School health corner design templates. Health corner. What is it for and what role does it play in the lives of children

Involvement of preschoolers in healthy lifestyle life is one of the important tasks of kindergarten. And here huge role plays interaction with the families of pupils. Of course, parents are most interested in maintaining the health of their child. However, not all of them have medical education and are competent in various matters. Therefore, the task of the educator is to help moms and dads, to convey valuable information to them. And a health corner specially equipped in each group will help in this. And it will interest not only parents, but also the children themselves.

The value of the health corner in the group

A modern person needs to seriously think about his health, because the active use of the achievements of civilization is fraught with negative consequences For physical form, and sometimes for mental state. Therefore, many caring parents most early age trying to accustom children to an active lifestyle, healthy eating, the correct mode of the day. In some families, these moments are given insufficient attention, because their importance is underestimated. In this regard, the main goal of the health corner, which should be created in every preschool group- to help mothers and fathers protect and strengthen the health of their children.

Not all families lead a healthy and active lifestyle, so the tips in the health corner will help parents realize the importance of these moments.

This goal is realized through specific tasks.

  1. Give specific recommendations By physical education preschoolers (questions of hygiene, posture, hardening, etc.)
  2. Talk about the importance proper organization daily routine.
  3. To provide information on the prevention of infectious diseases.
  4. Advise the family on psychological issues(for example, adaptation to kindergarten preparation for school, etc.).

Medical corners are also beneficial for preschoolers themselves. With their help, children can easily explain many useful things that help maintain their health. It should only be important information so that the child’s attention is not scattered (for example, a specific visual algorithm for washing hands or brushing teeth). The children's audience of the health corner includes pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups.

Sometimes the teacher organizes a health corner in group room exclusively for preschoolers. There are various didactic pictures for children (for example, “Useful and poisonous mushrooms and berries”), books on suitable topics, posters (for example, about the structure human body), layouts, workbooks (for senior and preparatory groups), didactic games(“Ascorbinka and her friends”, etc.). In this zone, a game character is also often placed - the doll of Dr. Aibolit.

This health zone is organized, as a rule, starting from the middle preschool age. But if you wish, you can equip it for younger preschoolers.

Sometimes in a group, the health zone is combined with a sports corner.

Photo gallery: health corners directly for preschoolers

In the corner there are diagrams, pictures, coloring books and educational books Various information can be placed on the “health tree” In the health corner for younger preschoolers there are mainly game characters, bright pictures and puzzles

Requirements for the design of a medical corner

There are no strict standards for the design of a medical corner in the group. This zone should be located in the place where parents (or legal representatives) spend the most time in kindergarten - and this is the locker room (or reception room).

When designing a health corner, the teacher must show creativity and fantasy - then he will be interested in mom or dad (after all, today any information can be found and read on the Internet). The following important points must be taken into account.

  1. Location. Information should be placed in a prominent place to attract the attention of parents. At the same time, the corner should harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the locker room.
  2. Headings play an important role. They should be bright and "catchy", cause a desire to get acquainted with the information. For example, you do not need to dryly write “Basic methods for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections”, but expressively indicate “ Strong immunity beat the cold!" or "The flu won't go away!" Another example: not "How to prepare a child for school", but "Let's go to school with joy!"
  3. The material presented should be as simple and accessible as possible. After all, not all adults have deep knowledge in the field of medicine. Incomprehensible terms and phrases, complex syntactic constructions will only scare the reader away. It is good to present information in a concise manner (for example, in the form of numbered lists), in the form step by step instructions(each step is in a separate box) - this structures the material well and highlights the main ideas.
  4. The text should be carefully checked for grammatical and syntactical errors.
  5. The font should not be small (bulky articles cut from magazines are unacceptable). It is good when its color contrasts with the background. The title should be made larger and highlighted in a different color.
  6. colorfulness. A well-designed medical corner involuntarily attracts the eye with its rich colors, vivid illustrations, interesting photos. Any textual information must be accompanied by clarity, especially since the audience of the health zone is not only adults, but also children. Popular characters of fairy tales and cartoons, just funny little animals, will be very appropriate.
  7. The material must be updated periodically (at least once a month) so that interest in the health corner does not fade away.

