Dates of weddings by year and what. All wedding anniversaries. What is the name of the wedding and what to give? years. Mercury wedding

Each wedding anniversary this is not only an occasion to celebrate one of the most significant days for the family, but also the moment of summing up the past years life together. This day for spouses is a symbol of their mutual love and maturity of family relationships. By this time, family life is being tested by the tests that life presents. This is an occasion when many couples want to once again remind themselves and others of their feelings and the seriousness of their relationship, as well as celebrate this event with all family and friends or in a more intimate atmosphere with each other. Wedding anniversary this is a special moment, which is usually accompanied by a festive table and the exchange of gifts.

Some wedding anniversary have a strong symbolic meaning and on this day the whole family gathers. Such important anniversaries are silver (25 years of marriage), gold (50 years of marriage) and diamond (60 years of marriage) weddings. But to refresh the romantic memories of your wedding day, nothing prevents you from celebrating others, no less important wedding anniversaries such as chintz (1 year of marriage), pewter (10 years of marriage), crystal (15 years of marriage), pearl (30 years of marriage) weddings… If you want to gather all the guests who were present on your wedding day to relive the magic this extraordinary day, the day wedding anniversary is the perfect way make this dream come true.

Each date from the date of the marriage has been assigned a name. These names have entered our consciousness and no one is asking himself the question "why is their wedding anniversary called that way". But the name of each anniversary carries a certain meaning, which was laid down by the history of our ancestors.

Wedding anniversaries - list of names

green wedding wedding day
1 year of marriage
2 years of marriage
3 years of marriage
4 years of marriage
5 years of marriage
6 years of marriage
Zinc wedding 6.5 years of marriage
7 years of marriage
8 years of marriage
9 years of marriage
10 years of marriage
11 years of marriage
12 years of marriage
13 years of marriage
14 years of marriage
15 years of marriage
Turquoise wedding 18 years of marriage
Pomegranate (hyacinth) wedding 19 years of marriage
20 years of marriage
Opal wedding 21 years of marriage
bronze wedding 22 years of marriage
Beryl wedding 23 years of marriage
satin wedding 24 years of marriage
25 years of marriage
jade wedding 26 years of marriage
mahogany wedding 27 years of marriage
Velvet wedding 29 years of marriage
30 years of marriage
Sunny (dark) wedding 31 years of marriage
strawberry wedding 33 years of marriage
Amber wedding 34 years of marriage
Coral (linen) wedding 35 years of marriage
Muslin wedding 37 years of marriage
aluminum wedding 37.5 years of marriage
Mercury wedding 38 years of marriage
Crepe wedding 39 years of marriage
40 years of marriage
Mother-of-pearl wedding 42 years of marriage
flannel wedding 43 years of marriage
Topaz wedding 44 years of marriage
Sapphire wedding 45 years of marriage
lavender wedding 46 years of marriage
cashmere wedding 47 years of marriage
amethyst wedding 48 years of marriage
Cedar wedding 49 years of marriage
50 years of marriage
Emerald wedding 55 years of marriage
60 years of marriage
iron wedding 65 years of marriage
stone wedding 67.5 years of marriage
Gracious (grateful) wedding 70 years of marriage
crown wedding 75 years of marriage
oak wedding 80 years of marriage
granite wedding 90 years of marriage
Platinum (red) wedding 100 years of marriage

What to give each other for a wedding anniversary

It's a good idea for married couples who have lived together for years to upgrade their engagement rings to be more beautiful, expensive, and possibly related to your family. Old rings can be kept as a keepsake or used as material to make new rings. Some women can wear the first engagement ring around their neck, hanging it on a chain. This will be a memorable souvenir, which is always next to the heart, and a new one takes its place on the finger. beautiful ring, symbolizing the strength of marriage. If you don't like the idea of ​​replacing rings, then there are many more symbolic ideas for gifts on wedding anniversary, depending on its name.

Since, the birthday of marriage refers directly to married couple, then it would be a good idea to create a photo album. The photographs will capture the brightest and most important life moments that the couple spent together. With each subsequent your wedding anniversary this album can be replenished with new photographs of your family history. Give titles to these photos.

The original idea would be to create a kind of "family treasury". As such a gift, you can use a beautiful box, a decorated box or a wicker basket. They will store the most important items related to your family. These can be invitations from your wedding, tickets from your honeymoon, an ultrasound of the expectant mother, dried flowers presented at important moments and other items that are significant to you.

An interesting idea is to use wedding anniversary name as a basis for choosing a gift. For example, for a chintz wedding, spouses exchange chintz handkerchiefs, for a leather wedding, you can give leather accessories, and for a crystal wedding, crystal products.

The most common anniversary gifts are jewelry, and relatives usually give more than practical gifts for family life.

How to celebrate your wedding anniversary

wedding anniversary celebration this is a joyful moment in life that you want to share with your soulmate and every year it should be unforgettable and unique. On this day, you always remember how it all began.

  • The easiest way is to cook a good dinner, sit on your favorite sofa, watch the wedding video and photo album, reminisce about your honeymoon and talk about your feelings on your wedding day and the highlights of that day.
  • You can also spend your wedding anniversary on a trip, giving it a name - a second honeymoon. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on a trip, just take a break from the city. You can rent a house in the forest or a cottage near a pond. You can also organize a romantic picnic with a bottle of wine and your favorite snacks.
  • Don't be afraid to do something out of the ordinary on this day, like planting plants together in your garden to symbolize your love. Do something crazy - skydive or bungee jump. This should bring new sensations to your union.
  • Do something amazing in your wedding anniversary- come up with surprises for each other. It can be love notes hidden all over the house or a beautiful card stuck on the fridge or mirror. Pleasantly surprise breakfast in bed with a flower in a vase and love note on a tray. A huge surprise will be a booked room in a hotel with a famous name.
  • Spend a night of passion, diversify your intimate relationships. Create a romantic atmosphere with rose petals, scented candles, subdued lighting and fine linens. Don't forget about sexy attire and erotic massage to your partner.
  • Take inspiration from romance novels and beautifully state your thoughts in a letter, you may be able to write a verse, but do not forget that these lines should come from the heart. If you know how to play any musical instrument, let the melody sound in your performance. This will not leave indifferent your soulmate on the day of your wedding anniversaries. You can order a song on the radio or place a congratulation on billboards in your city. Prepare a romantic dinner together using aphrodisiacs like shrimp, mushrooms and oysters. Do not forget about champagne, which is an integral part of your romantic dinner. wedding anniversary, as well as a dessert with chocolate and strawberries.
  • It is a good idea to visit places that are significant to you, such as the place where you first met, the place where you declared your love, and the place where the marriage proposal was made. If you are a romantic and creative person, you can surprise your partner by leaving small gifts in each of these places until the loved one reaches the final where he meets you. After that, you will go to dinner and spend an unforgettable evening.

If your wedding anniversary falls on a working day, take a day off. Nothing on this day should not distract you from each other. Celebrate your anniversary in such a way that you will have enough charge of love and romance for the whole next year.

So the day of the wedding passed. The bride and groom successfully turned into husband and wife. But the most important holidays for the newly-made spouses are yet to come. After all, every year we celebrate the anniversary of the wedding, a kind of milestone in difficult path family life.

Anniversary celebrations are an important and joyful event, as a year has passed and it doesn’t matter whether it was difficult or simple, one more section of the path has been passed and this is a kind of victory. Every year, spouses learn more and more not to notice each other's shortcomings, to respect the dignity of their soul mate.

The anniversaries that we celebrate have their own names, symbolizing the strength of the union and the quality of marriage. And here, in fact, what are the names and what do all the anniversaries that are usually celebrated mean:

"Chint" wedding, is celebrated a year later, this holiday is very important, because the first year of family life is quite difficult, and if the spouses have overcome all difficulties, then this is definitely a success! Chintz, symbolizing this anniversary, is not the strongest material, but it is already able to hold the union of two hearts. Usually on this holiday, guests give linen, towels and other fabric products.

"Paper" wedding celebrated two years after marriage. The structure of paper is slightly stronger than calico, which means that family relationships are also strengthened. And spouses on this solemn day are given paintings, books, albums, in general, everything that is made of cardboard or paper.

"Leather" wedding, is the third anniversary of marriage, which means a new qualitative level of relations between spouses. Leather is a much stronger material than chintz or paper, it does not get wet, so the family ship will no longer be able to “leak” so easily. As a gift, leather products, crafts and clothing are recommended.

"Wooden" wedding- after five years, this holiday is celebrated in the circle of relatives and close friends. Wood is much stronger than all previous materials, and, accordingly, family ties have also become much stronger. Spouses on this day expect gifts made of wood, furniture, or souvenirs.

"Pink" or "tin" wedding- the tenth anniversary and a serious claim for the inviolability of this union! For ten years, marital relations have seen a lot, successfully overcame difficult trials. Meaningful gifts there will be bouquets of roses and tin crafts.

"Glass" wedding- celebrated on the 15th anniversary. The family union has become strong, like aged brandy and clean, like a crystal glass in which it is contained. And they give, on this holiday, as a rule, glasses, sets of dishes, crystal chandeliers and so on.

"Porcelain" wedding- 20 years happy marriage, you can't argue here. Guests are fed exclusively from porcelain dishes and it is also recommended to give gifts made of porcelain or ceramics.

"Silver wedding- on the 25th anniversary, they gather all friends and relatives at a large table. And rightly so, because this is an achievement that not every couple can boast of. It is advisable to give jewelry and souvenirs made of silver.

"Pearl" wedding- 30 year old family. As the color is flawless and the shape of the pearl is flawless, so the family union can be called ideal and flawless.

"Coral" or "linen" wedding- means that the spouses have been together for 35 years. Coral is a strong and durable formation that has the ability to defend itself against unwanted guests, so family relationships have acquired immunity to negative factors from the outside.

"Golden" wedding- as much as 50 years! This is truly a great event. Everyone who values ​​friendship or is related to spouses is simply obliged to congratulate them on this date. Gold is the standard among values ​​on our planet, and with the celebration of the "golden" wedding, a married couple becomes the standard of family relationships.

Weddings by years spent in marriage:

1 year- "chintz";

2 years- "paper";

3 years- "leather";

4 years- "linen";

5 years- "wooden";

6 years- "cast iron";

7 years- "woolen";

8 years- "tin";

9 years- "faience";

10 years- "pink";

11 years- "steel";

12.5 years- "nickel";

13 years- "lace";

14 years- "agate";

15 years- "glass";

18 years- "turquoise";

20 years- "porcelain";

25 years- "silver";

30 years- "pearl";

34 years- "amber";

35 years- "coral";

37.5 years- "aluminum";

40 years- "ruby";

45 years- "sapphire";

46 years old- "lavender";

47 years old- "cashmere";

48 years old- "amethyst";

49 years old- "cedar";

50 years- "golden";

55 years- "emerald";

60 years- "diamond";

65 years old- "iron";

67.5 years- "stone";

70 years old- "blessed";

75 years old- "crown";

80 years old- "oak".

