Download a presentation about health for children. Presentation "Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in younger preschoolers

Children's health

Slides: 12 Words: 219 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

How to keep your child healthy? The attitude of the family to the child's physical education and sports. Results of the 1st quarter and preliminary results of the 2nd quarter 4. Good health feeling of fullness, inexhaustibility physical strength- the most important source of a cheerful outlook. A sick, frail, disease-prone child is the source of numerous adversities. Instruction for parents on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in their children. Children's implementation of the daily regimen. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The child's physical activity should be sufficient (23-30 thousand steps a day). - Children.ppt

Child immunity

Slides: 10 Words: 274 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

How not to get sick in kindergarten? What contributes to the deterioration of children's health? How to deal with high morbidity in children? How can you increase the immunity of a child? Enhancing immunity, protecting immunity. Purchase of specific means of protection. Physical education (movement exercises on the street). Treatment and prophylactic work. Hardening. Taking vitamins, syrups. Working with parents. Formation of responsibility in parents, teachers, children in maintaining their own health. Running on the water for the ball. Immersion in water under a hoop. Walking on the salt lane. Walking barefoot. Gymnastics. - Child.ppt

Children and health

Slides: 28 Words: 702 Sounds: 0 Effects: 159

Objectives: Strengthening health and timely correction of existing disorders in the psychophysical development of the child; Providing assistance to the family in raising and receiving education, providing medical and recreational activities, adapting to life in society, all-round development children. Main goals. Comprehensive diagnostics. Consultative information work. Correctional work... Valeological education of children. Physical culture - Wellness work. Material Support... Research of the state of health of children: Examination of children by the specialists of the polyclinic; Examination of children by the medical staff of the preschool educational institution, determination of health groups; Speech diagnostics by a speech therapist DOE, Identification of violations motor activity, coordination of movements, etc. in conversations with parents and teachers. - Children and Health.ppt

Children's health

Slides: 64 Words: 3415 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Children's health as an indicator of public health. Health and lifestyle monitoring. Monitoring technology. Monitoring principles. The main tasks of monitoring. Monitoring model. Information and analytical subsystem "Health". Population health ( public health). Children's health. Subsystem "Health". Medical and demographic indicators. Population. The number of children from 0-14 years old. Fertility is the number of live births per 1000 population per year. Dynamics of fertility and mortality rates of the population. Dynamics natural loss population. - Children's health.ppt

Health technology

Slides: 19 Words: 709 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Health-preserving and health-forming technologies in educational process... Basic concepts. "Information corners". Human health is in his hands. Adult parenting efforts healthy way life is not wasted. Health components. Signs individual health... Health components. Healthy lifestyle. Health-saving technology. Health-saving technology groups. Principles of health-preserving pedagogy. Health-saving pedagogy technologies. Assessment of some educational technologies for their health-saving orientation. Lifestyle characteristics. - Child health.ppt

Healthy child

Slides: 11 Words: 426 Sounds: 0 Effects: 111

Parents' meeting Topic: The health of our children. To keep the child healthy. Morning exercises. Walk. Hardening. Sports activities. Proper nutrition. Healthy sleep... Don't forget to go out with your children. The walk is useful at any time of the year. Calling. As a rule, children willingly go in for morning exercises with their parents. Winter football. Skating. Hockey. Skis. Playing on sports grounds. Playing in the gym. Good food. Children fall asleep in different ways. You need to put your child to bed at the same time. We wish you and your children HEALTH! - Healthy child.pps

Growing healthy

Slides: 13 Words: 333 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Growing healthy. On ways to improve health On the prevention of colds On bad habits. Proverbs. What is a healthy lunch? What kind of food should be considered healthy. Variety. Rich in vegetables and fruits. Regular. Slowly. Monotonous Rich in sweets From time to time In a hurry. Choose your breakfast. Sweet Dreams... Cleanliness is the key to health. Advice from Ilya Muromets. Don't sit in front of the TV-sit. You will become slim like Alyosha Popovich. To smoke or not to smoke? I say "No!" smoking. Grow up healthy - lead a healthy lifestyle. Observe cleanliness. Eat properly. - Growing healthy.ppt

Health of modern children

Slides: 20 Words: 504 Sounds: 0 Effects: 43

The state of health of modern children and adolescents. Inequalities in young people`s yealth. The number of 11-year-olds who enjoy school. Number of 11-year-old schoolchildren with health complaints. Number of 11-year-olds eating breakfast every school day. Number of 11-year-olds eating fruit daily. The number of 11-year-old students. Number of 11-year-olds who smoke. Correlation of smoking. Number of 11-year-olds who drink alcohol. Correlation of alcohol consumption. The number of 15-year-old schoolchildren who have used hashish in their lives. - The health of modern children.ppt

