Hygiene as a science and its methods. The history of the development of hygienic science and ecology. The development of hygiene as a science

Democritus: Hygiene is the companion of health!

Disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

In the modern sense, hygiene is the medical science of maintaining and strengthening human health, as well as preventing negative influence on people's health environment and social conditions. The word hygiene is derived from the Greek "hygienos" - "promoting health", "bringing health" and is closely related to the Latin word "sanitas" - "health".

Sanitation is carrying out practical activities on the implementation of hygiene requirements in order to protect and promote health of people (a practical activity with the help of which you can maintain and improve health).

Hygiene is preventative medicine.

The origin of the term is associated with the mythological goddess of health Hygieia, the daughter of the god of medicine Asclepius (Aesculapius), who was portrayed as a girl holding a bowl entwined with a snake in her hand. The snake, personifying wisdom among the ancient Greeks, drank poison, rendering harmless the drink of life. The bowl with a snake entwined around it still serves as the emblem of medicine.

The purpose of hygiene is to substantiate hygiene standards, rules and measures, the implementation of which ensures optimal conditions for life, health promotion and disease prevention

For this, hygiene science sets itself and solves a number of tasks:

1. To study the influence of factors external environment and social conditions on human health.

2. To reveal the patterns of their influence on the human body.

3. To develop and scientifically substantiate hygienic standards, rules and measures for the maximum use of positively influencing factors and the elimination (or limitation to safe levels) of unfavorable ones.

4. Introduce into practice the developed hygienic recommendations, rules and regulations, control of their effectiveness and improvement (sanitation).

5. Forecasting the sanitary situation for the short and long term, taking into account plans for the development of scientific and technological progress, the state of the economy, the cultural level of the population.

The subject of hygiene as a science is the study of the process of interaction of the human body with various environmental factors.

The object of the study of hygiene is practically healthy people, their individual, collective and public health, which is in constant relationship with environmental factors.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of disease and physical defects.

Health is a full-fledged adaptation of the body to the requirements of the environment.

In "Valeology" health is the psychophysical state of a person, which is characterized by the absence pathological changes and a functional reserve sufficient for full-fledged biosocial adaptation and preservation of physical and mental performance in the natural environment.

Hygiene is a complex science and includes the following series of topics:

Occupational hygiene is a section of hygiene about the impact labor activity and the working environment for workers.

Hygiene of children and adolescents - studies the impact of environmental factors and social conditions on the younger generation.

Food Hygiene - addresses issues related to the impact of nutrition on human health.

Communal hygiene - studies the impact on the human body of environmental factors in populated areas.

Personal hygiene - considers the issues of maintaining and strengthening the health of a particular person.

Hygiene physical education and sports - examines the influence of various factors related to exercise physical exercise, on the health of those involved.

Military hygiene - studies the ways and means of maintaining health, increasing the efficiency and combat effectiveness of military personnel.

Radiation hygiene - is devoted to the study of the effect of ionizing radiation on human health.

There is practically not a single sphere of human activity in work and rest, which would not be subject to hygienic regulation.

The end result of hygiene science is rationing, i.e. dosage of factors affecting human health (SNiP, SanPiN).

Government documents

1. Federal Law "On Health Care".

2. Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" (entered into force on March 30, 1999, No. 52 - FZ).

3. Federal Law "On the Environment" (No. 7 - ФЗ dated 10.01.2002).

4. Federal Law "On Radiation Safety".

5. and others.

Sanitary and hygienic monitoring, which is a system of organizational, social, medical and sanitary-hygienic measures, providing continuous observation, assessment, forecast of the state of health and the environment. Responsible - the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation - Onishchenko G.G.

Occurring in 2004-2005 in the country, the changes also affected the structure of the sanitary service. The Centers for State and Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TsGSES or SES) were transformed into territorial departments Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being (TU or Rospotrebnadzor) and federal state health institutions - Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology (FGU).

HYGIENIC STANDARD is the most physiologically safe quantitative level of a harmful factor for the body.

Hygiene standards are restrictive or optimizing. Restrictive include - MPC, MPU, SDA (for example: permissible quantities harmful substances in water, soil, air). To optimizing - FOOTWEAR, ODU (for example: tentatively safe exposure level or optimal doses physical activity, food ration).

Hygiene as a science

  • Content
  • 1. Hygiene as a science
    • 1.3 Laws of hygiene
    • 1.5 History of hygiene development

1. Hygiene as a science

The goal of medicine is to restore, maintain and improve people's health. This goal is achieved by two methods: the first is the treatment of human diseases, the second is the prevention of diseases and premature wear of the body, i.e. prevention. Accordingly, two directions in medicine were formed: therapeutic and prophylactic.

The ancestor of the therapeutic direction is therapy, preventive - hygiene. The word "hygiene" comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of health Hygiene - the daughter of the god of healing Aesculapius. Hygiene is the science of human health.

In addition to the term "hygiene", meaning "in blooming health", there is the term "sanitation" (derived from the Latin word Sanitas health, which denotes the practical part of hygiene). Currently, both therapy and hygiene have been divided into a number of curative (therapy) and preventive (hygiene) scientific disciplines and areas of practice, united by a common goal, but with different methods of achieving it.

Thus, modern hygiene is a whole area in medicine. It includes a number of preventive scientific disciplines and areas of practice for physicians. Like all medicine, hygiene rests on the theoretical foundation of philosophy, exact (physics, chemistry, mathematics) and general biological ( general biology, normal and pathological physiology) sciences.

1.1 Purpose, subject, object and method of hygiene

The goal of hygiene as a science is the protection and strengthening of public and personal health by improving the natural and social environment, which is composed of specific working conditions, everyday life and human behavior. By modern ideas(Charter The World Organization health), health means not only the absence of diseases, but also maximum physical, mental and social well-being, which allows a person to most effectively perform his social and labor functions. Consequently, human health is a biosocial concept with the leading role of the social.

The subject of hygiene is the study of the patterns of interaction between factors of the natural and social environment and the human body, the study of cause-and-effect relationships in the system "external environment - human health", since most cases of health disorders, diseases and early aging organism is the result of human interaction with the adverse effects of the external environment.

The main objects of research in hygiene are healthy person (social group, population, population of the region) and the external environment. By origin, environmental factors are divided into natural, industrial and household. By their nature, environmental factors are divided into physical (climate, indoor microclimate, atmospheric electricity, noise, vibration, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and others), chemical ( chemical composition ambient air residential and office space), biological (microorganisms, plants, fungi, insects, animals and their waste products) and social (conditions of accommodation, recreation of people, food, water supply).

The hygiene method is characterized by a specific preventive orientation, consisting in the prevention or weakening of the action harmful factors and the use of beneficial factors of the natural and social environment to achieve the goal of preserving and strengthening public health.

The specificity of the hygiene method lies not only in its focus on eliminating negative impact environment on a person, but also in the way of implementing this orientation: not by direct impact on a person (treatment), but through the regulation of a set of scientifically grounded legal, administrative, technical, economic and other measures.

In hygiene, the following are used specific methods research:

1. The method of hygienic examination of the object in which people live or work. This method consists in a full-scale study of working conditions, everyday life and rest, in comparing the identified conditions with hygienic standards and in developing recommendations for eliminating the identified sanitary violations.

2. Instrumental-laboratory method, which played an important role in the transformation of hygiene into a scientific discipline. At the same time, a significant number of private techniques are used for the study of physical, chemical, biological factors the environment, as well as functional shifts, giving an idea of ​​the influence of these factors on the body.

3. Sanitary-statistical method, which allows to assess the level of public health in a particular team, population group in connection with the impact of factors of the natural and social environment for three main groups of indicators:

Sanitary and demographic indicators characterizing population reproduction (fertility, mortality, causes of death, average duration life, the final results of reproduction);

Indicators of morbidity and labor loss (primary accessibility, hospitalization, labor loss);

Indicators physical development(height, body weight, functional indicators).

4. The experimental method used in scientific research in the interests of hygienic regulation, including laboratory and field studies.

Summarizing what has been said, modern hygiene can be defined as a complex of preventive medical scientific disciplines and areas of practical activity of doctors aimed at preserving and strengthening people's health by preventing diseases and premature aging organism.

1.2 Hygiene as a basic science

Science is usually divided in relation to practice into fundamental and applied. The word "fundamental" from the Latin Fundamentus - base) has two meanings: basic, main and solid, deep.

Webster's dictionary cites as possible meanings of this word: "the underlying theory or principle" and "something fundamental to the scientific and technological progress".