Wedding anniversaries by year

Today, among the endless bustle, urgent matters and various problems, it is so difficult to find your soul mate and find happiness in personal life, but it is even more difficult to preserve this happiness and increase it.

And if you were able to create a harmonious family union, tested by time, then with full confidence you can be called a happy person in all respects.

And for your marital well-being to be endless, it is very important to decorate everyday life. bright holidays, especially those that are arranged on the occasion of an event such as a wedding anniversary. This will help you not only resurrect the most solemn moments in your life, but also unite your couple, lay the foundation for unique family traditions, adhering to which you will always live in peace and joy.

Green wedding, wedding day

First 10 years of marriage

  • 1 year - Print wedding
    2 years - Paper wedding
    3 years - Leather wedding
    4 years - linen wedding
    5 years - Wooden wedding
    6 years - Cast iron wedding
  • 6.5 years - Zinc wedding
    7 years - Copper wedding
    8 years - Tin wedding
    9 years - Faience wedding
    10 years - Pink wedding

First 20 years of marriage

  • 11 years - Steel wedding
    12 years - Nickel wedding
    13 years - Lace wedding
    14 years - Agate wedding
    15 years - glass wedding
  • 16 years - Topaz wedding
    17 years - Tin wedding
    18 years - Turquoise wedding
    19 years - Pomegranate wedding
    20 years - porcelain wedding

First 30 years of marriage

  • 21 - Opal wedding
    22 years - Bronze wedding
    23 years - Beryl wedding
    24 years - Satin wedding
    25 years - silver wedding
  • 26 years - Jade wedding
    27 years - Mahogany wedding
    28 years - Nickel wedding
    29 years - Velvet wedding
    30 years - pearl wedding

The first 40 years of marriage

  • 31 - Swarthy wedding
    32 years - Copper wedding
    33 years - Stone wedding
    34 years - Amber wedding
    35 years - Coral wedding
    36 years - Porcelain wedding
  • 37 years - Muslin wedding
    37.5 years - Aluminum wedding
    38 years - Mercury wedding
    39 years - Crepe wedding
    40 years - Ruby wedding

First 50 years of marriage

  • 41 - Iron wedding
    42 years - Pearl wedding
    43 years - Flannel wedding
    44 years - Topaz wedding
    45 years - Sapphire wedding
  • 46 years - Lavender wedding
    47 years - Cashmere wedding
    48 years - Amethyst wedding
    49 years - Cedar wedding
    50 years - Golden wedding

Subsequent wedding anniversaries

  • 51-54 years - not marked
    55 years - Emerald wedding
    60 years - Diamond wedding
    65 years - Iron wedding
    67.5 years - Stone wedding
  • 70 years - Blessed wedding
    75 years - Crown wedding
    80 years - Oak wedding
    100 years - Red wedding

Wedding anniversaries by year: names and their meaning

To mark the date of the creation of your family and give this celebration a special meaning, you need to take into account the nature of the wedding anniversary over the years. After all, each of them can characterize your union in its own way, tell you what you should pay attention to in a particular period of your relationship, what you should be afraid of, and what, on the contrary, should be cultivated.

For centuries, people have watched how family life develops at different stages, what surprises spouses can expect from each other, what to do to ensure that love grows stronger, mutual understanding is not violated, and well-being is steadily growing. Studying the names of weddings by year, you can see how the duration of the marriage affects the quality of the relationship.

What can the names of wedding anniversaries tell about?

Centuries-old folk wisdom has been embodied in wedding anniversaries and their names, which can give us good advice and tips. If you carefully study the dates of the wedding by year, then a lot will fall into place.

For example, the first real marital anniversary - a wooden wedding, which is celebrated on the fifth year of marriage, is evidence that the family has grown stronger during this time, and it is already quite difficult to destroy this union.

It is believed that by this milestone it is necessary to solve the housing problem, and most importantly, to acquire offspring, that is, to harvest from the tree of your love. It will be very symbolic to invite relatives and most devoted friends to the celebration, create a warm, sincere atmosphere and certainly decorate a living tree, even in a pot, elegant ribbons with best wishes and happiness.

How to choose a wedding anniversary gift?

Information about wedding anniversaries by years, which are given in this section, will be very useful not only for the spouses themselves, but will come in handy for all those who are invited to the celebration. Thanks to them, you will, first of all, be able to choose the most good gift for a wedding anniversary.

After all, it is very important that your gift is appropriate and symbolic, not only useful in everyday life, symbolic, contributing to an increase in well-being, but also dear to the hearts of the heroes of the occasion, the personification of their harmonious union and your friendly attitude towards them.

It is worth noting that this symbolism is not so simple, for example, in the thirteenth year, the couple celebrate a lace wedding.

During this period, their union is just as beautiful, but at the same time ornate, joy and tears, ups and downs are woven in it, and it will take a lot of patience and courage and patience for this pattern to be harmonious.

It would be very logical to present lace products to a married couple - napkins, tablecloths, various decorative elements. In addition, by this date it is simply necessary to give snow-white flowers as a symbol of high relations and marital fidelity.

Familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and nuances of significant wedding dates, this will help you not to make a mistake with the style festive celebration and make a truly sincere and useful gift.

Name of weddings by year from 0 to 100 years

Wedding day is the happiest day of life for many. Or one of those, because the birth of a joint child is a much greater happiness. The name of weddings has very deep roots and it is better to come up with even modern educated minds beyond the power. After all, in the old days people felt nature much better and identifying each person with it found those truths that modern psychologists teach for a long time in educational institutions. The names of wedding anniversaries by year also determine the gifts that are usually given to spouses.

But what is it for? After all, modern man used to celebrating only anniversaries of the wedding, not attaching importance to intermediate ones. Formerly people they believed more in the signs that their ancestors taught them and strictly observed them. Perhaps the power of persuasion, or perhaps some higher power, kept the marriage of those who did everything according to the rules. That is why absolutely everyone knew the names of wedding anniversaries by years and they did not need special reminders.

It is worth explaining to a modern person why exactly the name of weddings is personified with one or another adjective. This is what we'll do. So, the name of the wedding:

The wedding day is called green. Because a young family, like greenery, with which in the old days any beginning was compared, is very beautiful, fresh, light, but at the same time fragile and immature. It is better if many flowers with greenery are presented on this day.

1 year is a chintz wedding. This material was valued for its lightness and thinness, but at the same time, it was quite everyday and inexpensive. So the family has not yet grown stronger, but the romance of the first months of marriage is already beginning to fade, and everyday life takes its place. This day is very important, because. right now they open a bottle of champagne, which was tied on the table of the newlyweds on their wedding day with another bottle. By the way, the second is opened for the birth of the first child in marriage. Gifts must be calico.

2nd anniversary - Paper. Naturally, a fragile union that can withstand ups and downs only in a dense lump. On this date, the spouses should write each other a message on colorful paper or a postcard with a declaration of love. The second name for weddings, which was invented for this anniversary, is glass, but is rarely used, because. there is another anniversary with the same name. Also associated with the fragility of the material. Spouses should exchange glass figurines representing love. Gifts made of glass or paper (wine glasses, decanters, wallpaper, paintings, etc.)

3 years after big day The Leather Wedding is coming. Spouses by this moment should already feel great about each other. Therefore, the comparison of ancestors was with the skin. Gifts, respectively, from the skin.

4 years after marriage - Linen or rope. On this day, a married couple was tied with ropes hand and foot on nearby chairs. If they were unable to get out, then their union is strong and long. Gifts: linen items or weaving.

5 years. Wooden date. First anniversary date. Usually, the first child appeared on this anniversary. Therefore, it received its name from the eternal symbol of fertility, flowering and new life. The fact of the birth of a baby has always cemented the union and the spouses grew roots to each other. Also, by this time, his own house and furniture in it should have appeared. Gifts made from wood.

6 years lived in harmony - Cast-iron wedding. This metal has always been valued for its heat-resistant properties, but was very brittle when struck. So is the family. In order to strengthen the union, on this day it was necessary to carefully clean the house and Special attention give all cast iron objects. Guests were not always invited.

6.5 years. Zinc Union. During this period, disagreements often arose. Therefore, just as galvanized dishes are sometimes rubbed to a shine, so relationships should be polished with love and attention from one to the other. The date was always celebrated to show the guests that everything is wonderful with them. Gifts are usually from galvanized items.

7 years after marriage. Copper wedding. Copper is a valuable metal, but not a noble one. Therefore, the spouses have all the valuable dates ahead. It is better if one of the guests gives a symbol of prosperity and prosperity - a copper horseshoe.

8 years lived together. Tin date. By this time, family life is full of warmth and resilience, as well as durable metal tin. Tin gifts will be the most suitable option.

9 years married life called Chamomile or faience wedding. Chamomile since ancient times was considered a flower that knows about true love. Also, faience has always been personified with a prosperous union. It is better if you celebrate this day in nature. And if the weather does not allow, then the house must have a bouquet of daisies.

10 years together is called Pink or tin anniversary. The second anniversary date was celebrated necessarily with those who were present at the wedding. Scarlet roses were considered the constant flower of passion, and tin is a flexible metal, which was compared with spouses who are able to adapt to each other by this time. Gifts of red, scarlet or pink flowers meant a wish for love and passion, and from tin - compliance and mutual understanding.

11 year marriage. Steel wedding. The union is already undergoing a hardening process, after which only death can separate.

After 12.5 years, it is customary to celebrate the Nickel wedding. More often it is celebrated in the 12th year of marriage.

13 years from the date of the wedding - Lace or lily of the valley. Since ancient times, this number was considered unlucky, but the name is a hint of romance and beauty at any time and in any trouble.

14 years of marriage. Agate wedding. A precious stone, although not very expensive.

15 years of married life - Glass wedding. Relations by this time should be transparent and even.

If they lived together for 18 years. Turquoise wedding. Usually, in this year of married life, the first child became an adult and for the family began new stage life.

20 years together. porcelain wedding. Warm and cozy, home union.

21 years after marriage. Opal date. A beautiful stone that represents a soft and strong relationship.

22-year-old date -- Bronze wedding. A "prize" anniversary that precedes more noble dates. Valuable and strong relationships.