Healthy children in a healthy family

Slides: 24 Words: 1860 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Healthy child. Questions of physical culture and health improvement work. Parents' desire to use motor activity... Stages of the project. Diagnostic direction. Improving the content of the subject-game environment. Solving problems. Interaction between kindergarten and family. November. Hardening procedures. Massage card file. Conversations with children. Physical minutes. Consulting for parents. Doctor's consultation. Acupressure for kids. Healthy child... Parents. Children's works. Parents' work. - Healthy children in a healthy family.pptx

Healthy family - healthy child

Slides: 19 Words: 985 Sounds: 0 Effects: 39

Healthy children. Commissioner under the President Russian Federation... Healthy lifestyle. Great happiness. Many experts. Education Act". Constitution of the Russian Federation. Associations. Parent. Dictionary family relations... Classification family values... Proper nutrition. Sun in the morning. Raise a lucky one. A car. OK. A decisive person. Capabilities. Evolution. - Healthy family - healthy child.pptx

Adolescent health

Slides: 16 Words: 558 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Physical and psychological health youngsters. Currently, there is a problem of the formation and preservation of the health of children and youth. Per last years in Russia there was a significant deterioration in the health of schoolchildren. Physical health. Violation physical development young generation Russians. Dynamics of children's morbidity over 10 years. Health. Genetic factors, heredity. Ecology, condition environment... Studies. Medicine. Conditions and way of life. Factors that determine the likelihood of adolescent health problems. Gastritis. According to the latest data, gastritis is the second most common disease in adolescents. - Adolescent health.pptx

Children's Health Promotion Program

Slides: 12 Words: 442 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Health education. Health promotion model. Health education objectives. Arena. OZ program. Health education programs. Adaptation model. Implementation planning. Stages of public health implementation in schools. Workload of teachers. Health promotion. - Children's Health Promotion Program.ppt

Physical development as an indicator of health

Slides: 37 Words: 1679 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Physical development of children and adolescents as an indicator of health. Hygiene of children and adolescents. Hygiene study object. Research methods of hygiene of children and adolescents. Actual problems research. Modern tendencies... Public health. Individual health. Factors shaping health. Physical development of children and adolescents. Physical development. The laws of physical development. Regularities of physical development. Study anthropometric indicators... Research and assessment of the physical development of children. Measurement of growth. Medical scales. Somatometric method. - Physical development as an indicator of health.ppt

Children's Health Project

Slides: 20 Words: 730 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Regional festival of projects "School of Health". Relevance Attendance of children of preschool educational institutions. Project participants. Parents - participate in joint activities; - share experiences with others. Educators - carry out teacher education parents on the problem. -organize the activities of children and parents. Medical workers-provide assistance in organizing wellness treatments children. - give advice to parents. Children - participate in different types activities: cognitive, playful, practical. Forms of project implementation. Cognitive cycle classes: valeology, physical education... - Project Children's Health.ppt

Children's health project

Slides: 30 Words: 1620 Sounds: 0 Effects: 149

Trends in the development of healthcare in Russia. The state determines development. ... Natural population growth has been recorded in Russia. Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on November 12, 2009. Prerequisites. However: The first shoots of demographic policy. Informational support of demographic projects. The role of community organizations. 2008 was the year of the family. Situation in medical institutions... Project goal: support of families with children and protection of maternal and child health. Social project "Children's Health". Organizers social project"Children's health". - Children's health project.ppt

Health of children 6-7 years old

Slides: 8 Words: 512 Sounds: 1 Effects: 15

Slyusar Tamara Viktorovna Director of the kindergarten school in the village of Molchanovo, Molchanovsky district. Health-saving technologies for children 6-7 years old. Our kindergarten has been working on the topic “Health-saving technologies for 3 years. Statistics. All teams are awarded with Diplomas and valuable prizes. Summer Olympiad for kids. Massage after daytime sleep... On fresh air organized sport competitions, contests, games ... Children are delighted to take lunch in nature! Rest at nature. Unconventional methods health improvement of children. Tempering children. Rational health-improving nutrition Vegetable therapy Fruit therapy Juice therapy Phytotherapy. - Health of children 6-7 years old.ppt

