Care for problem heels. Care for heels - simple tips. Than dangerous ignoring problems

Each part of the body requires constant and full care. And if behind the face, many women care for every day, then the legs sometimes do not get due attention. But to ensure the care of the heels at home is very simple. Do it need not only in summer periodwhen you wear open shoes, and constantly. With this approach you will be able to enjoy the beautiful and attractive skin of the heels for a long time. This will help you not only professional, but also folk remedies.

How to quickly make heels smooth?

It is very important to remember forever that it is categorically forbidden to get rid of the flawless skin of the heels. The risk of what you will make a serious injury. It is best to use various baths, masks and scrubs. With regular conducting such procedures, your skin will always remain smooth and velvety. Try not to launch your heels before the appearance of solid natopesh. The following factors can provoke the appearance of dryness and peeling.

  • Avitaminosis is a lack of vitamins and useful elements.
  • Uncomfortable tight shoesIn which the legs are forced to constantly touch the cloth.
  • Wearing low-quality and synthetic shoes.
  • Sugar diabetes and diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Fungus and dermatitis.
  • Metabolic disease.

Most effective methods Harness from dryness is holding different masks. Do not forget to regularly handle your feet with a special nutritional cream. Once a few days, scraper the skin, as well as process it with pimples. So you will get rid of oroging cells that will not be able to make heels with solid and rough.

Baths for foot

Foot baths - the most efficient and easy way to soften the skin of heels. During such procedures, you can additionally use various devices that will help achieve better effect. Herbal, salt and soda bathsHowever, there are other recipes. Most often, women spend:

  • Bath on oils - A way that will help moisturize the skin and get rid of coarse heels. Add a tea spoon with a teaspoon with a teaspoon of any vegetable oils that you have. Best to be present olive, peach, grape bone, tea tree. Keep your feet in water until it gets completely cool.
  • Bath on milk - brew liters fatty milk, add about 200 ml of concentrated tea welding to it. Such a means pour in a basic with 2-3 liters of boiling water, then carry out the procedure.
  • Baths on balsamic vinegar - 5 tablespoons of vinegar solubinate in a basin with hot waterAdditionally, you can add a little salt. Lower the legs and keep them in the bath for about 20 minutes, then apply a moisturizing cream. If you have any wounds or inflammation on your feet, it is necessary to refuse this procedure.
  • Bath with soap and sea salt. Calculated on the standard pelvis: on the grater Stit half of the bar economic Soap And add it to hot water. After that, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in it and lower the legs. Such a recipe not only softens, but also removes organized cells.

To get rid of damage skin and make heels as soft as possible, it is necessary to regularly make scrubs. You can purchase them at any store, but it is best to prepare a tool at home. The following recipes are most popular:

  • Dry the peel of the orange, then grind them to the state of the powder. Add not to them a large number of Olive oil to get a viscous mixture. Such a means need to regularly process the heels, it is best to make a massage about 10-15 minutes. You will not have to notice how the skin has become soft and velvety.
  • High efficiency has a scrub of sour cream, honey and oat flakes. Such a means to cook very simple: grind 2 tablespoons of cereals, add sour cream on a teaspoon and natural Honey. Mix the components thoroughly, apply the heels obtained on the skin. In order to achieve maximum effectCover their film. After 15 minutes, your legs will become soft and silky.
  • Get rid of coarse skin and cracks on the heels will help a grated apple. Mix the magician of this fruit with small quantity Olive oil, then apply for gauze and hold for a few hours at my feet.

Homemade stamps masks

Masks - great way Drink and moisturize the skin. With their help, you can quickly get rid of the flap covers. Try to regularly hold such procedures so as not to run your heels. To achieve best efficiency To any remedy, add a few drops of vitamins in ampoules. Most often, women make themselves masks for heels in the following recipes:

  • Lymannaya - Wash your legs in advance and wipe them dry. Cut the lemon with thin slices, then apply them to the heels. Keep them about 20 minutes, after which you again launch your legs and apply any moisturizing cream.
  • Orange - From the fruit, get the whole pulp, grind it and add some black pepper. Put the resulting mask into the film and secure it on the heel. Such a recipe will help not only get rid of oroging cells, but also normalizes blood circulation.
  • Strawberryfruit Acid Capably rapidly dissolve even the most coarse skin. The length of cooking such a mask you will need some strawberries, which you need to grind to the state of porridge, and a few drops of olive oil. Such a mixture applies to the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which a variety of water.
  • From flax seeds - Quickly get rid of undergraduated heels and cracks on them will help mask with flax seed. To do this, take several tablespoons of these seeds and pour them 200 ml of boiling water. Mix thoroughly to the state of thick cheese, then add a bit of honey. The resulting mask handle the heels, leave it for 20 minutes. After manipulations, apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Curd - A method that is best eliminated from gross heels. Grind cottage cheese to small-fine powder, add a bit sour cream and honey. Put the mixture on the cellophane and wrap it around the leg. You need to keep a mask for about an hour, after which the legs are thoroughly wash and apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Copper-olivebest way Moisten the skin heels. Prepare it is very simple: in 2 tablespoons of natural honey add a bit of any vegetable oil. After that, carefully treat the skin of the heels, leave the tool for 20 minutes.