23 years old. Beryl Anniversary.

24 years after the wedding day, the Atlas season is celebrated. soft and tender relationship but not noble enough or hardened enough. Although, satin was highly valued for its beauty and softness. It was holiday stuff.

25th Anniversary Silver Anniversary. Noble relationship.

26 years after marriage Jade date.

The 27-year union is called the Mahogany Wedding. The nobility and value of such a union.

29 years - Velvet date. Very valuable material in ancient times. Even brocade could not displace velvet from the wardrobe of noble people.

30 years after marriage - Pearl. Created over the years bit by bit union. Long-term relationships, which in the end turn out to be a real treasure.

31 years lived in love - Swarthy wedding. An anniversary that shows all the work done on the strength of this married family.

34th anniversary of Amber. Also a valuable natural stone that shows both the time frame and the beauty of love.

35 years. Coral or linen anniversary date. Linen things have always been strong and solid. Coral is the personification of the eternal.

37 years after marriage Muslin date.

37.5 years is the Aluminum Union. More popular than the previous one and celebrated six months earlier.

38 years from the date of the wedding Mercury wedding. Soft and flowing, but indestructible.

39 happy years married - Crepe date.

40 Year Relationship -- Ruby Anniversary. A noble stone is a noble and honorable union.

44 years of marital consent is called the Topaz date.

At 45, the Sapphire or scarlet anniversary is celebrated.

46 years from the date of the wedding is called - Lavender wedding.

47 years after marriage, it's the Cashmere Anniversary.

48 years from the date of the wedding - Amethyst date.

If you have lived 49 years together, then the wedding anniversary is Cedar.

50-year milestone -- Golden jubilee date. A noble union and very honorable at all times.

55 years of marriage is commonly referred to as the Emerald Wedding.

60 years together -- Platinum or diamond wedding. Strong metal, and valuable stone.

At the age of 65, the Iron Date is celebrated. A strong, hardened union.

At 67.5 -- stone anniversary. Like a mountain that only time can destroy.

70 years in love - A grateful and fertile date. Gratitude for the years spent together, for children and grandchildren. Blessed, because everything is there and only the happiness of relatives is needed.

After 75 years, it is worth celebrating the Crown wedding. The crown was associated with power and honor.

80 years is called the Oak Union. There was no tree stronger than oak. But it is warm and eternal.

100 years is not only a century together, but also a Red Anniversary Wedding. A date that was celebrated by one Ageev family. These centenarians lived together for more than a century and called the centenary union Red. Indeed, before the red color was considered beautiful, elegant, festive and a sign of noble persons.

Wedding anniversaries are celebrated every 5 years. Despite this, many celebrate them in a modest family society, because the older the family, the more relatives: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

But whatever the name of the weddings, let your family reign eternal love. We wish you mutual understanding and together survive the century from the date of marriage!

wedding anniversaries

Wedding anniversary- the wedding date celebrated annually, most often having its own name, rituals and traditions.


The founder in the name of wedding anniversaries should be considered medieval Germany[ source unspecified 2796 days]. If only close relatives were present at the wedding itself, then after two weeks the tables were laid again - for friends. A year later, good friends were invited, after a couple of years - new friends and distant relatives.

IN Eastern countries(China, Japan) wedding anniversaries were celebrated according to the teachings of numerology about successful and unsuccessful anniversaries and anniversaries. So, according to this teaching, dates divisible by four should be celebrated noisily, with guests. And wedding anniversaries, dedicated to 11, 22 and 33 years of marriage, should be celebrated in private.

Symbols of wedding anniversaries in different countries

Number of years Germany Netherlands England USA France Scandinavian countries Eastern Europe
1 Paper chintz Cotton Paper, contemporary watch Cotton Paper chintz
2 Cotton Cardboard Paper Cotton, contemporary porcelain Leather Cotton Paper
3 Wheat Leather Skin, modern crystal, glass Wheat Leather
4 Amber Silk Fruits and flowers Linen (silk), modern. appliances Flower Wax Linen (wax)
5 Tree Forest Wooden crafts Tree, contemporary silver plate Tree Tree
6 Sugar Gypsum Sugar Iron, modern wood products Chypre Island Cast iron
6,5 Zinc
7 Brass Wool fabric Wool, copper, modern desktop writing instrument Wool Copper
8 Salt Bronze Salt Bronze, contemporary canvas, lace Poppy tin
9 Crystal Faience Copper Ceramics, porcelain, contemporary Leather Products Faience Faience
10 Rose Tin Tin, aluminum Tin, aluminum,

modern diamond

Tin Tin
11 Steel Steel Steel, contemporary bijouterie Coral Zinc Steel
12 Nickel canvas Silk and delicate linen Silk, contemporary pearls and colored gemstones Silk Nickel
13 Lily of the valley Copper Lace Lace, contemporary fabrics Lily of the valley Lily of the valley
14 Ivory Lead Ivory Ivory, modern gold jewelry Lead Agate
15 Violet Crystal Crystal Crystal (modern clock) Crystal Crystal Crystal
16 Topaz Silver plate Sapphire Topaz
17 Orchid Rose Furniture Rose Rose
18 Turquoise Porcelain Turquoise Turquoise
19 Cretonne Bronze Cretonne Pomegranate
20 Porcelain Porcelain Porcelain, contemporary platinum Porcelain Porcelain
21 brass, nickel Opal Opal
22 Copper Bronze Bronze
23 silver plate Beryl Beryl
24 Musical instruments Atlas Atlas
25 Silver Silver Silver, contemporary sterling (alloy) Silver Silver
26 original paintings jade Nephritis
27 Sculpture Red tree Red tree
28 orchids Nickel Nickel
29 New furniture Velvet Velvet
30 Pearl Pearl Pearls, contemporary diamond Pearl Pearl
31 Watch Basan, sheepskin Sun
32 Automobile Copper
33 Strawberry Strawberry[ source not specified 2096 days] Amethyst Porphyry Strawberry
34 Opal Amber Amber
35 canvas Coral Coral; nephritis Ruby Coral
36 Bone china Muslin
37 Gypsum Paper Muslin
37,5 Aluminum
38 Beryl, tourmaline Mercury Mercury
39 Lace Crepe
40 Ruby Ruby Emerald Ruby
41 Earth Iron
42 land with house Nacre Nacre
43 Journey flannel Flannel
44 Grocery Topaz Topaz
45 Edelweiss Sapphire Sapphire Gilded Silver Sapphire
46 original poems Lavender Lavender
47 Books Cashmere Cashmere
48 Optics (telescope, microscope…) Amethyst Amethyst
49 Luxuries Cedar Cedar
50 Gold Gold Gold Gold
55 Venus Orchid Emerald Orchid Amethyst Emerald
60 Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond
65 Blue sapphire rosewood Iron
67,5 Stone
70 Mercy Shine Platinum Platinum[ source not specified 2096 days] Platinum Platinum Grace
75 Diamond and similar stones, gold Alabaster Crown
80 Oak Oak diamond, pearl Oak Walnut Oak
85 Wine Diamond, sapphire morganite
90 Granite Granite Diamond, emerald Granite Granite
95 Diamond, ruby Baobab
100 Sky 10 carat diamond Water Red platinum

Green wedding- wedding day. Her symbol is myrtle leaves in a wedding crown.

print wedding - one year life together. There is some ambiguity in the symbolism of the name of the printed wedding anniversary. Conservative sources claim that during the first year from the date of the wedding, relationships are like the most fragile fabric - chintz. And the young for 1 year of marriage just got to know each other closer; their relationship is still very fragile, and therefore they are "calico". However, fervent folk rumor ascribes a slightly different meaning to the name “chintz wedding”, which explains the meaning of chintz and gauze anniversaries much easier. The people quite reasonably believed that the first year of marriage is notable for the extremely active actions of the newlyweds in bed, which, in fact, leads to the wear of cotton bed linen to the state of gauze. Newlyweds give each other cotton handkerchiefs on this day. Sometimes it is called cotton. It is called so because the life of the newlyweds has already entered into everyday life. Also on this day, they drink one bottle of champagne, left specially from the wedding. Witnesses and best friends, as well as parents, are always invited to the celebration of a cotton wedding.

paper wedding - biennial anniversary. Usually give albums, notebooks, art books.

leather wedding - 3 years life together.

linen wedding- celebrated after four years.

wooden wedding- celebrated five years family life. On this day, various wooden things are usually given as gifts.

cast iron wedding - 6th anniversary life together.

Zinc wedding- noted through six and a half years, reminds you that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. The name of this anniversary, like the others, has deep meaning. It conveys to us the wisdom passed down from generation to generation: family relationships, like galvanized dishes, must be periodically polished to a shine.

copper wedding- celebrated through seven years. Spouses exchange copper coins as a pledge of future happiness.

Tin wedding - 8 years. On this day, shiny homemade items, such as cupcake tins, are given away. The name of this anniversary is less common as a bed wedding. On the anniversary, it is customary to buy a new bed, as a symbol of the renewal of the hearth.

faience wedding - 9 years matrimony. For the anniversary, faience dishes and crystal products are given.

rose day (tin wedding) - ten year old wedding anniversary. On this day, people who were best men and bridesmaids at the wedding are invited to visit. They dance with red roses. A husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red - as a symbol of love and 1 white - as a symbol of hope for the next decade.

steel wedding - 11 years life together. It is customary to give souvenirs made of steel, as well as various power tools.

nickel wedding - 12.5 years marriage life.

Lily-of-the-valley (lace) wedding - 13 years

agate wedding - 14 years marriage life.

glass wedding (crystal wedding ) - through 15 years when they give glass objects as a sign that the relationship between spouses should be as clean as glass.

Turquoise wedding- 18 wedding anniversary.

porcelain wedding - 20 years. The festive table is served with a new porcelain service as a sign that there is no trace left of the old services.

Opal wedding - 21 years old

bronze wedding - 22

Beryl wedding - 23 years old

satin wedding - 24 years.

silver wedding - 25 years.

pearl wedding- 30 years of marriage. The wedding anniversary of 30 years is like a pearl necklace: every year lived is strung on top of each other. Basically, people associate pearls with white, although there are a lot of shades in nature, for example, green pearls are a symbol of hope, white for a girl is a symbol of a veil, blue - dreams, red - passion.

coral wedding - 35 years.

aluminum wedding - 37.5 years- speaks of the long and lasting happiness of a married couple.

Mercury wedding - 38 years

ruby wedding - 40 years.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years from the day of marriage.

golden wedding - 50 years.