Photo gallery: important nuances of corner design

The title of the article should be concise and bright
Information is set in large type and has a contrasting title Colorful and unusual design involuntarily attracts attention The medical corner should be located in a conspicuous place and harmoniously fit into the interior of the reception room

How to name a corner of health

The teacher should think over the bright name of the medical corner, because it also attracts the reader's attention and affects the subsequent perception of information. You can take note of these options.

  1. "Doctor Aibolit's advice."
  2. "Doctor's Thermometer's Advice".
  3. "In the country of the sick."
  4. "Don't get sick."
  5. "Health".
  6. "For a healthy lifestyle".

Basic tools for decorating and filling the corner

Certain means are used to design and fill the medical corner. First of all, these are stands. They have plastic pockets in which information is placed according to the thematic principle (for example, in one - advice on disease prevention, in the other - recommendations on general physical education). Pictures are inserted into the same pockets.

The stand has plastic pockets in which information is placed.

Another popular means of designing and filling the corner is sliding folders (they are screens made of thick paper). They are installed on booths, usually directly under the booth. These grants can be purchased from ready-made on a variety of topics, or you can make it yourself - in the form of several files (materials can be changed).

Folder-slider is a paper screen that is placed on children's cubicles

Sometimes file folders are laid out in the health corner. They are designed like a book that you can look through. If desired, parents can take such material home in order to familiarize themselves with it in more detail.

Maintenance of the health corner and the main activities in this area

The key to the success of a health corner is its content. Here it is advisable to distinguish three main blocks.

Useful information for parents

These are consultations for the most different topics. The main thing is that they are relevant. At the same time, all articles are united by a single goal - to tell the family about measures to improve children's health.

Possible topics.

  1. "Prevention of seasonal colds and influenza” (as well as symptoms, methods of disease control).
  2. How to Avoid Food Infection.
  3. How to protect your baby from insect bites
  4. How to Avoid Sunstroke.
  5. "Safety while resting on the pond."
  6. “To keep your teeth always healthy” (oral hygiene).
  7. "We form the correct posture."
  8. “We care about vision from childhood.”
  9. "Prevention of Flatfoot".
  10. "Devices that promote healing" (humidifiers, ionizers).
  11. "Healthy Diet for Preschoolers".
  12. “We cook delicious healthy vegetable dishes for the child.”
  13. "Hardening with early years».
  14. Breathing exercises for children.
  15. “Properly dressing the child for the season.”
  16. Articles on psychological topics: “If the baby is afraid of insects”, “Fear of the dark in children”, “How to help shy child”, “Fear of doctors in a child”, “We train children's memory”, “Unnecessary anxious baby”, “Adaptation to kindergarten”, “How to psychologically prepare a child for school”, “How to cope with overwork”, etc.

Photo gallery: examples of consultations for parents on various topics

Information will help parents to protect their children during the epidemic Psychological consultation It will be useful for parents to learn how to properly dress their child in cold autumn weather Overworking children is important psychological problem Not all parents know how to prevent flat feet healthy child only those who know what a healthy lifestyle is

In the block for parents, you can also put information about vaccinations (their schedule and description), phone numbers medical institutions, anthropometric data of pupils, day regimen in the group.

Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
1. Everyone has the right to health care and medical care. Medical assistance in state and municipal institutions health care is provided to citizens free of charge at the expense of the relevant budget, insurance premiums, and other revenues. 2. In Russian Federation funded federal programs protection and promotion of public health, measures are being taken to develop the state, municipal, private systems health care, activities that promote human health, development physical education and sports, ecological and sanitary-epidemiological well-being. 3. Hiding officials facts and circumstances that pose a threat to the life and health of people, entails liability in accordance with federal law.

