The concept of monitoring in physical education. Types and forms of organization of control in physical education

Preliminary control - at the beginning school year (academic quarter, semester). It is designed to study the composition of those involved (health status, physical fitness, sports qualifications) and determine the readiness of students for the upcoming classes (for the assimilation of other educational material or the implementation of the normative required curriculum). The data of such control make it possible to solve educational problems, means and methods for their solution.

Operational control is intended to determine an urgent training effect within the framework of one training session with the aim of expediently alternating load and rest. The control over the operational state of the trainees is carried out according to such indicators as breathing, working capacity, well-being, heart rate. Operational control data allows you to quickly adjust the dynamics of the load in the class.

Current control - to determine the reaction of the body of those involved in the load after the lesson. With its help, the time of restoration of working capacity is determined, they are engaged after different (in magnitude, direction) physical loads. The data of the current state of the trainees serve as the basis for planning the content of the next classes and values. physical activity in them.

Stage control - to obtain information about the cumulative (total) training effect obtained during one academic quarter or semester. With its help, the correct choice and application is determined. various means, methods, dosage of physical activity of those involved.

Final control - at the end of the academic year to determine the success of the implementation of the annual schedule of the educational process, the degree of solving the assigned tasks, identifying the positive and negative aspects of the process of physical education and its components. The data of the final control (the state of health of the students, the success of their fulfillment of crediting requirements and educational standards, the level of “normative results, etc.) are the basis for the subsequent planning of educational educational process.

  • Views control per process sports workouts young athletes... Preliminary the control - at the beginning of the academic year (academic quarter, semester).

  • Views control per process sports workouts young athletes.
    Medical the control per training occupations young athletes (goals and objectives, views, organization).

  • To implement process sports workouts young athletes corresponding public and state institutions are created: CYSS - (9-16 years old) - improvement in the chosen the form sports.

  • Forward planning training process for young athletes (purpose and objectives, content and form). Planning technology process sports training is a set of methodological and organizational-methodological guidelines ...

  • Views control per process sports workouts young athletes... Preliminary the control - at the beginning of the academic year (academic quarter, semester). It is intended. Loading.

  • Purpose: the control per condition young athlete.
    Views: before starting classes in sports sections; after the end of classes (during the year); in front of everyone sports competition; current (in process classes).

  • Year-round planning training process for young athletes (purpose, options, periods).
    The planning of the annual cycle is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of periodization workouts in accordance with the laws of development sports forms.

  • Views control per process sports workouts young athletes... Preliminary the control - at the beginning of the academic year (academic quarter, semester). It is intended.

  • - the control and accounting; - selection and sports orientation. These activities are solved by means: - collection of information about the state athletes
    - decision making in the form drawing up plans; - implementation of the adopted plans; - the control per progress of implementation training plans, analysis ...

  • Plotting middle (meso -) cycles workouts for young athletes: retracting
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The end result of the influence of physical culture throughout the training, development and upbringing of students should be a "physically perfect" person.

Health, strong and tempered body, strong willformed in the course of classes physical education and sports, are a good basis for intellectual development person. To achieve high physical perfection, get rid of some congenital and acquired physical disabilities is possible only through the correct and systematic use of physical exercise.

That is why, on the present stage development of sports and physical culture, the problem of optimal control in the process of physical education, especially in our country, is becoming very urgent.

Obviously, it cannot be solved without a reliable and objective management apparatus, which is pedagogical control. Object of work: pedagogical control in the process of physical education. Subject of work: means and methods of pedagogical control in the process of physical education.

Purpose of the work: to study the features of pedagogical control in physical education.

Work tasks:

1.To reveal the essence and significance of control in physical education and its types.

2.Identify the main directions of pedagogical control.

.To identify the main means and methods of pedagogical control in physical education.

Methods: theoretical analysis scientific and methodological literature.


1.The concept of accounting and control in physical education

The essence of control and accounting is to identify, comprehend and assess real conditions, specific facts dynamics and results of the pedagogical process. Thanks to the control and accounting, data on the physical condition, technical and tactical readiness, quantitative achievements of the trainees are accumulated. In addition, the effectiveness of the means, methods and organizational forms used is systematically checked, the nature of difficulties and failures in the educational process, volitional stability and working capacity of the students are found out. These data make it possible to more accurately plan and adjust the educational process, thereby contributing to the improvement of its quality and efficiency. Control and accounting data are also used when summing up the results for certain period time.

Accounting and control are two definitions and concepts that are close to each other in their content. Initially, the term "accounting" was more widespread in physical culture. Accounting in physical education is the activity of collecting, systematizing, analyzing and storing information about the functioning of the process of physical education. It was carried out in accordance with the established requirements and was expressed in a certain system of accounting and reporting documentation.

Thus, "accounting" was a more voluminous concept, "control" was a particular manifestation of accounting and was expressed mainly in checking and assessing the progress of students and controlling them. physical condition... Gradually, the term "control" replaced the definition of "accounting" in textbooks and manuals on the basics of the theory and methodology of physical education, sports training.

Currently, control is understood as observation, examination, verification and evaluation. A number of types of control have become widespread: pedagogical, medical, psychological, biomechanical, hygienic, etc.

The leading (decisive) of them is pedagogical control, as organically inherent in the process of physical education and constituting an integral link teaching activities specialist.

The term "pedagogical" first of all emphasizes that the control is carried out in a qualified manner by a teacher - a specialist in physical culture, by means and methods acquired by him on the basis of a special physical education and practical experience work in the specialty. Pedagogical control of the physical education process also uses medico-biological indicators for a comprehensive and in-depth characterization of the state of the body's systems.

Pedagogical control as a whole traces the relationship and correspondence between pedagogically directed influences, planned results and actually obtained. In the event of their discrepancy, the necessary decisions should be made and corrections should be made to the planned process of physical education.

The main requirements for control and accounting are:

· timeliness;

· objectivity;

· accuracy and reliability;

· completeness and information content;

· simplicity and clarity.

Timeliness of control and accounting presupposes the identification of new information about the state of students, conditions and productivity of the pedagogical process. Violation of this requirement leads to a weakening of orientation in the dynamics of the process, a disorder of its rhythm, losses in the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical influences.

Objectivity, accuracy and reliability consist in the maximum correspondence of the revealed and recorded facts to reality. Any speculation, subjective corrections, distortion of facts are unacceptable. All this can lead to disorientation, miscalculations in planning, mistakes in teaching and upbringing, and false assessments.

Completeness and information content provide for sufficient comprehensiveness of control and accounting. The pedagogical process is an extremely complex phenomenon. Its effectiveness is due to many factors and internal connections. Therefore, the most important thing is to determine in each specific case these operating factors and significant relationships. The lack of sufficient completeness of information about them makes it difficult to correctly assess the real conditions, opportunities or results of the corresponding activity. However, the requirement of completeness is not to be understood absolutely. It is only necessary to control and take into account what has essential in this case. The simplicity of control and accounting presupposes the availability of its forms and methods, as well as the possibility of obtaining the necessary data without wasting time and effort. Visibility is reduced to an easily observable form of fixing the facts and conclusions taken into account, ensuring their quick and accurate use in future activities.

In pedagogical control, it is very important to analyze the established facts, clarify the connections between them, comprehend them, and on this basis - the determination of conclusions and conclusions, the adoption of appropriate decisions. Thus, an increase in consciousness, responsibility and creative activity in the work of a teacher is achieved, a departure from stereotyped, formalism and spontaneity.

The leading factor in the implementation of pedagogical control is the provision of complete information about the prerequisites, deployment and results of the pedagogical process.

Thus, the meaning of well-established control is that it:

-first is essential element management of the pedagogical process;

-secondly, it has a significant educational impact on both the teacher and the students;

-thirdly, the usefulness of reporting documents depends on it.

1.2 Directions of pedagogical control

Pedagogical control covers all aspects of the process, but it can be divided into three main directions (aspects):

1.population control external factors directed influences on trainees ("impact factors");

2.the control motor activity engaged;

.control of the "effect of influences".

A prerequisite for planning and the initial part of pedagogical control is control of the initial level of students' abilities to implement the assigned tasks:

· individual level of physical development (in particular physical qualities);

· fund of motor skills and abilities;

· motivation and individual attitudes towards the upcoming activity.

Control of external factors affecting trainees includes:

· control of external conditions (sanitary and hygienic conditions, meteorological information, environmental factors: medium mountains, increased solar radiation);

· control of the teacher's influence (professionalism of the teacher's actions and adherence to the norms of pedagogical ethics).

Control of the motional activity of those involved includes:

· control of the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

· control of the volume and nature of the loads, the mode of their alternation with rest;

· control of interactions of trainees (pair and group mutual influences, as well as interpersonal relationships);

· control of the functional state of the body (functional shift).

General state functional capacity of athletes should be assessed from the point of view of their compliance with the main functional systems the norm. Special condition physical fitness better assessed using specific indicators that are adequate natural conditions sports activities and as close as possible to competitive.

The control of the effect of influences provides for determining the contribution of classes to the formation of skills, skills and knowledge in students, to their physical development and improvement of personal qualities. Distinguish between the effect of current influences (one or more classes) and the cumulative effect of physical education. An immediate effect suggests changes after exercise or at the end of a session. Delayed effect - changes in the body occur some time after classes and before the next one. The cumulative effect is sustainable and is acquired after a long period of regular exercise.

So, the main direction of pedagogical control is to analyze the correlation between the dynamics of pedagogically directed influences and pedagogically determined changes in the level of education, development and behavior of those involved. Inconsistency real relationships the planned target results are determined by the need to clarify the orientation and parameters of pedagogical influences and make appropriate adjustments to the previously planned plan.

1.3 Types of pedagogical control

In the practice of physical education, five types of pedagogical control are used, each of which has its own functional purpose.

Preliminary control is usually carried out at the beginning of the academic year (academic quarter, semester). It is designed to study the composition of students, health status, physical condition, determine the readiness of students for the upcoming classes (to master new educational material or fulfill the regulatory requirements of the curriculum). The data of such control make it possible to clarify educational tasks, means and methods of their solution. You can check the performance of exercises that are structurally similar to new ones; check knowledge, skills and abilities after long breaks in classes to plan individual lessons. The exception is physical exercises that require long-term preparation of the body for large amounts of work (cross-country skiing, running on long distances).

Operational control is intended to determine an urgent training effect within one training session (lesson) with the aim of a reasonable alternation of load and rest. Control over the operational state of the trainees (for example, the readiness to perform the next exercise, the next attempt in running, jumping, to re-pass a segment of the ski distance, etc.) is carried out according to such indicators as breathing, working capacity, well-being, heart rate, speed of execution exercises, parameters of the technique of movements during the lesson, etc. Most of the information obtained in the process of current and operational control is recorded in personal diary teacher.

The current control is carried out to determine the reaction of the body of those involved in the load after the lesson. With its help, the time of recovery of the working capacity of the trainees is determined after different (in terms of magnitude, orientation) physical activity. The data of the current state of the trainees serve as the basis for planning the content of the next classes and the amount of physical activity in them. Current control involves continuous control at each lesson (from lesson to lesson) during the week. The effectiveness of training and the daily change in the state of the trainees are determined. The dynamics of indicators of an individual state between this and the next lesson is also traced to assess the consequences and course of recovery processes (which determines the effect of the next lesson).

To carry out current control, methods should be used (as in operational control) that require minimum costs time without additional expenditure of trainees' forces. The results of ongoing monitoring help to clarify the content of the plan for this stage and more effective implementation of the educational process.

Stage control is used to obtain information about the cumulative (total) training effect, obtained during one academic quarter or semester. With its help, they determine the correctness of the choice and use of various means, methods, dosage of physical activity of those involved. Stage control reveals the main tendencies of the physical education process at its relatively long stages (quarter, semester, period, there may be mesocycles, if they are distinguished by a stage of a larger training cycle). It includes, in addition to operations characteristic of control as a whole:

) generalizing processing of monitoring materials for characteristics common features and parameters of the stages and cycles of the pedagogical process (calculating the total time spent on sections and solving various problems of physical education; total values \u200b\u200bof physical activity in sports and shares in terms of level and orientation; determination of the average values \u200b\u200bof indicators of changes in the state of those involved. Thus, the structure and dynamics of pedagogical influence and trends in their effect);

) final testing and other diagnostic procedures at the end of the stage to determine the overall cumulative effect of the lessons conducted and the shifts that took place in the state of the trainees ( pedagogical diagnostics: control procedures to identify the effect of pedagogically directed influences and changes in the state of the educated);

) comparative analysis dynamics of the first and second indicators.

The final control is carried out at the end of the academic year to determine the success of the implementation of the annual schedule of the educational process, the degree of solution of the tasks set, to identify the positive and negative aspects of the process of physical education and its components. The data of the final control (the health status of the trainees, the success of their fulfillment of credit requirements and educational standards, the level of sports results, etc.) are the basis for the subsequent planning of the educational process.

Comparison of the results in the preliminary, current and final control, as well as their comparison with the requirements of the physical education program, allow us to judge the degree of solution of the corresponding educational tasks, about the shifts in the physical fitness of those involved in a certain period. And this facilitates the differentiation of means and methods of physical education and increases the objectivity of the results. educational work.


1 Basic concepts of the means and methods of pedagogical control

formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

education of physical qualities;

change in the state of the body.

Pedagogical control in the classroom mainly consists in checking and assessing the above factors in students.

In addition, knowledge occupies a significant place in physical education, therefore knowledge control is an integral part of pedagogical control.

In the practice of physical education, they apply following methods control: pedagogical observation, surveys, reception of educational standards, testing, control and other competitions, the simplest medical methods (measurement of VC - vital capacity of the lungs, body weight, body strength, etc.), timing of the lesson, determination of the dynamics of physical load in the lesson according to heart rate and etc.

The teacher receives a lot of information using the method of pedagogical observation. Observing the students during the lesson, the teacher pays attention to their behavior, expression of interest, degree of attention (focused, absent-minded), external signs of reaction to physical activity (changes in breathing, color and facial expression, coordination of movement, increased sweating, etc.).