Emerald wedding - 55 years.

diamond wedding - 60 years. It means that nothing can already dissolve this marriage. Except death.

iron wedding - 65 years old marriage life.

stone wedding - 67.5 years life together.

blessed wedding - 70 years old life together.

crown wedding - 75 years old life together.

oak wedding - 80 years old life together.

granite wedding - 90 years old life together.

Platinum (red) wedding - 100 years life together.

Features of celebrating a wedding anniversary in different countries

Great Britain

In the countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, you can receive personal congratulations from the monarch on the 50th wedding anniversary and beyond, every five years. Since 1917, the monarch personally signs Greeting Cards for anniversaries who come in a special envelope, but by regular mail. In order to add anniversaries to the list for congratulations, relatives or acquaintances of the couple must write an appropriate application to Buckingham Palace.


Since the 50s of the XX century, the "List of Anniversaries" has been operating in the United States. It was based not on wedding symbols, but on the names of preferred gifts for a particular anniversary.


In Russia anniversary anniversaries weddings began to be celebrated with late XIX century. A larger spread of this tradition falls on the end of the 80s of the XX century. In the era of the USSR, the anniversaries of the 25th, 50th, 65th wedding anniversaries were honored in the registry offices. At the moment, at the request of the spouses, you can hold a similar ceremony in almost any Wedding Palace. In Russia, wedding anniversary rituals are tied to the name or symbol of the anniversary.[ source not specified 810 days] However, there are several fairly ancient ceremonies, such as “tying a scarf” for a “Chint wedding” or “family seedling” for a “Wooden wedding”, which were held back in the 19th century.

Wedding Anniversary Ceremony

The wedding anniversary is celebrated as a truncated ceremony of a real wedding: meeting guests, presenting gifts, a wedding feast, congratulations, contests and rituals. As a rule, the atmosphere at the celebration is closely related to the symbol of the anniversary. The fifth anniversary of the wedding - "Wooden Wedding" - is celebrated in nature or in a restaurant with national cuisine. "Pearl Wedding" (30th anniversary) - by the pond. The "Golden Wedding" should be held exactly according to the same scenario as half a century ago.

wedding anniversary gifts

Spouses are given products from the material that symbolizes the wedding anniversary. These can be jewelry, household items, interior items, etc. In some cases, gifts are chosen based on the associative series with the symbol of the wedding anniversary. So for the "Cast-iron wedding", symbolizing not only the metal itself, but also home comfort, you can give household appliances for cleaning. And for the Agate Wedding, gifts can have a religious accent.

Despite the fact that the wedding day irrevocably remains in the past, the newlyweds have many more holidays ahead, no less bright and joyful. A huge role in the life of spouses is played by such a holiday as a wedding anniversary. Every year the family union becomes stronger and stronger, and the spouses treat each other with more and more respect.

Each wedding anniversary has its own specific meaning - it means a new stage in family life and proves that love only becomes stronger over the years. Each wedding anniversary has its own name, which symbolizes the degree of strength of family relationships. Below are the names of wedding anniversaries by years that are usually celebrated:

Below are all the names of weddings by past years:

Chintz wedding - 1 year.

Paper wedding - 2 years.

Leather wedding - 3 years.

Linen wedding - 4 years.

Wooden wedding - 5 years.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years.

Woolen wedding - 7 years.

Tin wedding - 8 years.

Faience wedding - 9 years.

Pink wedding - 10 years.

Steel wedding - 11 years.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years.

Lace wedding - 13 years.

Agate wedding - 14 years.

Glass wedding - 15 years.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years.

Silver wedding - 25 years.

Pearl wedding - 30 years.

Amber wedding - 34 years.

Coral wedding - 35 years.

Aluminum wedding - 37.5 years.

Ruby wedding - 40 years.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years.

Lavender wedding - 46 years.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years.

Amethyst wedding - 48 years.

Cedar wedding - 49 years.

Golden wedding - 50 years.

Emerald wedding - 55 years.

Diamond wedding - 60 years.

Iron wedding - 65 years.

Stone wedding - 67.5 years.

Grace wedding - 70 years.

Crown wedding - 75 years.

Oak wedding - 80 years.

what are the weddings by year and what is customary to give them.

1 year. Chintz wedding. The first modest anniversary. Honeymoon passed and the young really got to know each other and felt what family life is. On this anniversary, young people can give each other items made of chintz. Relatives and friends adhere to the same rule.
2 years. Paper wedding. Relationships are still very fragile and can easily tear like paper. It is customary to give notebooks, postcards, notebooks, calendars, books, photo albums or paper money.
3 years. Leather wedding. Relationships are already stronger. They give leather wallets, belts, purses, key rings.
4 years. Linen (wax) wedding. Slowly prosperity comes to the house. The turn of flax has come. They give linen towels, sheets, tablecloths and beautiful candles. On this day, a candlelit dinner is held.
5 years. Wooden wedding. First serious anniversary young family. The family is already quite strong, but the tree burns well. Therefore, there is a danger of fires - family quarrels. For this celebration, you can give wooden souvenirs, jewelry, household items, caskets, spoons and carved crafts.
6 years. Cast iron (cypress, rowan) wedding. They give cast-iron pots, frying pans, etc. The rowan bunch is a symbol of the family hearth. Saves love. He brings his son home. On this day, the house is decorated with rowan branches.
6.5 years. Zinc wedding. She recalls that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. Give galvanized dishes. In order to keep the heat in the shower, pieces of zinc are thrown out the window.
7 years. Copper wedding. Copper is a durable, beautiful and quite valuable material. Spouses on this day can exchange copper coins - a symbol of a further prosperous life. Copper products can serve as gifts.
8 years. Tin (poppy) wedding. Sparkling tin is a symbol of renewal of relations. The best gift is shiny kitchen utensils: baking dishes, trays, buckets. You can also donate household appliances.
9 years. Faience wedding. They give a variety of dishes, cups, vases made of faience, crystal, and glass.
10 years. Pink (tin, amber) wedding crowns the first decade lived together. The relationship between the spouses is strong, time-tested. Everyone who was at the wedding is invited. The wife can wear a pink dress. Relatives and girlfriends can also be with roses (in the hair, on the dress, in the hand...). The husband gives his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses - a symbol of love and fidelity. Relatives and friends also give the spouses roses and everything connected with them. As well as products made of tin and amber.
11 years. Steel wedding. They give stainless steel dishes or objects that contain a steel shade in their color.
12 years old. Nickel (silk) wedding. Reminds spouses of the need to maintain the brilliance of their marriage. They give nickel-plated dishes and silk products.
13 years old. Lace (woolen) wedding. Give products made of lace or wool.
14 years old. Agate wedding. Guests bring agate jewelry and ivory figurines as a gift.
15 years. Glass (crystal) wedding. As a sign of the purity of marital relations, it is advisable to make gifts in the form of a glass and crystal product.
17 years. Tin wedding. On this anniversary, pewter items are given to spouses.
18 years. Turquoise wedding. Guests give turquoise jewelry.
19 years. Krypton wedding.
20 years. Porcelain wedding Considered. that by this time only memories remained of the old services. It is advisable to set the table with new porcelain. Therefore, porcelain sets are given for this anniversary.
21 years old Opal wedding. Guests give jewelry with opals.
22 years old. Bronze wedding. Gifts made of bronze.
23 years old. Beryl wedding.
24 years. Satin wedding.
25 years. Silver wedding. Marks a quarter of a century lived together. The family union is noble as silver. Its strength no longer depends on any chance. The Silver Anniversary can be solemnly celebrated in the registry office or the Wedding Palace, where the marriage was registered. All relatives are gathered for the celebration. Spouses can exchange silver rings. Guests also give silver or silver-plated items.
26 years. Jade wedding.
27 years. Mahogany wedding. Guests give mahogany products.
29 years. Velvet wedding. Spouses are given clothes made of velvet.
30 years. Pearl wedding. This is a symbol of the fact that the past thirty years of married life, like pearls, are strung on the thread of time. The relationship between the spouses has not faded, like natural pearls. The husband gives his wife a thread with thirty pearls - according to the number of years lived. Burning give natural mother-of-pearl pearls.
31 year. Dark wedding.
34 years. Amber wedding. Gifts for this anniversary can be amber jewelry.
35 years. Linen (coral) wedding. A linen tablecloth is presented as a gift - a symbol of peace, prosperity and home comfort. And you can surprise everyone present and present real corals.
37 years. Muslin wedding.
37.5 years old. aluminum wedding. Symbolizes a long and lasting family relationship. Give products made of aluminum.
38 years. Mercury wedding.
39 years. Crepe wedding.
40 years. Ruby wedding. Spouses can encrust a ruby ​​in their wedding rings. Or a husband can give his wife a ring with a ruby.
42 years. Pearl wedding.
43 years. Flannel wedding.
44 years old. Topaz wedding. They give jewelry with topaz.
45 years. Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding. Sapphire is a stone of fidelity. And this anniversary symbolizes the fidelity of the spouses to each other.
46 years old. Lavender wedding. You can give each other a bouquet of lavender, which retains its tenderness even after so many years.
47 years old. cashmere wedding. Guests present cashmere clothes as warm and cozy as the relationship between spouses.
48 years old. Amethyst wedding. As a sign of marital fidelity, the husband gives his wife an amethyst jewelry
49 years old. Cedar wedding. Relationships are as strong and reliable as this tree.
50 years. Golden wedding. Husband and wife exchange gold rings. The Golden Anniversary can be solemnly celebrated at the Wedding Palace or the Civil Registry Office at the place of registration of marriage or place of residence.
55 years. Emerald wedding. Give jewelry made of emerald.
60 years. Diamond (platinum) wedding. The couple lived together for 60 years, withstood the storms of fate like a diamond. This means that no one and nothing is able to terminate such a long marriage. On this anniversary, guests give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.
65 years old. Iron wedding. There's nowhere to be stronger. Spouses have already proved everything to everyone! Now they can enjoy the attention of their children and grandchildren.
67.5 years old. Stone wedding. And a stone is able to destroy time, but love, tested by such a period, cannot be destroyed by anything and no one.
70 years old. Thanksgiving wedding. This is the anniversary of married life, when they look back: at grown-up grandchildren and great-grandchildren and understand that love sent by heaven is grace and true happiness.
75 years old. Crown (alabaster, last) wedding. Crowns a long and happy life together.
80 years old. Oak wedding. Family life is as long-lived as this tree.
100 years. Red wedding. This name for the centenary faithful marital anniversary was proposed by 126-year-old Niftulla Agayev from the highland village of Zuvuch in Azerbaijan, who lived for a century in love and harmony with 116-year-old Balabeim Agayeva.
Wedding statistics are impressive, according to the registry office of the city of Moscow.
Golden wedding (50 years) was celebrated by 6130 couples;
Emerald wedding (55 years) behind 2467 couples;
There are also Diamond wedding (60 years) anniversaries in total of 1020 pairs;
And the Iron Wedding (65 years) was celebrated by 49 Moscow couples;
The blessed wedding (70 years) was celebrated by 20 families!
And what is your anniversary?

