An interesting gift for a child of 8 years. Electronic designer Connoisseur of "First steps in electronics". What to give a teenager

What to give a younger child school age 8-10 years? The older the child becomes, the more interests he has, the more noticeable the difference in the interests and preferences of girls and boys, the more difficult it is for a child to choose a gift. Ideally, if you know well what the child needs. It is even better if you can choose a purchase together with him. However, more often you have to guess.

girls starting from given age, more and more I want to attract attention, to be beautiful and bright. The requirements for outfits, children's cosmetics, jewelry and various accessories are increasing. They like to decorate not only themselves, but also the dolls they continue to play with.

Boys are a little easier. At the center of their interests are heroic characters, various equipment, toy weapon. Of great interest are educational games and kits for design and creativity. The boys have a growing spirit of rivalry and competition. Therefore, preference should be given to a gift that the child can proudly tell friends about.

The selection of gifts for children 8-10 years old includes educational games and game sets, characters of children's works, toys for games on fresh air as well as children's clothing and accessories. When choosing a gift option, consider the characteristics and level of development of the child. Be aware of its safety. Communicate more and enjoy life with children!

It can be difficult to choose a birthday present for a boy of 8 years old. The boy is no longer a preschooler, so he knows and understands a lot, knows how to solve mathematical problems and dreams of reading a book about adventures. At the same time, at 7-9 years old, the boy is still a child and needs games and entertainment.

What to please elementary school student birthday, the article will tell.

Entering school requires a certain preparation of children. Boys and girls should be developed both intellectually and physically. That is why, the closer the upcoming school, the more parents focus on the development of their child.

A high level of training will help the boy quickly get used to school environment and better understand educational material. Happy birthday greetings can give not only pleasant emotions, but also useful knowledge.

For the 6th anniversary

6th anniversary is a significant date. The boy turns from a kindergartener into a schoolboy. He already knows how to put familiar letters into words, knows colors, names of animals, distinguishes emotions and orients himself in the social environment. child in next year life has an active preparation for school, therefore the best gifts for a boy of 6 years old there will be educational games and sports equipment.

At the same time, do not forget that 6 years old is childhood, so a boy at this age is interested in toys, constructors and active games.

Examples of gifts for the 6th anniversary:

  • tablet for drawing with water;
  • lotto for knowledge of letters;
  • punching bag;
  • Lego";
  • robot constructor;
  • football or basketball;
  • children's watch;
  • harmonica;
  • slate board for drawing with crayons;
  • children's walkie-talkie;
  • home air hockey.

What to give for 7 years

The execution of 7 years means that very soon the boy will go to school (if he has not already begun to study), so now he will have to devote most of the day to study. To make the learning process more interesting, you should choose an inspiring birthday present for a 7-year-old boy.

These can be colorful educational books or encyclopedias, entertaining and educational games, creative kits, mosaics, puzzles, mini-laboratories.

Examples of gifts for 7 years are presented in the table:

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A kaleidoscope making kit will be a fun activity.

The set usually includes a base for a kaleidoscope, colored stones, sequins, sequins, mirrors.

The child learns how to do the "miracle" himself.

The modeling constructor will become an alternative to "children's" constructors with large details.

From small wooden or cardboard elements, the child will be able to assemble an airplane, a tank or a building.

An alternative would be 3D puzzles.

Books with colorful photos, telling about world discoveries in the field of science, will give answers to many questions and can become a source of information for school reports in the future.

A set for showing tricks will slightly open the door to the magical world.

Such a set will surely please the artistic boy, who will now be able to gather the “public” and demonstrate his talents.

An origami book can give a child a new passion and hobby.

The book is best supplemented with a set of colored origami paper.

Advice! It is better not to give a boy for 7 years schoolbags, stationery, school uniform. Such gifts are suitable for September 1st. Even if the birthday is in August-September, you should not turn it into Knowledge Day.

Boy "very big"

Many adults believe that a child's childhood ends when they enter school. There is some truth in this: boys and girls at school have many responsibilities. Yesterday's preschoolers learn to make decisions on their own and not to conflict with their peers.

Primary school determines the basic inclinations of the child. After the first year of study, it becomes clear to parents what sciences their son is drawn to, what is easy for him, and where more diligence and perseverance should be shown. The interests and successes of the boy can provide an idea for the perfect gift.

What to give for 8 years

By the age of 8, the boy is already getting used to the school order and wants to be the best in any class. At this age, children show rivalry among themselves, it is important for them to prove to adults that they are the most intelligent, courageous, dexterous and superior to their peers. The boy achieves the first success in a certain area, and relatives should support the boy's aspirations.

A gift for a boy of 8 years old for his birthday should be educational and inspiring. By this age, a boy is interested in a lot, and the child should have the opportunity to try his hand at different areas.

What can be presented for the execution of 8 years is presented in the table:

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Chess - adult game in which they begin to play in childhood. If a boy shows the makings of a future mathematician or has already joined a chess club, then you should present him with a personal chess board with beautiful figurines. Such an "adult" gift will demonstrate serious attitude to the hobby of the child, which will be very pleasant to the little boy.

The synthesizer is a modern replacement for the bulky piano. A musically gifted boy who is starting to study at a music school will definitely appreciate the usefulness of such a gift.

A children's microscope and a set for conducting chemical or physical experiments at home will be of interest not only to a child, but also to an adult. Perhaps it is this gift that will awaken in the boy an interest in the natural sciences. In addition, the microscope will be able to answer many "children's" questions about the structure of the world.

A skateboard is suitable for an active little boy, sports lover and movement. To protect the child from falling, it is recommended to give a helmet and protection for legs and hands along with the board.

