Formation of ideas about sensory standards in younger preschoolers based on the use of didactic games

Card file didactic games for the development of sensory standards

Theme"Our favorite kindergarten"

Didactic game "What color are the items in our group"

Target : Teach children to name a color with an indication of the sign.

Material : the interior of the group, dishes, toys and other things.

The course of the game. The teacher invites children to carefully consider the color of the walls, furniture. Then he calls the child and offers to say what color the table is, if the answer is correct, everyone claps their hands. The task is given in turn, the children determine the color of the object, compare the object by color

Didactic game « Wonderful pouch» .

Target : to teach to choose figures by touch according to the visually perceived image.

Material : two sets of 3D and 2D figures(balls, cones, cylinders, ovals, squares, triangles) ... One set of figures is in a bag, the other is on the table.

The course of the game. The teacher arranges geometric shapes on the table in advance and hides a bag with a set of the same shapes in group room... Children are looking for a bag. At the instruction of the teacher, the child finds in the bag the figure that the teacher showed and names it.

Didactic game "Describe from memory" .

Target : develop visual memory The child has.

The course of the game. On a short time show the children a peer, orpicture , then they must answer from memoryquestions : what hair, what dress, what eyes, etc.

Didactic game "Where are you"

Target : orientation in space.

The course of the game. Children are in kindergarten v different rooms, using saved analyzers(smell, hearing, touch) must tell where they are and find their way to the group.

Didactic game "Find the named body part by touch"

Target : To educate children about own body, with the help of tactile sensations.

The course of the game. Children should become pairs and with closed eyes find each other's body parts named by the teacher, explain where they are, using in speech"above" , "below" , "Ahead" , "behind" .

Theme"I and my family"

Didactic game “Recognize by voice

Target : develop in children, hearing and attention, to recognize by the voice of their peers, educators, parents.

The course of the game. The children are sitting with one of the children with his back to them. One of those sitting should call by name, and the child should find out. If the problem is solved correctly, then the guys change places. You can also attract adults to the game.

Didactic game "Big small" .

Target : develop observation , to correlate the actual dimensions with the conventional measurement.

Material : a set of strips of different lengths.

The course of the game. Children talk about their family and lay out stripes from the tallest family member to the lowest, calling them by name


Didactic game "Wonderful bag" .

Target : Teach children to pick vegetables by touch using a visual pattern.

Material : two sets bulky vegetables andpictures with the image of vegetables.

The course of the game. The teacher shows the childrenPictures featuring vegetables and explains the rules of the game. At the instruction of the teacher, the child finds in the bag the same vegetable that lies on the table, calling him. The game ends when the children have found all the vegetables.

Didactic game "Define the taste" .

Target : Continue to taste vegetables.

Material : a tray of chopped vegetables(cabbage, carrots, beets, onions) andcards with their image .

The course of the game. The child is invited to taste the vegetable with his eyes closed, then open his eyes and choose the vegetable that he tasted.

Didactic game "Lay out along the contour" .

Target the picture with the real object .

Material : kitpictures depicting vegetables and their contour image.

The course of the game. Participants are given severalpictures with a contour image of vegetables. The task of the participants is to find the rightpicture with a picture of a vegetable.

Lacing"Where does the worm live" .

Target : development of fine motor skills , fix prepositions.

The course of the game. The game consists of variouscardboard items (apples, leaves, mushroom, basket) ... Children using a lace"Sew on" a worm on an apple, or leaf, vegetable(there is a hole for sewing on objects, and on the worm)


Didactic game "Magic colors" .

Target : Teach children to mix paints for a new color.

Material : orange, apple, kiwi.Dispensing : sheets of paper, paints, jars of water, palettes, brushes.

The course of the game. The teacher informs that today children will have to paint, not with simple, but with magical colors."What an orange color!" That's right, orange. Encourages children to mix red and yellow paints to create an orange color. And paint the orange. For kiwi, mix red and blue - brown, for an apple green and yellow - light green color. The works are displayed and analyzed, children remember what fruits they know and what color they are.

Didactic game "Fold picture » .

Target : teach children to compose a complexpicture of parts .

Material : story setspictures and cut .

The course of the game. Invite the children to foldpicture by overlay , by pattern or memory.

Didactic game "Revive the still life" .

Target : be able to identify the fruit by touch.

Material : cards

The course of the game. Children are offeredcards with a picture of fruit made of velvet paper.Exercise : with closed eyes, determine which fruit is depicted.

Didactic game "Know by smell" .

Target : continue to learn to distinguish between smells in the surrounding space.

Material : fruits - orange, lemon, banana, apple, kiwi, plum, pear, tangerine.

The course of the game. A child with closed eyes should identify the fruit suggested by the teacher by the smell. If the task is completed correctly, then he is offered to eat it.


Didactic game "Multi-colored scarves" .

Target : teach children to mix primary colors to get new ones


Material : paints red, orange, yellow; palette, jars of water and brushes.

The course of the game.“Today we will paint beautiful scarves» - says the teacher and shows samples. All this is painted with two colors of red and yellow. And how did the three colors turn out. You need to take two paints, one of them draw a pattern from one edge of the scarf, the other from the other edge, mix them on the palette and you get a color that you need to draw a pattern with in the middle. Work with other colors is done in the same way. The works are exhibited and evaluated.

Didactic game "Listen - Guess" .

Target : develop auditory perception of objects in the surrounding space.

The course of the game. The teacher invites children to recognize by sound the objects that they make when tapping or falling.For example : sound of footsteps, book falling, spoon tapping on the table, rustling autumn leaves, paper, etc.

Theme"Clothes, hats"

Didactic game "What is made of fur, what is made of felt"

Target : develop visual and tactile perception.

Material : pieces of fur and felt, and items of clothing and hats.

The course of the game. Each child should definitely taste the material, and then visually should identify and name what material this or that thing is made of.

Didactic game "Dressing and taking off"

Target : Expand children's perceptions of seasonal clothing.

Material : doll with a set of clothes

The course of the game. Children are given a task to dress the Katya doll in winter, autumn, summer or spring clothes.


Didactic game "Pick a pair"

Target : develop logical thinking and imagination.

Material : kitpictures with a picture of shoes.

The course of the game. Children are offered a setpictures with picture different shoes... Each child chooses shoes and matches them with a pair. The children name the shoes and tell them what time of year they can wear them.

Didactic game "Draw the detail"

Target : to consolidate knowledge of color and geometric shapes, the ability to analyze and follow the sequence of the pattern.

The course of the game. Given twoPictures ... The first one shows a boot with an ornament, and the other just an outline. The child must complete the missing details.

Didactic game "Whose shoe is bigger"

Target : consolidation of knowledge about the size and size, systematize the knowledge gained.

Material : kitcards with the image of a family, the outlines of shoes, boots, shoes.

The course of the game. Children are givenPictures with the image of grandmother, grandfather, dad, mom, boy, girl and children of different ages. During the game, children need to choose shoes, observing the size and explaining why they made this choice. At the end of the game, the teacher offers to paint a pair of shoes.


Didactic game "Magic bags" .

Target : learn to identify the groats by touch.

Material : cups with buckwheat, semolina, rice, sugar, salt.

Game progress. The teacher offers to determine by touch with closed eyes what kind of croup it is.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" .

Target : Learn to recognize objects by touch.

Material : pouch, bagel, candy, apple, carrot.

The course of the game. Players take turns finding objects in the bag by touch and name it.


Didactic game "Pick a lid for the dishes" .

Target : teach children to recognize and create images of objects in individual details, creativelydevelop a peer plan .

Material : cards with the image of the details of the dishes.