The name and meaning of the wedding by year.

green wedding
The day of the marriage. This is your very first anniversary. It is the day of the wedding itself and the starting point of new anniversaries, which, we hope, will be very many. The Green Wedding is celebrated during the first year after the conclusion of the matrimonial union every month on the date of the wedding. Usually, only flowers are given as a gift, especially paying attention to how long they last. The symbol of this anniversary is the myrtle leaves in the wedding wreath, which the bride weaves for herself on her wedding day.
Print wedding or gauze wedding
First wedding anniversary. Most difficult year behind, the newlyweds got to know each other better, overcame real family difficulties, faced the everyday life of family relationships. On this day, young people exchange chintz handkerchiefs or colorful jewelry, while it is customary to give guests items made of chintz, cotton, and silk. It is desirable that all gifts fit and are needed by a young family.
paper wedding
Biennial marriage. The second year is a test of patience and tolerance in a young family. Very often, a baby appears in the family by the second anniversary, and it is very important to be kinder friend to a friend to build a friendly and strong family. Paper is a symbol of fragility, therefore it depends only on the husband and wife whether they can maintain the fragile balance of marriage. Guests give books with tips, recipes, beautiful pictures, photo albums for memory.
leather wedding
3 years of marriage. The family seems to be strong, but changes are still taking place in it, relationships continue to change like skin. Try to give products from genuine leather, which would serve the young for a long time: bags, wallets, folders, belts.
wax wedding
4 years together. On the holiday table required attribute there should be flickering lights, and beautiful candles as a gift. As a test of marital relations, a pair of candles are lit on Zhen Anniversary, which should stand in the room throughout the day. How many hours it will stand without going out, so many happy years the husband and wife will spend together.
wooden wedding
Five years of marriage. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships; it is no longer chintz, paper, or even leather. On this day, guests bring wooden dishes, spoons, caskets, small items furniture. The husband himself must make some wooden crafts for the house, to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as proof of her feminine compliance.
cast iron wedding
6 years of marriage. Another crisis in marital relations. Cast iron, despite its external strength and weight, is a very brittle metal that can crack from any impact. The relationship of the young, despite a considerable period, must be maintained, like the fire of a family hearth. Guests can give cast-iron pots, pans, and the wife must bake some kind of family meal in cast-iron dishes. specialty of the house to prove their worth as the hostess of the house.
Zinc wedding
6.5 years after marriage. This anniversary reminds us that marriage, like galvanized dishes, must be polished over time. The crises are over, so the main task of the family is home improvement. Guests give young people sets of dishes, pots, some useful kitchen sets.
copper wedding
7 years after the beginning of a joint life. The first noble and confident anniversary. And although copper is not such a strong metal, it is still noble. Spouses exchange copper rings or coins - a symbol of ringing happiness, relatives and friends give copper utensils and jewelry. Donated rings are worn by spouses throughout anniversary year.
Tin wedding
8 years of marriage. The strength of the family increases over the years, so tin becomes a symbol - a strong, but flexible structure. On this anniversary, it is customary to give: tin products such as trays, baking sheets, baking dishes, as well as kitchen utensils, household electrical appliances. All this adds respect to the mistress of the house.
faience wedding
9 years of marriage. No one argues about the strength of the family anymore. She is stronger than ever. Therefore, faience cups are given on the anniversary, which attract with their beauty. In addition, these cups are a symbol of a united and friendly family(you can donate sets), which fills its family bowl with prosperity. The best gift for spouses on this day is faience dishes, crystal products.
Pink wedding or Tin wedding
A decade of marriage. On this day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet that reminds her of her wedding bouquet. In addition, gifts of scarlet roses are obligatory, which speak of love, which has already passed the test of ten years of family life and which is not afraid of thorns or life's barriers. In addition, on this day it is customary to give souvenirs and tin products that will be useful to spouses in the country.
steel wedding
11 years of marriage. The countdown of a new decade of family life shows that relationships have hardened, become stronger and stronger. It is customary to give souvenirs made of steel, as well as various power tools.
nickel wedding
12, 5 matrimony. In some ways, this anniversary is reminiscent of a zinc wedding, and the meaning of the celebration is to renew marital relations in a reminder that it is necessary to maintain the brilliance of family relationships. It is celebrated with a narrow family circle. Can be given as gifts jewelry.
Lace wedding or Lily-of-the-valley wedding
13 years of marriage. Life goes on as usual and weaves its own lace. On this day, spouses are presented with lace napkins, tablecloths, and openwork items knitted from fine wool. On this anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love.
agate wedding
14 years of marriage. Every year, relationships acquire new colors, the family hearth acquires more and more new colors, like the agate stone itself, known for its various forms. It is customary for spouses to give items made of agate or ivory.
Glass wedding or Crystal wedding
15 years of marriage. This anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. It is rather an anniversary of faith in yourself and in the family. On this day, glass or crystal dishes are presented.
Turquoise wedding
18 years of marriage. The brightness of turquoise symbolizes the end of all difficult and crisis situations that tormented families in the second decade of its existence. Turquoise jewelry is given on this anniversary.
porcelain wedding
20 years of marriage. New family anniversary festive table It is served with new porcelain dishes, which shows the increased (compared to a faience wedding) wealth of the family. Porcelain is also given on this day.
silver wedding
25th anniversary. A quarter of a century lived together is already a lot! Silver as a noble metal is a symbol of beauty and durability. family union. It is customary to celebrate a silver wedding with all relatives and friends. The couple exchange silver rings and subsequently wear them with their wedding rings throughout the jubilee year. The guests bring a gift silverware and cutlery.
pearl wedding
Thirty years of marriage. Pearls are a symbol of impeccable family relationships, as real pearls never grow dull. And 30 years is like 30 pearls, strung on the thread of time. On this day, the husband gives his wife a pearl necklace. This gift is a kind of reminder of those tears that were shed by the wife during family troubles, the husband, as it were, asks for forgiveness for his unsuccessful words and deeds.
Amber wedding
34 years. Amber - magic stone, it must lie for several centuries to become what it is. So the family for this anniversary becomes a model. Almost perfect. Anniversary gifts can be amber jewelry.
Linen wedding or Linen wedding or Coral wedding
35 years of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is a linen tablecloth, personifying peace, prosperity and home comfort. This anniversary is the glorification of the mistress of the house, who managed to keep the warmth of the hearth all these years. Linen tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, towels and sheets are presented as a gift. And also, since the anniversary has another name, coral products are presented.
aluminum wedding
37 and a half years of marriage. This half-anniversary testifies to strong marital happiness and the fact that such a strong family is ready to celebrate the holidays always and in a large and friendly company. It is customary to give household items made of aluminum and other metals, as well as souvenirs.
ruby wedding
40 years of married life. Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is designed to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary indicates that the intimacy of the spouses has become blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day a wonderful gift for the wife will be a ring with a ruby ​​from a loving husband.
Sapphire wedding
45 years of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is the fidelity stone - sapphire. It is believed that this stone not only relieves heavy thoughts, but also refreshes feelings, gives strength to fight adversity and illness. On this day, spouses are given jewelry with sapphire. In addition, this anniversary is celebrated together with friends who have been with their spouses all these years.
lavender wedding
46 years of marriage. Lavender is a mountain plant that can withstand even the most difficult natural disasters. Usually they give a bouquet of lavender, whose delicate and strong smell will be stored for a very, very long time.
Cashmere wedding, or Woolen wedding
47 years of marriage. Give your spouses clothes made of wool or cashmere, cozy, warm and reliable, like their love.
amethyst wedding
48 years of marriage. A husband gives his wife an amethyst jewelry as a sign of marital fidelity. This stone symbolizes honesty and clarity of intentions, which, over 48 years of marriage, had to be finally decided.
Cedar wedding
49 years of marriage. This tree is as strong, reliable and warm as your relationship. It is customary to give wooden fans, as well as various carved boxes.
golden wedding
Fiftieth wedding anniversary. To live up to this anniversary falls to the elect, and therefore this anniversary is celebrated solemnly and magnificently. They invite relatives and friends, necessarily children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings to replace those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are transmitted as family value unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second marriage ceremony.
Emerald wedding
55 years of marriage. The brightness of feelings may not be lost over the years! The bright green emerald stone should confirm that the spouses still have vivid emotions for each other. On this anniversary, it is customary to give spouses jewelry with emeralds.
Diamond wedding or Diamond wedding
Sixtieth Anniversary. The diamond is the symbol of this anniversary, it is the hardest of the precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union. On this day, children and grandchildren give their spouses jewelry with diamonds.
iron wedding
65 years of marriage. This anniversary is a rather rare event, which testifies to the strength of family ties that have become as hard as iron in such a time. Usually, openwork iron coasters or iron souvenirs are given on this day.
stone wedding
67, 5 years of marriage. The stone lives for a very long time, but it is also subject to destruction. But the love that has lived for so many years, nothing can destroy.
Thankful wedding or Thankful wedding
70 years of marriage. On this day, the whole family gathers together: with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back, the couple realize that such a faithful and long love sent by heaven. And this is grace and true happiness.
Crown wedding or Second diamond wedding
75 years of marriage. This anniversary crowns the long and happy life of two loving spouses. It is celebrated by a wide range of relatives, children and grandchildren.
oak wedding
80 years of marriage. Your family life is as strong as oak branches and lives as long as an oak tree lives. On this day, oak rosaries are given to spouses.
red wedding
100th anniversary of your relationship. Of course, this anniversary is rare. Your family is praised by the whole world! The name of the centennial anniversary was proposed not so long ago by the long-lived Agaevs from Azerbaijan: 126-year-old Niftulla and his 116-year-old wife Balabeim. They lived together for a century.

print wedding- 1 year

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them is a print wedding. A chintz wedding is considered a year of marriage. Such an anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary was given such a name as a sign that in a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz.

paper wedding- 2 years

Two years of marriage together are already behind us, which means that the anniversary has come, namely the paper wedding. A marriage that lasted 2 years is called a paper wedding because it short term does not yet speak of a strong alliance, is subject to change and can break as quickly as paper.

leather wedding- 3 years

Several steps have already been taken in married life, the relationship has become strong. Such conclusions can be drawn about the anniversary of three years of marriage, the name of which is “leather wedding”. She marks 3 years of marriage. As for the name, it speaks for itself. Leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less solid.

linen wedding- 4 years

A linen wedding is 4 years of marriage. Also, 4 years is also called a rope wedding. This is not considered an anniversary in the classical sense, but has the status of an anniversary. For 4 years, the husband and wife have already become accustomed and are like intertwining ropes or flax fibers. It's not so easy to separate them.

wooden wedding- 5 years

A wooden wedding or the fifth anniversary of marriage is a small anniversary for spouses. We can say that this is the first anniversary of marriage, which must be celebrated. If the previous anniversaries leading up to the wooden wedding were the first steps in living together, then this is reliable evidence of the strength of family ties. Even the name of the anniversary speaks for itself.

cast iron wedding- 6 years

The sixth anniversary suggests that it is time to strengthen your home. This is the first anniversary after the fifth anniversary, and this suggests that the first crises may appear in marriage. Therefore, this anniversary was called " cast iron wedding". In fact, cast iron is not the strongest material, but on the contrary, it is very fragile and can crack at any moment.