Information for preschoolers

Materials for the preschoolers themselves are colorful pictures, diagrams-illustrations. On them fairy tale characters perform certain actions(brush teeth, wash, do exercises, etc.). Such visibility will attract children's attention and serve as a role model.

  1. Hand washing algorithm.
  2. What are hygiene products?
  3. The structure of the human body.
  4. Harmful and useful products.
  5. Vitamins and foods containing them.
  6. Types of hardening (sun, air and water).

As children grow older, the content of the pictures becomes more complex (although the theme may be the same). IN preparatory group they may already contain small signatures.

Photo gallery: pictures for children in the health corner

The children will learn which foods contain the main vitamins A step-by-step algorithm will teach the children to brush their teeth correctly The picture will clearly show the children which foods are harmful The picture shows the children bad habits that lead to very bad consequences Pictures will tell the guys about useful products The picture will help the kids remember the main items for holding hygiene procedures Pictures will tell children and parents what the mode consists of The scheme will help children remember the components of a healthy lifestyle Older preschoolers will learn how to maintain a correct and beautiful posture

Reports on wellness activities that were carried out in the group

These are the most successful drawings, applications, photographs of crafts of pupils on the topic of health. It can also be a photo essay from a health holiday held in kindergarten, or sports and recreational activities.

Parents will be able to see what activities are held in kindergarten on the topic of health

Parents can also bring photos to demonstrate how the family adheres to a healthy lifestyle (biking, picnics in nature, playing on fresh air, skiing and skating, gym classes, hiking, etc.). Each family in turn can submit this information.

Such photo reports will help to encourage motor activity even the most passive families. But this is one of the key goals of the functioning of the corner of health.

Such photos placed in the health corner will serve as a motivation for passive families to maintain active image life

Video: health week in the group (video presentation materials can be used to fill the health corner)

Approximate sketch and layout of the design of the medical corner

Today, a teacher can purchase a variety of ready-made information stands including health topics. As a rule, they are bright and easy to use.

Photo gallery: layouts of ready-made health stands

Poems about cleanliness and vitamins have already been placed on the stand. The stand depicts a girl in a doctor's costume, which, of course, will attract the attention of children and parents. There is a very beautiful landscape background on the stand. traditional symbol medical care At the stand, Dr. Aibolit treats a poor bunny with a bandaged leg, and a kind crocodile helps him

It is obligatory for each school to design a health corner, which contains useful information that allows teachers and nurses to conduct preventive conversations with students. Of course, it is very important to teach children from an early age, and parents try their best to do this. However, they can teach them basic or other simple preventive measures, and more detailed training should be provided by people who have received special training. That's what it's all for educational institutions equip a certain place with thematic posters, brochures, stands and other manuals that contain useful information.

What is the health corner for?

The main purpose of such a corner is not only to teach, but also to summarize the results of the work done with students. During recreational activities, children demonstrate the results of their knowledge.

Let's take a look at the main tasks extracurricular lessons dedicated to a healthy lifestyle:

  • sports training for children;
  • work with psychologists for;
  • motivation of the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle;
  • conducting and, if necessary, training them;
  • health procedures for students and other educational work;
  • formation of a favorable climate in the team;
  • familiarization with the precautionary measures that are necessary for the prevention of serious diseases.

Mainly by selection information material teachers are engaged, sometimes involving medical workers. Their professional experience is quite enough to ensure the health interesting posters, visual aids, brochures and competent stands. However, it is necessary to involve students in this process, it is they who can bring new ideas and make it bright and interesting. Parents may also be responsible for some rubrics.

The most important thing is to ensure that all materials are updated on time and meet the latest requirements.

