Articles about the health of children in kindergarten. Health in kindergarten. There are currently absolutely healthy children

Project "For health in kindergarten"

A project of effective interaction between educators and parents in the implementation of physical culture and health-improving work with children.

Relevance of the project.

Is currently underway constant search methods of improving the health of children in a kindergarten. The main goal is to reduce the incidence of diseases in children.

The ability of children to master all the skills and abilities that are imparted to them in the first place depends on the state of health. kindergarten and which they need for effective training in the future. For this, it is necessary to form in children versatile knowledge and positive character traits, to improve physical development.

Teachers need to properly organize educational work with preschool children. We must take into account the age, psychological characteristics children, create favorable hygienic conditions, an optimal combination of various types of activities. The foundation of human health is laid in early childhood.

It is also necessary to conduct a constant search for new forms of interaction with the family of pupils.

Problematic question:How to keep your health?

Methodical passport of the project

TOPIC: "I will save my health - I will help myself"

GOAL: Maintain and strengthen the health of children.


  1. To form an understanding of the need to take care of your health, take care of it, learn to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Instill a love of physical exercise, hardening.
  3. To increase the literacy of parents in matters of education and health promotion of preschoolers.

1. "If you want to be healthy ..." (health and fitness work, CGN, hardening).

2. "I am like that" (classes on the development of ideas about the world and about yourself).

3. "Creative workshop" (art of children and parents).

4. "On the bookshelf" (reading children's literature, memorizing poems, nursery rhymes).

5. "Have fun, kids!" (recreational activities, holidays, entertainment, health days, themed walks, play activity).

6. "For moms and dads" (information, photo exhibitions, polls, questionnaires, parent meetings, consultations.)

DATE: October - May

Project product:Book of joint creativity of the group educators, children and their parents"Health is easy."

"At the head of pedagogical activities, penetrating all educational work, there should be concern for strengthening the health of the child."

E.A. Arkin

1. "If you want to be healthy ..."

TASKS: Usage different methods health improvement of children in accordance with age, individual characteristics of children and the wishes of their parents.

1. Consultation for parents "Hardening of children in preschool age" (see Appendix 1.1)

2. Methods of hardening (see Appendix 1.2).

3. Interviewing parents "Hardening Methods" (see Appendix 1.3)

4. Forward planning physical culture and health-improving work in a group for a year.

2. "I am like that"

(classes on the development of ideas about the world and about yourself)

TASKS: Give children an idea of ​​themselves: about their body, health, safety and emotions.

Lesson planning (see Appendix 2).

3. "Creative workshop"

(art activity of children and parents).

TASKS: Carrying out health-improving work with children and enriching the developing environment in a group with the interaction of educators, children and their parents.

1. Replenishment of the Health corner in the group. (See Appendix 3.1)

2. Collective and individual work of children. (See Appendix 3.2)

3. Creation of a developing environment for development fine motor skills hands. (see Appendix 3.3)

4. Making a health corner for parents.

5.Planning of activity classes (drawing, modeling, application).

6. Creativity of parents on the themes "I'm healthy!", "Personal hygiene products", "To be healthy ..."

4. "On the bookshelf"

(reading children's literature, memorizing poems, nursery rhymes).


  1. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards your health through reading children's literature.
  2. Use of Russians folk nursery rhymes, verdicts, pestushek when washing, combing and braiding hair for girls.
  3. Memorize poems about health.

1. Reading children's literature (see Appendix 4).

2. Memorizing nursery rhymes, sentences, pestushki.

3. Memorizing poems.

4. Examination of illustrations.

5. "Have fun kids"


  1. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards one's own and other people's health.
  2. Develop physical activity in children.
  3. Create psychological and emotional comfort in the group.

1. Days of health

2.Themed walks

3. Play activities: (see Appendix 5.1)

Didactic games


Appendix 1.1

Hardening of children at preschool age (from one year)

Hardening means a gradual increase in the body's resistance to adverse influences external environment(cold, heat, change in atmospheric pressure).Hardeningstrengthens the child's body. Seasoned people tend to be less prone to colds.

Rules for conducting water procedures

Rubdown - it is produced wet towel or a sponge. Wipe your neck, chest, arms and back. After that, the skin is rubbed with a dry towel until redness in the direction of blood flow to the heart. For wiping, first use warm water: for preschool children 25-28 degrees, for school children 20-25 degrees. The water temperature should be gradually reduced by 1 degree every three days. Thus, the water temperature is brought to 19 degrees (for preschool children); for children of primary school age - 16 degrees.

Douche - a stronger procedure. Its implementation should be treated with caution. The recommendations should be followed. Dousing can only be done when the baby's skin is warm. So, many immediately after the street (in the cold season) begin to temper the child using dousing. But, it has been proven that such children start to get sick more often. Therefore, after a walk, it is forbidden to carry out water procedures! The body temperature must first adapt to room temperature. After that, make sure that the child accepts warm shower... Now you can go to the procedure itself.

Pouring is carried out using a jug or basin (water is poured on the child from this container). First, water is poured on the back, then on the chest, stomach and finally on the legs.
Pouring is initially carried out at a water temperature of 30 -35 degrees. Gradually, the water temperature drops by 1-2 degrees (every 10 days) and is brought to 15-20 degrees.

Another very useful water procedure is taking a shower. When implementing it, you should also observe gradualism and consistency.

The shower is recommended for children with already strengthened health. The child must be at least 1.5 years old.
This water treatment has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, promotes restful sleep, increased appetite. Water temperature in winter period at first it should be at least 36 degrees. In summer, 33 -35 degrees. The temperature should be lowered by 1 degree every week. The final water temperature should be 28 degrees for children under 2 years old. Children from 2-3 are suitable for a water temperature of at least 25 degrees. For older children, the temperature may be lower.
With water you can harden the nasopharynx.To do this, gargle with cool water, then cold. This view hardening is recommended for schoolchildren.
Gargle every morning and evening. The initial water temperature should be 28-30 degrees. The final temperature is 10-15 degrees. The temperature decreases gradually, every ten days by 1 degree.
Dousing your feet is another type of water treatment. For this you need a basin. The child is poured water on his feet (feet are placed in a basin). The initial water temperature is 28-30 degrees. The final temperature must be at least 10 degrees.
After dousing, dry your feet thoroughly with a dry towel.