Zinc wedding- 6.5 years

Each of the wedding anniversaries is a new stage in the development of family relations, which has its own characteristics. Each anniversary and each anniversary is marked by one or another material that could most accurately describe family life on this stage. Life in marriage, this short period of time is called a zinc wedding.

copper wedding- 7 years

The marriage, which lasted 7 years, was called " copper wedding". It is not for nothing that such a metal as copper was chosen for the name. It should be noted that copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. This suggests that seven year marriage represents not only strength, but also considerable value for its participants.

Tin wedding- 8 years

Eight years of marriage is already a long period of time. The symbol of this anniversary is tin, hence the name “tin wedding”. On the eighth anniversary of marriage, or on a tin wedding, the life of the spouses must finally settle down, they must completely get used to each other, raise children and move on.

faience wedding- 9 years

Nine years of marriage is called " earthenware wedding". Why is this, because faience is a very fragile material? The explanation is simple. It is believed that some critical moments that should be experienced, so marriage can easily crack like faience. There is also an opinion that for 9 years of marriage, spouses live in abundance.

Tin wedding- 10 years

Tin wedding - a decade of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is tin, which in turn is a symbol of flexibility. This suggests that the spouses have “grown” to each other and adjusted to the characteristics of each other, they seem to bend under each other. So, we can say that their marriage has become flexible. Also, this anniversary is also called the pink wedding.

steel wedding- 11 years

Eleven years of marriage is called a steel wedding. The relationship is already fully established and has become hard as steel. Steel, symbol steel wedding, very beautiful and mirror metal. Family life should be the same for 11 years of marriage: strong and mirror-clean. At this point, the family should already have two children and their own home.

nickel wedding- 12 years

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.


nickel wedding- 12.5 years

Nickel wedding is the anniversary of 12.5 years of marriage. Since the anniversary is not round, it is celebrated in family circle. Guests are required to donate nickel-plated crockery and kitchen utensils. Only in this case, the dishes are presented unpolished in order for the spouses to do it on their own.

Lace wedding- 13 years

A lace wedding is the thirteenth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of a lace wedding is lace, which indicates that the 13th year of married life should be especially valued for marriage, because it is as thin as lace. A lace wedding is also called a lily of the valley. Therefore, guests should give not only lace, but also white flowers.

agate wedding- 14 years

If the marriage has lasted for 14 years, then he is not afraid of anything. Joint life in marriage, which lasted 14 years, is called an agate wedding. Agate is a symbol of well-being, health and prosperity. The marriage that existed before the agate wedding can be called prosperous and strong. Such a marriage is not afraid of any obstacles.

crystal wedding- 15 years

Crystal wedding comes on the 15th year of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested.

Topaz wedding- 16 years

A topaz wedding is a kind of anniversary of living together, celebrated 16 years after legal marriage. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses have already learned to be one, but at the same time, there is still fresh air between them. romantic relationship and the passion has not faded. Topaz - semi gem, symbolizing the transition from soft to strong.

pink wedding- 17 years

In the entire history of family life, the newlyweds will celebrate two Pink weddings. The first, also called tin, exactly 10 years from the date of marriage. And the second beautiful and tender pink wedding according to folk traditions, spouses celebrate after 17 years from the date of the creation of the family.

Turquoise wedding- 18 years

A turquoise wedding is the eighteenth anniversary of marriage. By this time crisis situations, if there were any in the family, end, and dawn comes. The children have matured enough, which means that the problems have become much less. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory. The relationship of the spouses turquoise wedding should sparkle with new light.

pomegranate wedding- 19 years

Having lived in love and harmony for 19 years, the couple celebrate the Pomegranate wedding, named after the stone, symbolizing fertility and abundance. Over the years, the spouses should already have many children and the house is a full bowl. With all this, husband and wife remain tender to each other and maintain that romantic mood who accompanied them at the beginning of family life.

porcelain wedding- 20 years

A porcelain wedding is the 20th anniversary of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and elegant material. Another characteristic of porcelain is its fragility. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage should be taken seriously, because if the spouses are not careful, it can break.

Opal wedding- 21 years old

The spouses celebrate the opal wedding exactly 21 years after marriage. Interestingly, according to popular belief, opal is considered a stone that causes a repulsive feeling towards the person who gave it. However, it is from this mineral that spouses should present products to each other as a gift.

bronze wedding- 22

The bronze wedding is celebrated 22 years after the wedding. With its name, this anniversary symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships and the beginning of a stage towards a new development of the family. It is believed that by this time the husband and wife should be able to easily adapt to each other, while remaining one.

Beryl wedding- 23 years old

Few people know that after 23 years from the date of marriage, it is customary to celebrate the Beryl wedding. Beryl is considered a stone peace of mind, the keeper of the hearth, a symbol of love, prosperity and prosperity. Beryl is found in nature in various colors and shades. The term of 23 years is one of the turning points in family life.

satin wedding- 24 years

A married couple celebrates a satin wedding exactly 24 years after the wedding. Satin is a light and smooth fabric, and this is exactly what family relationships should be like after such a long period of living together. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, the children have grown up, life is arranged - all that remains is to enjoy what has been achieved and maintain the fire of love for later life.

silver wedding- 25 years

A silver wedding is a whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

jade wedding- 26 years

Exactly one year after the loud silver jubilee spouses celebrate the Jade wedding. The name of the anniversary was not accidental. Jade is known for its strength, which is difficult to break both physically and chemically.

mahogany wedding- 27 years

The people call the 27th anniversary of family life the Mahogany Wedding, symbolizing nobility, wisdom, endurance, strength and strength of relationships. This anniversary is celebrated in narrow circle surrounded by children and grandchildren. To please each other, spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

nickel wedding- 28 years

Exactly 28 years after the wedding, couples celebrate the Nickel wedding. There is a belief that with its name this anniversary reminds spouses with experience that life needs to be filled with radiance even after for long years life together.

Velvet wedding- 29 years

According to folk traditions, a velvet wedding is usually celebrated on the 29th anniversary of marriage. The unusual name symbolizes the warmth, tenderness and softness of the relationship between husband and wife. Celebrate luxury wedding spouses are recommended in the restaurant. A woman should wear a velor dress, and a husband can confine himself to a velvet bow tie.

pearl wedding- 30 years

Pearl wedding - thirty years of marriage. Pearls are a symbol of chastity, love, purity and fertility. Therefore, it is assumed that for 30 years of marriage, spouses should already have grandchildren. Relatives, friends, children and grandchildren can be invited guests for the wedding anniversary.

Dark (sunny) wedding- 31 year

A swarthy (or sunny) wedding is celebrated by a married couple 31 years after the marriage. The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship. Of course, for such a solid period of time, the spouses have already become close people to each other and no minor troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

Stone (strawberry) wedding- 33 years

The symbolic anniversary of family life - 33 years, is called the Stone Wedding. The name speaks for itself - by this time the relationship should become strong and reliable. Interestingly, the same anniversary is called the Strawberry Wedding, probably for the reason that the husband and wife are intertwined with each other, like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding- 34 years

After 34 years from the date of the creation of the family, the spouses celebrate Amber wedding. The anniversary got its warm name for a reason. It is known that amber, before becoming a beautiful stone, goes a long and tedious way, transforming from a viscous resin into a valuable mineral. So the relationship between husband and wife in 34 years turns from soft to strong.

Linen (coral) wedding- 35 years

A linen wedding is a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. This anniversary is also called the coral wedding. The canvas symbolizes strength. And as for the coral, it is a plant that has the ability to grow rapidly and form coral reefs. Therefore, for a coral wedding, the newlyweds should already have a huge family, with many grandchildren.

Muslin wedding- 37 years

Muslin wedding comes to the newlyweds exactly after 37 years of marriage. Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required a lot of time, effort and patience. For such a long period of time, a husband and wife must create a strong and high-quality family in which love, respect and mutual understanding reign. It is not necessary to lavishly celebrate this interim date.


aluminum wedding- 37.5 years

Oddly enough, but the non-circular date of 37.5 years of family life also has its own name. This day is celebrated aluminum wedding, named after the strong yet flexible metal. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses must learn to put up with each other's minor shortcomings, respect the dignity and be able to find a way out of any situation with the inherent ease of aluminum.

Spouses have the opportunity to celebrate a mercury wedding, having lived together for 38 years. It is known that mercury is a liquid metal that can easily change its shape. So spouses with solid experience are given a chance to take a fresh look at their relationship and start a life dedicated to each other. This intermediate anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding- 39 years

A crepe wedding is not an anniversary, but an important anniversary in the life of a family. This anniversary owes its name to a durable material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined with each other. So it is in the family - in the 39th year of their life together, the husband and wife are a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

ruby wedding- 40 years

A ruby ​​wedding is considered 40 years of marriage. Symbol ruby wedding- ruby, which is a stone of love, fire and an ever-burning feeling that will never fade away, as it has already been tested by time. Another explanation for this jubilee symbol is that the ruby ​​is the color of blood.

Mother-of-pearl wedding- 42 years

According to folk customs, after 42 years from the date of marriage, the mother-of-pearl wedding is celebrated in the family. superstitious people always attributed to mother-of-pearl magical qualities, it is believed that he is able to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife and bring happiness to the house. According to tradition, on the 42nd anniversary of marriage, a loving husband should present his wife with a necklace of 42 pearls.

flannel wedding- 43 years

Having lived in marital status 43 years old, the couple celebrate the Flannel wedding. The people called this anniversary so in honor of the soft and warm fabric that can protect and keep warm in cold weather. Following folk traditions, the spouses should give each other flannel products. It can be pajamas, nightgowns, shirts, bathrobes.