How to properly care for heels at home?

Do not allow rooting the skin heels to regularly and properly care for your legs. In the summer, do not forget to apply a lightweight softening cream before going outside, as the sun drum down significantly. To establish blood circulation in lower limbs, Make a massage with cosmetics or homemade masks. Drive active I. healthy image Life, it is positively reflected on the attractiveness of the skin.

Care of heels must necessarily include the conduct of various baths, scrubs from burned cells, nutritional creams and masks. You can also use special tools that make it easier for you. daily procedures. Special attention Take skin damage. If you were hurt, immediately process the plot using iodine or other antiseptic.


In order for the care of heels at home, it brings as much efficiency as possible, the procedures must be carried out regularly. Try to use only verified funds and recipes. To achieve maximum results, you can also visit salon treatments. Drink as you can clean water, every spring and autumn take vitamin complexes. For proper approach Your heels will always be beautiful and healthy.

There is a breaking phrase that beauty lies in the details. We would add to it that not only beauty depends on the items, but also health. For example, no one will evaluate your external appeal Exceptionally as a pedicure, but agree that sooner or later this nuance will not escape from the attention of others. Especially if it comes to close personwith which you spend alone. The easiest way to make a pedicure in the beauty salon. It is easy, quick and pleasant, and the result is guaranteed professional cosmetics and mastery experience.

But in practice, not all the disciplined visit pedicuress: that time is missing, then there is a pity, and even just important procedure Cleans out of the head. Therefore, it is important to regularly care for your legs yourself. You do not think that a pedicure is exclusively beautiful lacquer On the nails of a neat form? In time, to maintain and paint them - it was half an end, and the second half is the ability to care for heels at home. Only so your feet will be really in perfect condition.

How to soften your heels and make them smooth at home?
Many women know how to deteriorate and roasts the skin on the heels after walking in summer slippers or at all barefoot. And the early spring can even appear cracks on the heels, because the body did not receive a sufficient number of vitamins all winter, dehydrated in heated premises, and the incentive to care for soles during wearing closed shoes did not have. Like moods to enjoy. And here we will fight with this in the first place: the mood and desire to monitor themselves in a woman should always be, regardless of the time of year, the weather outside the window and any other life circumstances. And in order for self-care for heels, he brings pleasure, you need to use those tools that please you with texture, aroma, packaging and, of course, the result of its impact.

If you find cosmetics and folk recipes, pleasant and affordable personally for you, then no longer have to force yourself to pay attention to the pedicure - every procedure will be long-awaited, and you just do not want to postpone it. And options, fortunately, a huge amount. Here, for example, inexpensive and simple tools To care for heels at home:

  1. Warm baths - This is an extremely pleasant and relaxing procedure that helps not only soften the heels, but also to relax, and in the winter it is to warm up.
  2. Sea salt When adding to the water for foot bath enhances the softening effect. It can be multicolored and fragrant to delight aesthetic feelings.
  3. Pumice Need to make heels smooth. Choose a bar beautiful colorCombined with a brush and polishing for the skin so that this tool is nice to take into hand and use as often as possible.
  4. Mitigating cream It gives a lot of pleasure from the care of heels. Especially if you combine it with the foot massage every night before bedtime. Choosing cream, pay attention not only to its fragrance and a beautiful tube, but also for the presence of moisturizing components: urea and glycerin.
  5. Essential oils As a means of aromatherapy make care of the heels of this pleasure, especially since the choice of smell depends only on your desire. Only a few drops of orange oil, lavender or jasmine - and the mood will become beautiful, and the heels are soft and smooth.
  6. Organic products allow you to care for the heels at home no worse than shopping and pharmacy cosmetics. In addition, you can not search for funds specifically, but to use what you have in the refrigerator: vegetable oil, dairy products, egg yolk, salt, soda and other components without artificial additives.
But what should not be used to care for heels at home - so it is dangerous professional tools For pedicure, in particular, sharp blades and metal graves for legs. Most likely, you will not be able to erupt so on your own in order to properly apply these devices, but you risk seriously injured the skin. And incorrectly and / or too deep cut epidermis quickly stuck again. Therefore, if the skin on the heels completely buried and requires qualified handling with the hands of a specialist, it is better to apply for help in the salon, and then just maintain the skin with soft and smooth home.