The course of the game. From the hillcards on the table, children take one at a time and select the lid according to the size and color of the dishes.

Didactic game "What the dishes are made of" .

Target : deepen children's understanding of various materials of which it is madedishes : metal, wood, glass, plastic. Learn ways to study subjects. Foster a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to cooperate.

Material : cookware made of different materials.

The course of the game. In the process of playing, children name materials, their properties, try to generalize them, compare them with others, find common and distinctive features.

The exercise"In Fedora's closet" .

Target : development visual perception and attention.

The course of the game. Children sit on the carpet. The presenter shows the childrenpicture with "Noisy" images of dishes. Children in turn come up, name the object that he saw, and circle it.


Didactic game "Whose Shadow Is This" .

Target : develop logical thinking and imagination.

Material : sheets of paper,Pictures with the image of different animals, paints, brushes.

The course of the game. Translate tocards contours of easily recognizable animals. Show the childrenpicture and ask who's oncard there is a shadow of this animal. Shadows can be colored watercolor paint different colors.

Didactic game "Combine the contour and silhouette image" .

Target : learn to correlate the image onpicture with a real object in silhouette and contour image.

Material : kitpictures with a real image of pets, with an outline and symmetrical image.

The course of the game. Children are givencards with a real image of animals.Exercise : Match the outline and silhouette of the animal to your images.


Didactic game "Whose voice?"

Target : bring up auditory attention, the ability to denote sounds with a word,develop quick wits , excerpt.

Demonstration material : subjectPictures with the image of poultry.

A book with the sounds of the inhabitants of the poultry yard.

The course of the game. The teacher turns on sounds, children recognize them, findpicture and call the action(A rooster crows, a duck quacks, etc.) At correct execution receive a chip, the winner is the one with the most chips.

Didactic game "Cut Pictures »

Target : development visual perception, spatial representations, clearly - figurative thinking, attention.

Material : cutPictures poultry or puzzles

Game progress : Invite each child to foldpicture or insert pieces of the puzzle into the generalpicture ... To act in"Mind" , mentally try on puzzles, if they fail, then by selection.

Theme"Wild animals"

Didactic game "Who is this?" (Connect the dots)

Target : develop imagination , to teach to imagine an animal according to their point scheme,develop hand motor skills ; the ability to closely monitor the location of points.

Handout material : cards with schematically depicted animals (wild, colored pencils

The course of the game. The teacher proposes to connect all the dots, the diagrams are outlined in pencil, the children recognize the animal. Then you can offer to paint it, finish paintingpicture .

Didactic game "Forest paths"

Target : to be able to visually find the path to the house of each animal, in case of difficulty, you can draw through the labyrinth with a pencil.

Material : cards - labyrinths for every child

The course of the game. The teacher invites the children to find a path to the houses, whoever copes faster gets a chip.


Didactic game "Colored ice"

Target : to consolidate the idea of ​​the relationship of colors

Demonstration material : 3 large jars with stickers - orange, green, purple.

Handout material : jars of water, 3 for each child, brushes, cloths, paints, jars of water for washing brushes.

The course of the game. Educator : “Today we will prepare colored ice, we need to paint the water and freeze it. We need orange, green and purple, who knows how to make orange water? That's right, mix yellow and red paints, take more yellow than red. How to get purple? Mix red and blue. " On a walk, water is poured into molds from under sweets, and frozen, the next day, they decorate the Christmas tree,"Flower bed" etc.

Didactic game "Winter palette"

Target : to consolidate the ability to get different light shades by mixing paints. Introduce the light row.

Demonstration material : drawing of 3 blue balloons of different lightness.

Handout material : sheets of paper, palettes, blue and white gouache, water, cloth.

The course of the game. Children are invited to consider the drawn balls, they are all blue, but of different shades, first the lightest, then darker, then the darkest. You have blue and white paint... How do you do different shades? First, you put a lot of white paint on the palette, for the first ball you add a little blue to the white paint, for the second more, and the third without adding white. By mixing the right shades paints, children paint balls on their sheets of paper. The works are displayed and discussed by children.

Theme"Wintering Birds"

Didactic game "Wool, feather, fabric" (to the touch) .

Target : Learn to feel materials of different textures.

Handout material : various pieces of wool, feather, leather, rubber, clay.

The course of the game. The teacher offers to put his hand into the bag, take a piece of something, and without looking to tell about it"Warm, cold, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, soft" and try to name what can be made of this item.

By analogy, you can use objects and materials of a different texture and determine whichthey : viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

CutPictures "Lay down the bird" .

Target : development logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands.

The course of the game. The child is given two of the sameImages : whole and divided into several parts(starting at four, five) The task of the child is to assemble the whole image, first according to the sample, then without it. As a complication, you can increase the number of fragments, as well as the complexity of the image itself.


Didactic game "What was the person sitting on?"

(The game is a journey into the past of the chair)

Target : to form an idea of ​​furniture, its functions and properties, the quality of the material from which it is made

Material : Pictures depicting different armchairs and chairs

The course of the game. The teacher's story about how a person transformed furniture. Then the children choosepicture the most ancient chair and tell about its parts. The next kid on the otherpicture tells what has changed. Children should name the shape, color, material. Whose story is more complete gets a chip.

Didactic game "Housewarming at the doll" .

Target : Teach children to understand a schematic drawing to match a plan with space.

Material : a plan previously drawn by an adult, toy furniture(small) .

The course of the game. The teacher offers children the following game situation... The doll Masha has brought new furniture and does not know how to arrange it. Show ready plan, and the children must use it to furnish the toy room, if the task is completed successfully, then next child arranges furniture. using the new plan.

Theme"Street. Town"

Didactic game "Find a path to the house" .

Target : Introduce children to different lines, improve the skills of precise hand actions under the control of vision.

Material : tracks drawn on a magnetic board(straight, wavy, zigzag) .

Game progress : The child first conducts a visual analysis of the line; drawing lines with hands in the air, tracing lines forefinger holding a toy magnet along the line.

Didactic game "Call by phone" .

Target : to form the idea of ​​children about the phone - as a means of communication, about the rules for communicating on the phone with various people.

Material : handset.

Game progress : Children sit in a circle, the teacher passes the phone to the child and formulatesexercise : called you stranger; or a friend called; or you need to call your mom. It is suggested that the children tell a friend where he lives (give his address, tell his mother about any problems in the house.

ThemeDefenders of the Fatherland Day

Didactic game "Signalers" .

Target : assimilation of geometric shapes, classification of size and color.

Material : cards blue and green.

The course of the game. In children, signalcards blue and Green colour... Children are encouraged to compare groups of geometric shapes of the same color and shape, but different sizes... Compare groups of geometric shapes of the same color and size, but different shapes.

Theme"March 8. Professions of moms "

Didactic game "Recognize your mom by her voice" .

Target : development of attention , the ability to recognize each other by voice, the creation of a positive emotional background.

Game progress. The same number of children and their mothers play. Children turn away from moms andchorus : "Mom! Congratulations!" Nominated lead momanswers : "Thanks!" Who will recognize their mom's voice?

Didactic game "Who needs what they need for work" .

Target : to fix who and where mothers work, what they like to do in their free time. Reinforce the use of the accusative case of nouns.

Material : pictures with objects , images of moms of different professions.

The course of the game. Children receivekits : Pictures depicting the professions of moms andPictures depicting tools.

Exercise. ArrangePictures in pairs according to their correspondence - the image of the profession and the image of the tools belonging to this profession. Tell who needs what to work and why.

Theme"Spring. Primroses "

Didactic game "Leaves are round and oval" .

Target : learn to distinguish between leaves based on their shape(oval, round) .