Topaz wedding- 44 years old

44 years after marriage, the couple will celebrate a topaz wedding - an anniversary named after the purest gem, known not only for its transparency and beauty, but also for its strength. It is believed that family relations by this time should be strong and transparent, without offense, quarrels and intrigues.

Sapphire wedding- 45 years

A sapphire wedding marks forty-five years of marriage. The couple has proven their love and devotion over time. The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire, which is a stone of love that protects from evil. Like this stone, spouses should protect and protect each other. Sapphire is also a stone of renewal and kindness. Relations with him will become as if new, fresh.

lavender wedding- 46 years old

A lavender wedding is celebrated by spouses who have lived together for 46 years. At this age, there is no longer passion and fuss, but there is calmness, mutual understanding, respect and tenderness. It is not necessary to celebrate the lavender anniversary magnificently, it is enough to invite your beloved children and grandchildren to the house. There should be a tablecloth on the table blue tint and blue utensils.

cashmere wedding- 47 years old

Exactly 47 years from the date of registration of a legal marriage, the husband and wife will celebrate the Cashmere wedding. The anniversary got its name for a reason - warm and pleasant to the touch natural cashmere is unique in that it does not cause allergies. Similarly, spouses who have lived together for many years cannot annoy each other.

amethyst wedding- 48 years old

An amethyst wedding is celebrated by spouses who managed to live together for 48 years. Amethyst symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live such a long period of time. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to support each other and become real halves of a single whole.

Cedar wedding- 49 years old

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, husband and wife celebrate Cedar wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

golden wedding- 50 years

The golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is one of the most valuable and expensive metals - gold. Gold represents something that has been achieved through hard work. A fifty-year marriage is a great value that has been formed over the years through hard work. People who have lived together for half a century have proved mutual love, respect, trust and devotion.

A wedding is not only the day of marriage, on which the “ new cell society." This ancient tradition with deep roots and customs. According to one of them, it is customary to celebrate each year lived together. Each anniversary has its own name, which characterizes it with better side. Based on the name of the anniversary, one can judge the marriage, its prosperity and its honor.

  • For many lovers, their wedding day is a special date. They celebrate it with trepidation and try to observe all the traditions of the celebration. For others, only anniversaries that measure the time of living together are important: 10 years, 20 years, and so on.
  • Looking back at history, one can see that modern titles wedding anniversaries have deep roots. At that time, people much more appreciated the events associated with their lives, loved nature and compared themselves with it.
  • Most likely, based on this, the names of wedding anniversaries have such "natural" names. Moreover, following the name, you can understand its essence and compare it with the year of marriage lived by the spouses.
  • Since ancient times, the people believed in all sorts of signs that originated precisely from nature and everything around. People believed that if they followed the signs, they would be filled with extraordinary strength that could save marriage from misfortune and save it for many years.
  • IN modern life not every person has the idea that every year of married life has a name and most often turns to additional sources
names of wedding anniversaries by years, table

Not everyone knows that the very day on which the marriage takes place already has a name. His name is "Green Wedding". Symbolizes in this case"green" youth and inexperience of the newlyweds. In addition, greens are always fresh, light, but at the same time - something not fully ripe and not very fragile.

Focusing on the name of the wedding anniversary, it is customary to give gifts, it is for this reason (most likely) that on the wedding day (that is, on the “green wedding”) it is customary to give currency. It is dollar bills that should bring the newlyweds financial well-being and fortune in married life. However, this is not an approved rule at all and is just a tradition.

Table of weddings distributed by years from 1 to 10

Wedding anniversary Anniversary name Anniversary Features
1 year print wedding The anniversary got such a name only because this material is valued for its special subtlety, lightness, and transparency. This fabric is quite everyday, not expensive, but fragile: it is easy to tear and damage it. She is compared with romantic feelings, after all, after one year of marriage, the couple tries life and often loses feelings. At a print wedding, it is customary to drink a bottle of champagne tied at the wedding.
2 years paper wedding Paper is also a rather fragile material and that is why the second anniversary has such a name. You can literally compare marriage with paper like this: “It is durable when the“ paper ”is folded in several layers. This suggests that joint efforts, understanding and children strengthen the union of a young family and make it strong.
3 years leather wedding Our ancestors gave this anniversary such a name because at that time such material as leather was highly valued and expensive. Compared with chintz and paper, the skin is much stronger, which indicates that the lovers went through the difficulties of the first years of their life together and found harmony in which they built their happy life.
4 years linen wedding Linen fabric is considered a rather noble and pleasant material, which is not cheap and is considered prestigious, having many positive properties. In the old days, ropes were woven from flax, and often the 4th anniversary of living together is also called “rope”. Our ancestors believed that on the 4th year of marriage, the spouses should be put to the test: tie them with linen ropes, and if they get out of them harmoniously, this good omen, symbolizing a long happy marriage.
5 years wooden wedding The anniversary got its name for a reason. The tree has long been a symbol of fertility, and by the fifth year of marriage, the newlyweds must have a child. When two lovers have their first child, they literally “take root” and find a strong union between each other. The tree also symbolizes the house and furniture, in which a young family finds comfort.
6 years cast iron wedding Cast iron is a strong enough metal, but it is also symbolized by its fragility, because if you drop a cast-iron thing, a dent will appear on it that cannot be fixed. So marriage at this stage of life remains strong only when both spouses treat each other with care.
7 years copper wedding Copper is valued as an expensive metal, but it is not considered and does not belong to the noble. For this reason, the young understood how long they still had to live in harmony and understanding and try not to aggravate their marriage.
8 years tin wedding Tin is a fairly strong and heat-resistant metal. It is these features that the family possesses at this stage of married life. Tin, like both spouses, having lived for 8 years in harmony and harmony, are full of warmth and have stamina.
9 years earthenware wedding Such material as faience has always been valued and has always been considered noble. It symbolizes the family as something "pure, perfect and beautiful", but fragile. Therefore, spouses need to be extremely careful in order to preserve their feelings.
10 years tin wedding Tin is a durable and flexible metal, symbolizing spouses as people who are able to yield and adapt to each other.

wedding anniversaries by year

Table of weddings distributed by years from 11 to 20

Wedding anniversary Anniversary name Anniversary Features
11 years steel wedding A very symbolic name, since marriage (like steel) undergoes a special “hardening” and after this, only the death of one of the spouses can break a strong union.
12 years nickel wedding Also, this metal symbolizes the nobility, uniqueness and strength of the union, which has passed many trials and remained strong.
13 years lace wedding The number "13" has long been considered unfavorable, and in order to somehow brighten up this date, as well as to distract from it all the negative, she was given the name "lace", that is, symbolizing lightness, beauty, romance and fun.
14 years agate wedding Agate is considered an expensive stone, but at the same time it is not considered very expensive and is quite affordable. So marital relations at this stage have already deserved to be considered strong, but they still have to go a long way to achieve high marks.
15 years glass wedding In addition to the fact that glass is a rather fragile material that is easy to break, it is also a symbol of purity. At this stage of life, the spouses acquire a fairly even relationship, transparent and strong.
16 years has no name not noted
17 years has no name not noted
18 years turquoise wedding It also symbolizes one of the most expensive stones - turquoise. Not infrequently at this time the first child grows up and the parents get a new “fresh as turquoise” stage in their lives.
19 years krypton wedding Krypton symbolizes not only light, it is a kind of symbol of purity. So marriage, having lived together for 19 years, the spouses become one and illuminate each other's lives.
20 years porcelain wedding This material has long been considered elite and it was not available in every home. It symbolizes comfort, prosperity, warmth and a good, harmonious atmosphere in the family.

wedding anniversary table

According to ancient customs, it is not customary to celebrate 16th and 17th wedding anniversaries. If you study this issue in detail, then it is almost impossible to find an unambiguous solution and a truthful source. Unlike other countries, it was a bad omen for the Slavs to celebrate these dates and that is why they do not have names.

Table of weddings distributed by years from 21 to 30

Wedding anniversary Anniversary name Anniversary Feature
21 years old Opal wedding Named after a beautiful stone - opal. It is highly valued and symbolizes a strong, kind and understanding relationship between spouses.
22 bronze wedding Bronze belongs to expensive metals and that is why such an anniversary is valued as a "prize". bronze anniversary says that the spouses have a strong and understanding relationship.
23 years old Beryl wedding Beryl is a special metal, in itself it is not expensive, but some of its types are considered unique and precious. So the marriage, having gone through so many years, if it remains strong, then the couple has a strong, strong and trusting relationship.
24 years satin wedding Satin is a beautiful and soft, festive material. That is why relationships after 24 years of marriage are considered just as beautiful.
25 years silver wedding The first major anniversary, which is usually celebrated magnificently. Silver is a noble and expensive metal, this is how relationships for 25 years of marriage are symbolized.
26 years jade wedding It is also considered beautiful, durable and unique, like an expensive jade stone.
27 years mahogany wedding Mahogany is considered a unique, strong, expensive material. That is why marriage in the 26th year of existence has the same values.
28 years has no name not noted
29 years Velvet wedding Velvet has long been valued as a material for the rich. It is for this reason that 29 years of married life is considered a valuable feature that not everyone can afford.
30 years pearl wedding Like pearls matrimonial relationship matured for a long time, accumulated experience in themselves and as a result began to be valued very dearly.

wedding anniversaries table

Unlike European countries, in our area it is not customary to celebrate the 28th wedding anniversary for the same reason - a bad omen, but in some sources this particular date is called "nickel".

Table of weddings distributed by years from 31 to 40

Wedding anniversary Anniversary name Anniversary Feature
31 year Swarthy wedding It symbolizes all the work and all the experience that the spouses have accumulated over so many years of marriage.
32 years has no name not noted
33 years has no name not noted
34 years Amber wedding Amber acts as a symbol of such a long union and compares marriage with itself, as something valuable, expensive and real.
35 years coral wedding Coral is a valuable material that can last forever. The love of two spouses is also appreciated.
36 years has no name not noted
37 years Muslin wedding Muslin is a beautiful thin fabric that cannot be torn by hand. So are the relationships this year marriages have a special strength.
38 years Mercury wedding Like mercury, at the age of 38, marriage acquires softness at the same time, it is not indestructible.
39 years Crepe wedding Crepe is a durable material consisting of many threads intertwined with each other. So marriage has many nuances, feelings and trusting relationship on which he rests.
40 years ruby wedding Ruby is a precious stone that characterizes marriage as strong and honorable.

how to celebrate a wedding anniversary, anniversaries from 1 to 100 years

Unfortunately, given period characterized by many dates that should not be celebrated. Perhaps because this is a bad omen, or maybe because at that age you most often do not notice your problems and try to devote time to children and grandchildren.

