Projects for the adaptation of young children. Project (younger group) on the topic: “Project: “Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution. Stage II - the main

Name of the project:"Let's go to kindergarten"

Description of the problem the project aims to solve

The project is aimed at solving the problem: how to facilitate the adaptation of children of the 1st junior group to preschool?

Objective of the project: creating an enabling environment social adaptation child and their parents in kindergarten.

Project objectives

Project implementation timeline: September, October, November 2014.

Project Efficiency Criteria

1. Stressful conditions in young children will be overcome during the period of adaptation to kindergarten

2. Work will be organized to develop the skills of interaction of children with each other, taking into account age and individual features every child.

3. Work will be organized to develop gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

4. Work will be organized to form an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; improving communication between parents.

5. The professional competence of teachers on the issues of children's adaptation to kindergarten will increase.


Modern man constantly forced to adapt to change environment: To new job, social changes in society, new conditions of life and activity. And sometimes the psycho-emotional stresses associated with adaptation to these changes, even in adults, cause anxiety, feelings and stress.

What can we say about small children, who for the first time in their lives not only find themselves in completely new, unusual, and from this even more terrible and frightening conditions, but also actively begin to socialize in modern society.

Modern parents, of course, are more educated and active in relation to their own children: hence the sections, circles, groups early development, centers of creativity and enrichment. But not always even pedagogically literate parents know how to prepare their child for attending a preschool and be ready for it themselves.

Currently, studies convincingly show that the conscious involvement of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution and the establishment of partnerships with the families of pupils, increasing the competence of teachers and parents on the issues of adaptation, upbringing and development of children, reducing the incidence rate in children in adaptation period, Active participation parents in the project creative activity children and parents, the formation of positive associations among pupils associated with preschool education, the avoidance of the practice of distancing the family from the kindergarten can greatly facilitate the adaptation of children to preschool.

So, necessary condition for effective management of the process of getting used to the child care facility and maintaining the health of the child during the adaptation period, a well-thought-out system of pedagogical influences is used, in which the main place is occupied by the organization of the child's activities that meets the needs that determine his behavior.

  • The impact of the internal environment on the issue of adaptation to kindergarten
  • Project goal setting
  • Expected results of the project implementation
  • Project Implementation Mechanism
  • Stages and content project activities
    1. Preparatory stage
    2. Main stage
    3. Final stage
  • Plan educational work with children and parents
  • Project monitoring
  • Prospects for the completion of the project

The impact of the internal environment on the issue of adaptation to kindergarten

In our kindergarten, children who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases, children with recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia during convalescence, bronchial asthma out of exacerbation. There is a lot of focus on the health of the child. Indeed, unfortunately, it is not a secret for anyone that at first the child begins to get sick, immunity decreases. And this is due not only to the fact that his environment is becoming more diverse, but also to the fact that at first the child experiences discomfort and stress from what is happening. Therefore, medical support is simply necessary for him.

In the kindergarten, for the comprehensive rehabilitation of children, various rooms are equipped: a physiotherapy room, an inhalation room, a sports and music room, which is combined with an exercise therapy room, a "magic" sauna for the development and recovery of kindergarten students.

The cooperation of the preschool institution and the family helps to facilitate the adaptation of the baby. The basis of such cooperation are such forms of interaction as kindergarten tours, conversations, consultations, open classes, joint activities. In our opinion, the most effective is to display information (folders) on the topic “How to help a child go to kindergarten without tears”, “Let's go to kindergarten (how to make it easier for a child to adapt to a preschool institution)”, “How to behave properly for parents with a child in the first days of attending kindergarten.

Parents have long been recognized as the main educators of their kids, but at the same time they have high hopes for kindergarten teachers. And make parents active helpers, direct participants pedagogical process very important to me.

To organize the process of adaptation of the child to new conditions, I use the following forms and methods:

1. elements of body therapy (hug, stroke);

2. singing lullabies before going to bed, listening to calm music while laying down and falling asleep with your favorite toy;

3. relaxation games (sand, water);

4. fairy tale therapy is the process of raising a child, developing the soul, raising the level of awareness of events. Acquisition of knowledge about the laws of life and ways of social manifestation of creative creative power;

5. game methods interaction with the child. The main task of the games of this period is the formation emotional contact, trust the educator;

6. culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding.

Principles of work on the adaptation of children to preschool education:

1. preliminary familiarization of parents with the conditions work of preschool educational institution;

2. gradual filling of the group;

3. flexible mode of stay for children in the initial period of adaptation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

4. informing parents about the peculiarities of adaptation of each child on the basis of adaptation cards;

5. systematic monitoring of the child in the group ( nurse) (thermometry, skin, pharynx, chair);

6. health monitoring (well-being, appetite, sleep, physical health) (nurse);

7. course of adaptation (nurse).

Our institution has a team short stay, thanks to which children and parents can go through a soft adaptation and get used to the regime and requirements of the kindergarten.