Touching basic sciences, TSB defines their tasks as the knowledge of the laws governing the behavior and interaction of the basic structures of nature, society and thinking. At the same time, it is emphasized that these laws are studied in pure form, regardless of their possible use... And the immediate task of applied sciences is to apply the results of fundamental sciences to solve specific social and practical problems. For such sciences, the criterion of success is the measure of satisfaction of the social order.

Bearing in mind the foregoing, it is possible to qualify the hygienic science as equivalent fundamental and applied, since, recognized to justify healthy conditions life, work and everyday life, it is the scientific basis for sanitary practice, and the scientific recommendations developed by it have direct practical implementation.

1.3 Laws of hygiene

For the first time, fundamental preventive science with centuries-old history, the subject of which is the "Healthy person - environment" system, has formulated its own laws.

So, the first law of hygiene determines that a violation of human health caused by physical, chemical, biological or social factors can arise only if there are three conditions: a source of harmfulness (danger) of the environment, the mechanism of its transmission and the body's susceptibility.

The second law of hygiene reflects the negative environmental impact of human activity on the environment, which occurs regardless of his will and consciousness. Without taking into account the relevant sanitary and hygienic requirements, progressive pollution of the environment and the biosphere as a whole occurs.

The third law of hygiene is the law of the negative impact on the environment of extreme natural phenomena (volcanic activity, geochemical anomalies, solar flares, earthquakes, cyclonic and anticyclonic activity, etc.).

The fourth law of hygiene establishes a positive impact on the environment human society... Compliance with it when introducing environmentally friendly technologies contributes to the multiplication of conditions that improve the quality of life of people.

The fifth law of hygiene characterizes the negative impact of a polluted environment on human health. The operation of this law is in a certain dependence on the specific manifestation of the requirements of the second and third laws. So, as a result of long-term pollution due to inept land use of some agroceonosis in the Gomel region with pesticides and nitrates in combination with a high radioactive background and the content of polymetals in the soils of the region, conditions have been created for the occurrence of xenobiotic syndrome among pregnant women and newborns, manifested by anemia, hypoxia, jaundice and microsymptoms. central nervous system.

The sixth law of hygiene is the positive effect of the natural environment on human health, which must not be limited, but only strengthened (ecologically clean and sound food, drinking water, atmospheric air, natural insolation, UV radiation from the Sun, etc.).

1.4 Differentiation of hygiene as a discipline

The sections of hygienic science are occupational hygiene, communal hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, food hygiene, radiation hygiene, military hygiene in relation to the objects under study: industrial enterprises, populated areas, children's and school institutions, facilities Catering and enterprises Food Industry, objects of military equipment.

Hygienists conduct ongoing and preventive sanitary and hygienic control over the state of the environment, living and working conditions of the population.

The practical implementation of the standards and recommendations developed by hygienic science is carried out in the form of sanitary measures. For example, hygienic microclimate standards, maximum permissible concentration of dust and toxic substances in the air, sealing equipment, creating ventilation in workshops, using personal protective equipment by workers, etc. Hygienic standards for water consumption and water quality require a number of sanitary measures to select a place for water intake from a water source, water purification and disinfection systems, development of methods for monitoring the efficiency of water treatment, etc. All these measures are subject to sanitary supervision.

1.5 History of hygiene development

Since ancient times, hygiene has had a monopoly on the study of environmental factors and their influence on human health. Even the ancient Greeks endowed the mythical deified doctor Asclepius (Aesculapius) with two daughters - Panakia and Hygieia. The first was assigned the role of treating sick people, the second was the prevention of diseases in healthy people by eliminating harmful environmental factors, using useful ones and forming on this basis healthy way life. This formation rested at first on empirical observations of the results of human interaction with the natural and social environment and was expressed in the form of customs, laws and religious rules. Later they were summarized in the first scientific works belonging to the famous physician of antiquity Hippocrates (460-377 BC), such as "On water, air and localities", where he wrote that illness is the result of a life that contradicts nature, therefore a doctor, in order to fulfill his duties, must carefully observe how a person treats food, drink and everything that surrounds him. Since the 9th century, there was a university in Italy (Salerno), where the ideas of Hippocrates and the Roman physician Galen were widely developed. In the East, the famous scientist Abu Ali ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna, played an outstanding role in the development of medicine and the study of the influence of the external environment on health. He has developed many hygiene rules about the arrangement and maintenance of dwellings, clothing, proper nutrition, childcare, etc. He first pointed to the possibility of spreading disease through soil and water. XV and XVI centuries. were marked by the emergence of the capitalist mode of production, which led to the development of sciences and art, including modern natural science.

Medicine in general, and hygiene in particular, overcoming religious, scholastic ideas about the causes of illness, is taking the natural-scientific path of development. The external environment and living conditions of people are recognized as leading in the occurrence and development of diseases. Physician and astronomer Frakastro reports observations on the ways of spreading infections and writes a treatise "On infectious diseases" (1546), and doctor Rammatsini - "A treatise on diseases caused by the occupations of people" (1700).

Further progress of science, public life and culture has put forward new challenges for hygiene science and practice. To solve them, scientifically grounded provisions were required, based on accurate studies of environmental factors and experiment. The first major works to meet these requirements were Michel Levy's hygiene manual, published in 1844 in Paris, and the experimental hygiene manual by the English physician Parkes, published in London in 1854. The experimental direction was further developed in the works and practical activities of the outstanding scientist-hygienist Max Pettenkofer (1818-1901) and the school of hygienists created by him.

In Russia, as in other countries, the rudiments of empirical knowledge about the relationship between living conditions and health emerged a very long time ago - back in Kievan and Novgorod Rus. They are reflected in the treatise on the life of a prosperous Russian family "Domostroy". Later, a number of decrees were issued on the protection of the external environment and public health, in particular, on supervision of the sanitary state of cities (1737), on sanitary conditions at cloth factories ("Regulations", 1741), on mandatory notification in case of infectious diseases ("Order to Governors and voivods ", 1743).

The history of Russian medicine testifies to the deep understanding of hygiene problems by outstanding Russian clinicians.

One of the founders of the Russian therapeutic school M.Ya. Mudrov (1776-1831), being a professor of therapy at the medical faculty of Moscow University, on June 3, 1809. delivered his famous speech, entitled "A word about the benefits and items of military hygiene, or science to maintain the health of military personnel." This speech contains thoughts that have not lost their meaning today. He said: "in the regiments and especially in the navy, it is much easier to take care of than to restore lost health." And further: "The position of regimental doctors and divisional doctors is not so much to heal as to prevent diseases, and even more so to teach soldiers to take care of their health. Well-fed and healthy soldiers are brave, tireless in their work, and, therefore, invincible."

The words of N.I. Pirogova: "I believe in hygiene. The future belongs to preventive medicine." S.P. Botkin, as chairman of the Society of Russian Doctors, considered it necessary that " deep idea health improvement was more and more popularized "so that the idea of" ... health improvement, sewage disposal, sewage of our cities - these centers and breeding grounds for infection - became more and more possible. " In his speech at Moscow University he said: “Only hygiene can triumphantly argue with the ailment of the masses. It is therefore clear that hygienic information is more necessary, more obligatory for everyone than knowledge of diseases and their treatment. " the most successful therapy is possible only under the condition of hygiene. "

The cradle of the first department of hygiene in Russia was the Medical-Surgical Academy, where it was organized in 1871. Professor Alexei Petrovich Dobroslavin (1842-1889). Day of reading A.P. Dobroslavin of the first lecture - November 19, 1871. - is considered the date of foundation of the Department of Hygiene. She was named the Department of General, Military Land and Marine Hygiene. The founder of domestic hygiene A.P. Dobroslavin is a graduate of the Academy, who received an improvement from the famous chemists N.N. Zimin, A.P. Borodin, A. Würz, L. Pebl, physiologists N.M. Yakubovich and A. Rollet, the hygienists M. Pettenkofer and R. Voith.

A.P. Dobroslavin wrote the first original textbooks in Russian, founded the first hygienic journal "Health" and a hygienic society. A.P. Dobroslavin has enriched hygiene with valuable experimental research and practical recommendations in the field of food hygiene, military hygiene and other areas of hygiene.

Professor Fedor Fedorovich Erisman (1842-1915) is rightfully considered one of the founders of domestic scientific hygiene. Swiss by birth, F.F. Erisman worked most fruitfully in Moscow, where in 1882. founded the Department of Hygiene at Moscow University, in 1879-1885. together with zemstvo doctors A.V. Pogozhev and E.V. Dementyev conducted a thorough study of the sanitary condition of factories and plants in the Moscow province, the results of which were published in 10 volumes.