The wood burning device will delight a creative boy who loves drawing. Can be donated ready set for burning, including everything you need to create an image on a board. An alternative to burning out can be a children's potter's wheel and clay.

The cake may seem a banal gift. However, sweetness easily turns into whole holiday and adventure. Cake - great idea prize or treasure for the quest. If the boy is celebrating his birthday with his peers, then the children will enjoy doing various tasks together on the way to the prize. Organizing an exciting holiday for a child is difficult, but possible. To find suitable scenario easy on the internet or come up with it yourself.

Advice! Perhaps the most a welcome gift at the age of 8 will be a pet- dog. Before choosing an animal, it is worth consulting with parents and weighing all the pros and cons. A pet is not a toy that can be thrown away or thrown on the mezzanine. The dog requires attention, care, responsibility. If the boy knows about all the difficulties of raising a dog and is ready to accept them, then you can buy a pet.

By age 9

When a boy turns 9 years old, parents begin to mentally prepare for a new stage in their son's life. In just a couple of years, the child will enter into teenage years and stop being a baby. Besides, the boy in front high school, which will give more knowledge, dating and hobbies than elementary grades.

A 9-year-old boy should choose a birthday present according to his interests and hobbies. At the same time, it is worth gradually moving away from children's gift options and choosing something “for growth” and with adult overtones. For example, if you plan to give skis as a gift, then they must be professional, of high quality, with good fastening. The "children's" version is no longer suitable for a gift.

What to give for 9th birthday:

  • skates;
  • dumbbells with adjustable weight;
  • skis;
  • snowboard board;
  • teenage bike, designed for 9-12 years;
  • boxing gloves;
  • board games: Scrabble, Monopoly, Jenga, etc.;
  • frisbee;
  • ant farm;
  • children's telescope;
  • interactive globe;
  • shoe rollers.

Advice! The price of money by the age of 9 makes sense, children at this age already know how to count money and make purchases. A symbolic amount on a birthday can become a good present. However, it is worth remembering that children love to receive surprises and emotions, so an unusual piggy bank or sweets can be an addition to a cash gift.

homemade gift

Beloved grandmothers, aunts, sisters and brothers can make a gift for their beloved boy with their own hands (see).

What you can do yourself:

  • Needlewomen will easily connect to winter day birthday sweater, beautiful scarf or unusual hat. By the age of 8-9, children are already fully aware of their appearance and will be able to appreciate beautiful items clothes.
  • An older sister will make a scrapbooking book for her brother on a topic that is interesting for her brother. Favorite characters and sweets will be hidden in the secret pockets of the book.
  • A lover of reading will like a beautiful homemade bookmark.
  • From sweets and sweets, you can assemble a car, an airplane, a motorcycle.
  • The brothers will make a glider out of paper or kite. On the Internet or in special books, you will definitely find instructions for creating flying toys that can be launched together.
  • Homemade shadow theater can tell a story about a birthday man and become an unusual congratulation. Making a theater is easy using ready-made templates.
  • A board game, hand-drawn according to your own scenario, will become unusual and creative gift. try out homemade game the whole family can.

The video in this article will tell you some more entertaining ideas for ready-made and homemade gifts boys 6-9 years old.

With age, children learn a lot of new and unusual things. Gifts grow along with the boys. Therefore, when choosing a gift, it is worth evaluating its usefulness and not being limited to formal toys.

New Year is truly magical and fabulous holiday for many people. Children especially love this wonderful holiday! After all, for them, New Year's Eve is truly magical!

Green Christmas tree-beauty, elegant and bright toys on it, crackers, sparklers, fireworks, fun, laughter and joy! Delicious-smelling, beautifully decorated table with different goodies. Wishes and numerous gifts for all family members! All this excites the imagination!

And, of course, most importantly, this festive scenario is to receive a long-awaited present. Sometimes the kids are looking forward to it. whole year. In order to get the treasured little thing on New Year's Eve, they try to study well, behave well, and obey adults. After all, all the kids know that Santa Claus brings the best of them to just such kids.

And it's not a secret for anyone that it is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden who are responsible for choosing and delivering a gift to all children on Earth. Many kids believe in this, and therefore, long before the holiday, they write a letter to Santa Claus with their request. After which they ask every now and then: “Did Santa Claus receive a letter? Did it get lost along the way? Does Grandpa bring them to all children? etc. They are worried and waiting ...

When a Christmas tree is installed in the house, the kids on the same day begin, with bated breath, to look under the Christmas tree every now and then. They worry and worry about Santa Claus, because there are so many boys and girls, and he is alone, will he have time for all of them!

How can such an expectation be made? There is only one answer - no way, it is necessary to fulfill the desire of the child in any way. And give him what he wants. To this full of joy and miracles New year's night remembered him for a long time. And so that as such a small New Year's miracle, he would receive what he had dreamed of for so long.

But how do you know what your child wants to get, what he dreams of? You know, it's easy enough to do! And there are several ways to do this:

  • write a letter to Santa Claus with a request. Tell the child that if he has a dream, it would be good to write a letter to Grandfather in advance. Because Santa Claus lives far in the North, and the letter will go there for a very long time. And it is necessary to write, because if this is not done, then how will Santa Claus be able to find out about a childhood dream.
  • take a walk with the child in children's stores, it is better if they are self-service stores, where you can hold everything in your hands. Do not rush, stop where the child stops. Ask if he likes it. Notice that toy, or game, with which he does not take his eyes off. Or remember what he asked to buy. Then you can start a conversation about a letter to Grandfather! Like - “Now I don’t have money for this purchase, but now you can write a letter to Santa Claus! He will surely make you happy." Buy something less significant that day, because we didn’t tease, we brought the baby to the store. Will return to the store later and purchase the item they like.
  • you can play the game “Make a wish” with your child, one wish from you - one from the child! And if you carefully listen to his desires, you can make whole list. And from it to choose the right one - it will no longer be special work.
  • if the child is older and no longer writes letters to Santa Claus, and you can’t play wishes with him, then in this case he probably has some kind of hobby, hobby. And for any hobby there is always something that you want to get. You just need to communicate confidentially with him, and a child of any age will certainly share his dream with you.
  • if the child is already big enough, then you can ask him directly what he would like. Children at this age already have their own ideas on this topic. And do not be afraid that he will ask for something impossible. He is already an adult and most likely knows financial position families. Therefore, he will ask for something appropriate and will not empty your wallet.

