What is the basis of mental development. Topic. the concept of mental development and mental education. Mental development: concept, indicators

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten with Sherya


senior caregiver

Becker Kristina Vyacheslavovna

“The origins of the creative abilities of children and their talents are at their fingertips, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow from the finger, which feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movement of a child's hand, the finer the interaction with the tool, the harder movement necessary for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of the hand with nature, with social labor enters the spiritual life of the child. In other words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Labor is a powerful educator, in pedagogical system education

A.S. Makarenko. Labor is the basis. But what is labor is not at all what the hands of a child, a teenager are busy with. Labor is what develops a small person, supports him, helps him to assert himself.

Diligence and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood. Labor must be creative, because it is creative labor that makes a person spiritually rich.

Labor makes a person physically move. And, finally, work should bring joy, bring happiness, well-being. You can also say that labor is a manifestation of people about each other.

Labor education is Team work educator and pupils, aimed at developing the latter's general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness to work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, conscious choice professions.

Preschool age is the time of active formation of the individuality of each child, the time emotional attitude to the world around, the time of introducing the child to the knowledge of the world around him, the period of his initial socialization. At preschool age, the accumulation of knowledge proceeds rapidly, speech is formed, cognitive processes are improved, the child masters the simplest methods of mental activity.

Mental education is a purposeful influence of adults on the development of active mental activity children. Mastering the stock of knowledge, developing mental activity and independence, acquiring intellectual skills and abilities are important prerequisites for successful learning at school and to prepare for the upcoming labor activity.


By the beginning of preschool age, the means of mental education of children are expanding significantly. The teacher organizes a variety of children's games, conducts observations, teaches counting, drawing, modeling, speech in the classroom. In the process of household activities, adults teach children to use a variety of objects, to work. Parents, educators constantly set practical, playful and cognitive tasks for the child, the solution of which leads to the formation of knowledge and skills, cognitive processes and abilities, to the development of various types of activities, motives cognitive activity, to further improvement of speech, etc.

The basis of the mental development of the child is his vigorous activity. But this activity itself is formed, formed under the influence of training and education. Thus, adults, educators have two tasks: in carrying out mental education, to direct their efforts to the formation of various types of activities available to children. given age and to use them for the mental education of the child.

Already at an early age, communication and play are formed on the basis of objective activity, and the beginnings of labor appear. In preschool childhood, their further development takes place.

The main activity of preschool children is the game. In older preschool age, the importance of educational activity increases. big way visual activity takes place in development: the child masters various skills and abilities in modeling, drawing, and appliqué. They are joined by elementary musical activities - singing, listening to music, moving to music. It is formed into an independent activity by the end of preschool age and design. Children master various types of labor - self-service, household, manual, labor in nature, etc.

In fact, there is a mastering of the division of labor between people: "who does what" - that's what the child is interested in, what he reflects in his games. However, work, the activity of adults always has a social orientation, in the course of it people enter into a wide variety of relationships with each other. Gradually, the child's consciousness switches from the actions of a person with objects to the interactions of people with each other. The game simulates the interactions and relationships of people in the implementation of social and labor functions. Relations between people are regulated by the rules and norms of morality: mastering them in the game means that the game is at the same time a means of mental and moral education.

Construction makes specific demands on the mental activity of the child, namely:

a) purposeful perception of the constructed object - its integral appearance, individual parts and their relationships;

b) the ability to visually divide the model into separate elements and correlate them with the available details;

c) the ability to present an object in its details, in various spatial positions;

d) the ability to have a clear orientation in spatial relations;

e) the ability to evaluate the design capabilities of parts and materials;

f) planning activities in the mind with the subsequent transfer of actions into a materialized plan;

g) the ability to evaluate the course of construction, the implementation of its individual parts in terms of the purpose and general appearance of the recreated object.

These are the mental actions, skills and abilities that ensure the success of design and which, at the same time, are formed in this activity.

Designing contributes to the formation of more accurate, specific ideas about the subject, develops the ability to see both the general for a whole group of objects, and the original. Pedagogical guidance of the mental development of children in the process of construction consists primarily in the purposeful enrichment of children's ideas about objects, buildings and structures, with a specific direction of these observations.

It is necessary to put children before choosing the material (parts, parts) that is needed to recreate this model. During the analysis of samples and design results, one should move from the analysis of the general appearance to parts and details, and not follow the path of reproducing individual elements. The first path leads to the formation of a more rational general method mental activity.

In the process of drawing, sculpting, application works there is an intensive formation of sensory abilities and mental actions. (The formation of: a) skills and abilities of analytical and synthetic perception of objects is of particular importance for the mental education of children; b) generalized ideas about objects that reflect the features that can be conveyed in the image; c) the perception of the created and completed image and its evaluation in accordance with the child's ideas; d) the ability to operate with ideas, to attract previously accumulated experience and transform it with the help of imagination; e) the planning function of thinking (N. P. Sakulina).

In the process drawing spatial representations of the child are formed: the division of the whole into parts, the position of the object in space, as well as the child's perception of color in all its diversity.

As a result - drawing (like other types of visual activity) contributes to the formation of ideas about the typical structure of an object, standards for the properties of objects, the ability to apply them in the generalization of sensory experience.

Main pedagogical conditions mental education of the child in visual activity - its organization on the basis of ever-improving observation by children of objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, the formation in the course of these observations of generalized methods for examining objects, teaching children elementary visual technology.

Labor activity contains great opportunities for the mental education of children. Each job for small child, no matter how elementary it may be, at first it represents a well-known mental task. He must understand, realize what he needs to do, why, he must think about how it should be done, analyze the conditions for completing the task, carefully consider the material and “tools” with which to act, perceive and evaluate their properties, compliance with the task ahead. . In some cases, he can accept the proposed plan and method of action, in others - he himself determines this method, in a concrete, figurative form, to imagine the final result of his activity. In the course of performing a labor operation, as in visual activity, the child must perceive the result of his influence and evaluate it from the point of view of the final image. In this regard, a rather complex analytical and synthetic activity of thinking is required, certain sensory abilities the ability to plan their activities in an elementary way. However, it requires the child to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Only in the unity of knowledge, skills and abilities is the labor activity of the child and those mental qualities of the personality that are associated with it formed.

In the process of labor, a system of knowledge is formed about the properties of materials, about tools and tools (used by children of preschool age), about how to perform certain labor operations, about the meaning of labor, etc.

Labor has a great influence on development cognitive interests children. Labor associated with the active cognitive activity of children and new knowledge forms a persistent cognitive interest. So the diverse work of children in nature makes it possible to form in the child accurate ideas about the qualities, properties, features of natural phenomena, to equip him with methods of sensory examination. As more advanced methods of performing labor operations are mastered, the activity of observation develops - the ability to see the essential qualities of an object.