Recipes and folk remedies from cracks on heels
Cracks on the heels are the extreme degree of skin neglence on the soles. It's easier to simply not bring the legs to the state than to treat such crackers, which, by the way, not only look terribly, but also deliver extremely painful feelings when walking. If the skin is dry and thin, then at the cracked place, it can even start bleeding ... and it is much easier to regularly care for the heels and just not know similar problems. Moreover, to care for heels at home is so simple:
Do not forget that one of the main conditions for the care of heels and at home, and in the cabin is a regularity. If after several procedures you will see that the heels have become smooth and beautiful, and stop doing home pedicure, the skin on the legs will quickly return to the initial state. Especially if your job is connected with the need for a long time to be on the legs or nutrition is not balanced. Yes, and in general, homemade heel care It is desirable to supplement the reception of minerals, vitamins of group B and fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. drink more clean non-carbonated water and refuse fast food and sweets. Yes, nothing can be done: self-discipline is the keyland. And we wish you to stick to her with great pleasure and welcome results!

Highly an important point In maintaining the beauty of our body is to care for the skin of heels. You can't call beautiful feetWhen the skin on the heels is rough, swing, yellow, the heels covered with.

Of course, the appeal to the beauty salon in this case allows you to quickly solve this problem, but we do not always have we need and means. Therefore, we will look at how to achieve gentle, pink heels at home.

How to make heels smooth

For independent treatment In no case should not cut the rough thickened areas of the skin with a razor, because in this case the likelihood of serious damage is high, and even if you make everything neatly, the next and rough and rude layer of skin quickly increase on the cut places.

Baths for foot

Samoa best procedure home care Behind the heels are baths. The recipe for the most simple composition for the bath: mix in the pelvis with hot water 1 cup of milk, the same amount of thick soap solution and 3 tablespoons crash salt. Next, we lower the heels in the basin and keep at least 30-40 minutes. After that, very slowly and neatly, using fine-grained pums or a special brush with rigid bristles, we clean the sparkling upper layer Skin to the extent possible. Processed skin lubricate with nutritional cream.

Such a procedure for regular use is able to solve the problem of coarse skin on the heels for a long time.

The composition for the bath depending on individual features Skin can be different: for example, herbal, salt or soap-soda.

Cleansing scrub

Instead of the bath rough heels Can be cleaned by a special scrub for the legs, which is selected depending on the type of skin. The process of care consists of following: flat pimes or an oval lump for grinding with applied to them light scrub Neat circular movements thoroughly massive leather heels, after which it is processed by moisturizing or softening cream for legs. The duration of the procedure to avoid injury to the skin should not exceed 3 minutes, and frequency - 1 time per week.


When the top layer of skin heft loses its elasticity and covered with small cracks, it is not necessary to launch the situation before the emergence of serious complications, you need to conduct corrective cosmetic proceduresto which include, for example, a rope from the root of altea or a mask of egg yolk, lemon juice and potato Starch..

1. For the preparation of a row needed 2 tablespoons of chopped root of altea to pour 0.5 liters of water room temperature, Close the lid, bring to a boil and give to stand for 30 minutes in a water bath, periodically stirring. The resulting decoction to cool to room temperature, wet the gauze napkins in it and attach them to the skin of the heels for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day until the gentleness of the skin of the heels.

2. An excellent softening effect has a mask of egg yolk, lemon juice and potato starch. It is prepared as follows: 1 egg yolk is taken, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 0.5 teaspoon of potato starch and is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is applied to the steaming skin of heels and is kept until the formation of a crust, after which it is washed off warm water. The processed place is lubricated with moisturizing cream or emulsion.

3. In order for the skin stop is always soft and gently use the cosmetic blue clay. It is divorced with water until Kashitsy is applied in the form of a mask on the feet.

4. Aloe juice healing and softening action has a magnificent healing and softening effect. The stalks of this plant need to chop finely, crowded to the shallow cashem, attached to the heels, fix with the help of a plastic film and bandage, wear wool socks and leave overnight. The result will be awesome in the morning!

5. You can also use an apple, grated on a shallow grater to a casket state and applied to heels as in the previous case.

6. Your heels will become gentle and smooth, if you shed daily in them after the bath heated olive oil or flesh olives.

7. To lubricate the heels, you can use fir or eucalyptus oils, which improve the con appeal in the tissues and have a magnificent wound healing effect.