Success in the adaptation of children depends on the mutual efforts of parents and educators.

Forms of work with parents:

1. Counseling - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children during the period of adaptation.

2. Selection of special psychological and pedagogical literature on the adaptation of children to kindergarten

3. Issue of memos, information sheets about the features of this age, recommended educational games.

4. Conversations.

Project goal setting

To implement the project, I determined its general target:

creation of favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the child and their parents in a kindergarten.

The goals of the project are specified by the decision of the following tasks:

1. Help in overcoming stressful conditions in young children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

2. Ensure the development of interaction skills of children with each other, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child;

3. Ensure the development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior;

4. Contribute to the formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; improve communication between parents.

Expected results of the project implementation:

1. painless adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution, maintaining a sense of security and trust, reducing the period of adaptation to terms and conditions;

2. positive development relationships in the children's team;

3. increasing the competence of teachers and parents on the issues of adaptation, upbringing and development of children;

4. decrease in the level of morbidity in children during the adaptation period;

5. involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution and the establishment of partnerships with the families of pupils;

6. active participation of parents in the project creative activities of children and parents.

7. the formation of positive associations among pupils associated with the preschool educational institution.

Project Implementation Mechanism

Having studied the collection of popular science articles for parents and teachers "Adaptation to Kindergarten", I developed a system of measures to prevent the maladaptation of children when they are admitted to a preschool educational institution. I think that the implementation of the project can be conditionally divided into several stages:

Project monitoring

During the monitoring of the project, an analysis of the adaptation sheets was carried out, from which it can be concluded that mild degree adaptation in 17 children, average degree severity in 2 children, severe degree of adaptation in 1 child.

Prospects for the completion of the project

accumulated by us interesting experience By creative project"Let's go to kindergarten" will be used in further work. Our future plans include the purchase of equipment for water games "Water World", "Catch the Duck", as well as a set of wooden toys-amusements.

From work experience preschool teacher: Project: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten"

Project author: Varlashova Maria Leonidovna, educator MBOU NSh/DS No. 24 p. Chkalovskoe.
Project type: Information and creative; practice-oriented; group; short.
Location of the project: early age group MBOU NSh / DS No. 24 p. Chkalovskoe.
Project participants: teachers, children and parents of the group.
Project implementation timeline: June - September 2013.
Relevance: Adaptation to a preschool institution is a difficult period for both children and adults: parents, teachers. Difficulties in adaptation and their causes were studied by domestic and foreign researchers (N. M. Aksarina, R. V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, E. Schmidt-Kolmer, V. Manova-Tomova).
The admission of a child to a preschool educational institution is accompanied by a change in his environment, daily routine, nature of nutrition, leads to the need to establish social connections to adapt to new living conditions.
How the child gets used to the new depends on his physical and mental development, helps prevent or reduce morbidity, as well as further well-being, existence in kindergarten and family.
Objective of the project: Systematization of work on creating favorable conditions for the social adaptation of children in a preschool institution.
Project objectives:
Explore innovative experience;
Establish a system of interaction between project participants;
Create an emotionally comfortable subject-developing environment;
summon positive attitude to kindergarten for children and their parents;
To develop in children the ability to communicate with adults and peers;
Form a system of interaction with parents to improve their pedagogical competence;
Systematize the content of the work in the adaptation period.
Hypothesis: If you use a systematic approach to organizing adaptation, which is based on a set of measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for young children, this will make it much easier for children to endure this period.
Expected results:
They will easily enter a new environment for them and adapt to its conditions with positive results;
Develop communication skills with adults and peers.
There will be an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten;
The desire of parents to cooperate.
Close cooperation will be established in solving problems of adaptation;
The level of competence of educators in organizing the adaptation period will increase.

Project program:
Stage I: Organizational and preparatory - June;
Stage II: Main - August - September;
Stage III: Final - September.

Stage I: Organizational and preparatory stage:
# Studying methodical literature;
# Increasing the level of pedagogical competence;
# Selection of diagnostic material, questionnaires for parents;
# Compilation of diagnostic tools;
# Drawing up plans for working with children, parents;
# Creation of a system in planning;
# Registration and updating of the subject-developing environment;
# Creation of emotional comfort;
# Drafting and selection information material for parents;
# Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;
# Questioning of parents;
# Study of children's social skills;
# Revealing features family education;
# Forecast of the likely degree of adaptation of children.