The mental development of children in a variety of work activities is carried out under the following conditions:

1. In the process of teaching children about labor activity, the teacher correctly combines knowledge, skills, and abilities. The formation of labor skills in isolation from knowledge and mental skills leads to a decrease in the developing and educational impact of labor.

2. When performing certain labor assignments it is necessary to encourage children (based on existing knowledge, skills, abilities) to show initiative, independence, creativity: select material, determine actions, evaluate the result.

The educational activity of children, which develops at preschool age, is the most significant means of mental education. Its significance is determined by the fact that the educator occupies a leading position in educational activities and in an organized way transfers to all children the range of knowledge about the environment, skills, abilities, determined by the program, organizes the activities of children for their assimilation and application. A clearly defined program of knowledge and skills allows the educator to control their assimilation by each child, to carry out an individual approach and bring all children to the levels of mental development determined by the program at one or another level. age stage. In the classroom, in the process of mastering knowledge and skills, children develop cognitive activity, thinking and speech, and cognitive interests are formed. Children master the educational activity itself: the ability to listen and hear the speech of an adult, act in accordance with his instructions, achieve desired results in a particular activity (counting, measuring, visual, speech), evaluate the result achieved in terms of its compliance with the model, analyze the causes of failures, etc.


Labor activity contains enormous opportunities for the mental education of children. Each work task for a preschooler is a mental task. He must understand what needs to be done, why, how it should be done, analyze the conditions for completing the task, carefully consider the material, tools, evaluate their properties, and the compliance with the tasks. It requires the child to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Labor has an impact on the development of children's cognitive interests. In the process of learning, children develop thinking and speech, and the most significant means of mental education is learning cognitive interests. Children master the learning activity itself.


1. "Preschool Pedagogy". Edited by V. I. Yadeshko and F. A. Sokhin

"Enlightenment", Moscow, 1978

2. R.S. Organization of children's labor and leadership methodology // Moral and labor education of children in kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987.

3.Volokov V.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology: Logic schemes. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlad, 2003. - 256 p.

4.Child psychology: Proc. allowance/Under. Ed. Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko -M. 1988. - 399s.

5. Ivashchenko F.I. Psychology labor education. - Minsk, 1988.

6. Kutsakova L.V. Moral and labor education of a preschool child: A guide for preschool teachers. institutions: Program.-method. allowance. - M.: VLADOS, 2003. - 143 p.


Legs, legs, where have you been?

They went to the forest for mushrooms.

What were you pens doing?

We collected mushrooms.

Did you guys help?

We searched and looked -

All the stumps looked around,

Here is Vanyushka with a fungus,

With a boletus!

Our goat Dragonfly

Something smart was:

He walked on water

He kneaded the dough

He also lit the stove

Lubricated cakes with cottage cheese,

He sang songs and told stories

Songs, fairy tales, tall tales, tall tales,

Unbelievable and unheard of.

Grandfather wanted to cook an ear,

Grandfather went to catch ruffs,

And behind the grandfather cat Lavrenty,

Behind the cat is the rooster Terenty.

dragging fishing rods

Along the street.

Grandpa can't stand alone.

We need to help the old one.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

The work of the master is afraid.

White hands love other people's works.

To undertake everything - to do nothing

Every person is known by the work.

Heroes are born in labor.

Know how to do business, know how to have fun.

Every skill gives

Finished the job - walk boldly.

Love for work is in people's minds.

To work with joy, and from work with pride.

They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.

Patience and a little effort.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Without good work there is no fruit.

Patience and work will grind everything.

In this article:

The diagnosis of "mental retardation" can be a bolt from the blue for parents, especially if it is made at a very early age. Very often the reason for such a diagnosis lies in the wrong behavior of a woman during pregnancy.. Alcohol, medicines without a doctor's prescription, drugs can start the child's abnormal development at an early stage. However, genetic disorders are also common.

Such a kid still has many opportunities for life, study, and getting a profession. Parents need to learn how to work together with their baby, and then everything will work out. It is very important to properly treat the characteristics of children. For example, it might be a problem aggressive behavior. There are many options for your crumbs: special kindergartens, schools, additional classes. They will help him become a more self-confident, contact child.

The child has mental retardation

Often this phrase scares parents. It is difficult for a child with mental retardation in a regular kindergarten - let alone school. All the children have already memorized the new rule, written down the sentence, but he still does not know where to start.
The most offensive thing is if they laugh at him or offend him. Many parents simply do not accept the fact that their baby real problem. But it can be corrected or significantly alleviated.

There are many reasons for the delay, but the result is the same: the child just needs special attention, special materials for learning, toys. Everyone works together here - the baby, parents, teachers and doctors. The more effort, the easier it will be for him. Parents should be prepared for the fact that the baby will not be easy. The main thing is to start dealing with it in time..

The reasons

The reasons for this diagnosis may directly depend on the behavior of a woman during pregnancy:

  • non-compliance with nutritional standards;
  • the use of alcohol, drugs (especially in the early stages: at this time the nervous system is formed, the brain is laid);
  • taking medications (antibiotics, antipyretics, sedatives, antipsychotics and many other types);
  • negligent attitude towards own health during pregnancy ( frequent colds, fungal and infectious diseases, high temperature, etc.).

This behavior of the mother often leads to various kinds of deviations in children, especially on the part of behavior, development of the nervous system. But, of course, it's not always the mother's fault. With the same frequency, the appearance of this diagnosis is associated with developmental errors, genetic mutations. It happens still at the stage of several hours or days after conception. Mothers of such children can lead an absolutely healthy lifestyle, eat right and visit a doctor on time. There are several risk groups:

  • late pregnancy (35-45 years);
  • too much early pregnancies(girls under 17-18 years old);
  • genetic diseases in parents;
  • poor living conditions(there is no way to eat well, get vitamins, adequate treatment);
  • severe toxicosis during pregnancy (the body is actively fighting the embryo - this can harm it).

In any case, today, even at a fairly early stage of pregnancy, deviations in the development of the fetus can be detected. This can help parents decide whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. It is difficult, but it is worth deciding, thinking both about the child and about yourself: will the parents be able to pay enough attention to the sick baby, do they have the opportunities for this (housing, finances, health, etc.). Parents should be fully aware of the consequences of each decision.

It happens that mental retardation cannot be diagnosed immediately. At first, the baby's condition can be normal, without visible deviations. Of course
, while he breast baby, it is difficult to notice its features. Here you should definitely consult a doctor if you have any doubts. You also need to visit your pediatrician regularly: he may still early stage see the problem.

Who deals with such problems? Of course, neurologists and defectologists. If the problem is related to wrong development brain, nerve conduction, then the neurologist will prescribe treatment. Today, many conditions can be corrected. The defectologist will send you to study in a special kindergarten and school.