Air hardening

Air baths p It is recommended to start carrying out in the spring, at an air temperature of at least 20 degrees. To do this, you need to choose a place protected from sunlight and wind. Initially, the duration of this procedure is 10-15 minutes, then it reaches 1.5-2 hours. If the child froze, goosebumps appeared, the procedure should be stopped immediately.
Ventilation of the room.
When hardening a child, it is very important to observe the temperature regime in the room. Ventilate rooms as often as possible. In the cold season, the frequency of airing should be at least 5 times a day. The best way ventilation - through. Since drafts can adversely affect health, therefore, children should be in another room during such ventilation.
In the warm summer season, the child can be in a room with an open
window... But drafts should be excluded.
Don't forget to walk. The child must be outdoors at least 2 times a day for 2 hours during the cold season. In summer, the walking time is unlimited.
Hardening is a great way to improve the health of children. But when carrying out hardening procedures, a number of principles should be observed:

  1. gradualness
  2. systematicity (hardening procedures should be carried out daily, only in this case the result will be visible)
  3. accounting individual characteristics(it is necessary to take into account age, state of health).
  4. If you follow these important principles, hardening will benefit your child. And remember, hardening is a lengthy process. But this should not upset you, if you do everything right, your child will grow strong and cheerful, and this is the most important thing!Children's health- in your hands!

Appendix 1.2

Hardening methods in the first junior group:

1. Morning exercises.

2. Clothing in the group and outdoors according to the weather.

3. Walking every day with outdoor games.

4. Sleep without T-shirts (taking into account the air temperature in the group and the wishes of the parents).

5. Walking barefoot before and after sleep.

6. Gymnastics and walking on ribbed paths.

7. Phytoncides - onions, garlic.

8. Washing cold water.

Appendix 2

Planning classes for the development of ideas about the world and about yourself.

It is important to build classes so that children receive knowledge about what our health depends on, and acquire self-improvement skills.

Classes about food, nutrition can be carried out right at the table before eating (introduce the rules good taste, to form a positive attitude, to consolidate healthy principles nutrition (thorough chewing, reasonable attitude to fluid intake)).

Approximate lesson planning:

  1. Where does the vitamin live? (To tell children about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for human health. To cultivate respect for their health).
  2. It's me! (To give the child knowledge about himself, about his body, to form a love of life, a sense of the joy of existence).
  3. Sense organs (eyes, ears, nose). General concept... (To consolidate the knowledge of children about their body. Tell children that a person has many necessary and useful organs on his head).
  4. What are eyes for? (To acquaint children with what eyes are and why they are needed. To cultivate a respect for their eyes, the desire to take care of them (wash, do gymnastics, observe safety rules).
  5. The organ of hearing is the ears. (To acquaint children with what ears are and what they are for. To cultivate a respect for the ears, the desire to take care of them (wash, do not poke foreign objects)).
  6. 6. Organs of hearing, taste, smell (ears, mouth - tongue, nose). (To acquaint children with what a nose, a mouth are and what they are for. To foster a respect for their health).
  7. What are teeth for? (To acquaint children with what teeth are and what they are for. To educate a respectful attitude towards their health).
  8. My clothes (winter, spring, summer, autumn). Classes are held according to the seasons. (Teach children to dress properly, taking into account natural characteristics).
  9. Excursion to the kindergarten medical office. (To acquaint with the kindergarten health workers, their office, why a medical office is needed, what is in it; teach not to be afraid of doctors).
  10. How to be healthy? (To cultivate a respectful attitude towards your health). Complex lesson development of ideas about the world and about oneself + iso.

Appendix 3.1

Appendix 3.2

Appendix 3.3

Appendix 4

1 Children's fiction:

Chukovsky K.I. "Aybolit", "Moidodyr"

· Tuvim Y. "Vegetables"

Shalaeva G.P., Zhuravleva O.M., Sazonova O.G. "Rules of conduct for educated children»

· Mikhalkov S. "About a girl who ate poorly"

· Tokmakova I. "Lullaby", "I'm sad - I'm lying sick"

· Krylov A. "How the rooster was treated"

· Mayakovsky V. "What is good and what is bad"

· "Ladushki" (Russian folk songs)

· Prokofiev A. "Like on a hill, on a mountain"

2 Nursery rhymes, pestushki, sentences, riddles:

Water, water.

Water, water.

Wash my face

To make your cheeks turn red

To make your eyes shine

So that the mouth laughs,

To bite a tooth.

Grow, scythe.

Scales, hair scales,

Combing my scarves.

Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't drop a hair!

Grow, braid, don't get confused ...

Daughter, obey your mother.

Ay, okay.

Ay, frets, frets, frets,

We are not afraid of water.

We wash cleanly

We smile at mom.

From plain water and soap

Microbes lose their strength.

3 Poems for memorization.

The sun looks out the window.

Shines in our room

We clap our hands

We are very glad to the sun!

A. Barto

Soap, the soap was pouring

And then it bubbled up!

You, water, lei, lei!

Cheeks will be pinker!

G. Lagzdyn

Appendix 5

Play activities:

“Play is a need for a growing child's body. In the game, the child's physical strength develops, the hand becomes firmer, the body, or rather the eye, is more flexible, quick-wittedness, resourcefulness, and initiative develop "N.K. Krupskaya

Didactic games.

1. "Vegetables - fruits" separate vegetables and fruits).

2. "Know by touch", "Know by smell", "Know by taste" for the development of tactile and taste sensations.

3. "What is useful and what is bad for teeth?", "Pick up toothbrush to the glass ”,“ What's extra? ”.

4. "What to wear for the street", "Dress the doll for a walk."

Mirror games.

1. "My teeth"

2. "My eyes"

3. "My ears"

Educational games.

1. "Let's listen to the silence"

2. "Compare pictures"

Role-playing games.

1. "Hospital" (the doctor is the patient, the doctor checks the driver before the trip).

2. " Phone conversation"(Calling an ambulance).

3. "The doll got sick" (to educate children to empathize, sympathize, be attentive to the patient).

4. "Shop" (we buy products that are good for health).

Game training situation:

The hare brings vegetables in a basket. Tries to treat children, children explain why unwashed vegetables cannot be eaten.

Games of low mobility for the development of attention.

1. "Show me ..." (Children show those parts of the body that the leader calls).

2. "Repeat after me" (Children repeat the teacher's movements).

3. “Forbidden movement” (the leader says which movement cannot be repeated and further tries to confuse the players).

Appendix 6.1

Consultation for parents

"Education of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children»

Is cleanliness a guarantee of health? Most of us will answer yes and be right. "... Purity brings a person closer to deity," - said one European sociologist. The very word "hygiene" comes from the name of one of the daughters of the Greek god-healer Asclepius - Hygea (goddess of purity and health).