F.F. Erisman is also the author of the three-volume Handbook of Hygiene, Occupational or Mental Hygiene manual labor". His views on the essence of hygiene, set out in the introductory lecture, published in the" Course of Hygiene "in 1887, have not lost their relevance today. FF Erisman considered hygiene a science of public health:" Deprive hygiene of its public nature. .., declare that hygiene is not a science of public health, but that it should only deal with the study of private issues within the walls of the laboratory - you will have only a sign of a science for which it is not worth working. "

1.6 Hygienic diagnostics for the present stage

The concept of "diagnosis" (recognition) is usually associated with clinical, i.e. medical medicine. Obviously, this concept can be extended to other phenomena of nature and society, incl. on environmental factors. This was noted in his works by the founder of hygiene in Russia A.P. Dobroslavin, who called on doctors to diagnose the "sanitary ailments" of society, to form hygienic thinking, by which he understood the ability to diagnose and eliminate these ailments. He rightly considered the method of recognition, study and assessment of environmental conditions to be identical to that in determining and recognizing human conditions in the process of diagnosing a disease.

Modern hygienic diagnostics is a system of thinking and actions aimed at studying the conditions of the natural and social environment, human health (population) and establishing the relationship between the state of the environment and health. It follows from this that hygienic diagnostics has three objects of study - the environment, health and the connection between them. Currently, the most studied is the first object - the environment, worse - the second and very little the third.

Methodologically and methodologically, hygienic diagnostics differs significantly from clinical diagnostics.

The objects of hygienic prenosological diagnostics are a healthy person (population), the environment and their relationship. The object of clinical (nosological) diagnostics is a sick person and, very fragmentarily, only for informational purposes, the conditions of his life and work. The subject of clinical diagnosis is the disease, its severity; the subject of hygienic prenosological diagnostics is health, its size.

Hygienic prenosological diagnosis can begin with a study, or at least with an assessment of the available data on surrounding man natural and social environment, and then pass to man (population). Clinical diagnosis begins directly with a patient who already has complaints and symptoms. They should be linked into a logical framework and compared with the existing model of the disease in textbooks, manuals and the resulting model of the disease. Knowledge of the environment here plays a secondary role, it is almost not needed directly for diagnostics, because the result of the environment's action is obvious, and in a manifest form.

The ultimate goal of hygienic prenosological diagnostics is to establish the level, magnitude of health, clinical - to determine the disease and its severity. It follows from this that in the implementation of hygienic prenosological diagnostics, first of all, the state of the adaptive reserves of the body should be assessed, and then the functions and structures, which can generally be intact, especially the structure. In clinical diagnostics, on the contrary, and most often violations of the structure, function and, less often, the state of adaptive reserves are revealed.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be emphasized that hygiene is a preventive science. It is at the present time that we are at that stage in the development of medical science when the question arises of revising the preventive direction of our entire healthcare and its deeper implementation into medical practice. Therefore, today the words of A.I. Nesterova: "Preventive medicine is etiological, pathogenetic and social medicine at the same time; it is medicine of scientific and active multilateral influence both on a sick person and on the environment."

In all civilized countries, the preventive direction of medicine is generally recognized and the most effective. Attempts to introduce in our country a system of medical examination of the population as a method of prevention have not yielded a noticeable effect. Among the reasons for the failure, along with the lack of structures and mechanisms that allow the development of prevention, should be noted the lack of interest in carrying out this work of practical doctors, poor training of students in medical institutions in this section of work.

The main task of prevention in the current conditions should be considered not to identify early signs diseases, but improving the health of the examined and the use of such methods of exposure to humans, which prevent the onset and development of diseases.

List of sources used

1. Pokrovsky V.P. Hygiene / V.P. Pokrovsky - M., 1979 .-- 460s.

2. Gabovich A.D. Hygiene / A.D. Gabovich - Kiev, 1984 .-- 320s.

3. Minkh A.A. General hygiene / A.A. Minh - M., Medicine, 1984 .-- 480s.

4. Rumyantsev G.I., Vishnevskaya E.P., Kozeeva T.A. General hygiene. - M., 1985 .-- 432s.

Hygiene is a science that studies the influence of various environmental factors and industrial activities on human health, his working capacity, and life expectancy. One of the most important tasks of hygiene is the development of preventive measures aimed at improving the living and working conditions of a person.
The ancient Greeks envisioned the goddess of health as a young woman holding a bowl filled with water in her hand. They considered her the daughter of the god of health Aesculapius and gave her the euphonic name "Hygieia". This is where the word "hygiene" comes from, that is, health care. Hygiene should be distinguished from the concept of "sanitation", which is a set of practical measures aimed at enforcing the requirements of hygiene.
Hygiene is the scientific basis for preventive medicine.
The need to develop a preventive direction in medicine was pointed out at one time by the largest domestic physiologists I.M.Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov, who proved that there is a close relationship between the human body and the environment and the constant influence of environmental factors on the body is the cause of many diseases. IP Pavlov said: "Only after knowing all the causes of the disease, real medicine turns into the medicine of the future, that is, hygiene in the broad sense of the word," thereby predetermining deep meaning, the importance and noble purpose of hygiene as a science.
A feature of hygienic science is its state orientation, since it is designed to develop measures that provide for the preservation of the health of not only an individual person, but also the entire population.
Hygiene at the present stage is a widely differentiated science. Having first emerged as general hygiene, later, as the studied problems and objects of the external environment expanded, such disciplines as occupational hygiene, food hygiene, communal hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, etc. began to develop independently.
Hygiene has close connection with all medical disciplines, as well as with chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, social sciences, etc. Hygiene is directly related to epidemiology, which makes extensive use of hygiene recommendations and sanitary measures to combat infectious diseases.
Widely used variety of methods hygiene research can be combined into two main groups: 1) methods by which the hygienic state of environmental factors is studied; 2) methods to assess the body's response to the impact of one or another external factor.
Any hygienic research begins with a sanitary description. During the formation of hygienic science, this method was the only one and did not lose its significance in at present... It allows you to characterize the state of the object of observation, to outline the volume and nature of the necessary laboratory research, with the help of which the sanitary situation is objectively assessed. However, for an in-depth quantitative and qualitative assessment of environmental factors, the sanitary description is not enough. Therefore, physical, chemical, bacteriological, toxicological, clinical, statistical and other methods are used.
Physical methods make it possible to assess the microclimatic conditions of premises, to measure the parameters of noise and vibration, levels of thermal radiation, etc.
Chemical research methods are used to analyze the air environment in order to determine the content of harmful substances, assess the quality of water (determine its salt composition, pollution indicators, etc.), the biological value of food, etc.
Currently, many physicochemical and radiological methods are being introduced into the practice of hygienic research. They are highly sensitive, specific and accurate. In some cases, express methods (accelerated) are used. The most promising methods are chromatomasspectrometry, gas chromatography, atomic absorption, polarography, and spectrophotometry. They are used to identify and quantify chemicals in air, water, soil, biological materials and other environments.
Bacteriological methods are used to assess the bacterial contamination of air, water, soil, food products and other objects through which pathogens of infectious diseases can be transmitted.
With the help of toxicological and biological methods, especially in experiments on animals, the nature of the action of chemical compounds on the body is assessed and their maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) in water, air and soil, permissible residual quantities (MRL) or maximum permissible levels (MRL) of chemical substances.
Clinical methods make it possible to identify changes in the body that occur when exposed to environmental factors. This is carried out in the process of clinical observation in hospitals and clinics or during dispensary examination at work.
The use of epidemiological methods makes it possible to identify the consequences of environmental pollution on the population, to determine the quantitative value of the studied influences, to establish causal relationships between biosphere pollutants and the state of human health.
The epidemiological method includes:
assessment of the health status of the population in terms of morbidity, morbidity, mortality, temporary disability and disability;
assessment of the prevalence of morbidity in the territory, among different groups population and time period;
formulation, assessment and substantiation of hypotheses about the cause-and-effect relationships between the incidence and the factors that determine it (risk factors);
proof of hypotheses about risk factors and assessment of the effectiveness of measures for the prevention of diseases and treatment of patients.
Sociological research and sanitary-statistical methods make it possible to analyze and quantify a number of phenomena and, in particular, the dynamics of the natural movement of the population (fertility, mortality, population growth), morbidity, physical development, etc.
The widespread use of various methods in hygienic research on the study of environmental factors and public health makes it possible to scientifically substantiate the development of legislative, normative documents, hygienic regulations and other measures aimed at ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being and maintaining health.
The prospective development of hygienic science and sanitary and epidemiological service in our country is determined by the adopted Constitution Russian Federation(December 12, 1993) "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens." One of the important provisions of this document is the recognition that the health of society in modern conditions is largely determined by its sanitary and epidemiological well-being, the real provision of citizens' rights to a safe environment and disease prevention. critical factors national security the country is to protect the health of the population.
In his message to the Federal Assembly, the President of the country V.V. Putin emphasized that in modern conditions health care is a national problem. Health - necessary condition labor potential, the main criterion for the effectiveness of public administration.
In full accordance with these definitions and for the purpose of their implementation, in 1999, the Federal Law (No. 52-FZ) "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" was adopted, in which, for the first time in the history of our country, regulation was introduced at the legislative level. public relations in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population as one of the main conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to health protection and a favorable environment.
Great concern for protecting public health and improving living conditions is imbued with federal laws: "On the protection of atmospheric air" (1999), "On the quality and safety of food" (1999), "On the protection of the natural environment" (1991). Thus, Article 1 of the Law "On Environmental Protection" emphasizes that the tasks of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation are to regulate relations in the field of interaction between society and nature in order to preserve natural resources and the natural environment of man, prevent ecologically harmful effects economic and other activities, improvement and improvement of the quality of the natural environment, strengthening the rule of law and law and order in the interests of the present and future generations of people.
An important state problem in terms of hygiene is the development of rational nutrition taking into account age, gender, nature of work, climatic conditions and other factors. Many studies are devoted to the problem of nutritional balance, as well as obtaining new products High Quality and biologically valuable.
An integrated system has been developed state registration, assessing quality and safety, and monitoring genetically modified food sources. This problem has arisen quite recently and, in terms of its importance, requires fundamental research.
Various tasks have been set for hygiene in the field of protecting the health of children and adolescents, since the health of children today is the health of the entire people in the future. In addition to the ongoing dynamic study of the physical development of children, the tasks put forward directly by modern requirements are also being solved:
- development of proposals and standards for the design of promising types of schools and preschool institutions in cities and rural settlements of various climatic regions of the country;
studying the state of health of children enrolled in new forms of education (lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.);
assessment of the introduction of new curricula and modern technical teaching aids (computers, etc.) in schools and their impact on the health of schoolchildren;
development of the problem of adaptation of children to changing social conditions life, education and training, etc .;
quality assessment of new building materials and elements of sanitary improvement introduced in the construction of school and preschool institutions, etc.
Held in last years reforming economic relations in Russia, the emergence different forms property, including private entrepreneurship, changes in pricing conditions and other changes in the system of economic and economic relations put forward before science and healthcare whole line difficult tasks to preserve the health of the working population.
This multifaceted problem, which is based on a number of factors: social, economic, legal, medical, environmental, is being actively addressed by occupational medicine in close cooperation with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia. Work continues on the hygienic regulation of chemical, physical, biological and other factors of the working environment, measures are being developed to reduce and prevent occupational and work-related diseases.
The problem of protecting the human environment (air, water, soil, populated areas) is currently relevant. Its study is carried out on the basis of the development of a system of national measures to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.
An important task is the hygienic education of the population, the creation safe environment use of consumer goods, especially household chemicals and polymer materials and products based on them.
The tension of the ecological situation in the country makes it necessary further development hygienic rationing, the idea of ​​which was first born in our country.
The sanitary legislation currently includes more than 1340 MPCs and 402 MPCs for chemical pollutants for water bodies, about 600 MPCs and 1538 OSLs for atmospheric air, about 110 MPCs for soil, more than 1800 MPCs for air in industrial premises. Emerged new problem rationing of complexes of substances harmful to health, assessment of the combined effect of chemical and physical factors and justification of a unified hygienic standardization of their maximum permissible load(MDN) with the development of appropriate indicators of the quality of the environment. This will make it possible to predict possible influence various combinations of chemical, physical, biological and other environmental factors per person.
The urgent tasks of modern hygiene are research in the field of an integral assessment of the level of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of Russia, the search for a mechanism for managing the process of optimizing the state of the environment and public health. This requires further improvement of the methodology of the state system of social and hygienic monitoring, methodology and implementation in practice of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. integrated assessment and risk management of the impact of the environment on public health.