Material : storylinepicture , cut out leaves of flowers.

Move. Remember with children the names of primroses growing in the forest(snowdrop, coltsfoot, violet) ... Then the teacher proposes to consider the plotpicture ... Tell who collected what flowers in the forest(mother snowdrop, daughter violet, father mother and stepmother) ... Draw the attention of the children that some flowers have enough leaves, listen to the suggestions of the children."It must have been the wind that ripped them off." ... Invite the children to find their own leaves for each flower, and tell what shape they are (round violets, oval for snowdrops, oblong for coltsfoot).

Play - experimentation"Where Spring Comes Faster" .

Target : to establish the dependence of changes in nature on the season.

Materials and equipment : containers with snow, ice.

Move. An adult, together with children, takes out a form filled with water outside. Fills another form with snow on a walk. At the end of the walk, he brings both forms into the room, leaves them in a warm place and monitors the changes taking place for 1-2 hours. The ice takes longer to melt. Find out where it will come fasterSpring : on the river or in the meadow(in the clearing, the sun will melt the snow faster) .


Game-task"Determine the age of the fish" (with a magnifying glass on the scales) .

Target : Teach children to experimentally determine the age of fish using optical instruments.Develop the child's search activity, the ability to analyze. To foster a careful and caring attitude towards wildlife.

Material : magnifiers, microscopes, aquarium, encyclopedia; fish scales, cuts; illustrative material, paper, pencils.

Move. The teacher proposes to consider 2 scalars in the aquarium and determine by age. Who is older? How to find out? Let's go to our laboratory and be researchers. There are real scales in the lab! It is necessary to investigate them experimentally. Who saw what? Have you seen the rings? How many? How old can you tell? Draw the rings with a blue pencil - these will be documents about the age of our fish.

Play - experimentation"Do the fish breathe" .

Target : to establish the ability of fish to breathe in water, to confirm the knowledge that air is everywhere.

Material : transparent container with water, aquarium, magnifier, stick, cocktail tube.

Move. Children observe fish and determine if they breathe or not.(watch the movement of the gills, air bubbles in the aquarium) ... Then they exhale air through a tube into the water, observe the appearance of bubbles. Find out if there is air in the water. The algae in the aquarium is moved with a stick, bubbles appear. Observe how the fish swim to the surface of the water (or the compressor, capture air bubbles(breathe) ... An adult leads children to understand that breathing of fish in water is possible.

Theme "Plants : trees, shrubs, herbs "

Didactic game "From which tree the leaf" .

Target : to consolidate ideas about features appearance trees and their leaves.Develop cognitive interest to wildlife, observation.

Game task : find the leaves of a specific tree.

Material : cards depicting trees, their leaves.

The course of the game.The presenter calls characteristics this or that tree without naming it. Children search for his image amongcards ... Then they find the leaves of this tree. The winner is the one who is the first to find the correct leaves.

The game is a huge window

through which in spiritual world child

a life-giving stream of ideas pours in,

concepts about the world around.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Early age is a unique period in a child's development. In recent decades, there has been a special interest in him in the scientific world... The weakness and imperfection of this age, in fact, is its strength, and provide endless opportunities for mental and physical improvement and the formation of the foundations of the future adult personality.

Sensory development is the development of a child's perception, the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell and taste, it is an early age that is favorable for improving the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around.

The meaning of sensory development is that it:

- is the basis for intellectual development;

- organizes the chaotic ideas of the child, obtained during interaction with outside world;

- develops observation skills;

- prepares for real life;

- positively affects aesthetic sense;

- is the basis for the development of imagination;

- develops attention;

- gives the child the opportunity to master new ways of object-cognitive activity;

- ensures the assimilation of sensory standards;

- ensures the development of skills learning activities;

- affects the expansion vocabulary child;

- affects the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.

Sensory development serves as the basis for understanding the world and is one of the important aspects preschool development... I try to create conditions for the transfer of knowledge and ideas of children into independent sensory games... Children are especially good at assimilating information about the world around them when they have the opportunity not only to contemplate, but also to actively act. Here, a special role is played by didactic games, in which organization, purposefulness of behavior is formed, the achievement of a result causes a feeling of joy. At this stage of development of children, the first attitude to the environment is formed, interest in the labor actions of adults, the desire to participate in their activities (hold a hammer, bring water in a bucket, etc.); when looking at the pictures, you can arouse sympathy for to the actor(the girl is crying).

Didactic play is a complex phenomenon, and game method learning, and the form of development, and independent activity, and the means comprehensive development personality. In some cases, they act as a kind of playful form of educational activity and are carried out with all children, in others they are widely used in Everyday life, v joint activities, in the mode of the day in independent gaming activities.

To know an object from all sides, a child uses sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. Only thanks to life experience our children learn and enrich their ideas about the world.

Cognition surrounding reality in children, it begins by analyzing the information that he receives through observations, tactile sensations, the difference in taste and smell, the sound heard. But what the child touched, saw, heard, must be supported by words.

I try to use all types of sensory input in my work so that the child receives full information about the subject. Therefore, in direct educational activities on sensory development set herself the following tasks:

- to form children's ability to navigate in various properties of objects: color (red, yellow, blue, green), shape (circle, triangle, square), quantity (many, one), size (large - small, narrow - wide, high - low , long short);

- create conditions for the enrichment and accumulation of children's sensory experience during subject-play activity through games with didactic material;

- to develop in children the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand, to bring it to completion.

When playing with children, it is always necessary to use expressive gestures and substitute objects ("soap" - a cube; "thermometer" - a felt-tip pen, etc.).

In practical activities and in the game, the child learns the properties of objects (color, shape, size, texture, mass, position in space, structure and its parts). Children are actively interested in the world around them, ask questions, learn new things from the stories of adults about phenomena that they do not directly perceive. For example, if a child picks up objects, or groups flags, or sorts pictures by color and feature. This means that color is perceived at the level of abstraction from all other signs and in thinking, on the basis of generalization, the concept of "color" is formed.

I explain to the child that the word “house” can mean a house for a person, a hollow for a squirrel, an aquarium for a fish, etc., but the main thing is that a house is a “roof over your head” where someone lives. Or a chair. It can be big, small, soft, but the main thing is the object on which one is sitting.

Next, I bring the children to the concept of generalization - the mental unification of objects and phenomena of reality that have general properties... For example, from the single concept of "cucumber" or "tomato" to the concept of "vegetable". Moreover, children deliberately seek information about the world around them, ask many questions (“Where does the sun spend the night?”, “What is the name of the kids from a fairy tale?”, “Where does the fox live?”, Etc.).

In my work on sensory education I use the following types didactic games:

Sensory development games:

The quantity: « Funny nesting dolls"," Mushrooms in places "," Fishing "," Colored country "- carpet," Three bears "," Thumbelina and Gulliver ", etc. These games teach children to distinguish, alternate, group objects by size.

- The form: "Find and name", "Round, square, oval", " Magic Cubes”Etc. In these games, children learn to distinguish, group objects according to their shape.

- Colour: "Miracle chest", "Who, who lives here" - multi-colored handbags, "Beads for matryoshka", "Find whose house", "Town road traffic"," Color chain "," Mushrooms in places ", etc. Playing these games, children learn to group, correlate objects by color.

- Games with objects: "Fold the matryoshka", "Fold the pyramid", "Build a turret", etc. Acting with objects, the child learns their qualities and properties, gets acquainted with the shape, size, color, spatial relationships. The child is always given a mental challenge. He tries to achieve a result - to collect a turret, collect beads, etc. The purpose of these games is to help consolidate the quality of objects (size, shape, color).