Hygiene skills are a very important part of a culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean, they are dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms human relations... Children should understand that if they regularly follow these rules, they will show respect for others and will develop the idea that a sloppy person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, and actions, as a rule, will not be approved by the people around him. Educating children about personal and public hygiene skills plays crucial role in the protection of their health, promotes correct behavior in everyday life, in in public places... Ultimately, from the knowledge and fulfillment by children of the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior depends not only on their health, but also on the health of other children and adults.

In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow the elementary rules: wash their hands with soap and water, soaping them until foam forms and wiping them dry, use an individual towel, comb, glass for mouthwash, and make sure that all things are kept clean. That's why

work on developing personal hygiene skills in children should begin at an early preschool age.

To educate children in a good habit of washing their hands, you can use small rhymes:


Water, water,
Wash my face
To make the eyes shine
To make your cheeks turn red
So that the mouth laughs,
To bite a tooth.


The cat washed without water.
He washed his eyes and mouth with his paw.
But I can't wash like that
Mom may get angry ...
V. Naumenko

In the bath.

Wanna swim
In the white sea - in the bath.
Only here's a shame -
The coast is not visible.
Visibility is gone
Soap got into my eye ...
A. Shlygin

Water and soap

You are filthy!
There is ink on your forehead! -
Exclaimed the Water,
Seeing Soap.
- Yes, - Soap says, -
I know it,
But others from the dirt

I'm saving!

The river ran out of water
Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble -
The river has run out of water!
This is because of Vali:
Valya - washed !!!
V. Shurzhik

The task of adults in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills is to develop self-control in the implementation of the rules and norms of personal hygiene. We offer together with the children to learn how to wash their hands correctly.

It is the responsibility of the parents to constantly reinforce the hygiene skills taught in the child in kindergarten. It is important that adults set an example for the child, they themselves always observe them.We hope that our recommendations will help you.

Many parents believe that the child should be dressed warmer. Children who are wrapped up are more likely to get sick. Movement by itself warms the body, and the help of "a hundred clothes" is superfluous. Heat exchange is disturbed in the body, and as a result it overheats. Then even a slight draft is enough to get cold.

Many people believe that in order to retain heat, clothing must fit snugly to the body. Paradoxically, the most reliable remedy from the cold - air. It turns out that in order to better protect against low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air gap around the body. Warm, but loose enough clothing is suitable for this. What to wear under a jacket or coat? First, a T-shirt or T-shirt made of cotton, which absorbs sweat well, then a pullover or woolen sweater, loose, but tight on the neck and wrists. On the feet - woolen socks and warm boots with fur or boots, but not tight, but such that the big toe can easily move inside.

Many people think that an hour's walk is quite enough in winter. There are no hard and fast rules on this. It all depends on the hardenedness of the child and the outside temperature. Children can better tolerate the cold if they are fed before a walk - foods rich in carbohydrates and fats provide especially warmth.

Many people think it's a disaster if a child's ears are frozen. In severe frost, fearing otitis media, mothers and grandmothers use a whole arsenal of handkerchiefs, hats - earflaps, hats - helmets. However, if a child has ear inflammation, this does not mean that they are the ones who are supercooled. Take care to close the baby's neck and back of the head more tightly - this is where the greatest loss of heat occurs.

For many years we have been amazed by the sad statistics of the incidence of the disease in preschool and primary school children. Every third child has disabilities in physical development. Now the situation has worsened even more: 50 - 80% of children have various diseases. There are many reasons for this: economic, social, genetic and medical. One of them is not the attention of adults to the health of their child. We, of course, love our child, we treat diligently when it gets sick. In everyday life, we do not use the entire arsenal of means and methods, based on the conditions of life and children's activities.

The main reason for most colds in children is the mismatch of the child's clothes and shoes. temperature regime... This means that it is always necessary to compare the temperature of the air and the clothes of the child, avoiding both overheating and hypothermia of the body.

Music therapy and odor therapy are very important for the child's health, as components in creating the background, the environment where the child lives.

  1. Mode. It has always been and remains the basis for the full physical development of children. It is no coincidence that it was noticed that on Mondays children come to kindergarten nervous and difficult. Probably because on weekends, children deviate from their usual routine and live according to the schedule of adults; get up late, do not go for a walk, by night (because of the guests) go to bed late. Children from this are capricious, because the established stereotype of the child's body is violated.
  2. Morning exercises.How good it is when there is a tradition in the family - to do morning exercises every day.
  3. Walk. Physiologists and psychologists have scientifically proven that a child performs 6-13 thousand movements per day. Moreover, it was noticed that if the child makes less than 6 thousand movements, the child experiences discomfort. In conditions of physical inactivity, the baby develops worse, is capricious. Movement comfort for a preschooler is best provided in the fresh air. V inclement weather: heavy rain, snowfall, severe frost - children usually stay at home. Thus, children are deprived of oxygen, communication with peers. In this case,

Tracksuit, hat), open the balcony door and actively move and play for 30 - 40 minutes. And on ordinary walks, practice hiking, running, as a universal means of improving health.

  1. Outdoor games. It is good when parents and children have their favorite outdoor games. Among which there may be "rounders", "third extra", "classics". The child will definitely play if he sees those playing, dad and mom, grandmother and grandfather.
  1. Pantomime. An important role in ensuring motor activity children playing pantomime.
  1. Sport games.Of course, it's too early to talk about real sports at preschool age, but different kinds games with elements of sports are quite accessible to children 5-6 years old (and even earlier). Children, as food, should have their own sport equipment... It can be - sledges, skis, skates, rubber circle, bicycle, badminton rackets or balls, skittles, towns, checkers and chess. Thus, physical culture is a capacious concept. And only in a complex of procedures, taking into account the health of children, we will be able to achieve positive results on this paramount issue.

Diseases are unpleasant, especially for children. But it is winter on the calendar, which means that it will most likely not be possible to avoid numerous colds. Children very often do not like to be treated, therefore, as soon as the first "hot days" are left behind, they require immediate cessation. bed rest, considering it boring and optional. Cheerful and cheerful babies cope with the infection much better and recover faster, and some outdoor games not only maintain a good mood, but also know how to heal! Psycho-emotional state baby playing positive role in health improvement. If in adults more than 70% of diseases have a psychosomatic basis, i.e. disease is the body's response to our emotional problems, then children often "respond" with the disease to their parents' concerns and concerns. And it is in this state that parents are when children are sick. This negative emotional background interferes with the child's recovery.