Basic design requirements

In order for children to learn new information well, it is necessary, first of all, to interest them. All material should be colorful and teaching should be done in game form. This will make it easy for children to memorize information. Therefore, when designing a corner of health, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Aesthetic appearance. Be sure to choose the right design for the room: give preference to certain colors, install comfortable furniture.
  2. All present material should be comprehensively developing.
  3. When designing stands, you should use bright colors, which will act intriguingly on students, arousing their interest in information.
  4. Each of the headings should correspond to a certain age category.
  5. The health corner is necessarily equipped with information about the sports achievements of students, since it is important role in recovery.
  6. Be sure to get creative with the design.

In elementary school, it is very important to properly organize a corner, as it will help children adapt to a new team, introduce them to teamwork and instill a love of sports, and, most importantly, create an atmosphere of harmony in the classroom.

Before choosing the subject of information to be used on recreational activities should be discussed with the parents. After compiling an approved list, you can begin to fill the health corner with visual aids, introducing children to this process.

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Evil Influence bad habits(drinking alcohol, smoking).
  3. Life without drugs.
  4. Core values.
  5. Sports in children's lives.
  6. Prevention of dangerous diseases.

In order to familiarize students with these topics and consolidate the material studied, you can invite them to draw pictures, and then arrange a competition, or write an essay, put on a play, come up with slogans, create a wall newspaper with photographs.

Why do we need a health corner in elementary school?

For children who are taking their first steps in adult life It is extremely important to learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle. The presence of such a corner will allow them to develop comprehensively and learn all necessary information about personal hygiene, the importance of passing the annual preventive medical examination, reception medicines and learn about what can happen if precautions are not taken. the main objective and the task of the corner of health is to instill in children a love for a healthy lifestyle.

Carrying out extracurricular activities will help protect kids from various diseases and possible injuries, and also a corner of health is a guarantee of peace of mind for the lives of their children.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life of an individual with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting health. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life, aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical training, morale and rejection of bad habits.

Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction (P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, O. A. Milshtein, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov, etc.) consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social aspect, constituent part the life of society as a whole.

In the psychological and pedagogical direction (G. P. Aksyonov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. Vilensky, R. Dittles, I. O. Martynyuk, L. S. Kobelyanskaya, etc.), a “healthy lifestyle” is considered with point of view of consciousness, human psychology, motivation. There are other points of view (for example, medical and biological), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual.

There are other points of view on a healthy lifestyle: “a healthy lifestyle is a system of reasonable human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor mode, hardening, proper nutrition, rational mode life and rejection of bad habits) on the foundation of moral-religious and national traditions which provides a person with physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being in a real environment and active longevity within the framework of the earthly life allowed by the Lord.

Healthy lifestyle elements

A healthy lifestyle is Active participation in labor, social, family, household, leisure forms of human life.

In a narrowly biological sense, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person to influences external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. Authors writing on this topic include various components in a healthy lifestyle, but most of them are considered basic:
. upbringing with early childhood healthy habits and skills;
. environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;
. rejection of bad habits: self-poisoning with legal drugs (alcoid, tobacco poison) and illegal ones.
. nutrition: moderate, corresponding to physiological characteristics specific person awareness of the quality of the products used;
. movement: physical active life, including special physical exercise(for example, gymnastics), taking into account age and physiological characteristics;
. body hygiene: compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;
. hardening;

On physiological state a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:
. emotional well-being: mental hygiene, ability to cope with own emotions, difficult situations;
. intellectual well-being: the ability of a person to learn and use new information for optimal action in new circumstances;
. spiritual well-being: the ability to set and strive for truly meaningful, constructive life goals, optimism.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle that promotes human health is carried out on three levels:
. social: propaganda in the media, outreach;
. infrastructural: specific conditions in the main areas of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive (sports) institutions, environmental control;
. personal: a system of value orientations of a person, standardization of everyday life.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle

There are 10 tips developed international group doctors, nutritionists and psychologists who form the basis of a healthy lifestyle. By following them, we can prolong and make our lives more enjoyable.

1 advice: solving crossword puzzles, learning foreign languages, making calculations in the mind, we train the brain. Thus, the process of age degradation is slowed down. mental capacity; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

2 advice: work - important element healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger.

Tip 3: Don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, manage 1,500. This contributes to the maintenance of cell activity, their unloading. Also, do not go to extremes and eat too little.

Tip 4: The menu should be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. The selenium contained in the kidneys and cheese is useful for men over 40, it helps to relieve stress. After 50, magnesium is needed to keep the heart in shape and bone-healthy calcium, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels.

Tip 5: Have your own opinion on everything. Conscious life help to get depressed and overwhelmed as little as possible.

Tip 7: it is better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps to preserve youth. The point is that the temperature environment depends on the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related features.

Tip 8: Move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolong life.

Tip 9: Pamper yourself from time to time. Despite recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself a tasty treat.

Tip 10: Don't always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, more prone are people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

Optimal work and sufficient rest also affect our health. Vigorous activity, not only physical, but also mental, has a good effect on the nervous system, strengthens the heart, blood vessels and the body as a whole. There is a certain law of labor, which is known to many. busy people physical labor, a rest is needed that will not be associated with physical activity, and it is better if during the rest mental stress. It is useful for people whose work is connected with mental activity to occupy themselves with physical work during rest.

Such a concept as the daily routine is less and less common in the life of a modern person, but this factor also has important role in maintaining health. The rhythm of human life must necessarily include time for work, rest, sleep, and food. A person who does not follow the daily routine becomes irritable over time, he accumulates overwork, such people are more likely to be stressed and ill. Unfortunately, modern man it is difficult to maintain a good daily routine, you have to sacrifice the time allotted for sleep, eat only when there is time for it, etc. The right routine of the day will help not only to maintain health, but also organize your time better.

Our health also depends on good night. Enough sleep necessary for normal operation nervous system. The need for sleep different people may be different, but on average it is recommended to sleep for at least 8 hours. Regular lack of sleep leads to a decrease in performance and severe fatigue. In order for you not to be tormented by insomnia, it is necessary to stop physical or mental work 1 hour before bedtime. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. It is better to sleep in a well-ventilated room, and it is also advisable to go to bed at the same time.

Physical activity is one of essential funds health promotion. Even a small daily 20-minute gymnastics brings great benefits. Gymnastics, athletics, outdoor games are very useful for of cardio-vascular system, lungs, strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Jogging provides positive influence to nervous and endocrine system. Walking helps get rid of excess weight. It is estimated that up to 35 grams of adipose tissue burns in 1 hour of brisk walking.

Do not forget about a healthy lifestyle and older people. Even an elderly person needs physical exercise optimal for his age. With insufficient physical activity older people develop obesity, metabolic diseases, an increased risk diabetes, activity is disrupted gastrointestinal tract. It is worth remembering that physical activity at this age should be dosed and age-appropriate.

A health corner should be in every kindergarten and in every school, especially in primary. After all, so that children do not get sick, they need to constantly be reminded of simple rules hygiene and personal care. For you, we have made our own version of such a corner of health, which, as it seems to us, fully meets all the criteria. It has a lot useful information, both for children and for their parents, educators and teachers. A funny poems about diseases and obligatory medical procedures not only will everyone like it, but also children, having learned them, will be able to remember what and how to do in case of illness. But first things first.
The first thing that is included in our set is such a stretch. Each letter is on an A4 sheet, so it will turn out neither big nor small.

To help parents, we have prepared a guide to articulatory gymnastics. In our manual, information on how to teach a child to pronounce sounds correctly, both simple and funny Games, thanks to which your child will be able to quickly improve his speech.

Not all parents know about acute childhood infections, and therefore we have prepared a small folder of movement to help them. It contains not only stories about diseases, but also ways to detect and prevent them.

And finally, we prepared posters in A4 format with poems about diseases and other medical "tricks". The rhymes are so simple and catchy that your kids will love them.

And so, what is included in our kit:
5 poster and wall newspapers;
2 slide folders for parents;
18 posters with poems;

The cost of the entire set in JPEG format is 200 rubles. To purchase templates, write to our mail: [email protected]

(If you wish, we can add additional posters, wall newspapers, folders for moving to the kit, for an additional fee)

The upbringing of schoolchildren in modern times is based on self-determination, self-realization, and both physical and mental development students. The essence of such education is a personality-oriented approach in raising children.

It is necessary to provide children with a choice among a wide range of sports activities, taking part in which students not only satisfy their needs in the field of knowledge, but also acquire a personal unique sports experience. Freedom of choice allows you to form individual personality schoolboy.

Taking all the tasks of the modern health education of children at school, one can see that a clear reflection of sports activities, understanding of modern tasks and the participation of students in sports school life is a corner of health.

The health corner in the classroom is a form of information space that serves as both a beacon and a guide for schoolchildren and teachers. Do-it-yourself health corner is the most important extracurricular work. It reflects all sports and extracurricular life students. Also, a cool health corner helps to form a microclimate in the school team and is a stimulant in creative, sports and learning activities students.

Information for the health corner is always versatile and useful for both students and their parents. The design of the health corner is creative process, which is not limited by any strict rules and regulations. For educators like creative people, in this type of activity there are no restrictions and standard requirements. The health corner at school, the material and structure of its design, the teachers themselves determine, taking into account age categories students. Usually for lower grades use picturesque stands with information about correct mode of the day, personal hygiene rules, and observance of elementary rules for protection against diseases of influenza, tonsillitis and other viral diseases. It is also indicated in such corners for kids and about physical education sessions that are held during classes. IN elementary schools there are play areas sports equipment For outdoor games. But when there is no opportunity to hold such games within the class, then in the warm season, children should always be on the sports ground. The share of middle-level children in the health corner is made up of materials that promote a healthy lifestyle, taking into account the age category of students.

The purpose of creating such a corner is reflection and accompaniment results achieved in the educational and health-improving process. Creating a corner of health contributes to the solution of such problems as:

- to form a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team of teachers and students;

To increase the literacy of parents in matters of child health;

- expanding the health horizons of students;

- increasing health-improving and educational work;

- productive work with parents;

- development of sports abilities;

— formation sports spirit and self-esteem;

- increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

The content of the health corner is selected by teachers themselves, based on their own professional experience and characteristics of the school community. But we must not forget that the design of such a corner is fully realized only if a significant part of the rubrics is left to the students and also the parents of the class are involved in the process. Materials in the health corner should be constantly updated and improved.

The presence of health corners in school is a critical factor in education that provides children visual information on the need for personal hygiene, the use medicines and visits to doctors in an unobtrusive manner. This area is especially important in primary schools where children are just beginning to learn fundamental knowledge in various fields. Average educational schools corners of health are also important. With the consent of the parents, you can use materials about the early sexual education of adolescents, about the dangers drugs, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Such comprehensive visual aids, used in the design of the health corner at school, help to increase the interest of schoolchildren in a healthy lifestyle.

When creating a health corner at school, certain requirements must be observed:

– Compliance with aesthetic standards when creating a corner of health ( good design, the ability to move materials across the information field) ;

– Creative design of the health corner;

– Comprehensive health development of schoolchildren, with the help of information tools of the corner;

— Compliance with certain age categories in the design of certain headings;

- The whole theme of the health corner should also reflect sports life students.

A well-designed health corner at school motivates children to team cohesion, helps to identify the sports potential of schoolchildren, helps to create a sports face of the class team, and creates a harmonious atmosphere.

The increase in the general educational program of the school within the framework of extracurricular activities and the design of health corners is the key safe health student and ensures the peace of mind of parents for their own children.