I would like to present to your attention the abstracts of didactic games for the sensory development of children.

Abstract of the didactic game "Circle, square".

Objective: to teach children to alternate objects in shape.

Material: five cardboard circles and squares of the same color.

Game progress:

The teacher shows 5 circles and 5 squares, randomly mixed on the table. He says that he has different figures, "This is a square, and this is a circle." Having shown the squares, he says that he will put them in one direction, and the other figures (circles) in the other.

Then the teacher asks the child: "Where do we have such a figurine? Where did we put it?"

By imposing a circle on a circle, the teacher shows that these figures are the same. Then he invites the child to lay out the figures himself. The teacher shows in which side some figures (squares) lie, in which - others (circles), and offers the child from general material choose any figure and put it on the same circles and squares. To check if the task was completed correctly, the teacher asks the child to put his figure on another.

Abstract of the didactic game "Hedgehogs".

1. To consolidate knowledge of color (red, yellow, green, blue).

2. to develop fine motor skills hands.

3. Teach to navigate in the room.


- Clothespins of four colors (red, yellow, green, blue), they act as thorns.

- Hedgehogs of the same four colors.

- Plush or rubber hedgehog several bigger size than baby hedgehogs.

Game progress:

Educator (V.): Guys, a hedgehog came to visit us today. (Shows the children a toy - a hedgehog. Children touch him and greet him).

Q: Hedgehog, why are you so sad?

Hedgehog: I went to visit you with my friends, and they got lost on the way.

Q: Guys, can we help the hedgehog find his friends?

Children look for a group of hedgehogs, and when they find them, they bring them to the teacher.

I look at the hedgehog with them. Finding out what color they are.

V .: Guys, look, but hedgehogs have no thorns! Hedgehogs, where are your thorns?

Hedgehog: They forgot them at home.

Q: Can we help the hedgehogs return the needles to their backs? But for this you need to find a house of the same color as the hedgehog.

It is important to note that each of the games listed provides exercises that are useful for mental development children and their upbringing. The role of didactic games in sensory education is very important. Didactic game helps the child to learn how it works the world and broaden his horizons.

Thus, it is safe to say that the leading form sensory education are didactic games. Only with a certain system of conducting didactic games can the sensory development of young children be achieved.

Early age is called the "golden age" of sensory education. Sensory education, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education in to a large extent depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, perceives the environment.In the modern system of sensory education, along with educational activities, a certain place is given to activities of a different nature, which are conducted in the form of organizeddidactic games.



Development of sensory standards in young children through didactic play


Early age is called the "golden age" of sensory education. Sensory education, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and perceives the environment.

To improve efficiency educational work, sensory education and training great importance has use in the didactic process various means and forms of organization of training:training sessions, didactic games and didactic exercises.

Didactic games and exercises and their meaning

V preschool pedagogy didactic games and exercises have long been considered the main means of sensory education. They were almost completely entrusted with the task of forming the child's sensorics: acquaintance with color, shape, size, space, sound. Many such didactic games are presented in the works of teachers and researchers (E.I. Tikheeva, F.N.Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, A.I.Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, etc.). Many of them are still used in children's institutions.

Successful use of didactic games as play form training requires closer attention to the analysis of games in terms of the nature of the game action. V my the experience of sensory education of children, the following well-knowntypes of didactic games:

  • Games-assignments based on children's interest in actions with toys and objects: pick up, fold and unfold, insert, string, etc. The play action here is elementary, in its nature it often coincides with the practical actions with objects.
  • Hiding and searching games based on children's interest in the unexpected appearance and disappearance of objects, their search and finding.
  • Games with guessing and guessing, attracting children with the unknown: "Find out", "guess", "What's here?", "What has changed?"
  • Role-playing didactic games, the game action of which is to depict various life situations, in fulfilling the roles of adults: seller, buyer, postman - or animals: wolf, geese, etc.
  • Competition games based on the desire to achieve a game result faster, to win: "Who is first", "Who is faster", "Who is more", etc.
  • Games of forfeits or games with a forbidden "penalty" object or picture related to interesting game moments- to get rid of the unnecessary, to resist, not to demand a penalty item for yourself, not to say the forbidden word. For example. In a game with a didactic task - to improve the perception of the shape of objects, the main condition for winning should be the ability of children to isolate the shape and select objects according to their shape. If the next time the goal is to teach children to name the color of objects, the winner is the one who knows how to do it best, and so on.

To measure children's sensory achievementthe caregiver can use the exercises with didactic materials and games with the same turrets or in-ear toys. By offering children, for example, to pick up parts of the inserts by size, the teacher will see the level of skills according to how the child will act. Those who solve the problem through chaotic, repeated trial and error are at a low level. Other children also use practice tests, but they do it purposefully. It can be considered that these children are in comparison with the first at a higher level. And finally, children can be attributed to even more high level if they pick up the details accurately, based on the visual ratio alone.

Thus, in the general system of sensory education in kindergarten, didactic games solve educational problems: in addition, they - good school use by children of the received sensory experience, ideas and knowledge and, finally, perform the function of monitoring the progress of sensory education.

Didactic games for sensory development of children 2-3 years old

  1. Game "Vegetable store".

Didactic task. Expand ideas about shape, size, color; develop the skills of comparing objects.

Game task. Be good sellers, choose the right vegetables for buyers.

Game rule. Do not make mistakes when sorting goods, do not annoy the director of the hedgehog.

The course of the game.

The teacher invites the children to a new grocery store. There are a lot of goods on the counter: beets, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Invites children to work as salespeople in the store. The store manager, hedgehog, invites the sellers and gives them an assignment: arrange them in baskets so that buyers can quickly buy it: select vegetables in baskets round shape... If the kids are wrong, the hedgehog snorts angrily.

Game variant. You can offer children to deliver vegetables from the vegetable base in cars to kindergartens, shops (select only red vegetables; pack vegetables of larger and smaller sizes).

  1. 2. The game "Building a house".

Game task. Build houses for a dog and a cat.

Game rule. Choose a building material that your dog and cat will like.

The course of the game.

The teacher brings a dog and a cat (toys) to the group, informs them that these animals want to build houses, and offers help in construction: “The dog wants a house of bricks, a cat wants a house of bricks. I have to go to the building materials store. There is a lot of goods in the store. "

Children choose required material among bricks, cubes and balls; they load the goods into the car and take them, then they build houses: from bricks - to a dog, from cubes - to a cat.

Children build houses on their own. Show the dog and the cat their houses. Animals rejoice and dance merrily.

Game variant. You can invite children to build houses from cubes different color: a dog - from red, a cat - from blue.

  1. 3. Game "Different circles for a hare and a fox."

Didactic task. Develop children's ideas about shape, size, color.

Game task. Select rugs for the hare and the fox.

Game rule. Select the right carpets and load them on the cars of the corresponding colors.

The course of the game.

The teacher brings two houses and tells the children that one house is for the fox, the other for the hare. The animals are doing repairs in the houses, they bought furniture, and they decided to put new rugs on the floor. Invites children to help the animals choose rugs - the fox and the hare love mug-like rugs. The teacher shows the rugs: green and red (plates from a building kit or pieces of colored paper). Children should take away the rugs and put them on the car, for the fox - red circles, for the hare - green ones.

Game variant. Invite children to select rugs large and small of the same color; different colors, different shapes of the same color.

  1. 4. Game "Big and small balls".

Didactic task. Learn to distinguish between color and size (large - small); develop a sense of rhythm; to pronounce words rhythmically.

Game task. Pick up balls for dolls.

Game rule. Choose the right balls by color and size.

The course of the game.