Stage II: Main:
Work principles:
# Gradual filling of the group (receiving 2-3 babies per week);
# Flexible mode stay of the child in kindergarten (incomplete stay of the child in the initial period of adaptation, additional days off);
# Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child.
# Daily monitoring of the state of health, emotions, appetite, sleep of the child in the first month (for this purpose, the so-called "adaptation sheet" is filled out for each child).
Work with children:

Activity Date Result
Acquaintance and observation June
Diagnosing children, predicting results June
Accounting for household habits, interests August-September
Individual approach to the child August-September
Games-occupations August-September
Formation children's team, emotionally positive contact with adults August-September
Exercise Games August-September
Drama games August-September
Use of folklore August-September
Surprise moments August-September
productive activity Aug. Sept
Elements of tempering events August-September
Preservation and promotion of children's health August-September
Optimal motor mode Aug. Sept
Working with parents August-September

Recommendations "Adaptation period in kindergarten"
Activity Date Result
Emotionally positive attitude to the adaptation period
Release of the booklet “Together it is easier for us to walk”. June
Conversation "Acquaintance of parents with the living conditions of children in kindergarten."
Parent meeting " Age features children 2 years of age. The main tasks of education.
Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents: August
Conversation " Hygiene requirements to the child's clothes.
Conversation "Nutrition is the key to health."
Release of the information sheet "Our health is in our hands"
Consultation "Whims and their prevention"
Recommendations "The influence of the game on the mental and personal development child."
Folder-slider "We inculcate cultural and hygienic skills from early childhood"
Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents: September
Consultation "Education of independence and self-service in children of early age".

Stage III: Final:
Activity Date Result
Observation September
Diagnosis of children
Analysis of the degree of adaptation of each child (according to adaptation sheets)
Parent survey
Studying the effectiveness of activities
Analysis of the results
Summing up the work
Comparison of existing results with predicted ones
Identification of weaknesses
Adjustment of work plans with children and parents
Elimination of defects

Results Submission Form
Project presentation
Methodological developments

Approximate advanced planning classes on the prevention of maladaptation of children

No. Topic of the lesson Materials
LADYBUG toy ladybug, large and small cars, nesting dolls, dolls, cubes, etc.; black finger paint or gouache mixed with toothpaste; sheet with the image of a ladybug (for each child).
large umbrella; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of rain noise, a cassette with a recording of slow, calm music; two maple leaves (for each child); yellow, red, green gouache; picture sheet autumn landscape and a brush (for each child).
BALL big ball; a cloth bag, a small plastic ball and a plastic cube (commensurate in size).
painting or photograph Autumn forest»; toy hedgehog; toys (bibabo dolls): fox, wolf, bear; red, yellow and green Maple leaves(for each child); red, yellow and green baskets
Merry parsley
toy (bibabo doll) "Parsley"; a toy train with a long ribbon tied to it;
clothespin of blue color(for each boy); clothespin yellow color(for each girl); a hoop with yellow and blue ribbons tied to it; soft toy or doll (for each child).
NEW YEAR toy Santa Claus; Christmas tree; plastic bottles with cold, warm and hot water; Fingerprint paints or gouache mixed with toothpaste; picture sheet Christmas tree(for each child); a cloth bag with identical gifts for children (“Chupa Chups”, “Kinder Surprises”, small toys, etc.).
BALLS big red ball and small blue ball; medium-sized balls (for each pair of children); a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music and a rhythmic smooth melody;
a sheet of paper and crayons or a large red circle and a small blue circle (for each child).
8. BUNNY Stuffed Toys: hare and fox; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of cheerful dance music; cloth bag with a set of plastic vegetables.
9. SOAP BUBBLES set for blowing soap bubbles; tape recorder, cassette with a smooth melody recording; balls;
hop balls.
10. MUSICIANS screen; toys: hare, bear (elephant, cat and doll); toy musical instruments: drum, harp, trumpet, harmonica, piano.
11. MOTHER'S DAY doll and teddy bear (for each child); headwear (shawls, scarves, scarves) and jewelry (hairpins, ribbons, bracelets, beads, etc.); screen; bell.
12. BEAR teddy bear; tape recorder, cassette with a recording of birds singing; yellow gouache, a sheet with the image of a jar 0 (for each child, a brush (foam rubber swab).
13. Naughty mice toy mouse; pink and black cosmetic pencils; large toy clock;
tape recorder, cassette with a recording of dance music.
14. KOLOBOK bibabo dolls (characters of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Kolobok"); cloth bag; fruit and vegetable; plasticine ball (for each child); didactic set "Bowls"; wooden Toys: fungus, ball, cube (commensurate in size); Sports Equipment: tracks with a different texture surface, gymnastic beams, gymnastic. bench, hoop.
15. KITTENS tape recorder, cassette "Voices of animals and birds"; yellow, red, blue, green butterflies the size of a child's palm (according to the number of children); toys or subject pictures of yellow, red, blue and green colors.