In any case, it is better to choose and buy things in advance. Don't leave it on last days when in the pre-holiday turmoil it is very easy to make a mistake in choosing.

And when choosing it, consider first of all the interest of the child, and not your own preference. After all, you buy it not for yourself, but for your beloved baby.

As you know, next year the Yellow Pig will rule the planet, so you can look at some of the things with the symbolism of this character. But do not make it the main one, because it is unlikely that when writing a letter to Santa Claus, your baby will ask him for a magnet, or a calendar with the image of Pig. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to make them additional, but as the main one, choose what the child is waiting for!

Of course, you need to take into account the gender and age of the child. You need to buy things in accordance with age, and not according to the principle - "grow up - come in handy." And to make it easier for you to navigate, then I will try to tell you in detail what and what age it is better to buy for boys and girls.

After all, it often happens that your children have grown up a long time ago, and you get a thing for another close child, or for a child close friend or girlfriends. And you don’t understand at all what children are playing now, what they are interested in, and what the toy industry offers for kids.

What may be needed for the New Year baby

Of course, at this age, the child is still too small, and most likely will not understand that it was bought for him for the New Year. He can take, for example, a toy from under the Christmas tree and immediately lose all interest in it. But this does not mean at all that such babies do not need to acquire anything.

1. Often they buy the necessary useful things for the development and pastime of the baby. This is:

  • deck chair, jumpers, walkers, arena

  • bath set including mat, slide, various toys
  • sling or ergo-backpack for babies, with it the child will always be near mom

  • carousels for the crib, these are both musical and spinning
  • game development center - wheelchair

  • toys for the development of motor skills, and the ability to fix the eye - bright, shiny rattles, rattles for strollers and cribs, rubber toys, making sounds, cubes, balls, teethers.
  • soft toys with various rings, handles for easy interception from hand to hand. Among them are toys "Makish", children love them very much.

  • there are toys where cherry pits are used instead of the usual filler. They also provide therapeutic effect, they, for example, can be heated and applied to the baby's tummy to relieve colic, or treat colds with their help.
  • clockwork toys - whirligig, various clockwork animals. The child himself will not yet be able to start a toy, but it will be a pleasure to watch how his mother does it.

2. Also, a New Year's photo session for a baby can be a chic present. For this you can buy new year outfit in the store, or sew it with your own hands. Of course, the baby will not understand at this age what is happening, but as he gets older, he will be happy to look at himself as a little one.

And such photos will always be stored in the family album, and when viewed, they will cause a kind and gentle smile.

What to give a baby from 1 year to 3 years

Here the kids are already getting older and therefore they are already becoming interested in completely different things. Although you need to understand that this is an age when kids are not yet fully able to form and voice their desires. So choose what your child may be interested in.

We will not do much in this section between boys and girls, because many toys can be purchased with both. But of course, we buy cars for boys, dolls for girls, and everything in the same spirit.

  • bright beautiful figurative toys are dolls, dogs, bears, hares, etc. Children play with them, as if with living characters
  • kitchen and household utensils. If a girl plays with dolls, then she will certainly need this category of toys. This includes various dishes, household appliances, furniture
  • transport toy is especially loved of course by boys. These are cars, boats, boats, planes, helicopters, tanks, etc.
  • dynamic toys - kugelban, "top climbers", "jumps", spinning top.

  • interactive toys are also robots - animals, or cartoon characters, or flying helicopters. This also includes musical toys with many functions

  • musical toys - bells, bells, pipe, drum, etc. As well as various children's music centers, among them those that can teach counting, letters, and you can also listen to well-known and loved by all children's songs.
  • educational toys - constructors with large details, houses, matryoshkas, cubes, mosaics, puzzles, pyramids, insert toys, etc. Boys are very fond of cars, where you can unscrew and spin wheels, parts with special tools that are included in the kit.
  • bodyboards - developing boards, you can buy them, or make them yourself.

  • a rubber jumper toy, these are donkeys, and horses, and deer - there is always a choice and colors in large quantities

  • items for creativity - paints, pencils, albums, drawing boards
  • toys for physical development– balls, skittles, rocking horse, various sports complexes
  • a dry pool with balls (interesting for girls too), or just balls. Children love to play with these toys.
  • toys by season. In winter, it can be a snow shovel, snow shovels, or, for example, vehicles - a snow scooter, sleds, for older kids - the first skis.

It is still better to refrain from summer toys, because the child will not wait six months to use the bucket and sand molds later.

  • but the kids will not refuse a children's tent even in winter.
  • a sweet gift from Santa Claus is also always accepted by the kids with a bang!

What to put under the Christmas tree for children from 4 to 7 years old

1. In order to understand what a boy or girl would like to get, you need to know that at this age the kids are getting older, and they are entering the so-called age of "Why". They ask endless questions and of course want to get answers to them.