The teacher allows you to consider balls of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow) and different sizes (large and small). Shows how they jump rhythmically, and says:

Jump yes jump

Everybody jump and jump

Sleep our ball

I'm not used to it.

The teacher brings out two dolls - a large and a small one - and says: “The big doll Olya is looking for a ball for herself. The little doll Ira also wants to play with the ball. " Invites children to pick up balls for dolls. Children select balls of the right size (for a large doll - big ball hic, little doll - small ball). The doll Olya is naughty: she needs a yellow ball, like her skirt. The doll Ira is also angry: she needs a red ball, like her bow. The teacher invites the children to calm down the dolls: pick up the balls they need.

You can also use the following didactic games: "Pick up a feather cockerel", "Pick up a ring for a parrot", "Dolls have arrived", "Collect a flower, collect a cup", "Pick up a couple" and many other games.


Target: Teach a child to alternate objects in size

Equipment : Four large and small beads (approximately 2 and 1 cm) of the same color. Cord or soft wire, doll and basket.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child beautiful doll, says that the doll came to visit the baby and brought something in a basket. Then the teacher puts the doll on the table and, taking the box out of the basket, shows the child that there are large and small beads and a thread. Having said that the doll asked the kid to do for her beautiful beads, the teacher draws the child's attention to the fact that beads can be strung in different ways. First, the teacher himself shows how to collect the beads, and then suggests that the child should do it. Important start alternating with a large bead, because if you alternate the beads on the contrary, i.e. first take a small one, then a large one, it will be difficult for the child to cope with the task, because he is primarily attracted large beads... Then the doll is shown what the beads are.


Target: Learn to distinguish objects by size and choose them according to verbal instructions.

Equipment : Large and small balls, randomly mixed.

Stroke: The teacher stands at a distance of 3 - 5 m from the child and asks to bring him a large ball. If the child is mistaken, the teacher explains and shows the difference by letting the child hold the big and small balls. With the child's hand, the teacher draws a circle around a large and small ball, saying, "big" or "small" ball. The game repeats itself.

Game 7. ORDERS

Target: Teach children to distinguish and name toys, as well as highlight their size; develop auditory perception, improve speech understanding.

Equipment: Big and small dogs, cars, boxes, balls, cups, cubes, nesting dolls.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child toys and objects and offers to name them, noting their size. Then he gives the kid the following tasks:

  1. A large dog is given tea from a large cup, and a small one from a small one;
  2. Roll the matryoshka in a big car;
  3. Place a small dog near the matryoshka;
  4. Build a house from large cubes for a big dog, and from small ones for a small one;
  5. Take a little dog and put it on the carpet;
  6. Take big dog and put it in a big box;
  7. Collect small cubes into a small box, large cubes into a large one, etc.

If the child is mistaken, the dog or nesting doll shows their displeasure (growls or turns away).


Target: Teach children to group objects by size.

Equipment: A toy hare, a large and a small bucket, five large and small dummies of carrots on a tray.

Stroke: The teacher shows the hare, invites the children to examine it, stroke it. Then he says that the bunny asks the children to help him collect the carrots and shows a tray of carrots, emphasizing that the carrots are large and small. Further, the teacher says that a large carrot should be put in a large bucket, and a small carrot in a small bucket. Children complete the task, the bunny thanks them for their help.

By the same principle, other large and small objects can be grouped into containers of various sizes. For example, playing the following games"Help the doll to collect the cubes", "Put the balls in the baskets", "Put the cars in the garage" etc.


Purpose: The same.

Equipment: Several large and small dolls, a large and small house.

Stroke: On tables or carpet in different sides there are toy houses. On the contrary, dolls sit at a short distance. The teacher shows the dolls to the children. Together with the children, he examines them, notes that the dolls are large and small. Then he says that the dolls are lost and offers to help the dolls find their house, explaining that big dolls live in a big house and little dolls live in a small house. Children complete the task, the dolls thank them for their help.


Target: Teach a child to alternate objects in shape

Equipment: Four round and square earthenware beads of the same color (diameter 2cm). Cord or soft wire, doll and basket.

Stroke: It is carried out in the same way as the game "Big and Small" with the only difference that round and square beads are strung on a thread alternately. The teacher invites the child to touch each bead on the string with his hands, fixing the child's attention on this and saying: "Ball, cube ...".


Target: Learn to group objects by shape.

Equipment: Five cardboard circles and squares of the same color.

Stroke: The teacher shows children geometric shapes randomly mixed on the table. Then he says: “This is a circle, this is a square. I'll put the circle on a round plate, and the square on a square plate. " Further, the teacher invites the children to put the figures in their places and activates the speech of the children with the questions: “What is this? (Circle). And this? (Square), etc. ".

Game 12. MAGIC BOX

Target: Teach children to push geometric shapes into the corresponding holes.

Equipment: Boxes with round holes and square shape and cubes and balls corresponding in size.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children boxes with "windows" and says that balls and cubes can be pushed into them. Then he traces a round hole with his finger, noting that it is round, that it has no corners, and pushes a ball into it. He does the same with a square hole, noting that it is square and has corners and pushes a cube into it. Further, the task is performed by children. At each push, the teacher exclaims in a surprised and delighted tone: “Oh, there is no ball! Oh, no cube! ”, Thereby stimulating the child to continue playing and causing positive emotions.


Target: Teach children to insert objects of a given shape into the corresponding holes.

Equipment: Cardboard image of a wolf (nesting dolls, dolls, etc.) with round, square and triangular on the pants and, accordingly, circles, squares and triangles, the same color as the pants.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children the wolf and draws their attention to the fact that the wolf has leaky pants. Then the teacher shows the children geometric shapes - patches and offers to help the wolf mend his pants. Children complete the task, the wolf thanks them.

This game can be played with complication , for example, to "patch" sundresses of different colors on matryoshka dolls with various large and small geometric shapes of the corresponding colors.


Target: Teach children to group objects by shape

Equipment: A circle, square, triangle, rectangle cut out of cardboard - houses and the same geometric shapes small size- little men.

Stroke: The teacher, together with the children, examines small geometric shapes randomly lying on the table, says that this is - funny people... Then he shows, for example, a circle and says: “This little man is called a circle. What is the name of the little man? (Circle). Show me what other people are called the circle? (Children show circles) ". Children also show other geometric shapes. The teacher says that the little men are lost, and invites the children to help the little men find their houses. Then he explains that the circle people live in round house(puts the little man on the big circle), the square men live in a square house (puts the little man on the big square), etc. Then the children carry out the task on their own.


Target: To draw the child's attention to the fact that color is a sign different subjects and can serve to denote them.

Equipment: Mosaic box containing six yellow and one white elements.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children toys: a white chicken, followed by yellow chickens (or a picture). Then - a white piece of the mosaic and says: “This is our chicken. She white". Demonstrates a yellow mosaic and explains: "Chickens will be yellow." In the hole of the panel, the teacher reminds of a white mosaic once again that the chicken will be of this white color, and places one yellow one after the white mosaic, saying that the chicken is of this color. Then he gives the child a box with a mosaic and offers to find another chicken and place it next to the mother chicken. After all the chicks have been found and placed in single file behind the hen, the child repeats the task on his own.


Target: Teach a child to alternate objects by color.

Equipment: A box with a mosaic containing ten elements of green and red.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children a mosaic and explains that Christmas trees are green, and places a Christmas tree on the panel - an element of green. Shows an element of a red mosaic, explains that mushrooms are of such a red color. Having placed a Christmas tree, a mushroom, a Christmas tree, a mushroom on his panel, the teacher invites the child to continue a series of Christmas trees and fungi.

The game is carried out as a reinforcement after the corresponding lesson.