You need to understand that the term "delay" does not mean that the baby is forever lost to society. Quite the opposite.

The delay can be adjusted, at least you can help the child adapt. If the problem is noticed in time, then special therapy and developing activities for children will give them the opportunity to join a normal team.

If necessary, a psychologist or even a psychiatrist is involved in the diagnosis. This diagnosis can be made through communication and special tests. If the developmental delay is provoked by the conditions and circumstances of the child's life, then he simply needs help.

Very often, these children suffer from their situation. They may well be aware that they are different from others. The ridicule of other children, the constant guardianship of parents, the inability to do the same that others point out to them about their own inferiority ... Mental retardation can be detected late, when the child has already gone to kindergarten.
It was then that he would run into problems for the first time. Even children 4-5 years old already feel different and they can start laughing, mocking the baby.

It happens that with such a diagnosis, children become aggressive. They are very complete because of their problem, and this motivates them to use their fists.

This is where parents need to respond. Aggressive behavior becomes an opportunity for the child to solve many problems, misunderstandings, disputes.. He simply does not know how to argue, look for logic, but he can offend, strike. For such children, this is often a way out of a difficult situation where you need to use experience and situational logic.

Therefore, if you do not engage in education, a child with mental retardation or mental retardation can become very severe. The peculiarities of his condition only stimulate this cruelty. Sometimes they happily join teenage gangs in search of self-assertion. But, of course, it is rarely found there.

Parents need to understand that sooner or later aggressive behavior will manifest itself. It's protective psychological mechanism. The main thing at this moment is to explain, show, sometimes even punish the child. You need all available methods help him understand that it is wrong to do so. Teach him to ask for forgiveness if he hurts, apologize, look for other ways to resolve the conflict.

What to do?

It is very important that the doctor not only make a diagnosis, but also familiarize the parents with it, explain exactly how it will be undergo development what to expect, what to do with the diagnosis. This will help parents come to terms with the thoughts of what is happening to their child. Very often, without such detailed information, parents of children with mental retardation simply cannot cope with the difficulties.

It's important to know:

This will help the child in the first place. Proper upbringing and development can significantly reduce the difference between its capabilities and the capabilities other children.


Most often, treatment is symptomatic. Many kids have problems with speech - here you will be helped by a defectologist, speech therapist, special techniques. A speech therapist works in all kindergartens for children with mental retardation.

Psychologists often work with children. They help kids figure out what's going on. For example, he has behavioral problems, aggression. Working with a child psychologist or psychiatrist will help your child
pay attention to your behavior, develop empathy. Sometimes medications are needed to correct behavior.

If mental retardation development is underway together with other neurological problems (cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, etc.), it is necessary complex treatment. Very often this muscle weakness, joint problems. For children with down syndrome diseases of the ENT organs are common.

There are cases when therapy, drugs are not needed, and the child simply needs adequate care, proper training and development. And also loving parents who are ready for the fact that he will be different from others.

Special educational institutions

It all starts with a special kindergarten. The main thing here is to teach the baby to learn. Cognitive activity in children with mental retardation needs a stimulus. Often they do not have a natural desire to learn,
explore the world like healthy children. It is difficult for them to study, they need to explain the same material several times ... In such kindergartens there are always several educators, there are nurses, teachers, speech pathologists. The baby should not be left alone - it is necessary that maximum attention be paid to each crumb.

Special schools teach children not only ordinary school subjects. Much attention is paid to communication, behavior, socialization of a child or teenager. Developmental delay can be corrected. For example, after a few years in a special school, a baby can be transferred to a regular one. Or he ends up in a regular school, but home-schooled.

The main task of the school is to help the child to be independent as much as possible. Take care of yourself, dress up, put things away take care of personal hygiene - these issues are given a lot of attention here.

In addition to the school and kindergarten, there are many development centers. Many children need physiotherapy, massage: it helps them develop coordination of movements, manage their own body. So the child feels more confident, "like everyone else". After school, there is an opportunity to continue education and get a profession.

Right and wrong behavior of parents

The wrong behavior of parents is to scold, punish the baby, make fun of his problems. Scolding will not solve anything here: children often do not understand the reasons why they are to blame, and parents do not explain, but only punish. This behavior will not positive results even in a healthy child.

Raising a child with mental retardation is always a big responsibility. It cannot be said that it is easy and simple. Yes, your baby will be different from others, but it depends on you how much. Proper upbringing, care, visiting a doctor, training can seriously reduce the severity of the problem. How much depends on child care full life he will lead.

AT early childhood the child begins to highlight the properties of surrounding objects, to capture the simplest connections between them and use these connections in his manipulations. This creates the prerequisites for further mental development, which occurs in connection with the mastery substantive activities(and later - elementary forms of play and drawing) and speech. The basis of mental development in early childhood is formed in the child by new types of actions of perception and mental actions. The mastery of new actions of perception is revealed in the fact that the child, performing objective actions, passes to visual orientation. He selects the necessary objects and their parts by eye and performs the action immediately correctly, without first trying it on.

Children early age still poorly manage their perception and are not able to correctly make a choice according to the model if they are offered not two, but many different items or if the objects are complex in shape, consist of many parts, or their coloring includes several alternating colors. If a child who has entered the time of early childhood, when comparing objects, uses any of them as a model, then later - in the third year of life - objects well known to him become constant samples.

Getting to know the properties various items - various forms, colors, ratios of magnitudes, spatial relationships - the child accumulates a stock of ideas about these properties, which is very important for his further mental development. However, if objects are in front of the child's eyes, even considered by him, but he does not need to specifically find out their shape, color, ratios in size or other properties, then the formation of any clear ideas does not occur.

Thus, in order to enrich the ideas of a young child about the properties of objects, it is necessary that he gets acquainted with the main varieties of these properties by performing objective actions that require their consideration. It is wrong to limit (as is sometimes done) the material with which the child operates to two or three shapes and three or four colors. Studies show that a child of the third year of life can easily master the ideas of five to six shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, polygon) and eight colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black) .

Most of the words children learn three years of age, denotes objects and actions. The names of colors and shapes (red, yellow, round) children master with with great difficulty, only with persistent training from adults.

Along with visual perception, auditory perception also develops intensively in early childhood. Here, too, the basic rule is preserved, which is that the properties of objects and phenomena (in this case, sounds) begin to stand out to the extent that their consideration turns out to be necessary for the child's activity. The main activity of young children associated with the perception of sounds is verbal communication. Developmental psychology accepts the position of L. S. Vygotsky about perception at an early age as a leading function. “... Perception up to the age of three plays ... a dominant central role. It can be said that the entire consciousness of a child of this age exists only insofar as it is determined by the activity of perception.