8. After the bath before applying the cream, it is quite useful to apply masks from banana and honey. To do this, we take 1 banana, kneading it with a fork, add a little honey and put on my heels. Top wind with plastic film and dress woolen socks. After half an hour, the mask was washed with warm water and apply the cream.

9. If the skin on the feet is prone to dryness and often covered with cracks, heels are squeezed, protect your legs from the regular exposure to water and sun ray. Before plunging into the water or before the start of the tanning session, apply a moisturizing cream on the skin.

10. If your heels drove hard and peel, then the most effective tool is compress from on Luka. It is made by their halves of a pre-headed small onion head, which are applied to the heels after the baths, are covered with polyethylene film, carefully binds to the foot and left overnight. In the morning, everything is well flushed with water, the skin is wiping with pimples and a layer of fatty nutrient cream is applied. Do not give up the compression due to the smell, because after several procedures, the heels will become soft, gentle and smooth.

11. Good tools for giving softness and tenderness of the skin heels are warm starch baths, after which even in the case of the use of non-rigid brush, the flabbing areas of the skin and appliques with corn oil or fat cream. When carrying out the application, the heels are abundantly lubricated with corn oil or bold cream, covered with a polyethylene film from above and bought overnight. Nutrow after foot bath The leather heels is neatly processed by small pembia.

Cracks on the heel causes

If the heels are cracking, most often the cause is dry air indoors, frequent visiting Pools with chlorinated water, hot and dry weather.

However, if you have health problems, the reasons for dry heels and cracks on them may be much more serious. This is a weak blood circulation of the legs, metabolic disorders, hormonal failures, problems with digestion. IN this case ordinary masks for the legs will not give desired resultAnd you need to consult with your doctor.

Folk remedies for heels

The skin on the heels needs constant nutrition and moisture. You can pamper your legs with the same fruit masksthat you cook for face. For regular care You will get tender, pink heels, like a baby. We offer some folk remedies for heels, which will effectively help moisturize and improve the skin of heels.

Mask from Kabachkov . Rough heels It is possible to fix with meat from zucchini. Purit young vegetables on the grater, put the cleaner on the gauze napkin, press to the furnace skin heels for 30 minutes. Rinse the legs with warm water and apply any nutritious cream. After a few procedures, you will get smooth heels.

Abrikos mask . This mask will give your skin softness and silkiness. Scroll ripe apricots for a fork, add a bit of olive oil and slightly warm on slow heat. Apply the resulting mass on the skin in warm form, cover the film on top and wear warm socks. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off with water and smear the legs with a nutrient cream.

Wine baths . Excellent From cracks on heels - bath from white wine. To prevent the root of the skin of the heels, it must be done 1 time per month. Heat 200 ml. White wine, add 1 st. Supply of a lime color powder, boil a few minutes. Cool the mixture and break into a small bowl. Hold the heel in the brand for 10 minutes, then scroll the heels with washcloth and hold down in wine 10 minutes. One such procedure is able to transform your legs beyond recognition.

Herbal marks . There is a large number medicinal herbalwho are able to care for the skin of your feet. The most accessible of them is a decoction of green tea, peppermint, from cornflowers, chamomiles, turns. Get rid of cracks on heels can be used with warm herbal baths, lotions, hot wraps. After the bath, it is useful to make skin massage on the heels using a bold cream.

Use of essential oil based masks is quite effective way To give smoothness to your heels. Let's give a couple of the most common recipes:

In a small bowl, we pour 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn essential oils, avocado, jojoba or rose robber to choose from and adding 5 drops of pine, cypress and chamomile essential oils. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the skin of heels before bedtime, after which cotton socks are dressed.

You can also independently make cream with essential oils. To do this, take 10g (approximately 1 teaspoon) children's cream And add 4-5 drops of lavender and chamomile essential oils to it (can be replaced by cypress and cedar oils, pines and lemon), mix it thoroughly and rub in the skin heels 2-3 times a day.

Caring for the face and body never forget about your heels - regularly indulge in their creams and masks, then you can proudly wear any stylish sandals.

Care for heels at home is simple and cheap solution Problems of cracks and peel on heels. Since there are much more load on the legs, they require more attention.

On the low part Foot every day there are certain loads, and this leads to problems of different kinds.

The heels are cracking from long walking or standing, and also from dirt, for example, builders or during the garden work. Not correctly selected shoes also causes cracks and wounds.

Home Procedures for Beautiful Heels

There are methods that will effectively help get rid of the dryness of heels and other troubles in the footsteps.

To clean the heels will need:

  • hot water in a basin;
  • special tool for cleaning the crust;
  • towel or napkins;

Water heat to such a temperature so that it was possible to endure, but do not bother. It is impossible to allow redness to avoid injuries. Fragrant soap, chamomile or sage grass will help to relax.