"Geese with goslings"- use a mosaic of white (goose) and yellow (gosling) colors;"Houses and flags"- use a mosaic of white (house) and red (flag) colors. In the game "Houses and flags" the red element is placed over the white element.


Purpose: The same.

Equipment: Four white and red beads (other colors can be used) per box, cord or soft wire.

Stroke: It is carried out in the same way as the game "Big and Small" with the only difference that white and red beads are alternately strung on a thread. The basis for a successful alternation of others color combinations it is white, a well-known color that is often mentioned in everyday life ( White snow, white hands, etc.).


Target: To consolidate in children the ability to group homogeneous objects and correlate dissimilar objects by color.

Equipment: Drawing with nesting dolls, beads and sticks of different colors.

Stroke: The teacher takes turns showing the children matryoshka dolls dressed in dresses of four basic colors and says that each matryoshka has its own toys: balls and sticks, but they are all messed up. Then he offers to help the nesting dolls find their toys. The teacher shows one of the nesting dolls and offers to choose beads of the same color as her dress. After the child selects all the beads and puts them next to the matryoshka, he is also asked to choose sticks.


Target: Teach children to choose objects of a given color from several suggested ones, to develop hand coordination and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: A box with a mosaic containing ten red and five yellow and green elements.

Stroke: The teacher shows the bear to the children and examines it with the children. Then he invites the children to treat him with a berry, emphasizing that the bear loves only ripe red berries. Next, the teacher takes a red mosaic element (a berry) from the box, inserts it into the panel and invites the children to pick berries too, making sure that the children take only ripe berries. red colors. When all the red berries are collected in the "basket", the bear thanks the children.

With the same purpose as the previous game, the following games can be carried out:"Find the Sun", "Plant the Grass", "Clouds in the Sky"etc., with the only difference that the child is asked to choose the elements of yellow, green and of blue color from several suggested.


Target: Teach children to correlate objects by color.

Equipment: Card with vertically pasted on it colorful stripes- "strings" parallel and at some distance from each other, balls of the same colors cut out of cardboard.

Stroke: The teacher shows the balls to the children and offers to tie strings to them so that the balls do not fly away. Then he takes a ball, for example, yellow and applies it to a yellow strip - a yellow "thread". Further, the task is performed by the children.

This game can be played with another equipment: multi-colored cards - "books" with cut out "windows" - balls, insert cards of the same colors. Then move will be like this: the teacher shows the children cards with balloons and invites the children to paint over these balloons with the appropriate color, showing how to do this.

Game 21. Match the cups to the saucers

Purpose: The same.

Equipment: Cups and saucers cut from cardboard in different colors.

Stroke: The teacher shows the saucer to the children and suggests putting cups on them and specifies that each saucer has its own cup of the same color. Then the teacher shows how to do this. Further, the task is performed by the children.

Game 22. MITTLES

Purpose: The same

Equipment: Several pairs of multi-colored mittens cut out of cardboard, dolls.

Stroke: The teacher tells the children that the dolls are going for a walk, but they cannot find their mittens, because the mittens are messed up. Then the teacher takes one mitten (for example, a red one), asks the child what color it is and invites the child to find the same red mitten. The child completes the task and the game continues.

Game 23. A TOY SHOP

Target: Teach children to group objects by color.

Equipment: Card with horizontal stripes drawn on it one above the other, at a short distance from each other; cardboard cutout silhouettes colorful toys(ball, plane, car, pin, etc.)

Stroke: The teacher offers to play in the store, but for this you need to arrange the toys on the shelves. Then he invites the kid to take one toy and put it on the shelf (card), specifying its color. Further, the teacher offers the child to put toys of the same color on this shelf. When the task is completed, the game continues with a toy of a different color.

You can also use multi-colored shelves, and offer the child to arrange toys on them according to the color.


Equipment: A matryoshka that holds several smaller dolls nested inside each other.

Stroke: The teacher together with the child opens the matryoshka, saying: "Matryoshka, matryoshka, open up a little!". He takes out a smaller nesting doll and puts it next to the large one, inviting the kid to compare them in size and color. When all the nesting dolls are open, the teacher offers the child to fold them back, starting with the smallest one.

We are nesting dolls, we are sisters, play hide and seek with us,

All the girlfriends are small. Rather collect us -

How do we start dancing and singing if you're wrong

Nobody can sit still! We will not close!

First, the game should be played with a two-syllable nesting doll, then with a three-syllable nesting doll, etc.

In the same way, instead of a nesting doll, you can usekegs, cups, opening boxes, insertsvarious shapes, etc.


Equipment: A pyramid consisting of 4-5 rings, decreasing in size.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child the pyramid and helps to disassemble it. Together with the baby, the teacher examines the rings, noting their shape and color and focusing on their size. Then the teacher offers the child to assemble the pyramid. He explains that first you need to choose the largest ring and put it on the rod (the kid is doing the task). Further, the teacher suggests doing the same with the remaining rings until the pyramid is assembled. In the future, the child is given the opportunity to independently manipulate the pyramid, trying to assemble it correctly.

Can be collected various pyramidsdepending on what goals are being pursued. For example: a pyramid consisting of rings of the same size or color; from cubes, balls, prisms of the same or different sizes and colors; from objects increasing in size, etc.


Equipment: Any items with holes for stringing of various sizes, shapes and colors, cord or soft wire.

Stroke: The teacher invites the child to collect beads by stringing them on a cord. Shows how to do this and invites the child to continue. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher helps him.

You can collect various beads depending on what goals are being pursued. For example: beads consisting of balls and cubes of various sizes and colors; from spools of thread, mascarons, rings, corks with holes of various colors and sizes, etc.


Equipment: Cubes different colors and size.

Stroke: The teacher invites the child to build a turret by placing cubes one on top of the other and erecting the building up.

This game can be playeddifferent waysdepending on what goals are being pursued. For example: build a turret from cubes of the same color and different sizes; from large or small cubes of different colors; from large or small cubes of the same color, etc.

Sensory development exercises for children 2-3 years old


Can be used following exercises with clothespins:"Hedgehog", "Fir-tree", "Sun"- children attach thorns and rays to silhouettes of a hedgehog, a Christmas tree, a sun made of cardboard. Forcolor pinningyou can use multi-colored silhouettes and matching clothespins.


The following cork exercises can be used:"Flowers", "Bug"- children unwind and tighten the plugs from plastic bottles to their necks - the middle of flowers or specks on the back of the beetle. Forcolor pinningscrew the multi-colored plugs to the necks of the corresponding color.


You can use the following clasp exercises:"Button up your boots", "Tie your shirt", "Sew a button"etc. - children thread the lace into the holes. Variousrugs, pads,on which buttons, Velcro, zippers, hooks, buttons, etc. are sewn, which are manipulated by children.

1. Tasks for the implementation of substantive actions.

1.1. Laying out homogeneous objects into two groups, depending on their size, shape, color.

The purpose of the training is to fix the children's attention on the properties of objects, to form in them the simplest methods of establishing the identity and difference in size, shape, color, the material is homogeneous objects of two sizes, five shapes, eight colors. In the course of teaching, children are told the words necessary for the actions they perform: color, shape, such, not so, large, small.

1.2. Placement of tabs of different sizes, shapes in the appropriate slots. Sticking colored fungi into a hole in a board of the same color.

The purpose of the training is to develop in children the ability to correlate the properties (color, shape, size) of dissimilar objects. The material is large and small inserts made of wood and frames with corresponding holes, inserts of five shapes and lattices for their placement. Wooden mushrooms and wooden tables with holes are also used. Mushrooms are painted in 8 colors. Accordingly, the same colors include the coloring of the tables.