On the threshold of early childhood, the child first appears actions that can be considered signs of a thought process - the use of the connection between objects to achieve a goal (for example, pulling a pillow on which a watch lies in order to get it). But such actions are possible only in the simplest cases, when the objects are already interconnected (the clock is on the pillow) and it remains only to use this ready-made connection. Throughout early childhood, the child begins to use more and more of this kind of ready-made connections. He pulls the cart towards him by the rope tied to it, carries the cart, pushing the stick attached to it in front of him, and performs other similar actions. It is much more important that he learns to perform those actions where it is necessary each time to re-connect the disconnected objects with each other - these are correlative and instrumental actions. In itself, the assimilation of these actions does not yet require the work of thinking: the child does not have to solve the problem on his own, it is done for him by adults who give models of actions, show how to use tools. But, learning to perform these actions, the child begins to focus on the connection between objects, in particular, on the connection of a tool with an object, and subsequently proceeds to establish such connections in new conditions, when solving new problems. The transition from using ready-made connections or connections shown by adults to establishing them is an important step in the development of children's thinking. At first, the establishment of new connections occurs through practical trials, and chance often comes to the aid of the child.

The child's thinking, carried out with the help of external orienting actions, is called visual-effective. Children use visual-action thinking to explore the wide variety of connections found in the world around them. External orienting actions, as we know, serve as a starting point for the formation of internal, psychic actions. Already within the limits of early childhood, the child has mental actions performed in the mind, without external trials. The child's thinking, in which the solution of a problem occurs as a result of internal actions with images, is called visual-figurative. In early childhood, a child acquires the ability to solve in a visual-figurative way only a limited range of the simplest problems. More complex tasks are either not solved by him at all, or they are solved in a visually effective plan.

A large place in the development of thinking in young children is occupied by the formation of generalizations - the mental association of objects or actions that have common features. The basis for generalizations is created by the assimilation of speech, since the meanings of words, the understanding and use of which the child is taught by adults, always contain generalizations. For example, the child is taught to refer to the word “clock” as small wrist watch, and to an alarm clock, and to a large wall clock, and the word “button” to the black plastic button on the father’s jacket, and to the white linen button, and to the artistically executed polygonal wooden button on the mother’s suit. But children do not immediately master the generally accepted meaning of words. Instructions from adults, examples of their use of words - the names of objects - constantly push the child to the fact that a common name unites objects that have the same function, the same purpose. It turns out, however, that objects with the same function are too different in external properties, it is too difficult to distinguish what they have in common. This, apparently, would not be at all accessible to the child if the assimilation of objective actions, the mastery of the use of objects in accordance with their purpose, did not come to the rescue.

The generalization of objects according to their function initially arises in action, and then is fixed in the word. The objects-tools become the first bearers of generalization. Having mastered the method of action with the help of one or another tool (stick, spoon, scoop, pencil), the child tries to use this tool in a variety of situations, highlights its generalized meaning for solving a certain kind of problem. At the same time, those features that are important for its use stand out in the tool, the rest recede into the background. Having learned to move objects toward itself with the help of a stick, the child then uses any elongated object (ruler, umbrella, spoon) for the same purpose. All this changes the meaning of the words assimilated by the child. They begin to more and more generally display the function of the object. The significance of generalization achieved in action for the emergence of generalization in a word is bright when words - the names of objects - are given to children accompanied by a simple display of these objects and action with them.

In early childhood, the child not only notices the existing connections between objects, but begins to independently establish new connections and relationships, take them into account in his actions.

The emergence of a sign function.

At an early age, the child actively begins to use not only objects, but also their substitutes, and on this basis gradually grasp the connection between the designation and what it designates. So, in the game, the child acts with a stick, as with a spoon or with a pencil (“stirs food”, “eats” from it or drives it along the surface of the table, allegedly “drawing”). Through these actions, he begins to give this stick the meaning of a spoon or a pencil.

In the third year in mental development the child is undergoing an important shift that has great value for further mastery complex shapes thinking and new types of activity - a sign (or symbolic) function of consciousness begins to form. The sign function is the ability to use one object as a proxy for another. In this case, instead of actions with objects, actions with their substitutes are performed, the result refers to the objects themselves. The most important and comprehensive sign system is language. In developed forms of thinking, verbal reasoning gives a person the opportunity to solve various problems, replacing actions with real objects by actions with their images. Young children do not yet possess such forms of thinking. When they begin to solve a problem (for example, a task that requires the use of a tool), they cannot formulate verbally what they will do. To the question: “What will you do?” - the child either does not answer at all, or answers: "I'll do it - you'll see." In the course of solving a problem, verbal statements may express the child’s emotions (“Well, what is this! What an outrage is this!”) Or they may not be relevant at all, but they never contain reasoning regarding the solution process itself. The point is that the word two year old has not yet become a sign, a substitute for an object or action. The word acts as one of the properties inherent in an object (or a group of similar objects) and inseparable from it.

The sign function develops initially in connection with practical activity and only then is transferred to the use of words, giving the child the opportunity to think in words. A prerequisite for the emergence of a sign function is the mastery of objective actions and the subsequent separation of the action from the object. If a child drinks from a cube, then this is no longer a drink, but a designation of a drink. Following the designation of an action, the designation of an object appears, the substitution of one object for another. The cube is used as a cup. But, as we have seen, at first the child is not aware of the substitution, does not give the substitute object the name of the object being replaced. Awareness is not a prerequisite, but the result of mastering actions with substitute objects. Its emergence testifies to the origin of the sign function of consciousness.

The sign function is not discovered, but is assimilated by the child. Both samples of substitutions and samples of game renaming of objects are given by an adult. But assimilation occurs only if it is prepared by the development of the child's own activity (which, of course, is also directed by adults).

Thus, a feature of the development of thinking in early childhood is that its different aspects - the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, the formation of generalizations, on the one hand, and the assimilation of the sign function of consciousness - on the other, are still separated, are not connected between yourself. Only later, at preschool age, these aspects will merge, creating the basis for mastering more complex forms of thinking.

The birth of a sign function is at the same time the birth of the child's imagination, as well as a new condition for the development of memory.

The rise of the imagination. Having begun to establish a connection between the substitute and the designated object, the child for the first time acquires the opportunity to imagine what the adult is telling him about, or what is shown in the picture.

Imagination at an early age works primarily to recreate what is offered in verbal description or in a drawing. Imagination during this period works more like a mechanism than an active activity: it usually arises involuntarily, without special intention, under the influence of interest and emotions. In his games, the child usually reproduces actions and situations borrowed from adults, without building his own plan. A typical manifestation of a child in activity: drawing or constructing, he proceeds from previously learned actions, and only the result obtained “requires” an appropriate image from him. So, looking at the scribbles printed on paper, the child asks himself: “Are these the ones?” Then, concentrating on the configuration of the scribbles, he suddenly “recognizes”: “It was the birds that ran here.” Listening to fairy tales, the child tries to imagine their characters, events, situations. However, due to the fact that the stock of his life impressions is limited, he does not know how to process them in accordance with the description. A young child tends to establish a "direct circuit" between what he hears from an adult and the images of real objects formed in personal experience. Listening to a fairy tale about a grandfather and a woman, he immediately remembers his own grandfather and grandmother, and when listening to a wolf, he imagines a specific image in the picture. By the end of an early age, a child often strives to “compose” his own fairy tales and stories. This, however, is nothing more than a mosaic variation of one's own experience.