Hygienic knowledge based on life observations originated in ancient times. The first hygienic treatises that have come down to us ("On a healthy lifestyle", "On water, air and localities") belong to the pen of the great doctor Ancient Greece Hippocrates (460-377 BC). The first city water pipes, hospitals were built in ancient Rome.

Until now, not only is it known, but also represents a certain scientific interest "Treatise on hygiene (elimination of any damage human body by correcting various errors in the regime) ", written by the great Arab-Muslim scientist, who was born in Central Asia, Avicenna Abu Ali ibn Sina (980-1037). The treatise sets out important questions hygiene, methods and means of treatment and prevention of diseases caused by disturbances in sleep, nutrition, etc. are proposed.

However, hygiene science has developed not only on the basis of empirical observations, but, of course, taking into account new experimental data. Here it is necessary to recall the hygienic manuals written by the French M. Levy (1844) and the English medical scientist E. Parks. The first hygiene department at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Munich in 1865 was organized by Max Pettenkofer (1818-1901). He not only researched environmental factors (water, air, soil, food), but also created the first school of hygienists.

Empirical knowledge about hygiene also comes to us from Ancient (Kievan, Novgorod) Rus. Suffice it to recall the well-known treatise on the life of the Russian family - "Domostroy", which sets out the basics correct storage products, attention is paid to the observance of cleanliness and tidiness.

Peter I did a lot to protect the health of the population and prevent the spread of diseases in Russia, having issued a number of decrees on the sanitary condition of cities, on the mandatory notification of cases of infectious diseases, etc.

On special meaning preventive measures in the prevention of high morbidity were indicated by many Russian doctors: N.I. Pirogov, S.P. Botkin, N.G. Zakharyin, M. Ya. Mudrov.

NI Pirogov wrote: “I believe in hygiene. This is where the true progress of our science lies. The future belongs to preventive medicine. " In a speech delivered in 1873, another well-known Russian clinician, Professor G. N. Zakharyin said: “The more mature a practical doctor, the more he understands the power of hygiene and the relative weakness of treatment, therapy ... The most successful therapy is possible only with subject to hygiene. Only hygiene can triumphantly argue with the ailments of the masses. We consider hygiene to be one of the most important, if not the most important, subject of a practical doctor's activity. "

In Russia, hygiene as a course in forensic science (forensic medicine) begins to be taught at the Medical-Surgical Academy (St. and hygiene ". An independent department of hygiene at the academy and the first in Russia was opened in 1871 under the leadership of assistant professor Alexei Petrovich Dobroslavin (1842-1889). A.P. Dobroslavin organized an experimental laboratory at the department, created the first Russian school of hygienists, he wrote the first Russian textbooks on hygiene.

The Moscow School of Hygienists was founded by Fedor Fedorovich Erisman (1842-1915). In 1881, F. F. Erisman was elected assistant professor of the Department of Hygiene, Faculty of Medicine, Moscow University. He worked a lot in the field of hygiene of children and adolescents (Erisman's universal desk is still known), social hygiene, laid the foundations for studying the influence of environmental factors on the health of the younger generation, proved that physical development can act as an indicator of the sanitary well-being of the child population.

In the Soviet period, such scientists as professors Grigory Vitalievich Khlopin, Fyodor Grigorievich Krotkov, Alexei Nikolaevich Sysin, Alexei Alekseevich Minkh, Gennady Ivanovich Sidorenko and many others did a lot for the development of domestic hygiene.

According to Greek mythology, the philological origin of hygiene is associated with the goddess of health (Hygieinos) - the daughter of Aesculapius. Hygiene - the goddess of health - a symbol of health.

Hygiene- medical, preventive discipline. She studies the patterns of influence on the body of environmental factors in order to prevent diseases and improve the environment itself. Environmental factors are also studied in other disciplines. The peculiarity of hygiene is that it studies the influence of environmental factors on human health.

The task of hygiene as a science is to weaken the effect of negative factors and enhance the effect of hygiene measures positive factors... In particular, it has now been established that fluorine in the composition drinking water has a certain effect on the development and formation of teeth.