Table of weddings distributed by years from 41 to 50

Wedding anniversary: Anniversary name: Anniversary Features:
41 years old no name not taken to mark
42 years no name not taken to mark
43 years no name not taken to mark
44 years old Topaz wedding A gem that characterizes spouses as a noble and honorable union
45 years Sapphire wedding This is a gem of deep blue color, and marriage by the age of 45 has a special charm, nobility, uniqueness and value for society.
46 years old lavender wedding It characterizes spouses who, after many years, instead of passion and fire, found calmness, peace and harmony
47 years old cashmere wedding Cashmere is a wool material that is considered not only expensive. It is worth spending a lot of time and effort to make one cashmere item, just like marriage is valued for great work, understanding and consent.
48 years old amethyst wedding Amethyst is another valuable stone that symbolizes the strength, uniqueness and honor of the union.
49 years old Cedar wedding The cedar tree can live for several hundred years, and that is why the anniversary symbolizes the spouses as an eternal couple, able to exist together for a very long time in harmony and understanding.
50 years golden wedding Gold is a valuable and expensive metal. To live in love and harmony until the golden wedding was considered commendable and honorable. It is customary to celebrate this anniversary magnificently, no worse than the wedding itself 50 years ago.

wedding anniversaries by years with a description

Wedding anniversaries, distributed in the table by year after 50 years of marriage

After 50 years, the wedding anniversary itself is celebrated, but mostly on anniversaries. Most likely, at this age, you don’t want to keep track of the years and the names for anniversaries do not have such a strong meaning. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing about those dates that are mandatory to celebrate, even after 50 years of marriage.

Wedding anniversaries with names after 50 years of married life, important anniversaries:

Wedding anniversary: Anniversary name: Anniversary Features:
55 years Emerald wedding Emerald is an expensive and valuable stone that has a bright and deep green color. So marriage by the age of 55 acquires special prestige, honor, uniqueness and nobility.
60 years diamond wedding A diamond is the most valuable and expensive stone, one diamond has been formed in the earth for hundreds and thousands of years. That is why marriage is considered as expensive, special and valuable after 60 years.
65 years old iron wedding Iron is a strong metal, marriage and love are the same after 65 years: indestructible, reliable and persistent.
67 years old stone wedding The stone is able to exist forever, the same is the love of two spouses who were able to live happily in marriage for 67 years.
70 years old blessed wedding The very name of the anniversary suggests that people who have lived for so many years in marriage and have not lost each other have found grace.
75 years old crown wedding The symbol of this anniversary is a crown. It symbolizes the royal nobility, honor and status of a married couple who managed to live 75 years of marriage.
80 years old oak wedding Oak is a tree that has been on the ground for over a hundred years. So spouses embody these qualities.
90 years old granite wedding Granite is a stone that cannot be destroyed. So the union after 90 years is strong, indestructible and eternal.
100 years Platinum wedding The most valuable metal, which perfectly characterizes the spouses.

wedding anniversary with title, table

It is simply not possible for both spouses to live to such anniversaries as 70, 80, 90 and even 100 years old. However, if there are names for these anniversaries, then it is worth concluding that there were still special centenarians in life who became a kind of “marriage veterans”.

What gifts are given on wedding anniversaries?

In accordance with the name of the anniversary, it is customary to give a variety of symbolic gifts. It is believed that a properly presented gift will bring grace, strength and peace to the marital nest.

What to give for a wedding anniversary? Anniversary Gift Ideas

wedding anniversary gift in accordance with its name:

  • Wedding day- the so-called "Green wedding": it is customary to give money, especially currency (green)
  • Calico - it is customary to give chintz items: clothes, scarves, tablecloths, curtains, bedding
  • Paper - it is customary to give: money, photographs, books, paintings
  • Leather - it is customary to give: clothes, interior items, belt, bags, shoes
  • Linen - it is customary to give: linen tablecloths, clothes, curtains, bedding
  • Wooden - it is customary to give: interior items, furniture, photo frames, kitchen utensils
  • Cast iron - it is customary to give: dishes, interior items made of cast iron, frames for mirrors
  • Copper - it is customary to give: interior items, dishes, jewelry, figurines
  • Tin - it is customary to give: dishes, kitchen utensils, figurines, jewelry
  • faience - it is customary to give: figurines, sets, home decorations, dishes
  • Tin - it is customary to give: dishes, figurines, figurines, interior items
  • Steel - it is customary to give: steel products, jewelry, jewelry, dishes, utensils
  • Nickel - it is customary to give: products made of nickel and silk (it is also considered a “silk wedding”)
  • Lace- it is customary to give: curtains, tablecloths, clothes, linen, napkins, scarves
  • Agate - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and for the home with agate stone
  • Glass - it is customary to give: mirrors, glassware, figurines, glassware
  • Turquoise - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and at home with a turquoise stone
  • Kryptonian - it is customary to give everything that symbolizes light: lamps, candles, lanterns
  • Porcelain - it is customary to give: porcelain dishes or figurines for the home
  • Opal - it is customary to give: jewelry for home and body with opal stone
  • Bronze - it is customary to give: a decoration for the house, preferably a figurine
  • Beryl - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and at home with beryl stone
  • Bronze - it is customary to give: a decoration for the house, for example, a figurine or a frame
  • Satin - it is customary to give: clothes, tablecloths, curtains, products with satin
  • Silver - it is customary to give: icons with silver, jewelry, silver dishes
  • Jade - it is customary to give: decorations for the house from the body with jade stone
  • mahogany - it is customary to give: something for a mahogany home: furniture, photo frames, picture frames, shelves, coasters
  • Velvet - it is customary to give: bathrobes, clothes, bedspreads, velvet bedding
  • Pearl - it is customary to give: jewelry in which there are pearls, souvenirs with pearls
  • swarthy - it is customary to give: household essentials, furniture, watches
  • Amber - it is customary to give: jewelry and decorative items for the home with amber
  • Coral - customary to give: jewelry for the body or at home with corals
  • Muslin - it is customary to give: something from muslin: curtains, clothes, scarves, scarves
  • Mercury - a symbolic gift on this day will be a mercury thermometer
  • Crepe - It is customary to give: canvases and products from crepe
  • Ruby - it is customary to give: jewelry that contains a ruby, wine, furniture
  • Topa knowing - it is customary to give: everything that a topaz stone can contain
  • Sapphire - customary to give: jewelry, with sapphire
  • Lavender - it is customary to give: interior items, furniture, aroma oils, perfumes, paintings, jewelry and clothes in color with a lavender flower
  • Cashmere - it is customary to give: clothes, scarves and shawls made of cashmere
  • Amethyst - it is customary to give: everything that an amethyst stone can have in itself
  • Cedar - it is customary to give: products for the house made of cedar wood
  • Golden - it is customary to give: jewelry for the body and home made of gold or gold color
  • Emerald - it is customary to give: emerald jewelry, dark green items
  • Diamond - it is customary to give: a diamond or a product resembling this stone
  • Gracious- it is customary to give: household items: furniture, clothes, dishes
  • Crown - it is customary to give: something that will emphasize the status of a couple: expensive jewelry, memorabilia, pieces of furniture
  • Oak - it is customary to give: wood products, memorable gifts
  • Platinum - it is customary to give: things of red and platinum color

a wedding anniversary gift has a symbolic meaning

How are anniversaries celebrated?

As a rule, all anniversaries of living together require some attention. The exceptions are those that celebrating is a bad omen. The first five years of living together are usually celebrated very violently: in the circle of friends and relatives. After these dates, the couple solemnly celebrates only anniversaries.

You can decide on the celebration of an anniversary based on the name of the anniversary itself, but this is not important and does not really matter.

The first anniversary, namely the "Chint wedding" is always an event. It is customary to celebrate it with those close people who were present at the wedding itself: parents, witnesses, friends and relatives.

Not celebrating the first anniversary is considered bad manners and bad manners. On this day, one of the two bottles of champagne is opened, which was contacted at the wedding itself. It is customary to drink the second bottle with parents to celebrate the birth of the first child.

how to celebrate wedding anniversaries

The cake is also symbolic for the first anniversary. He should be given special meaning and order from professionals in their field. In fact, it should not be worse than that the cake that was at your wedding, if only less ... The cake symbolizes the magnificent, cheerful, self-sufficient and prosperous life of a young couple.

There are no clear instructions on where and how to celebrate the anniversary. The main thing is to cover nice table, invite guests and celebrate the event. If the weather allows, most often the anniversary is celebrated in nature (as it is affordable, not expensive and festive). Renting a cafe will be more solemn, each guest will prepare for such an event and look forward to it.

A symbolic and good omen will be the exchange of gifts for the newlyweds for the anniversary, based on its name: chintz handkerchiefs for calico, and wooden frames for photographs, and exchange of jewelry for gold. This is considered a good tradition that characterizes lovers from the best sides.

wedding anniversary gifts

Those who come to visit for the anniversary must have gifts with them. In order not to miscalculate, you can choose things that are important for the house, which are always useful for a married couple in everyday life:

  • towels
  • tablecloths
  • crockery
  • bed
  • bathrobes and slippers
  • services
  • paintings

The best gift is, of course, money, it is no less important for the family budget than on the day when two lovers tied the knot.

A prerequisite is the wide celebration of major anniversaries:

  • 5 years - "Wooden Wedding" (first anniversary). On this date, it is best to rent a cafe (you can also use the one in which the wedding itself took place), invite guests and celebrate the date with magnificent fun, dances and competitions
  • 10 years - "Tin Wedding" also requires solemnity, a separate room (or a holiday in nature) and many invited guests
  • 15 years - "Glass Wedding", it can be noted a little more modestly, in a circle of friends in nature
  • 25 years - "Silver Wedding", is considered an impressive date and requires wide celebration in a cafe or restaurant
  • 50 years - “Golden Wedding”, a great tradition for a golden wedding is a second marriage ceremony that will delight the spouses and remind them of the day when they became one. Such ceremonies are held symbolically, without representatives of the registry office, but nevertheless require the same careful preparation: dress, costume, bridal bouquet, and so on.

Whatever the celebration: magnificent or modest, the main thing that two lovers need to take into account is not to forget why they decided to marry: feelings, passion and love. You should not forget about the wedding date, even if you do not intend to celebrate it with your loved ones, you must definitely congratulate your soulmate!

Video: Happy Anniversary. 1 year. print wedding