The emergence of imagination, for all its initial limitations, is of undeniable importance for mental development. At the same time, the very possibility of “composing”, “imagining” at one’s own will, at one’s own will, creates a special situation of identifying oneself as a source of imagination and raises in the child a delightful sense of his own self, his own will. The arbitrariness of the decision to begin imagination as an activity in which a special new reality is created raises feelings in the child that also influence his development as a person.

memory features. At an early age, the child's memory develops extremely intensively. During the first three years, the child masters actions that orient him in his own bodily activity in relation to himself and to the world around him. During the same time, the child goes from a speechless newborn to a speaking, communicative person: it is enough to recall the so-called sensitive period of speech (from 1 year 6 months to 3 years), when children master their native language. In the assimilation of the initial experience, motor, emotional and figurative memory take part. Motor and emotional memory predominate during this period. The child better remembers his own movements, actions, experiences.

Memory at an early age becomes the leading function, it takes part in the development of all types of cognition. Ideas about actions, properties of objects, their purpose, etc., arising as a result of the child's practical activity, his perception, thinking and imagination, are fixed in memory and only therefore can serve as a means of further knowledge.

Memory at an early age is completely involuntary: the child does not perform any special actions to remember or recall anything. Young children who are read a lot often impress adults with their memorization. long verses and fairy tales. If, when telling a fairy tale, the order of presentation is changed, then the child indignantly corrects the inaccuracy. Such memorization, however, says nothing about the general mental development of the child, nor about the individual characteristics of his memory. This is the result of the general plasticity of the nervous system, the brain, which is characteristic of all young children. For memorization, the frequency of repetition of actions matters. Only repeated actions, words, ways of communication, implemented in the social environment in which the child is immersed, form and maintain the impressions that form the basis of the child's long-term memory. Social life transforms cognition through the influence of such significant mediators as language (signs), the content of the subject's interactions with objects (intellectual values), and the rules prescribed for thinking and moral standards providing a system of relations.

All the wealth of transformations taking place in the natural, objective and social environment determines the development of memory. On the basis of mastering human actions and mastering language and through social relations, foundations appear that enrich and humanize memory. It is at an early age that the child enters the path of development of human memory proper. long term memory as a reflection of previous experience, preserved not in a mirror, but in a modified form due to the emerging personal position and emotional assessment of what happened, develops precisely at the time when the child begins to build images of the imagination and feel like a source of imagination. Up to three years, memories of oneself and the environment usually do not remain, since until then the child cannot consider the sequence of events in the context of the moving time of life, in the unity and identity of the "I". Only when the child "forms the first outline of a child's worldview" does the law of early age amnesia accumulate.

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thinking mental curiosity education


2.1 Sensory parenting

2.3 The formation of speech

3. Education of curiosity and cognitive interests


List of used literature


For the modern educational system, the problem of mental education is extremely important. According to scientists, the 3rd millennium on the threshold of which humanity stands will be marked by an information revolution, when those who know educated people will be valued as a true national wealth. The need to competently navigate in the growing volume of knowledge makes different demands on the mental education of the younger generation than they were 30-40 years ago. The task of forming the ability for active mental activity is put forward to the fore. One of the leading experts in the field of mental education of preschoolers, N.N. Poddyakov rightly points out that present stage it is necessary to give children the key to the knowledge of reality, and not strive for an exhaustive amount of knowledge, as was the case in the traditional system of mental education Boldyreva-Varaksin, A. V. Kukushin, V. S. Pedagogy of primary education [Text] / Boldyreva-Varaksina, A. V.; Kukushin, V. S. - M. : March, 2005 ..

In the works of domestic and foreign scientists, preschool childhood is defined as the period optimal for mental development and education. So thought the teachers who created the first systems preschool education, - A. Fröbel, M. Montessori. but in the studies of A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddyakov, it was revealed that the possibilities of mental development of preschool children are much higher than previously thought. The child can not only learn the external, visual properties of objects and phenomena, as provided for in the systems of A. Fröbel, M. Montessori, but is also able to assimilate ideas about the general connections that underlie many natural phenomena, social life master the methods of analysis and solution of various problems.

1. The concept of mental development and mental education

Mental development is a set of qualitative and quantitative changes that occur in mental processes due to age and under the influence of the environment, as well as specially organized educational and educational influences and own experience child. Biological factors also affect the mental development of the child: the structure of the brain, the state of the analyzers, changes nervous activity, the formation of conditional relationships, the hereditary fund of deposits.

According to scientists (geneticists, psychologists), the prerequisites for mental abilities are laid down in the nature of the child by 50-60% (a higher level is indicated in foreign scientific literature - up to 80%) Gillenbrand, K. Correctional Pedagogy[Text] / Gillenbrand, K. - M.: Academy, 2010..

Moreover, it is emphasized that mental capacity children from birth are predominantly creative in nature, but not everyone succeeds in developing them. It turns out that it depends on upbringing whether the baby’s mental abilities will develop at all, and even more so, what direction they will receive. Imagine that the child was lucky, and nature rewarded him with the makings of color discrimination. Based on these inclinations, the ability to paint, to artistic work: he will create works himself (drawings, compositions from different materials), showing keen observation, his own vision of the world, analyze, evaluate works of art, enjoy creativity, etc. living conditions, upbringing, the attitude of parents, teachers to the child himself and to his activities - these are the factors from which? depends on the extent to which the inclinations with which nature has marked him are realized.

The mental development of a child is judged by the volume and content of knowledge, by the level of formation of cognitive processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, attention), by the ability for independent creative knowledge. From an early age, the child begins to form a set of individual abilities to accumulate knowledge, improve mental operations, in other words, his mind develops. At preschool age, to a greater or lesser extent, such properties of the mind as speed, breadth, criticality, flexibility of thought processes, depth, creativity, and independence are manifested.

So, the mental development of preschool children depends on a complex of social and biological factors, among which? the guiding, enriching, systematizing role is played by mental education and training Gillenbrand, K. Correctional pedagogy [Text] / Gillenbrand, K. - M .: Academy, 2010 ..

Mental education is a systematic, purposeful influence of adults on the mental development of children in order to communicate the knowledge necessary for versatile development, for adaptation to the surrounding life, the formation of cognitive processes on this basis, the ability to apply the assimilation of knowledge in activities.