If the heels are dry, you can pour a few drops of any essential oil To provide therapeutic action.


Create a heel at home can be perfectly helping and relaxing warm water using those products that man uses for food.

Thanks to the means that doctors and scientists have been checked for years, women will confidently apply them and advise friends and acquaintances.


Grate children's soap And mix with a glass of hot milk. Take sufficient number Milk so that the solution reached at least to the bones.

This recipe, of course expensive, given the cost of milk, but who has the opportunity, it is very recommended.

The benefit is undoubtedly great, because the skin will be short for a long time as a baby. It is doubly pleasant to take care of heels when you sit in front of a TV with a cup of coffee or knitting, or make a manicure.

Falling at the bottom of the basin small pebbles or pebbles, we will achieve an additional exfoliating effect, losing foot about them.

Useful herbs

The main useful herbal medicine is a chamomile. However, there is a plant that is no less inferior to utility - this is Lipa. Brew lime decoction like tea.

And adding 25 grams of honey to the lime decoction, it will also give the skin of silkiness. After using cream.


This agent is popular among women due to alkaline cleaning, plus it is the cheapest option. She also softens the nails, after which it will be convenient to cut them and make a pedicure. This method is, it is impossible to cleanse the skin similar to the baked potatoes.

For the preparation of the mixture in the pelvis mix one pack of soda, 2-3 liters hot water, gel or shampoo. After the water cools down, rub the pumice.

At the end to handle a scrub, to bleach, lubricate with lemon crust or juice. In order to avoid dirt and cooling, it is recommended to wear socks.


It absolutely does not matter the variant of salt.

You can take:

  • stone;
  • marine;
  • iodized;
  • marine;
  • cosmetology

The main benefits will bring the salt of the seas, because there is a lot of iodine and minerals in it, it is wonderful to cure and remove irritation, and also strengthen nail plate. Due to its composition, this kind of salt eliminates the legs from the smell.


Quickly eliminate cracks can be cooked at home with casis and cosmetic creams. It is shown to do such procedures 2 or 3 times a week in the evening when the skin is relaxed, and the legs are not tense.

Based on yolk

One yolk to rub from 10 gr sunflower oil And lemon juice (also 10 g). On gauze or bandage, apply the resulting paste-like mass and tight attach to the same bandage and on top to fix around the leg cellophane.

Wait half an hour in calm state and treat cream.


Liquid and warm honey mix with vegetable oil 1: 1. Prepare your heels to be clean and dry. Apply, wait 30 minutes, wash off and impregnate with cream.

Starch for masks

Two yolks, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of starch mixed in the same dish. There should be a pasty mass that needs to be applied to the heel, leave up to dry, until the crust appears. Then she washed off and put the cream.

Apricot mask

Separate the pulp, rub through the sieve and warm up so that it is hot. In the apricot puree, you need to add any vegetable oil:

  • sunflower;
  • corn;
  • olive;
  • linen

The resulting mass is applied to pre-washed and purified heels, burst with a film or aul. Be sure to wear socks. Such a compress will be effective if you keep it at least an hour.

The zucchini rubbed on the grater and simply applied without extra additives using gauze. To calmly walk, you can wear booties.

Application of rye bowl

It effectively helps with dryness and coarse crust.


  1. We take half, smear in milk.
  2. Excess liquid to squeeze and merge, leaving a medium consistency mashed.
  3. Lubricate problem place, bury in the film and cover with a blanket or plaid.
  4. Mask hold one hour.

It is possible to feel that the skin has become literally velvet, it is pleasant to come on the heels and do not cling to tights.

Treatment of heels

It often happens that the heels are exposed to a strong load and because of this, the skin on them is stuck and cracks. These cracks are clogged with mud and dust, water is falling, which cannot be dried, because of this it becomes painfully walking.

No cosmetics You are not able to eliminate this problem until the skin soften and not cure.


The medicine is preparing like this:

  1. Take a plate, in it 10 tablets.
  2. 1 bottle of seventy percent alcohol.
  3. Iodine bottle.

Cooking method:

Aspirin needs to be turned into a powder, add alcohol and iodine. Stir and fold into glassware to store in a dark place, preferably in the refrigerator. Use this means After the bath.

Hydrogen peroxide

Proper care for leg heels at home with peroxide will help destroy microbes and soften the skin of heels. Pour one bottle on a basin or simply feet and heels, then clean pembia. The heel skin will be soft and smooth long.


That's what can soften the skin is glycerin. And this is a natural antiseptic, which heals the wounds and cracks. On the soften skin you need to apply a layer of glycerol and insulating socks.