The survey method provides an opportunity to obtain information about the state of the trainees on the basis of their own indicators of well-being before, during and after classes (about muscle pains, etc.), about their aspirations and desires. Subjective sensations is the result physiological processes in the body. They must be reckoned with and at the same time remember that they do not always reflect true possibilities engaged.

Control competitions and testing allow to obtain objective data on the degree of fitness and the level of physical fitness of the trainees. They are very indicative and, on their basis, make appropriate conclusions and adjustments to the plans. So, for example, if the level of physical fitness does not increase or becomes lower, then the content, training methodology, physical activity are revised.

In addition to the control carried out by the teacher himself, great importance has a specially organized control on the part of executives and the teaching staff. It is practiced mainly for the purpose of evaluating the work of the teacher and providing him with methodological assistance.

The control, which is carried out unofficially, has either a purely cognitive value (to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of a highly qualified teacher), or serves to exchange experience, discuss any important methodological issues.

Common control methods are:

1.visual pedagogical observation of the educational process;

2.timing the activities of those involved in order to determine the time spent on the main types of work;

.heart rate monitor - to find out the reaction of cardio-vascular system on the load;

.the study documentary materials (plans, reports, protocols of competitions, physical fitness testing, etc.);

.survey in different forms (questioning, interviewing).

Based on the analysis and generalization of the information obtained, appropriate conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given to the teacher.

Observing the educational process provides the richest and most valuable information about the activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the intended tasks. Observation can be relatively complete when all sides and perceivable results of teaching and learning are taken into account, and partial, when attention is focused on any one side of the teacher's activities: the organization of classes, methods of teaching and upbringing, the activity and independence of the students, their relationships in the group. etc.

As a rule, observation of the lesson is preceded by familiarization with the pedagogical documentation (work plan for the current period, lesson outline, entries in the journal of educational work) and a conversation with the teacher, sometimes with the students.

On the basis of pedagogical observation, a pedagogical analysis is made, which includes:

.preparation for the lesson.

.conducting a lesson.

.student behavior.

.teacher behavior.

.lesson results.

.conclusions and offers .

Timekeeping is carried out in order to identify and assess the time spent on different kinds activities of those involved and determining the density of the lesson, as one of the indicators of its effectiveness.

Heart rate monitoring allows you to determine the amount of physical activity and its dynamics during exercise. The heart rate is counted before the start of the lesson, before and after performing individual exercises or series. Based on the pulsometry indicators, the reaction of the heart to physical activity caused by a certain exercise, as well as the dynamics of these reactions throughout the lesson, is determined. Heart rate measurement data allow you to create a "load curve" during the session.

Based on a comparative analysis of the data of pedagogical observations, timing and heart rate monitoring, one can fairly correctly judge the advantages and disadvantages of the lesson, determine the achievements and failures in educational work, evaluate the teacher's work and recommendations for its improvement.

2.2 Test and assessment of motor skills and skills learned in the lessons

The degree of mastering motor actions is controlled in the volume of the studied requirements, i.e. taking into account the peculiarities of the training stage.

The means of control are the studied physical exercises.

At the stage of learning, the technique of exercises can also be checked by performing individual elements or structurally similar leading exercises performed in light conditions. At the stage of advanced learning, the skill technique is controlled under standard conditions of execution. At the 3rd stage of improvement (skills of the 2nd order), the technique is assessed in changing conditions, in conjunction with quantitative results (with significant physical stress), in a competitive environment, i.e. in difficult conditions.

If students have to learn an action, the basis of the technique of which they do not yet master, previously studied exercises that are close in structure to the new or include its individual elements are preliminarily checked. When resuming training after a long break, skills and abilities are checked in the volume of the requirements of the previous training period. If students already have a basic knowledge of quantitative exercise techniques, personal achievements are also identified along the way. Exceptions are physical exercises, which require long-term preparation of the body for increased stress (running at medium and long distances, cross-country skiing, etc.).

Checking progress is carried out systematically, according to a specific system. This ensures not only the timely recording of the results of the educational process, but also its improvement. In physical education lessons, a system of current checking is used. Since there are no exams in this subject, the final grade is calculated based on the current grades. The current check is subdivided into preliminary, incidental and specially organized (Table 1).

Table 1. Forms of current testing and assessment of students' progress in the process of teaching motor action in the subject "Physical culture and health"

Stage of the learning process Form of assessment Form of verification I. Initial Learning Judgment or oral assessment in points. Comprehensive lesson-based assessment. Value judgment or verbal assessment in points. Comprehensive lesson-based assessment. Assessment with a score in the journal A. Preliminary examination of knowledge, motor skills, motor skills and the level of development of special physical qualities. B. Multiple passing quality control of the solution to the problem of the lesson. II. Advanced learning Value judgment. Oral assessment in points. Comprehensive lesson-based assessment. Assessment with scoring in the journal A. Multiple passing quality check of the solution of the lesson problem. B. Specially organized check of the fulfillment of motional action in full scope of the studied technical requirements. III. Consolidation and improvement Assessment in points, points (according to a 10-point system); in forms, adopted by the rules competitions in the relevant sport; in the form of honorary titles (champion, record holder, etc.) A. Multiple passing quality check of the solution of the lesson problem. B. Specially organized test of motor skills and changes in the level of physical qualities. B. Specially organized test of the ability to apply a motor action in practice (in particular, in the conditions of sports activity.

The assessment of the student's motor skills and abilities will be objective if the teacher observes the following rules:

  1. the results of the student's educational work are checked and evaluated in physical culture lessons and in the process homework;
  2. the scope of the tested skills and abilities is determined in full accordance with the content of the curriculum for of this class;
  3. the determination of the degree of mastering by schoolchildren of physical exercises is carried out on the basis of the established ten assessment points, which provide for a certain nature and number of errors in establishing a particular assessment;
  4. the nature of errors is determined on a single basis (an error is considered gross if it distorts the basis of the motor action technique; a significant error refers to the failure to fulfill the general details of a physical exercise; to an insignificant one - only inaccurate execution of details leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of the action, while only the studied ones are taken into account. elements of technology);
  5. the method of testing and assessment is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the stage of the process of teaching motor action. When checking the skill, favorable conditions are created for the concentration of attention of those engaged in the technique and only it is evaluated. When testing skills, technical indicators are assessed under the conditions of using a motor action (in changing external conditions, with increased volitional and physical efforts, in conjunction with other actions, etc.). In skills testing that is capable of quantifying achievement, technical indicators are tested simultaneously and evaluated in relation to quantitative results.

Analysis of knowledge, abilities, skills and achievements established by preliminary testing allows the teacher to outline ways to improve them in the process of the upcoming educational work, to more purposefully organize the repetition of the past and clarify the plan for learning new things.

A passing check examines how the students solved each specific learning problem facing them in the lesson. It is carried out from lesson to lesson at all stages of learning.

When learning a motor action, the quality of mastering the links, details and characteristics of a motor action is checked and evaluated.

When consolidating and improving - the degree of preservation of the mastered technique or the ability to vary it in various external conditions and situations, as well as the quality of the performance of individual tasks to correct existing errors. With the directed development of physical qualities, students are invited to complete the task the intended number of times with a certain intensity. The load must always be available. If the student completes the task, then the assessment of his activities will be positive. Throughout the lesson, at the teacher's discretion, the quality of many other previously studied physical exercises can be assessed. For example, a teacher, observing all the students during the lesson, selectively analyzes and assesses the quality of the execution of drill and general preparatory exercises.

A specially organized test finds out the degree of correspondence of the exercise technique learned by the student to the pattern predetermined by the ultimate goal of the training period. At the II stage of training, optimal conditions to perform the verifiable actions. So, for example, the ability to jump in height from a running start is tested when the bar is set at a height, overcoming which does not require increased volitional and physical efforts from the student; in gymnastics, each action is tested separately, without connection with other exercises, and in the setting in which the learning took place. In this case, only the quality of the exercise is assessed. Competitive testing can also be used, but it is important that the rules of the competition and the conditions for determining the winners encourage students to achieve best technology doing the exercise.

At the stage of consolidation and improvement during testing, conditions should be created that do not allow the student to fully focus on the way of performing the studied movement. For example, in basketball in the 6th grade, you can check and evaluate the quality of several techniques in combination: catching the ball - dribbling - stopping by jumping - turning back - passing the ball with two hands from the chest. In the high jump competition, the teacher checks the technique at this stage when the bar is set at the height reached by the student during the preliminary check (or higher). At the same time, qualitative and quantitative indicators are checked and evaluated simultaneously.

2.3 Checking and assessing the level of development motor qualities Physical fitness level testing

In addition to observations, which are based on the teacher's subjective judgments about pedagogical process, in the practice of physical education (especially in sports training), testing is widely used as control methods.

The tests used for control can be divided into 2 groups:

) physical exercises included in the content of the program and amenable to standardization;

) physical exercises to control those physical qualities that cannot be determined by the exercises of the first group (long jump or high jump from a place).

In order for the obtained indicators to be reliable, the tests used must meet special requirements (the purpose of the test must be determined), and it must also be informative, reliable and objective.

The informativeness of the test is the degree of its accuracy for assessing certain properties. a specific person (for example, the movement of a child). If a test is used that has not passed the test for information content, you can come to false conclusions regarding one or another indicator of physical fitness of the trainees. For example, when testing speed qualities 100m running is widely used.

Reliability reflects the degree of similarity of the results when repeated testing on the same subjects under the same conditions. A test can be considered reliable if it guarantees obtaining close to each other or the same indicators of the measured property in several successive attempts. Ignoring this requirement negates objectivity. numerical indicators and makes it difficult to assess the dynamics of physical fitness.

The objectivity of the test reflects the independence of the measurement results from the personal characteristics of the specialists (experts, judges, etc.) conducting the testing, or the equipment used. At the same time, the objectivity of assessments increases with an increase in the number of experts. However, she is in to a large extent also depends on the accuracy of the measuring instruments, methods, in general - on the entire measurement procedure. If the objectivity of the test is low, then the comparison of the results will be reduced to a comparison of the errors of the experts who conducted the testing.

To increase the objectivity of the assessment of this quality, it is better to use one physical exercise... More often you should check those physical qualities that change to a greater extent. During a quarter, it is advisable to monthly monitor nonspecific physical qualities for a section, and specific ones - at the junction with the next section.

In the practice of physical education, especially sports training, often there is a need for an objective assessment of the sum of several human properties that characterize a certain state. In this case, by mathematical calculations (extraction of the correlation coefficient) from a large number the proposed tests select a set (set, "battery") of several, the most informative. The verification procedure is reduced to determining the degree of influence of each test on the property of interest, reflecting the state of a person, for example fitness.

When testing, it is important to observe the following basic conditions: the composition of the group selected for comparison must be homogeneous (by gender, age, physical fitness, health status); measuring equipment must comply with state standards; the order of the test (the nature of the warm-up, the intervals of rest between attempts, etc.) must be constant. As a rule, tests are organically linked to the content of the lesson. The control technique ensures the objectivity of the results. The main method of control of physical exercises among students is competitive (control tests). Other methods can also be used (dynamometry, graduation). Comparison of the test results of preliminary, current, stage and final control with the standards school curriculum allows you to judge the degree of solving educational problems in the corresponding period.

When checking and assessing the educational work of schoolchildren in improving certain physical qualities, changes in their level during the time of purposeful work in the classroom are taken into account. In the content of homework, exercises for the development of physical qualities occupy a predominant place. Homework checks should be carried out systematically. In this case, the main criterion for academic performance is the fact that the measured indicators have improved over a certain period of time.

IN the given time the physical education program provides for testing the level of physical fitness 2 times a year, at the beginning of the first quarter and at the end of the fourth, starting from 5th grade. The program provides for the following standards:

1.To determine flexibility - bend forward from a sitting position;

2.To determine strength - pulling up on the bar (m), lifting the body from a supine position in 1 minute (e);

.To assess speed qualities - running 30 meters;

.To assess speed and coordination qualities - shuttle run 4 * 9 m;

.To assess the explosive strength of the leg muscles - long jump from a place;

.To assess endurance - running 1000 meters.

Based on the results of testing (in September - October), a physical education teacher conducts individual targeted work with each student. Based on the results of testing in April - May, sports holidays.

2.4 Knowledge test

Assessing the knowledge of students, it is necessary to take into account the depth and completeness of knowledge, the validity of their presentation, the ability of students to use knowledge in relation to specific cases and practical training physical exercise. In order to test knowledge, are used different methods... Survey methods are applied orally or in writing in the pauses between exercises, before or after assignments. It is not recommended to use this method after significant physical exertion.

Knowledge of theoretical information is checked during the lesson on the basis of the studied practical material. The teacher evaluates the knowledge in the volume of the program requirements for the given class by checks: knowledge of terminology, rules of the game, competitions and insurance, the ability to describe the technique of the physical exercise being learned and explain the meaning of its links and details, identify and correct the mistakes of a friend, give a report on their movements, etc. P.

The main method of control over the assimilation of knowledge is an oral survey, which requires answers in the form of:

) descriptions (for example, external form and the sequence of movements that make up the motor action);

) explanations (for example, biomechanical patterns of specific movements);

) showing options for performing physical exercise or individual components.

In the practice of physical education, a written survey is used with the help of knowledge control programs with selective answer options (programmed knowledge control). The programmed method is for students to receive multiple-choice question cards. The student must choose the correct answer. The method is economical and allows for frontal survey.

Very effective method testing knowledge is the demonstration of their students in specific activities. For example, students accompany the presentation of knowledge regarding exercises for the development of strength with the implementation of a specific set of exercises, etc.

Content as a component of the physical education system includes theoretical and practical educational material, and therefore some authors advise: “theoretical and practical material on physical education in the educational process, it is advisable to present in the cultural and historical aspect: from physical culture of ancient civilizations to modern systems physical education ".

So, in primary school (1 - 3 grades) study both theoretically and practically elementary concepts of physical culture. IN high school (5 - 9th grades) - the basics of physical culture, and in the senior grades (10 - 11th grades) - the constituent elements of physical culture and their relationship.