Mental education and mental development are in close interaction. Mental education largely determines mental development, contributes to it. However, this happens only if the regularities and possibilities of the mental development of children in the first years of life are taken into account.

In the preschool years, there are higher rates of mental development than in subsequent years. age periods. Particular attention should be paid to the mental development of young children. Modern research has established that usually until the age of 2, children live so richly that a very large amount of cognitive activity is observed. The brain of a child develops remarkably quickly: by the age of 3, it already reaches 80% of the weight of an adult brain. According to physiology data, most of today's young children suffer not from an excess of information, but from its lack.

Another extreme should not be allowed, when, through enhanced upbringing and training, the baby is overloaded with knowledge that is excessive in content and volume, trying to develop any high abilities in him.

Defects admitted in the mental development of the child during preschool childhood, difficult to eliminate at an older age. They have a negative impact on all subsequent development. For example, in a family preschool do not pay attention to the child's games with building materials, with designers. Because of this, he does not develop spatial imagination, which can create difficulties in studying geometry, mastering drawing at school.

The main feature of the mental development of a preschool child is the predominance of figurative forms of cognition: perception, figurative thinking, imagination. For their emergence and formation preschool age has special abilities.

For the development of the moral character of the child, ideas about moral norms, rules of conduct, and specific manifestations of moral qualities.

From an early age, the child acquires knowledge about caring for his body, which becomes the basis for health protection, the formation of cultural and hygienic habits, and the assimilation of correct movements.

Mental education, having its own goal of influencing the child's mind, has a beneficial effect on the formation of his moral character, aesthetic development acquiring the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Tasks of mental education

The main function of the mental education of children in the first years of life is the formation of cognitive activity, i.e. activities in which the child learns to the world.

Cognitive activity is carried out in the forms of perception and thinking. Through perception, the child learns external properties items in their totality. Thanks to thinking, the child comprehends the inner, hidden properties between objects and phenomena. There is a close relationship between perception and thinking. Perception is formed in the first months of a child's life, and the beginning of the development of thinking refers to the age of about 2 years.

For the full mental development of a child in the first years of life, it is necessary to take care of the development of his perception and thinking. In this regard, the most important tasks of the mental education of preschool children are:

sensory parenting

Development of mental activity

The formation of speech

2.1 Sensory parenting

Sensory education - targeted pedagogical influences that ensure the formation of sensory cognition and the improvement of sensations and perception Postoeva, Lyudmila Dmitrievna. Play, listen, learn! [Text]: a program of psychological and speech therapy classes for children 3-4 years old / L. D. Postoeva, L. A. Martynenko. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2010.

For the development of perception, the child must master the social sensory experience, which includes the most rational ways of examining objects, sensory standards.

Sensory standards are generalized sensory knowledge, sensory experience accumulated by mankind throughout the history of its development.

In the first years of life, the prerequisites for sensory standards are formed in children. From the second half of the first year to the beginning of the third year, the so-called sensorimotor prestandards are formed. At preschool age, the child uses the so-called subject standards. Meanwhile, studies have shown that at older preschool age, children can correlate the qualities of objects with mastered generally accepted standards: the sun is like a ball.

The content of sensory education includes a wide range of features and properties of objects that the child must comprehend during preschool childhood. In the domestic system of sensory education, the traditional content is expanded and supplemented by the inclusion of orientation in time, the development of speech and musical ear. Orientation in time implies that the child learns ideas about the parts of the day, days of the week, months, year, and the fluidity of time.

Speech (phonemic) hearing is the ability to perceive the sounds of speech, differentiate and generalize them in words as semantic units. The level of development of phonemic hearing is manifested when a child is taught to read and write.

Ear for music is the ability to distinguish sounds by pitch, timbre, rhythmic pattern, melody.

The method of sensory education involves teaching children to examine objects, forming ideas about sensory standards. The same object is examined in different ways depending on the objectives of the examination and the qualities being examined. For example, before drawing a hare, children examine a toy. The attention of the child is drawn to the contour, the main parts (head, eyes, torso, paws, tail, mustache), their shape and color.

To enrich the sensory experience of children use didactic games. Many of them are connected with the examination of an object, with distinguishing features, and require a verbal designation of these objects (“What are similar and not similar”).

2.2 Development of mental activity

This aspect of mental education is considered as the development of the child's mental operations, cognitive processes and abilities. Thinking arises on the basis of practical activity from sensory cognition, expanding the horizons of the latter. On the basis of practical actions, the kid learns to compare objects, analyze, compare, group Postoeva, Lyudmila Dmitrievna. Play, listen, learn! [Text]: a program of psychological and speech therapy classes for children 3-4 years old / L. D. Postoeva, L. A. Martynenko. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2010. The first group of thinking begins to function - visual-effective.

Gradually, the child develops the ability to think not only on the basis of direct perception of objects, but also on the basis of images. Formed visual-figurative thinking. In the second half of preschool age, verbal-logical thinking begins to develop.

At preschool age, such important cognitive processes as memory and imagination develop. Thanks to memory, the child remembers, preserves, reproduces what he previously perceived, did, felt. Thinking is impossible without the accumulation of information, facts.

A large place among the cognitive processes of a person in general, and of a child of preschool age in particular, is occupied by imagination. Imagination consists in creating new images based on those that were previously perceived, as well as newly acquired knowledge. Imagination is woven into all complex mental operations, is the basis of the child's creative activity. Initially, the child develops a recreative imagination, on the basis of which, with the accumulation life experience and the development of thinking forms creative imagination.

The formation of speech

Mental activity is impossible without speech. Mastering speech, the child also acquires knowledge about objects, signs, actions and relationships, imprinted in the corresponding words. At the same time, he not only acquires knowledge, but also learns to think. The word is the material shell of thought. However, this thesis is valid if behind each word the child has an image of the object that this word denotes. If a child hears adults in speech or uses words himself that do not contain images, mental activity does not occur. After the child masters speech, the world around him, as it were, doubles. At the stages of early and preschool age, the most important tasks are solved speech development: vocabulary enrichment, education sound culture speech, formation grammatical structure, the development of coherent speech.

The word doubles the world and allows the child to mentally operate with objects even in their absence. This expands the boundaries of his cognitive activity: he can use indirect means to expand his horizons.

The child uses speech in order to express his thoughts, feelings, to influence the people around him; this makes demands on his expressiveness, emotionality, and coherence.

At the stages of early and preschool age, the most important tasks of speech development are solved: vocabulary enrichment, education of the sound culture of speech, the formation of a grammatical system, the development of coherent speech. It is also necessary to form a culture of dialogical speech: the ability to speak clearly, expressively, to the point, listen to the interlocutor, try to understand him without interrupting; do not jump from subject to subject.