Therefore, at this age they can please:

  • illustrated story books
  • developing alphabets

  • narrowly thematic books with a minimum of text and a lot of bright pictures: for example, a book about space, or marine life, or plants
  • the first preschool children's encyclopedias
  • educational cards
  • developing children's "computers"

  • children's camera
  • the globe

2. Kids at this age love to imitate adults. And so the girls can be put under the Christmas tree:

  • household utensils and furniture for such houses
  • stroller for dolls
  • princess castle
  • toy music phones (for boys too)

And the boys will be happy to receive:

  • garage with cars
  • locksmith tool set
  • race track

  • railway
  • a machine that performs specific functions
  • soldiers, or other figurines of people and animals
  • radio controlled cars and helicopters

3. Also at this age, kids are very fond of watching cartoons, and therefore they can be pleased with toys that have the image of cartoon characters or objects with their thematic use.

4. At this age, children develop the ability to think constructively. In addition, they also have perseverance. Therefore, children at this age love various designers. But so that they do not immediately lose interest in them, do not immediately buy a complex designer. Remember the principle "From simple to complex".

  • the most famous constructors are Lego
  • magformers

  • and we ourselves played with the designer "wooden towns" in childhood, and our children still play. Only now such a town can be bought painted in bright colors.
  • needle constructor

  • mosaics, there are just a huge number of them now
  • girls jewelry weaving sets
  • puzzles
  • magnetic constructors "unusual figures"

5. Fine motor skills are also developing, so children can begin to engage in creativity.

  • pencils, paints, pastels, sketchbooks
  • children's drawing tablets
  • kinetic sand

  • modeling dough
  • colored plasticine with molds for modeling
  • sticker books and games
  • coloring pages
  • magnetic and slate boards
  • bubble

And many other options for toys for creativity. Now in toy stores to find these will not be difficult. In extreme cases, sales consultants will always help you choose the right toy.

6. Many kids at this age begin to enjoy visiting Sunday schools, and therefore they will be pleased:

  • beautiful large alphabet
  • various board games with letters, with words, you can turn on and English words, numbers, counting, color names, geometric shapes
  • desk on which you can write, draw

  • board with similar function

7. Many kids at this age are already starting to walk in sport sections, and for them for the New Year you can put under the tree:

  • videos
  • a bike
  • Kick scooter
  • dance costume
  • dance mat
  • gymnastic equipment
  • playground for children's room

Or other similar items and things. But do not give your child a mask and fins for swimming - after all, he can only swim in them in the summer, and if you buy badminton, he will also lie idle until it is warm!

8. Many kids have a craving for music, and they will be happy to receive:

  • children's music center with microphone

  • musical instrument - piano, guitar, pipe, electric synthesizer, etc.
  • microphone

9. Since children at this age go to Kindergarten and play with other children, they can ask for the same toy as Dima’s or Masha’s… And if your kid can’t describe what kind of toy it is, ask Dima’s or Masha’s parents what toy the children came to the group with, and try to find one.

So, for example, a girl can ask for a Lol surprise doll in a balloon.

And the boy is a brave catboy.

Of course, it is impossible to describe all the gifts for kids, but in this section you can get ideas in addition to the list of objects and things themselves.

What can please a child from 8 to 10 years old

The older the child becomes, the more versatile his development becomes. And the more noticeable is the difference in the interests and preferences of girls and boys. For children of this age, it is already becoming more difficult to choose what can please them.

Here it is most sensitive to listen to the wishes of the children and know what they want.

1. Girls at this age already want to attract attention, be beautiful and bright, and therefore they can be given:

  • baby cosmetic sets
  • clothes, but not ordinary, but for example, gorgeous dress, or patent leather shoes, like mom's, with a small heel
  • great attention girls give accessories - it can be a handbag, umbrella, gloves
  • beautiful jewelry

2. What toys can a girl play with:

  • if a girl plays with dolls, then it is either "Barbie" or "Monster High" or dolls of others popular brands. Moreover, she will be completely delighted if she receives several Monster High dolls with different names at once.

  • girls also like big beautiful porcelain dolls
  • accordingly, she will be happy with a house or furniture for these dolls

3. Ideas for creativity:

At this age, girls already have some preferences in creativity. Someone likes to draw, someone to sew, someone to embroider. And someone just likes to do something with their own hands. Therefore, here you need to know what will be interesting to the girl and what is not. She might be interested

  • quilling kit (ribbon embroidery)

  • embroidery kit
  • sand paintings
  • rubber weaving
  • soap making kit
  • macrame book
  • homemade jewelry making kits
  • easel and painting tools
  • water drawing tablet
  • ceramic toys for coloring

4. But some girls grow up for the time being restless, and they are not at all interested in what others like. They can't sit still for 5 minutes. For these girls a wonderful present can be:

  • rollers with full ammo
  • trendy bright sneakers
  • dance mat
  • skates
  • a bike

5. For boys at this age, various techniques are interesting, so he will undoubtedly be delighted if he receives for his own use:

  • personal tablet with games and cartoons
  • game console
  • robot, dinosaur or monster
  • spyglass, telescope or binoculars
  • microscope
  • mini car
  • a bike
  • radio-controlled transport models (car, helicopter, boat, tank)
  • snowball or pneumatic safety gun
  • model spaceship, aircraft

6. If a boy is passionate about music, then he will surely be delighted with a toy guitar, xylophone or other musical instrument.

7. If he loves movement, he will jump to the ceiling if he gets skates, or a hockey uniform, or a stick, or a real soccer ball

8. Constructors are also a favorite toy for boys of this age. In the previous chapter on this topic, all known constructors are described. Therefore, you can choose one of them, but in accordance with the age of the child.