Informational resources:
Belkina L. V. "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution" Voronezh, 2004
Vetrova V. V. "What to play with a child under 3 years old" M., 2008
Davydova O. I., Mayer A. A. “Adaptation groups in DOW Methodical allowance "M, 2005
Lykova I. A. « Visual activity in kindergarten. Early age "M., 2009
E. V. Polozova "Productive activity with young children" Voronezh, 2007
"The development of young children in a variable preschool education" / Under. ed. T. N. Doronova, T. I. Erofeeva M., 2010
Teplyuk S. N. "Classes on a walk with the kids" M., 2001
Khalezova N. B. "Modeling in kindergarten" M., 2008
Khomyakova E. E. "Complex developmental activities with young children" M., 2009
Yanushko E. A. "Application with young children" M., 2007

Marina Korystina
Project on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

"Light feather"

Project on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

Korystina M. I. Deputy for UVR Pazina E. G teacher Oshchepkova E. V. teacher

The period of infancy is beautiful and emotionally saturated for the baby, but time goes by, the baby grows up and there is a need for a new stage in his life - acquaintance with such social institution How kindergarten. This circumstance introduces serious changes in the life of the child, to which it is necessary get used to:

To the absence of close, native people;

To comply with the regime of the day;

To constant contact with peers and unfamiliar adults.

as a result, the child has to adapt to new conditions, and this, in turn, requires him to destroy some of the previously established bonds and quickly form new ones. On this stage the child is going through adaptation period.

Adaptation- the process of development of adaptive reactions of the body in response to new conditions. The purpose of this process is to adequately respond to fluctuations various factors external environment. Favorable household conditions, adherence to diet, sleep, calm relationships between family members and much more - all this is not only good for health, but also is the basis for normal adaptation child upon admission to kindergarten.

Problem adaptation of children junior preschool age to kindergarten conditions is not new, and has long been the focus of attention of many researchers. The main circumstance that provokes stress in a child upon admission to children's garden is a separation from the mother, and leaving the child alone with unknown children and other adults. After all, until now, being in new situation, the child received the support of the mother, her presence nearby created psychological comfort. It should also be taken into account that a child of primary preschool age the need for communication with peers has not yet been formed and the skills of joint play have not been developed. Every small man is a person worthy of respect and understanding. Our educators understand this very well, and therefore, they pay much attention to the well-being of the child, his emotional well-being in kindergarten. With the arrival of a 2-year-old child age in a preschool in his life there is a lot changes: strict regime days, absence of parents for 9 hours or more, new behavioral requirements, constant contact with peers, a new room, fraught with a lot of unknown, and therefore dangerous, a different style of communication. All these changes fall on the child at the same time, creating for him stressful situation, which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, mental regression, etc.

As a result, the first days of children's garden leave negative impression, and as a result, furious refusals from further visits, tears, tantrums, psychosomatic illnesses follow. Based on this problem, we tried to make the child get used to kindergarten conditions are less painful. Was designed kindergarten adaptation project"Light feather"

Target project - helping children to adapt to the conditions preschool educational institution.


Overcoming stress conditions young children in the period of adaptation to kindergarten.

Formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process adaptation of children;

Removal of emotional and muscular tension;

Decreased impulsivity, excessive motor activity, anxiety, aggression;

Development of interaction skills children with each other;

Development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

Developing a sense of rhythm fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

Development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

Terms of implementation - during the year as they become available children

Implementation Action Plan project with children

months 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

september - games: « affectionate name» , "Palm to Palm"

fairy tale therapy

"I love fairy tales"

Group chat

"Together it's fun to walk"

Body Therapy.

"Give me a hug"- finger yoke "Centipede"

« Bubble»

Music therapy

"Here's How We Do It"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"

finger games "Family"

fairy tale therapy

"I love fairy tales"

Theatrical games "Kolobok"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug" - finger game "Finger boy"


Breathing exercises

"We warm the hands"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"

October - dramatized games "Cheerful parsley"

fairy tale therapy

"Read me a story"

Breathing exercises

"chopping wood"

Body Therapy.

"Give me a hug"- finger games "I have toys" "Wrinkle the handkerchief" "Cheburashka"

Music therapy

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"- games

"Matryoshka" "Kittens"

fairy tale therapy

"Read me a story"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"- finger games

"Friendly family" "Collect the Pyramid"

Music therapy


Body Therapy "Give me a hug"

November - finger game "Our fingers are tired"

fairy tale therapy

"I love fairy tales"

We draw with a finger "Rain"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"- draw with your finger "Kitty"

water games "Transfusion"

Music therapy "Antoshka"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"- games

« naughty mice» "Sun and Rain"

fairy tale therapy

"Read me a story"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"- finger games "A gray bunny is sitting." "Fingers" finger game

Music therapy "Antoshka"

Body Therapy "Give me a hug"

december - finger game "Bunnies, bunnies - well done"

Water game. "Mill"

Music therapy

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"- fairy tale therapy.

R.N.S. "Kolobok"- breathing exercises

"Porridge is boiling"

Games "Let's play dice", "Ball"

fairy tale therapy "Ryaba Hen"- finger games "Fan" "Glade of Mood"

Music therapy

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

fairy tale therapy

"Zayushkina's hut"- breathing exercise "The clock is running"

finger games "Prickly hedgehog", "The horned goat is coming"



January - game "Spout"

water play "Engine"

fairy tale therapy

"Read me a story"- finger game

"Magpie - white-sided"

Breath game "Light feather"

fairy tale therapy

"I love a fairy tale

Breathing exercise.