3. Education of curiosity of cognitive interests

Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. This feature is inherent in them from birth. Curiosity and cognitive interests are different forms of cognitive attitude to the world around. Curiosity is characterized as special shape cognitive activity, undifferentiated focus of the child on the knowledge of surrounding objects, phenomena, on the mastery of activities. Cognitive interest is manifested in the child's desire to learn new things, to find out what is not entirely clear about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, in the desire to delve into their essence, to find the connections and relationships between them. So, cognitive interest differs from curiosity in the breadth of the scope of objects, the depth of knowledge, and selectivity. Under the influence of the cognitive, it turns out to be capable of a longer stable concentration of attention, shows independence in solving a mental or practical problem. The cognitive interest of the child is reflected in his games, drawings and other types of creative activity.

Since ancient times, the child's questions have been considered the main form of manifestation of curiosity and cognitive interests. Questions are divided into two groups: cognitive and communicative. The child asks communicative questions in order to attract adults to his experiences, to establish contact with him. (“When you were little, were you afraid to go into a dark room?”) Such questions arise in children in moments of anxiety, joy, fear.

Many children's questions are based on a cognitive motive: children ask them because of their curiosity, when they lack knowledge, they seek to replenish, clarify, and acquire new ones. The peak of questions is passed at the age of 4.5-5.5 years.

4. Formation of a system of knowledge about the world around

Knowledge by itself does not yet ensure the completeness of mental development, but without it the latter is impossible. In this regard, the basis of the mental education of preschoolers is familiarization with the environment, during which children learn a variety of knowledge.

Determining the volume and content of knowledge that ensures the full development of a preschool child is one of the traditional problems of pedagogy. In the history of the national kindergarten the circle of knowledge necessary for the development of the child was outlined by the program of education. Conventionally, this knowledge was divided into knowledge about nature, about the objective world, about work and professions, about phenomena public life(revolutions, leaders).

AT last years many new programs have been developed, where the circle of knowledge about the world around is defined. Common to all programs is an attempt to put a person at the center of this knowledge (man and nature, man and his personality, man and other people).

A preschooler can learn any subject content of knowledge in different ways: in the form of representations, in the form of concepts (generalized knowledge about a whole group of subjects), in the form of knowledge-information that he receives from adults, in the form of an explanation.

For preschool years the child acquires two categories of knowledge. The first category is the knowledge that he acquires without special training, in everyday life, communicating with adults, peers, in the process of games, observations. They are often chaotic and sometimes distort reality. More complex knowledge belonging to the second category can only be mastered in the process of special training in the classroom. In the classroom, the knowledge that children acquire on their own is clarified, systematized, generalized.

5. Means of mental education

Conventionally, the means of mental education are divided into two groups: the activities of children and works of spiritual immaterial culture.

Considerable time, especially for children of younger preschool age, is devoted to the so-called household activities associated with the implementation of the regime. The content of this activity is favorable for sensory development. When washing, children distinguish between warm and cold water, learn other properties of water. In the process of performing routine procedures, children exercise in spatial orientations. The temporal definiteness of the regimen of children helps them to assimilate the first ideas about the parts of the day.

Children learn the name of dishes, get acquainted with the material from which? they are prepared, with the rules for using them. At an experienced teacher familiarization of children with household items, utensils serves the development of analytical and synthetic activity.

Mental education of preschoolers is carried out in the game. Games specially created by adults contain a variety of knowledge, mental operations, mental actions that children must master. Creative games by their nature reflective: in them, children reflect their impressions of the surrounding life. In the course of the game, this knowledge rises to a new level: it is translated into a speech plan, therefore, it is generalized, transformed, and improved by Lyudmila Dmitrievna Postoeva. Play, listen, learn! [Text]: a program of psychological and speech therapy classes for children 3-4 years old / L. D. Postoeva, L. A. Martynenko. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2010.

Productive activities (labor, constructive, visual) have their own specific capabilities for the further development of the planning function of thinking. The child must anticipate the result of his actions, determine the stages of work, ways of organizing it.

Mental education in labor activity is aimed at enriching the sensory experience of children: familiarization with materials, their features, properties, with their changes under the influence of transformative activity. Children form a system of knowledge about materials, about tools and tools, about how to perform labor operations.

Labor in nature has a special cognitive basis, because. introduces the child to the peculiarities of the development of flora and fauna, which, in turn, helps to establish cause-and-effect relationships, leads to conclusions, conclusions. So, labor in nature contributes to the formation of verbal-logical thinking.

In the life of a child early enter as essential means mental development objects of material and spiritual culture: a variety of games and toys, manuals, books, paintings, architecture, sculpture, arts and crafts.

Abroad, and in recent years in our country, the museum is used as a comprehensive means of mental education of children. Many museums organize circles for children of preschool and younger preschool age at their base, deploy special expositions.


So, the main indicators of the mental development of preschoolers are the development of thinking, attention, memory, and imagination.

At preschool age, children begin to cognize the world with the help of thinking - socially conditioned mental process, which consists in a generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Its development in preschoolers depends on the development of the imagination. The child mechanically replaces some objects in the game with others, providing them with new functions that are unusual, but certain rules of the game. Later, it replaces the objects with their image of the we, in connection with which there is no need for practical action with them.

The basis for the development of thinking of a preschooler is the formation of mental actions. The starting point of this formation is a real action with material objects.

However, despite the fact that in some cases the figurative thinking of a preschooler is inaccurate and is accompanied by errors, it is a powerful tool for understanding the world around it, it ensures the creation of generalized ideas of the child about things and phenomena. This is fully manifested in the process of preschool education.


1. Artemova L. V. Theatrical games of a preschooler - M., 1991

2. Argyle M. Psychology of happiness: translation from English. - M 1991

3. Butorina T. S. Raising patriotism by means of education: modernization general education- St. Petersburg. : KARO, 2004.

4. Venger A.L. Home school. - M., 1994

5. Education and labor / Ed. R.S. Bure. - M., 1987

6. Davidchuk A.M. The development of preschoolers constructive creativity. - M. 1976

7. Speech therapy. M. VLADOS, 2008.

8. Postoeva L. D. Play, listen, learn! The program of psychological and speech therapy classes for children 3-4 years old St. Petersburg. Speech, 2010.

9. Smirnova E. O. Best developing games: publications for leisure. M. Eksmo, 2010.

10. Feklin S. I. Autonomous institution - new model school development in Russia: Toolkit. Moscow: Arsenal of Education, 2010

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It is important to note that the problem of mental education is extremely important for the modern educational system. According to scientists' forecasts, the 3rd millennium, on the threshold of which humanity stands, will be marked by an information revolution, when knowledgeable and educated people will be valued as a true national wealth. The need to navigate competently in the growing volume of knowledge makes different demands on the mental education of the younger generation than they were 30-40 years ago. The task of forming the ability for active mental activity is put forward to the fore. One of the leading experts in the field of mental education of preschoolers, N.N. Poddyakov rightly emphasizes that at the present stage it is necessary to give children the key to the knowledge of reality, and not to strive for an exhaustive amount of knowledge, as was the case in the traditional system of mental education.