9. A set for burning, a potter's wheel, a set for wood carving or an easel with paints can also be appreciated.

10. Both for boys and girls best surprise may be:

  • new phone
  • tablet (even the cheapest one)
  • telephone and computer gadgets (e-books, smart watch, headphones, flash drives)
  • camera
  • personal items (dishes, calendar, album)
  • set for creativity
  • educational board games
  • board games for big companies- Monopoly, Mafia, Twister
  • detective sets, magician sets, etc.
  • puzzles, logic games, 3-D puzzles
  • interior items for children's room
  • a pet

11. At this age, children can purchase various certificates or subscriptions, or joint trips with their parents. And it could be:

  • a certificate to a toy store where the child can choose for himself everything he wants
  • certificate to any other store - according to interests
  • subscription to sports or dance classes
  • paintball pass

  • going to the theater, to a concert
  • going to the 5-D movie theater
  • trip to the Butterfly Garden

In fact, there are quite a few such ideas. The main thing is to know what it would be interesting to receive as a gift for your child, and choose accordingly.

What will please teenagers from 11 to 13 years old

This age is already called adolescence, and children during this period of time learn to build relationships with peers, adults, and parents. And often such relationships are quite complicated - this is misunderstanding, and anger, and envy. But at the same time it is the first love, the first disappointment. The ability to make choices, find yourself.

During this period, there may be difficulties in communicating with parents. The child has his own view on many things, and this often conflicts with the opinion of mom and dad. After all, this period is also a period of "denial" - he wants to have his own opinion.

Therefore, the choice of a thing or an object at this stage is rather complicated. After all, the child already feels big, but in fact he remains still a child. What can please a teenager?

1. Well, of course, every teenager, whether a girl or a boy, will be delighted with "adult things", that's all that concerns a computer or phone, or other gadgets.

  • new phone
  • selfie stick
  • tablet (the child will be delighted even with the simplest)
  • netbook
  • player
  • camera
  • digital photo frame
  • original watch

It all depends on how much you are willing to spend to get this or that thing. At this age, children want what their friends have and often ask for it. Therefore, if you decide to purchase an expensive gift, then think about it in advance.

2. At this age, children are very fond of receiving various certificates. When they can dispose of it, they feel like adults. It could also be a certificate

  • toy store, sports store
  • to a sporting event
  • to the concert
  • to the amusement park

3. The choice also depends on what the child is passionate about and what he likes. At this age, it is very important to maintain the interest of the child in his studies, maybe in the future this will become his favorite profession. Therefore, you can safely purchase -

  • chemist's experiment kit
  • physics experiment kit
  • perfumer set
  • spyglass, telescope, binoculars
  • sets for sawing, embossing, burning
  • musical instruments

  • artist's set, easel
  • pottery coloring kits

4. Children are always happy when they receive things or items related to their hobbies.

  • rollers and accessories for them (helmet, elbow pads, knee pads)
  • a bike
  • sports equipment
  • items for dancing
  • Potter's wheel
  • a punching bag and boxing gloves for a boy

5. Girls at this age begin to pay great attention to their appearance. At 12 - 13 years old - this is already a girl, and therefore, most likely she will be pleased

  • children's cosmetics
  • children's perfumery
  • cosmetic bag, you can already with a set
  • jewelry box
  • beautiful mirror on a stand
  • beautiful massage brush
  • umbrella, gloves, stole
  • handbag
  • bijouterie
  • gold or silver earrings

If the girl is a needlewoman and craftswoman, then a good gift can be:

  • kit for embroidery with threads, beads, ribbons
  • felt sewing
  • knitting set
  • handbag application set
  • stigis applications (where all the elements cut out of the fabric are attached to the base by ironing), fabric for them

  • jewelry making kits

6. The girl will not refuse the toy, she will certainly be pleased -

  • big soft toy
  • a porcelain doll
  • branded doll "Barbie" or "Monster High" (although by this age some girls already lose interest in such dolls. Especially if they played enough with them at the age of 8-10 years)

And the boy can be safely purchased -

  • complex constructor
  • robot. This is certainly not a cheap toy, the average price will be about $100. But if you have money, then the boy will be glad to him simply immensely.

  • radio-controlled toys - plane, helicopter, car.

What to give for the New Year to adult children 14-16 years old

Children who turn 14 already consider themselves truly adults. I'm not talking about children who turn 16. And they want to receive only adult signs of attention from their parents.

1. Boys at this age often begin to actively get involved in sports. They are measured by "biceps", "cubes" in the press area, and therefore everything related to their sports activities will be an excellent present for them.

  • a bike
  • bicycle accessories (helmet, bag, thermos, headlights, horn, powerful pump)
  • bike uniform and gloves
  • boxing gloves and punching bag
  • "paws" for working out strikes

  • kimono
  • videos
  • signature ball
  • branded skis
  • skates

2. If a guy is passionate about chess, logic games or sciences, he may need -

  • beautifully designed chess set
  • logic games
  • interest encyclopedias
  • professional guides
  • necessary books

3. A pet will be a good gift for both a boy and a girl, especially if the children have long dreamed of him. And everything related to caring for animals, if the child already has such a friend.

4. Gadgets and accessories for them will also be accepted by "Hurrah", both boys and girls -

  • telephone
  • various gadgets for the phone (flash drive, headphones, beautiful case)
  • the tablet
  • netbook or laptop
  • game console
  • gaming keyboard

  • steering wheel and pedals for racing games
  • Webcam
  • columns
  • player
  • camera
  • digital photo frame
  • original watch

5. Gift cards or certificates will appeal to anyone at this age. You can present the certificate to the store

  • electronics
  • youth branded clothing
  • sportswear and goods for sports
  • fitness room membership
  • to the gym
  • to the martial arts hall
  • in the pool
  • to the dance hall

6. Young people might like it

  • tickets for sporting events
  • tickets to a concert of your favorite rock band
  • theater tickets
  • tickets for a creative meeting
  • cinema tickets for a "private screening" of a sensational film
  • paintball session

  • hockey trip on an open ice rink
  • bowling alley pass

7. Clothes and shoes, as well as numerous accessories.

8. Girls at this age become especially demanding of things and objects. And therefore, in addition to the above, you can buy them in advance:

  • branded clothes and shoes
  • beautiful lingerie set
  • bag, umbrella, gloves
  • jewelry and bijouterie
  • stylish watch
  • perfume and perfume set
  • cosmetics
  • chocolate sets
  • nominal things
  • "cute" glamorous trinkets

They can already be presented with almost everything that we give to an adult, but of course we take into account their young age.