2.5 Monitoring the functional state of students

The teacher monitors the dynamics of functional shifts in the body of those involved in a number of particular and complex signs, it includes:

) control of external objective signs of the state of students, expressed in manifestations of working capacity, their behavior and appearance... Control methods - general pedagogical, visual;

) self-assessment by students of their state (well-being, mood, readiness for action). Control methods - general pedagogical, verbal and descriptive;

) control of the dynamics of the functional state according to the integral indicator - the value of the heart rate.

When carried out objectively, physical culture self-control, as one of the forms of pedagogical control, serves as a source of information for pedagogical control. In the process of doing physical exercises, it also includes: controlling one's movements and "feeling" motor actions, self-assessment of training loads. When individual lessons physical culture self-control becomes the main form of control and a condition for its effectiveness.

In the intervals between classes, self-control should be focused on self-assessment of recovery processes, analysis of general well-being. It is a source of information for pedagogical control about readiness for the upcoming lesson. The main form of recording self-control data is keeping a diary, which, in turn, requires a certain minimum of special educational knowledge, skills and abilities from those involved. The self-control diary notes daily:

general well-being;

the nature of the dream;

degree of fatigue;

desire to deal with FC and S;

physical activity (physical exercises and the duration of their implementation);

the reaction of the body (mainly by heart rate);

the volume of each type is calculated weekly self-study.

The diary also records the data of a medical examination: weight and height, circumference chest and spirometry, arm strength and deadlift, GPP tests:

running for short distances (30-100 m);

long distance running (1-3 km);

strength exercises (pulling up or flexion-extension of the arms in support);

long jump from a place.

A necessary methodological condition high Quality self-control is a comparative analysis of objective and subjective assessments of an individual state, the study of the dynamics of an individual state, depending on the characteristics of the mode of life. Comparison of the data of stage-by-stage control allows us to make a conclusion about the state of health and the level of physical fitness. Self-control is also a factor in the self-education of personal qualities.

The foregoing allows us to consider physical culture self-control as a component of the control system in physical education.

Medical and pedagogical observations and functional tests (tests) play a huge role in controlling the functional state of the body. Medical and pedagogical observations are designed to strengthen the health of the student, help to develop harmoniously. Medical and pedagogical observation is a complex process of assessing the effectiveness of physical exercises from the standpoint of medicine and pedagogy, which makes it possible to identify positive and negative sides classes, make adjustments in the optimal direction and thereby increase its effectiveness.

The assessment of the conditions, organization and methods of conducting classes is carried out according to following criteria:

· compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements at their places of employment;

· accounting climatic conditions conducting a lesson;

· the correctness of the recruitment of groups;

· the correctness of the class schedule;

· compliance with recommendations and conclusions based on the results of a medical examination;

· planning of classes in accordance with the program;

· adherence to the principles of individualization in physical exercise.

Functional tests (tests) are invaluable for solving the following tasks in the process of physical education:

-determining the level of performance and fitness;

-control over changes in the trained qualities: speed, endurance, strength, the ability of the cardiovascular system to quickly engage in intensive work and maintain it for a long time;

-determination of the achieved level of physical fitness;

-identification of functional inferiority of the cardiovascular system, early signs overvoltage.

Functional tests are various dosed loads and disturbing influences that provide objective data on the functional state. physiological systems organism.

In practice, 3 types of samples are used: one-stage, two-stage and three-stage. For a mass examination of persons engaged in physical culture, including schoolchildren, they mainly use one-stage tests.

Exercise tests are used most often, since they are easy to dose, they are the most physiological, and they are convenient to use for repeated observations.

Thus, testing students' health indicators for integrated assessment Along with testing physical development and physical fitness, it is no less important than testing their level of knowledge.

Based on the above material, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1.Only the timely use of means and methods of control can effectively solve the problems of physical education;

2.Control methods must be selected in accordance with the tasks to be solved in the process of physical education;

.The choice of methods depends on the age of the trainees;

.Only complex application means and methods of control allows the most complete solution of the tasks.


Pedagogical control is a rather broad concept, which includes not only control of physical fitness and motor activity, but also control of medical and biological indicators, control of knowledge. That is why its complexity is important in the application of control.

Control in physical education allows you to determine the level of physical fitness, the degree of development of individual physical qualities, the formation of motor skills, the physical state of the body. An objective analysis of the results obtained provides specialists with specific data for the operational influence on the use of various means and methods in order to control the process of physical education.

Control in physical education is a kind of a specialist's activity and a necessary component of the expedient construction of the process of teaching and educating students, managing its effectiveness.

The success of the process of physical education is largely determined by the timeliness of control (its correlation in time with the structural links of this process) and its constancy.

Thus, properly organized pedagogical control allows you to most accurately plan, quickly correct the process of physical education, and, consequently, increase the efficiency of solving the tasks and the entire learning process.

motor control physical testing


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Analysis of medical control in an educational institution

3 Sanitary and hygienic supervision of the physical education of students. ... Analysis medical supervision in an educational institution.
Subject of research: features of the organization and content of physical exercises with children ...

Planning and control in physical education

ContentIntroduction………………………………………………………………………..3education……………………………………………………………… .. ………………………………………… 71.3 Sequence of basic planning operations ……………… ..91.4 Planning as the basis for organizing educational work ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chapter II. Physical planning documentseducation………… .............................................. .......................................... 122.1 Characteristics of the main documents of planning physical education ... …………………………………………………………………. 122.2 Physical education program ……………………………… ... 132.3 Annual plan- schedule of the sequence of passing the program material in the academic year ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… .162.5 Lesson outline ……………………………………………………… .17 Chapter ІІІ. Pedagogical control and accounting in physicaleducation…………………………………………………………………… ..203.1 Pedagogical control: the essence and content of the concept ………… ... 203.2 Pedagogical control: types and methods ……………………………….20 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….30List of references…………………………………………………………...32Applications……………………………………………………………………34

3IntroductionThe topic of planning and control in physical education is extremely multifaceted. The essence of planning and control lies in the fact that, along with the operational composition of the procedure for developing a plan and a control system, this process presupposes rather clear and systematized knowledge about the direction, means, methods, principles governing physical education activities, etc. High-quality planning is impossible without knowledge of the basics of teaching motor actions and education physical abilities in all their diversity and interconnection Strengthening the health of students is always a difficult business, associated with the solution of many problems. Therefore, educators are faced with the task of making the most of the opportunities that are potentially available in a general education school. With all, at the same time very important point plays the correct planning of educational material, as well as the control of skills and abilities. And this role is played by a physical education teacher. A lot depends on his work. It is the teacher of physical culture that lays the foundation for knowledge, skills and abilities of a student of physical culture. This determines the relevance term paper The object of the research is planning and control in physical education as a kind of practical activity of a teacher. The subject is the specifics of planning and control in physical education. The purpose of the work is to determine the role and place of planning and control in physical education as a type of practical activity of a teacher. Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks: 1. To study the types of basic planning documents;

42. Determine the features of planning basic documents; 3. Determine the main types and methods of control for a teacher of physical culture; 4. To study the teacher's practical activity in physical culture lessons. Research methods: - theoretical analysis of literary sources and generalization of data; - pedagogical observation. studies were used in the following tutorials: Matveev L.P. Planning and control in physical education; L.P. Matveev Theory and methodology of physical culture; Maksimenko A.M. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture; Ponomarev N.I. Physical education; Minaev B.N., Shiyan B.M. Fundamentals of methods of physical education of schoolchildren and others. The complex of program and normative documents for the organization and planning of physical education formed today directs teachers to acquire by schoolchildren not only knowledge in the field of health and physical culture, but also practical skills to independently engage in physical exercises. Control in physical education is the definition of the effect of pedagogical influences, i.e. e. comparison of planned and actually achieved 5

Chapter I. The main provisions of planning physicaleducation1.1Essence, subject and definition of the concept of "planning"Planning of physical education is a preliminary development and determination of target attitudes and tasks, content, methodology, forms of organization and methods of the educational process with a specific contingent of students for the forthcoming activity. Planning is based on the principle of goal-setting, i.e. any activity organized by a person presupposes a target attitude. The goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result, towards the achievement of which the action is directed, and in a broader sense, human activity. In physical education, along with the definition of the goal and the formation of a system of motives, it is necessary to clearly define the activity that most likely leads to the planned goal. Planning of physical education presupposes, firstly, a probabilistic determination of the goal and, secondly, a system of pre-developed content and methodological measures, as well as a general procedure for building physical education for an appropriate period of time. Planning in physical education includes: 1 ... Planning goals (resulting indicators). 2. Planning, "designing" how the process of physical education will (or should) unfold on the way to the result in the given specific conditions on the basis of its inherent general laws.6

Let's consider the individual components included in the definition of physical education planning. 1. Planning a goal. When considering various aspects of physical culture, we single out the effective aspect as one of the leading ones, which includes the entire set of human acquisitions as a result of the impact of physical culture. These are physical qualities and abilities, motor skills and abilities, as well as special knowledge. In a narrow sense, these are personalized acquisitions of a person. However, in a broad sense, the acquisitions of each individual person can be considered as the property of society. 2. Content planning. In this context, this is the material of classes and the load. - a list of motor actions - exercises, including basic, leading, preparatory; - the composition of knowledge for mastering. As for the planning of loads, for pedagogical planning in the corresponding unified programs for physical education, indicative recommendations are given by volume and mode of organized motor activity for various contingents. 3. Methodical activities... Assumes the choice of appropriate methods of physical education for solving the tasks. This includes non-specific, general pedagogical methods (verbal and visual impact), as well as specific methods - exercise methods (strictly regulated exercise, play and competitive), including specific methods training and education motor abilities.7

4. The general order of building physical education. Having set a goal, outlining the content of the activity that should ensure its achievement, choosing the appropriate methods, we get the opportunity to develop a general procedure for building the process of physical education. These, taking into account the scale of planning, include the following: - the distribution of educational material in time; - the allocation of basic and additional activities, the establishment general order their distribution within the framework of "caps, periods and cycles; - determination of the ways of organizing those engaged in the lesson; - choice of methods of completing tasks in time (simultaneously, alternately, separately, together, etc.), rational options for the relative position of the teacher, students, inventory, etc. etc. 1.2 Planning requirements1. Target orientation of the pedagogical process. It consists in the requirement to determine the ultimate goal of this process and the subordination (selection) of all its content, methods and forms of organization to the achievement of the goal. In other words, from the instructor's (trainer's) methodological arsenal, use what directly serves to achieve the goal. The goal you set must be real. Therefore, (the trainer) needs to soberly assess the possibilities of achieving it (the preparedness of the trainees, the cost of study time, the availability of material and technical base, etc.). The basis for the development of target attitudes is the program-normative provisions of the physical education system (category norms and requirements of sports classification, requirements of state programs for physical education for various contingents of the population). With the setting of a goal, a concrete perspective is created in pedagogical work.8

The goal is concretized with a whole system of subordinate (private, intermediate) pedagogical tasks with the definition of the sequence and the period of their implementation. All the objectives of the plan should be formulated clearly, unambiguously and in such a way that they are easy to assess and control. Therefore, they are concretized, if possible, in quantitative indicators (educational standards, test results), which allow the use of mathematical and statistical methods for assessing achievements (results obtained). 1. Comprehensive planning of the tasks of the pedagogical process. The requirement is that, based on the set goal, it is sufficient to provide educational, health-improving and general educational tasks and to outline the means, methods and forms of organizing classes corresponding to them. 2. Taking into account the laws of physical education. Planning is only effective when it is based on the objective laws of physical education (on the laws of the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities and, in parallel, the assimilation of knowledge on this subject) and on the corresponding pedagogical principles (systematicity, availability and individualization, progression, etc.). In planning the process of physical education, it is also necessary to take into account the biological patterns of growth and development of the human body, age-related psychological characteristics. 3. Concrete planning. The requirement consists in strict compliance of the planned tasks, means and methods of physical education of the readiness of those who go in for training and the conditions of classes (educational and material base, climatic conditions, etc.). 4. Perspective implies the progressive improvement of the technique of motor actions fulfillment and the development of physical 9

5. Variety provides for the possibility of correcting plans in accordance with changing conditions and the state of the contingent of those involved 1.3 Sequence of basic planning operationsDepending on the time scale for which planning is carried out, the content of the plans will change. However, the general logic behind the development of the plan is largely preserved. 1. The definition of the goal (tasks) of the activity is carried out taking into account the social needs of society or individual attitudes, with their obligatory compliance with the real possibilities of society (individual). 2. Determination of the total time for solving problems. It is clear that physical education is important part of the entire educational process of each person. Accordingly, from the entire time limit that a person has, taking into account a particular age period and the general way of life, physical education will be allocated to different times... What is important is a certain adequacy between the goal (tasks) and the time allocated for physical education, taking into account the real possibilities of achieving the corresponding results. The main criterion is the achievement of a health-improving effect. 3. Selection of the composition of the means for solving problems. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by scientific achievements, accumulated experience, knowledge. 4. Determining the time to master individual funds (in the school curriculum, this is the time for the funds of gymnastics, athletics, swimming, etc.)