2. Elementary productive actions.

2.1. Laying out mosaics of different sizes, shapes, colors according to the sample in combination with a verbal assignment.

The goal of the training is to fix the attention of children on the fact that size, shape, color can be a sign various subjects and be used to denote them, teach children to consciously use properties when reproducing the features of the sample. The material is a mosaic of different sizes, shapes, colors. In working with children, the technique of objectifying the image of an object is used with the help of mosaic elements of different sizes, shapes, colors. A mosaic of two sizes, five shapes, eight colors is used.

2.2. Painting with paints.

The goal of teaching is to reinforce in children the attitude to the properties of objects as to characteristic features, to lead them to an independent choice of color, shape, size to convey the specifics of well-known objects. The material is eight colors of paints and multi-colored sheets of paper.

For each of the four types of assignments, several sessions should be conducted, in which the conditions for completing the assignment change. This variation makes it possible to include objects of a new size, shape, color in the task, to maintain children's interest in completing the task, and in most cases, to complicate the action necessary to form more perfect and generalized ways of orienting in the properties of objects.

In the course of teaching children to complete tasks, the names of quantities, shapes, colors are used, but children are not required to repeat them and actively reproduce them.

Approximate lessons for children 2-3 years old (one year of study).

  • Laying out homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups;

Target. To fix the attention of children on the size of objects, to form in them the simplest methods of establishing the identity and difference in size. To teach children to understand words like this, not so, big, small.

Material. Large and small wooden circles, squares, rectangles, ovals and triangles. Each child in the lesson simultaneously needs 5 large and 5 small objects of the same type: the same shape, textures and colors.

The course of the lesson. The teacher shows the children 5 large and 5 small circles and explains that he has many different circles. He shows the children first large and then small circles, he explains that objects are of different sizes: such (large) and such (small). After mixing the circles, he explains that they should be placed in such a way that there are large objects on one side and small objects on the other.

The teacher invites one of the children to his table, offers to take 1 object of different sizes and put it in the appropriate place. Each one lays out 1 pair of items of different sizes in accordance with the sample (a group of items of the same size). An adult distributes individual material for self-fulfillment tasks. At the same time, different children receive objects of different shapes for grouping: some sort by size circles, others - squares, others - ovals, fourth - triangles, fifth - rectangles. Each of them simultaneously operates with 5 objects of one and 5 objects of another size of the same shape.

After completing the task of grouping large and small circles, the child can exercise in grouping other figures. In one lesson, the baby can group 2-3 types of large and small objects.

During the lesson, the teacher provides individual assistance to children in difficulty. Ease of sensory tasks for children given age relative. This is due to the different levels of preparedness of the children who came from home, the unfinished adaptation to new conditions, the lack of organized behavior skills in the classroom.

8-10 children take part in the lesson. The lesson is held 1 time and lasts 10-12 minutes.

  • Laying out homogeneous objects of different shapes into two groups;

Target. To fix attention on the shape of objects, to form in children the simplest methods of establishing the identity and difference in the form of homogeneous objects, to learn to compare forms according to a model, focusing on words such, not so, different, the same.

Material. Wooden circles, squares, ovals, triangles, rectangles of the same size, color, texture. Each child needs 5 objects of one and 5 objects of a different shape for the lesson.

The course of the lesson. The teacher shows the children randomly mixed 5 circles and 5 squares. Attention is drawn to the fact that objects are of different shapes. Then they explain to the children that they all need to be sorted, putting objects of one shape to one side, and another shape to the other. The teacher shows the children a circle and says: "I will put these toys in one direction, here." When showing a square, an explanation follows: "And I will put such toys here, in the other direction." By inviting all the kids to his table in turn, the teacher gives them the opportunity to put 2 objects of different shapes in accordance with the sample.

Then he distributes individual material to everyone to complete the assignment on their own. Various children handed out for grouping different material... At first, children are offered objects abruptly. of various shapes... Some get circles and squares, others operate with squares and ovals, while others are offered ovals and triangles. The one who completed the task does it again, but with objects of a more similar shape: circles - ovals, squares - rectangles, etc.

On this lesson children can sort objects of various shapes 2-3 times.

The lesson lasts 10-12 minutes and is conducted with children 1 time.

  • Placement of inserts of different sizes in the corresponding holes. (Correlation by size.)
  • Placement of inserts of different shapes in the corresponding holes. (Correlation by shape.)
  • Laying out homogeneous objects of different colors into 2 groups. (Grouped by color.)
  • Placement of mushrooms of 2 colors in the holes of the tables of the corresponding color. (Matching by color.)
  • Correlation of objects of 2 given shapes and sizes when choosing from 4. (Correlation in size and shape.)
  • Correlation of objects of 2 given shapes and sizes when choosing from 4. (Correlation by shape.)
  • Placement of fungi with a change of color combinations when choosing 2 colors out of 4. (Correlation by color.)
  • Drawing with paints on the theme "Lights at night", "Leaves of trees". (Image using the color of the properties of objects.)
  • Drawing with paints on the theme "Orange". (Image using the color of the properties of objects.)
  • Laying out colored mosaics on the themes "Hen with chickens", "Houses and flags". (Designation using the color of the properties of objects.)
  • Laying out from a colored mosaic on the themes "Fir-trees and mushrooms", "Geese with goslings". (Designation using the color of the signs of objects.)
  • Drawing with paints on the theme "Dandelions and a beetle in the meadow." (Image using the color of the properties of objects.)

Drawing with paints according to the intention of the children. (Image using the color of the properties and attributes of objects.)

Ksenia Boroshuk
The use of games and the assimilation of sensory standards by preschool children



Early children age learn the world around with the help various bodies feelings. This is the most affordable, and on a certain stage the only way to study surrounding objects and phenomena.

Sensory development is the development of perception and the formation of ideas

about external properties items: shape, size, color. Sensory development, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Therefore, it can be argued that sensory development is the foundation of the general intellectual development of early children age.

The main task sensory early childhood development age in a preschool educational institution is the formation of the ability to perceive objects and phenomena, to highlight their inherent external properties defining ways of dealing with them.

Meaning sensory early childhood development age is that it is the basis for intellectual development; organizes the chaotic ideas of children, received during interaction with the outside world; develops observation, attention, thinking, imagination; children get the opportunity to learn and apply in practice different ways examination of objects; provides assimilation of sensory standards.

Assimilation of sensory standards- a long and complex process, since the child must not only learn and remember them, but also have clear ideas about the varieties of each property, and, most importantly, be able to use the received ideas when learning new objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The child learns for a long time use sensory standards as a means of perception, and this process has its own stages:

1. Pre-reference- when perceiving one object to another used as a sample... On this stage ongoing work on sensory development prepares the ground for future assimilation of sensory standards.

2. The means of perception are already some samples of the properties of objects, and not the objects themselves. Early children age successfully master such sensory reference as a form, as well as size (large-small, but only in comparison with other objects.

3. Owning some sensory standards, children begin to systematize them. At this stage for assimilation almost all are available sensory standards: color, shape, size.

Already in early childhood the child accumulates a certain stock of ideas about varied properties objects, and some of these ideas begin to play the role of samples with which the child compares the properties of new objects in the process of their perception.

V preschool childhood, the child is already beginning use perceived generally accepted sensory standards.

Sensory standards- these are the ideas developed by mankind about the main varieties of each type of properties and relations - colors, sizes, shapes of objects, their position in space, the pitch of sounds, the duration of time intervals, etc. They arose in the course of the historical development of mankind and used as samples, measurements. With the help of these patterns, a person establishes and designates the corresponding properties and relationships.