For example, the concentration of fluoride in water less than 0.7 mg / l and especially at the level of 0.5 mg / l lead to the development of caries. The Volga water, which is widely used for water consumption in the cities of the Volga region, contains fluorine at a level of 0.2 mg / l. This level of fluoride in drinking water leads to the massive development of caries. 80%, and in some places - 90% of the population of the Volga cities suffers from caries. Along with such a famous negative factor lack of fluoride in drinking water, its excessive concentration (above 1.5 mg / l) leads to the development of fluorosis. Fluorosis is a disease, the development of which is associated with the effect of fluoride on the body as a protoplasmic poison. In particular, high concentration fluoride leads to changes in the formation and development of teeth. Along with the skeletal form, there is the so-called dental form of fluorosis. The optimal level of fluoride, ensuring the prevention of caries and excluding its toxic effect, is in the range from 0.7 to 1.5 mg / l. Such a range of fluoride doses in drinking water is established taking into account regional characteristics and some other aspects. Thus, distinctive feature hygiene is the rationing of factors that we have examined with the example of fluoride.

Hygiene items are environment and health. What are they like?

The environment is a set of elements of a physical, chemical, biological, psychological, economic, cultural and ethnic nature, which make up a single, continuously changing ecological system(ecosystem).

The definition of health is most adequate modern conditions given by experts from the World Health Organization. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

Over the past XX century. Most of the capital invested in health care went largely towards solving problems that had already arisen, rather than preventing them from occurring. The emphasis was on curing, or at least reducing ill health, on therapeutic care, rather than health promotion and disease prevention. A reorientation of priorities should be undertaken. More attention should be paid to the preventive direction of the development of medicine.

It is common knowledge that hygiene arose out of the needs of clinical medicine. The development of hygiene was primarily supported by representatives of clinical medicine, such prominent scientists as M. Ya. Mudrov, N. G. Zakharyin, N. I. Pirogov, S. P. Botkin. Zakharyin's statement is well known: "The more mature a practitioner is, the more he understands the power of hygiene and the relative weakness of treatment - therapy." The very successes of therapy are possible only if hygiene is observed. The task of hygiene is to make human development the most perfect, life strong, and death the most distant.

Knowledge of hygiene is essential in the practice of doctors different profile: medical, pediatric and dental.

It is well known that environmental factors influence the development of various pathologies. If these factors are not taken into account, the effectiveness of the treatment is reduced. For example, in the field of pathology of diseases oral cavity the influence of the professional factor is known.

Working with certain chemicals can enhance the development of the pathological process in the oral cavity, caries, and other diseases. The development of caries is significantly influenced by such a factor as the nature of the diet (alimentary). It is generally known that tooth decay develops more often in those who consume more refined carbohydrates. Currently in medicine, a significant number of diseases are known that have a genesis environmental factor... The course of a number of diseases is influenced by living conditions, water consumption of one or another mineral composition... Working conditions contribute to the development of certain diseases, can aggravate the course of cardiovascular pathology, provide negative impact on the development of pathology of the respiratory system. I must say that there are diseases that are caused by the impact on the body of a professional factor. These diseases are called just that: occupational diseases.

The doctor needs knowledge of the effect of one factor or another on the body: alimentary factor, the nature of water, its composition, quality. When carrying out one or another treatment with the use of pharmacological drugs, one should take into account the nature of the diet, since it can weaken or enhance the effect of the drug (just like drinking water can enhance the effect or, conversely, weaken the effectiveness of the drug treatment being carried out).

Hygiene is developing in two directions. On the one hand, there is a process of its so-called differentiation. The process of differentiation is associated with the separation from general hygiene of such independent branches of it as social hygiene, communal hygiene, food hygiene, occupational hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, radiation hygiene, military hygiene, hygiene and toxicology of polymer materials, space hygiene, aviation hygiene. On the other hand, the development of hygiene also follows the path of integration. Hygiene develops in close contact with clinical areas of medicine, therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology and other industries.

Currently, such a course has stood out from hygiene as valeology- a science that studies the laws of formation high level health. The laws of the formation of the pathological process have always been paid great attention, but insufficient attention was paid to the problems associated with the conditions, factors and patterns that determine the conditions for the formation of a high level of health.

Hygiene methodology

Hygiene methodology is its section, a part of hygiene dealing with the use of its methodological techniques for studying the patterns of interaction between the body and the environment. Hygiene methodology is associated with the development of hygiene standards, guidelines, sanitary standards and rules. In hygiene, there are so-called specific classical hygiene methods. These include the method of sanitary inspection, the method of sanitary description and the method of sanitary observation. In hygiene are widely used different methods associated with the assessment of factors acting on a person. These methods are physical, chemical, which evaluate the physical and chemical state environment. In hygiene, toxicological methods are widely used, aimed at assessing the nature of the toxic effect on the body of certain chemicals. Physiological methods are widely used, it is not for nothing that hygiene is called applied physiology.

To assess the impact of factors on certain systems of the body, biochemical, genetic, clinical and epidemiological research methods are widely used. To generalize the results obtained, statistical methods are widely used with the involvement of modern technologies.

Methods for studying the influence of environmental factors in natural conditions. This direction is called a natural experiment. What is associated with the study of the health status of certain groups of the population living under the influence of various environmental factors. In natural conditions, it is possible to study the influence of working conditions on the health of workers. They also study the influence of factors educational process on the growing body of the child. Clinical and hygienic research is being carried out to develop the maximum permissible concentration of harmful chemicals in the working area. Thus, clinical and hygienic research and laboratory experiment complement each other and constitute a unified approach to hygienic research of the environment and human health.

Environment and health

The subject of hygiene is the environment and health. Extremely complex processes take place in the environment (ecosystem), biosphere. Some of these processes are associated with the action of factors aimed at ensuring the constancy of the quality of the environment (water, soil, atmospheric air). These are stabilizing factors. Other factors (and they can be natural, natural or associated with human activities, the so-called anthropogenic factors) lead to a violation of natural balance, harmony in nature. These are destabilizing factors.

In ecology, there is the concept of anthropogenic exchange. Anthropogenic exchange has natural resources at the input, and production and household waste at the output. Ecological anthropogenic exchange is extremely imperfect. It has an open, open character and is devoid of the cycle of life that is inherent in the biosphere as a whole. To characterize anthropogenic exchange, there is an indicator - its coefficient useful action, showing the amount of natural resources used for the benefit of man. The efficiency factor for today is 2%, that is, 98% is an unused natural resource, and, moreover, this is the part of resources that acts as waste - environmental pollutants. Among these pollutants, there are substances that have a pronounced destabilizing effect, the so-called destabilizing factors. These include halogen-containing components, rare and heavy metals, substances with an ionizing effect, and other factors. In general, these factors, by the nature of their action, can be classified as physical or chemical. Serious danger are chemical compounds... The action of certain chemicals can lead to the development of destabilizing, destructive processes that lead to an increasing effect. This process is out of control of the person. It exceeds the effect of natural stabilizing factors, as a result of which the development of spontaneously uncontrollable, growing destabilizing phenomena is noted. Substances and factors that have such an effect are called super-ecotoxicants. Chemicals classified in this class are rare and heavy metals, ionizing radiation, halogenated components. All of them have a special nature of the effect on the human body, expressed in damage to cell membranes, in the development of disorders in the enzyme systems of the body, disorders of homeostasis, leading to destructive phenomena in the human body. Ecotoxicants are characterized by high resistance in the environment and stability. They are capable of accumulating in environmental objects. The stability and ability of chemicals to accumulate in the environment ensure their migration, which is extremely dangerous for humans and their environment.

A close interaction develops between the human body and the environment. The problem of the unity of the organism and the environment is the most important problem. It must be said that between the environment and the body there is definite shape balance. This balance of the environment and the body is formed as a result of the most important mechanisms of the physiological response of the body to the effects of certain factors and is carried out through the work of the central nervous system. This form of balance is the so-called dynamic stereotype, that is, if a factor acts constantly, is of a repetitive nature, the body develops stereotyped reactions. The emergence of new factors leads to the destruction of this balance. So-called excessive factors pose a particularly serious danger in this regard. They lead to a violation of the dynamic stereotype. Changes in the dynamic stereotype are associated with a significant dysfunction of the body: neuropsychic, stressful condition, an extreme factor.

The task of hygiene is to find ways and methods of forming a new stereotype. This can be achieved by appropriate changes in the external environment, as well as by improving the adaptation mechanisms of the organism. In the diagram, developed by the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu. L. Lisitsin, according to the experts of the World Health Organization, the factors that determine the level of human somatic health are presented. The determining factor of somatic (general) health, according to experts from the World Health Organization, is style, or, as we say, lifestyle. It determines the somatic state of human health by 53%. 17% of human somatic health is determined by the quality of the environment, 20% falls on hereditary factors, and only 10% of somatic health is determined by the level and availability medical care the population. Thus, 70% of the level of human health depends on those moments that are directly related to hygiene. This is a healthy lifestyle for a person, quality of the environment.