Physical health of children

Slides: 22 Words: 1110 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

The use of classic health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschoolers. I wish you to bloom, grow, save, strengthen your health. S.Ya. Marshak. "HEALTHY BODY - PRODUCT OF HEALTHY JOINTS". Bernard Show. The health complex consists of the following main points: Relevance: Purpose: Objectives: Wellness tasks: Educational tasks: Educational tasks: Education physical qualities, necessary for full development personality. Expected result: Reduction of the incidence rate. Level up physical fitness... - Physical health of children.ppt


Slides: 13 Words: 347 Sounds: 0 Effects: 74

Game - journey "In the country of healthy men". Station "Explainer". "To live purely - to be healthy." Station "Guess - ka". As many as 25 teeth, For curls and tufts. And under each under the tooth They lay down the hair in a row. He lay down in his pocket and on guard, Roar, Crybaby and Gryaznul. Station "Lean". I'm awfully proud! New me and solid, I'm pot-bellied, I'm shiny, I'm made of real skin. Oh, where is my pen? And why did I fly? I am a briefcase - not a bird, I can fly through the air, It's not good at all! I am not a sled, but a portfolio, I am new and proud. Station "Fizminutkino". Who, with a gang of merry ones, walks to school every day? Which of you kids is dirty from ear to ear? - Guess the.pptx

Kind children of the world

Slides: 9 Words: 224 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The "HEALTHY GENERATION" project. Geography of movement. From the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic, the Movement's ideas found a warm and enthusiastic response. Wishes to children of movement! Let the great traditions of the creators of Russia be passed on from generation to generation! May the spiritual connection of times never be interrupted! The future of all countries, the future of the planet belongs to children. Within the framework of the "HEALTHY GENERATION" program have started: International youth "GOOD GAMES" holidays of sports, strength, health! Creative shows within National Festival « Kind song Russia ". Uniqueness of Movement: Symbol of movement. -

Poor human health leads to stress, causes Bad mood, feeling tired and even creating self-esteem problems. "Healthy lifestyle" is a presentation topic that should constantly be present at class hours in any class. The content of the slides and the accessibility of the material change, but the essence of the events remains the same: a person must choose healthy life and better than him oh own health nobody cares.

You are in the section where every presentation, the theme of which is "Healthy lifestyle", is a treasure useful material and wise advice... Teacher and classroom teacher by constantly communicating with children, can focus the attention of adolescents on the formation of habits that will make him healthier. The teacher's words are convincing, but they are quickly forgotten. The example of an adult obliges to imitate, but not many follow it. And try to download a ready-made presentation on the topic "Healthy Lifestyle" for free, and the students will hear, believe and will definitely want to take advantage of the advice.

More often than not, people think about their health when it is too late. It is difficult to save a drug addict who is standing over an abyss. It is unlikely that it will be possible to prolong the life of a patient in the oncology department with lung cancer. But these troubles, like many others, could have been avoided if from childhood the appropriate work was carried out with the child to form healthy habits... Download a ready-made Powerpoint presentation on a healthy lifestyle for first graders in September. Let them feel their own responsibility for their health, since they have become big and are considered students.

As a child gets older, it will be more difficult to change their habits. But even if time is lost, try to convey the truth to it, maybe a Powerpoint presentation on the topic of a healthy lifestyle from a torrent will help in this, which can also be downloaded for free and without registration.

At the heart of psychological state child, and hence health, is the child's experience psychological comfort and discomfort. How teachers organize their activities depends on further development baby.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies- to provide the child in the conditions of comprehensive informatization of education the opportunity to maintain health, to form necessary knowledge, skills and abilities not only of a general educational nature, but also of a healthy lifestyle, to teach how to use the knowledge gained in Everyday life.

Health as a subject of health-saving technologies:

1. Physical health.

2. Mental health.

3. Social health.

4. Moral health.

Health assessment criteria:

Health level.

Availability assessment bad habits.

Identification of physical defects.

Optimal motor mode.

Balanced diet.

Tempering and personal hygiene.

Positive emotions.

Social wellbeing.

Health-saving technologies:

1. Means of motor orientation:

Elements of movement (walking, running, jumping, throwing);

Physical exercises;

Physical education, physiotherapy, outdoor games, gymnastics, self-massage, etc.

2. The healing forces of nature (solar and air baths, water treatments, herbal medicine, inhalation).

3. Hygienic factors (compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, personal and public hygiene, ventilation, wet cleaning of premises, adherence to the daily routine ....)

Health-saving techniques : frontal, group, practical method, cognitive game, game method, competitive method, method individual lessons.

To work on the prevention of emotional stress, and, consequently, the preparation of children for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in them is solved through play exercises: theatrical play, psycho-gymnastics.