5. Determination of the sequence for the development of funds for each specific type ( athletics, gymnastics) 6. Development of teaching and upbringing methods (think over methods, their relationships, etc.) 7. Definition general organization of all work on the basis of establishing the relationship between all operations and, if necessary, linking and correcting individual steps of the planning procedure. Planning requires creativity, independence. The presence of a plan will create certain convenience in work, allows not only to see the future, but also to qualitatively solve the current tasks of physical education, and, if necessary, carry out its directed correction 1.4 Planning as the basis for the organization of educational work Planning is an important management function educational process at school. Planning refers to the determination of a rational sequence and optimal timing passing the program material in the system of physical education lessons. Planning allows you to anticipate real results work ahead, to determine the most rational ways to achieve them in accordance with the particular tasks of each of the stages of training Well-thought-out real plans provide a clear program of actions for the teacher and students, ensure the greatest productivity of their joint activities. Thus, systematic and mandatory maintenance the teacher of planning documents is necessary and necessary: \u200b\u200b- for orderly, planned (systematized) work; 11

For an objective current, final analysis and control of their activities, the correctness of which affects not only the medical and pedagogical, but the humanistic aspect as a whole; - for the accumulation and preservation of valuable methodological and practical experience, based on which the teacher carries out the solution of similar problems in work with new pupils already proven, reliable approaches, means and methods; - to provide an opportunity to use documentary material in order to transfer positive work experience to other specialists and further development theories and methods of physical education as a scientific discipline 12

2. Documents for planning physical education2.1 Characteristics of the main planning documentsphysical educationAccording to their functional purpose, all planning documents are divided into three types. 1. Documents defining the main focus and content of the educational process in mainstream schools, colleges of vocational education, secondary and higher specialized educational institutions. These include the curriculum and curriculum. These documents are state and mandatory. 2. Documents defining the procedure for organizing the process of physical education, the schedule of the educational process and the schedule of classes) .3. Methodological documents, which mainly reflect the methodology of physical education (work plan and outline of the lesson) Planning documents must meet a number of requirements: - be specific in setting goals and objectives in the planning period, clearly define the final goal of the plan; - correspond to the content of state programmatic - normative documents of physical education (for example, a complete reflection of the basic component of a physical education program); - according to the choice and sequence of the planned material, meet the general and methodological principles of physical education; - have continuity with the content of each subsequent plan, as well as the continuity of the material within itself plan: every step in the plan 13

should be a logical continuation of the previous one and preparation for the next; - be realistic for the implementation of the planned; - have clarity and concreteness of the formation of planned tasks, means, methods; - be easily perceived and convenient in work: clearly, simply and clearly drawn up documents. current and operational planning of the educational process in physical culture at school is determined by the basic component of the state curriculum. Direct planning of the educational process in physical culture is carried out through a number of documents: annual schedule of the sequence of passing the program material in the academic year; 2.particle work plans for each quarter; 3.plan-synopsis for each physical culture lesson. 2.6 Physical Education Program A physical education program is a planning document that defines: a) the goals and objectives of the physical education course; b) the amount of knowledge, abilities and skills that students must master in the planned period of classes, and a list of mastered physical exercises and other means that ensure the solution of the tasks; c) the level of theoretical, general physical and sports readiness, expressed in crediting requirements and educational standards, which students must achieve in each year of study 14

The physical education program consists mainly of 4 sections: 1) physical education lessons; 2) physical culture and recreational activities during the school day; 3) physical education outside the classroom; 4) physical culture and sports events. The curriculum has the following typical structure: 1) explanatory note, in which the purpose and objectives of the course of physical education are revealed, the features of the contingent of those involved are indicated, the structure of the program is characterized, the methods and forms of classes are recommended, etc .; 2) educational material on the theoretical and practical sections (a list of the main theoretical topics for study, a description of all physical exercises to be mastered by years of study), as well as credit requirements for the development of motor actions and the development of physical qualities; 3) an appendix, which provides a list of recommended literature, samples of plans, applications, a standard report card of sports equipment and equipment necessary to provide physical education classes, approximate maps of physical fitness for the development of students, etc. The curriculum is developed in accordance with the established curriculum, the content and volume of hours allocated for each section and in general for all sections of the classes 2.3 Annual schedule of the sequence of passing the programmaterial in the school year Annual schedule is the most general document forward planning, which systematizes the main content of the physical education curriculum for students younger age ... (Appendix 1) 15

During the period of drawing up the plan, it is necessary to analyze in detail the work done in the past academic year, to find out which sections in the current year should be paid special attention. Based on the patterns of learning and the physical development of students, it should take into account the capabilities of the school (material base) and the seasonal conditions for the implementation of the main sections of the program, distribute the program material for the year. Determine the order of study of the material, its correct combination, set the terms for repetition of the passed, etc. At the same time, it is equally important to clearly understand the goals of education and training, the standards that schoolchildren must fulfill by the end of the year. Thus, the annual plan reflects the whole "but in a concise, generalized form" picture of the organization of the educational process during the year. Outside the schedule of the annual plan, the main requirements for the implementation of the program material are made, i.e. what students should know and be able to perform at the end of this class - Requirements for knowledge (from the curriculum) - Basic educational standards for the development of motor skills (from the curriculum) - Normative requirements for physical fitness (from the curriculum). material in the annual schedule. First of all, it is necessary to determine the volume of educational material for the academic year. For this purpose, the teacher can include in the plan all the material contained in the curriculum. However, the content of the program must be adjusted in accordance with the particular conditions, the preparedness of the class, their work experience and the interests of the students, with possible changes time allotted for mastering various sections .16

At the same time, it must be remembered that changes in the content of the lessons should not reduce the effect physical fitness among students, negatively affect their mastery of vital motor skills and abilities. It is recommended to reflect in the plan and homework. This will allow you to link the content of homework with the educational material studied in the classroom.Annual schedule and calendar-thematic planning are agreed by the director (deputy director) of the general secondary education institution for each academic year 2.4 Quarterly work plan The quarter work plan (current planning) is drawn up on the basis of the annual plan for the distribution of training material, has a more detailed form. In form, it can be thematic and lesson-less. thematic planning the content of the curriculum is divided into topics, each of which is divided into subtopics. Then the tasks of the subtopics are determined, a set of tools and methods for their solution is selected. Lesson planning consists in directly defining the tasks and content of each of the lessons in the order of their passage in a holistic course of study. Distribution of educational material in the fourth curriculum. First of all, it is necessary to distribute the planned material among the lessons of the academic year. This problem can be fully solved only by relying on the laws of training, development and upbringing of the personality of schoolchildren, knowledge of their capabilities and characteristics .17

When planning the sequence of passing the program material, the teacher should take into account the most favorable (sensitive) age periods for teaching motor actions and the development of physical qualities. It would be more correct to start the school year with mastering the material on gymnastics, since the gymnastics section contains a large arsenal of tools that affect students. However, in the current practice, taking into account the real material, technical and climatic conditions, in the vast majority of schools the first quarter begins with material on athletics in stadiums and where it is possible to run long distances, throw shells, long jump, etc. For these reasons, material on athletics is planned for the spring. The gymnastic section and sports games are most often planned in the off-season, when the state open spaces and the weather is forcing classes in the gym. Ski training is planned for winter period classes in the presence of snow cover, swimming - if possible, engage in a swimming pool.At the same time, when planning the content of school quarters, one should pay attention to the rational ratio of the volume of exercises in them, both in terms of the effect on the main links of the musculoskeletal system of schoolchildren, and in the direction of physical activity (i.e. avoid when directed development is received mainly by some parts of the body or physical qualities, while others are not). 2.5 Lesson outline The outline plan is a document of the operational planning of educational work in physical culture at school. It is developed based on the tasks and content of the fourth plan. (Appendix 2) 18

The outline plan, first of all, is distinguished by the detailing of tasks for the formation of motor skills and abilities, the upbringing of motor abilities and the formation of special knowledge. Then specially selected means, methods and methodological techniques for the implementation of the tasks set in the lesson are entered into it; parameters of load and rest are planned in a series of exercises and individual exercises, as well as additional, individual and homework assignments; the methods of various types of control over the assimilation of educational material and psychophysical loads in the lesson are indicated. The outline plan also contains the basic organizational and methodological instructions and other notes that focus on the quality of the lesson. the lesson, which gradually increases in the preparatory part of the lesson and reaches its maximum values \u200b\u200bin the main part of the lesson, gradually decreases to the final part, bringing the body of those engaged in a normal (stable) state. Initially, when drawing up the outline, the content of the main part of the lesson is determined, and then in accordance with with him the material of the preparatory and final parts. The sequential development of the content of the lesson includes the following mandatory components: - The choice of adequate means and methods of solution adequate to the age of the students and the tasks of the lesson. assignment necessary equipment and inventory, the order of its placement and use. - Determination of rational forms of organizing student activities in the classroom. 19

Determination of the forms and methods of monitoring the activities of students. All this is put together in a certain form outline plan. Scientists-specialists in the field of physical education recommend various forms of outline plans. Let's consider one of them: Plan-outline of physical culture for students of ____ grade Lesson objectives: Educational: for teaching knowledge (theoretical information); Educational: for the formation of motor skills and abilities; Health-improving: including the development of motor qualities; Educational: moral-volitional, moral, aesthetic. Location: Date: Required inventory The form of writing plans-abstracts of training sessions is determined by the teacher who conducts training sessions on the subject "Physical culture and health" (physical education teacher, teacher primary grades). So, the content of the outline should include the date and place of the training session, a system of subordinate educational tasks corresponding to the stages of the formation of motor skills, a list of exercises, equipment and inventory used in the training session, methods of conducting a training session, dosage of physical activity, forms, methods and criteria for monitoring the educational achievements of students, etc. Outline plans are not agreed by the heads of the educational institution. The listed documents for planning educational material should be kept in the educational institution by the teacher who conducts classes on the subject "Physical culture and health", during the whole academic year .20

3.Pedagogical control in physical education3.1 Pedagogical control: the essence and content of the conceptThe essence of control in physical education is to determine the effect of pedagogical influences, i.e. comparison of the planned and actually achieved. Making regular adjustments to the plan and the process of its implementation in the event of a discrepancy and presupposes the presence of the "principle of permanent planning and control". Consequently, the problem of management in the process of physical education is solved with the help of a management apparatus, which is pedagogical control. Pedagogical control is a system of measures that ensure the verification of planned indicators of physical education to assess the means, methods and loads used. The main goal of pedagogical control is to determine the relationship between factors of influence (means, loads, methods) and those changes that occur in the students in the state of health, physical development, sportsmanship, etc. (factors of change) Based on the analysis of the data obtained in the course of pedagogical control, the correctness of the selection of means, methods and forms of classes is checked, which makes it possible, if necessary, to make adjustments to the course of the pedagogical process. 3.2 Pedagogical control: types and methodsPedagogical control is a system of measures that ensure the verification of the planned indicators of physical education to assess the means, methods and loads used 21

Allocate the following types pedagogical control: - lesson timing; - lesson heart rate measurement; - pedagogical lesson analysis; - pedagogical observation; - pedagogical testing. The term "pedagogical" in in this case emphasizes that control is carried out by a specialist teacher (teacher, trainer, methodologist) in accordance with his professional functions using the means and methods that he can and should skillfully apply on the basis of the received special education and practical experience in the profile of the specialty. The initial part of pedagogical control is the control of the initial level of the capabilities and readiness of the educated to implement the assigned tasks. It is carried out even before the start of the course or the next cycle of classes, being a necessary prerequisite for the expedient organization of the pedagogical process, including the distribution of students into groups according to individual capabilities and conditions for specifying the training program.The teacher must, among other things, exercise pedagogical self-control, that is, control through self-observation, introspection and other methods, their actions, actions, messages, instructions, etc., addressed to the educated and somehow influencing them. The possibilities for improving pedagogical self-control have not been exhausted and are currently increasing significantly. One of the ways to this is the use of modern information technology: tape recorders, video tape recorders, and other equipment that allows you to capture and recreate in detail for analysis a picture of the teacher's behavior 22

The central place in the control of specific factors of physical education is taken by the control of motor activity and the interactions of the educated directly related to it. In general, the activity and the associated interactions of the trainees are controlled in the process of physical education in three aspects related to various aspects of pedagogical control: as an object of formation and improvement, as a factor affecting the properties ( functionality, quality, ability) of the subject of activity itself, and how the general effect of pedagogically directed influences is expressed. The most developed sections of control in physical education include the control of the dynamics of functional shifts in the body of students, the effect of current influences and general results of physical education. Of course, for in-depth control of the state of body systems, it is not enough pedagogical methods... Therefore, pedagogical control in physical education should be closely linked with medical and biological control. Types of pedagogical control in the process of physical education of schoolchildren. In the practice of physical education, five types of pedagogical control are used, each of which has its own functional purpose. Preliminary control is usually carried out at the beginning of the school year. It is designed to study the composition of students (health status, physical fitness, sports qualifications) and determine the readiness of students for the upcoming classes (to master new educational material or fulfill the normative requirements of the curriculum). The data of such control make it possible to clarify educational tasks, means and methods of their solution.23

Operational control is intended to determine the urgent training effect within the framework of one training session (lesson) in order to expediently alternate the load and rest. Control over the operational state of the trainees (for example, the readiness to perform the next exercise, the next attempt in running, jumping, to re-pass a segment of the ski distance, etc.) is carried out according to such indicators as breathing, working capacity, well-being, heart rate, etc. P. Operational control data allows you to quickly adjust the dynamics of the load in the class. Current control is carried out to determine the reaction of the body of those involved in the load after the lesson. With its help, the time of recovery of the working capacity of the trainees is determined after different (in terms of magnitude, orientation) physical activity. The data of the current state of the trainees serve as the basis for planning the content of the next classes and the amount of physical activity in them. Stage control is used to obtain information about the cumulative (total) training effect obtained during one academic quarter or semester. With its help, they determine the correctness of the choice and use of various means, methods, dosage of physical activity in them. The final control is carried out at the end of the academic year to determine the successful implementation of the annual schedule of the educational process, to the extent of solving the assigned tasks, identifying the positive and negative aspects of the physical education process and its components. The data of the final control (the state of health of the trainees, the success of their fulfillment of crediting requirements and educational standards, the level of sports results) are the basis for the subsequent planning of the educational process. All students in the school are subject to 24

medical examination. Those who have not passed the medical examination are not allowed to exercise. Based on data on the state of health and physical development, schoolchildren are assigned to physical education in the main, preparatory, special medical groups and groups of exercise therapy. Students of the main medical group are admitted to classes according to the program of physical education, in sports sections and to participate in competitions. Students of the preparatory medical group are engaged in physical education lessons as part of the class, subject to more strict individual approach... For the student preparatory group it is recommended to conduct additional sessions on general physical training once or twice a week for 45-60 minutes outside of school hours. The main content of lessons and additional lessons in physical education for these children is made up of exercises developed by the teacher. Students of a special medical group are engaged in physical education according to a special program 3 times a week for 45 minutes. As an exception, where there are no conditions for such classes, students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons are engaged with all students on individual assignments. Temporarily exempted from physical education classes are allowed only with the permission of a school doctor or other medical employee. Methods of control. In the practice of physical education, the following control methods are used: pedagogical observation, surveys, reception of educational standards, testing, control and other competitions, the simplest medical methods (measurement of VC - vital capacity of the lungs, body weight, body strength, etc.), timekeeping of the lesson, determination dynamics of physical activity in the classroom by heart rate, etc. 25