The environment influences the main indicators of the population's health (life expectancy, birth rates, physical development, morbidity and mortality). Moreover, there are a number of diseases that are pronounced depending on environmental conditions. These are environmentally related diseases. These include, in particular, a disease called "syndrome chronic fatigue". At the heart of this disease are membrane-damaging action and action on enzyme systems chemical pollutants and ionizing radiation. The unfavorable effect of chemicals leads to a sharp decrease in immunobiological parameters. Mass surveys of large cities show a dramatic change in immune homeostasis in residents. A change in immunity indicators by 50% is noted among residents of Moscow. A situation arises that indicates the so-called secondary nonspecific immunodeficiency associated with exposure to the body of a number of adverse factors, including chemicals.

Assessment of the level of health of the population living in different conditions environment, now makes us talk about the existence of ecologically caused foci of diseases. These diseases are associated with pollution of the urban environment with rare and heavy metals, to the action of which it is primarily sensitive children's organism... Therefore, the study of the impact of urban environment factors on the body of the population, especially children, is urgent task hygienic science.

Hygiene is preventative medicine. What is meant by prevention itself? There are concepts of primary and secondary prevention. Let's start with the concept of so-called secondary prevention. Secondary prevention is understood as a set of measures aimed at localizing and weakening the pathological process through active clinical examination, anti-relapse therapy, sanatorium treatment and medical nutrition, i.e., secondary prevention is the activity that is carried out by practitioners. Hygiene, on the other hand, provides primary prevention. The basis of primary prevention is the elimination of the causes and factors leading to the occurrence pathological processes, and diseases in general by improving the natural, industrial, household environment; the formation of a healthy lifestyle aimed at increasing the body's resistance and strengthening health. Prevention should be understood not only as the prevention of diseases and the implementation of health-improving measures aimed at protecting the health of the population, but the entire set of state, social and medical measures aimed at creating the most favorable living conditions for a person, fully meeting his physiological needs.

Hygiene is a preventive discipline, and hygienic rationing forms the basis of preventive measures.

Hygienic regulation

What should be understood as a hygienic standard? Hygienic standard - a strict range of parameters of environmental factors, optimal and harmless to maintain normal life and health of humans, human population and future generations. Sanitary rules, norms, hygienic standards are normative acts that establish criteria for the safety and harmlessness of environmental factors for a person. Sanitary rules are mandatory for everyone. government bodies and public associations, enterprises and other economic entities, organizations, institutions, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership, officials and citizens.

Hygienic standards for chemicals are established in the form of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). For physical factors, they are set in the form of permissible exposure levels (MPL).

For chemicals, MPCs are set in the atmospheric air of populated areas in the form of maximum one-time and average daily maximum permissible concentrations. MPCs are established for harmful chemicals in the water of reservoirs, drinking water. MPCs are established for the content of harmful chemicals in the soil. V food products harmful chemical substances are standardized in the form of permissible residual quantities (DOK). For chemicals, maximum permissible quantities in water are set in milligrams per 1 dm 3, or 1 liter, for air - in milligrams per 1 m 3 of air, food products - in milligrams per 1 kg of product weight. MPCs characterize safe levels of exposure to harmful chemicals in certain environmental objects.

The remote control for the impact of physical factors is also installed. In particular, there is an idea of ​​the optimal and acceptable parameters of the microclimate, i.e. temperature, humidity, air velocity, etc. nutrients, their rationing is taking into account the physiological needs. There are so-called physiological norms needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. When establishing MPCs for harmful chemicals in the environment, certain principles of hygienic regulation are observed, which include:

1) the principle of stages;

2) the principle of threshold.

The staging in standardization consists in the fact that the work on standardization is carried out in a strictly defined sequence associated with the implementation of the corresponding stage of research. For chemicals, the first step in these studies is the analytical step. The analytical stage includes an assessment of physical and chemical properties: data on the structure of a chemical, its parameters - melting point, boiling point, solubility in water and other solvents. For analytical studies, specific methods of determination are required. The second compulsory stage of hygienic research in establishing the MPC is toxicometry, i.e., the determination of the main parameters of toxicity. Toxicometry includes conducting studies to determine the parameters of acute toxicity (acute toxicometry or, more simply, acute experiments). This is followed by a subacute experiment and a chronic sanitary-toxicological experiment.

The main and main task of an acute experiment is to determine the mean lethal concentrations and doses of LD 50 or CL 50. The statement of acute experiments makes it possible to assess the degree of danger of chemicals, the nature of the direction of action, the vulnerability of certain systems and functions of the body. Acute experiments allow the most reasonable approach to the setting of subacute and chronic sanitary-toxicological experiments. The staging of standardization also allows individual cases to reduce the volume of research, using the so-called principle of rationing by analogy, i.e., the study of indicators of the estimated toxic substance according to physical and chemical properties allows you to find out the presence of so-called analogue substances and carry out standardization using the principle of analogy. This approach is called rationing by analogy. For substances with similar properties, that is, the regulation of which is carried out by analogy, it is mandatory to establish the parameters of acute toxicity. The presence of acute toxicity parameters also makes it possible to reduce the volume of research and save a significant amount of material resources, as well as the time spent on the experiment.

An important stage in toxicometric studies is a subacute sanitary-toxicological experiment. A subacute experiment makes it possible to reveal the presence of cumulative properties from the standpoint of qualitative and quantify this step of the action. In a subacute experiment, the most vulnerable systems of the body are also identified, which makes it possible to objectively approach the formulation of the main stage of toxicometry associated with determining the parameters of a toxic one under conditions of a chronic experiment. A subacute experiment tests a wide range of toxicological tests that assess the effects of a chemical on cardiovascular system, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, excretory system and other functions and systems of the body.

The most important principle of hygienic regulation is the study of the threshold nature of the action of the standardized factor. According to the threshold level of exposure in a chronic experiment, the lowest concentration that causes changes in the body of a laboratory animal is determined. Based on the results of a chronic sanitary-toxicological experiment, MPCs are established for substances, primarily those with a pronounced toxic effect.

When standardizing hazardous chemicals in aquatic environment mandatory steps studies are the study of the effect of a substance on the organoleptic properties of water and the sanitary regime of water bodies, i.e., to establish the maximum permissible concentration of chemicals in water bodies, additional research stages are introduced. At all these stages of the study of exposure to harmful chemicals, threshold levels of exposure, threshold doses and concentrations are necessarily established. The limiting sign of harmfulness is determined by threshold concentrations, that is, the lowest concentration is established in which the effect of a harmful chemical substance is first of all manifested either on the organoleptic properties of water, or on the sanitary regime of a reservoir, or when assessing toxic properties. When establishing the maximum permissible concentration of harmful chemicals in the water of reservoirs, a limiting sign is revealed either organoleptic, or according to the sanitary regime, or toxicological. According to the limiting sign of harmfulness, taking into account the lowest threshold concentration, the MPC is established. Thus, the defining principles of rationing are the principles of threshold and staging.

The established principles for the regulation of chemicals and levels of exposure to physical factors form the basis of the current sanitary legislation.

MPCs allow, on the one hand, to control the content of harmful chemicals in the environment, on the other hand, to create a so-called control system for the content of harmful chemicals, that is, to monitor them in the environment. MPCs are also used in the design of industrial enterprises, MPCs are laid down in projects for the construction of industrial and other enterprises.

The structure of the sanitary service

The activities of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the Russian Federation are determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population."

Occurring in 2004-2005 in the country, the changes also affected the structure of the sanitary service. Ministry of Health and social development RF Centers for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TsGSES) were transformed into territorial departments of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (TU) and federal state health institutions "Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology" (FGU).

The main tasks The territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor (TU) are:

1) state supervision and control over the implementation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in the field of consumer protection;

2) prevention of harmful effects on humans of environmental factors;

3) prevention of infectious and mass noncommunicable diseases(poisoning) of the population.

Functions Territorial administration:

1) state supervision and control over the fulfillment of the requirements of the Russian Federation in ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in the field of consumer protection;

2) sanitary and epidemiological supervision during the development, construction, reconstruction, liquidation of objects of urban planning, industrial construction; for the production, sale of products, for the operation of water supply systems, medical institutions;

3) organization and conduct of social and hygienic monitoring;

4) issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on programs, methods, modes of education, training;

5) carrying out anti-epidemic measures, certification of the decreed contingent and exercising their control;

6) control of laboratory research and testing;

7) conducting sanitary and quarantine control.

The main task of federal state healthcare institutions is to conduct sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, examinations, studies, tests, toxicological, hygienic and other examinations.