You can see in a special detailed article. It also contains numerous ideas for choosing a New Year's present.

In general, let's summarize. To the choice new year gift for a child of any age, you need to be very careful and, first of all, try to take it into account individual characteristics, his hobbies, his hobbies.

Today, there is simply a huge assortment of toys, gadgets, various things, allowing each parent to choose the most cherished and desired present for a child. And we, parents, have a single and unique opportunity, once a year to act as Santa Claus and please your beloved child. Give him a thing that he will be sincerely happy with! I am glad because you were able, like a real magician, to fulfill his childhood dream!

Happy New Year!

Eight years is the age of diversity. At this time, the child is still playing with might and main, but study is the leading activity. Therefore, the choice of a gift will not be great work. But first of all, it is better to ask the birthday man himself about his preferences and dreams.

Toys and accessories for games

Despite the fact that at the age of 8 children are already schoolchildren, do not forget that childhood and games in them live a long time. Toys, of course, at this age are no longer simple cars and dolls, and radio-controlled models of equipment for boys and talking and moving dolls for girls.

For lovers of calm games, Lego or any complex constructor will be a good gift. It will be even more interesting if the designer can be connected to a computer, in the future this will help to learn programming.

This includes gaming cities - railways, police, dollhouses, zoo and the like.

Another feature of eight-year-olds - role-playing games, the child begins to try on adult roles. This will be facilitated by game sets-professions - a doctor, a hairdresser, a military man, a policeman, and spy sets. Table football is a game that captivates the whole family and will undoubtedly become a favorite pastime for a child.

Educational Presents

Logic toys, strategies, games for attention - all this can be attributed to the "developers".

  • Puzzles. A large set with interesting pictures, heroes of your favorite cartoons and films, educational pictures. You can collect it with friends and the whole family. BUT finished result will become great addition to decorate a child's room.
  • Board games ."Monopoly", "Crocodile", "Auction" and many other games will allow the child to plunge completely into gaming activity and keep it busy for a few hours. Here he can take on different roles and masks, think about what move to take to successfully complete the game.

  • Puzzle. Games during which you need to think logically and be attentive. These include the "Snake", "Rubik's Cube", voluminous labyrinths with balls and the like.
  • Children's tablets, filled with educational games, will become assistants in learning and entertainment during the holidays.

Hobby kits

In order not to miscalculate with such a gift, you need to ask the parents or the child himself about hobbies and interests.

  • Sets by subject help to deepen knowledge game form- "Young Chemist", "Interesting Physics", "Biology" and others. This includes a microscope for studying the world around us.
  • Sets for beading and weaving with rubber bands will help to make bright accessories, baubles, bracelets, necklaces, which, in turn, can also be a gift for friends.
  • Sets for appliqué, quilling, origami, modeling develop fine motor skills children and will captivate him for a long time.

  • Painting sets with easel and various paints, crayons will help develop imagination.
  • Burnout kit- A popular gift among boys, you can also use it to create gifts for your friends and family.
  • Plaster sets- they are accompanied by instructions for making frames or figures.
  • Simulation kitsgreat gift for boys. This includes paper templates for airplanes, rockets, and wooden cars with simple motors.

What to buy active children?

In a gift for active children, the main function is to realize energy.

  • Snowboard, skateboardlovely gift for family vacation lovers of extreme sports.
  • Balls by sport- football, volleyball, basketball and uniforms and equipment.
  • badminton, table tennis c - develop dexterity and attention.

  • Dance mat with connection to a computer or TV. There are many options for such a gift - from the simplest for one child to family ones.
  • Kimono for martial arts- a good way to captivate a child with wrestling.
  • Kite– for lovers of running and exciting emotions.

Useful birthday gifts

Gifts of this type not only entertain, but also in a playful way help to know the world.

  • Gift cards to children's shops. To it would seem serious gift for a child, but nevertheless very responsible. The child will be pleased to realize that he can make a choice himself.
  • Books. Cognitive and interesting gift. The book can be encyclopedic for the acquisition of new knowledge, mixed with a combination different sciences for interesting study. Books with puzzles - puzzles, riddles, puzzles, coloring books. Books by interesting authors with instructive stories and stories. The choice is wide.
  • Technics. This includes tablets, mobile phones, smartphones, players, headphones, portable speakers, computer games, steering wheels and joysticks.

They will good fun, an alarm clock, the first step to getting to know the means of communication. Game consoles will be a family gift.

  • The globe. The child will study Earth and "travel" without leaving the room. The map on the globe can be any - with countries, continents, political or physical. Also, the globe can be with the image of the constellations.
  • Projector starry sky. It will help to study the constellations and will serve as an original night light.
  • Checkers/chess. Board game for the development of logic.
  • Set "Young perfumer". A gift for a girl with which she can create her own fragrances.

Original surprises

Original gifts are remembered for a long time and cause special feelings in the birthday man.