The teacher receives a lot of information using the method of pedagogical observation. Observing the students during the lesson, the teacher pays attention to their behavior, expression of interest, degree of attention (focused, absent-minded), external signs of reaction to physical activity (changes in breathing, color and facial expression, coordination of movements, increased sweating, etc.). The survey method provides an opportunity to obtain information about the state of the trainees on the basis of their own indicators about their well-being before, during and after classes (about muscle pains, etc.), about their aspirations and desires. Subjective sensations are the result of physiological processes in the body. We must reckon with them and at the same time remember that they do not always reflect the true capabilities of the trainees. Control competitions and testing allow you to obtain objective data on the degree of fitness and the level of physical fitness of trainees. They are very indicative and, on their basis, make appropriate conclusions and adjustments to the plans. So, for example, if the level of physical fitness does not increase or becomes lower, then the content, training methodology, physical activity are revised.To control the mastering of physical exercise techniques, some leading exercises can be used that are used at this stage of training The main method of control over the assimilation of knowledge is oral a survey that requires answers in the form of: 1) a story (for example, about the importance of exercising); 2) descriptions (for example, the external form and sequence of movements that make up a motor action); 3) explanations (for example, biomechanical patterns of specific movements); 4) showing options for performing physical exercise or 26

its individual components.In the practice of physical education, a written survey is used with the help of knowledge control programs with selective answer options (programmed knowledge control). (Appendix 3) Since 1996, a final exam in the discipline "Physical culture and health" (at the choice of students) has been introduced in general education schools. Comparison of the results in the preliminary, current and final control, as well as comparing them with the requirements of the physical education program, make it possible to judge the degree of solution of the corresponding educational tasks, about the shifts in physical fitness of those who go in for a certain period. And this facilitates the differentiation of the means and methods of physical education and increases the objectivity of the results of educational work. Carrying out physical education, it is necessary to systematically check, evaluate and take into account the health status of the students, the level of their physical development, the results of sports activity, diligence, behavior. A number of requirements are imposed on the accounting: timeliness, objectivity, accuracy and reliability, completeness, simplicity and clarity. There are the following types of accounting: preliminary (before the organization of the pedagogical process), current (continuous in the process of work, from lesson to lesson) and final (at the end of a period of work, for example, an academic year). The content of the current accounting includes registration: attendance of classes; passed material and performed volume and intensity of loads; fulfillment of educational requirements and norms; data on assessments of knowledge, skills and abilities; information about the state of health of those involved. The main accounting document is the logbook of the educational work of the group (class) 27

The importance of the accounting work carried out by the teacher is not, of course, reduced to the formal registration of information for the official report. This data should be systematically analyzed, creatively comprehended and generalized, and used in future work. It is on this basis of the introduction of the new that it is possible to continuously improve the quality of the educational process, enrich its means and rationalize the methodology. In order to determine the compliance of the results of educational activities of students with the requirements of the curriculum, the teacher conducts the current certification of students in the sections "Knowledge", "Fundamentals of Sports", "Level physical fitness "," Homework "with setting the appropriate current marks. When studying the "Knowledge" section, knowledge of general theoretical information about social essence, biomedical foundations and history of physical culture, sports and the Olympic Games; knowledge of theoretical information about the main types of movements, the rules of mobile, folk and sports games, rules of competitions in sports; compliance with the rules safe behavior in physical education classes, independent physical education... Physical education teacher develops didactic materials to study the theoretical sections of the curriculum and use them in training sessions. Control over the assimilation of knowledge is carried out only orally. When studying the section “Fundamentals of Sports”, not only the results are assessed, but also the process of formation of motor skills and abilities (mastering the technique of physical exercises by students). The mark can be set both for the completed movement, and for its individual elements. Marks for the results of the fulfillment of educational standards (for example, running 60, 100 m, high and long jumps from a run, etc.) are set in this section. Students who have successfully completed the requirements of the State28

of the physical culture and health complex of the Republic of Belarus on the icon corresponding to their age, the current mark "10" points can be set. The section "Level of physical fitness" assumes use in educational process test exercises included in the content of curricula, criteria for evaluating their results and testing methods. Along with the final mark for the level of physical fitness of students, a physical education teacher can put in cool magazine as the current mark for the results shown in individual test exercises. Students of grades V-XI, starting from the 2012/2013 academic year, have the right to independently choose test exercises to determine the level of physical fitness from those proposed in the curriculum. The section "Homework" provides for the assignment of marks to students for self-consolidation and improvement of the technique of individual exercises and various complexes, as well as the performance of exercises training nature... Specific homework assignments are determined by the physical education teacher in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum. Intermediate certification of students is expressed in giving them grades for a quarter, taking into account the results of the current certification. The results of the current, intermediate and final certification of students in grades V-XI are evaluated by marks in points for 10-point scale, including a mark of 0 (zero) points, marks "passed", "not credited", "not certified (a)", or a record is made "released (a)". The marks from 1 (one) to 10 (ten) points are positive, “passed” and the record “released”. (Appendix 4) Annual mark is set as the arithmetic mean of marks, 29

exhibited based on the results of intermediate certification, taking into account the student's personal achievements. Attestation for the academic year is carried out if there are positive marks in at least one quarter. For example, in the first quarter the student received a mark of 9 points, in the II, III and IV quarters - "passed". Annual mark - 9 points. Final attestation upon completion of training and upbringing at the third stage of general secondary education provides for setting the final mark, taking into account the annual and examination marks (if the student passed the final exam of choice in the subject "Physical culture and health")

30ConclusionGiven the massive nature of physical education, which is carried out in all regions of the country and at various levels (preschool, school, etc.), its optimization is an important task for the country. In addition, physical education is carried out over many years of life from birth to old age. This requires a constant change in the material of classes, forms, methods of conducting classes for various contingents, i.e. of everything that is the subject of planning. The effectiveness of planning, its optimality will largely depend on a number of factors that need to be taken into account, i.e. to take into account when developing the process of physical education. Checking and assessment allow to determine the level of physical fitness, the degree of development of individual physical qualities and the formation of motor skills. An objective analysis of the results obtained provides specialists with specific data for operational influence on the use of various means and methods for the purpose of management. The essence of control in physical education is to determine the effect of pedagogical influences, i.e. comparison of the planned and actually achieved. Consequently, the problem of control in the process of physical education is solved with the help of a control apparatus, which is pedagogical control. Pedagogical control as a whole traces the relationship and correspondence between pedagogically directed influences, planned results and actually obtained. In the event of their discrepancy, the necessary decisions should be made and adjustments should be made to the planned process of physical education. Thus: Firstly: planning allows you to predict the results of work, determine rational ways of solving problems, correctly build

31 educational process, depending on climatic conditions, technical base and preparedness of students. Secondly: the success of educational and cognitive activities is largely due to the timeliness and systematic control, objectivity in the assessment of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the assimilation of educational material, the completeness of accounting for the results of work for a certain period time.

32List of references1.Barkov, V.A., Ovcharov, V.S., Kosyanok, N.M. Physical culture and health: control over the educational activities of students: grades 5-11 / V.A. Barkov, V.S. Ovcharov, N.M. Kosyanok. - Minsk: Publishing house "Aversev", 2013. –89 p. 2. Guzhalovsky, A.A., Vorsin, E.N. Physical education at school / A.A. Guzhalovsky, E.N. Vorsin. - Minsk: Publishing house "Polymya", 1988. - p. 343. Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated May 24, 2013 "On the organization of physical education of students of general secondary education institutions in the 2013/2014 academic year "4. Kachashkin, V.M. Physical education methodology / V.M. Kachashkin. - M .: Publishing house "Education", 1980. - 320 p. 5 Lyakh, V.I. Tests in physical education of schoolchildren / V. I. Lyakh - M., 1998. - p. 436. Maksimenko, A.M. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture / A.M. Maksimenko - M., 1999 .-- 544 p. 7 Matveev, L.P. Planning and control in physical education / L.P. Matveev - M., 1988. - 97 p. 8 Matveev, L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture / L.P. Matveev. - M., 1991 .-- 543 p. 9 Minaev, B.N., Shiyan, B.M. Fundamentals of physical education methods for schoolchildren / B.N. Minaev, B.M. Shiyan - M .: Publishing house "Education", 1989. - 455 p. 10. Desk book physical education teacher / Ed. LB Koffman. - M., 1998 .-- 496 p. 11. Ovcharov V.S. Handbook of the teacher of physical culture. Toolkit... - Minsk: Publishing house "Sir-Vit", 2008. - 200 p.

3312. Determination of physical fitness of schoolchildren / Ed. B.V.Sermeeva. - M., 1973 .-- 144 p. 13. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture / Ed. A. A. Guzhalovsky. - M., 1986 .-- 352 p. 14. Ponomarev, N.I. Physical education / N.I. Ponomarev. - M., 1983 .-- 241 p. 15. Rubin, V.S. Sections of the theory and methods of physical culture / V.S. Rubin - M .: Publishing house "Physical culture", 2006. - 112 p.16. Theory and methods of physical education / Ed. B. A. Ashmarina. - M., 1990. - 287 p. 17 Theory and methodology of physical education / Ed. L.P. Matveeva, A.D. Novikov. - M., 1976 .-- 256 p. 18. Physical education of students in grades 5-7: A guide for teachers / Ed. V.I. Lyakha, G.B. Mekson. - M., 1997 .-- 192 p. 19. Kholodov, Zh.K., Kuznetsov, V.S .. Theory and methods of physical education and sports / Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S .. -M .: Publishing house "Academy", 2003, - 154p.

Appendix 134VI CLASS Approximate distribution of educational materialComponents, sections, topics of training material Number of hours BASIC COMPONENT60 Knowledge4 Ensuring the safety of classes 1 Hygienic knowledge 1 Rules of independent study, self-control 1 Healthy lifestyle 0.5 Olympism and the Olympic movement 0.5 Sports Fundamentals56 Athletics14Gymnastics, acrobatics12Ski training 10Cross training10 (10) Sports games14Testing6 OPTIONAL COMPONENT10 Swimming2 to 24Aerobics + Basketball + Handball + Volleyball + Football + Table tennis + Speed \u200b\u200bskating + Homework3 + Total70 BASIC COMPONENT1 In conditions of a snowless winter, instead of skiing or speed skating. 2 In the presence of conditions for teaching swimming, it is allowed to use 10 hours of the variable component and up to 14 hours at the expense of other topics of the training material "Fundamentals of Sports". 3 The number of hours is not regulated.

KNOWLEDGE35Ensuring the safety of classes. Rules of safe behavior in physical education lessons. First aid rules for the victim. Hygienic knowledge. Influence of physical education and sports activities on health and mental performance. Exercises to improve mental performance in the process of doing homework. Hardening concept. The value of hardening for the health of students. Self-study rules. Breathing rules when performing physical exercises for the development of strength, strength endurance and mobility of the spine. The rules of one of the sports games studied in the classroom, the rules for three outdoor games. Self-control. The norm of weight and chest circumference for your height. Optimal HR and RR at rest and after exercise. rules self-fulfillment test exercises that determine the level of development of motor qualities. Healthy lifestyle. Sanitary and hygienic requirements healthy way life. The place of exercise in a sixth grader's healthy lifestyle day in different periods of the year. Olympism and the Olympic movement. Pierre de Coubertin - the founder of the modern Olympic Games and olympic movement... The first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. Formation of the modern Olympic Games (1896-1912). The growth of the authority of the Olympic Games (1920-1936). First Winter Olympic Games (1924). Domestic athletes in the Olympic arena and their achievements (1952-1994). FUNDAMENTALS OF SPORTSATHLETICSTheoretical informationSafety rules for classes in athletics lessons. rules safe use sports equipment and equipment. Practical materialWalking.With different hand positions on toes, a cross step, with a high rise of the thigh, on the outside of the foot, in a semi-squat, with a change in the length and frequency of steps, along the lines and markings. Run.Repeated running with acceleration by 20-30 m, running by inertia after acceleration; alternating running with maximum speed... One-handed start * ... Low start, starting run. Running 30, 60 meters at speed * ... Uniform running on set time 2, 4, 6 minutes Shuttle run 4 × 9 m * .Cross running. Standing jumping. Upward push with two legs with pulling the knees without moving forward, moving forward; in place on one leg with

pulling up the knees without moving forward, moving forward (3-5-7 jumps). 36 Running jumps. Bending your legs in length with a short takeoff run, with a long takeoff run * ; in height by "stepping over" from a short (3-5 steps) and from a long (10-14 steps) takeoff run * . Throwing.Throwing a tennis ball from three steps of the run at a given distance, at a distance along the corridor of 10 m * , at the distance of the bounce off the wall. Medicine ball throws from behind the head from a place, from a step, from a chest from a place, from a step. Toss the medicine ball from the bottom up to the specified height, to the maximum height. Catching a medicine ball with two hands after throwing upwards with two claps of the palms, after turning 90º and 180º, after squatting, after throwing a partner. Development speed, coordination, speed-strength abilities, strength, flexibility, endurance, with an emphasis on the development of aerobic endurance. GYMNASTICS AND ACROBATICSTheoretical informationSafety rules for classes in gymnastics and acrobatics lessons. Preparation for gymnastics and acrobatics classes. Rules for changing places of employment. Handling rules sports equipment, inventory and equipment. Site preparation. Practical materialConstruction exercises. Walking at a sports pace, changing lines from one line to two * , rebuilding * in movement from a column, one at a time, in a column by two, three, four by turning in movement; walking on diagonals and markings. Walking.On toes with a change in the length of steps, the usual one with slowing down and accelerating the pace of movements, at a given pace, lunges, on the heels, on the outer part of the foot. Exercises to form correct posture. Walking with an object on your head on the floor, on a bench, on the rail of an inverted gymnastic bench, with a gymnastic stick behind your back, behind your head. Jumping and jumping off. Jumping on a bench with a push with two feet from a place, push with one and a swing with the other leg from a step, on a gymnastic horse or goat, squatting point-blank * ... Jumping from a bench, from a gymnastic horse or goat (height up to 100 cm) into a semi-squat * on the softness of the landing. Depth jumps. Exercises on the gymnastic balance beam4(e).Moving on toes forward, backward, side steps to the left and right (low support); alternating jumps on one and two legs with slight forward movement * ... From the rack, longitudinally, take the position of the support, crouching on one leg, the second forward at 4 In the absence of a gymnastic beam, the exercise is performed on the rail of an inverted gymnastic bench.