Another feature of the child's body is the constant growth of organs. Consequently, those muscles develop more intensively, to which a stronger blood flow is directed, i.e. to organs in motion. In addition, it is known that the muscular system at an early age has a close relationship with the main regulatory mechanisms. Restriction of movement negatively affects not only the diseased organ, but also the nervous, endocrine and mediator systems in general. Restriction of movement affects the violation of posture, weakening of the functions of respiration, blood circulation. A decrease in natural motor activity in children leads to a decrease in the flow of irritations that arise during movement and are perceived by the nerve endings of the skin, muscles, joints, in the visual and auditory analyzers going to the cerebral cortex. As a result, disorders of the central nervous system and internal organs can develop: emotional tone decreases, the neuromuscular apparatus weakens, the cardiovascular and respiratory system... This means that the body as a whole is weakened, which leads to more frequent illnesses... These observations about the role of movement in human development and health are reflected in the whole field of medicine - exercise therapy. However, the psyche of the child, especially at an early age, is designed in such a way that it is almost impossible to force the baby to purposefully perform any, even the most useful exercises. The child should be interested in doing it. That is why health improvement and disease prevention exercises have been adapted and changed as a game. Outdoor games harden the body, strengthen

immunity. It should be remembered that health-improving effect from games is possible only with frequent and prolonged activities.

My throat is "locked", my nose runs out, and two days later a cough appears. This is edema that affected the nasal mucosa, and also affected the bronchi. It became hard for the child to breathe. And then there is the phlegm, which the inflamed lymphoid ring of the nasopharynx generously secretes day and night, flows down the bronchial tree down. If the child lies, the phlegm stagnates, does not cough up, microbes multiply in it, and now it is not far from pneumonia.

But children intuitively feel; no need to lie. And as soon as the temperature drops, and it is high with acute respiratory infections for a day or two, they immediately begin to jump on the bed. And rightly so. During jumping and running, babies breathe more intensively, a kind of auto-massage is obtained. At the same time, the bronchi are freed from phlegm, the cough passes faster and the fidgets are not threatened with complications.

On the very first day after the temperature drops, you can start doing therapeutic exercises. Here are exercises for middle preschool children.

"At a soldier's step."

Calm walking around the room with the transition to marching. Raise our legs high, bent at the knees. In this case, you need to breathe through your nose, keep your back straight. Execution time - 1 minute.


Running with arms spread apart at shoulder level. In this case, the child pulls the sound "oo-oo-oo". 10-15 seconds before the end of the run, the pace gradually slows down.

"The clock is ticking."

Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right - "tick". Tilt to the left - "so". The back does not slouch, the words are pronounced loudly. The exercise is performed 4-5 times.

The natural factors surrounding a person: the sun, air and water - constantly affect the hardening of the body, and our thermoregulation system turns on in case of heat or cold. Hardening should be considered as natural (the influence of natural factors on a person in Everyday life) and specially organized, with the implementation mandatory conditions.

Specially organized hardening, although shorter in dosage, is much more effective in its effect. Air has a powerful effect on humans. From birth to the end of life, we breathe air mainly through the lungs and skin. And our health depends on what the air is, what temperature it is. If we constantly breathe air at room temperature, then no hardening effect will occur. It is more useful to be outdoors or in a ventilated area.

It is necessary to sleep in a cool room. He who sleeps at a temperature of 17 - 18 *, he stays young longer. As the connection with nature was lost, man began to lose his health. Previously, peasants worked all the time in nature, women rinsed linen in an ice hole in winter ... All peasant labor was carried out in the sweat of their brow, with constant change heat balance in the body - heat and cold. Man walked barefoot on the ground and thus did not violate biological laws.

Disease of the century - psychological stress... Fighting them: more frequent exposure to air (summer cottage, fishing, in the forest). Many of us give preference to staying in an apartment in front of the TV - the scourge of our health. Having enjoyed nature, a person is charged with positive bioenergy, removes negative mental emotions, gets the necessary physical training.

Fresh air also helps to quickly recover from colds. Water is the essential source of our life. The more water is taken internally, the more solids are absorbed. Cold water, when applied externally, produces irritation that is transmitted to the nervous system and then to the circulatory system. Hot water, on the other hand, has a calming, relaxing effect.

The latest scientific evidence suggests that a cold shower provides positive bioenergy, and even more so hot. It is more beneficial to take a cold shower in the morning, and hot baths or showers in the evening. Cold water procedures have a positive effect on performance, i.e. charge the body, give vigor and confidence. Even the ancient Greeks believed that "water washes away all suffering." The most potent are cold procedures with snow, walking on the snow with bare feet, and rubbing off with snow. How more difference temperatures of the heated body with environment at the moment of hardening, the more physiological impact we get. With the systematic hardening of the organism, there is not only habituation, adaptation of the physiological restructuring of the organism, but much more - the need for systematic repetitions. According to experts, a person should be naked for at least 2 hours a day, as much as possible with bare feet, and even better in contact with the ground.

They say: “Nature has no bad weather". Any weather for us is several times better than the stale district air. The farther from the residential area, the less health problems we have.

Whenever another starts summer season, the number of vacationers with children is significantly increasing. And this is not surprising. Summer is considered to be the most favorable time for rest. Some parents prefer to go to the south, where there is a lot of sun and a warm, gentle sea, others - to the Baltic States, where there is a sea, but not so hot. Still others stay on vacation in the middle lane. But there are those who are just discussing their route, weighing all the pros and cons ... And they are right. The question of where is the best place to relax with children is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And the point here is not at all whether there is a ticket, whether it is difficult to get tickets or whether the beach will be crowded.

The most important thing is how the child will feel in the new place, whether the given climate will suit him. Unfortunately, this important aspect is sometimes overlooked by some parents. Our country is far from homogeneous in terms of its climate. At the same time, each climate has its own effect on the human body, and on children in particular. Moreover, what less child, the worse it adapts to a new place. Most of all, people feel good within the zone that they are used to. Therefore, the desire of parents to take the child hundreds of kilometers away is not always justified. Many simply underestimate the possibilities of climatotherapy in the conditions of our middle zone. Acclimatization under these conditions does not present great difficulties, even for the smallest. The forest areas of the middle belt are the best resting place for weakened children, especially those coming from the North. The wonderful air, infused with the aroma of pine needles and forest flowers, rich in ozone, fills the lungs with life-giving power.

In many ways, the climate of the Baltics is similar to the climate of the middle zone. Summers are warm here, small fluctuations in temperature, beautiful beaches. This climate has a beneficial effect on children with chronic diseases respiratory organs, patients with rheumatism.

You can also train your body in the sauna. The main therapeutic factor in a sauna is the effect of dry steam. Hot air warms up the body, opens pores, expands capillaries. As a result, all body fluids are set in active motion. This improves the supply of oxygen to cells and nutrients, the protective functions of a person increase. In other words, there is an active training of the body.