In this way, you can use every day until the heels are not smooth and soft to the touch.

Emergency salvation

There are situations where heels look awful and unexpectedly arise some kind of event on which you need to be. For such cases, there are some instant and efficient ways.

Vinegar and glycerol

To do this will need acetic Essence And the bottle of glycerin. Essence must be addressed to glycerin. Before applying to clean your heels. Capacity with vinegar and glycerin shake, soak cotton swab and anoint.

With highly flaphent heels, you may need several cotton disc. 40 minutes wash, dry, and to soft heels Quickly not cooked, lubricate with nutritional cream.

Cream for depilation

This is considered radical methodIf nothing helps. It will help instantly get rid of the flabby skin and will give the brush it is easy to extort the heels.

The procedure is carried out in a situation of unexpectedly upcoming events, a holiday or guests. Cream is applied for 20 minutes. After that, washed off and moisturize with any cream.

Care of leg heels at home As we can see an absolutely difficult procedure from the article and does not take much time because the baths and masks should be made in the evening before bedtime, plus it is economical treatment.

When the top layer of heels loses elasticity and covered with small cracks, it is worth immediately to clean the skin to prevent deep cracks And bloody wounds that will not give the opportunity to walk and fully live.

External factors for the formation of a holochy, the appearance of dry heels: wearing uncomfortable (cramped, on high heel) Shoes, long-term footling on the legs, dry skin type, incorrect procedures, wearing synthetic socks.

Dry heels as a symptom pathologists:

  • limited amount of vitamins in the body;
  • blood impairment in the lower limbs, in almost every case is accompanied by varicose extension veins;
  • diseases of the thyroid or pancreatic glands, inhane, reproductive organs.

The cheapest and at the same time very effective for the care of heels is the cream "Dawn"which is sold in veterinary pharmacies. Greater value acquired due to the content of a phloralized component, which contributes to the softening of the skin, and the rapid healing of cracks, the wound, and scuffs.

Alternative veterinary preparation The following creams are:

  • Elf - the composition of natural, present vegetable oils and extracts that heal wounds improve general state skin;
  • Panthenol, or Pantoderm - is designed for rapid healing of wounds, to which cracks on the heels belong.

The scheme of application of any of the funds listed - 1 time per day at night After careful washing the stop. After each flossing, the legs should be used by high-quality moisturizing cream - for example, mitigating "juniper" from the manufacturer of Nevskaya cosmetics, therapeutic and moisturizing "with urea and oil walnut"From the company Green Pharmacy.

Scraping should be carried out at least 2 times a week, pre-breaking the foot. The most effective scanners are considered:

  • "Foot scrub" from Eclab;
  • "Avocado Oil" (Indonesia).

Recipe Slabo for Foot: Sugar + Olive Oil / Almond Oil + Lemon Juice

A mini-massage is carried out by a mini-massage with circular movements of the fingers of the hand, then the scrub remains on the skin for another 5 minutes. Completes the procedure to rinse the legs with warm water, applying the cream. Care for heels must be spent in the evening, after the feet you wear cotton socks.

One of the most sought-after deposits for leg care is electric pumice. Benefits:

  • the risk of injury to the coarse skin is minimized;
  • 1 procedures per week are sufficient to obtain the result as after the cabin;
  • the device can also be used as the prevention of corn formation, hopted, with already existing problems.

Before applying the electric pumice, you need to thoroughly wash the feet and unpack them, then dry the towel. After the procedure, a moisturizing cream with a fatty structure is applied.

Not less popular use electric Pilks which are capable of cleaning the skin from the coarse layer without pre-sparking. But they it is forbidden to use with already existing cracks on the heels.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in the cleaning heels with scissors and ordinary blades! Too dry skin becomes sensitive to external influences, it is easy to injury, and open wounds not only add discomfort in daily lifeBut also "gates" for pathogenic bacteria.

Baths with cypress, lavender or pine essential oils Protect skin mitigation. After a 15-minute stay of the stop in the maximum warm water, the skin is cleaned with a towel and lubricated ordinary olive oilCotton socks are put on their feet.

A good tool is normal PEMZa. Applying it 2-3 times a week, you can achieve a complete cleaning of the skin of the heels from the coarse layer. If the problem is sharp, the first cracks have already appeared, it is necessary to use pums and scrub simultaneously. In order to raise the skin less, the time of massaging pre-pale stop should not exceed 2 minutes.

What to take into account in the summer during the care of heels:

  • you can not wear shoe shoes;
  • for increased sweating Stop need to use creams, powders, cooling lotions;
  • it is impossible to walk barefoot;
  • if possible, wear socks.