side * ... From the rack across the lowering into the seat on the thigh. From the stand, the right (left) leg in front, turns 90º and 180º. 37 Vis.On bent arms with raising and lowering legs bent at the knees; pull-up in the hanging * (m), in the hanging while standing and lying * (d); in the hanging on straight arms, pulling up the legs bent at the knees, followed by their straightening and slow lowering; hanging on the bar swinging bends (m). On a low bar hanging bending, hanging bending. Stops.On a low crossbar from a hang, standing on bent arms with a swing with one leg and a push with the other leg, a turn at close range, bent over, dismount with a turn to the left (right) * (m). From a hang, standing on bent arms with a swing of one leg and a push of the other leg, a flip point-blank on the lower pole of uneven bars, bent over, dismount with a turn to the left (right) * (e). Walking on hands in support on low parallel bars (m). In an emphasis on parallel bars, pulling up the legs bent at the knees to the chest, followed by straightening and lowering (m). Lasagne. On the gymnastic ladder using the methods studied, on the rope in two steps * . Acrobatic exercises.From a kneeling stand, roll forward, bending over. From the support, crouching, a roll back to close-up, squatting, a somersault back into a half-step * (d), a roll back to support while standing feet apart * (m). A push with two legs from the support, squatting, a headstand with bent legs * (m). The bridge is tilted back with using * (d). A combination of three learned exercises * . A set of morning exercises of 8-10 exercises (one set in each quarter). Development high-speed, speed-power, strength, coordination abilities, flexibility, endurance , with an emphasis on the development of static strength endurance of the flexor muscles of the arms, the extensor muscles of the arms (e), the dynamic strength of the flexors of the trunk. SKI PREPARATIONTheoretical informationSafety rules for lessons in ski training. Preparation of ski equipment for classes. Rules for going to the place of study and back. Rules for the prevention of frostbite and injuries while skiing. Practical materialModes of movement.Simultaneous non-step * , simultaneous and alternating two-step stroke * ; herringbone rise * ; plow braking * turning with two skis. Application of the studied methods of movement at a distance of up to 3 km. Development coordination abilities, general (aerobic) endurance. CROSS TRAINING

Theoretical information38 Safety rules for classes in cross training lessons. Requirements to sportswear and shoes. Rules for going to the place of study and back Rules for preventing injuries when overcoming obstacles. Practical materialAlternating walking with cross-country running. Overcoming horizontal * and vertical * obstacles with a step, a jump in a step, a bent jump, stepping, jumping over. Coordination of the movement of arms and legs when overcoming obstacles. Cross * up to 3 km. Development coordination abilities, aerobic endurance. SPORT GAMES(elements of two of the four sports games are studied)Theoretical informationSafety rules for classes at the lessons of sports games. Preparation of equipment, clothing and footwear for sports games. Rules for going to the place of sports games. Preparation and cleaning of classrooms. Competition rules for sports games. Practical materialBasketball.Dribbling the ball with a change in direction * and speed *, dribbling obstacles, passing the ball from the shoulder in motion *, stopping with a step and a jump, throwing the ball in a jump with two feet *. Application of learned techniques in conditions educational game. Football.Striking a rolling ball with the inside of the instep *, on a stationary ball outside lifting *, passing the ball in squares, in pairs with movement *, juggling the ball *. The use of learned techniques in the conditions of the game. Handball.Passing the ball in motion different ways*, throwing the ball from above *, from below * and from the side * with a bent and straight arm, catching a rolling ball, dribbling the ball with a low rebound *, personal defense. Application of learned techniques in a learning game. Volleyball.The player's stance, movement with side steps to the right, left, forward, backward, receiving the ball from below with two hands in place and after moving forward *, passing the ball from below with two hands *, lower straight serve with a step forward *. The use of learned techniques in the conditions of the game. Development the frequency of leg movements and the ability to quickly gain speed, the speed-strength qualities of the leg extensor muscles, the ability to show speed-strength qualities in conditions of a change in the direction of movement with a lack of time and space, aerobic endurance. TESTING

Test exercises: bend forward from the starting position sitting on the floor or lean forward from the starting position while standing on the gymnastic bench; pull-up on the bar or flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position (m); raising the body from a supine position in 1 min or raising and lowering straight legs in 1 min (e); 30 m run; shuttle run 4 × 9 m or jumping rope for 1 min; long jump from standing or triple jump from standing with push with two legs (m), throw of medicine ball from behind the head with two hands from the initial sitting position legs apart (e); running 1000 m or walking 2000 m (m), 1500 m (d) or 6-minute run. The teacher plans to perform test exercises at the beginning and end of the school year. It is not recommended to use more than two test exercises during one lesson. The results of the test exercises are used to determine the level of physical fitness of students, to plan and adjust the content of the lesson-related thematic plan and lesson plans.

Appendix 240 Outline planlesson on the subject "Physical culture and health"Class: 6 Topic: Overhead pass in volleyball Purpose: To promote familiarity with over pass in volleyball; develop coordination, dexterity, strength. Lesson objectives: teaching 1. To teach the correct implementation of the basic techniques in accordance with the topic of the lesson; 2. Strengthen motor skills and abilities that provide the necessary motor base; Developing 1. Develop quickness and accuracy of movements; Educational 1. To develop students' resourcefulness, ingenuity, initiative, the ability to interact in a team. Inventory and equipment: volleyball balls, a volleyball net. Lesson content Lesson stages Material content Dosage of WMD Preparatory part (15 minutes) Construction. Report I announce the topic of the lesson. Motivation. Briefing on TB3 min.Measuring the heart rate (HR-1) Slide number 1- 3 Normal walking Walking on heelsWalking on toesWalking in a squat correct execution Exercises Keep track of posture Slide number 4

Running normal Running with side steps to the left Running with side steps to the right Running raising the thigh high Running with an overwhelming lower leg Running "snake" Running with acceleration diagonally 3x20m4 min Listen to the teacher's command, correct breathing, keeping a distance Slide 5 Before acceleration 1. Touch the floor with your hand. - standing facing each other, bend over, put your hands on the partner's shoulders1-3 - springy forward bends - standing with their backs to each other at a distance outstretched arms, bend your arms in front of your chest 1.- turn to face each other with clap hands; 2.- I.p. 3. - turn through the other side; 4.- I.p. 3. I.p. - standing with backs to each other, connect bent arms at the elbow joints 1.- squat; 2.- I.p. 3.- squat; 4.- I.p. 4. I. p. - partners stand with their backs to each other, with their hands at the top 1. - lunge with the left foot forward; 2.- I. p. 3. - right lunge; 4.- I. p. 5. I. p. - partners stand with their backs to each other, hands joined at the elbow joints 1-3. - forward bends; 4.- I. p. 6. I. p. - partner in support lying, his legs are held by the other Movement on hands, then change of partners, 7. I. p. - the same41

Hand pushing off the ground 6 minutes 6-8 times 6-8 times 6-8 times 6-8 times 6-8 times 2x20m 15-20 times Pay attention to the correct execution of the movement Legs at the knees do not bend. Slide number 6 Do not bend the arms outstretched above the head at the elbow joints Slide number 7

When squatting, the back is straight Slide No. 8, 9 When lunging forward, bend in the back, do not bend your arms at the elbow joints Slide No. 10 Observe safety precautions when bending forward Slide No. 11 Observe the correct grip of the partner by the legs Slide No. 12 Perform correct flexion of the arms at the elbow joints (HR - 2 pulse) 13 The main part (25 minutes) 1. The stance of the volleyball player (throwing the ball alternately) 3 minutes The stance is low. High, medium; the class is divided into pairs - a distance of 2 m Slide No. 142. Upper pass of the ball in pairs x 3 min Correct position of hands Slide No. 15 Upper pass of the ball at the wall 2 min Legs bent at the knees Slide No. 163. Upper pass of the ball in pairs 2 min Distance up to 3 m. Legs at the knees are bent, as well as arms slightly bent at the elbows slide No. 1742

4.Upper transfer through the net 4 min Distance 1 m from the net, the middle stance of a volleyball player Slide No. 185. Upper transfer above you in place 3 min Positioning your arms and hands, bending over you to perform a transfer above you Slide No. 196. Top transfer above you in pairs in motion with a change of seats 3 min Control the ball , fingers are spread and are at shoulder level Slide number 207. The upper transfer of the ball above themselves in movement around the hall 2 minutes Students follow the flight of the ball, this position allows you to move freely in any direction Slide number 218. Transfer of the ball through the net in columns 3 minutes Students are placed in columns one by one (passing the ball through the net, became at the end of the column) Follow the flight of the ball Measure the heart rate (HR - 3). Slide 22 The final part (5 minutes) Construction Exercises for attention Homework Lesson summing up 5 min Pay attention to the recovery of the students. Using the example of the student, repeat the overhead pass of the ball and pass the ball in pairs.

Appendix 344 Test task for control of knowledge in grade 7 on the topic “Rulescompetitions in artistic gymnastics. Gymnastic terms "fig. 1 fig. Fig. 2 Fig. 3

1. In what form of gymnastics only women perform in competitions? A) sports gymnastics; b) gymnastics; c) acrobatics. 2. What points can a gymnast receive for performing in a competition in one type of program? a) 5; b) 6; at 10 o'clock; d) 100.3.How much is the mark of a gymnast's performance reduced for a gross error? a) 0.1 point; b) 0.3 points; c) 0.5 points; d) 1 point; c) the cost of the element. 4. Which figure shows the emphasis standing bent over? 5. What is the name of the position (Fig. 4)? a) "twine"; b) gray legs apart; c) support legs apart. Appendix 445 The amount of points to determine the quarterCLASSESB A L L S1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V - VII4-56-910-14 15-18 19-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-40 fig. four

VIII - XII1 and 4 ths.5-67-1112-16 17-21 22-26 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46 47-50VIII-XII2 and 3 ths.4-56-910-14 15-18 19-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-40Example: a 9th grade pupil in the first quarter in the section "Requirements for knowledge" received a final mark 8, in the section Requirements for motor skills - 9, in the section "Development of motor qualities" - 6, in the section "Homework" - 9 , in the section "Diligence" - 10. In total, he scored 42 points. According to the table, we determine that the quarter mark for this student will be 9 points (despite the fact that he fulfilled the normative part of the program requirements by only 6 points).

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The end result of the influence of physical culture throughout the training, development and upbringing of students should be a "physically perfect" person.

Health, strong and tempered body, strong will, formed in the process of physical culture and sports, are a good basis for the intellectual development of a person. Achieving high physical perfection, getting rid of some congenital and acquired physical disabilities is possible only through the correct and systematic use of physical exercises.

That is why, at the present stage of development of sports and physical culture, the problem of optimal control in the process of physical education, especially in our country, becomes very urgent.

Obviously, it cannot be solved without a reliable and objective management apparatus, which is pedagogical control. Object of work: pedagogical control in the process of physical education. Subject of work: means and methods of pedagogical control in the process of physical education.

Purpose of the work: to study the features of pedagogical control in physical education.

Work tasks:

1. To reveal the essence and significance of control in physical education and its types.

2. To identify the main directions of pedagogical control.

3. To identify the main means and methods of pedagogical control in physical education.

Methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical literature.


1.1. The concept of accounting and control in physical education

The essence of control and accounting is to identify, comprehend and evaluate real conditions, specific facts of the dynamics and results of the pedagogical process. Thanks to the control and accounting, data on the physical condition, technical and tactical readiness, quantitative achievements of the trainees are accumulated. In addition, the effectiveness of the means, methods and organizational forms used is systematically checked, the nature of difficulties and failures in the educational process, volitional stability and working capacity of the students are determined. These data make it possible to more accurately plan and adjust the educational process, thereby contributing to the improvement of its quality and efficiency. Control and accounting data are also used when summing up the results for a certain period of time.

Accounting and control are two definitions and concepts that are close to each other in their content. Initially, the term "accounting" was more widespread in physical culture. Accounting in physical education is the activity of collecting, systematizing, analyzing and storing information about the functioning of the process of physical education. It was carried out in accordance with the established requirements and was expressed in a certain system of accounting and reporting documentation.

Thus, "accounting" was a more voluminous concept, "control" was a particular manifestation of accounting and was expressed mainly in checking and assessing the progress of those involved and controlling their physical condition. Gradually, the term "control" replaced the definition of "accounting" in textbooks and manuals on the basics of the theory and methodology of physical education, sports training.

Currently, control is understood as observation, examination, verification and evaluation. A number of types of control have become widespread: pedagogical, medical, psychological, biomechanical, hygienic, etc.

The leading (decisive) of them is pedagogical control, as organically inherent in the process of physical education and constituting an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a specialist.

The term "pedagogical", first of all, emphasizes that control is carried out in a qualified manner by a teacher - a specialist in physical culture, by means and methods acquired by him on the basis of special physical education and practical experience in his specialty. Pedagogical control of the physical education process also uses medico-biological indicators for a comprehensive and in-depth characterization of the state of the body's systems.

Pedagogical control as a whole traces the relationship and correspondence between pedagogically directed influences, planned results and actually obtained. In the event of their discrepancy, the necessary decisions should be made and corrections should be made to the planned process of physical education.