  • Photo gift. A collage with a photo of a child, personalized mugs and t-shirts with photos will be nice gift for the whole family.
  • Emotions. This includes going to the circus, the zoo, going to the cinema for the premiere of a cartoon, rollerblading or skating, going to a water park - all this will give a huge amount of positive emotions that will be remembered for a long time.
  • Cake or a bouquet of toys. Such a gift will undoubtedly surprise the child.
  • Magician's set. It will create a magical atmosphere and the child can use it right at the holiday.
  • Piggy banks. Cartoon characters, interesting toys, a cake - all these shapes will do. Electronic options even show the amount. The gift will help you learn how to save and save your money.

  • Clothes, backpack, slippers in the form of an animal. Such a present will become a favorite home costume and help you stand out among friends.
  • Soap making set. It will help to show the creative side of the child and make soap for himself.
  • Company games."Biting Shark", "Twister" will allow you to have fun and absolutely everyone will like it.
  • Alarm clock "Bomb". The device in the form of a bomb will help you wake up cheerfully in the morning. It also serves as a piggy bank and just a toy.

  • Flying ball. Interesting toy which is sure to grab your child's attention. The resemblance of a UFO flies using an electromagnetic field and reacts to various obstacles, avoiding them.
  • Antistress toy. Spinners, toys filled with balls, slimes, jumpers will help you relax and calm down.
  • Led shoelaces, the reflectors will become bright and original accessories, the more it is a good helper at night, which will ensure safety.

Adults are quite skeptical about their birthdays, but with trepidation and responsibility they approach the organization of a holiday for children. Every year the child gets older, it becomes more and more difficult to choose gifts. Many mothers and fathers believe that the age of eight is a kind of transition from a carefree childhood to school time, so buying presents requires a special approach. And as the number of options increases, there are more nuances of choice. Nevertheless, you can give a lot of interesting things.

We take into account the characteristics of the age of the child

The school becomes the defining line lifeworld for an eight year old. But in no case should this be taken as a guide to action and donate hundreds of pencils and dozens of copybooks. Children are still fond of toys, but in a more complicated version. But from the new there are classes in professional or semi-professional activities, for example, sports, dancing, music. Combining these personality traits of a youngerschoolboy, we can conclude that the usual set of gifts has not gone away, it just enriched itself, rose to a new, higher level.

A child at 8 years old is very active and longs to explore the world with even greater zeal

Does it matter who gives

It doesn't matter who gives the gift: parents, godparents or just family friends. There are only two requirements: the present must be appropriate and not putbirthday boyin an awkward position. If everything is clear with the first condition, then the second requires clarification. A child at the age of 8 already knows how to hide his emotions, adapt to the reactions of adults, but this will certainly affect his behavior. For example, if an aunt gives her niece a set of panties for a week, then the girl may become embarrassed, get angry, become irritable, and the holiday will be ruined. But, it would seem, a practical and original gift.

Gift or not?

Speaking of inappropriate birthday presents for a child, the dependence becomes obvious: the older the birthday person, the more loyally it is worth considering the category of inappropriateness. For example, if a four-year-old toddler under no circumstances accepts sneakers as a gift, then a second-grader will appreciate not only the convenience, but also the trendiness of the new thing. So, stop-list of souvenirs for the eighth anniversary.

Gifts in trend for 8 years

There is a fairly extensive list of things that fit perfectly into the parameters of an ideal present, that is, they will be original, interesting and useful.


Toys occupy an honorable place in the system of priorities of the child. But here it is important to consider gender.

Table: the most desirable toys for eight-year-olds

little mademoiselle young gentleman
  • Winxs, Bratz, Barbie dolls, as well as the Monster High series;
  • a dollhouse if the little princess is still actively playing with dolls;
  • miniature sewing machine- a great gift for a baby who creates her own collections of clothes for her dolls. By the way, here you can also include knitting needles or a set for embroidery;
  • children's household appliances to imitate mom in everything.
  • Cars, including radio-controlled;
  • transformer robots that turn into aliens;
  • toy weapons (pistol, crossbow, and glow-in-the-dark Jedi sword);
  • collectible models. It can be not only cars (for example, the HOT WEELS series), but also tanks, ships, planes - in general, what the birthday boy is passionate about. By the way, if a boy collects stamps or coins, then a rare exhibit will be a great gift;
  • railroad (for example, Racing PRO or Woody) complete with a station, as well as the ability to imitate the sounds of a real train.

Universal Options

By giving something from this list, you will earn the authority of an adult who keeps up with the times. But provided that the baby is interested in such fun.

  1. Trash Pack series. Silicone monsters living in a landfill are very popular with children. The complete collection consists of 100 heroes.
  2. Interactive toy Furby boom. This pet needs to be fed, played with, and for such care he will sing and dance. Just carefully read the instructions: the version must be Russified.
  3. Ball labyrinth for 100 actions, the essence of which is to guide iron balls along narrow and intricate tracks.
  4. Constructors (Lego, for example). For eight years, you need to choose a set of 500-1000 parts. The theme of the toy, of course, is more boyish, but if a girl is interested in such things in principle, then the creation of residential areas, the construction of an airport or a castle will be in full demand.
  5. home planetarium. With the help of such a projector, you can study not only the map starry sky but also the planets of the solar system.
  6. birthday boy, passionate computer games, like the Nintendo console.
  7. Spinner - a spinner, which is recognized as the most popular toy the last two years.
  8. An anti-stress ball, which is a grid with a gel-like mass, squeezing which the child observes many small bubbles that have appeared through the tissue cells.
  9. 3D pen for creating three-dimensional pictures.
  10. Grabber - a ball with handles that you need to grab on a signal.
  11. flying ball that appearance resembles a UFO, glows and maneuvers quickly. Due to built-in sensors, it reacts to obstacles and is easily controlled.
  12. Kite. In order to make it soar in the air, you just need to catch a tailwind.
  13. Magician's set. Secret box Magic wand, a deck of cards and a bottomless hat - with these items, the hero of the occasion will feel like a magician.
  14. Biting shark. Fun that will give a sea of ​​​​emotions. The essence of the game is to press the fish on the tooth, but avoid closing the jaws. A kind of Russian roulette in children's interpretation.
  15. Alarm clock "Bomb". Waking up to a triggered explosive mechanism is much more fun than 20 reminders from all family members that it's time for school. In addition, it can also be used as a piggy bank.
  16. Set "Humpty Dumpty" for inflating non-bursting soap bubbles.