We experience something similar when we find ourselves in the conditions of the steppe climate. This climate is inherent in the south of Ukraine and the North Caucasus, up to South Transbaikalia. The air here is warm and dry. Frequent winds help ventilate the air and soften the heat. Experts regard this climate as tempering. This climate is favorable for children with kidney problems, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The mountainous climate is clean air with a high ozone content. The air is dry and cool, rich in aromatic substances of forests and meadows. There are an abundance of resorts (Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets) with mineral water springs. Mountain air has a stimulating, training and hardening effect. Mountain air is indicated for diseases of the blood, lungs, rheumatism and asthma, disorders of the nervous system.

Black Sea coast. The coast of Crimea, the Caucasian coast (from Anapa to Tuapse) is considered favorable for families with children. The summer is moderately hot, sunny and dry. The humidity is not high, so the children tolerate the heat well. These conditions are most favorable for children with diseases of the kidneys, lungs and nasopharynx, tuberculosis.

As you can see, resting on the shore of the same sea can give different results. Therefore, when going on vacation with a child, be sure to consult with specialists.

Parents need to know by heart the characteristics of their child. If a child has increased nervous excitability, then in hot summer months it is better not to export to the south. Use to the fullest for active rest vacation and all weekends.

Children's health is determined by the level of health of parents, society, and the state of the environment.

The outstanding scientist, philosopher, physician Avicenna, divided all people according to the degree of health:

  1. A body healthy to the limit.
  2. Body healthy, but not to the limit.
  3. A body, not healthy, but not sick either.
  4. A body that accepts health well.
  5. A body that does not perceive health well.
  6. The body is sick to the limit.

Modern statistics show that the health of children from birth to the moment they enter school does not improve, but worsens, which negatively affects the process of mastering the school curriculum.

« Physical education must ensure a conscious attitude of children to their own body, develop the ability to spare health, strengthen it the right regime work, rest, nutrition, gymnastics and sports, temper physical and nerve forces, to prevent disease ... "

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

When and how much to do.

The ability to include in the daily routine the compatible knowledge of one of the parents with the child exists almost always. It is necessary to give the child at least a few minutes every day. Try to define optimal time for your family's routine and then stick to it. First of all, the principle of systematicity should be observed so that they become a daily need for him.

The duration of a parent's class with a child is different: it depends on the child's age, on the parent's time limit, on the time of day, as well as on what the child does before or after class (if the child is tired after

a long walk or a walk is still ahead, the duration of classes will be shorter than after rest).

Morning exercises have the advantage that immediately after sleep the muscles of the body "stretch", and blood circulation in the tissues improves. When charging, it is better to use light and already familiar exercises, since usually there is not enough time and patience to learn new, more difficult exercises... Duration of morning classes is no more than 10 minutes. For the normal development of the child, it is very important to stay in the fresh air every day. An interesting fact: while the child is infancy, parents conscientiously comply with this requirement, but when children grow up, parents often forget about it. The child needs active movements in the air, and in any weather, this is especially beneficial for his physical development.

Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene should be instilled from an early age. Under this concept, we are used to understanding washing, brushing teeth, observing the frequency of hands, body, clothes. Cleanliness often refers to the external absence of dirt that can be seen with the eyes. But after all, not only external, but also "internal dirt" happens - the so-called toxins that are released through sweat glands... If they are not washed off, then self-poisoning occurs, which is expressed in the manifestation of fatigue, irritation, nervousness. To avoid this, you need daily water procedures, preferably twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Lack of the habit of pouring water all over the body or wiping off with a wet towel can lead to a weakening of the body and frequent colds.

BATH, SHOWER, BATHING - an excellent means of hardening and a kind of massage.

Appendix 6.2

How to teach a child to brush their teeth

Everyone knows that brushing your teeth is not easy morning ritual, but a forced necessity. After all, with the help of a toothbrush and paste, we carry out oral hygiene. But how to convey this to the baby so that he regularly brushes his teeth on his own? At first glance, this is a rather difficult task.

Beautiful toothbrush

Let your child choose his hygiene attributes. The child knows better than you what it will be more pleasant for him to brush his teeth, be it a toothbrush in the form of a batman or a shrek. You will only have to indirectly take part in the choice, recommending brushes to the child based on his age.
If the kid does not like the available models of brushes, try to interest him with an electric toothbrush (note, an electric toothbrush is indicated for use by children only from 3 years old).

The taste of the toothpaste matters too!

Before you buy toothpaste, take an interest taste preferences child.Toothpasteshould be enjoyable.


There is nothing better toteach a child to brush his teethas my own example. Pay attention when you are going to brush your teeth. Clarify that all people brush their teeth twice a day. Let brushing your teeth become a kind of "adulthood" attribute for your child.

Show your imagination

It is easier to teach a child to brush his teeth in game form... Make brushing attractive to your child. Compose short story about teeth and a toothbrush, and voice it while brushing your teeth. Or, for example, imagine with your baby that the teeth are a fence, and the brush is a paintbrush that needs to paint the fence.

Poems about brushing your teeth

If your baby's age allows, use verses while brushing your teeth:

Early in the morning the animals got up
The teeth ran to clean.
Bears brushing their teeth
A bump brush.
Squirrel in a red fur coat
Also cleans teeth.
Gray mice,
Cheerful hedgehogs.
Gray wolf toothed
Brush your teeth with a paste.
Cleaning the pig
And a funny calf.
So that the teeth do not hurt
Like snowflakes to turn white
Brush with delicious pasta
You need teeth often!

Bunnies and squirrels
Boys and girls
In the morning two minutes
Brush their teeth.
Little cats
Open their mouths
The teeth are lined up
They are waiting for the brush and paste again!
The toothbrush blows away
Like a boat on the sea
Like a steamer along the river
She walks in the teeth
Up and down, back and forth.
We will clean off plaque and stains.
So that the teeth do not hurt
So that they turn white like winter snow
The birds clean the feathers together,
Titmouses are washing themselves.
Squirrels, bunnies, bears
In the morning they also brush their teeth.
We are now special forces,
We have a task!
Brush in hand, and forward,
Remove plaque!

No bad emotions!

Try to ensure that your child does not perceive brushing as a burden. If for some reason the kid did not brush his teeth, in no case punish him, there you will only reinforce negative emotions.

It will take just a little of your efforts and imagination to teach your baby to brush his teeth, and the result will not be long in coming!

Treatment and prevention of neuroses

Refuse education by intimidation, constant tugging, keep inhibitions to a minimum and try everyone possible ways support or arouse an interest in self-knowledge. This is especially important at 3-4 years old, when the feeling of "I" appears and in adolescence.