The chief state sanitary doctor - the head of the Territorial Office and the head of the Federal State Healthcare Institution on a regional scale is appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the Federal Service (Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation).

Financing of expenses for the maintenance of territorial health care institutions is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

Sanitary inspection in Russia is carried out in two forms. In the form of preventive sanitary supervision and current sanitary supervision.

Preventive sanitary supervision provides for the development of measures related to the introduction of health-improving, preventive measures at the stage of developing projects for industrial and civil facilities, the construction of communal facilities, when developing new technologies, introducing new food and industrial products, and children's toys. It should be especially noted the effective, and not contemplative role of the sanitary service in all of the above activities. In other words, prevention, preventive sanitary supervision should always go ahead of the person, and not follow him. This is crucial role preventive sanitary supervision. Preventive sanitary supervision on the example of the construction of certain objects ends at the stage of its acceptance. It begins with the approval of the project, control over the progress of construction and acceptance. The most important point in the implementation of preventive sanitary supervision of facilities under construction, control over the progress of hidden works is carried out. After the acceptance of the object, the current sanitary inspection begins.

The current sanitary supervision covers almost all areas of activity of certain institutions, objects on the territory of a particular settlement, district, region and, in general, all of Russia. Sanitary and epidemiological authorities monitor the activities of industrial enterprises, communal facilities, preschool institutions, schools, medical and prophylactic and other institutions. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service is endowed with great rights to supervise the activities of certain institutions and organizations. The sanitary service monitors the implementation sanitary regulations certain institutions, enterprises and objects. Sanitary rules are mandatory for all government and public organizations and other economic organizations, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership, as well as officials and citizens. The sanitary service exercises control aimed at preventing sanitary offenses. Sanitary offenses are illegal, guilty, intentional or negligent actions or omissions associated with non-compliance with the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation, including various sanitary rules and norms. Hygienic standards, developed sanitary standards and rules ensure efficient execution preventive and current sanitary and epidemiological supervision, effective implementation of measures to improve the environment and improve the health of the population.

The goal of hygiene as a science is the protection and strengthening of public and personal health by improving the natural and social environment, which is composed of specific working conditions, everyday life and human behavior. According to modern concepts (Charter of the World Health Organization), health means not only the absence of disease, but also maximum physical, mental and social well-being, which allows a person to most effectively perform his social and labor functions. Consequently, human health is a biosocial concept with the leading role of the social.

The subject of hygiene is the study of the patterns of interaction of factors of the natural and social environment and the human body, the study of cause-and-effect relationships in the "external environment-human health" system, since most cases of health disorders, diseases and early aging of the body are the result of human interaction with adverse external influences Wednesday.

The main objects of research in hygiene are a healthy person (social group, population, population of the region) and the external environment. By origin, environmental factors are divided into natural, industrial and household. By their nature, environmental factors are divided into physical (climate, indoor microclimate, atmospheric electricity, noise, vibration, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and others), chemical (the chemical composition of the atmospheric air of residential and office premises), biological (microorganisms, plants, fungi, insects, animals and products of their vital activity) and social (conditions of accommodation, rest of people, food, water supply).

The hygiene method is distinguished by a specific preventive orientation, which consists in preventing or weakening the action of harmful factors and using beneficial factors of the natural and social environment to achieve the goal of maintaining and strengthening public health.

The specificity of the hygiene method lies not only in its focus on eliminating the negative impact of the environment on a person, but also in the way of implementing this orientation: not by direct impact on a person (treatment), but through the regulation of a set of scientifically grounded legal, administrative, technical, economic and other activities.

In hygiene, the following specific research methods are used.

1. The method of hygienic examination of the object in which they live or

people work. This method consists in a full-scale study of working conditions, everyday life and rest, in comparing the identified conditions with hygienic standards and in developing recommendations for eliminating the identified sanitary violations.

2. Instrumental-laboratory method, which played an important role in the transformation of hygiene into a scientific discipline. At the same time, a significant number of private methods are used to study physical, chemical, biological environmental factors, as well as functional shifts, which give an idea of ​​the influence of these factors on the body.

3. Sanitary-statistical method, which allows to assess the level of public health in a particular team, population group in connection with the impact of factors of the natural and social environment for three main groups of indicators:

Sanitary and demographic indicators characterizing the reproduction of the population (fertility, mortality, causes of death, average life expectancy, the final results of reproduction);

Indicators of morbidity and labor loss (primary accessibility, hospitalization, labor loss);

Indicators of physical development (height, body weight, functional indicators).

4. An experimental method used in scientific research in the interests of hygienic regulation, including laboratory and field studies.

Summarizing what has been said, modern hygiene can be defined as a complex of preventive medical scientific disciplines and areas of practical activity of doctors aimed at preserving and strengthening people's health by preventing diseases and premature aging of the body.

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LECTURE ... Introduction to the hygiene of children and adolescents ... Hygiene of children and adolescents as a scientific discipline and practical area health care is intended to justify and ...

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At present, the foundations of hygienic regulation have been developed and formulated by N.F. Koshelev, P.V. Ramzaev and V.P. Mikhailov in the form of a universal, that is, providing standardization of all facts

Until recently, the main task of hygiene was the study of environmental factors affecting the health of the population with the subsequent elimination or reduction of their negative effects.

The lecture will cover the following issues: 1. Stages of the formation of radiation damage. 2. Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter. 3. Direct and indirect action

The effect of AI on proteins.
Up to 20% of the absorbed energy will be localized in proteins. Under the action of AI, an electron is knocked out of a protein molecule. A defect area devoid of an electron is formed - a "hole". This & q

The effect of AI on nucleic acids
Nuclear DNA accounts for about 7% of the absorbed dose. The mechanism of damage is similar to that of a protein: knocking out an electron and the formation of a "hole", its migration along the polynucleotide

The effect of AI on lipids
Under the influence of radiation, free radicals of unsaturated fatty acids are formed, which, when interacting with oxygen, form peroxide radicals, and they, in turn, react

Effects on carbohydrates
Under the influence of AI, the hydrogen atom is detached from the ring, free radicals and then peroxide. Methyl is synthesized from the decomposition product of carbohydrates - glyceraldehyde

Considering in the introductory lecture the problem of the definition of hygiene, we came to the conclusion that hygiene is the science of the health of a healthy person, of ways to strengthen and enhance it.

... Classification of physical factors of the environment. For air hygiene, the traditional division of physical factors into three main groups seems to be justified: microclimate

The physical state atmospheric air characterizes meteorological factors, which include radiant heat, temperature, humidity and air velocity, barometric (atmospheres

Air temperature
Air temperature is the main meteorological indicator characterizing the thermal state of the air. [Air temperature is expressed in degrees Celsius (50 ° C]. Temperature

Air humidity
Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, as well as soils and vegetation cover, are the source of the formation of water vapor, which determines the humidity of the atmospheric air. Distinguish between absolute humidity

Air movement
Atmospheric air is in a state of constant movement. The reason for this phenomenon is different pressure air in different areas land and sea, conditioned, in turn, by the difference in thermal b

Air ionization and atmospheric electricity
The air always contains a certain amount of ionized atoms and molecules of gas (aeroions) or solid particles in the form of fog, smoke or dust (aerodispersion), charged positively or

Human health and performance largely depends on the conditions of the indoor microclimate and the indoor microclimate conditions. The microclimate of the premises is understood as

When establishing hygienic standards for the microclimate of premises, it is assumed that they should provide thermal comfort for humans. In the case of normal microclimatic conditions, about 10

The air environment plays an exceptional role in the prevention of prenosological conditions and many human diseases. The doctor should know what is on human health known influence renders mi

Comprehensive assessment of the health status of children
To assess the health of children and adolescents, at least four criteria must be used, namely: 1) presence or absence at the time of examination chronic diseases; 2) level reached

Hygienic foundations of the daily routine and educational process
The concept of the daily regimen includes the duration, organization and distribution of all types of activity, rest and meals during the day. Rational mode presupposes the conformity of its content

The urgency of the problem of protecting the health of children and adolescents is increasing every year, since since 1986 a decrease in the birth rate has been observed in Belarus, and since 1989 - an increase in the death rate of the population,

Hospital hygiene develops hygiene standards and requirements for the location, layout and sanitary-technical provision of medical institutions in order to create optimal services.