The assimilation of sensory standards by preschoolers begins with that children are introduced to individual geometric shapes and colors. Such familiarization occurs mainly in the process of mastering various types of productive activity. (drawing, designing, modeling, etc.)

Assimilation of sensory standards is carried out as a result of actions of perception, which are aimed at examining the shape, color, relationships in size and other properties and relationships, which should subsequently acquire the value of samples.

From 3 years old, the main place in sensory raising children is occupied with familiarizing them with generally accepted sensory standards and how to use them.

Sensory standards in the field of color perception, the so-called chromatic ( "Colored") colors spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple; and achromatic colors - white, gray, black.

Chromatic colors are located in the spectrum in a strict sequence from red to violet, depending on the wavelength of light. Mixing two colors that are not in the spectrum in a row gives an intermediate color between them, and mixing adjacent colors gives a shade (red-orange, yellow-green, etc.)... Chromatic colors are divided into two groups - warm (red to yellow) and cold tones (green to purple)... Every chromatic color or shade color tone has a certain lightness and saturation.

Lightness is the degree of closeness of a given color to white, and saturation is the degree of its purity, that is, impurity to this color gray the same lightness.

Initially, children form ideas about chromatic colors, white and black, create conditions conducive to assimilation of color names... At first, it is advisable to introduce not seven, but six colors of the spectrum, excluding blue, which is difficult to assimilate, since in everyday life people are often called blue light shades blue.

Standards shapes serve as geometric shapes. Assimilation of standards shape assumes familiarity with a square, rectangle, circle, oval, triangle. Later, the trapezoid shape can be introduced. However, in all cases, in contrast to the goals of formation mathematical representations, goals sensory education will:

Ability to recognize the appropriate shape,

Call it and act with it, not analyze it (indicate the number and size of corners, sides, etc.)

The issue of appropriateness is important. use when teaching children as standards planar and volumetric geometric shapes. Plane figures, in contrast to volumetric ones, reflect the most significant side of the object's form for perception - its contour. So, the circle expresses the peculiarities of the shape of the ball and the plate. This gives rise to use in the process of touch education as standards forms are precisely plane figures. The introduction along with them of volumetric figures (ball, cube, etc.) can only cause additional difficulties.

The complication of activities leads to the fact that the child gradually learns all new standards of shape and color, and by the age of five masters a relatively complete set of them.

Of particular character are measurement standards... Since magnitude is a relative property, its precise definition is produced using conditional measures.

The child faces great difficulties when assimilation ideas about the size of objects. Generally accepted etalons the quantities are conditional. These are measures that are set by people (centimeter, meter).

The system of measures and their methods use usually not digested in preschool age... The development of the perception of magnitude occurs in preschoolers on a different basis - they assimilate ideas about relationships in size between objects. Such relationships are denoted by words that indicate what place an object occupies in a number of others. (large, small, largest, etc.).

Child preschool age learns sensory standards not only in relation to the color, shape of objects, size, but also in relation to all other properties of objects and phenomena. During verbal communication preschoolers learn patterns that correspond to the system of sounds of the native language, in the process musical activities- samples of rhythmic relationships, etc.

At first preschoolers familiarize with the main samples, and later - with their varieties. It is important that the teacher, showing and naming them, offers children tasks aimed at comparing different standards among themselves, selection of the same, securing each reference in memory... At the moment of action with standards from preschoolers memorization is required and use of their names... This reinforces the ideas about each standard and makes it possible to perform actions according to verbal instructions.

Familiarizing children with sensory standards throughout the period preschool childhood is gradually deepening. The guys get to know more and more subtle varieties reference properties and with connections and relationships between various standards.

Assimilation of sensory standards occurs across a variety of species activities:

1. Cognitive research activities

Observations in nature and experimentation with natural materials (cones, chestnuts, walnuts, pebbles, cereals.) "Compare the leaves", "Whose footprints are greater?", "Let's feed the animals", "What is higher than a bush or a tree?"

Games - experiments with water (pour, pour, throw everything into the water, catch it out of the water, tint, change the temperature.)

Games with sand, earth and clay: "Sensitive palms» .

Educational games with objects (collapsible toys, nesting dolls, pyramids, volumetric inserts, insert frames, boxes with holes for pushing through, cubes, balls.) "Toy-matryoshka"; "Let's put together the pyramid", "Show me what I say"; "A toy shop", "Mailbox".

color: "Pick by color", "Find a Pair", "Put the matryoshka on the train", "Dress up beautifully dolls", "Colored meadows", "Put it in boxes", "Hide the mouse", "Find a wand", "Balloons", "Collect beads by color"

Games with logical blocks Dienesh, Kuisener sticks, developing cubes "Fold the pattern", "Caught a fish", "White and Black Pebbles", "Color Lotto".

Didactic games for the formation of ideas about form: "Pass the ball", "Mailbox", various "Insert frames", Montessori framework, « Magic pouch» , "We circle everything (silhouettes)», "Find an object with a similar shape", "Pick up the lid to the jar"... games with Gyenesh logic blocks.

Didactic games for the formation of ideas about magnitude: "That more?", "Big small", "String beads", "Matryoshka lined up", "Disassemble the cones (snowflakes, carrots, bunnies, leaves., Games with logical blocks of Dienes, "Close the windows".

Didactic games for the formation of ideas about orientation in space: "What changed?", "Up down", "Where is the ball?", "Orders", "Let's collect the squares", "Cut pictures", "Where are our pens?", "Find a half", "Toys play hide and seek", "What is missing from a bear, a bunny, a chanterelle.".

Didactic games for the formation of ideas about taste, smell, texture, sounding: "Know by touch", "Wonderful bag", "What and where is heard?", "Musical hide and seek", "Who woke up the puppy?", "Who lives in the house?", "Vegetables and fruits", "Treat".

Didactic games for the formation of ideas about time: "When does this happen?", "Let's collect dolls for a walk".

2. Productive activity,

Construction: games of large and small builder (plastic, wooden, soft., games with Lego constructors (large and small, games with educational blocks) "Fold the pattern", games with logical blocks of Dienes, games with mosaics of several types (in shape and size, "Beads for stringing" playing with different lacing.

Painting: paint games 8 colors (on a white background, colored, on wet, inside the outline, with your fingers.)

Modeling, applique: foil games, col. paper, cardboard, cotton wool, napkins, glue, plasticine, dough.

3. Play activities

Games with dolls, bears, dogs: "Katya treats friends". "Let's put the doll to sleep", "Bathing dolls", "Dolls are going for a walk", "I will comb my hairs".

Car games: "Roll along the track", "Put it in the garage", "Move the balls", "Eh, I'll pump it!".

4. Motor activity

Games with oversized motor toys (wheelchairs, rocking chairs, bicycles, strollers.)

Motor tasks with using physical training equipment

Outdoor games, simulation exercises, ball games

Climbing barefoot "Paths of health".

5. Communication activities

Ball games in a circle

Hand games with a small object ( massage ball, walnut, hexagon pencil, "Wheelchair" from traffic jams.)

Finger games

"Wonderful bag" (one for all, each his own).

6. Musical art activities

Games for the development of phonemic hearing

Playing with various musical instruments (tambourine, drum, rattle, rattle, pipe.)

Games with homemade sounding objects

Theatrical games (planar, finger theaters, bibabo dolls.)

Folk toy (tumblers, whistles.)

Children's songs, nursery rhymes, rhymes (accompanying all other activities)

Books from different materials

Music effect books

Colorful books of different sizes.

8. Labor activity

Labor assignments for collecting and grouping toys in a group room

Bringing in initial appearance disassembled didactic manuals.