Let's dream, what is the ideal kindergarten in your mind? Something like a hybrid kids club with a development center and a restaurant healthy eating? Or the most important thing for you is the kind and loving caregivers who know the whole story of your baby even before his birth? Or do you want the garden to be surrounded by greenery, and the playground on the street was rubber-coated, like in Germany? Remember, so that you always have a healthy child, kindergarten should promote this, not hinder it.

A good kindergarten, like a theater, begins with a coat rack, that is, a dressing room

The inventor of the kindergarten system was Friedrich August Wilhelm Froebel, a student of Pestalozzi The fact that every child should have their own locker is already an axiom, but what parents can pay attention to is the presence of drying cabinets for outerwear and a special cabinet for outdoor toys. Already in the locker room, a good teacher will meticulously ask you about how the child slept at night, whether he was awake at breakfast at home - nothing personal, just the health of children in kindergarten is put in the first place, you know that the first symptoms of the disease are better noticed earlier so that neutralize bacilli.

Arriving at the kindergarten, before meals and after a walk, the child washes his hands with soap

This is also an axiom that you need not only to know, but also to apply in practice both to you and the educators, because frequent washing hands is the simplest prevention of ARVI. In the washroom of the smallest in mandatory there should be an adult washbasin, a baby bathtub, a heated towel rail, a pot cabinet and a pot drain. In groups for children under two years old, children's sinks are installed at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor and a children's toilet bowl, which children gradually learn to use. The pot cabinet is still in place. In the middle and senior groups in the washroom there is already a complete set of children's toilets (if possible, separately for boys and girls) and washbasins (at least 4 pieces). To help children get used to hygiene, educators can hang special cards, where the entire sequence is drawn. correct washing hands. Or play Moidodyr.

From the washroom, the child enters the group

And here the most important requirement is safety: if furniture, then by height, in order to maintain healthy spine, if toys, then those that cannot be injured. Toys are washed daily at the end of the day, and in a manger twice a day. Doll clothes are washed with baby soap as they get dirty and ironed.

The next place your child meets is the bedroom

With a runny nose, a child can come to the kindergarten, but with a temperature there is no longer.According to new requirements, there must be stationary beds in the bedroom, but if the kindergarten was built a certain number of years ago, then it is allowed to use folding beds, and only with a hard bottom. Both the group and the bedroom are ventilated daily. Through ventilation is done for 10 minutes every 1.5 hours. And even when the children are in a group, and it is warm outside, you can leave the vents open.

Children walk in the kindergarten for at least 4-4.5 hours a day, before lunch and after sleep. In winter, you can walk with a baby group even at a temperature of -15 degrees, only the walk in this case will be a little shorter. And children 5-7 years old can play in the fresh air and at a temperature of -20 degrees.

In the spring for everyone playgrounds make a complete sand change. And the sandbox, while the children are not on the playground, is covered with a lid, film, awning or any other material.

Prevention of ARVI

In the fall, with the onset of the flu season, health in kindergarten is maintained thanks to the timely prevention of viral infections.

What does it mean?

During wet cleaning in the bedroom and group, add to the water essential oils coniferous trees.

In the morning in the locker room and in the bedroom in the afternoon, turn on the germicidal quartz lamp (but only in those rooms where there are no plants or animals).

After meals, give children an infusion of medicinal herbs for rinsing.

St. John's wort and chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus have a strong antibacterial effect. Infusions and decoctions are usually prepared centrally and distributed to groups in decanters, at the rate of 30 g of infusion per child.

Both in the kindergarten and at home, the child should use disposable handkerchiefs.

At home, as a prevention of ARVI, you can also use a special medicinal product Children's Anaferon. If the child is small and just starting to go to kindergarten, or is often sick, then it is recommended to take Anaferon for three months, 1 tablet a day, better in the morning, 15-30 minutes before breakfast.

We talked about the most general requirements that must be observed in any garden - municipal, private, departmental.

Healthy kindergarten in numbers

  • The kindergarten accepts children from 2 months to 7 years old.
  • There must be at least 25 m from the building of the garden to the nearest road.
  • The area of ​​the groups is calculated according to the principle - 7.2 sq. m for 1 child in a nursery, 9 sq. m - in older groups.
  • Maximum amount children in the kindergarten - 350 people.
  • In winter, the temperature in the group should be at least 22 degrees, and the humidity should be at least 40%.
  • The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be 1: 1: 4, respectively.
  • You should walk at least 4-4.5 hours a day.
  • The weight of toys for children under 3 years old cannot exceed 100 g, for children under 7 years old - 400 g.

How many children can there be in a group?

  • From 2 months to 1 year - up to 10 people;
  • from 1 to 3 years - up to 15 people;
  • v age group, from 2 months to 3 years - 8 people;
  • from 3 to 7 years old - no more than 30 people (optimal - 15 people);
  • in a group of different ages, from 3 to 7 years old - up to 10 people;

Nadezhda Bigasheva (Kiseleva)
Child health in kindergarten

Kindergarten for a child- this is practically his second home. Since he spends most of his time in kindergarten... But it must be emphasized that in each preschool there is an aggressive viral environment and it is constantly being updated. Therefore, everyone caught in this environment child is at risk of frequent colds. Despite the fact that baby runny nose or other symptoms of a cold or flu, parents still take their children to Kindergarten,

unaware that they endanger all the children of the group.

From infections child will not hide anywhere, neither at home, nor on the playground, and even more so not in the kindergarten. Among infectious diseases, there are those that are better a child to get sick in childhood... After all, when child a little illness is easier. These diseases include chickenpox, rubella, etc. Most often, these diseases can be contracted in kindergarten.

Many respiratory diseases are caused by viruses. And these viruses are picked up by the pupils kindergarten... Every disease that the body carries baby, leads to the formation of immunity against this pathogen. If colds or others, any diseases are delayed or accompanied by complications, which means that weak immunity of the child.

It is known that many pediatricians recommend giving baby in a dhow at the age of four, since by this time the baby's immunity is already more developed. Before giving child in kindergarten, he must first be prepared for this. Unfortunately, there are children who often get sick and these mothers need to think about what to do in such cases? Mothers of such children need to do the strengthening health of their babies.

1. Ventilate rooms, often walk outside.

2. Also strengthen health hardening can help.

3. Also very important rational regime food and daily routine. Child should perceive food in the kindergarten as natural, therefore, you should accustom him to cereals, jelly, compotes long before visiting kindergarten.

4. A kid who is familiar with hygiene rules and skills at home goes through the adaptation period in the kindergarten much faster. Proper nutrition the child will strengthen his health and his body will be prepared for the psychological stress.

5. There is another way to strengthen the body child is a sport... Sports will not only strengthen the body baby, but also normalizes his psychological state.