"Merry little train on the way"

water play "Pour, pour"

fairy tale therapy

"Read me a story"- finger game "One two Three."

Breath game "Spout"

Fairy tale therapy. "I love a fairy tale"

February - outdoor game


Breath game "Spout"

Draw with fingers "Snow"

Games from building material- mobile game "Balls"

finger game "Okay, okay"

Building material games.

A. Barto "Toys"- mobile game "Bunny"

finger game "We play the piano"

Games with a constructor Lego

Fairy tale therapy. "Read me a story"- a game .

Breathing exercise.

"Sounding cockerel"

Games with a constructor Lego

Reading fiction

A. Barto "Toys"

March - breath game "Light feather"

water game.

- “Pour, pour

Breathing exercise. "Blowing the Fire"

Fairy tale therapy. "Read me a story"- finger game. "Wrinkle the handkerchief"

Games « Miraculous Pouch» , playing with pebbles.

fairy tale therapy

"I love a fairy tale"- a game

« Puppet show»

water play "Ship"

finger game "Okay, okay"

Fairy tale therapy. "Read me a story"- finger game "Goat"

Breathing exercises.

"The clock is running"

"Wonderful bag"

Fairy tale therapy. "I love a fairy tale"

April - finger game "Friendly family"

Theatrical activities

"Puppet show"

Games "Balls"

Fairy tale therapy.

"Read me a story"-Playing with shells in the experimenting corner

Breath games "chopping wood"

building material games.

Fairy tale therapy.

"I love a fairy tale"-Games "Assemble a picture from four parts"

Games with a constructor Lego

Finger game. "Fingers"- fairy tale therapy. "Read me a story"- A game

"Prickly hedgehog".

- "Puppet show" standalone game with a wooden theatre.

Water games.

"Floating, sinking"

Fairy tale therapy. "I love a fairy tale"

May -Game "Collect the Pyramid"

Breathing exercise.

"Merry little train on the way"

Playing in the corner of experimentation

Fairy tale therapy. "Read me a story"- a game "Assemble a picture from four parts"

finger game "A horned goat is coming"

Playing with building materials.

Fairy tale therapy. "I love a fairy tale". - finger games "Balls", "Fan"

Game with constructor Lego

Fairy tale therapy. "Read me a story"-Games "Spout"

"Rain, rain is more fun."

Breathing exercises.

"Grow Big"

Fairy tale therapy. "I love a fairy tale"

Working with parents during adaptation of children is aimed at:

Providing advice on issues adaptation, upbringing young children

Problem solving adaptive character

Creation of comfortable conditions the child's stay in the group.

It includes the following tasks:

Familiarize parents with the organization of educational educational process;

Prepare your child for the visit kindergarten.


parent meetings;



Individual conversations with parents at the end of the day;

Demonstration of intermediate results on slides, video films

And assumes the result: painless adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten.

Results of work on project:

Effective forms of cooperation with parents made it possible to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical opportunities not only during adaptation of children to preschool but also in further education and development children. There is an increase in the activity of parents in cooperation with kindergarten to create conditions for the adaptation and development of children 80-87% of parents take an active part in parent meetings.

Collected materials of parent meetings (photo albums "I and my family"; "Our Successes"; questionnaires); consultations, memos, booklets for parents.

Analyzing sheets adaptation of children to conditions doe we came to conclusion: 81% children mild degree was observed adaptation and 19% have an average degree adaptation.

The goal of the project is to help children adapt to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. The main tasks to be solved by the project: - overcoming stressful conditions in children of early and younger age during the period of adaptation to kindergarten; - training educators in methods of conducting group classes during the adaptation period; - formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children. In parallel with the solution of the main tasks, the tasks of the complex development of children are solved: - removal of emotional and muscular tension; - decrease in impulsivity, excessive motor activity, anxiety, aggression; - development of skills of interaction of children with each other; - development of attention, perception, speech, imagination; - development of a sense of rhythm, general fine motor skills, coordination of movements; - development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

The relevance of the problem of adaptation is due to: - an increase in the age threshold for the child to start attending a preschool institution (3 years) - the organization of the educational process in preschool institutions, a change in the child's life social conditions; - the peculiarity of interpersonal relationships between adults and children, with the level of attachment of the child to the mother; - individual characteristics of the child: age, psychological, psychophysiological, neurophysiological, psychogenetic.

Project stages: 1. Organizational stage: 1. Organizational stage: selection of methodological, fiction, illustrative materials, didactic games; development of summaries of adaptation classes, joint activities with parents and consultations for parents; replenishment of the subject-developing environment of groups younger age; development of information material for the parent corner about the project "My first steps"; development of questionnaires for parents; drafting perspective plan project activities. 2. Main stage: 2. Main stage: implementation of the project in accordance with the plan. 3. Final stage: 3. Final stage: analysis of the work done; diagnostics of children's adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution; presentation of the project for teachers and parents; publication of the project on the website.