The main requirements for control and accounting are:

· Timeliness;

· Objectivity;

· Accuracy and reliability;

· Completeness and information content;

· Simplicity and clarity.

Timeliness of control and accounting presupposes the identification of new information about the state of students, conditions and productivity of the pedagogical process. Violation of this requirement leads to a weakening of orientation in the dynamics of the process, a disorder of its rhythm, losses in the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical influences.

Objectivity, accuracy and reliability consist in the maximum correspondence of the revealed and recorded facts to reality. Any speculation, subjective corrections, distortion of facts are unacceptable. All this can lead to disorientation, miscalculations in planning, mistakes in teaching and upbringing, and false assessments.

Completeness and information content provide for sufficient comprehensiveness of control and accounting. The pedagogical process is an extremely complex phenomenon. Its effectiveness is due to many factors and internal connections. Therefore, the most important thing is to determine in each specific case these operating factors and significant relationships. The lack of sufficient completeness of information about them makes it difficult to correctly assess the real conditions, opportunities or results of the corresponding activity. However, the requirement of completeness is not to be understood absolutely. It is only necessary to control and take into account what is essential in this case. The simplicity of control and accounting presupposes the availability of its forms and methods, as well as the possibility of obtaining the necessary data without wasting time and effort. Visibility is reduced to an easily observable form of fixing the facts and conclusions taken into account, ensuring their quick and accurate use in future activities.

In pedagogical control, it is very important to analyze the established facts, clarify the connections between them, comprehend them, and on this basis - the determination of conclusions and conclusions, the adoption of appropriate decisions. Thus, an increase in consciousness, responsibility and creative activity in the work of a teacher is achieved, a departure from stereotyped, formalism and spontaneity.

The leading factor in the implementation of pedagogical control is the provision of complete information about the prerequisites, deployment and results of the pedagogical process.

Thus, the meaning of well-established control is that it:

First, it is the most important element in the management of the pedagogical process;

Secondly, it has a significant educational impact on both the teacher and the students;

Thirdly, the usefulness of reporting documents depends on it.

Pedagogical control covers all aspects of the process, but it can be divided into three main directions (aspects):

1. control of the aggregate of external factors of directed influences on trainees ("impact factors");

2. control of the motional activity of the students;

3. control of the "effect of influences".

A prerequisite for planning and the initial part of pedagogical control is control of the initial level of students' abilities to implement the assigned tasks:

· Individual level of physical development (in particular physical qualities);

· Fund of motor skills and abilities;

· Motivation and individual attitudes towards the upcoming activity.

Control of external factors affecting trainees includes:

· Control of external conditions (sanitary and hygienic conditions, meteorological information, environmental factors: medium mountains, increased solar radiation);

· Control of the teacher's influence (professionalism of the teacher's actions and compliance with the norms of pedagogical ethics).

Control of the motional activity of those involved includes:

· Control over the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

· Control of the volume and nature of loads, the mode of their alternation with rest;

· Control of interactions of trainees (pair and group mutual influences, as well as interpersonal relations);

· Control of the functional state of the body (functional shift).

It is advisable to assess the general state of the functional capacity of athletes from the standpoint of the compliance of their main functional systems with the norm. It is better to assess the state of special physical fitness with the help of specific indicators, adequate to the natural conditions of sports activity and as close as possible to the competitive ones.

The control of the effect of influences provides for determining the contribution of classes to the formation of skills, skills and knowledge in students, to their physical development and improvement of personal qualities. Distinguish between the effect of current influences (one or more classes) and the cumulative effect of physical education. An immediate effect suggests changes after exercise or at the end of a session. Delayed effect - changes in the body occur some time after classes and before the next one. The cumulative effect is sustainable and is acquired after a long period of regular exercise.

So, the main direction of pedagogical control is to analyze the correlation between the dynamics of pedagogically directed influences and pedagogically determined changes in the level of education, development and behavior of those involved. The discrepancy between real relations and the planned target results determines the need to clarify the orientation and parameters of pedagogical influences and make appropriate adjustments to the previously outlined plan.

1.3 Types of pedagogical control

In the practice of physical education, five types of pedagogical control are used, each of which has its own functional purpose.

1. Preliminary control is usually carried out at the beginning of the academic year (academic quarter, semester). It is designed to study the composition of students, health status, physical condition, determine the readiness of students for the upcoming classes (to master new educational material or fulfill the regulatory requirements of the curriculum). The data of such control make it possible to clarify educational tasks, means and methods of their solution. You can check the performance of exercises that are structurally similar to new ones; check knowledge, skills and abilities after long breaks in classes to plan individual lessons. Exceptions are physical exercises that require long-term preparation of the body for large amounts of work (cross-country skiing, long-distance running).

2. Operational control is designed to determine the urgent training effect within the framework of one training session (lesson) in order to expediently alternate the load and rest. Control over the operational state of the trainees (for example, the readiness to perform the next exercise, the next attempt in running, jumping, to re-pass a segment of the ski distance, etc.) is carried out according to such indicators as breathing, working capacity, well-being, heart rate, speed of execution exercises, parameters of the technique of movements during the lesson, etc. Most of the information obtained in the process of current and operational control is recorded in the teacher's personal diary.

3. Current control is carried out to determine the reaction of the body of those who go in for the load after the lesson. With its help, the time of recovery of the working capacity of the trainees is determined after different (in terms of magnitude, orientation) physical activity. The data of the current state of the trainees serve as the basis for planning the content of the next classes and the amount of physical activity in them. Current control involves continuous control at each lesson (from lesson to lesson) during the week. The effectiveness of training and the daily change in the state of the trainees are determined. The dynamics of indicators of an individual state between this and the next lesson is also traced to assess the consequences and course of recovery processes (which determines the effect of the next lesson).

To carry out current control, methods should be used (as in operational control) that require a minimum investment of time without additional costs of the trainees' forces. The results of current control help to clarify the content of the plan at this stage and more efficient implementation of the educational process.

4. Stage control is used to obtain information about the cumulative (total) training effect, obtained during one academic quarter or semester. With its help, they determine the correctness of the choice and use of various means, methods, dosage of physical activity of those involved. Stage control reveals the main tendencies of the physical education process at its relatively long stages (quarter, semester, period, there may be mesocycles, if they are distinguished by a stage of a larger training cycle). It includes, in addition to operations characteristic of control as a whole:

1) generalizing processing of current control materials to characterize the general features and parameters of stages and cycles of the pedagogical process (calculating the total time spent on sections and solving various problems of physical education; total values \u200b\u200bof physical activity in sports and shares in terms of level and orientation; determination of average values \u200b\u200bof indicators of change the state of those involved in. Thus, the structure and dynamics of pedagogical influence and the tendencies of change in their effect are analyzed);

2) final testing and other diagnostic procedures at the end of the stage to determine the overall cumulative effect of the lessons and changes that took place in the state of the students (pedagogical diagnostics: control procedures to identify the effect of pedagogically directed influences and changes in the state of the trainees);

3) comparative analysis of the dynamics of the first and second indicators.

5. The final control is carried out at the end of the academic year to determine the success of the implementation of the annual schedule of the educational process, the degree of solution of the tasks set, to identify the positive and negative aspects of the process of physical education and its components. The data of the final control (the state of health of the students, the success of their fulfillment of crediting requirements and educational standards, the level of sports results, etc.) are the basis for the subsequent planning of the educational process.

Comparison of the results in the preliminary, current and final control, as well as their comparison with the requirements of the physical education program, allow us to judge the degree of solution of the corresponding educational tasks, about the shifts in physical fitness of those who go in for a certain period. And this facilitates the differentiation of the means and methods of physical education and increases the objectivity of the results of educational work.


2.1 Basic concepts about the means and methods of pedagogical control

The central place in pedagogical control is occupied by motor activity. It is controlled in three areas:

Formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

Education of physical qualities;

Change in the state of the body.

Pedagogical control in the classroom mainly consists in checking and assessing the above factors in students.

In addition, knowledge occupies a significant place in physical education, therefore knowledge control is an integral part of pedagogical control.

In the practice of physical education, the following control methods are used: pedagogical observation, polls, reception of educational standards, testing, control and other competitions, the simplest medical methods (measurement of VC - vital capacity of the lungs, body weight, body strength, etc.), timekeeping of the lesson, determination of the dynamics of physical activity in the classroom by heart rate, etc.

The teacher receives a lot of information using the method of pedagogical observation. Observing the students during the lesson, the teacher pays attention to their behavior, expression of interest, degree of attention (focused, absent-minded), external signs of reaction to physical activity (changes in breathing, color and facial expression, coordination of movement, increased sweating, etc.).

The survey method provides an opportunity to obtain information about the state of the practitioners on the basis of their own indicators of well-being before, during and after classes (about muscle pains, etc.), about their aspirations and desires. Subjective sensations are the result of physiological processes in the body. We must reckon with them and at the same time remember that they do not always reflect the true capabilities of the students.

Control competitions and testing allow to obtain objective data on the degree of fitness and the level of physical fitness of the trainees. They are very indicative and, on their basis, make appropriate conclusions and adjustments to the plans. So, for example, if the level of physical fitness does not increase or becomes lower, then the content, training methodology, physical activity are revised.

In addition to the control carried out by the teacher himself, specially organized control on the part of the leading persons and the teaching staff is of great importance. It is practiced mainly for the purpose of evaluating the work of the teacher and providing him with methodological assistance.

The control, which is carried out unofficially, has either a purely cognitive value (to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of a highly qualified teacher), or serves to exchange experience, discuss any important methodological issues.

Common control methods are:

1. visual pedagogical observation of the educational process;

2. timing the activities of those involved in order to determine the time spent on the main types of work;

3. heart rate monitoring - to find out the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the load;

4. study of documentary materials (plans, reports, competition protocols, physical fitness testing, etc.);

5. a survey in various forms (questionnaires, interviews).

Based on the analysis and generalization of the information obtained, appropriate conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given to the teacher.

Observing the educational process provides the richest and most valuable information about the activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the intended tasks. Observation can be relatively complete when all sides and perceivable results of teaching and learning are taken into account, and partial, when attention is focused on any one side of the teacher's activities: the organization of classes, methods of teaching and upbringing, the activity and independence of the students, their relationships in the group. etc.

As a rule, observation of the lesson is preceded by familiarization with the pedagogical documentation (work plan for the current period, lesson outline, entries in the journal of educational work) and a conversation with the teacher, sometimes with the students.

On the basis of pedagogical observation, a pedagogical analysis is made, which includes:

1. preparation for the lesson.

2. conducting a lesson.

3. student behavior.

4. the behavior of the teacher.

5. lesson results.

6. conclusions and suggestions.

Timekeeping is carried out in order to identify and assess the time spent on various types of activities of those involved and to determine the density of the lesson, as one of the indicators of its effectiveness.

Heart rate monitoring allows you to determine the amount of physical activity and its dynamics during exercise. The heart rate is counted before the start of the lesson, before and after performing individual exercises or series. Based on the pulsometry indicators, the reaction of the heart to physical activity caused by a certain exercise, as well as the dynamics of these reactions throughout the lesson, is determined. Heart rate measurement data allow you to create a "load curve" during the session.

Based on a comparative analysis of the data of pedagogical observations, timing and heart rate monitoring, one can fairly correctly judge the advantages and disadvantages of the lesson, determine the achievements and failures in educational work, evaluate the teacher's work and recommendations for its improvement.

2.2 Test and assessment of motor skills and skills learned in the lessons

The degree of mastering motor actions is controlled in the volume of the studied requirements, i.e. taking into account the peculiarities of the training stage.

The means of control are the studied physical exercises.

At the stage of learning, the technique of exercises can also be checked by performing individual elements or structurally similar leading exercises performed in light conditions. At the stage of advanced learning, the skill technique is controlled under standard conditions of execution. At the 3rd stage of improvement (skills of the 2nd order), the technique is assessed in changing conditions, in conjunction with quantitative results (with significant physical stress), in a competitive environment, i.e. in difficult conditions.

If students have to learn an action, the basis of the technique of which they do not yet master, previously studied exercises that are close in structure to the new or include its individual elements are preliminarily checked. When resuming training after a long break, skills and abilities are checked in the volume of the requirements of the previous training period. If students already have a basic knowledge of quantitative exercise techniques, personal achievements are also identified along the way. Exceptions are physical exercises, which require long-term preparation of the body for increased stress (running at medium and long distances, cross-country skiing, etc.).

Checking progress is carried out systematically, according to a specific system. This ensures not only the timely recording of the results of the educational process, but also its improvement. In physical education lessons, a system of current checking is used. Since there are no exams in this subject, the final grade is calculated based on the current grades. The current check is subdivided into preliminary, incidental and specially organized (Table 1).

Table 1. Forms of current testing and assessment of students' progress in the process of teaching motor action in the subject "Physical culture and health"

Stage of the learning process

Assessment form

Verification form

I. Initial practice

Value judgment or verbal assessment in points. Comprehensive lesson-based assessment.

A. Preliminary examination of knowledge, motor skills, motor skills and the level of development of special physical qualities.

B. Multiple passing quality check of the lesson problem solution.

II. Advanced learning

Value judgment. Oral assessment in points. Comprehensive lesson-based assessment.

Assessment with a score in the journal.

A. Multiple passing quality check of the solution of the lesson problem.

B. Specially organized check of motor action fulfillment in full scope of the studied technical requirements.

III. Consolidation and improvement

Assessment in points, points (according to a 10-point system); in the forms adopted by the rules of the competition for the relevant sport; in the form of honorary titles (champion, record holder, etc.)

A. Multiple passing quality check of the solution of the lesson problem.

B. Specially organized test of motor skills and changes in the level of physical qualities.

B. Specially organized test of the ability to apply a motor action in practice (in particular, in the conditions of sports activity.