6. Dancing, physical education, swimming, gymnastics - all this strengthens the immune system baby and protects his body from negative influences.

7. And, of course, child health in kindergarten depends on a stable emotional and psychological state, on the baby's ability to communicate with his peers, with adults.

What determines the strength of immunity baby?

Why can one baby run barefoot through puddles all day and not pick up anything, while another instantly reacts with a rise in temperature even to a short walk in wet weather? As you can see, the first baby the strength of nonspecific immunity is much higher than that of the second.

Vaccinations are certainly a good thing. Thanks to her, children become immune to measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, diphtheria, some forms of hepatitis, etc. However, vaccination cannot increase the nonspecific immunity. A baby can have all the vaccinations appropriate for his age, and at the same time suffer from tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis media every month. Unfortunately, these diseases are caused by microorganisms that are not vaccinated against.

The main factors affecting the state of nonspecific immunity baby, the following:

1) Living conditions, everyday life. Bad financial situation parents need frequent shifts residence undermines child immunity.

2) Psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family, in preschool. If parents are not averse to drinking and loudly sorting out the relationship with children, if the baby is offended in kindergarten, the body's resistance falls. For a kid health needs affection, love and care of his loved ones.

3) The quality of food. Daily diet baby should include all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, minerals. An unbalanced diet significantly reduces immune defenses. Food should be as varied as possible and consist of plant and animal products.

4) The presence of congenital and acquired diseases. The immune system baby cannot function properly if any of its internal organs are affected by disease. Enough frequent occurrence v children's age - weakening of immunity due to intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Weak immunity in a baby should be suspected if he suffers from a cold more than six times a year, and at the same time, the diseases proceed with complications in the form of tonsillitis, pneumonia, and traditional treatment helps badly.

To the choice of a preschool institution, where to kid have to spend most of their childhood, must be approached consciously. And parents are faced with this important decision.

If the kid is happy in kindergarten, and with a smile goes home,

His mother is happy too!

Reasons prompting child fight

1. If he fights with relatives or peers, then the reasons lie in the family atmosphere. Aggression often manifests itself in children, in whose families physical influence is the order of the day.

2. In cases where parents are constantly shouting, and even more so they fight with each other or beat baby, he adopts a similar line of behavior. Every year, in such an environment, it embitters the crumbs. He cannot answer the older ones yet, so he takes out his anger on the weaker ones.

3. Constant criticism can also provoke fights. It is important not to forget to celebrate the success of the baby.

4. Lack of attention. With indifference on the part of the parents and insufficient manifestation of love, the baby may start to fight in order to attract attention.

5. Excessive severity, excessive number of prohibitions, iron discipline.

6. Ignoring fighting tendencies and encouraging praise when child gives change.

"And my baby, as soon as he went to kindergarten, is constantly sick!" - isn't that so, a familiar line? And we hear it quite often, and not only from those parents whose baby went to kindergarten quite recently, but also from those whose children are already going to go to school. So why is the health of children in kindergarten declining so sharply in comparison with children at home?

The answer, as usual, is on the surface. It's all about very wide circle communication of the child, because most of the diseases that "cover" the crumb are transmitted by airborne droplets. And if, sitting at home with his mother or grandmother, the baby communicates closely mainly only with them (plus two or three more people from among common acquaintances), then in the preschool educational institution the number of his entourage often reaches 35-40 people (including children from the group, educators, nannies , music workers and other employees of the institution). And of course, the likelihood that one of them will be a carrier of the infection is very high (let alone the fact that in the kindergarten the kids are constantly snorting and coughing and there is nothing to say).

Having dealt with the cause of the illness of children, you can look for a way out of the situation. And the first thing that comes to mind is an increase in the baby's immunity even before he enters the kindergarten. Fresh fruits and vegetables ( all year round), exercise, outdoor walks, compulsory annual vacation at sea or in the countryside (outside of city smog). All this together (and not separately) will increase the natural resistance of the child's body to infections.

The second source of immunity can be considered ... vaccinations. And although today some parents treat them negatively, no one has canceled the positive statistics on vaccinated babies and a decrease in the number of diseases. Of course, the probability that a child will get sick, for example, with polio, is rather small today, but it is not zero. And if the baby becomes infected, the likelihood of serious consequences (including the loss of the ability to walk) remains high for an unvaccinated child, and almost zero for the crumbs who have been vaccinated.

By the way, most kindergartens will not take your baby to their group if he does not receive all the vaccinations. And the point here is not only in the availability of relevant instructions from the Ministry of Health, but also in the responsibility of educators for the health of children in the kindergarten (all the others that your baby can infect).

The third source of immunity is body hardening. But we are not talking about extreme procedures (like running barefoot in the snow in winter or pouring cold water in the cold). To maintain the child's immunity in proper condition, it is enough to remove the socks from the crumbs at home, turn down the heating (so that the rooms are no more than 20-22 ° C) and leave the baby in shorts and a light T-shirt (and girls in a thin dress). You should start gradually and the best time of the year for this is autumn, since it was during this period (until the central heating was turned on) that this temperature is maintained in the apartments. Adults are also advised to forget about socks and warm slippers(unless there are medical contraindications and age allows).

As strange as it may sound, the choice of the mother between work and being with the baby at home has a great influence on the health of the child in kindergarten. Speech in this case is about the mother's premature exit to work (until the baby is three years old). After all, the younger the child, the more likely he will be sick. At the same time, mom will need to take sick leave (since not all grandmothers end up in the right moment nearby).

As a result, mothers go to work without completing their babies (who usually need about two weeks to fully recover). Such a child, once in kindergarten, not only quickly falls ill again (do not think that you are the only one who returns the kids to the kindergarten with a runny nose), but also due to a weakened body, the next disease often suffers with complications (in the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver). And now he will need even more complex, effective and expensive treatment. If the baby is not treated again, the "chain" of morbidity repeats.

In the end, neither a mother can work normally and calmly, nor a child can go to kindergarten for a long time, while maintaining his health. In addition, due to the constant need to purchase medicines, sometimes the entire salary received by the mother is spent for these purposes (minus the amounts spent on travel to the place of work, on meals at work time, on new clothes to maintain the dress code). And, of course, at the same time, the meaning of going to work is completely lost.

Nursing leave

According to the current Labor Code, mothers can be on parental leave until the baby is three years old. But at the same time, in the last year and a half, they will not receive any monetary support from their employer (or the state, if mother did not work anywhere before going on maternity leave). This is what usually makes parents send the baby to kindergarten at the age of one and a half to three years (and risk his health).

But there are other ways out of this situation, for example, work via the Internet, which allows you to receive a good income without parting with your child and working at home on a computer.