Forms of work with parents: 1. Counseling: - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children during the adaptation period, possible problems in the parent-child system 2. Selection of special psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of children's adaptation to kindergarten; 3. "Portfolio of a preschooler" - an interactive tool for working with parents; 5. Issue of memos, information sheets about the features of this age, recommended educational games.

Forms of work with teachers: 1. Consultation with practical advice games, game exercises during the period of children's adaptation to kindergarten; 2. Seminars-workshops - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers in matters of creating favorable psychological conditions adaptation of children to preschool educational institution 3. Observation of the interaction of teachers with newly arriving children; 4. Recommendations for taking into account the individual characteristics of children. 5. Informing teachers on the means of using information and communication technologies: teaching aids, memos, information leaflets, presentations.

Work plan for the project: period Work content September - Conclusion of an agreement with parents; - Excursion of parents to the preschool educational institution, acquaintance of parents with the group and educators; - Organizational Parent meeting; - Questionnaire "Is your child ready to enter the preschool educational institution"; - Questionnaire for parents (social); - Individual journal of the child; - Memo for parents "Preparing a child to attend kindergarten"; - Memo for parents "In the first days of being in kindergarten"; -Class " Ladybug» -- «Minutes of entry per day» as one of the conditions successful adaptation to the preschool educational institution (for educators); - Developing environment for children of early and younger preschool age; - Game activity: "Affectionate name"; "Centipede"; massages: "Mushroom rain"; BAT "Hedgehog" October - Consultation "Raising a healthy baby"; - Mini-lecture "Children's tantrum"; - puppet show"How the hedgehog Pykh was looking for his way home"; - Testoplasty for subgroups "Ladybug"; - Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship"; - Lesson "Leaf fall" - Lesson "Balls" - Game activities: "A gray hare is sitting", "Sun and rain"; massage BAT "Counting for the mouse"; finger game "Fingers" November - Consultation "Where is my big spoon?"; - Consultation "Pallets-palms" (At first there was a word; how to tell a fairy tale to children; exercises for the development of speech); - Testoplasty for subgroups "Sunflower"; - musical entertainment with parents "Mashenka-Masha"; - Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship: Flowers in the flowerbed"; - Lesson "Soap bubbles" - Lesson "Naughty mice" - Game activity: "Palm to palm"; "Missing Baby"; massage BAT “Mishka” December-Consultation “In the realm of stubbornness and whims. Crisis of three years.»; - Testoplasty by subgroups " flower meadow»; - Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship: Rainbow"; - Game activity: "Sun", "Bell"; - Lesson "Bunny" - Lesson " New Year» -- New Year's celebration“With mom, dad, we are going to visit Santa Claus!” - Diagnostics of adaptation to preschool education.

Expected result: Favorable adaptation period for children 2-3 years old. Reducing the incidence in children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten. Involving parents of children of early preschool age in the conscious upbringing of their children, together with medical, psychological and pedagogical service of the preschool educational institution. Improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children in the period of adaptation. Formation of partnerships trusting relationship between the preschool educational institution and the families of pupils. Creation of an open system of interaction between participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Monitoring the adaptation of pupils to a preschool institution during the 2013 academic year. 3. Qualitative indicators of the adaptation of pupils to the daily routine Monitoring the adaptation of pupils to a preschool institution during the 2014 academic year. 3. Qualitative indicators of pupils' adaptation to the daily routine

Conclusions: 2013. of the children already present: 85.7% - an indicator of mild adaptation, 57%, an indicator of moderate adaptation, 41%, an indicator of severe adaptation 2 children - 2%. (Adaptation was faster and easier than last year, because the period of admission of children to a preschool institution was carried out from the 3rd decade of August on the street (children with their parents began to attend a preschool institution from a walk in the kindergarten area under the guidance of a teacher) year of children already present: 46.2% - high level adaptation to the daily routine, 33% - average level adaptation to the regime of the day, 20.8% - severe level of adaptation to the regime of the day. (Adaptation was faster and easier than last year, because the period of admission of children to a preschool institution was carried out from September on the street (children with their parents began to visit a preschool institution from a walk in the kindergarten area under the guidance of a teacher) and children were admitted according to several children at once

on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

"I want to go to nursery!"

“From a five-year-old child to me is only a step.

There is a terrible distance from the newborn to me.”

Lev Tolstoy

Completed by the educator

nursery group No. 2:

Bichakhchan S.A.

Maykop 2016.


The relevance of the project. Admission of a child to a nursery causes, as a rule, serious anxiety for adults. And she is not in vain. It is known that changes in the social environment affect the mental and physical health of children.