Hygienic characteristics of hospital building systems.
Hospital hygiene is described using the example of a basic medical institution- hospitals general type... A general hospital includes: 1) an emergency department; 2) stationary, in the structure of co

Hygienic requirements for the location and layout of medical institutions.
The location and other features of the hospital site largely determine the possibility of creating hygienic comfort in the hospital. Therefore, for treatment-and-prophylactic institutions,

Polyclinics should be located in detached buildings adjacent to the hospital in the places where the medical and diagnostic departments common for the hospital and the polyclinic are located. About 40% all

Prevention of nosocomial infections
The term "nosocomial infection" denotes a variety of infectious diseases that patients get sick in connection with treatment in hospitals or persons who become ill in connection with a doctor

Medical institutions often find themselves without due attention from the sanitary supervision authorities, which negatively affects the order and completeness of sanitary and hygienic and against

The problem of water supply hygiene affects the interests of a wide range of people. This feature stems from the role that water plays in human physiology. As you know, the human body with

Centralized water supply allows to dramatically raise the level of sanitary culture of the population, contributes to a decrease in morbidity only with uninterrupted supply enough water def

In nature, water is never found in the form of a chemically pure compound. Possessing properties universal solvent, she constantly has a large number various elements and connections,

Water quality standardization has great story... The criteria for the safety of water for health have evolved with the advancement of medical and biological knowledge. The hygiene requirements also changed accordingly.

One of the main fundamental issues of drinking water hygiene is the choice of a water source. This choice is carried out by means of a technical and economic comparison of options for water supply sources, which

In order to protect water supply sources from pollution, sanitary protection zones (SPZ) are organized, which have three zones. The first zone of the WSS of underground and surface water sources

The main methods for improving the quality of drinking water are clarification, discoloration and disinfection. Clarification and discoloration of water is achieved using coagulation, sedimentation and a filter

The general practitioner should remember that 80% of all diseases in the world are associated with unsatisfactory drinking water quality. The main preventive measures are the standardization of quality

At present, it has been established that such nutrition can be considered rational, which corresponds to the basic principle of energy and mass exchange of a person with the environment, which for the entire life span

The theory of adequate nutrition arose on the basis of major discoveries and observations - the discovery of previously unknown types of digestion - lysosomal and membrane, the mechanism of nutrient transport.

The new norms developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1991 serve as a criterion for assessing the actual individual nutrition and, if necessary, to justify recommendations aimed at it.

Diet (therapeutic) nutrition is an important part of therapeutic and prophylactic measures aimed at reducing diseases, increasing the effectiveness of treatment, reducing labor losses and re

Diet food organized in accordance with the general principles of balanced (rational) nutrition, taking into account metabolic disorders. Modern tactics of nutritional treatment isho

Taking into account the peculiarities of biochemical and physiological processes
transformation and assimilation of nutrients in a sick person. ... An example is the appointment of an individualized diet for patients with atherosclerosis, who are limited by easily digestible carbohydrates.

It is necessary to consider food not only as a source of energy and plastic substances, but also as a complex pharmacological complex. A.A. Pokrovsky points out that food is a complex of many hundreds of thousands

Protein metabolism and food proteins.
Protein metabolism in the body is intense. So, brain proteins are renewed in about 10 days, liver proteins - in 3 days, intestinal proteins - in 2 days. Naturally, this requires different

Fat metabolism and food fats.
Fat metabolism long time relatively little attention was paid and its functional significance was assessed only from the point of view of 2 of one of the energy resources organism. Indeed, for c

Vitamins and their role in human nutrition
The physiological value of food is closely related to the content of vitamins. Soviet medicine considers vitamins primarily as a food factor that is vital to ensure health.

Minerals and their role in human nutrition
Almost all elements of the periodic table are found in a living organism and in food. Depending on their content in the body and consumption, they distinguish between macro- and microelements. Daily sweat

Diet therapy in our country has won a solid place since the beginning of the 20s with the organization of a dietary department at the resort clinic, headed by M.I. Pevzner and diets. station at the hospital. Wasps

The current sanitary supervision over the biotic adequacy (harmlessness) of food is intended mainly to ensure the safety of food, i.e. to prevent pollution of the internal environment of the organism by abiot

Toxic infections are directly related to oral intake a large number live pathogens that have multiplied in food or ready-made meals, which allows them to be considered as

Bacteriotoxicosis is associated with the consumption of food containing exotoxins accumulated as a result of the vital activity of certain types of microorganisms. This is primarily the bacillus of botulism and staphylococcus

Mycotoxicoses are diseases caused by fungi. Currently, several thousand microscopic fungi have been studied and systematized, synthesizing the substance of protoplasm from ready-made organic

Poisoning of non-microbial origin
occur when eating products of plant or animal origin that are poisonous in nature, products that have become poisonous under certain conditions, as well as products with chemical impurities

The general practitioner is most often the first medical worker to provide assistance in a case food poisoning in family. From the knowledge of a physician clinical symptoms, features of the course of the disease,

Over the past few 10 years, science has advanced far ahead, new chemicals and compounds, new alloys, and other solutions to many technical issues have appeared. All this led

It is known that curative medicine focuses all his attention on a sick person, while in hygiene, the object of study and observation is a healthy person and most often not one, but a whole team

Force Units ROTA Means Medical Instructor, in each

Both in peaceful and in war time field deployment of troops is widely used, which has many varieties. One of these varieties is the accommodation in settlements used by

Without dwelling on the physiological role of water, its epidemiological significance should be emphasized. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal group, poliomyelitis and

In wartime, field water supply consists of several stages: a) exploration of a water source; b) choice of water source; c) water extraction; d) processing it, storage and distribution

Before talking about the quality of water, it is necessary to point out that in the field, water can be of three types: 1. Water for cooking and drinking. 2. Water for households

For the extraction of water, its treatment, including special (decontamination, neutralization and disinfection), the engineering service has service facilities. All means for organizing water supply

Management tools for storing and transporting water.
For storage of water, rubber-fabric tanks made of rubberized nylon fabric... These water reservoirs (RVD) are of various capacities: RDV-12, RDV-1500, RDV-5000.

The medical service in the field exercises control over the maintenance of the maintenance equipment under the jurisdiction of the engineering service. Special attention at the same time, it is paid to the regular means for xp

If the question regarding the disinfection of large water supplies in the field has been largely resolved, then the disinfection of individual supplies, when it is necessary to use water from unexplored

Chlorination of water according to the method of Professor Drachev
Chlorination of water according to the method of Professor Drachev is carried out with normal doses of chlorine. All waters are organoleptically divided into two groups: 1) colorless, transparent; 2) cloudy,

Chlorination of water according to the method of Professor Cherkinsky
Chlorination according to the Cherkinsky method is a simplified method of overchlorination. All waters share a simplified transchlorination method. All waters are divided into three groups: 1 -

Consideration of the material on the organization of sanitary supervision of the water supply of troops in the field indicates that the medical service has to solve many issues, its activities are many

The development of military science and technology poses many new problems for its maintenance. Even on days of peace, when weapons are not used, in some cases the issue of protecting servicemen from harmful and dangerous

Working conditions in artillery are divided into two groups: during preparation for shooting and during shooting. Preparation for shooting (movement, deployment of weapons, equipment of positions - digging a trench

Currently armored troops are the main striking force ground forces... Our T-34 tank is recognized as the best combat vehicle of the time Great Patriotic War and it is natural that further

Modern fighting are distinguished by high maneuverability. Troops can move by rail, road, air, water transport, on foot in various geographical

The first radar station (radar) was created in our country and tested near Leningrad in 1934. She could detect a flying plane at a distance of several tens of kilometers. At present

Penetration depth Range Wavelength mm 1 - 10 mm 0.1 - 1.0 mm

The material presented indicates that when servicing military equipment, various factors can affect the body of servicemen, many of which have a high biological activity.

Nutrition refers to a number of factors that primarily determine the health of military personnel and the combat effectiveness of personnel. The main task, especially in the field, is to ensure good quality

Several services are involved in the organization of food in the Army, among which the following can be distinguished: 1. Food supply service. She is engaged in receiving, delivering, storing, n

Food will be delivered to the active army in concentrated form and in the form of ready-made or semi-prepared meals, so that the time for cooking is minimal. In the field, n

To protect food from poisonous, radioactive substances and bacterial agents, two stages are used. First stage: stockpiling of concentrated and canned food

Protective properties of containers and packaging for food
N p / n Name of container and packaging Degree of protection against weapons of mass destruction from radioactive substances from

When examining food, several stages are distinguished.
The first stage is a sanitary and hygienic examination of the food service facility. It can be carried out by the food service itself or in the course of reconnaissance in order to establish the type of prim

Decontamination means either complete removal radioactive substances, or their reduction to the maximum permissible level. Since it is quite difficult to completely remove PB, it is more often used in

As is clear from the analysis of the material on the organization of food for the personnel of military units in the field, before various services, including in front of a medical one, there is a number of rather