At an early age, children begin to show artistic abilities. Games - dramatizations are very useful because they can be used in all forms of work. In the game, stiffness decreases, the baby becomes liberated, the sphere of emotional and mental abilities expands, imagination and imagination develop. For example, by imitating the "kitty" pose, the child learns to relax certain muscles. His memory reproduces "feline" features (the baby arches his back, hums, crawls on his knees). Or we walk along the path as a bunny does - jumping, a teddy bear - waddling, a mouse - on tiptoes.


Each stage of a child's mental development largely depends on the level of his physical development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of correct neuropsychic development at an early age. V independent activity babies move more than older children, because age characteristics cannot concentrate for a long time, drawing, looking at books. The overwhelming majority of their independent activity is spent on acting with objects and toys. Usage physical exercise at an early age has its own characteristics:

1. All motor tasks are associated with a specific task: “Let's throw the ball into the basket”, etc.

2. In games, we resort to comparisons: “We jump like balls. Let's run as quietly as mice. ”

3. Every toddler in our group has enough room to move. Children need to be praised rather than censured.

4. Be sure to follow physical activity, do not allow overexcitation.

5. Tracking the phasing: first, passive movements are worked out, then joint, then by imitation, and, finally, by word.

6. We take into account not only age, but also individual characteristics children.



We begin teaching outdoor games and exercises with morning exercises. Emotionally stimulating gymnastics allows children to gain positive emotional condition and tone for the whole day.

It is also necessary to monitor compliance with the light regime, correct landing, compliance rational regime day, a combination of work and rest, the presence of walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, rinsing the mouth after eating.


Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in younger children preschool age can be carried out in the following areas:

1. Instilling cultural and hygienic skills.


It is known that the strongest habits, both good and bad, are formed in childhood. This is why it is so important from the very early age to educate the child's healthy skills, to consolidate them so that they become habits. The problem of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age is one of the most urgent in the upbringing of children of this age. And how much it is initially thought out, planned and organized depends on whether it will contribute to improving health, physical and mental development, as well as fostering a culture of behavior. At this age, the child easily perceives a certain sequence of actions, but it is very difficult to master the changes in it.

To achieve the effectiveness of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills are used didactic games, games - exercises, conversations, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, paintings, observation, showing dramatizations, storytelling, memorizing, role-playing games.


2. Learning to care for your body, skills to provide basic assistance.

We accustom the child to hygienic individualism: his own comb, his own bed, his pot, his handkerchief, his own towel. We bring children to the understanding that keeping the body clean is important not only for the protection of personal health, but also for the health of others.

Education must be organized not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life, when situations arise that push children to make a decision on this problem.


3. Formation of ideas about what is useful and what is harmful for the body.


Particular attention should be paid to the importance of sleep, walking, eating and others for the body. regime processes... The development of movements does not fully ensure health improvement, it is recommended to temper children due to the fact that adaptation to temperature changes is difficult, children often get sick colds.

That's why Special attention during the day we devote to carrying out hardening procedures. Hardening activities as important component physical culture, promotes the creation of healthy lifestyle habits.


At 15 o'clock, children wake up, do exercises in a crib, warm up their feet, then use the “Riga hardening method”. For this method a coarse canvas track is used, which is wetted in a 10% solution table salt, bowl with warm water and towels for rubbing the foot. The passage can be repeated 2-3 times and combined with walking on a ribbed board and "Health Paths" - a massage rug, a rug with sewn-on buttons and river stones. Such tracks are used for the prevention of flat feet and are active irritants of the receptors located on the child's foot.



Effective methods In addition to hardening, washing your hands with cool water (up to your elbows).


One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. To make it really effective, the walking activities change depending on the previous activity. So after the lesson in which the children were sitting, the walk begins with a jog, outdoor games; after physical education, musical events - from observation, quiet games, etc.


Important role breath plays. Breathing exercises are included in all wellness exercises. In working with children of two, three years old, simple exercises are used. The insufficiently developed coordination of movements is taken into account. Use effectively at this age game techniques, emotionally-shaped exercise. The teacher performs the exercises with the child. Most of the exercises are imitative in nature: "Spout", "Pump", "Stubborn donkey", "Airplane flight", "Horse".


Prevention of vision is one of the most important tasks in kindergarten. After each activity related to eye strain, we train the muscular apparatus of the eyes in children. simple exercises:

1. We consider indoor plants, as green color has a beneficial effect on eyesight.

2. Consider objects close and far, look out the window at windows and houses.

3. Arrange bright toys on different heights so that the children fulfill requests to find a suspended ball, a cockerel on the closet with their eyes, and also learn simple gymnastics for the eyes:

I. p. sitting. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them. Repeat 6-8 times.

I. p. sitting. Fast blinking for 20 seconds.

Close your eyes tightly and open wide. Repeat 5-6 times.