Early age is especially vulnerable to adaptation, since it is during this period of childhood that the child is least adapted to separation from relatives, is more weak and vulnerable. At this age, adaptation to a children's institution takes longer and is more difficult, often accompanied by illnesses. Changing living conditions and the need to develop new forms of behavior require great efforts from the child and adults. From how prepared the child is in the family to the transition to children's institution and how the period of his adaptation is organized by educators and parents depend on the course of the adaptation period and the further development of the baby. A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of the emotional state of the child. The adaptation period is characterized by emotional tension, anxiety or lethargy. The child cries a lot, strives for physical contact with adults or, on the contrary, angrily refuses them, avoids peers. The behavior of children during this period is largely related to the characteristics of their temperament. Children with a phlegmatic temperament will behave more inhibited, and children with choleric temperament, on the contrary, will be overexcited. In any case, the child's social ties can be very tense, and sometimes completely broken. Emotional distress affects sleep, appetite. Separation and meeting with relatives proceed very rapidly, exaltedly: the baby does not let go of his parents, cries for a long time after their departure, and the arrival again meets with tears. The child’s activity in relation to the objective world also changes. Toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment decreases. speech activity, reduced lexicon new words are hard to learn.

This problem was dealt with by such scientists as: N.M. Aksarina, K.Yu. Belaya, K.L. Pechora, as well as researchers N.D. Vatutina, A.I. Zakharova, E.O. Sevostyanova, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya and others.

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. This is a universal phenomenon of all living things, which can be observed both in the plant and animal kingdoms. Adaptation is an active process leading to positive (adaptation, i.e. the totality of all beneficial changes body and psyche) result, or negative (stress). At the same time, two main criteria for successful adaptation are distinguished: internal comfort (emotional satisfaction) and external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill new requirements). With the advent of the nursery, the child begins new stage in his life.

Teachers and parents should remember that what was lost in the upbringing of a child cannot be made up for later. . "Early childhood is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future psychological development» , notes V.S. Mukhin.

Adaptation project "I want to go to a nursery!" for young children from 1.5-3 years old, taking into account the psychological, physiological and social features children of this age. As a result of the project implementation, a teacher-psychologist, educators of younger age groups, parents are involved, which will contribute to their rallying. And one of the main directions of the project, helping children to difficult period life to adapt to new conditions of life. We want the child to feel comfortable during this period and go to kindergarten with pleasure. The duration of this project is 4 months, half of the first year of the child's stay in preschool.

The leading activity in early preschool age is the game, the project is based game exercises.


creation of favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the child and their parents in a kindergarten.


Overcoming stressful conditions in young children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

Development of skills of interaction of children with each other, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child;

Development of game skills, arbitrary behavior;

Working with parents to qualitative changes in the usual way of life of the family, to new levels of interaction and cooperation with kindergarten staff; formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; improving communication between parents.

Project type: social.

Project participants:

Teacher-psychologist -Tsukanova E.S.

Kindergarten teachers - Bichakhchan Svetlana Alexandrovna,

Kurmanova Anna Pavlovna

Musical director– Petrenko Svetlana Lvovna.

Medical worker - Arustamyan Ruzanna Yurievna

Children and parents of children of nursery group No. 2

Project type: long term

Implementation timeline: September - December 2016 The following facts affect the timing of the project - the adaptation period may be delayed, taking into account the individuality of the child and the characteristics family relations; date of admission to kindergarten; incidence/attendance.

Expected result of this project is the successful adaptation of children and parents to the conditions of kindergarten.

    Reducing the incidence in children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten.

    Involving parents of children of early preschool age in the conscious upbringing of their children, together with the medical, psychological and pedagogical service of the preschool educational institution.

    Improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children in the period of adaptation.

    The formation of partnerships, trusting relationships between the preschool educational institution and the families of pupils.

    Creation of an open system of interaction between participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Project implementation.

Preparatory stage

    Selection of methodical, fiction, illustrative materials, didactic games;

    Development of summaries of adaptation classes, joint events with parents and consultations for parents;

    Replenishment of the subject-developing environment of younger groups;

    Development of information material for the parent corner about the project "My first steps";

    Development of questionnaires for parents;

    Drawing up a plan of work with children and parents.

    Carrying out information and educational work among parents.

Main stage.

    Acquaintance of children with kindergarten, with each other. Every day, consistently introduce the rules of behavior in the group and accustoming to the daily routine. Systematically conduct adaptation games and activities with children.

    Conducting parent meetings, consultations, questionnaires. Organization of parent meetings by type round table, parent conferences.

The final stage.

    Analysis of adaptation maps, determination of the level of adaptation of children.

    Summing up the results of adaptation at the parent meeting and teachers' council in the form of a presentation and report.

Forms of work with parents:

1. Counseling - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children during the period of adaptation.

2. Seminars-workshops - to help parents master constructive ways of interacting with children, to realize possible problems in the parent-child system.