People's care methods:

  • Sea salt + peroxide. A warm bath of 2 liters of water and 50 g of salts + 10 drops of beloved essential oil is prepared, 5 minutes after immersion, the stop is added to 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and withstand another 5 minutes.
  • Peroxide + Beodhag. Mix to a thick casher, they are applied to the heels, fix the bandages and put on top of the socks, after 30 minutes everything is flushed with warm water.
  • Baths. In 2 liters of hot water added: 200 ml of ragger sage, 500 ml infusion of daisy flowers drugs, 300 ml of decoction of calendula flowers. You can add 2-4 tablespoons of honey. Peel 5 minutes, insist no less than half an hour.
  • Compresses. They are doing at night, no more than 3 times a week. As a fixed assessment, you can apply: raw potatoes grated + honey; Aloe juice + egg yolk; capping leaves + honey; grated apple; cosmetic clay (Better blue). The pre-prepared skin is applied to dummble, wrapped with polyethylene and cotton, overnay socks. In the morning, wash off the composition and apply a moisturizing cream.

Recipe Masks for Stop: Flour + Honey

How to get rid of cracks:

  • 1 time per day to apply with saline ointment - solicossile, actovegin or epithelial;

In the launched cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Read more in our article about the right leather care.

Read in this article

From which cracks appear, dry, natopsy

Dryness, cracks on the heels, the formation of a natopedy Many are associated with exclusively external factors - For example, wearing uncomfortable (close, high-heeled) shoes, long-term destruction on the legs, dry skin type, incorrectly conducted caring procedures, wearing synthetic socks. AND few people know that such problems may arise as a symptom of several diseases:

  • the limited number of vitamins in the body - it may be necessary to adjust the diet, undergo a course of receiving a vitamin and mineral complex;
  • blood impairment in the lower limbs (specifically - in the footsteps) - in almost every case, accompanied by varicose veins;
  • unstable hormonal system - diseases of the thyroid or pancreatic glands, inhane, reproductive organs.

It is possible to solve the problem of overly dry skin on the heels, cracks and hoptes in several stages. First you should seek help to standard medicinal / cosmetics, learn proper care and use recipes from the "Folk Medicine" category. But if positive result It is not marked for 1-2 months, it is advisable to visit the doctor's doctor, voice the problem and go through a full survey.

Correct heel care at home

The most important thing is that you need to remember - wash the feet is often required, more than once a day, especially in the warm season. No need to fanatically rubbing them with a rigid washcloth or each time you soaring boiling water - enough simple rinsing and daily use of specific means.


The easiest, cheap and at the same time very effective is the Cream "Dawn"which is actively used in veterinary medicine and sold in relevant pharmacies. This funds are present:

  • sorbic acid and fluraralized;
  • pentol and vaseline;
  • kerosene Peeled Aviation.

The use of "dawns" for the treatment of cracks on the heels received its distribution due to rumors and advice simple people, later the effectiveness of its use was confirmed and official medicine. The cream acquired greater value due to the content of a fluraralized component, which contributes to the softening of the skin, and the rapid healing of cracks, the wound, and scuffs.

Alternative to the veterinary preparation are the following creams:

  • Radaev - contains in the composition of vitamins A and E, perfectly softens the skin, increases the level of moisture in the dermis cells;
  • Elf - the composition of natural, vegetable oils and extracts, which are healing, and improve the overall skin condition;
  • Panthenol or Pantoderm is intended for rapid healing of wounds, which also include cracks on heels.

The scheme of application of any of the above-mentioned funds is 1 time per day for the night after a thorough wash washing. And after each flossing of the legs, you should use high-quality moisturizing cream - for example, an excellent choice will be a softening "juniper" from the manufacturer of Nevskaya cosmetics, therapeutic and moisturizing "with urea and walnut oil" from the company Green pharmacy.


Since with the cracks of heels there is always a problem of clustering on the skin of dead scraps of epidermis, it is necessary to regularly carry out the procedures for getting rid of them. Scraping should be carried out at least 2 times a week, pre-breaking the foot. Means performing the role of scrubies can be purchased in pharmacies or specialized cosmetics points. Most effective are considered:

  • "Smooth heels" from the manufacturer of La Cafe de Beauty;
  • Scrub for legs from eclab;
  • "Avocado Oil" (Indonesia).

A mini-massage is carried out by a mini-massage with circular movements of the fingers of the hand, then the scrub remains on the skin for another 5 minutes. Completes the procedure rinsing legs with warm water.

An excellent solution will be the use of moisturizing and healing cream for heels with cracks. Such a heel care is needed in the evening, after manipulations on the feet, cotton socks are worn.