Photo gallery: fashion toys as a gift

The intrigue of the game with the biting shark is that the child does not know which tooth will be active the next moment The flying ball looks like a UFO The spinner was invented for adults as an anti-stress toy In 100 steps, you need to guide the ball through the narrow passages of the sphere Get up under the alarm bomb the child will be interested, which means it’s not so hard. The gripper trains the reaction of the child. The color of the Furby boom pet can be chosen for both girls and boys. Every preschooler and primary school student dreams of becoming the owner of the Tresh Pak figurine collection

Video: how to draw a dragon with a 3D pen

Board games

The entertainment and games of eight-year-olds are increasingly intellectual. For this reason, one can choose age appropriate and tastes of the birthday boy.

Since the baby is only trying to be creative, buy toys made of durable materials that will withstand the child's desire to get to the very essence of the gift.

  1. A game to develop attention and expand the horizons "Memo". The bottom line is that from 50 cards laid out face down, the players, quickly turning over, discard the pairs. Can choose different topics: cities of Russia, animals of the world, etc.
  2. "Game of Life" - a strategy in which the participant chooses the leading direction of his life (work, family, studies) and lives it in the allotted time.
  3. Table football, hockey, basketball for a boy who is fond of these sports.
  4. Jenga is a tower assembled from wooden blocks, which must be carefully pulled out of the building and placed on top, trying not to violate its integrity. The one with whose movement the structure collapsed loses.

    Alternatively, there is a variation of Jenga Boom, in which the tower is built on a stand that detonates on occasion, so you need to pull out the blocks not only carefully, but also quickly.

Photo Gallery: The Best Board Games for 8-Year-Old Kids

Video: how to play with Jenga

Presentations for the benefit of business

  • crystal growing kits;
  • binoculars;
  • interactive globe with quizzes;
  • a microscope with reagents for monitoring cell life;
  • wood burning kit;
  • foil pictures, which are assembled in the form of a mosaic on an adhesive basis;
  • wristwatch (not only will give such a desired adulthood to the owner, but will also teach him to understand time well, if there are still problems with this).

Photo gallery: useful gifts

The watch model can be stylized as insects, animals and heroes famous cartoons It will be interesting for a young researcher to observe the whole process of growing a crystal
Interactive globe - faithful assistant when studying geography

Electronic toys

Electronic toys are expensive gifts, and parents do not always positively evaluate them, since it is difficult to control the time that will be spent in front of the gadget to the detriment of other activities, including the completion of lessons. And yet discount mobile phone, the tablet, e-book and other technical devices are not worth it. By the way, the reader is very useful not only for getting to know fiction, but also as an alternative to a dozen textbooks in a backpack: you can store all the printed materials necessary for studying in it. That is, a heavy satchel behind the back will not spoil the baby's posture.

Present electronic toys Can only be done with parental approval


At all times and for any age printed matter - valuable gift. And even in the century computer technology nothing compares to the sensations when you pick up a new colorful encyclopedia. For the eighth birthday, you can give:

Gifts for sports development

If the child is fond of a particular sport, then the present may be appropriate, for example, a soccer ball for the future Messi or fabric for a gymnastic leotard for little Kabaeva. As for the universal list of gifts for physical development, it looks like this:

What to give a creative child 8 years old for his birthday

By the age of 8, many children are already quite actively trying themselves in different circles, sections for the development of musical, choreographic, artistic inclinations. In this case, the birthday boy is given:

  • speakers, headphones with high-quality sound;
  • synthesizer with learning function;
  • a guitar or other instrument that the eight-year-old has an interest in;
  • licensed discs with your favorite music;
  • certificate for the purchase of a dance costume or shoes;
  • an easel, as well as a palette for paints, albums with sheets of various formats and other drawing accessories;
  • set "Ice cream factory" from plasticine play doh(using the plastic mass, you can make waffle cones, lollipops, cakes, that is, let the birthday man feel like a pastry chef).

Video: how ice cream is made from Play Doh plasticine


Many psychologists believe that if you have a four-legged or winged pet at the age of 6-10, then this will perfectly discipline you. future life. True, there are also antagonists: they say that the character is laid down at the gene level, but nothing can greatly influence it. But be that as it may, if you decide to give an animal, then be sure to coordinate the idea with all family members who will be involved in caring for it one way or another.

Hamsters are considered the most popular live gifts for children.

hand made

A rather controversial group of gifts, since the most valuable thing in them is the time and effort spent on making them. And, you see, it is difficult for an eight-year-old fidget to evaluate such investments. Adults will certainly be flattered homemade presents, but will postpone them "until they grow up." If you still want to present a quilling box, a T-shirt with a funny photo collage, origami or other hand made little thing, then just back up the souvenir with something more understandable to the birthday man here and now.

Memorable gifts are not always immediately and 100% clear to the birthday person

Money present

All children develop differently, that is, someone already understands that in order to buy a set of dolls they like or a treasured coin, they need to collect required amount, and for others, money is something abstract, caring for mom and dad. So, give cash if you know that their meaning is clear to the hero of the occasion, and they will be used to purchase something necessary.

Birthday Surprises

What to do if fantasy does not tell worthy idea present to surprise the birthday boy? In this case, there are several options for congratulations that will be remembered for a long time.