3. Selection of special psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of children's adaptation to kindergarten;

4. "Portfolio of a preschooler" - an interactive tool for working with parents;

5. Issue of memos, information sheets about the features of this age, recommended educational games.

Forms of work with teachers:

2. Workshops - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers in creating favorable psychological conditions for the adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions

3. Monitoring the interaction of teachers with newly arriving children;

5. Informing teachers on the means of using information and communication technologies: teaching aids, memos, information leaflets, presentations.

Project plan





children with kindergarten, with each other.

Conclusion of an agreement with parents;

Excursion of parents around the preschool educational institution, acquaintance of parents with the group and educators;

Acquaintance-conversation with parents and the child.

Acquaintance with the group, toys.

Organizational parent meeting;

Questionnaire "Is your child ready to enter the preschool educational institution";

Individual journal of the child;

Memo for parents "Preparing a child for attending kindergarten";

Memo for parents "In the first days of being in kindergarten";

Filling in the adaptation sheets.

Fiction: Reading nursery rhymes

Lesson "Ladybug"

1. Greeting Ladybug.

2. The game "Catch the bug."

3. Rhyme "Ladybug".

4. Exercise "Where is the bug's legs?"

5. The game "Ladybug and the wind."

6. The game "Ladybug and Sparrow."

7. Relaxation.

- "Minutes of entry into the day" as one of the conditions for successful adaptation to the preschool educational institution (for educators);

Developing environment for children of early and younger preschool age (list);

Game activity: "Affectionate name"; "Centipede"; massages: "Mushroom rain"; BAT "Hedgehog"





educational psychologist, educators

educational psychologist

educational psychologist


educational psychologist



Consultation "Raising a healthy baby";

Mini-lecture "Children's tantrum";

Puppet show "How the hedgehog Pykh was looking for a way home";

Testoplasty for subgroups "Ladybug";

Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship";

Lesson "Leaf fall"

1. Greeting.

2. Top-top game

3. The game "Rain and sun"

4. The poem "Leaf fall, leaf fall"

5. Rhyme "on a flat path"

6. Relaxation

Lesson "Balls"

1. Greeting.

2. The poem "My cheerful sonorous ball."

3. The game "Hide and seek with the ball"

4. Rhyme "Friend cheerful, my ball"

5. The game "Our ball"

6. Relaxation "The balls are resting";

Game activity: “A gray bunny is sitting”, “Sun and rain”; massage BAT "Counting for the mouse"; finger game "Fingers"


educational psychologist

music supervisor



educational psychologist



Development of cultural and hygienic skills.

Teaching children to self-care: show how to dress, comb your hair, hold a spoon or cup, go to the potty, wash your hands.

Lesson games: "Let's put the doll Katya to sleep", "Let's dress the doll for a walk", "Let's teach the doll to undress"

Musical entertainment with parents "Festival of Autumn";

Lesson "Soap Bubbles"

1. Greeting.

2. The game "Catch the bubble."

3. Song "Ladushki - palms"

4. The game "Inflate the bubble"

5. Relaxation "Bubbles"

6. The game "Fly on the bubble"

Lesson "Naughty mice"

1. Greeting.

2. The game "On the contrary"

3. Rhyme "Mice are jumping, rascals"

4. The game "Mice and clock"

5. Exercise " This is Dad- mouse…"

6. Relaxation "Mice are resting";

Game activity: "Palm to palm"; "Missing Baby"; massage BAT "Mishka"


music director



Courses for parents on the basics of child psychology and pedagogy in nursery group.

Testoplasty for subgroups "Flower meadow";

Joint lesson with parents "House of Friendship:

Game activity: "Sun", "Bell";

Lesson "Bunny"

1. Greeting.

2. The poem "We made a snowball"

3. The nursery rhyme "The gray bunny is sitting"

4. The game "Fox and Hare"

5. The game "Find the carrot"

6. Rhyme "Barely, the carousels started spinning"

Lesson "New Year"

1. Greetings from Santa Claus.

2. Rhyme "In our group"

3. The poem "Spruce"

4. Game "Freeze"

5. Rhyme "Fingers will dance with us"

6. Rhyme "Jump, jump more fun";

New Year's holiday "With mom, dad, we are going to visit Santa Claus!"

Diagnostics of adaptation to preschool education.


educational psychologist



music director




music supervisor.

educational psychologist


allowance. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2004.

2. Volosova E. The development of a young child (key indicators). – M.: Linka-Press, 1999.

3. Guba G.I. Comprehensive developmental classes for young children from 1.5 to 3 years. Teaching aid. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004.

4. Pavlova S.V., Savintseva E.A. Comprehensive developmental activities for young children. kids club"Umka". – Teaching aid. – M.:

5. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2010. - 80s.

6. Ronzhina A.S. Classes of a psychologist with children aged 2-4 years in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. - M .: LLC "National Book Center", 2012. - 72p.

7. Yanushko E.A. The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children. - M .: Mosaic-synthesis, 2011. - 56 p.

Health saving project for preschool children 1.5 - 3 years old

(1 junior group №2)

"Be healthy, baby!".

Bichakhchan S.A.

Kurmanova A.P.