Meanwhile, in many countries of the world, in all parts of the education system - from preschool institutions to universities - there is, on the one hand, an increase in awareness, on the other hand, a decrease in the overall quality of knowledge and mental development of students.

In the works of domestic and foreign scientists, preschool childhood is defined as the period optimal for mental development and education. This was the opinion of the teachers who created the first systems of preschool education - F. Fröbel, M. Montessori. But in the studies of A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddyakov, it was revealed that the possibilities of mental development of preschool children are much higher than previously thought. The child can not only learn the external, visual properties of objects and phenomena, as provided for in the systems of F. Fröbel, M. Montessori, but is also able to assimilate ideas about the general connections that underlie many natural phenomena, social life, master methods of analysis and decision varied tasks.

Mental development- this is a set of qualitative and quantitative changes occurring in the thought processes in connection with age and under the influence of the environment, as well as specially organized educational and educational influences and the child's own experience. Biological factors also affect the mental development of the child: the structure of the brain, the state of the analyzers, changes in nervous activity, the formation of conditioned connections, and the hereditary fund of inclinations.

According to scientists (geneticists, psychologists), the prerequisites for mental abilities are laid down in the nature of the child by 50-60% (in foreign scientific literature a higher level is indicated - up to 80%). Moreover, it is emphasized that the mental properties of a child from birth are predominantly creative in nature, but not everyone gets the proper development. It turns out that it depends on upbringing whether the baby’s mental abilities will develop at all, and even more so - what direction they will receive. Imagine that the child was lucky and nature rewarded him with the makings of color discrimination. On the basis of these inclinations, the ability to paint, to artistic work can develop: he will create works himself (drawings, compositions from different materials), showing keen observation, his own vision of the world, analyze, evaluate works of art, enjoy creativity, etc. The conditions of life, upbringing, the attitude of parents and teachers to the child himself and to his activities - these are the factors that determine how much the inclinations that nature has marked him with are realized.

The mental development of a child is judged by the volume, nature and content of knowledge, by the level of formation of cognitive processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, attention), by the ability for independent creative knowledge. From an early age, the child begins to form a set of individual abilities to accumulate knowledge, improve mental operations, in other words, his mind develops. At preschool age, to a greater or lesser extent, such properties of the mind as quickness, breadth, criticality, flexibility of thought processes, depth, creativity, and independence are manifested.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the mental development of preschool children depends on a complex of social and biological factors, among which mental education and training play a guiding, enriching, systematizing role.

Mental education - systematic purposeful influence of adults on the mental development of children With the purpose of communicating the knowledge necessary for versatile development, for adapting to the surrounding life, the formation of cognitive processes on this basis, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in activities.

Mental education and mental development are in close interaction. Mental education largely determines mental development, contributes to it. Moreover, this happens only if the regularities and possibilities of the mental development of children in the first years of life are taken into account.

In the preschool years there are higher pace mental development than in subsequent age periods odes. It is important not to miss opportunities for mental development at this time. Particular attention should be paid to the mental development of children early age. Modern research has established that usually up to 2 years old children live so richly that a very large amount of cognitive activity is observed. The brain of a child develops remarkably quickly: by the age of 3, it already reaches 80% of the weight of an adult brain. There is a danger of underloading the brain, not giving it the "food" necessary for full development. According to physiology data, most of today's young children suffer not from an excess of information, but from its lack.

Another extreme should not be allowed, when, through enhanced upbringing and training, the baby is overloaded with knowledge that is excessive in content and volume, trying to develop any high abilities in him. A. V. Zaporozhets warned of the utmost importance to take into account that we are dealing with a growing organism, with a developing brain, the maturation of which has not yet ended, the features of which have not yet taken shape, the possibilities of which are still limited. With intensive training, a child can acquire knowledge, achieve results, but this will cost physical and neuropsychic costs. This implies a rule that must be followed: do not overload, do not overwork the child's brain!

Defects admitted in the mental development of a child during preschool childhood are difficult to eliminate at an older age. Οʜᴎ have a negative impact on all subsequent development. For example, in a family, in a preschool institution, they do not pay attention to the child's games with building materials, with designers. Because of this, he does not develop spatial imagination, which can create difficulties in studying geometry, mastering drawing at school. Or at preschool age they did not raise an interest in the book, they did not develop the ability to think, experience on the basis of the artistic word. listening literary work, the child must imagine his characters, their appearance, actions, understand the motives of actions, imagine pictures of nature. And in his life, acquaintance with works of art ʼʼdelegatedʼʼtelevision. The kid does not need to imagine, imagine, think: everything is given in the "picture". At school, it can be very difficult to overcome this gap in the mental development of a child: the habit of facilitating the perception of a literary work affects.

The main feature of the mental development of a preschool child is the predominance of figurative forms of cognition: perception, figurative thinking, imagination. For their emergence and formation, preschool age has special opportunities.

The mental upbringing of a child, as A.N. Leontiev rightly emphasized, cannot be considered in isolation from mental development, from the wealth of interests, feelings and other features that form his spiritual appearance.

Indeed, the cognitive processes that develop in a child are manifested in various types activities. So, in a child with developed imagination an image of the upcoming activity is formed, he plans it, determines what is required for it. The knowledge that a child learns does not just expand his horizons.
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This knowledge lays the attitude to people, their actions, nature, art, etc.

For the development of the child's moral character, ideas about moral norms, rules of behavior, and specific manifestations of moral qualities are important. For example, children 3-4 years old talk about any child they played with, did not quarrel: ʼʼThis is my friendʼʼ. What is a friend? What does it mean to be friends? How is the friend doing? Ideas about friendship, a friend, which the child learns, direct his behavior, filling it with new content, serve to evaluate the actions of a friend and self-esteem.

From an early age, the child acquires knowledge about caring for his body (how to wash his hands, face, use a handkerchief, napkin, comb), which become the basis for health protection, the formation of cultural and hygienic habits, and the assimilation of correct movements.

Familiarization of children with culture, acquaintance with works of art, perception of the beauty of the surrounding world in all its diversity require awareness, comprehension, which is impossible without the participation of imagination, thinking, memory. The active inclusion of mental activity in the process of aesthetic perception is a prerequisite for the formation of value judgments, in which the child's observation ability, the level of sensory culture, and thinking are manifested.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, mental education, with its goal of influencing the child's mind, has a beneficial effect on the formation of his moral character, aesthetic development, and the acquisition of the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

THE CONCEPT OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL EDUCATION - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "CONCEPT OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL EDUCATION" 2017, 2018.