See this video on how to prepare sugar peelings for heels:


Improve the state of heels and solve the problem of regularly appearing cracks using special devices. One of the most sought-after is the electric pumice, which is inherent in the following features:

  • The risk of injury to the flabber skin is minimized and only 1 procedures per week is enough to obtain a result identical after visiting the beauty salon or the pedicure masters.
  • The device can also be used as the prevention of formation of corns, hopes, and with already existing problems. In the latter case, the cleaning of the foot should be carried out in several stages.
  • Before applying the electric pumice, you need to thoroughly wash the feet and unpack them, then dry the towel. After the procedure, a moisturizing cream with a fatty structure is applied to the treated skin.

What to take into account in the summer

Most often, the problem under consideration occurs in the summer period, which contributes to high temperatures Air, and wearing specific shoes, and direct contact of the skin heels with dust, mud and water from natural reservoirs. To avoid this, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • people with dry, sensitive heels and predisposition for the formation of cracks should not be worn by "slam" shoes;
  • be sure to use moisturizing cream or any vegetable oils every day;
  • with increased sweating, the stop need to solve this problem with specific means - creams, powders, cooling lotions;
  • it is impossible to walk barefoot - it concerns any surface, and not just sand;
  • in the presence of a wound, cracks are contraindicated visiting water bodies;
  • if possible, wearing socks - for example, when performing work in the garden.

Folk Methods

Many professional means care for problem heels prefer to use folk remedies. In most cases, this is justified, because it will be cheap and effectively soften the skin of the stop, make it smooth, prevent the formation of cracks and even cure already existing.

With peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is considered universal meansBut it also has contraindications to use:

To care for heels, the most effective will be:

  • sea salt + basic drug - a warm bath of 2 liters of water and 50 g of salts + 10 drops of beloved essential oil is prepared, 5 minutes after immersion, a 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is added to it and withstand another 5 minutes;
  • the considered means + bodhage - you need to mix these two components in such a proportion so that the result is a thick cashem, it is applied to the heels, they fix the bandages and wear socks from above, after 30 minutes everything is flushed with warm water.

See this video about the use of hydrogen peroxide against flaky skin on the heels:


They can be carried out daily, as a "filler" use various herbal chasters, cooked according to standard recipe - 2 tablespoons of plant raw materials in 200 ml of water, pecking for 5 minutes, insist no less than half an hour. Such baths will remove inflammation, soften the coarse layer skin cover And they will contribute to the fastest healing of the already available wound. In 2 liters of hot water to carry out such a caring procedure:

In the morning, removing the compress and wash the foot, you need to handle the skin with a moisturizing cream.


Such a procedure easily softens the coarse skin and provides fast healing small cracks. Fixes from the following ingredients will be effective:

  • prunes, failed 20 minutes in milk;
  • lemon slices - leave overnight;
  • crushed raw potatoes.

The bulls are used every day until the heels become smooth, soft and without cracks. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the stops and lubricate with bold cream.


For them, you can use, in principle, any food. Boiled vegetables and fresh fruits, olives and starch with egg yolk Excellent copes with the task of softening already flaky skin heels. Such masks can be applied daily on clean skin The selected mass is applied (the component must be well crushed) and is fixed using a bandage or marlevary wipes from the leucoplasty.

Finished Foot Masks

Masks will be useless with existing cracks, but very effective as the prevention of their appearance.

How to get rid of cracks

If the cracks have already accomplished the fact, you can take the following:

  • often lubricate heels with vaseline or any vegetable oil;
  • 1 time per day apply specific ointment ointment solkossyril, actovegin or epithelial;
  • conduct paraffin wraps 2-4 times a week - warm (almost hot) paraffin is applied with a thick layer on problem zone The feet is covered with polyethylene and "insulates" by cotton, scarf, removed after 30 minutes;
  • before going outside, use the BF-6 medical glue - wash the heels, to connect the edges of the crack to the fingers ("close it") and apply glue from above.

If the fracture is deep, bleeding and there are signs of its inflammation, then you need to immediately consult with your doctor (dermatologist, cosmetologist) - in some cases it is required to conduct an antibacterial therapy. Underotherapy, compresses with lactic serum and cottage cheese, cracking lemon juice or vinegar ("add") - methods that are not approved by official medicine and capable provoking the deterioration of the status of the stop.

Correct heel care is the key to preserving their moisture, softness and purity. Even if the cracks have already appeared, there are many options for solving this problem. Timely use of pharmacy / cosmetics and folk recipes Provide rapid healing of already available wounds and preventing education new ones.

Useful video

See this video about how it works and what is the advantages of an e-cap for stop: