How to raise a child with the appearance. Basics of child education. How to raise a good person? How to educate children - psychology

Education of children is best to start from the first weeks of his life. Starting from birth and up to a year - this is an active time physical development kid, his adaptation to environment and acquiring experience. Just twelve months will need a crumb to learn how to smile, to adapt, recognize the voices of parents, distinguish between intonation and respond to their mood. During the infancy, parents pay focus on the compliance of the power mode and full careBut you can't forget about the child's upbringing too. It is up to the year for subconscious level The main habits of the kid are laid, its inclinations are formed and personal features. Further development of the child largely depends on the upbringing of it up to the year. Conditionally, in this period, 4 stages usually allocate, each of which covers three months.

  1. From birth to three months.
  2. From three to six months.
  3. From six to nine months.
  4. From nine months to a year.

First period

The first stage lasts since the child's birth and before the execution of three months. During this period, parents should form at the kid good habits and warn the appearance of harmful, lay the foundations of communication, develop sensory perception. Also, during this period, parents need to properly organize the power mode, this is important for normal addition in weight and forming the habit of mode. In the first three months, the kid must work out the following habits:

  • fall asleep on the street without a pacifier;
  • hold the head;
  • spend some time in the crib, having fun independently;
  • submit signs of discontent with the need to replace the diaper;
  • fall asleep without teaching;
  • navigate in space, reacting to sounds and light.

Special attention must be paid to the baby's hygiene. Every morning should begin with a friendly smile mom and holding hygienic procedures. They are in the washout of the lyrics and handles, shifts of diaper and arms. Daily procedures will form at the kid useful habit to clean. It is unacceptable that the remnants of urine or feces irritated the skin of the child, so the replacement of diapers should be carried out every three hours. Since the children's skin is very gentle, its surface is treated with cream or powder.

To form the habit of keeping the baby's head, you need to lay out the tummy, even if it expresses discontent. Gradually, this procedure will go into habit, the muscles of the neck and the back are trained. Every day he will spend more and more time on the stomach and contemplate the world From another position.

How to develop a habit of talking? In order for the child to begin to adversely, it is necessary to play with it. It is good that when the baby will hear the songs and fun. Each action that is connected directly to the child should be commenting, telling how the pants wear, a blouse, as a diaper changing. Chatting with her child, you should smile, thus the culture of communication will be laid.

Toys and games aged 0 to 3 months

For kids to 3 months, psychology teachers recommend toys, developing sensory, hearing, vision and coordination of movements:

  • Rattles, bells, bubrels, etc.For the development of hearing, let us give a rattle of one ear crumbs, then another. Soon the kid will start turning his head toward the sound source;
  • Bright toys from a variety of materialsthat you can grab, stroke. First, they are shown to the baby, they stroke them along the body of the baby, put into the handle. Soon, Kroch himself will begin to grab them and confidently hold;
  • A variety of mobiles (carousels), who are attached over the crumb crumbs. Toys are located at a short distance from the eye of the baby (about 15-20 cm). ;
  • Bracelet with bell tickwhich can be put alternately on different handles;
  • Balloonwhich can be tied to hand. Soon the kid will understand that the ball moves due to the movements of his hands;
  • Schematic image human face . Babes love to consider such images very much. If you arrange a picture at a short distance from the eye of the baby (approximately 25-30 cm), it will be interesting for him to study it, while moms are not near.

Second period

It lasts from the third for the sixth month, at this time there is active sensory, auditory and spectacular perception and development. The second stage includes the preparation of the baby to the future speech. To do this, he can include the music of different genres, the main thing is that it is light and melodic. Classic, children's songs, modern pop, folk motifs Everything is suitable. In order for the baby Gulil, povel, compatible, his attention should be paid to other sounds. The child must be acquainted with the world around the world, attracting his attention to the rustle of the leaves, the tweet of sparrows, the noise of flowing water - in this and is knowledge (for example: it is knocking the rain on the windowsill, here are the birds tweet, but tharachtite tractor, etc.).

The mental development of the baby of this age begins with communication. Parents must play with the child, developing its visual, tactile and auditory perception. Starting classes with a child follows in the period of active wakefulness, when the child is cheerful and does not bother him. Otherwise, classes will not give the expected result. The child should have fun / playing pleasure, so it should be refused if the baby is hungry, sick or capricious. During this period, the basics of moral and aesthetic education are laid, which the baby receives thanks to communicating with adults.

The joy and love, presented by Croche, will become a foundation for the formation of moral and aesthetic education.

In the daily routine of the child must be attended by massage and charging. During this period, the exercises become more diverse and preparing the baby to. We recommend to see the category

Toys and games aged 3 to 6 months

All toys that have been used under 3 months have come for games with the baby. To add to them:

  • Teethers And other toys for chewing and sucking, because at this time the kids begin to cut the first teeth ();
  • Comfortable to capture the ball. Already at the age of half a year, Karapuz can play with him, sitting in a carriage or on his hands at mom;
  • Soft large cubes With different pictures on the edges. Kids are happy to grab them, throw up, consider pictures;
  • Rubber and Merchant figures of various animals. At this age it is useful to play with the baby in the game "Who does it?". Show the dog and voicing it: "Gav-GAV", etc. Soon the kid himself will "call" a toy with the corresponding sounds;
  • Semi-annual kids love tear paper, give the baby old magazines, let him satisfy his curiosity;

  • Initial will be for crumbs finger play. Put on your finger toys on your hands (they can be bought in the toy department or make at home) and arrange an idea for the baby;
  • Kroch begins to know his body. For this you need show little and call parts: Eye, ears, nose, legs, handles ...

Third period

The third period in the education of the child up to a year covers age from 6 to 9 months. At this stage, Karapuz becomes restless and inquisitive .. The kids of this age increases at times. As the kids are already able to crawl, sit down, try to get up, and some and walk, it's time to pay attention to physical training.

Give your child the opportunity to freely move around the house. For this you need to maximize (remove the wires, fighting items, household appliances). All children at this time seek to explore the contents of the cabinets. Do not hinder the baby, just remove all dangerous subjects And fill the cabinets with toys and things with which the crumb can play.

For good physical form We continue to do the charge and massage by including new movements and exercises.

You should not put a child in walkers, such devices for training walking are harmful to the rapid spine. All for and against the walkers are described in. To solve only you. Disputes about the walkers will never end.

At this stage, you can begin to teach the child to the pot, planting it after sleep and feeding, before walking and after it. After some time, the child will become clear for which it is being done. Read so useful article about how to deal with the pot -

Approximately with seven months of the child need to teach the pens before taking food. After some time, Kroch will get used to this procedure, and will independently substitute the handles under the water stream. So the concept of cleanness is produced.

Opaying before feeding badges and immediately changing the evacuated clothes for clean, the mother puts the habit of accuracy. Moreover, each of its own parents should vote and explain: in the dirty things it is ugly and indecent, so now we are changing into clean.

Take a kid to eat with a badger, explaining why this subject is needed. Before eating, wash your hands small, it will turn into a good habit with time.

After half a year, the teeth are beginning to rub off. To care for the oral cavity, it is necessary to purchase a special toothbrush for the crumbs, designed for children up to a year, and teach little tooths to use it daily.

Gaming activities for a child are important at any age, not excluding age until the year. So kids will know the world. With six months you can already show a child's ladies and a bell, commenting on every movement. With seven-eight months, they demonstrate how the simplest toys act: the ball rolls, the wheels of the machine are spinning, Yula is spinning in one place. At the same time, you can start showing parts of the face: nose, eyes, teeth, ears, lobik. Of course, an understanding will not come immediately, at first, children will find them from parents and toys, and even then - at home. You can come up with the simplest song, which the child will gladly demonstrate his knowledge. You need to do with the children of this age every day.

At this stage it is necessary to prevent bad acts to acquaint the child with the words "not" and "It is impossible". If the child is drunk during the game, you need to take his handles and speak the word "It is impossible"with explanations (it hurts me, I unpleasantly). The reason to explain is necessary so that the child learned to respond to a forbidden word, otherwise, he simply will not notice it.

At the expense of the word "It is impossible", Look in the video:

Starting from 6 months, the child is actively developing the first speech skills. Read the baby poars and fun, consider pictures, play a little ideas with toys, constantly talk to the child benevolently and affectionately, not distorting the correct pronunciation of words.

Toys and games aged 6 to 9 months

Pay attention to new educational toys:

  • Music centers, developing hearing attention and coordination of movements. Often such toys are voiced by various animals, musical instruments, etc. Show the baby, how to click on the buttons, it will quickly master the toy and take a long time to deal with it;
  • Musical toys (Dudge, xylophone, drum) help develop coordination of movements and auditory views;
  • Gaming centers for the development of shallow motor. Your karapuz will be happy to manipulate different on the form of figures and study them;
  • Cloths from fabric, plastic, cardboard help form a speech understanding, small motor and cognitive interest;
  • Bath toys. Clarkets, boats, fish - these floating animals develop cognitive abilities and motor skills ();
  • Almost all children of this age with pleasure play in the kitchen with dishes. Share with baby plastic tanks, spoons, cooks, molds.

The fourth period

Education of a child from nine months before a year covers all areas of the kid: in this period of time, he actively communicates with adults and tries to walk on his own. Encourage your Karapus when he himself gets on the legs. Drink a child, keeping at first for both, and then for one hand. Finally the moment will come when the child can stay for a few seconds in the standing position without support. Integive it for this toy that you need to invest in both handles. (). It is impossible to prohibit the child to rise where it is convenient for him, otherwise it will feel that it is forbidden to get up on the legs in general and attempts will cease to take.

The mental development of the child is to instill skill to perform actions with objects. It is necessary to show the baby how to beat the drum, roll the machine, blew in the whistle, take and eat an apple, etc. The theater representation with the attacks toys is well developing the imagination, memory and child speech, let them be the simplest.

Closer to the year the child introduces different forms Objects, their size and material. You can sort cubes with cubes, and balls with balls, look only wooden or plastic objects. It is easier to choose the ratio when the pyramid is either going to make a matryoshka. As a child is surprised when another, smaller, smaller turns out inside one doll!

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

Full education includes tight communication with the baby. You need to talk with the child constantly, however, it is not recommended to copy it. Thus, it is possible to provoke the development of a speech defect, which then will have to be corrected using a speech therapist. The baby should not think that distorted sounds are correct, he must only hear a clear speech.

Rail in the child with your own example and explanation good relations To loved people, animal and the world around. Praise and encourage good actions, stop negative actions. It is necessary to create a benevolent atmosphere in the family, so the style of your relationship will become a sample for a child. If during the games the child begins to fight and push, you need to stop these actions without a smile using the word "It is impossible". The ban should sound strictly and categorically so that the baby will pay attention to him and reacted to these words seriously. It should be remembered that children in all copy the behavior of adult people who are near. Sometimes the behavior of parents provokes on bad actions against other children, therefore, before entering the ban, you should reconsider your behavior.

Continue charging, turning on new exercises.

For the development of speech, memory, you continue to read the poems with the child (the best samples will be writings A. Barto, K. Chukovsky), play in finger games, arrange mini performances with finger dolls, spend musical classes.

Closer to the one-year-old, the baby should show various parts of the body, to do "ladies", wave "while" to learn how to play with the toys correctly (carry the machine, roll the ball, blew in a dull, etc.). Teach the child to eat on our own hands, and then use a mug and a spoon.

Toys and games aged from 9 to 12 months

IN last trimester From toys for the development of crumbs will be relevant:

  • Pyramidic. By one-year-old, the baby can already strive the pyramid rings, if he show how to do it;
  • Cubes. Show little how to build a tower from them, and then rip it;
  • Clockwork toys;
  • Matryoshka;
  • Typewriters will be helpful and boys, and young princess. With their help, Kroch must learn to play with similar toys;
  • Horse rocking and machine-driverin which you can go, pursuing your legs, will contribute to physical development;
  • Toys - renting With a long handle will develop coordination of movements and walking skill;
  • Excellent benefit to study various parts of the face and body will be big doll(It is desirable that it is made of soft material).

Defining principles in child education up to a year

Often, young parents believe that the child does not understand anything about a year and does not understand anything. This belief is deeply mistaken, because it is at this time the basics of education are laid, poor and good habits are fixed. Based on this, in its communication with the baby, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  • the child's upbringing should fall on both parents, since it is during this period an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family. Of course, the mother's mother in the first months of the child's life is a mother, a dadget of the father becomes a father-in-law - after all, Mom should gain strength and prey. Calm I. happy mom - Healthy baby!
  • very important contact of the child with his mother. Irritation, unwillingness to communicate, insufficient attention from the very close man may lead to ailment of the baby, however, and should not care about the hands too;
  • from the first days it is necessary that the baby heard the right and calm speech of the parents, it develops memory and rumor crumbs;
  • backgrounds of strong and healthy sleep - this is a wired room, evening walk and bath with infusal herbs;
  • until the year, Mom can sleep with the child, his dream will only be stronger. If the mother herself sleeps restlessly, you can wait until the baby falls strongly, and then attribute it to the crib;
  • for the correct I. full nutrition Suitable breast milk, after half a year, required lures in the form vegetable puree. and kashek;
  • physical education must comply with opportunities children's body. For example, extraction is not recommended to three months, you should not help the baby to sit down, turn the head and get up to the feet ahead of time - these actions can lead to pathology, since the bones and muscles have not yet fastened;
  • after nine months, the child is laid on behavior skills with unauthorized people and unknown objects, a strong connection with people carrying out more time with it is established. Approximately 9-11 months old, the kid begins to be afraid of other people's people, he is more attached to the one who sees constantly. For example, if a child looks after a child, she may well become a close man than parents.

"Important little things" for education

Most often happens so - until the child is fulfilling a year and a half, parents are most concerned about its swimming, feeding and swaddling. To think about the upbringing, it does not come to mind, but everything changes only when the child does not want to eat or dress, hacking and does not produce her from the apartment, granting for the hem. There is nothing surprising in this - all the character traits in 3-4 years are formed from birth, which means that the upbringing has been playing a decisive role before the year. Besides general line The behavior of parents is significant and important nuances.

  • Confidence
  • Breast-feeding

With breastfeeding, young mothers often arise a lot of problems.

"With my first child I was sure that I was lucky, and I don't have any problems - because the milk had enough, and everything was wonderful. And only with the second child, I realized that it was not enough to feed the child. "

Mom is formed by the attitude of the child to the chest, his behavior, and in the future the attitude of the kid to the mother itself. In case of problems with breastfeeding, the mother should immediately contact the consultant. And it's better not to wait for problems, but just immediately after the birth of the baby to invite a consultant home.

  • Decoration

The child has the need to be with mom constantly, more often he wants to be on the handles near the chest. It is necessary to teach the baby to the fact that it may be some time one period, when mom is quite near. Closer to three months, laying during wakefulness becomes mandatory for the future physical development of the kid. In this way, motor skills are developing, the child is trained in turning and crawling. Best lay the baby on the back and put bright toy. If parents hang on top of the carousel, then the child does not have the need to turn over and fast - it will just lie down and look up.

There are cases when the child expresses a rapid protest against the laying. Of course, it is unlikely that you can "break" wearing, but your mother may have such things, the execution of which is impossible with the child in their hands - it is unlikely that it will be convenient to turn hot cutlets or get a baked chicken from the oven. Even if the mother uses, take a shower with her child, she is unlikely to succeed. To accustom to crumb to postponess is simply necessary, otherwise, it will be matured, it will be so actively objectify against the removal of the mother, that this will become a real problem. If you grab the habit of the baby to independently, the mother will calmly leave it on the rug and do urgent affairs, their own hygiene or cooking.

Mom decides

It is she decides how it is better to feed the baby (lying or sitting) and how to keep him in his arms. Of course, the child likes to eat more, when mom sits, but at night it is more convenient to do lying. Baby prefers to be worn by a column, but if in this moment Mama is more convenient to keep it in the position of the cradle, the main thing will be the behavior of the mother. The most important need for a child is located next to his native man, mom, and what pose she will choose to do it, to solve it.

However, it is not always necessary to show severity. During feeding, you can talk to the baby, let him hear the mother's tender voice. At this moment, the manifestation of rudeness is unacceptable, even if it is directed towards another person. Too loud voice is scared by crumb, he can become nervous and capricious. The manifestation of love and affection in these moments form a further attitude towards the mother, and the boys - in general, to all women.

Parent behavior

In the first months, the child cannot express his desires and needs, however, like a sponge, he absorbs the surrounding information. Huge responsibility falls on their parents, because their behavior is determining in the construction of the kid's character. All seen and heard in infancy is postponed in the subconscious for life, change and adjust these memories in the future will be impossible. Parents must take a rule of self-control and filtering events that occur around their own child.

A constantly nervous mom, talking on elevated colors, should not be surprised if after a while exactly the same method will apply a child in conversation with her. Drinking and smoking father, who infuriates his thoughts with the help of Mata, will bring up an associative behavior at a more conscious age, and in the future it will receive a drinking companion.

The age of the child is considered a kind of foundation for a year, so parents should think in advance about what behavior to choose. Joint listening of music, funny songs, dancing with a baby in their arms - these moments will help in the further development of the kid. Scientists have proven that the child who told fairy tales and constantly spoke, begins to speak significantly earlier than children who did not pay due attention. And the earlier development of speech positively affects the intellectual level of the kid.

The problem of grandparents

Child upbringing up to a year is often attracted older generationthat in some cases wisely. Not always, young mommy in the power can cope with the problems that fell on it alone. The first bathing, the first swaddling after the hospital, the first feeding in the native walls is a small test not only for a child, but also for his young parents. Here it will be perfect that grandparents can come to the rescue.

The problem arises later, and it lies in the discrepancy of views on the methods of upbringing. Conversations and quarrels on this occasion can destroy any a good relationship. To avoid it, you should not shift too much on my grandmothers's shoulders, and if you need to leave them with a child - gently, but confidently present your nutritional requirements and the kid regime. No need to forget that responsibility for further behavior It will be entirely lying on their parents.

Chief Principle full-fledged education Child up to a year - participation in this process of both parents. It was at this time that family attachments are produced at the kid, ideas about the environment and people close to it are formed. Despite its employment, mom and dad child must constantly be in the search mode of new information, read print publications, study psychological articles, communicate in forums and in life. Improving, they will be able to become the first and most authoritative people in the life of their baby.

  1. Telegram Channel

Education of children is a difficult task that lasts from the appearance of a child in your family. Sometimes the behavior of their beloved Chad puts loving parents In a dead end, and it seems that the exit from the current situation is simply not. However, there is always a way out, you only need to think about your actions towards the child, to analyze the behavior of your child, find out why he really behaves, try to look at the problems of raising the eyes of Chad.

Parents should know the foundations of children's psychology

An important role in the upbringing plays communication between parents and a child. Many specialists declare that this is the most important and effective way to influence childhood For behavior and character, which will later play great importance in the formation of a person in the future and a look at the lives of children.

Trust relationships between parents and children

Below are the articles on the topic "Children's Psychology", "Education of the Child" with which all the parents should be familiar with not to make mistakes in the education of the child.

What is Children's Psychology - Definition

An article about how to calm children during conflict

Most parents have no idea how to convince the child to behave calmly, how to find an approach in childhood with their chad.

Raising children who have reached adolescence is headache For many parents. The psychology of the child changes dramatically, his mood is often changing. A few minutes ago, communication with the parents of the child was very pleased, he told adults about studying his achievements and about his life in society, and after a child's time, it was screamed. He begins to be capricious, demanding to buy him dear things or asks for night walk. Let you not scare such behavior as the psyche of the child changes, it is considered a normal behavior in children.

What to do with conflict? Stay calm

In such a pretty childhood, children themselves understand on the subconscious level, which behave wrong. But still, the child's harder and stubbornness takes up over the mind. Usually in such a situation, parents lower hands, referring to a difficult age. Sometimes make mistakes in the upbringing, showing its weakness, inferior to the whims of the teenager. Worst of all, when adults are broken because of stress, and raise voice to the child.

The cardinal change of mood in children, the disgusting behavior in childhood will be able to reduce any of the mind, even the most balanced educators.

Children's negativism - temporary phenomenon

To avoid quarrels, you need to execute a number of rules:

  • If the child has uncontrollable behavior, try to take everything into your hands. Pay him more time, deal with him with his loved ones;
  • Articles about psychology tell me that it is important for children to have free time. Let him take a break from everyone and stay alone, do your concerns and affairs;
  • If you still broke down and gone on your children, then you need to correct the situation as soon as possible. When the situation is slightly saved, the children's psyche will come to normal, you should explain your behavior.

The punishment of the child should not be terrible and inadequate

An article telling about how to do if children have frequent hysterics and endless caprises

The psychology of children is designed in such a way that they try to please in every way to please their relatives. They adore increased attention To yourself, they want to feel care, love and warmth.

Based on this, you can declare that there are no so-called difficult children, there are only not very attentive parents.

Children arrange hysterics at any age and even ideal parents. Avoid this is unlikely to succeed. Children's psyche is disturbed when he begins to show a pronounced anger. He can ride on the floor, stumpped with legs, scatters things, and even trying to fight with their parents.

Causes of children's whims

In the upbringing of the child, it is important to understand the reason for such whims and try to fight them, because they will slow down the development of children, contribute to the fact that the baby becomes an egoistic person. The psyche in children needs treatment. The most effective measure in the fight against such behavior in childhood is to ignore the demands of the child. You can refer to such behavior with humor, hug your child. Stay in a balanced condition, most importantly is not nervous. Over time, he will realize that his destructive behavior will not lead to anything.

If the child began with a hysteria in a crowded place, for example, in the mall, and you do not want to find out the relationship with him with strangers, output it to fresh air in a quiet place.

There the child can be capricious and cry how much the soul. The psyche of the child should calm down if he splashes all the anger to the outside.

How to react to whims of children - Tips

At the time when children have a capricious mood, it will not be possible to talk to him. After the condition of the child is improving, it is worth a conversation with it. Tell him that his behavior is very upsetting you, it is impossible to capricious because of every trifling. Declare him that in the future you hope that the baby will behave more prudently. Let's understand the child that you will love him, no matter what. The psychology of children is arranged in such a way that after this conversation for souls, the baby will be afraid of guilt.

The main rule is always calm and do not pay attention to its provocation.

An article on how to properly encourage the child to not spoil it

When the children were 3 years old, he is already well adapted to the world around. They begin to think about what they do. Basically, all their actions are aimed at drawing the attention of their parents. He does not always succeed in achieving the necessary, behaving approximately. Sometimes the psyche of the child understands that bad behavior is the right step towards attracting adult attention. Should not immediately scold a child if he committed bad thing. It is better to analyze your actions.

How to encourage child - tips

Most children at such age behave, succumbing to impulsive. He can laugh and calmly play, and a minute to start crying without any visible reasons. At an early age, the kids still do not know how to control their behavior. Parents should not be forgotten about it. If he does not fulfill the requests of adults, for example, does not remove his toys, he does not demonstrate his harmful character, but just busy with their important things to him. So far, he still does not know how to instantly think about his actions. The faithful reaction of parents in the current situation affects the future development of Chad.

Family promotion types

The formation of a child's personality, a healthy and strong psyche of the baby, largely depends on the relationship of parents to him, as well as the time spent on childhood games, and the adult response to the poor Cad behavior.

Proper praise and encouraging children during education

It is important for parents not only to punish your child for bad behavior and actions, but also praise. Correctly praise the child so that he will submit good deeds, you need to learn. If you constantly tell you about how good it is with every convenient case, it will stop like a child. It will perceive such a laudatory speech from adults, as proper. Therefore, it is necessary to praise your child only for the perfectly performed work, for full assistance for adults, the useful steps he fulfilled by spending his personal time. Of course, it is worth making him compliments, tell me that he did well that his parents are very valued, but do not overdo it with it.

About promotion and punishment - when and how to apply

Praise children only in the case. In this case, talking to him in this case, follows as sincerely so that it seeks forever what to do good actions is good - it's great.

You can answer positive actions from the child, presenting it for it designer gifts. In this case, you should also not forget about the sense of measure. As a gift you can use not only sweets and expensive gadgets. Joy I. bright emotions Bring a small little man hiking in circus, theater or cinema. Mom can bake goodies for a mini-holiday device with her daughter. It will be much more interesting than just buy sweetness in the store, besides, the joint actions of an adult and the baby split a family and will help better understand the children, affect their character.

It is necessary to pour children

A number of errors made by parents in the process of upbringing their children

Sometimes the parents insist on their own, forcing things that the child does not like the child. "Do what you ask you, otherwise the parents will stop love you" - often such words can be heard from tortured parents when the child rests and does not want to fulfill adult demands. According to adults, the child is useless in something to persuade and talk to them in souls. He still does not give in to persuasion.

Tips parents from a psychologist

Let's listen to the opinion of psychologists for the words of parents "if you do not fulfill my request, then I will stop love you." According to experts, children are very serious to such a threat.

  1. First, deception is not best Method Pressure on the child. And such a threat to deception is just.
  2. Secondly, such a statement is unlikely to have a positive effect on your child. It is better not to deceive your child. Try to replace this threatening phrase to another, for example, this: "I will always love you, but I don't like your behavior, it is very sad for me."

Parent support - the most important for the child

Another one is not very good phrasethat is applied to children to form: "I am much older than you, I am dad (mom). It will still be as I say. " Many adults believe that strictness in relation to the younger generation is the best option For upbringing. Parents are much older and more experienced their children, so they are always right. If you indulge a little man, he will finally "go out" on the head, and will not fulfill requests coming from adults.

And what will the specialists in children's psychology affect this? When performing a task from adult children, motivation is important, he must know that its efforts will be properly rewarded. Little man It is necessary to convince him trying not in vain. If it relates to children too strictly, it can lead to a situation where the child will obey and fulfill your requests only in your presence. But when there will be no one at home, the baby will be indestructuring, doing everything to upset parents. Strictly attitude is certainly necessary, but you should not exercise a stick. In the event that you don't have time on the child's persuasion, promise that you will definitely reward it for work later, if he does all things.

All parents, when they only learn that they will have a kid, they begin to invent, how will their child grow, what he will do. When the child appears on the light, it grows and does not justify the hopes of mom and dad, it seems that the feeling of deep disappointment is coming to everyone - and to parents, and to the baby. So that this does not happen to you and your chance, we will tell in this article, how to raise the child happy, and from this very much to experience moral satisfaction.

When it comes to raising a child in your family, then probably immediately begin to show the activity of wise grandmothers and moms. They want to teach you how to communicate and develop a child who see much less than you.

Immediately in such cases, you need to abstract from everything that you hear, if, of course, the advice from their relatives you did not personally ask. The fact is that there is no general principle of proper upbringing. Each child parents must find an individual approach. The fact that in relation to one child can be used in relation to the other - categorically impossible. Logistic - follow the advice professional psychologistswho are accurately understanding how to bring up a child to grow confident, intelligently, happy and sociable:

  1. You should always have a calm at home. All family members must take care of each other and love. In such a harmonious and tender atmosphere, the child will be easier to reveal and show the essence that is laid in nature.
  2. Each parent must be carefully, first of all, follow the behavior of the child, and for his own, because the baby only reflects how you behave.
  3. Become a personal example for a child - right hand, engage in sports, do not swear, do not put in the children obscene, do not gossip. It is important to constantly be in good moodSo that the child take your behavior for the norm and behave too.
  4. Never hurry in decision-making how to respond to the behavior of the child. There are cases when a cry or indifference can fix the kid. So that it does not happen, look closely towards what makes your child, that it requires you.
  5. Do not demand anything from the child - you can only ask him. For some babies it is very difficult to understand what they want from them. If the baby did not fulfill what you wanted from him - this is not a tragedy, but the manifestation of the character and its temperament with which you should be considered.

  1. You must teach a child to take care of yourself. But need to learn personal example. Always look good, do not allow violations of the day. For the baby, it should be the norm that at a certain period of day you need to do important things, and at other times it is allowed to have fun to relax.
  2. Your child should know the boundaries permitted in behavior, and you should also restrict themselves that the child gets used to that there are things that cannot be done under any pretext.
  3. It is very important that you perceive your child as he is, and did not try to remake him, focusing on someone's child. No one knows how to educate someone else's child, which methods are resorting to his parents to be right and good. The task of each mother is to help the child to reveal his own advantages over other children, it is his talents.
  4. Be consistent in your actions. If you have promised - do if they said - hold the word. Otherwise, the kid will understand that everything that parents tell him - it does not matter, because at any moment they can be changed.
  5. Never reproach in anything of your child - you played it not for it to become for you a burden, but to have continuing yourself. Your task is to love, take care and all providing your child, this is the basis happy childhood For each child.

On the scope world Wide Web You can stumble upon a lot of books, how to raise a child. They will be given useful tips, but this does not mean that they are all applicable in relation to your baby.

You must be guided in actions exclusively individual features His crumbs. Then he will grow wonderful person, with a kind heart, an open soul and a lot of perspectives.

How to raise a child confident?

Confidence is one of the main qualities that every person should have. It helps us to achieve goals, uphold own point Vision and at the same time always live in harmony with them. Some moms and dads think that if they are all the time to praise their child, then his self-esteem will only increase. But only sometimes it can increase to such an extent that Chado will grow by narcissistic egoist, who can not listen and respect other people's opinions.

We will share with you a few tips, how to educate the child so that he grows self-confident, but not narcissistic:

  1. Do not praise the child an estimated. If you tell him that he is the smartest, the most beautiful, when it turns out that he is not so actually (he will tell him about it, he will understand it himself), then he will start a split personality. It will begin to worry much because it does not correspond to the words of Mom, who herself only believes in what he says. The child should adequately treat himself, objectively.
  2. Praise the child only for the result of his work and for good actions. But always leave him a hook so that he does not think that his excellent behavior is the limit for its development.
  3. Do not affect your child, but direct it. You should not discuss the baby, his personal traits of character with someone. You must dissuade the situation with the child with a child in which he did not work out. For example, if he got a bad mark at school, it is not necessary to scold him immediately, it is better to indicate what to do so that this is no longer repeated.

  1. Do not insult the baby for what he behaves awkwardly. Better encouraging once again. This is instilled in him confidence that it is possible to make a mistake, the main thing is to correct, draw conclusions so that the mistakes are no longer repeated.
  2. Provide the child the right to choose in decision-making. It is not worth indicating him. You can ask him, and he will decide himself, answer you for a request or not. As a rule, children feel that parents need his help, because they respect him, appreciate, belong to both an equal member of the family. If you have so, then the baby will never refuse to fulfill the request that will be addressed to it.
  3. Teach a child independence. Let him come to you not ask permission to do something, let him ask for your advice. He will learn to listen to you, but at the same time will independently make decisions.
  4. During the discussion of a family question, be sure to interest the opinion of the child. He should know that nothing will decide for him that his point of view has the same weight as the opinion of Pope and Mom. Generally talk more with the child on different topics. Answer his questions clearly and truthfully.
  5. Do not attempt from the child to pay off. Some parents are due to the fact that they do not pay attention to their children, they buy him expensive brand things. But by this they omit their child's self-esteem. Present happiness cannot be material. Sooner or later, the baby will still understand it and will tell you that you have not paid attention to him.

  1. Thank your child for what he does for you. If he will hear that you appreciate his actions, he will feel more confident from it. The child will understand that he has a feeling own dignitywhich is respected by people closest to him.
  2. You can not expose the baby with a hyperex. He must fall, shoot down the knees, there is a cold ice cream and roll in the sand, because it is a normal process of adapting a child to the world around. If you all hurt him, he will not know how to behave, if suddenly something happens to him from what you did not control, and this is a direct consequence of uncertainty.

Note that trying to raise a child by age up to 1 year confident, it is meaningless, because his the main task During this period of time - grow and develop.

It is also meaningless to try to start such education when the child is already more than 10 years old. Start upbringing in this regard, when your child reaches 3 years.

How to raise a successful child?

A successful person is not born, but become. In the process of becoming such a person important role Playing parents. They should help the child to master some skills, to instill an understanding of the importance of the Institute of Family in the life and having good friends nearby.

We will share with you tips, how to raise a successful child:

  1. Start engaging with your baby as early as possible. Schools are now very popular early Developmentwhere classes are held with children from birth. Of course, it is not necessary directly from 1 month of life to try to teach a child to count, read. It is best to start to do when the crumb will turn 2.5 - 3 years.
  2. Do not allow the child to be bored. All classes that you spend with him should be presented for it in a game form, because it is the game for the baby - best form knowledge.

  1. If your baby does not work out something, you should not ignore his emotions. It is necessarily in a calm intonation, do not talk about the baby without the Gonor, explain that without errors it does not work.
  2. Do not tell your child constantly that he is small - this is the main rule, how to raise the character of the child. So that he grows on an independent and responsible, behave with him, as with adults, so that he understands that his opinion is important that his "I" respect in the family. Otherwise, he will grow obedient hired workers, but never wants to occupy a leading position.
  3. Be sure to do complex disciplines with your child together. If you learn mathematics, learn some rules with him, it is important to feel that you want to help him.
  4. Try less to prohibit the child to do what he wants. If he is interested in the remote control from the TV, give it to him. Let it be capable of the buttons, will figure it out what it is for the subject. You help him figure out how the console works and for what it is intended.
  5. Pay more attention to the development of the child's imagination. It is the imagination that helps children in adult life Correct with arising difficulties yourself. For this, be sure to develop the baby creatively - let him draw, dancing, sings, plays on musical instruments.
  6. Teach a child that you need to consciously approach your desires and dreams. They should not be fantastic. This will help the child from childhood to learn that dreams can come true if you go to them by setting the goal.
  7. Do not keep your baby electronic gadgets too often. Let them perceive these things like toys, and not ways to know the world. Confers to the child that best helps to figure out in many sciences - the book. Read with him, discuss read.
  8. Develop an oratory from a child. He owe from childhood to learn to clearly and clearly formulate his thoughts and desires.
  9. Contact your baby by name. Do not abuse with diminutive words. When the baby grows up, goes to school, it will be treated solely by name, which the baby must love, respect and hear him to perform the fact that teachers require him.

  1. Make a child's "wall of achievements" in the child. Hang all his letters there, purchase listsDrawn drawings and much more. When a child will look at them, he will strive to make something else to replenish his piggy bank achievements.
  2. Do not impose your child friends. They may not like you, but the baby must figure out himself, communicate with such children who walk with him in the yard, or not. If you give him the right values, then, thanks to them, he will quickly understand who may be a friend to him, and who is not. Allow your crumb to arrange homes at home with friends. You will understand how he knows how to adapt in society, as other kids perceive it.
  3. Choosing for the child educational institution, pay attention to the level of development of children who are trained in it. If you do not want the baby at all falls under the bad effect of children from disadvantaged families aged when his psyche is being formed, then do not give it to a regular school or kindergarten. Choose a institution where the baby will be able to feel comfortable and will be able to comprehensively develop.
  4. If your baby was born with features, do not focus the child's attention on it. He must understand that his peculiarity should not interfere with him to fully live. It is impossible that the whole world turn around this feature. Learn to survive in society, having some kind of flaw, it is difficult, but not a problem if you serve yourself.

Note that all of the above rules can be applied not to all children in a row. If you educate 2 children, then each of them will need to pick up your approach, given its type of temperament and nervous system.

Features of the education of boys and girls

When raising a child, it is necessary to take into account not only its temperament, but also sexuality. Of course, any child needs to love, take care of him and trust him. Only boys and girls all need it in varying degreesbecause they have absolutely unequal physiological and psychological needs.

We will share with you the basic principles that are advisable to be guided in the process of upbringing the daughter and son:

  1. How to raise a baby boy:
  • If you give a boy to a task, do not tell what it should do that he can independently think of it.
  • It's pointless to swear with a boy. If you punish it, then your speech should be short, but understandable. Let the child learn to think over his behavior and behave on male.
  • Take into account that the boy will not sit for a long time in one place, performing some teaching task, because it will quickly exhausitate mentally.
  • Boys at an early age can be gowns that never obey their parents. But as they grow up, they become calmer and obedient.
  • Boys who have reached 5 years old must be developed, revealing the basics of the exact sciences.
  • Do not force your 7-year-old son to share with you with your experiences. If he wants, he will tell himself.
  • Do not scold your son for aggressiveness, which can start to manifest from 2.5 years. it normal phenomenon In the process of psychological and physical development of the child.
  • In the education of the son, there must be more participation to take the Father, not a mother. This is especially true for children who have reached 5 years. It is dad puts the son of a love for sports, physical work, the ability to work and achieve the goals set.
  • Trust your son in everything to work out in it inner rod. Do not run after him to wipe it snot or wear a cap, do not defend when he quarrels with someone, create difficulties for him, so that he studied to cope with them.
  • Do not help your son in anything. Especially when it reaches 6 years. To this age, he must understand that he should help parents and everyone who needs his help.
  • Show your son, what he can achieve in life, tell him about what you believe that he will cope with everything. Your son should become a man in childhood - grow not a pet with horns, and a courageous man with the wings that he will tighten from the misfortunes of his relatives and loved ones.
  • Praise your son only essentially. Do not criticize it if something has not happened. The boy must grow and know what you just need to achieve, work out, get your work. If he is thinking that he already has a talent, the future, beauty, then he will not be incentive.

  1. How to educate children girls:
  • If you give a task to your daughter, you first visually demonstrate how it needs to be done to get everything right.
  • If you want to punish your daughter, then she first needed to explain exactly what it did wrong, but only then declare what she would be deprived of his misconduct.
  • The girl cannot be allowed to have a long time to have a long time, because it can emotionally exhausted, and after that, no matter is not taken.
  • Girls may be obedient only at an early age, and during the adults to change their character for the worse.
  • Girls who have reached 5 years old must be developed, revealing them the basics of humanitarian sciences.
  • Do not turn away from your 7-year-old daughter, if he wants to tell you some kind of burning story from his life. The girl is important to speak and consult.
  • In the daughter's upbringing, the person of the mother playing a big role, which becomes an example for the girl in everything. Mom must teach her daughter to perform homework, To be beautiful, be able to do the needlework, cook food.
  • The girl should have to be surrounded by care from birth so that she knew what should grow strong woman, and loving and tender. Try to protect and protect it from all too much, do not adhere to her many duties, do not make anything do anything. Baby must learn to treat himself as a jewel - because it is for her best defense. She then will never allow himself in adulthood to offend, because it will know the price of its dignity.
  • More often praise your daughter, not experiencing about what it can be agreed. So it will not happen. On the contrary, it will begin to strive for you to praise her, and everything will be done for this. But you are not guided by this, and just that you gave birth to the charm on this light. Believe me, your pride for a daughter will not help her in life. The girl should grow and know that it should everyone should love for the fact that she is an excellent study, but just for being born.

But we note that even if you raise 3 children, and all of them are one sex, then the above principles will need to be adjusted to their psychological features.

How to raise children without punishment and screams?

Many parents mistakenly believe that if they do not punish their children, they will think that everything is allowed in this life. On the contrary, this method of upbringing a child without screams and punishment allows the baby to develop better, make mistakes and to cope with them. If you punish the child, let him understand, he cannot control his behavior itself that it should make exclusively adults. All the same, the baby will not learn something, if you punish it, on the contrary, it will become stubborn, vengeful and cruel. Instead of sitting in the corner and think about the consequences of your bad behavior, He will reflect on how to take revenge on who he punished.

Instead of punishing a child, try changing the upbringing tactics. Remember that when a child grows up, you lose all authority in his eyes, and he will still begin to show his essence. What to do to show the baby that you are not satisfied with his behavior:

  1. Very strictly, but without scream, tell him what the child's behavior is unacceptable for your family.
  2. Ask the baby yourself to eliminate the consequences of your behavior. There was something that means I have to take and wipe. He will indicate, but if you do not respond to his hysteria, he will do everything. Show patience and wisdom.
  3. Tell your child that you are very suffering when he behaves like that. It is possible that it will force him to change his behavior.
  4. Do not say that you punish the child in such a way, if he does something bad.
  5. Instead of long-term standing in the corner, ask the child to go to my room to think about your behavior. He must be there alone exactly as many minutes as he is.

Child upbringing is daily workwhich turns out to be no power to many modern parents. But you can always fix everything. Show themselves all that you want them to and other people manifest themselves to you. Do not believe the stereotypes, do not listen to obsessive tips. Be careful to the child, love him, trust him and be friends with him. Then you grow a good, happy and successful person.

Video: "Features of upbringing in the type of child temperament"

Secrets of child education.

Each adequate woman dreams to give birth to a healthy baby and grow from it successful, sociable, active, erudite personality. Give your child all the best is the natural desire of the mother. But sometimes this desire turns into a manic. As a result, the child grows spoiled, selfish, he does not know what respect is, love, friendship. Often the result of this upbringing is a criminal future. How to prevent this? How to become a good mother, and do not spoil your child?

What does it mean to "be a good mother"?

Not always understanding this phrase is correct. For someone good mother The one that literally allows everyone: to capricious, demand, fight, select toys from other children, do everything that is pleased. But such permissiveness leads to sad consequences in the future.

But in fact, "to be a good mother" means, it means to pay enough time to your baby, to spend leisure with him, love your child, to be patient, attentive, caring, to be a true friend and comrade. After all, the trust and love of children are earned at all with toys, gifts or sweets. Love adults, attention and care - that's what you really need to children.

Sad but modern mom Often, there are not enough time on your own children due to permanent employment at work. They are forced to work more to be able to feed and provide their children with everything necessary - that requires modern rhythm of life, society. But if you have decided to become a mother, you are simply obliged to be able to distribute your time so that your baby is not deprived of caressing, attention, care. It should be understood simple truth: Only happy child Growing a successful, prosperous and happy man. But how to achieve this harmony in your child's relationship? Where to get strength and patience to raising your child?

Main principles of education

Trust relationship between mom and child arise at an early age, and this moment cannot be missed. It is very important for the first 2-3 years after the birth of crumbs to pay attention to the maximum - give up work, if there is such an opportunity, walk more often with your chad, play games, read books, fool, do creative activity, prepare together or just talk. If you ignore the baby during this period, about normal trust relationshipx I. mutual love In the future you can forget.

If you are a busy mom, really try to find your free time for your baby. And it should be not a simple "CEM" before / after kindergarten, not familiar "how are you" when you come from work, and not a banal "good night" when you put the baby to sleep. Show fantasy: games, fun while swimming, reading books before bedtime, learning of the washers or singing a song during a campaign to / from kindergarten, a friendly conversation - all this will help to establish and properly build a relationship between you and your tea.

So, a good mother should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Even with complete employment, the time for the child needs to be found. At the same time, try to leave all the thoughts about the work of your house. If you are annoyed - pay yourself half an hour - take cold and hot shower Or bath with aromomasles of soothing action, drink tea in silence with chamomile or Melissa. When you feel that your mood has improved, and the fatigue retreated a little, hug your baby, tell me how much you love it, play with him, read, find out how his day passed, tell us about your affairs. Make a baby to sleep, stroking through the hair, telling interesting fairy tale or history. Only after the child falls, go to do your own business.
  2. During the conversation, your face must be on the same level with your child's face. For the kid, this is incredibly important. He does not feel the superiority of an adult, in this case the child knows the parent better, at any moment he can cuddle to her mother, hug her or kiss it.
  3. Going every evening with the whole family for common business. What can you do? Any common thing is suitable: modeling, drawing, design, cartoon watching, walk in the park and so on.
  4. Try to allocate for a child at least one day a week, but on this day other cases are not recommended - do our chance exclusively.
  5. Enter a system of promotions for good behavior and home assistance. If a child wants some kind of toy as a gift - buy it, but only after the kid takes the right amount of points for completed tasks. For clarity, you can make it easily (and with the child) a special booth, where the crumb will see all its achievements. Such an approach will help develop discipline from the baby, the desire to help, as a result, his behavior will improve, and your nerves will remain integer.
  6. Talk more with the child and be sure to listen to what he tells you. Such dialogues help to establish that wave of confidence that is so needed in adolescence. Moreover, conversations should be not educational character, but relaxed, about everything and nothing. In the future, the child will know that in case of any failure, he will be safe to seek advice to the mother, and not to look for support somewhere on the side.
  7. Do not skimp on praise, do not tear anger on your baby, bad mood, do not shout on him! Negative always generates similar emotions and feelings. Touching on her child, you risk in the future to get the same attitude towards yourself from his part. Even if it is very difficult to take yourself in hand, try to do it: just calming down, continue the conversation. After all, the child is not just a little man, this is a person who deserves respect, love, pride and mutual understanding.

Remember one thing: the child is the best reward for each mother, this is the most precious thing that could be. And if you build educational process right, in the future, already adult, your child will be equal to you, and his words "I love you, mom," will be the most best words in the world.

How to build relationships between mom and child?

Today we are seeing how youth degrades, spends their time for useless, and sometimes dangerous classes. The reason for this is wrong relations Between mother and child. It is important to understand that in the younger aged child begins to copy the behavior of his parents, their attitude towards each other and others. They, like a sponge, absorb every step and act, and no matter, have a positive or negative nature of your actions - the child is copied absolutely everything. That is why in the upbringing of children for parents, the main thing is to change itself, their behavior, their manner to lead a conversation and so on.

Harmonicity in relations between mother / father and the child is the adoption of their children by adults. Often we think that children are small, silly, defenseless creatures that do not have their views on life, their desires, opinions. However, it is not! Start perceive your child, as a full person, consider his opinions and desires, listen to it. And even if the baby said some nonsense, never laugh at his children's naive statements - discuss the situation / topic together, help sort out the truth, send it to the right direction. So you will escape your child to the knowledge of the surrounding world, and with any new and incomprehensible questions, the child from now will come to you, and not to friends, the Internet, dubiously familiar.

How to earn confidence in a child?

  1. Always listen to what the child says, join the dialogue, understand his stories, participate in them with emotions, feelings. So the child will begin to open, he sees that he is listening and understand. As a result, respect for parents is being developed, confidence is the beginning of the right upbringing.
  2. Do not ignore requests for help with advice or affair. If a child sets you a question, postpone your affairs and talk to him, answer all of his moments. If you regularly "sfootball" your child, referring to employment, he can choose to the role of another person's adviser, and sometimes not the most successful.
  3. Try not to limit the child in his actions. Restrictions should act only in the case when it concerns the health and life of your Chad.
  4. Be for your little senior baby. But this does not mean that you must humiliate it, suppress, exploit, etc. Senior give junior Knowledge With respect, care and love, understand the position of the younger and give them what is needed at this stage of development.

Determine 5 main types of relationships between parents and children:

  1. Tirana parents. Total control, submission by any method - the main methods of education of children. Such a hyperemp is too painful for a child. Parents control literally all: how and what the child went to school when and who came back from the walk, indicate the exact time of arrival home, and if the child did not return on time, arrange the interrogation with the addiction. Of course, it is necessary to look after your child. But fanaticism in this case is no place. Such children break their lives, they turn out to be unprepared for independent existence. Council to parents Tiranes - give your children more freedom, let them learn from their own mistakes.
  2. Non-battal parents. More often it is those people who could not achieve anything, so in their children they see the realization of their own desires, ideas and dreams. It is worth remembering that children are quite independent personalities, they themselves have the right to decide who to be in the future than to do where to work. Give them the right to choose your future yourself. And if the child appears difficulties - help him with advice or affair. But do it sincerely, without reproaches.
  3. Infesticity parents. Crown phrases of such mom-dads: "It's to blame for everyone!", "If not for you, I would have happened!", "Everything went as shock because of you!", "It would be better for you!" . They are cruel in their statements, selfish. Their children being adults strong offense On such parents, they hate them, try to avoid communicating with them. Often transfer these insults to your family, sometimes become strong and successful personalities. Infesticity parents must learn to praise and encourage their children, try to restore lost confidence, love their child.
  4. Parents-friends. In relations like a family there is trust. Children from parents-friends are independent, have full freedom actions. In such relationships, parents are interested in the activities of their offspring. But the main thing is to always remain an adult friend, and not feel your peers. If this is not done, the child begins to feel responsible for his ancestor, which should not be.
  5. Mentors. Best Type Relationships: Parents mentors are engaged in their offspring, help children find themselves and their way in life, approve of their choices, have trusting relationships, mutual respect, express their love and care.

The future of the child depends on the parent, father or mother, builds relationships with him. And if in the future you want to hear the words of gratitude from your own tea for good childhood and education, today review your attitude to the very dear person - Your child.

How not to spoil the child?

Often parents, not wanting, violate thin face Between the pupil of the child and its spoil. Natural desire Rast the baby in love and care is wrapped with whims, hysterics, demanding statements by the child. How to build an educational process to not spoil your own child?

Kissing, hugging a child, play games with him, reading him fairy tales, sing with him songs or dance is the normal behavior of loving parents. FROM early age The child needs to talk about their love for him, that he is beautiful, the smart is generally the best. Thus, the kid has confidence in itself, in its own power. Surprisingly, in the future, such people seek great success in life than those whom parents led to a tender word.

Spoiled consider children who often capricious, demanding permanent parental attention. In principle, they do not imagine that adults can refuse them something: any request is carried out by parents unquestioned and in the same minute. They are unnecessarily placing, selfish, demanding and disobedient.

Spoolence is not congenital vice. You can spoil the baby, permanently inferior to him, is overlooking it, interfering with this to gain independence. If parents occupy a child around the clock different games, entertainment, watching cartoons, no one for a minute leaving it alone, then very soon children's whims become an excellent method of manipulation by adults. It is impossible to allow a child to do everything that he wants to admire all his actions (and mostly bad) - the present crime. Remember: putting a kid to the center of the family, you are thereby upbringing along the path of spoil.

If you think that the spoil does not lead to bad consequences, then you are deeply mistaken. Such children soon become real tyrants. Their perception will be based only on own desires and needs. Suffering from this will not only surrounding people, but also the child himself. This is how egoism develops, and the psychological development of the child is generally violated. The spoiled children become passive (they do not need to seek the desired independently - they will do others for them), they do not know how to put and achieve the desired goals. Independence they are not inherent.

What to do to not spoil your child? Most importantly - let him be independent. But also forget about such things:

  1. Do not run the first call to fulfill the request that a child can do itself (for example, raise the fallen toy).
  2. Discuss with grandparents and grandparents - do not allow them to allow the baby what forbid him to do at home.
  3. Do not buy everything that the child will show (it concerns both sweets and toys).
  4. The child should have their own duties (for example, remove toys, fold their clothes, convey toys to the playground).
  5. Teach the baby to dress, there is independently.
  6. Clearly set the frames that you can do, and what is impossible. The main thing is that these permissions and prohibitions coincide with "you can" and "can not" dad, grandparents.

You can re-educate a spoiled child, even though it is difficult to do it. The main thing is to gain patience. Then learn to speak to your choa "No". Do it calmly, concise, with hardness in a voice. Do not react to hysterics, tears, screams, riding on the floor and other manifestations of manipulation. At the same time, you must be able to justify your ban: the child must understand why you refuse him. Remember, if you once abandoned the baby in something, then next time you should not allow him to do this: it is impossible - it means that it is impossible, and not only today, but also on other days too. The main thing is not to drive a stick. After all, it is also difficult to tune in to a new wave of upbringing. Be sure to explain that you still love it, show care, understanding. And be sure if you do everything right, your child will grow as patient and brought up as you.

How to become good parents for your children?

Desire to become for your child good parent - Natural. But not always waiting coincide with reality. Parents often become too soft or rigid, demanding or compliant. Golden middle rarely gets to achieve. However, this is possible if you follow the advice of psychologists. So, scientists recommend:

  1. More often show your chad that you love it. Do not skimp on words about love, support and promotion - the child should feel that he is sincerely loved. Moreover, this applies to both young children and adolescents.
  2. Let the child feel safety next to you. Become a guarantor of this security, teach the baby to trust you, obey and respect, understand your child.
  3. Listen and hear your child. So you learn how to find out about possible problems or experiences of your chad.
  4. Always follow promises. So you bring up in your baby commitment to keep the word. In addition, in the future, the child will know that his parents never deceive, and in complex situation For help will be treated exclusively to you.
  5. Submit example good behavior: Children primarily copy the behavior of their parents - become a good role model for them.
  6. Take a rule to keep dangerous items away from children - so you don't have to scold them for playing knives, pills, etc.
  7. Tighten the real requirements for your chad.
  8. Do not be sure and do not shout on children - in the future you will apply a grievous injury to the psychological and emotional health of the child.
  9. Let the child make a choice (for example, a choice of activity, food, things).
  10. If you punish your child, be sure to explain why it is - the child must understand why he was punished.
  11. Make a day routine for a child.
  12. Set certain rules for each family member.
  13. Respect your own child.
  14. More often laugh, smile.

And do not forget about your own needs! If you are too tired - pay attention to yourself, deal with the case that brings pleasure you. If you feel that we are about to get down on a child, leave the room for 5 minutes, try to calm down, drink soothing tea, relax. After these manipulations, you will see that not everything is so bad as it seemed right away.

Education of love and mutual respect

Happy those children who in the family reign love and mutual respect. They feel emotional harmony, which has a positive effect on their fate, physical and moral Health. But how to raise such feelings?

As for love, then to the mother in a child, this feeling appears even before the birth of the baby. Mom is the first person who recognized the baby. Mom 9 months lays out his child under his heart, they together participate in the painful process of his appearance to light. Therefore, love here is mutual, strong, unearthly. With father, relationships are lined up a little different way. Father is a defender, confidence, support. His child feels his love from the moment the dad first takes him to his hands, hugs, kisses. But to say that this love is weaker than maternal, it is impossible - she is just a little different, inexplicable.

From the very birth, the baby needs love of parents. At first it is manifested in care, cavity, games. When a child grows, it is not enough to simply show love with his actions (cooking food, washing, buying new things). The kid needs to say more often how he loves him as expensive parents. Of course, actions and words should coincide.

The mutual respect in the child is raised to a greater extent on the basis of parental relationships. If the mother and father love each other, do not scandals, respectfully belong to the rest of the family members, then such relationships the child considers normally, and in the future adopt such a form of behavior. In such a family, mutual extension develops by itself.

In unfavorable families and where adults do not respect each other, the child may not guess about mutual respect. Remember that the basis of education we endure our own families. Want your child to grow happy and successful? Learn to live happily yourself! Show the child that his parents are primarily a happy husband and wife, and only after - parents.

Parent Secrets

How many parents, so many methods of upbringing. Someone gets to raise smart, successful, cultural children, and someone has criminals. Of course, the parents themselves are to blame themselves - they deprived their child's love and the necessary guardianship, spread their parental feelings for other more important, in their opinion, things. But it is important to understand that no excuses will correct the consequences of improper education. What to do so that the child is happy and inhaled? Young mothers share their secrets.

The most important thing is love

Love your child, love with all my heart, soul, mind. Show this love, taking care of your tea. Be sure to tell the baby about what you love him. And do it often - do not skimp on words. You yourself will feel pleasant when it becomes pleasantly when your words of Kroch hurts your face and with children's immediacy and sincerity will answer you reciprocity. These sensations are not compared with anything - at such moments you understand who you live to give a lot to give again and again to hear the recognition of your own little miracle.

For a child, it is also very important. When he feels that he love him, he becomes completely different. After all, many misdemeanors are committed only because adults give them little time. So they are trying to draw attention to themselves. Expressing your love, you are the easiest that the child you are expensive that you love it with all my heart.

Trust your child

Learn to trust your baby, even for you this is a difficult task. Total control is ruining the relationship between parents and children. Give your chad more freedom, let it become independent. You will see an adult, a child in difficult situations It will contact you, and not to friends or dubious acquaintances, and you will always know about the challenges. That's just feel about these recognition with understanding, not reproach, try to help the child, solve the problem together. So you save a trust relationship for life.

Do not beat and do not shout on your child!

Violence generates violence. And if at first such a measure of punishment will be effective, in the future you will have to shout and beat more, since the previous actions will not be brought to the results. In addition, due to such punishments, children violate the psyche, they become restless, cruel, aggressive. Do not break your child! Come up with a gentle measure of punishment, for example, forbid looking for a favorite cartoon, refuse to buy such a desired bike.

Acquish home work

Children need to teach labor with younger age. Of course, dig a bed or wearing stones is not for children. But put the shoes in places, folded underwear in washing machine, Collect toys or wash the dishes (and let you have to go it again - it's not scary) - Classes are quite fulfilled, and you are easier, and you have something to do. Every year, work therapy can be a little more complicated: trust cut vegetables (but under careful observation!), Speaching carpets, pour flowers, etc. - In any house there will be a sea of \u200b\u200bwork. In the future, the child will calmly relate to home work, and make it and beg for help will not have to.

Spend your free time with children

Even if you are very tired, try to find the strength in yourself to play with the baby, read the fairy tale with him, pour or flew. The child is glad of every minute spent with mom or dad. After such a pastime, you yourself will feel how fatigue moves to the side. And how much benefits for a child from these games and classes! The baby feels at such moments its importance and necessity, loves love and care. Do not miss the chance to recall the child once again how much he is dear to you.

Never raise actions or external flaws of a child!

This is how complex children's complexes are produced, which in the future interfere with the child to be happy. For each parent, his child is the best, the most beautiful, most extraordinary! And if the kid has shortcomings in appearance (for example, poor eyesight, big ears, too short fingers or bright eyebrows), try not to focus on them or consider them as dignity.

If the baby said some nonsense, and she seemed very funny to you, you should not laugh and make fun of the child - so the uncertainty, stiffness, pressure is produced. The child will continue to be afraid to communicate with the people around him, as it will think that it will be lied on laughter. Be restrained, dirty, wiser.

Always listen to what a child is talking to you

It may seem that in the words of young children there is no important information, and listen to their speech, seriously delight in what has been said, not necessarily. However, a child is a person, with their ambitions, thoughts, opinions. Not listening to what the baby tells about, you can miss important things: plenty of help, anxiety, disappointment and so on. In the future, such parental negligence can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, always join the dialogue with your children, even if you are very busy, you are interested in it, but do it unobtrusively, share your experience, let's advice. This will help build a trust.

So, become a good mother and simple, and difficult at the same time. The main rule - start working on yourself, your behavior and attitude towards the child. After all, children are our reflection. And if we want them to be perfect, you should make perfect yourself.

Proper education of the child is the key to his happy future and harmoniously developed personality. It is not always possible to find a common language and those psychological techniquesnecessary to raise a small person.

In this article you will find the answer to the question - how to bring up a child correctly? To begin with, turn to psychology.

There are a number psychological principlesnecessary for the successful formation of the personality:

  • it is important to understand that the child, in view of its age, is still not emotionally stable. He reacts to the surrounding events and phenomena is much brighter than adults. A minor event for an adult may become a huge shock for a child. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to a sharp change in the mood of the CAD, and if necessary, reassure it;
  • in the life of the kid leading place Parents occupy. In connection with this huge role, you should carefully follow not only for your behavior, but also in your own words. Children often copy the behavioral features of their parents;
  • than more parents They will communicate with the baby, the better. It should be involved in his life, talk to him, give advice. The central place of mutual relations in the family should occupy friendship between family members;
  • it should also be remembered that joint Games And classes have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the family. When a child sees that parents strive for a joint pastime, the child feels necessary and important.

Rules of parenting kid from birth to year

In the period up to the year, at the time of development and mature of the baby, he has the main habits, features of behavior. During this period, the kid is emotionally and physically connected with his mother and first needs her constant care. How to raise a child from birth?

So, with 2 weeks of the life of Chad, it should be started to upbringing, which has 4 periods:

  1. From birth to three months. You must talk with the baby, smile to him, sing him songs, tell the poems. Voice at this moment should be soft and caring. All this contributes speech Development and the early formation of a culture of communication;
  2. From three to six months. During this period, hearing is actively developing, the sensory perception of the baby and spectatic development. Child need to include listening to music, children's songs, classics. The kid is also worth introducing the world: show different subjects, Pictures;
  3. From six to nine months. At that time cognitive activity In children increase. It is worth allowing the chad on their own on the apartment on their own, learn the surrounding environment, of course, under the supervision of parents. At this time, it is also worth putting the rules of hygiene: to accustom to the breast, wash the handles before meals;
  4. From nine months to a year. At this age, the kid is most active. At this stage, you need to acquaint it with the properties of things: the water is liquid, the ball jumps, the machine can be swattered along the floor. Unwanted actions should be stopped by a soft, but confident word "it is impossible." For the coordinated development of speech, it is worth communicating with the child as much as possible.

How to bring up a one-year-old child

At that moment, when the age of a child reaches 11-12 months, its formation, both psychological and physical begins to develop more accelerated. At this age occurs an important stage In the formation of a future person.

The child at this time is still emotionally connected with his mother, but it is already generous to master the world around.

For successful education In this time period, you must follow the following rules:

Many parents faced the fact that the baby becomes more capricious and sensitive in the period one year old. This is due to the fact that the boundaries of his interests are gradually expanding and he learns to look at the world in a new way.

It is worth understanding that such regression in behavior is not constant and will soon pass.

How to bring up a child in 2-3 years

The leading activity at this age is the game. Parents still remain authority among adults. The child at this moment is experiencing an important stage for him - the formation of a person.

This manifests itself through the so-called "crisis of three years". For proper education during this period, it is necessary:

  • limit the child from more prohibitions, give him the opportunity to make his choice. In situations where the kid whimshes and does not want to do something, it should not be forced. It must be placed in the selection situation. For example, he is hungry, but he picks up and refuses. He should offer two or more dishes. Most likely, the baby will make his choice and calm down, because at that moment he was allowed to do as an adult;
  • it is important not to lose composure and do not succumb to emotions at the moments when Choo suits hysterics. Calm smooth tone It is necessary to clearly and reasonably explain its position;
  • it should be accepted with the baby, as with an adult. No need to use diminishing words and distorted. First, it contributes to the speech development of Chad, secondly, the baby will feel adults.

Education at the age of 4-5 years

The behavior of the child becomes more conscious, meanwhile its upbringing is more complex. At this age, Chado is already a separate personality and should be referred to his desires and interests with understanding. It is important to continue active interaction with it, as well as adhere to some rules:

The influence of parents during this period on the behavior of children is slightly reduced. This is due to the fact that parents are no longer the only authoritative people in their surroundings. There is such a social unit as teachers and friends.

And the older the child becomes, the less authoritative parents and teachers become, and the authority vector is shifted to friends.

The peak of this is achieved at the stage " transitional age", When friendly relations Standing in a teenager in the first place.

Therefore, it is important not to try to constantly limit the child's freedom, to put pressure on it and forced. It is important to maintain harmonious and trusting relationships. Trust - a key point in communication between the child and parents at this time.

Given all this, you should perform a few simple rules to build trust relationships:

  • more often to talk with the child, ask about his successes and affairs;
  • maintain in his desire for independence;
  • if something does not work, in no case to scold him for it. On the contrary, to help understand the problem, advise ways to solve it;
  • attract K. joint business and classes.

How to raise a person

Personality and nature are formed in children up to 5 years. Therefore, it is extremely important to lay the most foundation of personal qualities at an early age.

First of all, it is worth supporting a child. This is especially true for situations when he does not work.

After all, it often happens so that negative behavior Parents at such moments contributes to the fact that the child will closes in itself and ceases to trust the parents. therefore open communication Inside the family has a weighty value.

It is also worth giving considerable freedom of choice. No need to forget that the child should have their own duties. For example, cleaning your room and care for indoor plants. It will raise responsibility and independence.

For harmonious development Personality will not be superfluous to record a child in various sections and circles. They can be both creative and sports. But it is important to listen to the opinion of the child, not to put pressure on it and in no case not to impose him an opinion.

The key components of the relationship between children and parents should be:

  1. Confidence;
  2. Joint time;
  3. Close friendly communication;
  4. Personal space;
  5. Freedom of choice;
  6. Absence physical punishments and increased voice;
  7. Reasonable conversations;
  8. Joy and praise for achievements and successes.

How not to educate children

It is not always enough to take advice on how to correct the child, sometimes it is useful to learn about those things that are not acceptable in raising. Often, many people do not even notice the mistakes they commit.

All this comes from ignorance, generally accepted stereotypes and the parents themselves were brought up as a child. Examples, as you do not need to bring up children, are situations where parents:

In addition, parents do not know that to form a trust relationship between chad and parents, it is necessary to develop emotional intellect Children.

To do this, adults in their speech must describe its emotional condition phrases, such as "I am glad for you", "I am fun", "I'm sad".

Similarly, it is worth describing the mood of the child using phrases: "You're talked", "I see what you are worried about", "You really want to walk, but too late. You are upsetting that we do not let you go for a walk. "

Good luck in raising children!

And a few more tips for the upbringing of the baby - in the next video.