Light pressure on the upper eyelids of both eyes for 1-2 seconds.


In preschool age, the foot is in the stage intensive development, its formation has not yet been completed, therefore any unfavorable external influences can lead to the occurrence of certain deviations. However, in this age period the body is distinguished by great plasticity, so it is relatively easy to stop the development of flat feet or correct it by strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the foot. Prevention and correction of flat feet in children is carried out by means remedial exercises and games.


The development of manipulative activities. Various finger games, because they are directly related to the development of speech. We spend a dynamic hour with elements of logo rhythmics. (Zheleznov "Music with Mom") In this case, we use natural material(bumps), sudzhok.


4. Formation of the needs of the child's family (parents) for a healthy lifestyle and personal example in strengthening and maintaining health.

Parents are the main allies in our work to promote healthy habits in babies. From the first days of meeting them, we show and tell everything that awaits their children in our kindergarten, paying special attention to issues related to the health of children. We listen to their requests for food, sleep, clothes of the child. We carry out all medical and tempering procedures with parental consent.

Help build relationships various forms works: demonstrations of classes, consultations, thematic parenting meetings, mobile folders, which reflect the life of children in kindergarten.

Analysis of indicators pedagogical process in the group, the results of promoting healthy lifestyle among parents, the success of instilling healthy lifestyle skills in children in the educational process at the first stage preschool childhood allows us to declare that all educational and recreational activities carried out according to this method give nice results, which means they are reasonable. They allow you to develop a reasonable attitude of children and parents to their body, instill sanitary and hygienic skills, help the child adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the surrounding world, which is manifested in resistance to extreme situations, the body's immunity to adverse factors.

Performed: educator MDOU d / s No. 384 Samara
Kuleshova Marina Alexandrovna
Informational accumulative stage.
Organizationally practical stage.
Presentation and final.
Intended result.


The problem of protecting the health of children in kindergarten is very acute.
Over the years, doing wellness work in kindergarten, we noticed an increase in the incidence of preschool children.
The reason for the increase in the incidence is many, this is bad ecology, not balanced diet, and decreased physical activity.
It is necessary to form a holistic idea of ​​the world around children in children, more attention should be paid to the comprehensive study of nature and its connection with humans. To convince children that man is a part of nature and he must protect and respect the world around him and himself in it.
At the same time, it is important to find a topic that interests children, to create conditions for comprehending methods of active interaction with the world.
Creation of a single health-saving space and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children and parents.
Formation of knowledge of proper nutrition in children.
Development of imagination and artistic and creative abilities in the process of implementing the project "I WANT TO GROW HEALTHY"

* Create a health-saving environment for project implementation.
* To form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.
* To systematize and expand children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits. To acquaint children with vitamins, to reveal their importance for humans.
* Develop cognitive and Creative skills children.
* Promote food hygiene and respect to your health.
* Promote the development of partnerships between children and parents.

Project stages

I. Information-accumulative
Studying the interest of children to determine the goals of the project.
Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.
Contacting specialists.

II. Organizational and practical
Directly educational activities « Magic world vegetables and fruits ".
Conversations "What to do to be healthy", "Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most healthy foods"," Vitamins ".
Creation of a substantively developing environment: drawing "Vegetables", "Fruits". Modeling "Vegetables and fruits". Application "Basket with vegetables and fruits".
Didactic games: "Fruit", "Guess a vegetable or fruit to taste", "Harvesting".
Role-playing games "Vegetable store", "At the dacha", "Hospital".
Composing fairy tales about vegetables and fruits together with children, memorizing riddles and poems.
Reading: poems by I. Fink "Vegetables and Fruits", J. Akim "Yablonka", Yu. Tuvim "Vegetables", E. Trutnev "Harvest, Harvest!", Russian folk tales.
Making masks of vegetables and fruits, as well as attributes for the plot role-playing games"Vegetable store", "Hospital".

III. Presentation - final
Entertainment "Eat right, gain health"
Exhibition of products of children's activities.
Assessment of the stages of project implementation by children.

The intended result
During the implementation of the project, a favorable health-saving environment was created, which allows children to expand their knowledge of ways to improve their health.
The hypothesis put forward by us was confirmed. Children gained real experience of independent, joint cognitive, productive creative activity with adults.
The promotion of valeological knowledge among parents contributed to the fact that they began to pay more attention to their health and the health of children.


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