dilute with water. Apply to stain, rub lightly and leave on for 20 minutes. Clean up with cool water.

Olive and coffee scrub or soda will help increase the effectiveness of procedures and cleanse the skin. Apply coffee mixed with olive oil to the skin and massage. Mix soda with baby liquid soap.

Purchased whitening masks for blemishes

You can whiten age spots on your face yourself at home using special cosmetics. Pharmacy offers wide choose drugs, and there are the most effective.

Whitening cosmetics:

  • Blyth Vitex mask. In the role active ingredients acids and White clay... It allows you to effectively cleanse from pigmentation and moisturize the skin.
  • Achromin MAX cream. Donates reliable protection from UV rays and removes stains.
  • VC-IP solution. Powered by vitamin C. Helps to discolor stains of any origin.
  • TONYMOLY Tomatox Magic white Massage Pack. Korean product for whitening and leveling the tone.
  • Retin-A cream. Stops the hyperpigmentation process.
  • Zinc ointment. The paste has a good whitening effect. Cleaning is carried out until the spots disappear completely.

If cosmetics do not help or you urgently need to remove defects, it is recommended to contact a specialist in a beauty salon. The beautician will offer a laser that will permanently remove pigmentation. The laser beam will remove the top layer of the epidermis along with dark spots.

Home remedies rules

In order for the use of cosmetic and folk remedies at home to bring the expected results, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  • Lighten spots only after consulting a dermatologist.
  • Purchase cosmetic medicine from authorized dealers.
  • Before the procedure, do an allergic reaction test.
  • Do not apply the product to the mouth, nose, or around the eyes.
  • Apply the formulations to cleansed skin.
  • It is better to remove stains in the autumn-winter period.
  • Sunburn and exposure to direct sunlight are prohibited.
  • Do not apply to pimples and inflammations.
  • Do not go outside for 2 hours after applying creams and masks.

Whitening age spots, subject to all conditions, will take about six months. If, after complex treatment, one freckle still wants to remain on the face, contact your oncologist. Melanoma may develop. In other cases, carefully study the review of the cosmetologist about alternative options... Track changes by photo.