The assessment of the student's motor skills and abilities will be objective if the teacher observes the following rules:

the results of schoolchildren's educational work are checked and evaluated in physical education lessons and in the process of homework;

the scope of the tested skills and abilities is determined in full accordance with the content of the curriculum for a given class;

determination of the degree of mastering of physical exercises by schoolchildren is carried out on the basis of the established ten assessment points, which provide for a certain nature and number of errors in establishing a particular assessment;

the nature of errors is determined on a single basis (an error is considered gross if it distorts the basis of the technique of a motor action; a significant error refers to the failure to fulfill the general details of a physical exercise; to an insignificant one - only inaccurate execution of details leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of the action, while the studied elements of technology);

the method of testing and assessment is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the stage of the process of teaching motor action. When checking the skill, favorable conditions are created for the concentration of attention of those engaged in the technique and only it is evaluated. When testing skills, technical indicators are assessed under the conditions of using a motor action (in changing external conditions, with increased volitional and physical efforts, in conjunction with other actions, etc.). In skills testing that is capable of quantifying achievement, technical indicators are tested simultaneously and evaluated in relation to quantitative results.

Analysis of knowledge, abilities, skills and achievements established by preliminary testing allows the teacher to outline ways to improve them in the process of the upcoming educational work, to more purposefully organize the repetition of the past and clarify the plan for learning new things.

A passing check examines how the students solved each specific learning problem facing them in the lesson. It is carried out from lesson to lesson at all stages of learning.

When learning a motor action, the quality of mastering the links, details and characteristics of a motor action is checked and evaluated.

When consolidating and improving - the degree of preservation of the mastered technique or the ability to vary it in various external conditions and situations, as well as the quality of the performance of individual tasks to correct existing errors. With the directed development of physical qualities, students are invited to complete the task the intended number of times with a certain intensity. The load must always be available. If the student completes the task, then the assessment of his activities will be positive. Throughout the lesson, at the teacher's discretion, the quality of many other previously studied physical exercises can be assessed. For example, a teacher, observing all the students during the lesson, selectively analyzes and assesses the quality of the execution of drill and general preparatory exercises.

A specially organized test finds out the degree of correspondence of the exercise technique learned by the student to the pattern predetermined by the ultimate goal of the training period. At the second stage of training, optimal conditions are created for performing the tested actions. So, for example, the ability to jump in height from a running start is tested when the bar is set at a height, overcoming which does not require increased volitional and physical efforts from the student; in gymnastics, each action is tested separately, without connection with other exercises, and in the setting in which the learning took place. In this case, only the quality of the exercise is assessed. Competitive testing can also be used, but it is important that the rules of the competition and the conditions for determining the winners encourage students to achieve better technique for performing the exercise.

At the stage of consolidation and improvement during testing, conditions should be created that do not allow the student to fully focus on the way of performing the studied movement. For example, in basketball in the 6th grade, you can check and evaluate the quality of several techniques in combination: catching the ball - dribbling - stopping by jumping - turning back - passing the ball with two hands from the chest. In the high jump competition, the teacher checks the technique at this stage when the bar is set at the height reached by the student during the preliminary check (or higher). At the same time, qualitative and quantitative indicators are checked and evaluated simultaneously.

2.3 Checking and assessing the level of development of motor qualities Testing the level of physical readiness

In addition to observations, which are based on the teacher's subjective judgments about the pedagogical process, testing is widely used in the practice of physical education (especially in sports training) as control methods.

The tests used for control can be divided into 2 groups:

1) physical exercises included in the content of the program and amenable to standardization;

2) physical exercises to control those physical qualities that cannot be determined by the exercises of the first group (long jump or high jump from a place).

In order for the obtained indicators to be reliable, the tests used must meet special requirements (the purpose of the test must be determined), and it must also be informative, reliable and objective.

The informativeness of the test is the degree of its accuracy for assessing certain properties of a particular person (for example, the movement of a child). If a test is used that has not passed the test for information content, you can come to false conclusions regarding one or another indicator of physical fitness of the trainees. For example, when testing speed qualities, 100 m running is widely used.

Reliability reflects the degree of similarity of the results when repeated testing on the same subjects under the same conditions. A test can be considered reliable if it guarantees obtaining close to each other or the same indicators of the measured property in several successive attempts. Ignoring this requirement negates the objectivity of numerical indicators and makes it difficult to assess the dynamics of physical fitness.

The objectivity of the test reflects the independence of the measurement results from the personal characteristics of the specialists (experts, judges, etc.) conducting the testing, or the equipment used. At the same time, the objectivity of assessments increases with an increase in the number of experts. However, it largely depends on the accuracy of the measuring instruments, methods, in general, on the entire measurement procedure. If the objectivity of the test is low, then the comparison of the results will be reduced to a comparison of the errors of the experts who conducted the testing.

To increase the objectivity of the assessment of this quality, it is better to use one physical exercise. More often you should check those physical qualities that change to a greater extent. During a quarter, it is advisable to monthly monitor nonspecific physical qualities for a section, and specific ones - at the junction with the next section.

In the practice of physical education, especially sports training, there is often a need for an objective assessment of the sum of several human properties that characterize a certain state. In this case, by means of mathematical calculations (isolation of the correlation coefficient), a set (set, "battery") of several, the most informative, is selected from a large number of proposed tests. The verification procedure is reduced to determining the degree of influence of each test on the property of interest, reflecting the state of a person, for example fitness.

When testing, it is important to observe the following basic conditions: the composition of the group selected for comparison must be homogeneous (by gender, age, physical fitness, health status); measuring equipment must comply with state standards; the order of the test (the nature of the warm-up, the intervals of rest between attempts, etc.) must be constant. As a rule, tests are organically linked to the content of the lesson. The control technique ensures the objectivity of the results. The main method of control of physical exercises among students is competitive (control tests). Other methods can also be used (dynamometry, graduation). Comparison of the test results of preliminary, current, stage and final control with the standards of the school curriculum allows us to judge the degree of solving educational problems in the corresponding period.

When checking and assessing the educational work of schoolchildren in improving certain physical qualities, changes in their level during the time of purposeful work in the classroom are taken into account. In the content of homework, exercises for the development of physical qualities occupy a predominant place. Homework checks should be carried out systematically. In this case, the main criterion for academic performance is the fact that the measured indicators have improved over a certain period of time.

At this time, the physical education program provides for testing the level of physical fitness 2 times a year, at the beginning of the first quarter and at the end of the fourth, starting from 5th grade. The program provides for the following standards:

1. To determine flexibility - bend forward from a sitting position;

2. To determine strength - pulling up on the bar (m), lifting the body from a supine position in 1 minute (e);

3. To assess speed qualities - running 30 meters;

4. To assess speed and coordination qualities - shuttle run 4 * 9 m;

5. To assess the explosive strength of the leg muscles - long jump from the spot;

6. To assess endurance - running 1000 meters.

Based on the results of testing (in September - October), a physical education teacher conducts individual targeted work with each student. According to the testing results, sports events are held in April - May.

2.4 Knowledge test

Assessing the knowledge of students, it is necessary to take into account the depth and completeness of knowledge, the validity of their presentation, the ability of students to use knowledge in relation to specific cases and practical exercises. Various methods are used to test knowledge. Survey methods are applied orally or in writing in the pauses between exercises, before or after assignments. It is not recommended to use this method after significant physical exertion.

Knowledge of theoretical information is checked during the lesson on the basis of the studied practical material. The teacher evaluates the knowledge in the volume of the program requirements for the given class by checks: knowledge of terminology, rules of the game, competitions and insurance, the ability to describe the technique of the physical exercise being learned and explain the meaning of its links and details, identify and correct the mistakes of a friend, give a report on their movements, etc. P.

The main method of control over the assimilation of knowledge is an oral survey, which requires answers in the form of:

1) a story (for example, about the importance of exercise);

2) descriptions (for example, the external form and sequence of movements that make up a motor action);

3) explanations (for example, biomechanical patterns of specific movements);

4) showing options for performing physical exercise or individual components.

In the practice of physical education, a written survey is used with the help of knowledge control programs with selective answer options (programmed knowledge control). The programmed method is for students to receive multiple-choice question cards. The student must choose the correct answer. The method is economical and allows for frontal survey.

A very effective method of testing knowledge is the demonstration of knowledge by students in specific activities. For example, students accompany the presentation of knowledge regarding exercises for the development of strength with the implementation of a specific set of exercises, etc.

The content as a component of the physical education system includes theoretical and practical educational material, and therefore some authors advise: “it is advisable to present theoretical and practical material on physical education in the educational process in the cultural and historical aspect: from physical culture of ancient civilizations to modern systems of physical education ".

So, in elementary school (grades 1 - 3) they study both theoretically and practically elementary concepts of physical culture. In secondary school (grades 5 - 9) - the basics of physical culture, and in senior grades (grades 10 - 11) - the constituent elements of physical culture and their relationship.

2.5 Monitoring the functional state of students

The teacher monitors the dynamics of functional shifts in the body of those involved in a number of particular and complex signs, it includes:

1) control of external objective signs of the state of students, expressed in manifestations of working capacity, their behavior and appearance. Control methods - general pedagogical, visual;

2) students' self-assessment of their state (well-being, mood, readiness for action). Control methods - general pedagogical, verbal and descriptive;

3) control of the dynamics of the functional state by an integral indicator - the value of heart rate.

When carried out objectively, physical culture self-control, as one of the forms of pedagogical control, serves as a source of information for pedagogical control. In the process of doing physical exercises, it also includes: controlling one's movements and "feeling" motor actions, self-assessment of training loads. In individual lessons, physical culture self-control becomes the main form of control and a condition for its effectiveness.

In the intervals between classes, self-control should be focused on self-assessment of recovery processes, analysis of general well-being. It is a source of information for pedagogical control about readiness for the upcoming lesson. The main form of recording self-control data is keeping a diary, which, in turn, requires a certain minimum of special educational knowledge, skills and abilities from those involved. The self-control diary notes daily:

General well-being;

Sleep pattern;

The degree of fatigue;

Desire to engage in FC and S;

Physical activity (physical exercises and the duration of their implementation);

The reaction of the body (mainly by heart rate);

The volume of each type of self-study is calculated weekly.

The diary also records the data of a medical and medical examination: weight and height, chest circumference and spirometry, arm strength and back strength, GPP tests:

Short distance running (30-100 m);

Long distance running (1-3 km);

Strength exercises (pulling up or flexion-extension of the arms in support);

Long jump from a place.

A necessary methodological condition for a high quality of self-control is a comparative analysis of objective and subjective assessments of the individual state, the study of the dynamics of the individual state, depending on the characteristics of the mode of life. Comparison of the data of stage-by-stage control allows us to make a conclusion about the state of health and the level of physical fitness. Self-control is also a factor in the self-education of personal qualities.

The foregoing allows us to consider physical culture self-control as a component of the control system in physical education.

Medical and pedagogical observations and functional tests (tests) play a huge role in controlling the functional state of the body. Medical and pedagogical observations are designed to strengthen the health of the student, help to develop harmoniously. Medical and pedagogical observations are a complex process of assessing the effectiveness of physical exercises from the standpoint of medicine and pedagogy, which allows to identify the positive and negative aspects of the lesson, to make adjustments in the optimal direction and thereby increase its effectiveness.

The assessment of the conditions, organization and methods of conducting classes is carried out according to the following criteria:

· Observance of sanitary and hygienic requirements at the places of their occupation;

· Taking into account the climatic conditions of the lesson;

· Correctness of recruiting of groups;

· The correctness of the schedule of classes;

· Scheduling classes in accordance with the program;

· Observance of the principles of individualization in physical exercises.

Functional tests (tests) are invaluable for solving the following tasks in the process of physical education:

Determination of the level of performance and fitness;

Control over changes in the trained qualities: speed, endurance, strength, the ability of the cardiovascular system to quickly engage in intensive work and maintain it for a long time;

Determination of the achieved level of physical fitness;

Revealing functional inferiority of the cardiovascular system, early signs of overstrain.

Functional tests are various dosed loads and disturbing influences that allow obtaining objective data on the functional state of the physiological systems of the body.

In practice, 3 types of samples are used: one-stage, two-stage and three-stage. For a mass examination of persons engaged in physical culture, including schoolchildren, they mainly use one-stage tests.

Exercise tests are used most often, since they are easy to dose, they are the most physiological, and they are convenient to use for repeated observations.

Thus, testing students' health indicators for a comprehensive assessment along with testing physical development and physical fitness is no less important than testing their level of knowledge.

Based on the above material, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Only the timely use of means and methods of control can effectively solve the problems of physical education;

2. Methods of control must be selected in accordance with the tasks to be solved in the process of physical education;

3. The choice of methods depends on the age of the students;

4. Only a comprehensive application of means and methods of control allows the most complete solution of the tasks.


Pedagogical control is a rather broad concept, which includes not only control of physical fitness and motor activity, but also control of medical and biological indicators, control of knowledge. That is why its complexity is important in the application of control.

Control in physical education allows you to determine the level of physical fitness, the degree of development of individual physical qualities, the formation of motor skills, the physical state of the body. An objective analysis of the results obtained provides specialists with specific data for the operational influence on the use of various means and methods in order to control the process of physical education.

Control in physical education is a kind of a specialist's activity and a necessary component of the expedient construction of the process of teaching and educating students, managing its effectiveness.

The success of the process of physical education is largely determined by the timeliness of control (its correlation in time with the structural links of this process) and its constancy.

Thus, properly organized pedagogical control allows you to most accurately plan, quickly correct the process of physical education, and, consequently, increase the efficiency of solving the tasks and the entire learning process.

motor control physical testing


1. Barkov V.A. Physical Culture and sport. Pedagogical practice at school: Textbook. allowance / V.A. Barkov, Yu.K. Rakhmatov - Grodno: GrSU, 2003 .-- 163 p.

2. Medical-pedagogical observation and testing in physical culture and sports: textbook-method. Allowance / comp. L.A. Artishevskaya. - Minsk: BSPU, 2007 .-- 80s.

3. Temporary state educational standard // Physical culture at school. - 1993, - No. 6.

4. Ivanov V.V. Comprehensive control in the preparation of athletes. - M .: FiS, 1987 .-- 256 p.








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