The second option is to set up a home kindergarten (for your own and "other people's" children) with a guaranteed state salary. This makes it possible to work with your children according to your chosen method, control their nutrition and physical activity.

The third option is part-time work and the presence of a person to whom you can entrust your baby (while you yourself are at work). Most often, grandmothers sit with babies, but they can be friends (for example, who organized a home kindergarten), and friends with children of the same age or a little older or younger. In those cases when you have to pay for the services of a nanny, before going to work, it is worth calculating whether the salary received will more than cover these costs.

However, sometimes the reason moms want to go to work before the age of three is ... boredom. After sitting “within four walls” for a couple of years, many women strive to escape from their “cage” as quickly as possible, without thinking about the health of the child. And this happens because of an elementary unwillingness to find a homework to their liking. Of course, being 24 hours in the "position" of a mother, any representative of the fair sex will "climb the wall." But no one bothers to diversify your day. It is possible that this will require the help of people close to her:

  • grandparents who are able to sit for a couple of hours with the baby while mom goes to fitness (to the pool, to the cinema, to a restaurant with her husband, to a concert, to an art studio, to driving or other courses, etc.);
  • the husband taking care of the child in the evenings or on weekends, and organizing family outings(outdoors, cycling, excursions to the aquarium, vacation, etc.);
  • older children playing with toddler while mom is reading, chatting on the phone, or surfing the Internet.

In any case, a young mother should not take on all the responsibilities of the house and the sole care of children and husband. Indeed, under such a load, not only the baby's health can be shaken, but also her own (as well as family happiness).

The health of a child from the first days of life depends on the microsociety that surrounds him. This circumstance imposes on family members, and especially on parents, a special responsibility. Often, parents' knowledge of health preservation and promotion measures is inconsistent with their actions. Value orientations regarding the importance of health are not relevant and, in this regard, are not realized in the daily life of parents.

Thus, further search effective ways preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers should provide for an increase in the role of parents in improving the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, creating traditions of family physical education. Important place In solving these socially significant tasks, a kindergarten is occupied, which can act as a kind of center for promoting a healthy lifestyle, fostering family culture, forming knowledge, skills and abilities in parents on various aspects of maintaining and strengthening the health of both children and adults. Only under the condition of joint purposeful activity of parents and teachers can a positive dynamics of indicators characterizing the health of children and their orientation towards a healthy lifestyle be ensured.

The work is based on a technological approach. The technological approach to health-preserving activity allows you to systematize all components teaching activities and focus on its results in educational the preschool education process... As a result, it is not the sum of information about health promotion that children have learned, but the child's ability to exercise healthy style behavior. The culture of health is understood as the general ability and readiness of the child's personality to protect and promote health, based on the knowledge and experience acquired in the educational process of the preschool educational institution and the family.

Health preservation competence includes a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to health and necessary for high-quality productive activity to preserve it. This allows for the targeted development of a health culture based on awareness social value personal health, the idea of ​​a responsible attitude of each subject educational process to your health.

Material on the topic:

The priority of our institution is the physical development of the child, the preservation of his health. For several years, a team of teachers has been working on the problems of improving the indicators of physical development and health of children. As a result, considerable experience has been accumulated in this area. However, the requirements for modern education and a social order is placed on preschool educational institution before the need to work in conditions not only of the mode of functioning, but also of development.

Therefore, our goal is to increase the efficiency of health-oriented activities in preschool educational institutions by creating, theoretical background and practical application models of the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, including adequate technologies for development and education.

Work tasks:

  1. To develop algorithms for health-oriented activities of subjects of the educational process of a preschool institution.
  2. To develop and test a system of pedagogical influences aimed at shaping the understanding of health as the most important value among preschoolers, establishing a creator's position in relation to their health and the health of others from childhood.
  3. To study and implement in the practice of the preschool educational institution modern technologies teaching a healthy lifestyle, contributing to the preservation and strengthening of children's health through the development of health-preserving skills and abilities, the formation of the habit of thinking and taking care of their health.
  4. To activate the pedagogical potential of the family in the formation of health values ​​through the development and use of innovative forms of work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle.

On the basis of the kindergarten, all conditions have been created for the full physical development and health improvement of children. The necessary macro and micro environment has been created. The kindergarten has a gym, sports grounds for different age groups, music hall. For the development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills and abilities, the upbringing of the need for independent physical exercises in each group, physical culture corners are equipped: they have everything you need exercise equipment for self motor activity children, attributes for outdoor games, physical training equipment for gymnastics after sleep, equipment for individual preventive work with kids.

A wealth of material has been accumulated in the "corners of health": didactic games and manuals on the culture of behavior, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition, compliance with the rules safe behavior and personal hygiene rules. Children independently and under the guidance of a teacher receive basic knowledge and skills to shape their health.

The system of working with children also includes the active use of technology for teaching a healthy lifestyle. Learning goes through all the activities of the child during his stay in preschool and is supported by the parents at home. Forms of training organization: classes (health lessons), games, game situations, conversations, actions, theatrical performances, reading fiction, Painting.

Great importance is attached to the organization of a full-fledged daytime sleep... Various methodological techniques are used to fall asleep for children: lullabies, listening to classical music and fairy tales. After day rest gymnastics after sleep is performed in combination with preventive procedures and massage. Evening time is intended to relieve fatigue. Therefore, more relaxation activities are included: minutes of prank, joy, minutes of music and laughter therapy, fairy tale therapy.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without a rational varied nutrition... Nutrition, as you know, is one of the factors that ensure the normal development of a child and a sufficiently high level of his body's resistance to diseases.

In our preschool institution are performed following principles rational healthy nutrition of children: regularity, usefulness, variety, by adhering to the diet, norms of food consumption and individual approach to children while eating. Every day we include fruits, juices, rosehip drinks in the menu, herbal tea, milk. For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, green onions and garlic are included in the diet of children, which makes it possible to achieve a certain reduction in the incidence. Planned medical examinations children with the involvement of specialists from the central polyclinic. Survey results are taken into account nurse, educators, specialists in working with children.

One of the prerequisites for fostering a child's health culture is the family's health culture. In the work with the family on the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, both traditional and unconventional forms work with parents, such as newsletters, advertising brochures, the issue of the magazine "Health", thematic exhibitions, a health library, health information corners "Here I am - I will not be sick", "How I grow", consultations are held, meetings "round table ”, parent meetings with the involvement of physical culture and medical workers, sports family relay races. Parents are regular participants in all competitions held at the preschool educational institution.

Belykh I.A., head of d / s No. 17
Alekseevka, Belgorod region